22 New HSK word(s): 1 本 roots or stems of plants/ origin/ source/ this/ the current/ root/ foundation/ basis/ classifier for books; periodicals; files etc/ originally 1 时候 time/ length of time/ moment/ period 2 时间 time/ period/ CL:段[duan4] 3 段 paragraph/ section/ segment/ stage (of a process)/ classifier for stories; periods of time; lengths of thread etc 3 季节 time/ season/ period/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 底 background/ bottom/ base/ the end of a period of time/ towards the end of (last month) 5 阵 disposition of troops/ wave/ spate/ burst/ spell/ short period of time/ classifier for events or states of short duration 5 年代 a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties)/ age/ era/ period/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 阶段 stage/ section/ phase/ period/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 届 to arrive at (place or time)/ period/ to become due/ classifier for events; meetings; elections; sporting fixtures etc 5 时代 age/ era/ epoch/ period/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 时期 a period in time or history/ period/ time (interval)/ phase/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 期间 period of time/ time/ time period/ period/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 历来 always/ throughout (a period of time)/ (of) all-time 6 挨 to suffer from/ to endure/ to tide over (a difficult period)/ to delay 6 后代 posterity/ later periods/ later ages/ later generations 6 纵横 lit. warp and weft in weaving/ vertically and horizontal/ length and breadth/ criss-crossed/ able to move unhindered/ abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2]; School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC) 6 片刻 short period of time/ a moment 6 时光 time/ era/ period of time 6 季度 quarter (finance; publishing; schools etc)/ season (sports)/ period of three months 6 周期 period/ cycle 6 昼夜 day and night/ period of 24 hours/ continuously; without stop
26 Old HSK word(s): A M * duan4 Zählwort Teil, Stück, Strecke, Abschitt, Sektion, Paragraph B n;m * zhen4 1. Schlachtordnung 2. Kampfplatz, Stellung,Front 3. Zeitspanne, Weile 4. Zählwort Windstoß B n;m * qi1 1. Periode, Zeitraum, Phase 2. Frist 3. erwarten, hoffen B N * qi1jian1 Zeit / Periode / (Ver-) Lauf B N * yi1shi2 für eine Weile, zeitweilig B N * shi2qi1 Periode B N * chang2qi1 langfristig C N * shen1ye4 späte Nacht, frühe Morgenstunden, C N * jia4qi1 Urlaub, Urlaubszeit, Ferien C N * ye4jian1 in der Nacht, nachts C N * zao3qi1 Frühzeit, frühe Periode, frühzeitig, C N * kan1wu4 Zeitschrift, Magazin C N * yi1xin1 mit ganzem Herzen C N * xue2shi2 Unterrichtstunde C N * chu1qi1 Ausgangsperiode, Anfangsstadium, erste Tage C N * shang4xun2 die ersten 10 Tage eines Monats C N * bao4kan1 Publikation C VA * ting2liu2 stehenbleiben, sich aufhalten, weilen C N * ding4qi1 regelmäßig, zu festen Zeiten C N * zhong1xun2 die mittlere Dekade eines Monats D N * zhou1qi1 Periode, Zyklus D N * nian2tou2'er Jahr, Zeiten,Ernte D N * shu1kan1 Bücher und Zeitschriften D N * qi1kan1 Zeitschrift D N * hou4qi1 späterer Zeitabschnitt D N * ke4shi2 Unterrichtsstunde, Lehrstunde
26 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): พักร้อน , ช่วงพักร้อน

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** KE4 Lektion/Klasse
* ** SHI2 Zeit


วันหยุดประจำปี 假期 holiday; vacation; period of leave
ช่วงเวลาหนึ่ง 一段时间 A period of time
ช่วงระยะเวลา period of time
(measure word for class periods)
ระยะเวลา, ระยะ, ขั้นตอน, (ใช้สำหรับปัญหาของหลักสูตรระยะของการศึกษา) a period of time, phase, stage, (used for issue of a periodical, courses of study)
ส่วน; ระยะเวลา; วรรค segment; period; paragraph
ระยะเวลานาน; ระยะยาว 长期 long period of time; long term
ระยะเวลา period; phase
ระยะเวลา 时期 period
ระยะเวลาสั้น ๆ ; สักครู่ 一时 a short period of time; moment
ข้างหน้า period; measure word for wind
กด 报刊 newspapers and periodicals; the press
ตอนต้น 初期 beginning period; early days; initial stage
ปกติ 定期 regular schedule; at regular intervals; periodical
ตีพิมพ์ 刊物 publication; periodical; journal; magazine
ตอนต้น 上旬 period of the first ten days of a month
ดึกดื่น 深夜 late at night; period around midnight
เวลาทำการ 学时 study-hour; class hour; teaching period; period
คืน 夜间 night-period; at night
ในขณะที่ 一阵 one-while; a short period of time; a burst; a fit; a gust
ตอนต้น 早期 early-period; early stage; early phase; initial period
ปานกลาง 中旬 mid-period; period of the second ten days of a month
ปลายมือ 后期 later period
ชั่วโมงเรียน; ระยะเวลา 课时 class hour; period
ระยะเวลา; เวลา 年头儿 period; time
เป็นช่วง ๆ 期刊 periodical
หนังสือและวารสาร 书刊 books and periodicals
รอบระยะเวลา 周期 period cycle
periodo ระยะเวลา period Zeit période período periodo

Grade E word(s):

4 aṅka अंक numeral, digit, issue, number [of a periodical], mark [in an examination], score, points [in a game], n.
84 aṅka अङ्क numeral, digit, issue, number [of a periodical], mark [in an examination], score, points [in a game], act [in a drama] n.
343 avadhi अवधि periode, time, limit, term, duration n.
977 kāla काल time, period, era, age, season, death n.
2652 bakhata बखत time, period, moment, opportunity n.
3640 saṅkramaṇakāla संक्रमणकाल transitional period n.
3732 samaya समय time, period, season, opportunity, leisure, occasion n.
3877 sātā साता week, period of seven days n.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [period] point, full stop, stop, full point
(n.) [period] time period
(n.) [period] interval taken to complete one cycle
(n.) [period] historic period

06843520-n period
13513747-n period
15113229-n period
15144178-n period
15247518-n period
15258281-n period
15289779-n period

0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

Semantische Felder:

6.1 Zeitraum
6.1 Zeitraum
6.1 Zeitraum
6.1 Zeitraum
6.18 Nahe Vergangenheit