Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Tôi đã nghĩ rằng, bạn đã muốn gọi điện thoại cho vợ của bạn. I thought you wanted to call your wife. Ich dachte, du wolltest deine Frau anrufen.
Tôi đã nghĩ rằng, bạn đã muốn gọi điện thoại cho phòng chỉ dẫn. I thought you wanted to call information. Ich dachte, du wolltest die Auskunft anrufen.
Tôi đã nghĩ rằng, bạn đã muốn đặt một cái bánh pizza. I thought you wanted to order a pizza. Ich dachte, du wolltest eine Pizza bestellen.
Cậu có thích bộ phim không? Có, tôi nghĩ là nó rất hay. + Did you like the movie? — Yes, I thought it was very good.
Leonardo sẽ đến dự bữa tiệc tối nay. - Thế à? Tôi tưởng anh ấy không đến. + Leonardo's coming to the party tonight. — He is? I thought you said he wasn't coming.
Tôi biết rất nhiều người. - Thế à? Tôi tưởng cậu bảo cậu không biết ai. + I know lots of people. — You do? I thought you said you didn't know anybody.
Mãi mà tôi chưa đi xem phim. - Chưa á? Tôi tưởng cậu đã nói là cậu vừa mới đi xem mấy hôm trước. + I haven't been to the movies in ages. — You haven't? I thought you said you had just gone a few days ago.
Bệnh của cô ấy nghiêm trọng hơn nhiều so với chúng ta tưởng tượng lúc đầu. + Her illness was far more serious than we thought at first.
Chúng ta đi càng sớm thì chúng ta về càng sớm. + The more I thought about the plan, the less I liked it.
Tôi biết tôi không có nhiều tiền nhưng tôi thậm chí có ít hơn tôi nghĩ. + I knew I didn't have much money, but I have even less than I thought.

Đường hầm này dài hơn tôi nghĩ. + This tunnel is longer than I thought.

Mình nghĩ phim này quá chán + I thought it was rubbish.

Việc đó tốn nhiều thời gian hơn tôi nghĩ. + It took longer than I thought.

Nghĩ lại, đổi ý + On second thoughts

Nó không vui như tôi nghĩ. + It wasn't as fun as I thought

Anh ấy đang nghĩ gì vậy? Tôi tưởng chúng tôi là bạn cơ đấy. + What was he thinking? I thought we were friends too.
GNOT Qualitative • reflection, intuition thought +
GNOT Qualitative • reflection, intuition on second thoughts +
Oxford 3000VieEng
tư tưởng thought
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-3 Gedanke 1. thought, 2. notion, idea, 3. view   (n-Dekl., Gen.: -ns)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-3 Idee 1. idea, thought, 2. clue
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 3-6 Das hätte ich nicht von dir gedacht!  + denken* I wouldn't have thought that of you!  Tôi sẽ không nghĩ đến bạn!
Exercise 12-2 Es freut mich, dass Sie daran gedacht haben.  + freuen I'm glad you thought of that.  Tôi vui vì bạn đã nghĩ về điều đó.
Exercise 12-6 Ich fand den Film wirklich sehr dumm.  + dumm I thought the movie was really very stupid.  Tôi nghĩ bộ phim thực sự rất ngu ngốc.
Exercise 13-4 Das hättest du dir vorher überlegen müssen.  + vorher You should have thought of that before.  Bạn nên đã nghĩ về điều đó trước đây.
Exercise 13-9 Er ist mit seinen Gedanken abwesend. + abwesend He is absent with his thoughts. Anh vắng mặt bằng những suy nghĩ của anh.
Exercise 14-5 Er musste erst seine Gedanken ordnen.  + ordnen He had to sort his thoughts out first.  Trước hết, anh phải phân loại suy nghĩ của mình.
Exercise 27-1 Ich dachte, ich könnte es per Telefon erledigen. + per I thought I could do it over the phone. Tôi nghĩ rằng tôi có thể làm điều đó qua điện thoại.
Exercise 29-1 Daran hätte ich zuletzt gedacht.  + zuletzt I'd have thought of that last.  Tôi đã nghĩ đến điều đó cuối cùng.
Exercise 31-8 Es war nur so ein Einfall von ihr.  + Einfall It was just a thought of hers.  Đó chỉ là suy nghĩ của cô.
Exercise 33-3 Dieser Gedanke liegt mir fern.  + Gedanke That's a distant thought.  Đó là một tư tưởng xa vời.
Exercise 33-3 Plötzlich kam mir der rettende Gedanke.  + Gedanke Suddenly the saving thought came to me.  Đột nhiên, ý nghĩ tiết kiệm đã đến với tôi.
Exercise 33-3 Das war ein prima Gedanke.  + Gedanke That was a great thought.  Đó là một ý nghĩ tuyệt vời.
Exercise 33-3 Der bloße Gedanke daran macht ihn wütend. + Gedanke The very thought of it makes him angry. Bản thân suy nghĩ của nó khiến anh ta tức giận.
Exercise 37-1 Er hat in erster Linie an sich gedacht.  + Linie He thought of himself first and foremost.  Anh nghĩ về bản thân mình trước hết.
Exercise 40-6 Vielen Dank für das Angebot. Das ist sehr aufmerksam von Ihnen!  + aufmerksam Thank you for your offer. That's very thoughtful of you!  Cảm ơn bạn đã cung cấp. Đó là rất chu đáo của bạn!
Exercise 40-6 Das ist sehr aufmerksam von dir, vielen Dank. + aufmerksam That's very thoughtful of you, thank you. Đó là rất chu đáo của bạn, cảm ơn bạn.
Exercise 40-7 Der Gedanke amüsierte ihn. + amüsieren The thought amused him. Ý nghĩ làm ông thích thú.
Exercise 45-9 Er hielt es für ein Zeichen von Schwäche.  + Zeichen He thought it was a sign of weakness.  Anh nghĩ đó là dấu hiệu của sự yếu đuối.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment gedankenlos + thoughtless + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment Gedankenlosigkeit + absent-mindedness, thoughtlessness + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment Überlegung + thought, reflection + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment vorherige Überlegung + forethought + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment rücksichtslos + inconsiderate, thoughtless, reckless + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 思想 + * * si1xiang3 thought/ thinking/ idea/ ideology Gedanke +
B 周到 + * * zhou1dao4 thoughtful/ considerate gedankenvoll, durchdacht, umsichtig +
C 毛澤東思想 + * * mao2ze2dong1si1xiang3 Mao Zedong Thought Mao Zedong Gedanke +
C 粗心 + * * cu1xin1 careless/ thoughtless unsorgfältig, nachlässig +
C 觀念 + * * guan1nian4 concept/ idea/ thought/ sense/ ideology Idee, Vorstellung, Konzept +
C 思維 + * * si1wei2 thinking/ thought Denken +
C 心理 + * * xin1li3 heart-mechanism/ psychology/ mentality/ thought Psyche, psychische Verfassung, mental, psychologisch +
C 心思 + * * xin1si1 heart-thought/ thought/ idea/ thinking/ mind/ mood Idee, Gedanke, Denken, Stimmung, Gemütsverfassung +
C 信念 + * * xin4nian4 believing-thought/ belief/ faith/ conviction Glaube, Überzeugung +
D 百家爭鳴 + * * bai3 jia1 zheng1 ming2 a hundred schools of thought contend hundert Schulen wettstreiten mit einander +
D 學派 + * * xue2pai4 school/ school of thought wissenschaftliche Richtung, Schule +
D 思潮 + * * si1chao2 trends of thought Gedankenströmung,ideologischer Trend +
D 出神 + * * chu1 shen2 be lost in thought gedankenverloren, +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
3326 古诗 韵味 + This line from an ancient poem is very thought-provoking.
3788 糊涂 + The more I thought, the more confused I became.
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
Wo3 kan4cuo4 le. + What i thought was wrong. / I misjudged it.
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
yuan2lai2 + originally / turn out to be different from One originally thought
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

tu es plus grand que je pensais + you’re taller than I thought

je pensais que je pouvais me défendre + I thought I could defend myself

je pensais te faire livrer un plat chaud + I thought I would have a hot plate delivered to you

j’ai réfléchi à la question + I thought about the question

il me poursuit dans mes pensées + he chases me in my thoughts

elle le surprend en pleine réflexion + she surprised him as he was deep in thought

j’ai cru mourir de confusion + I thought I would die from confusion

j’avais pensé l’emmener au restaurant + I thought about taking her out to the restaurant

une réflexion de grande ampleur s’impose + wide-ranging thought is needed

je croyais que tu aimais la cuisine chinoise + I thought you liked Chinese food

j’ai pensé à détruire ces peintures pas mal de fois + I thought of destroying these paintings fairly often

j’ai toujours été impressionné par la clarté de ses pensées + I have always been impressed with the clarity of his thoughts

j’ai cru que cela me troublerait + I thought that would bother me

cette pensée lui gonfla le cœur + this thought swelled his heart

il faut complètement repenser le tourisme + tourism must be completely rethought

j’ai jamais pensé que j’étais marginal + I never thought of myself as marginal

les courses à ski exigent une appréciation réfléchie du terrain + ski races require thoughtful assessment of the terrain

j’ai pensé au métier de comédien + I thought about the comedian’s craft

je crus que la terre avait basculé sous mes pieds + I thought the earth moved under my feet

quand je l’écoute, un slogan me vient en tête + while listening to her, I thought of a motto

nous devrions agir de façon réfléchie et responsable + we should act in a thoughtful and responsible manner
05954481-n thought
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 thought +
103 thought +
103 thought +
103 thought +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
thought tư duy + +