New HSK word(s):
Old HSK word(s):
OLD_HSK Thai word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von

Grade E word(s):

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [able] capable
(a.) [abnormal]
(a.) [absent]
(a.) [absolute] perfect or complete
(a.) [abstract] existing only in the mind
(a.) [abundant] plentiful
(a.) [academic]
(a.) [acceptable]
(a.) [accessible]
(a.) [accurate]
(a.) [active] vigorous
(a.) [acute]
(a.) [addicted] hooked
(a.) [adequate]
(a.) [aesthetic]
(a.) [afraid]
(a.) [aggressive]
(a.) [agile] nimble, spry, quick
(a.) [agricultural]
(a.) [alert]
(a.) [alive] live
(a.) [aloof] distant
(a.) [amber] yellowish
(a.) [ambiguous] equivocal
(a.) [ambitious]
(a.) [ample] sizable, capacious
(a.) [angry]
(a.) [annual] yearly
(a.) [anonymous]
(a.) [applied] concerned with concrete problems or data
(a.) [appropriate]
(a.) [arbitrary]
(a.) [archaeological]
(a.) [arrogant] self-important
(a.) [artificial] unreal, unnatural
(a.) [artistic]
(a.) [ashamed]
(a.) [asleep]
(a.) [assertive] self-assured
(a.) [astonishing] astounding, staggering
(a.) [attractive] pleasing to the eye or mind
(a.) [automatic] operating with minimal human intervention
(a.) [available] obtainable
(a.) [awake]
(a.) [aware] mindful
(a.) [awful] dreadful, terrible
(a.) [awkward]
(a.) [bad] immoral, evil
(a.) [bad] below average in quality or performance, defective
(a.) [bad] spoiled, spoilt, capable of harming
(a.) [balanced]
(a.) [bald] lacking hair
(a.) [bare] lacking its natural or customary covering
(a.) [basic] pertaining to a base or basis
(a.) [beautiful] possessing beauty
(a.) [bitter] acrimonious, resentful
(a.) [bitter] bitter-tasting
(a.) [black] achromatic
(a.) [black] without cream or sugar
(a.) [bland] tasteless, insipid, flavorless
(a.) [blank] empty, not filled in
(a.) [blind] unsighted
(a.) [blonde] light-haired
(a.) [bloody] covered with blood
(a.) [bold] fearless and daring
(a.) [brave] courageous, fearless
(a.) [broken] physically separated into pieces
(a.) [brown] having a brown color
(a.) [bureaucratic]
(a.) [busy]
(a.) [capable]
(a.) [careful]
(a.) [cautious]
(a.) [central] in or near a center
(a.) [certain] sure
(a.) [characteristic]
(a.) [charismatic] possessing a magnetic personality
(a.) [cheap] inexpensive
(a.) [cheerful]
(a.) [childish] infantile
(a.) [chronic]
(a.) [civic]
(a.) [civilian]
(a.) [classical]
(a.) [clean] free from dirt
(a.) [clear] free from clouds or mist or haze
(a.) [clear] well-defined
(a.) [close] close in relevance or relationship
(a.) [close] near
(a.) [closed] shut, unopen
(a.) [cold] physically cold
(a.) [cold] without human warmth or emotion
(a.) [color-blind] unable to distinguish colors
(a.) [colorful] vivid in color
(a.) [comfortable] comfy
(a.) [commercial]
(a.) [common] average or ordinary or usual
(a.) [common] belonging to a community
(a.) [common] mutual
(a.) [comparable]
(a.) [compatible]
(a.) [competent]
(a.) [competitive]
(a.) [complete] having every necessary part
(a.) [complex] complicated
(a.) [comprehensive] all-including
(a.) [concrete] material
(a.) [confident]
(a.) [conscious] aware
(a.) [conservative] resistant to change
(a.) [considerable]
(a.) [consistent]
(a.) [constant] steadfast, unwavering
(a.) [constant] unending, incessant
(a.) [constitutional] relating to a/the constitution
(a.) [constructive]
(a.) [content] contented
(a.) [continental] relating to a continent
(a.) [continuous] uninterrupted
(a.) [controversial]
(a.) [convenient]
(a.) [conventional] following accepted customs
(a.) [cool] neither warm or very cold in temperature
(a.) [cool] unenthusiastic, unfriendly, unresponsive
(a.) [cooperative] co-operative
(a.) [corporate]
(a.) [critical] tending to find errors and flaws
(a.) [critical] being in a state of crisis or emergency
(a.) [critical] vital urgently needed
(a.) [crude] unrefined, unprocessed
(a.) [crude] primitive
(a.) [cruel] brutal, barbarous
(a.) [cultural] relating to arts
(a.) [curious]
(a.) [current]
(a.) [cute] attractive
(a.) [daily]
(a.) [dangerous] unsafe
(a.) [dark] devoid of light
(a.) [dead] inanimate
(a.) [deadly] lethal
(a.) [deaf]
(a.) [decisive] determining
(a.) [decorative] cosmetic, ornamental
(a.) [deep] having great spatial extension downward
(a.) [definite] precise, explicit
(a.) [delicate] exquisitely fine and subtle
(a.) [delicate] fragile, frail, easily broken, sensitive
(a.) [democratic] based upon the principles of democracy
(a.) [dependent]
(a.) [desirable]
(a.) [different] unlike, dissimilar
(a.) [difficult] hard
(a.) [digital] discrete
(a.) [diplomatic] diplomatical, suave
(a.) [direct] without deviation or interruption
(a.) [dirty] soiled, unclean
(a.) [dirty] obscene, indecent
(a.) [discreet] keeping private, prudent, restrained
(a.) [distant] separated in space or time
(a.) [distinct] easy to perceive
(a.) [domestic] concerning the internal affairs of a nation
(a.) [domestic] relating to the home
(a.) [dominant] exercising influence or control
(a.) [dramatic] pertaining to theater
(a.) [dry] free from liquid or moisture
(a.) [due] owed
(a.) [dull] not having a sharp edge or point
(a.) [dull] boring, lacking in liveliness or animation
(a.) [dynamic] dynamical, characterized by action
(a.) [eager]
(a.) [early]
(a.) [easy] posing no difficulty
(a.) [economic] relating to economics
(a.) [educational]
(a.) [effective] effectual, efficacious
(a.) [efficient]
(a.) [electronic]
(a.) [elegant] refined, tasteful
(a.) [eligible]
(a.) [articulate] eloquent, well-spoken
(a.) [emotional]
(a.) [empirical] empiric, derived from experiment and observation
(a.) [empty]
(a.) [encouraging]
(a.) [enjoyable]
(a.) [enthusiastic]
(a.) [environmental] relating to the external surroundings
(a.) [equal] like, equivalent, same
(a.) [essential] basic and fundamental
(a.) [established] set up or accepted
(a.) [eternal] everlasting, perpetual, unending
(a.) [ethical]
(a.) [ethnic] cultural
(a.) [even] level, flush
(a.) [even] divisible by two
(a.) [exact] precise
(a.) [excited]
(a.) [exciting]
(a.) [exclusive] excluding much or all
(a.) [exotic] foreign, alien
(a.) [exotic] unusual, strikingly strange
(a.) [expected]
(a.) [expensive]
(a.) [experienced] knowledgeable
(a.) [experimental]
(a.) [explicit] expressed
(a.) [express] without unnecessary stops
(a.) [external]
(a.) [extinct] non-existent, not surviving
(a.) [extraordinary]
(a.) [fair] impartial
(a.) [faithful] sexually trustworthy
(a.) [false] not in accordance with fact or reality
(a.) [familiar] well known
(a.) [far] at a long distance
(a.) [fashionable] stylish
(a.) [fast] at a rapid tempo
(a.) [fastidious] finicky
(a.) [fat] having much flesh, especially fat
(a.) [favorable] encouraging, approving
(a.) [federal]
(a.) [feminine] womanly
(a.) [financial] fiscal
(a.) [fine] small-grained or smooth
(a.) [finished]
(a.) [finished] ruined
(a.) [first] initial
(a.) [first-hand] direct
(a.) [flat] horizontally level
(a.) [flawed] imperfect, blemished, faulty
(a.) [flexible] bendable
(a.) [foolish]
(a.) [formal] adhering to traditional standards
(a.) [forward] at, near or directed toward the front
(a.) [fragrant] pleasant-smelling
(a.) [frank] candid, blunt, forthright
(a.) [free] able to act at will
(a.) [free] complimentary, costless, gratis
(a.) [free] not occupied
(a.) [frequent]
(a.) [fresh] recently made, produced, or harvested
(a.) [fresh] insolent, impertinent, impudent, sassy
(a.) [friendly] befitting a friend
(a.) [frozen] unthawed
(a.) [full] containing as much as is possible
(a.) [full] replete, filled to satisfaction with food
(a.) [full-time]
(a.) [functional] designed for or capable of a particular function
(a.) [funny] amusing, laughable
(a.) [general] applying to most members of a category
(a.) [generous]
(a.) [genetic] genetical
(a.) [genuine] not fake or counterfeit
(a.) [geological]
(a.) [glad]
(a.) [glorious]
(a.) [good] beneficial, salutary
(a.) [good] just, upright, virtuous
(a.) [gradual] proceeding in small stages
(a.) [grand] luxurious, opulent, sumptuous
(a.) [graphic] explicit, descriptive
(a.) [graphic] pictorial, lifelike, vivid
(a.) [grateful] thankful
(a.) [great] outstanding, very valuable
(a.) [great] large in size, number or extent
(a.) [green] unripe, unripened
(a.) [gregarious] sociable
(a.) [handy] easy to use
(a.) [happy]
(a.) [hard] not yielding to pressure
(a.) [harmful] noxious
(a.) [harsh] coarse, large-grained or rough to the touch
(a.) [healthy] fit
(a.) [heavy] of great physical weight
(a.) [helpful]
(a.) [helpless] incapacitated
(a.) [high] greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount
(a.) [hilarious] uproarious
(a.) [historical]
(a.) [holy]
(a.) [homosexual] gay
(a.) [honest] sincere
(a.) [honorable]
(a.) [horizontal]
(a.) [hostile] characterized by enmity or ill will
(a.) [hot] being of high temperature
(a.) [hot] marked by intensity, vehemence, passion
(a.) [huge] immense, vast
(a.) [human]
(a.) [hungry]
(a.) [ignorant] lacking basic knowledge, naive, unsophisticated
(a.) [illegal]
(a.) [immune] resistant
(a.) [imperial] relating to an empire
(a.) [implicit] inexplicit
(a.) [important] significant
(a.) [impossible]
(a.) [impressive]
(a.) [inadequate]
(a.) [inappropriate] not suitable
(a.) [incapable] incompetent
(a.) [incongruous] discrepant
(a.) [incredible] unbelievable
(a.) [independent]
(a.) [indigenous]
(a.) [indirect] not direct in manner or language
(a.) [indoor] inside
(a.) [industrial]
(a.) [inevitable]
(a.) [infinite] having no limits or boundaries in time or space
(a.) [influential]
(a.) [informal]
(a.) [inner]
(a.) [innocent] guiltless, clean-handed
(a.) [insufficient]
(a.) [integrated] not segregated
(a.) [intellectual]
(a.) [intense]
(a.) [interactive] synergistic
(a.) [interesting]
(a.) [intermediate] lying between two extremes
(a.) [internal]
(a.) [international]
(a.) [invisible] unseeable
(a.) [irrelevant]
(a.) [jealous] covetous, envious
(a.) [joint] united or combined
(a.) [judicial] juridical, juridic
(a.) [junior] younger or lower in rank
(a.) [just] equitable
(a.) [kind]
(a.) [large] big
(a.) [last] concluding, final, terminal
(a.) [late] belated, tardy
(a.) [latest] newest, up-to-date
(a.) [lazy] indolent, otiose, slothful, work-shy
(a.) [left] belonging to the political or intellectual left
(a.) [legal]
(a.) [legislative]
(a.) [liberal] tolerant of change
(a.) [light] of little weight
(a.) [light] light-colored
(a.) [light] bright, emitting light
(a.) [likely] probable, plausible
(a.) [limited] small in range or scope
(a.) [linear] one-dimensional
(a.) [liquid]
(a.) [literary]
(a.) [live] unrecorded
(a.) [lively]
(a.) [logical]
(a.) [lonely] alone, lone, solitary
(a.) [long] of great spatial extension
(a.) [long] of relatively great duration
(a.) [loose] not tight, constrained or constricted
(a.) [lost] no longer in your possession or control
(a.) [lost] spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed
(a.) [loud] characterized by sound of great volume
(a.) [low] being at small elevation
(a.) [depressed] blue
(a.) [loyal]
(a.) [lucky]
(a.) [magnetic] relating to magnetism
(a.) [main] chief, primary, principal
(a.) [major] greater in scope or effect
(a.) [major] of full legal age
(a.) [manual] requiring human effort
(a.) [marine] nautical, maritime, relating to the sea
(a.) [married]
(a.) [mathematical]
(a.) [mature] having reached full natural growth or development
(a.) [mature] ripe, fully developed and ready to be eaten
(a.) [maximum] maximal
(a.) [meaningful]
(a.) [mechanical] using a mechanism
(a.) [medieval] from the Middle Ages
(a.) [memorable]
(a.) [mental]
(a.) [middle-class]
(a.) [mild] moderate
(a.) [military]
(a.) [minimum] minimal
(a.) [minor] lesser in scope or effect
(a.) [miserable] abject, scummy, contemptible
(a.) [mobile] moving or capable of moving readily
(a.) [modern]
(a.) [modest] not offensive to sexual mores
(a.) [molecular]
(a.) [monstrous] atrocious, heinous
(a.) [monstrous] grotesque
(a.) [monthly]
(a.) [moral] relating to principles of right and wrong
(a.) [moving] arousing deep emotion
(a.) [multiple]
(a.) [municipal]
(a.) [musical] talented in or devoted to music
(a.) [mutual] reciprocal
(a.) [narrow] not wide spatially
(a.) [narrow] narrow-minded
(a.) [national] relating to a nation or country
(a.) [native] belonging to one by birth
(a.) [necessary]
(a.) [negative] disconfirming
(a.) [negative] reckoned in a direction opposite to positive
(a.) [nervous] neural
(a.) [nervous] skittish
(a.) [neutral] of no distinctive quality
(a.) [new] recently created, unused or little used
(a.) [new] unfamiliar
(a.) [nice]
(a.) [noble] having elevated character
(a.) [noble] belonging to hereditary aristocracy
(a.) [noisy]
(a.) [normal] conforming with a norm or standard
(a.) [notorious] ill-famed, infamous
(a.) [nuclear] atomic
(a.) [obese] overweight
(a.) [objective] nonsubjective
(a.) [obscure] unknown
(a.) [obvious]
(a.) [occupational]
(a.) [odd]
(a.) [offensive] unpleasant or disgusting
(a.) [offensive] for the purpose of attack
(a.) [official] having official authority
(a.) [old] elderly, having lived for a relatively long time
(a.) [open] affording free passage
(a.) [open] overt
(a.) [operational] pertaining to a process
(a.) [opposed] being in opposition
(a.) [optimistic]
(a.) [optional]
(a.) [oral] of or involving the mouth
(a.) [ordinary] not exceptional
(a.) [organic]
(a.) [original] fresh, unusual, first
(a.) [orthodox] adhering to what is commonly accepted
(a.) [other] not the same
(a.) [outer] being on the outside
(a.) [outside] outdoor, out-of-door
(a.) [painful]
(a.) [parallel] equidistant and not intersecting
(a.) [paralyzed] paralytic, unable to move
(a.) [parental]
(a.) [particular] finicky, fussy
(a.) [particular] peculiar, special
(a.) [part-time]
(a.) [passionate]
(a.) [passive] inactive
(a.) [past] earlier than the present time
(a.) [patient]
(a.) [peaceful]
(a.) [perfect] complete, without defect
(a.) [permanent] lasting
(a.) [persistent] lasting
(a.) [personal] concerning a particular person
(a.) [petty] small-minded
(a.) [philosophical]
(a.) [physical] involving the body
(a.) [plain] simple
(a.) [pleasant] delightful
(a.) [polite] courteous
(a.) [political]
(a.) [poor] characterized by poverty
(a.) [popular] regarded with great favor, approval, or affection
(a.) [portable]
(a.) [positive] accepting, confirming
(a.) [possible] potential
(a.) [powerful]
(a.) [practical] concerned with actual use or practice
(a.) [practical] efficient
(a.) [precise]
(a.) [predictable]
(a.) [pregnant]
(a.) [premature] untimely
(a.) [present] intermediate between past and future
(a.) [present] being here
(a.) [presidential] relating to a president or presidency
(a.) [primary] of first rank or importance or value
(a.) [private] concerning things personal
(a.) [privileged]
(a.) [productive] generative
(a.) [professional]
(a.) [profound] deep
(a.) [progressive] favoring or promoting progress
(a.) [prolonged]
(a.) [proper] suitable
(a.) [proportional]
(a.) [proud] feeling self-respect
(a.) [provincial] characteristic of the provinces
(a.) [public] not private
(a.) [pure] having no faults, sinless
(a.) [pure] free of extraneous elements of any kind
(a.) [qualified] meeting the standards and requirements
(a.) [quantitative]
(a.) [quiet] silent
(a.) [quiet] quiescent
(a.) [racial]
(a.) [random] arbitrary
(a.) [rare] infrequent, uncommon
(a.) [rational] based on reasoning
(a.) [raw] not treated with heat
(a.) [ready] prepared
(a.) [real] actual, existent, being or occurring in fact or actuality
(a.) [real] actual, genuine
(a.) [realistic]
(a.) [reasonable] sensible
(a.) [reckless] foolhardy
(a.) [regional]
(a.) [regular] in accordance with fixed order or procedure
(a.) [related] connected by kinship
(a.) [related] connected logically or causally
(a.) [relative] not absolute
(a.) [relevant]
(a.) [reliable] dependable
(a.) [religious]
(a.) [representative] standing for something else
(a.) [resident] living in a particular place
(a.) [residential]
(a.) [respectable] worthy of respect
(a.) [responsible] held accountable, worthy of trust
(a.) [restless] antsy, itchy, fidgety
(a.) [restricted]
(a.) [retired] no longer active in your work
(a.) [revolutionary] advocating or engaged in revolution
(a.) [rich] possessing material wealth
(a.) [right] correct
(a.) [romantic] amatory, amorous
(a.) [rotten] decayed, rotted
(a.) [rotten] crappy, lousy, shitty, stinking, stinky
(a.) [rough] unsmooth
(a.) [round] circular
(a.) [rural]
(a.) [sacred] concerned with religion or religious purposes
(a.) [sad]
(a.) [safe] free from danger
(a.) [satisfactory]
(a.) [satisfied] quenched, slaked
(a.) [scientific]
(a.) [seasonal] occurring at a particular season
(a.) [seasonal] occurring at or dependent on a particular season
(a.) [secondary]
(a.) [secular] laic, lay
(a.) [secure] protected
(a.) [senior] older or higher in rank
(a.) [sensitive] having acute mental or emotional sensibility
(a.) [separate] independent
(a.) [serious] sober
(a.) [sexual]
(a.) [shallow] lacking physical depth
(a.) [shallow] lacking depth of intellect or knowledge or feeling
(a.) [sharp] having a thin edge or sharp point
(a.) [short] having little length
(a.) [short] of limited duration
(a.) [shy] timid, diffident
(a.) [sick] ill
(a.) [similar] alike, like
(a.) [single] unmarried
(a.) [single] individual, separate
(a.) [skilled] skillful
(a.) [slippery] slippy
(a.) [slow] not moving quickly
(a.) [small] little
(a.) [smart] clever, bright
(a.) [smooth] having a surface free from roughness
(a.) [social] living together or enjoying life in communities
(a.) [socialist] socialistic
(a.) [soft] lacking in hardness
(a.) [soft] relatively low in volume
(a.) [soft] nonalcoholic
(a.) [solar]
(a.) [solid] neither liquid nor gaseous
(a.) [solid] entirely of one substance with no holes inside
(a.) [sophisticated]
(a.) [sound] in good condition
(a.) [sour] having a sharp biting taste
(a.) [spatial]
(a.) [specified]
(a.) [spontaneous] self-generated
(a.) [square] having four equal sides and four right angles
(a.) [stable] resistant to change
(a.) [standard] conforming to a standard of measurement
(a.) [statistical]
(a.) [steady]
(a.) [steep] having a sharp inclination
(a.) [sticky] gluey, glutinous, gummy
(a.) [muggy] sticky, steamy
(a.) [still] inactive, motionless, static
(a.) [straight] square, honest, fair, decent
(a.) [straight] free from curves or angles
(a.) [strange] unusual
(a.) [strategic] strategical
(a.) [strict] severe, nonindulgent
(a.) [strong] potent
(a.) [strong] hard, having a high alcoholic content
(a.) [strong] firm
(a.) [strong] secure, unattackable
(a.) [structural]
(a.) [stubborn] obstinate
(a.) [stunning] strikingly beautiful or attractive
(a.) [stupid]
(a.) [subjective]
(a.) [subsequent]
(a.) [successful]
(a.) [sudden]
(a.) [sufficient]
(a.) [superior] of high or superior quality
(a.) [supplementary] auxiliary, subsidiary
(a.) [surprised]
(a.) [surprising]
(a.) [sweet] sweet-tasting
(a.) [sympathetic] appealing, likeable
(a.) [systematic] characterized by order and planning
(a.) [talented] gifted
(a.) [talkative] chatty, gabby, garrulous
(a.) [tall]
(a.) [tasty] delicious
(a.) [technical]
(a.) [temporary] impermanent
(a.) [tender] easy to cut or chew
(a.) [tender] gentle, sympathetic, feeling
(a.) [tense] taut, rigid, stretched tight
(a.) [tense] in a state of physical or nervous tension
(a.) [terminal] endmost
(a.) [thick] of a specific thickness
(a.) [thick] dense in consistency
(a.) [thin] lean
(a.) [thirsty] needing or desiring to drink
(a.) [thoughtful] considerate, showing concern
(a.) [tidy] neat, orderly, clean
(a.) [tight] constrained, constricted, constricting
(a.) [tired] fatigued
(a.) [tolerant] respecting others
(a.) [tough] tough, hard, rough
(a.) [tough] not given to gentleness or sentimentality
(a.) [toxic]
(a.) [traditional]
(a.) [transparent] see-through, sheer
(a.) [trivial] banal, commonplace
(a.) [tropical] typical of the tropics
(a.) [true] consistent with fact or reality
(a.) [typical]
(a.) [ugly]
(a.) [ultimate]
(a.) [unanimous] in complete agreement
(a.) [unaware] unwitting
(a.) [uncomfortable]
(a.) [uneasy]
(a.) [unemployed]
(a.) [unexpected]
(a.) [unfair] partial, biased
(a.) [unfortunate] not favored by fortune
(a.) [uniform] unvarying
(a.) [unique] unequaled, unparalleled
(a.) [global] universal, worldwide
(a.) [unlawful] illegitimate, illicit
(a.) [unlike] unequal
(a.) [unlikely] improbable
(a.) [unpleasant] disagreeable
(a.) [urban]
(a.) [useful] utile
(a.) [useless]
(a.) [usual]
(a.) [vacant]
(a.) [vague] undefined
(a.) [vain] self-conceited, swollen-headed
(a.) [valid] well grounded in logic or truth
(a.) [valuable]
(a.) [varied]
(a.) [verbal]
(a.) [vertical] perpendicular
(a.) [viable] feasible, practicable, workable
(a.) [vicious]
(a.) [vigorous] strong physically or mentally
(a.) [violent]
(a.) [visible] seeable
(a.) [visual] ocular, optic, optical
(a.) [vocational]
(a.) [voluntary]
(a.) [vulnerable]
(a.) [warm] producing a comfortable degree of heat
(a.) [warm] friendly and responsive
(a.) [weak] having little physical or spiritual strength
(a.) [weekly]
(a.) [welcome]
(a.) [well] in good health
(a.) [wet]
(a.) [white] achromatic
(a.) [white] caucasian
(a.) [whole] including all components
(a.) [wild] untamed
(a.) [wild] marked by lack of restraint or control
(a.) [wise]
(a.) [written]
(a.) [wrong] contrary to conscience or morality or law
(a.) [wrong] based on error
(a.) [young] youthful

Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

Semantische Felder: