73 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** A ** A ** A ** A ** A ** A ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

loyalty, devotion, fidelity
virtuous, chaste, pure / loyal

Phonetic KEY:
Tea chá Phonetic KEY:
Team duì
Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

larm' larme tear (to shed a) Thräne слеза łza
plet' plateau teaboard Präsentirteller подносъ taca
ŝir' déchirer tear, rend reissen рвать rwać
te' thé tea Thee чай herbata
te'kruĉ' théière tea-pot Theekanne чайникъ czajnik
te'maŝin' bouilloire tea-kettle Theemaschine самоваръ samowar

ĉanojo + + tea ceremony + +
ĉevaltrio + + team of three horses + +
deŝiraĵo + + tear (a rent) + +
dipsako + + teasel + +
eklezimajstro + + Teacher of the Faith + +
ekumena majstro + + Teacher of the Faith + +
instruanto + + teacher + +
instruoado + + teaching + +
jungitaro + + team + +
kerkedula + + teal + +
kursgvidanto + + teacher of a course + +
larma guto + + teardrop + +
larmiga gaso + + tear gas + +
larmo + + tear (from eye) + +
larmodukto + + tear duct + +
larmoguto + + teardrop + +
marmoranaso + + teal + +
memlernilo + + teach-yourself book + +
plorema + + tearful + +
ploreme + + tearfully + +
ploro + + tear + +
samteamano + + teammate + +
sekiga tuko + + tea towel + +
ŝiraĵo + + tear + +
teamano + + team member + +
teamo + + team + +
tearbeto + + tea plant + +
tearbo + + tea bush + + tea plant
teejo + + tea house + +
tehoro + + tea time + +
tekruĉo + + teapot + +
tektono + + teak tree + +
tekulero + + teaspoon + +
temanĝo + + tea (as a meal) + +
teo + + tea + +
tepelvo + + tea bowl + +
tepoto + + teapot + +
tetablo + + tea table + +
teujo + + teapot + + tea caddy tea canister

#ĉanojo #tea ceremony #ĉevaltrio #team of three horses #deŝiraĵo #tear (a rent) #dipsako #teasel #eklezimajstro #Teacher of the Faith #ekumena majstro #Teacher of the Faith #instruanto #teacher #instruoado #teaching #jungitaro #team #kerkedula #teal #kursgvidanto #teacher of a course #larma guto #teardrop #larmiga gaso #tear gas #larmo #tear (from eye) #larmodukto #tear duct #larmoguto #teardrop #marmoranaso #teal #memlernilo #teach-yourself book #plorema #tearful #ploreme #tearfully #ploro #tear #samteamano #teammate #sekiga tuko #tea towel #ŝiraĵo #tear #teamano #team member #teamo #team #tearbeto #tea plant #tearbo #tea bush #teejo #tea house #tehoro #tea time #tekruĉo #teapot #tektono #teak tree #tekulero #teaspoon #temanĝo #tea (as a meal) #teo #tea #tepelvo #tea bowl #tepoto #teapot #tetablo #tea table #teujo #teapot

+ + + teach, class Tap 孝 (KINDESPFLICHT) 【◎Fix:◎jiao1;◎jiao4】 +
+ + + tea 艸, 艹 Grass 茶 (TEE) cha2 +
+ + + team, group / army unit 阜, 阝 Mount 队 (TEAM) dui4 +
+ + + tease, joke with / ridicule, mock Words 灰 (ASCHE) hui1 +
+ + + teach, instruct / encourage, urge Words hui4 +
+ + + tears / weep, cry 水, 氵 Water 目 (AUGE) lei4 +
+ + + tea / tea plant 艸, 艹 Grass 名 (NAME) ming2 +
+ + + team of horses / associate, join Horse 并 (VERBINDEN ) pian2 +
+ + + teacher, master, specialist Cloth 师 (OBERKOMMANDIERENDER) shi1 +
+ + + team of four horses / horses Horse 四 si4 +
+ + + tear / snivel, nasal mucus 水, 氵 Water 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) ti4 +
+ + + teach, instruct / exegesis Words 川 (FLUSS) xun4 +

16.8 Trinken, alkoholfreie Getränke Tee + Tea + +
16.10 Kochen, backen Kaffeemaschine + Tea + +