Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Tôi vẫn có nhiều lỗi lắm. I still make many mistakes. Ich mache noch viele Fehler.
Tôi đã phạm sai lầm. Tôi đã phạm sai lầm. + I made a mistake. > I've made a mistake.
Cho dù Rosetta vẫn mắc lỗi nhưng tiếng Anh của cô ấy vẫn rất nhuần nhuyễn. + Even though Rosetta still makes mistakes, her English is already very fluent.
+ He bumped inTO me BY mistake.
Tờ giấy tôi viết cho lớp đầy những lỗi thấy rõ. + The paper I wrote for class was full of obvious mistakes.

lạc quan + optimistic

Đây là giáo viên môn hoá học của tôi. + This is my chemistry teacher.

môn hoá học + chemistry

hoá học + chemistry

lạc quan + optimistic

bi quan + pessimistic

Phạm lỗi + Make a mistake

Cậu có biết ở đâu có hiệu thuốc bán suốt đêm không? + Do you know where there's an all-night chemist?

Không ai hoàn háo + Every man has his mistakes

Tôi sơ ý quên mất. + I forget it by mistake.
SNOT Health and body care • medical services chemist +
SNOT Language • ability, understanding, expression mistake +
SNOT Weather • climate and weather sunshine mist +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-14 optimistisch optimistic
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-6 Apotheke (dispensing) chemist
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-3 Fehler 1. mistake, 2. fault
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-2 Nebel fog, mist
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-6 neblig foggy, misty
Exercise 9-1-1 Drogerie chemist, drugstore
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-4 Chemie chemistry
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-6 täuschen to deceive, be mistaken   (täuscht, täuschte, hat getäuscht)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-6 irren 1. to be mistaken, 2. to wander aimlessly   (irrt, irrte, hat geirrt)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-3 In diesem Bericht sind einige Fehler.  + einige There are some mistakes in this report.  Có một số sai lầm trong báo cáo này.
Exercise 3-4 Fehler zu machen ist menschlich.  + menschlich Making mistakes is human.  Sai lầm là con người.
Exercise 6-2 Glaubst du, dass du den Job bekommst? – Ja, ich bin ganz optimistisch.  + optimistisch You think you'll get the job? Yes, I am quite optimistic.  Bạn nghĩ rằng bạn sẽ nhận được công việc? Vâng, tôi khá lạc quan.
Exercise 6-2 Er ist ziemlich optimistisch.  + optimistisch He's pretty optimistic.  Anh ta khá lạc quan.
Exercise 6-2 Diese Prognose ist mir zu optimistisch.  + optimistisch This forecast is too optimistic for me.  Dự báo này quá lạc quan đối với tôi.
Exercise 6-7 Für mich ist das ein schwerer Fehler.  + für This is a serious mistake for me.  Đây là một sai lầm nghiêm trọng đối với tôi.
Exercise 7-4 Früher oder später wird er bestimmt einen Fehler machen. + früh Sooner or later, he's bound to make a mistake. Sớm hay muộn, anh ta sẽ mắc phải sai lầm.
Exercise 8-3 Sie studiert die Fächer Chemie und Biologie.  + Fach She studies chemistry and biology.  Cô học về hóa học và sinh học.
Exercise 9-2 Das ist ein häufiger Fehler.  + häufig That's a common mistake.  Đó là một sai lầm phổ biến.
Exercise 10-7 Sie lachten immer über die Fehler der anderen.  + lachen They always laughed at each other's mistakes.  Họ luôn cười nhạo những sai lầm của nhau.
Exercise 11-6 Ich habe erkannt, dass es ein Fehler war, den Kurs nicht fertigzumachen.  + erkennen* I realized it was a mistake not to finish the course.  Tôi nhận ra đó là một sai lầm không hoàn thành khóa học.
Exercise 13-6 Mein Sohn ist gut in Chemie.  + Chemie My son is good at chemistry.  Con trai tôi giỏi hóa học.
Exercise 13-6 Ich habe mein Interesse an Chemie verloren. + Chemie I've lost interest in chemistry. Tôi đã mất hứng thú về hóa học.
Exercise 14-2 Das ist ein schwerer Fehler. + schwer This is a serious mistake. Đây là một sai lầm nghiêm trọng.
Exercise 16-2 Schließlich hat er seinen Fehler bemerkt.  + schließlich After all, he noticed his mistake.  Rốt cuộc, ông nhận thấy sai lầm của mình.
Exercise 21-3 Dieser Fehler kann dich die Stellung kosten. + kosten This mistake can cost you your position. Sai lầm này có thể làm bạn mất vị trí của mình.
Exercise 23-7 Er hat die Fehler mit Rotstift unterstrichen.  + unterstreichen* He underlined the mistakes with red pencil.  Ông đã nhấn mạnh những sai lầm bằng bút chì màu đỏ.
Exercise 24-9 Er wird deinen Fehler sicher bemerken.  + bemerken I'm sure he'll notice your mistake.  Tôi chắc chắn anh ta sẽ nhận thấy lỗi của bạn.
Exercise 26-7 Fehler zu machen ist doch ganz normal.  + normal Making mistakes is quite normal.  Sai lầm là khá bình thường.
Exercise 29-8 Er macht einen riesigen Fehler.  + riesig He's making a huge mistake.  Anh ta mắc một sai lầm lớn.
Exercise 32-4 Er hat Angst, Fehler zu machen.  + Angst He's afraid to make mistakes.  Anh ta sợ mắc sai lầm.
Exercise 35-9 Ich habe in deinem Brief noch ein paar Fehler entdeckt.  + entdecken  I found a few mistakes in your letter.  Tôi tìm thấy một vài sai lầm trong thư của bạn.
Exercise 35-9 In dieser Arbeit ist kein Fehler zu entdecken.  + entdecken  No mistakes can be found in this work.  Không có sai lầm nào có thể tìm thấy trong tác phẩm này.
Exercise 41-2 Du irrst dich. Das Auto war nicht grün, sondern rot.  + irren You're mistaken. The car wasn't green, it was red.  Bạn đang nhầm lẫn. Chiếc xe không xanh, màu đỏ.
Exercise 41-2 Sie ist die neue Kollegin, wenn ich nicht irre.  + irren She is the new colleague, if I am not mistaken.  Cô ấy là đồng nghiệp mới, nếu tôi không nhầm.
Exercise 41-2 Ich habe mich getäuscht. Es war doch eine andere Hausnummer.  + täuschen I was mistaken. It was a different house number.  Tôi đã lầm. Đó là một số nhà khác.
Exercise 41-2 Wenn mich nicht alles täuscht, war ihr Name Anna.  + täuschen If I'm not mistaken, her name was Anna.  Nếu tôi không lầm, tên cô ấy là Anna.
Exercise 41-2 Da täuschst du dich!  + täuschen You're mistaken!  Bạn đang nhầm lẫn!
Exercise 41-2 Ich kann mich natürlich täuschen.  + täuschen I can be mistaken, of course.  Tôi có thể bị nhầm lẫn, tất nhiên.
Exercise 43-8 Ich glaube, da haben Sie einen Fehler gemacht.  + Fehler I think you made a mistake.  Tôi nghĩ bạn đã làm sai.
Exercise 44-4 Der Lehrer hat meine Fehler korrigiert. + korrigieren The teacher fixed my mistakes. Giáo viên cố định những sai lầm của tôi.
Exercise 45-9 Entschuldigen Sie, ich habe Sie mit jemand verwechselt.  + verwechseln Excuse me, I mistook you for someone else.  Xin lỗi, tôi nhầm bạn vì một người khác.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 The physical world Woodlands and plains Mistel + mistletoe + C
+ + 103 Weather Clouds neblig + foggy, misty + A
+ + 103 Weather Clouds nebeln + to be foggy, misty + A
+ + 103 Weather Clouds Dunst + haze, mist + B
+ + 103 Weather Clouds dunstig + misty + B
+ + 103 Weather Clouds Nebelschwaden + swathes of mist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Apotheker(in) + (dispensing) chemist, druggist + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical facilities Apotheke + chemist's, pharmacy, drugstore + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust Misstrauen + mistrust, distrust + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust misstrauisch + mistrustful, distrustful + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness jmdn misshandeln + to mistreat sb + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour optimistisch/pessimistisch + optimistic/pessimistic + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour schwarzseherisch + pessimistic + B
+ + 103 Reading and writing Writing Schreibfehler + spelling mistake + A
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Schulleiter(in) + headmaster/headmistress;principal + A
+ + 103 Education School and university subjects Chemie + chemistry + A
+ + 103 Education Assessment and qualifications Fehler + mistake + A
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Chemiker(in) + chemist + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Tippfehler + typing mistake, typo + A
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Postmeister(in) + post master/mistress + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography Geochemie + geochemistry + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Waffenstillstand + truce; armistice + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political systems and ideologies Extremist(in) + extremist + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * cuo4 wrong/ faulty/ mistake/ error 1.falsch,irrtümlich,Fehler, Irrtum 2. sich kreuzen, ineinander verzahnt 3. sich reiben 4. zeitlich staffeln +
A 錯誤 + * * cuo4wu4 mistake/ error/ fault 1. falsch, verkehrt, irrtümlich 2. Irrtum, Fehler +
A 化學 + * * hua4xue2 chemistry Chemie +
A 先生 + * * xian1sheng teacher/ mister/ Mr./ sir/ gentleman Herr, Lehrer,Arzt, Doktor +
B 樂觀 + * * le4guan1 optimistic/ hopeful Optimismus, optimistisch +
B 誤會 + * * wu4hui4 misunderstand/ mistake/ misunderstanding Mißverständnis, mißverstehen +
C 委屈 + * * wei3qu bent-distorted/ grieved due to being mistreated Unrecht, Ungerechtigkeit, jn kränken, jm ein Unrecht antun +
C 不是 + * * bu4shi4_er2shi4_ mistake/ fault/ blame Fehler, Schuld +
C 鬧笑話 + * * nao4 xiao4hua4 make a fool of oneself/ make a silly mistake sich lächerlich machen +
C + * * fei1 wrong/ mistaken/ erroneous/ non- adv. einfach müssen +
C + * * fei1 wrong/ mistaken/ erroneous/ non- im Widerspruch mit, illegal +
C + * * wu4 by mistake/ by accident/ miss/ delay/ harm/ damage 1. fälschlich, irrig, Fehler, Irrtum 2. versäumen, verpassen, 3. benachteiligen, beeinträchtigen, schädigen 4. unabsichtlich, versehentlich +
C 冤枉 + * * yuan1wang wrong-mistreat/ treat unjustly/ wrong/ not worthwhile jm unrecht tun, vergeblich sein, nutzlos +
C 悲觀 + * * bei1guan1 pessimistic pessimistisch +
D 開朗 + * * kai1lang3 optimistic klar und offen, heiter, fröhlich, zuversichtlich +
D 差錯 + * * cha1cuo4 error/ mistake Fehler, Irrtum, Unglücksfall +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
752 化学 属于 理科 + Chemistry is branch of the natural sciences. Chemie gehört zu den Naturwissenschaften.
1034 做错 + You made a mistake. Du hast einen Fehler gemacht.
1260 树林 烟雾 弥漫 + Mist fills the forest. Der Wald ist in Nebel getaucht.
1455 化学系 学生 + He's a student in the chemistry department. Er ist Student im Fachbereich Chemie.
1912 父亲 反省 自己 错误 + He told his father of his remorse for his mistakes.
2214 犯错 + He makes mistakes again and again.
3661 很多 误以为 大猩猩 野蛮 动物 + Many people mistakenly think, that the gorilla is a savage animal.
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
cuo4 + a mistake
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il importait de ne pas répéter l’erreur + it’s important to not repeat the mistake

je me sens très optimiste pour l’avenir + I feel very optimistic about the future

certaines erreurs ont été commises + certain mistakes were made

oups! je me suis trompé + oops, I made a mistake

les réformistes adoraient suivre l’évolution de la dette + the reformists love to follow the debt’s progress

êtes-vous optimiste quant à l’avenir des jeunes? + are you optimistic about the future of the youth?

je ne connais pas un seul économiste + I don’t know a single economist

la méfiance entre salariés et employeurs s’accentue + the mistrust between salaried workers and employers is growing

les pompiers restaient pessimistes + the firemen remained pessimistic

je ferais mieux d’étudier ma chimie + I would do better to study my chemistry

j’imagine mal cependant des dérives extrémistes + I have a hard time imagining extremist tendencies

vous me forcez vraiment à vous maltraiter + you’re really forcing me to mistreat you

je ne suis pas aussi pessimiste que lui + I’m not as pessimistic as he is
11482706-n mist
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 mist +
103 mist +
103 mist +
103 mist +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie