VNEN diễm * beautiful * 103 VNEN đẹp đẽ * beautiful * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
đẹp và xấu beautiful and ugly schön und hässlich
Con bướm đẹp. The butterfly is beautiful. Der Schmetterling ist schön.
Chuyến du lịch tuy rất đẹp, nhưng mà quá mệt. The journey was beautiful, but too tiring. Die Reise war zwar schön, aber zu anstrengend.
Mấy cái ghế này không đẹp, nhưng nó tiện. + These chairs aren't beautiful, but they're comfortable.
Bức tranh kia rất đẹp. Tôi rất thích nó. + That's a very beautiful picture. I like it a lot.
Thời tiết tuần trước có đẹp không? - Có, trời đẹp. + Was the weather nice last week? — Yes, it was beautiful.
Hôm qua tôi tỉnh dậy sớm. Buổi sáng thật là đẹp. + I woke up early yesterday. It was a beautiful morning.
Hôm nay trời đẹp phải không? - Phải, đẹp quá. + It's a nice day, isn't it? — Yes, it's beautiful.
Bạn để ý thấy bầu trời xanh và mặt trời đang toả nắng. Bạn nói: "Trời hôm nay đẹp quá phải không nhỉ?" + You notice the sky is blue and the sun is shining. You say, "It's a beautiful day isn't it?"
Toà thị chính mới không đẹp lắm. Hầu hết mọi người không thích nó. + The new city hall isn't a very beautiful building. Most people don't like it.
Tất cả hoa trong khu vườn này đều đẹp. + All the flowers in this garden are beautiful.
Valentina đã thấy một chiếc áo bình đẹp trong cửa hàng bách hoá nhưng cô ấy muốn thử nó trước khi mua. + Valentina found a beautiful dress at the department store, but she wanted to try it on before she bought it.

Tôi không đẹp. + I am not beautiful.

đẹp + beautiful

Đẹp là một bất lợi. + Being beautiful is a disadvantage.

Chào mừng đến ngôi làng đẹp của chúng tôi! + Welcome to our beautiful village!

Người phụ nữ đẹp vẫn chờ người đàn ông của mình. + The beautiful woman still waits for her man.

Thư ký của giám đốc rất đẹp. + The secretary of the director is so beautiful.

Em đẹp lắm + You're beautiful.
I heard that Hanoi is very beautiful in autumn. Tôi nghe nói Hà Nội rất đẹp vào mùa thu. +
SNOT Personal identification • physical appearance beautiful đẹp +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 3-5 Deutschland ist ein schönes Land.  + Land Germany is a beautiful country.  Đức là một đất nước xinh đẹp.
Exercise 4-7 Es war sehr schön. Jetzt muss ich aber gehen.  + aber It was very beautiful. I have to go now.  Nó đã rất đẹp. Tôi phải đi ngay bây giờ.
Exercise 4-8 Wir haben einen schönen großen Garten.  + Garten We have a beautiful big garden.  Chúng tôi có một khu vườn lớn xinh đẹp.
Exercise 6-6 Das hat sie schön gesagt.  + sagen She said that beautifully.  Cô ấy nói rằng đẹp.
Exercise 6-8 Sie verbrachten schöne Stunden miteinander.  + Stunde They spent beautiful hours together.  Họ đã dành những giờ đẹp với nhau.
Exercise 8-8 Wir haben am Wochenende einen Ausflug gemacht. Es war einfachtoll.  + einfach We went on a weekend trip. It was beautiful.  Chúng tôi đã đi vào một chuyến đi cuối tuần. Thật đẹp.
Exercise 9-5 Sie kann wunderbar singen. + wunderbar She can sing beautifully. Cô ấy có thể hát rất hay.
Exercise 10-2 Das ist das schönste Geschenk, das ich je bekommen habe.  + je This is the most beautiful gift I've ever received.  Đây là món quà đẹp nhất tôi từng nhận được.
Exercise 10-8 Wir haben einen Ausflug gemacht. Es war wunderschön.  + wunderschön We went on a trip. It was beautiful.  Chúng tôi đã đi trên một chuyến đi. Thật đẹp.
Exercise 10-8 Ich habe mir ein wunderschönes Kleid gekauft.  + wunderschön I bought myself a beautiful dress.  Tôi đã mua cho mình một bộ váy đẹp.
Exercise 10-8 Sie ist wunderschön.  + wunderschön She's beautiful.  Cô ấy đẹp.
Exercise 10-8 Die Zeit mit dir war wunderschön. + wunderschön The time with you was beautiful. Thời gian với bạn thật đẹp.
Exercise 11-1 Sie haben im Urlaub schöne Bilder gemacht. + Bild You took beautiful pictures on holiday. Bạn chụp ảnh đẹp vào kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 11-4 Ihre Stimme klingt schön.  + klingen* Your voice sounds beautiful.  Giọng nói của bạn có vẻ đẹp.
Exercise 12-7 Das sind aber schöne Skier! + Ski Those are beautiful skis! Đó là những chiếc ván đẹp!
Exercise 14-7 Wir sind froh über das schöne Geschenk.  + froh We are happy about the beautiful gift.  Chúng tôi rất vui về món quà xinh đẹp.
Exercise 15-8 Es ist nicht zu beschreiben, wie schön es gestern war.  + beschreiben It's impossible to describe how beautiful it was yesterday.  Không thể mô tả nó đẹp như thế nào trong ngày hôm qua.
Exercise 20-2 Er hat eine Katze mit schöner Zeichnung. + Zeichnung He's got a beautifully drawn cat. Anh ấy có một con mèo xinh đẹp.
Exercise 21-4 Ich verbinde mit diesem Urlaub viele schöne Erinnerungen.  + verbinden* I associate this holiday with many beautiful memories.  Tôi kết hợp kỳ nghỉ này với nhiều kỷ niệm đẹp.
Exercise 23-8 In unserem Urlaub haben wir viel Schönes erlebt.  + erleben During our holiday we have experienced a lot of beautiful things.  Trong kỳ nghỉ của chúng tôi, chúng tôi đã trải nghiệm rất nhiều điều tuyệt vời.
Exercise 25-7 Sie haben die schöne Landschaft bewundert. + Landschaft You admired the beautiful landscape. Bạn ngưỡng mộ cảnh quan đẹp.
Exercise 25-8 Wir sind durch ein schönes Tal gewandert.  + Tal We walked through a beautiful valley.  Chúng tôi đi qua một thung lũng xinh đẹp.
Exercise 25-9 Der Schwarzwald ist eine sehr schöne Gegend.  + Gegend The Black Forest is a very beautiful area.  Rừng Đen là một khu vực rất đẹp.
Exercise 29-1 Es war zuerst so schön. Plötzlich hat es angefangen zu regnen.  + plötzlich At first it was so beautiful. Suddenly it started raining.  Ban đầu nó thật đẹp. Đột nhiên nó bắt đầu mưa.
Exercise 32-2 An diese Zeit habe ich viele schöne Erinnerungen.  + Erinnerung I have many beautiful memories of this time.  Tôi có nhiều kỷ niệm đẹp của thời đại này.
Exercise 32-2 Das Foto bringt viele schöne Erinnerungen zurück.  + Erinnerung The photo brings back many beautiful memories.  Hình ảnh mang lại nhiều kỷ niệm đẹp.
Exercise 32-4 Sie ist ohne Zweifel sehr schön.  + Zweifel She is undoubtedly very beautiful.  Cô chắc chắn là rất đẹp.
Exercise 36-6 Sie war eine herrliche Frau.  + herrlich She was a beautiful woman.  Cô ấy là một phụ nữ xinh đẹp.
Exercise 44-5 Sie ist nicht nur schön, sondern auch intelligent. + intelligent She is not only beautiful, but also intelligent. Cô ấy không chỉ đẹp, mà còn thông minh.
Exercise 45-4 Im Reisebüro haben sie gesagt: ein schönes Hotel. Die Wirklichkeitsieht ganz anders aus.  + Wirklichkeit At the travel agency they said: a beautiful hotel. The reality looks completely different.  Tại đại lý du lịch họ nói: một khách sạn xinh đẹp. Thực tế hoàn toàn khác biệt.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Physical appearance (Un) attractiveness schön + beautiful + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance (Un) attractiveness bildschön + very beautiful, ravishing + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 漂亮 + * * piao4liang pretty/ beautiful/ remarkable schön,hübsch +
B + * * mei3 beautiful 1. schön, hübsch 2. gut, zufriedenstellend +
B 美麗 + * * mei3li4 beautiful schön, hübsch +
C + * * jia1 excellent/ good/ fine/ beautiful schön, gut, ausgezeichnet +
C 美觀 + * * mei3guan1 pleasing to the eye/ artistic/ (of things) beautiful schön fürs Auge, schöner Anblick +
C 壯麗 + * * zhuang4li4 magnificent-beautiful/ majestic/ splendid/ magnificent grandios,großartig,eindrucksvoll +
D 秀麗 + * * xiu4li4 beautiful schön, hübsch,zierlich,anmutig +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
158 海边 风景 + The scenery by the seaside is really beautiful. Die Landschaft am Strand ist sehr schön.
284 这些 漂亮 + These flowers are very beautiful. Diese Blumen sind sehr schön.
331 田野 + This field is very beautiful. Dieses Feld ist wirklich schön.
381 年轻 美丽 + She's young and beautiful. Sie ist jung und schön.
453 今晚 月光 + The moon is very beautiful tonight. Heute Abend ist das Mondlicht wirklich schön.
469 地区 风景 + The scenery in this area is very beautiful. Die Landschaft in diesem Gebiet ist sehr schön.
470 眼睛 漂亮 + Her eyes are beautiful. Ihre Augen sind sehr schön.
563 这些 漂亮 + The cloth is very beautiful. Diese Stoffe sind sehr schön.
572 房子 漂亮 + This house is beautiful. Dieses Haus ist sehr schön.
596 美丽 海湾 + This is a beautiful bay. Das ist eine schöne Bucht.
619 长笛 悦耳 乐器 + The flute sounds very beautiful. Die Flöte ist ein sehr wohlklingendes Instrument.
705 茶杯 漂亮 + These cups are very beautiful. Diese Teetassen sind sehr schön.
722 手指 漂亮 + Her fingers are very beautiful. Ihre Finger sind sehr schön.
928 + It's really beautiful under the sea. Der Meeresboden ist wirklich schön.
931 一般 美丽 + She is as beautiful as a flower. Sie ist so schön wie eine Blume.
1044 纽约 夜景 + The view of New York at night is very beautiful. New York bei Nacht ist sehr schön.
1062 耳环 漂亮 + This pair of earrings is really beautiful. Dieser Ohrring ist wirklich schön.
1063 庭院 漂亮 + His yard is very beautiful. Der Hof seines Hauses ist sehr schön.
1108 礼服 款式 漂亮 + The style of this dress is very beautiful. Der Stil dieser Festbekleidung ist sehr schön.
1309 美丽 县城 + This is a beautiful city. Dies ist eine schöne Kreisstadt.
1349 山顶 风景 + The scene on the mountain top is very beautiful. Die Landschaft auf der Bergspitze ist sehr schön.
1367 今天 风和日丽 + It's a beautiful day today, with gentle breezes and bright sunshine. Heute ist es sonnig mit einem leichten Wind.
1409 身材 修长 亭亭玉立 + She's slender and beautiful. Sie ist schlank und graziös.
1426 国有 很多 漂亮 山川 河流 + There are many beautiful mountains and rivers in China. Es gibt viele schöne Berge und Flüsse in China.
1582 小岛 + This island is very beautiful.
1583 头发 光泽 亮丽 + Her hair is shiny and beautiful.
1806 玫瑰 漂亮 + This rose is really beautiful.
1878 天刚 破晓 景色 + The scenery at dawn is very beautiful.
1927 漂亮 山谷 + This is a beautiful valley.
1933 桂林 山水 秀丽 + The scenery in Guilin is beautiful.
2054 美好 爱情 珍惜 + A beautiful love is worth treasuring.
2147 峡谷 + The canyon is very beautiful.
2263 喷泉 好看 + The fountain is very beautiful.
2596 厦门 美丽 城市 + Xiamen is a beautiful city.
2693 海边 夕阳 + The sun setting on the sea is very beautiful.
2764 孔雀 羽毛 漂亮 + The peacock's feathers are very beautiful.
2979 塞外 风光 优美 + The scenery north of the Great Wall is beautiful.
3096 傍晚 景色 + The view at dusk is really beautiful.
3204 罂粟花 + The poppy flowers are very beautiful.
3327 小提琴 韵律 十分 动听 + The rhythm of this violin piece is beautiful.
3396 海里 珊瑚 + The coral in the sea is very beautiful.
3435 岛屿 + This island is really beautiful.
3443 草坪 漂亮 + The lawn is very beautiful.
3522 臀部 线条 漂亮 + The curve of her lower torso is very beautiful.
3546 彗星 陨落 瞬间 + The moment when a comet falls is beautiful.
3709 这个 女人 容貌 曼丽 婀娜 多姿 + The woman is beautiful and charming.
Lesson 013. My Family.
piao4liang + pretty / beautiful
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
mei3 + beautiful
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
mei3li4 + beautiful
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
Zhe4li3 de jing3se4 hen3 mei3. + The scenery here is very beautiful.
Lesson 026. Sing and Learn. Sweety Sweet.
duo1me piao4liang + how beautiful
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
Ting1shuo1 Gui4lin2 de jing3se4 hen3 mei3. + I heard that the scenery in Guilin is very beautiful.
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Ta1 de shu1fa3 xie3 de hen3 piao4liang. + His calligraphy is very beautiful.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Ta1 qu3 le yi1 ge4 fei1chang2 piao4liang de tai4tai. + He got a very beautiful wife.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

tout le monde veut être beau + everybody wants to be beautiful

ils vivent dans ce beau pays + they live in this beautiful country

ils avaient de beaux visages tranquilles et las + they had beautiful, peaceful, weary faces

dire que la ville était belle était original + to say that the city was beautiful was quite a stretch

le bien n’est pas nécessairement beau + what’s good is not necessarily beautiful

une belle rose pour une belle dame + a beautiful rose for a beautiful lady

tu es une belle plante. tu es la fleur de ma passion + you’re a beautiful plant—the flower of my passion.

elle est mince et jolie et elle ment + she is thin and beautiful and she lies

c’est un des plus beaux comtés au Canada + it’s one of the most beautiful counties in Canada

nous étions si beaux, si gais + we were so beautiful, so cheerful

tu es la plus belle créature que j’aie jamais vue + you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen

voici un très beau costume, en pure laine + here’s a very beautiful suit, made of pure wool

c’est le plus beau diamant du monde + it’s the most beautiful diamond in the world
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 beautiful +
103 beautiful +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
beautiful đẹp đẽ, tốt, tốt đẹp, đẹp, xinh đẹp + +