A 師傅 + + * * shi1fu master worker/ master/ teacher Meister (häufige Anrede) + + +
A 老師 + + * * lao3shi1 teacher Lehrer + + +
B 工程師 + + * * gong1cheng2shi1 engineer Ingenieur + + +
B 教師 + + * * jiao4shi1 teacher Lehrer + + +
C 導師 + + * * dao3shi1 teacher/ tutor/ supervisor/ mentor/ adviser Tutor, Lehrer + + +
C 師範 + + * * shi1fan4 teacher training/ person of exemplary virtue Pädagogik + + +
D + + * * shi1 teacher 1. Lehrer, Meister 2. Vorbild, Beispiel 3. in einem bestimmten Beruf ausgebildete Person 4. zum Lehrer oder Meister gehörend 5. Division 6. Truppe, Armee + + +
D 師長 + + * * shi1zhang3 teacher/ division commander Lehrer, Divisionskommandeur + + +
D 律師 + + * * lv4shi1 lawyer Rechtsanwalt + + +
D 廚師 + + * * chu2shi1 chef Koch, + + +

1 giáo viên 老师 4 luật sư 律师 4 thầy dạy 师傅 5 kỹ sư 工程师 6 trường sư phạm 师范

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

teacher, master, specialist
property / wealth / capital

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

師' + * * + surname Shi/
師' + * * + teacher/ master expert
師丈' + 师丈* * + teacher's husband/
師傅' + 师傅* * + master/ qualified worker respectful
師兄' + 师兄* * + senior son (older than oneself) of one's teacher/
師兄弟' + 师兄弟* * + fellow apprentices/ fellow students (male)
師出有名' + 师出有名* * + lit. to have sufficient reason to send troops (idiom)/ to do something with good reason to have ju
師出無名' + 师出无名* * + lit. to go to war without just cause (idiom)/ to act without justification
師友' + 师友* * + friend from whom you can seek advice/
師古' + 师古* * + following the ways of old/ in imitation of ancient style
師大' + 师大* * + abbr. for 師範大學|师范大学/
師夷長技以制夷' + 师夷长技以制夷* * + learn f /
師奶' + 师奶* * + married /
師妹' + 师妹* * + junior female student or apprentice/ daughter (younger than oneself) of one's teacher
師姐' + 师姐* * + senior female fellow student or apprentice/ daughter (older than oneself) of one's teacher
師宗' + 师宗* * + Shizong county in Qujing 曲靖/
師宗縣' + 师宗县* * + Shizong /
師尊' + 师尊* * + teacher master/
師弟' + 师弟* * + young disciple (of the same master)/ younger or junior male schoolmate
師徒' + 师徒* * + master and disciple/
師從' + 师从* * + to study under (a teacher)/
師母' + 师母* * + term of respect for your teacher's wife/
師父' + 师父* * + used for 師傅|师傅 (in Taiwan)/ master qualified
師父領進門,修行在個人' + 师父领进门,修行在个人* * + the master leads you to the door, the rest is up to you/ you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
師生' + 师生* * + teachers and students/
師範' + 师范* * + teacher-training/ pedagogical normal (sc
師範大學' + 师范大学* * + normal university/ teacher-training college
師範學院' + 师范学院* * + teacher's college/ normal school
師表' + 师表* * + paragon of virtue and learning/ exemplary character
師資' + 师资* * + qualified teachers/ teachers
師長' + 师长* * + military division level commander/ teacher

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2 老师 机场 +
114 老师 身后 +
157 老师 +
257 老师 我们 英文 +
403 代课 老师 +
436 老师 我们 数学 +
504 我们 老师 +
573 教师 平易近人 +
847 老师 学生 相处 +
894 工程师 使用 圆规 画图 +
1017 老师 我们 背诵 单词 +
1136 老师 孩子们 +
1147 老师 今天 我们 减法 +
1152 家庭 教师 +
1162 立志 成为 建筑师 +
1197 大家 仿效 老师 动作 练习 +
1329 爸爸 工程师 +
1342 学生 课堂 戏弄 老师 +
1608 老师 我们 单词 +
1723 老师 授课 +
1897 傑出 建筑师 +
1951 学生 尊敬 老师 +
2000 拜访 老师 +
2086 老师 进行 钢琴 伴奏 +
2153 学生 老师 表示 由衷 感谢 +
2161 大家 模仿 老师 动作 +
2256 老师 严厉 +
2307 学生 努力 老师 欣慰 +
2363 老师 要求 朗读 作文 +
2744 老师 行为 感到 愤慨 +
2868 学生 受到 老师 称讚。 +
3040 教师 值得 人们 歌颂 +
3213 占卜 大师 +
3317 厨师 +
3341 老师 发脾气 +
3400 诉讼 律师 +
3538 老师 孩子 谚语 故事 +
3699 幼儿园 老师 告诉 小朋友们 互敬 互爱 +
3700 那天 追悼会 上, 敬爱 老师 致了哀辞 +
3702 老师 非常 恭敬 +
3723 老师 鼓励 学生 超越 自我 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


老师 선생님. 스승. + + 律师 변호사. + + 师傅 기사님. 선생님. [기예·기능을 가진 사람에 대한 존칭] + + 工程师 기사(技師). 엔지니어. + + 师范 본보기. 모범. 사표. + +

+ + + + + + + +