1 Old HSK word(s): 便 ** A

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便 convenience, ease / expedient
suitable, right, fitting, proper

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + to walk with a limp Foot 扁 (FLACH) pian2 +
+ + + team of horses / associate, join Horse 并 (VERBINDEN ) pian2 +
+ + + callus, calluses Flesh 并 (VERBINDEN ) pian2 +

beleibt [pian2 pian2] 便便
billig, preisgünstig (Adj) [jia4 ge2 pian2 yi5] 价格便宜
Billigflug (S) [pian2 yi5 de5 fei1 xing2] 便宜的飞行
Corpus callosum [pian2 zhi1 ti3] 胼胝体
Fraß ( nichts besonderes, billiges Essen ) (S, vulg) [pian2 yi5 rou4] 便宜肉
Gelegenheitskauf (S)Schnäppchen (S) [pian2 yi5 huo4] 便宜货
hinken, lahmen [pian2]
konkurrenzfähiger Preis [bi3 jiao4 pian2 yi5 de5 jia4 ge2] 比较便宜的价格
Pension (S) [pian2 yi5 de5 jiu3 dian4] 便宜的酒店
preiswert (Adj)preiswertestem (Adj) [zui4 pian2 yi5] 最便宜
preiswert, billig (Adj) [pian2 yi5] 便宜
verhärtete Hautpartie (Med) [pian2 zhi1] 胼胝