A 領導 + * * ling3dao3 lead/ leader/ leadership leiten,Leiter + +
A 關係 + * * guan1xi4 relation/ relationship Beziehung + +
A 友誼 + * * you3yi4 friendship Freundschaft + +
A + * * chuan2 boat/ ship Schiff,Boot + +
B + * * a1 prefix used before kinship terms/ (brother) Phonetisches A + +
B 學問 + * * xue2wen learning/ knowledge/ scholarship Wissen, Lernen + +
B 獎學金 + * * jiang3xue2jin1 scholarship Stipendium + +
B 輪船 + * * lun2chuan2 steamship/ ship Dampfschiff + +
B 功夫 + * * gong1fu time/ skill/ art/ workmanship Zeit, Anstrengung, Fähigkeit, Können + +
C 軍艦 + * * jun1jian4 warship/ naval vessel Kriegsschiff + +
C + * * zui4 crime/ guilt/ sin/ fault/ blame/ suffering/ pain/ hardship 1. Verbrechen, Sünde, Schuld, 2. Fehler, Schuld 3. Leid, Kummer, Schmerzen 4. jm die Schuld geben + +
C 吃苦 + * * chi1 ku3 bear hardships/ suffer Not leiden, Schweres ertragen + +
C 專政 + * * zhuan1zheng4 monopolize-government/ rule by violence/ dictatorship Diktatur + +
C 友愛 + * * you3'ai4 friendship-love/ friendly and close/ friendly affection Freundlichkeit, Kameradschaft + +
C 汽船 + * * qi4chuan2 steamship/ steamboat/ motorboat Dampfer,Dampfschiff, + +
C 群島 + * * qun2dao3 group of scattered islands/ archipelago Inselgruppe, Archipel + +
C + * * sou1 measure word for ships or boats ein Zählwort für Schiffe oder Boote + +
C 國籍 + * * guo2ji2 nationality/ citizenship/ national identity Nationalität + +
C 忍受 + * * ren3shou4 bear/ endure/ tolerate/ put up with (pain; hardship; etc.) aushalten, ertragen, still leiden + +
D 公有制 + * * gong1you3zhi4 public ownership öffenliches Besitzsystem + +
D 所有權 + * * suo3you3quan2 ownership Eigentumsrechte,Titel + +
D 所有制 + * * suo3you3zhi4 system of ownership Eigentumssystem + +
D 航運 + * * hang2yun4 shipping Schifftransport + +
D 飛船 + * * fei1chuan2 spaceship Luftschiff, Zeppelin + +
D 鞭子 + * * bian1zi whip Peitsche + +
D 崇拜 + * * chong2bai4 adore/ worship bewundern, anbeten + +
D 職務 + * * zhi2wu4 headship/ duty/ position Amt, Amtspflicht, Posten, Verantwortungsbereich + +
D 建交 + * * jian4 jiao1 establish diplomatic relationship diplomatische Beziehungen aufnehmen + +
D 友情 + * * you3qing2 friendship freundschaftliche Gefühle, Freundschaft + +
D 私有制 + * * si1you3zhi4 private ownership Privatbesitz, System des Privatbesitzes + +
D 可貴 + * * ke3gui4 worshipful/ estimable wertvoll, lobenswert + +
D 上報 + * * shang4bao4 report to the leadership in der Zeitung stehen,einer höheren Inst.vorlegen + +
D 船舶 + * * chuan2bo2 watercraft/ ships Schiffe + +
D 船隻 + * * chuan2zhi1 ships Schiffe, Seefahrzeuge + +

* 1 zuo4 to do/ to make/ to produce/ to write/ to compose/ to act as/ to engage in/ to hold (a party)/ to be/ to become/ to function (in some capacity)/ to serve as/ to be used for/ to form (a bond or relationship)/ to pretend/ to feign/ to act a part/ to put on a
* 2 chuan2 a boat/ vessel/ ship/ CL:條|条[tiao2];艘[sou1];隻|只[zhi1]
* 2 piao4 ticket/ ballot/ bank note/ CL:張|张[zhang1]/ person held for ransom/ amateur performance of Chinese opera/ classifier for shipments and business transactions (topolect)
* 2 hao4 day of a month/ (suffix used after) name of a ship/ (ordinal) number
关系* 3 guan1 xi4 relation/ relationship/ to concern/ to affect/ to have to do with/ guanxi/ CL:個|个[ge4]
友谊* 4 you3 yi4 companionship/ fellowship/ friendship
* 4 ku3 bitter/ hardship/ pain/ to suffer/ painstaking
感情* 4 gan3 qing2 feeling/ emotion/ sensation/ likes and dislikes/ deep affection for sb or sth/ relationship (i.e. love affair)/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
航班* 4 hang2 ban1 scheduled flight/ flight number/ plane/ scheduled sailing/ sailing number/ passenger ship
出口* 5 chu1 kou3 an exit/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ to speak/ to export/ (of a ship) to leave port
领导* 5 ling3 dao3 lead/ leading/ to lead/ leadership/ leader/ CL:位[wei4];個|个[ge4]
* 5 chuang3 to rush/ to charge/ to dash/ to break through/ to temper oneself (through battling hardships)
克服* 5 ke4 fu2 (try to) overcome (hardships etc)/ to conquer/ to put up with/ to endure
驾驶* 5 jia4 shi3 to pilot (ship; airplane etc)/ to drive
崇拜* 6 chong2 bai4 to worship/ adoration
停泊* 6 ting2 bo2 anchorage/ mooring (of a ship)
手艺* 6 shou3 yi4 craftmanship/ workmanship/ handicraft/ trade
受罪* 6 shou4 zui4 to endure/ to suffer/ hardships/ torments/ a hard time/ a nuisance
书法* 6 shu1 fa3 calligraphy/ handwriting/ penmanship
舰艇* 6 jian4 ting3 warship/ naval vessel
船舶* 6 chuan2 bo2 shipping/ boats
锲而不舍* 6 qie4 er2 bu4 she3 to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom)/ to chisel away at sth/ to persevere/ unflagging efforts
轮船* 6 lun2 chuan2 steamship/ CL:艘[sou1]
* 6 cang1 cabin/ the hold of a ship or airplane
深情厚谊* 6 shen1 qing2 hou4 yi4 profound friendship
乡镇* 6 xiang1 zhen4 village/ township
* 6 sou1 classifier for ships/ Taiwan pr. sao1
审查* 6 shen3 cha2 to examine/ to investigate/ to censor out/ censorship
独裁* 6 du2 cai2 dictatorship
攀登* 6 pan1 deng1 to climb/ to pull oneself up/ to clamber/ to scale/ fig. to forge ahead in the face of hardships and danger
敏感* 6 min3 gan3 sensitive/ susceptible/ politically sensitive (pretext for censorship)
合伙* 6 he2 huo3 to act jointly/ to form a partnership
吃苦* 6 chi1 ku3 to bear/ hardships

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

hip hip 臀部 สะโพก hanche cadera anca lonkka

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

hip. a: Trendiness +

hippodrome. n: Buildings +


318 很多 +
390 他们 感情 不错 +
632 +
1075 你们 什么 关系 ? +
1094 货船 +
1382 中国人 拜祭 祖宗 习俗 +
1494 沉没 +
1543 +
1576 +
1671 中国 美国 建立 邦交 +
1787 美国 国籍 +
1825 检查 硅片 +
1883 获得 短跑 比赛 冠军 +
2296 海面 +
2453 他们 之间 建立 深厚 友谊 +
2590 驶入 汪洋大海 +
2737 港口 停泊 舰艇 +
2993 停泊 港口 +
3091 +
3132 他们 不畏 艰难 前走 +
3203 军舰 巡弋 +
3206 汹湧 海浪 颠簸 +
3573 人际 关系 单纯 +
3595 完美 搭档 曾经 获得 11 冠军 +
3616 报社 实习 +
3684 东西 携带 起来 方便 所以 它们 托运到学校 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[censorship] deletion of material in art works
[chip] microchip
[chip] crisp, potato chip
[chip] bit, flake, fleck, scrap, small fragment
[hardship] adversity
[hip] either side of the body below the waist and above the thigh
[kinship] family relationship
[leadership] leading
[partnership] cooperation among people
[relationship] state of connectedness between people
[courtship] wooing, courting, suit
[whip] lash used for whipping
[whip] lash

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

hip + hip + hip + hip + hip + hip +

사이 (space between 2 points; the relationship between 2 people) + + 썰다 (Chip, mince,dice) + + 어려움 (difficulty,hardship) + + 심판 (referencing,umpireship) + + (A few ships (vessels)) + + 학술 (Science, learning, scolarship) + + 연관 (a connection, a grouping together, relationships) + + 우정 (Feeling of friendship) + + 국적 (Nationality or citizenship) + + 선원 (A crew, a ship’s company) + + (whip,rod,cane) + + 장학금 (Scholarship) + + 울산 (Ulsan, home of hyundai car company and hyundai shipbuilding in kyungsamnamdo) + +
+ + + + + + + +