VNEN hỏa tai * fire * 103 VNEN lửa cháy * fire * 103 VNEN trận hỏa hoạn * fire * 103 VNEN đám cháy * fire * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Có một vụ cháy ở khách sạn tuần trước. Có hai phòng bị hỏng. + There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two of the rooms were damaged.
Cậu có biết phải làm gì khi có cháy trong toà nhà không? - Không rõ lắm. + Would you know what to do if there was a fire in the building? — Not really.
Đấy là một đám cháy kinh khủng. Cả toà nhà bị phá huỷ. + It was a terrible fire. The whole building got destroyed.
Toà nhà bị lửa tàn phá nay đã được xây lại. + The building destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.
Khi tôi đang xem xua đua công thức một hôm qua, tôi đã thấy một chiếc xe hơi bắt lửa. + While I was watching F1 racing yesterday, I saw one of the cars catch on fire.
Lính cứu hoả đã có thể dập tắt ngọn lửa trước khi ngôn nhà bị cháy trụi. + The firefighters were able to put the fire out before the house burned down.
Tuy nhiên lính cứu hoả đã gặp khó khăn khi cố gắng giữ bình tĩnh cho một phụ nữ. Có vẻ đẹp hoang dã như con mèo của cô ấy bị chết trong đám cháy. + However, the firefighters had a hard time trying to calm a woman down. Apparently, her cat perished in the fire.
Chiếc xe đua công thức một đã bắt lửa và nổ tung. May mắn là lái xe vừa kịp thoát ra. + The F1 racer caught fire and blew up. Luckily the driver just narrowly escaped.

Con đom đóm + the firefly

lửa + fire

Em đã bị đuổi việc! + You're fired.

Hãy gọi cứu hoả! + Call the fire brigade!

Có cháy + There's a fire

Toà nhà đang bốc cháy + The building's on fire

Đang cháy + On fire

Tiếp tục đi qua trạm cưu hỏa + Continue past the fire station

Lò sửoi + Fireplace

Củi + Firewood

Thêm dầu vào lửa. + Add fuel to the fire.

Lính cứu hoả + Fireman

Không có lứa sao có khói + Where there's smoke, there's a fire

Báo động cháy + Fire alarm

Lôi thoát khi có hóa hoạn + Fire Exit
SNOT Travel • accommodation fire +
Oxford 3000VieEng
cháy fire
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-1 Feuer fire
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-1 Feuerwehr fire-brigade
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-7 brennen 1. to be on fire, 2. to be switched on, 3. to burn, 4. to be intent on, 5. to distil   (brennt, brannte, hat gebrannt)
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-16 fliegen 1. to fly, 2. to get fired   (fliegt, flog, hat/ist geflogen)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 8-5 Das war ein Spiel mit dem Feuer. + Spiel It was a game with the fire. Đó là một trận đấu với lửa.
Exercise 22-9 Das Feuer schläft ein.  + einschlafen* The fire is falling asleep.  Ngọn lửa đang rơi vào giấc ngủ.
Exercise 25-9 Du gießt nur Öl ins Feuer. + gießen* You're pouring oil on the fire. Bạn đang đổ dầu vào lửa.
Exercise 26-8 Die Stadt ist durch ein Feuer zerstört worden. + zerstören The city has been destroyed by fire. Thành phố đã bị phá hủy bởi lửa.
Exercise 27-7 Das Feuer breitete sich im Haus aus.  + Feuer The fire spread in the house.  Lửa lan rộng trong nhà.
Exercise 27-7 Die Feuerwehrmänner haben das Feuer gelöscht.  + Feuer The firemen put out the fire.  Lính cứu hỏa đưa ra lửa.
Exercise 27-7 Die Ursache des Feuers ist nicht bekannt. + Feuer The cause of the fire is unknown. Nguyên nhân của vụ cháy là chưa biết.
Exercise 27-9 Bei Feueralarm dürfen Sie die Aufzüge nicht benutzen.  + Alarm Do not use the elevators in case of fire alarms.  Không sử dụng thang máy trong trường hợp báo cháy.
Exercise 28-1 Schnell! Rufen Sie die Feuerwehr! Die Nummer ist: 112.  + Feuerwehr Quick! Call the fire department! The number is 112.  Nhanh chóng! Gọi sở cứu hỏa! Số là 112.
Exercise 28-1 Er alarmierte sofort die Feuerwehr. + Feuerwehr He immediately alerted the fire brigade. Anh ta ngay lập tức cảnh báo cho lữ đoàn cứu hỏa.
Exercise 28-2 Die Ursache des Brandes war unbekannt. + Ursache The cause of the fire was unknown. Nguyên nhân của lửa không rõ.
Exercise 28-3 Das Feuer wurde schnell gelöscht.  + löschen The fire was quickly extinguished.  Lửa đã nhanh chóng dập tắt.
Exercise 28-3 Die Feuerwehr löschte den Brand.  + löschen The fire brigade put the fire out.  Lữ đoàn hỏa hoạn đã dập tắt lửa.
Exercise 28-3 Die Ursache des Brandes war unbekannt.  + Ursache The cause of the fire was unknown.  Nguyên nhân của lửa không rõ.
Exercise 30-7 Das Feuer entwickelte große Hitze. + entwickeln The fire developed great heat. Lửa phát ra hơi nóng.
Exercise 34-5 Das Haus wurde durch Feuer beschädigt.  + beschädigen The house was damaged by fire.  Ngôi nhà đã bị hư hỏng do cháy.
Exercise 39-5 Es brennt, schnell fort von hier!  + fort There's a fire, get out of here!  Có một ngọn lửa, thoát khỏi đây!
Exercise 39-6 In diesem Haus hat es letztes Jahr gebrannt.  + brennen* There was a fire in this house last year.  Trong năm ngoái có một vụ hỏa hoạn.
Exercise 41-1 Mein Traumberuf ist Feuerwehrmann.  + Traumberuf My dream job is fireman.  Công việc mơ ước của tôi là lính cứu hỏa.
Exercise 41-6 Sie zündete das Feuer im Ofen an.  + anzünden She lit the fire in the oven.  Cô ấy thắp lửa trong lò.
Exercise 41-6 Er hat das Haus angezündet.  + anzünden He set the house on fire.  Ông ta đốt nhà.
Exercise 41-7 Wir haben das Haus gegen Feuer versichert.  + versichern We insured the house against fire.  Chúng tôi bảo hiểm nhà chống cháy.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
fire Emergencies and Natural Disasters 8
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Public buildings and gardens Feuerwache + fire station + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings Kamin + fireplace + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings Feuer/Brandleiter + fire escape + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Feuerwehr + fire department + C
+ + 103 Household Tools Feuerlöscher + fire extinguisher + B
+ + 103 The animal world Insects and worms Glühwürmchen + firefly, glow-worm + B
+ + 103 The animal world Insects and worms Leuchtkäfer + firefly + B
+ + 103 Speaking Asking and answering jmdn mit Fragen überschütten + to fire questions at sb + C
+ + 103 Leisure Circus and fairs Feuerwerk + fireworks + A
+ + 103 Leisure Circus and fairs Feuerfresser(in) + fire-eater + B
+ + 103 Leisure Circus and fairs Feuerschlucker(in) + fire-eater + B
+ + 103 Leisure Circus and fairs Knallkörper + firecracker + B
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Grubengas + firedamp + C
+ + 103 Employment Termination of employment jmdn feuern (coll.) + to fire sb + A
+ + 103 Employment Termination of employment jmdn entlassen + to let sb go, dismiss sb, fire sb, lay sb off + B
+ + 103 Law Crime Schusswaffe + firearm + B
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Feuerversicherung + fire insurance + A
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Teilkaskoversicherung + third-party, fire and theft insurance + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Weapons feuern + to fire + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War jmdn/etw beschießen + to fire at sb/sth + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Waffenruhe + cease-fire + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * zuo4 sit/ take a seat/ ride/ put on a fire 1. sitzen, sich setzen, Platz nehmen 2. fahren mit (Fahrzeug) 3. (Topf, Pfanne) aufs Feuer stellen 4. (Gewehr etc) zurückstoßen +
B + * * huo3 fire 1.Feuer, Flamme 2. Feuerwaffen, Munition 3. Zorn, Ärger, Verdruß 4. feurig, glühend 5. dringend, eilig +
C 火力 + * * huo3li4 firepower/ thermal power/ one's ability to stand cold Gefechtskraft +
C 火焰 + * * juo4yan4 flame/ tongue of fire/ blaze Flamme +
C 發射 + * * fa1she4 launch/ discharge/ shoot/ fire/ transmit abfeuern, starten, schießen, +
C 射擊 + * * she4ji1 shoot/ fire schießen, feuern +
D 惱火 + * * nao3huo3 angry/ take fire sich ärgern, ärgerlich sein +
D 烈火 + * * lie4huo3 raging fire/ blaze starke Flamme, loderndes Feuer +
D 解雇 + * * jie3gu4 fire/ dismiss from entlassen, kündigen +
D 鞭炮 + * * bian1pao4 firecracker Chinaböller,Feuerwerkkörper +
D 火災 + * * huo3zai1 fire Feuersbrunst, Feuerkatastrophe +
D + * * hong1 dry or warm by the fire 1. etwas am Feuer trocknen oder wärmen, rösten 2. etw. hervortreten lassen, herausstreichen, +
D 炮火 + * * pao4huo3 fire/ shellfire Artilleriefeuer +
D 爆竹 + * * bao4zhu2 firecracker Böller, Feuerwerkskörper +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
300 他们 救火 英雄 + They're fire-fighting heroes. Sie sind heldenhafte Feuerwehrmänner.
348 房屋 着火 + The house is on fire. Das Haus ist in Brand geraten.
583 这里 发生 火灾 + A fire has started here. ((A fire has broken out here.)) Hier hat sich eine Feuerkatastrophe ereignet.
1216 烈火 熊熊 燃烧 + The blazing fire keeps burning. Das lodernde Feuer brennt lichterloh.
1296 火灾 已经 得到 控制 + The fire is under control. Der Brand ist schon unter Kontrolle.
1371 火灾 危险 + Fires are very dangerous. Brände sind sehr gefährlich.
1396 他们 救火 英雄 + They're fire-fighting heroes. Sie sind heldenhafte Feuerwehrleute.
1474 房屋 火势 + The house fire is burning vigorously. Das Kaminfeuer des Hauses brennt intensiv.
1663 火灾 造成 损失 严重 + The fire caused a lot of damage.
1760 消防员 灭火 + The firefighters are fighting a fire.
2694 中国 除夕 放烟火 + Fireworks are let off on New Year's Eve in China.
2872 消防员 现场 拯救 灾民 + The firefighters went to the scene to rescue the victims.
2893 消防员 扑灭 大火 + The firemen have put out the fire.
3202 山火 村庄 遭殃 + The brush fire brought disaster to the village.
3420 木桩 劈柴 + He's chopping firewood on the tree stump.
3441 大火 焚烧 房屋 + A big fire has destroyed the house.
3519 火灾 过后 剩下 &# 38973 (SEMICOLONCATEGORY) + Only ruined walls remained after the fire.
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
kai1chu2 + to fire
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
bian1pao4 + firecrackers
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
Chu2xi1 de shi2hou wo3men yao4 chu1qu fang4 bian1pao4. + In the New Year's Eve we will go out to set off the firecrackers.
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
fang4 bian1pao4 + to set off the firecrackers
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

réchauffez-vous près du feu + warm yourself by the fire

la scène ressemble à un énorme feu de forêt + the scene resembled an enormous forest fire

l’incendie peut être d’origine criminelle + the fire might have a criminal origin

voyons, qui recourrait aux tirs d’artillerie? + let’s see—who resorted to artillery fire?

le feu a démarré dans l’escalier d’un restaurant + the fire broke out in the stairwell of a restaurant

trois enfants issus d’un couple mixte périssent dans un incendie + three mixed- race children perish in a fire

il y a eu des tirs dans le couloir + there were shots fired in the hallway

les pompiers ont maitrisé tous les incendies + the firemen brought all of the fires under control

les pompiers restaient pessimistes + the firemen remained pessimistic

je jetterai au feu tous mes manuscrits + I will toss all my manuscripts into the fire

ces nouvelles violences menacent le fragile cessez-le-feu + this new violence is threatening the fragile ceasefire

des snipers albanais avaient ouvert le feu + the Albanian snipers had opened fire
03343560-n fire
07302836-n fire
07420435-n fire
14686186-n fire
14842847-n fire
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
103 fire +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
fire hỏa + +
fire hỏa + +
fire hỏa lực + +
fire vụ cháy, hỏa hoạn + +
fire lửa, hoả [rare] (火) + +
fire lửa + +
lửa + + fire