95 New HSK word(s): 1 打电话 to make a telephone call 1 他 he or him/ (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)/ (used before sb's name for emphasis)/ (used as a meaningless mock object)/ other/ another 1 喂 hello (interj.; esp. on telephone)/ hey/ to feed (sb or some animal) 1 家 home/ family/ classifier for families or businesses/ refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China/ noun suffix for specialists in some activity such as musician or revolutionary; corresponds to English -ist; -er; -ary or -ian/ surname Jia/ CL:個|个[ 2 得 structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb); linking it to following phrase indicating effect; degree; possibility etc 2 手机 cell phone/ cellular phone/ mobile phone/ CL:部[bu4] 2 走 to walk/ to go/ to run/ to move (of vehicle)/ to visit/ to leave/ to go away/ to die (euph.)/ from/ through/ away (in compound verbs; such as 撤走)/ to change (shape; form; meaning) 2 圆 circle/ round/ circular/ spherical/ (of the moon) full/ unit of Chinese currency (Yuan)/ tactful/ to justify 2 门 gate/ door/ CL:扇[shan4]/ gateway/ doorway/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ opening/ valve/ switch/ way to do something/ knack/ family/ house/ (religious) sect/ school (of thought)/ class/ category/ phylum or division (taxonomy)/ classifier for large guns/ classifier for les 2 就 at once/ right away/ only/ just (emphasis)/ as early as/ already/ as soon as/ then/ in that case/ as many as/ even if/ to approach/ to move towards/ to undertake/ to engage in/ to suffer/ subjected to/ to accomplish/ to take advantage of/ to go with (of f 3 照片 photo/ photograph/ picture/ CL:張|张[zhang1];套[tao4];幅[fu2] 3 方便 convenient/ to help out/ to make things easy for people/ convenience/ suitable/ having money to spare/ (euphemism) to go to the toilet 3 讲 to speak/ to explain/ to negotiate/ to emphasise/ to be particular about/ as far as sth is concerned/ speech/ lecture 3 黄 yellow/ pornographic/ to fall through 3 接 to receive/ to answer (the phone)/ to meet or welcome sb/ to connect/ to catch/ to join/ to extend/ to take one's turn on duty/ take over for sb 3 词语 word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases)/ term (e.g. technical term)/ expression 3 段 paragraph/ section/ segment/ stage (of a process)/ classifier for stories; periods of time; lengths of thread etc 3 锻炼 to engage in physical exercise/ to toughen/ to temper 3 极 extremely/ pole (geography; physics)/ utmost/ top 3 体育 sports/ physical education 4 博士 doctor/ court academician (in feudal China)/ Ph.D. 4 挺 to stick out/ to (physically) straighten up/ to endure or hold out/ straight/ stiff/ outstanding/ extraordinary/ rather/ quite/ very/ classifier for machine guns 4 气候 climate/ atmosphere/ situation/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 4 挂 to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/ (of a telephone call) to hang up/ to be worried or concerned/ to make a phone call (topolect)/ to register or record/ to hitch/ classifier for sets or clusters of objects 4 乱 in confusion or disorder/ in a confused state of mind/ disorder/ upheaval/ riot/ illicit sexual relations/ to throw into disorder/ to mix up/ indiscriminate/ random/ arbitrary 4 空气 air/ atmosphere 4 质量 quality/ mass (in physics)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 复印 to photocopy/ to duplicate a document 4 重点 emphasis/ focal point/ priority/ key/ with the emphasis on/ focusing on 4 坚持 to continue upholding/ to remain committed to/ persistence/ to persist/ to uphold/ to insist on/ persevere 5 武术 military skill or technique (in former times)/ all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)/ self-defense/ tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)/ also called kungfu 功夫/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 5 物理 physics/ physical 5 哲学 philosophy/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 简历 Curriculum Vitae (CV)/ résumé (resume)/ biographical notes 5 气氛 atmosphere/ mood 5 地理 geography 5 领域 domain/ sphere/ field/ territory/ area 5 强调 to emphasize (a statement)/ to stress 5 颗 classifier for small spheres; pearls; corn grains; teeth; hearts; satellites etc 5 现象 appearance/ phenomenon/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 摄影 to take a photograph/ photography/ to shoot (a movie) 5 预防 to prevent/ to take precautions against/ to protect/ to guard against/ precautionary/ prophylactic 5 阶段 stage/ section/ phase/ period/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 拍 to pat/ to clap/ to slap/ fly-swatter/ racket/ to take (a photograph) 5 麦克风 microphone (loanword) 5 维护 to defend/ to safeguard/ to protect/ to uphold/ to maintain 5 太极拳 shadowboxing or Taiji; T'aichi or T'aichichuan/ traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation/ a martial art 5 大象 elephant/ CL:隻|只[zhi1] 5 劳动 work/ toil/ physical labor/ CL:次[ci4] 5 时期 a period in time or history/ period/ time (interval)/ phase/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 主持 to take charge of/ to manage or direct/ to preside over/ to uphold/ to stand for (eg justice)/ to host (a TV or radio program etc) 5 占线 busy (telephone) 5 合影 joint photo/ group photo 6 传记 biography/ CL:篇[pian1];部[bu4] 6 哼 to groan/ to snort/ to hum/ to croon/ humph! 6 虚假 false/ phony/ pretense 6 登陆 to land/ to come ashore/ to make landfall (of typhoon etc)/ to log in 6 着重 put emphasis on/ to stress/ to emphasize 6 气象 meteorological feature/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ meteorology/ atmosphere or scene 6 书法 calligraphy/ handwriting/ penmanship 6 气压 atmospheric pressure/ barometric pressure 6 学位 academic degree; e.g.: BSc 學士學位|学士学位[xue2 shi4 xue2 wei4]; MSc 碩士學位|硕士学位[shuo4 shi4 xue2 wei4]; Diploma 學位證書|学位证书[xue2 wei4 zheng4 shu1]; PhD 博士學位|博士学位[bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4] 6 共鸣 physical resonance/ sympathetic response to sth 6 地势 terrain/ topography relief 6 字母 letter (of the alphabet)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 话筒 microphone 6 压迫 to oppress/ to repress/ to constrict/ oppression/ stress (physics) 6 骨干 diaphysis (long segment of a bone)/ fig. backbone 6 正气 healthy environment/ healthy atmosphere/ righteousness/ vital energy (in Chinese medicine) 6 传单 leaflet/ flier/ pamphlet 6 风气 general mood/ atmosphere/ common practice 6 摄取 absorb (nutrition)/ take a photo 6 动荡 unrest (social or political)/ turmoil/ upheaval/ commotion 6 预言 to predict/ prophecy 6 曝光 exposure (e.g. of photosensitive material)/ to expose (a scandal to the public) 6 恐惧 fear/ dread/ phobia 6 层次 arrangement of ideas/ administrative level/ level/ stage/ phase 6 生理 physiology 6 智能 intelligent/ able/ smart (phone; system; bomb etc) 6 盆地 basin (low-lying geographical feature)/ depression 6 灾难 disaster/ catastrophe 6 台风 hurricane/ typhoon 6 啦 a phrase-final particle 6 比喻 metaphor/ analogy/ figure of speech/ figuratively 6 弹性 flexibility/ elasticity (physics) 6 周边 periphery/ rim 6 含义 meaning (implicit in a phrase)/ implied meaning/ hidden meaning/ hint/ connotation 6 边缘 edge/ fringe/ verge/ brink/ periphery/ marginal/ borderline 6 捍卫 defend/ uphold/ safeguard 6 淘汰 to wash out/ elimination (by selection)/ natural selection/ to knock out (in a competition)/ to die out/ to phase out 6 变质 to degenerate/ to go bad/ to deteriorate/ metamorphosis 6 形态 shape/ form/ pattern/ morphology 6 注重 to pay attention to/ to emphasize 6 局面 aspect/ phase/ situation 6 尖端 sharp pointed end/ the tip/ the cusp/ tip-top/ most advanced and sophisticated/ highest peak/ the best
79 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *M * *v;n * *N * *N * *N * *N * * * *N * *N * *n;VS * *VA * *N * *n;m * *N * *Adv;Conj * *VA * *N * *N * *VA * * * *n;VS * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * * * *N * *N * 窿*N * *N * *N * *N * *n;Adv * *N * *N * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *VS * *N * *VA * * * *N Dornseiff 2. LEBEN 2.2 PFLANZENARTEN * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VS * *N * * * *v;n * *N * *N
79 OLD_HSK German word(s): Sport treiben Zählwort Teil, Stück, Strecke, Abschitt, Sektion, Paragraph gewinnen,Sieg Physik Sport,Körperkultur Telefon Arzt,Doktor eine Aufnahme machen, fotographieren Stadium, Phase Phänomen, Erscheinung Schlüsselstelle, wichtig unterstützen, befürworten 1. Bild, Zeichnung , Karte, Diagramm 2. planen, entwerfen 3. auf etw bedacht sein, nach etw streben 1. Periode, Zeitraum, Phase 2. Frist 3. erwarten, hoffen 1. Elefant 2. Erscheinung, Gestalt 3. nachahmen, imitieren 4. jm nachschlagen, nach jn geraten 5. aussehen, scheinen, als ob 6. wie, solche wie 1. gutheißen, anerkennen, billigen 2. können, erlaubt sein 3. würdig, wert über etw. siegen, überwiegen Lichtbild, Foto, Aufnahme, Photographie Philosophie unterstreichen, betonen öffentliches Telefon Bild Alphabet, Buchstabe Wortschatz, Vokabular Arzneimittel, Arznei, Medizin Not, Katastrophe Redewendung, feste Wortgruppe, Sprichwort Physiologie leiten, verwalten,befürworten, eintreten Territorium,Hoheitsgebiet, Gebiet, Bereich,Sektor Frühzeit, frühe Periode, frühzeitig, Hügel Geographie Bergland, Gebirgsgegend Topographie Körperkraft mit einer Kamera aufnehmen, filmen,fotographieren 1. Körpermaß, Körpergröße, Höhe, Statur 2. einzeln Kehle, Schlund Atmosphäre, Stimmung Astronomie, Sternenkunde allgemeine Praxis, herrschende Praktiken, Sitten, soziale Moral Luftdruck Blei (Pb) hervorheben, unterstreichen eine Aufnahme machen,fotografieren, e. Film drehen Arbeitskraft Kamera, Fotoapparat Loch,Höhle,Hohlraum,Fehlbetrag, Schuld 1. Gezeiten,Ebbe und Flut 2. Strömung, (soziale) Bewegung 3. feucht, naß Form, Gestalt, Morphologie Taifun mit eigener Hand geschrieben, js eigene Handschrift Sputum, Auswurf Nierenentzündung vulgär, niedrig, spießbürgerlich Phosphor (P) Transparenz Zeichnung, Figur Kalligraphie schreiben gesunde Atmosphäre,Tendenz von kurzer Dauer, vorübergehend Schwefelsäure in Triumph einziehen, siegreiche Heimkehr aus der Form geraten, deformiert werden Firmiana simplex, Platanenblättrige Sterkulie, Chinesischer Schirmbaum, System idiomatiche Wendung, Ausdruck Luftdruck Kommentare zu klassischen Werken, Biographie Biographie Neffe, (Sohn des Bruders) unterschiedlich, eigenartig Phönix Briefmarken sammeln, Philatelie Phantasie, Tagtraum Sichel Metaphysik
5387 synsets(s): amphoteric + amphiprotic + acidophilic + acidophilous + aerophilic + aerophilous + acrophobic + agoraphobic + algophobic + claustrophobic + hydrophobic + aquaphobic + mysophobic + triskaidekaphobic + xenophobic + phrenetic + alphabetic + alphabetical + alphabetized + alphabetised + analphabetic + amphibious + amphibiotic + amphiprostylar + amphiprostyle + amphistylar + amphistylar + aphasic + aphonic + emphatic + photogenic + anemophilous + entomophilous + stereophonic + monophonic + brachycephalic + dolichocephalic + asphyxiating + amorphous + phosphorescent + aphotic + homophobic + cacophonous + cacophonic + euphonious + euphonous + camphorated + uncamphorated + haphazard + zoophagous + anthophagous + anthophilous + carpophagous + phytophagic + phytophagous + phytophilous + saprophagous + saprophytic + myrmecophagous + holophytic + lymphoblast-like + peripheral + paraphrastic + philanthropic + sapphire + sulphur-yellow + blasphemous + slaphappy + hydrophobic + hydrophilic + oleophilic + lipophilic + oleophobic + indecipherable + aphoristic + telegraphic + atrophied + hypertrophied + claustrophobic + antiphlogistic + physical + physical + nonphysical + unsophisticated + aliphatic + triumphant + triumphal + triumphant + myrmecophilous + periphrastic + sycophantic + ectomorphic + endomorphic + mesomorphic + Sisyphean + emphatic + physical + philosophical + philosophic + phlegmatic + phlegmatical + metaphysical + physical + alpha + orphic + euphemistic + dysphemistic + euphoric + euphoriant + dysphoric + photographic + graphic + sophomore + kyphotic + amphitropous + mephitic + lyophilized + lyophilised + phony + phoney + mephistophelian + mephistophelean + sylphlike + catastrophic + symphonic + symphonious + prophylactic + phlegmy + bicephalous + acephalous + homophile + sapphic + sophisticated + sulphurous + anthropomorphic + anthropomorphous + alpha + sophisticated + philistine + elephantine + decipherable + indecipherable + undecipherable + deciphered + undeciphered + metaphorical + metaphoric + analphabetic + epiphytotic + euphonious + seraphic + geographic + geographical + phallic + gynandromorphic + gynandromorphous + hermaphroditic + hermaphrodite + pseudohermaphroditic + pseudohermaphrodite + philharmonic + metamorphic + epimorphic + hemimetamorphous + hemimetamorphic + metamorphous + nonmetamorphic + hermaphroditic + monophonic + homophonic + polyphonic + physical + phantasmal + metaphysical + nymphomaniacal + nymphomaniac + phobic + phenomenal + amorphous + aphyllous + orphaned + ephemeral + physical + physiologic + physiological + pharisaic + pharisaical + sulphurous + peripheral + prophetic + prophetical + Delphic + unprophetic + prophylactic + prophylactic + apocryphal + haphazard + phantom + graphic + phantasmagoric + phantasmagorical + polymorphic + polymorphous + slaphappy + blasphemous + Sapphic + spheric + spherical + aspheric + aspherical + spheroidal + homophonic + hebephrenic + schizophrenic + photosensitive + pornographic + aphrodisiac + aphrodisiacal + anaphrodisiac + scaphoid + phylliform + amorphous + autographed + unsophisticated + sycophantic + sophisticated + unsophisticated + graphic + graphical + holographic + adrenocorticotrophic + emphatic + emphasized + emphasised + unemphatic + actinomorphic + actinomorphous + zygomorphic + zygomorphous + diaphanous + nephrotoxic + uphill + sophistic + sophistical + xerophytic + hydrophytic + hygrophytic + mesophytic + idiographic + asphaltic + agraphic + allelomorphic + allographic + allomorphic + allophonic + alphabetic + alphabetical + analphabetic + alphanumeric + alphanumerical + alphameric + alphamerical + amphitheatric + amphitheatrical + amphoric + anaglyphic + anaglyphical + anamorphic + anamorphic + anaphasic + anemographic + anencephalic + anencephalous + Anglophilic + Anglophobic + anopheline + anthropophagous + antiphonary + antiphonal + antistrophic + aphaeretic + apheretic + aphakic + aphanitic + aphasic + aphetic + Apocryphal + apophatic + apophyseal + apostrophic + autobiographical + autobiographic + autobiographical + autobiographic + autographic + autoradiographic + autotrophic + autophytic + heterotrophic + aphoristic + bacteriophagic + bacteriophagous + barographic + bibliographic + bibliographical + bibliophilic + biogeographic + biogeographical + bolographic + boustrophedonic + camphoraceous + camphoric + cardiographic + cartographic + cartographical + caryophyllaceous + cataphatic + cephalopod + cephalopodan + photochemical + physicochemical + chlorophyllose + chlorophyllous + cryptographic + cryptographical + cytophotometric + diaphoretic + dimorphic + dimorphous + Ephesian + eutrophic + electrocardiographic + electroencephalographic + electrophoretic + cataphoretic + esophageal + gastroesophageal + geophytic + graphic + graphical + graphic + hemispherical + hieroglyphic + hieroglyphical + hieroglyphic + hieroglyphical + hydrocephalic + hydrographic + hydrographical + ideographic + logographic + Monophysite + Monophysitic + nasopharyngeal + oropharyngeal + Orphic + pemphigous + phagocytic + phalangeal + Pharaonic + Phoenician + phonogramic + phonological + phonologic + photomechanical + photometric + photometrical + photosynthetic + nonphotosynthetic + phreatic + phrenological + pictographic + planographic + physical + pleomorphic + polarographic + radiotelephonic + radiophonic + semiautobiographical + Sisyphean + spectrographic + spherical + nonspherical + sphingine + staphylococcal + stenographic + stenographical + sulphurous + technophilic + technophobic + photoconductive + photoemissive + photovoltaic + photoelectric + photoelectrical + isomorphous + isomorphic + lymphatic + lymphocytic + lymphoid + atmospheric + atmospherical + amphibious + amphibian + cyanophyte + radiographic + photographic + photic + phallic + cephalic + haemophilic + hemophilic + sulphuretted + phocine + polymorphic + polymorphous + polymorphous + polymorphic + polyphonic + polyphonous + polyphonic + phonetic + phonetic + phonic + phonemic + philosophic + philosophical + phenomenal + metaphysical + seraphic + seraphical + glossopharyngeal + laryngopharyngeal + nephritic + nephritic + multiphase + polyphase + ophthalmic + ophthalmic + physiotherapeutic + macrencephalic + macrencephalous + macrocephalic + macrocephalous + microcephalic + microcephalous + nanocephalic + demographic + astrophysical + geophysical + neurophysiological + calligraphic + calligraphical + lexicographic + lexicographical + orthographic + telegraphic + typographic + typographical + pharmacological + pharmacologic + gymnosophical + hemispheric + morphemic + bimorphemic + monomorphemic + polymorphemic + morphophonemic + phrasal + choreographic + anaphoric + phenotypical + phenotypic + phylogenetic + phyletic + trophic + physiological + morphologic + morphological + geomorphologic + geomorphological + morphologic + morphological + morphologic + morphological + euphonic + euphonical + metamorphic + metamorphous + chromatographic + chromatographical + epiphyseal + epiphysial + diaphyseal + diaphysial + homophonous + pharyngeal + phrenic + roentgenographic + sophistic + holographic + holographical + holographic + symphonic + philanthropic + philatelic + philatelical + aerophilatelic + basophilic + emphysematous + atrophic + eosinophilic + hypophyseal + hypophysial + psychopharmacological + triumphal + topographical + topographic + philological + sapphirine + saprophytic + geographic + geographical + epiphytic + lithophytic + myrmecophytic + asphyxiated + biographic + biographical + blastospheric + Delphic + Delphian + ethnographic + ethnographical + Philippine + gonadotrophic + lithographic + pharmaceutical + pharmaceutic + pharmaceutical + philharmonic + Philistine + phonic + phonic + phosphorous + phosphoric + porphyritic + Pre-Raphaelite + pyrographic + quadraphonic + quadriphonic + antiphonal + schizophrenic + sulphuric + syphilitic + telephonic + theosophical + trophoblastic + trophotropic + xerographic + philhellenic + philhellene + Graecophile + Graecophilic + phyllodial + anaphylactic + bryophytic + thallophytic + hypophysectomized + hypophysectomised + emphatically + haphazardly + peripherally + phylogenetically + physically + physiologically + pornographically + photoelectrically + photographically + photometrically + graphically + ideographically + polyphonically + phonetically + phonemic + philosophically + graphically + catastrophically + metaphysically + metaphorically + chromatographically + hieroglyphically + spherically + triumphantly + alphabetically + geographically + prophetically + blasphemously + cytophotometrically + cryptographically + graphically + euphemistically + haphazard + haphazardly + decipherably + undecipherably + morphologically + pharmacologically + phenomenally + philanthropically + philatelically + phlegmatically + spectrographically + telegraphically + topographically + typographically + uphill + uphill + philosophically + trephine + phlebotomize + phlebotomise + atrophy + hypertrophy + sphacelate + hypophysectomize + hypophysectomise + camphorate + lyophilize + lyophilise + alphabetize + alphabetise + asphyxiate + metamorphose + metamorphose + phase + sophisticate + morph + morph + sophisticate + de-emphasize + de-emphasise + sulphur + decipher + philosophize + philosophise + cipher + cypher + choreograph + anthropomorphize + anthropomorphise + aphorize + aphorise + diphthongize + diphthongise + phonate + telephone + phone + cell phone + blaspheme + prophesy + overemphasize + overemphasise + re-emphasise + re-emphasize + triumph + blaspheme + triumph + uphold + uphold + prophesy + sophisticate + euphemize + euphemise + phrase + paraphrase + rephrase + phrase + apostrophize + apostrophise + encipher + cipher + cypher + decipher + autograph + photograph + telegraph + emphasize + emphasise + emphasize + emphasise + philander + semaphore + semaphore + heliograph + triumph + asphalt + upheave + sulphurette + asphyxiate + asphyxiate + siphon + phase in + phase out + phase + stenograph + calligraph + hectograph + mimeograph + paragraph + paragraph + hyphenate + hyphen + choreograph + symphonize + symphonise + photocopy + photostat + lithograph + graph + graph + triumph + siphon + syphon + siphon off + galumph + photosensitize + photosensitise + orphan + alphabetize + upholster + desulphurize + sophisticate + paragraph + shepherd + shepherd + philander + phosphoresce + uphold + photograph + physical entity + physical object + heterotroph + phase space + physical process + phenomenon + amphibious landing + physical contact + ophthalmoscopy + physician-assisted suicide + asphyxiation + geographic expedition + physiological nystagmus + hyphenation + hyphenation + physical rehabilitation + physical restoration + metamorphosis + metamorphosis + mycophagy + anthropophagy + phrase + choreography + upheaval + dolphin kick + caliphate + seismography + cryptography + steganography + stenography + decipherment + photography + physical exercise + physical exertion + polarography + spectrographic analysis + apheresis + pheresis + plasmapheresis + plateletpheresis + iontophoresis + hypophysectomy + phacoemulsification + epikeratophakia + nephrectomy + oophorectomy + oophorosalpingectomy + ophthalmectomy + palatopharyngoplasty + uvulopalatopharyngoplasty + phalloplasty + phlebectomy + photocoagulation + trephination + nephrotomy + phlebotomy + physical therapy + physiotherapy + physiatrics + phytotherapy + phototherapy + paraphilia + pedophilia + paedophilia + zoophilia + zoophilism + blasphemy + pornography + child pornography + sophistication + phase I clinical trial + phase I + phase II clinical trial + phase II + phase III clinical trial + phase III + phase IV clinical trial + phase IV + preclinical phase + cardiography + electrocardiography + echocardiography + echoencephalography + coprophagy + coprophagia + aerophagia + geophagy + geophagia + necrophagia + necrophagy + omophagia + scatophagy + sapphism + Fere phenomenon + Tarchanoff phenomenon + phototropism + trophotropism + physiological reaction + pharyngeal reflex + phonics + tomography + computerized tomography + computed tomography + computerized axial tomography + computed axial tomography + sonography + ultrasonography + echography + A-scan ultrasonography + B-scan ultrasonography + positron emission tomography + photography + radiography + roentgenography + X-ray photography + xerography + xeroradiography + angiography + lymphangiography + lymphography + arteriography + arthrography + venography + cholangiography + encephalography + myelography + pyelography + intravenous pyelography + telephotography + telephotography + radiophotography + cinematography + motion-picture photography + cartography + adoxography + historiography + lexicography + glyptography + pyrography + serigraphy + lithography + petroglyph + amphibious demonstration + amphibious operation + amphibious assault + anemography + cephalometry + hypsography + photometry + cytophotometry + electromyography + mammography + thermography + mammothermography + alphabetization + alphabetisation + phrasing + philately + aerophilately + phase-out + ophiolatry + prophylaxis + philanthropy + philanthropic gift + typography + photogravure + telephone order + upholstery + emphasizing + Cynoscephalae + battle of Cynoscephalae + Dien Bien Phu + Pharsalus + battle of Pharsalus + Philippi + battle of Philippi + Philippine Sea + battle of the Philippine Sea + amphidiploid + orphan + polymorph + lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus + alphavirus + West Nile encephalitis virus + bacteriophage + phage + coliphage + typhoid bacteriophage + halophile + halophil + thermoacidophile + acidophil + acidophile + Cyanophyta + division Cyanophyta + Schizophyta + division Schizophyta + Cyanophyceae + class Cyanophyceae + Myxophyceae + family Myxophyceae + Schizophyceae + family Schizophyceae + phototrophic bacteria + phototropic bacteria + sulphur bacteria + Corynebacterium diphtheriae + C. diphtheriae + Salmonella typhimurium + typhoid bacillus + Salmonella typhosa + Salmonella typhi + Legionella pneumophilia + genus Staphylococcus + staphylococcus + staphylococci + staph + acidophilus + Lactobacillus acidophilus + phytoplankton + myrmecophile + Pyrrophyta + phylum Pyrrophyta + phylum Protozoa + Ciliophora + class Ciliophora + ciliophoran + chlorophyll + chlorophyl + chlorophyll a + chlorophyll b + chlorophyll c + chlorophyll d + bacteriochlorophyll + phycobilin + phycoerythrin + phycocyanin + Heterokontophyta + division Heterokontophyta + Chrysophyta + division Chrysophyta + Chrysophyceae + class Chrysophyceae + Xanthophyceae + class Xanthophyceae + Bacillariophyceae + class Bacillariophyceae + Diatomophyceae + class Diatomophyceae + Phaeophyceae + class Phaeophyceae + Phaeophyta + division Phaeophyta + Ascophyllum + genus Ascophyllum + Ascophyllum nodosum + Euglenophyta + division Euglenophyta + Euglenophyceae + class Euglenophyceae + euglenophyte + Chlorophyta + division Chlorophyta + Chlorophyceae + class Chlorophyceae + chlorophyte + Ulvophyceae + class Ulvophyceae + Charophyceae + class Charophyceae + Rhodophyta + division Rhodophyta + Rhodophyceae + class Rhodophyceae + Porphyra + genus Porphyra + Mastigophora + class Mastigophora + mastigophoran + mastigophore + Phytomastigina + subclass Phytomastigina + Cryptophyta + phylum Cryptophyta + Cryptophyceae + class Cryptophyceae + cryptophyte + trophozoite + Ostariophysi + order Ostariophysi + Leuciscus cephalus + Scardinius erythrophthalmus + Phoxinus + genus Phoxinus + Phoxinus phoxinus + Electrophoridae + family Electrophoridae + Electrophorus + genus Electrophorus + Electrophorus electric + Xyphophorus + genus Xyphophorus + Xyphophorus helleri + Berycomorphi + order Berycomorphi + Krypterophaneron + genus Krypterophaneron + Photoblepharon + genus Photoblepharon + Photoblepharon palpebratus + Zeomorphi + order Zeomorphi + Macrorhamphosidae + family Macrorhamphosidae + blastosphere + trophoblast + phylum Chordata + Cephalochordata + subphylum Cephalochordata + cephalochordate + Amphioxidae + family Amphioxidae + genus Amphioxus + amphioxus + subphylum Urochordata + subphylum Urochorda + subphylum Tunicata + siphon + syphon + subphylum Vertebrata + subphylum Craniata + Cephalaspida + suborder Cephalaspida + cephalaspid + Conodontophorida + order Conodontophorida + Holocephali + subclass Holocephali + holocephalan + holocephalian + Sphyrnidae + family Sphyrnidae + Sphyrna + genus Sphyrna + Sphyrna zygaena + Sphyrna tudes + Sphyrna tiburo + Archaeopteryx lithographica + elephant bird + Meliphagidae + family Meliphagidae + Zonotrichia leucophrys + Plectrophenax + genus Plectrophenax + Plectrophenax nivalis + Hesperiphona + genus Hesperiphona + Hesperiphona vespertina + Pipilo erythrophthalmus + Ploceus philippinus + Poephila + genus Poephila + Poephila castanotis + phoebe + phoebe bird + Sayornis phoebe + Pyrocephalus + genus Pyrocephalus + Pyrocephalus rubinus mexicanus + Cephalopterus + genus Cephalopterus + Cephalopterus ornatus + Thamnophilus + genus Thamnophilus + Hylophylax + genus Hylophylax + Hylophylax naevioides + Pachycephala + genus Pachycephala + Turdus philomelos + Phoenicurus + genus Phoenicurus + Phylloscopus + genus Phylloscopus + Phylloscopus sibilatrix + Acrocephalus + genus Acrocephalus + Acrocephalus schoenobaenus + Setophaga + genus Setophaga + Setophaga ruticilla + Euphagus + genus Euphagus + Euphagus carilonus + Agelaius phoeniceus + Sphecotheres + genus Sphecotheres + Chlorophoneus + genus Chlorophoneus + Chlorophoneus nigrifrons + Haliaeetus leucocephalus + Haliaeetus leucorhyphus + Neophron + genus Neophron + Pharaoh's chicken + Neophron percnopterus + Vultur gryphus + Sarcorhamphus + genus Sarcorhamphus + Sarcorhamphus papa + amphibia + class Amphibia + amphibian family + amphibian genus + amphibian + Notophthalmus + genus Notophthalmus + Notophthalmus viridescens + Amphiumidae + family Amphiumidae + genus Amphiuma + amphiuma + Hylactophryne + genus Hylactophryne + Hylactophryne augusti + Ascaphidae + family Ascaphidae + Ascaphus + genus Ascaphus + Ascaphus trui + Bufo microscaphus + Scaphiopus + genus Scaphiopus + Scaphiopus hammondii + Scaphiopus multiplicatus + Scaphiopus bombifrons + Gastrophryne + genus Gastrophryne + Gastrophryne olivacea + Gastrophryne carolinensis + Gymnophiona + order Gymnophiona + Stegocephalia + order Stegocephalia + Gopherus + genus Gopherus + gopher tortoise + gopher turtle + gopher + Gopherus polypemus + Gopherus agassizii + Rhynchocephalia + order Rhynchocephalia + Sphenodon + genus Sphenodon + Sphenodon punctatum + Ptychozoon homalocephalum + Crotaphytus + genus Crotaphytus + Phrynosoma + genus Phrynosoma + Phrynosoma cornutum + Amphisbaenidae + family Amphisbaenidae + Amphisbaena + genus Amphisbaena + Amphisbaenia + genus Amphisbaenia + Eumeces callicephalus + Cnemidophorus + genus Cnemidophorus + Cnemidophorus sexlineatus + Cnemidophorus velox + Cnemidophorus exsanguis + Cnemidophorus tigris + Cnemidophorus tesselatus + Ophisaurus + genus Ophisaurus + Thyreophora + suborder Thyreophora + thyreophoran + Marginocephalia + suborder Marginocephalia + marginocephalian + suborder Pachycephalosaurus + pachycephalosaur + pachycephalosaurus + Sauropodomorpha + suborder Sauropodomorpha + genus Coelophysis + coelophysis + Edaphosauridae + family Edaphosauridae + genus Edaphosaurus + edaphosaurus + Ophidia + suborder Ophidia + ophidian + Carphophis + genus Carphophis + Carphophis amoenus + Diadophis + genus Diadophis + Phyllorhynchus + genus Phyllorhynchus + Opheodrys + genus Opheodrys + Opheodrys vernalis + Opheodrys aestivus + Chlorophis + genus Chlorophis + Masticophis + genus Masticophis + Masticophis flagellum + Masticophis lateralis + Masticophis bilineatus + Elaphe + genus Elaphe + Elaphe guttata + Elaphe obsoleta + Pituophis + genus Pituophis + gopher snake + Pituophis melanoleucus + Thamnophis + genus Thamnophis + Thamnophis sirtalis + Thamnophis sauritus + Thamnophis proximus + Potamophis + genus Potamophis + Potamophis striatula + Trimorphodon + genus Trimorphodon + Trimorphodon lambda + Typhlopidae + family Typhlopidae + Leptotyphlopidae + family Leptotyphlopidae + Leptotyphlops + genus Leptotyphlops + Leptotyphlops humilis + gopher snake + Calliophis + genus Calliophis + Callophis + genus Callophis + Ophiophagus + genus Ophiophagus + Ophiophagus hannah + Acanthophis + genus Acanthophis + Acanthophis antarcticus + Pseudechis porphyriacus + Hydrophidae + family Hydrophidae + phylum Arthropoda + Phalangida + order Phalangida + Phalangiidae + family Phalangiidae + Phalangium + genus Phalangium + Phalangium opilio + Theraphosidae + family Theraphosidae + Symphyla + class Symphyla + garden symphilid + symphilid + Geophilomorpha + order Geophilomorpha + Geophilidae + family Geophilidae + Geophilus + genus Geophilus + Xiphosura + order Xiphosura + Limulus polyphemus + Xiphosurus polyphemus + subphylum Pentastomida + Centrocercus urophasianus + Pedioecetes phasianellus + Macrocephalon + genus Macrocephalon + Macrocephalon maleo + Phasianidae + family Phasianidae + phasianid + Phasianus + genus Phasianus + pheasant + ring-necked pheasant + Phasianus colchicus + argus pheasant + Chrysolophus + genus Chrysolophus + golden pheasant + Chrysolophus pictus + Lophophorus + genus Lophophorus + Odontophorus + genus Odontophorus + Raphidae + family Raphidae + Raphus + genus Raphus + Raphus cucullatus + Pezophaps + genus Pezophaps + Pezophaps solitaria + sulphur-crested cockatoo + Nymphicus + genus Nymphicus + Nymphicus hollandicus + Crotophaga + genus Crotophaga + crow pheasant + pheasant coucal + pheasant cuckoo + Centropus phasianinus + Musophagidae + family Musophagidae + Musophaga + genus Musophaga + Phoeniculidae + family Phoeniculidae + Phoeniculus + genus Phoeniculus + Ramphomicron + genus Ramphomicron + Phalaenoptilus + genus Phalaenoptilus + Phalaenoptilus nuttallii + Campephilus + genus Campephilus + Campephilus principalis + Melanerpes erythrocephalus + Sphyrapicus + genus Sphyrapicus + Sphyrapicus varius + Sphyrapicus varius ruber + Ramphastidae + family Ramphastidae + Pharomacrus + genus Pharomacrus + Pharomacrus mocino + Bucephala + genus Bucephala + Bucephela albeola + Bucephela clangula + Bucephala islandica + Lophodytes + genus Lophodytes + Lophodytes cucullatus + Didelphidae + family Didelphidae + Didelphis + genus Didelphis + Didelphis virginiana + Didelphis marsupialis + Phalangeridae + family Phalangeridae + phalanger + genus Phalanger + brush-tailed phalanger + flying phalanger + Phascolarctos + genus Phascolarctos + Phascolarctos cinereus + Thylacinus cynocephalus + Sarcophilus + genus Sarcophilus + Sarcophilus hariisi + Phascogale + genus Phascogale + Notoryctus typhlops + Lipotyphla + suborder Lipotyphla + Menotyphla + suborder Menotyphla + phragmocone + phragmacone + zoophyte + phylum Porifera + phylum Cnidaria + phylum Coelenterata + Scyphozoa + class Scyphozoa + scyphozoan + Siphonophora + order Siphonophora + siphonophore + Physalia + genus Physalia + ctenophore family + ctenophore genus + Ctenophora + phylum Ctenophora + ctenophore + Acanthocephala + phylum Acanthocephala + acanthocephalan + phylum Chaetognatha + phylum Platyhelminthes + phylum Nemertea + phylum Nemertina + Pogonophora + phylum Pogonophora + pogonophoran + phylum Rotifera + phylum Nematoda + phylum Aschelminthes + Aphasmidia + class Aphasmidia + Phasmidia + class Phasmidia + Cephalobidae + family Cephalobidae + phylum Annelida + phylum Mollusca + Scaphopoda + class Scaphopoda + scaphopod + Physidae + family Physidae + genus Physa + physa + Amphineura + subclass Amphineura + Aplacophora + order Aplacophora + aplacophoran + Polyplacophora + class Polyplacophora + polyplacophore + Anomia ephippium + Dreissena polymorpha + Pholadidae + family Pholadidae + Pholas + genus Pholas + Cephalopoda + class Cephalopoda + cephalopod + cephalopod mollusk + genus Ommastrephes + ommastrephes + Nephropsidae + family Nephropsidae + Nephrops + genus Nephrops + Nephrops norvegicus + Euphausiacea + order Euphausiacea + Euphausia pacifica + Amphipoda + order Amphipoda + amphipod + genus Daphnia + daphnia + Chirocephalus + genus Chirocephalus + Onychophora + class Onychophora + onychophoran + Ephippiorhynchus + genus Ephippiorhynchus + Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis + Phoenicopteridae + family Phoenicopteridae + swamphen + Porphyrio + genus Porphyrio + Porphyrio porphyrio + Porphyrula + genus Porphyrula + Porphyrula martinica + Psophiidae + family Psophiidae + Psophia + genus Psophia + Psophia crepitans + Arenaria-Melanocephala + Aphriza + genus Aphriza + Aphriza virgata + Philomachus + genus Philomachus + Philomachus pugnax + Catoptrophorus + genus Catoptrophorus + Catoptrophorus semipalmatus + Philohela + genus Philohela + Philohela minor + Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus + Cladorhyncus leucocephalum + Phalaropidae + family Phalaropidae + phalarope + Phalaropus + genus Phalaropus + red phalarope + Phalaropus fulicarius + northern phalarope + Wilson's phalarope + Pagophila + genus Pagophila + Pagophila eburnea + Cepphus + genus Cepphus + Cepphus grylle + Cepphus columba + Phalacrocoracidae + family Phalacrocoracidae + Phalacrocorax + genus Phalacrocorax + Phalacrocorax carbo + Phaethontidae + family Phaethontidae + Phaethon + genus Phaethon + Sphenisciformes + order Sphenisciformes + Spheniscidae + family Spheniscidae + sphenisciform seabird + Spheniscus + genus Spheniscus + Spheniscus demersus + Balaenoptera physalus + Physeteridae + family Physeteridae + Physeter + genus Physeter + Physeter catodon + Ziphiidae + family Ziphiidae + Delphinidae + family Delphinidae + dolphin + Delphinus + genus Delphinus + common dolphin + Delphinus delphis + bottlenose dolphin + bottle-nosed dolphin + Atlantic bottlenose dolphin + Pacific bottlenose dolphin + Phocoena + genus Phocoena + Phocoena phocoena + Phocoena sinus + Globicephala + genus Globicephala + Globicephala melaena + river dolphin + Delphinapterus + genus Delphinapterus + Delphinapterus leucas + Arctocephalus + genus Arctocephalus + Arctocephalus philippi + Zalophus + genus Zalophus + Zalophus californianus + Zalophus californicus + Zalophus lobatus + Phocidae + family Phocidae + Phoca + genus Phoca + Phoca vitulina + Pagophilus + genus Pagophilus + Pagophilus groenlandicus + elephant seal + sea elephant + Cystophora + genus Cystophora + Cystophora cristata + shepherd dog + Belgian shepherd + German shepherd + German shepherd dog + Cynopterus sphinx + Phyllostomidae + family Phyllostomidae + Phyllostomatidae + family Phyllostomatidae + Phyllostomus + genus Phyllostomus + Phyllostomus hastatus + Rhinolophidae + family Rhinolophidae + Diphylla + genus Diphylla + Diphylla ecaudata + ephemeron + ephemeral + Mantophasmatodea + order mantophasmatodea + Anthrenus scrophulariae + Pyrophorus + genus Pyrophorus + Pyrophorus noctiluca + Staphylinidae + family Staphylinidae + Sitophylus + genus Sitophylus + Sitophylus oryzae + Anoplophora glabripennis + Phthiriidae + family Phthiriidae + Phthirius + genus Phthirius + Phthirus + genus Phthirus + Phthirius pubis + Mallophaga + order Mallophaga + Siphonaptera + order Siphonaptera + Ctenocephalides + genus Ctenocephalides + Ctenocephalus + genus Ctenocephalus + Ctenocephalides canis + Ctenocephalides felis + Echidnophaga + genus Echidnophaga + Echidnophaga gallinacea + Calliphoridae + family Calliphoridae + Calliphora + genus Calliphora + Calliphora vicina + Sarcophaga + genus Sarcophaga + Sarcophaga carnaria + Gasterophilidae + family Gasterophilidae + Gasterophilus + genus Gasterophilus + Gasterophilus intestinalis + Trephritidae + family Trephritidae + Drosophilidae + family Drosophilidae + genus Drosophila + drosophila + Drosophila melanogaster + Philophylla + genus Philophylla + Melophagus + genus Melophagus + Melophagus Ovinus + Anopheles + genus Anopheles + anopheline + Mycetophilidae + family Mycetophylidae + Phlebotomus + genus Phlebotomus + Phlebotomus papatasii + Sphecoidea + superfamily Sphecoidea + sphecoid wasp + sphecoid + Sphecidae + family Sphecidae + Sceliphron + genus Sceliphron + Sphecius + genus Sphecius + Sphecius speciosis + Amphibolips + genus Amphibolips + pharaoh ant + pharaoh's ant + Monomorium pharaonis + Phasmida + order Phasmida + Phasmatodea + order Phasmatodea + phasmid + phasmid insect + Phasmidae + family Phasmidae + Phasmatidae + family Phasmatidae + genus Diapheromera + diapheromera + Diapheromera femorata + Phyllidae + family Phyllidae + Phillidae + family Phillidae + Phyllium + genus Phyllium + citrophilous mealybug + citrophilus mealybug + Aphidoidea + superfamily Aphidoidea + aphid + Aphididae + family Aphididae + Aphis + genus Aphis + apple aphid + green apple aphid + Aphis pomi + bean aphid + Aphis fabae + green peach aphid + pale chrysanthemum aphid + woolly aphid + woolly apple aphid + Prociphilus + genus Prociphilus + woolly alder aphid + Prociphilus tessellatus + balsam woolly aphid + spruce gall aphid + pine leaf aphid + Phylloxeridae + family Phylloxeridae + Phylloxera + genus Phylloxera + grape phylloxera + Phylloxera vitifoleae + Philaenus + genus Philaenus + Philaenus spumarius + Aphrophora + genus Aphrophora + Aphrophora saratogensis + Ephemeroptera + order Ephemeroptera + Ephemerida + order Ephemerida + Plectophera + ephemerid + ephemeropteran + Ephemeridae + family Ephemeridae + aphid lion + aphis lion + Raphidiidae + family Raphidiidae + Nymphalidae + family Nymphalidae + nymphalid + nymphalid butterfly + Nymphalis + genus Nymphalis + Nymphalis antiopa + sulphur butterfly + Lycaena hypophlaeas + Euproctis phaeorrhoea + Alsophila + genus Alsophila + Alsophila pometaria + Ephestia + genus Ephestia + Ephestia elutella + Trichophaga + genus Trichophaga + Trichophaga tapetzella + Phthorimaea + genus Phthorimaea + Phthorimaea operculella + Phthorimaea operculella + Sphingidae + family Sphingidae + sphingid + sphinx moth + Hyalophora + genus Hyalophora + Hyalophora cecropia + polyphemus moth + Antheraea polyphemus + Callimorpha + genus Callimorpha + Callimorpha jacobeae + Hyphantria + genus Hyphantria + Hyphantria cunea + Hyphantria cunea + nymph + leptocephalus + Phoronida + Phoronidea + phylum Phoronida + phoronid + phylum Bryozoa + phylum Ectoprocta + phylum Entoprocta + Cycliophora + phylum Cycliophora + phylum Brachiopoda + phylum Sipuncula + phylum Echinodermata + Ophiuroidea + class Ophiuroidea + Ophiurida + subclass Ophiurida + Astrophyton + genus Astrophyton + Astrophyton muricatum + Gorgonocephalus + genus Gorgonocephalus + Lagomorpha + order Lagomorpha + lagomorph + Myomorpha + suborder Myomorpha + Arvicola amphibius + genus Phenacomys + phenacomys + Hystricomorpha + suborder Hystricomorpha + Dipodomys phillipsii + gopher + pocket gopher + plains pocket gopher + southeastern pocket gopher + valley pocket gopher + northern pocket gopher + Sciuromorpha + suborder Sciuromorpha + Spermophilus + genus Spermophilus + gopher + spermophile + Heterocephalus + genus Heterocephalus + Phacochoerus + genus Phacochoerus + Hippopotamus amphibius + Alcelaphus + genus Alcelaphus + Tragelaphus + genus Tragelaphus + Tragelaphus eurycerus + Tragelaphus strepsiceros + Tragelaphus imberbis + Tragelaphus angasi + Tragelaphus buxtoni + Tragelaphus scriptus + Boselaphus + genus Boselaphus + Boselaphus tragocamelus + Raphicerus + genus Raphicerus + Raphicerus campestris + Cervus elaphus + Cervus elaphus canadensis + Elaphurus + genus Elaphurus + elaphure + Elaphurus davidianus + Mephitinae + subfamily Mephitinae + Mephitis + genus Mephitis + Mephitis mephitis + Mephitis macroura + Euphractus + genus Euphractus + Euphractus sexcinctus + Chlamyphorus + genus Chlamyphorus + chlamyphore + Chlamyphorus truncatus + Myrmecophagidae + family Myrmecophagidae + Myrmecophaga + genus Myrmecophaga + Myrmecophaga jubata + Pholidota + order Pholidota + Symphalangus + genus Symphalangus + Symphalangus syndactylus + Mandrillus sphinx + Mandrillus leucophaeus + Cynocephalidae + family Cynocephalidae + Cynocephalus + genus Cynocephalus + Cynocephalus variegatus + Elephantidae + family Elephantidae + elephant + rogue elephant + Elephas + genus Elephas + Indian elephant + Elephas maximus + white elephant + African elephant + imperial elephant + Gomphotheriidae + family Gomphotheriidae + Gomphotherium + genus Gomphotherium + gomphothere + Gadus macrocephalus + Urophycis + genus Urophycis + Myctophidae + family Myctophidae + Chlorophthalmidae + family Chlorophthalmidae + Ogcocephalidae + family Ogcocephalidae + Lophiidae + family Lophiidae + Lophius + genus Lophius + Lophius Americanus + Hemiramphidae + family Hemiramphidae + Ophiodontidae + family Ophiodontidae + Ophiodon + genus Ophiodon + Ophiodon elongatus + Percomorphi + order Percomorphi + Ophidiidae + family Ophidiidae + Centropristis philadelphica + Epinephelus + genus Epinephelus + Epinephelus fulvus + Epinephelus adscensionis + Lopholatilus + genus Lopholatilus + Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps + Discocephali + order Discocephali + Selar crumenophthalmus + Coryphaenidae + family Coryphaenidae + dolphinfish + dolphin + Coryphaena hippurus + Coryphaena equisetis + Archosargus probatocephalus + Chrysophrys + genus Chrysophrys + Chrysophrys auratus + Chrysophrys australis + Seriphus + genus Seriphus + Seriphus politus + Mugil cephalus + Sphyraenidae + family Sphyraenidae + Sphyraena + genus Sphyraena + Sphyraena barracuda + Pempheridae + family Pempheridae + Kyphosidae + family Kyphosidae + Kyphosus + genus Kyphosus + Kyphosus sectatrix + Ephippidae + family Ephippidae + Amphiprion + genus Amphiprion + Amphiprion percula + Blennius pholis + Pholidae + family Pholidae + family Pholididae + Pholis + genus Pholis + Pholis gunnellus + Periophthalmus + genus Periophthalmus + Percophidae + family Percophidae + Xiphiidae + family Xiphiidae + Xiphias + genus Xiphias + Xiphias gladius + Istiophoridae + family Istiophoridae + Istiophorus + genus Istiophorus + Istiophorus albicans + Hyperoglyphe + genus Hyperoglyphe + Hyperglyphe perciformis + Psephurus + genus Psephurus + Psephurus gladis + Myxocephalus + genus Myxocephalus + Myxocephalus aenaeus + Agonus cataphractus + Aspidophoroides + genus Aspidophoroides + Aspidophoroides monopterygius + Platycephalidae + family Platycephalidae + Lactophrys + genus Lactophrys + Lactophrys quadricornis + Scophthalmus + genus Scophthalmus + Scophthalmus aquosus + Scophthalmus rhombus + Parophrys + genus Parophrys + Parophrys vitulus + acetaminophen + Phenaphen + phenylacetamide + phonograph recording disk + acetophenetidin + acetphenetidin + phenacetin + Addressograph + alpha blocker + alpha-blocker + alpha-adrenergic blocker + alpha-adrenergic blocking agent + alpha-interferon + aminophylline + amphetamine + amphetamine sulfate + amphetamine sulphate + amphibian + amphibious aircraft + amphibian + amphibious vehicle + amphitheater + amphitheatre + amphitheater + amphitheatre + amphora + amphotericin + anaglyph + anaglyph + anamorphosis + anamorphism + antisyphilitic + aphrodisiac + apomorphine + armillary sphere + Artemision at Ephesus + St. Joseph + autograph album + autoradiograph + ballistocardiograph + cardiograph + barograph + sousaphone + bathyscaphe + bathyscaph + bathysphere + pharos + cataphract + body plethysmograph + bolograph + microphone boom + hermaphrodite brig + brompheniramine maleate + photographic camera + camphor ice + cardiograph + electrocardiograph + cardioid microphone + Rocephin + cellophane + cellular telephone + cellular phone + cellphone + mobile phone + cenotaph + telephone exchange + cephalexin + cephaloglycin + cephaloridine + cephalosporin + cephalothin + chloramphenicol + chlorpheniramine maleate + chordophone + chronograph + clomiphene + clomiphene citrate + colophon + Amphitheatrum Flavium + chromatography column + computer graphics + computerized axial tomography scanner + condenser microphone + capacitor microphone + prophylactic + orthomorphic projection + prophylactic device + cosmography + shepherd's crook + cryptograph + crystal microphone + cytophotometer + desk phone + dextroamphetamine sulphate + telephone dial + dial telephone + dial phone + diaphone + diaphoretic + diaphragm + diaphragm + diaphragm + contraceptive diaphragm + Dictaphone + alphanumeric display + digital plethysmograph + diphenhydramine + diphenylhydantoin + phenytoin + diphenylbutyl piperidine + directional microphone + dolphin striker + pharmacy + membranophone + earphone + headphone + phone + echocardiograph + echoencephalograph + electroencephalograph + electrograph + electrograph + electromyograph + electrophorus + photographic emulsion + encephalogram + pneumoencephalogram + esophagoscope + oesophagoscope + euphonium + euphoriant + telephone extension + extension phone + photographic film + asphyxiator + shepherd's pipe + photoflash + photoflood + flophouse + fluphenazine + paraphernalia + glyph + glyptography + gramophone + acoustic gramophone + graphic + computer graphic + graphic art + graphics + photogravure + Hagia Sophia + Santa Sophia + photoengraving + French telephone + heckelphone + hectograph + heliograph + diacetylmorphine + hexachlorophene + holograph + hydromorphone hydrochloride + hydromorphone + isobutylphenyl propionic acid + iconography + diaglyph + interphone + iris diaphragm + kymograph + cymograph + lagerphone + lamphouse + levallorphan + photometer + lithograph + lithograph machine + lithograph + loophole + lymphangiogram + magnetograph + xylophone + mass spectrograph + Mephaquine + megaphone + melphalan + mephenytoin + mephobarbital + Glucophage + dolophine hydrochloride + methamphetamine + methamphetamine hydrochloride + deoxyephedrine + alpha methyl dopa + methylenedioxymethamphetamine + methylphenidate + microphone + microphotometer + mimeograph + mimeograph machine + Roneograph + morphine + morphia + photomosaic + camphor ball + Murphy bed + shepherd's pipe + nalorphine + naphazoline + nephoscope + nomograph + ophthalmoscope + orphanage + orphans' asylum + orphenadrine + orphrey + oscillograph + oxyphenbutazone + oxyphencyclimine + pantograph + camphorated tincture of opium + pay-phone + peephole + phenoxymethyl penicillin + peripheral + computer peripheral + peripheral device + perphenazine + pharmaceutical + pharmaceutic + pharmacopoeia + phenazopyridine + phencyclidine + phencyclidine hydrochloride + phenelzine + pheniramine + phenolphthalein + phensuximide + phentolamine + phenylbutazone + phenylephrine + phenylpropanolamine + phenyltoloxamine + phial + Phillips screw + Phillips screwdriver + phonograph album + phonograph needle + phonograph record + phonograph recording + photocathode + photocoagulator + photocopier + photocopy + photoelectric cell + photoconductive cell + photocell + photograph + photo + photograph album + photographic equipment + photographic paper + photographic material + photographic print + photolithograph + photometer + photomicrograph + photomontage + Photostat + Photostat machine + photostat + phrontistery + physical pendulum + physics lab + physics laboratory + photographic plate + plethysmograph + polygraph + positron emission tomography scanner + prophylactic + Phenergan + propoxyphene + propoxyphene hydrochloride + taphouse + physic + pyrograph + quadraphony + quadraphonic system + quadriphonic system + rophy + radiograph + shadowgraph + skiagraph + radiopharmaceutical + radio-phonograph + radio-gramophone + radiophotograph + radiophoto + radiotelegraph + radiotelegraphy + wireless telegraph + wireless telegraphy + radiotelephone + radiophone + wireless telephone + phonograph + X-ray photograph + sarcophagus + saxophone + scyphus + seismograph + semaphore + shophar + serigraph + siphon + syphon + phenobarbital + phenobarbitone + photovoltaic cell + sonograph + sound spectrograph + speakerphone + spectrograph + spectrograph + spectrophotometer + sphere + spherometer + sphinx + sphygmomanometer + spirograph + chophouse + stenograph + stereophony + stereophonic system + stereoscopic photograph + sulpha + sulphur mine + tachograph + telegraph + telegraphy + telegraph key + telephone + phone + telephone set + telephone bell + telephone booth + phone booth + telephone box + telephone kiosk + telephone cord + phone cord + telephone jack + phone jack + telephone line + phone line + telephone circuit + telephone plug + phone plug + telephone pole + telegraph pole + telegraph post + telephone receiver + telephone system + phone system + telephone wire + telephone line + telegraph wire + telegraph line + telephotograph + telephoto + telephotograph + telephoto lens + telpher + telpherage + Delphic oracle + oracle of Delphi + theophylline + Elixophyllin + thermograph + thermometrograph + thermograph + tomograph + phaeton + Tower of Pharos + trephine + triphammer + triumphal arch + trophy + trophy case + upholstery + upholstery material + upholstery needle + phlebogram + vibraphone + viewgraph + xerographic printer + xerographic copier + physicality + oomph + phlegm + phase + oomph + atmosphere + homomorphism + homomorphy + isomorphism + isomorphy + physicalness + haphazardness + sophistication + sycophancy + physical composition + phenotype + basophilia + sapphire + cacophony + philharmonic pitch + physique + ectomorphy + endomorphy + mesomorphy + physiology + physiological property + hermaphroditism + physical property + emphasis + overemphasis + pH + pH scale + ephemerality + ephemeralness + topography + sphericity + sphericalness + photographic density + physician-patient privilege + hydrophobicity + physical ability + brachycephaly + brachycephalism + dolichocephaly + dolichocephalism + physical structure + physical body + physique + crotaphion + mesophyron + ophryon + sphenion + stephanion + symphysion + nephron + esophageal smear + scaphoid bone + os scaphoideum + raphe + rhaphe + palatine raphe + phalanx + sphenoid bone + sphenoid + os sphenoidale + xiphoid process + lymphatic tissue + lymphoid tissue + diaphragm + endolymph + perilymph + musculophrenic artery + arteria musculophrenica + ophthalmic artery + arteria ophthalmica + accessory cephalic vein + vena cephalica accessoria + brachiocephalic vein + vena brachiocephalica + cephalic vein + vena cephalica + esophageal veins + oesophageal veins + venae esophageae + musculophrenic vein + vena musculophrenica + ophthalmic vein + vena ophthalmica + inferior ophthalmic vein + superior ophthalmic vein + pharyngeal vein + vena pharyngeus + phrenic vein + vena phrenica + saphenous vein + vena saphena + long saphenous vein + great saphenous vein + short saphenous vein + lymphatic system + systema lymphaticum + lymph vessel + lymphatic vessel + karyolymph + lymph + norepinephrine + adrenocorticotrophic hormone + adrenocorticotrophin + corticotrophin + epinephrine + epinephrin + gonadotrophin + gonadotrophic hormone + somatotrophin + somatotrophic hormone + phlegm + lymph node + lymph gland + allelomorph + macrophage + phagocyte + fixed phagocyte + free phagocyte + lymphocyte + lymph cell + B lymphocyte + T lymphocyte + lymphoblast + basophil + basophile + neutrophil + neutrophile + microphage + eosinophil + eosinophile + spherocyte + mononuclear phagocyte system + system of macrophages + apophysis + osteophyte + hemisphere + cerebral hemisphere + left hemisphere + right hemisphere + rhinencephalon + glossopharyngeal nerve + nervus glossopharyngeus + encephalon + neencephalon + neoencephalon + metencephalon + paleencephalon + paleoencephalon + palaeencephalon + hypophysis + hypophyseal stalk + adenohypophysis + neurohypophysis + epiphysis cerebri + epiphysis + cerebellar hemisphere + prosencephalon + telencephalon + diencephalon + thalmencephalon + mesencephalon + rhombencephalon + myelencephalon + peripheral nervous system + systema nervosum periphericum + phallus + microphallus + nasopharynx + oropharynx + laryngopharynx + pharyngeal tonsil + tonsilla pharyngealis + esophagus + oesophagus + sphenoid fontanelle + sphenoid fontanel + sphenoidal fontanelle + sphenoidal fontanel + pharynx + omphalos + omphalus + saphenous nerve + nervus saphenus + phrenic nerve + nervus phrenicus + sphincter + anatomical sphincter + sphincter muscle + cardiac sphincter + esophagogastric junction + oesophagogastric junction + physiological sphincter + anal sphincter + sphincter ani + musculus sphincter ani + musculus sphincter ani externus + musculus sphincter ani internus + urethral sphincter + musculus sphincter urethrae + bladder sphincter + musculus sphincter vesicae + musculus sphincter ductus choledochi + musculus sphincter ductus pancreatici + pupillary sphincter + musculus sphincter pupillae + pyloric sphincter + musculus sphincter pylori + interphalangeal joint + metacarpophalangeal joint + epiphysis + diaphysis + metaphysis + spheroid joint + articulatio spheroidea + physiognomy + phiz + alpha receptor + alpha-adrenergic receptor + alpha-adrenoceptor + pharyngeal recess + phantasy + phantasy life + phantasy world + sophistication + analphabetism + photosensitivity + photopic vision + peripheral vision + photomechanics + mephitis + euphony + music of the spheres + phantom limb pain + physical topology + zoomorphism + heterophil test + physical education + anthropomorphism + prophecy + omphaloskepsis + alpha test + sphere + alphabet + sophism + sophistry + sophistication + phantasy + phantom + phantasm + phantasma + phantasmagoria + phantom limb + apophatism + cataphatism + philosophy + philosophical system + philosophy + theosophy + theosophism + anthroposophy + gymnosophy + empiricist philosophy + existential philosophy + existentialist philosophy + physicalism + sophistication + spherical geometry + spherical trigonometry + demographic + phi coefficient + phi correlation + dermatoglyphics + phrenology + nephrology + ophthalmology + pharmacology + pharmacological medicine + pharmacy + pharmaceutics + pharmacokinetics + psychopharmacology + physiological anatomy + morphophysiology + topographic anatomy + biogeography + phytology + phycology + morphology + pharmacogenetics + physiology + neurophysiology + physical chemistry + phytochemistry + photochemistry + physics + natural philosophy + physics + physical science + biophysics + astrophysics + solar physics + crystallography + nuclear physics + atomic physics + holography + particle physics + high-energy physics + high energy physics + plasma physics + quantum physics + solid-state physics + hypsography + geophysics + geophysical science + morphology + geomorphology + orography + stratigraphy + nephology + oceanography + hydrography + geography + geographics + physical geography + physiography + topography + economic geography + cosmography + psychophysics + physiological psychology + psychophysiology + paleogeography + palaeogeography + paleography + epigraphy + ethnography + paleoethnography + palaeoethnography + physical anthropology + demography + psephology + philosophy + moral philosophy + legal philosophy + metaphysics + phenomenology + philosophical doctrine + philosophical theory + dialect geography + linguistic geography + philology + cryptography + phrase structure + phonetics + phonology + phonemics + morphology + morphology + inflectional morphology + derivational morphology + compound morphology + morphophonemics + Monophysitism + transcendental philosophy + homophobia + Islamophobia + graphology + cipher + cypher + photojournalism + news photography + telephone + telephony + phone call + telephone call + telegraphy + radiotelegraph + radiotelegraphy + wireless telegraphy + phone message + telephone message + radiotelephone + radiotelephony + wireless telephone + phase modulation + anaphor + morpheme + allomorph + free morpheme + bound morpheme + alpha privative + phrase + noun phrase + nominal phrase + verb phrase + prepositional phrase + pronominal phrase + anaphoric pronoun + phrasal verb + stephead + phonetic transcription + stenography + tachygraphy + orthography + Armenian alphabet + cryptograph + cipher + cypher + cryptograph + alphabetic writing + alphabetic script + boustrophedon + ideography + hieroglyph + hieroglyphic + historiography + euphuism + phantasy + polyphonic prose + Sapphic ode + strophe + antistrophe + paragraph + hieroglyph + hieroglyphic + calligraphy + chirography + cacography + allograph + autograph + epigraph + epitaph + epitaph + autograph + holograph + pamphlet + monograph + pharmacopeia + pamphlet + phrase book + phonebook + phone book + telephone book + telephone directory + phone number + telephone number + ephemeris + rephrasing + paraphrase + paraphrasis + Book of the Prophet Daniel + Zephaniah + Sophonias + Book of Zephaniah + Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians + Epistle to the Ephesians + Ephesians + Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians + Epistle to the Philippians + Philippians + Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Philemon + Epistle to Philemon + Philemon + Prophets + Haphtorah + Haphtarah + Hagiographa + Apocrypha + Pseudepigrapha + Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory + telegraph form + bibliography + discography + alphabet + Roman alphabet + Latin alphabet + Hebrew alphabet + Hebraic alphabet + Greek alphabet + Cyrillic alphabet + Arabic alphabet + alphanumerics + alphanumeric characters + phonetic alphabet + sound alphabet + manual alphabet + finger alphabet + biography + autobiography + hagiography + phone bill + telephone bill + alpha software + graphical user interface + bumph + alpha and omega + loophole + amphibology + amphiboly + euphemism + dysphemism + amphigory + epigraph + phone-in + typography + photogravure + planographic printing + planography + photogelatin process + lithography + photolithography + chromolithography + photo-offset printing + photo-offset + offset lithography + Doctor of Philosophy + Ph.D. + PhD + DPhil + DPH + trophy + philosophizing + prophecy + photo credit + typographical error + Peace of Westphalia + telegraphic signal + radiotelegraphic signal + choreography + grapheme + graphic symbol + allograph + phonogram + seriph + letter of the alphabet + alphabetic character + digraph + alpha + phi + aleph + kaph + qoph + polyphone + polyphonic letter + phonetic symbol + pictograph + ideograph + logograph + stenograph + apostrophe + hyphen + phylactery + elephant + paraph + Pasigraphy + Philippine + Thraco-Phrygian + Phrygian + Phoenician + graphics + graphic design + graph + graphical record + bar graph + echoencephalogram + electroencephalogram + encephalogram + orphan + choreography + monophony + monophonic music + polyphony + polyphonic music + melodic phrase + homophony + antiphon + antiphony + antiphonary + antiphonal + symphony + symphonic music + phrase + musical phrase + symphonic poem + antiphony + euphuism + phrasing + phraseology + emphasis + turn of phrase + periphrasis + amphibrach + epiphora + epistrophe + epanaphora + anaphora + anaphora + anastrophe + antiphrasis + apophasis + apostrophe + ecphonesis + emphasis + metaphor + dead metaphor + frozen metaphor + mixed metaphor + synesthetic metaphor + phonation + phone + morphophoneme + phoneme + allophone + diphthong + morphophonemic system + phonemic system + phonological system + phonologic system + orinasal phone + pharyngeal + pharyngeal consonant + blasphemy + homograph + homophone + homophony + phatic speech + phatic communication + telephone conversation + catchphrase + catch phrase + aphorism + apophthegm + Murphy's Law + phrasal idiom + set phrase + phrase + agrapha + telegraphese + telephone interview + acrophony + philippic + psychic phenomena + psychic phenomenon + morphological rule + rule of morphology + catastrophe + epiphany + theophany + alpha + photo finish + amphimixis + upheaval + cacophony + phenomenon + atrophy + abiotrophy + atmospherics + atmospheric static + photo opportunity + photo op + triumph + phlegm + physical attraction + aphrodisia + anaphrodisia + nymphomania + algophilia + mysophilia + Anglophilia + philhellenism + philogyny + Anglophobia + technophobia + triumph + euphoria + euphory + dysphoria + philia + technophilia + alphabet soup + Philadelphia pepper pot + phyllo + pheasant + murphy + crisphead lettuce + dolphinfish + acidophilus milk + pheasant under glass + shepherd's pie + philter + philtre + love-philter + love-philtre + phosphate + scrapheap + phratry + pharmaceutical company + pharma + Followers of the Phrophet + Caliphate State + phylum + subphylum + superphylum + phylum + philosophy department + department of philosophy + physics department + department of physics + National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration + PHS + telephone company + telephone service + phone company + phone service + sophomore class + symphony orchestra + symphony + philharmonic + phalanx + phalanx + Ephesus + Council of Ephesus + amphictyony + phyle + alphabet soup + philanthropic foundation + aphelion + atmosphere + biosphere + heliosphere + celestial sphere + sphere + geographical zone + caliphate + eastern hemisphere + scrapheap + geographical area + geographic area + geographical region + geographic region + biogeographical region + geographic point + geographical point + hemisphere + ionosphere + northern hemisphere + southern hemisphere + sphere + sphere of influence + orphan site + topographic point + western hemisphere + Phrygia + Philippopolis + Phnom Penh + Delphi + Ephesus + Cynoscephalae + Bethlehem Ephrathah + Philistia + Memphis + Philippi + Phoenicia + Phenicia + Philippines + Philippine Islands + Philippines + Republic of the Philippines + capital of the Philippines + Saint Christopher-Nevis + St. Christopher-Nevis + Saint Christopher + St. Christopher + Phoenix + Gopher State + Saint Joseph + St. Joseph + Philadelphia + Memphis + Haiphong + necrophilia + necrophilism + phaneromania + Alpha Centauri + Alpha Crucis + alpha particle + asthenosphere + atmosphere + Alpha Orionis + Alpha Geminorum + Cepheus + Chao Phraya + chromosphere + Delphinus + Euphrates + Euphrates River + exosphere + gopher hole + hydrosphere + nephrolith + lithosphere + geosphere + mesosphere + Phosphorus + Ophiuchus + ozonosphere + Phobos + Phoenix + photoelectron + photon + photosphere + stratosphere + tophus + thermosphere + troposphere + uphill + sea nymph + amphisbaena + Euphrosyne + gryphon + Cepheus + Sisyphus + Morpheus + Bellerophon + phoenix + Sphinx + Typhoeus + Typhon + Tisiphone + Nephthys + Raphael + seraph + water nymph + phantom + phantasm + phantasma + nymph + water nymph + Daphne + wood nymph + Phoebus + Phoebus Apollo + Aphrodite + Hephaestus + Hephaistos + Hermaphroditus + Pasiphae + Persephone + Phaethon + Orpheus + Zephyr + Phoebe + Phrygian deity + Iphigenia + Philip Marlowe + Mephistopheles + Phoenician + Gopher + aerophile + alphabetizer + alphabetiser + alto saxophonist + analphabet + analphabetic + anglophile + anglophil + anglophobe + aphakic + aphasic + aphorist + astrophysicist + cosmographer + cosmographist + autobiographer + bibliographer + bibliophile + biographer + biophysicist + blasphemer + phytologist + brachycephalic + caliph + kaliph + phoner + telephoner + calligrapher + calligraphist + cinematographer + anthropophagus + anthropophagite + cartographer + sophist + neophyte + choreographer + cipher + cypher + claustrophobe + typographer + cryptographer + crystallographer + dauphin + decipherer + decipherer + deipnosophist + demographer + demographist + physician + dolichocephalic + ectomorph + endomorph + enophile + oenophile + Ephesian + ethnographer + existentialist philosopher + existential philosopher + phalangist + saphead + Francophile + Francophil + Francophobe + geographer + geophysicist + gopher + graphic designer + graphologist + great-nephew + grandnephew + gymnosophist + hagiographer + hagiographist + hemophiliac + haemophiliac + hemophile + haemophile + hermaphrodite + gynandromorph + historiographer + homophobe + homophile + house physician + resident physician + phony + phoney + Japheth + lexicographer + lithographer + mesomorph + Monophysite + morosoph + mycophagist + mycophage + nephew + neophyte + nuclear physicist + nymph + nymphet + nympholept + nymphomaniac + nympho + oceanographer + ophthalmologist + orphan + orphan + paleographer + paleographist + pamphleteer + paragrapher + pedophile + paedophile + Pharaoh + Pharaoh of Egypt + Pharisee + pharisee + pharmacist + pharmacologist + pharmaceutical chemist + philanthropist + philatelist + philhellene + philhellenist + Graecophile + Philippian + Philistine + philistine + philologist + philologue + philomath + philosopher + philosopher + philosophizer + philosophiser + phlebotomist + phonetician + phonologist + photographer + photographer's model + photojournalist + photometrist + photometrician + phrenologist + Phrygian + physical therapist + physiotherapist + physicist + physiologist + phytochemist + hypophysial dwarf + pornographer + Pre-Raphaelite + press photographer + primary care physician + graphic artist + prophet + prophesier + prophetess + prophet + psephologist + pseudohermaphrodite + psychophysicist + pyrographer + radiographer + saxophonist + schizophrenic + Sephardi + Sephardic Jew + sheepherder + shepherd + shepherd + shepherdess + Sophist + sophisticate + sophomore + soph + sphinx + stenographer + straphanger + straphanger + sycophant + sylph + sylph + symphonist + syphilitic + phone tapper + technophile + technophobe + telegrapher + telegraphist + telegraph operator + telephone operator + telephonist + tenor saxophonist + theosophist + trophy wife + upholder + upholsterer + vibraphonist + philanderer + xylophonist + Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz + Philip Anderson + Philip Warren Anderson + Phil Anderson + Monophthalmos + Aristophanes + Sir Joseph Banks + Phineas Taylor Barnum + Vanessa Stephen + Joseph Hilaire Peter Belloc + Stephen Vincent Benet + Alphonse Bertillon + Joseph Black + Humphrey Bogart + Humphrey DeForest Bogart + Phiz + Ralph Bunche + Ralph Johnson Bunche + Joseph Campbell + Alphonse Capone + Christopher Carson + Philip Dormer Stanhope + Christopher + Saint Christopher + St. Christopher + Charles Joseph Clark + Stephen Grover Cleveland + Christopher Columbus + Joseph Conrad + Stephen Crane + Humphrey Davy + Sir Humphrey Davy + Stephen Decatur + Charles Andre Joseph Marie de Gaulle + Clement Philibert Leo Delibes + Philibert Delorme + Philibert de l'Orme + Joseph Paul DiMaggio + Diophantus + Stephen A. Douglas + Stephen Arnold Douglas + Daphne du Maurier + Dame Daphne du Maurier + Ralph Ellison + Ralph Waldo Ellison + Ralph Waldo Emerson + Richard Phillips Feynman + Gerald Rudolph Ford + Stephen Foster + Stephen Collins Foster + Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier + Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier + Francis Joseph + Franz Joseph + Francis Joseph I + Christopher Fry + Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac + Humphrey Gilbert + Sir Humphrey Gilbert + Stephen Girard + Christoph Willibald von Gluck + Joseph Goebbels + Paul Joseph Goebbels + Stephen Jay Gould + Stephanie Graf + Stephane Grappelli + Joseph Greenberg + Gustavus Adolphus + Asaph Hall + William Christopher Handy + Stephen Hawking + Stephen William Hawking + Joseph Haydn + Franz Joseph Haydn + William Randolph Hearst + Joseph Heller + Joseph Henry + Heinrich Rudolph Hertz + Alfred Joseph Hitchcock + Joseph Hooker + Sir Anthony Philip Hopkins + William Ralph Inge + Christopher Isherwood + Christopher William Bradshaw Isherwood + Joseph M. Jacquard + Joseph Marie Jacquard + Michael Philip Jagger + Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus + Good Shepherd + Joseph Joachim + Joseph Jacques Cesaire Joffre + Joseph Eggleston Johnston + Joseph + Joseph + Joseph + Chief Joseph + Josephus + Flavius Josephus + Joseph ben Matthias + Joseph Francis Keaton + Joseph Rudyard Kipling + Franz Joseph Kline + Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger + Rudolph Laban + Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier + Stephen Leacock + Stephen Butler Leacock + Philipp Lenard + Gotthold Ephraim Lessing + Joseph Lister + Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge + Sophia Loren + Joseph Louis Barrow + Laurence Stephen Lowry + Clemence Sophia Harned Lozier + Stephane Mallarme + Typhoid Mary + Christopher Marlowe + John Philip Marquand + Joseph McCarthy + Joseph Raymond McCarthy + John Joseph McGraw + McPherson + Aimee Semple McPherson + Philipp Melanchthon + Philipp Schwarzerd + Reginald Joseph Mitchell + Thelonious Sphere Monk + Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe Morton + Hermann Joseph Muller + George Gilbert Aime Murphy + Adolph Simon Ochs + Joseph Oliver + Philip Michael Ondaatje + Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus + Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim + Charles Christopher Parker + Joseph Paxton + Sir Joseph Paxton + Ralph Barton Perry + John Joseph Pershing + Phidias + Pheidias + Philemon + Philemon + Philip + Prince Philip + Philip II + Philip II of Spain + Philip II + Philip II of Macedon + Philip II + Philip Augustus + Philip V + Philip VI + Philip of Valois + Phintias + Photius + Alice-Josephine Pons + Joseph Priestley + Pierre Joseph Proudhon + Joseph Pulitzer + Jean-Philippe Rameau + Raphael + Stephen Michael Reich + Joseph Banks Rhine + Ralph Richardson + Sir Ralph David Richardson + Philip Roth + Philip Milton Roth + Comte Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade + Sappho + Adolphe Sax + Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller + Franz Seraph Peter Schubert + Clara Josephine Schumann + Joseph Schumpeter + Joseph Alois Schumpeter + Sir Philip Sidney + Georges Joseph Christian Simenon + Joseph Smith + Stephen Sondheim + Sophocles + John Philip Sousa + Stephen Spender + Sir Stephen Harold Spender + Joseph Stalin + Joseph Lincoln Steffens + Frank Philip Stella + Stephen + Sir Leslie Stephen + Stephenson + George Stephenson + Joseph Warren Stilwell + Gloria May Josephine Svensson + Joseph Deems Taylor + Georg Philipp Telemann + Theophrastus + Joseph John Thomson + Sir Joseph John Thomson + Arnold Joseph Toynbee + Sophie Tucker + James Joseph Tunney + Joseph Mallord William Turner + Ralph Vaughan Williams + Karl Adolph Verner + Mrs. Humphrey Ward + Phillis Wheatley + Stephen Samuel Wise + Sir Henry Joseph Wood + Adeline Virginia Stephen Woolf + Joseph Emerson Worcester + Sir Christopher Wren + Xenophanes + Xenophon + Zephaniah + Sophonias + Richard Adolph Zsigmondy + natural phenomenon + chemical phenomenon + photoconductivity + photoconduction + photochemical exchange + photoemission + geological phenomenon + organic phenomenon + physical phenomenon + alpha radiation + alpha ray + alpha rhythm + alpha wave + acoustic phenomenon + atmospheric phenomenon + atmospheric pressure + zephyr + catastrophe + electrical phenomenon + epiphenomenon + atmospheric electricity + magnetosphere + mechanical phenomenon + sphacelus + optical phenomenon + phosphorescence + photoelectricity + pleomorphism + polymorphism + dimorphism + polymorphism + pleomorphism + dimorphism + polymorphism + single nucleotide polymorphism + ionospheric wave + spherical aberration + typhoon + atmospheric condition + holophyte + Thallophyta + thallophyte + Tracheophyta + division Tracheophyta + Bryophyta + division Bryophyta + bryophyte + Sphagnales + order Sphagnales + genus Sphagnum + sphagnum + sphagnum moss + Marchantia polymorpha + Sphaerocarpales + order Sphaerocarpales + Sphaerocarpaceae + family Sphaerocarpaceae + Sphaerocarpus + genus Sphaerocarpus + Sphaerocarpos + genus Sphaerocarpos + Pteridophyta + division Pteridophyta + pteridophyte + conidiophore + oosphere + Spermatophyta + division Spermatophyta + Phanerogamae + spermatophyte + phanerogam + hygrophyte + neophyte + caryophylloid dicot family + caryophylloid dicot genus + Gymnospermophyta + division Gymnospermophyta + Gnetophytina + subdivision Gnetophytina + Gnetophyta + Ephedraceae + family Ephedraceae + genus Ephedra + ephedra + Ephedra sinica + Cycadophytina + subdivision Cycadophytina + Cycadophyta + subdivision Cycadophyta + genus Encephalartos + encephalartos + Encephalartos caffer + Pteridospermaphyta + group Pteridospermaphyta + Coniferophytina + subdivision Coniferophytina + Coniferophyta + Pinophytina + subdivision Pinophytina + Pinus monophylla + Tsuga heterophylla + Callitris glaucophylla + Araucaria heterophylla + Cephalotaxaceae + family Cephalotaxaceae + Cephalotaxus + genus Cephalotaxus + Phyllocladaceae + family Phyllocladaceae + Phyllocladus + genus Phyllocladus + Phyllocladus asplenifolius + Phyllocladus trichomanoides + Phyllocladus alpinus + Microstrobos niphophilus + Retrophyllum + genus Retrophyllum + Taxophytina + subdivision Taxophytina + Ginkgophytina + class Ginkgophytina + subdivision Ginkgophytina + subdivision Ginkgophyta + Magnoliophyta + division Magnoliophyta + Anthophyta + division Anthophyta + gynophore + carpophore + amphitropous ovule + cataphyll + sporophyte + gametophyte + megagametophyte + megasporophyll + microgametophyte + microsporophyll + Caulophyllum + genus Caulophyllum + Caulophyllum thalictrioides + Caulophyllum thalictroides + Podophyllum + genus Podophyllum + Podophyllum peltatum + Ceratophyllaceae + family Ceratophyllaceae + Ceratophyllum + genus Ceratophyllum + Cercidiphyllaceae + family Cercidiphyllaceae + Cercidiphyllum + genus Cercidiphyllum + Cercidiphyllum japonicum + camphor tree + Cinnamomum camphora + great-leaved macrophylla + Magnolia macrophylla + Nymphaeaceae + family Nymphaeaceae + Nymphaea + genus Nymphaea + water nymph + Nymphaea odorata + Nymphaea alba + Nymphaea lotus + Nymphaea caerulea + Nymphaea stellata + Nuphar + genus Nuphar + Nuphar advena + Nuphar sagittifolium + Nuphar lutea + herb Christopher + pheasant's-eye + Delphinium ajacis + genus Delphinium + delphinium + Acacia xanthophloea + elephant's ear + Leucaena leucocephala + genus Strophanthus + strophanthus + Strophanthus kombe + elephant's ear + elephant ear + genus Amorphophallus + amorphophallus + elephant yam + Amorphophallus paeonifolius + Amorphophallus campanulatus + Amorphophallus rivieri + Amorphophallus titanum + Arisaema triphyllum + genus Nephthytis + nephthytis + Nephthytis afzelii + genus Philodendron + philodendron + genus Spathiphyllum + spathiphyllum + Schefflera actinophylla + Brassaia actinophylla + Aristolochia macrophylla + Caryophyllidae + subclass Caryophyllidae + Caryophyllales + order Caryophyllales + Caryophyllaceae + family Caryophyllaceae + caryophyllaceous plant + Dianthus caryophyllus + Gypsophila + genus Gypsophila + Gypsophila paniculata + Alternanthera philoxeroides + Gomphrena + genus Gomphrena + Gomphrena globosa + samphire + genus Coryphantha + coryphantha + genus Epiphyllum + epiphyllum + Lophophora + genus Lophophora + Lophophora williamsii + Phytolaccaceae + family Phytolaccaceae + Phytolacca + genus Phytolacca + Phytolacca acinosa + Phytolacca americana + Phytolacca dioica + Capparis cynophallophora + Brassica oleracea acephala + shepherd's purse + shepherd's pouch + Cardamine diphylla + Dentaria diphylla + genus Heliophila + heliophila + Physaria + genus Physaria + Raphanus + genus Raphanus + Raphanus raphanistrum + Raphanus sativus + Raphanus sativus longipinnatus + Rorippa amphibia + Nasturtium amphibium + Stephanomeria + genus Stephanomeria + Stephanomeria malheurensis + Stylomecon heterophyllum + Papaver heterophyllum + Stylophorum + genus Stylophorum + Stylophorum diphyllum + Anaphalis + genus Anaphalis + Anaphalis margaritacea + Eriophyllum wallacei + Argyroxiphium + genus Argyroxiphium + Argyroxiphium sandwicense + Artemisia gnaphalodes + Aster macrophyllus + Buphthalmum + genus Buphthalmum + Buphthalmum salicifolium + Callistephus + genus Callistephus + Callistephus chinensis + Cirsium eriophorum + Cirsium heterophylum + Dimorphotheca + genus Dimorphotheca + Elephantopus + genus Elephantopus + elephant's-foot + Philadelphia fleabane + Erigeron philadelphicus + Eriophyllum + genus Eriophyllum + Eriophyllum lanatum + Gnaphalium + genus Gnaphalium + Gnaphalium sylvaticum + Gutierrezia microcephala + camphor daisy + Haplopappus phyllocephalus + Lagenophera + genus Lagenophera + Olearia argophylla + Parthenium hysterophorus + Seriphidium + genus Seriphidium + Seriphidium canum + Seriphidium maritimum + Seriphidium tridentatum + Silphium + genus Silphium + Silphium laciniatum + camphor dune tansy + Tanacetum camphoratum + shepherd's clock + Cephalanthera + genus Cephalanthera + Cephalanthera rubra + Eburophyton + genus Eburophyton + phantom orchid + Eburophyton austinae + Grammatophyllum + genus Grammatophyllum + Habenaria leucophaea + Malaxis ophioglossoides + Ophrys + genus Ophrys + Ophrys apifera + Ophrys insectifera + Ophrys muscifera + Ophrys sphegodes + Paphiopedilum + genus Paphiopedilum + genus Phaius + phaius + Phalaenopsis + genus Phalaenopsis + Phalaenopsis amabilis + Pholidota + genus Pholidota + Phragmipedium + genus Phragmipedium + Platanthera leucophea + Scaphosepalum + genus Scaphosepalum + elephant's-foot + Dioscorea elephantipes + Theophrastaceae + family Theophrastaceae + Phalaris + genus Phalaris + Phalaris arundinacea + Phalaris canariensis + Phalaris aquatica + Phalaris tuberosa + Phleum + genus Phleum + Phleum pratense + Phragmites + genus Phragmites + Phragmites communis + Stenotaphrum + genus Stenotaphrum + Stenotaphrum secundatum + Phyllostachys + genus Phyllostachys + Phyllostachys aurea + Phyllostachys nigra + Phyllostachys bambusoides + Eriophorum + genus Eriophorum + Eriophorum angustifolium + Typhaceae + family Typhaceae + Typha + genus Typha + Typha latifolia + Typha angustifolia + Lobelia siphilitica + Abutilon theophrasti + Hibiscus heterophyllus + Sphaeralcea remota + Sphaeralcea fasciculata + Sida hermaphrodita + Sphaeralcea + genus Sphaeralcea + Sphaeralcea coccinea + phoenix tree + Heritiera macrophylla + Tilia heterophylla + phalsa + Guevina heterophylla + Macadamia tetraphylla + Andromeda glaucophylla + Arctostaphylos + genus Arctostaphylos + Arctostaphylos uva-ursi + Arctostaphylos alpina + Arctostaphylos andersonii + Arctostaphylos manzanita + Arctostaphylos tomentosa + Chamaedaphne + genus Chamaedaphne + Chamaedaphne calyculata + Leiophyllum + genus Leiophyllum + Leiophyllum buxifolium + Phyllodoce + genus Phyllodoce + Phyllodoce caerulea + Phyllodoce breweri + Styphelia humifusum + Richea dracophylla + Styphelia + genus Styphelia + Styphelia triflora + Chimaphila + genus Chimaphila + Chimaphila umbellata + Chimaphila corymbosa + Chrysolepis chrysophylla + Castanea chrysophylla + Castanopsis chrysophylla + Quercus phellos + Phillyrea + genus Phillyrea + Combretum erythrophyllum + Myriophyllum + genus Myriophyllum + Eucalyptus calophylla + Eucalyptus camphora + Eugenia caryophyllatum + Rhizophoraceae + family Rhizophoraceae + Rhizophora + genus Rhizophora + Rhizophora mangle + daphne family + genus Daphne + daphne + Daphne cneorum + Daphne laureola + February daphne + Daphne mezereum + Begonia erythrophylla + Calophyllum + genus Calophyllum + Calophyllum calaba + Calophyllum longifolium + Calophyllum candidissimum + Calophyllum inophyllum + halophyte + Pilea microphylla + Artocarpus heterophyllus + Iris xiphioides + xiphium iris + Iris xiphium + Lilium philadelphicum + Allium sphaerocephalum + genus Kniphofia + kniphofia + Kniphofia uvaria + Kniphofia praecox + Aphyllanthaceae + family Aphyllanthaceae + Aphyllanthes + genus Aphyllanthes + Asphodelaceae + family Asphodelaceae + asphodel + Asphodeline + genus Asphodeline + yellow asphodel + Asphodeline lutea + Asphodelus + genus Asphodelus + Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus + false asphodel + Scotch asphodel + bog asphodel + European bog asphodel + American bog asphodel + Tecophilaeacea + family Tecophilaeacea + Xerophyllum + genus Xerophyllum + Xerophyllum tenax + Physostigma + genus Physostigma + Physostigma venenosum + physostigmine + genus Amorpha + amorpha + Amorpha canescens + Amorpha californica + Amorpha fruticosa + Amphicarpaea + genus Amphicarpaea + Amphicarpa + genus Amphicarpa + Amphicarpaea bracteata + Amphicarpa bracteata + Astragalus glycyphyllos + Baphia + genus Baphia + Baphia nitida + gopherwood + telegraph plant + semaphore plant + Phaseolus + genus Phaseolus + Phaseolus vulgaris + Phaseolus coccineus + Phaseolus multiflorus + Phaseolus limensis + Phaseolus lunatus + Phaseolus acutifolius latifolius + Psophocarpus + genus Psophocarpus + Psophocarpus tetragonolobus + Sophora + genus Sophora + Sophora japonica + Sophora sinensis + Sophora secundiflora + Sophora tetraptera + Tephrosia + genus Tephrosia + Tephrosia purpurea + Tephrosia virginiana + Thermopsis macrophylla + Phaseolus aconitifolius + Phaseolus angularis + Phaseolus caracalla + Phaseolus aureus + Corypha + genus Corypha + Corypha utan + Corypha gebanga + Corypha umbraculifera + Orbignya phalerata + phoenicophorium + genus Phoenicophorium + phoenix + genus Phoenix + Phoenix dactylifera + phytelephas + genus Phytelephas + Phytelephas macrocarpa + Raphia + genus Raphia + water nymph + Geum macrophyllum + Photinia arbutifolia + Photinia + genus Photinia + Rubus phoenicolasius + Calycophyllum + genus Calycophyllum + Calycophyllum candidissimum + Coffea canephora + Sarcocephalus diderrichii + Sarcocephalus + genus Sarcocephalus + Sarcocephalus latifolius + Sarcocephalus esculentus + Symphoricarpos + genus Symphoricarpos + Symphoricarpos alba + Symphoricarpos orbiculatus + elephant tree + Bursera microphylla + Commiphora + genus Commiphora + Commiphora meccanensis + Commiphora myrrha + Protium heptaphyllum + Entandrophragma + genus Entandrophragma + Entandrophragma cylindricum + Swietinia macrophylla + Philippine mahogany + Philippine cedar + Philippine mahogany + Phellodendron + genus Phellodendron + Phellodendron amurense + Zygophyllaceae + family Zygophyllaceae + Zygophyllum + genus Zygophyllum + Zygophyllum fabago + Populus heterophylla + Buckleya distichophylla + Phoradendron + genus Phoradendron + Phoradendron serotinum + Phoradendron flavescens + Euphorbia litchi + Nephelium longana + Nephelium litchi + Nephelium + genus Nephelium + Nephelium lappaceum + Nephelium mutabile + Cliftonia monophylla + Acer macrophyllum + Rhodosphaera + genus Rhodosphaera + Rhodosphaera rhodanthema + Rhus typhina + Staphylaceae + family Staphylaceae + Staphylea + genus Staphylea + Chrysophyllum + genus Chrysophyllum + Chrysophyllum cainito + Chrysophyllum oliviforme + sapphire berry + Heliamphora + genus Heliamphora + Drosophyllum + genus Drosophyllum + Drosophyllum lusitanicum + Cephalotaceae + family Cephalotaceae + Cephalotus + genus Cephalotus + Cephalotus follicularis + Sedum telephium + Hydrangea macrophylla hortensis + Philadelphaceae + subfamily Philadelphaceae + genus Philadelphus + philadelphus + Philadelphus coronarius + Schizophragma + genus Schizophragma + Schizophragma hydrangeoides + Peltiphyllum + genus Peltiphyllum + Peltiphyllum peltatum + Lithophragma + genus Lithophragma + Lithophragma affine + Lithophragma affinis + Lithophragma parviflorum + Mitella diphylla + Scrophulariales + order Scrophulariales + phlox family + genus Phlox + phlox + chickweed phlox + sand phlox + Phlox bifida + Phlox stellaria + mountain phlox + moss phlox + dwarf phlox + Phlox subulata + Graptophyllum + genus Graptophyllum + Graptophyllum pictum + Symphytum + genus Symphytum + Symphytum officinale + Ipomoea leptophylla + Hydrophyllaceae + family Hydrophyllaceae + Hydrophyllum + genus Hydrophyllum + Hydrophyllum virginianum + genus Nemophila + nemophila + Nemophila menziesii + Nemophila maculata + genus Phacelia + phacelia + Phacelia campanularia + Phacelia minor + Phacelia whitlavia + Phacelia tanacetifolia + Pholistoma + genus Pholistoma + Pholistoma auritum + Nemophila aurita + Blephilia + genus Blephilia + Blephilia hirsuta + Blephilia celiata + Joseph's coat + Dracocephalum + genus Dracocephalum + Dracocephalum parviflorum + Sphacele + genus Sphacele + Sphacele calycina + genus Phlomis + phlomis + Phlomis fruticosa + genus Physostegia + physostegia + Physostegia virginiana + Salvia leucophylla + turpentine camphor weed + camphorweed + elephant-tusk + Scrophulariaceae + family Scrophulariaceae + Scrophularia + genus Scrophularia + Castilleja sulphurea + Collinsia heterophylla + Culver's physic + Culvers physic + Verbascum phoeniceum + Cyphomandra + genus Cyphomandra + Nicandra physaloides + Physalis + genus Physalis + Physalis pubescens + Physalis alkekengi + Physalis peruviana + Physalis pruinosa + Physalis ixocarpa + Physalis philadelphica + Physalis viscosa + Euphorbiaceae + family Euphorbiaceae + Euphorbia + genus Euphorbia + Euphorbia lathyris + Euphorbia helioscopia + Euphorbia peplus + Euphorbia medusae + Euphorbia caput-medusae + Euphorbia corollata + Euphorbia marginata + Euphorbia cyparissias + Euphorbia esula + Euphorbia hirsuta + Euphorbia pulcherrima + Euphorbia heterophylla + Euphorbia cyathophora + Euphorbia amygdaloides + Euphorbia antisyphilitica + Euphorbia exigua + Euphorbia fulgens + cactus euphorbia + Euphorbia ingens + Euphorbia milii + Euphorbia dentata + Acalypha + genus Acalypha + Acalypha virginica + Jatropha urens + Jatropha stimulosus + Jatropha + genus Jatropha + physic nut + Jatropha curcus + Heracleum sphondylium + Hymenophyllaceae + family Hymenophyllaceae + Hymenophyllum + genus Hymenophyllum + Lygodium microphyllum + Regnellidium diphyllum + Ophioglossales + order Ophioglossales + Ophioglossaceae + family Ophioglossaceae + Ophioglossum + genus Ophioglossum + Ophioglossum pendulum + Erysiphales + order Erysiphales + Erysiphaceae + family Erysiphaceae + Erysiphe + genus Erysiphe + Sphaeriales + order Sphaeriales + Sphaeriaceae + family Sphaeriaceae + Xylaria polymorpha + Entomophthorales + order Entomophthorales + Entomophthoraceae + family Entomophthoraceae + Entomophthora + genus Entomophthora + Phycomycetes + Phycomycetes group + Phytophthora + genus Phytophthora + Phytophthora citrophthora + Phytophthora infestans + Plasmodiophoraceae + family Plasmodiophoraceae + Plasmodiophora + genus Plasmodiophora + Plasmodiophora brassicae + Amanita phalloides + Omphalotus + genus Omphalotus + Omphalotus illudens + Pleurotus phosphoreus + Pholiota + genus Pholiota + Pholiota astragalina + Pholiota aurea + golden pholiota + Pholiota destruens + Pholiota flammans + Pholiota flavida + Pholiota nameko + Pholiota squarrosa-adiposa + Pholiota squarrosa + scaly pholiota + Pholiota squarrosoides + Strophariaceae + family Strophariaceae + Stropharia + genus Stropharia + Stropharia ambigua + Stropharia hornemannii + Stropharia rugoso-annulata + genus Chlorophyllum + Chlorophyllum molybdites + Thelephoraceae + family Thelephoraceae + hypha + Sarcoscypha coccinea + Caloscypha fulgens + Sarcoscyphaceae + family Sarcoscyphaceae + Gyromitra sphaerospora + Phallales + order Phallales + Phallaceae + family Phallaceae + Phallus + genus Phallus + Phallus impudicus + Phallus ravenelii + Dictyophera + genus Dictyophera + Sphaerobolaceae + family Sphaerobolaceae + Aphyllophorales + order Aphyllophorales + Phylloporus + genus Phylloporus + Phylloporus boletinoides + Sphacelotheca + genus Sphacelotheca + Sphacelotheca reiliana + Hygrophoraceae + family Hygrophoraceae + Hygrophorus + genus Hygrophorus + Hygrophorus borealis + Hygrophorus caeruleus + Hygrophorus inocybiformis + Hygrophorus kauffmanii + Hygrophorus marzuolus + Hygrophorus purpurascens + Hygrophorus russula + Hygrophorus sordidus + Hygrophorus tennesseensis + Hygrophorus turundus + Neohygrophorus + genus Neohygrophorus + Neohygrophorus angelesianus + Trichophyton + genus Trichophyton + tracheophyte + apophysis + antheridiophore + sporophyll + sporophyl + sporangiophore + paraphysis + sporophore + gametophore + phloem + pseudophloem + geophyte + xerophyte + xerophytic plant + xerophile + xerophilous plant + mesophyte + mesophytic plant + hydrophyte + hydrophytic plant + epiphyte + aerophyte + epiphytic plant + hemiepiphyte + semiepiphyte + lithophyte + lithophytic plant + saprophyte + saprophytic organism + autophyte + autophytic plant + autotroph + autotrophic organism + pneumatophore + prophyll + cladophyll + phylloclad + phylloclade + phyllode + Ziziphus + genus Ziziphus + Ziziphus jujuba + Ziziphus lotus + Aglaomorpha + genus Aglaomorpha + Aglaomorpha meyeniana + Phlebodium + genus Phlebodium + Phlebodium aureum + Cyclophorus lingua + Cyclophorus + genus Cyclophorus + myrmecophyte + Asplenium rhizophyllum + Camptosorus rhizophyllus + Phyllitis scolopendrium + Phyllitis + genus Phyllitis + Lophosoriaceae + family Lophosoriaceae + Lophosoria + genus Lophosoria + Nephrolepis + genus Nephrolepis + Nephrolepis exaltata + Nephrolepis exaltata bostoniensis + Nephrolepis pectinata + Anogramma leptophylla + Pityrogramma chrysophylla + Psilophytales + order Psilophytales + psilophyte + Psilophytaceae + family Psilophytaceae + genus Psilophyton + psilophyton + Horneophyton + genus Horneophyton + Sphenopsida + class Sphenopsida + Lycophyta + Selaginella eremophila + Selaginella lepidophylla + Phegopteris + genus Phegopteris + Phegopteris hexagonoptera + Phegopteris connectilis + Dryopteris phegopteris + Thelypteris phegopteris + rhizomorph + genus Stephanotis + stephanotis + Stephanotis floribunda + white elephant + physical value + sapphire + phone card + alpha decay + anaglyphy + anamorphism + anamorphosis + anamorphism + anaphase + aphaeresis + apheresis + aphesis + autoradiography + chromatography + column chromatography + diastrophism + digital photography + electrophoresis + cataphoresis + ionophoresis + eutrophication + phylogeny + phylogenesis + lyophilization + lyophilisation + hemimetamorphosis + immunoelectrophoresis + katamorphism + lymphopoiesis + metamorphism + metamorphosis + metaphase + metaphase + microphoning + morphallaxis + morphogenesis + oxidative phosphorylation + paper chromatography + paper electrophoresis + carrier electrophoresis + diaphoresis + phagocytosis + phase change + phase transition + physical change + phase of cell division + photochemical reaction + photoelectric emission + photography + photomechanics + photoplate making + photosynthesis + powder photography + prophase + prophase + radiography + skiagraphy + amphimixis + symphysis + telophase + telophase + telephone unit + ephah + epha + phot + geographical mile + Philippine monetary unit + Philippine peso + standard atmosphere + atmosphere + phon + cipher + cypher + cipher + cypher + Phoebe + Little Phoebe + aleph-null + aleph-nought + aleph-zero + anaphoric relation + phylogenetic relation + cephalic index + enantiomorphism + trophobiosis + amorphous shape + spherical polygon + spherical triangle + spherical angle + spheroid + sphere + hemisphere + sphere + spherule + periphery + dermatoglyphic + upheaval + upheaval + acephalia + acephaly + acephalism + acromphalus + physical condition + physiological state + physiological condition + philistinism + asphyxia + asphyxiation + dysaphia + dysphagia + dystrophy + osteodystrophy + lymphangiectasia + lymphangiectasis + catastrophic illness + anaphylactic shock + mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome + ulatrophia + encephalopathy + photogenic epilepsy + nympholepsy + agraphia + anorthography + logagraphia + acataphasia + aphagia + aphakia + aphasia + auditory aphasia + acoustic aphasia + conduction aphasia + associative aphasia + global aphasia + total aphasia + motor aphasia + Broca's aphasia + ataxic aphasia + expressive aphasia + nonfluent aphasia + nominal aphasia + anomic aphasia + amnesic aphasia + amnestic aphasia + transcortical aphasia + visual aphasia + Wernicke's aphasia + fluent aphasia + receptive aphasia + sensory aphasia + impressive aphasia + dysgraphia + dysphasia + phlegmasia alba dolens + amyotrophia + amyotrophy + amyotrophic lateral sclerosis + hypertrophic cardiomyopathy + nephropathy + nephrosis + nephritis + nephrosclerosis + nephroangiosclerosis + nephrocalcinosis + nephrolithiasis + glomerulonephritis + nephrogenic diabetes insipidus + atrophedema + lymphedema + exophthalmic goiter + chondrodystrophy + diphtheria + syphilis + syph + primary syphilis + secondary syphilis + tertiary syphilis + neurosyphilis + lymphocytic choriomeningitis + lymphogranuloma venereum + lymphopathia venereum + paratyphoid + paratyphoid fever + typhus + typhus fever + murine typhus + rat typhus + urban typhus + endemic typhus + scrub typhus + phthisis + typhoid + typhoid fever + emphysema + pulmonary emphysema + ablepharia + macrencephaly + anencephaly + anencephalia + lipochondrodystrophy + clinocephaly + clinocephalism + muscular dystrophy + dystrophy + Becker muscular dystrophy + distal muscular dystrophy + Duchenne's muscular dystrophy + pseudohypertrophic dystrophy + limb-girdle muscular dystrophy + myotonic muscular dystrophy + myotonic dystrophy + myotonia atrophica + oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy + oxycephaly + acrocephaly + hemophilia + haemophilia + hemophilia A + haemophilia A + classical hemophilia + classical haemophilia + hemophilia B + haemophilia B + angiohemophilia + vascular hemophilia + pharyngitis + nasopharyngeal leishmaniasis + dermatophytosis + phycomycosis + staphylococcal infection + atrophic arthritis + lymphocytopenia + lymphopenia + lymphocytosis + lagophthalmos + nanophthalmos + symphysis + aphthous ulcer + phlebotomus + eczema hypertrophicum + pemphigus + lymphadenoma + lymphadenopathy + lymphoma + acute lymphocytic leukemia + acute lymphoblastic leukemia + chronic lymphocytic leukemia + lymphocytic leukemia + lymphoblastic leukemia + pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma + pleomorphic rhabdosarcoma + nephroblastoma + lymphangioma + pheochromocytoma + phaeochromocytoma + trophoblastic cancer + ophthalmia + ophthalmitis + ophthalmia neonatorum + blepharitis + bovine spongiform encephalitis + lymphuria + hydrophobia + exomphalos + diaphragmatic hernia + omphalocele + nephrotic syndrome + nephrosis + phantom limb syndrome + exophthalmos + sphacelus + emphysematous gangrene + emphysematous phlegmon + gangrenous emphysema + gas phlegmon + progressive emphysematous necrosis + lymphogranuloma + cephalhematoma + cephalohematoma + physiological jaundice of the newborn + cephalalgia + nephralgia + odynophagia + photalgia + photophobia + diaphragmatic pleurisy + gastroesophageal reflux + esophageal reflux + oesophageal reflux + encephalitis + cephalitis + phrenitis + encephalomyelitis + acute hemorrhagic encephalitis + equine encephalitis + equine encephalomyelitis + herpes simplex encephalitis + herpes encephalitis + acute inclusion body encephalitis + leukoencephalitis + meningoencephalitis + encephalomeningitis + panencephalitis + epidemic encephalitis + lethargic encephalitis + encephalitis lethargica + West Nile encephalitis + subacute sclerosing panencephalitis + inclusion body encephalitis + subacute inclusion body encephalitis + sclerosing leukoencephalitis + subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis + Dawson's encephalitis + Van Bogaert encephalitis + rubella panencephalitis + esophagitis + oesophagitis + laryngopharyngitis + lymphadenitis + lymphangitis + oophoritis + ophthalmoplegia + phalangitis + phlebitis + phlebothrombosis + thrombophlebitis + graphospasm + blepharospasm + blepharism + atrophy + hypertrophy + elephantiasis + elephantiasis neuromatosa + elephantiasis scroti + nevoid elephantiasis + BPH + hyphema + pink elephants + phobia + phobic disorder + phobic neurosis + acarophobia + agoraphobia + androphobia + arachnophobia + gynophobia + simple phobia + acrophobia + algophobia + aquaphobia + astraphobia + automysophobia + claustrophobia + cryophobia + cyberphobia + hydrophobia + hydrophobia + hypnophobia + mysophobia + neophobia + nyctophobia + phobophobia + phonophobia + acousticophobia + photophobia + pyrophobia + taphephobia + thanatophobia + triskaidekaphobia + zoophobia + ailurophobia + cynophobia + entomophobia + lepidophobia + musophobia + social phobia + satanophobia + school phobia + traumatophobia + xenophobia + rhinophyma + hypertrophic rosacea + Wernicke's encephalopathy + schizophrenia + schizophrenic disorder + schizophrenic psychosis + borderline schizophrenia + latent schizophrenia + catatonic schizophrenia + catatonic type schizophrenia + hebephrenia + hebephrenic schizophrenia + disorganized schizophrenia + disorganized type schizophrenia + paranoid schizophrenia + paranoic type schizophrenia + paraphrenic schizophrenia + paraphrenia + acute schizophrenic episode + reactive schizophrenia + aphonia + cataphasia + dysphonia + emphasis + phalacrosis + hydrocephalus + hydrocephaly + hydronephrosis + phocomelia + encephalocele + plagiocephaly + hermaphroditism + hermaphrodism + pseudohermaphroditism + scaphocephaly + catastrophe + phase + kyphosis + phenylketonuria + porphyria + macrocephaly + megacephaly + megalocephaly + microcephaly + microcephalus + nanocephaly + phimosis + naphthalene poisoning + ophidism + sphere + political sphere + atmosphere + atmospheric state + atmosphere + anaphylaxis + eosinophilia + xerophthalmia + xerophthalmus + physical fitness + metamorphopsia + photoretinitis + nephroptosis + nephroptosia + morphea + pyelonephritis + acute pyelonephritis + chronic pyelonephritis + amphidiploidy + orphanage + orphanhood + philosopher's stone + philosophers' stone + phlogiston + dispersed phase + dispersing phase + phenylethylene + dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane + aliphatic compound + chloroacetophenone + dihydroxyphenylalanine + alpha-linolenic acid + alpha-naphthol + alpha-naphthol test + hypophosphoric acid + hypophosphorous acid + phosphorous acid + orthophosphorous acid + metaphosphoric acid + polyphosphoric acid + pyrophosphoric acid + pyrophosphate + sulphonic acid + phosphor + phosphorus + sulphur + amphibole + amphibole group + amphibolite + asphalt + cadmium sulphide + barium sulphate + hemimorphite + nepheline + nephelite + nephelinite + nephrite + phlogopite + pyromorphite + pyrophyllite + metamorphic rock + adenosine monophosphate + adenosine diphosphate + adenosine triphosphate + ephedrine + pseudoephedrine + phosphor bronze + alpha-beta brass + alpha brass + alpha bronze + alpha iron + alpha-tocopheral + xanthophyll + xanthophyl + anthophyllite + aphanite + beta-naphthol + alpha globulin + phosphoprotein + phytohormone + human chorionic gonadotrophin + phenylamine + phthalic anhydride + asphalt + phenothiazine + thiodiphenylamine + barium sulphate + native sulphur + phosphate buffer solution + calcium phosphate + camphor + camphor oil + phenol + phenylic acid + graphite + thiamine pyrophosphate + chromophore + endorphin + beta endorphin + enkephalin + allomorph + copper sulphate + cupric sulphate + phellem + methyl phenol + cyclohexanol phthalate + deoxyadenosine monophosphate + deoxycytidine monophosphate + deoxyguanosine monophosphate + deoxythymidine monophosphate + pheromone + euphorbium + gum eurphorbium + enantiomorph + graph paper + colophony + phenolic resin + phenolic + phenoplast + alpha-lipoprotein + sodium thiosulphate + calcium sulphate + lymphokine + naphtha + naphthalene + naphthol + nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate + organophosphate + organophosphate nerve agent + phenolic plastic + phenolic urea + phenylalanine + phosgene + phosphatase + phosphine + phosphate + orthophosphate + inorganic phosphate + phosphocreatine + creatine phosphate + creatine phosphoric acid + phospholipid + phosphoric acid + orthophosphoric acid + phthalic acid + phytochemical + bromophenol blue + bromphenol blue + tetrabromo-phenolsulfonephthalein + resorcinolphthalein + phenol + polyphosphate + porphyry + porphyritic rock + dolphin oil + pyrophoric alloy + pheno-safranine + raphia + phenyl salicylate + sapphirine + water sapphire + sapphire + porphyrin + heterophil antibody + heterophile antibody + alpha fetoprotein + alpha foetoprotein + mephitis + nephrotoxin + phytotoxin + sodium lauryl sulphate + sodium pyrophosphate + tetrasodium pyrophosphate + sodium sulphate + sodium tripolyphosphate + sodium phosphate + sodium orthophosphate + staphylococcal enterotoxin + staphylococcal enterotoxin B + star sapphire + strophanthin + sulphanilic acid + sulphate + sulphide + sulphur oxide + sulphur dioxide + sulphur hexafluoride + graphic tellurium + antihemophilic factor + antihaemophilic factor + antihemophilic globulin + antihaemophilic globulin + thyme camphor + thyrotrophin + thyrotrophic hormone + aminopherase + siderophilin + triphosphopyridine + triphosphopyridine nucleotide + triphosphoric acid + trisodium phosphate + trisodium orthophosphate + tribasic sodium phosphate + tryptophan + tryptophane + tophus + photopigment + antiophthalmic factor + axerophthol + tocopherol + naphthoquinone + phylloquinone + phytonadione + sulphuric acid + phillipsite + sphalerite + philosopher's wool + philosophers' wool + zinc sulphate + zinc sulphide + Phanerozoic + Phanerozoic eon + Phanerozoic aeon + anal phase + genital phase + latency phase + oral phase + phallic stage + phallic phase + ephemeris time + Epiphany + Epiphany of Our Lord + Saint Joseph + St Joseph + phase of the moon + new phase of the moon + full phase of the moon + Saphar + Phagun + Phalguna + alpha and omega + ephemera + Caliphate + kph + mph + mph + fertile phase + menstrual phase + secretory phase + luteal phase + phase + phase angle + phase +
79 OLD_HSK English word(s): take exercise/ physical training segment/ period/ paragraph victory/ triumph physics physical training/ physical culture telephone/ phone/ phone call doctor/ physician take a picture (or photograph) stage/ phase appearance/ phenomenon focal point/ stress/ emphasized support/ uphold graph/ map period/ phase elephant (used for emphasis in a sentence)/ but/ yet defeat/ triumph over/ overcome photo/ photograph philosophy underline/ emphasize/ stress public phone appearance/ image/ vivid/ expressive/ graphic character-origin/ letter of an alphabet/ letter vocabulary/ words and phrases medicine-substance/ medicines/ pharmaceuticals disaster-catastrophe/ calamity/ disaster/ suffering idiom/ concise and meaningful set phrase physiology manage-control/ direct/ preside over/ manage/ uphold field/ sphere/ domain/ realm/ area early-period/ early stage/ early phase/ initial period hills/ undulating topography geography/ the natural and social features of a place mountainous area/ hilly topography terrain/ topography in terms of strategic significance physical-strength/ physical power/ thews shoot (a photograph; movie; video clip; etc.)/ film height/ stature/ size/ physical dimensions throat/ pharynx and larynx atmosphere/ ambience celestial-phenomena/ astronomy social atmosphere/ common practice/ ethos air pressure/ atmospheric pressure (of metal) lead/ graphitic substance in pencils place-weight/ emphasize/ stress/ underline/ highlight take a photo/ shoot a film manpower/ physical labor/ ability of human beings take-photo-machine/ camera hollow/ hole/ cavity/ loophole/ flaw tide/ tidewater/ upheaval/ current shape-state/ form/ shape/ pattern/ morphology typhoon autography sputum/ phlegm nephritis philistine/ tacky phosphorus openness/ transparency/ diaphaneity figure/ graph calligraphy calligraphy/ make out/ write healthy atmosphere ephemeral/ brief sulphuric acid triumph metamorphose phoenix tree physique/ constitution phrase atmospheric pressure biography biography nephew individual/ idiographic phoenix collecting stamps philately escapism/ dream/ phantasm reaphook metaphysics
79 OLD_HSK French word(s): rêverie
79 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s): ensueño, ilusión, sueño, utopía
79 OLD_HSK Italian word(s): castello in aria , fantasticheria, sogno a occhi aperti
79 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): พละ โทรศัพท์ ถ่ายรูป รูป โทรศัพท์สาธารณะ อักษร กล้องถ่ายรูป เขียน การฝันหวาน, การฝันกลางวัน
79 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s): haaveilu, unelmointi, toiveuni. unelma

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** FANG3 XING2 Form/Gestalt
* ** ER2 weiterhin
* ** top / superior, highest / go up, send up
*** XUE2 lernen

วิชาฟิสิกส์ 物理 physics
ปรัชญา 哲学 philosophy
เภสัชศาสตร์ 药房 Pharmacy
ภูมิศาสตร์ 地理 Geography
พลศึกษา 体育教育 Physical Education
แพทย์ 大夫 Physicians
ช้าง elephant
ค้นหา 侄儿 nephew
ไมโครโฟน เครื่องส่ง 话筒 microphone; transmitter
ค้นหา 手机 cell phone
โทรศัพท์มือถือ 手机 Mobile phone
เครื่องถ่ายเอกสาร 复印机 Photocopier
ร้านขายยา 药店 pharmacy
ภาพ, ภาพถ่าย 照片 picture, photo
ออกกำลังกาย 鍛煉 do physical exercise
โทรออก โทรศัพท์ 打电话 make a phone call
โทรศัพท์ 电话 telephone
เขียนด้วยลายมือ; การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษร 书法 handwriting; calligraphy
ภาพ; ถ่ายภาพ 图片 picture; photograph
书法家 calligrapher
การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษรและภาพวาด 字画 calligraphy and painting
ออกกำลังกาย / กีฬา 运动 do physical exercise/sports
คำถามที่ใช้ในเชิงโวหารเพื่อเน้นย้ำ 难道 used in a rhetorical question for emphasis
อารมณ์ทั่วไป บรรยากาศ 风气 general mood; atmosphere
ทำการทดสอบทางห้องปฏิบัติการ 化验 to do a laboratory test; to have a chemical or physical examination
การทำกายบริหาร 运动 to do physical exercises
กำลังกาย ความสามารถทางจิต 力量 physical strength; mental ability
ซีกโลกตะวันออก 东半球 Eastern Hemisphere
ซีกโลก 半球 hemisphere
ซีกโลกตะวันตก 西半球 Western Hemisphere
ปรัชญา 哲理 philosophy
เด็กกำพร้า 孤儿 orphan
吊兰 chlorophytum comosum
สภาพภูมิอากาศ บรรยากาศ, สถานการณ์ 气候 climate, atmosphere, situation
ไม่สามารถที่จะทำอะไรบางอย่าง 不动 to not have the physical ability to do something
บันทึกหีบเสียง, บันทึก (ไวนิล) 唱片 gramophone record, (vinyl) record, LP
เพื่อรับ (โทรศัพท์), ลิฟท์ปิด to answer (the telephone), lift off
สวิตช์บอร์ด 总机 central exchange, telephone exchange, switchboard
ส่วนขยายส่วนขยาย (โทรศัพท์) 分机 extension, (telephone) extension
จะทำการฝึกอบรมทางกายภาพ 锻炼 to do physical training
ถ่ายภาพให้มีรูปถ่ายหนึ่งของ 照相 take a picture, to have one's photo taken
โรคไตอักเสบ 肾炎 nephritis
ภาพ, รูปถ่าย 图片 picture, photograph
คนขายยา, เภสัชกร 药剂士 druggist, pharmacist
เพื่อคัดลอก (รูปแบบการเขียนตัวอักษรหรือภาพวาดและอื่น ๆ ) 临摹 to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting, etc.)
(การเน้น) (for emphasis)
เพื่อสานต่อในการรักษาเพื่อยืนยันใน 坚持 to persist in, to uphold, to insist in
วัฒนธรรมทางกายภาพการฝึกอบรมทางกายภาพการกีฬา 体育 physical culture, physical training, sports
ระยะแรก 早期 early stage, early phase
แสตมป์สะสม, การสะสมแสตมป์ 集邮 stamp collecting, philately
เพื่อคัดลอก (รูปแบบการเขียนตัวอักษรหรือภาพวาด) 临写 to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting)
เพื่อถ่ายภาพ 摄影 to take a photograph
การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษรต้นแบบที่ดี 书圣 a great calligraphy master
สมุดแบบฝึกหัดเขียนลายมือ (การเขียนตัวอักษร) 字帖 copybook (for calligraphy)
ระยะเวลา, ระยะ, ขั้นตอน, (ใช้สำหรับปัญหาของหลักสูตรระยะของการศึกษา) a period of time, phase, stage, (used for issue of a periodical, courses of study)
แพทย์; แพทย์ 大夫 doctor; physician
โทรศัพท์; สายโทรศัพท์ 电话 telephone; phone; phone call
ใช้เวลาออกกำลังกายการฝึกอบรมทางกายภาพ 锻炼 take exercise; physical training
ส่วน; ระยะเวลา; วรรค segment; period; paragraph
ชัยชนะ 胜利 victory; triumph
การฝึกอบรมทางกายภาพวัฒนธรรมทางกายภาพ 体育 physical training; physical culture
โครงสร้างประโยคที่สำคัญในการอธิบายหน่วยที่เล็กที่สุดของเรื่อง 一…也… an emphatic sentence structure to describe the smallest unit of the subject
ถ่ายภาพ (หรือรูป) 照相 take a picture (or photograph)
โทรศัพท์สาธารณะ 公用电话 public phone
เวทีเฟส 阶段 stage; phase
(ใช้เน้นในประโยค) แต่, แต่ว่า (used for emphasis in a sentence); but; yet
ระยะเวลา period; phase
ขีดเส้นใต้; เน้น; ความเครียด 强调 underline; emphasize; stress
รูป แผนที่ graph; map
ลักษณะ; ปรากฏการณ์ 现象 appearance; phenomenon
ลักษณะ; ภาพ; สดใส; ความหมาย; กราฟิก 形象 appearance; image; vivid; expressive; graphic
สนับสนุน 拥护 support; uphold
ความพ่ายแพ้; ชัยชนะเหนือ; เอาชนะ 战胜 defeat; triumph over; overcome
ภาพถ่าย 照片(相片) photo; photograph
จุดโฟกัส; ความเครียดเน้น 重点 focal point; stress; emphasized
น้ำขึ้นน้ำลง tide; tidewater; upheaval; current
สำนวน 成语 idiom; concise and meaningful set phrase
อภิธานศัพท์ 词汇 vocabulary; words and phrases
ภูมิประเทศ 地势 terrain; topography in terms of strategic significance
บรรยากาศ 风气 social atmosphere; common practice; ethos
ความสูง 个儿 height; stature; size; physical dimensions
ลำคอ 喉咙 throat; pharynx and larynx
รู 窟窿 hollow; hole; cavity; loophole; flaw
เขตข้อมูล 领域 field; sphere; domain; realm; area
การยิง 拍摄 shoot (a photograph, movie, video clip, etc.); film
บรรยากาศ 气氛 atmosphere; ambience
ความดัน 气压 air pressure; atmospheric pressure
ฮิลล์ 丘陵 hills; undulating topography
คน 人力 manpower; physical labor; ability of human beings
ภูเขา 山地 mountainous area; hilly topography
การถ่ายภาพ 摄影 take a photo; shoot a film
ทางสรีรวิทยา 生理 physiology
ทางร่างกาย 体力 physical-strength; physical power; thews
แบบฟอร์ม 形态 shape-state; form; shape; pattern; morphology
ยาเสพติด 药物 medicine-substance; medicines; pharmaceuticals
ภัยพิบัติ 灾难 disaster-catastrophe; calamity; disaster; suffering
ตอนต้น 早期 early-period; early stage; early phase; initial period
เก้าอี้ 主持 manage-control; direct; preside over; manage; uphold
โฟกัส 着重 place-weight; emphasize; stress; underline; highlight
ตัวอักษร 字母 character-origin; letter of an alphabet; letter
ทำให้เปลี่ยนรูป 变形 metamorphose
ความกดอากาศ 大气压 atmospheric pressure
ชั่วคราว; สั้น ๆ 短暂 ephemeral; brief
ต้นอินทผลัม 凤凰 phoenix
ของปัจเจกบุคคล 各别 individual; idiographic
วลี 惯用语 phrase
การสะสมแสตมป์สะสมแสตมป์ 集邮 collecting stamps philately
ชัย 凯旋 triumph
หนีจากชีวิต; ฝัน; ภาพหลอน 空想 escapism; dream; phantasm
เคียว 镰刀 reaphook
ฟอสฟอรัส phosphorus
กรดซัลฟุริก 硫酸 sulphuric acid
มือ 亲笔 autography
การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษร; ให้ออก; เขียน 书写 calligraphy; make out; write
พายุไต้ฝุ่น 台风 typhoon
เสมหะ; เสมหะ sputum; phlegm
ร่างกาย; รัฐธรรมนูญ 体制 physique; constitution
การเปิดกว้าง; ความโปร่งใส 透明度 openness; transparency; diaphaneity
รูป; กราฟ 图形 figure; graph
ต้นอินทผลัม 梧桐 phoenix tree
形而上学 metaphysics
ไม่มีรสนิยมที่ดี 庸俗 philistine; tacky
บรรยากาศมีสุขภาพดี 正气 healthy atmosphere
หลานชาย 侄子 nephew
ชีวประวัติ biography
ชีวประวัติ 传记 biography
สุนัขเยอรมันเช็ปเปิร์ด 德国牧羊犬 German shepherd der Schäferhund, e le berger allemand el pastor alemán
โลมา 海豚 dolphin der Delfin, e le dauphin el delfín
แซกโซโฟน 萨克斯风 saxophone das Saxofon, e le saxophone el saxofón
ระนาด 木琴 xylophone das Xylofon, e le xylophone el xilófono
ตัวอักษร 字母表 alphabet das Alphabet, e l'alphabet el alfabeto
หูฟัง 耳机 headphones der Kopfhörer, - le casque los auriculares
ไมโครโฟน 麦克风 microphone das Mikrofon, e le microphone el micrófono
โทรศัพท์มือถือ 手机 mobile phone das Handy, s le téléphone mobile el móvil
โทรศัพท์สาธารณะ 公用电话 payphone der Münzfernsprecher, - la cabine téléphonique el teléfono público
ภาพ 照片 photo das Foto, s la photo la foto
อัลบั้มรูป 相册 photo album das Fotoalbum, Fotoalben l'album photo el álbum de fotos
สมาร์ทโฟน 智能手机 smartphone das Smartphone, s le smartphone el teléfono inteligente
โทรศัพท์ 电话 telephone call das Telefonat, e l'appel téléphonique la llamada
การสนทนาทางโทรศัพท์ 电话交谈 telephone conversation das Telefongespräch, e la conversation téléphonique la conversación telefónica
ภาพถ่ายทางอากาศ 航拍照片 aerial photo die Luftaufnahme, n la photo aérienne la fotografía aérea
โทรศัพท์ 电话 telephone das Telefon, e le téléphone el teléfono
เลนส์เทเลโฟโต้ 长焦镜头 telephoto lens das Teleobjektiv, e le téléobjectif el teleobjetivo
จักษุแพทย์ 眼科医生 ophthalmologist der Augenarzt, "e l'ophtalmologiste el oftalmólogo
ช่างภาพ 摄影师 photographer der Fotograf, en le photographe el fotógrafo
ภูมิศาสตร์ 地理 geography die Geographie la géographie la geografía
ตู้โทรศัพท์ 电话亭 phone booth die Telefonzelle, n la cabine téléphonique la cabina teléfonica
ร้านขายยา 药店 pharmacy die Apotheke, n la pharmacie la farmacia
ช้าง 大象 elephant der Elefant, en l'éléphant el elefante
aforismo คำพังเพย 格言 aphorism Aphorismus aphorisme aforismo aforisma
alfabeto ตัวอักษร 字母 Alphabet Alphabet Alphabet Alfabeto Alfabeto
amfibioj ครึ่งบกครึ่งน้ำ 两栖动物 amphibians Amphibien amphibiens anfibios anfibi
amfiteatro อัฒจันทร์ 竞技场 amphitheater Amphitheater amphithéâtre anfiteatro anfiteatro
amforo ภาชนะชนิดหนึ่ง 双耳罐 amphora Amphora amphore ánfora anfora
apokrifa ไม่มีลักฐาน 杜撰 apocryphal apokryph apocryphe apócrifo apocrifo
apostrofo จุดลูกน้ำ 撇号 apostrophe Apostroph apostrophe apóstrofe apostrofo
apoteko ร้านขายยา 药店 pharmacy Apotheke pharmacie farmacia farmacia
asfalto ยางมะตอย 沥青 asphalt Asphalt asphalte asfalto asfalto
atmosfero บรรยากาศ 气氛 Atmosphere Atmosphäre Atmosphère Ambiente Atmosfera
aŭtografo ลายเซ็น 签名 autograph Autogramm autographe autógrafo autografo
bibliografo บรรณารักษ์ 目录学家 bibliographer Bibliograph bibliographe bibliógrafo bibliografo
bibliografio บรรณานุกรม 参考书目 bibliography Bibliographie bibliographie bibliografía bibliografia
biografo คนเขียนชีวประวัติ 传记 Biographer Biograph Biographe Biógrafo Biografo
biografio ชีวประวัติ 传记 biography Biografie biographie biografía biografia
delfeno ปลาโลมา 海豚 dolphin Delphin dauphin delfín delfino
difterio โรคคอตีบ 白喉 diphtheria Diphtherie diphtérie difteria difterite
diftongo ควบกล้ำ 双元音 diphthong Diphthong diphtongue diptongo dittongo
elefanto ช้าง elephant Elefant éléphant elefante elefante
emfazo ความสำคัญ 重点 emphasis Nachdruck accentuation énfasis enfasi
etnografo ชาติพันธุ์วิทยา 民族志学者 ethnographer Ethnograph ethnographe etnógrafo etnografo
ezofago หลอดอาหาร 食道 esophagus Speiseröhre œsophage esófago esofago
falango ฝูงสัตว์ 方阵 phalanx Phalanx phalange falange falange
faringo คอหอย pharynx Rachen pharynx faringe faringe
fazo ระยะ phase Phase phase fase fase
fazano ไก่ฟ้า 野鸡 Pheasant Fasan Faisan Faisán Fagiano
fenikso ต้นอินทผลัม 凤凰 phoenix Phönix phénix fénix fenice
fenomeno ปรากฏการณ์ 现象 phenomenon Erscheinung phénomène fenómeno fenomeno
filantropo คนใจบุญ 慈善家 philanthropist Philanthrop philanthrope filántropo filantropo
filantropio การทำบุญ 慈善事业 philanthropy Philanthropie philanthropie filantropía filantropia
filologo นักภาษา 语言学家 philologist Philologe philologue filólogo filologo
filologio ภาษาศาสตร์ 语文学 Philology Philologie Philologie Filología Filologia
filozofo นักปรัชญา 哲学家 Philosopher Philosoph Philosophe Filósofo Filosofo
filozofio ปรัชญา 哲学 philosophy Philosophie philosophie filosofía filosofia
fiziko ฟิสิกส์ 物理学 physics Physik physique física fisica
fiziologo ผู้ชำนาญในวิชาสรีรศาสตร์ 生理学家 physiologist Physiologe physiologiste fisiólogo fisiologo
fiziologio สรีรวิทยา 生理 physiology Physiologie physiologie fisiología fisiologia
fonetiko สัทศาสตร์ 发音学 phonetics Phonetik phonétique fonética fonetica
fonografo หีบเสียง 留声机 phonograph Plattenspieler phonographe fonógrafo fonografo
fosforo ฟอสฟอรัส phosphorus Phosphor phosphore fósforo fosforo
fotografio การถ่ายภาพ 摄影 photography Fotografie photographie fotografía fotografia
frazo วลี 词组 phrase Ausdruck phrase frase frase
geografo นักภูมิศาสตร์ 地理学 geographer Geograph géographe geógrafo geografo
geografio ภูมิศาสตร์ 地理 Geography Geographie Géographie Geografía Geografia
grafito กราไฟท์ 石墨 graphite Graphit graphite grafito grafite
gramofono หีบเสียง 留声机 gramophone Grammophon gramophone gramófono grammofono
hermafrodita กระเทย 雌雄同体 hermaphrodite Zwitter hermaphrodite hermafrodita ermafrodito
hidrofobio พิษสุนัขบ้า 恐水症 hydrophobia Hydrophobie hydrophobie hidrofobia idrofobia
hieroglifo อักษรอียิปต์โบราณ 象形文字 hieroglyph Hieroglyphe hiéroglyphe jeroglífico geroglifico
hipertrofio ยั่วยวน 肥大 Hypertrophy Hypertrophie Hypertrophie Hipertrofia Ipertrofia
kalifo พระเจ้ากาหลิบ 哈里发 Caliph Kalif Calife Califa Califfo
kamforo การบูร Camphor Kampfer Camphre Alcanfor Canfora
kartografo นักเขียนแผนที่ 制图 cartographer Kartograph cartographe cartógrafo cartografo
kartografio วิชาเขียนแผนที่ 制图 cartography Kartographie cartographie cartografía cartografia
kosmografio วิชาว่าจักรวาล 宇宙学 cosmography Kosmographie cosmographie cosmografía cosmografia
ksilofono ระนาด 木琴 xylophone Xylophon xylophone xilófono xilofono
litografio พิมพ์หิน 版画 lithograph Lithographie lithographe litografía litografia
metafiziko อภิปรัชญา 形而上学 metaphysics Metaphysik métaphysique metafísica metafisica
metaforo คำอุปมา 隐喻 metaphor Metapher métaphore metáfora metafora
metamorfozo การเปลี่ยนแปลง 变态 metamorphosis Metamorphose métamorphose metamorfosis metamorfosi
mikrofono ไมโครโฟน 话筒 Microphone Mikrofon Microphone Micrófono Microfono
morfino ธาตุมอร์ฟีน 吗啡 Morphine Morphium Morphine Morfina Morfina
nevo หลานชาย 侄子 nephew Neffe neveu sobrino nipote
nimfo ผีสางเทวดา 女神 Nymph Nymphe Nymphe Ninfa Ninfa
orfo เด็กกำพร้า 孤儿 orphan Waise orphelin huérfano orfano
orografio ภูมิประเทศ 地形 topography Topographie topographie topografía topografia
pamfleto หนังสือเล่มเล็ก ๆ 小册子 pamphlet Broschüre brochure folleto opuscolo
parafrazo แปลความหมาย 释义 Paraphrase Umschreibung Paraphraser Paráfrasis Parafrasi
paragrafo ย่อหน้า paragraph Absatz paragraphe párrafo paragrafo
profeto ศาสดา 先知 Prophet Prophet Prophète Profeta Profeta
safiro ไพลิน 蓝宝石 sapphire Saphir saphir zafiro zaffiro
sarkofago โลงหิน 石棺 sarcophagus Sarkophag sarcophage sarcófago sarcofago
sfero รูปทรงกลม sphere Kugel sphère esfera sfera
sfinkso บุคคลลึกลับ 人头狮身 sphinx Sphinx sphinx esfinge sfinge
sifiliso โรคซิฟิลิส 梅毒 Syphilis Syphilis Syphilis Sífilis Sifilide
simfonio ซิมโฟนี 交响乐 symphony Symphonie symphonie sinfonía sinfonia
sofismo การหลอกหลวง 诡辩 sophism Sophismus sophisme sofismo sofisma
telefono โทรศัพท์ 电话 phone Telefon téléphone teléfono telefono
telegrafo ส่งโทรเลข 电报 Telegraph Telegraph Télégraphe Telégrafo Telegrafo
tifo รากสาด 斑疹伤寒 typhus Typhus typhus tifus tifo
tipografio วิชาการพิมพ์ 活版印刷 typography Typografie typographie tipografía tipografia
topografio ภูมิประเทศ 地形 topography Topographie topographie topografía topografia
triumfo ชัย 胜利 triumph Triumph triomphe triunfo trionfo
trofeo ถ้วยรางวัล 锦标 trophy Trophäe trophée trofeo trofeo
zefiro ลมตะวันตก 和风 zephyr Zephyr zéphyr céfiro zeffiro

Grade E word(s):

40 akṣara अक्षर letter [of the alphabet], [written] character, [except numerals], alphabet, syllable n.
108 accēra अच्चेर letter [of the alphabet], [written] character, [except numerals], alphabet, syllable n.
200 anātha अनाथ uncared for, orphaned adj.
280 apsarā अप्सरा nymph, fairy, spirit n.
328 alakatrā अलकत्रा asphalt n.
351 avasthā अवस्था condition, state, age, phase, despondency n.
452 ātaṅka आतङ्क fear, terror, panic, phobea, suffering n.
518 ārjē आर्जे prophecy, prediction, forecast n.
581 iyararphāna इयरर्फान earphone, hearing-aid n.
603 ukusamukusā'unu उकुसमुकुसाउनु to stifle, to cause claustrophobia v.t.
610 ukhāna उखान proverb, saying, aphorism n.
840 auṣadhipasala औषधिपसल chemist's (shop), pharmacy, drugstore n.
979 kālija कालिज pheasant n.
1041 kr̥ṣṇa pakṣa कृष्ण पक्ष dark fortnight, the phase of the waning moon comp.
1226 gandhaka गन्धक sulphur, brim-stone n.
1513 chalaphala छलफल discussion, debate chalphal n.
1600 jaya जय victory, conquest, triumph, gain, profit n.
1657 jīta जीत victory, triumph, success n.
1663 jīvanī जीवनी life-story, biography n.
1787 ḍāphē डाफे the nine-coloured Himalayan pheasant [the National Bird of Nepal] n.
2158 nārā नारा slogan, striking word, phrase n.
2233 nai नै a particle used after the word to give emphasis part.
2341 paricchēda परिच्छेद part, division, section of a book, chapter, paragraph n.
2589 prākr̥tika प्राकृतिक natural, physical, material prakritik adj.
2613 phalaphūla फलफूल fruits and flowers phalphul n.
2619 phasṭā'unu फस्टाउनु to develop, to become fat phatyangro v.t.
2626 phijinu फिजिनु to spread phikri v.i.
2628 philipinsa फिलिपिन्स Philippinen n.
2634 phusrō फुस्रो grey, grizzled phutbal adj.
2637 phūlabārī फूलबारी flower garden phuleko n.
2946 bhāṣāvijñāna भाषाविज्ञान linguistics, philosophy bhat n.
2993 bhaugōlika भौगोलिक geographic, geographical bhaugolik adj.
2994 bhaugōlika mahatva भौगोलिक महत्व geographical importance n.
3331 rūpāntara रूपान्तर transformation, transition, change of form, metamorphosis, translation, conversion n.
3407 lugā lā'unu लुगा लाउनु put on clothes luga phernu v.t.
3470 vijaya विजय victory, triumph, conquest n.
3473 vijayī विजयी victor, conqueror, vanquisher, victorious, triumphant n./adj.
3712 sandarbha-sucī सन्दर्भ-सुची bibliography n.
3974 suḍha सुढ trunk (of an elephant) snout n.
4050 sthiti स्थिति place, position, circumstance, condition, phase, equilibrium n.
4126 havā'ī-ḍāka हवाई-डाक air letter, aerograph n.
4143 hāttī हात्ती elephant n.
千字文: 闰余成岁 律吕调阳 Extra days round out the years; scale in tune with sun and spheres.
千字文: 鸣凤在树 白驹食场 The phoenix calls from bamboo stand; White pony grazes pasture land.
Plants: Abutilon theophrasti Medik. (Malvaceae) Chinesische Samtpappel; Lindenblättrige Schönmalve; Velvetleaf; China Jute; Buttonweed; Butterprint; Pie-marker; Indian Mallow
Plants: Aleurites fordii Hemsl. (Euphorbiaceae) Tungbaum; Holzölbaum; Tung Oil Tree; Kandelnuss
Plants: Amorphophallus campanulatus (Araceae) Elephantenfuß; Elephant Yam; Chena; Whitespot Giant Arum; Elephant's Foot; Pongapong
Plants: Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. (Moraceae) Jackfruchtbaum; Jack Fruit
Plants: Brassica oleracea L. ssp. oleracea convar. acephala (CD.) Alef. var. sabellica L. (Brassicaceae) Grünkohl; Krauskohl; Federkohl; Braunkohl; Oldenburger Palme; Winterkohl; Kale
Plants: Brassica oleracea L. ssp. oleracea L. convar. acephala (DC.) Alef. var. medullosa Thellg. (Brassicaceae) Markstammkohl; Marrowstem Kale; Dickstrunk
Plants: Chlorophora tinctoria (L.) Gaudich. (Moraceae) Gelbholz; Echter Fusik; Färbermaulbeerbaum
Plants: Chrysophyllum cainito L. (Sapotaceae) Sternapfel; Caimito; Star-Apple
Plants: Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Nees & Eberm. (Lauraceae) Kampferbaum; Camphor Tree
Plants: Commiphora habessinica (O.Berg) Engl. (Burseraceae) Myrrhe-Baum
Plants: Cyphomandra betacea (Cav.) Sendtner (Solanaceae) Baumtomate; Tamarillo; Tree Tomatoe; Tomate de árbol; Tomate frances
Plants: Entandrophragma cylindricum Sprague (Meliaceae) Wildlilie (Trockenschmuck); Sapeli;
Plants: Euphorbia lathyris L. (Euphorbiaceae) Kreuzblättrige Wolfsmilch; Mole Plant; Caper Spurge; Maulwurfskraut; Gopher Plant
Plants: Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd ex Klotz. (Euphorbiaceae) Weihnachtsstern; Poinsettia; Easter Flower; Flor de Pascuas
Plants: Euphorbia tirucalli L. (Euphorbiaceae) Milchbusch; Gummihecke; African Milkbush; Gummihecke
Plants: Guaiacum officinale L. (Zygophyllaceae) Pockholz; Guajakbaum; Guayacán; Franzosenholz; Lignum vitae
Plants: Hevea brasiliensis (A. Juss.) Muell- Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) Kautschukbaum; Brasilian Rubber Tree
Plants: Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) Purgiernuss; Brechnuss; Barbados Nut; Physic Nut;
Plants: Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit (Mimosaceae) White Popinac; Horse Tamarind; White Babool; Sea Blue; Lead Tree; Wilde Tamarinde
Plants: Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyk) Coult. (Cactaceae) Peyotl; Peyote; Mescal Button
Plants: Manihot carthaginensis (Jaqc.) Müll. Arg. ssp. glaziovii (Müll. Arg.) Allem (Euphorbiaceae) Ceara-Kautschuk
Plants: Manihot esculenta Crantz (Euphorbiaceae) Maniok; Cassava; Kassava; Mandioka; Yuca; Tapioka
Plants: Nephelium lappaceum L. (Sapindaceae) Rambutan; Hairy Litchi
Plants: Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. (Boraginaceae; Hydrophyllaceae) Rainfarn-Büschelschön; Bienenfreund; Phacelie
Plants: Phalaris arundinacea L. (Poaceae) Rohrglanzgras
Plants: Phalaris canariensis L. (Poaceae) Common Canary Grass
Plants: Phaseolus coccineus L. (Fabaceae) Feuerbohne; Prunkbohne; Blumenbohne; Scarlet Bean; Runner Bean
Plants: Phaseolus lunatus L. (Fabaceae) Butter Bean; Butterbohne; Limabohne; Kapbohne; Mondbohne
Plants: Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. nanus Aschers. (Fabaceae) Gewöhnliche Buschbohne; Gemeine Buschbohne
Plants: Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. vulgaris (Fabaceae) Stangenbohne; Fisole; Fitzebohne; Kidney-Bohne; Kidneybohne
Plants: Phellodendron amurense Rupr. (Rutaceae) Amur-Korkbaum
Plants: Phoenix dactylifera L. (Arecaceae) Essbare Dattelpalme; Date Palm
Plants: Phormium tenax Forster & Forster f. (Xanthorrhoeaceae; Hemerocallidaceae; Agavaceae; Phormiaceae) Bush Flax; Neuseeland-Hanf; Harakeke (Maori)
Plants: Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (Poaceae) Gewöhnliches Schilfroh; Common Reed; Schilf
Plants: Phyllostachys spp. (Poaceae) Flachrohrbambus; Moso
Plants: Physalis peruviana L. (Solanaceae) Cape Gooseberry; Kapstachelbeere; Uchuva; Andenbeere; Essbare Judenkirsche; Aguaimanto (Peru)
Plants: Phytelephas macrocarpa Ruiz & Pav. (Arecaceae) Elfenbeinpalme; Vegetabilisches Elfenbein; Vegetable Ivory; Tagua Palm; Ivory Palm; Yarina
Plants: Phytolacca americana L. (Phytolaccaceae) Pokeweed; Pokeberry; Kermesbeere; Inkberry; American Night Shade; Red Night Shade; Pigeon Berries
Plants: Raphanus sativus L. (Brassicaceae) Garten-Rettich; Radieschen; Radi
Plants: Raphia farinifera (Gaertner) N. Hylander (Arecaceae) Bastpalme; Raffia Palm; Thika-Nuss
Plants: Rhizophora mangle L. (Rhizophoraceae) Red Mangrove
Plants: Ricinus communis L. (Euphorbiaceae) Wunderstrauch; Rizinus; Castor Oil Plant; Castor Bean; Palma Christi; Wunderbaum
Plants: Rivina humilis L. Rivina laevis L. (Phytolaccaceae) Blutbeere; Baby Pepper; Bloodberry; Coral Berry; Rouge Plant; Polo; Pigeon Berry
Plants: Sapium sebiferum Roxb. (Euphorbiaceae) Talgbaum; Chinese Tallow Tree; Vegatable Tallow; Chinesischer Talgbaum; 'Popcorn-Tree'; 'Jumping Beans'
Plants: Tilia platyphyllos Scop. (Malvaceae; Tiliaceae) Linde, Sommer-; Linde, Großblättrige
Plants: Ziziphus jujuba Miller (Rhamnaceae) Zickzackdorn; Jujube; Chinese Date
Plants: Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. (Rhamnaceae) Indian Jujube; Dunks; Ponsigué

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [graphic] explicit, descriptive
(a.) [graphic] pictorial, lifelike, vivid
(a.) [philosophical]
(a.) [physical] involving the body
(a.) [sophisticated]
(n.) [atmosphere] envelope of gases
(n.) [atmosphere] ambiance, ambience
(n.) [biography] life story
(n.) [cell phone] cellular telephone
(n.) [dolphin]
(n.) [elephant] pachyderm
(n.) [emphasis] accent
(n.) [geography]
(n.) [graph]
(n.) [graphics]
(n.) [hemisphere] cerebral hemisphere
(n.) [hemisphere] half of the terrestrial globe
(n.) [microphone] mike
(n.) [nephew]
(n.) [paragraph] subdivisions of a text
(n.) [phenomenon]
(n.) [philosopher]
(n.) [philosophy] investigation of existence, knowledge, ethics
(n.) [philosophy] doctrine, school of thought, set of beliefs
(n.) [photograph] photo
(n.) [photographer]
(n.) [photography] picture taking
(n.) [physics] physical science
(n.) [sphere] sphere of influence
(n.) [sphere] ball
(n.) [sulphur] sulfur, S
(n.) [telephone] phone, telephone set
(v.) [photocopy] xerox, run off

05039106-n pH +

pH + +


Alpha Sigma Pi
attract (physics)


18 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1026 我给您开个药方,到药店取药。 ผม or ดิฉัน จะเขียนใบสั่งยาให้คุณไปซื้อที่ร้านขายยา Annan teille reseptin apteekkia varten.
1055 最近的电话亭在哪里? ตู้โทรศัพท์ที่ใกล้ที่สุดอยู่ที่ไหน? Missä on lähin puhelinkoppi?
1057 你有电话号码本吗? คุณมีสมุดโทรศัพท์ไหม ครับ or คะ? Onko teillä puhelinluetteloa?
1208 大象是大的。 ช้างตัวใหญ่ Elefantti on iso.
1231 我需要一部电话机。 ผม or ดิฉัน ต้องการโทรศัพท์ Minä tarvitsen puhelimen.
1233 这儿有电话吗? ที่นี่มีโทรศัพท์ไหม? Onko täällä puhelinta?
1235 我要照相。 ผม or ดิฉัน อยากถ่ายรูป Minä haluan ottaa kuvia.
1462 您有那个电话号码吗?我刚才还有那个电话号码。 คุณมีเบอร์โทรศัพท์ไหม? เมื่อกี้ยังมีอยู่เลย ครับ or คะ Onko teillä puhelinnumero? Minulla oli se vielä äsken.
1479 我一直在打电话了。 ผม or ดิฉัน ได้โทรศัพท์ตลอดเวลาที่ผ่านมา Minä olen puhunut puhelimessa koko ajan.
417 你没有把手机带在身边吗? คุณ มีมือถือติดตัวไม่ใช่หรือ ครับ or คะ? Eikö sinulla ole kännykkää mukanasi?
490 这房间里没有电话。 ในห้องไม่มีโทรศัพท์ Huoneessa ei ole puhelinta.
695 最近的公用电话在哪? ตู้โทรศัพท์ใกล้ที่สุดอยู่ที่ไหน ครับ or คะ? Missä on lähin puhelin?
696 您身边有手机吗? คุณมีโทรศัพท์มือถือไหม ครับ or คะ? Onko teillä kännykkä mukana?
745 可以照相吗? สามารถถ่ายรูปได้ไหม ครับ or คะ? Saako valokuvata?
760 大象都在哪里? ช้างอยู่ที่ไหน? Missä elefantit ovat?
939 我们找一家药店。 เรากำลังมองหาร้านขายยา Etsimme apteekkia.
947 我找一家照相馆。 ผม or ดิฉัน กำลังมองหาร้านขายอุปกรณ์ถ่ายภาพ Etsin valokuvaliikettä.
953 我找一家照相馆,买一个胶卷。 ผม or ดิฉัน กำลังมองหาร้านถ่ายภาพเพื่อซื้อฟิล์ม Etsin valokuvaliikettä ostaakseni filmirullan.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

71 手机 可以 拨打 国际 电话
310 电话 号码
402 奖杯 代表 胜利
424 大象 洗澡
450 办公室 安装 电话
457 大量 照片
460 一下 电话
604 她们 提供 电话 服务
649 告诉 电话 号码
689 毛笔字
717 法律 维护 正义
760 我们 合影
933 作文 一段
946 内科 医生
990 拐角处 电话亭
1027 手机 充电
1067 摄影 兴趣
1089 医院 检查 身体
1359 她们 拍照
1493 电话 掛上
1571 电话 号码
1651 耳机 音乐
1808 台风
2006 出色 哲学家
2057 摄影 感兴趣
2122 孤儿
2125 电话 号码
2137 草原 撞见 一头 大象
2144 台风
2192 象群 迁徙 地方
2269 出去 外头 台风
2274 历史 传记
2306 象重
2443 餐厅 气氛 不错
2574 总是 随身 携带 手机
2601 相框 没有 照片
2665 凤凰 传说 动物
2677 这里 经常 受到 台风 袭击
2916 不要 喇叭 说话
2949 手机 可能 放出 轻微 辐射
2959 我们 常用 蜜蜂 比喻 勤劳
3126 使用 手机
3155 团队 气氛 和谐
3303 硫磺
3333 这些 照片 拍得 清晰
3376 不要 打电话 骚扰
3463 大象 皮肤 粗糙
3471 大象 身体 硕大
3643 过敏症 专家 过敏症 诊断 治疗 专科 医生
3755 每天 两个 小时 大字
3771 顺利 通过 考试 成为 一名 博士

Semantische Felder: