Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Phonetic KEY:
One Yī Phonetic KEY:
Queue zhù Phonetic KEY:
Two èr Phonetic KEY:
Three sān Phonetic KEY:
Work gōng Phonetic KEY:
Mound qióng Phonetic KEY:
River jiāng Phonetic KEY:
Red hóng Phonetic KEY:
Cut the throat jǐng Phonetic KEY:
Empty kōng Phonetic KEY:
Divine by stalk shì Phonetic KEY:
On shàng Phonetic KEY:
Only zhǐ Phonetic KEY:
齿 Tooth chǐ Phonetic KEY:
Willing kěn Phonetic KEY:
Step bù Phonetic KEY:
Go forward zhì Phonetic KEY:
Frequency pín Phonetic KEY:
Migration xǐ Phonetic KEY:
Positive zhèng Phonetic KEY:
Levy zhēng Phonetic KEY:
Yan yān Phonetic KEY:
Delay yán Phonetic KEY:
Earth tǔ Phonetic KEY:
Village zhuāng Phonetic KEY:
In zài Phonetic KEY:
Press yā Phonetic KEY:
Guyana guī Phonetic KEY:
Gua guà Phonetic KEY:
Kui kuí Phonetic KEY:
Suffer ái Phonetic KEY:
Temple sì Phonetic KEY:
Thoroughfare kuí Phonetic KEY:
Ling líng Phonetic KEY:
Zhou zhōu Phonetic KEY:
Yuan yuán Phonetic KEY:
Stingy sè Phonetic KEY:
First xiān Phonetic KEY:
Great zàn Phonetic KEY:
Tell gào Phonetic KEY:
Build zào Phonetic KEY:
System zhì Phonetic KEY:
Scholar shì Phonetic KEY:
Official shì Phonetic KEY:
Lucky jí Phonetic KEY:
Collect xié Phonetic KEY:
Annals zhì Phonetic KEY:
Shell ké Phonetic KEY:
Hub gǔ Phonetic KEY:
Sound shēng Phonetic KEY:
Qing qìng Phonetic KEY:
Shu shù Phonetic KEY:
Peng péng Phonetic KEY:
Drum gǔ Phonetic KEY:
One yī Phonetic KEY:
Happiness xǐ Phonetic KEY:
Wang rén Phonetic KEY:
Office rèn Phonetic KEY:
Ting tíng Phonetic KEY:
King wáng Phonetic KEY:
Marina kuāng Phonetic KEY:
Crazy kuáng Phonetic KEY:
Intercalary rùn Phonetic KEY:
Class bān Phonetic KEY:
Spot bān Phonetic KEY:
Jade yù Phonetic KEY:
Country guó Phonetic KEY:
The Lord zhǔ Phonetic KEY:
Wheat mài Phonetic KEY:
Responsibility zé Phonetic KEY:
Green qīng Phonetic KEY:
Poison dú Phonetic KEY:
Vegetarian sù Phonetic KEY:
Ao áo Phonetic KEY:
Green shēng Phonetic KEY:
Star xīng Phonetic KEY:
Hang chuí Phonetic KEY:
Smoke xūn Phonetic KEY:
Weight zhòng Phonetic KEY:
Director dǒng Phonetic KEY:
Business yè Phonetic KEY:
Puff pū Phonetic KEY:
Inferior yà Phonetic KEY:
Jin Dynasty jìn Phonetic KEY:
Altogether gòng Phonetic KEY:
Lane xiàng Phonetic KEY:
殿 Temple diàn Phonetic KEY:
Violent bào Phonetic KEY:
Past xī Phonetic KEY:
Scatter sàn Phonetic KEY:
Borrow jí Phonetic KEY:
Bei bèi Phonetic KEY:
Cold hán Phonetic KEY:
Stopper sāi Phonetic KEY:
Copulate gòu Phonetic KEY:
Korea lì Phonetic KEY:
Beans dòu Phonetic KEY:
Kitchen chú Phonetic KEY:
Department sī Phonetic KEY:
With tóng Phonetic KEY:
Ge gé Phonetic KEY:
Deputy fù Phonetic KEY:
Through gèn Phonetic KEY:
Declare xuān Phonetic KEY:
Stiff jiāng Phonetic KEY:
Speech yán Phonetic KEY:
Sound of a crash hōng Phonetic KEY:
Zhan zhān Phonetic KEY:
Xie xiè Phonetic KEY:
Die wáng Phonetic KEY:
Awn máng Phonetic KEY:
Shortage huāng Phonetic KEY:
Win yíng Phonetic KEY:
Win yíng Phonetic KEY:
Bian biàn Phonetic KEY:
Six liù Phonetic KEY:
Culture wén Phonetic KEY:
Min mǐn Phonetic KEY:
Together qí Phonetic KEY:
Liu liú Phonetic KEY:
Excessive kàng Phonetic KEY:
City shì Phonetic KEY:
Mysterious xuán Phonetic KEY:
Livestock chù Phonetic KEY:
Rate lǜ Phonetic KEY:
Charge chōng Phonetic KEY:
Abandoned qì Phonetic KEY:
Okinawa liú Phonetic KEY:
Flow liú Phonetic KEY:
Sparse shū Phonetic KEY:
Educate yù Phonetic KEY:
Withdraw chè Phonetic KEY:
Clothes yī Phonetic KEY:
Sorrow āi Phonetic KEY:
Decline shuāi Phonetic KEY:
Dagon gǔn Phonetic KEY:
Assist xiāng Phonetic KEY:
Heng hēng Phonetic KEY:
Enjoy xiǎng Phonetic KEY:
Guo guō Phonetic KEY:
What shú Phonetic KEY:
Dun dūn Phonetic KEY:
Beijing jīng Phonetic KEY:
View jǐng Phonetic KEY:
Hao hào Phonetic KEY:
Bright liàng Phonetic KEY:
Pavilion tíng Phonetic KEY:
High gāo Phonetic KEY:
Wormwood hāo Phonetic KEY:
Howe háo Phonetic KEY:
Stand lì Phonetic KEY:
Location wèi Phonetic KEY:
Pull lā Phonetic KEY:
Break up póu Phonetic KEY:
Time bèi Phonetic KEY:
Concubine qiè Phonetic KEY:
Sound yīn Phonetic KEY:
Meaning yì Phonetic KEY:
Chapter zhāng Phonetic KEY:
Jiangxi Province gàn Phonetic KEY:
Child tóng Phonetic KEY:
Sheen xīn Phonetic KEY:
Slaughter zǎi Phonetic KEY:
Distinguish biàn Phonetic KEY:
Emperor dì Phonetic KEY:
Chi chì Phonetic KEY:
Dear qīn Phonetic KEY:
New xīn Phonetic KEY:
Contest jìng Phonetic KEY:
Actually jìng Phonetic KEY:
Beside páng Phonetic KEY:
Disgrace zhé Phonetic KEY:
Business shāng Phonetic KEY:
Also yì Phonetic KEY:
Change biàn Phonetic KEY:
Bend wān Phonetic KEY:
Luan luán Phonetic KEY:
Cross jiāo Phonetic KEY:
Hai hài Phonetic KEY:
Night yè Phonetic KEY:
Soldier zú Phonetic KEY:
Yong yōng Phonetic KEY:
Intrinsic bǐng Phonetic KEY:
Be good at shàn Phonetic KEY:
Square fāng Phonetic KEY:
Tour yóu Phonetic KEY:
Rotary xuán Phonetic KEY:
Brigade lǚ Phonetic KEY:
Race zú Phonetic KEY:
To yú Phonetic KEY:
Leng léng Phonetic KEY:
廿 Twenty niàn Phonetic KEY:
Seat xí Phonetic KEY:
Degree dù Phonetic KEY:
Shu shù Phonetic KEY:
Swallow yàn Phonetic KEY:
Leather gé Phonetic KEY:
Le lēi Phonetic KEY:
TH jǐn Phonetic KEY:
World shì Phonetic KEY:
Spy dié Phonetic KEY:
Gan gān Phonetic KEY:
Some mǒu Phonetic KEY:
鹿 Deer lù Phonetic KEY:
Sweep sǎo Phonetic KEY:
Return guī Phonetic KEY:
Search xún Phonetic KEY:
Spirit líng Phonetic KEY:
Snow xuě Phonetic KEY:
Invade qīn Phonetic KEY:
Broom zhǒu Phonetic KEY:
Hay chú Phonetic KEY:
Urgent jí Phonetic KEY:
Hidden yǐn Phonetic KEY:
Wife qī Phonetic KEY:
Mortar jiù Phonetic KEY:
Fawn chǎn Phonetic KEY:
Ni ní Phonetic KEY:
Mountain shān Phonetic KEY:
Strike jī Phonetic KEY:
Out chū Phonetic KEY:
Bend qū Phonetic KEY:
Pottery fǒu Phonetic KEY:
Pottery táo Phonetic KEY:
Rumor yáo Phonetic KEY:
Exchange huì Phonetic KEY:
Malaria nüè Phonetic KEY:
Huge jù Phonetic KEY:
Canal qú Phonetic KEY:
Minister chén Phonetic KEY:
Ji jī Phonetic KEY:
Running hog tuàn Phonetic KEY:
Edge yuán Phonetic KEY:
Swine zhì Phonetic KEY:
Mutual hù Phonetic KEY:
Ugly chǒu Phonetic KEY:
Fives wǔ Phonetic KEY:
I wú Phonetic KEY:
Pi pī Phonetic KEY:
Protruding tū Phonetic KEY:
Concave āo Phonetic KEY:
Mound qiū Phonetic KEY:
Soldiers bīng Phonetic KEY:
Guest bīn Phonetic KEY:
Dish mǐn Phonetic KEY:
Blood xuè Phonetic KEY:
Show shì Phonetic KEY:
Sect zōng Phonetic KEY:
Wei wèi Phonetic KEY:
Deficit kuī Phonetic KEY:
Yu yú Phonetic KEY:
Cloud yún Phonetic KEY:
Qi qí Phonetic KEY:
Yuan yuán Phonetic KEY:
Finish wán Phonetic KEY:
Bandit kòu Phonetic KEY:
Punish fá Phonetic KEY:
Meng méng Phonetic KEY:
Meng méng Phonetic KEY:
Perky xuān Phonetic KEY:
Jia jiǎ Phonetic KEY:
Mound yīn Phonetic KEY:
Wish yào Phonetic KEY:
Chestnut lì Phonetic KEY:
Ticket piào Phonetic KEY:
Millet sù Phonetic KEY:
Tan tán Phonetic KEY:
Mouth kǒu Phonetic KEY:
Buckle kòu Phonetic KEY:
Number hào Phonetic KEY:
Only zhǐ Phonetic KEY:
Thereupon pǒ Phonetic KEY:
Can kě Phonetic KEY:
Lotus hé Phonetic KEY:
A ā Phonetic KEY:
River hé Phonetic KEY:
Brother gē Phonetic KEY:
Sentence jù Phonetic KEY:
Respectfully jìng Phonetic KEY:
Office jú Phonetic KEY:
Abutilon qǐng Phonetic KEY:
Abduct guǎi Phonetic KEY:
Do not bié Phonetic KEY:
Elder brother xiōng Phonetic KEY:
Hang diào Phonetic KEY:
To xiàng Phonetic KEY:
Such as rú Phonetic KEY:
Show chéng Phonetic KEY:
Wu wú Phonetic KEY:
Stay dāi Phonetic KEY:
Insurance bǎo Phonetic KEY:
Enough zú Phonetic KEY:
Yap yì Phonetic KEY:
Member yuán Phonetic KEY:
Guo guō Phonetic KEY:
Donate juān Phonetic KEY:
Toad miǎn Phonetic KEY:
Greet yī Phonetic KEY:
Put away jí Phonetic KEY:
Lu lǚ Phonetic KEY:
Lu lǘ Phonetic KEY:
Return huí Phonetic KEY:
Honest speech è Phonetic KEY:
Cry kū Phonetic KEY:
Clamor xiāo Phonetic KEY:
Pour guàn Phonetic KEY:
Black hēi Phonetic KEY:
Ling líng Phonetic KEY:
Article pǐn Phonetic KEY:
Speak cāo Phonetic KEY:
Bath zǎo Phonetic KEY:
Plow sì Phonetic KEY:
Officer guān Phonetic KEY:
Mound fù Phonetic KEY:
Chase zhuī Phonetic KEY:
Xue xuē Phonetic KEY:
Say yuē Phonetic KEY:
Japan rì Phonetic KEY:
Day dàn Phonetic KEY:
Early zǎo Phonetic KEY:
Ten days xún Phonetic KEY:
Mold niē Phonetic KEY:
Drought hàn Phonetic KEY:
Between jiān Phonetic KEY:
Feast yàn Phonetic KEY:
Fall down yǎn Phonetic KEY:
Prosperous chāng Phonetic KEY:
Get dé Phonetic KEY:
Brothers kūn Phonetic KEY:
Easy yì Phonetic KEY:
It is shì Phonetic KEY:
Noticeable xiǎn Phonetic KEY:
Yu yù Phonetic KEY:
Warm wēn Phonetic KEY:
Complex fù Phonetic KEY:
Shoe lǚ Phonetic KEY:
Camps hé Phonetic KEY:
Ye yè Phonetic KEY:
Kudzu gé Phonetic KEY:
Mo mò Phonetic KEY:
Collapse tā Phonetic KEY:
Man màn Phonetic KEY:
Most zuì Phonetic KEY:
White bái Phonetic KEY:
Soap zào Phonetic KEY:
Take pāi Phonetic KEY:
Berth pō Phonetic KEY:
Silk bó Phonetic KEY:
Amber pò Phonetic KEY:
Emperor huáng Phonetic KEY:
Spring quán Phonetic KEY:
Primary yuán Phonetic KEY:
Gao gāo Phonetic KEY:
Pocket dōu Phonetic KEY:
Fold zhé Phonetic KEY:
Jiao jiǎo Phonetic KEY:
Appearance mào Phonetic KEY:
Hundred bǎi Phonetic KEY:
宿 Night sù Phonetic KEY:
Eye mù Phonetic KEY:
Risk mào Phonetic KEY:
Phase xiāng Phonetic KEY:
Frost shuāng Phonetic KEY:
Count suàn Phonetic KEY:
Redact zuǎn Phonetic KEY:
Qu qú Phonetic KEY:
Glance fearfully jué Phonetic KEY:
And qiě Phonetic KEY:
Help zhù Phonetic KEY:
Ju jǔ Phonetic KEY:
County xiàn Phonetic KEY:
Should yí Phonetic KEY:
From zì Phonetic KEY:
From zì Phonetic KEY:
Foul chòu Phonetic KEY:
Interest xī Phonetic KEY:
Nose bí Phonetic KEY:
Widowed guǎ Phonetic KEY:
Summer xià Phonetic KEY:
Lance jiá Phonetic KEY:
Surface miàn Phonetic KEY:
Its qí Phonetic KEY:
Very shén Phonetic KEY:
Sri Lanka sī Phonetic KEY:
Field tián Phonetic KEY:
Seedling miáo Phonetic KEY:
Confer bì Phonetic KEY:
Fish yú Phonetic KEY:
Lu lǔ Phonetic KEY:
Fear wèi Phonetic KEY:
Stomach wèi Phonetic KEY:
Thought sī Phonetic KEY:
Get ready sù Phonetic KEY:
Tired lèi Phonetic KEY:
Mine léi Phonetic KEY:
Guan guàn Phonetic KEY:
In lǐ Phonetic KEY:
PCT lí Phonetic KEY:
Tangle chán Phonetic KEY:
Marketplace chán Phonetic KEY:
By the yóu Phonetic KEY:
Forlorn pīng Phonetic KEY:
Yin yín Phonetic KEY:
Yellow huáng Phonetic KEY:
Song qū Phonetic KEY:
Li lǐ Phonetic KEY:
Code diǎn Phonetic KEY:
Cao cáo Phonetic KEY:
Tool jù Phonetic KEY:
Card kǎ Phonetic KEY:
Lu lú Phonetic KEY:
Take up zhàn Phonetic KEY:
Note tiē Phonetic KEY:
Shop diàn Phonetic KEY:
Meal cān Phonetic KEY:
Can càn Phonetic KEY:
Chaste zhēn Phonetic KEY:
Halogen lǔ Phonetic KEY:
T shū Phonetic KEY:
Eminent zhuō Phonetic KEY:
Desk zhuō Phonetic KEY:
Farsighted ruì Phonetic KEY:
Pious qián Phonetic KEY:
Tiger hǔ Phonetic KEY:
Chuai chuāi Phonetic KEY:
Prisoner lǔ Phonetic KEY:
Worry lǜ Phonetic KEY:
FALSE xū Phonetic KEY:
Loud laughter jué Phonetic KEY:
Suddenly jù Phonetic KEY:
Ten shí Phonetic KEY:
Branch zhī Phonetic KEY:
Grass huì Phonetic KEY:
Ben bēn Phonetic KEY:
Ancient gǔ Phonetic KEY:
Solid gù Phonetic KEY:
Aunt gū Phonetic KEY:
Therefore gù Phonetic KEY:
House jū Phonetic KEY:
Hu hú Phonetic KEY:
Gram kè Phonetic KEY:
Kazuya zāi Phonetic KEY:
Red chì Phonetic KEY:
Pardon shè Phonetic KEY:
Polo bèi Phonetic KEY:
Suddenly bó Phonetic KEY:
Han hán Phonetic KEY:
Towards cháo Phonetic KEY:
Turn wò Phonetic KEY:
John hàn Phonetic KEY:
Straight zhí Phonetic KEY:
Really zhēn Phonetic KEY:
Top diān Phonetic KEY:
Sell mài Phonetic KEY:
Fortunately xìng Phonetic KEY:
South nán Phonetic KEY:
Offer xiàn Phonetic KEY:
Search suǒ Phonetic KEY:
Morality dé Phonetic KEY:
Sneeze tì Phonetic KEY:
Old lǎo Phonetic KEY:
SAGE qí Phonetic KEY:
Test kǎo Phonetic KEY:
Filial xiào Phonetic KEY:
By zhě Phonetic KEY:
All zhū Phonetic KEY:
All dōu Phonetic KEY:
The zhe Phonetic KEY:
Swine zhū Phonetic KEY:
Agency shǔ Phonetic KEY:
Fight dòu Phonetic KEY:
Family kē Phonetic KEY:
Gok hú Phonetic KEY:
Expert zhuān Phonetic KEY:
Turn zhuǎn Phonetic KEY:
Grand hóng Phonetic KEY:
Cloth bù Phonetic KEY:
Friendly yǒu Phonetic KEY:
Betel bá Phonetic KEY:
Pull bá Phonetic KEY:
Hair fā Phonetic KEY:
Left zuǒ Phonetic KEY:
Lazy duò Phonetic KEY:
Sui Dynasty suí Phonetic KEY:
Right yòu Phonetic KEY:
If the ruò Phonetic KEY:
Hide nì Phonetic KEY:
Have yǒu Phonetic KEY:
Fall duò Phonetic KEY:
Gray huī Phonetic KEY:
Charcoal tàn Phonetic KEY:
Thousand qiān Phonetic KEY:
Move qiān Phonetic KEY:
Tongue shé Phonetic KEY:
Living huó Phonetic KEY:
Insert chā Phonetic KEY:
Dry gàn Phonetic KEY:
Flat píng Phonetic KEY:
Noon wǔ Phonetic KEY:
Promise xǔ Phonetic KEY:
Year nián Phonetic KEY:
Half bàn Phonetic KEY:
Mi mǐ Phonetic KEY:
Cattle niú Phonetic KEY:
Book shū Phonetic KEY:
Abundant fēng Phonetic KEY:
State bāng Phonetic KEY:
Comet huì Phonetic KEY:
寿 Life shòu Phonetic KEY:
Harm hài Phonetic KEY:
Wei wéi Phonetic KEY:
First zhà Phonetic KEY:
Narrow zhǎi Phonetic KEY:
FALSE jiǎ Phonetic KEY:
Short-tailed bird zhuī Phonetic KEY:
Falcon sǔn Phonetic KEY:
Difficult nán Phonetic KEY:
Jun juàn Phonetic KEY:
But wéi Phonetic KEY:
Cui cuī Phonetic KEY:
Dimension wéi Phonetic KEY:
Yan yàn Phonetic KEY:
Focal jiāo Phonetic KEY:
Chiu jiào Phonetic KEY:
Huo huō Phonetic KEY:
Sui suī Phonetic KEY:
LIN lìn Phonetic KEY:
Zhai dí Phonetic KEY:
Huo huò Phonetic KEY:
Kidney shèn Phonetic KEY:
Firm jiān Phonetic KEY:
Face lín Phonetic KEY:
View lǎn Phonetic KEY:
Supervisor jiān Phonetic KEY:
Strong zhuàng Phonetic KEY:
Prize jiǎng Phonetic KEY:
Will jiāng Phonetic KEY:
Divine bo Phonetic KEY:
Blame jiù Phonetic KEY:
Zan zǎn Phonetic KEY:
Next xià Phonetic KEY:
Yang yǎng Phonetic KEY:
D mǎo Phonetic KEY:
Egg luǎn Phonetic KEY:
Knock kòu Phonetic KEY:
Print yìn Phonetic KEY:
But què Phonetic KEY:
Which is jí Phonetic KEY:
Unload xiè Phonetic KEY:
Father yé Phonetic KEY:
Festival jié Phonetic KEY:
Guard wèi Phonetic KEY:
Called jiào Phonetic KEY:
Ah yā Phonetic KEY:
No bù Phonetic KEY:
No fǒu Phonetic KEY:
Step with left foot chì Phonetic KEY:
Levy zhēng Phonetic KEY:
Micro- wēi Phonetic KEY:
Car chē Phonetic KEY:
Storehouse kù Phonetic KEY:
Even lián Phonetic KEY:
Towel jīn Phonetic KEY:
Currency bì Phonetic KEY:
Circle zā Phonetic KEY:
Brush shuā Phonetic KEY:
Fu fèi Phonetic KEY:
Copious pèi Phonetic KEY:
Wear pèi Phonetic KEY:
Division shī Phonetic KEY:
Village tún Phonetic KEY:
Pure chún Phonetic KEY:
Old man sǒu Phonetic KEY:
Pen yù Phonetic KEY:
Build jiàn Phonetic KEY:
Tang Dynasty táng Phonetic KEY:
Ear ěr Phonetic KEY:
Yay yé Phonetic KEY:
Take qǔ Phonetic KEY:
Gather jù Phonetic KEY:
Nie niè Phonetic KEY:
Dare gǎn Phonetic KEY:
Light guāng Phonetic KEY:
Shake huǎng Phonetic KEY:
When dāng Phonetic KEY:
Suo suǒ Phonetic KEY:
Taste cháng Phonetic KEY:
Shaw xiào Phonetic KEY:
Scrap xiè Phonetic KEY:
A little shāo Phonetic KEY:
Yet shàng Phonetic KEY:
Tong táng Phonetic KEY:
Party dǎng Phonetic KEY:
Hall táng Phonetic KEY:
Often cháng Phonetic KEY:
Palm zhǎng Phonetic KEY:
Dust chén Phonetic KEY:
Tip jiān Phonetic KEY:
Small xiǎo Phonetic KEY:
Grandson sūn Phonetic KEY:
Seoul ěr Phonetic KEY:
You nǐ Phonetic KEY:
Mi mí Phonetic KEY:
Music lè Phonetic KEY:
East dōng Phonetic KEY:
Choose jiǎn Phonetic KEY:
Less shǎo Phonetic KEY:
Sand shā Phonetic KEY:
Subtle miǎo Phonetic KEY:
Rhinoceros xī Phonetic KEY:
Water shuǐ Phonetic KEY:
尿 Pee niào Phonetic KEY:
Again and again dá Phonetic KEY:
Forever yǒng Phonetic KEY:
Begging qiú Phonetic KEY:
Record lù Phonetic KEY:
Scribe lì Phonetic KEY:
Health kāng Phonetic KEY:
Ding dīng Phonetic KEY:
Rather níng Phonetic KEY:
Bamboo zhú Phonetic KEY:
Right foot chù Phonetic KEY:
OK xíng Phonetic KEY:
Yan yǎn Phonetic KEY:
Title xián Phonetic KEY:
Measure héng Phonetic KEY:
Stone shí Phonetic KEY:
Put off dàng Phonetic KEY:
Inch cùn Phonetic KEY:
Live guò Phonetic KEY:
Correct duì Phonetic KEY:
Pay fù Phonetic KEY:
Mansion fǔ Phonetic KEY:
Guard shǒu Phonetic KEY:
Zhou zhòu Phonetic KEY:
Time shí Phonetic KEY:
Seal fēng Phonetic KEY:
To yú Phonetic KEY:
Mercury gǒng Phonetic KEY:
Down hū Phonetic KEY:
Hand shǒu Phonetic KEY:
Worship bài Phonetic KEY:
Break with both hands bāi Phonetic KEY:
Look kàn Phonetic KEY:
Fight zhēng Phonetic KEY:
Thing shì Phonetic KEY:
The le Phonetic KEY:
Cheng chéng Phonetic KEY:
Urgently jí Phonetic KEY:
Letter hán Phonetic KEY:
Son zi Phonetic KEY:
Recommend jiàn Phonetic KEY:
Meng mèng Phonetic KEY:
Dodger càn Phonetic KEY:
Alone jié Phonetic KEY:
Relic jué Phonetic KEY:
Bear chéng Phonetic KEY:
Give yǔ Phonetic KEY:
Advance yù Phonetic KEY:
Wild yě Phonetic KEY:
Insect without feet zhì Phonetic KEY:
Hog shǐ Phonetic KEY:
Home jiā Phonetic KEY:
Mongolian méng Phonetic KEY:
Then suì Phonetic KEY:
Complain zhuó Phonetic KEY:
Like xiàng Phonetic KEY:
Protium piē Phonetic KEY:
Plant chǎng Phonetic KEY:
广 Wide guǎng Phonetic KEY:
Property chǎn Phonetic KEY:
Yan yàn Phonetic KEY:
Strict yán Phonetic KEY:
Corpse shī Phonetic KEY:
Monarch pì Phonetic KEY:
Eyebrow méi Phonetic KEY:
Family hù Phonetic KEY:
Hajime zhào Phonetic KEY:
Carry on shoulders qián Phonetic KEY:
Fan shàn Phonetic KEY:
Flat biǎn Phonetic KEY:
Yin yǐn Phonetic KEY:
Iraq yī Phonetic KEY:
Monarch jūn Phonetic KEY:
Anti- fǎn Phonetic KEY:
Goblet zhī Phonetic KEY:
Rear hòu Phonetic KEY:
Piperazine pài Phonetic KEY:
School pài Phonetic KEY:
Quality zhì Phonetic KEY:
Shield dùn Phonetic KEY:
Chinese fir shān Phonetic KEY:
Township xiāng Phonetic KEY:
Decanoate guǐ Phonetic KEY:
Ascend dēng Phonetic KEY:
Evening xī Phonetic KEY:
Garden yuàn Phonetic KEY:
Winding wǎn Phonetic KEY:
Contradictory chuǎn Phonetic KEY:
Jie jié Phonetic KEY:
Many duō Phonetic KEY:
Father diē Phonetic KEY:
Name míng Phonetic KEY:
Year old suì Phonetic KEY:
Luo luō Phonetic KEY:
Bad dǎi Phonetic KEY:
Row liè Phonetic KEY:
Dead sǐ Phonetic KEY:
Broil zhì Phonetic KEY:
However rán Phonetic KEY:
Festival jì Phonetic KEY:
Cai cài Phonetic KEY:
Examine chá Phonetic KEY:
Fly fēi Phonetic KEY:
Gas qì Phonetic KEY:
News xùn Phonetic KEY:
Shoot yì Phonetic KEY:
Generation dài Phonetic KEY:
Formula shì Phonetic KEY:
Intuit tè Phonetic KEY:
II èr Phonetic KEY:
Military wǔ Phonetic KEY:
Sly diāo Phonetic KEY:
Study xí Phonetic KEY:
Feather yǔ Phonetic KEY:
Mother mǔ Phonetic KEY:
Per měi Phonetic KEY:
Sea hǎi Phonetic KEY:
Min mǐn Phonetic KEY:
Complicated fán Phonetic KEY:
Spoon sháo Phonetic KEY:
Approximately yuē Phonetic KEY:
Uniform yún Phonetic KEY:
All jūn Phonetic KEY:
Do not wù Phonetic KEY:
Suddenly hū Phonetic KEY:
Hasty cōng Phonetic KEY:
Hurried zǒng Phonetic KEY:
Field chǎng Phonetic KEY:
Soup tāng Phonetic KEY:
Shame shāng Phonetic KEY:
Rotten xiǔ Phonetic KEY:
Opportunely qiǎo Phonetic KEY:
Versus yǔ Phonetic KEY:
Horse mǎ Phonetic KEY:
Black wū Phonetic KEY:
Bird niǎo Phonetic KEY:
Mallard fú Phonetic KEY:
Island dǎo Phonetic KEY:
Bow gōng Phonetic KEY:
Lead yǐn Phonetic KEY:
Weak ruò Phonetic KEY:
Beggar gài Phonetic KEY:
Mian miǎn Phonetic KEY:
Tie zhā Phonetic KEY:
Hole kǒng Phonetic KEY:
Heart xīn Phonetic KEY:
Dagger bǐ Phonetic KEY:
Ratio bǐ Phonetic KEY:
Complete bì Phonetic KEY:
Steps to the throne bì Phonetic KEY:
All jiē Phonetic KEY:
North běi Phonetic KEY:
Rear bèi Phonetic KEY:
Hebei Province jì Phonetic KEY:
It tā Phonetic KEY:
Nigeria ní Phonetic KEY:
This cǐ Phonetic KEY:
Mouth zī Phonetic KEY:
Purpose zhǐ Phonetic KEY:
Ying yǐng Phonetic KEY:
Qing qǐng Phonetic KEY:
Suspect yí Phonetic KEY:
Seven qī Phonetic KEY:
Of huà Phonetic KEY:
China huá Phonetic KEY:
Torr tuō Phonetic KEY:
Residence zhái Phonetic KEY:
Hair máo Phonetic KEY:
Tail wěi Phonetic KEY:
Pen bǐ Phonetic KEY:
Crisp cuì Phonetic KEY:
Squint miē Phonetic KEY:
And also yě Phonetic KEY:
Tow tuō Phonetic KEY:
Commit fàn Phonetic KEY:
Adversity è Phonetic KEY:
Danger wēi Phonetic KEY:
Already jǐ Phonetic KEY:
How can it be qǐ Phonetic KEY:
Avoid jì Phonetic KEY:
Already yǐ Phonetic KEY:
Pat sì Phonetic KEY:
Sunda xùn Phonetic KEY:
Package bāo Phonetic KEY:
Pakistan bā Phonetic KEY:
The bǎ Phonetic KEY:
Fat féi Phonetic KEY:
Color sè Phonetic KEY:
Yan yàn Phonetic KEY:
B yǐ Phonetic KEY:
Begging qǐ Phonetic KEY:
Arts yì Phonetic KEY:
It zhī Phonetic KEY:
Tired fá Phonetic KEY:
Wire sī Phonetic KEY:
Si sī Phonetic KEY:
Great hóng Phonetic KEY:
Allow yǔn Phonetic KEY:
Bian biàn Phonetic KEY:
What me Phonetic KEY:
Public gōng Phonetic KEY:
Loose sōng Phonetic KEY:
Old man wēng Phonetic KEY:
Hook gōu Phonetic KEY:
Taiwan tái Phonetic KEY:
Mou móu Phonetic KEY:
Carry yǐ Phonetic KEY:
Handsome jùn Phonetic KEY:
Can néng Phonetic KEY:
Three sān Phonetic KEY:
Ginseng cān Phonetic KEY:
To zhì Phonetic KEY:
To dào Phonetic KEY:
Obstruct zhì Phonetic KEY:
House wū Phonetic KEY:
Unitary yāo Phonetic KEY:
Child yòu Phonetic KEY:
Department xì Phonetic KEY:
Go with qù Phonetic KEY:
Stop bà Phonetic KEY:
He hé Phonetic KEY:
Throw diū Phonetic KEY:
Bright lǎng Phonetic KEY:
Lang láng Phonetic KEY:
In zhōng Phonetic KEY:
Expensive guì Phonetic KEY:
Dispatch qiǎn Phonetic KEY:
Sack tuó Phonetic KEY:
Bag náng Phonetic KEY:
Insect chóng Phonetic KEY:
Sichuan shǔ Phonetic KEY:
Louse shī Phonetic KEY:
Yu yǔ Phonetic KEY:
Belong shǔ Phonetic KEY:
Although suī Phonetic KEY:
Strong qiáng Phonetic KEY:
Ignorant chī Phonetic KEY:
String chuàn Phonetic KEY:
Suffer huàn Phonetic KEY:
Flee cuàn Phonetic KEY:
Armor jiǎ Phonetic KEY:
Rhu yú Phonetic KEY:
Coupling ǒu Phonetic KEY:
Shen shēn Phonetic KEY:
Examine shěn Phonetic KEY:
Electric diàn Phonetic KEY:
Turtle guī Phonetic KEY:
Wei wèi Phonetic KEY:
Benefit huì Phonetic KEY:
Humble bēi Phonetic KEY:
Pestle chōng Phonetic KEY:
Bong fèng Phonetic KEY:
Spring chūn Phonetic KEY:
Play zòu Phonetic KEY:
Qin Dynasty qín Phonetic KEY:
Thailand tài Phonetic KEY:
Orchid lán Phonetic KEY:
Sheep yáng Phonetic KEY:
Fresh xiān Phonetic KEY:
Qiang qiāng Phonetic KEY:
The zhe Phonetic KEY:
Difference chà Phonetic KEY:
Shame xiū Phonetic KEY:
Raise yǎng Phonetic KEY:
Nice měi Phonetic KEY:
Ginger jiāng Phonetic KEY:
Lamb gāo Phonetic KEY:
Xi xī Phonetic KEY:
Good shàn Phonetic KEY:
Ticket quàn Phonetic KEY:
Volume juǎn Phonetic KEY:
Teng téng Phonetic KEY:
And bìng Phonetic KEY:
Screen píng Phonetic KEY:
Turn off guān Phonetic KEY:
Zheng zhèng Phonetic KEY:
Inverse nì Phonetic KEY:
New moon shuò Phonetic KEY:
Jue jué Phonetic KEY:
Exchange duì Phonetic KEY:
Total zǒng Phonetic KEY:
Deceive wǎng Phonetic KEY:
First shǒu Phonetic KEY:
Hereby zī Phonetic KEY:
Single dān Phonetic KEY:
Beast shòu Phonetic KEY:
Touch pèng Phonetic KEY:
General pǔ Phonetic KEY:
Ago qián Phonetic KEY:
Scissors jiǎn Phonetic KEY:
Emirates qiú Phonetic KEY:
Honor zūn Phonetic KEY:
Benefit yì Phonetic KEY:
Once céng Phonetic KEY:
A gè Phonetic KEY:
Referral jiè Phonetic KEY:
Lun lún Phonetic KEY:
Warehouse cāng Phonetic KEY:
With tóng Phonetic KEY:
Today jīn Phonetic KEY:
Cen cén Phonetic KEY:
Contain hán Phonetic KEY:
Study niàn Phonetic KEY:
Order lìng Phonetic KEY:
Consultation zhěn Phonetic KEY:
Exterminate tiǎn Phonetic KEY:
Absurd miù Phonetic KEY:
All quán Phonetic KEY:
Tsuen quán Phonetic KEY:
Close hé Phonetic KEY:
Xi xī Phonetic KEY:
Tower tǎ Phonetic KEY:
Take ná Phonetic KEY:
Flute yuè Phonetic KEY:
Valley gǔ Phonetic KEY:
Allow róng Phonetic KEY:
Unanimous qiān Phonetic KEY:
Gather liǎn Phonetic KEY:
Meeting huì Phonetic KEY:
SHE shé Phonetic KEY:
Tea chá Phonetic KEY:
I yú Phonetic KEY:
Syria xù Phonetic KEY:
Except chú Phonetic KEY:
House shě Phonetic KEY:
Gold jīn Phonetic KEY:
Yu yú Phonetic KEY:
Food shí Phonetic KEY:
Ridge jí Phonetic KEY:
Crown guān Phonetic KEY:
Redundant rǒng Phonetic KEY:
Write xiě Phonetic KEY:
Army jūn Phonetic KEY:
Explore tàn Phonetic KEY:
Deep míng Phonetic KEY:
Grave yíng Phonetic KEY:
Glory róng Phonetic KEY:
Ying yíng Phonetic KEY:
Ying yíng Phonetic KEY:
Bone gǔ Phonetic KEY:
Wen wèn Phonetic KEY:
Non- fēi Phonetic KEY:
Bandit fěi Phonetic KEY:
Shellfish bèi Phonetic KEY:
Then zé Phonetic KEY:
Vase yīng Phonetic KEY:
Infant yīng Phonetic KEY:
Negative fù Phonetic KEY:
Page yè Phonetic KEY:
Deuterium dāo Phonetic KEY:
Ji jī Phonetic KEY:
羿 Yi yì Phonetic KEY:
Rise shēng Phonetic KEY:
Well jǐng Phonetic KEY:
Open kāi Phonetic KEY:
Punishment xíng Phonetic KEY:
Valves pán Phonetic KEY:
Sheet piàn Phonetic KEY:
Jin jīn Phonetic KEY:
Fold zhé Phonetic KEY:
Analyze xī Phonetic KEY:
Chop zhǎn Phonetic KEY:
Glad xīn Phonetic KEY:
Exclusion chì Phonetic KEY:
Gate mén Phonetic KEY:
Stuffy mèn Phonetic KEY:
Within nèi Phonetic KEY:
Third bǐng Phonetic KEY:
Two liǎng Phonetic KEY:
Conceal mán Phonetic KEY:
Full mǎn Phonetic KEY:
Ran rǎn Phonetic KEY:
Again zài Phonetic KEY:
And ér Phonetic KEY:
Surmise chuāi Phonetic KEY:
Need xū Phonetic KEY:
Book cè Phonetic KEY:
Red dān Phonetic KEY:
Boat zhōu Phonetic KEY:
Sort bān Phonetic KEY:
Month yuè Phonetic KEY:
Rib lē Phonetic KEY:
Yin yīn Phonetic KEY:
Bright míng Phonetic KEY:
Tyrant bà Phonetic KEY:
Friend péng Phonetic KEY:
Collapse bēng Phonetic KEY:
Zhao zhāo Phonetic KEY:
Knife dāo Phonetic KEY:
Cut qiè Phonetic KEY:
Pull out qiè Phonetic KEY:
Deed qì Phonetic KEY:
Impassible jiá Phonetic KEY:
Minute fēn Phonetic KEY:
Bowl pén Phonetic KEY:
Convene zhào Phonetic KEY:
Sho zhāo Phonetic KEY:
Trade mào Phonetic KEY:
Stay liú Phonetic KEY:
Edge rèn Phonetic KEY:
Beam liáng Phonetic KEY:
Girder liáng Phonetic KEY:
That nà Phonetic KEY:
No wú Phonetic KEY:
Force lì Phonetic KEY:
Edge biān Phonetic KEY:
Calendar lì Phonetic KEY:
Injury shāng Phonetic KEY:
Add jiā Phonetic KEY:
Labor láo Phonetic KEY:
Do bàn Phonetic KEY:
To wèi Phonetic KEY:
Ten thousand wàn Phonetic KEY:
Severe lì Phonetic KEY:
Is nǎi Phonetic KEY:
Surplus yíng Phonetic KEY:
Only cái Phonetic KEY:
Tooth yá Phonetic KEY:
Evil xié Phonetic KEY:
Spear máo Phonetic KEY:
Beauteous wù Phonetic KEY:
Indistinct vision mào Phonetic KEY:
Soft róu Phonetic KEY:
Deceitful jué Phonetic KEY:
Body shēn Phonetic KEY:
Shoot shè Phonetic KEY:
Mow yì Phonetic KEY:
Yao yáo Phonetic KEY:
Area qū Phonetic KEY:
Wind fēng Phonetic KEY:
Ridge gāng Phonetic KEY:
Network wǎng Phonetic KEY:
Fierce xiōng Phonetic KEY:
Hungary xiōng Phonetic KEY:
Nao nǎo Phonetic KEY:
From lí Phonetic KEY:
Birds qín Phonetic KEY:
Sacrificial spirit chàng Phonetic KEY:
Skull xìn Phonetic KEY:
Grate bì Phonetic KEY:
Kill shā Phonetic KEY:
QIE qiè Phonetic KEY:
Hope xī Phonetic KEY:
Meat dish yáo Phonetic KEY:
Ai ài Phonetic KEY:
Righteousness yì Phonetic KEY:
Father fù Phonetic KEY:
Kettle fǔ Phonetic KEY:
Ten feet zhàng Phonetic KEY:
History shǐ Phonetic KEY:
Minor official lì Phonetic KEY:
More gèng Phonetic KEY:
便 Then biàn Phonetic KEY:
And yòu Phonetic KEY:
Saint shèng Phonetic KEY:
Slave nú Phonetic KEY:
Translate yì Phonetic KEY:
Choose zé Phonetic KEY:
Fold dié Phonetic KEY:
Mulberry sāng Phonetic KEY:
Drop duō Phonetic KEY:
Fork chā Phonetic KEY:
Flea zǎo Phonetic KEY:
Winter dōng Phonetic KEY:
Business wù Phonetic KEY:
Drop jiàng Phonetic KEY:
Repair xiū Phonetic KEY:
Each gè Phonetic KEY:
Luo luò Phonetic KEY:
Pavilion gé Phonetic KEY:
Passenger kè Phonetic KEY:
Road lù Phonetic KEY:
Chimney cōng Phonetic KEY:
Cong cōng Phonetic KEY:
Peak fēng Phonetic KEY:
Meet féng Phonetic KEY:
Article tiáo Phonetic KEY:
Equipment bèi Phonetic KEY:
Grand lóng Phonetic KEY:
Rose méi Phonetic KEY:
Yau yōu Phonetic KEY:
Female nǚ Phonetic KEY:
Safe ān Phonetic KEY:
Yan yàn Phonetic KEY:
Enter rù Phonetic KEY:
Eight bā Phonetic KEY:
People rén Phonetic KEY:
Team duì Phonetic KEY:
Narrow zè Phonetic KEY:
From cóng Phonetic KEY:
With yǐ Phonetic KEY:
Owe qiàn Phonetic KEY:
Ridge kǎn Phonetic KEY:
Admire qīn Phonetic KEY:
Secondary cì Phonetic KEY:
Advisory zī Phonetic KEY:
Flash shǎn Phonetic KEY:
Prisoner qiú Phonetic KEY:
Witch wū Phonetic KEY:
Turn to jī Phonetic KEY:
Sit zuò Phonetic KEY:
Long jiǔ Phonetic KEY:
Fire huǒ Phonetic KEY:
Di dí Phonetic KEY:
Inflammation yán Phonetic KEY:
Autumn qiū Phonetic KEY:
Ruler chǐ Phonetic KEY:
Exhausted jǐn Phonetic KEY:
Large dà Phonetic KEY:
Reach dá Phonetic KEY:
Because yīn Phonetic KEY:
Yep ēn Phonetic KEY:
Boast kuā Phonetic KEY:
Chennai nài Phonetic KEY:
Odd qí Phonetic KEY:
Yi yī Phonetic KEY:
Rush bēn Phonetic KEY:
Castrate yǎn Phonetic KEY:
Too tài Phonetic KEY:
Dog quǎn Phonetic KEY:
Tired yàn Phonetic KEY:
V fú Phonetic KEY:
Go against lì Phonetic KEY:
Rash mǎng Phonetic KEY:
Official liáo Phonetic KEY:
Head tóu Phonetic KEY:
Buy mǎi Phonetic KEY:
Day tiān Phonetic KEY:
Shame tiǎn Phonetic KEY:
Arrow shǐ Phonetic KEY:
Treatment yī Phonetic KEY:
Know zhī Phonetic KEY:
Marquis hóu Phonetic KEY:
Disease jí Phonetic KEY:
Tender yāo Phonetic KEY:
Joe qiáo Phonetic KEY:
Fertile wò Phonetic KEY:
Husband fū Phonetic KEY:
Emperor's carriage niǎn Phonetic KEY:
For tì Phonetic KEY:
Lose shī Phonetic KEY:
Folder jiā Phonetic KEY:
Satisfied qiè Phonetic KEY:
Decide jué Phonetic KEY:
Fast kuài Phonetic KEY:
Center yāng Phonetic KEY:
Huan huàn Phonetic KEY:
Geng gēng Phonetic KEY:
Surname yú Phonetic KEY:
Bolt of cloth pǐ Phonetic KEY:
Fixed dìng Phonetic KEY:
Xu xū Phonetic KEY:
Go zǒu Phonetic KEY:
Victory jié Phonetic KEY:
Child er Phonetic KEY:
Trillion zhào Phonetic KEY:
See jiàn Phonetic KEY:
Regulation guī Phonetic KEY:
Width kuān Phonetic KEY:
Sleep jué Phonetic KEY:
A few jǐ Phonetic KEY:
Lance shū Phonetic KEY:
Section duàn Phonetic KEY:
沿 Along yán Phonetic KEY:
Flowers duǒ Phonetic KEY:
All fán Phonetic KEY:
Gong gǒng Phonetic KEY:
Wu wù Phonetic KEY:
Match pǐ Phonetic KEY:
Four sì Phonetic KEY:
西 Western xī Phonetic KEY:
Unitary yǒu Phonetic KEY:
Nine jiǔ Phonetic KEY:
Rail guǐ Phonetic KEY:
Pill wán Phonetic KEY:
Hold zhí Phonetic KEY:
Sincere feeling chén Phonetic KEY:
No wú Phonetic KEY:
Already jì Phonetic KEY:
Mrs yóu Phonetic KEY:
Still yóu Phonetic KEY:
Ji jī Phonetic KEY:
On jiù Phonetic KEY:
Dragon lóng Phonetic KEY:
Must bì Phonetic KEY:
Mi mì Phonetic KEY:
Close mì Phonetic KEY:
Avoid miǎn Phonetic KEY:
Rabbit tù Phonetic KEY:
Slander chán Phonetic KEY:
Ghost guǐ Phonetic KEY:
Yao yáo Phonetic KEY:
Drag yè Phonetic KEY:
Ge gē Phonetic KEY:
Laval fá Phonetic KEY:
Rong róng Phonetic KEY:
Give up jiè Phonetic KEY:
Or huò Phonetic KEY:
Constricted jiān Phonetic KEY:
Cheap jiàn Phonetic KEY:
Long zhǎng Phonetic KEY:
Zhang zhāng Phonetic KEY:
Gen gěn Phonetic KEY:
退 Return tuì Phonetic KEY:
Good liáng Phonetic KEY:
Wave làng Phonetic KEY:
Funeral sàng Phonetic KEY:
Exhibition zhǎn Phonetic KEY:
Farming nóng Phonetic KEY:
Table biǎo Phonetic KEY:
Tile wǎ Phonetic KEY:
People mín Phonetic KEY:
S shì Phonetic KEY:
Faint hūn Phonetic KEY:
On the whole dī Phonetic KEY:
Interest xìng Phonetic KEY:
Move jǔ Phonetic KEY:
School xué Phonetic KEY:
Ready tuǒ Phonetic KEY:
Trust fú Phonetic KEY:
Houle liè Phonetic KEY:
Collection cǎi Phonetic KEY:
Seek mì Phonetic KEY:
Kinky yín Phonetic KEY:
Receive shòu Phonetic KEY:
Yuan yuán Phonetic KEY:
Love ài Phonetic KEY:
Scoop yǎo Phonetic KEY:
Xi xī Phonetic KEY:
Shun shùn Phonetic KEY:
Nobility jué Phonetic KEY:
Plain chuān Phonetic KEY:
Thirty sà Phonetic KEY:
Band dài Phonetic KEY:
State zhōu Phonetic KEY:
Patrol xún Phonetic KEY:
Steroid zāi Phonetic KEY:
Nest cháo Phonetic KEY:
Slovenly lā Phonetic KEY:
Claw zhǎo Phonetic KEY:
Melon guā Phonetic KEY:
Solitary gū Phonetic KEY:
Just fǔ Phonetic KEY:
Crawl pú Phonetic KEY:
Riverside pǔ Phonetic KEY:
Fu fù Phonetic KEY:
Pu pǔ Phonetic KEY:
Thin báo Phonetic KEY:
Yong yǒng Phonetic KEY:
Through tōng Phonetic KEY:
Mediocre yōng Phonetic KEY:
Su sù Phonetic KEY:
Howl xiào Phonetic KEY:
Shabby bì Phonetic KEY:
Rain yǔ Phonetic KEY:
Use yòng Phonetic KEY:
Swing shuǎi Phonetic KEY:
Angle jiǎo Phonetic KEY:
Solution jiě Phonetic KEY:
Report bào Phonetic KEY:
Clothes fú Phonetic KEY:
Skin pí Phonetic KEY:
Wave bō Phonetic KEY:
Wood mù Phonetic KEY:
Rest xiū Phonetic KEY:
Idle xián Phonetic KEY:
Sleepy kùn Phonetic KEY:
Forest lín Phonetic KEY:
Avaricious lán Phonetic KEY:
Hemp má Phonetic KEY:
What mó Phonetic KEY:
Mill mó Phonetic KEY:
Extravagant mí Phonetic KEY:
Ban jìn Phonetic KEY:
Chu chǔ Phonetic KEY:
Fan fán Phonetic KEY:
Climb pān Phonetic KEY:
Search chá Phonetic KEY:
Fruit guǒ Phonetic KEY:
Paint qī Phonetic KEY:
Technique shù Phonetic KEY:
This běn Phonetic KEY:
Thorn cì Phonetic KEY:
Bundle shù Phonetic KEY:
Assassination lá Phonetic KEY:
Imperial order chì Phonetic KEY:
Vegetable sù Phonetic KEY:
Rely lài Phonetic KEY:
Cambodia jiǎn Phonetic KEY:
Railing lán Phonetic KEY:
Grain hé Phonetic KEY:
Profit lì Phonetic KEY:
Bald tū Phonetic KEY:
Beautiful xiù Phonetic KEY:
Season jì Phonetic KEY:
Appoint wěi Phonetic KEY:
Wei wèi Phonetic KEY:
Lai lí Phonetic KEY:
Dark lí Phonetic KEY:
Hold bǐng Phonetic KEY:
Multiply chéng Phonetic KEY:
Not wèi Phonetic KEY:
Zhu zhū Phonetic KEY:
Come lái Phonetic KEY:
Plow lěi Phonetic KEY:
End mò Phonetic KEY:
Meter mǐ Phonetic KEY:
Chrysanthemum jú Phonetic KEY:
Continue jì Phonetic KEY:
Break duàn Phonetic KEY:
Lou lóu Phonetic KEY:
Number shù Phonetic KEY:
Fan mí Phonetic KEY:
Gruel zhōu Phonetic KEY:
Abstruse ào Phonetic KEY:
Lin lín Phonetic KEY:
Noted xī Phonetic KEY:
Fan fān Phonetic KEY:
Pan pān Phonetic KEY:
And jí Phonetic KEY:
E wù Phonetic KEY:
Garrison shù Phonetic KEY:
Smear miè Phonetic KEY:
To make chéng Phonetic KEY:
Salty xián Phonetic KEY:
Sense gǎn Phonetic KEY:
Prestige wēi Phonetic KEY:
Qi qī Phonetic KEY:
Zang zāng Phonetic KEY:
I wǒ Phonetic KEY:
Ax yuè Phonetic KEY:
More yuè Phonetic KEY:
Dover fú Phonetic KEY:
Fee fèi Phonetic KEY:
Sister zǐ Phonetic KEY:
Younger brother dì Phonetic KEY:
Article dì Phonetic KEY:
Barbarian yí Phonetic KEY:
Chen chén Phonetic KEY:
Disgrace rǔ Phonetic KEY:
And jiān Phonetic KEY:
Inexpensive lián
Hsk Characters: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 便 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 齿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 穿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 殿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 饿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 仿 * * 访 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 竿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 稿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 广 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 怀 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 贿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 轿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 窿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 绿 * * * * * * * * * * 鹿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 尿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 湿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 使 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 寿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 退 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 西 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 线 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 宿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 沿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 耀 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 亿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 屿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 姿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 丿 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (r.P. of:追) * * * * * * * * * * (r.P. of 派) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + exclamatory particle Mouth 阿 (PHON.A) 【◎Fix:◎a;◎a1;◎a4;◎a3;◎a2】 +
+ + + near, close by, next to, towards, against / to wait / to lean on 手, 扌 Hand1 矣 (ENDE_PARTIKEL) 【◎Fix:◎ai1;◎ai2】 +
+ + + alas, exclamation of surprise or pain Mouth 矣 (ENDE_PARTIKEL) 【◎Fix:◎ai4;◎ai1】 +
+ + + cook down, to boil / endure Fire 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) 【◎Fix:◎ao2;◎ao1】 +
+ + + to pull, drag, break off, to pluck (a flower) / bent, warped / perverse, obstinate 手, 扌 Hand1 幼 (KINDER-) 【◎Fix:◎ao3;◎niu4;◎ao4】 +
+ + + trumpet Mouth 八 (ACHT) 【◎Fix:◎ba;◎ba1】 +
+ + + emphatic final particle Mouth 巴 (BOA) 【◎Fix:◎ba;◎ba1】 +
+ + + scratch / dig up / crawl / crouch 手, 扌 Hand1 八 (ACHT) 【◎Fix:◎ba1;◎pa2】 +
+ + + hold, take / guard / regard as 手, 扌 Hand1 巴 (GRIFF) 【◎Fix:◎ba3;◎ba4】 +
+ + + rake Plow 巴 (BOA) 【◎Fix:◎ba4;◎pa2】 +
+ + + cypress, cedar Tree 白 (WEISS) 【◎Fix:◎bai3;◎bo2】 +
+ + + upper arm / shoulder / wing Flesh 旁 (SEITE_AN_SEITE) 【◎Fix:◎bang3;◎pang1】 +
+ + + thin, slight, weak / poor, stingy 艸, 艹 Grass 薄 (DÜNN) 【◎Fix:◎bao2;◎bo2】 +
+ + + back / back side / behind / betray Flesh 背 (RÜCKEN) 【◎Fix:◎bei4;◎bei1】 +
+ + + run fast, flee / rush about / run Big 卉 (HOHES GRASS) 【◎Fix:◎ben1;◎ben4】 +
+ + + bind, draw firmly, strap Silk 朋 (FREUND) 【◎Fix:◎beng1;◎beng4;◎beng3】 +
+ + + aid, benefit, help / supplement Clothes 卑 (NIEDRIG) 【◎Fix:◎bi4;◎pi2】 +
+ + + law, rule / open up, develop Offend 辟 (SOVEREIGN) 【◎Fix:◎bi4;◎pi4】 +
+ + + betel-nut, areca nut Tree 宾 (GAST) 【◎Fix:◎bing1;◎bin1】 +
+ + + peel Knife 录 (ABSCHREIBEN) 【◎Fix:◎bo1;◎bao1】 +
+ + + shoulders, upper arms Flesh 傅 (VERTEILEN) 【◎Fix:◎bo2;◎bo】 +
+ + + a chemical compound / divination / to consider Divination 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) 【◎Fix:◎bu3;◎ji】 +
+ + + take part in, intervene / ginseng Cocoon 参 (TEILNEHMEN) 【◎Fix:◎can1;◎shen1】 +
+ + + vulgar person, country man Man 仓 (SPEICHER) 【◎Fix:◎cang1;◎chen】 +
+ + + hide, conceal / hoard, store up 艸, 艹 Grass 臧 (GUT) 【◎Fix:◎cang2;◎Zang4】 +
+ + + mingle with / toilet, lavatory Cliff 则 (REGEL) 【◎Fix:◎ce4;◎si】 +
+ + + a cracking or snapping sound Mouth 察 【◎Fix:◎cha1;◎ca1】 +
+ + + chipped edge of a container Stone 查 (UNTERSUCHEN) 【◎Fix:◎cha2;◎cha1】 +
+ + + investigate, examine, seek into Tree 查 (UNTERSUCHEN) 【◎Fix:◎cha2;◎zha1】 +
+ + + a raft, to hew, to fell trees Tree 查 (UNTERSUCHEN) 【◎Fix:◎cha2;◎zha1】 +
+ + + fork of a tree / a pitchfork Tree 叉 (GABEL) 【◎Fix:◎cha4;◎cha1】 +
+ + + to differ / different, wrong / nearly, almost / an officer Work 差 (NICHT GLEICHEN) 【◎Fix:◎cha4;◎chai1;◎cha1】 +
+ + + mix, blend, adulterate 手, 扌 Hand1 参 (TEILNEHMEN) 【◎Fix:◎chan1;◎shan3;◎can4】 +
+ + + weak, unfit, frail, feeble Child 孱 (FEIGLING) 【◎Fix:◎chan2;◎can4】 +
+ + + dagger / small sword 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 覃 (VERBREITET) 【◎Fix:◎chan2;◎tan2】 +
+ + + long / length / excel in / leader Long 长 (LANG) 【◎Fix:◎chang2;◎zhang3】 +
+ + + open space, field, market Earth 场 (KFvAF_SONNE) 【◎Fix:◎chang3;◎chang2】 +
+ + + cart, vehicle / carry in cart Cart 车 (WAGEN) 【◎Fix:◎che1;◎ju1】 +
+ + + to take off the clothes and expose the body. to carry in the girdle Clothes 呈 (SICH_DARBIETEN) 【◎Fix:◎cheng2;◎cheng3】 +
+ + + purify water by allowing sediment to settle / clear, pure 水, 氵 Water 登 (STEIGEN) 【◎Fix:◎cheng2;◎deng4】 +
+ + + abundant, flourishing / contain / fill Household utensils 成 (VOLLENDEN) 【◎Fix:◎cheng2;◎sheng4】 +
+ + + soar / pour boiling water over Ice 中 (MITTE) 【◎Fix:◎chong1;◎chong4】 +
+ + + cover up / curtain 寿 Cloth 寿 (LANGES_LEBEN) 【◎Fix:◎chou2;◎dao4】 +
+ + + place, locale / department Pursue 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) 【◎Fix:◎chu4;◎chu3】 +
+ + + summon / propagate, transmit Man 专 (SPEZIAL) 【◎Fix:◎chuan2;◎zhuan4】 +
+ + + stab / prick, irritate / prod Knife 朿 (AF_DORN) 【◎Fix:◎ci4;◎ci1】 +
+ + + serve, wait upon, attend / examine Man 司 (FÜHREN) 【◎Fix:◎ci4;◎si4】 +
+ + + toast one's host with wine / to express juice by pressing Wine Jug 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) 【◎Fix:◎cu4;◎zuo4】 +
+ + + little bit, small amount, pinch 手, 扌 Hand1 最 (MEISTE) 【◎Fix:◎cuo1;◎zuo3】 +
+ + + pimples Illness 塔 (OBS_PFLANZENART) 【◎Fix:◎da;◎da2;◎da1】 +
+ + + strike, hit, beat / fight / attack 手, 扌 Hand1 丁 (ERWACHSENER) 【◎Fix:◎da3;◎da2】 +
+ + + treat, entertain, receive / wait Foodstep 寺 (TEMPEL) 【◎Fix:◎dai4;◎dai1】 +
+ + + carry, bear, undertake 手, 扌 Hand1 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) 【◎Fix:◎dan1;◎dan4】 +
+ + + to hate bitterly / drought / dry Illness 单 (EINZELN) 【◎Fix:◎dan4;◎dan1】 +
+ + + pellet, bullet, shot, shell Bow 单 (EINZELN) 【◎Fix:◎dan4;◎tan2】 +
+ + + calm, quiet, tranquil 水, 氵 Water 詹 (GESCHWÄTZIG) 【◎Fix:◎dan4;◎tan2】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎當;◎噹】 + + bear, accept, undertake / just Pig´s Snout 当 (FUNGIEREN) 【◎Fix:◎dang1;◎dang4】 +
+ + + talkative / quarrelous Mouth 刀 (MESSER) 【◎Fix:◎dao1;◎tao1】 +
+ + + fall over / lie down / take turns Man 到 (ANKOMMEN) 【◎Fix:◎dao4;◎dao3】 +
+ + + shine, illuminate / cover, envelope 寿 Fire 寿 (LANGES_LEBEN) 【◎Fix:◎dao4;◎tao1】 +
+ + + obtain, get, gain, acquire Foodstep 得 (AF_MÜSSEN) 【◎Fix:◎de;◎dei3;◎de2】 +
+ + + earth / soil, ground / region Earth 也 (AUCH) 【◎Fix:◎de;◎di4】 +
+ + + dysprosium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 谪 (OBS_WURZEL) 【◎Fix:◎di1;◎di2】 +
+ + + backbite Mouth 谪 (OBS_WURZEL) 【◎Fix:◎di2;◎di1】 +
+ + + name of an ancient tribe Clan 氐 (NAME_DI1) 【◎Fix:◎di3;◎di1】 +
+ + + 阽危 diànwēi be close to danger 阜, 阝 Mount 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) 【◎Fix:◎dian4;◎yan2】 +
+ 調 + + transfer, move, change / tune Words 周 (UMKREIS) 【◎Fix:◎diao4;◎tiao2】 +
+ + + nag / chatter, babble, twitter Mouth 谍 (AF_BLATT) 【◎Fix:◎die2;◎zha2】 +
+ + + nail, spike / pursue closely 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 丁 (ERWACHSENER) 【◎Fix:◎ding1;◎ding4】 +
+ + + ingots, bars of metal / hurry 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 廷 (HOF) 【◎Fix:◎ding4;◎ting3】 +
+ + + mountain in Gansu province Mountain 同 (IDENTISCH) 【◎Fix:◎dong4;◎tong2】 +
+ + + metropolis, capital / all, the whole / elegant, refined City 都 (ALLE) 【◎Fix:◎dou1;◎du1】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎鬥;◎斗】 + + Chinese peck / liquid measure Peck 斗 (KÄMPFEN) 【◎Fix:◎dou4;◎dou3】 +
+ + + belly / abdomen / bowels Flesh 土 (ERDE) 【◎Fix:◎du4;◎du3】 +
+ + + ferrule / castrate 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 敦 (EHRLICH_DUNHUANG) 【◎Fix:◎dui4;◎dun1】 +
+ + + grain basket, bin for grain Enclosure 屯 (EINLAGERN) 【◎Fix:◎dun4;◎tun2】 +
+ + + heap, pile / pile up, heap up Earth 朵 【◎Fix:◎duo4;◎duo3】 +
+ + + evil, wicked, bad, foul 心, 忄 Heart 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) 【◎Fix:◎e4;◎wu4】 +
+ + + block, obstruct, stop up Door 於 (IN_AN_AUF) 【◎Fix:◎e4;◎yan1】 +
+ + + an exclamation of confirmation Words 矣 (ENDE_PARTIKEL) 【◎Fix:◎ei2;◎ei3;◎ei4】 +
+ + + son, child / KangXi radical 10 Legs 儿 (KINDERBEINE) 【◎Fix:◎er2;◎r】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎發;◎髮】 + + issue, dispatch, send out / hair Hand2 发 (SENDEN) 【◎Fix:◎fa1;◎fa4】 +
+ + + foreign things 艸, 艹 Grass 番 (EIGENS) 【◎Fix:◎fan2;◎fan1;◎bo1】 +
+ + + fragrant, luxuriant / the Philippines 艸, 艹 Grass 非 (FEHLER) 【◎Fix:◎fei3;◎fei1】 +
+ + + cockroach Insect 非 (FEHLER) 【◎Fix:◎fei3;◎fei1】 +
+ + + (archaic) a kind of jade Jade 分 (TRENNEN) 【◎Fix:◎fen1;◎bin1】 +
+ + + divide / small unit of time etc. Knife 分 (TRENNEN) 【◎Fix:◎fen1;◎fen4】 +
+ + + the rape-turnip 艸, 艹 Grass 封 (BRIEF) 【◎Fix:◎feng1;◎feng4】 +
+ + + sew, mend Silk 逢 (TREFFEN) 【◎Fix:◎feng4;◎feng2】 +
+ + + flower / small / little / lush 艸, 艹 Grass 芾 (KNIE-SCHONER) 【◎Fix:◎fu2;◎fei4】 +
+ + + a piece of cloth used wrap bundles Clothes 伏 (SICH_BEUGEN) 【◎Fix:◎fu2;◎fu】 +
+ + + clothes / wear, dress Moon 服 (EINE_PERSON_BÄNDIGEN) 【◎Fix:◎fu2;◎fu4】 +
+ + + membrane lining inside of reed 艸, 艹 Grass 孚 (EIER_AUSBRÜTEN) 【◎Fix:◎fu2;◎piao3】 +
+ + + fragrance, scent, aroma Fragrant 复 (DOPPELT) 【◎Fix:◎fu4;◎fu1】 +
+ + + transcription of sanskrit 'gha' in buddhist texts ('samgha', etc.) / (nursing / attending / entertainer) (Jap.) / tample / in Chinese this character is not used alone Man 加 (ADDIEREN) 【◎Fix:◎ga1;◎jia1;◎qie2】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎桿;◎杆】 + + pole / shaft of spear Tree 干 (TROCKEN) 【◎Fix:◎gan3;◎gan1】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎乾;◎幹;◎干】 + + oppose, offend / invade / dried Pestle 干 (TROCKEN) 【◎Fix:◎gan4;◎gan1】 +
+ + + a rock or cliff Stone 【◎Fix:◎gan4;◎gan1】 +
+ + + steel / hard, strong, tough 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 冈 (KAMM) 【◎Fix:◎gang1;◎gang4】 +
+ + + grease, fat / paste, ointment Flesh 高 (HOCH) 【◎Fix:◎gao4;◎gao1】 +
+ + + numerary adjunct, piece / single Rod 个 (INDIVIDUELL) 【◎Fix:◎ge;◎ge4】 +
+ + + armpit, arms Flesh 各 (JEDER) 【◎Fix:◎ge1;◎ge2;◎ga1】 +
+ + + place, put, lay down / delay 手, 扌 Hand1 阁 (ZWEISTÖCKIGER_PAVILLION) 【◎Fix:◎ge1;◎ge2】 +
+ + + pattern, standard, form / style Tree 各 (JEDER) 【◎Fix:◎ge2;◎ge1】 +
+ + + edible bean / surname 艸, 艹 Grass 谒 (KUDZU_VINE) 【◎Fix:◎ge2;◎Ge3】 +
+ + + type of caldron with three hollow legs / name of a state / KangXi radical number 193 Caldron 鬲 (DREIFUSS) 【◎Fix:◎ge2;◎li4】 +
+ + + more, still further, much more Say 更 (NOCH_MEHR) 【◎Fix:◎geng4;◎geng1】 +
+ + + supply, provide for / offer in worship Man 共 (GEMEINSAM) 【◎Fix:◎gong1;◎gong4】 +
+ + + mole cricket Insect 古 (ALTERTUM) 【◎Fix:◎gu1;◎gu3】 +
+ + + surname / merchant / buy, trade Shell 儇 (RUND) 【◎Fix:◎gu3;◎jia3】 +
+ + + felicity, prosperity / large and strong Mouth 古 (ALTERTUM) 【◎Fix:◎gu3;◎jia3】 +
+ + + box one's ears, slap 手, 扌 Hand1 国 (NATION) 【◎Fix:◎guai1;◎guo2】 +
+ + + cap, crown, headgear Cover 冠 (BEENDEN) 【◎Fix:◎guan1;◎guan4】 +
+ + + see, observe, view / appearance See 见 (WIEDER) 【◎Fix:◎guan1;◎guan4】 +
+ + + extraordinary, fabulous / rose Jade 鬼 (GEIST) 【◎Fix:◎gui1;◎gui】 +
+ + + brilliance Fire 日 (SONNE) 【◎Fix:◎gui4;◎jiong3】 +
+ + + Chinese cypress, Chinese juniper Tree 会 (VERSAMMELN) 【◎Fix:◎gui4;◎kui4】 +
+ + + pass, pass through, go across 辵, 辶 Proceed 寸 (DURCHQUEREN) 【◎Fix:◎guo4;◎guo】 +
+ + + clam Insect 合 (SCHLIESSEN) 【◎Fix:◎ha2;◎ge2】 +
+ + + cough Mouth 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) 【◎Fix:◎hai1;◎ke2】 +
+ + + still, yet, also, besides 辵, 辶 Proceed 不 (NICHT) 【◎Fix:◎hai2;◎huan2】 +
+ + + rare, scarce / surname Net 干 (TROCKEN) 【◎Fix:◎han3;◎han】 +
+ + + glance, peep / roar, growl Door 敢 (MUTIG) 【◎Fix:◎han3;◎kan3;◎kan4】 +
+ + + Chinese people / Chinese language 水, 氵 Water 又 (WIEDER) 【◎Fix:◎han4;◎Han4】 +
+ + + good, excellent, fine / well Woman 子 (KIND) 【◎Fix:◎hao3;◎hao4】 +
+ + + mark, sign / symbol / number Mouth 号 (ZEICHEN) 【◎Fix:◎hao4;◎hao2】 +
+ + + drink / shout, call out Mouth 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) 【◎Fix:◎he1;◎he4】 +
+ + + combine, unite, join / gather Mouth 合 (SCHLIESSEN) 【◎Fix:◎he2;◎ge3】 +
+ + + seed, kernel, core, nut / atom Tree 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) 【◎Fix:◎he2;◎hu2】 +
+ + + oyster Insect 可 (GUTHEISSEN) 【◎Fix:◎he2;◎ke4】 +
+ + + hum / sing softly / groan, moan / (Cant.) an interjecting indicating disapproval Mouth 亨 (REIBUNGSLOS) 【◎Fix:◎heng1;◎hng】 +
+ + + the top gem of the pendants Jade 行 (SICH_FORTBEWEGEN) 【◎Fix:◎heng2;◎hang2】 +
+ + + across Tree 黄 (GELB) 【◎Fix:◎heng2;◎heng4】 +
+ + + rainbow Insect 工 (ARBEIT) 【◎Fix:◎hong2;◎jiang4】 +
+ + + coax / beguile, cheat, deceive Mouth 共 (GEMEINSAM) 【◎Fix:◎hong3;◎hong1】 +
+ + + a kind of pigeon / treron permagna Bird1 骨 (KNOCHEN) 【◎Fix:◎hu2;◎gu3】 +
+ + + target Bird1 告 (MITTEILEN) 【◎Fix:◎hu2;◎gu3】 +
+ + + paste, stick on with paste Rice 胡 (NÖRDLICHE_VOLKGRUPPE) 【◎Fix:◎hu2;◎hu4;◎hu1】 +
+ + + riverbank, shore 水, 氵 Water 许 (MITTAG) 【◎Fix:◎hu3;◎xu3】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎劃;◎畫;◎划】 + + to row or paddle boat / to scratch Knife 戈 (HELLEBARDE) 【◎Fix:◎hua2;◎hua4】 +
+ + + linger, walk to and fro, hesitain Foodstep 回 (ZURÜCKKEHREN) 【◎Fix:◎huai2;◎hui2】 +
+ + + an ancient feudal State in Shaanxi City 旬 (ZEHN_TAGE) 【◎Fix:◎huan2;◎xun2】 +
+ + + bright, dazzling / to sway, shake Sun 晃 (SCHÜTTELN) 【◎Fix:◎huang4;◎huang3】 +
+ + + bright, glorious, splendid Jade 军 (ARMEE) 【◎Fix:◎hui1;◎hun2】 +
+ + + large poisonous snake Insect 兀 【◎Fix:◎hui3;◎hui1】 +
+ + + irrigation ditch, trench / river 水, 氵 Water 会 (VERSAMMELN) 【◎Fix:◎hui4;◎kuai4】 +
+ + + open up, clear / exempt Valley 谷 (TAL) 【◎Fix:◎huo1;◎huo4】 +
+ + + sieve / dust pan, garbage bag Bamboo 其 (SEIN) 【◎Fix:◎ji1;◎ji】 +
+ + + mat, pad / rely on / pretext 艸, 艹 Grass 散 (HL._KAIS._FELD) 【◎Fix:◎ji2;◎jie4】 +
+ + + sip Mouth 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) 【◎Fix:◎ji4;◎ji】 +
+ + + house, home, residence / family Dwelling 豕 (SCHWEIN) 【◎Fix:◎jia1;◎jia】 +
+ + + be wedged or inserted between Big 夹 (ZUSAMMENDRÜCKEN) 【◎Fix:◎jia1;◎jia2】 +
+ + + falsehood, deception / vacation Man 假 (AF_FALSCH) 【◎Fix:◎jia3;◎jia4】 +
+ + + midpoint, space / place, locality Door 间 (ZWISCHEN) 【◎Fix:◎jian1;◎jian4】 +
+ + + a bullock / a fabulous monster Ox 建 (BAUEN) 【◎Fix:◎jian1;◎qian2】 +
+ + + baby, infant Enclosure 子 (KIND) 【◎Fix:◎jian3;◎nan1】 +
+ + + supervise, control, direct Household utensils 监 (ÜBERWACHEN) 【◎Fix:◎jian4;◎jian1】 +
+ + + will, going to, future / general Inch 将 (WERDEN) 【◎Fix:◎jiang1;◎jiang4】 +
+ + + descend, fall, drop / lower, down 阜, 阝 Mount 夅 (AF_FALLEN) 【◎Fix:◎jiang4;◎xiang2】 +
+ + + teach, class Tap 孝 (KINDESPFLICHT) 【◎Fix:◎jiao1;◎jiao4】 +
+ + + horn / angle, corner / point Horn 角 (HORN) 【◎Fix:◎jiao3;◎jue2】 +
+ + + be lucky / by chance, by luck Man 尧 【◎Fix:◎jiao3;◎yao2】 +
+ + + frontier, border / inspect, patrol Foodstep 敫 (ANTIKES_MUSIKINSTRUMENT) 【◎Fix:◎jiao4;◎jiao3】 +
+ + + question, interrogate Words 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) 【◎Fix:◎jie2;◎ji2】 +
+ + + knot, tie / join, connect Silk 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) 【◎Fix:◎jie2;◎jie1】 +
+ + + Chinese bellflower / well-swept / the inner fibers of corn-stalks Tree 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) 【◎Fix:◎jie2;◎ju2】 +
+ + + fly upward, soar / contest Head2 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) 【◎Fix:◎jie2;◎xie2】 +
+ + + loosen, unfasten, untie / explain Horn 解 (TRENNEN_LÖSEN) 【◎Fix:◎jie3;◎jie4;◎xie4】 +
+ + + mustard plant / mustard / tiny 艸, 艹 Grass 介 (ZWISCHEN) 【◎Fix:◎jie4;◎gai4】 +
+ + + a hut / careful 广 Shelter 堇 (VEILCHEN) 【◎Fix:◎jin3;◎qin2】 +
+ + + restrict, prohibit, forbid 示, 礻 Revelation 禁 (VERBIETEN) 【◎Fix:◎jin4;◎jin1】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎盡;◎儘】 + + exhaust, use up / deplete Corpse 尽 (BIS_ZUR_GRENZE) 【◎Fix:◎jin4;◎jin3】 +
+ + + eyeball / pupil of eye Eye 青 (GRÜN) 【◎Fix:◎jing1;◎jing】 +
+ + + make up face / ornament / quiet Green 青 (GRÜN) 【◎Fix:◎jing4;◎liang4】 +
+ + + kind of aspen found in Sichuan Tree 句 (SATZ) 【◎Fix:◎ju3;◎gou3;◎gou1】 +
+ + + carpenter's square, ruler, rule Arrow 巨 (RIESIG) 【◎Fix:◎ju3;◎ju1】 +
+ + + stop, prevent / defeated, dejected 水, 氵 Water 沮 (VERHINDERN) 【◎Fix:◎ju3;◎ju4】 +
+ + + kind of lettuce 艸, 艹 Grass 巨 (RIESIG) 【◎Fix:◎ju4;◎qu3】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎捲;◎卷】 + + scroll / curl / make a comeback Seal 卷 (EINROLLEN) 【◎Fix:◎juan3;◎juan4】 +
+ + + to wake up from sleep / conscious See 觉 (STUDIERDACH) 【◎Fix:◎jue2;◎jiao4】 +
+ + + stumble, fall down / trample Foot 厥 (OHNMACHT) 【◎Fix:◎jue2;◎jue3】 +
+ + + laugh heartily, laugh aloud Mouth 噱 (WILDER_BÄR) 【◎Fix:◎jue2;◎xue2】 +
+ + + dredge 水, 氵 Water 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) 【◎Fix:◎jun4;◎xun4】 +
+ + + coffee / a phonetic Mouth 加 (ADDIEREN) 【◎Fix:◎ka1;◎ga1】 +
+ + + used in translation Mouth 卡 (KARTE) 【◎Fix:◎ka1;◎ka3】 +
+ + + card, punch card / calorie Divination 卡 (KARTE) 【◎Fix:◎ka3;◎qia3】 +
+ + + threshold, door-sill Tree 监 (ÜBERWACHEN) 【◎Fix:◎kan3;◎jian4】 +
+ + + look, see / examine, scrutinize Eye 看 (SEHEN) 【◎Fix:◎kan4;◎kan1】 +
+ + + door Door 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) 【◎Fix:◎kang1;◎kang4】 +
+ + + axle / personal name of mencius Cart 可 (GUTHEISSEN) 【◎Fix:◎ke1;◎ke3】 +
+ + + casing, shell, husk Scholar 壳 (GEHÄUSE) 【◎Fix:◎ke2;◎qiao4】 +
+ + + clod of earth, lump of soil Earth 可 (GUTHEISSEN) 【◎Fix:◎ke3;◎ke1】 +
+ + + empty, hollow, bare, deserted Cave 空 (LEER) 【◎Fix:◎kong1;◎kong4】 +
+ + + boorish, ignorant / urgent, pressing Man 空 (LEER) 【◎Fix:◎kong3;◎kong1】 +
+ + + to laugh at to pity / afflicted, sad 心, 忄 Heart 里 (DORF) 【◎Fix:◎kui1;◎li3】 +
+ + + pull, drag / seize, hold / lengthen 手, 扌 Hand1 拉 (ZIEHEN) 【◎Fix:◎la1;◎la2】 +
+ + + big stone Stone 立 (STEHEN) 【◎Fix:◎la2;◎li4】 +
+ + + horn, bugle / lama / final particle Mouth 剌 (AUFSCHLITZEN) 【◎Fix:◎la3;◎la1;◎la2】 +
+ + + betel-nut tree Tree 朗 (junger Herr oder Beamtentitel) 【◎Fix:◎lang;◎lang2】 +
+ + + high door / high gate / high, lofty Door 良 (GUT_FEIN) 【◎Fix:◎lang2;◎lang4】 +
+ + + herb, Scopolia japonica 艸, 艹 Grass 良 (GUT_FEIN) 【◎Fix:◎lang4;◎liang2】 +
+ + + maternal grandmother / midwife Woman 老 (ALT) 【◎Fix:◎lao3;◎mu3】 +
+ + + to finish / particle of completed action Downstroke 了 (VERSTEHEN) 【◎Fix:◎le;◎liao3】 +
+ + + rub, grind / grind with a mortar and pestle / triturate 手, 扌 Hand1 雷 (DONNER) 【◎Fix:◎lei4;◎lei2;◎lei1】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎纍;◎累】 + + tired / implicate, involve / bother Silk 累 (MÜDE) 【◎Fix:◎lei4;◎lei3】 +
+ + + used for Ceylon in Buddhist texts Tree 塄 (ERHÖHTES_FELD) 【◎Fix:◎leng4;◎leng2;◎leng1】 +
+ + + fox Dog 里 (DORF) 【◎Fix:◎li;◎li2】 +
+ + + smooth / active / clever, sharp Man 利 (VORTEIL) 【◎Fix:◎li4;◎li】 +
+ + + beautiful, magnificent, elegant One 丽 (SCHÖN ) 【◎Fix:◎li4;◎li2】 +
+ + + better varieties of millet Rice 粱 (HIRSE_BRÜCKE) 【◎Fix:◎liang2;◎liang】 +
+ + + cool, cold / disheartened Ice 京 (HAUPTSTADT) 【◎Fix:◎liang2;◎liang4】 +
+ + + hop, jump / hurriedly, urgently Foot 良 (GUT_FEIN) 【◎Fix:◎liang4;◎liang2】 +
+ + + measure, quantity, capacity Village 里 (DORF) 【◎Fix:◎liang4;◎liang2】 +
+ + + to burn, set afire / to illuminate / a signal lamp Fire 僚 (FACKEL) 【◎Fix:◎liao3;◎liao2】 +
+ + + ruthenium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 了 (VERSTEHEN) 【◎Fix:◎liao3;◎liao4】 +
+ + + stretch mouth, grimace, grin Mouth 【◎Fix:◎lie;◎lie3】 +
+ + + drip, soak, drench / perfectly 水, 氵 Water 林 (WALD) 【◎Fix:◎lin2;◎lin4】 +
+ + + command, order / 'commandant', magistrate / allow, cause Man 令 (BEFEHL) 【◎Fix:◎ling4;◎ling3】 +
+ + + slide, glide, slip / slippery 水, 氵 Water 留 (BLEIBEN) 【◎Fix:◎liu1;◎liu4】 +
+ + + distil / lutetium / surname 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 留 (BLEIBEN) 【◎Fix:◎liu2;◎liu4】 +
+ + + final particle Mouth 【◎Fix:◎lo;◎ka3】 +
+ + + cage / cage-like basket Bamboo 龙 (DRACHE) 【◎Fix:◎long2;◎long3】 +
+ + + hug, embrace / drag, pull 手, 扌 Hand1 娄 (SICH_ZUM_SCHLECHTEN_WENDEN) 【◎Fix:◎lou3;◎lou1】 +
+ + + rushes, reeds 艸, 艹 Grass 户 (TÜRFLÜGEL) 【◎Fix:◎lu2;◎lu3】 +
+ + + foolish, stupid, rash / vulgar Fish 鲁 (DÄMLICH) 【◎Fix:◎Lu3;◎lu3】 +
+ + + rough, uneven, rocky / mediocre Stone 录 (ABSCHREIBEN) 【◎Fix:◎lu4;◎liu4;◎lu1】 +
+ + + land, continental / army 阜, 阝 Mount 击 (EINEN_SCHLAG_VERSETZEN) 【◎Fix:◎lu4;◎liu4】 +
+ + + dew / bare, open, exposed Rain 路 (STRASSE_MITTEL_LOGIK) 【◎Fix:◎lu4;◎lou4】 +
+ + + filter, strain / wet, dripping 水, 氵 鹿 Water 鹿 (HIRSCH_REH_ROTWILD) 【◎Fix:◎lu4;◎lu1】 +
+ + + green silk thread or tassel Silk 仑 (LOGIK) 【◎Fix:◎lun2;◎guan1】 +
+ + + fall, drop / net income, surplus 艸, 艹 Grass 洛 (NAME_LUO) 【◎Fix:◎luo4;◎la4;◎lao4】 +
+ + + humpback / surname Man 【◎Fix:◎lv3;◎lou2】 +
+ + + to pluck / to gather in the fingers / to rub / to scrape off 手, 扌 Hand1 埒 (DEICH) 【◎Fix:◎lv3;◎luo1】 +
+ + + to lead / ratio / rate / limit Dark 率 (RATE) 【◎Fix:◎lv4;◎shuai4】 +
+ + + rob, ransack, plunder / pass by 手, 扌 Hand1 京 (HAUPTSTADT) 【◎Fix:◎lve4;◎lve3】 +
+ + + final exclamatory particle Mouth 麻 (HANF_JUTE_SISAL) 【◎Fix:◎ma;◎ma2】 +
+ + + frog, toad Insect 莫 (KEINER) 【◎Fix:◎ma2;◎ma】 +
+ + + ant / leech Insect 马 (PFERD) 【◎Fix:◎ma3;◎ma4;◎ma1】 +
+ + + deceive, insult Words 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) 【◎Fix:◎man2;◎man4】 +
+ + + people / subjects / vassals Clan 亡 (FLIEHEN) 【◎Fix:◎mang2;◎meng2】 +
+ + + fine piece of jade Jade 冒 (RISKIEREN) 【◎Fix:◎mao4;◎mei4】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎麼;◎么】 + + interrogative particle / repetition of a tune small / tender 丿 Leftstroke 么 (ME_SUFFIX) 【◎Fix:◎me;◎yao1】 +
+ + + rice gruel, congee / mashed Rice 麻 (HANF_JUTE_SISAL) 【◎Fix:◎mei2;◎mi2】 +
+ + + not, have not, none / drown, sink 水, 氵 Water 殳 (SCHLAGEN) 【◎Fix:◎mei2;◎mo4】 +
+ + + gloomy, depressed, melancholy Door 闷 (DEPRIMIERT) 【◎Fix:◎men1;◎men4】 +
+ + + cover / ignorant / suffer / mongolia 艸, 艹 Grass 蒙 (BEDECKEN) 【◎Fix:◎meng2;◎meng1】 +
+ + + to strive / to endeavor Turtle 黾 (FROSCH) 【◎Fix:◎meng3;◎min3;◎mian3】 +
+ + + be blinded Eye 米 (REIS) 【◎Fix:◎mi1;◎mi3】 +
+ + + divide, disperse, scatter Back to back 靡 (VERSCHWENDEN) 【◎Fix:◎mi2;◎mi3】 +
+ + + one's deceased father 示, 礻 Revelation 尔 (ALTES_DU) 【◎Fix:◎mi2;◎ni3】 +
+ 綿 + + cotton wad / wool / soft, downy Silk 帛 (SEIDENWAREN) 【◎Fix:◎mian2;◎mian1】 +
+ + + name of a river in Shandong 水, 氵 Water 黾 (FROSCH) 【◎Fix:◎mian3;◎sheng2】 +
+ + + wind around, bind / prepare Silk 翏 (FEHLERHAFT) 【◎Fix:◎miao4;◎mou2;◎miu4】 +
+ + + rub, scour, grind / friction 手, 扌 Hand1 麻 (HANF_JUTE_SISAL) 【◎Fix:◎mo2;◎ma1】 +
+ + + grind / polish / rub / wear out / a millstone Stone 磨 (REIBEN) 【◎Fix:◎mo2;◎mo4】 +
+ + + smear, apply, wipe off, erase 手, 扌 Hand1 末 (ENDE) 【◎Fix:◎mo3;◎ma1;◎mo4】 +
+ + + make / seek, get / barley / low Ox 牟 (ERSTREBEN) 【◎Fix:◎mou2;◎mu4】 +
+ + + which? where? how? Mouth 那 (DAS_JENER) 【◎Fix:◎na3;◎na;◎nei3】 +
+ + + a second, an assistant Man 耳 (OHR) 【◎Fix:◎nai4;◎er4】 +
+ + + one's daughter / to filch / to secrete Enclosure 女 (FRAU) 【◎Fix:◎nan1;◎nie4】 +
+ + + difficult, arduous, hard / unable Bird2 难 (SCHWIERIG) 【◎Fix:◎nan2;◎nan4】 +
+ + + bread (persian naan) Food 囊 (TASCHE_SACK) 【◎Fix:◎nang2;◎nang3】 +
+ + + interrogative or emphatic final / (Cant.) this Mouth 尼 (BUDDHISTISCHE_NONNE) 【◎Fix:◎ne;◎ni2】 +
+ + + final particle Mouth 恩 (FREUNDLICHKEIT) 【◎Fix:◎ǹg;◎n3g;◎n2g】 +
+ + + mud, mire / earth, clay / plaster 水, 氵 Water 尼 (BUDDHISTISCHE_NONNE) 【◎Fix:◎ni2;◎ni4】 +
+ + + bird / KangXi radical 196 Bird1 鸟 (VOGEL) 【◎Fix:◎niao3;◎diao3】 +
尿 + 尿 + + urine / urinate 尿 Corpse 尿 (URIN) 【◎Fix:◎niao4;◎sui1】 +
+ + + to squint / (Cant.) what? huh? Bent 乜 (SCHIELEN) 【◎Fix:◎nie4;◎mie1】 +
+ + + pinch / twist, wring / determined 手, 扌 Hand1 宁 (FRIEDLICH) 【◎Fix:◎ning2;◎ning4;◎ning3】 +
+ + + calm, peaceful, serene / healthy Dwelling 宁 (FRIEDLICH) 【◎Fix:◎ning4;◎ning2】 +
+ + + intermittent fever / malaria Illness 汇 (R_KORB_BOX) 【◎Fix:◎nve4;◎yao4】 +
+ + + oh? really? is that so? Mouth 我 (ICH) 【◎Fix:◎o4;◎e2;◎o2】 +
+ + + guitar-like instrument Jade 巴 (BOA) 【◎Fix:◎pa2;◎pa】 +
+ + + carpenter's plane / plane, level Knife 包 (EINWICKELN) 【◎Fix:◎pao2;◎bao4】 +
+ + + run, flee, leave in hurry Foot 包 (EINWICKELN) 【◎Fix:◎pao3;◎pao2】 +
+ + + bubbles, suds / blister / soak 水, 氵 Water 包 (EINWICKELN) 【◎Fix:◎pao4;◎pao1】 +
+ + + large gun, cannon / artillery Fire 包 (EINWICKELN) 【◎Fix:◎pao4;◎pao2;◎bao1】 +
+ + + spurt, blow out, puff out Mouth 贲 (SCHÖN_GESCHMÜCKT) 【◎Fix:◎pen1;◎pen4】 +
+ + + cut apart, split, chop Knife 辟 (SOVEREIGN) 【◎Fix:◎pi1;◎pi3】 +
+ + + separate, part company Man 比 (VERGLEICHEN) 【◎Fix:◎pi3;◎pi2】 +
+ + + look askance at, glare at Eye 卑 (NIEDRIG) 【◎Fix:◎pi4;◎bi4】 +
+ + + float, drift / tossed about 水, 氵 Water 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) 【◎Fix:◎piao1;◎piao3】 +
+ + + discard, abandon, throw away 手, 扌 Hand1 敝 (ABGENUTZT) 【◎Fix:◎pie3;◎pie1】 +
+ + + risk, disregard / go all out for 手, 扌 Hand1 弁 (ERLAUBEN) 【◎Fix:◎pin1;◎pan4】 +
+ + + folding screen, shield Corpse 屏 (SCHIRM) 【◎Fix:◎ping2;◎bing3】 +
+ + + surname / gallop / by dint of Ice 马 (PFERD) 【◎Fix:◎ping2;◎feng2】 +
+ + + dam, embankment / reservoir 阜, 阝 Mount 皮 (HAUT) 【◎Fix:◎po1;◎bei1;◎pi2】 +
+ + + vigor / body / dark part of moon Ghost 白 (WEISS) 【◎Fix:◎po4;◎bo2;◎tuo4】 +
+ + + to extract / injure 手, 扌 Hand1 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) 【◎Fix:◎pou2;◎pou3】 +
+ + + shop, store / place sleep, bed 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 甫 (GESELLE) 【◎Fix:◎pu1;◎pu4】 +
+ + + dried meat / preserved fruits Flesh 甫 (GESELLE) 【◎Fix:◎pu2;◎fu3】 +
+ + + plain, arena / port, market Earth 【◎Fix:◎pu3;◎bu4】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎樸;◎朴】 + + simple, unadorned / sincere / surname / a tree Tree 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) 【◎Fix:◎pu3;◎piao2;◎po4;◎po1】 +
+ + + footpath, trail / track Foot 奚 (WARUM_WIE_WO_WAS) 【◎Fix:◎qi1;◎xi1】 +
+ + + strange, unusual, uncanny, occult Big 可 (GUTHEISSEN) 【◎Fix:◎qi2;◎ji1】 +
+ + + water-chestnuts / caltrop 艸, 艹 Grass 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) 【◎Fix:◎qi2;◎ji4】 +
+ + + border, boundary Earth 斤 (PFUND) 【◎Fix:◎qi2;◎yin2】 +
+ + + embroidered banner Silk 肇 (TÜR_ANKLOPFEN) 【◎Fix:◎qi3;◎qing4】 +
+ + + fine growth of hair curly hair Hairlocks 卷 (EINROLLEN) 【◎Fix:◎qian2;◎quan2】 +
+ + + madder, rubia cordifolia / reeds 艸, 艹 西 Grass 西 【◎Fix:◎qian4;◎xi1】 +
+ + + coins, money, wealth 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 强 (KRÄFTIG) 【◎Fix:◎qiang1;◎qiang3】 +
+ + + choke by smoke / irritates nose Mouth 仓 (SPEICHER) 【◎Fix:◎qiang1;◎qiang4】 +
+ + + support Halberd 仓 (SPEICHER) 【◎Fix:◎qiang1;◎qiang4】 +
+ + + strong, powerful, energetic Bow 强 (KRÄFTIG) 【◎Fix:◎qiang2;◎qiang3】 +
+ + + walk rapidly Foot 仓 (SPEICHER) 【◎Fix:◎qiang4;◎qiang1】 +
+ + + silent, quiet, still / anxious 心, 忄 Heart 肖 (ÄHNELN) 【◎Fix:◎qiao1;◎qiao3】 +
+ + + tower / surname Words 焦 (VERBRANNT) 【◎Fix:◎qiao2;◎qiao4】 +
+ + + turn up, lift, elevate, raise Wings 尧 (EIN_LEGENDÄRER_KAISER) 【◎Fix:◎qiao4;◎qiao2】 +
+ + + cut, mince, slice, carve Knife 切 (SCHNEIDEN) 【◎Fix:◎qie1;◎qie4】 +
+ + + eggplant 艸, 艹 Grass 加 (ADDIEREN) 【◎Fix:◎qie2;◎jia1】 +
+ + + river in Henan 水, 氵 Water 秦 (QIN) 【◎Fix:◎qin2;◎zhen1】 +
+ + + a small pond / a damp and narrow place 水, 氵 Water 秋 (HERBST) 【◎Fix:◎qiu1;◎jiao3】 +
+ + + surname Eye 瞿 (ÜBERRASCHT_SCHAUEN) 【◎Fix:◎qu2;◎ju4】 +
+ + + crooked, bent / wrong, false Say 曲 (GEKRÜMMT) 【◎Fix:◎qu3;◎qu1】 +
+ + + to circle / a circle / corral Enclosure 卷 (EINROLLEN) 【◎Fix:◎quan1;◎juan4;◎juan1】 +
+ + + watch tower / palace Door 厥 (OHNMACHT) 【◎Fix:◎que4;◎que1】 +
+ + + trust to, rely on, appoint / to bear, duty, office / allow Man 任 (ERNENNEN) 【◎Fix:◎ren4;◎Ren2】 +
+ + + mulberry fruit 艸, 艹 Grass 甚 (BETRÄCHTLICH) 【◎Fix:◎ren4;◎shen4】 +
+ + + release, cast away, let go / disperse / relax 手, 扌 Hand1 散 (SICH_TRENNEN) 【◎Fix:◎sa1;◎sa3】 +
+ + + stop up, block, seal, cork / pass, frontier / fortress Earth 塞 (HINEINSTECKEN) 【◎Fix:◎sai1;◎sai4】 +
+ + + scatter, disperse, break up Tap 散 (SICH_TRENNEN) 【◎Fix:◎san4;◎san3】 +
+ + + mourning / mourn / funeral One 丧 (TRAUER) 【◎Fix:◎sang1;◎sang4】 +
+ + + rank / rancid / frowzy, fetid / bashful Flesh 操 (OBS_ZWITSCHERN) 【◎Fix:◎sao4;◎sao1】 +
+ + + color, tint, hue, shade / form, body / beauty, desire for beauty Color 色 (FARBE) 【◎Fix:◎se4;◎shai3】 +
+ + + kind of sedge grass, used anciently for raincoats 艸, 艹 Grass 沙 (SAND) 【◎Fix:◎sha1;◎suo1】 +
+ + + big building, mansion Cliff 夏 (SOMMER) 【◎Fix:◎sha4;◎xia4】 +
+ + + fan / door panel Doorleaf 扇 (VENTILATOR) 【◎Fix:◎shan4;◎shan1】 +
+ + + sharp, sharp-pointed / sharpen Knife 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) 【◎Fix:◎shan4;◎yan3】 +
+ + + clothes / skirt / beautiful Clothes 尚 (WILDBIRNE) 【◎Fix:◎shang;◎chang2】 +
+ + + top / superior, highest / go up, send up One 上 (OBEN) 【◎Fix:◎shang4;◎shang;◎shang3】 +
+ + + few, less, inadequate Small 少 (WENIG) 【◎Fix:◎shao3;◎shao4】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎捨;◎舍】 + + house, dwelling / dwell, reside Tongue 舍 (HÜTTE) 【◎Fix:◎she3;◎she4】 +
+ + + stone, rock, mineral / rad. 112 Stone 石 (STEIN) 【◎Fix:◎shi2;◎dan4】 +
+ + + well-cooked / ripe / familiar with Fire 孰 (WER_WELCHES_WAS)(WER_WELCHES_WAS) 【◎Fix:◎shu2;◎shou2】 +
+ + + number / several, count / fate Tap 娄 (SICH_ZUM_SCHLECHTEN_WENDEN) 【◎Fix:◎shu4;◎shu3】 +
+ + + the eastern egret Bird1 丝 (SEIDE ) 【◎Fix:◎si1;◎si】 +
+ + + quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful 心, 忄 Heart 公 (ÖFFENTLICH) 【◎Fix:◎song1;◎zhong1】 +
+ + + cough, gargle, clear throat Mouth 欶 (LUFT_EINSAUGEN) 【◎Fix:◎sou4;◎sou】 +
+ + + to feel or fondle with the fingers 手, 扌 Hand1 沙 (SAND) 【◎Fix:◎suo1;◎sa1】 +
+ + + river in northern Shandong 水, 氵 Water 累 (MÜDE) 【◎Fix:◎ta4;◎luo4】 +
+ + + expand / open up / support or push 手, 扌 Hand1 石 (STEIN) 【◎Fix:◎ta4;◎tuo4】 +
+ + + reach to, spread to / extensive Stopper 覃 (VERBREITET) 【◎Fix:◎tan2;◎qin2】 +
+ + + excessive / too / very-usually of objectionable things / to err / to mistake / changeable 心, 忄 Heart 【◎Fix:◎te4;◎tei1;◎tui1】 +
+ + + fly / gallop / run / prance / rise Flesh 券 (HÄNDE_ROLLEN_REIS) 【◎Fix:◎teng2;◎teng;◎teng1】 +
+ + + coarse pongee, kind of heavy silk Silk 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) 【◎Fix:◎ti2;◎ti4】 +
+ + + a load carried on the shoulders / to carry 手, 扌 Hand1 兆 (OMEN) 【◎Fix:◎tiao1;◎tiao3】 +
+ + + rush plant 艸, 艹 Grass 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) 【◎Fix:◎tiao2;◎shao2】 +
+ + + invitation card / notice Cloth 帖 (EINLADUNG) 【◎Fix:◎tie3;◎tie4】 +
+ + + raised path between fields Field 丁 (ERWACHSENER) 【◎Fix:◎ting3;◎ding1】 +
+ + + a club / a stalk / straight Tree 廷 (HOF) 【◎Fix:◎ting3;◎ting4】 +
+ + + pass through, common, communicate 辵, 辶 Proceed 甬 (DURCHLAUFEN) 【◎Fix:◎tong1;◎tong4】 +
+ + + red, vermilion / name of ancient Lines, Long Hair 丹 (ROToderPILLE ) 【◎Fix:◎tong2;◎tong1】 +
+ + + head / top / chief, first / boss Big 头 (HAUPT) 【◎Fix:◎tou2;◎tou】 +
+ + + vomit, spew out, cough up Mouth 土 (ERDE) 【◎Fix:◎tu3;◎tu4】 +
+ + + dodder / creeper 艸, 艹 Grass 兔 【◎Fix:◎tu4;◎tu2】 +
+ + + stuffed dumplings Food 屯 (EINLAGERN) 【◎Fix:◎tun2;◎tun】 +
+ + + strip, undress / fall off / fade 退 Clothes 退 (ZURÜCKBEWEGEN) 【◎Fix:◎tun4;◎tui4】 +
+ + + vomit / cry of an infant Mouth 圭 (JADETABLETT) 【◎Fix:◎wa;◎wa1】 +
+ + + tile / earthenware pottery / girl Tile 瓦 (DACHZIEGEL) 【◎Fix:◎wa3;◎wa4】 +
+ + + dike, embankment Earth 【◎Fix:◎wei2;◎xu1】 +
+ + + do, handle, govern, act / be Dot 为 (FÜR ) 【◎Fix:◎wei4;◎wei2】 +
+ + + officer, military rank Inch 尉 (OFFIZIER) 【◎Fix:◎wei4;◎yu4】 +
+ + + luxuriant, thick / ornamental 艸, 艹 Grass 尉 (OFFIZIER) 【◎Fix:◎wei4;◎yu4】 +
+ + + to beat / to strike 手, 扌 Hand1 寸 (DURCHQUEREN) 【◎Fix:◎wo1;◎zhua1】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎係;◎繫;◎系】 + + system / line, link, connection Silk 系 (SYSTEM) 【◎Fix:◎xi4;◎ji4】 +
+ + + scare, frighten / intimidate Mouth 下 (UNTEN) 【◎Fix:◎xia4;◎he4】 +
+ + + mutual, reciprocal, each other Eye 相 (GEGENSEITIG) 【◎Fix:◎xiang1;◎xiang4】 +
+ + + school / military field officer Tree 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) 【◎Fix:◎xiao4;◎jiao4】 +
+ + + look like, resemble, be like Flesh 肖 (ÄHNELN) 【◎Fix:◎xiao4;◎xiao1】 +
+ + + thrive, prosper, flourish Eight 兴 (GEDEIHEN) 【◎Fix:◎xing1;◎xing4】 +
+ + + go / walk / move, travel / circulate Go 行 (SICH_FORTBEWEGEN) 【◎Fix:◎xing2;◎hang2】 +
+ + + a county in Henan / the rising and dashing of waves 艸, 艹 Grass 茔 (GRASS_BEDECKEN) 【◎Fix:◎xing2;◎ying2】 +
宿 + 宿 + + stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight / constellation 宿 Dwelling 宿 (ÜBERNACHTEN) 【◎Fix:◎xiu3;◎su4】 +
+ + + exhale / blow out / deep sigh / hiss / praise Mouth 虚 (NICHTIG) 【◎Fix:◎xu1;◎shi1】 +
+ + + clever, nimble Man 儇 (RUND) 【◎Fix:◎xuan1;◎xuan2】 +
+ + + revolve, move in orbit / return Square 旋 (ROTIEREN) 【◎Fix:◎xuan2;◎xuan4】 +
+ + + blood / radical number 143 Blood 血 (BLUT) 【◎Fix:◎xue4;◎xie3】 +
+ + + smoke, fog, vapor / smoke, cure Fire 熏 (ANWEHEN) 【◎Fix:◎xun1;◎xun4】 +
+ + + particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis / (Cant.) slurred form of the number ten Mouth 牙 (ZAHN) 【◎Fix:◎ya;◎ya1】 +
+ + + crush by weight / grind Cart 扎 (C_L-ÄHNLICH) 【◎Fix:◎ya4;◎zha2】 +
+ + + swallow (bird) / comfort, enjoy Fire 燕 (SCHWALBE) 【◎Fix:◎yan1;◎yan4】 +
+ + + daphne genkwa, poisonous plant 艸, 艹 Grass 元 (URSPRUNG) 【◎Fix:◎yan2;◎yuan2】 +
+ + + to smelt / to melt Fire 羊 (SCHAF) 【◎Fix:◎yang2;◎yang4】 +
+ + + necessary, essential / necessity Stopper 要 (WOLLEN) 【◎Fix:◎yao4;◎yao1】 +
+ + + key / lock 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 月 (MOND) 【◎Fix:◎yao4;◎yue4】 +
+ + + used in transliteration Ear 耶 (YE2_YESU) 【◎Fix:◎ye2;◎ye1】 +
+ + + sprouts / tares 艸, 艹 Grass 夷 (BARBARISCHER_STAMM) 【◎Fix:◎yi2;◎ti2】 +
+ + + wind / walk out of straight path 辵, 辶 Proceed 拖 (V_ES) 【◎Fix:◎yi3;◎yi2】 +
+ + + shade, shelter / protect 艸, 艹 Grass 阴 (YIN) 【◎Fix:◎yin1;◎yin4】 +
+ + + gums 齿 Teeth 艮 (STILLHALTEN) 【◎Fix:◎yin2;◎ken3】 +
+ + + drink / swallow / kind of drink Food 欠 (SCHULDEN) 【◎Fix:◎yin3;◎yin4】 +
+ + + should, ought to, must 广 广 Shelter 广 (WEIT) 【◎Fix:◎ying1;◎ying4】 +
+ + + luster of gems / bright, lustrous 艸, 艹 Grass 荣 (RUHM) 【◎Fix:◎ying2;◎ying1】 +
+ + + ah, final particle Mouth 约 (SICH_VERABREDEN) 【◎Fix:◎yo;◎yo1】 +
+ + + commission fee Man 用 (GEBRAUCHEN) 【◎Fix:◎yong1;◎yong4】 +
+ + + black Black 幼 (KINDER-) 【◎Fix:◎you3;◎you1】 +
+ + + pomelo, grapefruit Tree 由 (VERANLASSUNG) 【◎Fix:◎you4;◎you2】 +
+ + + surname / consent, approve Man 俞 (BOOT) 【◎Fix:◎yu2;◎shu4】 +
+ + + relaxed, comfortable, at ease Pig 予 (GEWÄHREN) 【◎Fix:◎yu4;◎Yu4】 +
+ + + treaty, agreement, covenant Silk 约 (KELLE) 【◎Fix:◎yue1;◎yao1】 +
+ + + halo in sky / fog / dizzy, faint Sun 军 (ARMEE) 【◎Fix:◎yun1;◎yun4】 +
+ + + bamboo skin / bamboo Bamboo 【◎Fix:◎yun2;◎jun1】 +
+ + + press, squeeze hard / force 手, 扌 Hand1 巡 【◎Fix:◎za1;◎zan3】 +
+ + + question-forming particle, why? how? what? / to bite / loud Mouth 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) 【◎Fix:◎za3;◎zha1】 +
+ + + load / carry / transport, convey Cart 哉 (SCHNEIDEN) 【◎Fix:◎zai4;◎zai3】 +
+ + + save, hoard 手, 扌 Hand1 赞 (HELFEN_LOBEN_LOBREDE) 【◎Fix:◎zan3;◎cuan2】 +
+ + + silk fabrics / surname Silk 曾 (SCHON_BEREITS) 【◎Fix:◎zeng1;◎zeng4】 +
+ + + pull up / pierce / struggle free 手, 扌 Hand1 扎 (C_L-ÄHNLICH) 【◎Fix:◎zha1;◎za1】 +
+ + + fence / palisade / grid Tree 册 (BUCHBAND) 【◎Fix:◎zha4;◎shan1】 +
+ + + to fry in oil / to scald / to explode Fire 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) 【◎Fix:◎zha4;◎zha2】 +
+ + + surname / a kind of pheasant / plumes Wings 翟 (BERGFASAN) 【◎Fix:◎zhai2;◎di2】 +
+ + + select, choose, pick out 手, 扌 Hand1 译 (V_C_AUGE_ÜBER_VERBRECHER) 【◎Fix:◎zhai2;◎ze2】 +
+ + + viscous, mucous / glutinous Rice 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) 【◎Fix:◎zhan1;◎nian2】 +
+ + + divine / observe / versify Divination 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) 【◎Fix:◎zhan4;◎zhan1】 +
+ + + rise in price 水, 氵 Water 张 (ÖFFNEN_SPANNEN_AUFSTELLEN) 【◎Fix:◎zhang3;◎zhang4】 +
+ + + chirp, twitter, twittering Mouth 周 (UMKREIS) 【◎Fix:◎zhao1;◎zhou1】 +
+ + + make move, take action Eye 着 (VERLAUFSFORM) 【◎Fix:◎zhe;◎zhao2;◎zhuo2;◎zhao1】 +
+ + + manifest / (Cant.) to wear 艸, 艹 Grass 著 (DEUTLICH) 【◎Fix:◎zhe;◎zhao2;◎zhuo2;◎zhu4;◎zhao1】 +
+ + + break off, snap / bend 手, 扌 Hand1 折 (BRECHEN) 【◎Fix:◎zhe2;◎zhe1】 +
+ + + sugar cane 艸, 艹 Grass 庶 (ZAHLREICH) 【◎Fix:◎zhe4;◎zhe】 +
+ + + a chopping board Tree 甚 (BETRÄCHTLICH) 【◎Fix:◎zhen1;◎shen4】 +
+ + + clanging sound / small gong 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 争 (KÄMPFEN) 【◎Fix:◎zheng1;◎zheng4】 +
+ + + breed, spawn / increase / prosper Disintegration 直 (GERADEAUS) 【◎Fix:◎zhi2;◎shi】 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎隻;◎只】 + + only, just, simply Mouth 只 (NUR) 【◎Fix:◎zhi3;◎zhi1】 +
+ + + central / center, middle / in the midst of / hit (target) / attain Rod 中 (MITTE) 【◎Fix:◎zhong1;◎zhong4】 +
+ + + seed / race, breed / to plant Grain 中 (MITTE) 【◎Fix:◎zhong3;◎zhong4】 +
+ + + heavy, weighty / double Village 重 (SCHWER) 【◎Fix:◎zhong4;◎chong2】 +
+ + + crepe, crape, wrinkles, creases Silk 刍 (MÄHEN) 【◎Fix:◎zhou4;◎zhou1】 +
+ + + drag, tow / throw / twist 手, 扌 Hand1 曳 (SCHLEPPEN) 【◎Fix:◎zhuai1;◎zhuai4】 +
+ + + shift, move, turn Cart 转 (VERSETZEN) 【◎Fix:◎zhuan3;◎zhuan4】 +
+ + + carriage curtain / sun screen Cloth 童 (KINDER) 【◎Fix:◎zhuang4;◎chuang2】 +
+ + + chirping, squeaking, hissing Mouth 支 (ZWEIG) 【◎Fix:◎zi1;◎zhi1】 +
+ + + beak Horn 觜 (STERNE_IM_ORION) 【◎Fix:◎zi1;◎zui3】 +
+ + + small thing, child / young animal Man 子 (KIND) 【◎Fix:◎zi3;◎zai3;◎zi1】 +
+ + + offspring, child / fruit, seed of / 1st terrestrial branch Child 子 (KIND) 【◎Fix:◎zi3;◎zi】 +
+ + + arrange threads for weaving Silk 宗 (AHN) 【◎Fix:◎zong1;◎zeng4】 +
+ + + drill, bore / pierce / diamond 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) 【◎Fix:◎zuan1;◎zuan4】 +
+ + + prefix for people's names / used in transliteration 阜, 阝 Mount 阿 (PHON.A) a1 +
+ + + ac 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 阿 (PHON.A) a1 +
+ + + interjection of surprise Mouth 艾 (BEIFUSS) ai1 +
+ + + fine dust, dirt Earth 矣 (ENDE_PARTIKEL) ai1 +
+ + + sad, mournful, pitiful / pity Mouth 哀 (TRAURIG) ai1 +
+ + + es 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 哀 (TRAURIG) ai1 +
+ + + cancer / marmoset Illness 品 (GEGENSTAND_SACHE_PRODUKT) ai2 +
+ + + put off, procrastinate / endure 手, 扌 Hand1 捱 (AF_KLIFF) ai2 +
+ + + brilliant white White 岂 (WIE_WAS) ai2 +
+ + + interjection / exclamation Mouth 爱 (LIEBE) ai3 +
+ + + short, dwarf / low Arrow 禾 (BEAUFTRAGEN) ai3 +
+ + + lush / affable, friendly 艸, 艹 Grass 谒 (BESUCHEN) ai3 +
+ + + cloudy sky, haze / calm, peaceful Rain 谒 (BESUCHEN) ai3 +
+ + + love, be fond of, like 爪,爫 Claw 爱 (LIEBE) ai4 +
+ + + (your) daughter Woman 爱 (LIEBE) ai4 +
+ + + fine quality jade Jade 爱 (LIEBE) ai4 +
+ + + obscure, dim, ambiguous, vague Sun 爱 (LIEBE) ai4 +
+ + + narrow, confined / a strategic pass 阜, 阝 Mount 益 (VORTEIL) ai4 +
+ + + artemisia, mugwort / translit. 艸, 艹 Grass 艾 (BEIFUSS) ai4 +
+ + + obstruct, hinder, block, deter Stone 得 (AF_MÜSSEN) ai4 +
+ + + versed in, fully acquainted with Words 音 (TON_SCHALL) an1 +
+ + + Buddhist monastery or nunnery 广 Shelter an1 +
+ + + quail / Coturnix coturnix Bird1 an1 +
+ + + peaceful, tranquil, quiet Dwelling 安 (RUHE) an1 +
+ + + saddle / any saddle-shaped object Rawhide 女 (RUHE) an1 +
+ + + ammonia / hydrogen nitride Vapor 女 (RUHE) an1 +
+ + + eucalyptus Tree 女 (RUHE) an1 +
+ + + to cover (with the hand) 手, 扌 Hand1 音 (TON_SCHALL) an3 +
+ + + personal pronoun, I Man an3 +
+ + + cover with earth / a pit / a hole Earth an3 +
+ + + ammonium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 女 (RUHE) an3 +
+ + + put hand on, press down with hand 手, 扌 Hand1 安 (RUHE) an4 +
+ + + amine Flesh 女 (RUHE) an4 +
+ + + table, bench / legal case Tree 案 (RUHE) an4 +
+ + + dark / obscure / in secret, covert Sun 音 (TON_SCHALL) an4 +
+ + + dark, black / sullen, dreary Black 音 (TON_SCHALL) an4 +
+ + + bank, shore / beach, coast Mountain 干 (TROCKEN) an4 +
+ + + a wild dog, a not very large lock-up Dog 干 (TROCKEN) an4 +
+ + + dirty Flesh 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) ang1 +
+ + + rise, raise / proud, bold / upright Sun 仰 (AF_DEN KOPF HEBEN) ang2 +
+ + + cup / pot / bowl / abundant Household utensils ang4 +
+ + + concave, hollow, depressed / a pass, valley Pit 凹 (KONKAV) ao1 +
+ + + soar, roam Wings 皋 (UFERLAND) ao2 +
+ + + to fight to the end, engage in a fierce battle 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 舍 (METALL) ao2 +
+ + + ramble, play about / leisurely / surname Tap 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) ao2 +
+ + + loud clamor / sound of wailing Mouth 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) ao2 +
+ + + a granary 广 Shelter 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) ao2 +
+ + + ramble, roam / travel for pleasure 辵, 辶 Proceed 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) ao2 +
+ + + mastiff, large fierce dog Dog 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) ao2 +
+ + + bent and twisted / too complicated Ear 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) ao2 +
+ + + nippers Insect 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) ao2 +
+ + + huge sea turtle Fish 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) ao2 +
+ + + outer garments / coat, jacket Clothes 夭 (JUNG STERBEN) ao3 +
+ + + old woman / lower-class woman Woman 温 (HENKERSMAHL) ao3 +
+ + + island Mountain 夭 (JUNG STERBEN) ao4 +
+ + + proud, haughty, overbearing Man 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) ao4 +
+ + + wild horse, mustang / wild Horse 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) ao4 +
+ + + a flat, iron cooking-plate for cakes 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) ao4 +
+ + + mysterious, obscure, profound Big 奥 (VON TIEFER BEDEUTUNG *UNDgroß) ao4 +
+ + + vexed, worried, nervous / regret 心, 忄 Heart ao4 +
+ + + inlet, bay / dock, bank 水, 氵 Water ao4 +
+ + + a hollow in the ground, a cavity, depression / undulating, depressed Earth 幼 (KINDER-) ao4 +
+ + + eight / all around, all sides Eight 八 (ACHT) ba1 +
+ + + greatly desire, anxiously hope Self 巴 (BOA) ba1 +
+ + + plantain or banana palm / fragrant 艸, 艹 Grass 巴 (BOA) ba1 +
+ + + bamboo fence Bamboo 巴 (BOA) ba1 +
+ + + scar, cicatrix / birthmark Illness 巴 (BOA) ba1 +
+ + + rock mountain Mountain 巴 (BOA) ba1 +
+ + + tsamba (food in Tibet) Rice 巴 (BOA) ba1 +
+ + + break open, split open / an accounting version of the numeral eight 手, 扌 Hand1 别 (TRENNEN) ba1 +
+ + + grass, thatch 艸, 艹 Grass 茇 (WINDHUND) ba2 +
+ + + go by foot / epilogue, colophon Foot 茇 (WINDHUND) ba2 +
+ + + drought demon Ghost 茇 (WINDHUND) ba2 +
+ + + uproot, pull out 手, 扌 Hand1 拔 (HERAUSZIEHEN) ba2 +
+ + + 菝葜 báqiā chinaroot greenbrier (a medicinal plant) 艸, 艹 Grass 拔 (HERAUSZIEHEN) ba2 +
+ + + target / splashboard on chariot Rawhide 巴 (BOA) ba3 +
+ + + palladium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 巴 (BOA) ba3 +
+ + + father, papa Father 巴 (BOA) ba4 +
+ + + rule by might rather than right Rain 霸 (TYRANN) ba4 +
+ + + river in Shanxi province 水, 氵 Water 霸 (TYRANN) ba4 +
+ + + fish name Fish 茇 (WINDHUND) ba4 +
+ + + embankment / dam Earth 贝 (MUSCHEL) ba4 +
+ + + cease, finish, stop / give up Net 罢 (EINE_TÄTIGKEIT_EINSTELLEN) ba4 +
+ + + (Cant.) to tear, to rip 手, 扌 Z1 Hand1 Z1 (HAND__HAND) bai1 +
+ + + white / pure, unblemished / bright White 白 (WEISS) bai2 +
+ + + one hundred / numerous, many White 百 (HUNDERT) bai3 +
+ + + hundred Man 百 (HUNDERT) bai3 +
+ + + to open / to spread out 手, 扌 Hand1 卑 (NIEDRIG) bai3 +
+ + + put, place / display / swing, sway 手, 扌 Hand1 罢 (EINE_TÄTIGKEIT_EINSTELLEN) bai3 +
+ + + darnels, weeds, tares small Grain 卑 (NIEDRIG) bai4 +
+ + + do obeisance, bow, kowtow 手, 扌 Hand1 拜 (HANDHAND) bai4 +
+ + + be defeated, decline, fail Shell 贝 (MUSCHEL) bai4 +
+ + + sort, manner, kind, category Boat 般 (ART) ban1 +
+ + + transfer, move, remove, shift 手, 扌 Hand1 般 (ART) ban1 +
+ + + pull / drag / right itself 手, 扌 Hand1 反 (UMWENDEN) ban1 +
+ + + scar, mole Illness 般 (ART) ban1 +
+ + + class, group, grade / squad / job Jade 班 (KLASSE) ban1 +
+ + + mottled, striped, freckle Literature 斑 (STREIFEN) ban1 +
+ + + unhealthy marks on the skin Illness 斑 (STREIFEN) ban1 +
+ + + confer, bestow / publish, promulgate Head2 分 (TRENNEN) ban1 +
+ + + plank, board / iron or tin plate Tree 反 (UMWENDEN) ban3 +
+ + + printing blocks / edition Splitwood right 反 (UMWENDEN) ban3 +
+ + + hillside farmland / slope 阜, 阝 Mount 反 (UMWENDEN) ban3 +
+ + + hillside, inconvenient places Earth 反 (UMWENDEN) ban3 +
+ + + plate 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 反 (UMWENDEN) ban3 +
+ + + a sampan Boat 反 (UMWENDEN) ban3 +
+ + + petal / segment / valves Melon 辨 (ZWISCHEN_KRIMINELLEN) ban4 +
+ + + dress up / dress up as 手, 扌 Hand1 分 (TRENNEN) ban4 +
+ + + manage, do, handle / deal with Strength 办 (HANDELN) ban4 +
+ + + half Ten 半 (HÄLFTE) ban4 +
+ + + mix 手, 扌 Hand1 半 (HÄLFTE) ban4 +
+ + + companion, comrade, partner / accompany Man 半 (HÄLFTE) ban4 +
+ + + loop, catch / fetter, shackle Silk 半 (HÄLFTE) ban4 +
+ + + creek, stream / beach, sea coast 水, 氵 Water 兵 (SOLDAT ) bang1 +
+ + + nation, country, state City 邦 (STAAT) bang1 +
+ + + help, assist / defend / shoe upper Cloth 邦 (STAAT) bang1 +
+ + + watchman's rattle Tree 邦 (STAAT) bang1 +
+ + + placard / list of successful exam candidates Tree 旁 (SEITE_AN_SEITE) bang3 +
+ + + bind, tie, fasten Silk 邦 (STAAT) bang3 +
+ + + pound / weigh Stone 旁 (SEITE_AN_SEITE) bang4 +
+ + + pound sterling 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 旁 (SEITE_AN_SEITE) bang4 +
+ + + by side of, beside, near, close Man 旁 (SEITE_AN_SEITE) bang4 +
+ + + slander, libel Words 旁 (SEITE_AN_SEITE) bang4 +
+ + + burdock, herb 艸, 艹 Grass 旁 (SEITE_AN_SEITE) bang4 +
+ + + stick, club, truncheon / hit Tree 奉 (HÖFLICH_ÜBERGEBEN) bang4 +
+ + + oysters, mussels / mother-of-pearl Insect 丰 (REICHLICH ) bang4 +
+ + + wrap, pack, bundle / package Wrap 包 (EINWICKELN) bao1 +
+ + + a variety of rush / firm, enduring / to burst forth 艸, 艹 Grass 包 (EINWICKELN) bao1 +
+ + + womb, placenta, fetal membrane Flesh 包 (EINWICKELN) bao1 +
+ + + spore Child 包 (EINWICKELN) bao1 +
+ + + teeth protrude 齿 Teeth 包 (EINWICKELN) bao1 +
+ + + praise, commend, honor, cite Clothes 保 (SCHÜTZEN) bao1 +
+ + + to heat / to boil a saucepan Fire 保 (SCHÜTZEN) bao1 +
+ + + hail Rain 包 (EINWICKELN) bao2 +
+ + + eat heartily / eat one's fill Food 包 (EINWICKELN) bao3 +
+ + + treasure, jewel / precious, rare Dwelling 玉 (JADE) bao3 +
+ + + bustard / procuress / Otis species (various) Bird1 匕 bao3 +
+ + + protect, safeguard, defend, care Man 保 (SCHÜTZEN) bao3 +
+ + + fort, fortress / town, village Earth 保 (SCHÜTZEN) bao3 +
+ + + reserve, preserve / conceal 艸, 艹 Grass 保 (SCHÜTZEN) bao3 +
+ + + swaddling cloth / infancy Clothes 保 (SCHÜTZEN) bao3 +
+ + + embrace, hold in arms, enfold 手, 扌 Hand1 包 (EINWICKELN) bao4 +
+ + + abalone / dried fish / surname Fish 包 (EINWICKELN) bao4 +
+ + + report, tell, announce 手, 扌 Hand1 报 (EINE_PERSON_BÄNDIGEN) bao4 +
+ + + violent, brutal, tyrannical Sun 暴 (JÄH) bao4 +
+ + + crackle, pop, burst, explode Fire 暴 (JÄH) bao4 +
+ + + leopard, panther / surname Cat 勺 bao4 +
+ + + final particle of assertion Mouth 贝 (MUSCHEL) bei +
+ + + humble, low, inferior / despise Ten 卑 (NIEDRIG) bei1 +
+ + + sorrow, grief / sorry, sad 心, 忄 Heart 非 (FEHLER) bei1 +
+ + + stone tablet / gravestone Stone 卑 (NIEDRIG) bei1 +
+ + + a low-built house 广 Shelter 卑 (NIEDRIG) bei1 +
+ + + bird Bird1 卑 (NIEDRIG) bei1 +
+ + + cup, glass Tree 不 (NICHT) bei1 +
+ + + north / northern / northward Spoon 北 (NORDEN) bei3 +
+ + + dry over slow fire / bake / roast Fire 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) bei4 +
+ + + suburb Stone 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) bei4 +
+ + + times, fold, multiple times Man 倍 (-FALTIG) bei4 +
+ + + bud 艸, 艹 Grass 倍 (-FALTIG) bei4 +
+ + + generation, lifetime / class Cart 非 (FEHLER) bei4 +
+ + + place in today's Henan province City 北 (NORDEN) bei4 +
+ + + sea shell / money, currency Shell 贝 (MUSCHEL) bei4 +
+ + + paper or cloth pasted together Clothes 背 (RÜCKEN) bei4 +
+ + + barium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 贝 (MUSCHEL) bei4 +
+ + + a legendary animal with short forelegs which rode a wolf Dog 贝 (MUSCHEL) bei4 +
+ + + passive indicator 'by' / bedding Clothes 皮 (HAUT) bei4 +
+ + + saddle up horse / drive horse Rawhide 鞴 (AUFSATTELN) bei4 +
+ + + [bèi] sharpen a knife by rubbing it against cloth /leather /stone /etc. [bì] 犁耳 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bei4 +
+ + + be contradictory to, go counter 心, 忄 Heart 孛 (KOMET) bei4 +
+ + + prepare, ready, perfect Pursue 田 (REISFELD) bei4 +
+ + + tired, weary, fatigued 心, 忄 Heart 备 (HABEN) bei4 +
+ + + adz / adze 金,钅 Gold (Metal) ben1 +
+ + + root, origin, source / basis Tree 本 (WURZEL) ben3 +
+ + + benzene / luxuriant 艸, 艹 Grass 本 (WURZEL) ben3 +
+ + + straw basket, hamper Field 叁 (KOMPLIZIERTE_DREI) ben3 +
+ + + foolish, stupid, dull / awkward Bamboo 本 (WURZEL) ben4 +
+ + + dust, earth / a bank of earth / to dig / to bring together Earth 分 (TRENNEN) ben4 +
+ + + rupture, split apart, collapse Mountain 崩 (EINSTÜRZEN) beng1 +
+ + + syllable Mouth 崩 (EINSTÜRZEN) beng1 +
+ + + there is no need Use 不 (NICHT) beng2 +
+ + + pump Stone 石 (STEIN) beng4 +
+ + + hop, leap, jump / bright Foot 崩 (EINSTÜRZEN) beng4 +
+ + + gush out / burst forth / split 辵, 辶 Proceed 并 (VERBINDEN ) beng4 +
+ + + a squat jar for holding wine, sauces etc. Tile 彭 (PENG2_NAME) beng4 +
+ + + compel, pressure, force / bother 辵, 辶 Proceed 副 (AF-WOHLHABEND) bi1 +
+ + + nose / first / KangXi radical 209 Nose2 鼻 (NASE) bi2 +
+ + + water chestnut 艸, 艹 Grass 孛 (KOMET) bi2 +
+ + + spoon, ladle / knife, dirk Spoon 匕 bi3 +
+ + + to compare, liken / comparison / than Compare 比 (VERGLEICHEN) bi3 +
+ + + blame Mouth 比 (VERGLEICHEN) bi3 +
+ + + one's deceased mother Woman 比 (VERGLEICHEN) bi3 +
+ + + empty grain or rice husk, chaff Grain 比 (VERGLEICHEN) bi3 +
+ + + Boat 比 (VERGLEICHEN) bi3 +
+ + + mean / low City 口 (MUND) bi3 +
+ + + so that, in order that / cause Man 卑 (NIEDRIG) bi3 +
+ + + that, there, those Foodstep 皮 (HAUT) bi3 +
+ + + writing brush / write / stroke Bamboo 笔 (SCHREIBPINSEL) bi3 +
+ + + aid, assist, help / correct Bow 百 (HUNDERT) bi4 +
+ + + surely, most certainly / must 心, 忄 丿 Heart 丿 (PIE3) bi4 +
+ + + bismuth 金,钅 Gold (Metal) bi4 +
+ + + castor-oil plant, Ricinus commumis 艸, 艹 Grass 蓖 (KUHMAGEN) bi4 +
+ + + fine-toothed comb / comb hair Bamboo 蓖 (KUHMAGEN) bi4 +
+ + + kill / die violent death Compare 比 (VERGLEICHEN) bi4 +
+ + + guard against, take care / caution Compare 比 (VERGLEICHEN) bi4 +
+ + + cover, shield, shelter, protect 广 Shelter 比 (VERGLEICHEN) bi4 +
+ + + the castor-oil plant also used for other plants 艸, 艹 Grass 卑 (NIEDRIG) bi4 +
+ + + end, finish, conclude / completed Compare 毕 (SCHLUSS) bi4 +
+ + + servant girl / your servant Woman 卑 (NIEDRIG) bi4 +
+ + + species of bean / piper longtum 艸, 艹 Grass 毕 (SCHLUSS) bi4 +
+ + + used in transliterations Mouth 毕 (SCHLUSS) bi4 +
+ + + wicker, bamboo Bamboo 毕 (SCHLUSS) bi4 +
+ + + buttocks / thigh, thigh bone Bones 卑 (NIEDRIG) bi4 +
+ + + clear way, make room for / emp Foot 毕 (SCHLUSS) bi4 +
+ + + steps leading throne / throne 阜, 阝 Mount 跸 (THRONSTUFEN) bi4 +
+ + + a kind of tapir / a fierce beast depicted on the door of prisons Dog 跸 (THRONSTUFEN) bi4 +
+ + + 水, 氵 Water 鼻 (NASE) bi4 +
+ + + break, destroy / broken, tattered Tap bi4 +
+ + + cover, hide, conceal / shelter 艸, 艹 Grass 敝 (ABGENUTZT) bi4 +
+ + + evil, wrong, bad / criminal Folded Hands 敝 (ABGENUTZT) bi4 +
+ + + forge ahead / energetic / surname Shell 贲 (SCHÖN_GESCHMÜCKT) bi4 +
+ + + obstinate, stubborn, headstrong 心, 忄 Heart 复 (DOPPELT) bi4 +
+ + + to give Field 畀 (ÜBERREICHEN) bi4 +
+ + + paralysis, numbness Illness 畀 (ÜBERREICHEN) bi4 +
+ + + Bamboo 畀 (ÜBERREICHEN) bi4 +
+ + + drain 水, 氵 Water 笔 (SCHREIBPINSEL) bi4 +
+ + + shut, close / obstruct, block up Door 才 (TALENT) bi4 +
+ + + arm Flesh 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + partition wall / walls of a house Earth 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + avoid / turn aside / escape / hide 辵, 辶 Proceed 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + evergreen shrubs, ligusticum 艸, 艹 Grass 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + favorite / a minion Woman 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + piece of jade with hole in it Jade 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + fold, pleat, crease Clothes 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + jade / green, blue Stone 珀 (BERNSTEIN) bi4 +
+ + + currency, coins, legal tender Cloth 币 (WÄHRUNG) bi4 +
+ + + knit, weave / arrange / compile Silk 扁 (FLACH) bian1 +
+ + + to stir-fry before broiling or stewing Fire 扁 (FLACH) bian1 +
+ + + bat Insect 扁 (FLACH) bian1 +
+ 鯿 + + bream Fish 扁 (FLACH) bian1 +
+ + + stone probe / pierce / counsel Stone 乏 (FEHLEN) bian1 +
+ + + whip / whip / string of firecrackers 便 Rawhide 便 (BEQUEM) bian1 +
+ + + edge, margin, side, border 辵, 辶 Proceed 力 (KRAFT) bian1 +
+ + + bamboo container for food Bamboo 力 (KRAFT) bian1 +
+ + + flat / tablet, signboard Doorleaf 扁 (FLACH) bian3 +
+ + + flat, round split-bamboo contain Basket 扁 (FLACH) bian3 +
+ + + Stone 扁 (FLACH) bian3 +
+ + + cramped, narrow, crowded / mean Clothes 扁 (FLACH) bian3 +
+ + + decrease, lower / censure, criticize Shell 乏 (FEHLEN) bian3 +
+ + + to put a coffin in a grave Cave 乏 (FEHLEN) bian3 +
+ + + everywhere, all over, throughout 辵, 辶 Proceed 扁 (FLACH) bian4 +
+ + + distinguish, discriminate Offend 辨 (ZWISCHEN_KRIMINELLEN) bian4 +
+ + + dispute, argue, debate, discuss Offend 辨 (ZWISCHEN_KRIMINELLEN) bian4 +
+ + + braid / pigtail, plait, queue Offend 辨 (ZWISCHEN_KRIMINELLEN) bian4 +
+ + + to be impatient, in a hurry / excitable Divination 卞 (UNGEDULDIG) bian4 +
+ + + benzyl 艸, 艹 Grass 卞 (UNGEDULDIG) bian4 +
+ + + delighted / pleased 心, 忄 Heart 卞 (UNGEDULDIG) bian4 +
+ + + name of a river in Henan / Henan 水, 氵 Water 卞 (UNGEDULDIG) bian4 +
+ + + conical cap worn during Zhou dynasty Folded Hands 弁 (ERLAUBEN) bian4 +
便 + 便 + + convenience, ease / expedient 便 Man 便 (NOCH_MEHR) bian4 +
+ + + hem / plait, braid, queue 便 Silk 便 (BEQUEM) bian4 +
+ + + change, transform, alter / rebel Hand2 变 (SORTIEREN) bian4 +
+ + + hair / KangXi radical 190 Hairlocks 髟 biao1 +
+ + + storm Wind 包 (EINWICKELN) biao1 +
+ + + bit, bridle / ride 金,钅 鹿 Gold (Metal) 鹿 (HIRSCH_REH_ROTWILD) biao1 +
+ + + tiger / tiger stripes / tiger-like Tiger 杉 biao1 +
+ + + fat / rump Flesh 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) biao1 +
+ + + dart, spear, harpoon / escort 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) biao1 +
+ + + a whitlow Illness 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) biao1 +
+ + + whirlwind, stormy gale Wind 犬 (HUND) biao1 +
+ + + whirlwind Wind 犬 (HUND) biao1 +
+ + + mark, symbol, label, sign / stand the bole of a tree Tree 示 (OFFENBAREN) biao1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎錶;◎表】 + + show, express, manifest, display Clothes 表 (AUSSENSEITE) biao3 +
+ + + whore, prostitute Woman 表 biao3 +
+ + + to mount maps or scrolls to paste Clothes 表 biao3 +
+ + + swimming bladder of fish Fish 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) biao4 +
+ + + turtle Fish bie1 +
+ + + to suppress inner feelings / hasty 心, 忄 Heart 敝 (ABGENUTZT-) bie1 +
+ + + to limp Foot bie2 +
+ + + separate, other / do not Knife 别 (TRENNEN) bie2 +
+ + + shrivelled up, dried up / vexed Illness 自 (SELBST) bie3 +
+ + + approach, be on verge of / near 水, 氵 Water 频 (FREQUENZ) bin1 +
+ + + a Zhou-dynasty state Pig 豕 (SCHWEIN) bin1 +
+ + + refined, having both appearance Literature bin1 +
+ + + cultivated, well-bred Lines, Long Hair 林 bin1 +
+ + + guest, visitor / surname / submit Dwelling 宾 (GAST) bin1 +
+ + + beach, sea coast / river bank 水, 氵 Water 宾 (GAST) bin1 +
+ + + entertain guests Man 宾 (GAST) bin1 +
+ + + flourishing, thriving, abundant Silk 宾 (GAST) bin1 +
+ + + high quality iron 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 宾 (GAST) bin1 +
+ + + exclude, expel, reject / usher 手, 扌 Hand1 宾 (GAST) bin4 +
+ + + encoffin / embalm / funeral Disintegration 宾 (GAST) bin4 +
+ + + the kneecap Flesh 宾 (GAST) bin4 +
+ + + kneecap Bones 宾 (GAST) bin4 +
+ + + hair on temples Hairlocks 宾 (GAST) bin4 +
+ + + soldier, troops Eight 兵 (SOLDAT ) bing1 +
+ + + ice / ice-cold Ice 水 (WASSER) bing1 +
+ + + grasp, hold / bundle / authority Grain 秉 (FASSEN ) bing3 +
+ + + report to, petition 示, 礻 Revelation 禀 (BERICHT_ERSTATTEN) bing3 +
+ + + rice-cakes, biscuits Food 并 (VERBINDEN ) bing3 +
+ + + third / 3rd heavenly stem One 丙 (DRITTENS) bing3 +
+ + + handle, lever, knob / authority Tree 丙 (DRITTENS) bing3 +
+ + + bright, luminous / glorious Fire 丙 (DRITTENS) bing3 +
+ + + name of a city in the ancient state of Song, in what is now Shandong / pleased City 丙 (DRITTENS) bing3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎併;◎並;◎并】 + + combine, annex / also, what's more Pestle 并 (VERBINDEN ) bing4 +
+ + + expel, cast off / arrange 手, 扌 Hand1 屏 (SCHIRM) bing4 +
+ + + illness, sickness, disease Illness 丙 (DRITTENS) bing4 +
+ + + phonetic Mouth 波 (WELLEN) bo +
+ + + earthenware basin / alms bowl 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 本 (WURZEL) bo1 +
+ + + move / dispel / distribute 手, 扌 Hand1 发 (SENDEN) bo1 +
+ + + glass Jade 皮 (HAUT) bo1 +
+ + + waves, breakers / undulations 水, 氵 Water 波 (WELLEN) bo1 +
+ + + spinach and similar greens 艸, 艹 Grass 波 (WELLEN) bo1 +
+ + + sow, spread / broadcast / case away, reject 手, 扌 Hand1 番 (EIGENS) bo1 +
+ + + noise of tramping feet Foot 勺 bo1 +
+ + + ferrule Food 孛 (KOMET) bo1 +
+ + + varicolored, variegated / mixed Horse 爻 (HEXAGRAMM-LINIEN) bo2 +
+ + + to stumble and fall prone stiff in death Foot 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) bo2 +
+ + + gamble, play games / wide, broad Ten 傅 (VERTEILEN) bo2 +
+ + + seize / spring upon / strike 手, 扌 Hand1 傅 (VERTEILEN) bo2 +
+ + + cymbals 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 茇 (WINDHUND) bo2 +
+ + + fill, extend Stone 薄 (DÜNN) bo2 +
+ + + older brother / father's elder brother / senior male 'sire' / feudal rank 'count' Man 白 (WEISS) bo2 +
+ + + comet Child 孛 (KOMET) bo2 +
+ + + platinum / thin sheet of metal 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 白 (WEISS) bo2 +
+ + + large, ocean-going vessel Boat 白 (WEISS) bo2 +
+ + + neck Flesh 孛 (KOMET) bo2 +
+ + + name of district in Anhui / capital of Yin Lid 亮 (OBERER_TEILvonHOCH) bo2 +
+ + + species of pigeon Bird1 孛 (KOMET) bo2 +
+ + + suddenly, sudden, quick Strength 勃 (KOMETENHAFT) bo2 +
+ + + swelling / the Gulf of Hopei (Hebei) 水, 氵 Water 勃 (KOMETENHAFT) bo2 +
+ + + anchor vessel / lie at anchor 水, 氵 Water 泊 (ANKERN) bo2 +
+ + + reed screen / frame for growing silkworms Bamboo 泊 (ANKERN) bo2 +
+ + + silks, fabrics / wealth, property Cloth 帛 (SEIDENWAREN) bo2 +
+ + + lame Foot 皮 (HAUT) bo3 +
+ + + winnower Bamboo 皮 (HAUT) bo4 +
+ + + thumb / break, tear open, rip 手, 扌 Hand1 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bo4 +
+ + + tree Tree 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bo4 +
+ + + flee, run away, leave debt unsettled 辵, 辶 Proceed 甫 bu1 +
+ + + late afternoon Sun bu1 +
+ + + plutonium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 布 (TUCH) bu1 +
+ + + molds on liquids / scum Wine Jug 噗 (DICKICHT) bu2 +
+ + + arrest, catch, seize 手, 扌 Hand1 甫 (ANREDEFORM>20) bu3 +
+ + + chew food / feed Mouth bu3 +
+ + + fortune telling / prophesy Divination 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) bu3 +
+ + + mend, patch, fix, repair, restore Clothes 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) bu3 +
+ + + part, division, section City 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) bu4 +
+ + + jar, pot Tile 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) bu4 +
+ + + port city Earth 官 (BEAMTER) bu4 +
+ + + step, pace / walk, stroll Stop 步 (SCHRITT) bu4 +
+ + + cotton cloth, textiles, linen Cloth 布 (TUCH) bu4 +
+ + + terror, fear / frighten / terrified 心, 忄 Heart 布 (TUCH) bu4 +
簿 + 簿 + + register, account book, notebook Bamboo 溥 (UNIVERSAL) bu4 +
+ + + no, not / un- / negative prefix One 不 (NICHT) bu4 +
+ + + plutonium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 不 (NICHT) bu4 +
+ + + wipe, scrub, rub, scour / brush 手, 扌 Hand1 察 (UNTERSUCHEN) ca1 +
+ + + Stone ca3 +
+ + + guess, conjecture, suppose / feel Dog 青 (GRÜN) cai1 +
+ + + cut out / decrease Clothes 哉 (SCHNEIDEN) cai2 +
+ + + talent, ability / just, only 手, 扌 Hand1 才 (TALENT) cai2 +
+ + + material, stuff / timber / talent Tree 才 (TALENT) cai2 +
+ + + wealth, valuables, riches Shell 才 (TALENT) cai2 +
+ + + step on Foot 采 (PFLÜCKEN) cai3 +
+ + + hue, color / variegated colors Lines, Long Hair 采 (PFLÜCKEN) cai3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎採;◎埰;◎采】 + + collect, gather / pick, pluck Footprint 采 (PFLÜCKEN) cai3 +
+ + + notice / pay attention to Eye 采 (PFLÜCKEN) cai3 +
+ + + vegetables / dish, order / food 艸, 艹 Grass 采 (PFLÜCKEN) cai4 +
+ + + surname / species of tortoise 艸, 艹 Grass cai4 +
+ + + eat, dine / meal / food Food 餐 (OBS_FLEISCHESSEN) can1 +
+ + + two outside ones in three horse Horse 参 (TEILNEHMEN) can1 +
+ + + injure, spoil / oppress / broken Disintegration 戋 (SCHMAL) can2 +
+ + + ashamed, humiliated / shameful 心, 忄 Heart 斩 (ABHACKEN) can2 +
+ + + silkworms Insect 天 (HIMMEL) can2 +
+ + + sad, pitiful, wretched / cruel 心, 忄 Heart 参 (TEILNEHMEN) can3 +
+ + + grey black Black 参 (TEILNEHMEN) can3 +
+ + + polish / bright, radiant / smiling Rice 粲 (POLIEREN) can4 +
+ + + gems / luster of gems / lustrous Jade 粲 (POLIEREN) can4 +
+ + + vivid, illuminating / bright Fire 山 (BERG) can4 +
+ + + granary / berth / sea Man 仓 (SPEICHER) cang1 +
+ + + blue / green 艸, 艹 Grass 仓 (SPEICHER) cang1 +
+ + + hold of ship / cabin Boat 仓 (SPEICHER) cang1 +
+ + + blue, dark green / cold 水, 氵 Water 仓 (SPEICHER) cang1 +
+ + + conduct, run, control, manage 手, 扌 Hand1 操 (OBS_ZWITSCHERN) cao1 +
+ + + coarse, harsh, rough, unpolished rice Rice 造 (MITTEILEN) cao1 +
+ + + ministry officials / surname Say 曹 cao2 +
+ + + trough / manger / vat, tank / groove / a distillery Tree 曹 (Name_CAO2) cao2 +
+ + + noisy Mouth 曹 (Name_CAO2) cao2 +
+ + + transport by water / canal transportation 水, 氵 Water 曹 (Name_CAO2) cao2 +
+ + + grubs in fruit Insect 曹 (Name_CAO2) cao2 +
+ + + ship Boat 曹 (Name_CAO2) cao2 +
+ + + grass, straw, thatch, herbs 艸, 艹 Grass 早 (MORGEN) cao3 +
+ + + book, volume, register, list Borders 册 (BUCHBAND) ce4 +
+ + + scheme, plan / to whip / urge Bamboo 刺 (AF_DORN) ce4 +
+ + + side / incline, slant, lean Man 则 (REGEL) ce4 +
+ + + measure, estimate, conjecture 水, 氵 Water 则 (REGEL) ce4 +
+ + + feel anguish, feel compassion 心, 忄 Heart 则 (REGEL) ce4 +
+ + + steep, precipitous / peak Mountain 岑 (STEIL) cen2 +
+ + + river in Shaanxi / murky torrent 水, 氵 Water 岑 (STEIL) cen2 +
+ + + scold, shout at Mouth 曾 (SCHON_BEREITS) ceng1 +
+ + + storey, layer, floor, stratum Corpse 云 (WOLKE) ceng2 +
+ + + already / sign of past Say 曾 (SCHON_BEREITS) ceng2 +
+ + + to shuffle, procrastinate, dilly-dally Foot 曾 (SCHON_BEREITS) ceng4 +
+ + + crotch / fork, prong Hand2 叉 (GABEL) cha1 +
+ + + insert, stick into / plant 手, 扌 Hand1 臿 (ENTHÜLSEN) cha1 +
+ + + spade, shovel / marking pin 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 臿 (ENTHÜLSEN) cha1 +
+ + + stir and cook Food 查 (UNTERSUCHEN) cha1 +
+ + + harvest 艸, 艹 Grass 在 (SICH_BEFINDEN) cha2 +
+ + + examine, investigate / notice Dwelling 察 (UNTERSUCHEN) cha2 +
+ + + sassafras tzumu Tree 察 cha2 +
+ + + raft / time, occasion / to hew Tree 差 (NICHT GLEICHEN) cha2 +
+ + + tea 艸, 艹 Grass 茶 (TEE) cha2 +
+ + + smear / rub, wipe / anoint 手, 扌 Hand1 茶 (TEE) cha2 +
+ + + cymbals 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 察 cha3 +
+ + + diverge, branch off / fork in road Mountain 分 (TRENNEN) cha4 +
+ + + the open seam of a garment which allows freedom of movement Clothes 叉 (GABEL) cha4 +
+ + + a branching stream 水, 氵 Water 叉 (GABEL) cha4 +
+ + + be surprised, be shocked Words 宅 (RESIDENZ) cha4 +
+ + + beautiful, colorful / girl Woman 宅 (RESIDENZ) cha4 +
+ + + ornamental hairpin 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 叉 (GABEL) chai1 +
+ + + to break up, split apart, rip open / to destroy 手, 扌 Hand1 斥 (TADELN) chai1 +
+ + + a company, companion / together Man 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) chai2 +
+ + + firewood, faggots, fuel Tree 此 (DIES) chai2 +
+ + + wolf / cruel, wicked, mean Cat 才 (TALENT) chai2 +
+ + + to recover from any disease / an epidemic Illness 差 (NICHT GLEICHEN) chai4 +
+ + + a kind of scorpion Insect 万 (ZEHNTAUSEND) chai4 +
+ + + peek / spy on, watch / investigate See 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) chan1 +
+ + + give helping hand 手, 扌 X078 Hand1 X078 (HASENSCHISS) chan1 +
+ + + cicada / continuous Insect 单 (EINZELN) chan2 +
+ + + beautiful, lovely, pretty, graceful Woman 单 (EINZELN) chan2 +
+ + + meditation, contemplation (DKW: 24787') 示, 礻 Revelation 单 (EINZELN) chan2 +
+ + + toad Insect 詹 (GESCHWÄTZIG) chan2 +
+ + + slander, defame, misrepresent Words 谗 chan2 +
+ + + gluttonous, greedy / lewd, lecherous Food 谗 (HASENSCHISS) chan2 +
+ + + sound of flowing water 水, 氵 Water 孱 (FEIGLING) chan2 +
+ + + still water, placid, tranquil 水, 氵 擅/亶 Water 擅/亶 (OBS_SOLIDE) chan2 +
+ + + wrap, wind around / tie, bind Silk 缠 (WOHNSITZ) chan2 +
+ + + a store, shop / ground alloted to a retainer 广 Shelter 缠 (WOHNSITZ) chan2 +
+ + + follow in, imitate / rut, path Foot 缠 (WOHNSITZ) chan2 +
+ + + explain, clarify, elucidate Door 单 (EINZELN) chan3 +
+ + + flatter, truckle, toady Words 谄 (AF_FALLE) chan3 +
+ + + horse without saddle Horse 孱 (FEIGLING) chan3 +
+ + + smile Eight 展 chan3 +
+ + + give birth, bring forth, produce Lid 产 (PRODUZIEREN) chan3 +
+ + + spade, shovel, trowel, scoop 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 产 (PRODUZIEREN) chan3 +
+ + + finish, complete / solve / complete 艸, 艹 Grass 戊 chan3 +
+ + + confuse, mix, interpolate Sheep 羊 (SCHAF) chan4 +
+ + + regret, repent / confess sins 心, 忄 Heart 千 (TAUSEND) chan4 +
+ + + shiver, tremble / trembling 擅/亶 Head2 擅/亶 (OBS_SOLIDE) chan4 +
+ + + light of sun / good, proper Sun 昌 (BLÜHEND) chang1 +
+ + + mad, wild, reckless, unruly Dog 昌 (BLÜHEND) chang1 +
+ + + iris, sweet flag, calamus 艸, 艹 Grass 昌 (BLÜHEND) chang1 +
+ + + gate of heaven / main gate of a palace Door 昌 (BLÜHEND) chang1 +
+ + + prostitute, harlot Woman 昌 (BLÜHEND) chang1 +
+ + + the silvery pomfret, Stromateoides argenteus Fish 昌 (BLÜHEND) chang1 +
+ 倀 + + ghost of one devoured by tiger Man 长 (LANG) chang1 +
+ + + taste / experience, experiment Small 尝 (SCHMECKEN) chang2 +
+ + + repay, recompense / restitution Man 尝 (SCHMECKEN) chang2 +
+ + + walking and fro / lingering Foodstep 尚 (HOCHACHTUNG) chang2 +
+ + + averrhora carambola / surname 艸, 艹 Grass 长 (LANG) chang2 +
+ + + common, normal, frequent, regular Cloth 常 (OFT) chang2 +
+ + + name of a moon goddess Woman 常 (OFT) chang2 +
+ + + intestines / emotions / sausage Flesh 场 (KFvAF_SONNE) chang2 +
+ + + roomy, spacious, open, broad Tap 尚 (HOCHACHTUNG) chang3 +
+ + + alarmed, agitated 心, 忄 Heart 尚 (HOCHACHTUNG) chang3 +
+ + + overcoat / down feathers Hair 尚 (HOCHACHTUNG) chang3 +
+ + + factory, workshop / radical 27 Cliff 厂 (ABHANG) chang3 +
+ + + a long day. bright. extended. clear Sun 永 (EWIG) chang3 +
+ + + sacrificial wine / unhindered Wine Vessel 鬯 (RITUAL_WEIN) chang4 +
+ + + sing, chant, call / ditty, song Mouth 昌 (BLÜHEND) chang4 +
+ + + guide, leader / lead, introduce Man 昌 (BLÜHEND) chang4 +
+ + + disappointed, dissatisfied 心, 忄 Heart 长 (LANG) chang4 +
+ + + smoothly, freely, unrestrained Field 场 (KFvAF_SONNE) chang4 +
+ + + boil vegetables for a very short time / scald Fire 卓 (TISCH) chao1 +
+ + + jump over, leap over / surpass Run 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) chao1 +
+ + + 心, 忄 Heart 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) chao1 +
+ + + copy, confiscate, seize 手, 扌 Hand1 少 (WENIG) chao1 +
+ + + paper money, bank notes / copy 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 少 (WENIG) chao1 +
+ + + nest, living quarter in tree River 巢 chao2 +
+ + + morning, dawn / surname Sun 兆 chao2 +
+ + + dynasty / morning Moon 朝 (KAISERHOF) chao2 +
+ + + ridicule, deride, scorn, jeer at Mouth 朝 (KAISERHOF) chao2 +
+ + + tide / moist, wet, damp / flow 水, 氵 Water 朝 (KAISERHOF) chao2 +
+ + + argue, dispute / disturb, annoy Mouth 少 (WENIG) chao3 +
+ + + fry, saute, roast, boil, cook Fire 少 (WENIG) chao3 +
+ + + Plow 少 (WENIG) chao4 +
+ + + giant clam, tridacna gigas Stone 车 (WAGEN) che1 +
+ + + rip up, tear down / raise / haul 手, 扌 Hand1 止 (STOPPEN) che3 +
+ + + penetrate, pervade / penetrating Foodstep 切 (SCHNEIDEN) che4 +
+ + + omit / remove / withdraw 手, 扌 Hand1 撤 (C_AUFBRAUCHEN) che4 +
+ + + thoroughly, completely 水, 氵 Water 撤 (C_AUFBRAUCHEN) che4 +
+ + + split, tear, open Earth 斥 (TADELN) che4 +
+ + + drag, pull / hinder by pulling back 手, 扌 Hand1 制 (SYSTEM) che4 +
+ + + gritty Stone 参 (TEILNEHMEN) chen +
+ + + treasure, valuables Jade 探 (AF_TIEF) chen1 +
+ + + pull 手, 扌 Hand1 申 (ERZÄHLEN_ERKLÄREN_AUSSPRECHEN) chen1 +
+ + + county in Hunan province / surname City 林 chen1 +
+ + + be angry at, scold, rebuke Mouth 真 (WIRKLICH) chen1 +
+ + + early morning / 5th terrestrial branch Period 辰 (5.PERIODE) chen2 +
+ + + early morning, daybreak Sun 辰 (5.PERIODE) chen2 +
+ + + imperial / imperial palace Dwelling 辰 (5.PERIODE) chen2 +
+ + + sink, submerge / addicted to 水, 氵 Water 冗 (ÜBERFLÜSSIG) chen2 +
+ + + sincere, faithful / surname Words 甚 (BETRÄCHTLICH) chen2 +
+ + + minister, statesman, official Minister 臣 (MINISTER) chen2 +
+ + + dust, dirt, ashes, cinders Small 尘 (KLEIN) chen2 +
+ + + exhibit, display / plead / a surname 阜, 阝 Mount 东 (OSTEN) chen2 +
+ + + truth, sincerity / sincere 心, 忄 Heart chen2 +
+ + + prophecy, hint, omen Words 从 (VON) chen4 +
+ + + underwear / inner garments Clothes 寸 (INCH) chen4 +
+ + + coffin / tung tree Tree 亲 (VERWANDT) chen4 +
+ + + take advantage of, avail oneself Run 诊 (DICKES_HAAR) chen4 +
+ + + lose baby teeth and get adult teeth 齿 Teeth 七 (SIEBEN) chen4 +
+ + + frying pan / warming vessel 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 当 (FUNGIEREN) cheng1 +
+ + + type of willow / tamarisk Tree 圣 (HEILIG) cheng1 +
+ + + razor clam Insect 圣 (HEILIG) cheng1 +
+ + + look at, stare at, gaze at Eye 堂 (HALLE) cheng1 +
+ + + prop up, support / brace 手, 扌 Hand1 掌 (HANDFLÄCHE) cheng1 +
+ + + call / name, brand / address / say Grain 尔 (ALTES_DU) cheng1 +
+ + + orange Tree 登 cheng2 +
+ + + ride, ascend / avail oneself of / numerary adjunct for vehicles 丿 Leftstroke 乘 (FAHREN) cheng2 +
+ + + punish, reprimand / warn 心, 忄 Heart 证 (EINDRINGEN) cheng2 +
+ + + assist, aid, rescue One 丞 (ASSISTENT) cheng2 +
+ + + door stop, door jam / touch / (Cant.) to use the body to move someone Tree 长 (LANG) cheng2 +
+ + + inherit, receive / succeed 手, 扌 Hand1 承 (TRAGEN) cheng2 +
+ + + submit, show / appear / petition Mouth 呈 (SICH_DARBIETEN) cheng2 +
+ + + journey, trip / schedule, agenda Grain 呈 (SICH_DARBIETEN) cheng2 +
+ + + a large, pear-shaped earthenware jar Earth 呈 (SICH_DARBIETEN) cheng2 +
+ + + hangover / uncomfortable Wine Jug 呈 (SICH_DARBIETEN) cheng2 +
+ + + a raised path between fields, a dike Earth 券 (HÄNDE_ROLLEN_REIS) cheng2 +
+ + + completed, finished, fixed Halberd 成 (VOLLENDEN) cheng2 +
+ + + castle / city, town / municipality Earth 成 (VOLLENDEN) cheng2 +
+ + + sincere, honest / true, real Words 成 (VOLLENDEN) cheng2 +
+ + + person's name 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 成 (VOLLENDEN) cheng2 +
+ + + indulge oneself / brag, show off 辵, 辶 Proceed 呈 (SICH_DARBIETEN) cheng3 +
+ + + gallop horse / hasten, hurry Horse 俜 (OFFEN_UNUMWUNDEN) cheng3 +
+ + + balance, scale, steelyard Grain 平 (EBEN) cheng4 +
+ + + worm / ignorant, rustic / laugh Insect 蚩 (WURM) chi1 +
+ + + laugh at, ridicule, sneer / snort Mouth 蚩 (WURM) chi1 +
+ + + an ugly woman Woman 蚩 (WURM) chi1 +
+ + + a dragon whose horns have not grown / cruel Insect 离 (VERLASSEN) chi1 +
+ + + a mountain demon resembling a tiger Ghost 离 (VERLASSEN) chi1 +
+ + + eat / drink / suffer, endure, bear Mouth 乞 (BETTELN) chi1 +
+ + + eyes diseased and dim Eye 多 chi1 +
+ + + bamboo rod used for beatings Bamboo 台 (PLATTFORM) chi1 +
+ + + kite, horned owl / wine cups Bird1 氐 (NAME_DI1) chi1 +
+ + + sound of ripping or giggling Mouth 赤 (ROT) chi1 +
+ + + foolish, stupid, dumb, silly Illness 知 (WISSEN) chi1 +
+ + + spoon / surname Spoon 匕 chi2 +
+ + + a bamboo flute with seven holes Bamboo 搋 (TIGER_HORN) chi2 +
+ + + late, tardy / slow / delay 辵, 辶 Proceed 尺 (0,33CM) chi2 +
+ + + sustain, support / hold, grasp 手, 扌 Hand1 寺 (TEMPEL) chi2 +
+ + + pool, pond / moat / cistern 水, 氵 Water 也 (AUCH) chi2 +
+ + + loosen, relax, unstring a bow Bow 也 (AUCH) chi2 +
+ + + go quickly or swiftly / hurry Horse 也 (AUCH) chi2 +
+ + + name of a district in Shandong 艸, 艹 Grass 仕 (GELEHRTER) chi2 +
+ + + porch / courtyard / steps leading Earth 犀 (NASHORN) chi2 +
+ + + hesitate, undecided / embarrassed Foot 知 (WISSEN) chi2 +
+ + + shame, humiliation / ashamed Ear 止 (STOPPEN) chi3 +
齿 + + + teeth / gears, cogs / age / simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 齿 齿 Teeth 齿 (ZÄHNE) chi3 +
+ + + luxurious, extravagant Man 多 (VIELE) chi3 +
+ + + Chinese measure approx. 'foot' Corpse 尺 (0,33CM) chi3 +
+ + + strip, tear off, undress Clothes 搋 (TIGER_HORN) chi3 +
+ + + fermented beans Bean 支 (ZWEIG) chi3 +
+ + + an imperial order or decree Tap 敕 (KAISERLICHER_BEFEHL) chi4 +
+ + + Illness 恝 (GLEICHGÜLTIG) chi4 +
+ + + only, merely / just like / stop at Mouth 帝 (HÖCHSTES_WESEN) chi4 +
+ + + burning-hot, intense / to burn, blaze / splendid, illustrious Fire 只 (NUR) chi4 +
+ + + wings / fin Wings 支 (ZWEIG) chi4 +
+ + + to hinder / to detain Man chi4 +
+ + + order / command / give command Food 伤 (WUNDE*) chi4 +
+ + + scold, shout at, bawl out Mouth 七 (SIEBEN) chi4 +
+ + + to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach Axe 斥 (TADELN) chi4 +
+ + + red / communist, 'red' / bare Red 赤 (ROT) chi4 +
+ + + step with left foot / rad. no 60 Foodstep 彳 (SCHRITT) chi4 +
+ + + irresolute, indecisive / yearn for 心, 忄 Heart 童 (KINDER) chong1 +
+ + + ancient warship Boat 童 (KINDER) chong1 +
+ + + grind in mortar Mortar 舂 (MÖRSERN) chong1 +
+ + + fill, be full, supply Legs 充 (FÜLLEN) chong1 +
+ + + 茺蔚 chōngwèi motherwort 艸, 艹 Grass 充 (FÜLLEN) chong1 +
+ + + a sad, uneasy countenance 心, 忄 Heart 中 (MITTE) chong1 +
+ + + insects, worms / KangXi radical 142 Insect 虫 (INSEKT) chong2 +
+ + + esteem, honor, revere, venerate Mountain 宗 (AHN) chong2 +
+ + + favorite, concubine / favor Dwelling 龙 chong3 +
+ + + ancient weapon, blunderbuss 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 充 (FÜLLEN) chong4 +
+ + + to be healed / to reform Illness 翏 (FEHLERHAFT) chou1 +
+ + + draw out, pull out / sprout 手, 扌 Hand1 由 (VERANLASSUNG) chou1 +
+ + + enemy, rival, opponent Bird2 隹 (KF_VOGEL) chou2 +
+ + + toast / reward, recompense Wine Jug 州 (BEZIRK) chou2 +
+ + + anxiety / to worry about, be anxious 心, 忄 Heart 秋 (HERBST) chou2 +
+ + + dense, crowded, packed / soupy Grain 周 (UMKREIS) chou2 +
+ + + silk cloth, satin damask Silk 周 (UMKREIS) chou2 +
+ + + distressed, regretful, sad 心, 忄 Heart 周 (UMKREIS) chou2 +
+ + + enemy, hate, hatred, enmity Man 九 (NEUN) chou2 +
+ + + farmland, arable land / category 寿 Field 寿 (LANGES_LEBEN) chou2 +
+ + + hesitate, falter / smug, self-satisfied 寿 Foot 寿 (LANGES_LEBEN) chou2 +
+ + + chip, tally, token / raise money 寿 Bamboo 寿 (LANGES_LEBEN) chou2 +
+ + + companion, mate, colleague 寿 Man 寿 (LANGES_LEBEN) chou2 +
+ + + see, look, gaze at Eye 秋 (HERBST) chou3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎醜;◎丑】 + + clown, comedian / 2nd terrestrial branch One 丑 (HÄSSLICH) chou3 +
+ + + smell, stink, emit foul odor Nose1 臭 (GERUCH_GESTANK) chou4 +
+ + + Ailanthus glandulosa or A. altissima, a kind of tree useless as timber Tree 雩 (REGENOPFER) chu1 +
+ + + beginning, initial, primary Knife 刀 (MESSER) chu1 +
+ + + go out, send out / stand / produce Pit 出 (HINAUSGEHEN) chu1 +
+ + + eliminate, remove, except 阜, 阝 Mount 除 (ÜBRIG) chu2 +
+ + + district in Anhui province 水, 氵 Water 除 (ÜBRIG) chu2 +
+ + + mow, cut grass / hay, fodder Knife 刍 (MÄHEN) chu2 +
+ + + chick, fledging / infant, toddler Bird2 刍 (MÄHEN) chu2 +
+ + + hesitate, falter, be undecided Foot 著 (DEUTLICH) chu2 +
+ + + hoe / eradicate 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 助 (HELFEN) chu2 +
+ + + kitchen / closet / cupboard Cliff 厨 (KÜCHE) chu2 +
+ + + cabinet, wardrobe, cupboard Tree 厨 (KÜCHE) chu2 +
+ + + hesitate, waver, falter Foot 厨 (KÜCHE) chu2 +
+ + + toad Insect 余 (ÜBRIG) chu2 +
+ + + mulberry / paper Tree 者 (JEMAND_DER) chu3 +
+ + + bag, valise / stuff, pad / surname Clothes 者 (JEMAND_DER) chu3 +
+ + + save money, store, reserve / heir Man 诸 (VERSCHIEDENE) chu3 +
+ + + foundation stone, plinth Stone 出 (HINAUSGEHEN) chu3 +
+ + + pestle / baton used beat clothes Tree 午 (MITTAG) chu3 +
+ + + name of feudal state / clear Tree 楚 (KLAR/LEIDEN) chu3 +
+ + + fear, be afraid / shy, timid 心, 忄 Heart 术 (KUNST) chu4 +
+ + + to take small steps / Korean place name Two 亍 (TIPPELN) chu4 +
+ + + sew, stitch / insufficient Silk 出 (HINAUSGEHEN) chu4 +
+ + + dismiss / demote, downgrade Black 出 (HINAUSGEHEN) chu4 +
+ + + livestock, domestic animals Field 畜 (HAUSTIER) chu4 +
+ + + cramp, spasm, convulsion / twitch 手, 扌 Hand1 畜 (HAUSTIER) chu4 +
+ + + butt, ram, gore / touch Horn 角 (HORN) chu4 +
+ + + painful / suffering / privation 心, 忄 Heart 楚 (KLAR/LEIDEN) chu4 +
+ + + straight, upright, erect, lofty Eye 直 (GERADEAUS) chu4 +
+ + + to thump 手, 扌 Hand1 搋 (TIGER_HORN) chuai1 +
+ + + put things under clothes 手, 扌 揣/耑 Hand1 揣/耑 (AF_EXTREM) chuai1 +
+ + + pork Flesh 帝 (HÖCHSTES_WESEN) chuai4 +
+ + + trample, tread on, kick / to crush 揣/耑 Foot 揣/耑 (AF_EXTREM) chuai4 +
+ + + stream, river / flow / boil River 川 (FLUSS) chuan1 +
+ + + tritium Vapor chuan1 +
穿 + 穿 + + penetrate, pierce, drill / wear Cave 牙 (ZAHN) chuan1 +
+ + + boat, ship Boat 工 (ARBEIT) chuan2 +
+ + + beams, rafters, supports Tree 彖 (WILDSCHWEIN) chuan2 +
+ + + ship, boat, vessel 沿 Boat 沿 (PH_MARSCH) chuan2 +
+ + + to hurry / to go to and fro 辵, 辶 揣/耑 Proceed 揣/耑 (AF_EXTREM) chuan2 +
+ + + oppose, deviate, be contrary to Opposition chuan3 +
+ + + pant, gasp, breathe heavily 揣/耑 Mouth 揣/耑 (AF_EXTREM) chuan3 +
+ + + string / relatives / conspire Rod 串 (AUFREIHEN ) chuan4 +
+ + + bracelet, armlet 金,钅 Gold (Metal) chuan4 +
+ + + tumor, boil, sore, wound Illness 仓 (SPEICHER) chuang1 +
+ + + window Cave 囱 (KAMIN) chuang1 +
+ + + bed, couch / framework, chassis 广 Shelter 木 (BAUM) chuang2 +
+ + + rush in, burst in, charge in Door 马 (PFERD) chuang3 +
+ + + establish, create / knife cut Knife 仓 (SPEICHER) chuang4 +
+ + + sad, broken-hearted, disconsolate 心, 忄 Heart 仓 (SPEICHER) chuang4 +
+ + + blow / puff / brag, boast Mouth 欠 (SCHULDEN) chui1 +
+ + + cook / meal Fire 欠 (SCHULDEN) chui1 +
+ + + hammer, mallet / strike, beat Tree 追 (VERFOLGEN) chui2 +
+ + + let down / suspend, hand / down Earth 垂 (HERABHÄNGEN) chui2 +
+ + + strike with stick, lash, beat 手, 扌 Hand1 垂 (HERABHÄNGEN) chui2 +
+ + + balance weight on scale / hammer 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 垂 (HERABHÄNGEN) chui2 +
+ + + frontier, border 阜, 阝 Mount 垂 (HERABHÄNGEN) chui2 +
+ + + Tree 垂 (HERABHÄNGEN) chui2 +
+ + + spring / wanton Sun 春 (FRÜHLING) chun1 +
椿 + 椿 + + father / a plant with white flowers Tree 春 (FRÜHLING) chun1 +
+ + + bedbug Insect 春 (FRÜHLING) chun1 +
+ + + pure, clean, simple Silk 纯 (PUR) chun2 +
+ + + an edible water plant-brasenia 艸, 艹 Grass 纯 (PUR) chun2 +
+ + + lips Mouth 辰 (5.PERIODE) chun2 +
+ + + rich, good as wine / pure, unmixed Wine Jug 享 (GENIESSEN) chun2 +
+ + + honest, simple, unsophisticated / cyanogen / ethane dinitrile 水, 氵 Water 享 (GENIESSEN) chun2 +
+ + + quail / Turnix species (various) Bird1 享 (GENIESSEN) chun2 +
+ + + wriggle / stupid / silly / fat Insect 春 (FRÜHLING) chun3 +
+ + + to get ahead / to stride / to excel Foot 卓 (TISCH) chuo1 +
+ + + prick, stab / stamp, seal, chop Halberd 翟 (BERGFASAN) chuo1 +
+ + + graceful, delicate / spacious Silk 卓 (TISCH) chuo4 +
+ + + sip, suck up / sob, weep Mouth 掇 (AF_SCHMÜCKEN) chuo4 +
+ + + stop, suspend, halt Cart 掇 (AF_SCHMÜCKEN) chuo4 +
+ + + narrow, small / dirty 齿 Teeth 足 (FUSS) chuo4 +
+ + + flaw, fault, defect / disease Illness 此 (DIES) ci1 +
+ + + give a talking-to Mouth 此 (DIES) ci1 +
+ + + magnetic / magnetism / porcelain Stone 兹 (NUN) ci2 +
+ + + kind, charitable, benevolent 心, 忄 Heart 兹 (NUN) ci2 +
+ 鶿 + + cormorant Bird1 兹 (NUN) ci2 +
+ + + food made of crushed and cooked rice Rice 兹 (NUN) ci2 +
+ + + thatching / caltrop, Tribulus terrestris 艸, 艹 Grass 次 (MAL) ci2 +
+ + + crockery, porcelain, chinaware Tile 次 (MAL) ci2 +
+ + + words, speech, expression, phrase Offend 辛 (BEISSEND) ci2 +
+ + + female / feminine / gentle, soft Bird2 此 (DIES) ci2 +
+ + + a plant yielding a red dye 艸, 艹 Grass 此 (DIES) ci2 +
+ + + words / phrase, expression Words 司 (FÜHREN) ci2 +
+ + + ancestral temple / offer sacrifice 示, 礻 Revelation 司 (FÜHREN) ci2 +
+ + + this, these / in this case, then Stop 此 (DIES) ci3 +
+ + + order, sequence / next Breathe 次 (MAL) ci4 +
+ + + give, bestow favors / appoint Shell 易 (LEICHT) ci4 +
+ + + medicinal herb 艸, 艹 Grass 从 (VON) cong1 +
+ + + fir tree Tree 从 (VON) cong1 +
+ + + chimney Enclosure 囱 (KAMIN) cong1 +
+ + + horse with a bluish white color Horse cong1 +
+ + + turquoise Jade cong1 +
+ + + hastily, in haste, hurriedly Wrap 匆 (HASTIG) cong1 +
+ + + scallions, leeks, green onions 艸, 艹 Grass 偬 (V_HASTIG) cong1 +
+ + + intelligent, clever, bright Ear 总 (ZUSAMMENFASSEN) cong1 +
+ + + from, by, since, whence, through Man 从 (VON) cong2 +
+ + + bush, shrub / thicket / collection One 从 (VON) cong2 +
+ + + gurgling sound of water 水, 氵 Water 宗 (AHN) cong2 +
+ + + octagonal piece of jade with hole in middle Jade 宗 (AHN) cong2 +
+ + + piece together, assemble Ice 奏 (MUSIKSPIELEN) cou4 +
+ + + Tree 奏 (MUSIKSPIELEN) cou4 +
+ + + hubs of wheel / converge around Cart 奏 (MUSIKSPIELEN) cou4 +
+ + + between the skin and the flesh Flesh 奏 (MUSIKSPIELEN) cou4 +
+ + + rough, thick, course / rude Rice 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) cu1 +
+ + + go, advance / to / die Foodstep 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) cu2 +
+ + + to die Disintegration 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) cu2 +
+ + + kick / tread on / leap / solemn Foot 就 cu4 +
+ + + abruptly, suddenly / abrupt Dog 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) cu4 +
+ + + vinegar / jealousy, envy Wine Jug 昔 (VERGANGENHEIT) cu4 +
+ + + urge, press, hurry / close Man 足 (FUSS) cu4 +
+ + + swarm, crowd together, cluster Bamboo 族 (VOLKSGRUPPE) cu4 +
+ + + frame on which silkworms spin 艸, 艹 Grass 族 (VOLKSGRUPPE) cu4 +
+ + + urgent, suddenly / grieve, lament Foot 戚 (VERWANDTE) cu4 +
+ + + to parboil / hot water kettle / to boil 水, 氵 Water 入 (EINTRETEN) cuan1 +
蹿 + + + leap / to jump / to spurt out Foot 窜 (FLIEHEN_ÄNDERN) cuan1 +
+ + + hurry / to throw / to urge 手, 扌 Hand1 窜 (FLIEHEN_ÄNDERN) cuan1 +
+ + + pick, poker 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 窜 (FLIEHEN_ÄNDERN) cuan1 +
+ + + run away / revise, edit / expel Cave 窜 (FLIEHEN_ÄNDERN) cuan4 +
+ + + usurp Bamboo 算 (RECHNEN) cuan4 +
+ + + oven, cooking stove / cook Fire 璺 (RISS) cuan4 +
+ + + high, lofty, towering / surname Mountain 崔 (BERGNEST) cui1 +
+ + + destroy, break, injure 手, 扌 Hand1 崔 (BERGNEST) cui1 +
+ + + press, urge Man 崔 (BERGNEST) cui1 +
+ + + rafter Tree 衰 (VERFALLEN) cui1 +
+ + + lustre of gems / glitter / shine Jade 崔 (BERGNEST) cui3 +
+ + + feel tired, be weary, be worn out Illness 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) cui4 +
+ + + pure / unadulterated / select Rice 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) cui4 +
+ + + temper / dye / soak / change, alter 水, 氵 Water 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) cui4 +
+ + + color green / kingfisher Wings 卒 (FUSSSOLDAT) cui4 +
+ + + dense, thick, close-set / to collect together 艸, 艹 Grass 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) cui4 +
+ + + to taste, to sip / to spit / the sound of sipping / to surprise Mouth 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) cui4 +
+ + + suffer, become emaciated, haggard 心, 忄 Heart 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) cui4 +
+ + + fine hair or fur on animals Hair 毳 (PELZHAAR) cui4 +
+ + + crisp / fragile, frail / brittle Flesh 危 (GEFAHR) cui4 +
+ + + village, hamlet / uncouth, vulgar Tree 寸 (INCH) cun1 +
+ + + chapped, cracked Skin 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) cun1 +
+ + + exist, live, be / survive / remain Child 子 (KIND) cun2 +
+ + + guess, suppose, conjecture 心, 忄 Heart 寸 (INCH) cun3 +
+ + + inch / small, tiny / KangXi radical 41 Inch 寸 (INCH) cun4 +
+ + + polish, buff / scrutinize Stone 差 (NICHT GLEICHEN) cuo1 +
+ + + to rub or roll between the hands 手, 扌 Hand1 差 (NICHT GLEICHEN) cuo1 +
+ + + error, mistake, slip / failure Foot 差 (NICHT GLEICHEN) cuo1 +
+ + + a dwarf Arrow 坐 (SITZEN) cuo2 +
+ + + a swelling of the lymph nodes Illness 坐 (SITZEN) cuo2 +
+ + + high, towering / irregular, rugged Mountain 差 (NICHT GLEICHEN) cuo2 +
+ + + salty / salt Salt 差 (NICHT GLEICHEN) cuo2 +
+ + + minced meat / trifles Flesh 坐 (SITZEN) cuo3 +
+ + + push down / chop down / grind 手, 扌 Hand1 坐 (SITZEN) cuo4 +
+ + + carpenter's file, file smooth 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 坐 (SITZEN) cuo4 +
+ + + place / collect, arrange / employ 手, 扌 Hand1 昔 (VERGANGENHEIT) cuo4 +
+ + + error, blunder, mistake / wrong 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 昔 (VERGANGENHEIT) cuo4 +
+ + + cut or engrave / a grave or tombstone Cliff 昔 (VERGANGENHEIT) cuo4 +
+ + + ears hanging down Ear 大 (GROSS) da1 +
+ + + a sound made to get a horse to move forward Mouth 达 (ERREICHEN) da1 +
+ + + join together, attach to / add to 手, 扌 Hand1 塔 (OBS_PFLANZENART) da1 +
+ + + absent-minded Mouth 塔 (OBS_PFLANZENART) da1 +
+ + + girdle / loincloth / pouch, bag Clothes 塔 (OBS_PFLANZENART) da1 +
+ + + grieved, saddened / worried 心, 忄 Heart 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) da2 +
+ + + concubine of last ruler of the Shang dynasty Woman 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) da2 +
+ + + a coarse mat of rushes or bamboo Bamboo 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) da2 +
+ + + tartars Rawhide 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) da2 +
+ + + arrive at, reach / intelligent / smooth, slippery 辵, 辶 Proceed 达 (ERREICHEN) da2 +
+ + + tatars Rawhide 达 (ERREICHEN) da2 +
+ + + answer, reply / return / assent to Bamboo 合 (SCHLIESSEN) da2 +
+ + + connected, joined / repeated 水, 氵 Water 沓 (WIEDERHOLT) da2 +
+ + + big, great, vast, large, high Big 大 (GROSS) da4 +
+ + + dull / dull-minded, simple, stupid Mouth 呆 (EINFÄLTIG) dai1 +
+ + + (Cant.) a necktie, a tire Mouth dai1 +
+ + + the Dai minority living in South China Man 泰 (FRIEDEN) Dai3 +
+ + + bad, vicious, depraved, wicked Disintegration 歹 (SCHLECHT) dai3 +
+ + + seize, catch / reach, arrive 辵, 辶 Proceed 隶 (UNTERGEORDNET) dai3 +
+ + + belt, girdle, band, strap, zone Cloth 带 (GÜRTEL) dai4 +
+ + + dangerous, perilous / endanger Disintegration 台 (PLATTFORM) dai4 +
+ + + idle, remiss, negligent / neglect 心, 忄 Heart 台 (PLATTFORM) dai4 +
+ + + until, when / seize, arrest 辵, 辶 Proceed 台 (PLATTFORM) dai4 +
+ 紿 + + cheat, fool, pretend Silk 台 (PLATTFORM) dai4 +
+ + + sugar product Sweet dai4 +
+ + + replace, replacement (of person or generation) / era, generation Man 代 (PFEIL_MIT_SEHNE) dai4 +
+ + + lend / borrow / pardon Shell 代 (ERSETZEN) dai4 +
+ + + pocket, bag, sack, pouch Clothes 代 (ERSETZEN) dai4 +
+ + + Daishan, one of the Five Sacred Mountains in China Mountain 代 dai4 +
+ + + tortoise shell Jade 代 dai4 +
+ + + blacken eyebrows / black Black 代 dai4 +
+ + + wear on top / support Halberd 哉 (SCHNEIDEN) dai4 +
+ + + a dam, a jock / inclined plane on a canal, where boats can be hauled up or down Earth 隶 (UNTERGEORDNET) dai4 +
+ + + single, individual, only / lone Ten 单 (EINZELN) dan1 +
+ + + county in Hebei province City 单 (EINZELN) dan1 +
+ + + utmost, entirely, quite / use up Disintegration 单 (EINZELN) dan1 +
+ + + small bamboo basket for holding Bamboo 单 (EINZELN) dan1 +
+ + + cinnabar (native HgS) / vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) Dot 丹 (ROToderPILLE ) dan1 +
+ + + a small jar / to bear a burden / a load of two Man 詹 (GESCHWÄTZIG) dan1 +
+ + + ears without rims / a personal name Ear 冉 (LANGSAM) dan1 +
+ + + indulge in / be negligent Ear 冘 (OBS_UMHERWANDERNDER_MANN) dan1 +
+ + + gloat, stare at / to delay, to loiter, to hinder Eye dan1 +
+ + + to dust / a duster 手, 扌 Hand1 单 (EINZELN) dan3 +
+ + + jaundice / disorders of stomach Illness 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) dan3 +
+ + + gall bladder / bravery, courage Flesh 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) dan3 +
+ + + fine Shell 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) dan3 +
+ + + dread, shrink from, shirk, fear 心, 忄 Heart 单 (EINZELN) dan4 +
+ + + dawn / morning / day Sun 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) dan4 +
+ + + only / but, however, yet, still Man 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) dan4 +
+ + + lotus 艸, 艹 Grass 谄 (AF_FALLE) dan4 +
+ + + xenon Vapor 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) dan4 +
+ + + weak, watery / insipid, tasteless 水, 氵 Water 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) dan4 +
+ + + eat, feed / chew, bite / entice Mouth 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) dan4 +
+ + + bear children, give birth / birth Words 延 (VERLÄNGERN) dan4 +
+ + + eggs / term of abuse Insect 疋 (ROLLE) dan4 +
+ + + crotch or seat of pants / pants Clothes 当 (FUNGIEREN) dang1 +
+ + + obstruct, impede / stop / resist 手, 扌 Hand1 当 (FUNGIEREN) dang3 +
+ + + political party, gang, faction Legs 党 (PARTEI) dang3 +
+ + + counsel, advice / speak out Words 党 (PARTEI) dang3 +
+ + + pond, pool / wash away, cleanse 艸, 艹 Grass 汤 (KOCHENDES_WASSER) dang4 +
+ + + stone quarry / cave dwelling Dwelling 宕 (VERSPÄTEN) dang4 +
+ + + 莨菪 ²làngdàng n. 〈bot.〉 (black) henbane 艸, 艹 Grass 宕 (VERSPÄTEN) dang4 +
+ + + shelf / frame, crosspiece Tree 当 (FUNGIEREN) dang4 +
+ + + ditch / pool Pit 水 (WASSER) dang4 +
+ + + brilliantly colored stone with veined patterns in it Stone dang4 +
+ + + knife / old coin / measure Knife 刀 (MESSER) dao1 +
+ + + grieved / distressed in mind 心, 忄 Heart 刀 (MESSER) dao1 +
+ + + deuterium Vapor 氘 (DEUTERIUM) dao1 +
+ + + stamp feet / dance Foot 舀 (SCHÖPFKELLE) dao3 +
+ + + island Mountain 岛 (INSEL) dao3 +
+ + + hull / thresh / beat, attack 手, 扌 Hand1 岛 (INSEL) dao3 +
+ + + pray / entreat, beg, plead / prayer 示, 礻 寿 Revelation 寿 (LANGES_LEBEN) dao3 +
+ + + direct, guide, lead, conduct Inch 巳 (6.PERIODE) dao3 +
+ + + rice growing in field, rice plant Grain 舀 (SCHÖPFKELLE) dao4 +
+ + + rob, steal / thief, bandit Household utensils 次 (MAL) dao4 +
+ + + grieve, mourn, lament / grieved 心, 忄 Heart 卓 (TISCH) dao4 +
+ + + a banner, a streamer Silk 毒 (GIFT) dao4 +
+ + + go to, arrive, been to Knife 到 (ANKOMMEN) dao4 +
+ + + path, road, street / method, way 辵, 辶 Proceed 首 (KOPF) dao4 +
+ + + possessive, adjectival suffix White 勺 (KELLE) de +
+ + + ethics, morality, virtue Foodstep 德 (MORAL) de2 +
+ + + technetium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 得 (AF_MÜSSEN) de2 +
+ + + lantern, lamp Fire 丁 (ERWACHSENER) deng1 +
+ + + rise, mount, board, climb Both Feet 登 (BOHNE) deng1 +
+ + + step on, tread on / lose energy Foot 登 (STEIGEN) deng1 +
+ + + syllable / (Cant.) for (a recipient of pity or sympathy) Mouth 登 deng1 +
+ + + large umbrella with a long handle, used for street stalls Bamboo 登 deng1 +
+ + + a small steelyard for weighing money, etc. Halberd 星 (STERN) deng3 +
+ + + rank, grade / wait / equal / 'etc.' Bamboo 寺 (TEMPEL) deng3 +
+ + + stare at Eye 登 (STEIGEN) deng4 +
+ + + bench / stool Stool 登 (STEIGEN) deng4 +
+ + + path leading up a mountain Mountain 登 deng4 +
+ + + steps on ledge, cliff, or hill Stone 登 deng4 +
+ + + lamp / a kind of cooking vessel 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 登 deng4 +
+ + + surname City 又 (WIEDER) deng4 +
+ + + drip / drop of water 水, 氵 Water 谪 (OBS_WURZEL) di1 +
+ + + dike Earth 是 (IST) di1 +
+ + + low / to lower, hang, bend, bow Man 氐 (NAME_DI1) di1 +
+ + + ram, he-goat Sheep 氐 (NAME_DI1) di1 +
+ 覿 + + see / interview / be admitted to audience See 卖 (VERKAUFEN) di2 +
+ + + purchase grains / store grain Rice 入 (EINTRETEN) di2 +
+ + + tribe from northern china / surnam Dog 狄 (DI2_NAME) di2 +
+ + + reed, Miscanthus saccariflorus 艸, 艹 Grass 狄 (DI2_NAME) di2 +
+ + + legal wife, child of legal wife Woman 谪 (OBS_WURZEL) di2 +
+ + + enemy, foe, rival / resist Tap 舌 (ZUNGE) di2 +
+ + + wash, cleanse, purify / sweep 水, 氵 Water 条 (STREIFEN) di2 +
+ + + enlighten, advance / progress 辵, 辶 Proceed 由 (VERANLASSUNG) di2 +
+ + + bamboo flute / whistle Bamboo 由 (VERANLASSUNG) di2 +
+ + + an islet, a rock in a river / an embankment / to stop Earth 氐 (NAME_DI1) di3 +
+ + + bottom, underneath, underside 广 Shelter 氐 (NAME_DI1) di3 +
+ + + resist, oppose / deny / off-set 手, 扌 Hand1 氐 (NAME_DI1) di3 +
+ + + slander, comdemn, reproach Words 氐 (NAME_DI1) di3 +
+ + + official residence, residence of City 氐 (NAME_DI1) di3 +
+ + + root, base / bottom of object Tree 氐 (NAME_DI1) di3 +
+ + + a whetstone / to polish Stone 氐 (NAME_DI1) di3 +
+ + + coccyx Bones 氐 (NAME_DI1) di3 +
+ + + young brother / junior / i, me Bow 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) di4 +
+ + + hand over, deliver / substitute 辵, 辶 Proceed 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) di4 +
+ + + younger sister, sister-in-law Woman 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) di4 +
+ + + look at, glance at / stare at Eye 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) di4 +
+ + + sequence, number / grade, degree Bamboo 第 (PRÄFIX_FÜR_KARDINALZAHL) di4 +
+ + + supreme ruler, emperor / god Cloth 帝 (HÖCHSTES_WESEN) di4 +
+ + + peduncle or stem of plants 艸, 艹 Grass 帝 (HÖCHSTES_WESEN) di4 +
+ + + tie, join, connect / connection Silk 帝 (HÖCHSTES_WESEN) di4 +
+ + + careful, attentive Words 帝 (HÖCHSTES_WESEN) di4 +
+ + + Stone 帝 (HÖCHSTES_WESEN) di4 +
+ + + kerria japonica plant, cherry Tree 隶 (UNTERGEORDNET) di4 +
+ + + (Cant.) saliva / intensifying particle / inviting, coquettish / 嗲哋. 'daddy' Mouth 爹 dia3 +
+ + + crazy, mad / madness, mania, insan Illness 颠 (SCHEITEL) dian1 +
+ + + heft, hold or weigh in palm 手, 扌 Hand1 店 (GESCHÄFT) dian1 +
+ + + Yunnan province 水, 氵 Water 真 (WIRKLICH) Dian1 +
+ + + top, peak, summit / upset Head2 颠 (WIRKLICH) dian1 +
+ + + summit of mountain, mountain top Mountain 颠 (SCHEITEL) dian1 +
+ + + law, canon / documentation / classic, scripture Eight 典 (KANON) dian3 +
+ + + iodine Stone 典 (KANON) dian3 +
+ + + dot, speck, spot / point, degree Fire 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) dian3 +
+ + + tip toe Foot 店 (GESCHÄFT) dian3 +
+ + + pay respect / settle Big 酋 (STAMMESFÜRST) dian4 +
+ + + a stand on which to replace goblets after drinking Earth 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) dian4 +
+ + + flaw in gem / flaw in character Jade 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) dian4 +
+ + + shop, store / inn, hotel 广 Shelter 店 (GESCHÄFT) dian4 +
+ + + think of, remember, miss 心, 忄 Heart 店 (GESCHÄFT) dian4 +
+ + + electricity / electric / lightning Field 电 (ELEKTRIZITÄT) dian4 +
+ + + bamboo mat Bamboo 覃 (VERBREITET) dian4 +
+ + + indigo / any blue dye Green dian4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎澱;◎淀】 + + shallow water, swamp / swampy 水, 氵 Water 定 (FESTSETZEN) dian4 +
+ + + tenant farmer / be a tenant farmer Man 田 (REISFELD) dian4 +
+ + + suburbs of capital / govern / crops Field 田 (REISFELD) dian4 +
+ + + hairpin / gold inlaid work, filigree 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 田 (REISFELD) dian4 +
殿 + 殿 + + hall / palace / temple 殿 Strike 殿 (HALLE) dian4 +
+ + + erythema 殿 Illness 殿 (HALLE) dian4 +
+ + + advance money, pay for another Earth 执 (HALTEN) dian4 +
+ + + marten, sable, mink Cat 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) diao1 +
+ + + room made of stone / watchtower Stone 周 (UMKREIS) diao1 +
+ + + engrave, inlay, carve / exhaust / used for 9D70 鵰 an eagle, vulture Bird2 周 (UMKREIS) diao1 +
+ + + be withered, fallen / exhausted Ice 周 (UMKREIS) diao1 +
+ + + pagrosomus major, porgy Fish 周 (UMKREIS) diao1 +
+ + + tricky, sly, crafty, cunning Knife 刁 (SCHLAU) diao1 +
+ + + holding in mouth Mouth 刁 (SCHLAU) diao1 +
+ + + turn, move / shake, wag / drop down 手, 扌 Hand1 卓 (TISCH) diao4 +
+ + + large hoe / surname / a spear 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 兆 diao4 +
+ + + condole, mourn, pity / hang Mouth 吊 (HÄNGEN) diao4 +
+ + + 钌铞儿 hasp & staple 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 吊 (HÄNGEN) diao4 +
+ + + fish / fishhook / tempt, lure 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 勺 (KELLE) diao4 +
+ + + stumble, slip, fall down / stamp Foot 失 (VERLIEREN) die1 +
+ + + father, daddy Father 爹 (VIELE) die1 +
+ + + an intelligence report / to spy / spying Words 谍 (AF_BLATT) die2 +
+ + + small dish, plate Stone 谍 (AF_BLATT) die2 +
+ + + butterfly Insect 谍 (AF_BLATT) die2 +
+ + + plate Earth 谍 (AF_BLATT) die2 +
+ + + to sort out the stalks used in divination / to fold 手, 扌 Hand1 谍 (AF_BLATT) die2 +
+ + + documents, records / dispatch Splitwood right 谍 (AF_BLATT) die2 +
+ + + to skip, to dance / to put the foot down Foot 谍 (AF_BLATT) die2 +
+ + + flatfish / flounder / sole Fish 谍 (AF_BLATT) die2 +
+ + + repeatedly, frequently 辵, 辶 Proceed 失 die2 +
+ + + young melons just forming Melon 失 die2 +
+ + + pile / be piled up / fold up Hand2 叠 (DREI_HÄNDE) die2 +
+ + + ant-hill, small mound / hill Earth 至 (BIS) die2 +
+ + + aged / in one's eighties Old 至 (BIS) die2 +
+ + + male adult / robust, vigorous / 4th heavenly stem One 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ding1 +
+ + + rivet gaze upon, keep eyes on Eye 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ding1 +
+ + + exhort or enjoin repeatedly Mouth 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ding1 +
+ + + lonely, solitary Man 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ding1 +
+ + + jingling, tinkling Jade 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ding1 +
+ + + carbuncle, boil, ulcer Illness 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ding1 +
+ + + drunk, intoxicated Wine Jug 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ding1 +
+ + + Ear 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ding3 +
+ + + top, summit, peak / to carry on the head Head2 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ding3 +
+ + + large, three-legged bronze caldron Tripod 目 (AUGE) ding3 +
+ + + draw up agreement / arrange Words 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ding4 +
+ + + decide, settle, fix Dwelling 疋 (ROLLE) ding4 +
+ + + spindle, slab, cake, tablet 金,钅 Gold (Metal) ding4 +
+ + + phonetic used in pyridine and pyrimidine Mouth ding4 +
+ + + buttock Flesh ding4 +
+ + + anchor Stone ding4 +
+ + + discard One 丢 (VERLEGEN) diu1 +
+ + + thulium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 丢 (VERLEGEN) diu1 +
+ + + winter, 11th lunar month Ice 冬 (WINTER) dong1 +
+ + + onomatopoetic, a thumping sound Mouth 冬 (WINTER) dong1 +
+ + + radon Vapor 冬 (WINTER) dong1 +
+ + + east, eastern, eastward One 东 (OSTEN ) dong1 +
+ + + place name in Guangxi province Mountain 东 (OSTEN) dong1 +
+ + + thrush / Turdus species (various) Bird1 东 (OSTEN) dong1 +
+ + + direct, supervise / surname 艸, 艹 Grass 董 (DIREKTOR) dong3 +
+ + + understand, comprehend 心, 忄 Heart 董 (DIREKTOR) dong3 +
+ + + the large intestine / the body Flesh 同 (IDENTISCH) dong4 +
+ + + variant of 6D1E 洞, cave / chamber / pit Stone 同 (IDENTISCH) dong4 +
+ + + move, happen / movement, action Strength 动 (BEWEGEN) dong4 +
+ + + main beams supporting house Tree 东 (OSTEN) dong4 +
+ + + freeze / cold, congeal / jelly Ice 东 (OSTEN) dong4 +
+ + + a kind of protein Flesh 东 (OSTEN) dong4 +
+ + + big / ignorant / rude, rustic Man 同 (IDENTISCH) Dong4 +
+ + + in pain, sorrowful 心, 忄 Heart 同 (IDENTISCH) dong4 +
+ + + cave, grotto / ravine / hole 水, 氵 Water 同 (IDENTISCH) dong4 +
+ + + pouch Legs 兜 (TASCHE) dou1 +
+ + + counter for plant 艸, 艹 Grass 兜 (TASCHE) dou1 +
+ + + mountain sedan chair / (Cant.) a simple container without a cover Bamboo 兜 (TASCHE) dou1 +
+ + + tremble, shake, rouse / give shake 手, 扌 Hand1 斗 (KÄMPFEN) dou3 +
+ + + tadpole Insect 斗 (KÄMPFEN) dou3 +
+ + + steep, sloping / abruptly, sudden 阜, 阝 Mount 走 (GEHEN) dou3 +
+ + + surname / hole, burrow / corrupt Cave 卖 (VERKAUFEN) dou4 +
+ + + beans, peas / bean-shaped Bean 豆 (BOHNE) dou4 +
+ + + tempt, allure, arouse, stir 辵, 辶 Proceed 豆 (BOHNE) dou4 +
+ + + smallpox Illness 豆 (BOHNE) dou4 +
+ + + sound of horn tooting Mouth 都 (ALLE) du1 +
+ + + supervise, oversee, direct Eye 叔 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER_DES_VATERS) du1 +
+ + + read, study / pronounce Words 卖 (VERKAUFEN) du2 +
+ + + calf / victim of sacrifice Ox 卖 (VERKAUFEN) du2 +
+ + + ditch, sluice, gutter, drain 水, 氵 Water 卖 (VERKAUFEN) du2 +
+ + + cabinet, wardrobe / closet Tree 卖 (VERKAUFEN) du2 +
+ + + writing tablet / documents, books Splitwood right 卖 (VERKAUFEN) du2 +
+ + + alone, single, solitary, only Dog 虫 (INSEKT) du2 +
+ + + to dishonor, defile, corrupt / soiled Black 卖 (VERKAUFEN) du2 +
+ + + skull Bones 蜀 (SHU_SEIDENWURM) du2 +
+ + + poison, venom / poisonous Do not 毒 (GIFT) du2 +
+ + + deep, true, sincere, genuine Bamboo 马 (PFERD) du3 +
+ + + wall / stop, prevent / stop up Earth 者 (JEMAND_DER) du3 +
+ + + look at, gaze at / observe Eye 者 (JEMAND_DER) du3 +
+ + + bet, gamble, wager / compete Shell 者 (JEMAND_DER) du3 +
+ + + moth / insects which eat into clot Insect 橐 (TASCHE) du4 +
+ + + stop, prevent / restrict / surname Tree 土 (ERDE) du4 +
+ + + 艸, 艹 Grass 土 (ERDE) du4 +
+ + + degree, system / manner / to consider 广 Shelter 度 (GRAD) du4 +
+ + + plate, coat, gild 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 度 (GRAD) du4 +
+ + + cross, ferry over / ferry 水, 氵 Water 度 (GRAD) du4 +
+ + + jealous, envious Woman 户 (TÜRFLÜGEL) du4 +
+ + + end, extreme / head / beginning 揣/耑 Stand 揣/耑 (AF_EXTREM) duan1 +
+ + + short / brief / deficient, lacking Arrow 豆 (BOHNE) duan3 +
+ + + sever, cut off / interrupt Axe 断 (AF_FORTSETZEN) duan4 +
+ + + bamboo trap for catching fish Bamboo 断 duan4 +
+ + + section, piece, division Strike 段 (TEIL) duan4 +
+ + + forge metal / temper, refine 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 段 (TEIL) duan4 +
+ + + satin Silk 段 (TEIL) duan4 +
+ + + poplar, aspen Tree duan4 +
+ + + forge metal / perfect one's skill Fire duan4 +
+ + + heap, pile, crowd / pile up Earth 隹 (KF_VOGEL) dui1 +
+ + + team, group / army unit 阜, 阝 Mount 队 (TEAM) dui4 +
+ + + pestle Stone 隹 (KF_VOGEL) dui4 +
+ + + correct, right / facing, opposed Inch 对 (KORREKT) dui4 +
+ + + hate, abhor / hatred, resentment 心, 忄 Heart 对 (KORREKT) dui4 +
+ + + to dislike, to abhor, to hate 心, 忄 Heart 敦 (EHRLICH_DUNHUANG) dui4 +
+ + + cash / exchange Legs 兑 (ÄLTERER_BRUDER) dui4 +
+ + + metric ton / (Cant.) to babble, gibberish Mouth 屯 (EINLAGERN) dun1 +
+ + + squat, crouch / idle about Foot 尊 (EHREN) dun1 +
+ + + esteem / honest, candid, sincere Tap 敦 (EHRLICH_DUNHUANG) dun1 +
+ + + heap, mound, block of stone Earth 敦 (EHRLICH_DUNHUANG) dun1 +
+ + + Stone 敦 (EHRLICH_DUNHUANG) dun1 +
+ + + to doze / to nap / to nod Eye 屯 (EINLAGERN) dun3 +
+ + + sell or buy wholesale / store Foot 万 (ZEHNTAUSEND) dun3 +
+ + + pause, stop / bow, kowtow / arrange Head2 屯 (EINLAGERN) dun4 +
+ + + blunt, obtuse / dull / flat / dull-witted 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 屯 (EINLAGERN) dun4 +
+ + + chaotic, confused / turbid, murky 水, 氵 Water 屯 (EINLAGERN) dun4 +
+ + + heat with fire / stew Fire 屯 (EINLAGERN) dun4 +
+ + + a kind of farm tool Stone 屯 (EINLAGERN) dun4 +
+ + + shield / dutch guilder / Indonesia Eye 盾 (SCHILD) dun4 +
+ + + hide, conceal oneself / escape 辵, 辶 Proceed 盾 (SCHILD) dun4 +
+ + + much, many / more than, over Evening 多 (VIELE) duo1 +
+ + + tremble, shiver, shudder, quiver Mouth 多 (VIELE) duo1 +
+ + + noise of rage, cry out in anger Mouth 出 (HINAUSGEHEN) duo1 +
+ + + collect, gather up, pick up 手, 扌 Hand1 掇 (AF_SCHMÜCKEN) duo1 +
+ + + to mend clothes Clothes 掇 (AF_SCHMÜCKEN) duo1 +
+ + + take by force, rob, snatch Big 大 (GROSS) duo2 +
+ + + bell / surname 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 译 (V_C_AUGE_ÜBER_VERBRECHER) duo2 +
+ + + stroll, pace, walk slowly Foot 度 (GRAD) duo2 +
+ + + Silk 垂 (HERABHÄNGEN) duo3 +
+ + + cluster of flowers / earlobe Tree 朵 (WIEVIELE) duo3 +
+ + + hide, secrete / avoid, escape Body 朵 (ZW_BLUMEN) duo3 +
+ + + chemical element / (Cant.) backing, support of someone powerful / a little Mouth 朵 duo3 +
+ + + rudder, helm Boat 它 (ES) duo4 +
+ + + indolent, careless, lazy, idle 心, 忄 Heart 惰 (LINKS_FLEISCH) duo4 +
+ + + fall, sink, let fall / degenerate Earth 堕 (FALLEN) duo4 +
+ + + stamp feet, step Foot 朵 (ZW_BLUMEN) duo4 +
+ + + chop by pounding, mince, hash Knife 朵 duo4 +
+ + + to ease nature Corpse 阿 (PHON.A) e1 +
+ + + be beautiful, be graceful Woman 阿 (PHON.A) e1 +
+ + + swindle, cheat / erroneous, wrong Words 化 (VERÄNDERN) e2 +
+ + + forehead / tablet, plaque / fixed Head2 客 (GAST) e2 +
+ + + moth Insect 我 (ICH) e2 +
+ + + lofty Mountain 我 (ICH) e2 +
+ + + goose Bird1 我 (ICH) e2 +
+ + + sudden(ly), soon / Russian Man 我 (ICH) e2 +
+ + + be beautiful / good / surname Woman 我 (ICH) e2 +
+ + + artemisia 艸, 艹 Grass 我 (ICH) e2 +
+ + + osmium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 我 (ICH) e2 +
+ + + the stem and calyx of a flower / a younger brother 艸, 艹 Grass 谔 (SCHOCKIEREND) e4 +
+ + + startled, alarmed, astonished 心, 忄 Heart 谔 (SCHOCKIEREND) e4 +
+ + + palate, roof of mouth Flesh 谔 (SCHOCKIEREND) e4 +
+ + + high, lofty / edge of knife 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 谔 (SCHOCKIEREND) e4 +
+ + + osprey, fishhawk Bird1 谔 (SCHOCKIEREND) e4 +
+ + + jaw Head2 谔 (SCHOCKIEREND) e4 +
+ + + alligator Fish 谔 (SCHOCKIEREND) e4 +
+ + + bad, ill-omened, unlucky Mouth 王 (KÖNIG) e4 +
+ + + stop, suppress, curb, check / a bar 辵, 辶 Proceed 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) e4 +
+ + + holy, sacred, sage / simplification of 堊 chalk / daub with chalk Earth 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) e4 +
+ + + adversity, difficulty, distress Cliff 厄 (SCHLÜSSELPUNKT) e4 +
+ + + grasp, clutch / choke, strangle 手, 扌 Hand1 厄 (SCHLÜSSELPUNKT) e4 +
+ + + an organic compound 艸, 艹 Grass 厄 (SCHLÜSSELPUNKT) e4 +
+ + + belch / hiccup Mouth 厄 (SCHLÜSSELPUNKT) e4 +
+ + + yoke, collar Cart 厄 (SCHLÜSSELPUNKT) e4 +
饿 + + + hungry / greedy for / hunger Food 我 (ICH) e4 +
+ + + honest speech, straightforward Words 谔 (SCHOCKIEREND) e4 +
+ + + Hubei province / startled City 谔 (SCHOCKIEREND) E4 +
+ + + kindness, mercy, charity 心, 忄 Heart 恩 (FREUNDLICHKEIT) en1 +
+ + + anthracene 艸, 艹 Grass 恩 (FREUNDLICHKEIT) en1 +
+ + + to press with the hand 手, 扌 Hand1 恩 en4 +
+ + + and / and then / and yet / but Beard 而 (UND) er2 +
+ + + swallow Bird1 而 (UND) er2 +
+ + + roe Fish 而 (UND) er2 +
+ + + ear / merely, only / handle Ear 耳 (OHR) er3 +
+ + + bait / bait, entice / dumplings Food 耳 (OHR) er3 +
+ + + a lake in Yunnan 水, 氵 Water 耳 (OHR) er3 +
+ + + ear ornament / stick, insert Jade 耳 (OHR) er3 +
+ + + erbium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 耳 (OHR) er3 +
+ + + you / that, those / final particle Small 尔 (ALTES_DU) er3 +
+ + + be near, be close / recently 辵, 辶 Proceed 尔 (ALTES_DU) er3 +
+ + + two / twice Two 二 (ZWEI) er4 +
+ + + number two Shell 贰 (ZWEI_KOMPLIZIERT) er4 +
+ + + penalty, fine / punish, penalize Net 罚 (NETZ) fa2 +
+ + + lack / poor 丿 Leftstroke 乏 (FEHLEN) fa2 +
+ + + cut down, subjugate, attack Man 伐 (FÄLLEN) fa2 +
+ + + raft Bamboo 伐 (FÄLLEN) fa2 +
+ + + powerful and influential group Door 伐 (FÄLLEN) fa2 +
+ + + plow soil / place name Earth 伐 (FÄLLEN) fa2 +
+ + + law, rule, regulation, statute / France, French 水, 氵 Water 去 (GEHEN) fa3 +
+ + + balance weights Stone 去 (GEHEN) fa3 +
+ + + enamel, cloissoné Jade 去 (GEHEN) fa4 +
+ + + to take turns / a turn, a time / to repeat Field 番 (EIGENS) fan1 +
+ + + flip over, upset, capsize Wings 番 (EIGENS) fan1 +
+ + + sail / boat Cloth 凡 (GEWÖHNLICH) fan1 +
+ + + pennant, banner, streamer, flag Cloth 番 (EIGENS) fan1 +
+ + + fence / boundary / outlying border 艸, 艹 Grass 番 (REISWASSER) fan1 +
+ + + bother, vex, trouble / troublesome Fire 页 (BUCHSEITE) fan2 +
+ + + all, any, every / ordinary, common Stool 凡 (PUNKT) fan2 +
+ + + alum Stone 凡 fan2 +
+ + + vanadium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 凡 fan2 +
+ + + to roast / to burn Fire 番 (EIGENS) fan2 +
+ + + an animal's paws Foot 番 (EIGENS) fan2 +
+ + + complicated, complex, difficult Silk 敏 (FLINK) fan2 +
+ + + Artemisia stellariana 艸, 艹 Grass fan2 +
+ + + a railing / a fence an enclosed place Tree 樊 (ZAUN) fan2 +
+ + + reverse, opposite, contrary, anti Hand2 反 (UMWENDEN) fan3 +
+ + + return, revert to, restore 辵, 辶 Proceed 反 (UMWENDEN) fan3 +
+ + + peddler, hawker, street merchant Shell 反 (UMWENDEN) fan4 +
+ + + cooked rice / food, meal Food 反 (UMWENDEN) fan4 +
+ + + field / farm Field 反 (UMWENDEN) fan4 +
+ + + to drift, float / careless, reckless 水, 氵 Water 乏 (FEHLEN) fan4 +
+ + + Buddhist, Sanskrit Tree 凡 fan4 +
+ + + commit crime, violate / criminal Dog 犯 (SPROSS) fan4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎範;◎范】 + + surname / bee-like insect 艸, 艹 Grass 犯 (SPROSS) fan4 +
+ + + a square, rectangle / a region / local Square 方 (VIERECK) fang1 +
+ + + neighborhood, urban subdivision / (J) priest's residence / (Buddhist) priest / boy Earth 方 (VIERECK) fang1 +
+ + + fragrant / virtuous / beautiful 艸, 艹 Grass 方 (VIERECK) fang1 +
+ + + name of a district in Sichuan City 方 (VIERECK) fang1 +
+ + + sandalwood / tree used as timber Tree 方 (VIERECK) fang1 +
+ + + francium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 方 (VIERECK) fang1 +
+ + + animal fat Flesh 方 (VIERECK) fang2 +
+ + + house, building / room Doorleaf 方 (VIERECK) fang2 +
+ + + defend / prevent / embankment 阜, 阝 Mount 方 (VIERECK) fang2 +
+ + + interfere with, impede, obstruct Woman 方 (VIERECK) fang2 +
+ + + bream Fish 方 (VIERECK) fang2 +
仿 + 仿 + + imitate, copy / as if Man 方 (VIERECK) fang3 +
访 + + + visit / ask, inquire Words 方 (VIERECK) fang3 +
+ + + spin, reel, weave / reeled pongee Silk 方 (VIERECK) fang3 +
+ + + fancy boat, yacht Boat 方 (VIERECK) fang3 +
+ + + put, release, free, liberate Tap 方 (VIERECK) fang4 +
+ + + not, negative, non- / oppose Back to back 非 (FEHLER) fei1 +
+ + + morphine / coffee Mouth 非 (FEHLER) fei1 +
+ + + scarlet, dark red, crimson / purpl Silk 非 (FEHLER) fei1 +
+ + + door panel Doorleaf 非 (FEHLER) fei1 +
+ + + falling of snow and rain Rain 非 (FEHLER) fei1 +
+ + + herring Fish 非 (FEHLER) fei1 +
+ + + fly / go quickly / dart / high Fly 飞 (FLIEGEN) fei1 +
+ + + wife, spouse / imperial concubine Woman 己 (SELBST) fei1 +
+ + + fat, plump, obese / fertile Flesh 巴 (FETT) fei2 +
+ + + name of an affluent of the Poyang Lake 水, 氵 Water 巴 (FETT) fei2 +
+ + + calf / avoid / be ill / wither Flesh 非 (FEHLER) fei2 +
+ + + slander, vilify, condemn Words 非 (FEHLER) fei3 +
+ + + to be desirous of speaking 心, 忄 Heart 非 (FEHLER) fei3 +
+ + + graceful, elegant, beautiful Literature 非 (FEHLER) fei3 +
+ + + kingfisher / emerald, jade Wings 非 (FEHLER) fei3 +
+ + + bandits, robbers, gangsters Box 匪 (FEHLER) fei3 +
+ + + type of yew Tree 匪 (FEHLER) fei3 +
+ + + round or oval covered-baskets with short legs Bamboo 匪 (FEHLER) fei3 +
+ + + boil, bubble up, gush 水, 氵 Water 弗 (NON) fei4 +
+ + + baboon Dog 弗 (NON) fei4 +
+ + + expenses, expenditures, fee Shell 费 (AUSGABEN) fei4 +
+ + + fermium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 费 (AUSGABEN) fei4 +
+ + + heat rash, prickly heat / ulcers Illness 非 (FEHLER) fei4 +
+ + + abrogate, terminate, discard 广 Shelter 发 (SENDEN) fei4 +
+ + + bark Mouth 犬 (HUND) fei4 +
+ + + lungs Flesh 芾 (KNIE-SCHONER) fei4 +
+ + + fragrance, aroma / perfume 艸, 艹 Grass 分 (TRENNEN) fen1 +
+ + + carbolic acid / phenol Wine Jug 分 (TRENNEN) fen1 +
+ + + order, command, instruct Mouth 分 (TRENNEN) fen1 +
+ + + gas, vapor, air Vapor 分 (TRENNEN) fen1 +
+ + + in disorder, scattered, tangled Silk 分 (TRENNEN) fen1 +
+ + + river in Shanxi province 水, 氵 Water 分 (TRENNEN) fen2 +
+ + + beams in the roof of a house confused, disordered Tree 分 (TRENNEN) fen2 +
+ + + a variety of mole Rat 分 (TRENNEN) fen2 +
+ + + grave, mound / bulge / bulging Earth 文 (SCHRIFT) fen2 +
+ + + burn Fire 林 fen2 +
+ + + powder, face powder / plaster Rice 分 (TRENNEN) fen3 +
+ + + portion, part / duty Man 分 (TRENNEN) fen4 +
忿 + 忿 + + get angry / fury, exasperation 心, 忄 Heart 分 (TRENNEN) fen4 +
+ + + strive, exert effort / arouse Big 大 (GROSS) fen4 +
+ + + manure, dung, shit, excrement, night soil Rice 共 (GEMEINSAM) fen4 +
+ + + 水, 氵 Water fen4 +
+ + + resent, hate / indignant 心, 忄 Heart 贲 (SCHÖN_GESCHMÜCKT) fen4 +
+ + + ruin, cause fail / overthrown Man 贲 (SCHÖN_GESCHMÜCKT) fen4 +
+ + + fish Fish 贲 (SCHÖN_GESCHMÜCKT) fen4 +
+ + + wind / air / manners, atmosphere Wind 风 (WIND) feng1 +
+ + + maple tree Tree 风 (WIND) feng1 +
+ + + crazy, insane, mentally ill Illness 风 (WIND) feng1 +
+ + + an organic compound Stone 风 (WIND) feng1 +
+ + + name of Zhou period state City 具 (GEBRAUCHSGEGENSTAND) feng1 +
+ + + letter, envelope / feudal Inch 封 (BRIEF) feng1 +
+ + + peak, summit / hump of camel Mountain 夆 (C_WIDERSTEHEN) feng1 +
+ + + bee, wasp, hornet Insect 夆 (C_WIDERSTEHEN) feng1 +
+ + + point of spear, sharp point 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 夆 (C_WIDERSTEHEN) feng1 +
+ + + signal fire / tower where signal Fire 夆 (C_WIDERSTEHEN) feng1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎豐;◎丰】 + + abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty Rod 丰 (REICHLICH ) feng1 +
+ + + river in Shanxi province 水, 氵 Water 丰 (REICHLICH ) feng1 +
+ + + come upon, happen meet / flatter 辵, 辶 Proceed 逢 (TREFFEN) feng2 +
+ + + recite, incant / satirize Words 风 (WIND) feng3 +
+ + + to recite, to intone or chant Mouth 奉 (HÖFLICH_ÜBERGEBEN) feng3 +
+ + + offer / receive / serve / respect Big 奉 (HÖFLICH_ÜBERGEBEN) feng4 +
+ + + wages, salary, official emolument Man 奉 (HÖFLICH_ÜBERGEBEN) feng4 +
+ + + male phoenix / symbol of joy Stool 又 (WIEDER) feng4 +
+ + + Buddha / of Buddhism / merciful person / Buddhist image / the dead (Jap.) Man 弗 (NON) fo2 +
+ + + earthen crock or jar / rad. 121 Earthenware 缶 (WEINKRUG) fou3 +
+ + + not, no, negative / final particle Mouth 否 (NEIN) fou3 +
+ + + man, male adult, husband / those Big 夫 (EHEMANN) fu1 +
+ + + skin / superficial, shallow Flesh 夫 (EHEMANN) fu1 +
+ + + Mouth 夫 (EHEMANN) fu1 +
+ + + bran Wheat 夫 (EHEMANN) fu1 +
+ + + sit cross-legged / back of the foo Foot 夫 (EHEMANN) fu1 +
+ + + the instep Foot 付 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) fu1 +
+ + + spread, diffuse / apply, paint Tap 旉 (AF_SALBEN) fu1 +
+ + + sit on eggs, hatch Child 孚 (EIER_AUSBRÜTEN) fu1 +
+ + + bran, inner or outer shell of wheat and other grains Grain 孚 (EIER_AUSBRÜTEN) fu1 +
+ + + sorry, anxious / depressed 心, 忄 Heart 弗 (NON) fu2 +
+ + + shake off, brush away / dust 手, 扌 Hand1 弗 (NON) fu2 +
+ + + fluorine Vapor 弗 (NON) fu2 +
+ + + the countenance changing Color 弗 (NON) fu2 +
+ + + large rope / rope attached to bier Silk 弗 (NON) fu2 +
+ + + Stone 弗 (NON) fu2 +
+ + + river in Sichuan province 水, 氵 Water 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) fu2 +
+ + + spokes of wheel Cart 副 (AF-WOHLHABEND) fu2 +
+ + + piece, strip, breadth of, hem Cloth 副 (AF-WOHLHABEND) fu2 +
+ + + happiness, good fortune, blessing 示, 礻 Revelation 副 (AF-WOHLHABEND) fu2 +
+ + + fall prostrate / crawl Wrap 副 (AF-WOHLHABEND) fu2 +
+ + + kind of bat Insect 副 (AF-WOHLHABEND) fu2 +
+ + + support, help / protect / hold on 手, 扌 Hand1 夫 (EHEMANN) fu2 +
+ + + hibiscus 艸, 艹 Grass 夫 (EHEMANN) fu2 +
+ + + wild duck, teal / swim Stool 凫 (VOGEL) fu2 +
+ + + a kind of water-beetle cash, then dollars and money generally Insect 夫 (EHEMANN) fu2 +
+ + + i.d. tag, tally, symbol, charm Bamboo 付 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) fu2 +
+ + + kind of herb / type of grass 艸, 艹 Grass 付 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) fu2 +
+ + + embroidered official or sacrificial robe Embroidery 甫 (GESELLE) fu2 +
+ + + ribbon or cord used attach ornaments Silk 茇 (WINDHUND) fu2 +
+ + + exorcise, remove evil / clean 示, 礻 Revelation 茇 (WINDHUND) fu2 +
+ + + special pattern of embroidery Embroidery 茇 (WINDHUND) fu2 +
+ + + turnip 艸, 艹 Grass 服 fu2 +
+ + + turban Cloth 噗 (DICKICHT) fu2 +
+ + + crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal Man 伏 (SICH_BEUGEN) fu2 +
+ + + screen used in ancient times Net 不 (NICHT) fu2 +
+ + + china root / medicinal fungus 艸, 艹 Grass 伏 (SICH_BEUGEN) fu2 +
+ + + brood over eggs / have confidence Child 孚 (EIER_AUSBRÜTEN) fu2 +
+ + + prisoner of war / take as prisoner Man 孚 (EIER_AUSBRÜTEN) fu2 +
+ + + to float, drift, waft / to exceed / superfluous 水, 氵 Water 孚 (EIER_AUSBRÜTEN) fu2 +
+ + + outer walls of city / suburbs City 孚 (EIER_AUSBRÜTEN) fu2 +
+ + + raft / drum stick / ridge pole Tree 孚 (EIER_AUSBRÜTEN) fu2 +
+ + + mayfly / kind of large insect Insect 孚 (EIER_AUSBRÜTEN) fu2 +
+ + + not, negative Bow 弗 (NON) fu2 +
+ + + pat, console, comfort / pacify 手, 扌 Hand1 无 (OHNE) fu3 +
+ + + slap / pat / tap / handle of a vessel 手, 扌 Hand1 付 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) fu3 +
+ + + prefecture / prefect / government 广 Shelter 府 (REGIERUNGSSITZ) fu3 +
+ + + bow down, face down, look down Man 府 (REGIERUNGSSITZ) fu3 +
+ + + bowels, entrails, internal organs Flesh 府 (REGIERUNGSSITZ) fu3 +
+ + + rot, decay, spoil / rotten Flesh 府 (REGIERUNGSSITZ) fu3 +
+ + + begin / man, father / great / a distance of ten li Use 甫 fu3 +
+ + + cheek bone / protective / assist Cart 甫 (GESELLE) fu3 +
+ + + axe, hatchet / chop, hew Axe 父 (VATER) fu3 +
+ + + cauldron, pot, kettle 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 釜 (KESSEL) fu3 +
+ + + 水, 氵 Water 釜 (KESSEL) fu3 +
+ + + assist / supplement / assistant Knife 副 (AF-WOHLHABEND) fu4 +
+ + + abundant, ample / rich, wealthy Dwelling 副 (AF-WOHLHABEND) fu4 +
+ + + mound / abundant, ample, numerous 阜, 阝 Mount 官 (BEAMTER) fu4 +
+ + + married women / woman / wife Woman 彐 (SCHWEINESCHNAUZE) fu4 +
+ + + give, deliver, pay, hand over / entrust Man 付 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) fu4 +
+ + + adhere to, append / rely on near to 阜, 阝 Mount 付 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) fu4 +
+ + + instruct, order Mouth 付 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) fu4 +
+ + + extra horse / imperial son-in-law Horse 付 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) fu4 +
+ + + carp, carassicus auratus Fish 付 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) fu4 +
+ + + father / KangXi radical 88 Father 父 (VATER) fu4 +
+ + + tutor, teacher / assist / surname Man 傅 (VERTEILEN) fu4 +
+ + + to tie Silk 傅 (VERTEILEN) fu4 +
+ + + gift of money help pay funeral Shell 傅 (VERTEILEN) fu4 +
+ + + load, burden / carry, bear Shell 负 (AUF_DEM_RÜCKEN_TRAGEN) fu4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎復;◎複;◎覆】 + + return / repeat / repeatedly Persevere 复 (DOPPELT) fu4 +
+ + + go to / attend, be present Run 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) fu4 +
+ + + stomach, belly, abdomen / inside Flesh 复 (DOPPELT) fu4 +
+ + + obituary / give notice of death Words 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) fu4 +
+ + + venomous snake, viper Insect 复 (DOPPELT) fu4 +
+ + + abalone Fish 复 (DOPPELT) fu4 +
+ + + cover / tip over / return / reply 履/復 Stopper 履/復 (V_DOPPELT) fu4 +
+ + + tax / give / endow / army / diffuse Shell 武 (MILITÄRISCH) fu4 +
+ + + hoarse of voice Mouth 夏 (SOMMER) ga1 +
+ + + sound of laughter / bad, malevolent Mouth 戛 (LEICHT_KLOPFEN) ga1 +
+ + + nook, corner Sun 九 ga1 +
+ + + gadolinium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 扎 ga2 +
+ + + a child toy Small 尖 ga2 +
+ + + used in transliterations Mouth 谒 (KUDZU_VINE) ga2 +
+ + + small (used in place names) Small 乃 (DARUM ) ga3 +
+ + + limp, staggering gait / embarrass Lame 介 (ZWISCHEN) ga4 +
+ + + should, ought to, need to Words 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) gai1 +
+ + + a step, a terrace, a grade a ledge 阜, 阝 Mount 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) gai1 +
+ + + border, boundary, frontier Earth 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) gai1 +
+ + + prepared for / inclusive Shell 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) gai1 +
+ + + change, alter / improve, remodel Tap 己 (SELBST) gai3 +
+ + + generally, approximately Tree 既 (SCHON) gai4 +
+ + + water, irrigate, flood / wash 水, 氵 Water 既 (SCHON) gai4 +
+ + + beggar / beg / give One 丐 (BETTLER) gai4 +
+ + + calcium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 丐 (BETTLER) gai4 +
+ + + cover, hide, protect Household utensils 姜 (INGWER) gai4 +
+ + + to infringe a trade-mark to pledge an article Halberd 盈 (FÜLLEN) gai4 +
+ + + sweetness / sweet, tasty Sweet 甘 (SÜSS) gan1 +
+ + + tangerine, loose-skinned orange Tree 甘 (SÜSS) gan1 +
+ + + earthenware, earthenware vessel Earth 甘 (SÜSS) gan1 +
+ + + licorice 艸, 艹 Grass 甘 (SÜSS) gan1 +
+ + + water from washing rice to boil thick, as gruel 水, 氵 Water 甘 (SÜSS) gan1 +
+ + + childhood diseases Illness 甘 (SÜSS) gan1 +
+ + + dry / first hexagram / warming principle of the sun, penetrating and fertilizing, heavenly generative principle (male) Bent 乞 (BETTELN) gan1 +
+ + + embarrassed / ill at ease Lame 监 (ÜBERWACHEN) gan1 +
竿 + 竿 + + bamboo pole / penis Bamboo 干 (TROCKEN) gan1 +
+ + + liver Flesh 干 (TROCKEN) gan1 +
+ + + anhydride Wine Jug 干 (TROCKEN) gan1 +
+ + + to dare, venture / bold, brave Tap 敢 (MUTIG) gan3 +
+ + + to wash name of a place 水, 氵 Water 敢 (MUTIG) gan3 +
+ + + olive Tree 敢 (MUTIG) gan3 +
+ + + pursue, follow / expel, drive away Run 干 (TROCKEN) gan3 +
+ + + straw / stalk of grain Grain 干 (TROCKEN) gan3 +
+ + + feel, perceive, emotion 心, 忄 Heart 咸 (SALZIG) gan3 +
+ + + roll flat 手, 扌 Hand1 斡 (AUFROLLEN) gan3 +
+ + + river in Jiangxi province / water leaking into a boat 水, 氵 Water 舍 (METALL) gan4 +
+ + + dark blue or reddish color Silk 甘 (SÜSS) gan4 +
+ + + Jiangxi province / places therein Shell 赣 (JIANGXI) Gan4 +
+ + + sunset, dusk / evening Sun 干 (TROCKEN) gan4 +
+ + + earthen jug, crock, cistern Earthenware 工 (ARBEIT) gang1 +
+ + + anus Flesh 工 (ARBEIT) gang1 +
+ + + ridge or crest of hill Borders 冈 (KAMM) gang1 +
+ + + hard, tough, rigid, strong Knife 冈 (KAMM) gang1 +
+ + + heavy rope, hawser / main points Silk 冈 (KAMM) gang1 +
+ + + the name of a certain stars / the god who is supposed to live in them Net 正 (AUFRECHT) gang1 +
+ + + post / position Mountain 冈 (KAMM) gang3 +
+ + + port, harbor / small stream / bay 水, 氵 Water 巷 (GASSE) gang3 +
+ + + lever, pole, crowbar / sharpen Tree 工 (ARBEIT) gang4 +
+ + + place name in Hunan province Bamboo 更 (NOCH_MEHR) gang4 +
+ + + the high land along a river White 皋 (UFERLAND) gao1 +
+ + + Tree 皋 (UFERLAND) gao1 +
+ + + testicle Eye 幸 (GLÜCK) gao1 +
+ + + lamb, kid Sheep 羔 (LAMM) gao1 +
+ + + cakes, pastry Rice 羔 (LAMM) gao1 +
+ + + high, tall / lofty, elevated High 高 (HOCH) gao1 +
+ + + pole used punt boat Bamboo 高 (HOCH) gao1 +
+ + + bright sun / brilliant / high Tree 日 (SONNE) gao3 +
+ + + to clear, clarify 手, 扌 Hand1 高 (HOCH) gao3 +
+ + + stove / bright 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 高 (HOCH) gao3 +
稿 + 稿 + + draft, manuscript, rough copy Grain 高 (HOCH) gao3 +
+ + + white raw silk Silk 高 (HOCH) gao3 +
+ + + wither / withered, rotten, dead Tree 高 (HOCH) gao3 +
+ + + straw, hay / dry, withered 艸, 艹 Grass 蒿 (SCHARFGARBE) gao3 +
+ + + tell, announce, inform / accuse Mouth 告 (MITTEILEN) gao4 +
+ + + inform, notify, admonish, order Words 告 (MITTEILEN) gao4 +
+ + + name of fief in Shantong bestowed on the eldest son of Wen Wang City 告 (MITTEILEN) gao4 +
+ + + zirconium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 告 (MITTEILEN) gao4 +
+ + + cut, divide, partition / cede Knife 害 (ÜBEL) ge1 +
+ + + pimple, sore, boil, wart, pustule Illness 乞 (BETTELN) ge1 +
+ + + strong / valiant Man 乞 (BETTELN) ge1 +
+ + + Earth 乞 (BETTELN) ge1 +
+ + + halberd, spear, lance / rad. 62 Halberd 戈 (HELLEBARDE) ge1 +
+ + + elder brother Mouth 哥 (ÄLTERER_BRUDER2) ge1 +
+ + + song, lyrics / sing, chant / praise Breathe 哥 (ÄLTERER_BRUDER2) ge1 +
+ 鴿 + + pigeon, dove / Columba species (various) Bird1 合 (SCHLIESSEN) ge1 +
+ + + 袼褙 gēbei shoes made of old rags pasted together Clothes ge1 +
+ + + separate, partition 阜, 阝 Mount 鬲 (DREIFUSS) ge2 +
+ + + in toponyms, desert, sandground Earth 鬲 (DREIFUSS) ge2 +
+ + + cackling of fowls to gag, to vomit Mouth 鬲 (DREIFUSS) ge2 +
+ + + diaphragm Flesh 鬲 (DREIFUSS) ge2 +
+ + + cadmium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 鬲 (DREIFUSS) ge2 +
+ + + 手, 扌 Hand1 合 (SCHLIESSEN) ge2 +
+ + + bone / skeleton / corpse Bones ge2 +
+ + + chamber, pavilion / cabinet Door 各 (JEDER) ge2 +
+ + + leather, animal hides / rad. 177 Rawhide 革 (LEDER) ge2 +
+ + + large boat, barge Boat 可 (GUTHEISSEN) ge3 +
+ + + a flea / species of beetle Insect 乞 (BETTELN) ge4 +
+ + + each, individually, every, all Mouth 各 (LANGSAM_GEHEN) ge4 +
+ + + chromium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) ge4 +
+ + + Stone ge4 +
+ + + give / by, for Silk 合 (SCHLIESSEN) gei3 +
+ + + root, base(d on) / foundation Tree 艮 (STILLHALTEN) gen1 +
+ + + heel / to follow, accompany / with Foot 艮 (STILLHALTEN) gen1 +
+ + + Mouth 艮 (STILLHALTEN) gen2 +
+ + + extend across, through / from Two 亘 (SICH_ERSTRECKEN) gen4 +
+ + + seventh of eight diagrams Defiance 艮 (STILLHALTEN) gen4 +
+ + + ranunculus 艸, 艹 Grass 艮 (STILLHALTEN) gen4 +
+ + + 7th heavenly stem 广 Shelter geng1 +
+ + + continue Shell geng1 +
+ + + plow, cultivate Plow 井 (BRUNNEN) geng1 +
+ + + soup, broth Sheep 羔 (LAMM) geng1 +
+ + + bright, shining / have guts Ear 火 (FEUER) geng3 +
+ + + ditches for irrigation / hole Earth 更 (NOCH_MEHR) geng3 +
+ + + stem of flower, branch of plant Tree 更 (NOCH_MEHR) geng3 +
+ + + choke (with grief) Mouth 更 (NOCH_MEHR) geng3 +
+ + + well rope Silk 更 (NOCH_MEHR) geng3 +
+ + + fish bones / honest, upright Fish 更 (NOCH_MEHR) geng3 +
+ + + labor, work / worker, laborer Work 工 (ARBEIT) gong1 +
+ + + attack, assault / criticize Tap 工 (ARBEIT) gong1 +
+ + + achievement, merit, good result Strength 工 (ARBEIT) gong1 +
+ + + bow / curved, arched / KangXi radical number 57 Bow 弓 (BOGEN) gong1 +
+ + + body / personally, in person Body 弓 (BOGEN) gong1 +
+ + + a cup made of horn obstinate Horn 光 (LICHT) gong1 +
+ + + forearm Flesh 宏 (AF_OBERARM) gong1 +
+ + + fair, equitable / public / duke Eight 公 (ÖFFENTLICH) gong1 +
+ + + centipede Insect 公 (ÖFFENTLICH) gong1 +
+ + + respectful, polite, reverent 心, 忄 Heart 共 (GEMEINSAM) gong1 +
+ + + give, present / reverential Dragon 共 (GEMEINSAM) gong1 +
+ + + palace Dwelling 吕 (LÜ3_NAME) gong1 +
+ + + element mercury 水, 氵 Water 汞 (QUECKSILBER) gong3 +
+ + + fold hands on breast / bow, salute 手, 扌 Hand1 共 (GEMEINSAM) gong3 +
+ + + precious stone / xian in Sichuan Jade 共 (GEMEINSAM) gong3 +
+ + + bind / firm, secure, strong Work 巩 gong3 +
+ + + offer tribute / tribute, gifts Shell 工 (ARBEIT) gong4 +
+ + + together with, all, total / to share Eight 共 (GEMEINSAM) gong4 +
+ + + hook, join, connect / entice Wrap 勾 (ANHAKEN) gou1 +
+ + + hook, barb / sickle / stroke with 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 勾 (ANHAKEN) gou1 +
+ + + ditch, drain, narrow waterway 水, 氵 Water 勾 (ANHAKEN) gou1 +
+ + + rickets Man 句 (SATZ) gou1 +
+ + + bamboo basket / bamboo frame Bamboo 媾 (VERPFLECHTEN) gou1 +
+ + + leather arm guard Rawhide 媾 (VERPFLECHTEN) gou1 +
+ + + cord binding on hilt of sword Silk 侯 (MARQUIS) gou1 +
+ + + careless, frivolous / illicit / grammatical particle: if, but, if only / surname / grass name / distinguish DKW 30853 (ji4) 艸, 艹 Grass 句 (SATZ) gou3 +
+ + + dog, canis familiaris Dog 句 (SATZ) gou3 +
+ + + a hill in Hunan Mountain 句 (SATZ) gou3 +
+ + + a basket trap for fish, placed in the opening of a weir Bamboo 句 (SATZ) gou3 +
+ + + dirt, filth, stains / dirty Earth 后 (HINTER) gou4 +
+ + + abuse, scold, berate, insult Words 后 (HINTER) gou4 +
+ + + frame, building, structure Tree 勾 (ANHAKEN) gou4 +
+ + + buy, purchase / hire Shell 勾 (ANHAKEN) gou4 +
+ + + enough, adequate Evening 句 (SATZ) gou4 +
+ + + marry / be on friendly terms with Woman 媾 (VERPFLECHTEN) gou4 +
+ + + to meet / to come across 辵, 辶 Proceed 媾 (VERPFLECHTEN) gou4 +
+ + + meet or see unexpectedly See 媾 (VERPFLECHTEN) gou4 +
+ + + enough, adequate fully, quite Bow 毂 (PANZER*) gou4 +
+ + + jug, winecup, goblet / square Horn gu1 +
+ + + orphan, fatherless / solitary Child 瓜 (2KÜRBIS) gu1 +
+ + + wild rice / Zizania latifolia 艸, 艹 Grass gu1 +
+ + + crime, criminal offense Offend 古 (ALTERTUM) gu1 +
+ + + mumble, mutter, murmur / rumble Mouth 古 (ALTERTUM) gu1 +
+ + + merchant / estimate, guess, presume Man 古 (ALTERTUM) gu1 +
+ + + buy and sell / inferior in quality 水, 氵 Water 古 (ALTERTUM) gu1 +
+ + + wheel / to turn / to revolve Cart 古 (ALTERTUM) gu1 +
+ + + species of Taiwan pigeon Bird1 古 (ALTERTUM) gu1 +
+ + + to deal in spirits Wine Jug 古 (ALTERTUM) gu1 +
+ + + father's sister / husband's mother Woman 姑 (SCHWESTER_DES_VATERS) gu1 +
+ + + mushrooms 艸, 艹 Grass 姑 (SCHWESTER_DES_VATERS) gu1 +
+ + + hoop / bind, surround Bamboo 匝 (UMFANG) gu1 +
+ + + drum / beat, top, strike Drum 鼓 (TROMMEL) gu3 +
+ + + dropsical swelling / puffy bloated Flesh 鼓 (TROMMEL) gu3 +
+ + + blind / blind musician / stupid Eye 鼓 (TROMMEL) gu3 +
+ + + poison / venom / harm / bewitch Insect 虫 (INSEKT) gu3 +
+ + + run swiftly 水, 氵 Water 日 (SONNE) gu3 +
+ + + bone / skeleton / frame, framework Bones 骨 (KNOCHEN) gu3 +
+ + + old, classic, ancient Mouth 古 (ALTERTUM) gu3 +
+ + + thighs, haunches, rump / share Flesh 殳 (SCHLAGEN) gu3 +
+ + + exegesis, explanation / explain Words 古 (ALTERTUM) gu3 +
+ + + cow / bull / ox Ox 古 (ALTERTUM) gu3 +
+ + + net / snare / pressure come or go Net 古 (ALTERTUM) gu3 +
+ + + cobalt / household iron 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 古 (ALTERTUM) gu3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎穀;◎谷】 + + valley, gorge, ravine Valley 谷 (TAL) gu3 +
+ + + hub of wheel Strike 毂 (PANZER*) gu3 +
+ + + employ, to hire Bird2 隹 gu4 +
+ + + to become solid, solidify / strength Enclosure 固 (VERFESTIGEN) gu4 +
+ + + a mesa, hill with flat top and steep sides Mountain 固 (VERFESTIGEN) gu4 +
+ + + run metal into cracks / confine 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 固 (VERFESTIGEN) gu4 +
+ + + chronic disease Illness 固 (VERFESTIGEN) gu4 +
+ + + fish guts Fish 固 (VERFESTIGEN) gu4 +
+ + + ancient, old / reason, because Tap 故 (ANTIK) gu4 +
+ + + handcuffs, manacles, fetters Tree 告 (MITTEILEN) gu4 +
+ + + Ox 告 (MITTEILEN) gu4 +
+ + + look back / look at / look after Head2 厄 (SCHLÜSSELPUNKT) gu4 +
+ + + melon, gourd, cucumber / rad. 97 Melon 瓜 (KÜRBIS) gua1 +
+ + + wail, crying of child / swear at Mouth gua1 +
+ + + Flesh gua1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎颳;◎刮】 + + shave, pare off, scrape Knife 舌 (ZUNGE) gua1 +
+ + + a builder's frame for measuring Tree 舌 (ZUNGE) gua1 +
+ + + the crow Bird1 舌 (ZUNGE) gua1 +
+ + + widowed / alone, friendless Dwelling 寡 (KARG) gua3 +
+ + + cut, cut flesh from bones Knife 呙 (REDEN) gua3 +
+ + + hang, suspend / suspense 手, 扌 Hand1 圭 (JADETABLETT) gua4 +
+ 詿 + + error, mistake / deceive, mislead Words 圭 (JADETABLETT) gua4 +
+ + + fortune telling / tell fortunes Divination 卦 (WAHRSAGEN) gua4 +
+ + + jacket, overcoat, coat / gown Clothes 卦 (WAHRSAGEN) gua4 +
+ + + rebel / crafty, shrewd 丿 Leftstroke 千 (TAUSEND) guai1 +
+ + + kidnap, abduct / turn 手, 扌 Hand1 另 (ANDERE) guai3 +
+ + + strange, unusual, peculiar 心, 忄 Heart 圣 (HEILIG) guai4 +
+ + + official, public servant Dwelling 官 (BEAMTER) guan1 +
+ + + coffin Tree 官 (BEAMTER) guan1 +
+ + + assistant in wine shop, groom Man 官 (BEAMTER) guan1 +
+ + + huge fish / widower / bachelor Fish 罚 (NETZ) guan1 +
+ + + frontier pass / close / relation Eight 关 (SCHLIESSEN) guan1 +
+ + + pipe, tube, duct / woodwind music Bamboo 官 (BEAMTER) guan3 +
+ + + public building Food 官 (BEAMTER) guan3 +
+ + + pour / water / irrigate, flood 水, 氵 灌/雚 Water 灌/雚 (FISCHREIHER) guan4 +
+ + + jar, jug, pitcher, pot 灌/雚 Earthenware 灌/雚 (FISCHREIHER) guan4 +
+ + + crane, grus japonensis / stork / Ciconia species (various) 灌/雚 Bird1 灌/雚 (FISCHREIHER) guan4 +
+ + + 水, 氵 Water 官 (BEAMTER) guan4 +
+ + + a string of 1000 coins / to go through Shell 贯 (DURCH_ETWAS_HINDURCH) guan4 +
+ + + habit, custom / habitually, usual 心, 忄 Heart 贯 (DURCH_ETWAS_HINDURCH) guan4 +
+ + + throw ground / know, be familiar 手, 扌 Hand1 贯 (DURCH_ETWAS_HINDURCH) guan4 +
+ + + wash Household utensils 水 (WASSER) guan4 +
+ + + light, brilliant, shine / only Legs 光 (LICHT) guang1 +
+ + + the sound of large door closing Mouth 光 (LICHT) guang1 +
+ + + bladder Flesh 光 (LICHT) guang1 +
广 + + + wide, extensive, broad / rad. 53 广 广 Shelter 广 (WEIT) guang3 +
+ + + fierce, rude, uncivilized 广 Dog 广 (WEIT) guang3 +
+ + + ramble, stroll, roam, wander 辵, 辶 Proceed 狂 (VERRÜCKT) guang4 +
+ + + a coir-palm Tree 光 (LICHT) guang4 +
+ + + follow, comply with White 反 (UMWENDEN) gui1 +
+ + + return / return to, revert to Pig´s Snout 归 (WIEDERKEHREN) gui1 +
+ + + turtle or tortoise / cuckold Tortoise 龟 (SCHILDKRÖTE) gui1 +
+ + + jade pointed at top Earth 圭 (JADETABLETT) gui1 +
+ + + silicon Stone 圭 (JADETABLETT) gui1 +
+ + + small entrance / women's quarters Door 圭 (JADETABLETT) gui1 +
+ + + salmon / spheroides vermicularis Fish 圭 (JADETABLETT) gui1 +
+ + + rules, regulations, customs, law See 规 gui1 +
+ + + family name Woman 为 (FÜR ) gui1 +
+ + + 10th heavenly stem Both Feet 癸 gui3 +
+ + + ghost / spirit of dead / devil Ghost 鬼 (GEIST) gui3 +
+ + + a cupboard or pantry to store 广 Shelter 支 (ZWEIG) gui3 +
+ + + a square basket of bamboo for holding grain used at sacrifices, feast Bamboo 艮 (STILLHALTEN) gui3 +
+ + + shadows of sun / time / sundial Sun 咎 (VORWURF) gui3 +
+ + + a traitor / a villain Dwelling gui3 +
+ + + deceive, cheat, defraud / sly Words 危 (GEFAHR) gui3 +
+ + + track, rut, path Cart 九 (NEUN) gui3 +
+ + + small box / chest, casket Box gui3 +
+ + + to cut, injure, stab, stick on Knife 岁 (LEBENSJAHR) gui4 +
+ + + cassia or cinnamon Tree 圭 (JADETABLETT) gui4 +
+ + + cabinet, cupboard / shop counter Tree 巨 (RIESIG) gui4 +
+ + + kneel Foot 危 (GEFAHR) gui4 +
+ + + mandarin fish Fish 厥 (OHNMACHT) gui4 +
+ + + amputate, cut off Knife 会 (VERSAMMELN) gui4 +
+ + + expensive, costly, valuable Shell 贵 (TEUER) gui4 +
+ + + turn round, revolve / roller Cart 昆 (ZUSAMMEN) gun3 +
+ + + cord / woven belt / hem / hemming Silk 昆 (ZUSAMMEN) gun3 +
+ + + ceremonial dress worn by the emperor Clothes 衮 (ZERIMONIELLE_KLEIDUNG_DES_KAISERS) gun3 +
+ + + turn 水, 氵 Water 衮 (ZERIMONIELLE_KLEIDUNG_DES_KAISERS) gun3 +
+ + + roller Stone 衮 (ZERIMONIELLE_KLEIDUNG_DES_KAISERS) gun3 +
+ + + giant fish / father of emperor Fish 系 (SYSTEM) gun3 +
+ + + stick, cudgel / scoundrel Tree 昆 (ZUSAMMEN) gun4 +
+ + + small green frog / cicada Insect 国 (NATION) guo1 +
+ + + clamor, din, hubbub Ear 舌 guo1 +
+ + + mountain in Shanxi Mountain 享 (GENIESSEN) guo1 +
+ + + outer part (of a city) / surname City 郭 (ÄUSSERE_STADTMAUER) guo1 +
+ + + chat, jaw, gossip, talk / mouth Mouth 呙 (REDEN) guo1 +
+ + + cooking-pot, saucepan 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 呙 (REDEN) guo1 +
+ + + crucible Earth 呙 (REDEN) guo1 +
+ + + nation, country, nation-state Enclosure 国 (NATION) guo2 +
+ + + women's headgear / mourning cap Cloth 国 (NATION) guo2 +
+ + + name of ancient feudal State in Shenxi and Hunan Tiger 虎 (TIGER) guo2 +
+ + + cut off left ear / tally dead enemy Head1 或 (ODER) guo2 +
+ + + outer-coffin / vault Tree 享 (GENIESSEN) guo3 +
+ + + fruit / result Tree 果 (FRUCHT) guo3 +
+ + + wrap, bind / encircle, confine Clothes 果 (FRUCHT) guo3 +
+ + + monkey Dog 果 (FRUCHT) guo3 +
+ + + the solitary wasp Insect 果 (FRUCHT) guo3 +
+ + + sound of laughter Mouth 合 (SCHLIESSEN) ha1 +
+ + + hafnium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 合 (SCHLIESSEN) ha1 +
+ + + hi Mouth 海 hai1 +
+ + + skeleton, body / leg bone Bones 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) hai2 +
+ + + baby, child / children Child 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) hai2 +
+ + + minced pickled meat / mince Wine Jug 右 (RECHTS) hai3 +
+ + + Flesh 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) hai3 +
+ + + sea, ocean / maritime 水, 氵 Water 海 (JEDER) hai3 +
+ + + 12th terrestrial branch Lid 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) hai4 +
+ + + fluorine Vapor 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) hai4 +
+ + + terrify, frighten, scare / shock Horse 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) hai4 +
+ + + injure, harm / destroy, kill Dwelling 害 (ÜBEL) hai4 +
+ + + enjoy intoxicants Wine Jug 甘 (SÜSS) han1 +
+ + + kind of clam, arca inflata Insect 甘 (SÜSS) han1 +
+ + + foolish, silly, coquettish 心, 忄 Heart 敢 (MUTIG) han1 +
+ + + large face, flat face / stupid Head2 干 (TROCKEN) han1 +
+ + + snore loudly Nose2 干 (TROCKEN) han1 +
+ + + city in Hebei province / various City 甘 (SÜSS) han2 +
+ + + hold in mouth / cherish / contain Mouth 含 (IM_MUND_HALTEN) han2 +
+ + + pre-dawn Sun 含 (IM_MUND_HALTEN) han2 +
+ + + (Cant.) onomatopoetic, the sound of a fiercely-burning fire Fire 含 (IM_MUND_HALTEN) han2 +
+ + + correspondence / a case / a box Pit 函 (BRIEF) han2 +
+ + + soak, wet / tolerate, be lenient 水, 氵 Water 函 (BRIEF) han2 +
+ + + an ancient place in the state of Wu City 干 (TROCKEN) han2 +
+ + + cold, wintry, chilly Dwelling 寒 (AF_HINEINSTECKEN) han2 +
+ + + fence / surname / Korea Leather 韩 (KOREA) han2 +
+ + + shout, call out, yell / howl / cry Mouth 咸 (SALZIG) han3 +
+ + + 手, 扌 Hand1 敢 (MUTIG) han4 +
+ + + drought / dry / dry land Sun 旱 (TROCKENHEIT) han4 +
+ + + ward off, guard against, defend 手, 扌 Hand1 旱 (TROCKENHEIT) han4 +
+ + + courageous, brave / violent 心, 忄 Heart 旱 (TROCKENHEIT) han4 +
+ + + weld, solder Fire 旱 (TROCKENHEIT) han4 +
+ + + chin, jowl / give nod Head2 含 (IM_MUND_HALTEN) han4 +
+ + + buds, lotus buds 艸, 艹 Grass 函 (BRIEF) han4 +
+ + + perspiration, sweat 水, 氵 Water 干 (TROCKEN) han4 +
+ + + move, shake / (Cant.) to fight 手, 扌 Hand1 感 (GEFÜHL) han4 +
+ + + to regret, remorse / dissatisfied 心, 忄 Heart 感 (GEFÜHL) han4 +
+ + + writing brush, pen, pencil Wings 斡 (AUFROLLEN) han4 +
+ + + vast, wide, extensive 水, 氵 Water 斡 (AUFROLLEN) han4 +
+ + + heavy load, burden / lift up Big 大 (GROSS) hang1 +
+ + + baste Silk 行 (SICH_FORTBEWEGEN) hang2 +
+ + + cross stream / navigate Tree 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) hang2 +
+ + + sail / navigate / ship, boat Boat 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) hang2 +
+ + + fly down or downward Head2 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) hang2 +
+ + + a ferry / fog / flowing 水, 氵 Water 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) hang4 +
+ + + to weed / to eradicate 艸, 艹 Grass 辱 (LÄCHERLICH_MACHEN) hao1 +
+ + + mugwort, artemisia / give off 艸, 艹 Grass 蒿 (SCHARFGARBE) hao1 +
+ + + give forth sound, make noise Mouth 蒿 (SCHARFGARBE) hao1 +
+ + + roar, call out, wail / bark, yelp Mouth 皋 (UFERLAND) hao2 +
+ + + hairy and poisonous caterpillars Insect 毛 (HAAR) hao2 +
+ + + fine hair / measure of length Hair 亮 (OBERER_TEILvonHOCH) hao2 +
+ + + brave, heroic, chivalrous Pig 豪 (AUSSERGEWÖHNLICH) hao2 +
+ + + trench, ditch, channel, moat Earth 豪 (AUSSERGEWÖHNLICH) hao2 +
+ + + cry loudly, yell, scream Mouth 豪 (AUSSERGEWÖHNLICH) hao2 +
+ + + moat, trench, ditch 水, 氵 Water 豪 (AUSSERGEWÖHNLICH) hao2 +
+ + + surname / place in modern Shanxi City 赤 (ROT) hao3 +
+ + + summer time / sky / heaven Sun 日 (SONNE) hao4 +
+ + + consume, use up / waste, squander Plow 毛 (HAAR) hao4 +
+ + + great, numerous, vast, abundant 水, 氵 Water 告 (MITTEILEN) hao4 +
+ + + bright, luminous / clear / hoary White 告 (MITTEILEN) hao4 +
+ + + luminous / white, hoary Head2 颢 (LEUCHTEND) hao4 +
+ + + vast, large, grand, expansive 水, 氵 Water 颢 (LEUCHTEND) hao4 +
+ + + scold / laughing sound / yawn Mouth 可 (GUTHEISSEN) he1 +
+ + + scold loudly, curse, abuse Words 可 (GUTHEISSEN) he1 +
+ + + (Cant.) interrogative particle Mouth 荷 (LOTUS) he1 +
+ + + stem of feather / quill Wings 鬲 (DREIFUSS) he2 +
+ + + grain still on stalk / rice plant Grain 禾 (GETREIDE) he2 +
+ + + harmony, peace / peaceful, calm Mouth 禾 (GETREIDE) he2 +
+ + + inferior silk / tassel, fringe Silk 乞 (BETTELN) he2 +
+ + + what, why, where, which, how Man 可 (GUTHEISSEN) he2 +
+ + + lotus, water lily, holland 艸, 艹 Grass 荷 (LOTUS) he2 +
+ + + river / stream / yellow river 水, 氵 Water 河 (STROM) he2 +
+ + + river in Shandong province 艸, 艹 Grass 河 (STROM) he2 +
+ + + why? what? where? Say 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) he2 +
+ + + blocked or separated / to prevent Door 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) he2 +
+ + + examine into, impeach, charge Strength 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) he2 +
+ + + mouth / jaw Head2 合 (SCHLIESSEN) he2 +
+ + + dried up / exhausted, tired / dry 水, 氵 Water 固 (VERFESTIGEN) he2 +
+ + + small box or case / casket Household utensils 合 (SCHLIESSEN) he2 +
+ + + badger / raccoon dog Cat 各 he2 +
+ + + what? why not? Household utensils 盍 (WAS_WARUM_NICHT) he2 +
+ + + close / whole, entire / all / leaf Door 盍 (WAS_WARUM_NICHT) he2 +
+ + + crane / Grus species (various) Bird1 隹 (KF_VOGEL) he4 +
+ + + bed of torrent, narrow ravine Earth 睿 (GRABEN) he4 +
+ + + congratulate / send present Shell 加 (ADDIEREN) he4 +
+ + + coarse woolen cloth / dull, dark Clothes 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) he4 +
+ + + bright, radiant, glowing Red 赤 (ROT) he4 +
+ + + black / dark / evil, sinister Black 黑 (SCHWARZ) hei1 +
+ + + be silent, be quiet Mouth 黑 (SCHWARZ) hei1 +
+ + + scar / mark / trace Illness 艮 (STILLHALTEN) hen2 +
+ + + very, quite, much Foodstep 艮 (STILLHALTEN) hen3 +
+ + + vicious, cruel / severely, extreme Dog 艮 (STILLHALTEN) hen3 +
+ + + hatred, dislike / resent, hate 心, 忄 Heart 艮 (STILLHALTEN) hen4 +
+ + + smoothly, progressing, no trouble Lid 亨 (REIBUNGSLOS) heng1 +
+ + + constant, regular, persistent 心, 忄 Heart 亘 (SICH_ERSTRECKEN) heng2 +
+ + + cross-beams of roof Tree 行 (SICH_FORTBEWEGEN) heng2 +
+ + + measure, weigh, judge, consider Go 衔 (IM_MUND_HALTEN)) heng2 +
+ + + a fragrant plant the root is medicinal 艸, 艹 Grass 衔 (IM_MUND_HALTEN) heng2 +
+ + + death of prince / swarming 艸, 艹 Grass 甍 (DACHFIRST) hong1 +
+ + + the sound of a crash Words 訇 (LÄRM) hong1 +
+ + + bake, roast / dry by fire Fire 共 (GEMEINSAM) hong1 +
+ + + rumble, explosion, blast Cart 车 (WAGEN) hong1 +
+ + + school Yellow 黄 (GELB) hong2 +
鸿 + + + species of wild swan / vast Bird1 江 (GROSSERFLUSS) hong2 +
+ + + red, vermillion / blush, flush Silk 红 (ROT) hong2 +
+ + + herb 艸, 艹 Grass 红 (ROT) hong2 +
+ + + enlarge, expand / liberal, great Bow 弘 (AUSWEITEN) hong2 +
+ + + clear, deep pool of water 水, 氵 Water 弘 (AUSWEITEN) hong2 +
+ + + wide, spacious, great, vast Dwelling 宏 (AF_OBERARM) hong2 +
+ + + gate, barrier / wide, vast, expand Door 宏 (AF_OBERARM) hong2 +
+ + + vast, immense / flood, deluge 水, 氵 Water 共 (GEMEINSAM) hong2 +
+ + + confusion / internal strife Words 工 (ARBEIT) hong4 +
+ + + 蕻 [hòng] (书) luxuriant [hóng] 雪里蕻 xuělǐhóng potherb mustard 艸, 艹 Grass 共 (GEMEINSAM) hong4 +
+ + + tip of a long bone Bones 后 (HINTER) hou2 +
+ + + marquis, lord / target in archery Man 侯 (MARQUIS) hou2 +
+ + + throat, gullet, larynx / guttural Mouth 侯 (MARQUIS) hou2 +
+ + + monkey, ape / monkey-like Dog 侯 (MARQUIS) hou2 +
+ + + warts, pimples Illness 侯 (MARQUIS) hou2 +
+ + + ancient music instrument / harp Bamboo 侯 (MARQUIS) hou2 +
+ + + dried rice, dry provisions Rice 侯 (MARQUIS) hou2 +
+ + + roar, shout / bark, howl Mouth 孔 (LOCH) hou3 +
+ + + wait / expect / visit / greet Man 侯 (MARQUIS) hou4 +
+ + + battlements, battlemented walls Earth 侯 (MARQUIS) hou4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎後;◎后】 + + queen, empress, sovereign / (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after Mouth 后 (HINTER) hou4 +
+ + + meet unexpectedly 辵, 辶 Proceed 后 (HINTER) hou4 +
+ + + thick / substantial / greatly Cliff 日 (SONNE) hou4 +
+ + + king crab Fish 鱼 (FISCH) hou4 +
+ + + behind, rear, after / descendents Foodstep 幺 (EINS_KLEIN) hou4 +
+ + + interrogative or exclamatory final particle 丿 Leftstroke 乎 (RHETOR.FRAGE) hu1 +
+ + + breathe sigh, exhale / call, shout Mouth 乎 (RHETOR.FRAGE) hu1 +
+ + + surname Cart 乎 hu1 +
+ + + simmer Fire 乎 hu1 +
+ + + the bank of a steam 水, 氵 Water 虔 (FROMM) hu1 +
+ + + suddenly, abruptly / neglect 心, 忄 Heart 勿 (BITTE_NICHT) hu1 +
+ + + sad / (Cant.) a bit, part Mouth hu1 +
+ + + absent-minded, confused 心, 忄 Heart hu1 +
+ + + species of fox Dog 瓜 (KÜRBIS) hu2 +
+ + + wooden bow / arc, crescent Bow hu2 +
+ + + dry measure equal to some five or ten dou (6597 舒) Peck 斛 (50_LITER) hu2 +
+ + + type of oak Tree 斛 (50_LITER) hu2 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎鬍;◎衚;◎胡】 + + recklessly, foolishly / wildly Flesh 胡 (NÖRDLICHE_VOLKGRUPPE) hu2 +
+ + + coral / person of virtue Jade 胡 (NÖRDLICHE_VOLKGRUPPE) hu2 +
+ + + bottle-gourd 艸, 艹 Grass 胡 (NÖRDLICHE_VOLKGRUPPE) hu2 +
+ + + butterfly Insect 胡 (NÖRDLICHE_VOLKGRUPPE) hu2 +
+ + + a lake / Hubei, Hunan / bluish-green 水, 氵 Water 胡 (NÖRDLICHE_VOLKGRUPPE) hu2 +
+ + + a kind of monkey found in W.China Dog 胡 (NÖRDLICHE_VOLKGRUPPE) hu2 +
+ + + be burned, to char (in cooking) Fire 胡 (NÖRDLICHE_VOLKGRUPPE) hu2 +
+ + + pelican Bird1 胡 (NÖRDLICHE_VOLKGRUPPE) hu2 +
+ + + purest cream Wine Jug 胡 (NÖRDLICHE_VOLKGRUPPE) hu2 +
+ + + jar, pot, jug, vase / surname Scholar 士 (GELEHRTER) hu2 +
+ + + entire, whole Enclosure hu2 +
+ + + an ancient measure / a goblet / mean / frightened Horn 毂 (PANZER*) hu2 +
+ + + tiger / brave, fierce / surname Tiger 虎 (TIGER) hu3 +
+ + + to intimidate / to scare Mouth 虎 (TIGER) hu3 +
+ + + jewel in shape of tiger / amber Jade 虎 (TIGER) hu3 +
+ + + escort, retinue / insolent Doorleaf 巴 (BOA) hu4 +
+ + + bottle gourd / calabash / pot Melon hu4 +
+ + + to bale out water Doorleaf 斗 (KÄMPFEN) hu4 +
+ + + a large sea bird) / 白额鹱 puffinus leucomelas Bird1 劐 (ZERSTÖREN) hu4 +
+ + + mutually, reciprocally Two 互 (GEGENSEITIG) hu4 +
+ + + hill Mountain 古 (ALTERTUM) hu4 +
+ + + freezing / stopped up, closed off Ice 互 (GEGENSEITIG) hu4 +
+ + + rely on, presume on / persist in 心, 忄 Heart 古 (ALTERTUM) hu4 +
+ + + blessing, happiness, prosperity 示, 礻 Revelation 古 (ALTERTUM) hu4 +
+ + + tablet held by someone having authority Bamboo hu4 +
+ + + door / family Doorleaf 户 (TÜRFLÜGEL) hu4 +
+ + + protect, guard, defend, shelter 手, 扌 Hand1 户 (TÜRFLÜGEL) hu4 +
+ + + Shanghai / river near Shanghai 水, 氵 Water 户 (TÜRFLÜGEL) Hu4 +
+ + + flower / blossoms 艸, 艹 Grass 化 (VERÄNDERN) hua1 +
+ + + rushing sound / gush forward Mouth 华 (PRÄCHTIG) hua1 +
+ + + Stone 丰 (REICHLICH ) hua1 +
+ + + crafty, cunning, shrewd / deceitful Dog 骨 (KNOCHEN) hua2 +
+ + + slip, slide / slippery, polished 水, 氵 Water 骨 (KNOCHEN) hua2 +
+ + + flowery / illustrious / Chinese Ten 华 (PRÄCHTIG) hua2 +
+ + + an excellent horse Horse 华 (PRÄCHTIG) hua2 +
+ + + spade, shovel, plowshare 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 华 (PRÄCHTIG) hua2 +
+ + + a painting, picture, drawing / to draw Field 田 (REISFELD) hua4 +
+ + + change, convert, reform / -ize Spoon 化 (VERÄNDERN) hua4 +
+ + + speech, talk, language / dialect Words 舌 (ZUNGE) hua4 +
+ + + type of birch Tree 华 (PRÄCHTIG) hua4 +
+ + + river in Anhui province 水, 氵 Water 隹 (KF_VOGEL) huai2 +
+ + + locust tree Tree 鬼 (GEIST) huai2 +
怀 + + + bosom, breast / carry in bosom 心, 忄 Heart 不 (NICHT) huai2 +
+ + + ankle Foot 果 (FRUCHT) huai2 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎壞;◎坏】 + + rotten, spoilt, bad, broken down Earth 不 (NICHT) huai4 +
+ + + the badger 灌/雚 Dog 灌/雚 (FISCHREIHER) huan1 +
+ + + happy, pleased, glad / joy / enjoy Breathe 欠 (SCHULDEN) huan1 +
+ + + measure / money, coins 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 爰 (DARAUFHIN) huan2 +
+ + + variety of tree / surname Tree 亘 (SICH_ERSTRECKEN) huan2 +
+ + + river in Henan province 水, 氵 Water 亘 (SICH_ERSTRECKEN) huan2 +
+ + + circle, surround / encircle Enclosure 儇 (RUND) huan2 +
+ + + great domain, country, world Dwelling 儇 (RUND) huan2 +
+ + + noose / hang death / tie, bind Silk 儇 (RUND) huan2 +
+ + + dress hair in coiled knot / maid Hairlocks 儇 (RUND) huan2 +
+ + + grass used for making mats / Huanpu, place famous for robbers 艸, 艹 Grass 隹 (KF_VOGEL) huan2 +
+ + + jade ring or bracelet / ring Jade 不 (NICHT) huan2 +
+ + + slow, leisurely / to postpone, delay Silk 爰 (LIEBE) huan3 +
+ + + to wash, to rinse 水, 氵 Water 完 (BEENDEN) huan4 +
+ + + carp Fish 完 (BEENDEN) huan4 +
+ + + suffer, worry about / suffering 心, 忄 Heart 患 (SICH_SORGEN) huan4 +
+ + + to escape from / to flee, to avoid 辵, 辶 Proceed 官 (BEAMTER) huan4 +
+ + + indecipherable 水, 氵 Water 患 (SICH_SORGEN) huan4 +
+ + + to put on 手, 扌 Hand1 儇 (RUND) huan4 +
+ + + be numerous, brilliant Big huan4 +
+ + + change 手, 扌 Hand1 奂 (AUSGEZEICHNET) huan4 +
+ + + call Mouth 奂 (AUSGEZEICHNET) huan4 +
+ + + paralysis, numbness of limbs Illness 奂 (AUSGEZEICHNET) huan4 +
+ + + shining Fire huan4 +
+ + + scatter / scattered 水, 氵 Water huan4 +
+ + + officialdom, government official Dwelling 臣 (MINISTER) huan4 +
+ + + domestic animals / feed, raise Pig 券 (HÄNDE_ROLLEN_REIS) huan4 +
+ + + illusion, fantasy, mirage Thread 幺 (UNWIRKLICH) huan4 +
+ + + region between heart and diaphragm Flesh 亡 (FLIEHEN) huang1 +
+ + + wasteland, desert / uncultivated 艸, 艹 Grass 荒 (ÖDE) huang1 +
+ + + nervous, panicky, frantic 心, 忄 Heart 荒 (ÖDE) huang1 +
+ + + yellow / surname Yellow 黄 (GELB) huang2 +
+ + + sulphur / brimstone Stone 黄 (GELB) huang2 +
+ + + reed of woodwind instrument Bamboo 黄 (GELB) huang2 +
+ + + expanse of water, lake, pond 水, 氵 Water 黄 (GELB) huang2 +
+ + + a semicircular jade ornament used as a pendant Jade 黄 (GELB) huang2 +
+ + + jaundice Illness 黄 (GELB) huang2 +
+ + + leech Insect 黄 (GELB) huang2 +
+ + + royal, imperial / ruler, superior White 皇 (KAISER) huang2 +
+ + + kind of locust Insect 皇 (KAISER) huang2 +
+ + + female phoenix Stool 皇 (KAISER) huang2 +
+ + + fearful, afraid, anxious, nervous 心, 忄 Heart 皇 (KAISER) huang2 +
+ + + bright, shining, luminous Fire 皇 (KAISER) huang2 +
+ + + dry ditch, dry moat 阜, 阝 Mount 皇 (KAISER) huang2 +
+ + + doubtful, irresolute, vacillating Foodstep 皇 (KAISER) huang2 +
+ + + river in qinghai province 水, 氵 Water 皇 (KAISER) huang2 +
+ + + leisure, leisurely / hurry about 辵, 辶 Proceed 皇 (KAISER) huang2 +
+ + + bamboo grove / bamboo Bamboo 皇 (KAISER) huang2 +
+ + + sturgeon Fish 皇 (KAISER) huang2 +
+ + + lie Words 荒 (ÖDE) huang3 +
+ + + seemingly / absent-minded 心, 忄 Heart 光 (LICHT) huang3 +
+ + + curtain, cloth screen Cloth 晃 (SCHÜTTELN) huang3 +
+ + + direct / wipe away / squander 手, 扌 Hand1 军 (ARMEE) hui1 +
+ + + brightness, luster, brilliance Cart 军 (ARMEE) hui1 +
+ + + sunshine / light, bright, radiant Sun 军 (ARMEE) hui1 +
+ + + to destroy / to overthrow 阜, 阝 Mount 隋 (SUI) hui1 +
+ + + ashes / dust / lime, mortar Fire 灰 (ASCHE) hui1 +
+ + + restore / big, great, immense, vast 心, 忄 Heart 灰 (ASCHE) hui1 +
+ + + tease, joke with / ridicule, mock Words 灰 (ASCHE) hui1 +
+ + + Mouth 灰 (ASCHE) hui1 +
+ + + a pennant, flag, banner / to signal to Hemp 麻 (HANF_JUTE_SISAL) hui1 +
+ + + a badge, insignia Foodstep 徽 (4.NOTE) hui1 +
+ + + return, turn around / a time Enclosure 回 (ZURÜCKKEHREN) hui2 +
+ + + tapeworm Insect 回 (ZURÜCKKEHREN) hui2 +
+ + + fennel, aniseed 艸, 艹 Grass 回 (ZURÜCKKEHREN) hui2 +
+ + + a back-water / an eddy a whirlpool 水, 氵 Water 回 (ZURÜCKKEHREN) hui2 +
+ + + destroy Strike 臼 (MÖRSER) hui3 +
+ + + repent, show remorse, regret 心, 忄 Heart 每 (JEDER) hui3 +
+ + + conceal / shun / regard as taboo Words 韦 (WEICHES_LEDER) hui4 +
+ + + favor, benefit, confer kindness 心, 忄 Heart 惠 (GUNST) hui4 +
+ + + species of fragrant orchid 艸, 艹 Grass 惠 (GUNST) hui4 +
+ + + a kind of cicada Insect 惠 (GUNST) hui4 +
+ + + dirty, unclean / immoral, obscene Grain 岁 (LEBENSJAHR) hui4 +
+ + + belch / vomit Mouth 岁 (LEBENSJAHR) hui4 +
+ + + anger, rage 心, 忄 Heart 圭 (JADETABLETT) hui4 +
贿 + + + bribe / bribes / riches, wealth Shell 有 (HABEN) hui4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎彙;◎匯】 + + concourse / flow together, gather 水, 氵 Water 汇 (R_KORB_BOX) hui4 +
+ + + general term for plants / myriads Ten 卉 (PFLANZEN) hui4 +
+ + + beak, bill, snout / pant Mouth 彖 (WILDSCHWEIN) hui4 +
+ + + dark, unclear, obscure / night Sun hui4 +
+ + + teach, instruct / encourage, urge Words hui4 +
+ + + assemble, meet together / meeting Man 会 (VERSAMMELN) hui4 +
+ + + ragout, cook, braise Fire 会 (VERSAMMELN) hui4 +
+ + + draw, sketch, paint Silk 会 (VERSAMMELN) hui4 +
+ + + luxuriant, flourishing, abundant 艸, 艹 Grass 会 (VERSAMMELN) hui4 +
+ + + broomstick / comet Pig´s Snout 彗 (BESEN_KOMET) hui4 +
+ + + bright, intelligent / intelligence 心, 忄 Heart 彗 (BESEN_KOMET) hui4 +
+ + + draw, sketch, paint Silk 贵 (TEUER) hui4 +
+ + + meat diet / strong smelling 艸, 艹 Grass 军 (ARMEE) hun1 +
+ + + dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark Sun 氏 (DES_NAMENS) hun1 +
+ + + get married / marriage, wedding Woman 昏 (ABENDDÄMMERUNG) hun1 +
+ + + gatekeeper / gate, door Door hun1 +
+ + + muddy, turbid / blend, merge, mix 水, 氵 Water 军 (ARMEE) hun2 +
+ + + soul, spirit Ghost 云 (WOLKE) hun2 +
+ + + dumpling soup, wonton Food 昆 (ZUSAMMEN) hun2 +
+ + + jokes, obsene jests / joke Words 军 (ARMEE) hun4 +
+ + + to mix, blend, mingle / to bumble along 水, 氵 Water 昆 (ZUSAMMEN) hun4 +
+ + + privy, latrine / turbid, dirty 水, 氵 Water 豕 (SCHWEIN) hun4 +
+ + + destroy Knife 劐 (ZERSTÖREN) huo1 +
+ + + to beckon / to urge 手, 扌 Hand1 霍 (PLÖTZLICH) huo1 +
+ + + till, dig Plow 合 (SCHLIESSEN) huo1 +
+ + + a kind of tool 金,钅 Gold (Metal) huo1 +
+ + + live, exist, survive / lively 水, 氵 Water 活 (LEBEN) huo2 +
+ + + fire, flame / burn / anger, rage Fire 火 (FEUER) huo3 +
+ + + companion, colleague / utensils Man 火 (FEUER) huo3 +
+ + + holmium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 火 (FEUER) huo3 +
+ + + companion / partner / assistant Evening 果 (FRUCHT) huo3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎獲;◎穫】 + + obtain, get, receive / seize 艸, 艹 Grass 狄 (DI2_NAME) huo4 +
+ + + cauldron, large iron pot 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 劐 (ZERSTÖREN) huo4 +
+ + + inch-worm / looper caterpiller Insect 劐 (ZERSTÖREN) huo4 +
+ + + quickly, suddenly / surname Rain 霍 (PLÖTZLICH) huo4 +
+ + + lophanthus rugosus, betony 艸, 艹 Grass 霍 (PLÖTZLICH) huo4 +
+ + + Mouth 霍 (PLÖTZLICH) huo4 +
+ + + or, either, else / perhaps, maybe Halberd 或 (ODER) huo4 +
+ + + confuse, mislead, baffle / doubt 心, 忄 Heart 或 (ODER) huo4 +
+ + + goods, commodities, products Shell 化 (VERÄNDERN) huo4 +
+ + + misfortune, calamity, disaster 示, 礻 Revelation 呙 (REDEN) huo4 +
+ + + arouse, excite, incite / quickly 水, 氵 Water 敫 (ANTIKES_MUSIKINSTRUMENT) ji1 +
+ + + mountain in Henan / surname Mountain 嵇 (JI1-SHAN) ji1 +
+ + + examine, investigate / delay Grain 嵇 (JI1-SHAN) ji1 +
+ + + halter / restrain, hold, control Net 罚 (NETZ) ji1 +
+ + + to divine Bent 扎 ji1 +
+ + + present Shell 赍 (SCHENKEN) ji1 +
+ + + accumulate, store up, amass Grain 只 (NUR) ji1 +
+ + + break or smash into pieces, pulverize / hash Even 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) ji1 +
+ + + ascend, go up, rise Foot 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) ji1 +
+ + + strike, hit, beat / attack, fight Pit 击 (EINEN_SCHLAG_VERSETZEN) ji1 +
+ + + chicken Bird1 又 (WIEDER) ji1 +
+ + + foundation, base Earth 其 (SEIN) ji1 +
+ + + wooden shoes, clogs Corpse 支 (ZWEIG) ji1 +
+ + + hairpin / fifteen year old girl Bamboo 开 (ÖFFNEN) ji1 +
+ + + desk / machine / moment Tree 几 (WIEVIELE) ji1 +
+ + + muscle tissue / meat on bones Flesh 几 (WIEVIELE) ji1 +
+ + + hunger, starving / hungry / a famine Food 几 (WIEVIELE) ji1 +
+ + + ridicule, jeer, mock / inspect Words 几 (WIEVIELE) ji1 +
+ + + sigh in disapproval / take small Mouth ji1 +
+ + + pearl that is not quite round Jade ji1 +
+ + + jetty / submerged rock / eddy Stone ji1 +
+ + + beauty / imperial concubine Woman 姬 (AF_WANGE) ji1 +
+ + + odd, fractional, remainder, odds Field ji1 +
+ + + carving or engraving knife / grave Knife ji1 +
+ + + animal horns Ox ji1 +
+ + + mud brick Earth 殳 ji1 +
+ + + chirping of insects / pump / (Cant.) a final particle Mouth 即 (SICH_NÄHERN) ji1 +
+ + + imperial domain / area near capital Field 幺 (UNWIRKLICH) ji1 +
+ + + garbage, rubbish / shaking / danger Earth 及 (REICHEN) ji1 +
+ + + name of a plant, the roots are used for various purposes 艸, 艹 Grass 及 ji1 +
+ + + (Cant.) to guard (from Engl. 'guard') / a card (from Engl. 'card') / young and pretty (from Engl. 'kid') Mouth 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) ji1 +
+ + + illness, disease, sickness / to hate Illness 疾 (KRANKHEIT) ji2 +
+ + + jealousy / be jealous of Woman 疾 (KRANKHEIT) ji2 +
+ + + furze / gorse 艸, 艹 Grass 疾 (KRANKHEIT) ji2 +
+ + + jujube tree / thorns, brambles Tree 刺 (AF_DORN) ji2 +
+ + + thin, emaciated / barren Illness 脊 (RÜCKGRAT) ji2 +
+ + + assemble, collect together tree 隹 (KF_VOGEL) ji2 +
+ + + quick, quickly / urgent, pressing 心, 忄 Heart 急 (DRINGEND) ji2 +
+ + + urgently, immediately, extremely Two 亟 (PRESSIEREND) ji2 +
+ + + to put to death to imprison for life Disintegration 亟 (PRESSIEREND) ji2 +
+ + + promptly, quickly, immediately Seal 即 (SICH_NÄHERN) ji2 +
+ + + extend / reach / come up to / and Hand2 及 (REICHEN) ji2 +
+ + + extreme, utmost, furthest, final Tree 及 (REICHEN) ji2 +
+ + + draw water from well / imbibe 水, 氵 Water 及 ji2 +
+ + + level, rank, class / grade Silk 及 (REICHEN) ji2 +
+ + + perilous, hazardous / high, steep Mountain 及 ji2 +
+ + + bamboo box used carry books Bamboo 及 ji2 +
+ + + record, register, list / census Bamboo 耤 (HL._KAIS._FELD) ji2 +
+ + + lucky, propitious, good Mouth 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) ji2 +
+ + + strong, robust / exact, correct Man 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) ji2 +
+ + + gather up, collect / edit, compile 揖/咠 Cart 揖/咠 (Obs_INS_OHR_FLÜSTERN) ji2 +
+ + + oar, paddle 揖/咠 Tree 揖/咠 (Obs_INS_OHR_FLÜSTERN) ji2 +
+ + + to put away / to cease / store up 揖/咠 Halberd 揖/咠 (Obs_INS_OHR_FLÜSTERN) ji2 +
+ + + 蕺菜 jícài houttuynia cordata 艸, 艹 Grass 蕺 (PFLANZEN_NAME) ji2 +
+ + + spine, backbone / ridge Flesh 脊 (RÜCKGRAT) ji3 +
+ + + mountain ridge Mountain 脊 (RÜCKGRAT) ji3 +
+ + + crowd, squeeze, push against 手, 扌 Hand1 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) ji3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎幾;◎几】 + + small table Stool 几 (WIEVIELE) ji3 +
+ + + louse eggs, nits Insect ji3 +
+ + + species of deer 鹿 Deer ji3 +
+ + + drag aside, pull / drag one foot 手, 扌 Hand1 ji3 +
+ + + self, oneself / personal, private / 6th heavenly stem Self 己 (SELBST) ji3 +
+ + + halberd with crescent blade Halberd 韩 (KOREA) ji3 +
+ + + already / de facto / since / then Not 既 (SCHON) ji4 +
+ + + and / attain, reach / confines Sun ji4 +
+ + + quarter of year / season / surname Child 禾 (GETREIDE) ji4 +
+ + + spin / achievements Silk 责 (PFLICHT) ji4 +
+ + + fearful, apprehensive, perturbed 心, 忄 Heart ji4 +
+ + + still, silent, quiet, desolate Dwelling 叔 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER_DES_VATERS) ji4 +
+ + + until / till / soup / to soak 水, 氵 Water 自 (SELBST) ji4 +
+ + + help, aid, relieve / ferry, cross 水, 氵 Water 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) ji4 +
+ + + medicinal preparation Knife 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) ji4 +
+ + + to clear up after rain / to cease be angry Rain 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) ji4 +
+ + + anchovy Fish 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) ji4 +
+ + + hope for / wish / Hebei province Eight 冀 (HEBEI) ji4 +
+ + + thoroughbred horse / refined and Horse 冀 (HEBEI) ji4 +
+ + + traces, impressions, footprints 辵, 辶 Proceed 亦 (EBENSO) ji4 +
+ + + plan, plot / strategem / scheme Words 十 (ZEHN) ji4 +
+ + + skill, ability, talent, ingenuity 手, 扌 Hand1 支 (ZWEIG) ji4 +
+ + + talent, skill, ability Man 支 (ZWEIG) ji4 +
+ + + continue, maintain, carry on X205 Silk X205 (AF_FORTSETZEN) ji4 +
+ + + prostitute Woman 支 (ZWEIG) ji4 +
+ + + water caltrop 艸, 艹 Grass 支 (ZWEIG) ji4 +
+ + + sacrifice to, worship 示, 礻 Revelation ji4 +
+ + + send, transmit, mail / rely on Dwelling 奇 (AUSSERGEWÖHNLICH) ji4 +
+ + + circium, thistles / surname 艸, 艹 Grass 鱼 (FISCH) ji4 +
+ + + Carassius auratus, crucian carp Fish 即 (SICH_NÄHERN) ji4 +
+ + + god of cereals / minister of agriculture Grain 谡 (HOCH_STEIGEN) ji4 +
+ + + hair rolled up in a bun, topknot Hairlocks 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) ji4 +
+ + + record, annal, historical account Silk 己 (SELBST) ji4 +
+ + + record / keep in mind, remember Words 己 (SELBST) ji4 +
+ + + border, boundary, juncture 阜, 阝 Mount 示 (OFFENBAREN) ji4 +
+ + + covet, long for, desire See 岂 (WIE_WAS) ji4 +
+ + + jealous, envious / fear 心, 忄 Heart 忌 (EIFERSÜCHTIG) ji4 +
+ + + to kneel for a long time, to go down on hands and knees Foot 忌 (EIFERSÜCHTIG) ji4 +
+ + + bulrush, reed / flute, whistle 艸, 艹 Grass 假 (AF_FALSCH) jia1 +
+ + + saturate, drench / damp, wet 水, 氵 Water 夹 jia1 +
+ + + tongs, pincers / dagger / sword 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 夹 jia1 +
+ + + good, auspicious / beautiful / delightful Man 圭 (JADETABLETT) jia1 +
+ + + add to, increase, augment Strength 加 (ADDIEREN) jia1 +
+ + + excellent / joyful / auspicious Mouth 加 (ADDIEREN) jia1 +
+ + + cangue scaffold Tree 加 (ADDIEREN) jia1 +
+ + + character for transliteration 辵, 辶 Proceed 加 (ADDIEREN) jia1 +
+ + + an ornament attached to a woman's hairpin Jade 加 (ADDIEREN) jia1 +
+ + + scab Illness 加 (ADDIEREN) jia1 +
+ + + a reed leaf whistle Bamboo 加 (ADDIEREN) jia1 +
+ + + Buddhist cassock Clothes 加 (ADDIEREN) jia1 +
+ + + sit cross-legged / squat Foot 加 (ADDIEREN) jia1 +
+ + + gallium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 豕 (SCHWEIN) jia1 +
+ + + pods of leguminous plants / pods 艸, 艹 Grass 夹 jia2 +
+ + + cheeks, jaw Head2 夹 (ZUSAMMENDRÜCKEN) jia2 +
+ + + county in Henan province / surname City 夹 jia2 +
+ + + kind of butterfly Insect 夹 jia2 +
+ + + carefree / indifferent manner / without sorrow 心, 忄 Heart 恝 (GLEICHGÜLTIG) jia2 +
+ + + lance / tap or strike lightly Halberd 戛 (LEICHT_KLOPFEN) jia2 +
+ + + asthma / disese of the bowels Illness 假 (AF_FALSCH) jia3 +
+ + + armor, shell / fingernails / 1st heavenly stem Field 甲 (1.HS) jia3 +
+ + + potassium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 甲 (1.HS) jia3 +
+ + + cape / promontory, headland Mountain 甲 (1.HS) jia3 +
+ + + the shoulder, shoulder blade Flesh 甲 (1.HS) jia3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎價;◎价】 + + price, value Man 介 (ZWISCHEN) jia4 +
+ + + rack, stand, prop / prop up Tree 加 (ADDIEREN) jia4 +
+ + + to drive, sail, fly / a cart, carriage Horse 加 (ADDIEREN) jia4 +
+ + + sow grain / sheaves of grain Grain 家 (FAMILIE) jia4 +
+ + + to marry, give a daughter in marriage Woman 家 (FAMILIE) jia4 +
+ + + fry in fat or oil / boil in water Fire 前 (VORN) jian1 +
+ + + wash, cleanse / purge 水, 氵 Water 前 (VORN) jian1 +
+ + + shoulders / to shoulder / bear Flesh 月 (MOND) jian1 +
+ + + coarse grass, themedia forskali 艸, 艹 Grass 官 (BEAMTER) jian1 +
+ + + unite, combine / connect / and Eight 兼 (DOPPELT) jian1 +
+ + + reed, phragmites communis 艸, 艹 Grass 兼 (DOPPELT) jian1 +
+ + + 手, 扌 Hand1 兼 (DOPPELT) jian1 +
+ + + fine silk Silk 兼 (DOPPELT) jian1 +
+ + + fabulous mythical bird Bird1 兼 (DOPPELT) jian1 +
+ + + hard, strong, firm / resolute Earth 坚 (HART) jian1 +
+ + + skipjack, bonito Fish 坚 (HART) jian1 +
+ + + small, narrow, tiny, little Halberd 戋 (SCHMAL) jian1 +
+ + + note, memo / stationery / comments Bamboo 戋 (SCHMAL) jian1 +
+ + + saddle blanket Rawhide 荐 (WIEDERHOLEN) jian1 +
+ + + annihilate, wipe out, kill off Disintegration 千 (TAUSEND) jian1 +
+ + + difficult, hard / distressing Defiance 艮 (STILLHALTEN) jian1 +
+ + + sharp, pointed, acute, keen Small 尖 (GROSS) jian1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎姦;◎奸】 + + crafty, villainous, false Woman 干 (TROCKEN) jian1 +
+ + + seal, close / bind / letter Silk 咸 (SALZIG) jian1 +
+ + + cocoon / callus, blister 艸, 艹 Grass 虫 (INSEKT) jian3 +
+ + + scissors / cut, clip / annhilate Wings 前 (VORN) jian3 +
+ + + scissors / cut, divide, separate Knife 剪 (SCHERE) jian3 +
+ + + shallow / stupid Words 剪 (SCHERE) jian3 +
+ + + letter, invitation / choose Tree 柬 (KARTE_BRIEF) jian3 +
+ + + simple, terse, succinct, a letter Bamboo 间 (ZWISCHEN) jian3 +
+ + + kind of rapier 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 间 (ZWISCHEN) jian3 +
+ + + folds Clothes 间 (ZWISCHEN) jian3 +
+ + + bamboo tube, wooden peg / spout Tree 见 jian3 +
+ + + bamboo water pipe Bamboo 见 jian3 +
+ + + callous skin on hands or feet. blisters Foot 开 (ÖFFNEN) jian3 +
+ + + exterminate, destroy / blessing Halberd 亚 (AUFSTIEG) jian3 +
+ + + choose / select / pick up / gather 手, 扌 Hand1 拣 jian3 +
+ + + check / examine Tree 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) jian3 +
+ + + lame, crippled / unlucky Foot 寒 (AF_HINEINSTECKEN) jian3 +
+ + + alkaline, alkali, lye, salt Stone 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) jian3 +
+ + + stutter / speak out boldly Words 寒 (AF_HINEINSTECKEN) jian3 +
+ + + to pick up 手, 扌 Hand1 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) jian3 +
+ + + temperate, frugal, economical Man 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) jian3 +
+ + + eyelid Eye 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) jian3 +
+ + + alkaline, alkali, lye, salt Stone 咸 (SALZIG) jian3 +
+ + + decrease, subtract, diminish Ice 咸 (SALZIG) jian3 +
+ + + assume, usurp Man jian4 +
+ + + arrow / type of bamboo Bamboo 前 (VORN) jian4 +
+ + + build, establish, erect, found Move on 建 (BAUEN) jian4 +
+ + + door bolt, lock bolt / key 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 建 (BAUEN) jian4 +
+ + + strong, robust, healthy / strength Man 建 (BAUEN) jian4 +
+ + + remonstrate, admonish Words jian4 +
+ + + bar of door, bolt of lock Tree 建 (BAUEN) jian4 +
+ + + a shuttlecock Hair 建 (BAUEN) jian4 +
+ + + tendons Flesh 建 (BAUEN) jian4 +
+ + + walk / tread on Foot 建 (BAUEN) jian4 +
+ + + brook, mountain stream 水, 氵 Water 间 (ZWISCHEN) jian4 +
+ + + mirror, looking glass / reflect 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 临 (NAHE ) jian4 +
+ + + trample, tread upon, walk on Foot 戋 (SCHMAL) jian4 +
+ + + farewell party / see off, send off Food 戋 (SCHMAL) jian4 +
+ + + see, observe, behold / percieve See 见 (SEHEN) jian4 +
+ + + mean, low / cheap, worthless Shell 贱 (PREISWERT) jian4 +
+ + + sprinkle, spray / spill, splash 水, 氵 Water 贱 (PREISWERT) jian4 +
+ + + repeat, reoccur / recommend 艸, 艹 Grass 荐 (WIEDERHOLEN) jian4 +
+ + + warship Boat 见 (SEHEN) jian4 +
+ + + Ox 代 jian4 +
+ + + gradually 水, 氵 Water 斩 (ABHACKEN) jian4 +
+ + + sword, dagger, saber Knife 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) jian4 +
+ + + numerary adjunct for article / matter Man 牛 (RIND) jian4 +
+ + + a small kidney bean Bean 工 (ARBEIT) jiang1 +
+ + + large river / yangzi / surname 水, 氵 Water 江 (GROSSERFLUSS) jiang1 +
+ + + 茳芏 jiāngdù cyperus legetiformis (a kind of rush) 艸, 艹 Grass 江 (GROSSERFLUSS) jiang1 +
+ + + stiff and motionless, stock still Man 僵 (GRENZE) jiang1 +
+ + + boundary, border, frontier Field 僵 (GRENZE) jiang1 +
+ + + reins, bridle Silk 僵 (GRENZE) jiang1 +
+ + + Stone 僵 (GRENZE) jiang1 +
+ 漿 + + any thick fluid / starch / broth 水, 氵 Water 奖 (C_WERDEN) jiang1 +
+ + + surname / ginger Woman 姜 (INGWER) jiang1 +
+ + + explain / discuss / talk Words 井 (BRUNNEN) jiang3 +
+ + + prize, reward / give award to Big 奖 (C_WERDEN) jiang3 +
+ + + oar, paddle Tree 奖 (C_WERDEN) jiang3 +
+ + + surname / hydropyrum latifalium 艸, 艹 Grass 将 (WERDEN) jiang3 +
+ + + to plough. to sow Plow 媾 (VERPFLECHTEN) jiang3 +
+ + + stubborn Ox 强 (KRÄFTIG) jiang4 +
+ + + starch / paste. to starch Rice 强 (KRÄFTIG) jiang4 +
+ + + any jam-like or paste-like food Wine Jug 奖 (C_WERDEN) jiang4 +
+ + + craftsman, artisan / workman Box 斤 (PFUND) jiang4 +
+ + + a flood 水, 氵 Water 夅 (AF_FALLEN) jiang4 +
+ + + deep red / river in Shanxi provinc Silk 夅 (AF_FALLEN) jiang4 +
+ + + spirited horse / haughty Horse 乔 (GROSS_HOCH_STOLZ) jiao1 +
+ + + seductive and loveable / tender Woman 乔 (GROSS_HOCH_STOLZ) jiao1 +
+ + + spray, water, sprinkle 水, 氵 Water 尧 (EIN_LEGENDÄRER_KAISER) jiao1 +
+ + + pepper, spices Tree 叔 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER_DES_VATERS) jiao1 +
+ + + burned, scorched / anxious, vexed Fire 隹 (VERBRANNT) jiao1 +
+ + + banana / plantain 艸, 艹 Grass 焦 (VERBRANNT) jiao1 +
+ + + reef / jetty / submerged rocks Stone 焦 (VERBRANNT) jiao1 +
+ + + clever / alert in mind pigmies Man 焦 (VERBRANNT) jiao1 +
+ + + wren Bird1 焦 (VERBRANNT) jiao1 +
+ + + mix / intersect / exchange, communicate / deliver Lid 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao1 +
+ + + glue, gum, resin, rubber / sound / shin bone Flesh 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao1 +
+ + + suburbs / waste land, open spaces City 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao1 +
+ + + an aquatic grass, the stalks of which are eaten as a vegetable 艸, 艹 Grass 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao1 +
+ + + beautiful, handsome, pretty Woman 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao1 +
+ + + scaly dragon with four legs Insect 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao1 +
+ + + stumble, fall down / wrestle Foot 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao1 +
+ + + shark Fish 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao1 +
+ + + 艸, 艹 Grass 九 jiao1 +
+ + + prattle, be glib Mouth 爵 (ADELSTITEL) jiao2 +
+ + + ancient musical instrument Tap 敫 (ANTIKES_MUSIKINSTRUMENT) jiao3 +
+ + + deliver, submit / hand over Silk 敫 (ANTIKES_MUSIKINSTRUMENT) jiao3 +
+ + + correct, rectify, straighten out Arrow 乔 (GROSS_HOCH_STOLZ) jiao3 +
+ + + correct 手, 扌 Hand1 乔 (GROSS_HOCH_STOLZ) jiao3 +
+ + + destroy, exterminate, annihilate Knife 巢 jiao3 +
+ + + hinge / shears, scissors 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao3 +
+ + + cunning, deceitful, treacherous Dog 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao3 +
+ + + stuffed dumplings Food 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao3 +
+ + + twist, wring / intertwine / winch Silk 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao3 +
+ + + beautiful, handsome, good-looking Man 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao3 +
+ + + white / bright, brilliant / clear White 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao3 +
+ + + disturb, agitate, stir up 手, 扌 Hand1 觉 (FÜHLEN) jiao3 +
+ + + leg, foot / base, leg, foundation Flesh 却 (ABER) jiao3 +
轿 + + + sedan-chair, palanquin Cart 乔 (GROSS_HOCH_STOLZ) jiao4 +
+ + + high pointed mountain Mountain 乔 (GROSS_HOCH_STOLZ) jiao4 +
+ + + yeast, leaven Wine Jug 孝 (KINDESPFLICHT) jiao4 +
+ + + chew / eat / munch Mouth 焦 (VERBRANNT) jiao4 +
+ + + religious service / Daoist or Buddhist ceremony Wine Jug 焦 (VERBRANNT) jiao4 +
+ + + compare / comparatively, more Cart 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) jiao4 +
+ + + cry, shout / hail, greet, call Mouth 叫 (C_HAKEN) jiao4 +
+ + + pit, cellar Cave 告 (MITTEILEN) jiao4 +
+ + + receive / continue / catch / connect 手, 扌 Hand1 妾 (KONKUBINE) jie1 +
+ + + stairs, steps / rank, degree 阜, 阝 Mount 介 (ZWISCHEN) jie1 +
+ + + all, every, everybody White 皆 (ALLE_JEDER_ALLGEMEIN) jie1 +
+ + + music / melody Mouth 皆 (ALLE_JEDER_ALLGEMEIN) jie1 +
+ + + street, road, thoroughfare Go 圭 (JADETABLETT) jie1 +
+ + + sigh, alas Mouth 差 (NICHT GLEICHEN) jie1 +
+ + + raise, lift up / surname 手, 扌 Hand1 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) jie1 +
+ + + pimple, sore, boil Illness 爷 (V_C_SIEGEL) jie1 +
+ + + stalks of millet, corn Grain 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) jie1 +
+ + + chicken roost / ancient emperor Tree jie2 +
+ + + win, victory, triumph 手, 扌 Hand1 捷 (AF_PLÖTZLICH) jie2 +
+ + + eyelashes Eye 捷 (AF_PLÖTZLICH) jie2 +
+ + + handsome Woman 捷 (AF_PLÖTZLICH) jie2 +
+ + + remaining, left-over / lonely Child 孑 (EINARMIG) jie2 +
+ + + brave / martial / hasty / scudding Man 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) jie2 +
+ + + put forth great effort / exhaust Stand 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) jie2 +
+ + + stone tablet Stone 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) jie2 +
+ + + wether, castrated ram / deer skin Sheep 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) jie2 +
+ + + hero / heroic, outstanding Tree 木 (BAUM) jie2 +
+ + + expose other's secrets, pry Words 干 (TROCKEN) jie2 +
+ + + knot, node, joint / section 艸, 艹 Grass 节 (KNOTEN) jie2 +
+ + + cut off, stop, obstruct, intersect Halberd 哉 (SCHNEIDEN) jie2 +
+ + + take by force, coerce / disaster Strength 去 (GEHEN) jie2 +
+ + + clean, purify, pure 水, 氵 Water 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) jie2 +
+ + + laboring hard, occupied / pursue 手, 扌 Hand1 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) jie2 +
+ + + clam / oyster Fish 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) jie2 +
+ + + elder sister, young lady Woman 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) jie3 +
+ + + forerunner, herald, harbinger / to lie between / sea shell / to wear armor Man 介 (ZWISCHEN) jie4 +
+ + + boundary, limit / domain / society / the world Field 介 (ZWISCHEN) jie4 +
+ + + scabies, itch Illness 介 (ZWISCHEN) jie4 +
+ + + a red spotted lizard, used as medicine Insect 介 (ZWISCHEN) jie4 +
+ + + (dialect:) connections in joints Bones 介 (ZWISCHEN) jie4 +
+ + + warn, caution, admonish Halberd 戒 (WARNEN) jie4 +
+ + + warn, admonish / warning Words 戒 (WARNEN) jie4 +
+ + + borrow / lend / make pretext of Man 昔 (VERGANGENHEIT) jie4 +
+ + + numerary adjunct for time, term Corpse 由 (VERANLASSUNG) jie4 +
+ + + gold / metals in general / money 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 舍 (METALL) jin1 +
+ + + ferry / saliva / ford 水, 氵 Water 聿 (SCHREIBFEDER) jin1 +
+ + + muscles / tendons Bamboo 肋 (RIPPEN) jin1 +
+ + + now, today, modern era Man 今 (GEGENWART) jin1 +
+ + + pity, feel sorry for, show sympat Lance 今 (GEGENWART) jin1 +
+ + + collar or lapel of garment Clothes 今 (GEGENWART) jin1 +
+ + + a catty (approximately 500 g) / an axe / keen, shrewd / KangXi radical number 69 Axe 斤 (PFUND) jin1 +
+ + + lapel, collar Clothes 禁 (VERBIETEN) jin1 +
+ + + kerchief / towel / turban / KangXi radical number 50 Cloth 巾 (TUCH) jin1 +
+ + + brilliance of gems / fine jade Jade 堇 (VEILCHEN) jin3 +
槿 + 槿 + + hibiscus Tree 堇 (VEILCHEN) jin3 +
+ + + only, merely, solely, just Man 又 (WIEDER) jin3 +
+ + + tense, tight, taut / firm, secure Silk 肾 (AF_HART) jin3 +
+ + + (nuptial) winecups Seal 丞 (ASSISTENT) jin3 +
+ + + brocade, tapestry / embroidered 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 帛 (SEIDENWAREN) jin3 +
+ + + yellow loam / clay / season / few Earth 堇 (VEILCHEN) jin3 +
+ + + prudent, cautious / attentive Words 堇 (VEILCHEN) jin3 +
+ + + time of famine or crop failure Food 堇 (VEILCHEN) jin3 +
+ + + have imperial audience See 堇 (VEILCHEN) jin4 +
+ + + strong, unyielding, tough, power Strength 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) jin4 +
+ + + soak, immerse, dip, percolate 水, 氵 Water 侵 (C_HAND_HÄLT_BESEN) jin4 +
+ + + wife of mother's brother Woman 今 (GEGENWART) jin4 +
+ + + cinders, ashes, embers / remnants Fire 尽 (BIS_ZUR_GRENZE) jin4 +
+ + + a kind of weed / faithfulness 艸, 艹 Grass 尽 (BIS_ZUR_GRENZE) jin4 +
+ + + farewell present Shell 尽 (BIS_ZUR_GRENZE) jin4 +
+ + + advance, make progress, enter 辵, 辶 Proceed 井 (BRUNNEN) jin4 +
+ + + strap on a horse's breast Rawhide 斤 (PFUND) jin4 +
+ + + near, close / approach / intimate 辵, 辶 Proceed 斤 (PFUND) jin4 +
+ + + advance, increase / promote Sun 亚 (AUFSTIEG) Jin4 +
+ + + red silk Silk 亚 (AUFSTIEG) jin4 +
+ + + close / be silent, be unable speak Mouth 禁 (VERBIETEN) jin4 +
+ + + stem, stalk 艸, 艹 Grass 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) jing1 +
+ + + classic works / pass through Silk 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) jing1 +
+ + + name of a river 水, 氵 Water 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) jing1 +
+ + + essence / semen / spirit Rice 青 (GRÜN) jing1 +
+ + + flower of leek family / turnip 艸, 艹 Grass 青 (GRÜN) jing1 +
+ + + an organic compound Flesh 青 (GRÜN) jing1 +
+ + + non-glutinous rice Rice 更 (NOCH_MEHR) jing1 +
+ + + crystal / clear, bright / radiant Sun 昌 (BLÜHEND) jing1 +
+ + + banner or flag adorned with feathers / to signal Square 生 (GEBOREN_SEIN) jing1 +
+ + + thorns / brambles / my wife / cane 艸, 艹 Grass 开 (ÖFFNEN) jing1 +
+ + + fearful, cautious, wary Legs 克 (ÜBERWINDEN) jing1 +
+ + + capital city Lid 京 (HAUPTSTADT) jing1 +
+ + + whale Fish 京 (HAUPTSTADT) jing1 +
+ + + frighten, surprise, startle 心, 忄 Heart 京 (HAUPTSTADT) jing1 +
+ + + cut throat Knife 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) jing3 +
+ + + neck, throat Head2 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) jing3 +
+ + + well, mine shaft, pit Two 井 (BRUNNEN) jing3 +
+ + + pitfall, trap, snare 阜, 阝 Mount 井 (BRUNNEN) jing3 +
+ + + hydrazine Flesh 井 (BRUNNEN) jing3 +
+ + + guard, watch / alert, alarm Words 敬 (ACHTEN) jing3 +
+ + + warn / warning Man 敬 (ACHTEN) jing3 +
+ + + scenery, view / conditions Sun 景 (SZENE) jing3 +
+ + + rouse, awaken / become conscious 心, 忄 Heart 景 (SZENE) jing3 +
+ + + narrow path / diameter / direct Foodstep 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) jing4 +
+ + + convulsions, fits Illness 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) jing4 +
+ + + pass by, approach / direct 辵, 辶 Proceed 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) jing4 +
+ + + circular measure Bow 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) jing4 +
+ + + shinbone / calf of leg Flesh 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) jing4 +
+ + + quiet, still, motionless / gentle Green 青 (GRÜN) jing4 +
+ + + pacify / appease / calm, peaceful Green 青 (GRÜN) jing4 +
+ + + contend, vie, compete Stand 竞 (WETTBEWERB) jing4 +
+ + + modest / supple Woman 青 (GRÜN) jing4 +
+ + + finally, after all, at last Sound 竟 (UNERWARTET) jing4 +
+ + + boundary, frontier / area, region Earth 竟 (UNERWARTET) jing4 +
+ + + mirror / lens / glass / glasses 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 竟 (UNERWARTET) jing4 +
+ + + a mythical animal that eats its mother when it is born / Manchurian tiger Dog 竟 (UNERWARTET) jing4 +
+ + + clean, pure / cleanse Ice 争 (KÄMPFEN) jing4 +
+ + + respect, honor / respectfully Tap 敬 (ACHTEN) jing4 +
+ + + a door bar placed outside a door Doorleaf 苘 (RANDREGION) jiong1 +
+ + + embarrassed / hard-pressed Cave 君 (ISLAM) jiong3 +
+ + + bright, brilliant, clear / hot Fire 苘 (RANDREGION) jiong3 +
+ + + distant, far / separated / different 辵, 辶 Proceed 苘 (RANDREGION) jiong3 +
+ + + lots (to be drawn) / draw lots Door 龟 (SCHILDKRÖTE) jiu1 +
+ + + grasp with hand, pinch 手, 扌 Hand1 秋 (HERBST) jiu1 +
+ + + wailing of child / chirp Mouth 秋 (HERBST) jiu1 +
+ + + a coiffure on top of the head Hairlocks 秋 (HERBST) jiu1 +
+ + + investigate, inspect Silk 叫 (C_HAKEN) jiu1 +
+ + + grand, valiant Run 叫 (C_HAKEN) jiu1 +
+ + + examine, investigate Cave 九 (NEUN) jiu1 +
+ + + pigeon / collect, assemble Bird1 九 jiu1 +
+ + + long time (ago) / time passage, grow late 丿 Leftstroke 久 (LANGE ) jiu3 +
+ + + black-colored jade Jade 久 (LANGE ) jiu3 +
+ + + cauterize with moxa / moxibustion Fire 久 (LANGE ) jiu3 +
+ + + scallion, leek / radical 179 Leek 非 (FEHLER) jiu3 +
+ + + wine, spirits, liquor, alcoholic beverage Wine Jug 酉 (WEINKRUG) jiu3 +
+ + + nine Bent 九 (NEUN) jiu3 +
+ + + stable / barnyard Cliff jiu4 +
+ + + just, simply / to come, go to / to approach, near Lame 就 (HAUPTSTADT) jiu4 +
+ + + to heir / to rent Man 就 jiu4 +
+ + + condor, vulture Bird1 就 jiu4 +
+ + + old, ancient / former, past Sun 日 (SONNE) jiu4 +
+ + + chronic disease, chronic illness / sorrow Illness 久 (LANGE ) jiu4 +
+ + + mortar / bone joint socket Mortar 臼 (MÖRSER) jiu4 +
+ + + coffin which contains corpse Tree 久 (LANGE ) jiu4 +
+ + + mother's brother, uncle Mortar 臼 (MÖRSER) jiu4 +
+ + + tallow tree Tree 臼 (MÖRSER) jiu4 +
+ + + fault, defect / error, mistake Mouth 咎 (VORWURF) jiu4 +
+ + + save, rescue, relieve / help, aid Tap 求 (ANFLEHEN) jiu4 +
+ + + interrogate, question Rawhide 訇 (LÄRM) ju1 +
+ + + an ape, monkey / to spy, watch for / to lie Dog 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) ju1 +
+ + + ulcer, carbuncle, abscess Illness 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) ju1 +
+ + + sackcloth / female hemp plant 艸, 艹 Grass 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) ju1 +
+ + + osprey, fishhawk / hold back Bird2 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) ju1 +
+ + + restrain, seize, detain 手, 扌 Hand1 句 (SATZ) ju1 +
+ + + bow, bend / rear, raise, nourish Rawhide 匊 (AF_MIT_BEIDEN_HÄNDEN_TRAGEN) ju1 +
+ + + colt / fleet, swift / sun / surname Horse 句 (SATZ) ju1 +
+ + + to grasp or hold with both hands 手, 扌 Hand1 ju1 +
+ + + curium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 局 (BÜRO) ju1 +
+ + + live, dwell, reside, sit Corpse 居 (LEBEN_WOHNEN) ju1 +
+ + + girdle ornaments Jade 居 (LEBEN_WOHNEN) ju1 +
+ + + Tree 居 (LEBEN_WOHNEN) ju1 +
+ + + chrysanthemum 艸, 艹 Grass 匊 (AF_MIT_BEIDEN_HÄNDEN_TRAGEN) ju2 +
+ + + bureau, office / circumstance Corpse 局 (BÜRO) ju2 +
+ + + orange, tangerine Tree 谲 (TREFFEND) ju2 +
+ + + to walk alone / self-reliant Foot 禹 (KAISER_YU) ju3 +
+ + + suck / chew, masticate Mouth 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) ju3 +
+ + + irregular teeth / discord 齿 Teeth 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) ju3 +
+ + + carpenter's square, ruler, rule Tree 巨 (RIESIG) ju3 +
+ + + raise, lift up / recommend Dot 举 (HEBEN) ju3 +
+ + + type of elm Tree 举 (HEBEN) ju3 +
+ + + hemp-like plant / taro / herb 艸, 艹 Grass 吕 (LÜ3_NAME) ju3 +
+ + + tool, implement / draw up, write Eight 具 (GEBRAUCHSGEGENSTAND) ju4 +
+ + + all, together / accompany Man 具 (GEBRAUCHSGEGENSTAND) ju4 +
+ + + fear, be afraid of, dread 心, 忄 Heart 具 (GEBRAUCHSGEGENSTAND) ju4 +
+ + + cyclone, typhoon, gale Wind 具 (GEBRAUCHSGEGENSTAND) ju4 +
+ + + assemble, meet together, collect Ear 聚 (SICH_VERSAMMELN) ju4 +
+ + + contribute for drinks / pool money Wine Jug 噱 (WILDER_BÄR) ju4 +
+ + + suddenly, unexpectedly / at once 辵, 辶 Proceed 遽 (PLÖTZLICH) ju4 +
+ + + sentence Mouth 句 (SATZ) ju4 +
+ + + large, great, enormous / chief Work 巨 (RIESIG) ju4 +
+ + + straw sandals / tread on Corpse ju4 +
+ + + ward off with hand, defend 手, 扌 Hand1 巨 (RIESIG) ju4 +
+ + + poor, impoverished Cave ju4 +
+ + + distance / bird's spur Foot 巨 (RIESIG) ju4 +
+ + + torch Fire 巨 (RIESIG) ju4 +
+ + + an interjection used express surprise Words 巨 (RIESIG) ju4 +
+ + + steel, iron / great 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 巨 (RIESIG) ju4 +
+ + + to occupy, take possession of / a base, position 手, 扌 Hand1 居 (LEBEN_WOHNEN) ju4 +
+ + + a saw / to saw / amputate 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 居 (LEBEN_WOHNEN) ju4 +
+ + + lapel, border of garment / skirt Clothes 居 (LEBEN_WOHNEN) ju4 +
+ + + crouch, squat / sit, occupy Foot 居 (LEBEN_WOHNEN) ju4 +
+ + + theatrical plays, opera, drama Knife 居 (LEBEN_WOHNEN) ju4 +
+ + + arrogant, haughty, rude Man 居 (LEBEN_WOHNEN) ju4 +
+ + + the millipede sometimes confounded with the grow-worm / bright, clear Insect 蜀 (SHU_SEIDENWURM) juan1 +
+ + + engraving tool / carve, engrave 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 隽 (ÜBERLEGEN_AUSSERORDENTLICH) juan1 +
+ + + contribute / give up, renounce 手, 扌 捐/肙 Hand1 捐/肙 (LARVE) juan1 +
+ + + cuckoo 捐/肙 Bird1 捐/肙 (LARVE) juan1 +
+ + + beautiful, graceful 捐/肙 Woman 捐/肙 (LARVE) juan1 +
+ + + brook, stream / select / pure 水, 氵 捐/肙 Water 捐/肙 (LARVE) juan1 +
+ + + to bend iron 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 卷 (EINROLLEN) juan3 +
+ + + (place name) / (surname) City 堙 (VOGELBAU) juan4 +
+ + + superior, outstanding, talented Bird2 隽 (ÜBERLEGEN_AUSSERORDENTLICH) juan4 +
+ + + take interest in, care for Eye 券 (HÄNDE_ROLLEN_REIS) juan4 +
+ + + Tree 券 (HÄNDE_ROLLEN_REIS) juan4 +
+ + + be tired of, weary Man 卷 (EINROLLEN) juan4 +
+ + + kind of thick stiff silk 捐/肙 Silk 捐/肙 (LARVE) juan4 +
+ + + rash, impetuous, impulsive 捐/肙 Dog 捐/肙 (LARVE) juan4 +
+ + + protrude / snap, break / dig 手, 扌 Hand1 厥 (OHNMACHT) jue1 +
+ + + pouting Mouth 厥 (OHNMACHT) jue1 +
+ + + feudal title or rank 爪,爫 Claw 爵 (ADELSTITEL) jue2 +
+ + + Fire 爵 (ADELSTITEL) jue2 +
+ + + to cut, sever, break off, terminate Silk 色 (FARBE) jue2 +
+ + + two pieces of jade joined together Jade 玉 (JADE) jue2 +
+ + + look about in fright or alarm Eye 矍 (ERSCHRECKT_SCHAUEN) jue2 +
+ + + snatch away, seize / catch with 手, 扌 Hand1 矍 (ERSCHRECKT_SCHAUEN) jue2 +
+ + + decide, determine, judge Ice 决 (DURCHBRUCH) jue2 +
+ + + choose, select / gouge, pluck out 手, 扌 Hand1 决 jue2 +
+ + + take leave of, bid farewell Words 决 jue2 +
+ + + to long for / dissatisfied to criticize Horn 决 jue2 +
+ + + dig, excavate / excavate cave 手, 扌 Hand1 屈 (GEBEUGT) jue2 +
+ + + towering, eminent / rise abruptly Mountain 屈 (GEBEUGT) jue2 +
+ + + rafter / malus toringo Tree 角 (HORN) jue2 +
+ + + beautiful Child 孓 (LARVE) jue2 +
+ + + personal pronoun he, she, it Cliff 厥 (OHNMACHT) jue2 +
+ + + chisel for engraving / engrave Knife 厥 (OHNMACHT) jue2 +
+ + + pteris aquilina, common bracken 艸, 艹 Grass 厥 (OHNMACHT) jue2 +
+ + + unruly, wild, violent, lawless Dog 厥 (OHNMACHT) jue2 +
+ + + a post, a stake / an axle Tree 厥 (OHNMACHT) jue2 +
+ + + hoe 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 厥 (OHNMACHT) jue2 +
+ + + cunning, crafty, sly, wily Words 谲 (TREFFEND) jue2 +
+ + + stubborn, obstinate, intransigent / firm Man 屈 (GEBEUGT) jue4 +
+ + + sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince Mouth 君 (ISLAM) jun1 +
+ + + army, military / soldiers, troops Cover 军 (ARMEE) jun1 +
+ + + crack, chap Skin 军 (ARMEE) jun1 +
+ + + mushroom / germ, microbe 艸, 艹 Grass 禾 (GETREIDE) jun1 +
+ + + unit of measure equivalent to thirty catties 金,钅 Gold (Metal) jun1 +
+ + + equal, even, fair / all, also Earth 匀 (GLEICHMÄSSIG) jun1 +
+ + + administrative division City 君 (ISLAM) jun4 +
+ + + 手, 扌 Hand1 君 (ISLAM) jun4 +
+ + + talented, capable / handsome Man 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) jun4 +
+ + + high, steep, towering / stern Mountain 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) jun4 +
+ + + terminate, end, finish / quit Stand 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) jun4 +
+ 駿 + + excellent horse, noble steed Horse 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) jun4 +
+ + + vomit / used in transliterations Mouth 客 ka1 +
+ + + Man 卡 (KARTE) ka3 +
+ + + an organic compound Flesh 卡 (KARTE) ka3 +
+ + + rub and wipe, dust, clean 手, 扌 Hand1 皆 (ALLE_JEDER_ALLGEMEIN) kai1 +
+ + + open / initiate, begin, start Folded Hands 开 (ÖFFNEN) kai1 +
+ + + caesium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 开 (ÖFFNEN) kai1 +
+ + + sigh, regret / generous 心, 忄 Heart 既 (SCHON) kai3 +
+ + + model style of Chinese writing Tree 皆 (ALLE_JEDER_ALLGEMEIN) kai3 +
+ + + an organic compound 艸, 艹 Grass 皆 (ALLE_JEDER_ALLGEMEIN) kai3 +
+ + + high quality iron 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 皆 (ALLE_JEDER_ALLGEMEIN) kai3 +
+ + + triumphant / triumph, victory Stool 岂 (WIE_WAS) kai3 +
+ + + sharpen / carefully, thorough Knife 岂 (WIE_WAS) kai3 +
+ + + high and dry place Earth 岂 (WIE_WAS) kai3 +
+ + + enjoy, be contented, joyful 心, 忄 Heart 岂 (WIE_WAS) kai3 +
+ + + armor, chain mail 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 岂 (WIE_WAS) kai3 +
+ + + anger, wrath, hatred, enmity 心, 忄 Heart kai4 +
+ + + adequately capable of, worthy of Earth 甚 (BETRÄCHTLICH) kan1 +
+ + + investigate / compare / collate Strength 甚 (BETRÄCHTLICH) kan1 +
+ + + subjugate, subdue, quell / kill Halberd 甚 (BETRÄCHTLICH) kan1 +
+ + + niche, shrine Dragon 合 (SCHLIESSEN) kan1 +
+ + + publication, periodical / publish Knife 干 (TROCKEN) kan1 +
+ + + hack, chop, cut, fell Stone 欠 (SCHULDEN) kan3 +
+ + + pit, hole / snare, trap / crisis Earth 坎 (GRUBE) kan3 +
+ + + 〈chem.〉 camphane 艸, 艹 Grass 坎 (GRUBE) kan3 +
+ + + upright and strong / amiable Man 口 (MUND) kan3 +
+ + + watch, spy / overlook / look down Eye 敢 (MUTIG) kan4 +
+ + + peaceful, quiet / happy, healthy 广 Shelter 康 (UNTERGEORDNET) kang1 +
+ + + ardent / generous, magnanimous 心, 忄 Heart 康 (UNTERGEORDNET) kang1 +
+ + + chaff, bran, husks / poor Rice 康 (UNTERGEORDNET) kang1 +
+ + + carry on shoulders / lift 手, 扌 Hand1 工 (ARBEIT) kang2 +
+ + + high, proud / violent, excessive / skilled / name Lid 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) kang4 +
+ + + resist, oppose, defy, reject 手, 扌 Hand1 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) kang4 +
+ + + the brick-bed in northern China Fire 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) kang4 +
+ + + compare, match / pair / spouse Man 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) kang4 +
+ + + scandium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) kang4 +
+ + + end of spine / buttocks, sacrum Corpse 九 kao1 +
+ + + examine, test / investigate Old 考 (TESTEN) kao3 +
+ + + torture and interrogate / hit 手, 扌 Hand1 考 (TESTEN) kao3 +
+ + + bake, roast, toast, cook Fire 考 (TESTEN) kao3 +
+ + + mangrove Tree 考 (TESTEN) kao3 +
+ + + shackles, manacles 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 考 (TESTEN) kao4 +
+ + + lean on, trust, depend on / near Back to back 告 (MITTEILEN) kao4 +
+ + + entertain victorious soldiers Ox 高 (HOCH) kao4 +
+ + + section, department, science Grain 科 (SEKTION) ke1 +
+ + + tadpole Insect 科 (SEKTION) ke1 +
+ + + small, petty / harsh, rigorous 艸, 艹 Grass 可 (GUTHEISSEN) ke1 +
+ + + axe-handle / stalk, bough / surname Tree 可 (GUTHEISSEN) ke1 +
+ + + inferior kind of jade Jade 可 (GUTHEISSEN) ke1 +
+ + + columbium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 可 (GUTHEISSEN) ke1 +
+ + + illness, sickness, disease / pain Illness 可 (GUTHEISSEN) ke1 +
+ + + chin Head2 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) ke1 +
+ + + hit / collide, knock into / sound Stone 盍 (WAS_WARUM_NICHT) ke1 +
+ + + doze off / sleepy Eye 盍 (WAS_WARUM_NICHT) ke1 +
+ + + numerary adjunct for trees Tree 果 (FRUCHT) ke1 +
+ + + grain, kernel Head2 果 (FRUCHT) ke1 +
+ + + grain ready for grinding / grain Grain 果 (FRUCHT) ke1 +
+ + + nest / hole, indention / den Cave 果 (FRUCHT) ke1 +
+ + + thigh bone, hipbone / kneecap Bones 果 (FRUCHT) ke1 +
+ + + may, can, -able / possibly Mouth 可 (GUTHEISSEN) ke3 +
+ + + excellent / to commend to be able to Mouth 可 (GUTHEISSEN) ke3 +
+ + + Mountain 可 (GUTHEISSEN) ke3 +
+ + + thirsty, parched / yearn, pine 水, 氵 Water 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) ke3 +
+ + + carve, engrave / quarter hour Knife 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) ke4 +
+ + + respectful, reverent 心, 忄 Heart ke4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎剋;◎克】 + + gram / overcome / transliteration Legs 克 (ÜBERWINDEN) ke4 +
+ + + krypton Vapor 克 (ÜBERWINDEN) ke4 +
+ + + guest, traveller / customer Dwelling 客 (JEDER) ke4 +
+ + + eat seeds / reproach / loquacious Mouth 盍 (WAS_WARUM_NICHT) ke4 +
+ + + abruptly, suddenly, unexpectedly 水, 氵 Water 盍 (WAS_WARUM_NICHT) ke4 +
+ + + the woof of a woven item Silk 革 (LEDER) ke4 +
+ + + lesson / course / classwork Words 果 (FRUCHT) ke4 +
+ + + mother horse Horse 果 (FRUCHT) ke4 +
+ + + ingot / acrobatic move 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 果 (FRUCHT) ke4 +
+ + + willing / consent to, permit Flesh 肯 (EINWILLIGEN) ken3 +
+ + + gnaw, chew, bite Mouth 肯 (EINWILLIGEN) ken3 +
+ + + cultivate, reclaim, to farm land Earth 艮 (STILLHALTEN) ken3 +
+ + + sincere, earnest, cordial 心, 忄 Heart 艮 (STILLHALTEN) ken3 +
+ + + s seam in a garment Clothes 艮 (STILLHALTEN) ken4 +
+ + + throat Mouth 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) keng1 +
+ + + strike, beat, stroke / jingling 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 坚 (HART) keng1 +
+ + + pit, hole / bury, trap / harry Earth 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) keng1 +
+ + + Kongtong mountain Mountain 空 (LEER) kong1 +
+ + + ancient string music instrument Bamboo 空 (LEER) kong1 +
+ + + opening, hole, orifice / great Child 孔 (C_L-ÄHNLICH) kong3 +
+ + + fear / fearful, apprehensive 心, 忄 Heart 巩 (KONSOLIDIEREN) kong3 +
+ + + accuse, charge / control 手, 扌 Hand1 空 (LEER) kong4 +
+ + + raise, lift up / tight-fisted 手, 扌 Hand1 区 (REGION) kou1 +
+ + + sunken Eye 区 (REGION) kou1 +
+ + + 艸, 艹 Grass 孔 kou1 +
+ + + mouth / open end / entrance, gate Mouth 口 (MUND) kou3 +
+ + + bandits, thieves / enemy / invade Dwelling 寇 (BANDIT) kou4 +
+ + + 肉豆蔻 nutmeg, 豆蔻 cardamon 艸, 艹 Grass 寇 (BANDIT) kou4 +
+ + + knock, strike, rap, tap / button 手, 扌 Hand1 扣 (KLOPFEN) kou4 +
+ + + Bamboo 扣 (KLOPFEN) kou4 +
+ + + knock, ask / kowtow, bow Mouth 叩 (KLOPFEN) kou4 +
+ + + weep, cry, wail Mouth 哭 (HEULEN) ku1 +
+ + + hole, cave / cellar / underground Cave 屈 (GEBEUGT) ku1 +
+ + + cave, hole Earth 屈 (GEBEUGT) ku1 +
+ + + cut out, dig, rip up, scoop out Knife 夸 (ÜBERTREIBEN) ku1 +
+ + + dried out, withered, decayed Tree 古 (ALTERTUM) ku1 +
+ + + skeleton Bones 古 (ALTERTUM) ku1 +
+ + + bitter / hardship, suffering 艸, 艹 Grass 古 (ALTERTUM) ku3 +
+ + + trousers Silk 夸 (ÜBERTREIBEN) ku4 +
+ + + strong, stimulating / very Wine Jug 告 (MITTEILEN) ku4 +
+ + + emperor Mouth 告 (MITTEILEN) ku4 +
+ + + armory, treasury, storehouse 广 Shelter 库 (WAGEN) ku4 +
+ + + trousers, pants Clothes 库 (LAGERHAUS) ku4 +
+ + + extravagant, luxurious / handsome Big 夸 (ÜBERTREIBEN) kua1 +
+ + + be defeated, fail, collapse Earth 夸 (ÜBERTREIBEN) kua3 +
+ + + Man 夸 (ÜBERTREIBEN) kua3 +
+ + + carry 手, 扌 Hand1 夸 (ÜBERTREIBEN) kua4 +
+ + + straddle, bestride, ride / carry Foot 夸 (ÜBERTREIBEN) kua4 +
+ + + pelvis / groin / thighs Flesh 夸 (ÜBERTREIBEN) kua4 +
+ + + a rush, of which various things are made 艸, 艹 Grass 朋 (FREUND) kuai3 +
+ + + piece, lump / dollar Earth 决 (DURCHBRUCH) kuai4 +
+ + + rapid, quick, speedy, fast / soon 心, 忄 Heart 快 (DURCHBRUCH) kuai4 +
+ + + chopsticks Bamboo 快 (SCHNELL) kuai4 +
+ + + go-between, broker, proxy Man 会 (VERSAMMELN) kuai4 +
+ + + state in today's Henan province City 会 (VERSAMMELN) kuai4 +
+ + + swallow, gulp down / greedy Mouth 会 (VERSAMMELN) kuai4 +
+ + + sly, cunning, crafty Dog 会 (VERSAMMELN) kuai4 +
+ + + minced meat or fish Flesh 会 (VERSAMMELN) kuai4 +
+ + + broad, wide / spacious, vast Dwelling 宽 (AMARANTH) kuan1 +
+ + + hipbone / hip Bones 宽 kuan1 +
+ + + item, article / clause / fund Breathe 欠 (SCHULDEN) kuan3 +
+ + + correct, restore, revise Box 匡 (KORRIGIEREN) kuang1 +
+ + + bamboo basket or chest Bamboo 匡 (KORRIGIEREN) kuang1 +
+ + + cheat, swindle, lie Words 匡 (KORRIGIEREN) kuang1 +
+ + + syllable Mouth 匡 (KORRIGIEREN) kuang1 +
+ + + insane, mad / violent / wild Dog 狂 (VERRÜCKT) kuang2 +
+ + + deceive, lie, delude, cheat Words 狂 (VERRÜCKT) kuang2 +
+ + + Big kuang3 +
+ + + frame / framework / door frame Tree 匡 (KORRIGIEREN) kuang4 +
+ + + eye socket / rim of eye Eye 匡 (KORRIGIEREN) kuang4 +
+ + + condition, situation / furthermore Ice 兄 (ÄLTERER_BRUDER) kuang4 +
+ + + give, grant, bestow / surname Shell 兄 (ÄLTERER_BRUDER) kuang4 +
+ + + mine / mineral, ore 广 Stone 广 (WEIT) kuang4 +
+ + + extensive, wide, broad / empty 广 Sun 广 (WEIT) kuang4 +
+ + + surname 广 City 广 (WEIT) kuang4 +
+ + + tomb, grave: prairie / open wilderness 广 Earth 广 (WEIT) kuang4 +
+ + + cotton / silk 广 Silk 广 (WEIT) kuang4 +
岿 + + + grand, stately / secure, lasting Mountain 归 (WIEDERKEHREN) kui1 +
+ + + peep, watch, spy on, pry Cave 规 kui1 +
+ + + helmet / bowl / basin Household utensils 灰 (ASCHE) kui1 +
+ + + lose, fail / damage / deficient Two 亏 (GELD_VERLIEREN) kui1 +
+ + + one-legged monster / walrus Persevere 首 (KOPF) kui2 +
+ + + sunflower / measure 艸, 艹 Grass 癸 (10.HS) kui2 +
+ + + prime minister / to guess, estimate 手, 扌 Hand1 癸 kui2 +
+ + + in opposition / distant from / separated Sun 癸 kui2 +
+ + + staring Eye 癸 kui2 +
+ + + chief / leader / best / monstrous Ghost kui2 +
+ + + high / lofty / surname 阜, 阝 Mount kui2 +
+ + + stride of man / one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions Big 奎 (HIMMELHAUS) kui2 +
+ + + chemical compound Mouth 奎 (HIMMELHAUS) kui2 +
+ + + vipera russelii siamensis Insect 奎 (HIMMELHAUS) kui2 +
+ + + thoroughfare, crossroads 辵, 辶 Proceed 逵 (AF_FESTLAND) kui2 +
+ + + cheekbone / path, road / intersection Head1 首 (KOPF) kui2 +
+ + + great, gigantic / puppet Man kui3 +
+ + + to step / a stride equal to half a pace Foot 圭 (JADETABLETT) kui3 +
+ + + ashamed, conscience-stricken 心, 忄 Heart 鬼 (GEIST) kui4 +
+ + + heave sigh, sigh Mouth 胃 (MAGEN) kui4 +
+ + + flooding river / militarily defeat 水, 氵 Water 贵 (TEUER) kui4 +
+ + + offer food superior / send gift Food 贵 (TEUER) kui4 +
+ + + to lack Box 贵 (TEUER) kui4 +
+ + + edible amaranth / straw basket 艸, 艹 Grass 贵 (TEUER) kui4 +
+ + + confused, troubled, muddle-headed 心, 忄 Heart 贵 (TEUER) kui4 +
+ + + deaf Ear 贵 (TEUER) kui4 +
+ + + a bamboo basket for carrying earth Bamboo 贵 (TEUER) kui4 +
+ + + earth / feminine, female Earth 申 (ERZÄHLEN_ERKLÄREN_AUSSPRECHEN) kun1 +
+ + + elder brother / descendants Sun 昆 (ZUSAMMEN) kun1 +
+ + + beautiful jade, precious stones Jade 昆 (ZUSAMMEN) kun1 +
+ + + ancient treasured sword 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 昆 (ZUSAMMEN) kun1 +
+ + + 〈chem.〉 quinone Wine Jug 昆 (ZUSAMMEN) kun1 +
+ + + spawn / roe / fy Fish 昆 (ZUSAMMEN) kun1 +
+ + + to shear tree / ancient punishment Hairlocks 兀 kun1 +
+ + + tie up / bind, truss up / bundle 手, 扌 Hand1 困 (JN_IN_EINE_NOTLAGE_BRINGEN) kun3 +
+ + + sincere, genuine, honest, loyal 心, 忄 Heart 困 kun3 +
+ + + threshold / women's quarters Door 困 kun3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎睏;◎困】 + + to surround, beseige / to be surrounded / difficult Enclosure 困 (BAUM) kun4 +
+ + + include, embrace, enclose 手, 扌 Hand1 舌 (ZUNGE) kuo4 +
+ + + snail / slug, mole cricket Insect 舌 (ZUNGE) kuo4 +
+ + + broad, ample, wide / be apart Door 活 (LEBEN) kuo4 +
+ + + broad, wide, open, empty / to expand 广 Shelter 郭 (ÄUSSERE_STADTMAUER) kuo4 +
+ + + expand, enlarge, stretch 手, 扌 广 Hand1 广 (WEIT) kuo4 +
+ + + final particle of assertion Mouth 拉 (ZIEHEN) la +
+ + + rags 辵, 辶 Proceed 邋 la1 +
+ + + garbage, refuse, waste Earth 立 (STEHEN) la1 +
+ + + nook, corner Sun 日 (SONNE) la2 +
+ + + peppery, pungent, hot / cruel Offend 束 (BÜNDEL) la4 +
+ + + slash, cut in two / contradict Knife 剌 (AUFSCHLITZEN) la4 +
+ + + severe / poisonous / dangerous / itch and other skin diseases Illness 剌 (AUFSCHLITZEN) la4 +
+ + + wax / candle / waxy, glazed / maggot / as a non-simplified form sometimes used as an equivalent to 410D 䄍, meaning imperial harvest Insect 昔 (VERGANGENHEIT) la4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎臘;◎腊】 + + year end sacrifice / dried meat Flesh 昔 (VERGANGENHEIT) la4 +
+ + + come, coming / return, returning Tree 来 (KOMMEN) lai2 +
+ + + goosefoot, weed / fallow field 艸, 艹 Grass 来 lai2 +
+ + + mountain in Sichuan province Mountain 来 lai2 +
+ + + induce, encourage to come Foodstep 来 lai2 +
+ + + river in Hebei province / creek 水, 氵 Water 来 lai2 +
+ + + rhenium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 来 lai2 +
+ + + rely, depend on / accuse falsely Shell 赖 (VERLASSEN_AUF) lai4 +
+ + + swift current / rapids 水, 氵 Water 赖 (VERLASSEN_AUF) lai4 +
+ + + leprosy, scabies, mange / shoddy Illness 赖 (VERLASSEN_AUF) lai4 +
+ + + bamboo flute / pipe / various sound Bamboo 赖 (VERLASSEN_AUF) lai4 +
+ + + give, present, confer / surname Shell 来 lai4 +
+ + + squint at / sidelong glance Eye 来 lai4 +
+ + + mountain mist, mountain haze Mountain 风 (WIND) lan2 +
+ + + door screen / railing fence Door 阑 [GELÄNDER] lan2 +
+ + + overflowing / waves, ripples 水, 氵 Water 阑 [GELÄNDER] lan2 +
+ + + accuse falsely / slander, libel Words 阑 [GELÄNDER] lan2 +
+ + + multicolored Literature 阑 [GELÄNDER] lan2 +
+ + + lanthanum 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 阑 [GELÄNDER] lan2 +
+ + + orchid / elegant, graceful Eight 兰 (ORCHIDEE) lan2 +
+ + + railing, balustrade / animal pan Tree 兰 (ORCHIDEE) lan2 +
+ + + obstruct, impede, bar, hinder 手, 扌 Hand1 兰 (ORCHIDEE) lan2 +
+ + + blue / indigo plant / surname 艸, 艹 Grass 监 (ÜBERWACHEN) lan2 +
+ + + basket Bamboo 监 (ÜBERWACHEN) lan2 +
+ + + ragged, tattered, threadbare Clothes 监 (ÜBERWACHEN) lan2 +
+ + + covet / covetous, avaricious Woman 婪 (GIERIG) lan2 +
+ + + fishing net Net 南 (SÜDEN) lan3 +
+ + + lazy, languid, listless 心, 忄 Heart 赖 (VERLASSEN_AUF) lan3 +
+ + + look at, inspect / perceive See 览 (ANSCHAUEN) lan3 +
+ + + grasp, take hold of / monopolize 手, 扌 Hand1 览 (ANSCHAUEN) lan3 +
+ + + hawser, heavy-duty rope, cable Silk 览 (ANSCHAUEN) lan3 +
+ + + olive Tree 览 (ANSCHAUEN) lan3 +
+ + + marinate in salt 水, 氵 Water 婪 (GIERIG) lan3 +
+ + + rotten, spoiled, decayed Fire 兰 (ORCHIDEE) lan4 +
+ + + flood, overflow / excessive 水, 氵 Water 监 (ÜBERWACHEN) lan4 +
+ + + a clanging or rattling sound Mouth 郎 (junger Herr oder Beamtentitel) lang1 +
+ + + a variety of white carnelian / pure Jade 良 (GUT_FEIN) lang2 +
+ + + wolf Dog 良 (GUT_FEIN) lang2 +
+ + + lock 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 良 (GUT_FEIN) lang2 +
+ + + grass / weeds Grain 良 (GUT_FEIN) lang2 +
+ + + gentleman, young man / husband City 郎 (junger Herr oder Beamtentitel) lang2 +
+ + + corridor, porch, veranda 广 Shelter 郎 (junger Herr oder Beamtentitel) lang2 +
+ + + mantis, dung beetle Insect 郎 (junger Herr oder Beamtentitel) lang2 +
+ + + clear, bright / distinct Moon 朗 (V_GUT_FEIN) lang3 +
+ + + wave / wasteful, reckless 水, 氵 Water 良 (WELLE) lang4 +
+ + + 蒗荡渠 Làngtàngqú (name of an ancient canal) 艸, 艹 Grass 良 (WELLEN) lang4 +
+ + + scoop out of water / dredge, fish 手, 扌 Hand1 劳 (MÜHE) lao1 +
+ + + unclear wine, wine with dregs Wine Jug 翏 (FEHLERHAFT) lao2 +
+ + + labor, toil, do manual work Strength 劳 (MÜHE) lao2 +
+ + + Laoshan, mountain in Shandong Mountain 劳 (MÜHE) lao2 +
+ + + lr 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 劳 (MÜHE) lao2 +
+ + + consumption / tuberculosis Illness 劳 (MÜHE) lao2 +
+ + + prison / stable, pen / secure Ox 牛 (RIND) lao2 +
+ + + old, aged / experienced Old 老 (ALT) lao3 +
+ + + (Cant.) man, person / mature Man 老 (ALT) lao3 +
+ + + a basket Tree 老 (ALT) lao3 +
+ + + rhodium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 老 (ALT) lao3 +
+ + + chat, jaw, gossip, talk Mouth 劳 (MÜHE) lao4 +
+ + + inundate, flood / torrent 水, 氵 Water 劳 (MÜHE) lao4 +
+ + + a kind of farm tool Plow 劳 (MÜHE) lao4 +
+ + + cream, cheese / koumiss Wine Jug lao4 +
+ + + brand, burn / branding iron Fire lao4 +
+ + + surplus or excess / remainder Man 力 (KRAFT) le4 +
+ + + used in place names / (Cant.) smart, clever Mouth 力 (KRAFT) le4 +
+ + + to write / to indite / veins in minerals 水, 氵 Water 力 (KRAFT) le4 +
+ + + happy, glad / enjoyable / music 丿 Leftstroke 乐 (FRÖHLICH) le4 +
+ + + Chinese herring / shad Fish 革 (FESTBINDEN) le4 +
+ + + (Cant.) final particle used for polite refusal Mouth 勒 (FESTBINDEN) lei +
+ + + strangle, tighten Strength 勒 (FESTBINDEN) lei1 +
+ + + weak, lean, emaciated, exhausted Sheep 赢 (MAULESEL) lei2 +
+ + + surname Woman 累 (MÜDE) lei2 +
+ + + a chain or rope used bind criminals Silk 累 (MÜDE) lei2 +
+ + + thunder Rain 雷 (DONNER) lei2 +
+ + + radium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 雷 (DONNER) lei2 +
+ + + Tree 雷 (DONNER) lei2 +
+ + + pile of rocks or stones / great Stone 石 (STEIN) lei3 +
+ + + rampart, military wall Earth 厶 (PRIVAT) lei3 +
+ + + handle of plow / plow / rad. 127 Plow 耒 lei3 +
+ + + eulogize, praise the dead Words 耒 lei3 +
+ + + puppet, dummy Man 田 (REISFELD) lei3 +
+ + + buds, unopened flowers 艸, 艹 Grass 雷 (DONNER) lei3 +
+ + + tears / weep, cry 水, 氵 Water 目 (AUGE) lei4 +
+ + + ribs / chest Flesh 肋 (RIPPEN) lei4 +
+ + + class, group, kind, category Rice 大 (GROSS) lei4 +
+ + + to pour out a libation / to sprinkle Wine Jug 埒 (DEICH) lei4 +
+ + + squared timber / angle, edge Tree 凌 (AF_ANHÖHE) leng2 +
+ + + elevated bank in field Earth 塄 (ERHÖHTES_FELD) leng2 +
+ + + cold, cool / lonely Ice 令 (BEFEHL) leng3 +
+ + + be in a daze 心, 忄 Heart 塄 (ERHÖHTES_FELD) leng4 +
+ + + glass Jade 离 (VERLASSEN) li +
+ + + mile Mouth 里 (DORF) li +
+ + + rare beast / strange / elegant Track 离 (VERLASSEN) li2 +
+ + + bamboo or wooden fence / hedge Bamboo 离 (VERLASSEN) li2 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎灕;◎漓】 + + river in Guangxi province / water dripping 水, 氵 Water 离 (VERLASSEN) li2 +
+ + + gracilaria verrucosa 艸, 艹 Grass 离 (VERLASSEN) li2 +
+ + + a bridal veil / to tie / to bind Silk 离 (VERLASSEN) li2 +
+ + + pear / opera / cut, slash Tree 利 (VORTEIL) li2 +
+ + + plow Ox 利 (VORTEIL) li2 +
+ + + clam Insect li2 +
+ + + sorrow, grief / incur, meet with Net 难 (DENNOCH) li2 +
+ + + surname / numerous, many / black Millet 黎 (MASSENHAFT) li2 +
+ + + Chenopodium album, pigweed 艸, 艹 Grass 黎 (MASSENHAFT) li2 +
+ + + a dark, sallow colour Black 黎 (MASSENHAFT) li2 +
+ + + a widow Woman 未 li2 +
+ + + wood-boring insect / bore into wood Insect 彖 (WILDSCHWEIN) li2 +
+ + + thousandth part of tael Cliff 厘 (BRUCHTEIL) li2 +
+ + + gramme / syllable Mouth 厘 (BRUCHTEIL) li2 +
+ + + a pure black horse / a pair of horses Horse 丽 (SCHÖN ) li2 +
+ + + Chinese oriole / Oriolus oriolus Bird1 丽 (SCHÖN ) li2 +
+ + + eel Fish 丽 (SCHÖN ) li2 +
+ + + river in northern Hunan province 水, 氵 Water 豊 (OPFERSCHALE) li3 +
+ + + sweet wine / sweet spring Wine Jug 豊 (OPFERSCHALE) li3 +
+ + + snakehead Fish 豊 (OPFERSCHALE) li3 +
+ + + social custom / manners / courtesy 示, 礻 Revelation 扎 (C_L-ÄHNLICH) li3 +
+ + + plum / judge / surname Tree 木 (BAUM) li3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎裡;◎里】 + + unit of distance / village / lane Village 里 (DORF) li3 +
+ + + reason, logic / manage Jade 里 (DORF) li3 +
+ + + carp Fish 里 (DORF) li3 +
+ + + rustic, vulgar, unpolished / mean Man 里 (DORF) li3 +
+ + + brother's wife Woman 里 (DORF) li3 +
+ + + lithium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 里 (DORF) li3 +
+ + + meandering, winding 辵, 辶 Proceed 丽 (SCHÖN ) li3 +
+ + + attend, be present / arrive at 艸, 艹 Grass 位 (POSITION) li4 +
+ + + scold, abuse verbally, curse Words 言 (WORT) li4 +
+ + + gains, advantage, profit, merit Knife 利 (VORTEIL) li4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎慄;◎栗】 + + chestnut tree, chestnuts / surname Tree 栗 (Kastanie) li4 +
+ + + tribe Man 栗 (Kastanie) li4 +
+ + + river in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces 水, 氵 Water 栗 (Kastanie) li4 +
+ + + bugle, 觱篥 bìlì Tatar (Tartar) horn Bamboo 栗 (Kastanie) li4 +
+ + + white jasmine 艸, 艹 Grass li4 +
+ + + dysentery Illness li4 +
+ + + a kind of monkey Dog li4 +
+ + + government official, magistrate Mouth 吏 (GESCHICHTE) li4 +
+ + + precedent, example / regulation Man 列 (AUFREIHEN) li4 +
+ + + power, capability, influence Strength 力 (KRAFT) li4 +
+ + + lichee 艸, 艹 Grass 力 (KRAFT) li4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎歷;◎曆】 + + history / calendar Cliff 历 (KALENDER) li4 +
+ + + trickle, drip / strain / dregs 水, 氵 Water 历 (KALENDER) li4 +
+ + + a hole, pit Earth 历 (KALENDER) li4 +
+ + + a kind of plant 艸, 艹 Grass 历 (KALENDER) li4 +
+ + + used in onomatopoetic expressions Mouth 历 (KALENDER) li4 +
+ + + type of oak / stable Tree 历 (KALENDER) li4 +
+ + + scrofulous lumps or swellings Illness 历 (KALENDER) li4 +
+ + + thunderclap, crashing thunder Rain 历 (KALENDER) li4 +
+ + + gravel, pebbles Stone 乐 (FRÖHLICH) li4 +
+ + + chestnut-leaved oak / oak Tree 乐 (FRÖHLICH) li4 +
+ + + run over something with vehicle Cart 乐 (FRÖHLICH) li4 +
+ + + walk, move Foot 乐 (FRÖHLICH) li4 +
+ + + a sore, ulcer / pestilence Illness 万 (ZEHNTAUSEND) li4 +
+ + + whetstone / grind, sharpen / whet Cliff 万 (HARSCH) li4 +
+ + + strive / encourage Strength 万 (HARSCH) li4 +
+ + + whetstone / sharpen Stone 万 (HARSCH) li4 +
+ + + oyster Insect 万 (HARSCH) li4 +
+ + + unpolished rice / brown rice Rice 万 (HARSCH) li4 +
+ + + perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious Doorleaf 戾 (WIDERSTREBEN) li4 +
+ + + cry of bird / cry Mouth 戾 (WIDERSTREBEN) li4 +
+ + + spouse, couple, pair Man 丽 (SCHÖN ) li4 +
+ + + place in today's Henan province City 丽 (SCHÖN ) li4 +
+ + + stand / let stand / establish, set Stand 立 (STEHEN) li4 +
+ + + subservient / servant / KangXi radical 171 Seize 隶 (UNTERGEORDNET) li4 +
+ + + grain / small particle Rice 立 (STEHEN) li4 +
+ + + bamboo hat / bamboo covering Bamboo 立 (STEHEN) li4 +
+ + + two, pair Man 两 (BEIDE) lia3 +
+ + + upright, honorable, honest 广 Shelter 兼 (EHRLICH) lian2 +
+ + + sickle 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 廉 (EHRLICH) lian2 +
+ + + a waterfall / a river in Hunan 水, 氵 Water 廉 (EHRLICH) lian2 +
+ + + calf of the leg Flesh 廉 (EHRLICH) lian2 +
+ + + 蜚蠊 fěilián cockroach Insect 廉 (EHRLICH) lian2 +
+ + + pity, sympathize 心, 忄 Heart 令 (BEFEHL) lian2 +
+ + + lady's vanity case / trousseau Big 大 (GROSS) lian2 +
+ + + connect, join / associate, ally Ear 关 (SCHLIESSEN) lian2 +
+ + + join, connect / continuous / even 辵, 辶 Proceed 连 (VERKNÜPFEN) lian2 +
+ + + lotus, water lily / paradise 艸, 艹 Grass 连 (VERKNÜPFEN) lian2 +
+ + + flowing water / ripples / weeping 水, 氵 Water 连 (WAGEN) lian2 +
+ + + folding purse inserted in belt Clothes 连 (VERKNÜPFEN) lian2 +
+ + + silver carp, hypophthalmiathys Fish 连 (VERKNÜPFEN) lian2 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎簾;◎帘】 + + flag-sign of a tavern Cloth 巾 (TUCH) lian2 +
+ + + face / cheek / reputation Flesh 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) lian3 +
+ + + draw one's hands into sleeve Clothes 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) lian3 +
+ + + draw back, fold back / collect Tap 敛 (ZURÜCKHALTEN) lian3 +
+ + + wild vine, vitis pentaphylla 艸, 艹 Grass 敛 (ZURÜCKHALTEN) lian3 +
+ + + vessel used to hold grain offerings Jade 连 (VERKNÜPFEN) lian3 +
+ + + Melia japonica Tree lian4 +
+ + + love / long for, yearn for / love 心, 忄 Heart 变 (SORTIEREN) lian4 +
+ + + smelt, refine / distill, condense Fire 拣 lian4 +
+ + + to practice, drill, exercise, train Silk 拣 lian4 +
+ + + dress corpse for burial Disintegration 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) lian4 +
+ + + waves, ripples / overflow 水, 氵 Water lian4 +
+ + + chain, wire, cable / chain, shack 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 连 (VERKNÜPFEN) lian4 +
+ + + bridge / beam / rafters / surname Tree 梁 (HIRSE_BRÜCKE) liang2 +
+ + + mountain range Earth 梁 (HIRSE_BRÜCKE) liang2 +
+ + + good, virtuous, respectable Defiance 良 (GUT_FEIN) liang2 +
+ + + food, grain, provisions Rice 良 (GUT_FEIN) liang2 +
+ + + fruit Tree 京 (HAUPTSTADT) liang2 +
+ + + two, both, pair, couple / ounce One 两 (BEIDE) liang3 +
+ + + a kind of monster Ghost 两 (BEIDE) liang3 +
+ + + air-dry / sun-dry Sun 京 (HAUPTSTADT) liang4 +
+ + + excuse, forgive / guess, presume Words 京 (HAUPTSTADT) liang4 +
+ + + bright, brilliant, radiant, light Lid 亮 (OBERER_TEILvonHOCH) liang4 +
+ + + numerary adjunct for vehicles Cart 两 (BEIDE) liang4 +
+ + + lift up, raise / leave, depart 手, 扌 Hand1 僚 (FACKEL) liao1 +
+ + + be healed, cured, recover Illness 了 (VERSTEHEN) liao2 +
+ + + distant, far 辵, 辶 Proceed 了 (VERSTEHEN) Liao2 +
+ + + few, scarce / empty, deserted Dwelling 翏 (FEHLERHAFT) liao2 +
+ + + somewhat, slightly, at least Ear 卯 (AF_DEN KOPF HEBEN) liao2 +
+ + + companion, colleague / officials / bureaucracy / a pretty face Man 僚 (FACKEL) liao2 +
+ + + to flood / a puddle / without care 水, 氵 Water 僚 (FACKEL) liao2 +
+ + + used describe clarity of voice / resonant Mouth 僚 (FACKEL) liao2 +
+ + + to hunt at night by torches Dog 僚 (FACKEL) liao2 +
+ + + shanty, hut, shack Dwelling 僚 (FACKEL) liao2 +
+ + + wind round, rap around, bind Silk 僚 (FACKEL) liao2 +
+ + + wren Bird1 僚 (FACKEL) liao2 +
+ + + smartweed, polygonum 艸, 艹 Grass 翏 (FEHLERHAFT) liao3 +
+ + + consider, conjecture / materials, ingredients Peck 斗 (KÄMPFEN) liao4 +
+ + + surname / name of an ancient state 广 Shelter 翏 (FEHLERHAFT) liao4 +
+ + + put down, put aside / drop 手, 扌 Hand1 liao4 +
+ + + Lame 勺 liao4 +
+ + + fetters 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 僚 (FACKEL) liao4 +
+ + + to stride over / to step across Foot 邋 lie4 +
+ + + horse's mane / fin / human whiskers Hairlocks lie4 +
+ + + a line / to arrange in order, classify Knife 列 (SCHLECHT) lie4 +
+ + + split, crack, break open / rend Clothes 列 (AUFREIHEN) lie4 +
+ + + fiery, violent, vehement, ardent Fire 列 (AUFREIHEN) lie4 +
+ + + cold and raw / pure, clear Ice lie4 +
+ + + clear 水, 氵 Water lie4 +
+ + + not progressing / to be checked Run lie4 +
+ + + bad, inferior / slightly Strength 力 (KRAFT) lie4 +
+ + + hunt / field sports Dog 昔 (VERGANGENHEIT) lie4 +
+ + + twist with hands / snap, tear 手, 扌 Hand1 戾 (WIDERSTREBEN) lie4 +
+ + + enclosure, dike, embankment Earth 埒 (DEICH) lie4 +
+ + + to haul / to lift / to take 手, 扌 Hand1 令 (BEFEHL) lin1 +
+ + + draw near, approach / descend Rod 临 (NAHE ) lin2 +
+ + + neighbor / neighborhood City 令 (BEFEHL) lin2 +
+ + + Rice 粼 lin2 +
+ + + phosphorus / water rushing between Stone 粼 (IRRLICHTER) lin2 +
+ + + fish scales Fish 粼 lin2 +
+ + + precipitous Mountain 粼 lin2 +
+ + + select, choose / surname 辵, 辶 Proceed 粼 lin2 +
+ + + rumbling of vehicles / threshold Cart 粼 lin2 +
+ + + to stare at Eye 粼 lin2 +
+ + + female of Chinese unicorn 鹿 Deer 粼 lin2 +
+ + + forest, grove / surname Tree 林 (BAUM) lin2 +
+ + + beautiful jade, gem Jade 林 lin2 +
+ + + long spell of rain, copious rain Rain 林 lin2 +
+ + + stupid / slow Mouth 林 (WALD) lin2 +
+ + + to shiver with cold or fear Ice 禀 (BERICHT_ERSTATTEN) lin3 +
+ + + granary / stockpile 广 Shelter 禀 (BERICHT_ERSTATTEN) lin3 +
+ + + be afraid of, to be in awe of 心, 忄 Heart 禀 (BERICHT_ERSTATTEN) lin3 +
+ + + the bole of a tree / a cross beam / the combing round the hatches of a ship Tree 禀 (BERICHT_ERSTATTEN) lin3 +
+ + + rent, hire / hired person Shell 任 (ERNENNEN) lin4 +
+ + + stingy, miserly, parsimonious Mouth 文 (SCHRIFT) lin4 +
+ + + rush used for making mats / surnam 艸, 艹 Grass 蔺 (FLATTERBINSE) lin4 +
+ + + trample down, oppress, overrun Foot 蔺 (FLATTERBINSE) lin4 +
+ + + Flesh 粼 lin4 +
+ + + the spirit of a being, which acts upon others spirit / divine / efficacious City 酃 (LING2_in_HENAN) ling2 +
+ + + spirit, soul / spiritual world Fire 灵 (CLEVER) ling2 +
+ + + carved or patterned window sills Tree 灵 (CLEVER) ling2 +
+ + + tinkling of jade Jade 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + zero / fragment, fraction Rain 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + age / years 齿 Teeth 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + bell 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + lonely, solitary / actor Man 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + species of antelope Sheep 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + fungus, tuber / licorice 艸, 艹 Grass 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + prison, enclosure Enclosure 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + nice and cool, mild and comfortable 水, 氵 Water 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + Tree 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + concave channels of tiling a long-necked jar Tile 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + listen, hear Ear 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + dragonfly, libellulidae Insect 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + feather / plume / wing Wings 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + pure / virtuous / insult / maltreat Ice 凌 (AF_ANHÖHE) ling2 +
+ + + water-chestnut, water caltrop 艸, 艹 Grass 凌 (AF_ANHÖHE) ling2 +
+ + + hill, mound / mausoleum 阜, 阝 Mount 凌 (AF_ANHÖHE) ling2 +
+ + + thin silk, damask silk Silk 凌 (AF_ANHÖHE) ling2 +
+ + + carp Fish 凌 (AF_ANHÖHE) ling2 +
+ + + mountain ridge, mountain peak Mountain 令 (BEFEHL) ling3 +
+ + + neck / collar / lead, guide Head2 令 (BEFEHL) ling3 +
+ + + purine Mouth 令 (BEFEHL) ling4 +
+ + + another, separate, other Mouth 力 (KRAFT) ling4 +
+ + + to steam Fire 留 (BLEIBEN) liu1 +
+ + + surname / kill, destroy Knife 刘 (MASSAKRIEREN) liu2 +
+ + + clear / bright / whistling 水, 氵 Water 刘 (MASSAKRIEREN) liu2 +
+ + + stop, halt / stay, detain, keep Field 留 (BLEIBEN) liu2 +
+ + + pomegranate Tree 留 (BLEIBEN) liu2 +
+ + + tumor, lump, goiter Illness 留 (BLEIBEN) liu2 +
+ + + famous horse Horse 留 (BLEIBEN) liu2 +
+ + + sparkling stone / glazed, opaque Jade 琉 (NEUGEBORENES_HAAR) liu2 +
+ + + sulfur Stone 琉 (NEUGEBORENES_HAAR) liu2 +
+ + + fringes of pearls on crowns Square 琉 (NEUGEBORENES_HAAR) liu2 +
+ + + flow, circulate, drift / class 水, 氵 Water 流 (FLIESSEN) liu2 +
+ + + pure gold 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 流 (FLIESSEN) liu2 +
+ + + matte / 锍冶炼 matte smelting 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 琉 (NEUGEBORENES_HAAR) liu3 +
+ + + skein / tuft, lock / wrinkle Silk 咎 (VORWURF) liu3 +
+ + + willow tree / pleasure Tree 卯 (AF_DEN KOPF HEBEN) liu3 +
+ + + number six Eight 六 (SECHS) liu4 +
+ + + distill, distillation Food 留 (BLEIBEN) liu4 +
+ + + take walk, stroll 辵, 辶 Proceed 留 (BLEIBEN) liu4 +
+ + + Anthus species (various) Bird1 翏 (FEHLERHAFT) liu4 +
+ + + dragon / symbolic of emperor Dragon 龙 (DRACHE) long2 +
+ + + deaf Ear 龙 (DRACHE) long2 +
+ + + throat Mouth 龙 (DRACHE) long2 +
+ + + tall grass / water-weeds 艸, 艹 Grass long2 +
+ + + raining / wet / soaked / a river in Guangdong 水, 氵 Water long2 +
+ + + a gem cut like dragon Jade 龙 (DRACHE) long2 +
+ + + cage, pen / set of bars Tree long2 +
+ + + condition or appearance of moon Flesh long2 +
+ + + grind, sharpen / mill Stone long2 +
+ + + prosperous, plentiful, abundant 阜, 阝 Mount 隆 (GROSS_ERHABEN) long2 +
窿 + 窿 + + mine shaft / cavity, hole Cave 隆 (GROSS_ERHABEN) long2 +
+ + + weakness, infirmity retention of urine Illness 隆 long2 +
+ + + grave, mound / ridge in field Earth 龙 (DRACHE) long3 +
+ + + collect, bring together 手, 扌 Hand1 龙 (DRACHE) long3 +
+ + + mountain located between Shanxi 阜, 阝 Mount Long3 +
+ + + mound, grave / ridge in field Earth long3 +
+ + + used in onomatopoetic expressions Mouth 娄 (SICH_ZUM_SCHLECHTEN_WENDEN) lou +
+ + + surname / a constellation / to wear Rice lou2 +
+ + + building of two or more stories Tree 娄 (SICH_ZUM_SCHLECHTEN_WENDEN) lou2 +
+ + + artemisia stelleriana 艸, 艹 Grass lou2 +
+ + + drill for sowing grain Plow lou2 +
+ + + a mole cricket, Gryllotalpa africana Insect lou2 +
+ + + skull / skeleton Bones lou2 +
+ + + bamboo basket Bamboo lou3 +
+ + + Goulou mountain peak in hunan Mountain lou3 +
+ + + leak, drip / funnel / hour glass 水, 氵 Water 雨 (LEICHE_REGEN) lou4 +
+ + + carve, inlay, engrave, tattoo 金,钅 Gold (Metal) lou4 +
+ + + fistula, sore, ulcer, goiter Illness lou4 +
+ + + narrow / crude, coarse / ugly 阜, 阝 Mount 丙 (DRITTENS) lou4 +
+ + + pulley, windlass, capstan Cart 卢 (LU2_NAME) lu +
+ + + thick rough serge from Tibet Hair 鲁 (DÄMLICH) lu +
+ + + 手, 扌 Hand1 鲁 (DÄMLICH) lu1 +
+ + + verbose, talkative / mumbling Mouth 鲁 (DÄMLICH) lu1 +
+ + + cottage, hut / surname / black Divination 卢 (LU2_NAME) lu2 +
+ + + skull Head2 卢 (LU2_NAME) lu2 +
+ + + black clods of earth / shop, hut Earth 卢 (LU2_NAME) lu2 +
+ + + river in Jiangxi province 水, 氵 Water 卢 (LU2_NAME) lu2 +
+ + + supporting block / sumac, loquat Tree 卢 (LU2_NAME) lu2 +
+ + + arrange in order / display Flesh 卢 (LU2_NAME) lu2 +
+ + + cormorant Bird1 卢 (LU2_NAME) lu2 +
+ + + bow or prow of boat Boat 卢 (LU2_NAME) lu2 +
+ + + sea perch, sea bass Fish 卢 (LU2_NAME) lu2 +
+ + + hut, cottage / name of a mountain 广 Shelter 户 (TÜRFLÜGEL) lu2 +
+ + + fireplace, stove, oven, furnace Fire 户 (TÜRFLÜGEL) lu2 +
+ + + salt Divination 卤 (SALZ) lu3 +
+ + + to capture, imprison, seize / a prison Tiger 虏 (FANGEN) lu3 +
+ + + capture, seize 手, 扌 Hand1 虏 (FANGEN) lu3 +
+ + + oar, scull / row, scull Tree 鲁 (DÄMLICH) lu3 +
+ + + lutetium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 鲁 (DÄMLICH) lu3 +
鹿 + 鹿 + + deer / surname / KangXi radical 198 鹿 鹿 Deer 鹿 (HIRSCH_REH_ROTWILD) lu4 +
+ + + foot of hill / foothill 鹿 鹿 Deer 鹿 (HIRSCH_REH_ROTWILD) lu4 +
+ + + windlass, pulley, capstan / wheel 鹿 Cart 鹿 (HIRSCH_REH_ROTWILD) lu4 +
+ + + a box, a basket 鹿 Bamboo 鹿 (HIRSCH_REH_ROTWILD) lu4 +
+ + + kill, massacre / oppress Halberd 翏 (FEHLERHAFT) lu4 +
+ + + bribe / give present Shell 各 (JEDER) lu4 +
+ + + a chariot, carriage / a carriage pull-bar Cart lu4 +
+ + + road, path, street / journey Foot 各 (JEDER) lu4 +
+ + + river in northern china 水, 氵 Water lu4 +
+ + + beautiful variety of jade Jade lu4 +
+ + + heron, egret / Ardea species (various) Bird1 lu4 +
+ + + copy, write down, record Pig´s Snout 录 (ABSCHREIBEN) lu4 +
+ 祿 + + blessing, happiness, prosperity 示, 礻 Revelation 录 (ABSCHREIBEN) lu4 +
+ + + strain 水, 氵 Water 录 (ABSCHREIBEN) lu4 +
+ + + leave without reason / surname 辵, 辶 Proceed 录 (ABSCHREIBEN) lu4 +
+ + + mountain range / pointed mountain Mountain 变 (SORTIEREN) luan2 +
+ + + tangled / entwined / crooked 手, 扌 Hand1 变 (SORTIEREN) luan2 +
+ 孿 + + twins Child 变 (SORTIEREN) luan2 +
+ + + small lump of meat / sliced meat Flesh 变 (SORTIEREN) luan2 +
+ + + lovely, beautiful / docile, obedie Woman 变 (SORTIEREN) luan2 +
+ + + fabulous bird Bird1 变 (SORTIEREN) luan2 +
+ + + bells hung on horse / bells hung 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 变 (SORTIEREN) luan2 +
+ + + name of tree / a part of cornice Tree 弯 (GOLDREGEN) luan2 +
+ + + river and county in Hebei province 水, 氵 Water 弯 (GOLDREGEN) luan2 +
+ + + egg / ovum / roe / spawn Seal 卵 (EI) luan3 +
+ + + confusion, state of chaos, revolt Bent 扎 (C_L-ÄHNLICH) luan4 +
+ + + swing, brandish, flourish 手, 扌 Hand1 仑 (LOGIK) lun1 +
+ + + logical reasons, logical order Man 仑 (LOGIK) lun2 +
+ + + wheel / revolve, turn / recur Cart 仑 (LOGIK) lun2 +
+ + + normal human relationships Man 仑 (LOGIK) lun2 +
+ + + be lost / sink, be submerged 水, 氵 Water 仑 (LOGIK) lun2 +
+ + + all, complete, entire Enclosure 仑 (LOGIK) lun2 +
+ + + debate / discuss / discourse Words 仑 (LOGIK) lun4 +
+ + + net for catching birds / gauze Net 罗 (FANGNETZ) luo2 +
+ + + type of creeping plant / turnip 艸, 艹 Grass 罗 (FANGNETZ) luo2 +
+ + + patrol / inspect / watch / patrol 辵, 辶 Proceed 罗 (FANGNETZ) luo2 +
+ + + gong 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 罗 (FANGNETZ) luo2 +
+ + + bamboo basket Bamboo 罗 (FANGNETZ) luo2 +
+ + + pig / Lolo aboringinal tribe Dog 罗 (FANGNETZ) luo2 +
+ + + tree Tree 罗 (FANGNETZ) luo2 +
+ + + spiral shell / conch / spiral Insect 累 (MÜDE) luo2 +
+ + + mule Horse 累 (MÜDE) luo2 +
+ + + (锉镙 cuòluó) small cauldron 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 累 (MÜDE) luo2 +
+ + + lines Flesh 呙 (REDEN) luo2 +
+ + + bare, nude / undress, strip Clothes 果 (FRUCHT) luo3 +
+ + + bare, naked, uncovered Man 果 (FRUCHT) luo3 +
+ + + the solitary wasp Insect 赢 (MAULESEL) luo3 +
+ + + scrofula, swellings Illness 累 (MÜDE) luo3 +
+ + + enmesh, wrap around / web, net Silk 各 (JEDER) luo4 +
+ + + a white horse with black mane / a camel Horse 各 (JEDER) luo4 +
+ + + kind of necklace Jade luo4 +
+ + + black horse with white mane Bird2 luo4 +
+ + + river in Shanxi province / city 水, 氵 Water 洛 luo4 +
+ + + to pile up 手, 扌 Hand1 累 (MÜDE) luo4 +
+ + + brindled ox / brindled in color 艸, 艹 Grass 牛 (RIND) luo4 +
+ + + village of twenty-five families Door 闾 (NACHBARSCHAFT) lv2 +
+ + + palm Tree 闾 (NACHBARSCHAFT) lv2 +
+ + + donkey, ass Horse 户 (TÜRFLÜGEL) lv2 +
+ + + footwear, shoes / walk on, tread 履/復 Corpse 履/復 (V_DOPPELT) lv3 +
+ + + frequently, often, again and again Corpse 娄 (SICH_ZUM_SCHLECHTEN_WENDEN) lv3 +
+ + + thread / detailed, precise Silk lv3 +
+ + + lapel, collar / tattered, threadbare Clothes lv3 +
+ + + trip, journey / travel / traveler Square 旅 (REISEN) lv3 +
+ + + backbone, spinal column Flesh 旅 (REISEN) lv3 +
+ + + surname / a musical note Mouth 吕 (LÜ3_NAME) lv3 +
+ + + aluminum 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 吕 (LÜ3_NAME) lv3 +
+ + + companion / associate with Man 吕 (LÜ3_NAME) lv3 +
+ + + wild grain Grain 吕 (LÜ3_NAME) lv3 +
+ + + statute, principle, regulation Foodstep 聿 (SCHREIBFEDER) lv4 +
+ + + be concerned, worry about Tiger 虑 (NACHDENKEN) lv4 +
+ + + strain out, filter 水, 氵 Water 虑 (NACHDENKEN) lv4 +
绿 + + + green / chlorine Silk 录 (ABSCHREIBEN) lv4 +
+ + + chlorine Vapor 录 (ABSCHREIBEN) lv4 +
+ + + approximately, roughly / outline Field 各 (JEDER) lve4 +
+ + + 6 oz / ancient measurement 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 埒 (DEICH) lve4 +
+ + + unclear / an expletive Mouth ḿ +
+ + + final interrogative particle Mouth 马 (PFERD) ma +
+ + + mother, mama Woman 马 (PFERD) ma1 +
+ + + mother Woman 麽 (M-Partikel) ma1 +
+ + + hemp, jute, flax / sesame Hemp 麻 (HANF_JUTE_SISAL) ma2 +
+ + + horse / surname / KangXi radical 187 Horse 马 (PFERD) ma3 +
+ + + agate / cornelian Jade 马 (PFERD) ma3 +
+ + + number, numerals / yard / symbol Stone 马 (PFERD) ma3 +
+ + + mammoth Dog 马 (PFERD) ma3 +
+ + + accuse, blame, curse, scold Horse 马 (PFERD) ma4 +
+ + + headboard Tree 马 (PFERD) ma4 +
+ + + bury, secrete, conceal Earth 里 (DORF) mai2 +
+ + + misty, foggy / dust storm Rain 里 (DORF) mai2 +
+ + + buy, purchase / bribe, persuade Bent 买 (HAUPT) mai3 +
+ + + a plant name 艸, 艹 Grass 买 (KAUFEN mai3 +
+ + + sell / betray / show off Ten 卖 (VERKAUFEN) mai4 +
+ + + wheat, barley, oats / simplified form of KangXi radical number 199 Wheat 麦 (WEIZEN) mai4 +
+ + + mark Mouth 麦 (WEIZEN) mai4 +
+ + + take a big stride / pass by 辵, 辶 Proceed 万 (ZEHNTAUSEND) mai4 +
+ + + put forth effort, strive forward Strength 万 (ZEHNTAUSEND) mai4 +
+ + + blood vessels, veins, arteries Flesh 永 (EWIG) mai4 +
+ + + dawdling / thoughtless, careless Head2 瞒 (AF_GLEICHGEWICHT) man1 +
+ + + sides or uppers of shoes to stretch a skin on a frame for a drum / (Cant.) to cover Rawhide 免 man2 +
+ + + barbarians / barbarous, savage Insect 变 (SORTIEREN) man2 +
+ + + steamed bread / steamed dumplings Food 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) man2 +
+ + + eel Fish 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) man2 +
+ + + deceive, lie / eyes half-closed Eye 瞒 (AF_GLEICHGEWICHT) man2 +
+ + + insect Insect 瞒 (AF_GLEICHGEWICHT) man3 +
+ 滿 + + fill / full, satisfied 水, 氵 Water 瞒 (AF_GLEICHGEWICHT) man3 +
+ + + long, extended, vast / beautiful Say 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) man4 +
+ + + slow(ly), leisurely, sluggish 心, 忄 Heart 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) man4 +
+ + + overflow of water / spreading 水, 氵 Water 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) man4 +
+ + + to plaster / to pave Earth 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) man4 +
+ + + curtain, screen, tent Cloth 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) man4 +
+ + + plain silk / simple, plain Silk 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) man4 +
+ + + Fire 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) man4 +
+ + + trowel 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) man4 +
+ + + vast, boundless, widespread 艸, 艹 Grass 亡 (FLIEHEN) mang2 +
+ + + blind / unperceptive, shortsighted Eye 亡 (FLIEHEN) mang2 +
+ + + busy, pressed for time / hustling 心, 忄 Heart 亡 (FLIEHEN) mang2 +
+ + + mountain in Henan province City 亡 (FLIEHEN) mang2 +
+ + + Miscanthus sinensis 艸, 艹 Grass 亡 (GRANNE) mang2 +
+ + + a crude saltpetre Stone 亡 (GRANNE) mang2 +
+ + + thicket, underbrush / poisonous 艸, 艹 Grass 莽 (DICKICHT) mang3 +
+ + + vast / expansive 水, 氵 Water 莽 (DICKICHT) mang3 +
+ + + python, boa constrictor Insect 莽 (DICKICHT) mang3 +
+ + + cat Dog 苗 (SPROSS) mao1 +
+ + + anchor 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 苗 (SPROSS) mao2 +
+ + + species of grass, water mallows 艸, 艹 Grass 卯 (4.ERDENZWEIG) mao2 +
+ + + hair, fur, feathers / coarse Hair 毛 (HAAR) mao2 +
+ + + tail / hair / yak Ox 毛 (HAAR) mao2 +
+ + + a kind of ancient flag / old Square 毛 (HAAR) mao2 +
+ + + flowing hair of young child Hairlocks 毛 (HAAR) mao2 +
+ + + spear, lance / KangXi radical 110 Lance 矛 (SPEER_LANZE) mao2 +
+ + + reeds, rushes, grass / surname 艸, 艹 Grass 矛 (SPEER_LANZE) mao2 +
+ + + a fly which is used similarly to cantharides Insect 矛 (SPEER_LANZE) mao2 +
+ + + 4th terrestrial branch / period from 5-7 a.m. Seal 卯 (4.Erdenzweig) mao3 +
+ + + rivet 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 卯 (4.ERDENZWEIG) mao3 +
+ + + yellow dirt mount Mountain 卬 (4.ERDENZWEIG) mao3 +
+ + + still waters / river in Jiangsu 水, 氵 Water 卬 (4.ERDENZWEIG) mao3 +
+ + + one of the 28 constellations Sun 卬 (4.ERDENZWEIG) mao3 +
+ + + countenance, appearance Cat 貌 (ERSCHEINUNG) mao4 +
+ + + risk, brave, dare Borders 冒 (RISKIEREN) mao4 +
+ + + hat, cap / cap-like tops Cloth 冒 (RISKIEREN) mao4 +
+ 貿 + + trade, barter / mixed / rashly 贸贸 Shell 贸贸 (AF_DEN KOPF HEBEN) mao4 +
+ + + elderly person / very old, senile Old 毛 (HAAR) mao4 +
+ + + thick, lush, dense / talented 艸, 艹 Grass 戊 (ANTIKE_WAFFE_MIT_HAKEN) mao4 +
+ + + longitude, lengthwise / length Clothes 矛 (SPEER_LANZE) mao4 +
+ + + splendid, grand, majestic 心, 忄 Heart 矛 (SPEER_LANZE) mao4 +
+ + + to look at closely / nearsighted / dim / indistinct vision Eye 婺 (GEWALT_ANWENDEN) mao4 +
+ + + coal, coke, charcoal, carbon Fire 某 (EINIGE_BESTIMMTE) mei2 +
+ + + go-between, matchmaker / medium Woman 某 (EINIGE_BESTIMMTE) mei2 +
+ + + plums / prunes / surname Tree 每 (JEDER) mei2 +
+ + + enzymes / (Cant.) soft Wine Jug 每 (JEDER) mei2 +
+ + + mildew, mold / moldy, mildewed Rain 每 (JEDER) mei2 +
+ + + moss / edible berries 艸, 艹 Grass 每 mei2 +
+ + + eyebrows / upper margin of book Eye 眉 (AUGENBRAUE) mei2 +
+ + + Omei mountain in Sichuan Mountain mei2 +
+ + + a kind of animal Dog mei2 +
+ + + water's edge, shore, bank 水, 氵 Water mei2 +
+ + + rose Jade 玫 (SCHLAGEN) mei2 +
+ + + crossbeam above or under gate Tree mei2 +
+ + + stalk of shrub, trunk of tree Tree 玫 (SCHLAGEN) mei2 +
+ + + americium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) mei2 +
+ + + babbler (a kind of bird) Bird1 mei2 +
+ + + to request / to ask a favour of / to pollute, contaminate 水, 氵 Water 免 mei3 +
+ + + beautiful, pretty / pleasing Sheep 美 (GROSS) mei3 +
+ + + magnesium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 美 (SCHÖN) mei3 +
+ + + every, each Do not 每 (JEDER) mei3 +
+ + + sleeves Clothes 决 mei4 +
+ + + obscure, dark / darken Sun 未 mei4 +
+ + + sleep / be asleep Dwelling 未 mei4 +
+ + + younger sister Woman 未 (ENDE) mei4 +
+ + + kind of forest demon, elf Ghost 未 mei4 +
+ + + charming, attractive / flatter Woman mei4 +
+ + + adjunct pronoun indicate plural Man 门 (TÜR) men +
+ + + gate, door, entrance, opening Door 门 (TÜR) men2 +
+ + + stoke, pat, feel by hand, grope 手, 扌 Hand1 门 (TÜR) men2 +
+ + + Md 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 门 (TÜR) men2 +
+ + + simmer, cook over slow fire Fire 闷 (DEPRIMIERT) men4 +
+ + + be sick at heart, sorrowful, sad 心, 忄 Heart 瞒 (AF_GLEICHGEWICHT) men4 +
+ + + rafters supporting roof tiles Tile 甍 (DACHFIRST) meng2 +
+ + + bud, sprout 艸, 艹 Grass 明 (HELL) meng2 +
+ + + eyesight obscured / to feel ashamed Eye 瞢 (BLINZELN) meng2 +
+ + + swear / oath, covenant, alliance Household utensils 明 (HELL) meng2 +
+ + + horsefly, gadfly Insect 亡 (FLIEHEN) meng2 +
+ + + type of locust oracacia Tree 蒙 (BEDECKEN) meng2 +
+ + + condition or appearance of moon Moon 蒙 (BEDECKEN) meng2 +
+ + + Stone 蒙 (BEDECKEN) meng2 +
+ + + long and narrow war-boat Boat 蒙 (BEDECKEN) meng2 +
+ + + stupid, ignorant, dull 心, 忄 Heart 瞢 (BLINZELN) meng3 +
+ + + manganese 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 孟 (ERSTER_EINER_SERIE) meng3 +
+ + + violent, savage, cruel / bold Dog 孟 (ERSTER_EINER_SERIE) meng3 +
+ + + imperial degree / daoist magic Strength 孟 (ERSTER_EINER_SERIE) meng3 +
+ + + grasshopper Insect 孟 (ERSTER_EINER_SERIE) meng3 +
+ + + small boat Boat 孟 (ERSTER_EINER_SERIE) meng3 +
+ + + midges / sandflies Insect 蒙 (BEDECKEN) meng3 +
+ + + first in series / great, eminent Child 孟 (ERSTER_EINER_SERIE) meng4 +
+ + + dream / visionary / wishful Tree 林 (WALD) meng4 +
+ + + sound of cat, cat's meow / meter / (Cant.) don't! Mouth mi1 +
+ + + elk / surname 鹿 Deer mi2 +
+ + + bewitch, charm, infatuate 辵, 辶 Proceed 米 (REIS) mi2 +
+ + + riddle, conundrum / puzzle Words 迷 (HERUMIRREN) mi2 +
+ + + ether Wine Jug mi2 +
+ + + extensive, full / fill / complete Bow 弥 (VOLL) mi2 +
+ + + macacus monkey Dog 弥 (VOLL) mi2 +
+ + + halter for ox / tie up, harness Silk 麻 (HANF_JUTE_SISAL) mi2 +
+ + + 荼蘼 ¹túmí n. 〈bot.〉 ①roseleaf raspberry ②brambles 糜 /蘼烂[- /-爛] mílàn* s.v. ①dissipated / debauched ②cooked to shreds ◆v. ruin / devastate ◆n. 〈med.〉 erosion 艸, 艹 Grass 靡 (VERSCHWENDEN) mi2 +
+ + + stop, desist, end, quell Bow 耳 (OHR) mi3 +
+ + + hulled or husked uncooked rice Rice 米 (REIS) mi3 +
+ + + open / throw away Flesh mi3 +
+ + + pacify, soothe, stabilize Tap mi3 +
+ + + bleat of sheep / surname 艸, 艹 Grass 芈 (MÄH!) mi3 +
+ + + seek / search See 觅 (SUCHEN) mi4 +
+ + + cover-cloth, cover with cloth Cloth 冠 (BEENDEN) mi4 +
+ + + secret, mysterious, abstruse Grain 必 (MÜSSEN) mi4 +
+ + + to seep out, excrete 水, 氵 Water 必 (MÜSSEN) mi4 +
+ + + calm, quiet, still / cautious Words 必 (MÜSSEN) mi4 +
+ + + quiet, silent / in good health Dwelling 宓 (BEI_GUTER_GESUNDHEIT) mi4 +
+ + + honey / sweet / nectar Insect 宓 (BEI_GUTER_GESUNDHEIT) mi4 +
+ + + dense, thick, close / intimate Dwelling 密 (BEI_GUTER_GESUNDHEIT) mi4 +
+ + + pyrimidine Mouth 密 (BEI_GUTER_GESUNDHEIT) mi4 +
+ + + Mi(luo) river in Hunan province where Qu Yuan drowned himself / to sink / used (erroneously) for 6C69 汩 水, 氵 Water 日 (SONNE) mi4 +
+ + + close eyes, sleep / hibernate Eye 民 (VOLK) mian2 +
+ + + cotton / cotton padded Tree 帛 (SEIDENWAREN) mian2 +
+ + + flood / overflowing 水, 氵 Water 沔 (FLUT) mian3 +
+ + + to look askance / looking dull Eye 沔 (FLUT) mian3 +
+ + + spare / excuse from / evade Legs 免 (VERMEIDEN) mian3 +
+ + + crown / ceremonial cap Borders 免 mian3 +
+ + + endeavor, make effort / urge Strength 免 (VERMEIDEN) mian3 +
+ + + give birth child / complaisant Woman 免 mian3 +
+ + + distant, remote / think of Silk 面 (GESICHT) mian3 +
+ + + flushed with drink, drunk 水, 氵 Water 面 (GESICHT) mian3 +
+ + + modest Flesh 面 (GESICHT) mian3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎麵;◎面】 + + face / surface / plane / side, dimension Face 面 (GESICHT) mian4 +
+ + + the mew of the cat Mouth 苗 (SPROSS) miao1 +
+ + + sprouts / Miao nationality 艸, 艹 Grass 苗 (SPROSS) miao2 +
+ + + copy, trace, sketch / depict 手, 扌 Hand1 苗 (SPROSS) miao2 +
+ + + take aim at / look at Eye 苗 (SPROSS) miao2 +
+ + + emu Bird1 苗 (SPROSS) miao2 +
+ + + disregard, slight, disdain 艸, 艹 Grass 貌 (ERSCHEINUNG) miao3 +
+ + + far, distant, remote / slight 辵, 辶 Proceed 貌 (ERSCHEINUNG) miao3 +
+ + + beard of grain or corn / a second Grain 少 (WENIG) miao3 +
+ + + tip of twig, top of tree / twig Tree 少 (WENIG) miao3 +
+ + + blind in one eye / minute, minuscule Eye 眇 (KLEINÄUGIG) miao3 +
+ + + endlessly long, boundless, vast 水, 氵 Water 眇 (KLEINÄUGIG) miao3 +
+ + + indistinct, dim / minute / distant Silk 眇 (KLEINÄUGIG) miao3 +
+ + + a wide expanse of water 水, 氵 Water 水 (WASSER) miao3 +
+ + + mysterious, subtle / exquisite Woman 少 (WENIG) miao4 +
+ + + temple, shrine / imperial court 广 Shelter 由 (VERANLASSUNG) miao4 +
+ + + the bleating of sheep / (Cant.) an interrogative particle Mouth 羊 (SCHAF) mie1 +
+ + + extinguish / wipe out, exterminate Fire 火 (FEUER) mie4 +
+ + + bamboo splints or slats Bamboo 戍 mie4 +
+ + + disdain, disregard / slight 艸, 艹 Grass 蔑 (VERTEIDIGEN) mie4 +
+ + + flies, small insects produced in damp places Insect 蔑 mie4 +
+ + + streaks in jade / gem Jade 文 (SCHRIFT) min2 +
+ + + people, subjects, citizens Clan 民 (VOLK) min2 +
+ + + 艸, 艹 Grass 民 min2 +
+ + + min mountain, min river Mountain 民 min2 +
+ + + stone resembling jade Jade 民 min2 +
+ + + fishing-line / cord / string of coi Silk 民 min2 +
+ + + mourn, grieve / urge on, incite Door 闵 (ÄRGER) min3 +
+ + + pity, sympathize with, grieve for 心, 忄 Heart 闵 (ÄRGER) min3 +
+ + + pucker up lips in smile / press 手, 扌 Hand1 民 min3 +
+ + + destroy, eliminate / perish 水, 氵 Water 民 min3 +
+ + + pity, sympathize with 心, 忄 Heart 民 min3 +
+ + + fast, quick, clever, smart Tap 每 (JEDER) min3 +
+ + + codfish Fish min3 +
+ + + fujian province / a river / a tribe Door 门 (TÜR) Min3 +
+ + + shallow container / rad. no. 108 Household utensils 皿 (SCHALE) min3 +
+ + + cry of bird or animal / make sound Bird1 鸟 (VOGEL) ming2 +
+ + + bright, light, brilliant / clear Sun 明 (HELL) ming2 +
+ + + dark, gloomy, night / deep Cover 冥 (VERDUNKELT) ming2 +
+ + + kind of caterpillar, larva Insect 冥 (VERDUNKELT) ming2 +
+ + + drizzling rain / dark, obscure 水, 氵 Water 冥 (VERDUNKELT) ming2 +
+ + + dark, obscure Sun 冥 (VERDUNKELT) ming2 +
+ + + close eyes Eye 冥 (VERDUNKELT) ming2 +
+ + + name, rank, title, position Mouth 名 (NAME) ming2 +
+ + + inscribe, engrave 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 名 (NAME) ming2 +
+ + + tea / tea plant 艸, 艹 Grass 名 (NAME) ming2 +
+ + + drunk / intoxicated / tipsy Wine Jug 名 (NAME) ming3 +
+ + + life / destiny, fate, luck / an order, instruction Mouth 叩 (KLOPFEN) ming4 +
+ + + error, exaggeration / erroneous Words 翏 (FEHLERHAFT) miu4 +
+ + + gently touch with hand / caress 手, 扌 Hand1 莫 (KEINER) mo1 +
+ + + trace, copy, duplicate / pattern 手, 扌 Hand1 莫 (KEINER) mo2 +
+ + + membrane / to kneel and worship Flesh 莫 (KEINER) mo2 +
+ + + scheme, plan / plan / be without Words 莫 (KEINER) mo2 +
+ + + bread Food 莫 (KEINER) mo2 +
+ + + Huangdi's ugly concubine / nurse Woman 莫 (KEINER) mo2 +
+ + + demon, evil spirits / magic power Ghost 麻 (HANF_JUTE_SISAL) mo2 +
+ + + interrogative final particle / insignificant, small, tiny Hemp 麽 (M-Partikel) mo2 +
+ + + type of edible mushroom 艸, 艹 Grass 磨 (REIBEN) mo2 +
+ + + ink / writing Black 黑 (SCHWARZ) mo4 +
+ + + silent / quiet, still / dark Black 黑 (SCHWARZ) mo4 +
+ + + foot path between rice fields 阜, 阝 Mount 百 (HUNDERT) mo4 +
+ + + leopard / ancient tribe in northeastern China Cat 百 (HUNDERT) mo4 +
+ + + final, last, end / insignificant Tree 一 (EINS) mo4 +
+ + + froth, foam, bubbles, suds 水, 氵 Water 末 (ENDE) mo4 +
+ + + white jasmine 艸, 艹 Grass mo4 +
+ + + fodder, horse feed / feed horse Grain mo4 +
+ 歿 + + die / death / dead Disintegration 殳 mo4 +
+ + + do not, is not, can not / negative 艸, 艹 Grass 莫 (KEINER) mo4 +
+ + + desert / aloof, indifferent, cool 水, 氵 Water 莫 (KEINER) mo4 +
+ + + silent, still, lonely, solitary Dwelling 莫 (KEINER) mo4 +
+ + + suddenly, quickly, abruptly 艸, 艹 Grass 莫 (KEINER) mo4 +
+ + + sword 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 莫 (KEINER) mo4 +
+ + + sickness / distress Illness 莫 (KEINER) mo4 +
+ + + the panther / the tapir Cat 莫 (KEINER) mo4 +
+ + + a kind of farm tool Plow 磨 (REIBEN) mo4 +
+ + + moo Mouth 牟 (ERSTREBEN) mou1 +
+ + + plan, scheme / strategem Words 某 (EINIGE_BESTIMMTE) mou2 +
+ + + equal Man 牟 (ERSTREBEN) mou2 +
+ + + pupil of eye / eye Eye 牟 (ERSTREBEN) mou2 +
+ + + a marine crab Insect 牟 (ERSTREBEN) mou2 +
+ + + a fly which is used similarly to cantharides Insect 婺 (GEWALT_ANWENDEN) mou2 +
+ + + an iron pan / a metal cap 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 婺 (GEWALT_ANWENDEN) mou2 +
+ + + certain thing or person Tree 某 (EINIGE_BESTIMMTE) mou3 +
+ + + serge from Tibet Hair 牟 (ERSTREBEN) mu2 +
+ + + model, standard, pattern / copy Tree 莫 (KEINER) mu2 +
+ + + male of animals / bolt of door Ox 土 (ERDE) mu3 +
+ + + Chinese land measure / fields Lid 田 (REISFELD) mu3 +
+ + + mother / female elders / female Do not 母 (MUTTER) mu3 +
+ + + thumb / big toe 手, 扌 Hand1 母 (MUTTER) mu3 +
+ + + child's governess / matron Woman 母 (MUTTER) mu3 +
+ + + eye / look, see / division, topic Eye 目 (AUGE) mu4 +
+ + + clover 艸, 艹 Grass 目 (AUGE) mu4 +
+ + + molybdenum 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 目 (AUGE) mu4 +
+ + + tribe Man 么 (ME_SUFFIX) mu4 +
+ + + friendly, amiable, peaceful Eye 逵 (AF_FESTLAND) mu4 +
+ + + tree / wood, lumber / wooden Tree 木 (BAUM) mu4 +
+ + + bathe, cleanse, wash, shampoo 水, 氵 Water 木 mu4 +
+ + + grave, tomb Earth 莫 (KEINER) mu4 +
+ + + evening, dusk, sunset / ending Sun 莫 (KEINER) mu4 +
+ + + curtain, screen, tent Cloth 莫 (KEINER) mu4 +
+ + + levy, raise / summon / recruit Strength 莫 (KEINER) mu4 +
+ + + long for, desire / admire 心, 忄 Heart 莫 (KEINER) mu4 +
+ + + Earth mu4 +
+ + + majestic, solemn, reverent / calm Grain 白 (WEISS) mu4 +
+ + + tend cattle, shepherd Ox 玫 (SCHLAGEN) mu4 +
+ + + take, hold, grasp / bring / with 手, 扌 Hand1 拿 (NEHMEN) na2 +
+ + + np 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 拿 (NEHMEN) na2 +
+ + + that, that one, those City 那 (DAS_JENER) na4 +
+ + + to press down heavily with the fingers 手, 扌 Hand1 na4 +
+ + + raise voice, yell out loud, shout / stammer Mouth 内 (IN) na4 +
+ + + sodium, natrium / sharpen wood 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 内 (IN) na4 +
+ + + admit, take, receive, accept Silk 内 (IN) na4 +
+ + + fat / seal (moon radical DKW: 14342 is different) Flesh 内 (IN) na4 +
+ + + mend, sew, patch / line / quilt Clothes 内 (IN) na4 +
+ + + then / really, indeed / as it turned out, after all / namely 丿 Leftstroke 乃 (DARUM ) nai3 +
+ + + neon Vapor 乃 (DARUM ) nai3 +
+ + + milk / woman's breasts / nurse Woman 乃 (DARUM ) nai3 +
+ + + 艸, 艹 Grass 乃 (DARUM ) nai3 +
+ + + endure, bear / resist / patient Beard 寸 (INCH) nai4 +
+ + + but, how / bear, stand, endure Big 示 (OFFENBAREN) nai4 +
+ + + naphthanlene 艸, 艹 Grass nai4 +
+ + + incense tripod Tripod 乃 (DARUM ) nai4 +
+ + + crab-apple tree / endure, bear Tree 示 (OFFENBAREN) nai4 +
+ + + south / southern part / southward Ten 南 (SÜDEN) nan2 +
+ + + keep talking, chattering / mumble Mouth 南 (SÜDEN) nan2 +
+ + + name of tree, machilus nanmu Tree 南 (SÜDEN) nan2 +
+ + + male, man / son / baron / surname Field 田 (REISFELD) nan2 +
+ + + (Cant.) fatty meat on a cow's belly / abdomen / to boil meat Flesh 南 (SÜDEN) nan3 +
+ + + immature locusts Insect 南 (SÜDEN) nan3 +
+ + + blush, turn red Red 报 nan3 +
+ + + muttering, indistinct speech Mouth 囊 (TASCHE_SACK) nang1 +
+ + + bag, purse, sack / put in bag Mouth 囊 (TASCHE_SACK) nang2 +
+ + + to fend off / to stab 手, 扌 Hand1 囊 (TASCHE_SACK) nang3 +
+ + + in ancient times, of old, former Sun 襄 (HELFEN_ASSISTIEREN_AUSZIEHEN) nang3 +
+ + + bad / cowardly Child 不 (NICHT) nao1 +
+ + + a kind of mineral Stone 囟 (SCHÄDEL) nao2 +
+ + + scratch / disturb, bother / submit 手, 扌 Hand1 尧 (EIN_LEGENDÄRER_KAISER) nao2 +
+ + + cymbals / hand bell / disturb 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 尧 nao2 +
+ + + worms Insect 尧 nao2 +
+ + + talkative / clamour / hubbub Mouth 奴 (SKLAVE) nao2 +
+ + + a monkey with yellow hair Dog 柔 (WEICH_BIEGSAM) nao2 +
+ + + small, head shaped hill, used in place names Earth 垴 (AF_GEHIRN) nao3 +
+ + + brain Flesh 垴 (AF_GEHIRN) nao3 +
+ + + angered, filled with hate 心, 忄 Heart 垴 (AF_GEHIRN) nao3 +
+ + + agate / cornelian Jade 囟 (SCHÄDEL) nao3 +
+ + + slush / mud 水, 氵 Water 卓 (TISCH) nao4 +
+ + + quarrel / dispute hotly Door 市 (MARKT) nao4 +
+ + + slow of speech / mumble / stammer Words 内 (IN) ne4 +
+ + + hungry, starving, famished Food 妥 (ANGEMESSEN) nei3 +
+ + + inside Borders 内 (IN=Grenzen+EINTRETEN) nei4 +
+ + + that, like this, thus, so, such 心, 忄 Heart 任 (ERNENNEN) nen4 +
+ + + soft, tender, delicate / young Woman 敕 (KAISERLICHER_BEFEHL) nen4 +
+ + + to be able / can, permitted to / ability Flesh 能 (KÖNNEN) neng2 +
+ + + maid, servant girl / cute girl Woman ni1 +
+ + + feeble, tiny, young and weak Man 倪 (TF_KIND) ni2 +
+ + + rainbow / variegated, colored Rain 倪 (TF_KIND) ni2 +
+ + + lion / wild beast / wild horse Dog 倪 (TF_KIND) ni2 +
+ + + Cryptobranchus japonicus / a salamander Fish 倪 (TF_KIND) ni2 +
+ + + Buddhist nun / transliteration X082 Corpse X082 (AF_VERÄNDERN) ni2 +
+ + + mud, mire / to paste, to plaster Earth ni2 +
+ + + shy, timid, bashful / look ashamed 心, 忄 Heart ni2 +
+ + + niobium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) ni2 +
+ + + draft / intend, plan, propose 手, 扌 Hand1 以 (MITTELS) ni3 +
+ + + fluttering of flag / romantic Square ni3 +
+ + + you, second person pronoun Man 你 (DU) ni3 +
+ + + drown / submerge in water / indulge 水, 氵 Water ni4 +
+ + + look askance at, glare at / squint Eye 倪 (TF_KIND) ni4 +
+ + + hide / go into hiding Basket 匿 (VERSTECKEN) ni4 +
+ + + we (Shanghai dialect) Man ni4 +
+ + + intimate, close / approach Sun ni4 +
+ + + greasy, oily, dirty / smooth Flesh 贰 (ZWEI_KOMPLIZIERT) ni4 +
+ + + disobey, rebel / rebel, traitor 辵, 辶 Proceed 逆 (AF_URSPRÜNGLICH) ni4 +
+ + + pick up with fingers / draw lots 手, 扌 Hand1 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) nian1 +
+ + + withered, faded, decayed / calm 艸, 艹 Grass 焉 (DARAUFHIN) nian1 +
+ + + stick to / glutinous, sticky / glue Millet 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) nian2 +
+ + + sheatfish, parasilurus asotus Fish 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) nian2 +
+ + + sheat Fish 念 (ERINNERN) nian2 +
+ + + year / new-years / person's age Pestle 年 (JAHR) nian2 +
+ + + hand-cart / transport by carriage Cart 辇 (HANDWAGEN) nian3 +
+ + + drive away, expel, oust 手, 扌 Hand1 辇 (HANDWAGEN) nian3 +
+ + + to twist or nip with the fingers 手, 扌 Hand1 念 (ERINNERN) nian3 +
+ + + roller, crush / roll Stone 展 nian3 +
+ + + think of, recall, study 心, 忄 Heart 念 (ERINNERN) nian4 +
+ + + bank, dike / purtuberance from Earth 念 (ERINNERN) nian4 +
廿 + 廿 + + twenty, twentieth 廿 Folded Hands 廿 (ZWANZIG) nian4 +
+ + + mother / young girl / woman / wife Woman 良 (GUT_FEIN) niang2 +
+ + + brew, ferment Wine Jug 良 (GUT_FEIN) niang4 +
+ + + the convovulvus / parasitic plants such as mistletoe / Ribes ambiguum 艸, 艹 Grass 鸟 (VOGEL) niao3 +
+ + + curling upwards / wavering gently Clothes 鸟 (VOGEL) niao3 +
+ + + frolic, play with / flirt with / (Cant.) angry Woman 女 (FRAU) niao3 +
+ + + urea 尿 Flesh 尿 (URIN) niao4 +
+ + + pick with fingers / knead / mold 手, 扌 捏/圼 Hand1 捏/圼 (AF_MIT_TON_ARBEITEN) nie1 +
+ + + evil / son of concubine / ghost Child 薛 (XUE1_NAME) nie4 +
+ + + stump, sprout 艸, 艹 Grass 薛 (XUE1_NAME) nie4 +
+ + + bite, gnaw 齿 Mouth 齿 (ZÄHNE) nie4 +
+ + + whisper / surname Ear 聂 (NIE4_flüstern) nie4 +
+ + + tweezers, forceps, pincers 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 聂 (NIE4_flüstern) nie4 +
+ + + move lips as when speaking / hesitation Mouth 聂 (NIE4_flüstern) nie4 +
+ + + the temporal bone Head2 聂 (NIE4_flüstern) nie4 +
+ + + tread, step on / follow, track Foot 聂 (NIE4_flüstern) nie4 +
+ + + blacken / black mud, slime / tatto 水, 氵 捏/圼 Water 捏/圼 (AF_MIT_TON_ARBEITEN) nie4 +
+ + + in disorder / a dangerous condition of the State 阜, 阝 捏/圼 Mount 捏/圼 (AF_MIT_TON_ARBEITEN) nie4 +
+ + + nickel 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 自 (SELBST) nie4 +
+ + + law, rule / door post Nose1 自 (SELBST) nie4 +
+ + + honorific for 'you' 心, 忄 Heart 你 (DU) nin2 +
+ + + lemon Tree 宁 (FRIEDLICH) ning2 +
+ + + ferocious appearance / hideous Dog 宁 (FRIEDLICH) ning2 +
+ + + enjoin, instruct / charge Mouth 宁 (FRIEDLICH) ning2 +
+ + + earwax Ear 宁 (FRIEDLICH) ning2 +
+ + + peaceful Use ning2 +
+ + + coagulate / congeal / freeze Ice 疑 (ZWEIFELN) ning2 +
+ + + flattery / glib Man 二 (ZWEI) ning4 +
+ + + mud / miry, muddy, stagnant 水, 氵 Water 宁 (FRIEDLICH) ning4 +
+ + + girl Woman 丑 (HÄSSLICH) niu1 +
+ + + cow, ox, bull / KangXi radical93 Ox 牛 (RIND) niu2 +
+ + + turn, twist, wrench / seize, grasp 手, 扌 Hand1 丑 (HÄSSLICH) niu3 +
+ + + button, knob / surname 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 丑 (HÄSSLICH) niu3 +
+ + + knot / button / handle, knob / tie Silk 丑 (HÄSSLICH) niu3 +
+ + + to covet / to be accustomed Dog 丑 (HÄSSLICH) niu3 +
+ + + blush, be bashful, be ashamed 心, 忄 Heart 丑 (HÄSSLICH) niu3 +
+ + + agriculture, farming / farmer Cover 农 (LANDWIRTSCHAFT) nong2 +
+ + + pus Flesh nong2 +
+ + + thick, strong, concentrated 水, 氵 Water 农 (LANDWIRTSCHAFT) nong2 +
+ + + I / you / family name Man nong2 +
+ + + whisper Mouth nong2 +
+ + + do, play or fiddle with / alley Folded Hands 王 (KÖNIG) nong4 +
+ + + hoe, rake / weed Plow 辱 (LÄCHERLICH_MACHEN) nou4 +
+ + + slave, servant Woman 奴 (SKLAVE) nu2 +
+ + + one's children Child 奴 (SKLAVE) nu2 +
+ + + tired, old horse / old, weak Horse 奴 (SKLAVE) nu2 +
+ + + to exert, strive, make an effort / to pout Strength 奴 (SKLAVE) nu3 +
+ + + cross-bow, bow / downward stroke Bow 奴 (SKLAVE) nu3 +
+ + + a disease's name in Chinese medicine Flesh 奴 (SKLAVE) nu3 +
+ + + anger, rage, passion / angry 心, 忄 Heart 奴 (SKLAVE) nu4 +
+ + + warm, genial Sun 爰 (LIEBE) nuan3 +
+ + + rich Man 难 (SCHWIERIG) nuo2 +
+ + + elegant, graceful, delicate Woman 那 (DAS_JENER) nuo2 +
+ + + move, shift on one side 手, 扌 Hand1 那 (DAS_JENER) nuo2 +
+ + + weak, timid, cowardly 心, 忄 Heart 需 (BRAUCHEN) nuo4 +
+ + + glutinous rice / glutinous, sticky Rice 需 (BRAUCHEN) nuo4 +
+ + + grasp, seize, take in hand 手, 扌 Hand1 nuo4 +
+ + + promise / assent, approve Words 若 (WIE_ALS_OB) nuo4 +
+ + + respectful reply of assent to superiors Mouth 若 (WIE_ALS_OB) nuo4 +
+ + + no 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 若 (WIE_ALS_OB) nuo4 +
+ + + woman, girl / feminine / rad. 38 Woman 女 (FRAU) nv3 +
+ + + neodymium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 女 (FRAU) nv3 +
+ + + epistaxis, nosebleed / to be defeated Blood 丑 (HÄSSLICH) nv4 +
+ + + 心, 忄 Heart 而 (UND) nv4 +
+ + + cruel, harsh, oppressive Tiger 汇 (R_KORB_BOX) nve4 +
+ + + moan / interjection for pain, sad Mouth 奥 (VON_TIEFER_BEDEUTUNG) o1 +
+ + + translit.: Europe / ohm / surname Breathe 区 (REGION) Ou1 +
+ + + seagull, tern / Larus species (various) Bird1 区 (REGION) ou1 +
+ + + beat, fight with fists, hit Strike 区 (REGION) ou1 +
+ + + sing / songs Words 区 (REGION) ou1 +
+ + + bowl, cup / small tray Tile 区 (REGION) ou1 +
+ + + vomit / annoy, enrage Mouth 区 (REGION) ou3 +
+ + + accidentally, coincidently / an idol Man 禺 (SPINNENAFFE) ou3 +
+ + + plow side by side / team of two Plow 禺 (PAAR) ou3 +
+ + + lotus root 艸, 艹 Grass 禺 (PAAR) ou3 +
+ + + soak, steep / sodden or soaked 水, 氵 Water 区 (REGION) ou4 +
+ + + annoyed 心, 忄 Heart 区 (REGION) ou4 +
+ + + lying prone, leaning over Foot 八 (ACHT) pa1 +
+ + + flowers 艸, 艹 Grass 巴 (BOA) pa1 +
+ + + syllable Mouth 拍 (KLATSCHEN) pa1 +
+ + + crawl, creep / climb / scramble 爪,爫 Claw 巴 (BOA) pa2 +
+ + + loquat Tree 巴 (BOA) pa2 +
+ + + rake Bamboo 巴 (GRIFF) pa2 +
+ + + turban, kerchief, veil / wrap Cloth 白 (WEISS) pa4 +
+ + + to fear, be afraid of / apprehensive 心, 忄 Heart 白 (WEISS) pa4 +
+ + + clap, tap, beat / beat or rhythm 手, 扌 Hand1 拍 (KLATSCHEN) pai1 +
+ + + signboard, placard Splitwood right 卑 (NIEDRIG) pai2 +
+ + + row, rank, line 手, 扌 Hand1 非 (FEHLER) pai2 +
+ + + walk back and forth, hesitate Foodstep 非 (FEHLER) pai2 +
+ + + actor / vaudeville show / insincere Man 非 (FEHLER) pai2 +
+ + + used in translation Mouth 哌 (HINTER) pai4 +
+ + + school of thought, sect, branch 水, 氵 Water 派 (PARTEI) pai4 +
+ + + 〈chem.〉 pinane 艸, 艹 Grass 派 (PARTEI) pai4 +
+ + + sound of waves / turbulent 水, 氵 Water pai4 +
+ + + surname / water in which rice has been rinsed / a river that flows into the Han 水, 氵 Water 番 (REISWASSER) pan1 +
+ + + climb / pull / hang on to 手, 扌 Hand1 樊 (ZAUN) pan1 +
+ + + tray, plate, dish / examine Household utensils 舟 (BOOT) pan2 +
+ + + large rock, boulder / firm Stone 般 (ART) pan2 +
+ + + coil / coiling, curling / occupy Insect 番 (EIGENS) pan2 +
+ + + to jump over / to limp Foot 瞒 (AF_GLEICHGEWICHT) pan2 +
+ + + look, gaze / expect, hope for Eye 分 (TRENNEN) pan4 +
+ + + boundary path dividing fields Field 半 (HÄLFTE) pan4 +
+ + + judge / discriminate / conclude Knife 半 (HÄLFTE) pan4 +
+ + + rebel / rebellion / rebellious Hand2 半 (HÄLFTE) pan4 +
+ + + Zhou dynasty school / disperse / fall apart 水, 氵 Water 半 (HÄLFTE) pan4 +
+ + + robe Clothes 半 (HÄLFTE) pan4 +
+ + + a loop / a belt or band Clothes 樊 (ZAUN) pan4 +
+ + + torrential / voluminous 水, 氵 Water 旁 (SEITE_AN_SEITE) pang1 +
+ + + used with ping for ping pong 丿 Leftstroke 丘 (ERDHÜGEL ) pang1 +
+ + + disorderly, messy / huge, big 广 Shelter 龙 (DRACHE) pang2 +
+ + + side / by side, close by, near Square 旁 (SEITE ...QUADRAT) pang2 +
+ + + crab Insect 旁 (SEITE_AN_SEITE) pang2 +
+ + + a surname 辵, 辶 Proceed 夅 (AF_FALLEN) pang2 +
+ + + like, resembling / resemble Foodstep 方 (VIERECK) pang2 +
+ + + plow, cultivate Plow 旁 (SEITE_AN_SEITE) pang3 +
+ + + fat, obese / fatty Flesh 半 (HÄLFTE) pang4 +
+ + + throw (away) 手, 扌 Hand1 九 pao1 +
+ + + a bladder Flesh 孚 (EIER_AUSBRÜTEN) pao1 +
+ + + roar Mouth 包 (EINWICKELN) pao2 +
+ + + long gown, robe, cloak Clothes 包 (EINWICKELN) pao2 +
+ + + gourd / musical instrument Wrap 包 (EINWICKELN) pao2 +
+ + + species of deer found in north China Dog 包 (EINWICKELN) pao2 +
+ + + kitchen / cooking, cuisine 广 Shelter 包 (EINWICKELN) pao2 +
+ + + acne Illness 包 (EINWICKELN) pao4 +
+ + + unstrained spirits Wine Jug 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) pei1 +
+ + + expression of reprimand Mouth 丕 (GROSSARTIG) pei1 +
+ + + embryo / unfinished things Flesh 丕 (GROSSARTIG) pei1 +
+ + + bank up with dirt / cultivate Earth 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) pei2 +
+ + + indemnify, suffer loss Shell 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) pei2 +
+ + + accompany, be with, keep company 阜, 阝 Mount 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) pei2 +
+ + + berkelium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) pei2 +
+ + + surname / look of a flowing gown Clothes 非 (FEHLER) pei2 +
+ + + abundant, full, copious / sudden 水, 氵 Water 芾 (KNIE-SCHONER) pei4 +
+ + + torrential rains, flow of water Rain 芾 (KNIE-SCHONER) pei4 +
+ + + belt ornament, pendant / wear at waist, tie to the belt / respect Man 佩 (BEWUNDERN) pei4 +
+ + + a skirt / long robe for women, having no sleeves and fasten down the front Cloth 皮 (HAUT) pei4 +
+ + + bridle of horse, reins Cart 车 (WAGEN) pei4 +
+ + + match, pair / equal / blend Wine Jug 己 (SELBST) pei4 +
+ + + flag ornament / flags, banners Square 芾 (KNIE-SCHONER) pei4 +
+ + + basin, tub, pot, bowl Household utensils 盆 (TOPF) pen2 +
+ + + an affluent of the River Yangtze near Kiukiang 水, 氵 Water 盆 (TOPF) pen2 +
+ + + boil, cook / quick fry, stir fry Fire 亨 (REIBUNGSLOS) peng1 +
+ + + sound of crashing stones, bang! Stone 平 (EBEN) peng1 +
+ + + impeach, censure / attack 手, 扌 Hand1 平 (EBEN) peng1 +
+ + + eager, ardent, impulsive / anxious 心, 忄 Heart 平 (EBEN) peng1 +
+ + + splatter 水, 氵 Water 彭 (PENG2_NAME) peng1 +
+ + + syllable / (Cant.) to chase, drive away Mouth 彭 (PENG2_NAME) peng1 +
+ + + friend, pal, acquaintance Moon 朋 (FREUND) peng2 +
+ + + tent, awning / booth / shed Tree 朋 (FREUND) peng2 +
+ + + borax, boron Stone 朋 (FREUND) peng2 +
+ + + fabulous bird of enormous size Bird1 朋 (FREUND) peng2 +
+ + + bury Earth 朋 (FREUND) peng2 +
+ + + type of raspberry / fairyland 艸, 艹 Grass 逢 (TREFFEN) peng2 +
+ + + awning, covering / sail / boat Bamboo 逢 (TREFFEN) peng2 +
+ + + name of ancient country / surname Lines, Long Hair 彭 (PENG2_NAME) peng2 +
+ + + to swell / swollen, bloated, inflated Flesh 彭 (PENG2_NAME) peng2 +
+ + + a land-crab Insect 彭 (PENG2_NAME) peng2 +
+ + + hold up in two hands 手, 扌 Hand1 奉 (HÖFLICH_ÜBERGEBEN) peng3 +
+ + + collide, bump into Stone 碰 (KOLLIDIEREN) peng4 +
+ + + arsenic Stone 比 (VERGLEICHEN) pi1 +
+ + + comment, criticize / wholesale 手, 扌 Hand1 比 (VERGLEICHEN) pi1 +
+ + + spoiled silk / hem of dress / mista Silk 比 (VERGLEICHEN) pi1 +
+ + + wear / split / crack 手, 扌 Hand1 皮 (HAUT) pi1 +
+ + + great, grand, glorious, distinguished One 丕 (GROSSARTIG) pi1 +
+ + + dam, embankment / weir Earth 丕 (GROSSARTIG) pi1 +
+ + + a department in the State of Lu / in what is now Shantung or N. China City 丕 (GROSSARTIG) pi1 +
+ + + thunder, crashing thunder Rain 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi1 +
+ + + sound / (Cant.) a child's buttocks Mouth 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi1 +
+ + + fox, leopard, panther Cat 蓖 (KUHMAGEN) pi2 +
+ + + guitar-like instrument Jade 比 (VERGLEICHEN) pi2 +
+ + + help, assist / connect, adjoin Compare 比 (VERGLEICHEN) pi2 +
+ + + 艸, 艹 Grass 比 (VERGLEICHEN) pi2 +
+ + + loquat Tree 比 (VERGLEICHEN) pi2 +
+ + + mussels / various shellfish Insect 比 (VERGLEICHEN) pi2 +
+ + + beer Mouth 卑 (NIEDRIG) pi2 +
+ + + spleen, pancreas / disposition Flesh 卑 (NIEDRIG) pi2 +
+ + + a parapet on a city wall 阜, 阝 Mount 卑 (NIEDRIG) pi2 +
+ + + name of a county in Sichuan City 卑 (NIEDRIG) pi2 +
+ + + add, increase, attach / low fence Earth 卑 (NIEDRIG) pi2 +
+ + + drum carried on horseback Drum 卑 (NIEDRIG) pi2 +
+ + + a tick, mite Insect 卑 (NIEDRIG) pi2 +
+ + + skin, hide, fur, feather / outer Skin 皮 (HAUT) pi2 +
+ + + beryllium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 皮 (HAUT) pi2 +
+ + + feel tired, be exhausted / weak Illness 皮 (HAUT) pi2 +
+ + + brown bear, ursus arctos Net 罢 (EINE_TÄTIGKEIT_EINSTELLEN) pi2 +
+ + + to prepare / to regulate to hand up 广 Shelter 匕 pi3 +
+ + + bolt of cloth / counter for horses Basket 匹 (R_KORB_BOXKINDERBEINE) pi3 +
+ + + dyspepsia, spleen infection Illness 否 (NEIN) pi3 +
+ + + to beat the breast 手, 扌 Hand1 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi3 +
+ + + craving, weakness for / indigestion Illness 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi3 +
+ + + destroyed, ruined / to subvert to injure Earth 己 (SELBST) pi3 +
+ + + marry off, pair, match / compare Woman 蓖 (KUHMAGEN) pi4 +
+ + + break wind / fart / buttocks Corpse 比 (VERGLEICHEN) pi4 +
+ + + 水, 氵 Water 畀 (ÜBERREICHEN) pi4 +
+ + + out-of-the-way, remote / unorthodox Man 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi4 +
+ + + metaphor, simile, example Words 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi4 +
+ + + glazed tiles, bricks Tile 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi4 +
+ + + chapter, section, essay, article Bamboo 扁 (FLACH) pian1 +
+ + + inclined one side / slanting Man 扁 (FLACH) pian1 +
+ + + yak-ox Ox 扁 (FLACH) pian1 +
+ + + fly, flutter Wings 扁 (FLACH) pian1 +
+ + + to walk with a limp Foot 扁 (FLACH) pian2 +
+ + + team of horses / associate, join Horse 并 (VERBINDEN ) pian2 +
+ + + callus, calluses Flesh 并 (VERBINDEN ) pian2 +
+ + + brag, boast / quibble Words 扁 (FLACH) pian3 +
+ + + swindle, cheat out of, defraud Horse 扁 (FLACH) pian4 +
+ + + slice, splinter, strip / rad. 91 Splitwood right 片 (HOLZ_RECHTS_"SCHEIBE") pian4 +
+ + + whirlwind, cyclone / floating Wind 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) piao1 +
+ + + rob, plunder / slice off / fast Knife 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) piao1 +
+ + + light blue silk / dim / misty Silk 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) piao1 +
+ + + a chrysalis Insect 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) piao1 +
+ + + ladle made from dried gourd Melon 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) piao2 +
+ + + patronize prostitutes, frequent Woman 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) piao2 +
+ + + glare at / look askance at / squint Eye 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) piao3 +
+ + + to starve to death Disintegration 孚 (EIER_AUSBRÜTEN) piao3 +
+ + + slip of paper or bamboo / ticket 示, 礻 Revelation 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) piao4 +
+ + + charger, steed / swift, valiant Horse 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) piao4 +
+ + + fast, speedy Mouth 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) piao4 +
+ + + take fleeting glance at Eye 敝 (ABGENUTZT) pie1 +
+ + + hydrogen-1, protium Vapor 氕 (PROTIUM) pie1 +
+ + + kohl rabi 艸, 艹 Grass 丕 (GROSSARTIG) pie3 +
+ + + join together, link, incorporate 手, 扌 Hand1 并 (VERBINDEN ) pin1 +
+ + + illicit sexual relations Woman 并 (VERBINDEN ) pin1 +
+ + + frequently, again and again Head2 频 (FREQUENZ) pin2 +
+ + + frown, knit brows / with knitted Head2 频 (FREQUENZ) pin2 +
+ + + poor, impoverished, needy Shell 分 (TRENNEN) pin2 +
+ + + court lady / palace maid Woman 宾 (GAST) pin2 +
+ + + article, product, commodity Mouth 品 (GEGENSTAND_SACHE_PRODUKT) pin3 +
+ + + Tree 品 (GEGENSTAND_SACHE_PRODUKT) pin3 +
+ + + engage, employ / betroth Ear 俜 (OFFEN_UNUMWUNDEN) pin4 +
+ + + female of species / deep gorge Ox 匕 pin4 +
+ + + beautiful, attractive, charming, graceful Woman 俜 (OFFEN_UNUMWUNDEN) ping1 +
+ + + used with pong for ping pong 丿 Leftstroke 丘 (ERDHÜGEL ) ping1 +
+ + + to trust to / send a message Man 俜 (OFFEN_UNUMWUNDEN) ping1 +
+ + + lean on, depend on, rely on Stool 任 (ERNENNEN) ping2 +
+ + + flat, level, even / peaceful Pestle 平 (EBEN) ping2 +
+ + + level ground / Japanese measure Earth 平 (EBEN) ping2 +
+ + + artemisia / duckweed / apple 艸, 艹 Grass 平 (EBEN) ping2 +
+ + + duckweed / wandering, traveling 艸, 艹 Grass 平 (EBEN) ping2 +
+ + + appraise, criticize, evaluate Words 平 (EBEN) ping2 +
+ + + smooth board / chessboard / chess Tree 平 (EBEN) ping2 +
+ + + sole Fish 平 (EBEN) ping2 +
+ + + jug, pitcher, vase, jar, bottle Tile 并 (VERBINDEN ) ping2 +
+ + + pour, splash, water, sprinkle 水, 氵 Water 发 (SENDEN) po1 +
+ + + polonium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) po1 +
+ + + slope, bank, hillside Earth 皮 (HAUT) po1 +
+ + + lean one side / very, rather Head2 皮 (HAUT) po1 +
+ + + river in Shandong province 水, 氵 Water 乐 (FRÖHLICH) po1 +
+ + + old woman / grandmother Woman 波 (WELLEN) po2 +
+ + + county and lake in Jiangxi City 番 (EIGENS) po2 +
+ + + white, grey / corpulent White 番 (EIGENS) po2 +
+ + + cannot, be unable do, improbable / thereupon Mouth 叵 (UNMÖGLICH) po3 +
+ + + promethium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 叵 (UNMÖGLICH) po3 +
+ + + flat basket for grain Bamboo 叵 (UNMÖGLICH) po3 +
+ + + break, ruin, destroy / rout Stone 皮 (HAUT) po4 +
+ + + coerce, force, compel / urgent 辵, 辶 Proceed 白 (WEISS) po4 +
+ + + lees, dregs, sediments left after distilling liquor Rice 白 (WEISS) po4 +
+ + + amber Jade 珀 (BERNSTEIN) po4 +
+ + + split in two, slice / dissect Knife 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) pou1 +
+ + + collect, gather, assemble / praise Clothes 臼 (MÖRSER) pou2 +
+ + + pound, beat, strike / attack 手, 扌 Hand1 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) pu1 +
+ + + burst Mouth 噗 (DICKICHT) pu1 +
+ + + herb, aromatic plant 艸, 艹 Grass 掊 (AUSSPUCKEN) pu2 +
+ + + a kind of legendary tree 艸, 艹 Grass 甫 (GESELLE) pu2 +
+ + + crawl / lie prostrate Wrap 匍 (KRIECHEN) pu2 +
+ + + grapes 艸, 艹 Grass 匍 (KRIECHEN) pu2 +
+ + + type of rush / vine 艸, 艹 Grass 浦 (FLUSSUFER) pu2 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎僕;◎仆】 + + fall forward / lie prostrate, prone / servant Man 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) pu2 +
+ + + county in Henan province 水, 氵 Water 噗 (DICKICHT) pu2 +
+ + + unpolished gem, uncarved gem Jade 噗 (DICKICHT) pu2 +
+ + + pa 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 噗 (DICKICHT) pu2 +
+ + + universal, general, widespread Sun 普 (UNIVERSAL) pu3 +
+ + + list, table / musical score Words 普 (UNIVERSAL) pu3 +
+ + + thick, rough serge from Tibet Hair 普 (UNIVERSAL) pu3 +
+ + + praseodymium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 普 (UNIVERSAL) pu3 +
+ + + garden, cultivated field Enclosure 甫 (GESELLE) pu3 +
+ + + bank of river, shore / surname 水, 氵 Water 浦 (FLUSSUFER) pu3 +
+ + + big, great, vast, wide / widespread 水, 氵 Water 溥 (UNIVERSAL) pu3 +
+ + + webbed feet of waterfowl Foot 噗 (DICKICHT) pu3 +
+ + + sun, air in sun, expose or dry in the sun Sun 暴 (JÄH) pu4 +
+ + + waterfall, cascade / heavy rain 水, 氵 Water 暴 (JÄH) pu4 +
+ + + varnish, lacquer, paint 水, 氵 Water 桼 (AF_LACK) qi1 +
+ + + infuse 水, 氵 Water 切 (SCHNEIDEN) qi1 +
+ + + wife Woman 妻 (EHEFRAU) qi1 +
+ + + bitter cold, miserable, dreary Ice 妻 (EHEFRAU) qi1 +
+ + + luxuriant foliage / crowded 艸, 艹 Grass 妻 (EHEFRAU) qi1 +
+ + + period of time / date / time limit Moon 其 (SEIN) qi1 +
+ + + cheat, double-cross, deceive Breathe 其 (SEIN) qi1 +
+ + + seven One 七 (SIEBEN) qi1 +
+ + + number seven Tree 七 (SIEBEN) qi1 +
+ + + perch / roost / stay 西 Tree 西 qi1 +
+ + + to sew in close stitches 揖/咠 Silk 揖/咠 (Obs_INS_OHR_FLÜSTERN) qi1 +
+ + + relative / be related to / sad Halberd 戚 (VERWANDTE) qi1 +
+ + + to be grieved / ashamed / used to imitate sounds Mouth 戚 (VERWANDTE) qi1 +
+ + + maple Tree 戚 (VERWANDTE) qi1 +
+ 榿 + + alder Tree 岂 (WIE_WAS) qi1 +
+ + + (archaic form) his, her, its, their / that Two 亓 (SEIN,IHR,ETC) qi2 +
+ + + man of sixty / aged, old Old 耆 (SECHZIGJÄHRIG) qi2 +
+ + + fin Fish 耆 (SECHZIGJÄHRIG) qi2 +
+ + + neat / even / level with / identical / simultaneous / all together / to even sth out, Name of different States Even 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) qi2 +
+ + + abdominal area of crab / navel Flesh 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) qi2 +
+ + + maggots, grubs Insect 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) qi2 +
+ + + his, her, its, their / that Eight 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + chess / any game similar to chess Tree 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + banner, flag, streamer Square 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + kind of grasses 艸, 艹 Grass 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + river in Henan province 水, 氵 Water 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + piebald horse / excellent horse Horse 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + type of jade Jade 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + good luck, good fortune 示, 礻 Revelation 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + sections in vegetable farm Field 圭 (JADETABLETT) qi2 +
+ + + a kind of crab / worm, leech Insect 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + dark grey. variegated. superlative Silk 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + legendary auspicious animal 鹿 Deer 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + fork of road / branching off Stop 支 (ZWEIG) qi2 +
+ + + high / majestic / fork in road Mountain 支 (ZWEIG) qi2 +
+ + + pray / entreat, beseech 示, 礻 Revelation 斤 (PFUND) qi2 +
+ + + variety of artemisia seek 艸, 艹 Grass 斤 (PFUND) qi2 +
+ + + tall and slim Head2 斤 (PFUND) qi2 +
+ + + rough, uneven, jagged, rugged Mountain qi2 +
+ + + ride horseback / mount / cavalry Horse 奇 (AUSSERGEWÖHNLICH) qi2 +
+ + + gem, precious stone, jade Jade qi2 +
+ + + celery 艸, 艹 Grass qi2 +
+ + + pray / numerous, ample, abundant 示, 礻 Revelation 示 (OFFENBAREN) qi2 +
+ + + beg / request Bent 乞 (BETTELN) qi3 +
+ + + plan a project / stand on tiptoe Man 止 (STOPPEN) qi3 +
+ + + fine thin silk / elegant, beautifu Silk qi3 +
+ + + rise, stand up / go up / begin Run 己 (SELBST) qi3 +
+ + + white millet 艸, 艹 Grass 己 (SELBST) qi3 +
+ + + a hill with trees or grass-- some give the opposite meaning Mountain 己 (SELBST) qi3 +
+ + + willow / medlar tree / a small feudal state (Qi) Tree 己 (SELBST) qi3 +
+ + + how? what? Mountain 岂 (WIE_WAS) qi3 +
+ + + open / begin, commence / explain Mouth 户 (TÜRFLÜGEL) qi3 +
+ + + receptacle, vessel / instrument Mouth 器 (INSTRUMENT) qi4 +
+ + + to build, pile up / stone steps, brick walk Stone 切 (SCHNEIDEN) qi4 +
+ + + extend, reach / until / till 辵, 辶 Proceed 乞 (BETTELN) qi4 +
+ + + finish / conclude, stop / exhaust Words 乞 (BETTELN) qi4 +
+ + + 水, 氵 Water 乞 (BETTELN) qi4 +
+ + + deed, contract, bond / engrave Big 挈 (GRAVIEREN) qi4 +
+ + + sand and gravel Stone 责 (PFLICHT) qi4 +
+ + + rest, take rest 心, 忄 Heart 自 (SELBST) qi4 +
+ + + reject, abandon, discard Folded Hands 弃 (WEGWERFEN) qi4 +
+ + + steam, vapor / KangXi radical 84 Vapor 气 (GAS) qi4 +
+ + + steam, vapor, gas 水, 氵 Water 气 (GAS) qi4 +
+ + + thatch / fix, repair / pile up 艸, 艹 揖/咠 Grass 揖/咠 (Obs_INS_OHR_FLÜSTERN) qi4 +
+ + + cry, sob, weep 水, 氵 Water 立 (STEHEN) qi4 +
+ + + smilax china 艸, 艹 Grass 挈 (GRAVIEREN) qia1 +
+ + + hold / gather with hand / choke 手, 扌 Hand1 谄 (AF_FALLE) qia1 +
+ + + lined garment Clothes 合 (SCHLIESSEN) qia1 +
+ + + just, exactly, precisely / proper 心, 忄 Heart 合 (SCHLIESSEN) qia4 +
+ + + to blend with, be in harmony / to penetrate / to cover / a river in Shenxi 水, 氵 Water 合 (SCHLIESSEN) qia4 +
+ + + the pelvis Bones 客 qia4 +
+ + + a fault, mistake, error, transgression 心, 忄 Heart 衍 (AUSBREITEN) qian1 +
+ + + humble, modest Words 兼 (DOPPELT) qian1 +
+ + + miserly, parsimonious, stingy 心, 忄 Heart 坚 (HART) qian1 +
+ + + drag, pull, lead by hand Ox 大 (GROSS) qian1 +
+ + + Mountain 开 (ÖFFNEN) qian1 +
+ + + thousand / many, numerous / very / (Cant.) a cheater, swindler Ten 千 (TAUSEND) qian1 +
+ + + probe, poke, prick, pierce 手, 扌 Hand1 千 (TAUSEND) qian1 +
+ + + tool for boring holes 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 千 (TAUSEND) qian1 +
+ + + one thousand / leader of one thousand men Man 千 (TAUSEND) qian1 +
+ + + footpaths between fields / paths 阜, 阝 Mount 千 (TAUSEND) qian1 +
+ + + exuberant and vigorous foliage 艸, 艹 Grass 千 (TAUSEND) qian1 +
+ + + move, shift, change / transfer / relocate a capital city 辵, 辶 Proceed 迁 (BEWEGEN) qian1 +
+ + + lead 金,钅 沿 Gold (Metal) 沿 qian1 +
+ + + all, together, unanimous Man 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) qian1 +
+ + + raise, hold high / fly, soar Horse 寒 (AF_HINEINSTECKEN) qian1 +
+ + + extract / seize / pluck up 手, 扌 Hand1 寒 (AF_HINEINSTECKEN) qian1 +
+ + + underclothing / to pick up one's skirts Clothes 寒 (AF_HINEINSTECKEN) qian1 +
+ + + sign, endorse / slip of paper Bamboo 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) qian1 +
+ + + in front, forward / preceding Knife 前 (VORN) qian2 +
+ + + pincers, pliers, tongs / to compress 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 甘 (SÜSS) qian2 +
+ + + tweezers, pliers, tongs, pincers Bamboo 甘 (SÜSS) qian2 +
+ + + hide / hidden, secret, latent 水, 氵 Water 替 (ERSETZEN) qian2 +
+ + + nettle 艸, 艹 Grass 寻 (SUCHEN) qian2 +
+ + + act with reverence / reverent Tiger 虔 (FROMM) qian2 +
+ + + black / Guizhou Black 今 (GEGENWART) qian2 +
+ + + lock, latch / stamp, seal 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 今 (GEGENWART) qian2 +
+ + + money, currency, coins 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 戋 (SCHMAL) qian2 +
+ + + to bear on the shoulders 手, 扌 Hand1 掮 (SCHULTERN) qian2 +
+ + + attached to, inseparable / entangl Silk 遣 (SCHICKEN_VERTREIBEN) qian3 +
+ + + area between waist and hips Flesh 欠 (SCHULDEN) qian3 +
+ + + shallow, not deep / superficial 水, 氵 Water 戋 (SCHMAL) qian3 +
+ + + send, dispatch / send off, exile 辵, 辶 Proceed 遣 (SCHICKEN_VERTREIBEN) qian3 +
+ + + reprimand, scold, abuse Words 遣 (SCHICKEN_VERTREIBEN) qian3 +
+ + + inlay, set in / fall into / rugged Mountain 甘 (SÜSS) qian4 +
+ + + owe, lack, be deficient / KangXi radical number 76 Breathe 欠 (SCHULDEN) qian4 +
+ + + plant allied to the waterlily 艸, 艹 Grass 欠 (SCHULDEN) qian4 +
+ + + deficient, lacking, insufficient Breathe 兼 (DOPPELT) qian4 +
+ + + beautiful, lovely / son-in-law Man 青 (GRÜN) qian4 +
+ + + fine, delicate / minute / graceful Silk 千 (TAUSEND) qian4 +
+ + + moat, trench, pit, cavity Earth 斩 (ABHACKEN) qian4 +
+ + + wooden tablet / edition Tree 斩 (ABHACKEN) qian4 +
+ + + chest cavity / hollow in body Flesh 空 (LEER) qiang1 +
+ + + the color of the a mineral 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 青 (GRÜN) qiang1 +
+ + + spear, lance / gun, rifle Tree 仓 (SPEICHER) qiang1 +
+ + + kill, slay / wound, injure, hurt Halberd 戈 (HELLEBARDE) qiang1 +
+ + + tinkle, clang, jingle 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 将 (WERDEN) qiang1 +
+ + + Qiang nationality / surname Sheep 羌 (NAME_QIANG1) qiang1 +
+ + + dung beetle Insect 羌 (NAME_QIANG1) qiang1 +
+ + + wall Earth 啬 (GEIZIG) qiang2 +
+ + + rose 艸, 艹 Grass 啬 (GEIZIG) qiang2 +
+ + + lady Woman 啬 (GEIZIG) qiang2 +
+ + + mast, yard-arm, boom Tree 啬 (GEIZIG) qiang2 +
+ + + swaddling clothes Clothes 强 (KRÄFTIG) qiang3 +
+ + + hydroxide Sheep 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) qiang3 +
+ + + plunder, rob, take by force 手, 扌 Hand1 仓 (SPEICHER) qiang3 +
+ + + stir-fry or boil in water or oil then cook with a sauce Fire 仓 (SPEICHER) qiang4 +
+ + + to reel Silk 操 (OBS_ZWITSCHERN) qiao1 +
+ + + barren land / sandy soil Stone 尧 qiao1 +
+ + + raise one's foot Foot 尧 qiao1 +
+ + + Knife 焦 (VERBRANNT) qiao1 +
+ + + shovel 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 秋 (HERBST) qiao1 +
+ + + a sledge for transportation Tree 毳 (PELZHAAR) qiao1 +
+ + + strike, beat, pound, hammer / rap Tap 高 (HOCH) qiao1 +
+ + + tall, lofty / proud, stately 丿 Leftstroke 乔 (GROSS_HOCH_STOLZ) qiao2 +
+ + + bridge / beam, crosspiece Tree 乔 (GROSS_HOCH_STOLZ) qiao2 +
+ + + sojourn, lodge Man 乔 (GROSS_HOCH_STOLZ) qiao2 +
+ + + buckwheat 艸, 艹 Grass 乔 (GROSS_HOCH_STOLZ) qiao2 +
+ + + mud shoe, sledge for the feet Rawhide 乔 (GROSS_HOCH_STOLZ) qiao2 +
+ + + glance at, look at, see Eye 焦 (VERBRANNT) qiao2 +
+ + + be worn-out, emaciated, haggard 心, 忄 Heart 焦 (VERBRANNT) qiao2 +
+ + + woodcutter / firewood / gather wood Tree 焦 (VERBRANNT) qiao2 +
+ + + skillful, ingenious, clever Work 丂 (C_ATMEN) qiao3 +
+ + + to change one's countenance, be anxious / to blush 心, 忄 Heart 秋 (HERBST) qiao3 +
+ + + hole, opening, aperture Cave qiao4 +
+ + + scabbard, sheath Rawhide 肖 (ÄHNELN) qiao4 +
+ + + steep, precipitous, rugged Mountain 肖 (ÄHNELN) qiao4 +
+ + + like, similar / resemble / pretty Man 肖 (ÄHNELN) qiao4 +
+ + + criticize, scold, blame, ridicule Words 肖 (ÄHNELN) qiao4 +
+ + + lift, raise / pry open 手, 扌 Hand1 毳 (PELZHAAR) qiao4 +
+ + + moreover, also (post-subject) / about to, will soon (pre-verb) One 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) qie3 +
+ + + concubine Woman 妾 (KONKUBINE) qie4 +
+ + + to resent / contended / satisfied 心, 忄 Heart 兼 (DOPPELT) qie4 +
+ + + be satisfied, be comfortable 心, 忄 Heart qie4 +
+ + + rattan box, suitcase, or case Bamboo qie4 +
+ + + secretly, stealthily / steal / thief Cave 切 (SCHNEIDEN) qie4 +
+ + + assist, help, lead by hand 手, 扌 Hand1 挈 (GRAVIEREN) qie4 +
+ + + sickle / cut, carve, engrave 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 挈 (GRAVIEREN) qie4 +
+ + + weak, lame Run 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) qie4 +
+ + + surname City 郄 (QIE4) qie4 +
+ + + lacking in courage, afraid 心, 忄 Heart 去 (GEHEN) qie4 +
+ + + respect, admire / respectful 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 钦 (RESPEKTIEREN) qin1 +
+ + + invade, encroach upon, raid Man 侵 (C_HAND_HÄLT_BESEN) qin1 +
+ + + relatives, parents / intimate the hazel nut or filbert tree a thorny tree Lid 亲 (VERWANDT) qin1 +
+ + + coverlet, quilt Clothes 今 (GEGENWART) qin1 +
+ + + industrious, diligent, attentive Strength 堇 (VEILCHEN) qin2 +
+ + + birds, fowl / surname / / capture Track 禽 (VÖGEL) qin2 +
+ + + catch, capture, seize, arrest 手, 扌 Hand1 禽 (VÖGEL) qin2 +
+ + + hold in mouth / bite Mouth 禽 (VÖGEL) qin2 +
+ + + small red apple Tree 禽 (VÖGEL) qin2 +
+ + + carve 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 侵 (C_HAND_HÄLT_BESEN) qin2 +
+ + + Chinese lute or guitar Jade 今 (GEGENWART) qin2 +
+ + + salt marsh plant 艸, 艹 Grass 今 (GEGENWART) qin2 +
+ + + feudal state of Qin / the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) Grain 秦 (QIN) Qin2 +
+ + + character used in translation Mouth 秦 (QIN) qin2 +
+ + + a small cicada with a square head Insect 秦 (QIN) qin2 +
+ + + celery 艸, 艹 Grass 斤 (PFUND) qin2 +
+ + + sleep, rest / bed chamber Dwelling 侵 (C_HAND_HÄLT_BESEN) qin3 +
+ + + press 手, 扌 Hand1 钦 (RESPEKTIEREN) qin4 +
+ + + soak into, seep in, percolate 水, 氵 Water qin4 +
+ + + vomit Mouth qin4 +
+ + + light / easy, simple / gentle Cart 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) qing1 +
+ + + ammonia / hydrogen nitride Vapor 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) qing1 +
+ + + blue, green, black / young Green 青 (GRÜN) qing1 +
+ + + clear, pure, clean / peaceful 水, 氵 Water 青 (GRÜN) qing1 +
+ + + rest room Enclosure 青 (GRÜN) qing1 +
+ + + dragonfly Insect 青 (GRÜN) qing1 +
+ + + mackerel Fish 青 (GRÜN) qing1 +
+ + + upset, pour out, overflow Man 顷 (HUNDERT_MU) qing1 +
+ + + noble, high officer Seal 即 (SICH_NÄHERN) qing1 +
+ + + clear weather, fine weather Sun 青 (GRÜN) qing2 +
+ + + cyanogen / ethane dinitrile Vapor 青 (GRÜN) qing2 +
+ + + feeling, sentiment, emotion 心, 忄 Heart 青 (GRÜN) qing2 +
+ + + lift up, hold up, support 手, 扌 Hand1 敬 (ACHTEN) qing2 +
+ + + stand for lamp / frame for bow Tree 敬 (ACHTEN) qing2 +
+ + + to tattoo / to brand the face of criminals Black 京 (HAUPTSTADT) qing2 +
+ + + ask, request / invite / please Words 青 (GRÜN) qing3 +
+ + + Indian mallow 艸, 艹 Grass 苘 (RANDREGION) qing3 +
+ + + a moment / a measure of area equal to 100 mu or 6.7 hectares / to lean Head2 顷 (HUNDERT_MU) qing3 +
+ + + to speak softly Words 磬 (KLANGSTEIN) qing3 +
+ + + to draw a bamboo bow or crossbow Bamboo 青 (GRÜN) qing4 +
+ + + congratulate, celebrate 广 Shelter 大 (GROSS) qing4 +
+ + + musical instrument / musical stone Stone 磬 (KLANGSTEIN) qing4 +
+ + + exhaust, run out, use up / empty Earthenware 磬 (KLANGSTEIN) qing4 +
+ + + in distress / a mound City 邛 (QIONG-MOUNTAIN) qiong2 +
+ + + bamboo name / bamboo staff Bamboo 邛 (QIONG-MOUNTAIN) qiong2 +
+ + + high and vast / elevated / arched Cave qiong2 +
+ + + alone / without friends or relativ 艸, 艹 Grass 茔 (GRASS_BEDECKEN) qiong2 +
+ + + poor, destitute, impoverished Cave 力 (KRAFT) qiong2 +
+ + + cricket, locust / anxious Insect qiong2 +
+ + + sound of footsteps Foot qiong2 +
+ + + eyehole to hang an axe by 金,钅 Gold (Metal) qiong2 +
+ + + jade / rare, precious / elegant / (Cant.) to coagulate Jade 京 (HAUPTSTADT) Qiong2 +
+ + + autumn, fall / year Grain 秋 (HERBST) qiu1 +
+ + + mallotus japonicus, deciduous tre Tree 秋 (HERBST) qiu1 +
+ + + loach Fish 秋 (HERBST) qiu1 +
+ + + hill / elder / empty / a name One 丘 (ERDHÜGEL ) qiu1 +
+ + + surname / hill / mound / grave City 丘 (ERDHÜGEL ) qiu1 +
+ + + earthworm Insect 丘 (ERDHÜGEL ) qiu1 +
+ + + chief of tribe, chieftain Wine Jug 酋 (STAMMESFÜRST) qiu2 +
+ + + strong, unyielding, forceful 辵, 辶 Proceed 酋 (STAMMESFÜRST) qiu2 +
+ + + young dragon Insect 扎 qiu2 +
+ + + prisoner, convict / confine Enclosure 闪 (HÄFTLING) qiu2 +
+ + + swim, float, wade 水, 氵 Water 闪 (HÄFTLING) qiu2 +
+ + + an atom group Work 琉 (NEUGEBORENES_HAAR) qiu2 +
+ + + armadillo Dog 九 qiu2 +
+ + + clogged nose Nose2 九 qiu2 +
+ + + seek / demand, request / beseech 水, 氵 Water 求 (ANFLEHEN) qiu2 +
+ + + ball, sphere, globe / round Jade 求 (ANFLEHEN) qiu2 +
+ + + ornamental cap Man 求 (ANFLEHEN) qiu2 +
+ + + collect, unite / match, pair 辵, 辶 Proceed 求 (ANFLEHEN) qiu2 +
+ + + bribe Shell 求 (ANFLEHEN) qiu2 +
+ + + fur garments / surname Clothes 求 (ANFLEHEN) qiu2 +
+ + + parched wheat or rice / broken grain Rice 臭 (GERUCH_GESTANK) qiu3 +
+ + + area, district, region, ward Basket 区 (REGION) qu1 +
+ + + cricket / worm Insect 曲 (GEKRÜMMT) qu1 +
+ + + body Body 区 (REGION) qu1 +
+ + + spur a horse on / expel, drive away Horse 区 (REGION) qu1 +
+ + + steep, sheer / rugged, rough Mountain 区 (REGION) qu1 +
+ + + hasten, hurry / be attracted to Run 刍 (MÄHEN) qu1 +
+ + + maggots Insect 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) qu1 +
+ + + bend, stoop, crouch / to yield Words 出 (HINAUSGEHEN) qu1 +
+ + + bend, flex / bent, crooked / crouch Corpse 屈 (GEBEUGT) qu1 +
+ + + yeast, leaven / surname Wheat qu1 +
+ + + black Black 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) qu1 +
+ + + expel, disperse, exorcise 示, 礻 Revelation 去 (GEHEN) qu1 +
+ + + highway / thoroughfare, intersection Go 瞿 (ÜBERRASCHT_SCHAUEN) qu2 +
+ + + fine woollen cloth / a mat used by the emperor in worshipping god Hair 瞿 (ÜBERRASCHT_SCHAUEN) qu2 +
+ + + thin, emaciated / worn, tired Illness 瞿 (ÜBERRASCHT_SCHAUEN) qu2 +
+ + + 蠼螋 qúsōu earwig Insect 矍 (ERSCHRECKT_SCHAUEN) qu2 +
+ + + jade ring / earrings / surname Jade 噱 (WILDER_BÄR) qu2 +
+ + + a plant which resembles wheat but has no edible grain 艸, 艹 Grass 遽 (PLÖTZLICH) qu2 +
+ + + be diligent, toil, endeavor Strength 句 (SATZ) qu2 +
+ + + warm Moon 句 (SATZ) qu2 +
+ + + mynah / Erithacus species (various) Bird1 句 (SATZ) qu2 +
+ + + ditch, canal, channel, gutter 水, 氵 Water 渠 (KANAL) qu2 +
+ + + 芙蕖 fúqú lotus 艸, 艹 Grass 渠 (KANAL) qu2 +
+ + + Stone 渠 (KANAL) qu2 +
+ + + tooth decay 齿 Teeth 禹 (KAISER_YU) qu3 +
+ + + take, receive, obtain / select Hand2 取 (NEHMEN) qu3 +
+ + + marry, take wife Woman 取 (NEHMEN) qu3 +
+ + + alone / quiet, still Door 目 (AUGE) qu4 +
+ + + what attracts one's attention Run 取 (NEHMEN) qu4 +
+ + + peep at / watch, spy on See 虚 (NICHTIG) qu4 +
+ + + go away, leave, depart Cocoon 去 (GEHEN) qu4 +
+ + + repent, reform 心, 忄 Heart 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) quan1 +
+ + + cheek bones 灌/雚 Head2 灌/雚 (FISCHREIHER) quan2 +
+ + + power, right, authority Tree 又 (WIEDER) quan2 +
+ + + maintain, keep whole or intact Enter 全 (GANZ) quan2 +
+ + + be healed, be cured / recover Illness 全 (GANZ) quan2 +
+ + + explain, expound, comment on Words 全 (GANZ) quan2 +
+ + + cart wheel with no spokes Cart 全 (GANZ) quan2 +
+ + + weigh, measure / select officials 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 全 (GANZ) quan2 +
+ + + bamboo fish trap Bamboo 全 (GANZ) quan2 +
+ + + aromatic herb / fine cloth 艸, 艹 Grass 荃 (AROMATISCH) quan2 +
+ + + aldehyde Wine Jug 荃 (AROMATISCH) quan2 +
+ + + fist / various forms of boxing 手, 扌 Hand1 券 (HÄNDE_ROLLEN_REIS) quan2 +
+ + + creep like worm, curl one's body Insect 卷 (EINROLLEN) quan2 +
+ + + spring, fountain / wealth, money 水, 氵 Water 泉 (QUELLE) quan2 +
+ + + dog / radical number 94 Dog 犬 (HUND) quan3 +
+ + + affectionate, solicitous Silk 卷 (EINROLLEN) quan3 +
+ + + a drain between fields, irrigation / to flow Field 犬 (HUND) quan3 +
+ + + recommend, advise, urge Strength 又 (WIEDER) quan4 +
+ + + certificate, ticket / title deeds Knife 券 (HÄNDE_ROLLEN_REIS) quan4 +
+ + + acetylene Fire que1 +
+ + + be short of, lack / gap, deficit Earthenware 决 (DURCHBRUCH) que1 +
+ + + lameness, paralysis of hands, leg Illness 加 (ADDIEREN) que2 +
+ + + footbridge / toll, levy / monopoly Tree 隹 (KF_VOGEL) que4 +
+ + + close, shut / watch tower Door 癸 que4 +
+ + + sure, certain / real, true Stone 角 (HORN) que4 +
+ + + still, but / decline / retreat Seal 却 (ABER) que4 +
+ + + magpie / Pica species (various) Bird1 昔 (VERGANGENHEIT) que4 +
+ + + sparrow Bird2 少 (WENIG) que4 +
+ + + sincerity, honesty / modest 心, 忄 Heart 壳 (GEHÄUSE) que4 +
+ + + retreat, withdraw, fall back 辵, 辶 Proceed 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) qun1 +
+ + + skirt, apron, petticoat Clothes 君 (MONARCH) qun2 +
+ + + (same as 7FA3 羣) group, crowd, multitude, mob Sheep 君 (MONARCH) qun2 +
+ + + general name for the hornless deer / to collect to band together 鹿 Deer 禾 (GETREIDE) qun2 +
+ + + yes, certainly / pledge, promise Fire 然 (SO_WIE_DAS_DA) ran2 +
+ + + burn / light fire, ignite Fire 然 (SO_WIE_DAS_DA) ran2 +
+ + + a boa constrictor Insect 冉 (LANGSAM) ran2 +
+ + + beard / mustache Hairlocks 冉 (LANGSAM) ran2 +
+ + + dye / be contagious / infect 氿 Tree 氿 (WASSER_NEUN) ran3 +
+ + + tender / weak / proceed gradually Borders 冉 (LANGSAM) ran3 +
+ + + lush / successively, in order 艸, 艹 Grass 冉 (LANGSAM) ran3 +
+ + + flesh, core, pulp, pith Melon 襄 (HELFEN_ASSISTIEREN_AUSZIEHEN) rang2 +
+ + + pray or sacrifice, exorcise 示, 礻 Revelation 襄 (HELFEN_ASSISTIEREN_AUSZIEHEN) rang2 +
+ + + stalks of grain / lush, abundant Grain 襄 (HELFEN_ASSISTIEREN_AUSZIEHEN) rang2 +
+ + + shout, brawl, make uproar, cry Mouth 襄 (HELFEN_ASSISTIEREN_AUSZIEHEN) rang3 +
+ + + soil, loam, earth / rich Earth 襄 (HELFEN_ASSISTIEREN_AUSZIEHEN) rang3 +
+ + + seize, take by force / repel 手, 扌 Hand1 襄 (HELFEN_ASSISTIEREN_AUSZIEHEN) rang3 +
+ + + allow, permit, yield, concede Words 上 (OBEN) rang4 +
+ + + bountiful, abundant, plentiful Food 尧 (EIN_LEGENDÄRER_KAISER) rao2 +
+ + + fuel, firewood / stubble / Wikstroemia japonica 艸, 艹 Grass 尧 rao2 +
+ + + graceful, charming, fascinating Woman 尧 rao2 +
+ + + bent or twisted piece of wood Tree 尧 rao2 +
+ + + disturb, annoy, agitate 手, 扌 Hand1 尤 (BESONDERS) rao3 +
+ + + entwine / wind around / surround Silk 尧 (EIN_LEGENDÄRER_KAISER) rao4 +
+ + + irritate, vex, offend, incite 心, 忄 Heart 若 (WIE_ALS_OB) re3 +
+ + + hot / heat / fever / restless / zeal Fire 执 (HALTEN) re4 +
+ + + humaneness, benevolence, kindness Man 二 (ZWEI) ren2 +
+ + + 9th heavenly stem Scholar 壬 (9.HS) ren2 +
+ + + man / people / mankind / someone else Man 人 (MENSCH) ren2 +
+ + + beans / soft, pliable / herb 艸, 艹 Grass 任 (ERNENNEN) ren3 +
+ + + ripe grain / harvest / to know, be familiar with Grain 念 (ERINNERN) ren3 +
+ + + endure, bear, suffer / forbear 心, 忄 Heart 刃 (KLINGE) ren3 +
+ + + conceive, be pregnant Woman 壬 (9.HS) ren4 +
+ + + cooked food / cook until well done Food 壬 (9.HS) ren4 +
+ + + lapel / hidden lapel of coat Clothes 壬 (9.HS) ren4 +
+ + + recognize, know, understand Words 人 (MENSCH) ren4 +
+ + + edged tool, cutlery, knife edge Knife 刃 (KLINGE) ren4 +
+ + + strong and pliable, resilient Leather 刃 (KLINGE) ren4 +
+ + + thread needle, sew stitch, string Silk 刃 (KLINGE) ren4 +
+ + + ancient unit of measure (8 feet) / 'fathom' Man 刃 (KLINGE) ren4 +
+ + + a block that keeps a wheel from moving Cart 刃 (KLINGE) ren4 +
+ + + throw, hurl / throw away, cast 手, 扌 Hand1 乃 (DARUM ) reng1 +
+ + + yet, still, as ever / again / keep -ing, continuing Man 乃 (DARUM ) reng2 +
+ + + sun / day / daytime Sun 日 (SONNE) ri4 +
+ + + melt, fuse / blend, harmonize Insect 鬲 (DREIFUSS) rong2 +
+ + + to sacrifice on two successive days Flesh 杉 rong2 +
+ + + soft, downy / buds, sprouts 艸, 艹 Grass 耳 (OHR) rong2 +
+ + + glory, honor / flourish, prosper 艸, 艹 Grass 荣 (RUHM) rong2 +
+ + + high, steep / lofty, towering Mountain 荣 (RUHM) rong2 +
+ + + lizard Insect 荣 (RUHM) rong2 +
+ + + arms, armaments / military affair Halberd 戎 (WAFFEN) rong2 +
+ + + silk, cotton, or woolen fabric Silk 戎 (WAFFEN) rong2 +
+ + + Dog 戎 (WAFFEN) rong2 +
+ + + looks, appearance / figure, form Dwelling 容 (ENTHALTEN) rong2 +
+ + + hibiscus / Chengdu, Sichuan 艸, 艹 Grass 容 (ENTHALTEN) rong2 +
+ + + melt, smelt, fuse / mold Fire 容 (ENTHALTEN) rong2 +
+ + + to melt, dissolve / overflowing with 水, 氵 Water 容 (ENTHALTEN) rong2 +
+ + + banyan tree Tree 容 (ENTHALTEN) rong2 +
+ + + excessive / superfluous Cover 冗 (ÜBERFLÜSSIG) rong3 +
+ + + soft / gentle, pliant Tree 柔 (WEICH_BIEGSAM) rou2 +
+ + + rub, massage / crush by hand 手, 扌 Hand1 柔 (WEICH_BIEGSAM) rou2 +
+ + + blend, mix / mixed Rice 柔 (WEICH_BIEGSAM) rou2 +
+ + + trample under foot, tread on Foot 柔 (WEICH_BIEGSAM) rou2 +
+ + + tan, soften Rawhide 柔 (WEICH_BIEGSAM) rou2 +
+ + + flesh / meat / KangXi radical 130 Flesh 门 (TÜR) rou4 +
+ + + eumenes polifomis, kind of wasp Insect 需 (BRAUCHEN) ru2 +
+ + + Confucian scholar Man 需 (BRAUCHEN) ru2 +
+ + + child / blood relation / affection Child 需 (BRAUCHEN) ru2 +
+ + + 青香薷 qīngxiāngrú Chinese mosla 艸, 艹 Grass 需 (BRAUCHEN) ru2 +
+ + + talk indistinctly and falteringly Mouth 需 (BRAUCHEN) ru2 +
+ + + immerse, moisten / wet, damp 水, 氵 Water 需 (BRAUCHEN) ru2 +
+ + + short coat, jacket / fine silk fab Clothes 需 (BRAUCHEN) ru2 +
+ + + the temporal bone Head2 需 (BRAUCHEN) ru2 +
+ + + if, supposing / as if / like, as Woman 如 (WIE) ru2 +
+ + + roots / vegetables / eat / bear 艸, 艹 Grass 如 (WIE) ru2 +
+ + + rubidium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 如 (WIE) ru2 +
+ + + humiliate, insult, abuse Period 辱 (LÄCHERLICH_MACHEN) ru3 +
+ + + you 水, 氵 Water 女 (FRAU) ru3 +
+ + + breast, nipples / milk, suckle Bent 孚 (EIER_AUSBRÜTEN) ru3 +
+ + + enter, come in(to), join Enter 入 (EINTRETEN) ru4 +
+ + + mattress, cushion / bedding Clothes 辱 (LÄCHERLICH_MACHEN) ru4 +
+ + + straw bed mat / rushes 艸, 艹 Grass 辱 (LÄCHERLICH_MACHEN) ru4 +
+ + + moist, humid, muggy 水, 氵 Water 辱 (LÄCHERLICH_MACHEN) ru4 +
+ + + decorative, adorned, elegant Silk 辱 (LÄCHERLICH_MACHEN) ru4 +
+ + + damp, boggy, marshy 水, 氵 Water 如 (WIE) ru4 +
+ + + ancient musical instrument: surname 阜, 阝 Mount 元 (URSPRUNG) ruan3 +
+ + + Moon 元 (URSPRUNG) ruan3 +
+ + + soft, flexible, pliable / weak Cart 欠 (SCHULDEN) ruan3 +
+ + + drooping leaves / fringe soft, delicate 艸, 艹 Grass 豕 (SCHWEIN) rui2 +
+ + + unopened flowers, flower buds 艸, 艹 Grass rui3 +
+ + + felicitous omen / auspicious 揣/耑 Jade 揣/耑 (AF_EXTREM) rui4 +
+ + + shrewd, astute, clever, keen Eye 睿 (GRABEN) rui4 +
+ + + tiny, small / water's edge 艸, 艹 Grass 内 (IN) rui4 +
+ + + the handle of tools Tree 内 (IN) rui4 +
+ + + gnat, mosquito Insect 内 (IN) rui4 +
+ + + sharp, keen, acute, pointed 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 兑 (UMTAUSCHEN) rui4 +
+ + + intercalary / extra, surplus Door 闰 (EINGEFÜGT_EXTRA_SCHALT) run4 +
+ + + soft, moist / sleek / freshen 水, 氵 Water 闰 (EINGEFÜGT_EXTRA_SCHALT) run4 +
+ + + weak / fragile, delicate Bow 弱 (SCHWACH) ruo4 +
+ + + if, supposing, assuming / similar 艸, 艹 Grass 若 (WIE_ALS_OB) ruo4 +
+ + + thus, so, like, such Man 若 (WIE_ALS_OB) ruo4 +
+ + + the cuticle of the bamboo a broad-leaved bamboo Bamboo 若 (WIE_ALS_OB) ruo4 +
+ + + (coll.) three (cannot be followed by a measure word) Man 三 (DREI) sa1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎灑;◎洒】 + + sprinkle / scatter / pour / to wipe away / to shiver 水, 氵 西 Water 西 (WESTEN) sa3 +
+ + + the sound of the wind / bleak / melancholy Wind 风 (WIND) sa4 +
+ + + thirty, thirtieth Ten sa4 +
+ + + an organic compound Flesh 杀 (TÖTEN) sa4 +
+ + + Buddhist gods or immortals 艸, 艹 Grass 产 (PRODUZIEREN) sa4 +
+ + + lower part of face / jaw / gills of a fish Flesh 思 (DENKEN) sai1 +
+ + + fish gills Fish 思 (DENKEN) sai1 +
+ + + character used in translation Mouth 塞 (HINEINSTECKEN) sai1 +
+ + + compete, contend / contest, race Shell 寒 (AF_HINEINSTECKEN) sai4 +
+ + + three One 三 (DREI) san1 +
+ + + bank form of numeral 'three' Cocoon 叁 (KOMPLIZIERTE_DREI) san1 +
+ 毿 + + long feathers / scraggy Hair 参 (TEILNEHMEN) san1 +
+ + + umbrella, parasol, parachute Man 个 (INDIVIDUELL) san3 +
+ + + fried round cakes of wheat flour Food 散 (SICH_TRENNEN) san3 +
+ + + mulberry tree / surname Tree 桑 (MAULBEERBAUM) sang1 +
+ + + voice / throat Mouth 桑 (MAULBEERBAUM) sang3 +
+ + + to push over or push back 手, 扌 Hand1 桑 (MAULBEERBAUM) sang3 +
+ + + the stone base or plinth of a pillar Stone 桑 (MAULBEERBAUM) sang3 +
+ + + the forehead / to kowtow Head2 桑 (MAULBEERBAUM) sang3 +
+ + + draw, reel Silk 巢 sao1 +
+ + + to scratch 手, 扌 Hand1 蚤 (FLOH) sao1 +
+ + + harass, bother, annoy, disturb Horse 蚤 (FLOH) sao1 +
+ + + carp Fish 蚤 (FLOH) sao1 +
+ + + sister-in-law, elder brother's wife Woman 叟 (ALTER_MANN) sao3 +
+ + + sweep, clear away / exterminate 手, 扌 Hand1 彐 (SCHWEINESCHNAUZE) sao3 +
+ + + broom / to sweep, clear away Earth 帚 (BESEN) sao4 +
+ + + itch Illness 蚤 (FLOH) sao4 +
+ + + cesium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 色 (FARBE) se4 +
+ + + large stringed musical instrument / dignified, massive / sound of wind Jade se4 +
+ + + astringent / harsh / uneven, rough 水, 氵 Water 留 (BLEIBEN) se4 +
+ + + miserly, thrifty / stingy Mouth 啬 (GEIZIG) se4 +
+ + + farm, harvest grain / stingy Grain 啬 (GEIZIG) se4 +
+ + + forest / luxuriant vegetation Tree 林 (WALD) sen1 +
+ + + Buddhist priest, monk / san of Sanskrit sangha Man 曾 (SCHON_BEREITS) seng1 +
+ + + malignant deity / baleful, noxious / strike dead Fire 刍 (MÄHEN) sha1 +
+ + + kill, slaughter, murder / hurt Tree 杀 (TÖTEN) sha1 +
+ + + temple, shrine, monastary Knife 杀 (TÖTEN) sha1 +
+ + + moult 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 杀 (TÖTEN) sha1 +
+ + + sand / pebbles, gravel / gritty Stone 少 (WENIG) sha1 +
+ + + gauze, thin silk / yarn, thread Silk 少 (WENIG) sha1 +
+ + + sand, gravel, pebbles / granulated 水, 氵 Water 沙 (SAND) sha1 +
+ + + cholera / colic Illness 沙 (SAND) sha1 +
+ + + a cassock or robe of a monk Clothes 沙 (SAND) sha1 +
+ + + shark Fish 沙 (SAND) sha1 +
+ + + what? Mouth 舍 (HÜTTE) sha2 +
+ + + foolish, silly, stupid / an imbecile Man 囟 (SCHÄDEL) sha3 +
+ + + speaking evil. gobbling sound made by ducks Mouth 妾 (KONKUBINE) sha4 +
+ + + light rain, drizzle / an instant / passing Rain 妾 (KONKUBINE) sha4 +
+ + + smear one's mouth with blood of a victim when taking an oath Breathe 臿 (ENTHÜLSEN) sha4 +
+ + + sieve, filter, screen / sift Bamboo 师 (OBERKOMMANDIERENDER) shai1 +
+ + + dry in sun, expose to sun 西 Sun 西 (WESTEN) shai4 +
+ + + stir up, incite, agitate, provoke Fire 扇 (VENTILATOR) shan1 +
+ + + coral Jade 册 (BUCHBAND) shan1 +
+ + + to cut / delete Knife 册 (BUCHBAND) shan1 +
+ + + slander / ridicule / proceed slowly Woman 册 (BUCHBAND) shan1 +
+ + + stagger, limp Foot 册 (BUCHBAND) shan1 +
+ + + various species of pine and fir Tree 杉 shan1 +
+ + + shirt / robe / gown / jacket Clothes 杉 (LINIEN_HAARE) shan1 +
+ + + samarium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) shan1 +
+ + + a boundary, a limit Earth 延 (VERLÄNGERN) shan1 +
+ + + mountain, hill, peak Mountain 山 (BERG) shan1 +
+ + + sampan Boat 山 (BERG) shan1 +
+ + + mow, cut / weed out / scythe 艸, 艹 Grass 殳 shan1 +
+ + + a rank odor / a technical term from Chinese medicine for the center of the chest 擅/亶 Flesh 擅/亶 (OBS_SOLIDE) shan1 +
+ + + weep / tears flowing 水, 氵 Water 林 (WALD) shan1 +
+ + + mountain pass / Shanxi province 阜, 阝 Mount Shan3 +
+ + + flash / avoid, dodge, evade Door 闪 (MENSCH) shan3 +
+ + + geld, castrate Horse 扇 (VENTILATOR) shan4 +
+ + + support, aid / rich, elegant Shell 詹 (GESCHWÄTZIG) shan4 +
+ + + rush or straw matting 艸, 艹 Grass 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) shan4 +
+ + + basket for catching fish / bamboo / Swatow (Shantou) 水, 氵 Water 山 (BERG) shan4 +
+ + + abuse, slander / vilify / ridicule Words 山 (BERG) shan4 +
+ + + hernia, rupture Illness 山 (BERG) shan4 +
+ + + good, virtuous, charitable, kind Mouth 善 (WOHLTAT) shan4 +
+ + + meals, provisions, board Flesh 善 (WOHLTAT) shan4 +
+ + + repair, mend / rewrite, transcribe Silk 善 (WOHLTAT) shan4 +
+ + + district in Gansu during the Tang dynasty City 善 (WOHLTAT) shan4 +
+ + + type of earthworm Insect 善 (WOHLTAT) shan4 +
+ + + eel Fish 善 (WOHLTAT) shan4 +
+ + + monopolize / claim / arbitrarily / to dare 手, 扌 擅/亶 Hand1 擅/亶 (OBS_SOLIDE) shan4 +
+ + + succession to the throne 擅/亶 Woman 擅/亶 (OBS_SOLIDE) shan4 +
+ + + die young / national mourning Disintegration shang1 +
+ + + wine vessel / propose toast / feast Horn shang1 +
+ + + commerce, business, trade Mouth 商 (HANDEL) shang1 +
+ + + wet tilth Earth 商 (HANDEL) shang1 +
+ + + entropy Fire 商 (HANDEL) shang1 +
+ + + wound, injury / fall ill from Man 伤 (WUNDE*) shang1 +
+ + + reward, grant, bestow / appreciate Shell 尚 (WILDBIRNE) shang3 +
+ + + noon, midday / moment / unit land measurement equal to seven mou (755D 畝), or the area that can be sown in one day Sun 向 (RICHTUNG) shang3 +
+ + + variable unit of land measure Earth 向 (RICHTUNG) shang3 +
+ + + still, yet / even / fairly, rather Small 尚 (HOCHACHTUNG) shang4 +
+ + + the piece of leather used for soles on Chinese shoes / a patch Silk 尚 (HOCHACHTUNG) shang4 +
+ + + burn / bake / heat / roast Fire 尧 (EIN_LEGENDÄRER_KAISER) shao1 +
+ + + pointed tip of something long like a branch / rudder Tree 肖 (ÄHNELN) shao1 +
+ + + to select / to take / to carry 手, 扌 Hand1 肖 (ÄHNELN) shao1 +
+ + + basket, bucket Bamboo 肖 (ÄHNELN) shao1 +
+ + + stern of a vessel Boat 肖 (ÄHNELN) shao1 +
+ + + little, slightly / rather Grain 稍 (EIN_WENIG) shao1 +
+ + + music of the emperor Shun / beautiful Sound 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) shao2 +
+ + + spoon, ladle / unit of volume Wrap 勺 (PUNKT) shao2 +
+ + + handle of cup, ladle, spoon / name of a constellation Tree 勺 shao2 +
+ + + peony / water chestnuts 艸, 艹 Grass 勺 shao2 +
+ + + surname / various place names City 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) shao4 +
+ + + continue, carry on / join Silk 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) shao4 +
+ + + encourage / to excel / excellent Strength 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) shao4 +
+ + + whistle, blow whistle / chirp Mouth 肖 (ÄHNELN) shao4 +
+ + + driving rain / to sprinkle 水, 氵 Water 稍 (EIN_WENIG) shao4 +
+ + + a wild cat / 猞猁, a lynx Dog 舍 (HÜTTE) she1 +
+ + + extravagant, wasteful / exaggerate Big 者 (JEMAND_DER) she1 +
+ + + buy and sell on credit, distant Shell 佘 (VERSAMMELN) she1 +
+ + + to cultivate land by first setting fire to it Field 佘 (VERSAMMELN) she1 +
+ + + snake Insect 它 (ES) she2 +
+ + + tongue / clapper of bell / KangXi radical 135 Tongue 舌 (ZUNGE) she2 +
+ + + surname Man 佘 (VERSAMMELN) she2 +
+ + + musk deer 鹿 Deer 射 (SCHIESSEN) she4 +
+ + + ford stream, wade across 水, 氵 Water 步 (SCHRITT) she4 +
+ + + take in, absorb / act as deputy 手, 扌 Hand1 聂 (NIE4_flüstern) she4 +
+ + + afraid, scared, fearful 心, 忄 Heart 聂 (NIE4_flüstern) she4 +
+ + + river in Hubei province 水, 氵 Water 聂 (NIE4_flüstern) she4 +
+ + + god of the soil and altars to him / group of families / company, society 示, 礻 Revelation 土 (ERDE) she4 +
+ + + build / establish / display Words 殳 (SCHLAGEN) she4 +
+ + + forgive, remit, pardon Red 赦 (VERZEIHEN) she4 +
+ + + surname Cliff 车 (WAGEN) she4 +
+ + + shoot, eject, issue forth, emit Inch 射 (SCHIESSEN) she4 +
+ + + pregnant Woman 辰 (5.PERIODE) shen1 +
+ + + deep / depth / far / very, extreme 水, 氵 Water 探 (AF_TIEF) shen1 +
+ + + to state to a superior, report / extend / 9th terrestrial branch Field 申 (ERZÄHLEN_ERKLÄREN_AUSSPRECHEN) shen1 +
+ + + long / numerous / a marsh plant whose root is used for medicine 艸, 艹 Grass 辛 (BEISSEND) shen1 +
+ + + arsenic Stone 申 (ERZÄHLEN_ERKLÄREN_AUSSPRECHEN) shen1 +
+ + + groan, moan / recite with intonation Mouth 申 (ERZÄHLEN_ERKLÄREN_AUSSPRECHEN) shen1 +
+ + + extend, stretch out, open up / trust Man 申 (ERZÄHLEN_ERKLÄREN_AUSSPRECHEN) shen1 +
+ + + girdle / tie, bind / gentry Silk 申 (ERZÄHLEN_ERKLÄREN_AUSSPRECHEN) shen1 +
+ + + a grain of rice / rice gruel mixed with meat Rice 参 (TEILNEHMEN) shen1 +
+ + + inquire, question / numerous Words 先 (ZUERST) shen1 +
+ + + body / trunk, hull / rad. no. 158 Body 身 (KÖRPER_RUMPF) shen1 +
+ + + spirit, god, supernatural being 示, 礻 Revelation 申 (ERZÄHLEN_ERKLÄREN_AUSSPRECHEN) shen2 +
+ + + file of ten soldiers / mixed, miscellaneous Man 十 (ZEHN) shen2 +
+ + + much more, still more / the gums Arrow 引 shen3 +
+ + + examine, investigate / judge Dwelling 审 (AUSFÜHRLICH) shen3 +
+ + + wife of father's younger brother Woman 审 (AUSFÜHRLICH) shen3 +
+ + + juice / liquid / water / to leak, pour 水, 氵 Water 审 (AUSFÜHRLICH) shen3 +
+ + + consult carefully with, counsel Words 念 (ERINNERN) shen3 +
+ + + smile, laugh at, sneer at / (Cant.) a final particle indicating doing something to the full extent possible 西 Mouth 西 shen3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎瀋;◎沈】 + + sink, submerge / addicted to / surname 水, 氵 Water shen3 +
+ + + marine monster which can change its shape / water spouts / clams Insect 辰 (5.PERIODE) shen4 +
+ + + kidneys / testes, gizzard Flesh 肾 (AF_HART) shen4 +
+ + + great extent / considerably Sweet 甚 (BETRÄCHTLICH) shen4 +
+ + + soak through, infiltrate 水, 氵 Water 参 (TEILNEHMEN) shen4 +
+ + + act with care, be cautious 心, 忄 Heart 真 (WIRKLICH) shen4 +
+ + + life, living, lifetime / birth Grow 生 (GEBOREN_SEIN) sheng1 +
+ + + sister's child Grow 生 (GEBOREN_SEIN) sheng1 +
+ + + sacrificial animal / animal Ox 生 (GEBOREN_SEIN) sheng1 +
+ + + small gourd-shaped musical instrument Bamboo 生 (GEBOREN_SEIN) sheng1 +
+ + + arise, go up / hoist / advance Ten 升 (AUFSTEIGEN) sheng1 +
+ + + sound, voice, noise / tone / music Scholar 声 (KLANG) sheng1 +
+ + + rope, string, cord / control Silk 黾 (FROSCH) sheng2 +
+ + + disease of the eyes / crime, fault Eye 生 (GEBOREN_SEIN) sheng3 +
+ + + province / save, economize Eye 少 (WENIG) sheng3 +
+ + + leftovers, residue, remains Knife 乘 (FAHREN) sheng4 +
+ + + district in Shaohsing, Chekiang Mountain sheng4 +
+ + + holy, sacred Earth 圣 (HEILIG) sheng4 +
+ + + victory / excel, be better than Flesh 生 (GEBOREN_SEIN) sheng4 +
+ + + clear, bright / splendor, brightness Sun 成 (VOLLENDEN) sheng4 +
+ + + teacher, master, specialist Cloth 师 (OBERKOMMANDIERENDER) shi1 +
+ + + lion Dog 师 (OBERKOMMANDIERENDER) shi1 +
+ + + louse / bug / parasite Insect 虱 (LAUS) shi1 +
+ + + cat fish Fish 虱 (LAUS) shi1 +
+ + + milfoil, plant used in divination 艸, 艹 Grass 耆 (SECHZIGJÄHRIG) shi1 +
+ + + lose / make mistake, neglect Big 失 (VERLIEREN) shi1 +
湿 + + + wet, moist, humid, damp / illness 水, 氵 Water 显 (SICHTBAR) shi1 +
+ + + poetry / poem, verse, ode Words 寺 (TEMPEL) shi1 +
+ + + grant, bestow / give / act / name Square 也 (AUCH) shi1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎屍;◎尸】 + + corpse / to impersonate the dead / to preside / KangXi radical 44 Corpse 尸 (LEICHE) shi1 +
+ + + strain Wine Jug 丽 (SCHÖN ) shi1 +
+ + + nibble away / erode / eclipse Insect 虫 (INSEKT) shi2 +
+ + + eat / meal / food / KangXi radical number 184 Food 食 (ESSEN_MAHLZEIT) shi2 +
+ + + a kind of china Fire 石 (STEIN) shi2 +
+ + + time, season / era, age, period Sun 时 (ZEIT) shi2 +
+ + + roost Earth 时 (ZEIT) shi2 +
+ + + reeves' shad / hilsa herring Fish 时 (ZEIT) shi2 +
+ + + recognize, understand, know Words 只 (NUR) shi2 +
+ + + ten, tenth / complete / perfect Ten 十 (ZEHN) shi2 +
+ + + pick up, collect, tidy up / accounting form of the numeral ten 手, 扌 Hand1 合 (SCHLIESSEN) shi2 +
+ + + real, true / honest, sincere Dwelling 头 (HAUPT) shi2 +
+ + + history, chronicle, annals Mouth 史 (GESCHICHTE) shi3 +
+ + + sail, drive, pilot / fast, quick Horse 史 (GESCHICHTE) shi3 +
使 + 使 + + cause, send on a mission, order / envoy, messenger, ambassador Man 吏 shi3 +
+ + + begin, start / then, only then Woman 台 (PLATTFORM) shi3 +
+ + + excrement, shit, dung Corpse 米 (REIS) shi3 +
+ + + a pig, boar / KangXi radical 152 Pig 豕 (SCHWEIN) shi3 +
+ + + arrow, dart / vow, swear Arrow 矢 (PFEIL) shi3 +
+ + + generation / world / era One 世 (WELT ) shi4 +
+ + + borrow / pardon / loan Shell 世 (WELT ) shi4 +
+ + + be fond of, have weakness for Mouth 耆 (SECHZIGJÄHRIG) shi4 +
+ + + to confer posthumous titles Words 益 (VORTEIL) shi4 +
+ + + divination with stalks of plants / divining rod Bamboo 筮 (ORAKEL) shi4 +
+ + + bite / gnaw / snap at Mouth 筮 (ORAKEL) shi4 +
+ + + transplant / plant / dill, Anethum graveolens 艸, 艹 Grass 时 (ZEIT) shi4 +
+ + + affair, matter, business / to serve / accident, incident Downstroke 事 (ANGELEGENHEIT) shi4 +
+ + + market, fair / city, town / trade Cloth 市 (MARKT) shi4 +
+ + + persimmon Tree 市 (MARKT) shi4 +
+ + + cerium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 市 (MARKT) shi4 +
+ + + indeed, yes, right / to be / demonstrative pronoun, this, that Sun 是 (IST) shi4 +
+ + + look at, inspect, observe, see 示, 礻 Revelation 见 (SEHEN) shi4 +
+ + + interprete, elucidate / release Footprint 译 (V_C_AUGE_ÜBER_VERBRECHER) shi4 +
+ + + serve, attend upon / attendant, servant / samurai Man 寺 (TEMPEL) shi4 +
+ + + rely on, presume on, trust to 心, 忄 Heart 寺 (TEMPEL) shi4 +
+ + + go, reach / appropriate, suitable 辵, 辶 Proceed 舌 (ZUNGE) shi4 +
+ + + style, system, formula, rule Dart 式 (ARBEIT) shi4 +
+ + + wipe away stains with cloth 手, 扌 Hand1 式 shi4 +
+ + + swear, pledge / oath Words 折 (BRECHEN) shi4 +
+ + + test, try, experiment Words 式 (TYP_STIL_ART) shi4 +
+ + + room, home, house, chamber Dwelling 至 (BIS) shi4 +
+ + + pass away / die 辵, 辶 Proceed 折 (BRECHEN) shi4 +
+ + + to kill one's superior Dart 式 shi4 +
+ + + horizontal wooden bar in front Cart 式 shi4 +
+ + + clan, family / mister Clan 氏 (DES_NAMENS) shi4 +
+ + + lick with tongue Tongue shi4 +
+ + + scholar, gentleman / soldier Scholar 士 (GELEHRTER) shi4 +
+ + + official / serve government Man 仕 (GELEHRTER) shi4 +
+ + + poison / sting / poisonous insect Insect 赦 (VERZEIHEN) shi4 +
+ + + show, manifest / demonstrate 示, 礻 Revelation 示 (OFFENBAREN) shi4 +
+ + + decorate, ornament, adorn Food 巾 (TUCH) shi4 +
+ + + power, force / tendency Strength 执 (HALTEN) shi4 +
+ + + gather together, collect / harvest Tap 叫 (C_HAKEN) shou1 +
+ + + Boat 首 (KOPF) shou3 +
+ + + defend, protect, guard, conserve Dwelling 守 (VERTEIDIGEN) shou3 +
+ + + hand 手, 扌 Hand1 手 (HAND) shou3 +
+ + + head / first / leader, chief / a poem Head1 首 (KOPF) shou3 +
+ + + receive, accept, get / bear, stand Hand2 受 (BEKOMMEN) shou4 +
+ + + give to, transmit / confer 手, 扌 Hand1 受 (BEKOMMEN) shou4 +
+ + + silk ribbon attached as a seal Silk 受 (BEKOMMEN) shou4 +
+ + + thin, emaciated, lean / meager Illness 叟 (ALTER_MANN) shou4 +
+ + + beast, animal / bestial Eight 兽 (EINZELN) shou4 +
+ + + sell Mouth 隹 (KF_VOGEL) shou4 +
+ + + winter hunting / imperial tour Dog 守 (VERTEIDIGEN) shou4 +
寿 + + + old age, long life / lifespan 寿 Inch 寿 (LANGES_LEBEN) shou4 +
+ + + transport, carry, haul Cart 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) shu1 +
+ + + Hair 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) shu1 +
+ + + door hinge / pivot / center of power Tree 区 (REGION) shu1 +
+ + + father's younger brother Hand2 叔 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER_DES_VATERS) shu1 +
+ + + good, pure, virtuous, charming 水, 氵 Water 叔 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER_DES_VATERS) shu1 +
+ + + beans and peas, collectively 艸, 艹 Grass 叔 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER_DES_VATERS) shu1 +
+ + + roll, bolt of cloth / foot Roll shu1 +
+ + + different, special, unusual Disintegration 朱 (ZINNOBER) shu1 +
+ + + a beautiful girl Woman shu1 +
+ + + spread, disperse / vent, set forth 手, 扌 Hand1 虑 (NACHDENKEN) shu1 +
+ + + express / eliminate / relieve 手, 扌 Hand1 予 (GEWÄHREN) shu1 +
+ + + open up, unfold, stretch out / comfortable, easy Tongue 予 (GEWÄHREN) shu1 +
+ + + loosen, relax, relieve / extricate Silk 予 (GEWÄHREN) shu1 +
+ + + comb / brush Tree 琉 (NEUGEBORENES_HAAR) shu1 +
+ + + neglect / careless, lax Roll 疏 (SPÄRLICH) shu1 +
+ + + vegetables, greens 艸, 艹 Grass 疏 (SPÄRLICH) shu1 +
+ + + name of old weapon / kill / rad. 79 Strike shu1 +
+ + + hastily, suddenly, abruptly Man 修 (REPARIEREN) shu1 +
+ + + book, letter, document / writings Bent 书 (BUCH) shu1 +
+ + + glutinous variety of millet Grain 术 (KUNST) shu2 +
+ + + buy, redeem / ransome / atone for Shell 卖 (VERKAUFEN) shu2 +
+ + + who? which? what? which one? Child 孰 (WER_WELCHES_WAS)(WER_WELCHES_WAS) shu2 +
+ + + village school / private tutorage Earth 孰 (WER_WELCHES_WAS)(WER_WELCHES_WAS) shu2 +
+ + + name of an ancient state Insect 蜀 (SHU_SEIDENWURM) Shu3 +
+ + + class, category, type / belong to Corpse 属 (KATEGORIE) shu3 +
+ + + glutinous millet / KangXi radical number 202 Millet 禾 (GETREIDE) shu3 +
+ + + hot Sun 者 (JEMAND_DER) shu3 +
+ + + public office Net 署 (AMT) shu3 +
+ + + yam, tuber, potato 艸, 艹 Grass 署 (AMT) shu3 +
+ + + bright, light of rising sun Sun 署 (AMT) shu3 +
+ + + rat, mouse / KangXi radical 208 Rat 臼 (MÖRSER) shu3 +
+ + + art, skill, special feat / method, technique Tree 术 (KUNST) shu4 +
+ + + narrate, state, express 辵, 辶 Proceed 术 (KUNST) shu4 +
+ + + river in Shantung 水, 氵 Water 术 (KUNST) shu4 +
+ + + insertion point in acupuncture / acupoint Flesh 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) shu4 +
+ + + bind, control, restrain / bale Tree 束 (BÜNDEL) shu4 +
+ + + gargle, rinse / wash, scour 水, 氵 Water 敕 (KAISERLICHER_BEFEHL) shu4 +
+ + + tree / plant / set up, establish Tree 对 (KORREKT) shu4 +
+ + + perpendicular, vertical / erect Stand 肾 (AF_HART) shu4 +
+ + + villa, country house Earth 野 (FREILAND) shu4 +
+ + + forgive, excuse, show mercy 心, 忄 Heart 如 (WIE) shu4 +
+ + + defend borders, guard frontiers Halberd 戍 shu4 +
+ + + numerous, various / multitude 广 Shelter 庶 (ZAHLREICH) shu4 +
+ + + timely rain, life-giving rain 水, 氵 Water 澍 (SHU4_NAME) shu4 +
+ + + brush / clean with brush, scrub Knife 刷 (BÜRSTEN) shua1 +
+ + + swish, rustle Mouth 刷 (BÜRSTEN) shua1 +
+ + + frolic, play, amuse, play with Beard 而 (UND) shua3 +
+ + + fall ground, stumble, trip 手, 扌 Hand1 率 (RATE) shuai1 +
+ + + decline, falter, decrease / weaken Clothes 衰 (VERFALLEN) shuai1 +
+ + + throw away, discard Use 甩 (ETW._HIN_U._HER_SCHWINGEN) shuai3 +
+ + + cricket Insect 率 (RATE) shuai4 +
+ + + commander, commander-in-chief Cloth 巾 (TUCH) shuai4 +
+ + + bolt, latch, crossbar Door 一 (EINS) shuan1 +
+ + + wooden peg, post or stick Tree 全 (GANZ) shuan1 +
+ + + bind with rope, fasten 手, 扌 Hand1 全 (GANZ) shuan1 +
+ + + rinse / cook or boil in juice 水, 氵 Water 刷 (BÜRSTEN) shuan4 +
+ + + frost / crystallized / candied Rain 霜 (FROST) shuang1 +
+ + + widow Woman 霜 (FROST) shuang1 +
+ + + set of two, pair, couple / both Hand2 又 (WIEDER) shuang1 +
+ + + happy, cheerful / refreshing Intertwine 大 (GROSS) shuang3 +
+ + + who? whom? whose? anyone? Words 隹 (KF_VOGEL) shui2 +
+ + + water, liquid, lotion, juice 水, 氵 Water 水 (WASSER) shui3 +
+ + + sleep, doze Eye 垂 (HERABHÄNGEN) shui4 +
+ + + taxes Grain 兑 (UMTAUSCHEN) shui4 +
+ + + suck with mouth, sip, lick Mouth 允 (ERLAUBEN) shun3 +
+ + + legendary ruler Opposition 舜 (SHUN) Shun4 +
+ + + wink, blink / in a wink, a flash Eye 舜 (SHUN) shun4 +
+ + + obey, submit to, go along with Head2 川 (FLUSS) shun4 +
+ + + speak, say, talk / scold, upbraid Words 兑 (UMTAUSCHEN) shuo1 +
+ + + great, eminent / large, big Stone 石 (STEIN) shuo4 +
+ + + shine, glitter, sparkle Fire 乐 (FRÖHLICH) shuo4 +
+ + + melt, smelt / shine 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 乐 (FRÖHLICH) shuo4 +
+ + + act as go-between Woman 勺 shuo4 +
+ + + first day of lunar month / the north Moon 朔 (NEUMOND) shuo4 +
+ + + seed (capsule) 艸, 艹 Grass 朔 (NEUMOND) shuo4 +
+ + + to daub / to thrust 手, 扌 Hand1 朔 (NEUMOND) shuo4 +
+ + + spear, lance Tree 朔 (NEUMOND) shuo4 +
+ + + kind of snail with spiral shell Insect 师 (OBERKOMMANDIERENDER) si1 +
+ + + silk / fine thread / wire / strings One 丝 (SEIDE ) si1 +
+ + + hiss / call to come / syllable Mouth 丝 (SEIDE ) si1 +
+ + + private, secret / KangXi radical 28 Cocoon 厶 (PRIVAT) si1 +
+ + + private, personal / secret Grain 厶 (PRIVAT) si1 +
+ + + this, thus, such / to lop off / emphatic particle Axe 斯 (AUF_DIESE_WEISE) si1 +
+ + + rip, tear / buy cloth 手, 扌 Hand1 斯 (AUF_DIESE_WEISE) si1 +
+ + + neighing of a horse / gravel voiced, husky throated / (Cant.) to hiccough Mouth 斯 (AUF_DIESE_WEISE) si1 +
+ + + servant / to make a disturbance Cliff 斯 (AUF_DIESE_WEISE) si1 +
+ + + to exhaust / to drain dry 水, 氵 Water 斯 (AUF_DIESE_WEISE) si1 +
+ + + think, consider, ponder / final particle 心, 忄 Heart 思 (DENKEN) si1 +
+ + + coarse cotton cloth used for mourning Silk 思 (DENKEN) si1 +
+ + + strontium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 思 (DENKEN) si1 +
+ + + take charge of, control, manage / officer Mouth 司 (FÜHREN) si1 +
+ + + die / dead / death Disintegration 死 (LÖFFEL) si3 +
+ + + spade-shaped tool / plow Plow 耜 (PFLUG) si4 +
+ + + resemble, similar to / as if, seem Man 以 (MITTELS) si4 +
+ + + wife of elder brother Woman 以 (MITTELS) si4 +
+ + + indulge / excess / numeral four / particle meaning now, therefore / shop Stylus 镸 (SCHREIBFEDER) si4 +
+ + + astatine Stone 艾 (BEIFUSS) si4 +
+ + + wait for, wait until, as soon as Man 矣 (ENDE_PARTIKEL) si4 +
+ + + court, office / temple, monastery Inch 寺 (TEMPEL) si4 +
+ + + four Enclosure 四 (KINDERBEINE) si4 +
+ + + a female rhinoceros Legs 凹 (KONKAV) si4 +
+ + + mucous / nasal flow / sniffle / river in Shandong 水, 氵 Water 四 si4 +
+ + + team of four horses / horses Horse 四 si4 +
+ + + to connect, inherit / descendants, heirs Mouth 司 (FÜHREN) si4 +
+ + + raise animals / feed / nourish Food 司 (FÜHREN) si4 +
+ + + a hamper, wicker basket Bamboo 司 (FÜHREN) si4 +
+ + + the hours from 9 to 11 / 6th terrestrial branch Self 巳 (6.PERIODE) si4 +
+ + + a stream which leaves the main branch then later returns 水, 氵 Water 巳 (6.PERIODE) si4 +
+ + + to sacrifice, worship 示, 礻 Revelation 巳 (6.PERIODE) si4 +
+ + + pine tree / fir tree Tree 松 (PINIE) song1 +
+ + + dewdrop / icicle Ice 松 (PINIE) song1 +
+ + + celery, cabbage 艸, 艹 Grass 松 (PINIE) song1 +
+ + + high mountain / lofty, eminent Mountain 松 (PINIE) song1 +
+ + + name of a river in Jiangsu 水, 氵 Water 松 (PINIE) song1 +
+ + + high, lofty / one of the 5 peaks, situated in Hunan Mountain 高 (HOCH) song1 +
+ + + afraid, scared, frightened 心, 忄 Heart 束 (BÜNDEL) song3 +
+ + + revere, respect, be in awe of Stand 束 (BÜNDEL) song3 +
+ + + urge on / rise up / stir, excite Ear 从 (VON) song3 +
+ + + instigate, arouse, incite 心, 忄 Heart 从 (VON) song3 +
+ + + laud, acclaim / hymn / ode Head2 公 (ÖFFENTLICH) song4 +
+ + + accuse / argue, dispute / litigate Words 公 (ÖFFENTLICH) song4 +
+ + + recite, chant, repeat Words 甬 (PFAD) song4 +
+ + + Song dynasty / surname Dwelling 木 Song4 +
+ + + see off, send off / dispatch, give 辵, 辶 Proceed 关 (SCHLIESSEN) song4 +
+ + + search, seek / investigate 手, 扌 Hand1 叟 (ALTER_MANN) sou1 +
+ + + counter for ships, vessels Boat 叟 (ALTER_MANN) sou1 +
+ + + whizzing sound Mouth 叟 (ALTER_MANN) sou1 +
+ 餿 + + spoiled, rotten, stale, rancid Food 叟 (ALTER_MANN) sou1 +
+ + + urinate / soak, drench 水, 氵 Water 叟 (ALTER_MANN) sou1 +
+ + + sound of wind / blow chilly Wind 叟 (ALTER_MANN) sou1 +
+ + + carve 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 叟 (ALTER_MANN) sou1 +
+ + + spider millipede Insect 叟 (ALTER_MANN) sou1 +
+ + + old man / elder Hand2 叟 (ALTER_MANN) sou3 +
+ + + blind / no pupil in the eye Eye 叟 (ALTER_MANN) sou3 +
+ + + shake, tremble, quake / flutter 手, 扌 Hand1 sou3 +
+ + + marsh, swamp / wild country 艸, 艹 Grass sou3 +
+ + + to set a dog on / incite, instigate Mouth 族 (VOLKSGRUPPE) sou3 +
+ + + butter / flaky, crispy, light, fluffy Wine Jug 禾 (GETREIDE) su1 +
+ + + revive, to rise again / collect Grain 禾 (GETREIDE) su1 +
+ + + revive, resurrect / a species of thyme / transliteration of 'Soviet' 艸, 艹 Grass 办 (HANDELN) Su1 +
+ + + social customs / vulgar, unrefined Man 谷 (TAL) su2 +
+ + + quick, prompt, speedy 辵, 辶 Proceed 束 (BÜNDEL) su4 +
+ + + river in Shansi province 水, 氵 Water 束 (BÜNDEL) su4 +
+ + + to start, tremble with fear Horn 束 (BÜNDEL) su4 +
+ + + vegetables 艸, 艹 Grass 敕 (KAISERLICHER_BEFEHL) su4 +
+ + + (of flower petals) falling Bamboo 欶 (LUFT_EINSAUGEN) su4 +
+ + + unhusked millet / grain Rice 粟 (GETREIDEKORN) su4 +
+ + + minority name Man 粟 (GETREIDEKORN) su4 +
+ + + white (silk) / plain / vegetarian / formerly / normally Silk 素 (VEGETARIER) su4 +
+ + + bird's crop / wine pot Mouth 素 (VEGETARIER) su4 +
+ + + guileless, sincere, honest 心, 忄 Heart 素 (VEGETARIER) su4 +
+ + + pay respects / reverently Stylus 肃 (EHRERBIETIG) su4 +
+ + + early in morning, dawn / previous Evening su4 +
+ + + rise up / raise up Words 谡 (HOCH_STEIGEN) su4 +
+ + + accuse / sue / inform / narrate Words 斥 (TADELN) su4 +
+ + + model in clay, sculpt / plastics Earth 朔 (NEUMOND) su4 +
+ + + go upstream, go against current / formerly 水, 氵 Water 朔 (NEUMOND) su4 +
+ + + tart, sour / acid / stiff / spoiled Wine Jug 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) suan1 +
+ + + a fabulous beast Dog 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) suan1 +
+ + + count, calculate, figure / plan Bamboo 算 (RECHNEN) suan4 +
+ + + garlic 艸, 艹 Grass 示 (OFFENBAREN) suan4 +
+ + + although, even if Insect 虽 (OBWOHL) sui1 +
+ + + gaze at, stare at / uninhibited Eye 睢 (BEOBACHTEN) sui1 +
+ + + name of a river, flowing from Anhui to Jiangsu 水, 氵 Water 睢 (BEOBACHTEN) sui1 +
+ + + evil look of deep-set eyes Eye 圭 (JADETABLETT) sui1 +
+ + + coriander 艸, 艹 Grass 妥 (ANGEMESSEN) sui1 +
+ + + Sui dynasty / surname 阜, 阝 Mount 隋 (SUI) sui2 +
+ + + follow, listen to, submit to 阜, 阝 Mount 有 (HABEN) sui2 +
+ + + soothe, appease, pacify Silk 妥 (ANGEMESSEN) sui2 +
+ + + bone marrow / essences, substances Bones 惰 (LINKS_FLEISCH) sui3 +
+ + + ear of grain / tassel / Guangzhou Grain 惠 (GUNST) sui4 +
+ + + year / age / harvest Mountain 岁 (LEBENSJAHR) sui4 +
+ + + break, smash / broken, busted Stone 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) sui4 +
+ + + speak ill of, vilify / berate Words 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) sui4 +
+ + + comply with, follow along / thereupon 辵, 辶 Proceed 遂 (ZUFRIEDENSTELLEN) sui4 +
+ + + tunnel, underground passageway, path to a tomb 阜, 阝 Mount 遂 (ZUFRIEDENSTELLEN) sui4 +
+ + + profound, detailed / deep 辵, 辶 Proceed 遂 (ZUFRIEDENSTELLEN) sui4 +
+ + + flintstone / beacon, signal fire / torch Fire 遂 (ZUFRIEDENSTELLEN) sui4 +
+ + + evil spirit / evil influence 示, 礻 Revelation 示 (OFFENBAREN) sui4 +
+ + + evening meal, supper / cooked food Food 食 (ESSEN_MAHLZEIT) sun1 +
+ + + grandchild, descendent / surname Child 孙 (ENKEL) sun1 +
+ + + aromatic grass / iris, flower 艸, 艹 Grass 孙 (ENKEL) sun1 +
+ + + monkey Dog 孙 (ENKEL) sun1 +
+ + + bamboo shoots Bamboo 尹 (REGIEREN) sun3 +
+ + + aquiline (nose) / a falcon Bird2 隼 (FALKE) sun3 +
+ + + mortise and tenon / fit into Tree 隼 (FALKE) sun3 +
+ + + diminish / impair / injure 手, 扌 Hand1 员 (MITGLIED) sun3 +
+ + + suck Mouth 索 (TAU) suo1 +
+ + + contract, draw in, reduce 宿 Silk 宿 (ÜBERNACHTEN) suo1 +
+ + + weaver's shuttle / go to and fro Tree 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) suo1 +
+ + + make mischief, incite, instigate Mouth 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) suo1 +
+ + + Eye 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) suo1 +
+ + + carboxyl group Sheep 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) suo1 +
+ + + rain coat made of straw, coir, etc. 艸, 艹 Grass 衰 (VERFALLEN) suo1 +
+ + + dance, frolic / lounge / saunter Woman 沙 (SAND) suo1 +
+ + + horse chestnut Tree 沙 (SAND) suo1 +
+ + + Mouth 朔 (NEUMOND) suo1 +
+ + + large rope, cable / rules, laws / to demand, to exact / to search, inquire / isolated Silk 索 (TAU) suo3 +
+ + + flute-like musical instrument Mouth 唢 (AF_TRIVIAL) suo3 +
+ + + trifling, petty / troublesome Jade 唢 (AF_TRIVIAL) suo3 +
+ + + lock, padlock / shackles, chains 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 唢 (AF_TRIVIAL) suo3 +
+ + + place, location / numerary adjunct Doorleaf 斤 (PFUND) suo3 +
+ + + it / other Dwelling 它 (ES) ta1 +
+ + + thallium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 它 (ES) ta1 +
+ + + fall in ruins, collapse Earth 塌 (SCHNELL_FLIEGEN) ta1 +
+ + + wet 水, 氵 Water 塌 (SCHNELL_FLIEGEN) ta1 +
+ + + careless, negligent, slipshod 辵, 辶 Proceed 塌 (SCHNELL_FLIEGEN) ta1 +
趿 + 趿 + + to tread on / slipshod Foot 及 ta1 +
+ + + other, another / he, she, it Man 也 (AUCH) ta1 +
+ + + she, her Woman 也 (AUCH) ta1 +
+ + + otter Dog 赖 (VERLASSEN_AUF) ta3 +
+ + + tower, spire, tall building Earth 塔 (OBS_PFLANZENART) ta3 +
+ + + sole Fish 塌 (SCHNELL_FLIEGEN) ta3 +
+ + + flog, whip / chastise 手, 扌 Hand1 达 (ERREICHEN) ta4 +
+ + + door / gate Door 达 (ERREICHEN) ta4 +
+ + + step on, tread on / stumble, slip Foot 塌 (SCHNELL_FLIEGEN) ta4 +
+ + + cot, couch, bed Tree 塌 (SCHNELL_FLIEGEN) ta4 +
+ + + step on, trample, tread on, walk Foot 沓 (WIEDERHOLT) ta4 +
+ + + unborn child, embryo, fetus Flesh 台 (PLATTFORM) tai1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎臺;◎檯;◎颱;◎台】 + + platform / unit / term of address Mouth 台 (PLATTFORM) tai2 +
+ + + an old, tired horse, a jade / tired, exhausted Horse 台 (PLATTFORM) tai2 +
+ + + moss, lichen 艸, 艹 Grass 台 (PLATTFORM) tai2 +
+ + + lift, carry 手, 扌 Hand1 台 (PLATTFORM) tai2 +
+ + + surname / state in modern Shanxi City 台 (PLATTFORM) tai2 +
+ + + soot Fire 台 (PLATTFORM) tai2 +
+ + + trample Foot 台 (PLATTFORM) tai2 +
+ + + globefish, tetraodon Fish 台 (PLATTFORM) tai2 +
+ + + cyperus rotundus, type of sedge 艸, 艹 Grass 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) tai2 +
+ + + great, exalted, superior / big 水, 氵 Water 泰 (FRIEDEN) tai4 +
+ + + very, too, much / big / extreme Big 丶 (PUNKT) tai4 +
+ + + phthalein Wine Jug tai4 +
+ + + manner, bearing, attitude 心, 忄 Heart 太 (ÄUSSERST) tai4 +
+ + + excessive / scour, wash out 水, 氵 Water 太 (ÄUSSERST) tai4 +
+ + + a chemical compound Flesh tai4 +
+ + + titanium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) tai4 +
+ + + collapse / landslide Earth 丹 (ROToderPILLE ) tan1 +
+ + + spread out, open / apportion 手, 扌 Hand1 难 (SCHWIERIG) tan1 +
+ + + paralysis, palsy, numbness Illness 难 (SCHWIERIG) tan1 +
+ + + bank, a sandbar, shoal / rapids 水, 氵 Water 难 (SCHWIERIG) tan1 +
+ + + be greedy, covet / covetous Shell 今 (GEGENWART) tan1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎壇;◎罈】 + + altar / arena, examination hall Earth 云 (WOLKE) tan2 +
+ + + become cloudy, overcast Sun 云 (WOLKE) tan2 +
+ + + deep pool, lake / deep, profound 水, 氵 Water 覃 (VERBREITET) tan2 +
+ + + surname Words 覃 (VERBREITET) tan2 +
+ + + phlegm, mucus, spittle Illness 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) tan2 +
+ + + talk / conversation / surname Words 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) tan2 +
+ + + name of a small ancient principality which was situated in what is now part of Shantung and Kiangsu City 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) tan2 +
+ + + long spear 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) tan2 +
+ + + sandalwood, hardwood / surname 擅/亶 Tree 擅/亶 (OBS_SOLIDE) tan2 +
+ + + timorous / nervous 心, 忄 Heart 上 (OBEN) tan3 +
+ + + flat, smooth / self-possessed Earth 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) tan3 +
+ + + strip / lay bare / bared / naked Clothes 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) tan3 +
+ + + tantalum 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) tan3 +
+ + + rug, carpet, blanket Hair 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) tan3 +
+ + + find, locate / search, grope for 手, 扌 Hand1 探 (AF_TIEF) tan4 +
+ + + sigh, admire Mouth 又 (WIEDER) tan4 +
+ + + charcoal / coal / carbon Fire 炭 (HOLZKOHLE) tan4 +
+ + + carbon Stone 炭 (HOLZKOHLE) tan4 +
+ + + gong 金,钅 Gold (Metal) tang1 +
+ + + farm tool Plow 尚 (HOCHACHTUNG) tang1 +
+ + + Sheep tang1 +
+ + + hot water / soup, gravy, broth 水, 氵 Water 汤 (KFvAF_SONNE) tang1 +
+ + + Tang dynasty / Chinese Mouth 唐 (TANG_DYNASTIE) tang2 +
+ + + pond / tank / dike, embankment Earth 唐 (TANG_DYNASTIE) tang2 +
+ + + ward off, evade / parry / block 手, 扌 Hand1 唐 (TANG_DYNASTIE) tang2 +
+ + + sugar / candy / sweets Rice 唐 (TANG_DYNASTIE) tang2 +
+ + + pool / not hardened, semi-soft 水, 氵 Water 唐 (TANG_DYNASTIE) tang2 +
+ + + a kind of jade Jade 唐 (TANG_DYNASTIE) tang2 +
+ + + a kind of cicada Insect 唐 (TANG_DYNASTIE) tang2 +
+ + + carbohydrates Wine Jug 唐 (TANG_DYNASTIE) tang2 +
+ + + crab apple tree / wild plums Tree 棠 (WILDBIRNE) tang2 +
+ + + hall / government office Earth 堂 (HALLE) tang2 +
+ + + boring tool 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 堂 (HALLE) tang2 +
+ + + chest / hollow space, cavity Flesh 堂 (HALLE) tang2 +
+ + + Tree 堂 (HALLE) tang2 +
+ + + mantis Insect 堂 (HALLE) tang2 +
+ + + if, supposing, in event of Man 尚 (HOCHACHTUNG) tang3 +
+ + + a treasury / public funds Cloth 奴 (SKLAVE) tang3 +
+ + + lie down, recline Body 尚 (HOCHACHTUNG) tang3 +
+ + + trickle / flow down / drip 水, 氵 Water 尚 (HOCHACHTUNG) tang3 +
+ + + if Man 党 (PARTEI) tang3 +
+ + + scald, heat / wash / iron clothes Fire 汤 (KOCHENDES_WASSER) tang4 +
+ + + time, occasion / take journey Run 尚 (HOCHACHTUNG) tang4 +
+ + + overflow / rushing water, a torrent 水, 氵 Water 舀 (SCHÖPFKELLE) tao1 +
+ + + sheath, scabbard, bow case Leather 舀 (SCHÖPFKELLE) tao1 +
+ + + gluttonous, greedy, covetous Food 号 (ZEICHEN) tao1 +
+ + + take out / pull out / clean out 手, 扌 Hand1 匋 (AF_KERAMIK) tao1 +
+ + + silk cord, ribbon Silk 条 (STREIFEN) tao1 +
+ + + large waves 水, 氵 寿 Water 寿 (LANGES_LEBEN) tao1 +
+ + + peach / marriage / surname Tree 兆 (OMEN) tao2 +
+ + + escape, flee / abscond, dodge 辵, 辶 Proceed 兆 (OMEN) tao2 +
+ + + small revolving drum with knobs Drum 兆 tao2 +
+ + + cleanse / river in Gansu province 水, 氵 Water 兆 tao2 +
+ + + pottery, ceramics 阜, 阝 Mount 匋 (AF_KERAMIK) tao2 +
+ + + grapes 艸, 艹 Grass 匋 (AF_KERAMIK) tao2 +
+ + + wash in sieve / weed out 水, 氵 Water 匋 (AF_KERAMIK) tao2 +
+ + + wail Mouth 匋 (AF_KERAMIK) tao2 +
+ + + to discuss / ask for, beg / demand / dun / marry Words 寸 (INCH) tao3 +
+ + + case, cover, wrapper, envelope Big 大 (GROSS) tao4 +
+ + + do evil in secret / evil, vice 心, 忄 Heart 匿 (VERSTECKEN) te4 +
+ + + special, unique, distinguished Ox 寺 (TEMPEL) te4 +
+ + + fearful / nervous / timid 心, 忄 Heart 下 (UNTEN) te4 +
+ + + terbium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) te4 +
+ + + aches, pains / be fond of / love Illness 冬 (WINTER) teng2 +
+ + + copy, transcribe Words 券 (HÄNDE_ROLLEN_REIS) teng2 +
+ + + an ancient state in Shandong province / water bursting forth 水, 氵 Water 滕 (ÜBERSCHWEMMUNG) teng2 +
+ + + rattan, cane / creeper plant 艸, 艹 Grass 滕 (ÜBERSCHWEMMUNG) teng2 +
+ + + ladder, steps, stairs / lean Tree 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) ti1 +
+ + + antimony 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) ti1 +
+ + + pick out / scrape off / scrape meat Knife 易 (LEICHT) ti1 +
+ + + kick Foot 易 (LEICHT) ti1 +
+ + + pelican Bird1 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) ti2 +
+ + + hoof / leg of pork / little witch Foot 帝 (HÖCHSTES_WESEN) ti2 +
+ + + weep, whimper / howl, twitter Mouth 帝 (HÖCHSTES_WESEN) ti2 +
+ + + hold in hand / lift in hand 手, 扌 Hand1 是 (IST) ti2 +
+ + + forehead / title, headline / theme Head2 是 (IST) ti2 +
+ + + reddish color, red, brown Silk 是 (IST) ti2 +
+ + + essential oil of butter Wine Jug 是 (IST) ti2 +
+ + + body / group, class, body, unit / inferior Man 本 (WURZEL) ti3 +
+ + + drawer / tray / pad / screen Corpse 世 (WELT ) ti4 +
+ + + tear / snivel, nasal mucus 水, 氵 Water 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) ti4 +
+ + + shave Knife 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) ti4 +
+ + + brotherly, respectful 心, 忄 Heart 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) ti4 +
+ + + sneeze Mouth 嚏 (SCHNÄUZEN) ti4 +
+ + + change, replace, substitute for Say 替 (ERSETZEN) ti4 +
+ + + far, distant / keep at distance 辵, 辶 Proceed 狄 (DI2_NAME) ti4 +
+ + + be cautious, careful, alert 心, 忄 Heart 易 (LEICHT) ti4 +
+ + + to take off one's top / divest Clothes 易 (LEICHT) ti4 +
+ + + raise high / unrestrained Man 周 (UMKREIS) ti4 +
+ + + sky, heaven / god, celestial Big 天 (HIMMEL) tian1 +
+ + + append, add to / increase 水, 氵 Water 忝 (ENTEHRT) tian1 +
+ + + sweet, sweetness Sweet 甘 (SÜSS) tian2 +
+ + + field, arable land, cultivated Field 田 (REISFELD) tian2 +
+ + + till land, cultivate / hunt Field 田 (REISFELD) tian2 +
+ + + quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful 心, 忄 Heart 舌 (ZUNGE) tian2 +
+ + + fill in, fill up / make good Earth 真 (WIRKLICH) tian2 +
+ + + a place in Xinjiang province Door 真 (WIRKLICH) tian2 +
+ + + prosperous / good / protruding Flesh 典 (KANON) tian3 +
+ + + to end / to exterminate Disintegration 殄 (ZERSTÖREN) tian3 +
+ + + disgraced / ashamed / self-deprecating 心, 忄 Heart 忝 (ENTEHRT) tian3 +
+ + + lick with tongue / taste Tongue 忝 (ENTEHRT) tian3 +
+ + + to manipulate / a pricker for a lamp-wick 手, 扌 Hand1 忝 (ENTEHRT) tian4 +
+ + + frivolous / unsteady / delay Man 兆 tiao1 +
+ + + an ancestral hall 示, 礻 Revelation 兆 tiao1 +
+ + + far / distant 辵, 辶 Proceed 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) tiao2 +
+ + + a broom, a besom Bamboo 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) tiao2 +
+ + + lose baby teeth and get adult teeth 齿 Teeth 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) tiao2 +
+ + + children's hair style / a youngster Hairlocks 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) tiao2 +
+ + + cicada, broad locust Insect 周 (UMKREIS) tiao2 +
+ + + clause, condition / string, stripe Tree 条 (STREIFEN) tiao2 +
+ + + minnow Fish 条 (STREIFEN) tiao2 +
+ + + slender / quiet and modest, charming Cave 兆 tiao3 +
+ + + look at, gaze at, scan, survey Eye 兆 tiao4 +
+ + + jump, leap, vault, bounce / dance Foot 兆 (OMEN) tiao4 +
+ + + sell grains Rice tiao4 +
+ + + paste to, stick on / attached to Shell 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) tie1 +
+ + + C5H8 艸, 艹 Grass 帖 (EINLADUNG) tie1 +
+ + + iron / strong, solid, firm 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 失 (VERLIEREN) tie3 +
+ + + a legendary animal / a greedy person Food 殄 (ZERSTÖREN) tie4 +
+ + + hall, central room Cliff 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ting1 +
+ + + sandbar, beach, bank, shore 水, 氵 Water 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ting1 +
+ + + hydrocarbon Fire 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) ting1 +
+ + + hear / understand / obey, comply Mouth 斤 (PFUND) ting1 +
+ + + court Move on 廷 (HOF) ting2 +
+ + + courtyard / spacious hall or yard 广 Shelter 廷 (HOF) ting2 +
+ + + stalks of grasses, etc. 艸, 艹 Grass 廷 (HOF) ting2 +
+ + + dragonfly Insect 廷 (HOF) ting2 +
+ + + a sudden peal of thunder Rain 廷 (HOF) ting2 +
+ + + pavilion / erect Lid 亭 (PAVILLION) ting2 +
+ + + stop, suspend, delay / suitable Man 亭 (PAVILLION) ting2 +
+ + + Draba nemerosa bebe carpa 艸, 艹 Grass 亭 (PAVILLION) ting2 +
+ + + pretty / attractive / graceful Woman 亭 (PAVILLION) ting2 +
+ + + to stand upright, straighten / rigid 手, 扌 Hand1 廷 (HOF) ting3 +
+ + + small boat, dugout, punt Boat 廷 (HOF) ting3 +
+ + + used for sound Mouth 甬 (DURCHLAUFEN) tong1 +
+ + + a field / used in place names Earth 同 (IDENTISCH) tong2 +
+ + + name applied various trees Tree 同 (IDENTISCH) tong2 +
+ + + ketones Wine Jug 同 (IDENTISCH) tong2 +
+ + + copper, brass, bronze 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 同 (IDENTISCH) tong2 +
+ + + Chrysanthemum coronarium 艸, 艹 Grass 同 (IDENTISCH) tong2 +
+ + + child, boy, servant boy / virgin Stand 童 (KINDER) tong2 +
+ + + pupil of eye Eye 童 (KINDER) tong2 +
+ + + high, lofty / damp 水, 氵 Water 童 (KINDER) tong2 +
+ + + concrete Stone 仝 (V_GLEICH) tong2 +
+ + + a name Man 冬 (WINTER) tong2 +
+ + + same, similar / together with Mouth 同 (IDENTISCH) tong2 +
+ + + thick piece of bamboo / pipe Bamboo 同 (IDENTISCH) tong3 +
+ + + pail, bucket, tub / cask, keg Tree 甬 (PFAD) tong3 +
+ + + jab 手, 扌 Hand1 甬 (PFAD) tong3 +
+ + + govern, command, control / unite Silk 充 (FÜLLEN) tong3 +
+ + + sadness, grief / mourn / be moved 心, 忄 Heart 动 (BEWEGEN) tong4 +
+ + + pain, ache / sorry, sad / bitter Illness 甬 (PFAD) tong4 +
+ + + to steal, burglar, thief Man 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) tou1 +
+ + + throw, cast, fling, pitch / jump 手, 扌 Hand1 殳 (SCHLAGEN) tou2 +
+ + + die, dice Bones 殳 (SCHLAGEN) tou2 +
+ + + a wine flagon 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 斗 (KÄMPFEN) tou3 +
+ + + penetrate, pass through 辵, 辶 Proceed 秀 (VORTREFFLICH) tou4 +
+ 禿 + + bald Grain 几 (WIEVIELE) tu1 +
+ + + suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly Cave 犬 (HUND) tu1 +
+ + + protrude, bulge out, convex Pit 凸 (KONVEX) tu1 +
+ + + butcher, slaughter, massacre Corpse 者 (JEMAND_DER) tu2 +
+ + + disciple, follower / go on foot Foodstep 走 (GEHEN) tu2 +
+ + + diagram / chart, map, picture Enclosure 冬 (WINTER) tu2 +
+ + + way, road, path, journey / course 辵, 辶 Proceed 余 (ÜBRIG) tu2 +
+ + + surname / name of certain rivers 水, 氵 Water 余 (ÜBRIG) tu2 +
+ + + bitter vegetable 艸, 艹 Grass 余 (ÜBRIG) tu2 +
+ + + leaven, yeast / wine Wine Jug 余 (ÜBRIG) tu2 +
+ + + soil, earth / items made of earth Earth 土 (ERDE) tu3 +
+ + + thorium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 土 (ERDE) tu3 +
+ + + rabbit, hare Legs 兔 (HASE) tu4 +
+ + + Earth 兔 tu4 +
+ + + rapid water current, rapids 水, 氵 揣/耑 Water 揣/耑 (AF_EXTREM) tuan1 +
+ + + roll around with hand / model 手, 扌 Hand1 专 (SPEZIAL) tuan2 +
+ + + sphere, ball, circle / mass, lump Enclosure 才 (TALENT) tuan2 +
+ + + hamlet / area outside city Field 童 (KINDER) tuan3 +
+ + + a hog / a hedgehog / a porcupine Pig´s Snout 彖 (WILDSCHWEIN) tuan4 +
+ + + push, expel / push forward 手, 扌 Hand1 隹 (KF_VOGEL) tui1 +
+ + + ruined, decayed / disintegrate Head2 tui2 +
+ + + legs, thighs 退 Flesh 退 (ZURÜCKBEWEGEN) tui3 +
退 + 退 + + step back, retreat, withdraw 辵, 辶 退 Proceed 退 (ZURÜCKBEWEGEN) tui4 +
+ + + 退 Fire 退 (ZURÜCKBEWEGEN) tui4 +
+ + + molt Insect 兑 (UMTAUSCHEN) tui4 +
+ + + morning sun, sunrise Sun 敦 (EHRLICH_DUNHUANG) tun1 +
+ + + swallow / absorb, annex, engulf Mouth 天 (HIMMEL) tun1 +
+ + + village, hamlet / camp / station Sprout 屯 (EINLAGERN) tun2 +
+ + + small pig, suckling pig / suffle Pig 豕 (SCHWEIN) tun2 +
+ + + buttocks 殿 Flesh 殿 (HALLE) tun2 +
+ + + to float / to deep fry / (Cant.) to turn inside-out Enter 个 (INDIVIDUELL) tun3 +
+ + + to depend on, to entrust with 丿 Leftstroke 乇 (VON_ETWAS_ABHÄNGEN) tuo1 +
+ + + to hold up with palm / to support, rely on 手, 扌 Hand1 乇 (VON_ETWAS_ABHÄNGEN) tuo1 +
+ + + drag, tow, haul / delay, prolong 手, 扌 Hand1 拖 (V_ES) tuo1 +
+ + + take off Flesh 兑 (UMTAUSCHEN) tuo1 +
+ + + a sack, a bag opening at both ends Tree 橐 (TASCHE) tuo2 +
+ + + large tie-beams Tree 它 (ES) tuo2 +
+ + + ostrich Bird1 它 (ES) tuo2 +
+ + + steep bank, rough terrain 阜, 阝 Mount 它 (ES) tuo2 +
+ + + a camel / humpbacked / to carry on the back Horse 它 (ES) tuo2 +
+ + + other, he / surname / a load Man 它 (ES) tuo2 +
+ + + a lump, heap Earth 它 (ES) tuo2 +
+ + + rivers, streams, waterways / flow 水, 氵 Water 它 (ES) tuo2 +
+ + + a stone roller / a heavy stone, a weight, a plummet Stone 它 (ES) tuo2 +
+ + + flushed / rubicund Wine Jug 它 (ES) tuo2 +
+ + + carry on back Horse 大 (GROSS) tuo2 +
+ + + slip, stumble, falter / vacillate Foot 它 (ES) tuo2 +
+ + + large reptile, water lizard Turtle 田 (REISFELD) tuo2 +
+ + + float 水, 氵 Water 拖 (V_ES) tuo2 +
+ + + oval-shaped, elliptical, tubular Tree 堕 (FALLEN) tuo3 +
+ + + satisfactory, appropriate Woman 妥 (ANGEMESSEN) tuo3 +
+ + + the length of one's two outstretched arms 广 Shelter 庹 (ARMLÄNGE) tuo3 +
+ + + spit, spit on / saliva Mouth 垂 (HERABHÄNGEN) tuo4 +
+ + + bamboo sheath, bamboo shoots Bamboo 译 (V_C_AUGE_ÜBER_VERBRECHER) tuo4 +
+ + + watchman's rattle Tree 斥 (TADELN) tuo4 +
+ + + dig, dig out, gouge out, scoop 手, 扌 Hand1 乙 (2.HS) wa1 +
+ + + frog Insect 圭 (JADETABLETT) wa1 +
+ + + hollow / pit / depression / swamp 水, 氵 Water 圭 (JADETABLETT) wa1 +
+ + + a goddess, the mythological sister and successor to Fuxi Woman 呙 (REDEN) wa1 +
+ + + baby / doll / pretty girl Woman 圭 (JADETABLETT) wa2 +
+ + + the Va (Wa) nationality, living in Yunnan Man 瓦 (DACHZIEGEL) wa3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎襪;◎袜】 + + socks, stockings Clothes 末 (ENDE) wa4 +
+ + + fat Flesh 温 (HENKERSMAHL) wa4 +
+ + + slant / inclined / askewd, awry Stop 不 (NICHT) wai1 +
+ + + high, lofty / precipitous Mountain 威 (MÄCHTIG) wai3 +
+ + + out, outside, external / foreign Evening 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) wai4 +
+ + + peas Bean 宛 (BohneSCHEINEN_ALS_OB) wan1 +
+ + + cut, cut out, pick out, scoop out Knife wan1 +
+ + + creep, crawl Insect wan1 +
+ + + bend, curve Bow 弯 (KRUMM) wan1 +
+ + + bay, cove, inlet, bend of stream 水, 氵 Water 弯 (KRUMM) wan1 +
+ + + play with, joke, enjoy Jade 元 (URSPRUNG) wan2 +
+ + + obstinate, stubborn / recalcitrant Head2 元 (URSPRUNG) wan2 +
+ + + complete, finish, settle / whole Dwelling 完 (BEENDEN) wan2 +
+ + + alkane Fire 完 (BEENDEN) wan2 +
+ + + small round object / pellet, pill Dot 丸 (NEUN) wan2 +
+ + + 艸, 艹 Grass 丸 wan2 +
+ + + white silk, fine silk / gauze Silk 丸 wan2 +
+ + + smiling / a kind of aquatic herb, clubrush, Scirpus lacustris 艸, 艹 Grass 完 (BEENDEN) wan3 +
+ + + Anhui province White 完 (BEENDEN) Wan3 +
+ + + internal cavity of stomach Flesh 完 (BEENDEN) wan3 +
+ + + to string together, to bind up Silk 官 (BEAMTER) wan3 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎輓;◎挽】 + + pull / pull back, draw back 手, 扌 Hand1 免 (VERMEIDEN) wan3 +
+ + + night, evening / late Sun 免 (VERMEIDEN) wan3 +
+ + + seem, as if, crooked Dwelling wan3 +
+ + + bowl, small dish Stone 宛 (SCHEINEN_ALS_OB) wan3 +
+ + + regret, be sorry / alarmed 心, 忄 Heart 宛 (SCHEINEN_ALS_OB) wan3 +
+ + + amiable, congenial / restrained Woman wan3 +
+ + + luxuriance of growth 艸, 艹 Grass wan3 +
+ + + the virtue of a gentleman / jade Jade wan3 +
+ + + Field wan3 +
+ + + wrist Flesh wan4 +
+ + + ten thousand / innumerable One 万 (ZEHNTAUSEND) wan4 +
+ + + creeping plants, tendrils, vines 艸, 艹 Grass 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) wan4 +
+ + + vast, extensive, deep / surname 水, 氵 Water 王 (KÖNIG) wang1 +
+ + + king, ruler / royal / surname Jade 王 (KÖNIG) wang2 +
+ + + death, destroyed / lose, perish Lid 亡 (FLIEHEN) wang2 +
+ + + useless, in vain / bent, crooked Tree 王 (KÖNIG) wang3 +
+ + + net / network / KangXi radical 122 Net 网 (NETZ) wang3 +
+ + + go, depart / past, formerly Foodstep 主 (EIGENTÜMER) wang3 +
+ + + net / deceive / libel / negative Net 罔 (TÄUSCHEN) wang3 +
+ + + disconcerted, dejected, discouraged 心, 忄 Heart 罔 (TÄUSCHEN) wang3 +
+ + + exterior rim of wheel, felly Cart 罔 (TÄUSCHEN) wang3 +
+ + + demons, mountain spirits Ghost 罔 (TÄUSCHEN) wang3 +
+ + + prosper / prosperous / increase Sun 王 (KÖNIG) wang4 +
+ + + to look at, look forward / to hope, expect Moon 亡 (FLIEHEN) wang4 +
+ + + forget / neglect / miss, omit 心, 忄 Heart 亡 (FLIEHEN) wang4 +
+ + + absurd, foolish, reckless / false Woman 亡 (FLIEHEN) wang4 +
+ + + winding, curving / swagger 辵, 辶 Proceed 禾 (BEAUFTRAGEN) wei1 +
+ + + wither, wilt 艸, 艹 Grass 禾 (BEAUFTRAGEN) wei1 +
+ + + high, lofty, majestic, eminent Mountain 禾 (BEAUFTRAGEN) wei1 +
+ + + cling to, cuddle, embrace, fondle Man 畏 (FÜRCHTEN_SCHEUEN) wei1 +
+ + + cove, bay, inlet 阜, 阝 Mount 畏 (FÜRCHTEN_SCHEUEN) wei1 +
+ + + to stew, simmer Fire 畏 (FÜRCHTEN_SCHEUEN) wei1 +
+ + + small, prefix micro-, trifling Foodstep 微 (WINZIG) wei1 +
+ + + dangerous, precarious / high Seal 危 (GEFAHR) wei1 +
+ + + Osmunda regalis, a species of fern 艸, 艹 Grass 微 (WINZIG) wei1 +
+ + + pomp, power / powerful / dominate Woman 威 (ZERSTÖREN) wei1 +
+ + + luxuriant, flourishing / used for various plants 艸, 艹 Grass 威 (MÄCHTIG) wei1 +
+ + + tanned leather / surname / simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 Leather 韦 (WEICHES_LEDER) wei2 +
+ + + disobey, violate, defy / be apart from 辵, 辶 Proceed 韦 (WEICHES_LEDER) wei2 +
+ + + curtain that forms wall Cloth 韦 (WEICHES_LEDER) wei2 +
+ + + gate, door / living quarters Door 韦 (WEICHES_LEDER) wei2 +
+ + + surround, encircle, corral Enclosure 韦 (UMSCHLIESSEN) wei2 +
+ 潿 + + still water 水, 氵 Water 韦 (UMSCHLIESSEN) wei2 +
+ + + only / yes Mouth 隹 (KF_VOGEL) wei2 +
+ + + tent / curtain, screen Cloth 隹 (KF_VOGEL) wei2 +
+ + + but, however, nevertheless / only 心, 忄 Heart 难 (DENNOCH) wei2 +
+ + + maintain, preserve, safeguard Silk 维 (VOGELGEFIEDER) wei2 +
+ + + high / rugged, rocky, precipitous Mountain wei2 +
+ + + county in Shandong province 水, 氵 Water 维 (VOGELGEFIEDER) wei2 +
+ + + name of a river in Shanxi 水, 氵 Water 为 (FÜR ) wei2 +
+ + + mast of ship Tree 危 (GEFAHR) wei2 +
+ + + reed 艸, 艹 Grass 韦 (WEICHES_LEDER) wei3 +
+ + + great, robust / extraordinary Man 韦 (WEICHES_LEDER) wei3 +
+ + + woof / parallels of latitude Silk 韦 (WEICHES_LEDER) wei3 +
+ + + type of jade / rare, valuable Jade 韦 (WEICHES_LEDER) wei3 +
+ + + right / proper / perpriety Leather 韦 (WEICHES_LEDER) wei3 +
+ + + brilliant red / glowing Fire 韦 (WEICHES_LEDER) wei3 +
+ + + appoint, send, commission Woman 禾 (BEAUFTRAGEN) wei3 +
诿 + + + pass buck, lay blame on others Words 禾 (BEAUFTRAGEN) wei3 +
+ + + paralysis / impotence Illness 禾 (BEAUFTRAGEN) wei3 +
+ + + name of a river in honan 水, 氵 Water 有 (HABEN) wei3 +
+ + + kind of sturgeon, tuna Fish 有 (HABEN) wei3 +
+ + + vulgar, low, cheap / wanton / obscene Dog 畏 (FÜRCHTEN_SCHEUEN) wei3 +
+ + + false, counterfeit, bogus Man 为 (FÜR ) wei3 +
+ + + tail, extremity / end, stern Corpse 尾 (SCHWANZ) wei3 +
+ + + comply / complying, agreeable Woman 尾 (SCHWANZ) wei3 +
+ + + Boat 尾 (SCHWANZ) wei3 +
+ + + throne / position, post / rank, status / seat Man 位 (POSITION) wei4 +
+ + + a brass parts for a cart in ancient China Cart 軎 (ANGEBUNDENER_OCHSE) wei4 +
+ + + kingdom of Wei / surname Ghost 禾 (BEAUFTRAGEN) wei4 +
+ + + not yet / 8th terrestrial branch Tree 未 (EINS) wei4 +
+ + + taste, smell, odor / delicacy Mouth 未 (GESCHMACK_GERUCH) wei4 +
+ + + fear, dread, awe, reverence Field 畏 (FÜRCHTEN_SCHEUEN) wei4 +
+ + + interjection to call attention Mouth 畏 (FÜRCHTEN_SCHEUEN) wei4 +
+ + + stomach / gizzard of fowl Flesh 胃 (MAGEN) wei4 +
+ + + name of a river in Shanxi 水, 氵 Water 胃 (MAGEN) wei4 +
+ + + say, tell / call, name / be called Words 胃 (MAGEN) wei4 +
+ + + vulgar / wanton / low / many / varied / a hedgehog, porcupine Dog 胃 (MAGEN) wei4 +
+ + + guard, protect, defend Seal 卫 (VERTEIDIGEN) wei4 +
+ + + comfort, console, calm 心, 忄 Heart 尉 (OFFIZIER) wei4 +
+ + + lukewarm 水, 氵 Water 温 (HENKERSMAHL) wen1 +
+ + + epidemic, plague, pestilence Illness 温 (HENKERSMAHL) wen1 +
+ + + wen xiang, Henan province Door 受 (BEKOMMEN) wen2 +
+ + + literature, culture, writing Literature 文 (SCHRIFT) wen2 +
+ + + mosquito / gnat Insect 文 (SCHRIFT) wen2 +
+ + + line, streak, stripe / wrinkle Silk 文 (SCHRIFT) wen2 +
+ + + cloud patterns, coloring of cloud Rain 文 (SCHRIFT) wen2 +
+ + + hear / smell / make known / news Door 门 (TÜR) wen2 +
+ + + stable, firm, solid, steady Grain 急 (DRINGEND) wen3 +
+ + + confused, disorder Silk 文 (SCHRIFT) wen3 +
+ + + kiss / the lips / coinciding Mouth 勿 (BITTE_NICHT) wen3 +
+ + + behead, cut throat Knife wen3 +
+ + + a crack, as in porcelain Jade 璺 (RISS) wen4 +
+ + + a river in Shandong province 水, 氵 Water 文 (SCHRIFT) wen4 +
+ + + ask about, inquire after Door 门 (TÜR) wen4 +
+ + + old man / father, father-in-law Wings 翁 (ALTER_MANN) weng1 +
+ + + sound of flying bees, airplanes Mouth 翁 (ALTER_MANN) weng1 +
+ + + luxuriant vegetation / lush 艸, 艹 Grass 翁 (ALTER_MANN) weng3 +
+ + + earthen jar / jar for ashes Tile 公 (ÖFFENTLICH) weng4 +
+ + + Ipomoea aquatica used as a vegetable 艸, 艹 Grass 雍 (HARMONIE) weng4 +
+ + + dwarf / dwarfish, short Man 禾 (BEAUFTRAGEN) wo1 +
+ + + descriptive of crying or of crowing Mouth 屋 (HAUS_ZIMMER) wo1 +
+ + + swirl, whirlpool, eddy 水, 氵 Water 呙 (REDEN) wo1 +
+ + + a snail, Eulota callizoma Insect 呙 (REDEN) wo1 +
+ + + nest / cave, den / hiding place Cave 呙 (REDEN) wo1 +
+ + + lettuce 艸, 艹 Grass 呙 (REDEN) wo1 +
+ + + our, us, i, me, my, we Halberd 我 (ICH) wo3 +
+ + + water, irrigate / fertile, rich 水, 氵 Water 沃 (BEWÄSSERN) wo4 +
+ + + lie down / crouch Divination 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) wo4 +
+ + + grasp, hold fast, take by hand 手, 扌 Hand1 屋 (HAUS_ZIMMER) wo4 +
+ + + tent / mosquito net Cloth 屋 (HAUS_ZIMMER) wo4 +
+ + + moisten, soak / great, deep / dye / to enrich 水, 氵 Water 屋 (HAUS_ZIMMER) wo4 +
+ + + narrow, small / dirty 齿 Teeth 屋 (HAUS_ZIMMER) wo4 +
+ + + revolve, rotate, turn Peck 斡 (AUFROLLEN) wo4 +
+ + + Stone 我 (ICH) wo4 +
+ + + an organic compound Flesh 亏 (GELD_VERLIEREN) wo4 +
+ + + plaster over with layer of mud Earth 亏 (GELD_VERLIEREN) wu1 +
+ + + crow, rook, raven / black, dark 丿 Leftstroke 乌 (RABE) wu1 +
+ + + sound of crying, sobbing Mouth 乌 (RABE) wu1 +
+ + + tungsten, wolfram 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 乌 (RABE) wu1 +
+ + + various place names / surname City 乌 (RABE) wu1 +
+ + + wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman Work 巫 (HEXE) wu1 +
+ + + make false accusation / defame Words 巫 (HEXE) wu1 +
+ + + house / room / building, shelter Corpse 屋 (HAUS_ZIMMER) wu1 +
+ + + filthy, dirty, impure, polluted 水, 氵 Water 亏 (GELD_VERLIEREN) wu1 +
+ + + negative, no, not / KangXi radical 71 Not 无 (OHNE) wu2 +
+ + + luxurious growth of weeds 艸, 艹 Grass wu2 +
+ + + do not / not / surname / rad. 80 Do not 毋 (TU_NICHT) wu2 +
+ + + i, my, our / resist, impede Mouth 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu2 +
+ + + hold in mouth / bite / (Cant.) not, negation Mouth 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu2 +
+ + + name of warring state / surname Mouth 吴 (WU_KÖNIGREICH) Wu2 +
+ + + Chinese parasoltree, Sterculia platanifolia Tree 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu2 +
+ + + centipede Insect 吴 (WU_KÖNIGREICH) wu2 +
+ + + name of a river in Shandong 水, 氵 Water 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu2 +
+ + + flying squirrel Rat 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu2 +
+ + + corridor, hallway / luxuriant 广 Shelter wu3 +
+ + + regretful, disappointed 心, 忄 Heart wu3 +
+ + + charming, enchanting Woman wu3 +
+ + + dance, posture, prance / brandish Opposition 無 (OHNE) wu3 +
+ + + five / surname Two 五 (FÜNF) wu3 +
+ + + five, company of five / troops Man 五 (FÜNF) wu3 +
+ + + military / martial, warlike Stop 武 (MILITÄRISCH) wu3 +
+ + + resist 手, 扌 Hand1 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu3 +
+ + + species of parrot Bird1 wu3 +
+ + + to oppose / to gore Ox 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu3 +
+ + + insult, ridicule, disgrace Man 每 (JEDER) wu3 +
+ + + noon / 7th terrestrial branch Ten 午 (MITTAG) wu3 +
+ + + similar Man 午 (MITTAG) wu3 +
+ + + insubordinate, stubborn / wrong 心, 忄 Heart 午 (MITTAG) wu3 +
+ + + obstinate, perverse 辵, 辶 Proceed 午 (MITTAG) wu3 +
+ + + silver plating 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 沃 (BEWÄSSERN) wu4 +
+ + + entrenchment, bank, low wall Earth 乌 (RABE) wu4 +
+ + + affairs, business / must, should Strength 务 (GESCHÄFTE) wu4 +
+ + + fog, mist, vapor, fine spray Rain 务 (GESCHÄFTE) wu4 +
+ + + err, make mistake / interfere Words 吴 (WU_KÖNIGREICH) wu4 +
+ + + have interview with / meet Sun 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu4 +
+ + + to apprehend, realize, become aware 心, 忄 Heart 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu4 +
+ + + Fire 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu4 +
+ + + Illness 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu4 +
+ + + few, scarce / empty, deserted Dwelling 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu4 +
+ + + to cut off the feet Legs 兀 wu4 +
+ + + 阢陧 wùniè (书) unstable, unpeaceful 阜, 阝 Mount 兀 wu4 +
+ + + the stump f a tree, hence, sterility / a square stool Tree 兀 wu4 +
+ + + 5th heavenly stem Halberd 戊 wu4 +
+ + + must not, do not / without, never Wrap 勿 (BITTE_NICHT) wu4 +
+ + + thing, substance, creature Ox 勿 (BITTE_NICHT) wu4 +
+ + + 艸, 艹 Grass wu4 +
+ + + name of a star Woman 婺 (GEWALT_ANWENDEN) wu4 +
+ + + gallop / rush about / pursue, run Horse 婺 (GEWALT_ANWENDEN) wu4 +
+ + + duck Bird1 婺 (GEWALT_ANWENDEN) wu4 +
+ + + knee Flesh 桼 (AF_LACK) xi1 +
+ + + mirthful, happy / interjection Mouth 喜 (C_TROMMEL) xi1 +
+ + + joy, gladness, delight / surname Man 喜 (C_TROMMEL) xi1 +
+ + + enjoy / play, amuse oneself Woman 喜 (C_TROMMEL) xi1 +
+ + + dim light, glimmer / warm, bright Fire 喜 (C_TROMMEL) xi1 +
+ + + exclamatory particle Eight 八 (ACHT) xi1 +
+ + + where? what? how? why? / servant Big 奚 (WARUM_WIE_WO_WAS) xi1 +
+ + + mountain stream, creek 水, 氵 Water 奚 (WARUM_WIE_WO_WAS) xi1 +
+ + + a mouse Rat 奚 (WARUM_WIE_WO_WAS) xi1 +
+ + + rare / hope, expect, strive for Cloth 希 (HOFFEN) xi1 +
+ + + rare, unusual, scarce / sparse Grain 希 (HOFFEN) xi1 +
+ + + alkene Fire 希 (HOFFEN) xi1 +
+ + + city under the Chou Dyn. a surname City 希 (HOFFEN) xi1 +
+ + + weep or sob / grieve Mouth 希 (HOFFEN) xi1 +
+ + + 水, 氵 Water 希 (HOFFEN) xi1 +
+ + + sob / sigh Breathe 希 (HOFFEN) xi1 +
+ + + evening, night, dusk / slanted Evening 夕 (ABEND_NACHT) xi1 +
+ + + silicon Stone xi1 +
+ + + night tides, evening ebb tide 水, 氵 Water xi1 +
+ + + the gloom of the grave a tomb or grave / death Cave xi1 +
+ + + rest, put stop to, end, cease 心, 忄 Heart 息 (RASTEN) xi1 +
+ + + put out, extinguish, quash Fire 息 (RASTEN) xi1 +
+ + + intestinal worm Insect 息 (RASTEN) xi1 +
+ + + tin, stannum / bestow, confer 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 易 (LEICHT) xi1 +
+ + + vinegar / pickle / acid Wine Jug 琉 (NEUGEBORENES_HAAR) xi1 +
+ + + bright, splendid, glorious Fire 姬 (AF_WANGE) xi1 +
+ + + ancient emperor / breath, vapor Sheep 羲 (XI_FUXI) xi1 +
+ + + sunlight, sunshine, early dawn Sun 羲 (XI_FUXI) xi1 +
+ + + split wood / break apart / divide Tree 析 (SPALTEN) xi1 +
+ + + clear, evident / clearly Sun 析 (SPALTEN) xi1 +
+ + + 菥蓂 xīmì a kind of shepherd's purse (荠菜) with fuzzy stems 艸, 艹 Grass 析 (SPALTEN) xi1 +
+ + + water used wash rice / to wash ric 水, 氵 Water 析 (SPALTEN) xi1 +
+ + + know, learn about, comprehend 心, 忄 Heart 悉 (LERNEN) xi1 +
+ + + white / kind of date White 析 (SPALTEN) xi1 +
+ + + cricket Insect 悉 (LERNEN) xi1 +
+ + + lizard Insect 析 (SPALTEN) xi1 +
+ + + agree Wings 翕 (HARMONISCH) xi1 +
+ + + to suck / a county's name in anhui Breathe 翕 (HARMONISCH) xi1 +
+ + + formerly / ancient / in beginning Sun 昔 (VERGANGENHEIT) xi1 +
+ + + pity, regret, rue, begrudge 心, 忄 Heart 昔 (VERGANGENHEIT) xi1 +
+ + + inhale, suck in / absorb / attract Mouth 及 (REICHEN) xi1 +
西 + 西 + + west(ern) / westward, occident 西 Stopper 西 (WESTEN) xi1 +
+ + + selenium 西 Stone 西 xi1 +
+ + + sacrifice, give up / sacrificial 西 Ox 西 (WESTEN) xi1 +
+ + + (Cant.) equipment on a ship 西 Boat 西 xi1 +
+ + + to mash rice 西 Rice 西 xi1 +
+ + + rhinoceros / sharp, well-tempered Ox 犀 (NASHORN) xi1 +
+ + + scrambled eggs Tree 犀 (NASHORN) xi1 +
+ + + call arms / urgency Tree 敫 (ANTIKES_MUSIKINSTRUMENT) xi2 +
+ + + raid, attack / inherit Clothes 龙 (DRACHE) xi2 +
+ + + low, damp land, marsh, swamp 阜, 阝 Mount 日 (SONNE) xi2 +
+ + + wizard See 巫 (HEXE) xi2 +
+ + + daughter-in-law Woman 息 (RASTEN) xi2 +
+ + + practice / flapping wings Bent 习 (ÜBEN) xi2 +
+ + + seat / mat / take seat / banquet Cloth 席 (MATTE) xi2 +
+ + + like, love, enjoy / joyful thing Mouth 喜 (C_TROMMEL) xi3 +
+ + + happiness / congratulations 示, 礻 Revelation 喜 (C_TROMMEL) xi3 +
+ + + move one's abode, shift, migrate Foodstep 徙 (UMZIEHEN) xi3 +
+ + + to increase five-fold 艸, 艹 Grass 徙 (UMZIEHEN) xi3 +
+ + + straw sandals or slippers that have no heel-backs Corpse 徙 (UMZIEHEN) xi3 +
+ + + imperial signet, royal signet Jade 尔 (ALTES_DU) xi3 +
+ + + mill 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 先 (ZUERST) xi3 +
+ + + wash, rinse / clean, purify 水, 氵 Water 先 (ZUERST) xi3 +
+ + + afraid, bashful 艸, 艹 Grass 思 (DENKEN) xi3 +
+ + + semi-annual ceremony of purification 示, 礻 Revelation 挈 (GRAVIEREN) xi4 +
+ + + a shoe / the sole of a shoe / magpie Mortar 臼 (MÖRSER) xi4 +
+ + + feud, fight, quarrel Door 倪 (TF_KIND) xi4 +
+ + + theatrical play, show Halberd 又 (WIEDER) xi4 +
+ + + fine, tiny / slender, thin Silk 田 (REISFELD) xi4 +
+ + + sacrficial victim / gift / grain Food xi4 +
+ + + crack, split, fissure / grudge 阜, 阝 Mount 尘 (AF_SPALT) xi4 +
+ + + blind, reckless / rash Eye 害 (ÜBEL) xia1 +
+ + + suck, swallow, drink Mouth 甲 (1.HS) xia1 +
+ + + shrimp, prawn Insect 下 (UNTEN) xia1 +
+ + + linchpin of wheel / control Cart 害 (ÜBEL) xia2 +
+ + + rosy clouds Rain 假 (AF_FALSCH) xia2 +
+ + + leisure, relaxation, spare time Sun 假 (AF_FALSCH) xia2 +
+ + + afar, distant / old, advanced in 辵, 辶 Proceed 假 (AF_FALSCH) xia2 +
+ + + flaw in gem / fault, defect Jade 假 (AF_FALSCH) xia2 +
+ + + small box, case, coffer Box 甲 (1.HS) xia2 +
+ + + be familiar with / disrespect Dog 甲 (1.HS) xia2 +
+ + + cage, pen for wild animals Tree 甲 (1.HS) xia2 +
+ + + gorge, strait, ravine / isthmus Mountain 夹 (ZUSAMMENDRÜCKEN) xia2 +
+ + + chivalrous person / knight-errant Man xia2 +
+ + + narrow, limited / narrow-minded Dog 夹 (ZUSAMMENDRÜCKEN) xia2 +
+ + + (archaic) town in Hebei province Stone xia2 +
+ + + sly, cunning, shrewd / artful Black 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) xia2 +
+ + + crack, fissure, split Earthenware 虔 (FROMM) xia4 +
+ + + summer / great, grand, big Persevere 夏 (SOMMER) xia4 +
+ + + under, underneath, below / down / inferior / bring down One 下 (UNTEN) xia4 +
+ + + rise / advance, go forward Sun 隹 (KF_VOGEL) xian1 +
+ + + Taoist super-being, transcendent, immortal Man 山 (BERG) xian1 +
+ + + xenon Vapor 山 (BERG) xian1 +
+ + + non-glutinous long grain rice Rice 山 (BERG) xian1 +
+ + + fresh / delicious / attractive Fish 鲜 (FRISCH) xian1 +
+ + + wander about, walk around / revolve Foot 迁 (BEWEGEN) xian1 +
+ + + first, former, previous Legs 先 (ZUERST) xian1 +
+ + + acyl Wine Jug 先 (ZUERST) xian1 +
+ + + lift, raise / stir 手, 扌 Hand1 欣 (ERFREULICH) xian1 +
+ + + shovel 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 欣 (ERFREULICH) xian1 +
+ + + vine 艸, 艹 Grass 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) xian1 +
+ + + Ormazda, god of the Zoroastrians / extended to god of the Manicheans 示, 礻 Revelation 天 (HIMMEL) xian1 +
+ + + bit / hold in mouth, bite / gag Go 衔 (IM_MUND_HALTEN) xian2 +
+ + + hate, detest / suspect / criticize Woman 兼 (DOPPELT) xian2 +
+ + + saliva 水, 氵 Water 延 (VERLÄNGERN) xian2 +
+ + + virtuous, worthy, good / able Shell 肾 (AF_HART) xian2 +
+ + + the sides of a boat, bulwarks / a gunwale Boat 玄 (SCHWERVERSTÄNDLICH) xian2 +
+ + + string / hypotenuse, crescent Bow 玄 (SCHWERVERSTÄNDLICH) xian2 +
+ + + fence, guard / defend / idle time Door 闲 (BAUM) xian2 +
+ + + elegant, refined / skillful Woman 闲 xian2 +
+ + + silver pheasant, Lophura nycthemera / Lophura species (various) Bird1 闲 xian2 +
+ + + epilepsy, convulsions Illness 闲 xian2 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎鹹;◎咸】 + + together / all, completely / united Mouth 咸 (ZERSTÖREN) xian2 +
+ + + a variety of bivalves Insect 见 xian3 +
+ + + manifest, display / evident, clear Sun 显 (SICHTBAR) xian3 +
+ + + moss, lichen 艸, 艹 Grass 鲜 (FRISCH) xian3 +
+ + + fire / wild fires Fire 豕 (SCHWEIN) xian3 +
+ + + a surname Ice 先 (ZUERST) xian3 +
+ + + bamboo brush / halberd Bamboo 先 (ZUERST) xian3 +
+ + + bare footed Foot 先 (ZUERST) xian3 +
+ + + narrow pass, strategic point 阜, 阝 Mount 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) xian3 +
+ + + dog Dog 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) xian3 +
+ + + offer, present / show, display Dog 献 (ANBIETEN) xian4 +
+ + + county, district, subdivision Cocoon 县 (KREIS(POLITISCH-GEOGRAPHISCH)) xian4 +
+ + + filling, stuffing / secret Food 谄 (AF_FALLE) xian4 +
+ + + submerge, sink, plunge / trap 阜, 阝 Mount 谄 (AF_FALLE) xian4 +
线 + + + line, thread, wire / clue Silk 戋 (SCHMAL) xian4 +
+ + + appear, manifest, become visible Jade 见 (SEHEN) xian4 +
+ + + amaranth 艸, 艹 Grass 见 xian4 +
+ + + steep hill / mountain in Hubei Mountain 见 xian4 +
+ + + boundary, limit, line 阜, 阝 Mount 艮 (STILLHALTEN) xian4 +
+ + + envy, admire / praise / covet Sheep 姜 (INGWER) xian4 +
+ + + constitution, statute, law Dwelling 先 (ZUERST) xian4 +
+ + + hail, sleet Rain 散 (SICH_TRENNEN) xian4 +
+ + + gland Flesh 泉 (QUELLE) xian4 +
+ + + side-room, wing / theatre box Cliff 相 (GEGENSEITIG) xiang1 +
+ + + case, box, chest, trunk Bamboo 相 (GEGENSEITIG) xiang1 +
+ + + Hunan province 水, 氵 Water 相 (GEGENSEITIG) Xiang1 +
+ + + feather cockscomb (Celosia argentea) 艸, 艹 Grass 相 (GEGENSEITIG) xiang1 +
+ + + light-yellow color Silk 相 (GEGENSEITIG) xiang1 +
+ + + fragrant, sweet smelling, incense Fragrant 禾 (GETREIDE) xiang1 +
+ + + country / rural / village Thread 乡 (LÄNDLICHES_GEBIET) xiang1 +
+ + + fragrant smell of grain / aromatic 艸, 艹 Grass 乡 xiang1 +
+ + + aid, help, assist / undress Clothes 襄 (HELFEN_ASSISTIEREN_AUSZIEHEN) xiang1 +
+ + + insert, inlay, set, mount / fill 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 襄 (HELFEN_ASSISTIEREN_AUSZIEHEN) xiang1 +
+ + + gallop about with head uplifted Horse 襄 (HELFEN_ASSISTIEREN_AUSZIEHEN) xiang1 +
+ + + soar, glide, hover / detailed Wings 羊 (SCHAF) xiang2 +
+ + + good luck, good omen / happiness 示, 礻 Revelation 羊 (SCHAF) xiang2 +
+ + + detailed, complete, thorough Words 羊 (SCHAF) xiang2 +
+ + + village school / teach 广 Shelter 羊 (SCHAF) xiang2 +
+ + + think, speculate, plan, consider 心, 忄 Heart 相 (GEGENSEITIG) xiang3 +
+ + + host banquet / banquet Food 乡 xiang3 +
+ + + make sound, make noise / sound Mouth 向 (RICHTUNG) xiang3 +
+ + + rations and pay for soldiers Food 向 (RICHTUNG) xiang3 +
+ + + enjoy Lid 享 (GENIESSEN) xiang3 +
+ + + dried fish Fish 券 (HÄNDE_ROLLEN_REIS) xiang3 +
+ + + neck, nape of neck / sum / funds Head2 工 (ARBEIT) xiang4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎曏;◎向】 + + toward, direction, trend Mouth 向 (RICHTUNG) xiang4 +
+ + + alley, lane Self 巷 (GASSE) xiang4 +
+ + + elephant / ivory / figure, image Pig 象 (ELEFANT) xiang4 +
+ + + chestnut oak / rubber tree / rubber Tree 象 (ELEFANT) xiang4 +
+ + + a picture, image, figure / to resemble Man 象 (ELEFANT) xiang4 +
+ + + silkworm (桑蚕) Insect 象 (ELEFANT) xiang4 +
+ + + be noisy / treat with contempt Mouth 器 (INSTRUMENT) xiao1 +
+ + + owl thus, something evil Tree 凫 (VOGEL) xiao1 +
+ + + hollo stump of a tree / empty, thin Tree 号 (ZEICHEN) xiao1 +
+ + + garrulous / disturbed / restless Mouth 尧 xiao1 +
+ + + excellent horse / brave, valiant Horse 尧 xiao1 +
+ + + long legged spider / octopus / chrysalis of mantis Insect 肖 (ÄHNELN) xiao1 +
+ + + saltpeter, niter / to tan Stone 肖 (ÄHNELN) xiao1 +
+ + + sky / clouds, mist / night Rain 肖 (ÄHNELN) xiao1 +
+ + + scrape off, pare, trim Knife 肖 (ÄHNELN) xiao1 +
+ + + melt, fuse / market, sell 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 肖 (ÄHNELN) xiao1 +
+ + + vanish, die out / melt away 水, 氵 Water 肖 (ÄHNELN) xiao1 +
+ + + night, evening, dark Dwelling 肖 (ÄHNELN) xiao1 +
+ + + common artemisia / dejected 艸, 艹 Grass 肃 (EHRERBIETIG) xiao1 +
+ + + ramble, stroll, jaunt, loiter 辵, 辶 Proceed 肖 (ÄHNELN) xiao1 +
+ + + bamboo flute Bamboo 肃 (EHRERBIETIG) xiao1 +
+ + + raw silk fabric Silk 肖 (ÄHNELN) xiao1 +
+ + + mischevious, one footed spirit that dwells in the mountains Ghost 肖 (ÄHNELN) xiao1 +
+ + + sound of beating wind and rain 水, 氵 Water 肃 (EHRERBIETIG) xiao1 +
+ + + confused, in disarray, mixed up 水, 氵 Water 肴 (FLEISCH_UND_FISCH) xiao2 +
+ + + mountain in Henan Mountain 肴 (FLEISCH_UND_FISCH) xiao2 +
+ + + dawn, daybreak / clear, explicit Sun 尧 (EIN_LEGENDÄRER_KAISER) xiao3 +
+ + + small, tiny, insignificant Small 小 (KLEIN) xiao3 +
+ + + dwarf bamboo / diminutive in person's name Bamboo 攸 (WEIT_ENTFERNT) xiao3 +
+ + + smile, laugh, giggle / snicker Bamboo 夭 (JUNG STERBEN) xiao4 +
+ + + filial piety, obedience / mourning Child 孝 (KINDESPFLICHT) xiao4 +
+ + + cough / pant / roar Mouth 孝 (KINDESPFLICHT) xiao4 +
+ + + roar, howl, scream / whistle Mouth 肃 (EHRERBIETIG) xiao4 +
+ + + result, effect / effectiveness Tap 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) xiao4 +
+ + + wedge / gatepost / foreword Tree 挈 (GRAVIEREN) xie1 +
+ + + little, few / rather, somewhat Two 此 (DIES) xie1 +
+ + + rest, stop, lodge Breathe 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) xie1 +
+ + + scorpion Insect 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) xie1 +
+ + + clasp under arm / hold to bosom 手, 扌 Hand1 夹 (ZUSAMMENDRÜCKEN) xie2 +
+ + + lead by hand, take with / carry 手, 扌 Hand1 隽 (ÜBERLEGEN_AUSSERORDENTLICH) xie2 +
+ + + harmonize, agree / joke, jest Words 皆 (ALLE_JEDER_ALLGEMEIN) xie2 +
+ + + together / be in order Man 皆 (ALLE_JEDER_ALLGEMEIN) xie2 +
+ + + shoes, footwear in general Rawhide 圭 (JADETABLETT) xie2 +
+ + + be united / cooperate Ten 办 (HANDELN) xie2 +
+ + + ribs, armpits / flank / threaten Flesh 办 (HANDELN) xie2 +
+ + + peaceful, harmonious Strength 思 (DENKEN) xie2 +
+ + + wrong, evil, depraved, vicious, perverse, heterodox City 邪 (TEUFLISCH) xie2 +
+ + + pick up, gather up / hold in lap 手, 扌 Hand1 撷 (AUF_UND_AB_FLIEGEN) xie2 +
+ + + patterned silk / tie knot Silk 撷 (AUF_UND_AB_FLIEGEN) xie2 +
+ + + slanting, sloping, inclined Peck 余 (ÜBRIG) xie2 +
+ + + write / draw, sketch / compose Cover 写 (SCHREIBEN) xie3 +
+ + + thank / decline Words 射 (SCHIESSEN) xie4 +
+ + + kiosk, pavilion Tree 射 (SCHIESSEN) xie4 +
+ + + leak / vent / flow / reveal 水, 氵 Water 世 (WELT ) xie4 +
+ + + to contract, draw in, reduce, shorten Silk 世 (WELT ) xie4 +
+ + + beating of ocean / surging of wate 水, 氵 Water 谍 (AF_BLATT) xie4 +
+ + + drain off, leak / flow, pour down 水, 氵 Water 写 (SCHREIBEN) xie4 +
+ + + harmonize, blend / adjust Fire 燮 (HARMONISCH) xie4 +
+ + + to walk Foot 燮 (HARMONISCH) xie4 +
+ + + sea mist / vapor 水, 氵 Water 餐 (OBS_FLEISCHESSEN) xie4 +
+ + + weapons / implements, instruments Tree 戒 (WARNEN) xie4 +
+ + + bits, scraps, crumbs, fragments Corpse 屑 (FRAGMENTE) xie4 +
+ + + threshold Tree 屑 (FRAGMENTE) xie4 +
+ + + allium bakeri / shallots, scallion 艸, 艹 Grass xie4 +
+ + + crab, brachyura Insect 解 xie4 +
+ + + idle, relaxed, remiss 心, 忄 Heart 解 xie4 +
+ + + a fabulous monster Dog 解 xie4 +
+ + + government office, public office 广 Shelter 解 xie4 +
+ + + unexpected meeting / encounter by 辵, 辶 Proceed 解 xie4 +
+ + + lay down / retire from office Seal 卸 (AUSLADEN) xie4 +
+ + + slight, insult, treat with disrespect Lid 执 xie4 +
+ + + used in names 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 舍 (METALL) xin1 +
+ + + like, admire / willingly, gladly / to quicken Breathe 音 (TON_SCHALL) xin1 +
+ + + heart / mind, intelligence / soul 心, 忄 Heart 心 (HERZ) xin1 +
+ + + bitter / toilsome, laborious / 8th heavenly stem Offend 辛 (BEISSEND) xin1 +
+ + + zinc 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 辛 (BEISSEND) xin1 +
+ + + pith from rush (juncus effusus) 艸, 艹 Grass xin1 +
+ + + new, recent, fresh, modern Axe 新 (NEU) xin1 +
+ + + fuel, firewood / salary 艸, 艹 Grass 新 (NEU) xin1 +
+ + + delightful, joyful, pleasant 心, 忄 Heart 斤 (PFUND) xin1 +
+ + + dawn / early morning / day Sun 斤 (PFUND) xin1 +
+ + + happy, joyous, delighted Breathe 欣 (ERFREULICH) xin1 +
+ + + fragrant, aromatic / distant fragrance Fragrant 磬 (KLANGSTEIN) xin1 +
+ + + trust, believe / letter Man 言 (WORT) xin4 +
+ + + top of the head / skull Enclosure 囟 (SCHÄDEL) xin4 +
+ + + consecrate sacrificial vessels by smearing blood / rift Blood 半 (HÄLFTE) xin4 +
+ + + a star, planet / any point of light Sun 星 (STERN) xing1 +
+ + + raw meat / rank, strong-smelling Flesh 星 (STERN) xing1 +
+ + + species of orangutan Dog 星 (STERN) xing1 +
+ + + intelligent, clever, astute 心, 忄 Heart 星 (STERN) xing1 +
+ + + defile, mountain pass, gorge 阜, 阝 Mount 刭 (STROM_IM_UNTERGRUND) xing2 +
+ + + form, shape, appearance Lines, Long Hair 开 (ÖFFNEN) xing2 +
+ + + surname / state in today's Hebei City 开 (ÖFFNEN) xing2 +
+ + + punishment, penalty / law Knife 刑 (BESTRAFUNG) xing2 +
+ + + pattern, model, type / law / mold Earth 刑 (BESTRAFUNG) xing2 +
+ + + whetstone Stone 刑 (BESTRAFUNG) xing2 +
+ + + sugar, syrup / malt sugar / sticky Food 场 xing2 +
+ + + to blow the nose with fingers 手, 扌 Hand1 鼻 (NASE) xing3 +
+ + + wake up / sober up / startle Wine Jug 星 (STERN) xing3 +
+ + + luck(ily), favor, fortunately Pestle 幸 (GLÜCK) xing4 +
+ + + anger, vexation / angry, indignant 心, 忄 Heart 幸 (GLÜCK) xing4 +
+ + + a water plant, Nymphoides peltalum 艸, 艹 Grass 行 (SICH_FORTBEWEGEN) xing4 +
+ + + nature, character, sex 心, 忄 Heart 生 (GEBOREN_SEIN) xing4 +
+ + + one's family name / clan, people Woman 生 (GEBOREN_SEIN) xing4 +
+ + + apricot / almond Tree 木 xing4 +
+ + + culprit / murder / bad, sad Pit 凶 (BÖSE) xiong1 +
+ + + turbulent / noisy, restless 水, 氵 Water 凶 (BÖSE) xiong1 +
+ + + a kind of herb 艸, 艹 Grass xiong1 +
+ + + breast, chest, thorax / clamor / the Hsiung Nu 'Huns' Wrap 匈 (AF_BRUST) xiong1 +
+ + + breast, bosom, chest / thorax Flesh 匈 (AF_BRUST) xiong1 +
+ + + elder brother Legs 兄 (ÄLTERER_BRUDER) xiong1 +
+ + + male of species / hero / manly Bird2 宏 (AF_OBERARM) xiong2 +
+ + + a bear / brilliant / bright / surname Fire 能 (KÖNNEN) xiong2 +
+ + + disgrace, shame / ashamed / shy Sheep 羞 (SCHAMHAFT) xiu1 +
+ + + food, meal / eat / offer Food 羞 (SCHAMHAFT) xiu1 +
+ + + study / repair / cultivate Man 修 (REPARIEREN) xiu1 +
+ + + rest, stop / retire / do not! Man 休 (BAUM) xiu1 +
+ + + shout Mouth 休 xiu1 +
+ + + shade / shelter, protection 广 Shelter 休 xiu1 +
+ + + horned owl, scops chinensis Bird1 休 xiu1 +
+ + + brave, fierce, courageous Cat 休 xiu1 +
+ + + red lacquer / to lacquer Hairlocks 休 xiu1 +
+ + + decayed, rotten / rot, decay Tree 丂 (C_ATMEN) xiu3 +
+ + + ear of grain / flowering, luxuriant / refined, elegant, graceful Grain 秀 (DARUM) xiu4 +
+ + + rust, corrode 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 秀 (VORTREFFLICH) xiu4 +
+ + + embroider / embroidery / ornament Silk 秀 (VORTREFFLICH) xiu4 +
+ + + smell, scent, sniff / olfactive Mouth 臭 (GERUCH_GESTANK) xiu4 +
+ + + bromine 水, 氵 Water 臭 (GERUCH_GESTANK) xiu4 +
+ + + sleeve / put something in sleeve Clothes 由 (VERANLASSUNG) xiu4 +
+ + + mountain peak / cave, cavern Mountain 由 (VERANLASSUNG) xiu4 +
+ + + clover, lucerne 艸, 艹 宿 Grass 宿 (ÜBERNACHTEN) xu +
+ + + need, require, must Rain 需 (BRAUCHEN) xu1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎須;◎鬚】 + + must, have to, necessary Head2 杉 (LINIEN_HAARE) xu1 +
+ + + wide open eyes / to gaze in astonishment Eye xu1 +
+ + + all, together, mutually Flesh xu1 +
+ + + false Tiger 虚 (NICHTIG) xu1 +
+ + + high mound / hilly countryside / wasteland Earth 虚 (NICHTIG) xu1 +
+ + + grieved Head2 页 (BUCHSEITE) xu1 +
+ + + 11th terrestrial branch Halberd 戊 (HELLEBARDE) xu1 +
+ + + slowly, quietly, calmly / composed, dignified Foodstep 余 (ÜBRIG) xu2 +
+ + + sacrificial rice / rations / pay Rice xu3 +
+ + + to strain spirits Wine Jug xu3 +
+ + + boast, brag / popular, well-known Words xu3 +
+ + + species of oak / be glad, be pleased Tree xu3 +
+ + + allow, permit / promise / betroth Words 许 (MITTAG) xu3 +
+ + + express, state, relate, narrate Hand2 叙 (ÜBRIG) xu4 +
+ + + river in Hunan 水, 氵 Water 叙 (ÜBRIG) xu4 +
+ + + continue, carry on / succeed Silk 卖 (VERKAUFEN) xu4 +
+ + + enjoin, advise, preach to Strength 冒 (RISKIEREN) xu4 +
+ + + drunk, to become violent under the influence of alcohol Wine Jug 凶 (BÖSE) xu4 +
+ + + end of thread / thread, clue Silk 者 (JEMAND_DER) xu4 +
婿 + 婿 + + son-in-law / husband Woman xu4 +
+ + + store, save, hoard, gather 艸, 艹 Grass 畜 (HAUSTIER) xu4 +
+ + + kind, gentle, gracious, genial Fire 句 (SATZ) xu4 +
+ + + series, serial order, sequence 广 Shelter 予 (GEWÄHREN) xu4 +
+ + + waste cotton, raw silk or cotton Silk 如 (WIE) xu4 +
+ + + show pity / relieve, help 心, 忄 Heart 血 (BLUT) xu4 +
+ + + to ditch / a moat 水, 氵 Water 血 (BLUT) xu4 +
+ + + rising sun / brilliance / radiant Sun xu4 +
+ + + forget / lie, cheat, deceive Words 爰 (LIEBE) xuan1 +
+ + + declare, announce, proclaim Dwelling 宣 (VERBREITEN) xuan1 +
+ + + lively, noisy / clamor, talk loudly Mouth 宣 (VERBREITEN) xuan1 +
+ + + day-lily, hemerocallisflava 艸, 艹 Grass 宣 (VERBREITEN) xuan1 +
+ + + to pull up the sleeves and stretch out the arms / to strike with bare fists 手, 扌 Hand1 宣 (VERBREITEN) xuan1 +
+ + + warm, comfortable / warm, genial Sun 宣 (VERBREITEN) xuan1 +
+ + + warm Fire 宣 (VERBREITEN) xuan1 +
+ + + carriage / high / wide / balcony Cart 干 (TROCKEN) xuan1 +
+ + + hang, suspend, hoist / be hung 心, 忄 Heart 县 (KREIS(POLITISCH-GEOGRAPHISCH)) xuan2 +
+ + + deep, profound, abstruse / KangXi radical 95 Dark 玄 (SCHWERVERSTÄNDLICH) xuan2 +
+ + + indigestion / buboes, lymphatic inflammation Illness 玄 (SCHWERVERSTÄNDLICH) xuan2 +
+ + + eddy, whirlpool 水, 氵 Water 旋 (ROTIEREN) xuan2 +
+ + + beautiful jade / star Jade 旋 (ROTIEREN) xuan2 +
+ + + ringworms Illness 鲜 (FRISCH) xuan3 +
+ + + choose, select / elect / election 辵, 辶 Proceed 先 (ZUERST) xuan3 +
+ + + add repeated washes of color 水, 氵 Water 宣 (VERBREITEN) xuan4 +
+ + + a last for making shoes / to turn on a lathe Tree 宣 (VERBREITEN) xuan4 +
+ + + Stone 宣 (VERBREITEN) xuan4 +
+ + + variegated, adorned / brilliant Silk 旬 (ZEHN_TAGE) xuan4 +
+ + + to confuse / dizzy, dazed, disoriented Eye 玄 (SCHWERVERSTÄNDLICH) xuan4 +
+ + + weep / cry / shine, glisten 水, 氵 Water 玄 (SCHWERVERSTÄNDLICH) xuan4 +
+ + + shine, glitter / show off, flaunt Fire 玄 (SCHWERVERSTÄNDLICH) xuan4 +
+ + + device for carrying a tripod 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 玄 (SCHWERVERSTÄNDLICH) xuan4 +
+ + + lathe 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 旋 (ROTIEREN) xuan4 +
+ + + kind of marsh grass / feudal state 艸, 艹 Grass 薛 (XUE1_NAME) xue1 +
+ + + boots Rawhide 化 (VERÄNDERN) xue1 +
+ + + cave, den, hole / KangXi radical 116 Cave 八 (ACHT) xue2 +
+ + + to walk around / turn back midway Foot 折 (BRECHEN) xue2 +
+ + + learning, knowledge / school Child 学 (STUDIERDACH) xue2 +
+ + + 水, 氵 Water 学 (STUDIERDACH) xue2 +
+ + + snow / wipe away shame, avenge Rain 雪 (SCHNEE) xue3 +
+ + + codfish Fish 雪 (SCHNEE) xue3 +
+ + + jeer Words 虔 (FROMM) xue4 +
+ + + a cellar, a store-room Cave 音 (TON_SCHALL) xun1 +
+ + + a medicinal herb / to cauterize 艸, 艹 Grass 熏 (ANWEHEN) xun1 +
+ + + a tribe of Scythians which invaded China during the Hsia dynasty Dog 熏 (ANWEHEN) xun1 +
+ + + twilight / sunset Sun 熏 (ANWEHEN) xun1 +
+ + + get drunk, be intoxicated Wine Jug 熏 (ANWEHEN) xun1 +
+ + + meritorious deed / merits / rank Strength 员 (MITGLIED) xun1 +
+ + + instrument Earth 员 (MITGLIED) xun1 +
+ + + seek, search, look for / ancient Inch 寻 (SUCHEN) xun2 +
+ + + steep bank by stream / jiujiang 水, 氵 Water 寻 (SUCHEN) xun2 +
+ + + patrol, go on circuit, cruise 辵, 辶 Proceed 巡 (V_FLUSS) xun2 +
+ + + sturgeon Fish 寻 (SUCHEN) xun2 +
+ + + obey, comply with, follow Foodstep 盾 (SCHILD) xun2 +
+ + + ten-day period / period of time Sun 旬 (ZEHN_TAGE) xun2 +
+ + + inquire into, ask about / consult Words 旬 (ZEHN_TAGE) xun2 +
+ + + surname / ancient state / plant 艸, 艹 Grass 旬 (ZEHN_TAGE) xun2 +
+ + + ranges of hills stretching on beyond another irregular peaks Mountain 旬 (ZEHN_TAGE) xun2 +
+ + + careful, sincere, honest / trust 心, 忄 Heart 旬 (ZEHN_TAGE) xun2 +
+ + + true, real, truly, really 水, 氵 Water 旬 (ZEHN_TAGE) xun2 +
+ + + 5th of the 8 trigrams / south-east / mild, modest, obedient Self 巽 (TRIGRAMM_WIND) xun4 +
+ + + tame, docile, obedient Horse xun4 +
+ + + teach, instruct / exegesis Words 川 (FLUSS) xun4 +
+ + + mushrooms, fungus / mildew, mold 艸, 艹 Grass 覃 (VERBREITET) xun4 +
+ + + die for cause, be martyr for Disintegration 旬 (ZEHN_TAGE) xun4 +
+ + + comply with, follow / display Foodstep 旬 (ZEHN_TAGE) xun4 +
+ + + inquire / ask / examine / reproach Words 卂 (SCHWEBEN) xun4 +
+ + + high water, flood tides 水, 氵 Water 卂 (SCHWEBEN) xun4 +
+ + + quick, hasty, rapid, sudden 辵, 辶 Proceed 卂 (SCHWEBEN) xun4 +
+ + + humble, modest / yield 辵, 辶 Proceed 孙 (ENKEL) xun4 +
+ + + used in translation / (Cant.) final particle Mouth 丫 (GABELUNG) ya +
+ + + mortgage, pledge / deposit / to pawn / to arrest, detain, guard 手, 扌 Hand1 甲 (1.HS) ya1 +
+ + + duck / Anas species (various) Bird1 甲 (1.HS) ya1 +
+ + + press / oppress / crush / pressure Cliff 压 (DRUCK) ya1 +
+ + + character used in place names Earth 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) ya1 +
+ + + the forking branch of a tree Tree 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) ya1 +
+ + + forked / bifurcation Rod 丫 (GABELUNG) ya1 +
+ + + crow / Corvus species (various) Bird1 牙 (ZAHN) ya1 +
+ + + cliff, precipice / precipitous Mountain 捱 (AF_KLIFF) ya2 +
+ + + shore, bank, water's edge 水, 氵 Water 捱 (AF_KLIFF) ya2 +
+ + + corner of eye / stare Eye 捱 (AF_KLIFF) ya2 +
+ + + public office / official residence Go 吾 (ICH_WIR) ya2 +
+ + + tooth, molars, teeth / serrated Tooth 牙 (ZAHN) ya2 +
+ + + bud, sprout, shoot 艸, 艹 Grass 牙 (ZAHN) ya2 +
+ + + plant louse, aphids Insect 牙 (ZAHN) ya2 +
+ + + child Man 牙 (ZAHN) ya2 +
+ + + Mountain 牙 (ZAHN) ya2 +
+ + + a place in eastern Shandong Jade 邪 (TEUFLISCH) ya2 +
+ + + dumb, mute / become hoarse Mouth 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) ya3 +
+ + + dumb Illness 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) ya3 +
+ + + elegant, graceful, refined Bird2 牙 (ZAHN) ya3 +
+ + + to pull up, to eradicate 手, 扌 Hand1 偃 (AUFHÖREN) ya4 +
+ + + Asia / second Two 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) ya4 +
+ + + mutual term of address used by sons-in-law / a brother-in-law Woman 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) ya4 +
+ + + argonium Vapor 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) ya4 +
+ + + express surprise, be surprised Words 牙 (ZAHN) ya4 +
+ + + to go to meet, to receive, as a guest 辵, 辶 Proceed 牙 (ZAHN) ya4 +
+ + + to grind, to calender, to polish / to roll with a stone roller Stone 牙 (ZAHN) ya4 +
+ + + bury, sink, block up / stain 水, 氵 Water 堙 (VOGELBAU) yan1 +
+ + + thereupon, then / how? why? where? Fire 焉 (DARAUFHIN) yan1 +
+ + + name of a district in Honan City 焉 (DARAUFHIN) yan1 +
+ + + charming, fascinating / gay Woman 焉 (DARAUFHIN) yan1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎煙;◎烟】 + + smoke, soot / opium / tobacco, cigarettes Fire 因 (GRUND) yan1 +
+ + + rouge, cosmetics Flesh 因 (GRUND) yan1 +
+ + + salt, pickle / be dirty Flesh yan1 +
+ + + castrate / eunuch Door yan1 +
+ + + drown / cover with liquid, steep 水, 氵 Water 奄 (BEDECKEN) yan1 +
+ + + a mountain in Kansu, where there is a cave into which the sun is said to sink at night Mountain yan1 +
+ + + feeble, sickly / tranquil, calm 心, 忄 Heart 厌 (VERABSCHEUEN) yan1 +
+ + + to fade / withered or dried leaves / tobacco (used for 70DF 烟 and 7159 煙) 艸, 艹 Grass 於 (IN_AN_AUF) yan1 +
+ + + village gate Door 三 (DREI) yan2 +
+ + + words, speech / speak, say Words 言 (WORT) yan2 +
+ + + cliff / rocks / mountain Mountain 石 (STEIN) yan2 +
+ + + eaves of house / brim, rim Tree 詹 (GESCHWÄTZIG) yan2 +
+ + + flame, blaze / hot Fire 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) yan2 +
+ + + village gate / surname Door 谄 (AF_FALLE) yan2 +
+ + + delay, postpone, defer Move on 延 (VERLÄNGERN) yan2 +
+ + + millipede Insect 延 (VERLÄNGERN) yan2 +
+ + + bamboo mat / feast, banquet Bamboo 延 (VERLÄNGERN) yan2 +
+ + + grind, rub / study, research Stone 开 (ÖFFNEN) yan2 +
+ + + beautiful, handsome / seductive Woman 开 (ÖFFNEN) yan2 +
+ + + salt Household utensils 卜 (WAHRSAGEREI) yan2 +
沿 + 沿 + + follow a course, go along 水, 氵 沿 Water 沿 (PH_MARSCH) yan2 +
+ + + face, facial appearance Head2 彦 (ELEGANT) yan2 +
+ + + strict, rigorous, rigid / stern One 严 (DICHT_FEST_STRIKT) yan2 +
+ + + perform, put on / exercise 水, 氵 Water 寅 (RESPEKT) yan3 +
+ + + a kind of insectivorous rodent Rat 女 (RUHEVOLL) yan3 +
+ + + overflow, spill over, spread out Go 衍 (AUSBREITEN) yan3 +
+ + + establish / one of nine empire divisions Legs 允 (ERLAUBEN) yan3 +
+ + + cease, lay off, lay down Man 偃 (AUFHÖREN) yan3 +
+ + + county in Henan province City 偃 (AUFHÖREN) yan3 +
+ + + jewel, gem / glitter of gems Jade 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) yan3 +
+ + + eye / eyelet, hole, opening Eye 艮 (STILLHALTEN) yan3 +
+ + + ere long / remain, tarry / feeble Big yan3 +
+ + + to cover (with the hand) / shut, conceal / ambush 手, 扌 Hand1 奄 (BEDECKEN) yan3 +
+ + + medical compress / fish net Net yan3 +
+ + + shell Cliff 厌 (VERABSCHEUEN) yan3 +
+ + + nightmare, bad dreams Ghost 厌 (VERABSCHEUEN) yan3 +
+ + + grave, respectful, majestic Man 严 (DICHT_FEST_STRIKT) yan3 +
+ + + peaceful, quiet / clear / late in the day Sun 女 (RUHEVOLL) yan4 +
+ + + to decide, judge / a verdict, decision Words 献 (ANBIETEN) yan4 +
+ + + express condolence Mouth 言 (WORT) yan4 +
+ + + beautiful, sexy, voluptuous Color 艳 (SEXY) yan4 +
+ + + overflowing, billowing / wavy 水, 氵 Water 艳 (SEXY) yan4 +
+ + + wild goose Bird2 雁 (WILDGANS) yan4 +
+ + + false / counterfeit / bogus / sham Shell 雁 (WILDGANS) yan4 +
+ + + flame, blaze / glowing, blazing Fire 谄 (AF_FALLE) yan4 +
+ + + to entertain, feast / a feast, banquet Dwelling 妟 (AF_FEST) yan4 +
+ + + dam / embankment, dike, bank Earth 偃 (AUFHÖREN) yan4 +
+ + + throat / pharynx Mouth 因 (GRUND) yan4 +
+ + + inkstone Stone 见 yan4 +
+ + + dislike, detest, reject / satiate Cliff 厌 (VERABSCHEUEN) yan4 +
+ + + be satiated, eat one's full Food 厌 (VERABSCHEUEN) yan4 +
+ + + elegant Lines, Long Hair 彦 (ELEGANT) yan4 +
+ + + proverb, maxim Words 彦 (ELEGANT) yan4 +
+ + + thick, strong (beverage) Wine Jug 严 (DICHT_FEST_STRIKT) yan4 +
+ + + test, examine, inspect / verify Horse 佥 (EINSTIMMIG) yan4 +
+ + + center, conclude, run out / beg Big 央 (ZENTRUM, BITTEN) yang1 +
+ + + misfortune, disaster, calamity Disintegration 央 (ZENTRUM, BITTEN) yang1 +
+ + + female mandarin duck (Aix galericulata) Bird1 yang1 +
+ + + rice seedlings, young rice plants Grain 央 (ZENTRUM, BITTEN) yang1 +
+ + + great, expansive / agitated 水, 氵 Water yang1 +
+ + + 'male' principle / light / sun 阜, 阝 Mount 日 (SONNE) yang2 +
+ + + sheep, goat / KangXi radical 123 Sheep 羊 (SCHAF) yang2 +
+ + + pretend, feign / false, deceitful Man 羊 (SCHAF) yang2 +
+ + + ocean, sea / foreign / western 水, 氵 Water 羊 (SCHAF) yang2 +
+ + + wonder, rove, stray / hesitating Foodstep 羊 (SCHAF) yang2 +
+ + + a weevil found in rice, etc. Insect 羊 (SCHAF) yang2 +
+ + + willow, poplar, aspen / surname Tree 场 (KFvAF_SONNE) yang2 +
+ + + scatter, spread / praise 手, 扌 Hand1 场 (KFvAF_SONNE) yang2 +
+ + + ulcers, sores / infection Illness 场 yang2 +
+ + + roast / scorch / melt / flame Fire 场 yang2 +
+ + + oxygen Vapor 羊 (SCHAF) yang3 +
+ + + itch Illness 羊 (SCHAF) yang3 +
+ + + raise, rear, bring up / support Eight 养 (ERNÄHREN) yang3 +
+ + + raise the head to look / look up to, rely on, admire Man 仰 (AF_DEN KOPF HEBEN) yang3 +
+ + + leather strap over horse's neck Rawhide yang4 +
+ + + discontented, dispirited, sad 心, 忄 Heart yang4 +
+ + + shape, form, pattern, style Tree 羊 (SCHAF) yang4 +
+ + + overflow / swirl, ripple / to be tosssed by waves 水, 氵 Water 姜 (INGWER) yang4 +
+ + + illness, sickness / indisposition 心, 忄 Heart 姜 (INGWER) yang4 +
+ + + young, fresh-looking / die young Big 夭 (JUNG STERBEN) yao1 +
+ + + strange, weird, supernatural Woman 夭 (JUNG STERBEN) yao1 +
+ + + invite, welcome / meet, intercept 辵, 辶 Proceed 敫 (ANTIKES_MUSIKINSTRUMENT) yao1 +
+ + + waist / kidney Flesh 要 (WOLLEN) yao1 +
+ + + one / tiny, small Thread 幺 (EINS_KLEIN) yao1 +
+ + + bawl, yell, shout, cry out Mouth 幺 (UNWIRKLICH) yao1 +
+ + + diagrams for divination Intertwine 爻 (HEXAGRAMM-LINIEN) yao2 +
+ + + cooked or prepared meat Flesh 肴 (FLEISCH_UND_FISCH) yao2 +
+ + + a legendary ancient emperor-sage Lame 尧 Yao2 +
+ + + small light carriage Cart 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) yao2 +
+ + + kiln / coal mine pit Cave 缶 (WEINKRUG) yao2 +
+ + + handsome, elegant / surname Woman 兆 yao2 +
+ + + sing / folksong, ballad / rumor Words 谣 (KRUG) yao2 +
+ + + mother-of-pearl Jade 兆 yao2 +
+ + + precious jade Jade 谣 (KRUG) yao2 +
+ + + wag, swing, wave / shake / scull 手, 扌 Hand1 谣 (KRUG) yao2 +
+ + + far away, distant, remote 辵, 辶 Proceed 谣 (KRUG) yao2 +
+ + + conscript labor, compulsory labor Foodstep 谣 (KRUG) yao2 +
+ + + the nautilus / the ray Fish 谣 (KRUG) yao2 +
+ + + dip, ladle / ladle Mortar 舀 (SCHÖPFKELLE) yao3 +
+ + + place name in Shanxi province Mountain 要 (WOLLEN) yao3 +
+ + + bite, gnaw Mouth 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) yao3 +
+ + + obscure, dark, mysterious, deep Tree 木 yao3 +
+ + + obscure, secluded / refined Cave 幼 (KINDER-) yao3 +
耀 + 耀 + + shine, sparkle, dazzle / glory Wings 翟 (BERGFASAN) yao4 +
+ + + glorious, as sun / daylight, sunlight / one of the seven planets of pre-modern astronomy (the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) Sun 翟 (BERGFASAN) yao4 +
+ + + sparrow hawk / kite shaped like Bird1 谣 (KRUG) yao4 +
+ + + leaf of Dahurian angelica plant / medicine 艸, 艹 Grass 约 (SICH_VERABREDEN) yao4 +
+ + + choke / hiccup Mouth 壹 (KS_EINS) ye1 +
+ + + palm tree, coconut palm Tree 耶 (YE2_YESU) ye1 +
+ + + support with the arms / stick in, tuck in / fold up 手, 扌 Hand1 夜 (NACHT) ye1 +
+ + + make fun of, ridicule 手, 扌 Hand1 耶 (YE2_YESU) ye2 +
+ + + father, grandfather Father 爷 (V_C_SIEGEL) ye2 +
+ + + sword 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 邪 (TEUFLISCH) ye2 +
+ + + smelt, fuse metals / cast, found Ice 台 (PLATTFORM) ye3 +
+ + + open country, field / wilderness Village 野 (FREILAND) ye3 +
+ + + also / classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity Bent 也 (AUCH) ye3 +
+ + + trail, tow, drag, pull Say 曳 ye4 +
+ + + page, sheet, leaf / rad. no. 181 Head2 页 (BUCHSEITE) ye4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎葉;◎叶】 + + to harmonize, to rhyme / to unite / (borrowed for) leaf Mouth 十 (ZEHN) ye4 +
+ + + profession, business / GB radical 111 One 业 (BRANCHE ) ye4 +
+ + + place in today's Henan province City 业 (BRANCHE ) ye4 +
+ + + night, dark / in night / by night Evening 夜 (NACHT) ye4 +
+ + + armpit Flesh 夜 (NACHT) ye4 +
+ + + sap, juice, liquid, fluid 水, 氵 Water 夜 (NACHT) ye4 +
+ + + visit, pay respects Words 谒 (BESUCHEN) ye4 +
+ + + bright / radiant / thriving Sun 华 (PRÄCHTIG) ye4 +
+ + + bright, glorious, splendid, flame Fire 华 (PRÄCHTIG) ye4 +
+ + + dimples Face 厌 (VERABSCHEUEN) ye4 +
+ + + one / a, an / alone One 一 (EINS) yi1 +
+ + + number one Scholar 壹 (KS_EINS) yi1 +
+ + + third person pronoun / he, she, this, that Man 伊 (ISLAM) yi1 +
+ + + descriptive of creaking / laugh Mouth 伊 (ISLAM) yi1 +
+ + + belch / alas Mouth 意 (GEDANKE) yi1 +
+ + + black and shining / ebony Black 多 yi1 +
+ + + fierce dog / interjection of pleas / (Cant.) strange Breathe yi1 +
+ + + clothes, clothing / cover, skin Clothes 衣 (KLEIDUNG) yi1 +
+ + + iridium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 衣 (KLEIDUNG) yi1 +
+ + + rely on, be set in / consent, obey a wish Man 衣 (KLEIDUNG) yi1 +
+ + + exclamation of admiration Dog yi1 +
+ + + ripples on water / swirling 水, 氵 Water yi1 +
+ + + salute, bow / defer to, yield 手, 扌 揖/咠 Hand1 揖/咠 (Obs_INS_OHR_FLÜSTERN) yi1 +
+ + + cure, heal / doctor, medical Basket 医 (PFEIL) yi1 +
+ + + ancient barbarian tribes Big 夷 (BARBARISCHER_STAMM) yi2 +
+ + + pancreas / soap Flesh 夷 (BARBARISCHER_STAMM) yi2 +
+ + + mother /wife's sister / concubine Woman 夷 (BARBARISCHER_STAMM) yi2 +
+ + + exclamation of surprise Mouth 夷 (BARBARISCHER_STAMM) yi2 +
+ + + wound, bruise, sore Illness 夷 (BARBARISCHER_STAMM) yi2 +
+ + + ceremony, rites gifts / admire Man 义 (GERECHTIGKEIT) yi2 +
+ + + suitable, right, fitting, proper Dwelling 宜 (PASSEND) yi2 +
+ + + change place, shift / move about Grain 多 (VIELE) yi2 +
+ + + bequeath, pass on to future generations Words 台 (PLATTFORM) yi2 +
+ + + sweet-meats / sweet-cakes / syrup Food 台 (PLATTFORM) yi2 +
+ + + harmony / pleasure, joy / be glad 心, 忄 Heart 台 (PLATTFORM) yi2 +
+ + + give to, hand down, bequeath Shell 台 (PLATTFORM) yi2 +
+ + + to gaze at Eye 台 (PLATTFORM) yi2 +
+ + + cheeks / jaw / chin / rear / to nourish Head2 姬 (AF_WANGE) yi2 +
+ + + doubt, question, suspect Roll 疑 (ZWEIFELN) yi2 +
+ + + a range of mountains in Hunan province Mountain 疑 (ZWEIFELN) yi2 +
+ + + yi / tripod, wine vessel / rule Pig´s Snout 彘 (SCHWEINE) yi2 +
+ + + river in southeast Shandong 水, 氵 Water 斤 (PFUND) yi2 +
+ + + lose / articles lost / omit 辵, 辶 Proceed 贵 (TEUER) yi2 +
+ + + bridge, bank Earth 巳 (6.PERIODE) yi2 +
+ + + by means of / thereby, therefore / consider as / in order to Man 以 (MITTELS) yi3 +
+ + + barley 艸, 艹 Grass 以 (MITTELS) yi3 +
+ + + second / 2nd heavenly stem Bent 乙 (2.HS) yi3 +
+ + + yttrium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 乙 (2.HS) yi3 +
+ + + ants Insect 义 (GERECHTIGKEIT) yi3 +
+ + + to moor a boat to the bank Boat 义 (GERECHTIGKEIT) yi3 +
+ + + particle of completed action Arrow 矣 (ENDE_PARTIKEL) yi3 +
+ + + chair, seat Tree 奇 (AUSSERGEWÖHNLICH) yi3 +
+ + + rely on, depend on / lean heavily Man 奇 (AUSSERGEWÖHNLICH) yi3 +
+ + + romantic / tender / charming Square yi3 +
+ + + millet wine Wine Jug 也 (AUCH) yi3 +
+ + + already / finished / stop Self 已 (AUSRUF_IST_ZU_ENDE) yi3 +
+ + + bright / daybreak, dawn / the next day Wings 立 (STEHEN) yi4 +
+ + + different, unusual, strange Folded Hands 巳 (6.PERIODE) yi4 +
+ + + flying / assist, help / respect Wings 立 (STEHEN) yi4 +
+ + + cut off, reap, mow / sickle Knife 刈 (MÄHEN) yi4 +
+ + + virtuous, admirable, esteemed 心, 忄 Heart 壹 (KS_EINS) yi4 +
+ + + die / kill, exterminate Disintegration 壹 (KS_EINS) yi4 +
+ + + bright and sparkling Fire 摺 (FALTEN) yi4 +
+ + + a row or file of dancers Man 八 (ACHT) yi4 +
+ + + thought, idea, opinion / think 心, 忄 Heart 意 (GEDANKE) yi4 +
+ + + chest, breast, bosom / thought Flesh 意 (GEDANKE) yi4 +
+ + + seed of job's tears / lotus seed 艸, 艹 Grass 意 (GEDANKE) yi4 +
+ + + learn, practice, study / toil Stylus 聿 (SCHREIBFEDER) yi4 +
+ + + ytterbium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 意 (GEDANKE) yi4 +
+ + + hysterical Illness 意 (GEDANKE) yi4 +
+ + + indulge in pleasures / flee Man 失 yi4 +
+ + + rush forth / surpass, excel Cart 失 yi4 +
+ + + profit, benefit / advantage Household utensils 益 (VORTEIL) yi4 +
+ + + the throat / to quarrel, choke Mouth 益 (VORTEIL) yi4 +
+ + + overflow, brim over / full 水, 氵 Water 益 (VORTEIL) yi4 +
亿 + + + hundred million / many Man 乙 (2.HS) yi4 +
+ + + hang, strangle Silk 益 (VORTEIL) yi4 +
+ + + remember, reflect upon / memory 心, 忄 Heart 乙 (2.HS) yi4 +
+ + + measure of weight for gold 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 益 (VORTEIL) yi4 +
+ + + to rise high / to stand erect Mountain 乞 (BETTELN) yi4 +
+ + + bury, inter Illness yi4 +
+ + + art / talent, ability / craft 艸, 艹 Grass 艺 (KUNST) yi4 +
+ + + talk in one's sleep, somniloquy Mouth 艺 (KUNST) yi4 +
+ + + flee, escape, break loose 辵, 辶 Proceed 兔 yi4 +
+ + + right conduct, righteousness Dot 义 (GERECHTIGKEIT) yi4 +
+ + + friendship / appropriate, suitable Words 宜 (PASSEND) yi4 +
+ + + consult, talk over, discuss Words 义 (GERECHTIGKEIT) yi4 +
+ + + cut off nose Knife 鼻 (NASE) yi4 +
+ + + also, too / likewise Lid 亦 (EBENSO) yi4 +
+ + + Chinese chess Folded Hands 亦 (EBENSO) yi4 +
+ + + in sequence, orderly / abundant Big 亦 (EBENSO) yi4 +
+ + + change / easy Sun 易 (LEICHT) yi4 +
+ + + a border / a limit / a dike / a frontier / a boundary Earth 易 (LEICHT) yi4 +
+ + + lizard Insect 易 (LEICHT) yi4 +
羿 + 羿 + + legendary archer 羿 Wings 羿 (GO-MEISTER) yi4 +
+ + + translate / decode / encode Words 译 (V_C_AUGE_ÜBER_VERBRECHER) yi4 +
+ + + to unravel or unreel silk / to interpret Silk 译 (V_C_AUGE_ÜBER_VERBRECHER) yi4 +
+ + + a range of peaks in Shandong and Jiangsu / the name of a mountain Mountain 译 (V_C_AUGE_ÜBER_VERBRECHER) yi4 +
+ + + enjoy, be glad, be pleased 心, 忄 Heart 译 (V_C_AUGE_ÜBER_VERBRECHER) yi4 +
驿 + + + relay station Horse 译 (V_C_AUGE_ÜBER_VERBRECHER) yi4 +
+ + + reach / achievement, accomplishment Words 旨 (ZIEL_ZWECK) yi4 +
+ + + wings / fins on fish / shelter Wings 田 (REISFELD) yi4 +
+ + + catch, arrest / shoot with bow Dart yi4 +
+ + + progeny, descendants, posterity Clothes 裔 (LEUCHTEND) yi4 +
+ + + service / a servant, laborer / to serve Foodstep 殳 (SCHLAGEN) yi4 +
+ + + press down, repress / curb, hinder 手, 扌 Hand1 仰 (AF_DEN KOPF HEBEN) yi4 +
+ + + epidemic, plague, pestilence Illness 殳 (SCHLAGEN) yi4 +
+ + + resolute, decisive, firm, persist Strike 殳 (SCHLAGEN) yi4 +
+ + + area, district, city, state City 邑 (VOLLFORM von 阝 ) yi4 +
+ + + to bale out / to decant liquids 手, 扌 Hand1 邑 (VOLLFORM von 阝 ) yi4 +
+ + + sorrowful, depressed, unhappy 心, 忄 Heart 邑 (VOLLFORM von 阝 ) yi4 +
+ + + shade, screen / to hide, screen Wings 医 (PFEIL) yi4 +
+ + + sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation Sound 音 (TON_SCHALL) yin1 +
+ + + to be dumb / the sobbing of infants Mouth 音 (TON_SCHALL) yin1 +
+ + + 'female' principle / dark / secret 阜, 阝 Mount 阴 (YIN) yin1 +
+ + + bury / dam, block up Earth 堙 (VOGELBAU) yin1 +
+ + + cause, reason / by / because (of) Enclosure 因 (GRUND) yin1 +
+ + + a cushion, mattress / wormwood / Skimmia japon 艸, 艹 Grass 因 (GRUND) yin1 +
+ + + relatives by marriage Woman 因 (GRUND) yin1 +
+ + + 水, 氵 Water 因 (GRUND) yin1 +
+ + + hanging fog, misty Vapor 因 (GRUND) yin1 +
+ + + indium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 因 (GRUND) yin1 +
+ + + many, great / abundant, flourishing Strike 殳 yin1 +
+ + + to respect, reverence / respectfully / 3rd terrestrial branch Dwelling 寅 (RESPEKT) yin2 +
+ + + obscene, licentious, lewd 水, 氵 Water 淫 (OBZÖN) yin2 +
+ + + county in Zhejiang province City 堇 (VEILCHEN) yin2 +
+ + + long and heavy rain Rain 淫 (OBZÖN) yin2 +
+ + + the snarling of dogs Dog 言 (WORT) yin2 +
+ + + distant place / remote / deep Evening yin2 +
+ + + sing, hum / recite / type of poetry Mouth 今 (GEGENWART) yin2 +
+ + + silver / cash, money, wealth 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 艮 (STILLHALTEN) yin2 +
+ + + boundary, bank of stream or river Earth 艮 (STILLHALTEN) yin2 +
+ + + govern / oversee / director 丿 Leftstroke 尹 (REGIEREN) yin3 +
+ + + to pull, draw out, attract / to stretch Bow 引 (VERTIKALSTRICH) yin3 +
+ + + smile at / sneer at Mouth 引 yin3 +
+ + + earthworm Insect 引 yin3 +
+ + + hide, conceal / hidden, secret 阜, 阝 Mount 隐 (VERSTECKT) yin3 +
+ + + rash / addiction, craving, habit Illness 隐 (VERSTECKT) yin3 +
+ + + print, seal, stamp, chop, mark Seal 印 (DRUCKEN) yin4 +
+ + + an organic compound 艸, 艹 Grass 印 (DRUCKEN) yin4 +
+ + + heir, successor / progeny, posterity Flesh 幺 (UNWIRKLICH) yin4 +
+ + + oriole, green finch / Sylvia species (various) 艸, 艹 Grass 茔 (GRASS_BEDECKEN) ying1 +
+ + + petal, flower, leaf / brave, a hero / England, English 艸, 艹 Grass 央 (ZENTRUM, BITTEN) ying1 +
+ + + luster of gem / crystal Jade ying1 +
+ + + falcon / Accipiter species (various) Bird1 雁 (WILDGANS) ying1 +
+ + + breast, chest / undertake, bear Flesh 雁 (WILDGANS) ying1 +
+ + + long necked jar or bottle Earthenware 罂 (FLASCHE_KRUG) ying1 +
+ + + baby, infant / bother Woman 婴 (SÄUGLING) ying1 +
+ + + cherry, cherry blossom Tree 婴 (SÄUGLING) ying1 +
+ + + a chin strap / tassel / to annoy, bother Silk 婴 (SÄUGLING) ying1 +
+ + + oppose, offend, run counter to 手, 扌 Hand1 婴 (SÄUGLING) ying1 +
+ + + seek friends / also used in onomatopoetic expressions Mouth 婴 (SÄUGLING) ying1 +
+ + + a necklace made of precious stones Jade 婴 (SÄUGLING) ying1 +
+ + + parrot Bird1 婴 (SÄUGLING) ying1 +
+ + + grave, tomb, cemetery 艸, 艹 Grass 茔 (GRASS_BEDECKEN) ying2 +
+ + + glow-worm, luminous insect 艸, 艹 Grass 茔 (GRASS_BEDECKEN) ying2 +
+ + + encampment, barracks / manage 艸, 艹 Grass 茔 (GRASS_BEDECKEN) ying2 +
+ + + shine, shimmer / shining, dazzling 艸, 艹 Grass 茔 (GRASS_BEDECKEN) ying2 +
+ + + polish 艸, 艹 Grass 茔 (GRASS_BEDECKEN) ying2 +
+ + + clear, pure water / lucid / glossy 水, 氵 Water 荣 (RUHM) ying2 +
+ + + entangle, entwine, coil 艸, 艹 Grass 荣 (RUHM) ying2 +
+ + + win / surplus, gain, profit Shell 赢 (MAULESEL) ying2 +
+ + + tiny stream / swirl around 水, 氵 Water 荣 (RUHM) ying2 +
+ + + to win / to have a surplus / surname Woman 嬴 (YINGQIN) ying2 +
+ + + sea, ocean 水, 氵 Water 嬴 (YINGQIN) ying2 +
+ + + receive, welcome, greet 辵, 辶 Proceed 仰 (AF_DEN KOPF HEBEN) ying2 +
+ + + fill / full, overflowing / surplus Household utensils 盈 (FÜLLEN) ying2 +
+ + + column, pillar / numerary adjunct Tree 盈 (FÜLLEN) ying2 +
+ + + flies Insect 黾 (FROSCH) ying2 +
+ + + swelling, goiter Illness 婴 (SÄUGLING) ying3 +
+ + + river in Anhui Head2 颍 (RIVER IN ANHUI) ying3 +
+ + + rice tassel / sharp point / clever Head2 颍 (RIVER IN ANHUI) ying3 +
+ + + state in today's Hubei province City 呈 (SICH_DARBIETEN) ying3 +
+ + + shadow / image, reflection / photograph Lines, Long Hair 景 (SZENE) ying3 +
+ + + project / reflect light Sun 央 (ZENTRUM, BITTEN) ying4 +
+ + + hard, firm, strong / obstinate Stone 更 (NOCH_MEHR) ying4 +
+ + + a maid who accompanies bride to her new home / to escort / a concubine Woman 券 (HÄNDE_ROLLEN_REIS) ying4 +
+ + + final particle Mouth 育 (NEUGEBORENES) yo1 +
+ + + usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 广 Shelter 庸 (MITTELMÄSSIG) yong1 +
+ + + wall / fortified wall / small wall Earth yong1 +
+ + + indolent, easy-going, lazy 心, 忄 Heart yong1 +
+ + + large bell used as musical instrument 金,钅 Gold (Metal) yong1 +
+ + + bighead Fish yong1 +
+ + + embrace, hug, squeeze / crowd 手, 扌 Hand1 用 (GEBRAUCHEN) yong1 +
+ + + carbuncle, sore, ulcer, abscess Illness 用 yong1 +
+ + + harmony, union / harmonious Bird2 雍 (HARMONIE) yong1 +
+ + + swell up / swelling / fat Flesh 雍 (HARMONIE) yong1 +
+ + + to obstruct Earth 雍 (HARMONIE) yong1 +
+ + + breakfast / eat prepared food Food 雍 (HARMONIE) yong1 +
+ + + former or literary name for Nanning (in Guangxi) City 邑 (VOLLFORM von 阝 ) Yong1 +
+ + + the mouth of a fish at the surface of the water, gasping for breath Mouth 禺 (SPINNENAFFE) yong2 +
+ + + path / river in Ningbo / Ningbo Use 甬 (PFAD) yong3 +
+ + + surge up, bubble up, gush forth 水, 氵 Water 甬 (PFAD) yong3 +
+ + + leap, jump Foot 甬 (PFAD) yong3 +
+ + + chrysalis, larva Insect 甬 (PFAD) yong3 +
+ + + instigate, incite / to alarm 心, 忄 Heart 甬 (PFAD) yong3 +
+ + + brave, courageous, fierce Strength 甬 (PFAD) yong3 +
+ + + wooden figure buried with dead Man 甬 (PFAD) yong3 +
+ + + long, perpetual, eternal, forever 水, 氵 Water 永 (EWIG) yong3 +
+ + + sing song or poem, hum, chant Mouth 永 (EWIG) yong3 +
+ + + dive / swim 水, 氵 Water 永 (EWIG) yong3 +
+ + + use, employ, apply, operate / use Use 用 (GEBRAUCHEN) yong4 +
+ + + superior, excellent / actor Man 尤 (BESONDERS) you1 +
+ + + sad, grieved / grief, melancholy 心, 忄 Heart 尤 (BESONDERS) you1 +
+ + + quiet, secluded, tranquil / dark Thread 幺 (UNWIRKLICH) you1 +
+ + + the bleating of the deer Mouth 幼 (KINDER-) you1 +
+ + + distant, far / adverbial prefix Tap 攸 (WEIT_ENTFERNT) you1 +
+ + + long, far, remote, distant / liesurely 心, 忄 Heart 攸 (WEIT_ENTFERNT) you1 +
+ + + especially, particularly Lame 尤 (BESONDERS) you2 +
+ + + wart / tumor / goiter / papule Illness 尤 (BESONDERS) you2 +
鱿 + + + cuttlefish Fish 尤 (BESONDERS) you2 +
+ + + like, similar to, just like, as Dog 犹 (STÖREN) you2 +
+ + + caryopteris divaricata 艸, 艹 Grass 犹 (STÖREN) you2 +
+ + + 蝤蛑 yóumóu swimming crab [qiú] 蝤蛴 qiúqí tree-grub Insect 酋 (STAMMESFÜRST) you2 +
+ + + plan, scheme / plan, plot / way Dog 酋 (STAMMESFÜRST) you2 +
+ + + to swim / float, drift / wander, roam 水, 氵 游/斿 Water 游/斿 (AF_SCHWIMMEN) you2 +
+ + + mayfly (Ephemera strigata) 游/斿 Insect 游/斿 (AF_SCHWIMMEN) you2 +
+ + + cause, reason / from Field 由 (VERANLASSUNG) you2 +
+ + + postal, mail / post office City 由 (VERANLASSUNG) you2 +
+ + + uranium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 由 (VERANLASSUNG) you2 +
+ + + oil, fat, grease, lard / paints 水, 氵 Water 由 (VERANLASSUNG) you2 +
+ + + Avena nuda / a bamboo basket 艸, 艹 Grass 攸 (WEIT_ENTFERNT) you2 +
+ + + millipede Insect 由 (VERANLASSUNG) you2 +
+ + + weeds, tares / undesirable, evil 艸, 艹 Grass you3 +
+ + + wine pot Divination 卤 (SALZ) you3 +
+ + + window / lead enlightenment Splitwood right 甫 (GESELLE) you3 +
+ + + friend, companion / fraternity Hand2 友 (FREUNDSCHAFT) you3 +
+ + + have, own, possess / exist Moon 有 (HABEN) you3 +
+ + + europium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 有 (HABEN) you3 +
+ + + 10th terrestrial branch / a wine vessel Wine Jug 酉 you3 +
+ + + persuade, entice, induce / guide Words 秀 (VORTREFFLICH) you4 +
+ + + and, also, again, in addition Hand2 又 (WIEDER) you4 +
+ + + right / west / right-wing Mouth 右 (RECHTS) you4 +
+ + + help, protect, bless Man 右 (RECHTS) you4 +
+ + + help, assist, repay kindness Man 有 (HABEN) you4 +
+ + + pen up / limit, constrain Enclosure 有 (HABEN) you4 +
+ + + forgive, pardon, indulge Dwelling 有 (HABEN) you4 +
+ + + infant, young child / immature Thread 幼 (KINDER-) you4 +
+ + + larva Insect 幼 (KINDER-) you4 +
+ + + glaze Footprint 由 (VERANLASSUNG) you4 +
+ + + weasel, mustela itatis Rat 由 (VERANLASSUNG) you4 +
+ + + interjection 'Alas!' / to sigh Mouth 于 (IM) yu1 +
+ + + doctrinaire, abstruse, unrealistic 辵, 辶 Proceed yu1 +
+ + + bend, turn, twist / distort Silk yu1 +
+ + + mud, sediment / clog up, silt up 水, 氵 Water 於 (IN_AN_AUF) yu1 +
+ + + a hematoma, contusion / extravasted blood Illness 於 (IN_AN_AUF) yu1 +
+ + + Dog 余 (ÜBRIG) yu2 +
+ + + offer sacrifice for rain Rain 雩 (REGENOPFER) yu2 +
+ + + surplus, excess, remainder Food 余 (ÜBRIG) yu2 +
+ + + a final particle used to express admiration, doubt, surprise, or to mark a question Breathe 与 yu2 +
+ + + elm tree Tree 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu2 +
+ + + go over, pass over, exceed 辵, 辶 Proceed 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu2 +
+ + + pleasant, delightful / please 心, 忄 Heart 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu2 +
+ + + change / chongqing 水, 氵 Water 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu2 +
+ + + lift, raise / praise / hang / flap 手, 扌 Hand1 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu2 +
+ + + county in Shandong province Mountain 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu2 +
+ + + flawless gem or jewel Jade 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu2 +
+ + + desire strongly, covet, long for See 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu2 +
+ + + a small door or window / a hole in the wall to cut through a wall Cave 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu2 +
+ + + snail Insect 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu2 +
+ + + district / mountain in Zhejiang Track 禺 (SPINNENAFFE) yu2 +
+ + + stupid, doltish, foolish 心, 忄 Heart 禺 (SPINNENAFFE) yu2 +
+ + + corner, nook, remote place 阜, 阝 Mount 禺 (SPINNENAFFE) yu2 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎於;◎于】 + + in, on, at / go to / surname Two 于 (IM) yu2 +
+ + + carry on one's shoulder Mortar 臼 (MÖRSER) yu2 +
+ + + basin / cup Household utensils yu2 +
+ + + moment, instant, short while Mortar yu2 +
+ + + ancient woodwind instrument Bamboo yu2 +
+ + + flatter, truckle Words yu2 +
+ + + dogwood 艸, 艹 Grass yu2 +
+ + + fat / fertile, rich / plump, soft Flesh yu2 +
+ + + concerned about, anxious, worried Tiger 虔 (FROMM) yu2 +
+ + + beautiful, fair, handsome Woman 予 (GEWÄHREN) yu2 +
+ + + fish / surname / KangXi radical 195 Fish 鱼 (FISCH) yu2 +
+ + + to fish / seize / pursue / surname 水, 氵 Water 鱼 (FISCH) yu2 +
+ + + pleasure, enjoyment, amusement Woman 吴 (WU_KÖNIGREICH) yu2 +
+ + + in, at, on / interjection alas! Square 於 (IN_AN_AUF) yu2 +
+ 輿 + + cart, palanquin, sedan chair Mortar 车 (WAGEN) yu2 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎餘;◎余】 + + I, my, me / surname / surplus Man 余 (ÜBRIG) yu2 +
+ + + and / with / to / for / give, grant One 与 (GEBEN) yu3 +
屿 + + + island Mountain 与 (GEBEN) yu3 +
+ + + stable, corral, enclosure / frontier, border Enclosure 幸 (GLÜCK) yu3 +
+ + + legendary hsia dynasty founder Track 禹 (KAISER_YU) Yu3 +
+ + + humpback / stoop Man 区 (REGION) yu3 +
+ + + dirty, useless, weak, powerless / cracked, a flaw Cave yu3 +
+ + + house / building, structure / eaves Dwelling 于 (IM) yu3 +
+ + + granary / storehouse 广 Shelter yu3 +
+ + + to die in prison from cold and hunger / to treat with cruelty Illness yu3 +
+ + + rain / rainy / KangXi radical 173 Rain 雨 (REGEN) yu3 +
+ + + I, me / to give Downstroke 予 (GEWÄHREN) yu3 +
+ + + big Man 吴 (WU_KÖNIGREICH) yu3 +
+ + + feather, plume / wings / rad. 124 Wings 羽 (FLÜGEL) yu3 +
+ + + language, words / saying, expression Words 吾 (ICH_WIR) yu3 +
+ + + prison, jail Enclosure 吾 (ICH_WIR) yu3 +
+ + + uneven teeth / to disagree 齿 Teeth 吾 (ICH_WIR) yu3 +
+ + + surfeited, satiated / confer Food 夭 (JUNG STERBEN) yu4 +
+ + + old woman, hag Woman 区 (REGION) yu4 +
+ + + metaphor, analogy / example / like Mouth 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu4 +
+ + + more and more, even more 心, 忄 Heart 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu4 +
+ + + proclaim, instruct / edict Words 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu4 +
+ + + writing brush, pencil / thereupon Stylus 聿 (SCHREIBFEDER) yu4 +
+ + + jade, precious stone, gem Jade 玉 (JADE) yu4 +
+ + + rare treasure 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 玉 (JADE) yu4 +
+ + + meet, come across, encounter 辵, 辶 Proceed 禺 (SPINNENAFFE) yu4 +
+ + + residence / lodge / dwell Dwelling 禺 (SPINNENAFFE) yu4 +
+ + + taro 艸, 艹 Grass yu4 +
+ + + district, region, boundary / land Earth 或 (ODER) yu4 +
+ + + threshold / separated, confined Door 或 (ODER) yu4 +
+ + + drive, ride / manage, control Horse 又 (WIEDER) yu4 +
+ + + a fabulous creature like a turtle / a toad Insect 或 (ODER) yu4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎鬱;◎郁】 + + sweet smelling, rich in aroma / (Cant.) to move, hit City 有 (HABEN) yu4 +
+ + + bright light, sunlight / dazzling Sun 昱 (LEUCHTEN) yu4 +
+ + + bright, shining, brilliant Fire 昱 (LEUCHTEN) yu4 +
+ + + give birth to / bring up, educate Do not 琉 (NEUGEBORENES_HAAR) yu4 +
+ + + prepare, arrange / in advance Head2 预 (VORBEREITEN) yu4 +
+ + + yam 艸, 艹 Grass 预 (VORBEREITEN) yu4 +
+ + + produce, give birth to / educate Flesh 育 (NEUGEBORENES) yu4 +
+ + + sell / child, childish / nourish Caldron yu4 +
+ + + warm / warmth Fire yu4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎禦;◎御】 + + drive, ride / chariot / manage Foodstep 卸 (AUSLADEN) yu4 +
+ + + prison, jail / case / lawsuit Dog 犬 (HUND) yu4 +
+ + + valley, ravine Mountain 谷 (TAL) yu4 +
+ + + bathe, wash / bath 水, 氵 Water 谷 (TAL) yu4 +
+ + + desire, want, long for / intend Breathe 谷 (TAL) yu4 +
+ + + abundant, rich, plentiful Clothes 谷 (TAL) yu4 +
+ + + myna / manah / Acridotheres tristis Bird1 谷 (TAL) yu4 +
+ + + fame, reputation / praise Words 兴 (GEDEIHEN) yu4 +
+ + + snipe, kingfisher Bird1 谲 (TREFFEND) yu4 +
+ + + grievance, injustice, wrong Cover 兔 (HASE) yuan1 +
+ + + male mandarin duck (Aix galericulata) Bird1 苑 yuan1 +
+ + + eyes without brightness Eye 苑 yuan1 +
+ + + Bamboo yuan1 +
+ + + surge up, bubble up, gush forth 水, 氵 Water yuan1 +
+ + + kite / Milvus species (various) Bird1 yuan1 +
+ + + plateau Earth 原 (URSPRÜNGLICH) yuan2 +
+ + + a silkworm Insect 原 (URSPRÜNGLICH) yuan2 +
+ + + lead on to / therefore, then 爪,爫 Claw 爰 (DARAUFHIN) yuan2 +
+ + + first / dollar / origin / head Legs 元 (URSPRUNG) yuan2 +
+ + + aid, assist / lead / cite 手, 扌 Hand1 爰 (LIEBE) yuan2 +
+ + + beauty, beautiful woman Woman 爰 (LIEBE) yuan2 +
+ + + garden / park, orchard Enclosure 元 (URSPRUNG) yuan2 +
+ + + name of a river in western Hunan that flows into Dongting lake 水, 氵 Water 元 (URSPRUNG) yuan2 +
+ 黿 + + large turtle, sea turtle Turtle 元 (URSPRUNG) yuan2 +
+ + + low wall Earth 亘 (SICH_ERSTRECKEN) yuan2 +
+ + + hem, margin / reason, cause / fate Silk 彖 (WILDSCHWEIN) yuan2 +
+ + + citrus Tree 彖 (WILDSCHWEIN) yuan2 +
+ + + robe / surname Clothes 袁 (EINE_LANGE_ROBE) yuan2 +
+ + + axle / magistrate's office / surname Cart 袁 (EINE_LANGE_ROBE) yuan2 +
+ + + ape Dog 袁 (EINE_LANGE_ROBE) yuan2 +
+ + + member / personnel, staff member Mouth 员 (MITGLIED) yuan2 +
+ + + circle / round, circular / complete Enclosure 员 (MITGLIED) yuan2 +
+ + + source, origin, beginning Cliff 原 (URSPRÜNGLICH) yuan2 +
+ + + spring / source, head / surname 水, 氵 Water 原 (URSPRÜNGLICH) yuan2 +
+ + + distant, remote, far / profound 辵, 辶 Proceed 元 (URSPRUNG) yuan3 +
+ + + sincere, honest, virtuous 心, 忄 Heart 原 (URSPRÜNGLICH) yuan4 +
+ + + large ring of fine jade Jade 爰 (LIEBE) yuan4 +
+ + + courtyard, yard, court / school 阜, 阝 Mount 完 (BEENDEN) yuan4 +
+ + + a dyke, embankment Earth 完 (BEENDEN) yuan4 +
+ + + pasture, park, garden / mansion 艸, 艹 Grass 苑 yuan4 +
+ + + hatred, enmity, resentment 心, 忄 Heart 苑 (ABEND_NACHT_V_SIEGEL ) yuan4 +
+ + + a general designation of officials 手, 扌 Hand1 彖 (WILDSCHWEIN) yuan4 +
+ + + say / KangXi radical 73 Say 曰 (SAGEN) yue1 +
+ + + skip, jump, frolic Foot 夭 (JUNG STERBEN) yue4 +
+ + + moon / month / KangXi radical 74 Moon 月 (MOND) yue4 +
+ + + cutting off feet as form of punishment Knife 月 (MOND) yue4 +
+ + + Guangdong and Guangxi provinces / initial particle Rice Yue4 +
+ + + flute / pipe, ancient measure Flute 龠 (FLÖTE) yue4 +
+ + + to boil / to wash, to cleanse, to soak 水, 氵 Water 龠 (FLÖTE) yue4 +
+ + + mountain peak / surname Mountain 丘 (ERDHÜGEL ) yue4 +
+ + + pleased, contented, gratified 心, 忄 Heart 兑 (UMTAUSCHEN) yue4 +
+ + + examine, inspect, review, read Door 兑 (UMTAUSCHEN) yue4 +
+ + + broad-axe, a battle axe, halberd 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 钺 (ANTIKE_WAFFE_MIT_HAKEN) yue4 +
+ + + exceed, go beyond / the more ... Run 越 (ÜBERSCHREITEN) yue4 +
+ + + the shade of trees Tree 越 (ÜBERSCHREITEN) yue4 +
+ + + life giving influences of nature / spirit of harmony / prosperity Vapor 温 (HENKERSMAHL) yun1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎雲;◎云】 + + say, speak / clouds Two 云 (WOLKE) yun2 +
+ + + weed Plow 云 (WOLKE) yun2 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎蕓;◎芸】 + + rue, herb used to keep insects away / to cut grass or weeds / art, talent, ability, craft, technique, performance, acting, trick, stunt 艸, 艹 Grass 云 (WOLKE) yun2 +
+ + + confused, in disorder / numerous Silk 云 (WOLKE) yun2 +
+ + + county in Hubei province City 员 (MITGLIED) yun2 +
+ + + equal Wrap 匀 (C_EIS) yun2 +
+ + + sun light / used in personal names Sun 匀 yun2 +
+ + + to grant, to allow, to consent Legs 允 (ERLAUBEN) yun3 +
+ + + a tribe of Scythian nomads Dog 允 (ERLAUBEN) yun3 +
+ + + fall, slip / let fall / die 阜, 阝 Mount 员 (MITGLIED) yun3 +
+ + + die, perish / vanish / fall Disintegration 员 (MITGLIED) yun3 +
+ + + run / simplified form of 運 luck, fortune / ship, transport 辵, 辶 Proceed 云 (WOLKE) yun4 +
+ + + liquor, spirits, wine / ferment Wine Jug 云 (WOLKE) yun4 +
+ + + surname / an ancient town's name City 军 (ARMEE) yun4 +
+ + + devise, plan, deliberate / consult 心, 忄 Heart 军 (ARMEE) yun4 +
+ + + to collect, gather, store / profound 艸, 艹 Grass 温 (HENKERSMAHL) yun4 +
+ + + angry 心, 忄 Heart 温 (HENKERSMAHL) yun4 +
+ + + secrete, hide, conceal Leather 温 (HENKERSMAHL) yun4 +
+ + + be pregnant, pregnancy Child 乃 (DARUM ) yun4 +
+ + + rhyme / vowel Sound 匀 (GLEICHMÄSSIG) yun4 +
+ + + iron, press Fire 尉 (OFFIZIER) yun4 +
+ + + full circle / encircle Box 匝 (UMFANG) za1 +
+ + + to suck, to smack the lips / (Cant.) to cheat Mouth 匝 (UMFANG) za1 +
+ + + mixed, blended / mix, mingle Tree 九 (NEUN*) za2 +
+ + + smash, crush, break / pound, mash Stone 匝 (UMFANG) za2 +
+ + + ground that has been under cultivation for one year / evil, calamity Field 甾 zai1 +
+ + + calamity, disaster, catastrophe Fire 火 (FEUER) zai1 +
+ + + final exclamatory particle Mouth 哉 (SCHNEIDEN) zai1 +
+ + + to cultivate, plant / to care for plants Tree 哉 (SCHNEIDEN) zai1 +
+ + + to slaughter / to rule Dwelling 宰 (SCHLACHTEN) zai3 +
+ + + a child, a servant / a diminutive Mountain 思 (DENKEN) zai3 +
+ + + be at, in, on / consist in, rest Earth 在 (SICH_BEFINDEN) zai4 +
+ + + again, twice, re- Borders 再 (WIEDER) zai4 +
+ + + hairpin, clasp / wear in hair Bamboo zan1 +
+ + + Tsampa, Tibetan food Rice 昝 (WIR_BEIDE) zan1 +
+ + + us Mouth 自 (SELBST) zan2 +
+ + + a dual pronoun, I, you and me, we two Sun 昝 (WIR_BEIDE) zan3 +
+ + + go in hurry, hasten / urge Run 赞 (HELFEN_LOBEN_LOBREDE) zan3 +
+ + + temporary Sun 斩 (ABHACKEN) zan4 +
+ + + help, support, assist, aid 先+先 Shell 先+先 (ZUERST+ZUERST) zan4 +
+ + + engraving tool, chisel 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 斩 (ABHACKEN) zan4 +
+ + + ceremonial libation cup Jade 赞 (HELFEN_LOBEN_LOBREDE) zan4 +
+ + + booty, loot, stolen goods / bribe Shell 土 (ERDE) zang1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎髒;◎臟】 + + internal organs, viscera / dirty Flesh 庄 (GEHÖFT) zang1 +
+ + + good, right, generous / command Minister 臧 (GUT) zang1 +
+ + + excellent horse, noble steed Horse 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) zang3 +
+ + + bury, inter 艸, 艹 Grass 葬 (BESTATTEN) zang4 +
+ + + come across, meet with, encounter 辵, 辶 Proceed 曹 (Name_CAO2) zao1 +
+ + + sediment, dregs / pickle Rice 曹 (Name_CAO2) zao1 +
+ + + chisel / bore, pierce Pit 业 (BRANCHE ) zao2 +
+ + + date tree / dates, jujubes / surname Tree 刺 (AF_DORN) zao3 +
+ + + wash, bathe 水, 氵 Water 澡 (WASCHEN) zao3 +
+ + + splendid, magnificent / algae 艸, 艹 Grass 澡 (WASCHEN) zao3 +
+ + + early / soon / morning Sun 早 (MORGEN) zao3 +
+ + + flea / louse Insect 蚤 (FLOH) zao3 +
+ + + tense, excited, irritable Foot 操 (OBS_ZWITSCHERN) zao4 +
+ + + be noisy / chirp loudly Mouth 操 (OBS_ZWITSCHERN) zao4 +
+ + + dry, parched, arid / quick-tempered Fire 操 (OBS_ZWITSCHERN) zao4 +
+ + + kitchen stove, cooking stove Fire 土 (ERDE) zao4 +
+ + + construct, build, make, begin / prepare 辵, 辶 Proceed 造 (MITTEILEN) zao4 +
+ + + soap / black / menial servant White 皂 (SCHWARZ_SEIFE) zao4 +
+ + + chatter Mouth 皂 (SCHWARZ_SEIFE) zao4 +
+ + + to rise / contracted / cramped 辵, 辶 Proceed 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) ze2 +
+ + + boards which support tiles on roof Bamboo 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) ze2 +
+ + + Boat 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) ze2 +
+ + + one's responsibility, duty Shell 责 (PFLICHT) ze2 +
+ + + abstruse, deep, profound Shell 责 (PFLICHT) ze2 +
+ + + interjection of approval or admiration Mouth 责 (PFLICHT) ze2 +
+ + + turban / conical cap Cloth 责 (PFLICHT) ze2 +
+ + + bed mat / mat Bamboo 责 (PFLICHT) ze2 +
+ + + rule, law, regulation / grades Knife 则 (REGEL) ze2 +
+ + + marsh, swamp / grace, brilliance 水, 氵 Water 译 (V_C_AUGE_ÜBER_VERBRECHER) ze2 +
+ + + slanting, oblique / oblique tones Man 仄 (SCHMAL) ze4 +
+ + + afternoon / the sun in the afternoon sky / to decline Sun 仄 (SCHMAL) ze4 +
+ + + thief, traitor / kill Shell 戎 (WAFFEN) zei2 +
+ + + what? why? how? 心, 忄 Heart 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zen3 +
+ + + to slander Words zen4 +
+ + + increase, add to, augment Earth 曾 (SCHON_BEREITS) zeng1 +
+ + + hate, detest, abhor / hatred 心, 忄 Heart 曾 (SCHON_BEREITS) zeng1 +
+ + + a large square net, lowered and raised from the bank of the river Net 曾 (SCHON_BEREITS) zeng1 +
+ + + give present / bestow, confer Shell 曾 (SCHON_BEREITS) zeng4 +
+ + + boiler for steaming rice, pot Tile 曾 (SCHON_BEREITS) zeng4 +
+ + + polish 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 呈 (SICH_DARBIETEN) zeng4 +
+ + + Mouth 折 (BRECHEN) zha1 +
+ + + shout, roar, bellow / scold Mouth 乇 (VON_ETWAS_ABHÄNGEN) zha1 +
+ + + whispering Mouth 查 (UNTERSUCHEN) zha1 +
+ + + wild animal mentioned in short story by Lu Xun Dog 查 (UNTERSUCHEN) zha1 +
+ + + refuse, dregs, lees, sediment 水, 氵 Water 查 (UNTERSUCHEN) zha1 +
+ + + handful / to grasp, seize, pick up with fingers / (Cant.) to take, carry 手, 扌 Hand1 查 (UNTERSUCHEN) zha1 +
+ + + red sores on nose Nose2 查 (UNTERSUCHEN) zha1 +
+ + + sluice / flood gate, canal lock Door 甲 (1.HS) zha2 +
+ + + letter, note / correspondence Tree 扎 zha2 +
+ + + sickle for cutting grass or hay 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 则 (REGEL) zha2 +
+ + + stone tablet / monument Stone 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zha3 +
+ + + wink Eye 乏 (FEHLEN) zha3 +
+ + + first time, for the first time 丿 Leftstroke 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zha4 +
+ + + cheat, defraud, swindle / trick Words 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zha4 +
+ + + scrofulous swellings and sores, mumps Illness 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zha4 +
+ + + grasshopper / (edible) locust / cicada Insect 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zha4 +
+ + + to press or extract juices / a press to extract juices / a vegetable Tree 窄 (ENG) zha4 +
+ + + scold, bellow, shout at, roar Mouth 宅 (RESIDENZ) zha4 +
+ + + vegetarian diet / study Literature 文 (SCHRIFT) zhai1 +
+ + + pluck, pick / select / specify 手, 扌 Hand1 谪 (OBS_WURZEL) zhai1 +
+ + + residence, dwelling, home / grave Dwelling 宅 (RESIDENZ) zhai2 +
+ + + narrow, tight / narrow-minded Cave 窄 (ENG) zhai3 +
+ + + debt, loan, liabilities Man 责 (PFLICHT) zhai4 +
+ + + stockade, fort, military outpost / brothel Stone 此 (DIES) zhai4 +
+ + + a wasting disease Illness zhai4 +
+ + + stockade, stronghold, outpost / brothel Dwelling 寒 (AF_HINEINSTECKEN) zhai4 +
+ + + silk banner with bent pole Square 丹 (ROToderPILLE ) zhan1 +
+ + + surname / talk too much, verbose Words 詹 (GESCHWÄTZIG) zhan1 +
+ + + look / look out for / respect Eye 詹 (GESCHWÄTZIG) zhan1 +
+ + + talkative / incoherent talk Words 詹 (GESCHWÄTZIG) zhan1 +
+ + + felt / rug, carpet Hair 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) zhan1 +
+ + + moisten, wet, soak / touch 水, 氵 Water 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) zhan1 +
+ + + small cup or container Household utensils 戋 (SCHMAL) zhan3 +
+ + + open, unfold / stretch, extend Corpse 展 (ENTFALTEN) zhan3 +
+ + + turn over, roll Cart 展 zhan3 +
+ + + to wipe tears / to bind 手, 扌 Hand1 展 zhan3 +
+ + + cut, chop, sever / behead Axe 车 (WAGEN) zhan3 +
+ + + high, steep, precipitous / new Mountain 斩 (ABHACKEN) zhan3 +
+ + + war, fighting, battle Halberd 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) zhan4 +
+ + + stand up / a stand, station Stand 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) zhan4 +
+ + + dip (a brush) / remarry 艸, 艹 Grass 焦 (VERBRANNT) zhan4 +
+ + + ripped seam, rend, crack Silk zhan4 +
+ + + warehouse / tavern, inn Tree 戋 (SCHMAL) zhan4 +
+ + + deep / profound / clear / tranquil, placid 水, 氵 Water 甚 (BETRÄCHTLICH) zhan4 +
+ + + composition / chapter, section Sound 章 (KAPITEL) zhang1 +
+ + + camphor tree Tree 章 (KAPITEL) zhang1 +
+ + + clear, manifest, obvious Lines, Long Hair 章 (KAPITEL) zhang1 +
+ + + name of a river in Henan 水, 氵 Water 章 (KAPITEL) zhang1 +
+ + + name of an ancient city in N. Jiangsu, near Shandong City 章 (KAPITEL) zhang1 +
+ + + roebuck, hornless river deer Dog 章 (KAPITEL) zhang1 +
+ + + Woman 章 (KAPITEL) zhang1 +
+ + + jade plaything / jade ornament Jade 章 (KAPITEL) zhang1 +
+ + + cockroach Insect 章 (KAPITEL) zhang1 +
+ + + stretch, extend, expand / sheet Bow 张 (ÖFFNEN_SPANNEN_AUFSTELLEN) zhang1 +
+ + + palm of hand, sole of foot, paw 手, 扌 Hand1 掌 (HANDFLÄCHE) zhang3 +
+ + + surname of the mother of Mencius Man zhang3 +
+ + + malaria pestilential vapors Illness 章 (KAPITEL) zhang4 +
+ + + separate / shield / barricade 阜, 阝 Mount 章 (KAPITEL) zhang4 +
+ + + scroll of silk or cloth presente Cloth 章 (KAPITEL) zhang4 +
+ + + cliff / mountain barrier Mountain 章 (KAPITEL) zhang4 +
+ + + unit of length equal 3.3 meters / gentleman, man, husband One 丈 (10 FOOT) zhang4 +
+ + + cane, walking stick Tree 丈 (10 FOOT) zhang4 +
+ + + rely upon / protector / fight / war, weaponry Man 丈 (10 FOOT) zhang4 +
+ + + tent / screen, mosquito net Cloth 长 (LANG) zhang4 +
+ + + accounts / bill, debt / credit Shell 长 (LANG) zhang4 +
+ + + swell, inflate, expand Flesh 长 (LANG) zhang4 +
+ + + endeavor, strive / encourage / cut 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 钊 (ANTREIBEN) zhao1 +
+ + + beckon, summon / recruit, levy 手, 扌 Hand1 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) zhao1 +
+ + + bright, luminous / illustrious Sun 昭 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) zhao1 +
+ + + search, seek, look for / find 手, 扌 Hand1 戈 (HELLEBARDE) zhao3 +
+ + + lake, fishpond, swamps 水, 氵 Water 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) zhao3 +
+ + + surname / ancient state Run 刈 (MÄHEN) zhao4 +
+ + + ladle, bamboo skimmer Bamboo 爪 zhao4 +
+ + + imperial decree / summon Mouth 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) zhao4 +
+ + + basket for catching fish / cover Net 卓 (TISCH) zhao4 +
+ + + oar / boat Tree 卓 (TISCH) zhao4 +
+ + + decree, proclaim / imperial decree Words 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) zhao4 +
+ + + shine, illumine, reflect Fire 昭 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) zhao4 +
+ + + omen / million / mega / also trillion. China = million / Japan and Taiwan = trillion Legs 兆 (OMEN) zhao4 +
+ + + begin, commence, originate Stylus 肇 (TÜR_ANKLOPFEN) zhao4 +
+ + + jellyfish Insect 折 (BRECHEN) zhe1 +
+ + + cover, shield, protect 辵, 辶 Proceed 庶 (ZAHLREICH) zhe1 +
+ + + fold, bend / twisted, curved 手, 扌 Hand1 摺 (FALTEN) zhe2 +
+ + + sides of chariot where weapons Cart 耳 (OHR) zhe2 +
+ + + charge, blame / disgrace / demote Words 谪 (OBS_WURZEL) zhe2 +
+ + + to dismember, tear apart / downward stroke slanting right Stone zhe2 +
+ + + wagon ruts, wheel tracks Cart 撤 (C_AUFBRAUCHEN) zhe2 +
+ + + wise, sagacious / wise man, sage Mouth 折 (BRECHEN) zhe2 +
+ + + to hibernate Insect 执 zhe2 +
+ + + pleat, crease, wrinkles Clothes 摺 (FALTEN) zhe3 +
+ + + that which / he who / those who Old 者 (JEMAND_DER) zhe3 +
+ + + germanium 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 者 (JEMAND_DER) zhe3 +
+ + + reddish brown / hematite / ochre Red 者 (JEMAND_DER) zhe3 +
+ + + a thorny tree / sugarcane Tree 石 (STEIN) zhe4 +
+ + + this, the, here 辵, 辶 Proceed 文 (SCHRIFT) zhe4 +
+ + + Zhejiang province / river 水, 氵 Water 折 (BRECHEN) Zhe4 +
+ + + partridge Bird1 庶 (ZAHLREICH) zhe4 +
+ + + to examine, discern / to grade / a surname Tile 堙 (VOGELBAU) zhen1 +
+ + + anvil / flat stone / exe Stone 占 (ZUKUNFT_EROBERN) zhen1 +
+ + + virtuous, chaste, pure / loyal Shell 贞 (TREU) zhen1 +
+ + + spy, reconnoiter / detective Man 贞 (TREU) zhen1 +
+ + + picture, scroll / one of pair of Cloth 贞 (TREU) zhen1 +
+ + + river in Guangdong province 水, 氵 Water 贞 (TREU) zhen1 +
+ + + hardwood / supports, posts Tree 贞 (TREU) zhen1 +
+ + + lucky, auspicious, good omen 示, 礻 Revelation 贞 (TREU) zhen1 +
+ + + reach, arrive / utmost, superior Reach 秦 (QIN) zhen1 +
+ + + abundant, luxuriant vegetation 艸, 艹 Grass 秦 (QIN) zhen1 +
+ + + hazelnut / thicket, underbrush Tree 秦 (QIN) zhen1 +
+ + + needle / pin / tack / acupuncture 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 十 (ZEHN) zhen1 +
+ + + to pour wine or tea into a cup / to gauge Peck 甚 (BETRÄCHTLICH) zhen1 +
+ + + precious, valuable, rare Jade 诊 (DICKES_HAAR) zhen1 +
+ + + pustules of any kind, a rash or eruption.measles / various kinds of fever Flesh 诊 (DICKES_HAAR) zhen1 +
+ + + needle, probe / admon Bamboo 咸 (SALZIG) zhen1 +
+ + + real, actual, true, genuine Eye 真 (WIRKLICH) zhen1 +
+ + + examine patient, diagnose Words 诊 (DICKES_HAAR) zhen3 +
+ + + measles / rash / fever Illness 诊 (DICKES_HAAR) zhen3 +
+ + + cross board at rear of carriage Cart 诊 (DICKES_HAAR) zhen3 +
+ + + border, boundary / raised path Field 诊 (DICKES_HAAR) zhen3 +
+ + + detailed, fine / closely woven Silk 真 (WIRKLICH) zhen3 +
+ + + Grain zhen3 +
+ + + pillow Tree 冘 (OBS_UMHERWANDERNDER_MANN) zhen3 +
+ + + shake, quake, tremor / excite Rain 辰 (5.PERIODE) zhen4 +
+ + + raise, excite, arouse action 手, 扌 Hand1 辰 (5.PERIODE) zhen4 +
+ + + relieve, aid distressed / rich Shell 辰 (5.PERIODE) zhen4 +
+ + + furrow in field, small drainage ditch Earth zhen4 +
+ + + pronoun 'I' Moon 关 (SCHLIESSEN) zhen4 +
+ + + column, row or file of troops 阜, 阝 Mount 车 (WAGEN) zhen4 +
+ + + town, market place / suppress 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 真 (WIRKLICH) zhen4 +
+ + + a bird resembling the secretary falcon Bird1 zhen4 +
+ + + kind of gong used in ancient times by troops on the march 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 正 (AUFRECHT) zheng1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎徵;◎征】 + + invade, attack, conquer Foodstep 证 (EINDRINGEN) zheng1 +
+ + + dispute, fight, contend, strive Downstroke 争 (KÄMPFEN) zheng1 +
+ + + open eyes / stare Eye 争 (KÄMPFEN) zheng1 +
+ + + fierce-looking, ferocious Dog 争 (KÄMPFEN) zheng1 +
+ + + high, lofty, noble / steep, perilous Mountain 争 (KÄMPFEN) zheng1 +
+ + + stringed musical instrument / kite Bamboo 争 (KÄMPFEN) zheng1 +
+ + + steam / evaporate Fire 丞 (ASSISTENT) zheng1 +
+ + + summon, recruit / musical note Foodstep 徵 (4.NOTE) zheng1 +
+ + + orderly, neat, tidy / whole Tap 正 (AUFRECHT) zheng3 +
+ + + help, save, aid / lift, raise 手, 扌 Hand1 丞 (ASSISTENT) zheng3 +
+ + + right, proper, correct Stop 正 (AUFRECHT) zheng4 +
+ + + a disease resembling neurosis 心, 忄 Heart 正 (AUFRECHT) zheng4 +
+ + + disease, illness, ailment Illness 正 (AUFRECHT) zheng4 +
+ + + government, political affairs Tap 正 (AUFRECHT) zheng4 +
+ + + prove, confirm, verify / proof Words 正 (AUFRECHT) zheng4 +
+ + + strive, endeavor, struggle 手, 扌 Hand1 争 (KÄMPFEN) zheng4 +
+ + + to expostulate / to remonstrate Words 争 (KÄMPFEN) zheng4 +
+ + + state in today's Henan / surname City 郑 (NAME_ ZHENG4) zheng4 +
+ + + measuring cup / wine container Seal 卮 (MESSBECHER) zhi1 +
+ + + gardenia Tree 卮 (MESSBECHER) zhi1 +
+ + + marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase / it, him her, them / go to 丿 Leftstroke 之 (ZHI1_MODIFIZIERER) zhi1 +
+ + + sesame / a purplish or brown mushroom thought to have miraculous powers / 'a divine and relicitous plant' (Karlgren) 艸, 艹 Grass 之 (ZHI1_MODIFIZIERER) zhi1 +
+ + + weave, knit / organize, unite Silk 只 (NUR) zhi1 +
+ + + juice, liquor, fluid, sap, gravy, sauce 水, 氵 Water 十 (ZEHN) zhi1 +
+ + + disperse, pay / support / branch Branch 支 (ZWEIG) zhi1 +
+ + + branches, limbs / branch off Tree 支 (ZWEIG) zhi1 +
+ + + human limbs / animal feet Flesh 支 (ZWEIG) zhi1 +
+ + + fat, grease, lard / grease Flesh 旨 (ZIEL_ZWECK) zhi1 +
+ + + callous, corn Flesh 氐 (NAME_DI1) zhi1 +
+ + + respect, look up to, revere 示, 礻 Revelation 氐 (NAME_DI1) zhi1 +
+ + + know, perceive, comprehend Arrow 知 (WISSEN) zhi1 +
+ + + spider Insect 知 (WISSEN) zhi1 +
+ + + sole (of the foot) Foot 石 (STEIN) zhi2 +
+ + + duty, profession / office, post Ear 只 (NUR) zhi2 +
+ + + nephew Man 至 (BIS) zhi2 +
+ + + waver, hesitate, be irresolute Foot 郑 (NAME_ ZHENG4) zhi2 +
+ + + straight, erect, vertical Eye 直 (GERADEAUS) zhi2 +
+ + + hold in hand / keep / carry out 手, 扌 Hand1 执 (KÜGELCHEN) zhi2 +
+ + + plant, trees, plants / grow Tree 直 (GERADEAUS) zhi2 +
+ + + price Man 直 (GERADEAUS) zhi2 +
+ + + soil with large clay content Earth 直 (GERADEAUS) zhi2 +
+ + + pick up, gather 手, 扌 Hand1 庶 (ZAHLREICH) zhi2 +
+ + + confine, tie up / imprison, shackle Silk 执 zhi2 +
+ + + stop, halt, desist / detain Stop 止 (STOPPEN) zhi3 +
+ + + site, location, land for house Earth 止 (STOPPEN) zhi3 +
+ + + toe / tracks, footprints Foot 止 (STOPPEN) zhi3 +
+ + + angelica, type of iris 艸, 艹 Grass 止 (STOPPEN) zhi3 +
+ + + happiness, blessings, good luck 示, 礻 Revelation 止 (STOPPEN) zhi3 +
+ + + foot measure of Zhou dynasty Mouth 只 (NUR) zhi3 +
+ + + trifoliate orange / hedge thorn / (Cant.) a plug Tree 只 (NUR) zhi3 +
+ + + end of axle / divergent Cart 只 (NUR) zhi3 +
+ + + purpose, aim / excellent Sun 旨 (ZIEL_ZWECK) zhi3 +
+ + + finger, toe / point, indicate 手, 扌 Hand1 旨 (ZIEL_ZWECK) zhi3 +
+ + + ester Wine Jug 旨 (ZIEL_ZWECK) zhi3 +
+ + + embroidery, needlework / radical Embroidery 业 (BRANCHE ) zhi3 +
+ + + paper Silk 氏 (DES_NAMENS) zhi3 +
+ + + wine goblet made from horn Horn 单 (EINZELN) zhi4 +
+ + + order / orderly / salary / decade Grain 失 (VERLIEREN) zhi4 +
+ + + book cover / satchel or bag Cloth 失 zhi4 +
+ + + block up, obstruct / stagnant 水, 氵 Water 带 (GÜRTEL) zhi4 +
+ + + matter, material, substance Shell 质 (NATUR_EIGENSCHAFT) zhi4 +
+ + + stumble, totter / fail, be frustrated Foot 质 (NATUR_EIGENSCHAFT) zhi4 +
+ + + young, immature / childhood Grain 隹 (KF_VOGEL) zhi4 +
+ + + pheasant / crenellated wall Bird2 隹 (KF_VOGEL) zhi4 +
+ + + climb, scale, ascend / proceed 阜, 阝 Mount 陟 (KLETTERN) zhi4 +
+ + + stallion / promote Horse 陟 (KLETTERN) zhi4 +
+ + + flag, pennant / sign / fasten Cloth 只 (NUR) zhi4 +
+ + + govern, regulate, administer 水, 氵 Water 台 (PLATTFORM) zhi4 +
+ + + roast, broil / toast / cauterize Fire zhi4 +
+ + + stubborn / perverse / aggressive 心, 忄 Heart 支 (ZWEIG) zhi4 +
+ + + stand erect, stand up / pile up Mountain 寺 (TEMPEL) zhi4 +
+ + + hemorrhoids, piles Illness 寺 (TEMPEL) zhi4 +
+ + + KangXi radical 153 / legless insects / a legendary beast Cat 豸 (LEGENDÄRES_TIER) zhi4 +
+ + + swine Pig´s Snout 彘 (SCHWEINE) zhi4 +
+ + + reach, arrive / extremely, very Reach 至 (BIS) zhi4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎緻;◎致】 + + send, deliver, present / cause Reach 至 (BIS) zhi4 +
+ + + to go up to. flourishing a superlative City 至 (BIS) zhi4 +
+ + + fetters, shackles, handcuffs Tree 至 (BIS) zhi4 +
+ + + low rear portion of cart Cart 至 (BIS) zhi4 +
+ + + leech Insect 至 (BIS) zhi4 +
+ + + stop up, obstruct Cave 窒 (AUFSTAUEN) zhi4 +
+ + + vagina Flesh 窒 (AUFSTAUEN) zhi4 +
+ + + comb / comb out / weed out, elimininate Tree 节 (KNOTEN) zhi4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎製;◎制】 + + system / establish / overpower Knife 制 (SYSTEM) zhi4 +
+ + + throw, hurl, cast, fling 手, 扌 Hand1 郑 (NAME_ ZHENG4) zhi4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎誌;◎志】 + + purpose, will, determination / annals 心, 忄 Heart 志 (ZWECK) zhi4 +
+ + + spots, moles / birthmark Illness 志 (ZWECK) zhi4 +
+ + + place, lay out / set aside Net 直 (GERADEAUS) zhi4 +
+ + + sincere, warm, cordial / surname 手, 扌 Hand1 执 (HALTEN) zhi4 +
+ + + wisdom, knowledge, intelligence Sun 知 (WISSEN) zhi4 +
+ + + gift superior / gift given Shell 执 zhi4 +
+ + + hawk, vulture Bird1 执 zhi4 +
+ + + cup, glass, goblet / surname 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 重 (SCHWER) zhong1 +
+ + + end / finally, in the end Silk 冬 (WINTER) zhong1 +
+ + + katydid Insect 冬 (WINTER) zhong1 +
+ + + small cup or bowl Household utensils 中 (MITTE) zhong1 +
+ + + loyalty, devotion, fidelity 心, 忄 Heart 中 (MITTE) zhong1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎鐘;◎鍾】 + + clock / bell 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 中 (MITTE) zhong1 +
+ + + heart, from bottom of one's heart Clothes 中 (MITTE) zhong1 +
+ + + Boat 中 (MITTE) zhong1 +
+ + + heel / follow / visit, call on Foot 重 (SCHWER) zhong3 +
+ + + burial mound, mausoleum / grand Cover 诼 zhong3 +
+ + + swell / swollen / swelling Flesh 中 (MITTE) zhong3 +
+ + + multitude, crowd / masses, public Man 从 (VON) zhong4 +
+ + + middle brother / go between, mediator / surname Man 中 (MITTE) zhong4 +
+ + + stone roller used to level fields Stone 毒 (GIFT) zhou +
+ + + boat, ship / KangXi radical 137 Boat 舟 (BOOT) zhou1 +
+ + + administrative division, state River 州 (BEZIRK) zhou1 +
+ + + continent / island / islet 水, 氵 Water 州 (BEZIRK) zhou1 +
+ + + play with words, quip / talk nonse Words 刍 (MÄHEN) zhou1 +
+ + + Zhou dynasty / circumference Mouth 周 (UMKREIS) zhou1 +
+ + + rice gruel, congee Rice 米 (REIS) zhou1 +
+ + + axle, axletree / pivot / axis Cart 由 (VERANLASSUNG) zhou2 +
+ + + wives of one's brothers / sister-i Woman 由 (VERANLASSUNG) zhou2 +
+ + + the elbow / help a person shoulder a load Flesh 寸 (INCH) zhou3 +
+ + + broom, broomstick Cloth 帚 (BESEN) zhou3 +
+ + + double-fermented wine, vintage wine Wine Jug 寸 (INCH) zhou4 +
+ + + wrinkles, creases, folds Skin 刍 (MÄHEN) zhou4 +
+ + + daytime, daylight Sun 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) zhou4 +
+ + + procedure / gallop / sudden(ly) Horse 聚 (SICH_VERSAMMELN) zhou4 +
+ + + name of an emperor / saddle part Silk 守 (SHANG_ KAISER) zhou4 +
+ + + grass 艸, 艹 Grass 守 (SHANG_ KAISER) zhou4 +
+ + + recite, read / style of calligraphy Bamboo 留 (BLEIBEN) zhou4 +
+ + + reason, cause Silk 谣 (KRUG) zhou4 +
+ + + curse, damn, incantation Mouth zhou4 +
+ + + time as concept / infinite time Dwelling 由 (VERANLASSUNG) zhou4 +
+ + + helmet, headpiece / descendant Flesh 由 (VERANLASSUNG) zhou4 +
+ + + various, all, these / surname Words 诸 (VERSCHIEDENE) zhu1 +
+ + + Oak Tree 诸 (VERSCHIEDENE) zhu1 +
+ + + pig, hog, wild boar Dog 者 (SCHWEIN) zhu1 +
+ + + pond / a pool 水, 氵 Water 者 (SCHWEIN) zhu1 +
+ + + wooden peg, post or stick Tree 者 (SCHWEIN) zhu1 +
+ + + cinnabar, vermilion / surname Tree zhu1 +
+ + + precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl Jade 朱 (ZINNOBER) zhu1 +
+ + + numerary adjunct for trees / root Tree 朱 (ZINNOBER) zhu1 +
+ + + spider Insect 朱 (ZINNOBER) zhu1 +
+ + + execute, kill, put to death / punish Words zhu1 +
+ + + small, little, tiny, dwarf Man zhu1 +
+ + + a feudal state which existed B.C.700-469 / now in Shandong City zhu1 +
+ + + dogwood 艸, 艹 Grass zhu1 +
+ + + name of a river in Shandong 水, 氵 Water zhu1 +
+ + + unit of weight, one twenty-fourth of a Chinese ounce (liang) 金,钅 Gold (Metal) zhu1 +
+ + + India / bamboo / surname Bamboo 二 (ZWEI) zhu2 +
+ + + candle, taper / shine, illuminate Fire 虫 (INSEKT) zhu2 +
+ + + walk carefully / hesitate, falter Foot 蜀 (SHU_SEIDENWURM) zhu2 +
+ + + bamboo / flute / KangXi radical 118 Bamboo 竹 (BAMBUS) zhu2 +
+ + + chase, expel / one by one 辵, 辶 Proceed 豕 (SCHWEIN) zhu2 +
+ + + sores from cold Illness 诼 (MAUSOLEUM*) zhu2 +
+ + + stern of ship Boat 由 (VERANLASSUNG) zhu2 +
+ + + watch carefully, stare at, focus on Eye 属 (KATEGORIE) zhu3 +
+ + + order, tell, instruct, leave word Mouth 属 (KATEGORIE) zhu3 +
+ + + cook Fire 者 (JEMAND_DER) zhu3 +
+ + + master, chief owner / host / lord Dot 主 (EIGENTÜMER) zhu3 +
+ + + small sand bank, islet 水, 氵 Water 者 (JEMAND_DER) zhu3 +
+ + + lean on / post / prod / ridicule 手, 扌 Hand1 主 (EIGENTÜMER) zhu3 +
+ + + species of deer 鹿 Deer 主 (EIGENTÜMER) zhu3 +
+ + + look towards / turn one's back on Man 伫 (BEVORZUGEN) zhu4 +
+ + + store, stockpile, hoard Shell 伫 (BEVORZUGEN) zhu4 +
+ + + china grass, ramie 艸, 艹 In伫 Grass In伫 (BEVORZUGEN) zhu4 +
+ + + chopsticks Bamboo 者 (JEMAND_DER) zhu4 +
+ + + to soar / to take off Wings 者 (JEMAND_DER) zhu4 +
+ + + pillar, post / support / lean on Tree 主 (EIGENTÜMER) zhu4 +
+ + + insects that eat books, clothes Insect 主 (EIGENTÜMER) zhu4 +
+ + + reside, live at, dwell, lodge / stop Man 主 (EIGENTÜMER) zhu4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎註;◎注】 + + concentrate, focus, direct 水, 氵 Water 主 (EIGENTÜMER) zhu4 +
+ + + to be stationed at, reside at / to stop Horse 主 (EIGENTÜMER) zhu4 +
+ + + candle wick, lamp wick / stick of incense Fire 主 (EIGENTÜMER) zhu4 +
+ + + Illness 主 (EIGENTÜMER) zhu4 +
+ + + help, aid, assist Strength 助 (HELFEN) zhu4 +
+ + + shuttle of loom / narrow / long-headed / a scrub oak / thin Tree 予 (GEWÄHREN) zhu4 +
+ + + pray for happiness or blessings 示, 礻 Revelation 兄 (ÄLTERER_BRUDER) zhu4 +
+ + + ancient lute / build Bamboo 巩 (KONSOLIDIEREN) zhu4 +
+ + + melt, cast / coin, mint 金,钅 寿 Gold (Metal) 寿 (LANGES_LEBEN) zhu4 +
+ + + scratch / clutch, seize, grab 手, 扌 Hand1 爪 (KLAUE) zhua1 +
+ + + claw, nail, talon / animal feet 爪,爫 Claw 爪 (KLAUE) zhua3 +
+ + + good, honest / simple / respectful 揣/耑 Head2 揣/耑 (AF_EXTREM) zhuan1 +
+ + + monopolize, take sole possession One 专 (SPEZIAL) zhuan1 +
+ + + tile, brick Stone 专 (SPEZIAL) zhuan1 +
+ + + compose, write, compile 手, 扌 Hand1 巽 (TRIGRAMM_WIND) zhuan4 +
+ + + to feed, support, provide for / food Food 巽 (TRIGRAMM_WIND) zhuan4 +
+ + + make money, earn / gain, profit Shell 兼 (DOPPELT) zhuan4 +
+ + + sing, chirp, warble, twitter Mouth 转 (VERSETZEN) zhuan4 +
+ + + seal script / seal, official stamp Bamboo 彖 (WILDSCHWEIN) zhuan4 +
+ + + village, hamlet / villa, manor 广 Shelter 庄 (ERDE) zhuang1 +
+ + + stake, post / affair, matter Tree 庄 (GEHÖFT) zhuang1 +
+ + + dress, clothes, attire / fill Clothes 壮 (STARK) zhuang1 +
+ + + to adorn oneself, dress up, use make-up Woman 女 (FRAU) zhuang1 +
+ + + large, powerful, stout, thick Big 爿 (HOLZ_LINKS) zhuang3 +
+ + + stupid, simple, simple-minded 心, 忄 Heart 赣 (JIANGXI) zhuang4 +
+ + + page, boy servant Man 童 (KINDER) zhuang4 +
+ + + knock against, bump into, collide 手, 扌 Hand1 童 (KINDER) zhuang4 +
+ + + big, large / robust / name of tribe Scholar 壮 (STARK) zhuang4 +
+ + + form / appearance / shape / official Dog 犬 (HUND) zhuang4 +
+ + + pursue, chase after / expel 辵, 辶 Proceed 追 (VERFOLGEN) zhui1 +
+ + + bird / KangXi radical 172 Bird2 隹 (KF_VOGEL) zhui1 +
+ + + hammer, mallet / vertebra Tree 隹 (KF_VOGEL) zhui1 +
+ + + gimlet, awl, drill, auger / bore 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 隹 (KF_VOGEL) zhui1 +
+ + + piebald horse Horse 隹 (KF_VOGEL) zhui1 +
+ + + afraid, apprehensive, nervous 心, 忄 揣/耑 Heart 揣/耑 (AF_EXTREM) zhui4 +
+ + + fall down, drop, sink, go to ruin Earth 队 (TEAM) zhui4 +
+ + + climb down rope / hang by rope Silk 追 (VERFOLGEN) zhui4 +
+ + + unnecessary, superfluous Shell 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) zhui4 +
+ + + patch together, link, connect Silk 掇 (AF_SCHMÜCKEN) zhui4 +
+ + + the gizzard of a fowl / honest, sincere Flesh 屯 (EINLAGERN) zhun1 +
+ + + to bury Cave 屯 (EINLAGERN) zhun1 +
+ + + patient, earnest / earnestly Words 享 (GENIESSEN) zhun1 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎準;◎准】 + + approve, allow, permit / in accord Ice 隹 (KF_VOGEL) zhun3 +
+ + + noticeable, large / clear, distinct Man 卓 (TISCH) zhuo1 +
+ + + table, desk, stand Tree 桌 (TISCH) zhuo1 +
+ + + stupid, clumsy, crude / convention 手, 扌 Hand1 出 (HINAUSGEHEN) zhuo1 +
涿 + 涿 + + drip, dribble, trickle 水, 氵 Water 诼 (MAUSOLEUM*) zhuo1 +
+ + + grasp, clutch / catch, seize 手, 扌 Hand1 足 (FUSS) zhuo1 +
+ + + muddy, turbid, dirty, filthy 水, 氵 Water 虫 (INSEKT) zhuo2 +
+ + + bracelet, armband / small bell 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 蜀 (SHU_SEIDENWURM) zhuo2 +
+ + + profound, brilliant, lofty Ten 卓 (TISCH) zhuo2 +
+ + + pull up, draw up / select 手, 扌 Hand1 翟 (BERGFASAN) zhuo2 +
+ + + wash out, rinse / cleanse 水, 氵 Water 翟 (BERGFASAN) zhuo2 +
+ + + to sprout, flourish / sprouts appearing above-ground / vigorous 艸, 艹 Grass 出 (HINAUSGEHEN) zhuo2 +
+ + + cut, chop, lop off Axe 斤 (PFUND) zhuo2 +
+ + + place name 示, 礻 Revelation 羔 (LAMM) zhuo2 +
+ + + slander / gossip / rumors Words 诼 zhuo2 +
+ + + polish jade / cut jade Jade 诼 (MAUSOLEUM*) zhuo2 +
+ + + to peck / (Cant.) to slander Mouth 诼 (MAUSOLEUM*) zhuo2 +
+ + + to soak, to steep in water 水, 氵 Water 足 (FUSS) zhuo2 +
+ + + serve wine / feast / deliberate Wine Jug 勺 (KELLE) zhuo2 +
+ + + burn / broil / cauterize / bright Fire zhuo2 +
+ + + now, here / this / time, year Eight 兹 (NUN) zi1 +
+ + + grow, multiply, increase / thrive 水, 氵 Water 兹 (NUN) zi1 +
+ + + a hill in Shantung Mountain 兹 (NUN) zi1 +
+ + + breed in large numbers Child 兹 (NUN) zi1 +
+ + + property / wealth / capital Shell 次 (MAL) zi1 +
姿 + 姿 + + one's manner, carriage, bearing Woman 次 (MAL) zi1 +
+ + + river in Shandong province 水, 氵 Water 甾 zi1 +
+ + + grain offered in ritual sacrifice / millet Rice 次 (MAL) zi1 +
+ + + black silk Silk 甾 zi1 +
+ + + can't move / to falter Run 次 (MAL) zi1 +
+ + + a supply cart, covered wagon, dray Cart 甾 zi1 +
+ + + 8 oz / an ancient unit of weight 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 甾 zi1 +
+ + + inquire, consult, discuss / plan Mouth 咨 (UNTERSUCHEN) zi1 +
+ + + mullet Fish 甾 zi1 +
+ + + consult, confer / communicate in Words 咨 (UNTERSUCHEN) zi1 +
+ + + be as diligent as possible Child 子 (KIND) zi1 +
+ + + property / wealth / to count Shell 此 (DIES) zi1 +
+ + + to show the teeth / crooked teeth 齿 Teeth 此 (DIES) zi1 +
+ + + mustache Hairlocks 此 (DIES) zi1 +
+ + + elder sister Woman 姊 (ANHALTEN) zi3 +
+ + + one thousand millions, sometimes used for one hundred millions Grain 姊 (ANHALTEN) zi3 +
+ + + bed boards, sleeping mat Bamboo 姊 (ANHALTEN) zi3 +
+ + + catalpa ovata Tree 辛 (BEISSEND) zi3 +
+ + + sediment, lees, dregs 水, 氵 Water 宰 (SCHLACHTEN) zi3 +
+ + + seed, pip, pit, stone Rice 子 (KIND) zi3 +
+ + + to hoe up the earth around plants Plow 子 (KIND) zi3 +
+ + + bad-mouth / criticize / defects Words 此 (DIES) zi3 +
+ + + purple, violet / amethyst / surname Silk 此 (DIES) zi3 +
+ + + indulge oneself, unrestrained 心, 忄 Heart 次 (MAL) zi4 +
+ + + soak, steep / dye / stains / sodden 水, 氵 Water 责 (PFLICHT) zi4 +
+ + + self, private, personal / from Nose1 自 (SELBST) zi4 +
+ + + letter, character, word Child 子 (KIND) zi4 +
+ + + corner of the eyes, eyesockets Eye 此 (DIES) zi4 +
+ + + lineage, ancestry / ancestor, clan Dwelling 宗 (AHN) zong1 +
+ + + mane / neck bristles Hairlocks 宗 (AHN) zong1 +
+ + + hemp palm / palm tree Tree 宗 (AHN) zong1 +
+ + + footprints, traces, tracks Foot 宗 (AHN) zong1 +
+ + + an organic compound Flesh 宗 (AHN) zong1 +
+ + + urgent Man 偬 zong3 +
+ + + collect / overall, altogether 心, 忄 Heart 总 (ZUSAMMENFASSEN) zong3 +
+ + + indulge in, give free reign to Silk 从 (VON) zong4 +
+ + + dumpling made of glutinous rice Rice 宗 (AHN) zong4 +
+ + + consult, confer / select, choose Words 取 (NEHMEN) zou1 +
+ + + name of an ancient state / surname City 刍 (MÄHEN) zou1 +
+ + + corner, cranny, nook, niche 阜, 阝 Mount 取 (NEHMEN) zou1 +
+ + + mounted escort / groom Horse 刍 (MÄHEN) zou1 +
+ + + small fish / small / minnow Fish 取 (NEHMEN) zou1 +
+ + + name of a state / surname City 聚 (SICH_VERSAMMELN) zou1 +
+ + + walk, go on foot / run / leave Run 走 (GEHEN) zou3 +
+ + + memorialize emperor / report Big 奏 (MUSIKSPIELEN) zou4 +
+ + + hit, beat / smash, break 手, 扌 Hand1 奏 (MUSIKSPIELEN) zou4 +
+ + + rent, lease / rental / tax Grain 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) zu1 +
+ + + salted or pickled vegetables 艸, 艹 Grass 沮 (VERHINDERN) zu1 +
+ + + soldier / servant / at last, finally Ten 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) zu2 +
+ + + foot / attain, satisfy, enough Foot 足 (FUSS) zu2 +
+ + + a family clan, ethnic group, tribe Square 族 (VOLKSGRUPPE) zu2 +
+ + + arrowhead, barb / swift, quick 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 族 (VOLKSGRUPPE) zu2 +
+ + + ancestor, forefather / grandfather 示, 礻 Revelation 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) zu3 +
+ + + curse / swear, pledge Words 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) zu3 +
+ + + impede, hinder, obstruct / oppose 阜, 阝 Mount 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) zu3 +
+ + + class / section, department Silk 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) zu3 +
+ + + chopping board or block / painted Man 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT)(FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) zu3 +
+ + + to jump Foot 赞 (HELFEN_LOBEN_LOBREDE) zuan1 +
+ + + edit, compile / topknot, chignon Silk 纂 (URSUPIEREN) zuan3 +
+ + + continue, carry on, succeed Silk 赞 (HELFEN_LOBEN_LOBREDE) zuan3 +
+ + + (coll.) hold / grip / grasp 手, 扌 Hand1 纂 (URSUPIEREN) zuan4 +
+ + + mouth, lips Mouth 觜 (STERNE_IM_ORION) zui3 +
+ + + crime, sin, vice / evil / hardship Net 非 (FEHLER) zui4 +
+ + + intoxicated, drunk / addicted to Wine Jug 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) zui4 +
+ + + most, extremely, exceedingly Borders 最 (MEISTE) zui4 +
+ + + little, small, tiny / petty 艸, 艹 Grass 最 (MEISTE) zui4 +
+ + + respect, revere, venerate / honor Inch 酋 (STAMMESFÜRST) zun1 +
+ + + obey, comply with, follow / honor 辵, 辶 Proceed 尊 (EHREN) zun1 +
+ + + goblet / jar, jug / lush Tree 尊 (EHREN) zun1 +
+ + + barbel Fish 尊 (EHREN) zun1 +
+ + + economize / abide by, comply with 手, 扌 Hand1 尊 (EHREN) zun3 +
+ + + to lap / to suck Mouth 最 (MEISTE) zuo1 +
+ + + yesterday / in former times, past Sun 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zuo2 +
+ + + left / east / unorthodox, improper Work 左 (LINKS) zuo3 +
+ + + assist, aid, second / subordinate Man 左 (LINKS) zuo3 +
+ + + oak / spinous evergreen tree / to clear away trees Tree 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zuo4 +
+ + + make / work / compose, write / act, perform Man 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zuo4 +
+ + + the steps leading to the eastern door 阜, 阝 Mount 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zuo4 +
+ + + to be ashamed 心, 忄 Heart 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zuo4 +
+ + + meat offered in sacrifice to one's ancestors Flesh 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zuo4 +
+ + + throne / bless / blessing, happiness 示, 礻 Revelation 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zuo4 +
+ + + sit / seat / ride, travel by Earth 坐 (SITZEN) zuo4 +
+ + + seat / stand, base 广 Shelter 坐 (SITZEN) zuo4 +
+ + + (chem.) azole Mouth 坐 (SITZEN) zuo4 +
+ + + work, make / act Man 故 (ANTIK) zuo4 +
+ + + table One 丌 (PODEST) +
+ + + together, same / surname Man 仝 (V_GLEICH) +
+ + + flames Fire 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) +