Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Igor từng làm bồi bàn. Bây giờ anh ấy làm quản lí một khách sạn. + Igor used to be a waiter. Now he's the manager of a hotel.
Quản lí của công đi sắp đi, thế nên sẽ sớm có một quản lí mới. + The manager of the company is leaving, so there will be a new manager soon.
Ngày gia nhập công ti chín năm trước và đã trở thành trợ lí marketing của công ti sau hai năm. + Chandra joined the company nine (9) years ago and became assistant manager after two (2) years.
Vài năm sau, anh ấy tiếp tục trở thành giám đốc công ti. + A few years later, he went on to become the manager of the company.
Tôi là thứ duy nhất hải phàn nàn với quản lí nhà hàng. + I was the second customer to complain to the restaurant manager.
Chí Vinh làm chức giám đốc trọng công ti của anh ấy. + Jiyeong works as the manager in his company.
Ân Nhã phải đưa ra những quyết định quan trọng giống như một giám đốc. + Euna has to make important decisions, just like the manager.
Tôi muốn phàn nàn với giám đốc về dịch vụ của các cậu. + I'd like to complain to the manager about your service.
Giám đốc của tôi đã chỉ ra một vấn đề tiềm ẩn trong kế hoạch marketing mới của chúng tôi. + My manager pointed out a potential problem with our new marketing plan.

quản lý + manage

Cho tôi đặt lịch hẹn gặp người quản lý? + Could I make an appointment to see the manager.

Quản lý + Manager
SNOT Personal identification • occupation manager +
Oxford 3000VieEng
quản lý manage
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-11 bringen 1. to bring, to take, 2. to make something of oneself, 3. to print, to broadcast, 4. to manage   (bringt, brachte, hat gebracht)
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-6 Leitung 1. management, 2. pipes, cables
Exercise 9-1-10 schaffen 1. to manage, 2. to reach, 3. to take to, to carry   (schafft, schuf/schaffte, hat geschaffen/geschafft)
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-3 Direktor director, headmaster, manager
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-12 zurechtkommen to manage, to get along   (kommt zurecht, kam zurecht, ist zurechtgekommen)
14-2. Sport Exercise 14-2-2 Trainer 1. trainer, 2. manager, 3. coach
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 5-2 Soll ich Ihnen helfen? – Danke, ich schaffe es schon allein.  + allein Want me to help you? Thank you, I'll manage on my own.  Muốn tôi giúp bạn? Cảm ơn bạn, tôi sẽ tự quản lý.
Exercise 18-1 Sprechen Sie bitte mit der Hausverwaltung. + Verwaltung Please contact the property manager. Vui lòng liên hệ với người quản lý tài sản.
Exercise 33-1 Er beschwerte sich bei der Geschäftsleitung über den schlechten Service.  + beschweren He complained to management about the poor service.  Anh than phiền với quản lý về dịch vụ kém.
Exercise 36-4 Die Bank hat die Gebühren für die Kontoführung erhöht.  + Gebühr The bank has increased the fees for account management.  Ngân hàng đã tăng phí quản lý tài khoản.
Exercise 38-8 Wie hast du es geschafft, ihre Zustimmung zu bekommen?  + Zustimmung How did you manage to get her approval?  Làm thế nào bạn quản lý để có được sự chấp thuận của cô?
Exercise 40-2 Ab 1. Juli übernimmt Herr Meier die Leitung der Abteilung.  + Leitung Mr. Meier will take over the management of the department on 1 July.  Ông Meier sẽ tiếp quản bộ phận của Bộ vào ngày 1 tháng 7.
Exercise 40-6 Es ist mir gelungen, meinen Chef zu überzeugen.  + gelingen* I managed to convince my boss.  Tôi quản lý để thuyết phục ông chủ của tôi.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair widerspenstiges Haar + fly-away/unmanageable hair + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Intendant(in) + manager and artistic director + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Inspizient(in) + stage manager + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Trainer(in) + trainer, coach, manager + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Hoteldirektor(in) + hotel manager + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Gastwirt(in) + restaurant owner/manager + B
+ + 103 Education School and university subjects Betriebswirtschaft + business management + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Manager(in) + manager + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Management + management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Führung + management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Leitung + management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Leiter(in) + manager, department head + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Personal-Management + personnel management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Krisenmanagement + crisis management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel mittleres Management + middle management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Verkaufsleiter(in) + sales manager + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Verkaufsleitung + sales management + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Personalleiter(in) + personnel manager + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Produktionsleiter(in) + production manager + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Abteilungsleiter(in) + department manager, department head + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Geschäftsleitung + senior management + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel stellvertretender Leiter + assistant manager + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Regionalleiter(in) + area manager + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Vertriebsleiter(in) + sales manager, marketing director + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Fachgebietsleiter(in) + line manager + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Führungsstil + management style + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Unternehmensberater(in) + management consultant + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Nachwuchsführungs-kraft + trainee manager + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Zeiteinteilung + time management + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Büroverwaltung + office management + C
+ + 103 Employment Application and training Management-Ausbildung + management training + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Büroleiter(in) + office manager + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Dateimanager + file manager + C
+ + 103 Finance Banks and bank staff Filialleiter(in) (einer Bank) + branch manager + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B + * * guan3 manage 1.(NA) Rohr, Röhre, Leitung 2.Blasinstrument 3. Zählwort eine Tube Zahnpasta 4.(VC)(VE) verwalten, besorgen, für etw zuständig sein 5. sich um etw kümmern, beaufsichtigen 6. eingreifen, sich einmischen 7.(P08) [Sinn noch nicht erfasst, Ole] +
B 管理 + * * guan3li3 manage managen, leiten, Management +
B 經理 + * * jing1li3 manager/ director Manager +
B + * * zhi4 treat/ manage/ control/ govern 1. regieren, verwalten, regeln, führen 2. umgestalten, regulieren 3. heilen, ärztlich behandeln 4. strafen, bestrafen +
C + * * liao4 suppose/ expect/ manage/ material/ (grain) feed 1. vermuten, glauben, erwarten, ahnen, mit etwas rechnen 2. Material, Stoff 3. Futter +
C 主持 + * * zhu3chi2 manage-control/ direct/ preside over/ manage/ uphold leiten, verwalten,befürworten, eintreten +
C 勉強 + * * mian3qiang3 barely enough/ reluctant/ force sb. to do sth./ manage mit letzter Kraft, mit Mühe und Not, unfreiwillig +
C + * * li3 put in order/ tide up/ manage/ run/ pay attention to regeln +
C + * * li3 put in order/ tide up/ manage/ run/ pay attention to regeln +
C 經營 + * * jing1ying2 manage/ run/ operate/ plan and organize managen, führen, wirtschaften,betreiben,planen und besorgen +
C 當家 + * * dang1 jia1 manage household matters/ keep house den Haushalt führen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
419 公司 总经理 + He is the general manager at the company. Er ist der Hauptgeschäftsführer des Unternehmens.
967 职务 部门 主管 + Her position is division manager. Ihre Position ist Abteilungsleiterin.
1048 我们 公司 副经理 + He's the deputy manager of our company. Er ist der Vize Manager unserer Firma.
1569 经理 秘书 + She is the manager's secretary.
2829 甜点 经理 推荐 + This dessert was recommended by the manager.
3690 任命 部门经理 + He was appointed branch manager.
Lesson 010. Meeting New People. Business Cards in China.
jing1li3 + manager
Lesson 010. Meeting New People. Business Cards in China.
zong3jing1li3 + general manager
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
ban4 + to do / to manage / to handle / to deal with
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il ne réussit pas à vendre un seul dessin + he can’t manage to sell even one drawing

ils ne parviennent pas à former un groupe + they didn’t manage to form a group

la direction organisa une assemblée générale + management organized a general meeting

et je fournis l’expérience de gestion + and I have management experience

nous savons comment gérer l’éducation + we know how to manage education

j’ai réussi à obtenir une bourse pour ma deuxième année + I managed to obtain a scholarship for my second year

il gérait les fonds de la firme + he managed the firm’s funds

la coordination est considérée comme un problème de gestion + coordination is considered a management problem

j’arriverai à concilier plaisir et nécessité + I managed to reconcile pleasure and duty

mets-moi sur le trottoir, je me débrouillerai + put me on the sidewalk, I’ll manage

traditionnellement, le cadre est un manager + traditionally, the executive is a manager
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 manage +
103 manage +
103 manage +
103 manage +
103 manage +
103 manage +
103 manage +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie