50 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** A ** A ** A ** A ** A ** A ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

drink / swallow / kind of drink
water, liquid, lotion, juice
think, consider, ponder / final particle
spring / source, head / surname
Phonetic KEY:
From zì Phonetic KEY:
From zì Phonetic KEY:
From lí Phonetic KEY:
From cóng
Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

el de, d’entre, é-, ex- from, out from aus изъ z

de ĉi tie + + from here + + hence
de fojo al fojo + + from time to time + +
de jaro al jaro + + from year to year + +
de kie + + from where + + whence
de loko al loko + + from place to place + +
de nun + + from now on + + hence henceforth hereafter
de supre ĝis malsupre + + from top to bottom + +
de tago al tago + + from day to day + +
de tempo al tempo + + from time to time + + now and then occasionally
de tie + + from there + + thence
de tie ĉi + + from here + + hence
deale + + from time to time + + sometimes
dekomence + + from the beginning + +
desude + + from the south + +
diverslanda + + from many countries + +
ekde + + from + + since right from
ekde la komenco + + from the beginning + +
ekde la tempo kiam + + from the time when + +
ekde tiu momento + + from that moment + +
el + + from + + (out) of
el alia perspektivo + + from another point of view + +
el antaŭ + + from in front of + +
el ekstere + + from the outside + +
el malantaŭ + + from behind + +
funde + + from A to Z + + thoroughly
inter ... kaj + + from ... to + + of ... to
memore + + from memory + + by heart in memory of

#de ĉi tie #from here #de fojo al fojo #from time to time #de jaro al jaro #from year to year #de kie #from where #de loko al loko #from place to place #de nun #from now on #de supre ĝis malsupre #from top to bottom #de tago al tago #from day to day #de tempo al tempo #from time to time #de tie #from there #de tie ĉi #from here #deale #from time to time #dekomence #from the beginning #desude #from the south #diverslanda #from many countries #ekde #from #ekde la komenco #from the beginning #ekde la tempo kiam #from the time when #ekde tiu momento #from that moment #el #from #el alia perspektivo #from another point of view #el antaŭ #from in front of #el ekstere #from the outside #el malantaŭ #from behind #funde #from A to Z #inter ... kaj #from ... to #memore #from memory

+ + + from, by, since, whence, through Man 从 (VON) cong2 +

4.14 Tief ab + from + +
5.31 Ursache aus + from + +