Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Người đàn ông ấy đội một cái mũ. The man is wearing a hat. Der Mann trägt einen Hut.
Ông ấy cũng đeo khăn quàng cổ. He is also wearing a scarf around his neck. Er trägt auch einen Schal um den Hals.
Ông ấy không mặt quần và áo khoác. He is neither wearing pants nor a coat. Er trägt keine Hose und keinen Mantel.
Tôi đang mặc một chiếc váy màu xanh nước biển. I am wearing a blue dress. Ich habe ein blaues Kleid an.
Tôi đang mặc một chiếc váy màu đỏ. I am wearing a red dress. Ich habe ein rotes Kleid an.
Tôi đang mặc một chiếc váy màu xanh lá cây. I am wearing a green dress. Ich habe ein grünes Kleid an.
Bạn đã đeo ca vát nào? Which tie did you wear? Welche Krawatte hast du getragen?
Anh ấy đang đội mũ. + He's wearing a hat.
Tôi đang đi giày. + I'm wearing my shoes.
Sao cậu mặc áo khoác làm gì? + Why are you wearing a coat?
Cậu đang đeo đồng hồ à? + Are you wearing a watch?
Cô ấy luôn ăn mặc đẹp. + She always wears nice clothes.
Cô ấy đã kết hôn nhưng cô ấy không đeo nhẫn. + She's married, but she doesn't wear a ring.
Hôm nay cô ấy mặc cái váy nhưng hôm qua cô ấy mặc quần. + Today she's wearing a skirt, but yesterday she was wearing pants.
Tại sao anh ấy hôm qua lại mặc complet? + Why was he wearing a suit yesterday?
Anh ấy không mặc áo khoác. + He wasn't wearing a jacket.
Anh ấy đội mũ. + He was wearing a hat.
Có, cô ấy mặc một cái áo khoác rất là đẹp. + Yes, she was wearing a very nice jacket.
Tôi đã từng đeo kính. + I used to wear glasses.
Cậu định mặc gì trong đám chai tuần sau? + What are you going to wear to the wedding next week?
Cậu định mặc gì trong bữa tiệc tối nay? + What are you going to wear to the party tonight?
Công nhân phải đeo kính bảo hộ với cái máy này. + Workers must wear safety glasses at this machine.
Chúng tôi phải đeo kính bảo hộ hồi chúng tôi đi thăm nhà máy tuần trước. + We had to wear safety glasses when we visited the factory last week.
Reneta ngày nào cũng mặc cái gì đó màu xanh lâm. Cô ấy hẳn là thích màu xanh lâm lắm. + Renata wears something blue every day. She must like the color blue.
Ludwig ngày nào cũng mặc cùng một bộ quần áo. Anh ấy hẳn là không có nhiều quần áo. + Ludwig wears the same clothes every day. He must not have many clothes.
Những người ngồi hàng ghế đầu trong xe hơi phải cài dây an + People in the front seat of a car must wear a seat belt.
Khi cậu đang lái xe, cậu nên cài dây an toàn. + When you're driving, you should wear a seat belt.
Mắt tôi không được tốt lắm. Tôi phải đeo kính. + My eyes are not very good. I have to wear glasses.
Mẹ tôi đeo kính nhưng bố tôi thì không. + My mother wears glasses, but my father doesn't.
Trời bắt đầu trở lạnh và anh ấy hối hận vì không mặc áo khoác. + It began to get cold, and he regretted not wearing his coat.
Anh ấy không đồng ý việc chửi bậy. + He doesn't approve of swearing.
Dây an toàn ở xe hơi bảo vệ mạng sống. Mỗi lái xe nên đeo một cái. + Seat belts in cars save lives. Each driver should wear one.
+ A friend is wearing a dress. You like it. — I like the dress you're wearing.
Estaban luôn mặc quần áo đẹp. Anh ấy luôn ăn mặc đẹp. + Esteban always wears nice clothes. He's always well dressed.
Anh ấy luôn mặc áo khoác thậm chí dưới trời nóng. + He always wears a coat, even in hot weather.
Tên trộm khó bị nhận dạng khi hắn đang đeo mặt nạ. + The thief was difficult to identify, as he was wearing a mask.

+ The kid wears the coat.

+ I wear a hat.

+ He likes wearing a hat.

Tôi mặc quần. + I wear pants.

Cô ấy mặc một cái váy màu hồng. + She wears a pink skirt.

+ I wear a new shirt.

Hai người đàn ông mang bảy mươi sáucái khăn quàng. + Two men wear seventy-six scarves.

Tôi mặc chiếc áo. + I wear the shirt.

Chú tôi mặc chiếc quần màu tím. + My uncle wears violet pants.

Tôi không đội mũ trước khi mang giày. + I do not wear the hat before wearing the shoes.

Giáo viên của tôi mặc một cái áo màu vàng. + My teacher wears a yellow shirt.

Anh ấy hiếm khi mặc váy. + He rarely wears skirts.

Đứa trẻ đó luôn đội một cái mũ. + That child always wears a hat.

Nhà toán học mang kính trước khi làm việc. + The mathematician wears glasses before working.

Cô gái đó mặc áo dài và đội nón lá. + That girl wears Ao dai and conical hat.

Tôi cảm thấy hạnh phúc khi mặc bộ quân phục này. + I feel happy when I wear this military uniform.

Tôi thề tôi sẽ không nói cho ai. + I swear I'll never tell anyone.
SNOT Shopping • clothes to wear (clothes) +
Oxford 3000VieEng
dùng wear
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-6 anhaben to wear   (hat an, hatte an, hat angehabt)
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-6 tragen 1. to carry, 2. to take something somewhere, 3. to wear, 4. to bear   (trägt, trug, hat getragen)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-5 schimpfen 1. to scold, 2. to tell off, 3. to curse, swear   (schimpft, schimpfte, hat geschimpft)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-2 Ich trage nur Pullover aus reiner Wolle. + aus I only wear sweaters made of pure wool. Tôi chỉ mặc áo len bằng len tinh khiết.
Exercise 3-5 Nikos trägt heute ein weißes Hemd.  + weiß Nikos is wearing a white shirt today.  Nikos đang mặc một chiếc áo sơ mi trắng hôm nay.
Exercise 5-1 Mein Bruder trägt eine Brille.  + tragen* My brother wears glasses.  Anh trai tôi đeo kính.
Exercise 5-1 In der Arbeit muss er Anzug tragen.  + tragen* He has to wear a suit at work.  Anh ta phải mặc một bộ đồ trong công việc.
Exercise 5-2 Welche Bluse nehmen Sie? – Ich nehme beide.  + beide What blouse are you wearing? I'll take both.  Bạn mặc áo gì? Tôi sẽ lấy cả hai.
Exercise 6-5 Er trägt immer Anzug und Krawatte zur Arbeit.  + Anzug He always wears a suit and tie to work.  Anh luôn luôn mặc một bộ vest và buộc vào làm việc.
Exercise 9-6 Gestern hatte Julia ein rotes Kleid an.  + anhaben* Yesterday Julia was wearing a red dress.  Hôm qua Julia mặc một chiếc váy màu đỏ.
Exercise 9-6 Was hat er angehabt?  + anhaben* What was he wearing?  Anh ấy mặc gì?
Exercise 9-6 Nikos trägt heute ein weißes Hemd.  + Hemd Nikos is wearing a white shirt today.  Nikos đang mặc một chiếc áo sơ mi trắng hôm nay.
Exercise 9-6 Sie hat ein schreiend buntes Kleid an.  + bunt She's wearing a screaming colorful dress.  Cô ấy mặc một chiếc váy đầy màu sắc rực rỡ.
Exercise 9-7 Sie trägt meist Rock und Bluse.  + Rock She usually wears skirt and blouse.  Cô thường mặc váy và áo choàng.
Exercise 9-7 Wer hat in deiner Familie die Hosen an? + Hose Who in your family wears the pants? Ai trong gia đình bạn mặc quần?
Exercise 9-7 Nicht nur junge Leute tragen Jeans.  + Jeans Not only young people wear jeans.  Không chỉ những người trẻ tuổi mặc quần jean.
Exercise 9-8 Meine Frau trägt gerne Kostüme.  + Kostüm My wife likes to wear costumes.  Vợ tôi thích mặc trang phục.
Exercise 9-8 In welchem Kostüm gehst du zum Fasching?  + Kostüm What costume do you wear to the carnival?  Bạn mặc bộ trang phục nào cho lễ hội?
Exercise 9-8 In dem Film tragen die Leute bunte Kostüme. + Kostüm In the film, people wear colorful costumes. Trong phim, mọi người mặc trang phục đầy màu sắc.
Exercise 10-2 Ich habe überhaupt nichts anzuziehen!  + anziehen* I have nothing to wear!  Tôi không có gì để mặc!
Exercise 10-2 Heute trägt sie ein weißes Kleid.  + Kleid Today she wears a white dress.  Hôm nay cô mặc một chiếc váy trắng.
Exercise 10-3 Ich trage keinen Hut.  + Hut I'm not wearing a hat.  Tôi không đội mũ.
Exercise 10-3 Ich trage gerne lockere Kleidung im Sommer. + locker I like to wear loose clothes in summer. Tôi thích mặc quần áo rộng rãi vào mùa hè.
Exercise 10-4 Sie trägt wertvollen goldenen Schmuck.  + Schmuck She wears precious gold jewellery.  Cô ấy mặc đồ trang sức bằng vàng quý.
Exercise 10-9 Warum ziehst du nur so einen dünnen Mantel an? Es ist kalt draußen.  + dünn Why do you wear such a thin coat? It's cold outside.  Tại sao bạn mặc chiếc áo khoác mỏng như vậy? Bên ngoài lạnh lắm.
Exercise 11-2 Welche Bluse nehmen Sie? – Die da.  + da What blouse are you wearing? That one.  Bạn mặc áo gì? Cái đó.
Exercise 19-9 Sie trug ein billiges Kleid.  + billig She was wearing a cheap dress.  Cô ấy mặc một chiếc váy giá rẻ.
Exercise 30-1 Ziehen Sie sich warm an. In der Halle ist nicht geheizt.  + heizen  Wear warm clothes. There is no heating in the hall.  Mặc đồ ấm. Không có sưởi ấm trong hội trường.
Exercise 30-3 Thomas trägt jetzt einen Bart.  + Bart Thomas is now wearing a beard.  Thomas đang mặc bộ râu.
Exercise 32-9 Meine Kinder ziehen am liebsten bequeme Sachen an.  + bequem My children prefer to wear comfortable clothes.  Con tôi thích mặc quần áo thoải mái.
Exercise 38-3 Das Personal trägt Uniform.  + Personal The staff wear uniform.  Nhân viên mặc đồng phục.
Exercise 45-3 Der Arm ist gebrochen. Sie müssen einen Verband tragen.  + Verband The arm is broken. You must wear a bandage.  Tay bị gãy. Bạn phải mặc một băng.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair das Haar kurz/lang tragen + to wear one's hair short/long + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair das Haar aufgesteckt tragen + to wear one's hair up + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair das Haar im Knoten tragen + to wear one's hair in a bun + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair das Haar links/rechts gescheitelt tragen + to wear one's hair parted on the left/right + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair das Haar in der Mitte gescheitelt tragen + to wear one's hair parted in the middle + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair einen Zopf/Zöpfe tragen + to wear a braid/braids, plait(s) + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy müde + tired, weary + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy abgespannt + weary, tired, run down + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy matt + weak, weary + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy Mattigkeit + weakness, weariness + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments (Unter)wäsche + underwear + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments etw tragen + to wear sth + A
+ + 103 Speaking Calling out jmdn beschimpfen + to swear at sb + A
+ + 103 Speaking Calling out (über etw) fluchen + to swear (about sth) + A
+ + 103 Law Justice einen Eid ablegen/schwören/leisten + to take/swear an oath + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations General jmdn vereidigen + to swear in sb + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * dai4 put on/ wear/ support/ respect 1. tragen, aufsetzen,anziehen 2.verehren, lieben +
B + * * mo2 wear/ rub/ grind 1. reiben, zerreiben 2. schleifen, polieren, wetzen 3. trödeln, vertrödeln 4. jm lästig fallen, jm auf die Nerven gehen +
C 吃力 + * * chi1li4 strenuous/ painstaking/ tiring/ wearing sehr mühevoll sein, große Anstrengungen kosten +
C + * * adj. bare/ be naked/ wear nothing/ glorify/ bring honor to entblößen +
C 外衣 + * * wai4yi1 outer-garment/ outerwear/ coat/ apparel/ jacket Jacke, Jackett, Deckmantel +
C 疲倦 + * * pi2juan4 tired and sleepy/ weary/ fatigued müde +
D 宣誓 + * * xuan1 shi4 swear/ take a oath ein Gelöbnis ablegen +
D 發誓 + * * fa1 shi4 swear/ pledge schwören, einen Eid leisten +
D + * * zhuo2 wear sich anziehen, sich ankleiden, in Berührung kommen, anhaften, wo ungefähr, schicken, senden +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
142 她们 穿着 相同 衣服 + They're wearing identical clothes. Sie tragen dieselbe Kleidung.
278 穿着 黑色 西服 + He is wearing a black suit. Er trägt einen schwarzen Anzug.
309 穿 小号 衣服 + I wear a small size. Ich trage Kleidung kleiner Größe.
333 手链 + She's wearing a silver bracelet. Sie trägt ein Silberarmband.
685 穿着 裙子 + She's wearing a red skirt. Sie trägt einen roten Rock / rotes Kleid.
917 必须 眼镜 清楚 + I have to wear glasses to see things clearly. Ich muss eine Brille tragen, um deutlich zu sehen.
1047 眼镜 + She is wearing a pair of glasses. Sie trägt eine Brille.
1161 穿 格子 衬衫 + He is wearing a checkered shirt. Er trägt ein kariertes Hemd.
1563 手套 + She's wearing a pair of gloves.
1698 眼镜 + He is wearing a pair of glasses.
1775 珍珠 项链 + She wears a pearl necklace.
1970 黄色 帽子 + She's wearing a yellow hat.
2267 帽子 + She's wearing a hat.
2481 围巾 + She's wearing a scarf over her shoulders.
2499 佩带 徽章 + He wears a badge.
2562 口罩 + She's wearing a gauze mask.
2619 学校 提倡 穿 校服 + The school encourages students to wear school uniforms.
3099 白色 围巾 + She is wearing a white scarf.
3275 穿着 白色 袜子 + She's wearing white socks.
3440 穿 崭新 裙子 + She's wearing a brand-new skirt.
3765 为了 保证 安全 驾驶 摩托车 一定 帽盔 + To ensure safety, motorbike riders must wear helmets. Um für Sicherheit zu sorgen, muss man beim Motorradfahren unbedingt einen Helm tragen.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je jure de ne plus jamais te contacter + I swear I will never contact you again

j’ignorais pourquoi il jurait comme ça + I didn’t know why he was swearing like that

ils avaient de beaux visages tranquilles et las + they had beautiful, peaceful, weary faces

vous ne portiez pas d’uniforme, quoique armé + you weren’t wearing a uniform, even though you were armed

ne veille pas trop tard, cela use les yeux + don’t stay up too late, it wears out your eyes

je jure sur la tombe de ma grand-mère + I swear on my grandmother’s grave

je jure ... sur la tombe de ma grand-mère + I swear ... on my grandmother’s grave

je suis la seule à porter un casque au travail + I was the only one to wear a helmet at work

les femmes doivent se voiler + women must wear a veil

portez-vous des lunettes ou verres de contact? + do you wear glasses or contact lenses?

tu portes une chemise rayée et une cravate rayée + you’re wearing a striped shirt and a striped necktie

je ne veux pas lasser le public + I don’t want to make the public weary
14562683-n wear
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 wear +
103 wear +
103 wear +
103 wear +
103 wear +
103 wear +
103 wear +
103 wear +
103 wear +
103 wear +
103 wear +
103 wear +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
wear mặc, [spectacles, earrings, etc.] đeo, [shoes] đi + +