Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich habe Schmerzen. I'm in pain. Tôi đau đớn.
Ich habe Rückenschmerzen. I have back pain. Tôi bị đau lưng.
Ich male gern. I like painting. Tôi thích vẽ.
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Madrid ở bên Tây Ban Nha. Madrid is in Spain. Madrid liegt in Spanien.
Tôi quan tâm đến hội hoạ. I’m interested in paintings. Ich interessiere mich für Malerei.
Bạn có đau không? Do you have any pain? Haben Sie Schmerzen?
Tôi lúc nào cũng bị đau lưng. I always have back pain. Ich habe immer Rückenschmerzen.
Chị ấy không đi bác sĩ, mặc dù chị ấy bị đau. Although she is in pain, she doesn’t go to the doctor. Sie geht nicht zum Arzt, obwohl sie Schmerzen hat.
Chị ấy bị đau. Tuy vậy chị ấy không đi bác sĩ. She is in pain. Nevertheless, she doesn’t go to the doctor. Sie hat Schmerzen. Trotzdem geht sie nicht zum Arzt.
Chị ấy vừa biết nước Tây Ban Nha, vừa biết nước Anh. She knows Spain as well as England. Sie kennt sowohl Spanien als auch England.
Chuyện đã xảy ra khi anh ấy đang sơn phòng. + It happened when he was painting his room.
Cô ấy từng đến Tây Ban Nha hai lần. + She's been to Spain twice.
Cô ấy làm hoạ sĩ. Cô ấy đã giành được nhiều giải thưởng cho nhưng bức vẽ của mình. + She's a painter. She's won many prizes for her paintings.
Cậu đã thấy bức vẽ nào của cô ấy chưa? + Have you seen any of her paintings?
Cậu có thích chỗ bức vẽ này không? Chúng làm một người bạn của tôi vẽ. + Do you like these paintings? They were painted by a friend of mine.
Nhà được sơn tháng trước. + This house was painted last month.
Có người đang sơn cửa. Cửa đang được sơn. + Somebody is painting the door. The door is being painted.
Có người đã sơn cửa. Cửa đã được sơn. + Somebody has painted the door. — The door hasbeen painted.
Tôi không thể dùng văn phòng ngay bây giờ được. Nó đang được sơn. + I can't use my office right now. It's being painted.
Samiya kêu ca về cơn đau dạ dày của cô ấy nên chúng tôi khuyên cô ấy đi khám ngay khi có thể. + Samiya was complaining of a pain in her tummy, so we advised her to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Oscar bỏ nhà ở tuổi mười tám và đi đến Tây Ban Nha. + Oscar left home at the age of eighteen (18) and went off to Spain.

Tây Ban Nha + Spain

Ba mẹ tôi sống ở Tây Ban Nha. + My parents live in Spain.

Nước nào ở giữa Tây Ban Nha và Pháp? + Which country is between Spain and France?

Tôi thà cảm thấy đau đớn còn hơn cảm thấy trống rỗng. + I would rather feel in pain than feel empty.

Thật đau đớn! + so painful

Một tình yêu tạm thời là một tình yêu đau đớn. + A temporary love is a painful love.

hoạ sĩ + painter

Bạn cảm thấy đau ở đâu? + Where do you feel pain?

đau + pain

Ông bà của tôi luôn bị đau lưng vào mùa đông. + My grandparents have always back pain in winter.

Đừng dửng dưng với sự đau đớn của người khác. + Do not be unconcerned with the pain of other people.

Đang bị đau + In pain

Tôi đau lắm + I'm in a lot of pain

Tôi bị đau ở lưng + I've got a pain in my back

mình bị đau cổ + I've got a pain in my neck

Cậu có thuốc giảm đau không? + Have you got any painkillers?

Thời gian chữa lành mọi vết thương + Time cures all pains

Khổ học thành tài + No pain no gain

Thật là khổ sở! + What a pain!
SNOT Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc. picture/painting +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • intellectual and artistic pursuits names of art forms e.g. painting, photography, sculpture +
SNOT Health and body care • ailments– accidents pain/-ache +
• ailments– accidents to relieve one's pain đỡ đau +
Oxford 3000VieEng
đau pain
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-1 Schmerz pain
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-7 Schmerzmittel painkiller
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-9 malen to paint   (malt, malte, hat gemalt)
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-9 streichen 1. to paint, 2. to smear, 3. to cancel, 4. to stroke   (streicht, strich, hat gestrichen)
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-3 Bild 1. picture, painting, 2. impression, concept
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-3 Maler painter
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-3 Heute in einer Woche reise ich nach Spanien.  + heute Today, in a week, I'm going to Spain.  Hôm nay, trong một tuần, tôi sẽ tới Tây Ban Nha.
Exercise 2-7 Die Schmerzen werden immer schlimmer.  + immer The pain is getting worse.  Đau đang trở nên tồi tệ hơn.
Exercise 4-4 Schwester Anna hat mir eine Schmerztablette gegeben.  + Schwester Sister Anna gave me a painkiller.  Chị Anna đã cho tôi một thuốc giảm đau.
Exercise 6-1 Die Farbe ist noch nicht trocken.  + trocken  The paint is not dry yet.  Sơn không khô.
Exercise 7-1 Ich konnte vor Schmerzen nicht schlafen.  + vor I couldn't sleep in pain.  Tôi không thể ngủ trong cơn đau.
Exercise 8-1 Die Bilder des Künstlers wurden im Museum ausgestellt.  + ausstellen  The artist's paintings were exhibited in the museum.  Các bức tranh của họa sĩ được trưng bày trong bảo tàng.
Exercise 9-4 Diese Farbe trocknet schnell. + Farbe This paint dries quickly. Sơn này khô nhanh.
Exercise 10-4 Ich habe Schmerzen in der Brust.  + Brust I have chest pains.  Tôi bị đau ngực.
Exercise 10-6 Ich habe Rückenschmerzen.  + Rücken I have back pain.  Tôi bị đau lưng.
Exercise 10-9 Im ganzen Haus riecht es nach Farbe.  + riechen* It smells like paint all over the house.  Nó có mùi hương như sơn khắp nhà.
Exercise 11-1 Hast du das Bild gemalt?  + Bild Did you paint that picture?  Bạn đã vẽ bức tranh đó?
Exercise 14-3 Wer hat dieses Bild gemalt?  + malen Who painted this picture?  Ai vẽ bức tranh này?
Exercise 14-3 Das Bild hat mein Vater gemalt.  + malen My father painted this picture.  Bố tôi vẽ bức tranh này.
Exercise 14-3 Er kann wirklich gut malen.  + malen He's really good at painting.  Anh ấy rất giỏi vẽ tranh.
Exercise 14-3 Ich muss noch die Wände malen.  + malen I still have to paint the walls.  Tôi vẫn phải sơn tường.
Exercise 15-7 Wir haben das Bild an die Wand gehängt.  + hängen* We hung the painting on the wall.  Chúng tôi treo bức tranh lên tường.
Exercise 17-1 Im Supermarkt gibt es keine Schmerztabletten. Das weiß doch jeder.  + jeder There are no painkillers at the supermarket. Everybody knows that.  Không có thuốc giảm đau ở siêu thị. Mọi người đều biết rằng.
Exercise 19-4 Vorsicht, frisch gestrichen! + frisch Careful, freshly painted! Cẩn thận, mới được sơn!
Exercise 20-3 Ich muss meine Wohnung neu streichen.  + streichen*  I have to repaint my apartment.  Tôi phải sơn lại căn hộ của mình.
Exercise 20-3 Sie hat die Türen mit Ölfarbe gestrichen.  + streichen*  She painted the doors with oil paint.  Cô sơn cánh cửa bằng sơn dầu.
Exercise 24-1 Haben Sie Schmerzen?  + Schmerz Are you in pain?  Bạn có đau không?
Exercise 24-1 Ich kann vor Schmerzen nicht laufen.  + Schmerz I can't walk in pain.  Tôi không thể đi trong đau đớn.
Exercise 24-1 Sie sagt, sie habe unerträgliche Schmerzen in den Gelenken.  + Schmerz She says she has unbearable pain in her joints.  Cô nói rằng cô có đau không chịu nổi trong khớp của cô.
Exercise 24-1 Ich kann diesen Schmerz nicht mehr aushalten.  + Schmerz I can't stand this pain anymore.  Tôi không thể chịu đựng nỗi đau này nữa.
Exercise 24-1 Ich habe schreckliche Schmerzen. + Schmerz I'm in terrible pain. Tôi đau đớn khủng khiếp.
Exercise 26-4 Die Farbe ist noch nass. + nass The paint's still wet. Sơn vẫn còn ướt.
Exercise 27-7 Wir haben die Maler im Haus. Wir lassen die Wände neu streichen.  + Maler We have the painters in the house. We'll repaint the walls.  Chúng tôi có các hoạ sĩ trong nhà. Chúng ta sẽ sơn lại các bức tường.
Exercise 27-7 Er ist ein berühmter Maler.  + Maler He's a famous painter.  Anh ta là một hoạ sĩ nổi tiếng.
Exercise 29-9 Was fehlt Ihnen? Haben Sie Schmerzen?  + fehlen What's wrong with you? Are you in pain?  Co chuyện gi vơi bạn vậy? Bạn có đau không?
Exercise 30-4 Ich kann mich vor Schmerzen kaum noch bewegen.  + bewegen* I can hardly move in pain.  Tôi khó có thể bị đau đớn.
Exercise 30-4 Er schrie vor Schmerz.  + schreien* He was screaming in pain.  Anh ấy đang la hét đau đớn.
Exercise 30-5 Sie weint wegen der Schmerzen.  + weinen She's crying because of the pain.  Cô ấy đang khóc vì đau.
Exercise 31-4 Mein Vater ist Malermeister.  + Meister My father is a master painter.  Cha tôi là một họa sĩ bậc thầy.
Exercise 32-6 Ich habe Schmerzen in der rechten Schulter.  + Schulter I have pain in my right shoulder.  Tôi đau ở vai phải của tôi.
Exercise 33-5 Ich schreibe Ihnen ein Rezept für Schmerztabletten.  + Rezept I'll write you a prescription for painkillers.  Tôi sẽ viết cho bạn một đơn thuốc giảm đau.
Exercise 33-8 Die Schmerzen nehmen wieder zu.  + zunehmen* The pain is getting worse.  Đau đang trở nên tồi tệ hơn.
Exercise 33-8 Er hat Schmerzen am ganzen Körper.  + Körper He's in pain all over his body.  Anh đau đớn khắp cơ thể.
Exercise 34-4 Die Farbe wirkt kalt.  + wirken The paint looks cold.  Sơn trông lạnh.
Exercise 34-7 Bei dem Einbruch wurden wertvolle Gemälde gestohlen.  + Einbruch Valuable paintings were stolen during the break-in.  Những bức tranh có giá trị đã bị đánh cắp trong thời gian đột nhập.
Exercise 35-8 Sie haben Zahnschmerzen? Ich verschreibe Ihnen ein Schmerzmittel.  + Schmerzmittel You have a toothache? I'll prescribe you a painkiller.  Bạn bị đau răng? Tôi sẽ kê toa cho bạn một thuốc giảm đau.
Exercise 35-8 Ich brauche ein Schmerzmittel.  + Schmerzmittel I need a painkiller.  Tôi cần một thuốc giảm đau.
Exercise 36-2 Haben Sie ein Mittel gegen Magenschmerzen?  + Mittel Do you have a cure for stomach pain?  Bạn có thuốc chữa đau dạ dày không?
Exercise 36-5 Was stinkt denn hier so? – Das ist die Farbe. Wir haben frisch gestrichen.  + stinken* What's that smell? That's the color. We've just painted.  Mùi gì vậy Đó là màu sắc. Chúng tôi đã vẽ.
Exercise 41-9 Ich habe heute vom Arzt eine Spritze gegen die Schmerzen bekommen.  + Spritze I got an injection for the pain from the doctor today.  Tôi đã tiêm cho đau từ bác sĩ ngày hôm nay.
Exercise 42-6 Mein Sohn malt sehr gut. Er hat viel Fantasie.  + Fantasie My son paints very well. He has a lot of imagination.  Con trai tôi sơn rất tốt. Anh ấy có nhiều trí tưởng tượng.
Exercise 43-3 Daniel hat furchtbare Schmerzen.  + furchtbar Daniel's in terrible pain.  Daniel đau đớn khủng khiếp.
Exercise 44-7 Er scheint nicht den geringsten Schmerz zu spüren.  + spüren  He doesn't seem to feel the slightest pain.  Anh ấy dường như không cảm thấy đau chút nào.
Exercise 44-7 Sie spürte einen Schmerz in ihrer Brust.  + spüren  She felt a pain in her chest.  Cô cảm thấy đau trong ngực.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
pain Taking Care of Your Health 3
+ + 103 Household Tools Farbe + paint + B
+ + 103 Household Tools etw streichen + to paint sth + B
+ + 103 Household Tools frisch gestrichen! + wet paint + B
+ + 103 Household Tools Streichbürste + paintbrush + B
+ + 103 Household Tools Farbroller + paint roller + B
+ + 103 Household Tools Lackfarbe + gloss paint + C
+ + 103 Household Tools Glanzfarbe + gloss paint + C
+ + 103 Household Tools Anstrich + coat of paint + C
+ + 103 Household Tools Lösungsmittel + paint thinner + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Schmerz + pain + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses schmerzhaft + painful + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses ein stechender Schmerz + a stab of pain + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses ein bohrender Schmerz + a gnawing pain + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses heftiger Schmerz + severe pain + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Stechen + twinge, sharp pain + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Schmerzmittel + painkiller + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Make-up sich die Nägel lackieren + to paint one's nails + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions etw schwarz malen + to paint a black/gloomy picture of sth + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Maler(in) + painter + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture (jmdn/etw) malen + to paint (s.o./sth) + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture etw abmalen + to paint a copy of sth; paint sth from life + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Gemälde + painting + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Malerei + the art of painting + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Ateliermalerei + painting done indoors + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Freilichtmalerei + plein-air, open-air painting + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Bühnenmaler(in) + scene-painter + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Malkasten + paint box + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Farbtube + tube of paint + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Ölfarbe + oil paint or colour + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Aquarell + watercolour [painting] + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture aquarellieren + to paint in watercolours + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Acrylfarbe (Akrylfarbe) + acrylic paint + C
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Lackiererei + paint shop + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Anstreicher(in) + (house) painter; painter and decorator + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Spanien + Spain + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * teng2 ache/ pain 1. schmerzen,wehtun 2. vernarrt sein, jn innig lieben, gern haben +
A + * * hua4 draw/ paint 1. malen,zeichnen 2. Malerei, Zeichnung, Bild 3. mit Bildern geschmückt +
A 畫兒 + * * hua4r drawing/ picture/ painting Bild,Zeichnung,Gemälde +
B 難受 + * * nan2shou4 feel unwell/ suffer pain sich unwohl fühlen,traurig, schwermutig +
B 哎呀 + * * ai1ya1 1. oh, used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s surprise 2. used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s disgust, pain or displeasure eine Interjektion, Ach ! +
B + * * tong4 feel painful/ agonize/ ache 1. Schmerz, Weh, Leiden 2. Trauer, Kummer 3. äußerst, höchst sehr +
B 痛苦 + * * tong4ku3 painful/ suffering Schmerz +
B + * * tu2 paint/ smear 1. beschmieren, bestreichen 2. etw flüchtig hinschreiben, hinschmieren 3. abwischen, entfernen +
B + * * fu2 measure word for pictures; paintings; etc. 1. Breite einer Stoffbahn 2. Größe, Umfang, Format 3. Zählwort für Bilder +
C 哎喲 + * * ai1yo1 1. used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s astonishment or pain etc. eine Interjektion, Ach ! +
C 圖畫 + * * tu2hua4 drawing-painting/ composition of lines and colors Zeichnung, Bild +
C + * * zui4 crime/ guilt/ sin/ fault/ blame/ suffering/ pain/ hardship 1. Verbrechen, Sünde, Schuld, 2. Fehler, Schuld 3. Leid, Kummer, Schmerzen 4. jm die Schuld geben +
C 吃力 + * * chi1li4 strenuous/ painstaking/ tiring/ wearing sehr mühevoll sein, große Anstrengungen kosten +
C + * * qi1 paint/ lacquer 1. Lack, Anstrichfarbe 2. lackieren, streichen +
C 操心 + * * cao1 xin1 bother/ worry about/ take pains sich sorgen,sich um etwas kümmern +
C + * * mo4 Chinese ink/ ink stick/ ink/ handwriting or painting 1. Tinte,Tusche,Druckerfarbe 2. pechschwarz, stockdunkel +
C 畫家 + * * hua4jia1 painter/ artist Maler +
C 忍受 + * * ren3shou4 bear/ endure/ tolerate/ put up with (pain; hardship; etc.) aushalten, ertragen, still leiden +
C 毛筆 + * * mao2bi3 Chinese writing and painting brush Schreibpinsel +
D + * * hui4 draw/ paint malen,zeichnen +
D 繪畫 + * * hui4hua4 paint/ painting malen, Gemälde +
D 油畫 + * * you2hua4 painting Ölmalerei +
D 油漆 + * * you2qi1 oil paint Lack, Anstrichfarbe, streichen, anstreichen, lackieren +
D + * * miao2 draw/ paint 1.abzeichen,appausen, kopieren 2. übermalen, retuschieren +
D 心血 + * * xin1xue4 painstaking effort große Mühe, Anstrengung (wörtlich: Herzblut) +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
28 作画 + She's painting. Sie malt.
831 油漆 + Wet Paint [lit., The paint has not yet dried.] Die Farbe ist noch nicht trocken.
1377 墙上 油漆 脱落 + The paint on the wall has come off. Die (Öl-)Farbe an der Wand blättert ab.
2056 胸口 有点 + He has a little pain in his chest.
2213 油漆 + He is painting.
2266 粉刷 墙壁 + She is painting the wall.
2407 油漆 已经 剥落 + The paint is peeling off.
2581 颜色 均匀 + He applied the paint to the wall very evenly.
2775 他们 + They're painting a wall.
3567 墙面 刷上 油漆 + He's painting the wall.
3670 退休 老人 精心 培养 盆景 + The retiree is painstakingly nurturing his bonsai.
3731 这个 公司 正在 大量 复制 古画 + This company is reproducing a lot of ancient paintings.
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
tong4 + to feel pain / to hurt
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
Wo3 hen3 tong4. + I feel pain.
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
hua4 + painting / drawing / picture
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
hua4 + to draw / to paint
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
hua4 hua4 + to draw a picture / to paint a painting
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
fu2 + m. for paintings
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
yi1 fu2 hua4 + one painting
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
san1 fu2 hua4 + three paintings
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
hua4 san1 fu2 hua4 + to paint three paintings
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Zhong1guo2hua4 + traditional Chinese painting
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Wo3 fei1chang2 xi3huan Zhong1guo2hua4. + I like Chinese traditional paintings very much.
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
guo2hua4 + traditional Chinese painting
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
hua4 guo2hua4 + to paint traditional Chinese paintings
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Qing3wen4 na3 yi1 jia1 bo2wu4guan3 you3 zhong1guo2hua4? + Excuse me, which museum does have traditional Chinese paintings?
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Zuo2tian1 wo3men can1guan1 le Zhong1guo2hua4 bo2wu4guan3. + Yesterday we visited the Museum of traditional Chinese paintings.
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
hua4jia1 + painter
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
you2hua4 + oil painting
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Wo3 ba4ba hui4 hua4 you2 hua4. + My father knows how to paint oil paintings.
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Ta1 bu4 hui4 hua4 Zhong1guo2hua4. + He doesn't know how to paint traditional Chinese paintings.
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Zhong1guo2hua4 shi4 yong4 mo4 hua4 de. + Traditional Chinese paintings are painted using ink.
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
yong4 mo4 hua4 de + painted using ink
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
you2cai3 + greasepaint
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
You2hua4 shi4 yong4 you2cai3 hua4 de. + Oil paintings are painted using greasepaint
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je suis retournée en Espagne en septembre + I returned to Spain in September

elle se souvient d’une séance particulièrement pénible + she remembers a particularly painful session

c’est alors qu’il ressentit, dans sa nuque, la douleur + that’s when he felt, on the back of his neck, a sharp pain

l’oxygène pur annihile toute douleur + pure oxygen obliterates all pains

je ne ressens ni peine ni joie + I feel neither pain nor joy

je comprends votre douleur et combien ceci est pénible + I feel your pain and how difficult this is

comme elle le soupçonnait, il souffrait de douleurs + since she suspected him, he suffered pain

les témoignages étaient douloureux à entendre + the testimony was sometimes painful to listen to

j’ai pensé à détruire ces peintures pas mal de fois + I thought of destroying these paintings fairly often

le flux des immigrés clandestins en Espagne n’a cessé de grossir + the flow of illegal immigrants in Spain grew unchecked

je suis un rappel d’un moment douloureux de ta vie + I’m a reminder of a painful time of your life

j’ai eu l’inspiration pour faire cette peinture + I was inspired to make this painting

la maîtrise de la douleur semblait être l’autre problème + controlling pain seemed to be the other problem

je suis le seul peintre valable des Etats-Unis + I’m the only worthwhile painter in the U.S.

le mur était peint d’une couleur ocre + the wall was painted ochre

le peintre procède alors à une fixation + the painter then becomes fixated
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 pain +
103 pain +
103 pain +
103 pain +
103 pain +
103 pain +
103 pain +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
pain đau, sự đau đớn + +
pain khổ + +
đau + + pain