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一些' + 一些* * + some/ a few a little
一族' + 一族* * + social group/ subculture family
一靈真性' + 一灵真性* * + soul/ spirit
丁丁' + 丁丁* * + sound of chopping wood, chess pieces hitting the board etc/
三分' + 三分* * + somewhat/ to some degree
不一會' + 不一会* * + soon/
不知何故' + 不知何故* * + somehow/
世故' + 世故* * + sophisticated/ worldly-wise
丘八' + 丘八* * + soldier (from the two components of the 兵 character) (derog.)/
中南部' + 中南部* * + south central region/
中國特色社會主義' + 中国特色社会主义* * + socialism with Chinese characteristics/
主權' + 主权* * + sovereignty/
主權國家' + 主权国家* * + sovereign country/
事務律師' + 事务律师* * + solicitor (law)/
二氯異三聚氰酸鈉' + 二氯异三聚氰酸钠* * + sodium dichloroisocyanurate/
二硫基丙磺酸鈉' + 二硫基丙磺酸钠* * + sodium dimercaptosulfanate/
二硫基琥珀酸鈉' + 二硫基琥珀酸钠* * + sodium dimercaptosuccinate/
五燈會元' + 五灯会元* * + Song Dynasty History of Zen Buddhism in China (1252), 20 scrolls/
些' + * * + some/ few several
亞硝酸鈉' + 亚硝酸钠* * + sodium nitrite/
亡魂' + 亡魂* * + soul of the deceased/ departed spirit
交誼舞' + 交谊舞* * + social dance/ ballroom dancing
人子' + 人子* * + son of man/
人所共知' + 人所共知* * + something that everybody knows/
人精' + 人精* * + sophisticate/ man with extensive experience child prod
什麼地方' + 什么地方* * + somewhere/ someplace where
以便' + 以便* * + so that/ so as to in order t
以致於' + 以致于* * + so that/ to the point that
來源' + 来源* * + source (of information etc)/ origin
借以' + 借以* * + so as to/ for the purpose of in order t
偌' + * * + so/ such to such a
偌大' + 偌大* * + so big/ such a big
催眠藥' + 催眠药* * + soporific drug/
傳染源' + 传染源* * + source of an infection/
傷別' + 伤别* * + sorrowful farewell/ sad goodbye
像模像樣' + 像模像样* * + solemn/ presentable decent
光是' + 光是* * + solely/ just
免得' + 免得* * + so as not to/ so as to avoid
公子' + 公子* * + son of an official/ son of nobility your son (
兵' + * * + soldiers/ a force an army
兵卒' + 兵卒* * + soldiers/ troops
兵員' + 兵员* * + soldiers/ troops
兵臨城下' + 兵临城下* * + soldiers at the city walls (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture/
兵荒馬亂' + 兵荒马乱* * + soldiers munity and troops rebel (idiom); turmoil and chaos of war/
兵蟻' + 兵蚁* * + soldier ant/ dinergate
具有主權' + 具有主权* * + sovereign/
凄清' + 凄清* * + somber/ cheerless
凝固劑' + 凝固剂* * + solidifying agent/ coagulant
出處' + 出处* * + source (esp. of quotation or literary allusion)/ origin where sth
創價學會' + 创价学会* * + Soka Gakkai International/
劉宋時代' + 刘宋时代* * + Song of the Southern dynasties (420-479), with capital at Nanjing/
動靜' + 动静* * + sound of activity or people talking/ news of activity
十四行詩' + 十四行诗* * + sonnet/
卑鄙齷齪' + 卑鄙龌龊* * + sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action)/
卑陋齷齪' + 卑陋龌龊* * + sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action)/
南' + * * + south/
南亞' + 南亚* * + southern Asia/
南亞區域合作聯盟' + 南亚区域合作联盟* * + South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)/
南側' + 南侧* * + south side/ south face
南北極' + 南北极* * + south and north poles/
南區' + 南区* * + south d south zone/ Nan south district of a Taiwanese city
南半球' + 南半球* * + Southern Hemisphere/
南卡羅來納' + 南卡罗来纳* * + South Carolina, US state/
南卡羅來納州' + 南卡罗来纳州* * + South Carolina, US state/
南喬治亞島和南桑威奇' + 南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇* * + South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands/
南坡' + 南坡* * + south slope/
南奧塞梯' + 南奥塞梯* * + South Ossetia, autonomous region of Georgia in the Caucasus mountains/
南島' + 南岛* * + South Island (New Zealand)/
南方' + 南方* * + south/ the southern part of the country the South
南方周末' + 南方周末* * + Southern Weekend (newspaper)/
南朝宋' + 南朝宋* * + Song of the Southern dynasties (420-479), with capital at Nanjing/ also known as Liu Song 劉宋|刘宋
南朝鮮' + 南朝鲜* * + South Korea (esp. North Korean usage)/
南極' + 南极* * + south pole/
南洋' + 南洋* * + Southeast Asia/ South seas
南海' + 南海* * + South China Sea/
南涼' + 南凉* * + Southern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (397-414)/
南疆' + 南疆* * + southern border (of a country)/ South Xinjiang
南端' + 南端* * + southern end or extremity/
南縣' + 南县* * + southern county/ Nan county in Yiyang 益陽|益阳
南美洲' + 南美洲* * + South America/
南荷蘭' + 南荷兰* * + South Holland/
南華早報' + 南华早报* * + South China Morning Post (newspaper in Hong Kong)/
南越' + 南越* * + South Vietnam/ South Vietnamese
南達科他' + 南达科他* * + South Dakota, US state/
南達科他州' + 南达科他州* * + South Dakota, US state/
南邊' + 南边* * + south/ south side southern p
南面' + 南面* * + south side/ south
南韓' + 南韩* * + South Korea/
原物料' + 原物料* * + source material/ raw materials
原語' + 原语* * + source language (linguistics)/
口甜' + 口甜* * + soft-spoken/ affable full of ho
只管' + 只管* * + solely engrossed in one thing/ just (one thing, no need to worry about the rest) simply
只顧' + 只顾* * + solely preoccupied (with one thing)/ engrossed focusing (
可溶' + 可溶* * + soluble/
可溶性' + 可溶性* * + solubility/
可解' + 可解* * + soluble (i.e. can be solved)/
吃不到葡萄說葡萄酸' + 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸* * + sour grapes (set expr. based on Aesop)/ lit. to say grapes are sour when you can't eat them
向南' + 向南* * + southward/
向西南' + 向西南* * + southwestward/
君王' + 君王* * + sovereign king/
吳楚' + 吴楚* * + southern states of Wu and Chu/ the middle and lower Yangtze valley
吸聲' + 吸声* * + sound absorption/
吸著' + 吸着* * + sorption (generic term for absorption, adsorption, diffusion, precipitation etc)/
吸音' + 吸音* * + sound-absorbing/
吽' + * * + sound of a Buddhist incantation/
吽牙' + 吽牙* * + sound of dogs fighting, also written 吽呀/
咁' + * * + so (Cantonese)/ Mandarin equivalent: 這樣|这样
和' + * * + soft/ warm
和暖' + 和暖* * + soft and warm/
咕咕叫' + 咕咕叫* * + sound made by an empty stomach/
咪' + * * + sound for calling a cat/
咫尺天涯' + 咫尺天涯* * + so close, yet worlds apart (idiom)/
哀子' + 哀子* * + son orphaned of his mother/
哀愁' + 哀愁* * + sorrow/ sadness distressed
哀戚' + 哀戚* * + sorrow/ grief
哧' + * * + sound of giggling/ see 呼哧
哭聲' + 哭声* * + sound of weeping/
哭腔' + 哭腔* * + sobbing tone/ sob dirge
唱名' + 唱名* * + solfege/
啲' + * * + some/ few a little (
喤' + * * + sobbing/ sound of bell
單張匯票' + 单张汇票* * + sola bill of exchange (international trade)/
嗿' + * * + sound of many people eating/
嘓' + * * + sound of swallowing/ croak
嘣' + * * + sound o sound of sth throbbing or bursting/
嘩嘩' + 哗哗* * + sound of gurgling water/
嘴軟' + 嘴软* * + soft-spoken/ afraid to speak out
噌' + * * + sound of bells etc/
噗' + * * + sound of escaping laughter/ water
噯酸' + 嗳酸* * + sour belching (medical term)/
嚆' + * * + sound/ noise
嚦' + * * + sound of splitting/ cracking
嚴肅' + 严肃* * + solemn/ grave serious
囊揣' + 囊揣* * + soft, fat meat of pig's belly/ sow's sagging teats weakling
囊膪' + 囊膪* * + soft, fat meat of pig's belly/ sow's sagging teats weakling
固形物' + 固形物* * + solid particles in liquid/
固態' + 固态* * + solid state (physics)/
固體溶體' + 固体溶体* * + solid solution/
固體熱容激光器' + 固体热容激光器* * + solid state hot condensed laser (SSHCL)/
固體物理' + 固体物理* * + solid state physics/
固體物質' + 固体物质* * + solid substance/
團結工會' + 团结工会* * + Solidarity (Polish worker's union)/
土壤' + 土壤* * + soil/
在天之靈' + 在天之灵* * + soul and spirit of the deceased/
地力' + 地力* * + soil fertility/ land capability
埵' + * * + solid earth/
堅如磐石' + 坚如磐石* * + solid as a boulder (idiom); absolutely secure/ rock-firm and unyielding
報謙' + 报谦* * + sorry/
壘球' + 垒球* * + softball/
壤' + * * + soil/ earth
士兵' + 士兵* * + soldier/ CL:個|个
士卒' + 士卒* * + soldier/ private (army)
外剛內柔' + 外刚内柔* * + soft on the inside despite one's hard shell/ appearing tough on the outside as to mask one's inner vulnerability also writt
外場' + 外场* * + outside society/
外場人' + 外场人* * + sophisticated, worldly person/ man of the world
外高加索' + 外高加索* * + South Caucasus/
多少有些' + 多少有些* * + somewhat/ more or less
多面角' + 多面角* * + solid angle/
夢行症' + 梦行症* * + somnambulism/ sleep walking
夢遊症' + 梦游症* * + somnambulism/ sleep walking
大國家黨' + 大国家党* * + South Korean Grand national party/
大地之歌' + 大地之歌* * + Song of the Earth/ Das Lied von der Erde
大月' + 大月* * + solar month of 31 days/ a lunar month of 30 days
大有文章' + 大有文章* * + some deeper meaning in this/ more to it than meets the eye there's st
大氧吧' + 大氧吧* * + source of oxygen (of forests and nature reserves)/ (cliché) lungs of the planet
大豆' + 大豆* * + soybean/
天前配' + 天前配* * + soul mates/ before heaven match
天子' + 天子* * + the (ri Son of Heaven (traditional English translation)/
天籟' + 天籁* * + sounds of nature/
太陽光柱' + 太阳光柱* * + solar pillar/ sun pillar (atmospheric optics)
太陽日' + 太阳日* * + solar day/
太陽神經叢' + 太阳神经丛* * + solar plexus chakra/
太陽系' + 太阳系* * + solar system/
太陽翼' + 太阳翼* * + solar panel/
太陽能' + 太阳能* * + solar energy/
太陽能板' + 太阳能板* * + solar panel/
太陽能電池' + 太阳能电池* * + solar cell/
太陽輪' + 太阳轮* * + solar plexus chakra/
太陽電池' + 太阳电池* * + solar cell/
太陽電池板' + 太阳电池板* * + solar panel/
太陽風' + 太阳风* * + solar wind/
奏鳴曲' + 奏鸣曲* * + sonata/
奏鳴曲式' + 奏鸣曲式* * + sonata form (one of the large-scale structures used in Western classical music)/
套數' + 套数* * + song cycle in Chinese opera/ (fig.) a series of tricks polite rem
套筒扳手' + 套筒扳手* * + socket spanner/
女高音' + 女高音* * + soprano/
如是我聞' + 如是我闻* * + so I have heard (idiom)/ the beginning clause of Buddha's quotations as recorded by his disciple, Ananda (Buddhism)
妖術' + 妖术* * + sorcery/
姑爺' + 姑爷* * + son-in-law (used by wife's family)/ uncle (husband of father's sister)
婉妙' + 婉妙* * + sweet soft/ lovely (of sounds and voices)
婿' + 婿* * + son-in-law/ husband
嫡子' + 嫡子* * + son of first wife/
嫩綠' + 嫩绿* * + tender soft green/
嫩芽' + 嫩芽* * + soft shoot/
子嗣' + 子嗣* * + son/ heir
孑然' + 孑然* * + solitary/ lonely alone
孑遺' + 孑遗* * + sole survivor/ few survivors
孤山' + 孤山* * + Solitary Hill, located in West Lake, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province/
孤立子' + 孤立子* * + soliton (physics)/
孤老' + 孤老* * + solitary old man or woman/ regular patron (at brothels)
孤膽' + 孤胆* * + solitary hero/ maverick
孤膽英雄' + 孤胆英雄* * + solitary hero/ maverick
孤苦伶仃' + 孤苦伶仃* * + solitary and impoverished (idiom)/
孫女婿' + 孙女婿* * + son's daughter's husband/ granddaughter's husband
孫媳夫' + 孙媳夫* * + son's son's wife/ grandson's wife
孫子' + 孙子* * + grandso son's son/
宋代' + 宋代* * + Song dynasty (960-1279)/
宋任窮' + 宋任穷* * + Song Renqiong (1909-2005), general of the People's Liberation Army/
宋慈' + 宋慈* * + Song Ci (1186-1249), Southern Song lawyer, editor of Record of Washed Grievances 洗/
宋慶齡' + 宋庆龄* * + Song Qingling or Rosemonde Soong (1893-1981), wife of Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山/
宋江' + 宋江* * + Song Jiang, a principal hero of the novel Water Margin 水滸傳|水浒传/
宋濂' + 宋濂* * + Song Lian (1310-1381), Ming dynasty writer, historian and politician/
宋白' + 宋白* * + Song Bai (936-1012), Northern Song literary man/
宋祁' + 宋祁* * + Song Qi (998-1061), Song dynasty poet and writer, coauthor of History of the Later/
宋祖英' + 宋祖英* * + Song Zuying (1966-), Chinese folk music singer/
宋美齡' + 宋美龄* * + Soong Mei-ling or Song Meiling (1898-2003), Chiang Kai-shek's wife (subsequently w/
寔' + * * + really solid/
實線' + 实线* * + solid line/
小康社會' + 小康社会* * + society in which the material needs of most citizens are adequately met/
少爺' + 少爷* * + son of the boss/ young master of the house your son (
少間' + 少间* * + soon/ a short while a narrow g
山梨醇' + 山梨醇* * + sorbitol C6H14O6 (sugar substitute and mild laxative)/
岸然' + 岸然* * + solemn/ serious
嶺南' + 岭南* * + south of the five ranges/ old term for south China, esp. Guangdong and Guangxi
巫婆' + 巫婆* * + witch sorceress/ female shaman
師兄' + 师兄* * + senior son (older than oneself) of one's teacher/
平安南道' + 平安南道* * + South P'yong'an Province in west of North Korea/
幾分' + 几分* * + somewhat/ a bit
幾歲' + 几岁* * + some years/ How many years? How old ar
弱音踏板' + 弱音踏板* * + soft pedal (on piano)/ una corda pedal
影音' + 影音* * + recorde sound and movies/
後話' + 后话* * + something to be taken up later in speech or writing/
得意忘形' + 得意忘形* * + so pleased as to lose one's sense of measure/ beside oneself with joy
徵士' + 征士* * + soldier (in battle)/
德國統一社會黨' + 德国统一社会党* * + Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (Socialist Unity Party of Germany 1949-/
心音' + 心音* * + sound of the heart/ heartbeat
忠清南道' + 忠清南道* * + South Chungcheong Province, South Korea, capital Daejeon 大田/
悲壯' + 悲壮* * + solemn and stirring/ moving and tragic
悲愴' + 悲怆* * + sorrow/ tragic
悲楚' + 悲楚* * + sorrowful/ grieved
悲涼' + 悲凉* * + sorrowful/ dismal
悷' + * * + sorrowful/
惟獨' + 惟独* * + only solely/ this one alone
慇' + * * + solicitous/
慰籍' + 慰籍* * + solace/ comfort
應酬' + 应酬* * + social niceties/ social interaction a dinner p
所多' + 所多* * + Soto/
所多瑪' + 所多玛* * + Sodom/
所多瑪與蛾摩拉' + 所多玛与蛾摩拉* * + Sodom and Gomorrah/
所羅門' + 所罗门* * + Solomon (name)/
所羅門群島' + 所罗门群岛* * + Solomon Islands in southwest Pacific/
所謂' + 所谓* * + so-called/ what is called
扎實推進' + 扎实推进* * + solid progress/
按下葫蘆浮起瓢' + 按下葫芦浮起瓢* * + solve one problem only to find another cropping up/
插口' + 插口* * + socket (for electric plug)/
插座' + 插座* * + socket/ outlet
揲' + * * + sort out divining stalks/
搜狐' + 搜狐* * + Sohu, Chinese web portal and online media company/
搜狐網' + 搜狐网* * + Sohu, Chinese web portal and online media company/
搜狗' + 搜狗* * + Sougou (searching dog) search engine,
撒囈掙' + 撒呓挣* * + somniloquy/ to talk or act in one's sleep sleep-walk
撒羅滿' + 撒罗满* * + Solomon (name)/
改日' + 改日* * + another some other day/
新曆' + 新历* * + Gregori solar calendar/
斷檔' + 断档* * + sold out/ to be out of stock
旋即' + 旋即* * + soon after/ shortly
既而' + 既而* * + soon after/ later then
日後' + 日后* * + sometime/ someday (in the future)
日至' + 日至* * + solstice/ the winter solstice 冬至 and summer solstice 夏至
日食' + 日食* * + solar eclipse/
早日' + 早日* * + soon/ shortly on a day q
易溶' + 易溶* * + soluble/
春生,夏長,秋收,冬藏' + 春生,夏长,秋收,冬藏* * + sow in spring, develop in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter (idiom)/
時大時小' + 时大时小* * + sometimes big, sometimes small/ varying
時好時壞' + 时好时坏* * + sometimes good, sometimes bad/
暄騰' + 暄腾* * + soft and warm (of bread)/
更卒' + 更卒* * + soldier (serving alternate watch)/
有一些' + 有一些* * + somewhat/ rather some
有些' + 有些* * + some/ somewhat
有些人' + 有些人* * + some people/
有人' + 有人* * + someone/ people anyone
有所' + 有所* * + somewhat/ to some extent
有時' + 有时* * + sometimes/ now and then
有時候' + 有时候* * + sometimes/
有的時候' + 有的时候* * + sometimes/ at times
未幾' + 未几* * + soon/ before long
本事' + 本事* * + source material/ original story
本土化軟件' + 本土化软件* * + software localization/
杜秋娘歌' + 杜秋娘歌* * + song of lady Du Qiu, poem by Du Mu 杜牧/
東南亞' + 东南亚* * + Southeast Asia/
東南亞國' + 东南亚国* * + Southeast Asia/
東南部' + 东南部* * + southeast part/
東吳大學' + 东吴大学* * + Soochow University (Suzhou, PRC from 1900-1952)/ Soochow University (Taipei, Taiwan since 1954)
松北' + 松北* * + Songbei district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨/
松原市' + 松原市* * + Songyuan prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China/
松山' + 松山* * + Songshan or Sungshan district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市/
松嶺' + 松岭* * + Songling district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/
松嶺區' + 松岭区* * + Songling district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/
松桃縣' + 松桃县* * + Songtao Hmong autonomous county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区/
松江區' + 松江区* * + Songjiang suburban district of Shanghai/
松溪' + 松溪* * + Songxi county in Nanping 南平/
松潘' + 松潘* * + Songpan county (Tibetan: zung chu rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous pr/
松花江' + 松花江* * + Songhua River in Jilin province 吉林省 through Harbin 哈尔滨, a tributary of Heilongjian/
松贊干布' + 松赞干布* * + Songtsen Gampo or Songzain Gambo (604-650) Tibetan emperor, founder of the Tubo 吐蕃/
松遼平原' + 松辽平原* * + Songliao Plain of northeast China including Songhua River 松花江 through the Liaoning/
板板' + 板板* * + solemn/
某' + * * + some/ a certain sb or sth
某事' + 某事* * + something/ a certain matter
某些' + 某些* * + some/ certain (things)
某人' + 某人* * + someone/ a certain person some peopl
某時' + 某时* * + sometime/
某某' + 某某* * + so-and-so/ such-and-such
某物' + 某物* * + something/
某甲' + 某甲* * + somebody/ certain individual
某種' + 某种* * + some kind (of)/
某處' + 某处* * + somewhere/
柔' + * * + soft/ flexible supple
柔曼' + 柔曼* * + soft/ gentle
柔軟' + 柔软* * + soft/
桑海' + 桑海* * + Songhay people of Mali and the Sahara/
槵' + * * + soapberry (order Sapindales)/
次亞硫酸鈉' + 次亚硫酸钠* * + sodium hyposulfide Na2S2O3 (hypo)/
歈' + * * + songs/
歌' + * * + song/ CL:支
歌兒' + 歌儿* * + song/
歌唱賽' + 歌唱赛* * + song contest/
歌子' + 歌子* * + song/
歌曲' + 歌曲* * + song/
歌舞團' + 歌舞团* * + song and dance troupe/
歌詞' + 歌词* * + song lyric/ lyrics
正經八百' + 正经八百* * + very se solemn/
正言厲色' + 正言厉色* * + solemn in word and countenance (idiom); strict and unsmiling/ also written 正顏厲色|正颜厉色
正顏厲色' + 正颜厉色* * + solemn in countenance (idiom); strict and unsmiling/
殗殜' + 殗殜* * + somewhat ill, but still able to sit up/
氣不過' + 气不过* * + so angry it's unbearable/ bitter about unbearable grievances
氯化鈉' + 氯化钠* * + sodium chloride NaCl/ common salt
氯酸鈉' + 氯酸钠* * + sodium chlorate NaClO3/
氰化鈉' + 氰化钠* * + sodium cyanide NaCN/
水土保持' + 水土保持* * + soil conservation/
水溶性' + 水溶性* * + soluble (in water)/ solubility
江南' + 江南* * + south o south of the lower reaches of Changjiang/ often refers to south Jiangsu, south Anhui and north Zhejiang provinces a province
汽水' + 汽水* * + soda/ pop
沙發' + 沙发* * + sofa (loanword)/ CL:條|条
沙發床' + 沙发床* * + sofa bed/ sleeper sofa
沱沱河' + 沱沱河* * + source of Changjiang or Yangtze river/
油煙' + 油烟* * + soot/ lampblack
泠' + * * + sound of water flowing/
洋相' + 洋相* * + social gaffe or blunder/ faux pas see 出洋相
洋鹼' + 洋碱* * + soap/
浤' + * * + sound of water surging/
浹' + * * + soaked/ to wet to drench
消聲' + 消声* * + sound dissipation/ noise reduction
淺' + * * + sound of moving water/
清明' + 清明* * + clear a sober and calm/ (of a government or administration) well ordered
清涼油' + 清凉油* * + soothing ointment/ balm
湖北花楸' + 湖北花楸* * + Chinese Sorbus hupehensis or Hupeh rowan/
湯' + * * + soup/ hot or boiling water decoction
湯勺' + 汤勺* * + soup ladle/
湯匙' + 汤匙* * + soup spoon/ tablespoon CL:把
湯盤' + 汤盘* * + soup plate/
湯碗' + 汤碗* * + soup bowl/
源代碼' + 源代码* * + source code/
源頭' + 源头* * + source/ fountainhead
源點' + 源点* * + source/
源點地址' + 源点地址* * + source address/
溶劑' + 溶剂* * + solvent/
溶液' + 溶液* * + solution (chemistry)/
溶解度' + 溶解度* * + solubility/
溶解性' + 溶解性* * + soluble/ solubility
溶體' + 溶体* * + solution/
潑水節' + 泼水节* * + Songkran (Thai New Year)/
潤餅' + 润饼* * + soft mixed vegetable and meat roll-up/
澎' + * * + sound of waves/
瀺' + * * + sound of water/
炱' + * * + soot/
烷基苯磺酸鈉' + 烷基苯磺酸钠* * + sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (used as a bubbling agent in detergents)/
煤灰' + 煤灰* * + soot/
爆音' + 爆音* * + sonic boom/
爛' + * * + soft/ mushy well-cooke
狗娘養的' + 狗娘养的* * + son of a bitch/
狗雜種' + 狗杂种* * + son of a bitch/ damn bastard
獨奏' + 独奏* * + solo/
獨立鑽石' + 独立钻石* * + solitaire (puzzle)/
獨舞' + 独舞* * + solo dance/
獨行' + 独行* * + solitary/
獨語' + 独语* * + solo part (in opera)/ soliloquy
琵琶行' + 琵琶行* * + Song of the Pipa Player, long poem by Tang poet Bai Juyi 白居易/
甚或' + 甚或* * + so much so that/ to the extent that even
甚至於' + 甚至于* * + so much (that)/ even (to the extent that)
略舉' + 略举* * + some cases picked out as example/ to highlight
瘡' + * * + sore/ skin ulcer
瘡瘍' + 疮疡* * + sore/ skin ulcer
瘩' + * * + sore/ boil scab
發聲器' + 发声器* * + sound device/
發音體' + 发音体* * + sound producing object (soundboard, vibrating string, membrane etc)/
皂' + * * + soap/ black
皂石' + 皂石* * + soapstone/
皂鹼' + 皂碱* * + soap/ same as 肥皂
眇眇' + 眇眇* * + sublime solitary/ distant or remote to gaze of
真才實學' + 真才实学* * + solid learning/ real ability and learning genuine ta
眼看' + 眼看* * + soon/ in a moment to look on
短襪' + 短袜* * + sock/
砉' + * * + sound of a thing flying fast by/ whoosh cracking s
砲響' + 炮响* * + sound of gunfire/ fig. news of momentous events
硝酸鈉' + 硝酸钠* * + sodium nitrate/
硫代硫酸鈉' + 硫代硫酸钠* * + sodium hyposulfide/ sodium thiosulfate
硫酸鈉' + 硫酸钠* * + sodium sulfate/
碘化鈉' + 碘化钠* * + sodium iodide NaI/
碳酸氫鈉' + 碳酸氢钠* * + sodium bicarbonate/
碳酸鈉' + 碳酸钠* * + soda/ sodium carbonate (chemistry)
碳黑' + 碳黑* * + soot/ carbon black
碻' + * * + solid/ firm
磷酸鈉' + 磷酸钠* * + sodium phosphate (chemistry)/
礗' + * * + sound of crushed stone/
社' + * * + society/ group club
社交恐懼症' + 社交恐惧症* * + social phobia/ social anxiety
社交才能' + 社交才能* * + social accomplishment/
社交舞' + 社交舞* * + social dancing/
社保' + 社保* * + social insurance/ abbr. for 社會保險|社会保险
社工' + 社工* * + social work/ social worker
社工人' + 社工人* * + social worker/
社教' + 社教* * + Socialist education/ abbr. for 社會主義教育運動|社会主义教育运动
社會主義教育運動' + 社会主义教育运动* * + Socialist Education Movement (1963-66), formal name of the Four Cleanups Movement /
社會事業' + 社会事业* * + social enterprise/
社會保障' + 社会保障* * + social security/
社會保險' + 社会保险* * + social security/ abbr. to 社保
社會動亂' + 社会动乱* * + social unrest/
社會化' + 社会化* * + socialization/ to socialize to fit int
社會團體' + 社会团体* * + social group/ community organization
社會學' + 社会学* * + sociology/
社會工作' + 社会工作* * + social work/
社會平等' + 社会平等* * + social equality/
社會性' + 社会性* * + social/
社會服務' + 社会服务* * + social security (pensions, medical insurance)/
社會正義' + 社会正义* * + social justice/
社會民主' + 社会民主* * + social democracy/
社會民主主義' + 社会民主主义* * + social democracy/
社會民主黨' + 社会民主党* * + Social Democratic Party/
社會科學' + 社会科学* * + social sciences/
社會等級' + 社会等级* * + social rank/ class caste
社會經濟' + 社会经济* * + socio-economic/
社會行動' + 社会行动* * + social actions/
社會語言學' + 社会语言学* * + sociolinguistics/
社會關係' + 社会关系* * + social relation/
社會關懷' + 社会关怀* * + social care/
社會階層' + 社会阶层* * + social hierarchy/ stratum in society social sta
社會黨' + 社会党* * + socialist party/
社民黨' + 社民党* * + Social Democratic party/
社科' + 社科* * + social science (abbr.)/
神' + * * + deity soul/ spirit unusual
神交' + 神交* * + soul brothers/ friends in spirit who have never met to commune
神漢' + 神汉* * + sorcerer/
禍水' + 祸水* * + source of calamity (esp. of women)/
秋播' + 秋播* * + sowing in autumn (for a crop in spring)/
稍' + * * + somewhat/ a little
稍嫌' + 稍嫌* * + more th somewhat/ a bit too (old, contrived, distracting etc)
稍稍' + 稍稍* * + somewhat/ a little slightly
穆' + * * + solemn/ reverent calm
空谷足音' + 空谷足音* * + sound of footsteps in an empty valley (idiom); a rare occurrence/ That's sth you don't often hear!
立體幾何' + 立体几何* * + solid geometry/
立體角' + 立体角* * + solid angle/
笑料' + 笑料* * + source of laughter/ laughing stock butt
節氣' + 节气* * + solar term/
粥廠' + 粥厂* * + food re soup kitchen/
純鹼' + 纯碱* * + sodium carbonate Na2CO3/ soda ash same as 碳酸
素材' + 素材* * + source material (in literature and art)/
素質差' + 素质差* * + so uneducated!/ so ignorant!
索傑納' + 索杰纳* * + Sojourner (Martian land rover)/
索國' + 索国* * + Solomon Islands/
索多瑪' + 索多玛* * + Sodom/
索多瑪與哈摩辣' + 索多玛与哈摩辣* * + Sodom and Gomorrah/
索契' + 索契* * + Sochi (city on the Black Sea in Russia)/
索尼' + 索尼* * + Sony/
索戈拉特斯' + 索戈拉特斯* * + Socrates (name)/ Jose Socrates, prime minister of Portugal from 2005
索福克勒斯' + 索福克勒斯* * + Sophocles (496-406 BC), Greek tragedian, author of Oedipus the King/
索福克里斯' + 索福克里斯* * + Sophocles (496-406 BC), Greek playwright/
索縣' + 索县* * + Sog county, Tibetan: Sog rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区/
索羅門' + 索罗门* * + Solomon (name)/ Solomon (Islands)
索菲亞' + 索菲亚* * + Sofia (capital of Bulgaria)/
索里亞' + 索里亚* * + Soria, Spain/
索非亞' + 索非亚* * + Sofia, capital of Bulgaria/
細皮嫩肉' + 细皮嫩肉* * + soft skin and tender flesh (idiom)/ smooth-skinned
紹莫吉州' + 绍莫吉州* * + Somogy county in southwest Hungary, capital 考波什堡/
統治權' + 统治权* * + sovereignty/ dominion dominance
經濟基礎' + 经济基础* * + socio-economic base/ economic foundation
線圈' + 线圈* * + solenoid (electrical engineering)/ coil
線圈般' + 线圈般* * + solenoid (electrical engineering)/ coil
練達' + 练达* * + experie sophisticated/ worldly-wise
罹' + * * + happen sorrow/ suffer from
羹' + * * + soup/
羹湯' + 羹汤* * + soup/
翔鳳' + 翔凤* * + Soaring Phoenix (Chinese built Advanced Regional Jet passenger plane, model number/
耀斑' + 耀斑* * + solar flare/
聯歡會' + 联欢会* * + social gathering/ party
聯盟號' + 联盟号* * + Soyuz (union), Russian spacecraft series/
聲' + * * + sound/ voice tone
聲卡' + 声卡* * + sound card/
聲吶' + 声呐* * + sonar/
聲息' + 声息* * + sound (often with negative, not a sound)/ whisper
聲波' + 声波* * + sound wave/
聲波定位' + 声波定位* * + sonic location system (esp. underwater sonar)/ acoustic positioning
聲納' + 声纳* * + sonar (sound navigation and ranging) (loanword)/
聲道' + 声道* * + sound track/ audio channel
聲響' + 声响* * + sound/ noise
肅穆' + 肃穆* * + solemn and respectful/ serene
肥皂' + 肥皂* * + soap/ CL:塊|块
肥皂沫' + 肥皂沫* * + soapy lather/ foam
肥皂泡' + 肥皂泡* * + soap bubble/
背景音樂' + 背景音乐* * + backgro soundtrack/ musical setting
胰' + * * + soap/ pancreas
脫檔' + 脱档* * + sold out/ out of stock
腳底' + 脚底* * + soles of the feet/
自要' + 自要* * + so long as/ provided that
臭臉' + 臭脸* * + sour face/ scowling face CL:張|张
至今' + 至今* * + so far/ to this day until now
般' + * * + sort/ kind class
苦瓜臉' + 苦瓜脸* * + sour expression on one's face/
苯甲酸鈉' + 苯甲酸钠* * + sodium benzoate, E211 (a food preservative)/
英武' + 英武* * + soldierly/ martial (appearance)
茅草' + 茅草* * + sogon grass/
荏' + * * + Perilla soft/
莊嚴' + 庄严* * + solemn/ dignified stately
華南' + 华南* * + Southern China/
華南理工大學' + 华南理工大学* * + South China University of Technology/
華南虎' + 华南虎* * + South China Tiger/
萬惡滔天' + 万恶滔天* * + so much evil that it reaches all the way to heaven (idiom)/
薩默塞特郡' + 萨默塞特郡* * + Somerset county in southwest England/
蘇佔區' + 苏占区* * + Soviet-occupied area (of Eastern Europe etc)/
蘇俄' + 苏俄* * + Soviet Russia/
蘇共' + 苏共* * + Soviet Communist Party/ abbr. for 蘇聯共產黨|苏联共产党
蘇富比' + 苏富比* * + Sotheby's auction house/
蘇尼特右旗' + 苏尼特右旗* * + Sonid Right banner in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟/
蘇打水' + 苏打水* * + soda drink (loanword)/
蘇打餅乾' + 苏打饼干* * + soda biscuit/ cracker
蘇格拉底' + 苏格拉底* * + Socrates (469-399 BC), Greek philosopher/
蘇維埃俄國' + 苏维埃俄国* * + Soviet Russia (1917-1991)/
蘇聯' + 苏联* * + Soviet Union, 1922-1991/ abbr. for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟|苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟
蘇菲' + 苏菲* * + Sophie (name)/ Sufi (Muslim mystic)
螺線管' + 螺线管* * + solenoid/ coil
蟬鳴' + 蝉鸣* * + song of cicadas/ chirping of insects
蠃' + * * + solitary wasp/
蠕形動物' + 蠕形动物* * + soft-bodied organisms/ vermes (obsolete taxonomic term)
表叔' + 表叔* * + son of grandfather's sister/ son of grandmother's brother or sister father's y
表姪' + 表侄* * + son of a male cousin via female line/
褸' + * * + soiled/ tattered
襪' + * * + socks/ stockings
襪子' + 袜子* * + socks/ stockings CL:隻|只
西亞' + 西亚* * + Southwest Asia/
西南' + 西南* * + southwest/
西南亞' + 西南亚* * + southwest Asia/
西南交通大學' + 西南交通大学* * + Southwest Jiaotong University/
西南大學' + 西南大学* * + Southwest University (Chongqing)/
西南部' + 西南部* * + southwest part/
解決辦法' + 解决办法* * + solution/ method to settle an issue
解法' + 解法* * + solution (to a math problem)/ method of solving
訇' + * * + sound of a crash/
詭辯家' + 诡辩家* * + sophist/ one who relies on specious arguments
話本' + 话本* * + Song and Yuan literary form based on vernacular folk stories/
誠心所願' + 诚心所愿* * + so be it/ amen
謋' + * * + sound of flesh being separated from the bone/
謳吟' + 讴吟* * + song/ chant rhythmic d
豆奶' + 豆奶* * + soy milk/
豆油' + 豆油* * + soy bean oil/
豆渣' + 豆渣* * + soybean dregs/
豆腐渣' + 豆腐渣* * + soybean dregs/
豉油' + 豉油* * + soy sauce/
貴格會' + 贵格会* * + Society of Friends/ the Quakers
賤民' + 贱民* * + social stratum below the level of ordinary people/ untouchable dalit (Ind
贅婿' + 赘婿* * + son-in-law living at wife's parent's house/
趙宋' + 赵宋* * + Song dynasty (960-1279)/ used to distinguish it from 劉宋|刘宋 Song of Southern dynasties (420-479)
足協' + 足协* * + soccer league/ same as 足球協會|足球协会
足壇' + 足坛* * + soccer circles/ soccer world
足球' + 足球* * + soccer ball/ a football CL:個|个
足球賽' + 足球赛* * + soccer match/ soccer competition
足球隊' + 足球队* * + soccer team/
跫' + * * + sound of footsteps/
路數' + 路数* * + social connections/ stratagem method
踺' + * * + somersault (in gymnastics or dance)/ head-over-heels aerial fli
踺子' + 踺子* * + somersault (in gymnastics or dance)/ head-over-heels aerial fli
蹠' + * * + metatar sole of foot/ to tread on
躡悄悄' + 蹑悄悄* * + softly/ quietly
身價' + 身价* * + social status/ price of a slave price of a
軟' + * * + soft/ flexible
軟件企業' + 软件企业* * + software company/
軟件包' + 软件包* * + software package/
軟件平臺' + 软件平台* * + software platform/
軟件技術' + 软件技术* * + software technology/
軟件系統' + 软件系统* * + software system/
軟件開發' + 软件开发* * + software development/
軟件開發人員' + 软件开发人员* * + software developer/
軟包' + 软包* * + soft (bread) roll/
軟口蓋' + 软口盖* * + soft palate/ velum
軟坐' + 软坐* * + soft seat (= first class in PRC trains)/
軟實力' + 软实力* * + soft power (i.e. media influence, propaganda and cultural ties in lieu of military/
軟尺' + 软尺* * + soft ruler/ tape measure
軟席' + 软席* * + soft seat (= first class in PRC trains)/
軟座' + 软座* * + soft seat (on trains or boats)/
軟庫' + 软库* * + Softbank corporation, Japanese e-commerce firm/
軟木' + 软木* * + softwood/
軟泥' + 软泥* * + soft mud/ silt sludge
軟硬件' + 软硬件* * + software and hardware/
軟糖' + 软糖* * + soft candy (gummi candy, gumdrop, jellybean etc)/
軟組織' + 软组织* * + soft tissue/
軟綿綿' + 软绵绵* * + soft/ velvety flabby
軟臥' + 软卧* * + soft sleeper (a type of sleeper train ticket class with a softer bunk)/
軟著陸' + 软着陆* * + soft landing (e.g. of spacecraft)/
軟飲' + 软饮* * + soft drink/
軟飲料' + 软饮料* * + soft drink/
軟體' + 软体* * + software (Tw)/ soft-bodied (animal)
軟體配送者' + 软体配送者* * + software distributor/
軟齶' + 软腭* * + soft palate/
輕柔' + 轻柔* * + soft/ gentle pliable
輕輕' + 轻轻* * + lightly softly/
迄今' + 迄今* * + so far/ to date until now
迄今為止' + 迄今为止* * + so far/ up to now still (not
這樣' + 这样* * + this ki so/ this way like this
這樣子' + 这样子* * + so/ such this way
這麼' + 这么* * + so much/ this much how much?
遲早' + 迟早* * + sooner or later/
邪術' + 邪术* * + sorcery/
酬應' + 酬应* * + social interaction/
酸' + * * + sour/ tart sick at he
酸不溜丟' + 酸不溜丢* * + sour/ acrid (of a pers
酸棗' + 酸枣* * + sour date (Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa)/
酸模' + 酸模* * + sorrel (Rumex acetosa)/
酸溜溜' + 酸溜溜* * + sour/ acid
酸澀' + 酸涩* * + sour/ acrid (fig.) bit
酸甜' + 酸甜* * + sour and sweet/
酸甜苦辣' + 酸甜苦辣* * + sour, sweet, bitter and spicy hot/ fig. the joys and sorrows of life
酸葡萄' + 酸葡萄* * + sour grapes/
醬油' + 酱油* * + soy sauce/
鈉' + * * + sodium (chemistry)/
鉶' + * * + soup cauldron/ (arch.) sacrificial tripod with two handles and a lid variant of
銲料' + 焊料* * + solder/
銲錫' + 焊锡* * + solder/
錄音' + 录音* * + to reco sound recording/ CL:個|个
鍠' + * * + sound of drums and bells/ trident
鎤' + * * + sound of a bell/ small bell
鏗鏘' + 铿锵* * + sonorous/ resounding fig. resou
階級成分' + 阶级成分* * + social composition/ social status (in Marxist theory, esp. using during cultural revolution)
隔音' + 隔音* * + sound-proofing/
隨後' + 随后* * + soon after/
雞奸' + 鸡奸* * + sodomy/ anal intercourse buggery
離騷' + 离骚* * + Sorrow at Parting, poem by Qu Yuan 屈原 in Songs of Chu 楚辭|楚辞/
雷轟' + 雷轰* * + sound of thunder/
雷霆' + 雷霆* * + sound of thunder/
電腦業者' + 电脑业者* * + software developer/
電視劇' + 电视剧* * + TV play soap opera/ CL:部
霜淇淋' + 霜淇淋* * + soft ice-cream/
靈體' + 灵体* * + soul/
靈魂' + 灵魂* * + soul/ spirit
鞋底' + 鞋底* * + sole (of a shoe)/
韋' + * * + soft leather/
韓國' + 韩国* * + South Korea (Republic of Korea)/ Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring States 戰國七雄|战国七雄
韓媒' + 韩媒* * + South Korean media/
韓澳' + 韩澳* * + South Korea and Australia/
韓美' + 韩美* * + South Korean-US/
音' + * * + sound/ noise note (of m
音效' + 音效* * + sound effect/
音波' + 音波* * + sound wave/
音爆' + 音爆* * + sonic boom/
音義' + 音义* * + sound and meaning/
音視' + 音视* * + sound and video/
音視頻' + 音视频* * + sound and video/
音軌' + 音轨* * + sound track/ track number (e.g. on a CD)
音量' + 音量* * + sound volume/
音長' + 音长* * + sound duration/ length of a musical note
音響' + 音响* * + sound/ acoustics audio
音響設備' + 音响设备* * + sound equipment/ stereo
音頻設備' + 音频设备* * + sound card/ audio card (computer)
風俗' + 风俗* * + social custom/ CL:個|个
風聲' + 风声* * + sound of the wind/ rumor talk
颯' + * * + sound of wind/ valiant melancholy
颯然' + 飒然* * + soughing (of the wind)/
颯颯' + 飒飒* * + soughing/ whistling or rushing sound (of the wind in trees, the sea etc)
颼颼' + 飕飕* * + sound of the wind blowing or rain falling/
飆漲' + 飙涨* * + soaring inflation/ rocketing prices
飛漲' + 飞涨* * + soaring inflation/ rocketing prices
餉' + * * + soldier's pay/
高攀' + 高攀* * + social climbing/ to claim connections with people in higher social class
高湯' + 高汤* * + clear s soup stock/
高粱' + 高粱* * + sorghum/ common sorghum (Sorghum vulgare)
高音' + 高音* * + high pi soprano/ treble
鬆滋' + 松滋* * + Songzi county level city in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州/
鬱鬱不得志' + 郁郁不得志* * + soured by the loss of one's hopes/
魂' + * * + soul/ spirit immortal s
魂靈' + 魂灵* * + soul/ mind idea
魂魄' + 魂魄* * + soul/
魄' + * * + soul/ mortal soul, i.e. attached to the body
魬' + * * + sole or flounder/
鮃' + * * + family sole/
鰨' + * * + sole (fish)/
鳴禽' + 鸣禽* * + songbird/
鳴鳥' + 鸣鸟* * + songbird/
鶱' + * * + soar/
鹹鏡南道' + 咸镜南道* * + South Hamgyeong Province 함경남도 of east North Korea/
黃海南道' + 黄海南道* * + South Hwanghae Province 황해남도 of west North Korea/
黃豆' + 黄豆* * + soybean/
黿魚' + 鼋鱼* * + soft-shelled turtle/ also termed 鱉|鳖
鼓聲' + 鼓声* * + sound of a drum/ drumbeat
鼚' + * * + sound of drum/
鼾聲' + 鼾声* * + sound of snoring/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[charismatic] possessing a magnetic personality
[dirty] soiled, unclean
[fresh] insolent, impertinent, impudent, sassy
[gregarious] sociable
[ignorant] lacking basic knowledge, naive, unsophisticated
[lonely] alone, lone, solitary
[loud] characterized by sound of great volume
[personal] concerning a particular person
[private] concerning things personal
[rational] based on reasoning
[relative] not absolute
[representative] standing for something else
[seasonal] occurring at a particular season
[seasonal] occurring at or dependent on a particular season
[serious] sober
[socialist] socialistic
[absorption] soaking up
[absorption] social assimilation
[acid] water-soluble compound with sour taste
[acquaintance] familiarity, personal knowledge
[acquaintance] familiar person
[address] place where a person or organization can be found
[adviser] advisor, consultant
[affair] affaire, intimacy, liaison, involvement
[age] how long something has existed
[ant] social insect
[appeal] solicitation
[artist] creative person
[athlete] jock, sportive person
[authority] persons who exercise administrative control
[autonomy] self-sufficiency, personal independence
[background] social heritage
[base] flat bottom on which something sits
[beginning] first part or section of something
[belt] clothing accessory
[birthday] anniversary of the day someone is born
[board] committee having supervisory powers
[body] torso, trunk
[bomber] person who plants bombs
[breast] bosom, tit
[cabinet] persons appointed by a head of state
[call] brief social visit
[call] birdcall, birdsong, song
[camp] forced labor prison
[casualty] someone injured or killed
[chair] professorship
[chauvinist] prejudiced person
[chest] thorax, pectus, part of the human torso
[civilization] society in an advanced state
[class] social class, socio-economic class
[clay] fine-grained soil
[club] society, guild, gild, lodge, order
[comfort] consolation, solace
[communication] something communicated between people
[company] companionship, fellowship, society
[concentration] strength of solution
[concentration] engrossment, absorption, immersion
[conductor] person who collects fares
[conflict] state of opposition between persons or ideas
[connection] person who is influential
[consumer] person who uses goods or services
[contract] binding agreement between two or more persons
[control] restraint, discipline in personal activities
[couple] twosome, duo, duet
[crosswalk] crossing, crossover
[day] twenty-four hours, solar day
[degree] seriousness of something
[depression] depressive disorder, clinical depression
[detector] sensor
[development] land developed for some purpose
[disagreement] dissension, dissonance, discord
[disorder] disorderliness, mess
[doctor] Dr., person who holds Ph.D. degree
[double] stunt man, stand-in per person
[drift] something heaped up by wind or water
[drill] training of soldiers to march
[echo] reverberation, sound reflection
[ethics] moral philosophy
[extent] point or degree to which something extend
[failure] loser, nonstarter, unsuccessful person
[fat] soft greasy substance
[filter] device that removes something small
[flower] plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
[folklore] unwritten literature or songs
[function] affair, occasion, social occasion
[garlic] aromatic bulb used as seasoning
[gas] state of matter distinguished from solid and liquid
[gas] gasoline, petrol
[ghost] visible disembodied soul
[giant] hulk, very large person
[glass] brittle transparent solid
[gravity] graveness, sobriety, soberness, somberness
[ground] land, dry land, earth, solid ground, terra firma
[guide] someone who shows the way
[head] chief, top dog, person who is in charge
[hero] person with exceptional courage
[hole] opening into or through something
[hostage] prisoner held for ransom
[identity] personal identity, individuality
[influence] power to affect persons or events
[influence] effect of one thing or person
[integrity] moral soundness
[knowledge] cognition, result of perception, learning, or reasoning
[lead] Pb, atomic number 82, soft heavy toxic metal
[leader] commander, person who rules or guides or inspires others
[length] extent of something from beginning to end
[light] light source, source of illumination
[line] argumentation, logical argument, line of reasoning
[loss] something that is lost
[majority] absolute majority
[manner] personal manner, way of acting or behaving
[means] instrumentality for accomplishing some end
[member] part of a social group
[memory] something that is remembered
[merchant] merchandiser, businessperson
[method] way of doing something
[monarch] sovereign, crowned head
[movement] social movement, front, people with a common ideology
[mud] clay, soft wet earth
[name] language unit by which a person or thing is known
[name] person's reputation
[neighbour] neighbor, person living nearby
[noise] sound
[outlet] wall socket, electric outlet
[outlet] wall socket, wall plug, electric outlet
[owner] proprietor someone who owns a business
[palace] residence of a sovereign
[panel] plate or sheet that is a component of something
[partner] spouse, married person, mate, better half
[pass] permission to enter or do something
[patient] person who requires medical care
[permission] approval to do something
[personality] personal attributes
[pest] blighter, cuss, pesterer, gadfly, persistently annoying person
[pig] hog, greedy person
[pig] slob, sloven, slovenly person
[pin] personal identification number, PIN, PIN number
[pitch] property of sound
[poison] poisonous substance
[pop] soda, soda pop
[porter] person employed to carry luggage and supplies
[prince] son of a sovereign
[prison] prison house, correctional institution
[product] consequence of someone's efforts
[production] act or process of producing something
[professional] professional person
[protection] protecting someone or something
[pudding] soft sweet dessert
[radical] person with radical ideas
[reaction] response revealing a person's feelings or attitude
[referral] recommendation to consult someone
[regret] sorrow, rue, ruefulness
[relation] relative, person related by blood or marriage
[reliance] state of relying on something
[reporter] journalist, newsperson
[representative] person who represents others
[reputation] notoriety for some characteristic
[resolution] decision to do something
[resort] holiday resort
[resource] source of aid or support
[rider] person riding an animal
[ring] characteristic sound
[role] normal or customary activity of a person
[roll] drum roll, sound of a drum
[rule] formula standard procedure for solving a mathematical problem
[scholar] scholarly person, student, learned person
[selection] assortment of things from which to choose
[sense] sensation, sentience, sentiency, sensory faculty
[separation] disassociation, division
[settlement] resolution, outcome
[skin] cutis, person's body covering
[slave] person who is owned
[society] extended social group
[software] computer software
[solution] successful action of solving a problem
[source] informant, person who supplies information
[south] due south, S
[staff] personnel
[star] ace, champion, virtuoso, hotshot, superstar
[pit] stone, hard inner core of some fruits
[sun] star that is the source of light and heat
[supply] amount of something available for use
[suspect] someone under suspicion
[threat] menace, source of danger
[trainer] one who trains persons or animals
[trait] distinguishing feature of your personal nature
[troop] group of soldiers
[value] ideal accepted by some individual or group
[variant] variation, something a little different
[vegetarian] person who eats no meat
[veteran] veteran soldier
[virgin] person who has never had sex
[voyage] journey to some distant place
[ward] person under protection or custody
[welfare] social welfare, government-sponsored program
[witch] enchantress, sorceress
[witness] person who testifies in court
[worker] person who works at a specific occupation
[worm] software program
[wreck] something dilapidated
[bark] make barking sounds
[bond] create social or emotional ties
[bring] fetch, bring in, be sold for a certain price
[comfort] soothe, console
[dare] be courageous enough to try or do something
[develop] make something new, invent
[direct] point somebody into a certain direction
[eat] take in solid food
[fold] fold up, bend or lay so that one part covers the other
[force] move something forcibly
[hear] perceive sound
[hurt] ache, be the source of pain
[jail] imprison, incarcerate
[know] be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object
[know] be aware of the truth of something
[know] know how to do or perform something
[pledge] promise solemnly
[poison] administer poison to
[pop] burst open with a sharp, explosive sound
[read] interpret something that is written or printed
[redeem] exchange for ransom under threat
[represent] be a delegate or spokesperson
[rob] deprive somebody of something
[snap] click, flick, make a snapping sound
[spin] twist and turn so as to give an intended interpretation
[swallow] pass through the esophagus
[swipe] move something with a swiping motion
[wait] stay in one place and anticipate something
[whisper] speak softly

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

thật + + so

sekve + + accordingly + + consequently so subsequently

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