VNEN nhiệt * heat * 103 VNEN sức nóng * heat * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
das Kino movie theater rạp chiếu phim
Die Heizung funktioniert nicht. The heater is not working. Bộ phận làm nóng không hoạt động.
Die Heizung ist wieder in Ordnung. The heater is working again. Bộ phận làm nóng đang hoạt động trở lại.
Ich gehe gern ins Theater. I like going to the theater. Tôi thích đi xem kịch.
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Bạn có thích đi xem / coi kịch không? Do you like to go to the theatre / theater (am.)? Gehen Sie gern ins Theater?
Lò sưởi không dùng được. The heater isn’t working. Die Heizung funktioniert nicht.
Buổi tối hôm nay có gì ở nhà hát? What’s playing at the theatre / theater (am.) this evening? Was gibt es heute Abend im Theater?
Có còn vé cho nhà hát nữa không? Are tickets for the theatre / theater (am.) still available? Gibt es noch Karten fürs Theater?
Tối nay chúng tôi sẽ đi xem hoà nhạc. Chúng tôi có vé rồi. + We're going to the theater tonight. We've got tickets.
Khi chúng tôi tới nhà hát, có một người hàng dài bên ngoài. + When we got to the theater, there was a long line outside.
Toà nhà kia bây giờ là một siêu thị. Nó từng là một rạp tạp chí lm. + That building is now a supermarket. It used to be a movie theater.
Mặt trời, một trong hàng triệu ngôi sao trong vũ TRỤ, cung cấp cho chúng ta nhiệt và ánh sáng. + The sun, which is one (1) of millions of stars in the universe, provides us with heat and light.
Một số học sinh bị kết tội gian lận trong kỳ thi. + Some students were suspected of cheating on the exam.

nhà hát + theater

rạp phim + movie theater

Bạn có phiến nếu tôi tăng nhiệt độ không? + Do you mind if I turn up the heating?

Bạn có phiến nếu tôi tăng nhiệt độ không? + Would you mind if I turned up the heating?

Tôi đang dị ứng với bột mỳ. + I'm allergic to wheat.

Lò sưởi + Heater
GNOT Spatial • temperature heat +
GNOT Spatial • temperature to heat +
SNOT House and home, environment • services heating +
SNOT House and home, environment • services central heating +
SNOT House and home, environment • services on (e.g. the heating is on) +
SNOT House and home, environment • services off (e.g. the heating is off) +
SNOT • radio, TV, etc., music theatre nhà hát +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre cabaret, disco, theatre +
theatre / theater kịch +
Oxford 3000VieEng
nhiệt heat
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-5 Heizung heating
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-7 heizen 1. to heat, 2. to drive fast   (heizt, heizte, hat geheizt)
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-1 Hitze heat
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-1 Theater 1. theatre, 2. fuss
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-5 betrügen 1. to cheat, 2. to fool oneself   (betrügt, betrog, hat betrogen)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 3-2 Kannst du die Heizung wärmer stellen?  + stellen Can you turn the heat up?  Bạn có thể bật nóng không?
Exercise 5-6 Von der trockenen Wärme bekommt man Kopfschmerzen.  + Wärme The dry heat gives you a headache.  Nhiệt khô sẽ gây đau đầu.
Exercise 5-6 Ich war an die Wärme gewöhnt.  + Wärme I was used to the heat.  Tôi đã được sử dụng để sưởi ấm.
Exercise 5-6 Mir ist kalt. Mach bitte die Heizung an.  + kalt I'm cold. Turn on the heater, please.  Tôi lạnh. Bật lò sưởi, xin vui lòng.
Exercise 7-1 Ich würde eher ins Kino als ins Theater gehen.  + eher I'd rather go to the movies than to the theatre.  Tôi muốn đi xem phim hơn là xem rạp hát.
Exercise 11-4 Anna leidet sehr unter der Hitze.  + leiden* Anna suffers greatly from the heat.  Anna đau khổ vì nóng.
Exercise 12-6 Wir gehen nächste Woche ins Theater.  + Theater We're going to the theatre next week.  Chúng tôi sẽ đến nhà hát vào tuần tới.
Exercise 12-6 Das Theater beginnt um 19 Uhr.  + Theater The theatre starts at 7 pm.  Nhà hát bắt đầu lúc 7 giờ chiều.
Exercise 12-6 Für das Theater brauche ich noch zwei Eintrittskarten.  + Theater I need two more tickets for the theatre.  Tôi cần hai vé nữa cho nhà hát.
Exercise 12-6 Nach dem Theater gehen wir in ein Restaurant. + Theater After the theatre we go to a restaurant. Sau khi đi nhà hát chúng tôi đi đến nhà hàng.
Exercise 14-2 Bei der Hitze ist es drinnen viel angenehmer.  + drinnen  It's much more comfortable in the heat.  Nó dễ chịu hơn nhiều trong cái nóng.
Exercise 14-5 Du hast mir versprochen, dass wir den Theaterbesuch nachholen!  + nachholen You promised me we'd make up for going to the theatre!  Bạn đã hứa với tôi rằng chúng tôi sẽ bù đắp cho việc đi xem kịch!
Exercise 14-5 Wir haben den ganzen Mai durch geheizt.  + durch We've been heating through May.  Chúng tôi đã được sưởi ấm cho đến tháng Năm.
Exercise 15-7 Das Haus hängt an der Fernheizung.  + hängen* The house is connected to the district heating.  Ngôi nhà được kết nối với hệ thống sưởi ấm của huyện.
Exercise 15-9 Drückende Hitze herrschte im Lande.  + herrschen The heat was heavy in the country.  Nhiệt là nặng nề trong cả nước.
Exercise 24-9 Sie geht nicht aus, höchstens gelegentlich ins Theater.  + höchstens She doesn't go out, at most occasionally to the theatre.  Cô ấy không đi ra ngoài, thỉnh thoảng đến nhà hát.
Exercise 26-3 Gestern war eine schreckliche Hitze!  + Hitze Yesterday was a terrible heat!  Hôm qua là một cơn sốt khủng khiếp!
Exercise 26-3 Wir schwitzten in der Hitze.  + Hitze We were sweating in the heat.  Chúng tôi đang đổ mồ hôi dưới nước.
Exercise 26-3 Er konnte wegen der Hitze nicht schlafen.  + Hitze He couldn't sleep because of the heat.  Anh không thể ngủ vì nóng.
Exercise 26-3 In dieser Hitze ist es nicht auszuhalten.  + Hitze I can't stand it in this heat.  Tôi không thể đứng trong nhiệt này.
Exercise 27-4 Wann reparierst du die Heizung? – Die habe ich schon längst repariert.  + längst When do you fix the heater? I've already fixed it.  Khi nào bạn sửa lò sưởi? Tôi đã cố định nó.
Exercise 29-2 Um Strom zu sparen, schalten wir die Heizung nachts aus.  + sparen To save electricity, we turn off the heating at night.  Để tiết kiệm điện, chúng tôi tắt sưởi ấm vào ban đêm.
Exercise 30-1 Wir heizen mit Öl.  + heizen  We heat with oil.  Chúng tôi nóng với dầu.
Exercise 30-1 Ziehen Sie sich warm an. In der Halle ist nicht geheizt.  + heizen  Wear warm clothes. There is no heating in the hall.  Mặc đồ ấm. Không có sưởi ấm trong hội trường.
Exercise 30-1 Die Wohnung war gut geheizt.  + heizen  The apartment was well heated.  Căn hộ được sưởi ấm.
Exercise 30-1 Wir heizen das Haus mit Gas.  + heizen  We heat the house with gas.  Chúng tôi làm nóng ngôi nhà bằng khí.
Exercise 30-1 Das Haus heizt sich schlecht.  + heizen  The house doesn't heat well.  Ngôi nhà không nóng tốt.
Exercise 30-1 Es ist kalt. Ist die Heizung kaputt?  + Heizung It's cold. Is the heater broken?  Trời lạnh. Là lò sưởi bị hỏng?
Exercise 30-1 Ich glaube, die Heizung ist aus.  + Heizung I think the heat's off.  Tôi nghĩ hơi nóng.
Exercise 30-1 Die elektrische Heizung verbraucht viel Strom.  + Heizung The electrical heating consumes a lot of electricity.  Việc sưởi ấm điện tiêu thụ rất nhiều điện.
Exercise 30-1 Die Miete beträgt 600 Euro, inklusive Heizung. + Heizung The rent is 600 euros, including heating. Tiền thuê là 600 euro, bao gồm sưởi ấm.
Exercise 30-7 Das Feuer entwickelte große Hitze. + entwickeln The fire developed great heat. Lửa phát ra hơi nóng.
Exercise 31-4 Der Ofen gibt genügend Wärme ab.  + abgeben*  The stove gives off enough heat.  Bếp lò sẽ làm nóng đủ.
Exercise 31-7 Keine Angst. Mein Bruder kann die Heizung bestimmt reparieren. Er ist doch Profi.  + Profi Don't be afraid. I'm sure my brother can fix the heater. He's a professional.  Đừng sợ. Tôi chắc rằng anh tôi có thể sửa chữa nóng. Anh ấy là một chuyên gia.
Exercise 32-5 Können Sie bitte die Heizung einschalten?  + einschalten Can you turn on the heater, please?  Bạn có thể bật lò sưởi, xin vui lòng?
Exercise 33-2 Sie drehte die Heizung höher.  + drehen  She turned the heater up.  Cô bật lò sưởi lên.
Exercise 33-5 Der Ofen heizt das Zimmer. + Ofen The stove heats the room. Bếp lò làm nóng căn phòng.
Exercise 33-5 Das Mehl wurde aus Weizen gemahlen.  + Mehl The flour was ground from wheat.  Bột mì được nghiền từ lúa mỳ.
Exercise 33-6 Er ist ein Fachmann für Heizungstechnik.  + Fachmann He is an expert in heating technology.  Ông là một chuyên gia về công nghệ sưởi ấm.
Exercise 34-3 Zahlst du einen festen Betrag für die Heizkosten? + Betrag Do you pay a fixed amount for heating costs? Bạn có phải trả một số tiền cố định cho chi phí sưởi ấm?
Exercise 34-8 Wir haben ein Problem mit der Heizung. Wer ist dafür zuständig?  + zuständig We have a heating problem. Who's in charge?  Chúng tôi có vấn đề về sưởi ấm. Người chịu trách nhiệm?
Exercise 35-9 Die Rechnung stimmt nicht. Der Kellner hat mich betrogen.  + betrügen* The math is wrong. The waiter cheated on me.  Toán học là sai. Người phục vụ đã lừa dối tôi.
Exercise 35-9 Der Händler hat ihn betrogen.  + betrügen* The merchant cheated on him.  Thương gia lừa dối ông.
Exercise 35-9 Sie betrogen die Frau um ihr Geld.  + betrügen* She cheated on the woman for her money.  Cô lừa dối người phụ nữ vì tiền của cô.
Exercise 35-9 Frau Keller glaubt, dass ihr Mann sie betrügt.  + betrügen* Ms. Keller thinks her husband is cheating on her.  Cô Keller nghĩ rằng chồng cô đang lừa dối cô.
Exercise 35-9 Sie hat ihren Mann betrogen.  + betrügen* She cheated on her husband.  Cô lừa dối chồng cô.
Exercise 35-9 Du betrügst dich selbst, wenn du von deiner neuen Arbeit zu viel erwartest.  + betrügen* You cheat yourself if you expect too much from your new job.  Bạn lừa mình nếu bạn mong đợi quá nhiều từ công việc mới của bạn.
Exercise 35-9 Betrüge dich nicht selbst!  + betrügen* Don't cheat yourself!  Đừng tự lừa dối mình!
Exercise 36-4 Heizung und Licht sind extra zu bezahlen.  + extra Heating and light are extra.  Hệ thống sưởi ấm và ánh sáng là thêm.
Exercise 37-4 Können Sie bitte die Heizung anstellen?  + anstellen Could you turn the heat on, please?  Bạn có thể bật lửa, xin vui lòng?
Exercise 39-5 Heute ist eine schreckliche Hitze.  + schrecklich It's a terrible heat today.  Đó là một ngày nóng khủng khiếp.
Exercise 39-6 Wir müssen die Heizung anmachen.  + anmachen We have to turn on the heat.  Chúng ta phải bật lửa.
Exercise 39-7 Heizen Sie mit Kohle oder mit Öl?  + Kohle Are you heating with coal or oil?  Bạn đang sưởi ấm bằng than hay dầu?
Exercise 40-2 Die Miete beträgt 700 Euro, inklusive Heizung. + inklusive The rent is 700 euros, including heating. Tiền thuê là 700 euro, bao gồm sưởi ấm.
Exercise 42-2 Die Handwerker installieren gerade die Heizung.  + installieren Craftsmen are installing the heating.  Thủ công mỹ nghệ đang lắp đặt hệ thống sưởi ấm.
Exercise 42-3 Das Theater spielt vor allem Stücke moderner deutscher Autoren.  + Autor The theatre plays mainly plays plays by modern German authors.  Nhà hát đóng vai trò chủ yếu trong các vở kịch của các tác giả Đức hiện đại.
Exercise 42-5 Wir haben im Theater abonniert.  + abonnieren We subscribed to the theatre.  Chúng tôi đăng ký nhà hát.
Exercise 42-7 Die Zugfahrt war schon wegen der Hitze sehr anstrengend, ganz zu schweigen von der Verspätung.  + schweigen* The train journey was very strenuous because of the heat, not to mention the delay.  Hành trình tàu rất vất vả vì sức nóng, chưa kể đến sự chậm trễ.
Exercise 43-3 Sie drehte die Heizung auf, statt sich wärmer anzuziehen.  + statt  She turned up the heat instead of getting warmer.  Cô ấy bật nhiệt thay vì làm nóng.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings Heizung + heating, heater + A
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Tauchsieder + immersion heater + C
+ + 103 The physical world Woodlands and plains Heide + heath + C
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour die Krallen zeigen + to bare/unsheath claws + C
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour brünstig werden/sein + to come into/be in heat + C
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour rossig werden/sein + to come into/be in heat [mare] + C
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour läufig werden/sein + to come into/be in heat [dog] + C
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour rollig werden/sein + to come into/be in heat [cat] + C
+ + 103 Weather Sunshine Hitze + heat + A
+ + 103 Weather Sunshine Hitzenwelle + heat wave, hot spell + B
+ + 103 Weather Sunshine es ist drückend heiß + the heat is stifling + C
+ + 103 Weather Sunshine Hitzefrei haben + to have time off from school/work because of excessive heat + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Meat, fish and poultry Brühwürstchen + sausage (heated in boiling water) + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Breads, grains and pasta Graubrot + bread made with wheat and rye flours + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Drinks Weißbier + beer brewed from wheat + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Breads, grains and pasta Weizen + wheat + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Theater + theatre + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Komödie + comedy; farce; comedy theatre + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Theaterkritiker(in) + theatre or drama critic + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Stadttheater + municipal theatre + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Staatstheater + state theatre + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Studiobühne + studio theatre + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Freilichtbühne + open-air theatre + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Kino + cinema, movie theatre + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Festspielhaus + festival theatre + C
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing ein heftiger Streit + a heated argument + A
+ + 103 Leisure Games falsch spielen + to cheat + A
+ + 103 Leisure Games mogeln + to cheat + C
+ + 103 Leisure Games schummeln + to cheat + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Vorlauf + preliminary heat + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Vorkampf + heat [boxing, etc.] + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Ausscheidungskampf + final heat + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining Restaurant mit Theatervorfüh-rung + dinner theatre + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Marriage and divorce jmdn betrügen + to cheat on sb + B
+ + 103 Religion Religions Heidentum + heathenism, paganism + C
+ + 103 Religion Religions Heide + heathen, pagan + C
+ + 103 Education General mogeln + to cheat + C
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Wärmeverlust + heat loss + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Weizen + wheat + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Buchweizen + buckwheat + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Theateragent(in) + theatrical agent + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * re4 hot/ popular/ heat up/ warm 1. heiß, warm 2. leidenschaftlich, brennend, mit Wärme 3. Wärme 4. Fieber 5. allgemeine Schwärmerei, Begeisterung 6. aufwärmen +
B 臺/檯 + * * tai2 (臺) platform/ measure word for theatrical plays/ (檯) table/ desk 1. erhöhter Platz, Plattform Terrasse, Podest 2. Ständer 3. terrassenförmige oder sockelförmige Gegenstände 4. Tisch 5. Sender, Sendestation 6. Ansagedienst 7. ein Zählwort +
B 劇場 + * * ju4chang3 theatre Theater +
B 欺騙 + * * qi1pian4 deceive/ cheat/ dupe Betrug, betrügen, mogeln, täuschen +
B 暖氣 + * * nuan3qi4 central heating Zentralheizung, Heizung +
B 小麥 + * * xiao3mai4 wheat Weizen +
B + * * pian4 cheat 1. jn betrügen, jn prellen, jn begaunern, jn beschwindeln, 2. erschwindeln, jn um etw betrügen, etw durch Betrug erreichen +
C + * * ju4 theatrical work/ drama/ play/ opera 1. Schauspiel,Theater 2. heftig, stark, drastisch, akut, stürmisch +
C 劇院 + * * ju4yuan4 theater/ playhouse/ troupe Theater, Opernhaus,Ensemble, Theatergruppe +
C 麵粉 + * * mian4fen3 flour/ wheat flour Weizenmehl +
C 戲劇 + * * xi4ju4 opera-drama/ drama/ theater/ play/ play script Drama, Stück +
C + * * keng1 pit/ hole/ hollow/ entrap/ cheat/ bury alive 1. Loch, Grube, Vertiefung, Einsenkung 2. Tunnel, Stollen 3.jn lebendig vergraben 4. jm eine Grube graben, jm eine Falle stellen, betrügen +
C 熱量 + * * re4liang4 quantity of heat Wärmemenge, Hitze +
D 加熱 + * * jia1 re4 heat up erwärmen, erhitzen +
D 保溫 + * * bao3wen1 heat preservation Wärmehaltung, Isolation +
D 發熱 + * * fa1 re4 have a fever/ give out heat Hitze abgeben, Fieber bekommen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
362 撒麦种 + He's sowing wheat seeds on the soil. Er sät Weizensaat in den Boden.
1605 小麦 成熟 + The wheat has ripened.
2349 收割机 小麦 + The harvester is reaping the wheat in the field.
2669 他用 微波炉 热菜 + He heated up the food in a microwave oven. Er benutzt eine Mikrowelle, um das Essen zu erhitzen.
3739 就是 眼浅 现在 活该 + You are really short-sighted, you deserve to be cheated.
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
men2piao4 + "door ticket" / ticket for a museum, theatre etc
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
mian4fen3 + flour / wheat flour
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
pian4 + to cheat / to lie to s.o.
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
Bu4yao4 pian4 wo3! + Don't cheat me. / Don't lie to me.
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
Ni3 pian4 wo3. + You cheat me.
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
Ni3 zai4 pian4 wo3. + You are cheating me.
Lesson 040. Can You Fix It?
Wo3 bei4 ta1 pian4 le. + I was cheated by him.
Lesson 051. Annoyances in China. Protect Yourself.
pian4 + to cheat
Lesson 051. Annoyances in China. Protect Yourself.
Ni3 shi4 yao4 pian4 wo3 ma? + Are you cheating me?
Lesson 055. Movies and TV.
dian4ying3yuan4 + cinema / movie theatre
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

faites chauffer une casserole d’eau + heat up a pan of water

il alla chercher Josette à la sortie du théâtre + he went to look for Josette at the theatre exit

ils allaient au café, au théâtre, au cinéma + they went to the café, the theatre, the movies

faire chauffer l’huile dans une poêle + heat up the oil in a pan

j’ai eu des parents amateurs de théâtre + I have parents who love the theater

le soleil et la chaleur devenaient en outre excessifs + the sun and the heat were becoming intense

je suis sortie du cinéma en larmes + I left the movie theater in tears

le blé n’est plus cultivé dans cette région + wheat is not cultivated in this region

une chaleur subite l’envahissait + a sudden heat overcame him
07461288-n heat
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 heat +
103 heat +
103 heat +
103 heat +
103 heat +
103 heat +
103 heat +
103 heat +
103 heat +
103 heat +
103 heat +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie