Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

SAF. n: Attack +

abandon. v: Activity_stop +

abandon. v: Abandonment +

abandoned. a: Abandonment +

abandonment. n: Abandonment +

abet. v: Assistance +

abound. v: Abundance +

abundant. a: Abundance +

abuse. n: Abusing +

abuse. v: Abusing +

abusive. a: Abusing +

abut. v: Adjacency +

accomplish. v: Accomplishment +

accomplishment. n: Accomplishment +

according to. prep: Attributed_information +

accoutrement. n: Accoutrements +

accredit. v: Appointing +

accredited. a: Appointing +

accumulate. v: Amassing +

accumulation. n: Amassing +

accuracy. n: Accuracy +

accurate. a: Accuracy +

accurately. adv: Accuracy +

achieve. v: Accomplishment +

achievement. n: Accomplishment +

active. a: Active_substance +

actual. a: Actually_occurring_entity +

actual. a: Artificiality +

add up. v: Adding_up +

addict. n: Addiction +

addicted. a: Addiction +

addiction. n: Addiction +

adduce. v: Adducing +

adhere. v: Attaching +

adjacency. n: Adjacency +

adjacent. a: Adjacency +

adjoin. v: Adjacency +

adjoining. a: Adjacency +

adjourn. v: Activity_pause +

adjust. v: Adjusting +

adjustment. n: Adjusting +

admonish. v: Attempt_suasion +

adopt. v: Adopt_selection +

adorned. a: Abounding_with +

advise. v: Attempt_suasion +

advocate. v: Attempt_suasion +

affirm. v: Affirm_or_deny +

affirmation. n: Affirm_or_deny +

affix. v: Attaching +

age. n: Age +

age. v: Aging +

agent. n: Active_substance +

agglutinate. v: Attaching +

aging. a: Aging +

agree. v: Agree_or_refuse_to_act +

aid [act]. n: Assistance +

aid [entity]. n: Assistance +

aid and abet. v: Assistance +

aid. v: Assistance +

aim. n: Aiming +

aim. v: Aiming +

airstrike. n: Attack +

alcoholic. n: Addiction +

alcoholism. n: Addiction +

alert. a: Attention +

alliance. n: Alliance +

alone. a: Accompaniment +

along with. prep: Accompaniment +

alternative. n: Alternatives +

amalgamate. v: Amalgamation +

amass. v: Amassing +

ambush. n: Attack +

ambush. v: Attack +

ammo. n: Ammunition +

ammunition. n: Ammunition +

amount. v: Amounting_to +

anchor. v: Attaching +

ancient. a: Age +

animal. n: Animals +

anklet. n: Accoutrements +

annoyed. a: Annoyance +

appeal. n: Appeal +

appeal. v: Appeal +

appear. v: Arriving +

appellant. n: Appeal +

appellate. a: Appeal +

append. v: Attaching +

appoint. v: Appointing +

appraisal. n: Assessing +

appraise. v: Assessing +

apprehend. v: Arrest +

apprehension. n: Arrest +

approach. n: Arriving +

approach. v: Arriving +

armband. n: Accoutrements +

armlet. n: Accoutrements +

armor. n: Armor +

army. n: Aggregate +

arraign. v: Arraignment +

arraignment. n: Arraignment +

arrange. v: Arranging +

arrangement. n: Arranging +

array. v: Arranging +

arrest. n: Arrest +

arrest. v: Arrest +

arrival. n: Arriving +

arrive. v: Arriving +

arson. n: Arson +

arsonist. n: Arson +

artifact. n: Artifact +

artificial. a: Artificiality +

asphalted. a: Abounding_with +

assail. v: Attack +

assailant. n: Attack +

assault. n: Attack +

assault. v: Attack +

assemblage. n: Aggregate +

assemble. v: Assemble +

assembly. n: Aggregate +

assess. v: Assessing +

assessment. n: Assessing +

assist. v: Assistance +

assistance. n: Assistance +

assortment. n: Aggregate +

assume. v: Adopt_selection +

atone. v: Atonement +

atonement. n: Atonement +

atoner. n: Atonement +

attach. v: Attaching +

attachment [act]. n: Attaching +

attachment [item]. n: Attaching +

attack. n: Attack +

attack. v: Attack +

attacker. n: Attack +

attempt. n: Attempt +

attempt. v: Attempt +

attend. v: Attention +

attend. v: Attending +

attendance. n: Attending +

attention. n: Attention +

attentive. a: Attention +

attest. v: Affirm_or_deny +

aunt. n: Appellations +

authority. n: Authority +

avoid. v: Avoiding +

avoidance. n: Avoiding +

aware. a: Awareness +

awareness. n: Awareness +

badge. n: Accoutrements +

bake. v: Apply_heat +

bake. v: Absorb_heat +

baking. n: Apply_heat +

balaclava. n: Accoutrements +

band together. v: Amalgamation +

band. n: Aggregate +

bandanna. n: Accoutrements +

bangle. n: Accoutrements +

barbecue. v: Apply_heat +

barbecue. v: Absorb_heat +

batch. n: Aggregate +

batter. v: Abusing +

beautiful. a: Aesthetics +

bedecked. a: Abounding_with +

beg. v: Attempt_suasion +

begin. v: Activity_start +

beginner. n: Activity_start +

bejewelled. a: Abounding_with +

believe. v: Awareness +

belt. n: Accoutrements +

beret. n: Accoutrements +

bespattered. a: Abounding_with +

bevy. n: Aggregate +

bind. v: Attaching +

bioactive. a: Active_substance +

biotechnology. n: Artifact +

biretta. n: Accoutrements +

bishop. n: Appellations +

blanch. v: Apply_heat +

blanch. v: Absorb_heat +

blanketed. a: Abounding_with +

blend. v: Amalgamation +

board [game]. n: Artifact +

board. n: Artifact +

boater. n: Accoutrements +

body. n: Aggregate +

bogus. a: Artificiality +

boil. v: Apply_heat +

boil. v: Absorb_heat +

boiling. n: Apply_heat +

bomb. v: Attack +

bombard. v: Attack +

bombardment. n: Attack +

bombing. n: Attack +

bond. v: Attaching +

bonnet. n: Accoutrements +

book. n: Aggregate +

book. v: Arrest +

border. v: Adjacency +

bordering. a: Adjacency +

bowler. n: Accoutrements +

boy. n: Attention_getting +

bracelet. n: Accoutrements +

bracket. v: Attaching +

braise. v: Apply_heat +

braise. v: Absorb_heat +

brimming. a: Abounding_with +

bring about. v: Accomplishment +

bro. n: Attention_getting +

broil. v: Apply_heat +

broil. v: Absorb_heat +

broiling. n: Apply_heat +

brooch. n: Accoutrements +

brood. n: Aggregate +

brother. n: Appellations +

brown. v: Apply_heat +

brown. v: Absorb_heat +

brushed. a: Abounding_with +

buddy. n: Attention_getting +

bullet. n: Ammunition +

bulletproof vest. n: Armor +

bunch. n: Aggregate +

bust. n: Arrest +

bust. v: Arrest +

buttered. a: Abounding_with +

cajole. v: Attempt_suasion +

calibrate. v: Adjusting +

calibration. n: Adjusting +

cap. n: Accoutrements +

captain. n: Appellations +

carry on. v: Activity_ongoing +

cat. n: Animals +

cater. v: Assistance +

causative agent. n: Active_substance +

cease. v: Activity_stop +

ceiling. n: Architectural_part +

cement. v: Attaching +

chain. n: Accoutrements +

chain. v: Attaching +

chairman. n: Appellations +

chairperson. n: Appellations +

chance. n: Alternatives +

char. v: Apply_heat +

char. v: Absorb_heat +

charge. n: Attack +

charge. v: Attack +

chief. n: Appellations +

child. n: Appellations +

chilly. a: Ambient_temperature +

chock-a-block. a: Abounding_with +

chock-full. a: Abounding_with +

choice. n: Alternatives +

choker. n: Accoutrements +

cinch. v: Attaching +

circle. n: Aggregate +

circlet. n: Accoutrements +

cite. v: Adducing +

claque. n: Aggregate +

class. n: Aggregate +

clique. n: Aggregate +

cloaked. a: Abounding_with +

close. to: a +

close. a: Attention +

closely. adv: Attention +

clump. n: Aggregate +

cluster. n: Aggregate +

clutch. n: Aggregate +

coalesce. v: Amalgamation +

coalition. n: Alliance +

coated. a: Abounding_with +

coddle. v: Apply_heat +

coddle. v: Absorb_heat +

cognizant. a: Awareness +

cohort. n: Aggregate +

coif. n: Accoutrements +

coin. v: Achieving_first +

coinage. n: Achieving_first +

cold. a: Ambient_temperature +

cold. n: Ambient_temperature +

collar. v: Arrest +

collection. n: Aggregate +

colony. n: Aggregate +

combination. n: Amalgamation +

combination. n: Aggregate +

combine. v: Amalgamation +

come together. v: Amalgamation +

come. v: Arriving +

commander. n: Appellations +

commence. v: Activity_start +

commingle. v: Amalgamation +

commissioner. n: Appellations +

community. n: Aggregate +

complete. v: Activity_finish +

completion. n: Activity_finish +

compose. v: Activity_prepare +

comprehend. v: Awareness +

comprehension. n: Awareness +

compulsive. a: Addiction +

concatenate. v: Attaching +

concede. v: Affirm_or_deny +

conceive. v: Awareness +

conception. n: Awareness +

conclude. v: Activity_finish +

confirm. v: Affirm_or_deny +

confirmation. n: Affirm_or_deny +

congressman. n: Appellations +

congresswoman. n: Appellations +

connect. v: Attaching +

conscious. a: Awareness +

consciousness. n: Awareness +

consolidate. v: Amalgamation +

contiguity. n: Adjacency +

contiguous. a: Adjacency +

continue. v: Activity_ongoing +

control panel. n: Artifact +

convene. v: Assemble +

cook. v: Apply_heat +

cook. v: Absorb_heat +

cooking. n: Apply_heat +

cool. a: Ambient_temperature +

cop. v: Arrest +

coronet. n: Accoutrements +

corps. n: Aggregate +

coterie. n: Aggregate +

counter. n: Architectural_part +

counterfeit. a: Artificiality +

cousin. n: Appellations +

covered. a: Abounding_with +

covey. n: Aggregate +

cow. n: Animals +

crammed. a: Abounding_with +

crawl. v: Abounding_with +

crawling. a: Abounding_with +

crest. v: Arriving +

crew. n: Aggregate +

crop. n: Aggregate +

crowd. n: Aggregate +

crowded. a: Abounding_with +

crown. n: Accoutrements +

cufflink. n: Accoutrements +

cultivate. v: Agriculture +

dabbed. a: Abounding_with +

dark. a: Attitude_description +

decked. a: Abounding_with +

decline. v: Agree_or_refuse_to_act +

decorated. a: Abounding_with +

deep fry. v: Apply_heat +

deep fry. v: Absorb_heat +

denial. n: Affirm_or_deny +

deny. v: Affirm_or_deny +

deploy. v: Arranging +

deployment. n: Arranging +

designate. v: Appointing +

desist. v: Avoiding +

detach. v: Attaching +

diadem. n: Accoutrements +

direct. v: Aiming +

director. n: Appellations +

discontinue. v: Activity_stop +

discover. v: Achieving_first +

discoverer. n: Achieving_first +

discovery. n: Achieving_first +

disingenuous. a: Artificiality +

doctor. n: Appellations +

dodge. v: Avoiding +

dog. n: Animals +

domestic violence. n: Abusing +

done. a: Activity_done_state +

dotted. a: Abounding_with +

dr. n: Appellations +

draped. a: Abounding_with +

drive-by. n: Attack +

drizzled. a: Abounding_with +

duchess. n: Appellations +

duck. v: Avoiding +

dude. n: Attention_getting +

dusted. a: Abounding_with +

earring. n: Accoutrements +

effect. v: Accomplishment +

effort. n: Attempt +

elderly. a: Age +

elegant. a: Aesthetics +

embellished. a: Abounding_with +

embrace. v: Adopt_selection +

emperor. n: Appellations +

empress. n: Appellations +

endeavor. n: Attempt +

endeavor. v: Attempt +

enter. v: Arriving +

enter. v: Activity_start +

entrance. n: Arriving +

entry. n: Arriving +

ersatz. a: Artificiality +

escape. v: Avoiding +

eschew. v: Avoiding +

evade. v: Avoiding +

evaluate. v: Assessing +

evaluation. n: Assessing +

evasion. n: Avoiding +

exact. a: Accuracy +

excuse me. intj: Attention_getting +

executive. n: Appellations +

exhort. v: Attempt_suasion +

expiate. v: Atonement +

expiation. n: Atonement +

expiator. n: Atonement +

expiatory. a: Atonement +

facade. n: Architectural_part +

fair. a: Aesthetics +

fake. a: Artificiality +

false. a: Artificiality +

family. n: Aggregate +

farm. v: Agriculture +

farming. n: Agriculture +

fasten. v: Attaching +

father. n: Appellations +

festooned. a: Abounding_with +

fetter. v: Attaching +

fez. n: Accoutrements +

fiend. n: Addiction +

filled. a: Abounding_with +

find. v: Arriving +

find. v: Achieving_first +

finger. v: Appointing +

finish. v: Activity_finish +

finished. a: Activity_done_state +

fire. n: Attack +

fireplace. n: Architectural_part +

fix. v: Attaching +

fix. v: Activity_prepare +

flak jacket. n: Armor +

flight. n: Architectural_part +

flock. n: Aggregate +

floor. n: Architectural_part +

flotilla. n: Aggregate +

force. n: Aggregate +

forget. v: Abandonment +

forgo. v: Avoiding +

format. v: Arranging +

foundation. n: Architectural_part +

freeze. n: Activity_pause +

freeze. v: Activity_pause +

freezing. a: Ambient_temperature +

fresh. a: Age +

frustrated. a: Annoyance +

fry. v: Apply_heat +

fry. v: Absorb_heat +

frying. n: Apply_heat +

full. a: Abounding_with +

fuse. v: Attaching +

fuse. v: Amalgamation +

future. n: Alternatives +

gaggle. n: Aggregate +

galore. a: Abundance +

gang. n: Aggregate +

gas mask. n: Accoutrements +

gear up. v: Activity_prepare +

general. n: Appellations +

genuine. a: Artificiality +

get ready. v: Activity_prepare +

get started. v: Activity_start +

get. v: Arriving +

gilded. a: Abounding_with +

glasses. n: Accoutrements +

glazed. a: Abounding_with +

glue. v: Attaching +

go. n: Attempt +

goggles. n: Accoutrements +

gorget. n: Accoutrements +

governor. n: Appellations +

grade. v: Assessing +

graduate. v: Activity_finish +

greaves. n: Accoutrements +

greaves. n: Armor +

grill. v: Apply_heat +

grill. v: Absorb_heat +

grilling. n: Apply_heat +

group. n: Aggregate +

gum. v: Attaching +

guy. n: Attention_getting +

habit. n: Addiction +

hairband. n: Accoutrements +

hairgrip. n: Accoutrements +

hairnet. n: Accoutrements +

hairpiece. n: Accoutrements +

hairpin. n: Accoutrements +

hairslide. n: Accoutrements +

halt. v: Activity_stop +

handcuff. v: Attaching +

handsome. a: Aesthetics +

harem. n: Aggregate +

hat-pin. n: Accoutrements +

hat. n: Accoutrements +

hauberk. n: Accoutrements +

headband. n: Accoutrements +

headdress. n: Accoutrements +

headmaster. n: Appellations +

headpiece. n: Accoutrements +

heap. n: Aggregate +

heaped. a: Abounding_with +

hello there. intj: Attention_getting +

helm. n: Accoutrements +

helmet. n: Accoutrements +

help out. v: Assistance +

help. n: Assistance +

help. v: Assistance +

helpful. a: Assistance +

herd. n: Aggregate +

hey. intj: Attention_getting +

hideous. a: Aesthetics +

hit. v: Arriving +

hit. v: Attack +

hitch. v: Attaching +

hoard. v: Amassing +

homes. n: Attention_getting +

hook. v: Attaching +

hooked. a: Addiction +

hopeful. a: Attitude_description +

hopeless. a: Attitude_description +

horde. n: Aggregate +

host. n: Aggregate +

hot. a: Ambient_temperature +

huddle. n: Aggregate +

hunch. n: Awareness +

hung. a: Abounding_with +

idea. n: Awareness +

ignorance. n: Awareness +

ignore. v: Attention +

imagine. v: Awareness +

imam. n: Appellations +

in combination. prep: Accompaniment +

inaccuracy. n: Accuracy +

inaccurate. a: Accuracy +

inaccurately. adv: Accuracy +

incapacitant. n: Active_substance +

incursion. n: Attack +

infiltrate. v: Attack +

infiltration. n: Attack +

influx. n: Arriving +

initiate. v: Activity_start +

injected. a: Abounding_with +

intermix. v: Amalgamation +

invent. v: Achieving_first +

invention artifact. n: Achieving_first +

invention. n: Achieving_first +

inventor. n: Achieving_first +

irritant. n: Active_substance +

irritated. a: Annoyance +

jammed. a: Abounding_with +

jewellery. n: Accoutrements +

join. v: Attaching +

join. v: Amalgamation +

jostling. a: Abounding_with +

judge. v: Assessing +

jumble. v: Amalgamation +

jump. v: Attack +

junkie. n: Addiction +

jurisdiction. n: Authority +

justify. v: Arranging +

kaiser. n: Appellations +

keep an eye. v: Attention +

keep away. v: Avoiding +

keep on. v: Activity_ongoing +

keep up. v: Activity_ongoing +

keep. v: Activity_ongoing +

kid. n: Attention_getting +

king. n: Appellations +

know. v: Awareness +

knowledge. n: Awareness +

knowledgeable. a: Awareness +

known. a: Awareness_status +

lacquered. a: Abounding_with +

landing. n: Architectural_part +

lash. v: Attaching +

leader. n: Appellations +

leave. v: Abandonment +

legion. n: Aggregate +

legislator. n: Appellations +

lined. a: Abounding_with +

link. v: Attaching +

littered. a: Abounding_with +

lobby. v: Attempt_suasion +

locket. n: Accoutrements +

look. n: Artistic_style +

lost. in: a +

lovely. a: Aesthetics +

ma'am. n: Attention_getting +

maharaja. n: Appellations +

mail. n: Armor +

maintenance. n: Activity_ongoing +

make. someone's: acquaintance +

make it. v: Arriving +

make. v: Arriving +

maltreat. v: Abusing +

maltreatment. n: Abusing +

manacle. v: Attaching +

mantel. n: Architectural_part +

mantle. n: Accoutrements +

mask. n: Accoutrements +

mature. a: Age +

mature. v: Aging +

maturity. n: Age +

mayor. n: Appellations +

medal. n: Accoutrements +

medallion. n: Accoutrements +

meet. v: Assemble +

meld. v: Amalgamation +

melt. v: Apply_heat +

melting. n: Apply_heat +

merge. v: Amalgamation +

merger. n: Amalgamation +

microwave. v: Apply_heat +

minister. n: Appellations +

miss. n: Attention_getting +

miss. n: Appellations +

mitre. n: Accoutrements +

mix. v: Amalgamation +

mob. n: Aggregate +

mogul. n: Appellations +

monarch. n: Appellations +

moor. v: Attaching +

moratorium. n: Activity_pause +

mother. n: Appellations +

mount. v: Attaching +

mr. n: Appellations +

mrs. n: Appellations +

ms. n: Appellations +

multiplicity. n: Aggregate +

multitude. n: Aggregate +

munitions. n: Ammunition +

nab. v: Arrest +

nail. v: Attaching +

name. v: Appointing +

name. v: Adducing +

necklace. n: Accoutrements +

negative. a: Attitude_description +

neighbor. n: Adjacency +

neighbor. v: Adjacency +

neighboring. a: Adjacency +

neophyte. n: Activity_start +

new. to: a +

new. a: Age +

next to. prep: Adjacency +

nightcap. n: Accoutrements +

number. v: Amounting_to +

of. prep: Age +

off. prep: Accuracy +

offensive. a: Attack +

offensive. n: Attack +

officer. n: Attention_getting +

officer. n: Appellations +

official. n: Appellations +

old. a: Age +

oldish. a: Age +

on authority. idio: Attributed_information +

on. prep: Accuracy +

onset. n: Attack +

onslaught. n: Attack +

open. v: Activity_start +

optimistic. a: Attitude_description +

option. n: Alternatives +

order. n: Artistic_style +

order. v: Arranging +

ordnance. n: Ammunition +

originate. v: Achieving_first +

originator. n: Achieving_first +

ornamented. a: Abounding_with +

overcrowded. a: Abounding_with +

overfilled. a: Abounding_with +

pack. n: Aggregate +

package. n: Aggregate +

painted. a: Abounding_with +

pal. n: Attention_getting +

panama. n: Accoutrements +

panelled. a: Abounding_with +

parboil. v: Apply_heat +

parboil. v: Absorb_heat +

part. n: Artifact_subpart +

party. n: Aggregate +

passel. n: Aggregate +

paste. v: Attaching +

pause. n: Activity_pause +

paved. a: Abounding_with +

pendant. n: Accoutrements +

pessimistic. a: Attitude_description +

phoney. a: Artificiality +

phoney. n: Artificiality +

pig. n: Animals +

piled. a: Abounding_with +

pin. v: Attaching +

pioneer. n: Achieving_first +

pioneer. v: Achieving_first +

pioneering. a: Achieving_first +

place. n: Assigned_location +

plank. v: Apply_heat +

plaster. v: Attaching +

plastered. a: Abounding_with +

plate. n: Armor +

poach. v: Apply_heat +

poach. v: Absorb_heat +

point. v: Adducing +

population. n: Aggregate +

positive. a: Attitude_description +

posse. n: Aggregate +

possibility. n: Alternatives +

possible. a: Awareness_status +

post. n: Assigned_location +

power. n: Authority +

precise. a: Accuracy +

precision. n: Accuracy +

premier. n: Appellations +

preparation. n: Activity_prepare +

prepare. v: Activity_prepare +

prepared. a: Activity_ready_state +

president. n: Appellations +

press. v: Attempt_suasion +

pressure. n: Attempt_suasion +

pressure. v: Attempt_suasion +

presume. v: Awareness +

presumed. a: Awareness_status +

presumption. n: Awareness +

prevail. v: Attempt_suasion +

prince. n: Appellations +

principal. n: Appellations +

pseudo. a: Artificiality +

push. n: Attempt +

quartet. n: Aggregate +

queen. n: Appellations +

quest. n: Attempt +

quintet. n: Aggregate +

quit. v: Activity_stop +

raid. n: Attack +

raid. v: Attack +

rail. n: Architectural_part +

rank. v: Assessing +

rate. v: Assessing +

reach. v: Arriving +

ready. a: Activity_ready_state +

ready. v: Activity_prepare +

reaffirm. v: Affirm_or_deny +

real. a: Artificiality +

reappraisal. n: Assessing +

reappraise. v: Assessing +

reckon. v: Awareness +

recommend. v: Attempt_suasion +

refusal. n: Agree_or_refuse_to_act +

refuse. v: Agree_or_refuse_to_act +

refute. v: Affirm_or_deny +

regalia. n: Accoutrements +

renew. v: Activity_resume +

repertoire. n: Aggregate +

repertory. n: Aggregate +

replete. a: Abounding_with +

representative. n: Appellations +

restart. v: Activity_resume +

resume. v: Activity_resume +

return. n: Arriving +

return. v: Arriving +

ribbon. n: Accoutrements +

rife. a: Abounding_with +

ring. n: Accoutrements +

rivet. v: Attaching +

roast. v: Apply_heat +

roast. v: Absorb_heat +

roasting. n: Apply_heat +

roof. n: Architectural_part +

round. n: Ammunition +

safire. n: Attack +

sash. n: Accoutrements +

saute. v: Apply_heat +

saute. v: Absorb_heat +

scald. v: Apply_heat +

school. n: Aggregate +

scorch. v: Absorb_heat +

scorch. v: Apply_heat +

scorcher. n: Ambient_temperature +

sear. v: Absorb_heat +

sear. v: Apply_heat +

secretary. n: Appellations +

secure. v: Attaching +

serve. v: Assistance +

set about. v: Activity_start +

set up. v: Arranging +

set. a: Activity_ready_state +

set. n: Aggregate +

sew. v: Attaching +

sextet. n: Aggregate +

shackle. v: Attaching +

shah. n: Appellations +

shako. n: Accoutrements +

sheep. n: Animals +

sheik. n: Appellations +

shirk. v: Avoiding +

shoal. n: Aggregate +

shot. n: Attempt +

shrink from. v: Avoiding +

shun. v: Avoiding +

sidestep. n: Avoiding +

sidestep. v: Avoiding +

simmer. v: Apply_heat +

simmer. v: Absorb_heat +

simmering. n: Apply_heat +

singe. v: Absorb_heat +

singe. v: Apply_heat +

singly. adv: Accompaniment +

sir. n: Attention_getting +

sister. n: Appellations +

sizzle. v: Absorb_heat +

skirt. v: Avoiding +

skullcap. n: Accoutrements +

slew. n: Aggregate +

small arms fire. n: Attack +

smart. a: Aesthetics +

smeared. a: Abounding_with +

snood. n: Accoutrements +

solder. v: Attaching +

sombrero. n: Accoutrements +

sound. n: Artistic_style +

source. n: Attributed_information +

spattered. a: Abounding_with +

spectacles. n: Accoutrements +

splattered. a: Abounding_with +

sporran. n: Accoutrements +

sprinkled. a: Abounding_with +

squad. n: Aggregate +

stab. n: Attempt +

stand. n: Aggregate +

staple. v: Attaching +

start. v: Activity_start +

station. n: Assigned_location +

stay away. v: Avoiding +

steam. v: Apply_heat +

steam. v: Absorb_heat +

steaming. n: Apply_heat +

stew. v: Apply_heat +

stew. v: Absorb_heat +

stewing. n: Apply_heat +

stick. v: Attaching +

stockpile. v: Amassing +

stop. v: Activity_stop +

storm. v: Attack +

strap. v: Attaching +

strewn. a: Abounding_with +

strike up. v: Activity_start +

strike. n: Attack +

strike. v: Attack +

studded. a: Abounding_with +

stuffed. a: Abounding_with +

style. n: Artistic_style +

succor. v: Assistance +

suggest. v: Attempt_suasion +

suggestion. n: Attempt_suasion +

sultan. n: Appellations +

summons. v: Arrest +

superintendent. n: Appellations +

supervisor. n: Appellations +

supposition. n: Awareness +

surfaced. a: Abounding_with +

suspect. v: Awareness +

suspected. a: Awareness_status +

suspend. v: Activity_pause +

suspicion. n: Awareness +

swarm. n: Aggregate +

swarm. v: Abounding_with +

swarming. a: Abounding_with +

sway. n: Authority +

tack on. v: Attaching +

tack. v: Attaching +

take break. v: Activity_pause +

take up. v: Activity_start +

tally. n: Amounting_to +

tally. v: Adding_up +

tap. v: Appointing +

tape. v: Attaching +

target. n: Aiming +

target. v: Aiming +

tasty. a: Aesthetics +

team. n: Aggregate +

technology. n: Artifact +

teem. v: Abounding_with +

teem. v: Abundance +

teeming. a: Abounding_with +

temperature. n: Ambient_temperature +

terminate. v: Activity_stop +

tether. v: Attaching +

think. v: Awareness +

thought. n: Awareness +

throng. n: Aggregate +

throng. v: Abounding_with +

thronged. a: Abounding_with +

thronging. a: Abounding_with +

through. a: Activity_done_state +

tiara. n: Accoutrements +

tie up. v: Activity_finish +

tie. v: Attaching +

tiled. a: Abounding_with +

toast. v: Apply_heat +

toast. v: Absorb_heat +

toasting. n: Apply_heat +

together. adv: Accompaniment +

top-hat. n: Accoutrements +

total. a: Amounting_to +

total. n: Amounting_to +

total. v: Amounting_to +

total. v: Adding_up +

toupee. n: Accoutrements +

tribe. n: Aggregate +

trilby. n: Accoutrements +

trinket. n: Accoutrements +

trio. n: Aggregate +

true. a: Artificiality +

true. a: Accuracy +

true. a: Actually_occurring_entity +

truss. v: Attaching +

try. n: Attempt +

try. v: Attempt +

try. v: Attempt_means +

tsar. n: Appellations +

turban. n: Accoutrements +

tweak. n: Adjusting +

tweak. v: Adjusting +

tying. n: Attaching +

ugly. a: Aesthetics +

uncle. n: Appellations +

understand. v: Awareness +

understanding. n: Awareness +

undertake. v: Attempt +

unify. v: Amalgamation +

unite. v: Amalgamation +

unknown. a: Awareness +

untie. v: Attaching +

urge. v: Attempt_suasion +

use. n: Alternatives +

value. v: Assessing +

variety. n: Aggregate +

varnished. a: Abounding_with +

veil. n: Accoutrements +

viewpoint. n: Attributed_information +

visit. n: Arriving +

visit. v: Arriving +

wall. n: Architectural_part +

wallpapered. a: Abounding_with +

warm. a: Ambient_temperature +

watch. n: Accoutrements +

way. n: Alternatives +

weigh. v: Assessing +

weld. v: Attaching +

wheel. n: Artifact +

wig. n: Accoutrements +

window. n: Architectural_part +

wire. v: Attaching +

with. prep: Accompaniment +

wrap up. v: Activity_finish +

wrapped up. in: a +

yarmulkah. n: Accoutrements +

yoke. v: Attaching +

yoohoo. intj: Attention_getting +

young. a: Age +

youngish. a: Age +


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +