9 New HSK word(s): 4 留 to leave (eg a message)/ to retain/ to stay/ to remain/ to keep/ to preserve 5 武术 military skill or technique (in former times)/ all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)/ self-defense/ tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)/ also called kungfu 功夫/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 5 短信 text message/ SMS 5 信息 information/ news/ message 6 揉 to knead/ to massage/ to rub 6 按摩 massage 6 走廊 corridor/ aisle/ hallway/ colonnade/ passageway/ piazza/ veranda 6 设想 to imagine/ to assume/ to envisage/ tentative plan/ to have consideration for 6 贼 thief/ wily/ deceitful/ evil/ extremely/ disagreeably
12 Old HSK word(s): A N * xiao1xi Nachricht,Neuigkeit B N * xiang1chang2 Wurst B VS * tao3yan4 abscheulich, abstoßend, hassen, verabscheuen B N * mian4mao4 Aussehen C N * zou3lang2 Korridor, Durchgang, Wandelgang C VA * rou2 reiben, kneten, massieren C VA * ning3 1. drehen, schrauben 2. falsch, verkehrt 3. entgegengesetzt, uneinig siehe *ning2 siehe ning2 1. wringen, auswringen, drehen, auswinden 2. kneifen, zwicken C N * lou2dao4 Korridor, Flur, Diele C N * chang2 Darm C N * xin4xi1 Nachricht, Botschaft, Information D N * yong4fa3 Gebrauch D N * xun4 nach etwas fragen,ausfragen, verhören,Information
12 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): ไส้กรอก

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** XUN4 verhören/befragen

ฉนวน 楼道 corridor; passageway within a storied building
นวด 按摩 to massage
ข้อความ 短信 message
ยังคง, เพื่อให้, เพื่อรักษา leave (message), to retain, to stay, to remain, to keep, to preserve
ที่จะส่งข้อความตัวอักษร; ส่งข้อความ 发短信 to send a text message; to send a short message
留言 to leave one's comments, to leave a message
ถนนหลวง, ทาง 通道 thoroughfare, passage
หน้า; ลักษณะ; ใบหน้า 面貌 face; appearance; visage
ไม่ถูกใจ; ขยะแขยง; เกลียด 讨厌 disagreeable; disgusting; hate
ไส้กรอก 香肠 sausage
สกรู screw; twist; disagree; discord
ถู knead; roll; crumple; rub; massage
ฉนวน 走廊 walking-corridor; corridor; passage; passageway
ข่าวการข้อความ news; message
การใช้ 用法 usage
ลาซานญ่า 千层面 lasagna die Lasagne la lasagne la lasaña
ไส้กรอก 香肠 sausage die Wurst, "e la saucisse la salchicha
การนวด 按摩 massage die Massage, n le massage el masaje
kolbaso ไส้กรอก 香肠 sausage Wurst saucisse salchicha salsiccia
masaĝo นวด 按摩 Massage Massage Massage Masaje Massaggio
saguo saguo 洒过 saguo saguo saguo saguo saguo

Grade E word(s):

381 asahamati असहमति disagreement, dissent, discordance n.
753 r̥ṣi ऋषि sage, saint, wise ascetic n.
1118 khabara खबर message n.
1428 ciṭṭhī चिट्ठी letter, written message n.
1429 ciṭhī चिठी letter, written message n.
1941 thiti थिति arrangement, order, custom, regulation, usage n.
1942 thiti-riti थिति-रिति arrangement, order, custom, regulation, usage n.
2031 dūradarśitā दूरदर्शिता far-sightedness, prudence, sagacity n.
2048 dailō दैलो door, gate, passage, entrance n.
2183 niyama नियम rule, usage, regulation, n.
2521 pracalana प्रचलन prevalence, custom, usage, currency, movement n.
2523 pracāra प्रचार publicity, publication, usage, advertisement, announcement n.
2554 prathā प्रथा usage, practice, custom, rule, fashion, method, system n.
2569 prayōga प्रयोग use, application, action, effort, usage, example, performance n.
3647 sagaramāthā सगरमाथा Sagarmatha, Chomolungma, Mount Everest n.
3713 sandēśa सन्देश information, news, message, command, gift present n.
3771 sampradāya सम्प्रदाय sect, religious society, mode, tradition, usage, custom n.
千字文: 景行维贤 克念作圣 Exalted go only the wise and good; control desire, achieve sagehood.
Plants: Metroxylon sagu Rottb. (Arecaceae) Sagopalme
Plants: Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott (Araceae) Tania; Okumo; Yautia; Malanga; Taya; Cocoyam (Kamerun)

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [disagreement] dissension, dissonance, discord
(n.) [message] written, spoken, or signaled communication
(n.) [passage] passageway
(n.) [passage] section of text
(n.) [sausage] wurst, meat
(v.) [disagree] differ, take issue

01985524-v sag
01985757-v sag
13905572-n sag

2 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
552 加香肠和奶酪的烤面包吗? ขนมปังปิ้งกับไส้กรอกและชีสไหม ครับ / คะ?
561 三份加芥末的油煎香肠。 และไส้กรอกกับมัสตาร์ดสามที่

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

2106 贵宾 通道
2286 服药 掌握好 剂量
3139 医生 按摩 颈椎
3329 中国 腊肠
3540 回忆 不会 随着 时间 湮灭
3774 明白 什么 不过 同意

Semantische Felder:

8.42 Hinunter
8.42 Hinunter