VNEN phú * rich * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Hallo, Herr Richter! Hello, Mr. Richter! Xin chào, ông Richter!
Guten Abend, Herr Richter! Good evening, Mr. Richter! Chào buổi tối, ông Richter!
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Anh ấy đã nghèo, nhưng mà chị ấy đã giàu có. He was poor, but she was rich. Er war arm, aber sie war reich.
Sau khi anh ấy đi sang Mỹ, anh ấy đã trở nên giàu có. After he went to America, he became rich. Nachdem er nach Amerika gegangen war, ist er reich geworden.
Tôi không giàu có. + I'm not rich.
Anabel và Richard có đến bữa tiệc không? - Anabel thì có ở đó nhưng Richard thì không. + Richard wasn't.
Dietrich chưa bao giờ cưỡi ngựa. + Dietrich has never ridden a horse.
Richard từng đến Trung Quốc nhưng tôi thì chưa. + Richard has been to China, but I haven't.
Cậu có nghĩ rằng người giàu nên đóng thuế cao hơn không? + Do you think the rich should pay higher taxes?
Người ta nói Robin Hood lấy tiền từ người giàu rồi đưa chúng cho người nghèo. + It is said that Robin Hood took money from the rich and gave it to the poor.
Nước Ý, thành phố tiếng vì nghệ thuật, ẩm thực cổ đại, lịch sử và thời trang. Nó giàu về văn hoá. + Italy is famous for its art, cuisine, architecture, history, and fashion. It's rich in culture.

Tôi giàu! + I am rich.

Anh ấy giàu. + He is rich.

Họ không ủng hộ người giàu. + They do not support rich people.

giàu + rich

Họ giàu vì họ xuất khẩu vàng. + They are rich because they export gold.

Anh ấy sẽ trở nên giàu có nếu anh ấylàm việc một cách siêng năng. + He will become rich if he works diligently.
SNOT Relations with other people • social affairs rich giàu +
Oxford 3000VieEng
giàu có rich
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-17 reich rich
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-4 ansprechen to address so.   (spricht an, sprach an, hat angesprochen)
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-6 brechen 1. to break, 2. to be sick   (bricht, brach, hat/ist gebrochen)
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-4 sprechen to speak   (spricht, sprach, hat gesprochen)
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-5 aussprechen 1. to say, to pronounce, 2. to condole with so, 3. to discuss something (openly), 4. to finish speaking   (spricht aus, sprach aus, hat ausgesprochen)
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-9 streichen 1. to paint, 2. to smear, 3. to cancel, 4. to stroke   (streicht, strich, hat gestrichen)
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-7 einrichten 1. to furnish, 2. to prepare for, 3. to arrange   (richtet ein, richtete ein, hat eingerichtet)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-17 satt 1. replete, full, 2. rich, deep
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-11 unterrichten 1. to teach, 2. to inform   (unterrichtet, unterrichtete, hat unterrichtet)
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-14 unterstreichen underline, emphasize   (unterstreicht, unterstrich, hat unterstrichen)
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-5 einbrechen to burgle   (bricht ein, brach ein, ist eingebrochen)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-7 berichten to report   (berichtet, berichtete, hat berichtet)
18-1. Aufforderungen Exercise 18-1-6 versprechen to promise   (verspricht, versprach, hat versprochen)
18-1. Aufforderungen Exercise 18-1-6 entsprechen to correspond   (entspricht, entsprach, hat entsprochen)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-6 unterbrechen to interrupt   (unterbricht, unterbrach, hat unterbrochen)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-6 widersprechen to contradict   (widerspricht, widersprach, hat widersprochen)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-7 ausrichten to tell, align, line up   (richtet aus, richtete aus, hat ausgerichtet)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-7 besprechen to discuss   (bespricht, besprach, hat besprochen)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-1 China ist reich an natürlichen Ressourcen.  + natürlich China is rich in natural resources.  Trung Quốc giàu tài nguyên thiên nhiên.
Exercise 5-5 Er scheint reich zu sein.  + scheinen* He seems rich.  Anh ấy có vẻ giàu có.
Exercise 6-5 Sie hat einen reichen Mann geheiratet.  + reich She married a rich man.  Cô kết hôn với một người đàn ông giàu có.
Exercise 6-5 Obst ist reich an Vitaminen.  + reich Fruit is rich in vitamins.  Trái cây giàu vitamin.
Exercise 6-5 Er ist reich an Erfahrungen.  + reich He is rich in experience.  Ông giàu kinh nghiệm.
Exercise 6-5 Das Land ist reich an Rohstoffen.  + reich The country is rich in raw materials.  Đất nước giàu nguyên liệu.
Exercise 6-5 Sie sind unermesslich reich.  + reich They are immensely rich.  Họ rất phong phú.
Exercise 6-5 Er hat reich geheiratet. + reich He got married rich. Anh đã kết hôn rất giàu có.
Exercise 10-3 Er ist nicht nur gutaussehend, sondern auch reich.  + sondern He's not only handsome, he's rich.  Anh ấy không chỉ đẹp trai mà còn giàu có.
Exercise 11-9 Die Stereoanlage hat einen satten Sound.  + satt The stereo system has a rich sound.  Hệ thống âm thanh nổi có âm thanh phong phú.
Exercise 13-5 Er ist angeblich sehr reich.  + angeblich He's supposed to be very rich.  Anh ta được cho là rất phong phú.
Exercise 42-1 Orangen sind reich an Vitamin C.  + Vitamin Oranges are rich in vitamin C.  Cam có nhiều vitamin C.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Strauß + ostrich + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style bilderreich + rich in imagery + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 豐富 + * * feng1fu4 rich/ abundant/ plentiful/ enrich reich,reichlich +
B 增長 + * * zeng1zhang3 enrich/ enhance/ grow Wachstum +
B + * * fu4 rich 1. reich, wohlhabend 2.reichlich, in reichem Maße +
C + * * kuo4 wide/ broad/ vast/ rich/ wealthy/ extravagant 1. breit, weit, geräumig 2. reich, wohlhabend, begütert +
C 財富 + * * cai2fu4 riches/ wealth Reichtum, Wohlstand +
C 充實 + * * chong1shi2 substantial/ rich/ substantiate/ enrich/ fill 1. reichlich 2.bereichern, kräftigen +
C 細緻 + * * xi4zhi4 meticulous-careful/ attentive to detail/ rich in detail fein, umsichtig, sorgfältig, minuziös +
C 富有 + * * fu4you3 wealthy/ rich/ affluent/ be rich in/ be full of reich +
C 富裕 + * * fu4yu4 prosperous/ well-to-do/ well-off/ rich wohlhabend, in guten Verhältnissen +
D 雄厚 + * * xiong2hou4 rich/ abundant solide und materiell gesichert, wohlhabend +
D 致富 + * * zhi4 fu4 become rich/ acquire wealth reich werden +
D 富強 + * * fu4qiang2 rich and strong reich und mächtig +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
1028 富有 + He's very rich. Er ist sehr reich.
2851 小姐 + She's a rich lady.
3101 家境 富裕 + Her family is rich.
3594 现在 有钱人 高档 酒店 座无虚席 + There sure are a lot of rich people these days. Even in this kind of upscale restaurant, there's not a single empty seat.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Wo3 ren4shi yi1 ge4 nü3hai2. Ta1 fei1chang2 xiang4 jia4 gei3 yi1 ge4 you3 qian2 ren2. + I know one girl. She wants to marry a rich man very much.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
you3qian2ren2 + rich person / wealthy person
Lesson 049. Night Life. Going to a Pub.
Shang4hai3 de ye4sheng1huo2 hen3 feng1fu4. + The nightlife in Shanghai is very rich.
Lesson 049. Night Life. Going to a Pub.
feng1fu4 + rich / plentiful/ full of interesting things
Lesson 049. Night Life. Going to a Pub.
Ta1 de jing1yan4 hen3 feng1fu4. + His experience is very rich.
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
Gong1xi3fa1cai2! + Wish you to get rich!
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
Xin1nian2 kuai4le! Gong1xi3fa1cai2! + Happy New Year! Wish you get rich!
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
Gong1xi3fa1cai2! Hong2bao3 na3 lai2? + Wish you to get rich! Now give me the red envelope.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je ne suis pas riche, mais je connais la vérité + I’m not rich, but I know the truth

je ne cherche pas la richesse + I am not seeking riches

elle est jolie, riche, mince ... et amoureuse de mon mari + she is cute, rich, thin ... and in love with my husband

ce sera mon passeport pour la richesse, l’indépendance + this will be my passport to riches, independence

il était brillant et avait une riche personnalité + he was brilliant and had a rich personality

ces différences enrichissent notre pays + these differences enrich our country

je fréquente un homme riche + I’m dating a rich man

la richesse de la France, c’est sa diversité culturelle + France’s richness is its cultural diversity

les compagnies pharmaceutiques sont très, très, très riches + pharmaceutical companies are very, very, very rich

les pauvres sont désormais plus élégants que les riches + the poor are henceforth more elegant than the rich
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 rich +
103 rich +
103 rich +
103 rich +
103 rich +
103 rich +
103 rich +
103 rich +
103 rich +
103 rich +
103 rich +
103 rich +
103 rich +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
rich giàu + +
giàu + + rich