A + + * * ri4 sun/ day time/ a day of the month 1. Sonne 2. Tag, tagsüber + + +
A 現在 + + * * xian4zai4 now/ at present/ today jetzt,nun + + +
A 節日 + + * * jie2ri4 festival/ holiday Feier,Fest + + +
A 日子 + + * * ri4zi days/ date/ time/ life/ livelihood Tag + + +
A 放假 + + * * fang4 jia4 have a holiday or vacation Feiertag haben, Ferien machen, frei haben + + +
A 生日 + + * * sheng1ri4 birthday Geburtstag + + +
A 今天 + + * * jin1tian1 today/ present/ now heute + + +
A 昨天 + + * * zuo2tian1 yesterday gestern + + +
A 午飯 + + * * wu3fan4 midday meal/ lunch Mittagessen + + +
A 半天 + + * * ban4tian1 half a day/ a long time eine lange Zeit,einen halben Tag + + +
A 星期日(星期天) + + * * xing1qi1ri4 Sunday Sonntag + + +
A 中午 + + * * zhong1wu3 noon/ midday Mittag + + +
B 日常 + + * * ri4chang2 day-to-day/ everyday/ daily alltäglich, täglich, tagtäglich + + +
B 如今 + + * * ru2jin1 nowadays/ now heutzutage, jetzt + + +
B 白天 + + * * bai2tian1 daytime am hellichten Tage, während der Tagesstunden + + +
B + + * * chu1 the first day of the lunar month 1. zu Beginn, am Anfang, früh 2. der, die, das Erste 3.erst, gerade, eben 4. original, ursprünglich 5 elementar, grundlegend, primär + + +
B 後天 + + * * hou4tian1 the day after tomorrow übermorgen + + +
B 禮拜天(禮拜日) + + * * li3bai4tian1 Sunday Am Sonntag + + +
B 至今 + + * * zhi4 jin1 up to now/ to this day/ so far bis jetzt + + +
B 前天 + + * * qian2tian1 the day before yesterday vorgestern + + +
C 日夜 + + * * ri4ye4 day and night/ round the clock Tag und Nacht, rund um die Uhr + + +
C 日益 + + * * ri4yi4 more and more each day/ increasingly von Tag zu Tag, in zunehmenden Maße,mehr und mehr + + +
C 日用 + + * * ri4yong4 of daily use/ of everyday use täglicher Gebrauch, tägliche Ausgaben + + +
C + + * * jia4 holiday/ vacation/ leave of absence/ furlough Urlaub, Ferien + + +
C 成天 + + * * cheng2tian1 all day long/ all the time den ganzen Tag, die ganze Zeit + + +
C 假期 + + * * jia4qi1 holiday/ vacation/ period of leave Urlaub, Urlaubszeit, Ferien + + +
C 今日 + + * * jin1ri4 today/ this day/ present/ now heute, heutig, gegenwärtig + + +
C 晴天 + + * * qing2tian1 sunny day/ fine day sonnig + + +
C 聖誕節 + + * * sheng4dan4jie2 Christmas/ Christmas Day Weihnachten + + +
C 初期 + + * * chu1qi1 beginning period/ early days/ initial stage Ausgangsperiode, Anfangsstadium, erste Tage + + +
C 黎明 + + * * li2ming2 dawn/ daybreak Tagesanbruch, Morgendämmerung + + +
C 禮拜 + + * * li3bai4 religious service/ week/ Sunday Gottesdienst, Anbetung,Woche, Wochentag, Sonntag + + +
C 上旬 + + * * shang4xun2 period of the first ten days of a month die ersten 10 Tage eines Monats + + +
C 元旦 + + * * yuan2dan4 first-day/ New Year' s Day Neujahr, erster Tag des neuen Jahres + + +
C 國慶節 + + * * guo2qing4jie2 National Day Nationalfeiertag + + +
C 下旬 + + * * xia4xun2 last 10 days/ from the 21st to the last day of a month die letzten zehn Tage eines Monats + + +
C 陰天 + + * * yin1tian1 cloudy-day/ overcast day/ gloomy day bedeckter Himmel, bewölkt + + +
C 當代 + + * * dang1dai4 present time/ contemporary age/ nowadays Gegenwart, gegenwärtige Zeit + + +
C 中旬 + + * * zhong1xun2 mid-period/ period of the second ten days of a month die mittlere Dekade eines Monats + + +
D 當天 + + * * dang4tian1 in that day an eben diesen Tag, am gleichen Tag + + +
D 晝夜 + + * * zhou4ye4 day and night Tag und Nacht, rund um die Uhr + + +
D 整天 + + * * zheng3tian1 all day den ganzen Tag + + +
D 時光 + + * * shi2guang1 days/ time Zeit + + +
D 風尚 + + * * feng1shang4 order of the day/ fashion allgemeine Gewohnheit, Sitten + + +
D 常務 + + * * chang2wu4 day-to-day/ standing Routine, Alltägliches + + +
D 往日 + + * * wang3ri4 in former days früher,zu früherer Zeit, in der Vergangenheit + + +
D 誕辰 + + * * dan4chen2 birthday Geburtstag + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
bear children, give birth / birth
early morning / 5th terrestrial branch

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

from New General Service List by Browne, Culligan and Phillips Copyright 2013 -2015. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

day : Each of the 24 hours beginning at midnight
day Tag วัน jour día giorno päivä

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

day. n: Measure_duration +

day. n: Calendric_unit +

day. n: Timespan +

day. n: Location_in_time +

daybreak. n: Calendric_unit +


120 病人 今天 +
124 今天 早餐 面包 +
131 每天 慢跑 +
137 今天 几月 几日 +
140 每天 经过 +
205 每天 定时 起床 +
208 今天 生日 +
210 昨天 开始 戒烟 +
283 今天 很多 +
298 每天 +
355 每天 步行 学校 +
447 许诺 一生 +
456 明天 就是 元旦 +
464 中秋节 月饼 中国 风俗 +
548 今天 天气 好极了 +
674 今天 天气 +
737 坚持 每天 运动 +
881 今天 油价 多少 +
927 儿子 每天 +
974 他们 今天 休假 +
1010 七月 四日 美国 独立日 +
1068 今天 零下 +
1072 今天 工作 特别 +
1074 昨天 剪发 +
1123 根据 天气 预报 显示 今天 晴间多云 +
1137 渐渐 +
1147 老师 今天 我们 减法 +
1294 今天 幸运 +
1367 今天 风和日丽 +
1453 今天 美元 人民币 汇率 多少 +
1457 新娘 今天 漂亮 +
1771 现在 通讯 工具 发达 +
1802 今天 廿八日 +
1823 今天 逛街 购物 +
1867 每天 阅读 报纸 +
1888 生日快乐 +
1914 今天 波浪 +
2026 1月 1日 元旦 +
2140 他们 今天 搬家 +
2178 他们 这儿 逗留 +
2193 今天 +
2246 今天 新郎 +
2358 渔民 每天 出海 捕鱼 +
2364 今天 天气 晴朗 +
2586 今天 天气 恶劣 +
2691 今天 出嫁 +
2704 我们 今天 游览 长城 +
2778 今天 晴天 +
2847 今天 收获 不错 +
2926 准备 生日 蜡烛 +
3002 今天 刮大风 +
3016 每天 硬币 +
3077 打赌 今天 不会 下雨 +
3118 今天 天气 爽朗 +
3148 天都 淋浴 +
3324 他们 天都 忙碌 +
3349 每天 马铃薯 +
3375 今天 奶奶 八十 诞辰 +
3490 今天 菜肴 丰富 +
3511 闰年 366 +
3588 尽管 领导 今天 来可 我们 还是 不 能 懈怠。 我们 还是 懈怠 +
3594 现在 有钱人 高档 酒店 座无虚席 +
3663 现在 大学生 博大精深 中华 文化 皮毛 +
3706 虽然 他们 礼拜天 教堂 他们是笃信 +
3755 每天 两个 小时 大字 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[birthday] anniversary of the day someone is born
[day] twenty-four hours, solar day
[holiday] vacation
[holiday] day on which work is suspended
[Sunday] Lord's Day

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

Day + day + day + day + day + day + day + day + day + day +
day ban ngày + + day ban ngày + + day ngày + +

ngày + + day

(One day) + + (Day) + + 오늘 (Today) + + 하루 (A day) + + 요즘 (Recently, nowadays) + + 이날 (Today, this day) + + 그날 (That day or that same day) + + 태어나다 ( To be born, see the light of day) + + 오늘날 (These days, nowadays) + + 이전 (Former days/times) + + 초기 (The early days, the initial period) + + 며칠 (How many days) + + 새벽 (dawn,daybreak) + + (Daytime) + + 매일 (Every day) + + 일주일 (One whole day) + + 방학 (School holidays) + + 언젠가 (One of these days, at some time in the future) + + 일요일 (Sunday) + + 예전 (Old days, former days) + + 제사 (A holiday ceremony) + + 생일 (A birthday) + + 어제 (Yesterday) + + 토요일 (Saturday) + + 이틀 (Two days) + + 휴가 (holidays,vacation) + + 요즈음 (Recently, nowadays) + + 일상 (Everyday, usual, ordinary) + + 이튿날 (The second day after) + + 기운 (Strength or might (the strength you feel you have on that particular day)) + + 일상생활 ( Everyday (daily) life) + + 사흘 (Three days) + + (Old days, days gone by) + + 전날 (The day before, the day prior) + + 종일 (All day, throughout the whole day) + + 첫날 (The first day) + + 일자 (A date, the number of days) + + 시각 (The time of day) + + 명절 (Festival days) + + 지난날 (Old days, old times) + + 설날 (New Year’s Day) + + 연휴 (Consecutive holidays) + + 월요일 (Monday) + + 일상적 (Daily, of the everyday things) + + 휴일 (A day off of work, a holiday) + + 대낮 (Broad daylight) + + 중순 (The second 10 days in a month) + + 보름 (15days,the 15th day) + + 열흘 (Ten days) + + 장차 (In the future, someday) + + 앞날 (The futre, the days ahead) + + 일시적 (Of a day) + + 시일 (time,days) + + 그전 (Former days or the past) + + 이제야 (These days) + + 요일 (A day of the week not the weekend) + + 금요일 (Friday) + + 수요일 (Wednesday) + + 저번 (Last time, the other day) + + 어린이날 ( Children’s Day (may 5th)) + + 제삿날 (Day of the ceremony) + + 온종일 (All day long, the whole day) + + 엊그제 (The day before yesterday, a few days ago) + + 공휴일 (A legal holiday) + + 밤낮 (Night and day, always) + + 평일 (A weekday) + + 나흘 (Four days) + + 목요일 (Thursday) + + 모레 (The day after tomorrow) + + 생신 (A birthday) + + 화요일 (Tuesday) + + 닷새 (Five days) + + 그저께 (The day before yesterday) + + 한글날 (Korean writing system national holiday) + + 기념일 (Commemoration day) + + 어저께 (Yesterday) + +

diurno + + day + + period of twenty-four hours
tago + + day + +

+ + + + + + + +