43 New HSK word(s): 1 点 drop (of liquid)/ stain/ spot/ speck/ jot/ dot stroke (in Chinese characters)/ decimal point/ point/ mark (of degree or level)/ a place (with certain characteristics)/ iron bell/ o’clock/ a little/ a bit/ some/ (point) unit of measurement for type/ to tou 3 习惯 habit/ custom/ usual practice/ to be used to/ CL:個|个[ge4] 3 位 position/ location/ place/ seat/ classifier for people (honorific)/ classifier for binary bits (e.g. 十六位 16-bit or 2 bytes) 3 表演 play/ show/ performance/ exhibition/ to perform/ to act/ to demonstrate/ CL:場|场[chang3] 4 稍微 a little bit 4 乱 in confusion or disorder/ in a confused state of mind/ disorder/ upheaval/ riot/ illicit sexual relations/ to throw into disorder/ to mix up/ indiscriminate/ random/ arbitrary 4 观众 spectators/ audience/ visitors (to an exhibition etc) 4 养成 to cultivate/ to raise/ to form (a habit)/ to acquire 4 苦 bitter/ hardship/ pain/ to suffer/ painstaking 4 禁止 to prohibit/ to forbid/ to ban 5 摆 to arrange/ to exhibit/ to move to and fro/ a pendulum 5 兔子 hare/ rabbit/ CL:隻|只[zhi1] 5 丝毫 the slightest amount or degree/ a bit 5 陆续 in turn/ successively/ one after the other/ bit by bit 5 咬 to bite/ to nip 5 圈 circle/ ring/ loop/ classifier for loops; orbits; laps of race etc/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 发挥 to display/ to exhibit/ to bring out implicit or innate qualities/ to express (a thought or moral)/ to develop (an idea)/ to elaborate (on a theme) 5 展览 to put on display/ to exhibit/ exhibition/ show/ CL:個|个[ge4];次[ci4] 6 刹车 to brake (when driving)/ to stop/ to switch off/ to check (bad habits)/ a brake 6 零星 fragmentary/ random/ bits and pieces/ sporadic 6 压制 to suppress/ to inhibit/ to stifle 6 上瘾 to get into a habit/ to become addicted 6 严寒 bitter cold/ severe winter 6 严禁 strictly prohibit 6 啃 to gnaw/ to nibble/ to bite 6 抱负 aspiration/ ambition 6 略微 a little bit/ slightly 6 盘旋 to spiral/ to circle/ to go around/ to hover/ to orbit 6 苦尽甘来 bitterness finishes; sweetness begins (idiom)/ the hard times are over; the good times just beginning 6 往常 habitually in the past/ as one used to do formerly/ as it used to be 6 志气 ambition/ resolve/ backbone/ drive/ spirit 6 野心 ambition/ wild schemes/ careerism 6 轨道 orbit/ railway or tram line/ fig. conventional way of thinking 6 取缔 to ban/ to prohibit (publications; customs etc)/ to outlaw/ to suppress (violators) 6 遭遇 to meet with/ to encounter/ (bitter) experience 6 未免 unavoidable/ a bit too much/ over the top (you exaggerate) 6 陈列 to display/ to exhibit 6 染 to dye/ to catch (a disease)/ to acquire (bad habits etc)/ to contaminate/ to add colour washes to a painting 6 展示 to reveal/ to display/ to show/ to exhibit sth 6 加剧 to intensify/ to sharpen/ to accelerate/ to aggravate/ to exacerbate/ to embitter 6 抑制 to inhibit/ to keep down/ to suppress 6 任性 willful/ headstrong/ uninhibited 6 任意 arbitrary/ at will/ at random
36 Old HSK word(s): A VA * ai4 1. (Na) Liebe 2. (VL) lieben, 2. gern, mit Vorliebe 3. (VL) für jn sorgen, jn etw behutsam und sorgsam behandeln 4. leicht, schnell A N * yi1dian3r ein wenig,ein bißchen A v;n * zhan3lan3 Ausstellung, ausstellen, zu Schau stellen A n;v * xi2guan4 sich gewöhnen an,Gewohnheit A VS * ku3 1. bitter 2. Bitternis, Härte, Leiden, Schmerz 3. jm Schmerz zufügen 4. unter etw leiden 5. sein Möglichstes tun, mühsam, fleißig B VA * yao3 1. beißen 2. jn zu Unrecht belasten 3. aussprechen 4. sich übertrieben gewählt ausdrücken B * hao2 bu4 kaum, nicht im mindesten, überhaupt nicht B N * tu4zi Kaninchen, Hase B Adv * you3 ein wenig, ein bißchen B VA * jin4zhi3 Verbot, verbieten B VA * zhan3chu1 austellen, anzeigen B N * zhan3lan3hui4 Ausstellung B Adv * shao1wei1 ein wenig, ein bißchen, etwas C Adv * ren4yi4 beliebig,nach Belieben, willkürlich C VS * pin2ku3 armselig, elend C VA * chen2lie4 Ausstellung, ausstellen C N * lie4shi4 Märtyrer, jmd,der ein erhabenes Ziel vor Augen hat C N * zhou1nian2 Jahrestag C N * zha1 1. Niederschlag, Rückstand, Bodensatz 2. kleine Stücke, Krume, Krümmel C VS * guan4 1. an etwas gewöhnt sein, sich an jn etw gewöhnen 2. verwöhnen, verziehen, verhätscheln C VA * ya1suo1 komprimieren, kürzen, verringern C N * gui3dao4 Gleis, Bahn, Umlaufbahn, Orbit C VA * yan2jin4 strikt verbieten C N * ju1min2 Bewohner, Einwohner D Adv * wei4mian3 eher, vielmehr, ziemlich D N * ye3xin1 krankhafter Ehrgeiz D VS * jian1ren4 zäh und ausdauernd D N * zhu4suo3 Wohnhaus, Wohnsitz D VA * jin4 1.untersagen, verbieten 2. einkerkern , einsperren 3. Tabu 4. verbotener Ort D VA * zhan4ju4 okkupieren, besetzt halten D N * xi2su2 Brauch, Sitten und Gebräuche D n;v * xie4 1. Späne, Splitter, Krume, Fetzen 2. unbedeutend, geringfügig D N * bo2lan3hui4 1. anschauen, ansehen,besichtigen, überblicken 2. lesen, etw oberflächlich durchlesen D N * hu2lu in hu2lu Flaschenkürbis D N * zhi4qi4 Ehrgeiz, Ambition D N * bao4fu4 Ehrgeiz
36 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): แสดงสินค้า งานแสดงสินค้า / นิทรรศการ

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** BAO4 umarmen
* ** FU4 YI4 tragen/verlieren/negativ

กระต่าย rabbit
นิดหน่อย 一点点 a bit, a little
นิด ๆ หน่อย ๆ (一)点儿 a little bit
ค่อนข้าง; แทน 有点儿 somewhat; rather; a bit
สภาพแวดล้อม แสดง 展览 exhibition; show
ความยากลำบาก / ขม; ทุกข์ bitter/hardship; suffering
ห้ามไปบ้าน 禁止 to prohibit, to ban
มีถิ่นที่อยู่; ผู้อยู่อาศัย 居民 resident; inhabitant
白族 Bai ethnic group, mainly inhibiting Yunnan Province
กล้า 豪爽 bold and uninhibited
น้อยนิด 点儿 a little, a bit; some
สุ่ม; พล; อีรุงตุงนัง randomly; arbitrarily; messily
สักหน่อย 一下儿 a little while, a little bit
กระต่าย 兔子 hare, rabbit
นิทรรศการศิลปะ 画展 art exhibition
มีถิ่นที่อยู่, อยู่อาศัย 居民 resident, inhabitant
ที่จะนำมาแสดงในการจัดแสดงนิทรรศการแสดง 展览 to put on display, to exhibit, exhibition, show
นิทรรศการ 展览会 exhibition
คุ้นเคย; นิสัย 习惯 be used to; usual practice; habit
เล็กน้อย 一点儿 a bit; a few; a little
จัดแสดง; วางบนจอ แสดงผล แสดง 展览 put on display; exhibit; show
ไม่บิต 毫不 not a bit
ห้าม 禁止 prohibit; ban; forbid
เล็ก ๆ ; เล็กน้อย 稍微 a little; a bit; slightly
กัด bite
นิด ๆ หน่อย ๆ 有(一)点儿 a little bit
แสดง; วางบนจอแสดงผล 展出 put on display; exhibit
แสดง 陈列 display; exhibit; show
ใช้แล้ว used to; conditioned to; habitual; indulge; spoil
轨道 track; rail; orbit; trajectory
ผู้ได้รับทุกข์ทรมาน 烈士 martyr; person of heroic ambitions
คนยากจน 贫苦 poor and bitter; destitute; lacking living materials
ใด ๆ 任意 arbitrarily; willfully; at will; at discretion
การอัด 压缩 oppress-control; suppress; stifle; inhibit; keep down
ห้าม 严禁 strictly-prohibit; forbid; prohibit;
ชวา residue; dregs; sediment; broken bits; crumb; dross
วันครบรอบปี 周年 orbit-year; anniversary
ความใฝ่ฝัน 抱负 ambition
นิทรรศการ 博览会 exhibition
ใส่ร้าย; ลอบกัด 谗言 slander; backbite
มะระ 葫芦 gourd; cucurbit
ที่มีทราย; ยากกัด 坚韧 gritty; hard-bitten
ห้าม ban; prohibit
ค่อนข้าง 未免 rather; a bit too
习俗 habitude
เศษ bits; crumb
ความใฝ่ฝัน 野心 ambition
ถือ; ใช้เวลาถึง; อาศัยอยู่ 占据 hold; take up; inhabit
หัวใจ; วิญญาณ 志气 ambition; backbone; spirit
ที่อยู่อาศัย; ถิ่นที่อยู่ 住所 habitation; residence
กัด bite der Biss, e la morsure la mordedura
กระต่าย 家兔 rabbit das Kaninchen, - le lapin el conejo
-ad- การดำเนินการอย่างต่อเนื่องหรือเป็นนิสัย 正在进行的或习惯性的动作 ongoing or habitual action laufende oder gewöhnlichen Aktion l'action en cours ou habituelle acción continuada o habitual azione in corso o abituale
amara ขม bitter bitter amer amargo amaro
ambicio ความทะเยอทะยาน 志向 ambition Ehrgeiz ambition ambición ambizione
arbitra โดยพลการ 随意 arbitrary willkürlich arbitraire arbitrario arbitrario
arbitracio อนุญาโตตุลาการ 仲裁 arbitration Schlichtung arbitrage arbitraje arbitrato
bitumo น้ำมันดิน 沥青 bitumen Bitumen bitume betún bitume
ciro น้ำมันดิน 沥青 Bitumen Bitumen Bitume Betún Bitume
kuniklo กระต่าย 兔子 rabbit Kaninchen lapin conejo coniglio
mordi กัด bite beißen mordre morder morso
nekrologo ข่าวร้าย 讣告 obituary Nachruf nécrologie obituario necrologio
orbito โคจร 轨道 orbit Orbit orbite órbita orbita
ulno ศอก 前膊 cubit Elle coudée codo cubito

Grade E word(s):

331 ali अलि a bit, a little, few adj.
476 ādivāsi आदिवासि aborigine, original inhabitant n.
585 ilāmē इलामे inhabitant of Ilam n.
893 karēlō करेलो a bitter vegetable, bitter gourd n.
1388 carkō चर्को hard, bitter, heavy, difficult, loud, piquant. lively, excessive, high adj.
1392 calana चलन custom, habit, style, conduct n.
1547 chuskara छुस्कर tell-tale, backbiter n.
1662 jīvanaśailī जीवनशैली way of life, habits, lifestyle n.
1878 tinamā āghī bhandā kēhī baḍhī तिनमा आघी भन्दा केही बढी a little bit more than half of them
1882 tirsanā तिर्सना desire for drink and food, thirst, desire, wish, ambition n.
2207 nivāsī निवासी inhabitant, resident, inmate, native n.
2758 bānī बानी habit, disposition, character n.
2775 bāsindā बासिन्दा inhabitant, resident n.
3030 manā'ī मनाई prohibition, control n.
3033 manāhī मनाही prohibition, control n.
3057 mahatvakāṅkṣā महत्वकांक्षा high ambition, great desire n.
3058 mahatvakāṅkṣī महत्वकांक्षी ambitious adj.
3120 milā'unu मिलाउनु to reconcile, to resolve, to arbitrate, to bring about an agreement, to cause to join, to mix, to adjust, to solve, to balance v.t.
3160 mūlavāsī मूलवासी native, original inhabitant n.
3259 rahanu रहनु to remain, to dwell, to inhabit v.i.
3335 raithānē रैथाने local inhabitant, aboriginee n.
3336 rōka रोक prohibition, restriction, interdict n.
3338 rōknu रोक्नु to prohibit, to obstruct, to hinder, to prevent, to stop v.t.
3455 vāsī वासी inhabitant, dweller n.
3481 vidyābhyāsa विद्याभ्यास study, habit of study, practice of learning n.
4070 svabhāva स्वभाव habit, nature, temperament, character n.
Plants: Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. (Cucurbitaceae) Wachskürbis; Ash Gourd; Ash Pumpkin; Wax Gourd; White Gourd; Kumbalhang
Plants: Citrullus lanatus Schrad. (Cucurbitaceae) Wassermelone; Arbuse
Plants: Cucumis anguria L. (Cucurbitaceae) Gherkin; West Indian Gherkin
Plants: Cucumis melo L. (Cucurbitaceae) Zuckermelone; Valleri;
Plants: Cucumis metuliferus E. Mey. (Cucurbitaceae) Kiwano; Stachelgurke; Horngurke; Horned Cucumber; Horned Melon
Plants: Cucumis sativus L. (Cucurbitaceae) Salat-Gurke; Salatgurke
Plants: Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché (Cucurbitaceae) Feigenblatt-Kürbis; Courge de Siam
Plants: Cucurbita maxima Duch. (Cucurbitaceae) Riesenkürbis; Winterkürbis; Squash
Plants: Cucurbita moschata (Duch.) Duch. ex Poir. (Cucurbitaceae) Moschuskürbis
Plants: Cucurbita pepo L. (Cucurbitaceae) Gartenkürbis; Pumpkin; Gourd
Plants: Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley (Cucurbitaceae) Flaschenkürbis; Kalebasse; Bottle Gourd; Churakka;
Plants: Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. (Cucurbitaceae) Ridged Gourd; Schwammgurke; Vegetable Sponge; Loofah
Plants: Luffa aegyptica Mill. (Cucurbitaceae) Schwammgurke; Sponge Gourd; Peechil; Vegetabiler Schwamm; Loofah;
Plants: Momordica balsamina (Cucurbitaceae) Balsamapfel; Balsam Apple
Plants: Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae) Balsambirne; Bitter Momordica; Balsam Pear; Bitter Cucumber; Leprosy Gourd
Plants: Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw. (Cucurbitaceae) Chayote; Schuschu; Xuxu; Stachelgurke (so auch Cucumis metuliferus!); Christophine
Plants: Trichosanthes cucumerina L. var. anguina Haines (Cucurbitaceae) Schlangengurke; Haarblume; Snake Gourd; Padavalom

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [ambitious]
(a.) [arbitrary]
(a.) [bitter] acrimonious, resentful
(a.) [bitter] bitter-tasting
(n.) [ambition] ambitiousness
(n.) [bitch] female dog
(n.) [bitch] unpleasant woman
(n.) [bite] sting, insect bite
(n.) [exhibition] exposition, expo
(n.) [habit] established custom
(n.) [habitat] home ground
(n.) [inhabitant] habitant, dweller, denizen
(n.) [inhibition] suppression, conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts or desires
(n.) [orbit] celestial orbit
(n.) [rabbit] burrowing animal
(v.) [bite] seize with teeth
(v.) [exhibit]

02844307-n bit
02844714-n bit
02845002-n bit
06892016-n bit
07009042-n bit
07309457-n bit
07579076-n bit
09222051-n bit
13625237-n bit
13761407-n bit
15246853-n bit

2 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
741 展览会星期二开放吗? นิทรรศการเปิดทุกวันอังคารใช่ไหม ครับ / คะ?
1317 请短些。 สั้นอีกนิด นะครับ / นะคะ

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

585 工作 能力 不亚于 其他
697 有点
900 咖啡 有点
1729 习惯 每天 晨跑
1845 有点 烤焦
1992 这儿 灰色 兔子
2321 肩膀 有点
2438 看起来 有点
2556 不要 招惹 小心
2566 看起来 有点 郁闷
2573 痛斥 下属 无能
2602 兔子 繁殖
2736 我们 捉到 兔子
2746 卫生 习惯 滋生 病菌
2753 觉得 有点 爸爸 牙医
2819 这些 兔子 屠杀
2899 额头 有点
2900 一口 饼干
3195 枭雄
3270 良好 饮食 习惯 缔造 健康 人生
3273 蚊子
3314 嗜好 吸烟
3317 厨师
3613 这个 牛排 根本 咬不动。 根本 咬不动

Semantische Felder:

4.4 Klein
19.16 Computer