Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Chính phủ đã hứa là sẽ cung cấp nhiều tiền hơn để giúp đỡ người vô gia cư. + The government has promised to provide more money to help the homeless.
Cô ấy luôn luôn nói mọi thứ là lỗi tại tôi. > Cô ấy luôn đổ lỗi cho tôi về mọi thứ. + Do you blame the government for the economic crisis? — I think everybody wants to blame the government for the economic crisis.

Tại sao chính phủ cần thuế? + Why does the government need taxes?

chính phủ + government

Họ yêu cầu chính phủ phải có chiến lược để bảo vệ môi trường. + They demand that the government must have a strategy to protect the enviro

Chính phủ Mỹ có nhiều kế hoạch phát triển kinh tế. + The American government has many economic development plans.

Chính phủ có một chính sách mới để phát triển phúc lợi xã hội. + The government has a new policy to develop social welfare.

Chúng tôi không chống chính phủ. + We are not against the government.

Chính phủ đã huy động nhiều xe thiết giáp. + The government mobilized many armored cars.
SNOT Relations with other people • government and politics to govern +
SNOT Relations with other people • government and politics government +
Oxford 3000VieEng
quản lý govern
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-5 Regierung government
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-8 regieren to govern, to rule   (regiert, regierte, hat regiert)
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-9 staatlich state, government, national
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 17-9 Die Regierung gibt eine Erklärung ab.  + Erklärung The government makes a statement.  Chính phủ đưa ra một tuyên bố.
Exercise 20-7 Die Regierung verteilte Lebensmittel an die Opfer.  + verteilen The government distributed food to the victims.  Chính phủ phân phối thực phẩm cho các nạn nhân.
Exercise 21-6 Die Regierung diskutiert den Vorschlag.  + diskutieren The government is discussing the proposal.  Chính phủ đang thảo luận đề xuất.
Exercise 21-7 Die Regierung plant eine Aktion gegen das Rauchen.  + Aktion The government is planning an action against smoking.  Chính phủ đang lên kế hoạch chống lại việc hút thuốc.
Exercise 21-7 Es gibt viel Kritik an der Politik der Regierung.  + Kritik There is much criticism of the government's policy.  Có nhiều lời chỉ trích về chính sách của chính phủ.
Exercise 35-7 Die Wirtschaftspolitik der Regierung konnte die Inflation verhindern.  + Inflation The government's economic policy was able to prevent inflation.  Chính sách kinh tế của chính phủ có thể ngăn ngừa lạm phát.
Exercise 37-3 Die neue Regierung hat finanzielle Schwierigkeiten.  + Regierung The new government is experiencing financial difficulties.  Chính phủ mới đang gặp khó khăn về tài chính.
Exercise 37-3 Die Regierung hat das Vertrauen der Wähler verloren.  + Regierung The government has lost the confidence of the electorate.  Chính phủ đã mất lòng tin của cử tri.
Exercise 38-5 Die Regierung wird sicher bald wieder die Steuern erhöhen.  + erhöhen The government will no doubt soon raise taxes again.  Chính phủ sẽ không nghi ngờ gì nữa lại tăng thuế.
Exercise 42-9 Keine der Parteien war stark genug, um allein regieren zu können.  + regieren Neither party was strong enough to govern alone.  Cả đảng không đủ mạnh để cai trị một mình.
Exercise 43-5 Die Regierung plant für nächstes Jahr eine Steuerreform.  + Reform The government is planning a tax reform next year.  Chính phủ đang lên kế hoạch cải cách thuế vào năm tới.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Staatsanleihe + government bond + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History zu Fall kommen + to collapse [government] + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Staat + state, government + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Regierung + government + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government (jmdn/etw) regieren + to rule/govern (sb/sth) + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Regierungschef(in) + head of the government + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Bundesregierung + federal government + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Landesregierung + government of a state + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Regierung + government + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political activity Kommunalpolitik + local government politics + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 政府 + * * zheng4fu3 government Regierung +
B + * * zhi4 treat/ manage/ control/ govern 1. regieren, verwalten, regeln, führen 2. umgestalten, regulieren 3. heilen, ärztlich behandeln 4. strafen, bestrafen +
C 財政 + * * cai2zheng4 government finance/ public economy Finanzen, öffentliche Finanzpolitik +
C 省長 + * * sheng3zhang3 governor of a province/ premier of a province Gouverneur einer Provinz +
C 專政 + * * zhuan1zheng4 monopolize-government/ rule by violence/ dictatorship Diktatur +
C 機構 + * * ji1gou4 mechanism/ setup/ organ/ government organization 1.Mechanismus, Maschinerie 2. Organisation, Institution, Organ, Gremium +
C + * * ting1 hall/ department in a large government organization 1. Halle, großer Raum 2. Büro, Dienststelle +
C 自治 + * * zi4zhi4 self-administer/ exercise autonomy/ self-govern Autodetermination, Autonomie +
D 公債 + * * gong1zhai4 government bond Staatsanleihe +
D 總督 + * * zong3du1 governor Generalgouverneur +
D 官方 + * * guan1fang1 by the government official offiziell, amtlich +
D 直轄市 + * * zhi2xia2shi4 municipality directly under the Central Government regierungsunmittelbare Stadt +
D 上臺 + * * shang4 tai2 assume the reins of government 1. die Regierung übernehmen 2. auf der Bühne erscheinen, +
D 治理 + * * zhi4li3 administer/ govern regieren, verwalten, regeln, regulieren +
D 廉政 + * * lian2zheng4 make the government honest and clean redlich und aufrichtig +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
544 这里 政府 办公厅 + This is a government office. Hier ist ein Regierungsbüro.
711 政府 资助 他们 研究 + The government has helped finance their research. Die Regierung hat ihre Forschung finanziell unterstützt.
729 群众 要求 政府 进行 改革 + The masses demand that the government reform. Die Massen verlangen, dass die Regierung Reformen durchführt.
787 政府 即将 推出 政策 + The government will put out a new policy soon. Die Regierung wird bald eine neue politische Maßnahme einführen.
879 总统 美国 政府 首脑 + The president is the head of the U.S. government. Der Präsident ist das Oberhaupt der amerikanischen Regierung.
1268 政府 展开 抗灾 行动 + The government is starting operations to combat the disaster. Die Regierung führt Maßnahmen zur Katastrophenabwehr durch.
1444 人们 呼吁 政府 进行 改革 + People are appealing to the government to institute reforms. Menschen appellieren an die Regierung, daß sie Reformen durchführt.
1482 政府 官员 人民 监督 + Government officials are subject to the supervision of the people. Regierungsbeamte stehen unter Aufsicht des Volkes.
2010 政府 官员 腐败 + This government official is very corrupt.
2124 政府 学校 + The government has allocated money to build a school.
2514 国家 颁布 法令 + The government has enacted a new law.
2707 想要 政府 + He wants to overthrow the government.
2717 政府 改选 内阁 + The government is selecting a new cabinet.
2837 贿赂 政府 官员 + He's bribing government officials.
2843 直升机 听候 政府 差遣 + The helicopters are awaiting assignment by the government.
2869 政府 提供 赈灾 援助 + The government has offered aid to relieve the people affected by the disaster.
2932 国家 严惩 贪官污吏 + The government is severely punishing corrupt officials.
3313 这里 曾经 政府 衙门 + This place was once a government office.
3467 政府 官员 俸禄 不错 + The government officials have a good salary.
3654 议会 政府 主要 机关 + Parliament is the chief organ of government.
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
zheng4fu3 + government
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
Mei3guo2 zheng4 fu3 + American government
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

certains ont affirmé que le gouvernement était trop faible + some contend that the government was too weak

le gouvernement cherche à exploiter les jeunes + the government is trying to exploit young people

le gouvernement a augmenté les impôts + the government increased taxes

le gouvernement ne financerait aucun projet touchant cette pratique + the government would not fund any project involving this practice

cet argent n’appartient pas au gouverne- ment + this money does not belong to the government

le gouvernement fédéral a signé un accord + the federal government signed an agreement

les gens ont peur du gouvernement actuel + people fear the current government

le gouvernement s’occupe activement du dossier des hélicoptères + the government is actively pursuing the helicopter affair

le gouvernement fédéral a contribué au problème + the federal government contributed to the problem

le gouvernement devrait prêter l’oreille + the government should pay attention

aucun moyen de communication n’a été fermé par le gouvernement + no means of communication was cut off by the government

nous avons maintenant un gouvernement libéral + we now have a liberal government

les gouvernements doivent représenter tous les citoyens + governments must represent every citizen

le gouvernement socialiste voulait mettre le crédit au service de l’économie + the socialist government wanted to make credit work for the economy

le gouvernement français estime cette opération indispensable + the French government deems this operation essential

on va alléger l’appareil gouvernemental + we’re going to lighten the governmental apparatus

il a été élu pour gouverner + he was elected to govern

le rôle du nouveau gouverneur de l’île est si important + the role of the island’s new governor is so important

le gouvernement tentera d’invoquer deux excuses + the government will try to make two excuses

le gouvernement entend-il compenser totalement ces pertes? + does the government intend to totally compensate for these losses?

le gouvernement fait la sourde oreille + the government is turning a deaf ear

moi-même et mon gouvernement siégions en Algérie + I and my government reign in Algeria

nous avons des lois pour régir les activités de la presse + we have laws to govern the activities of the press

le gouvernement est le plus gros acheteur de biens + the government is the greatest purchaser of goods

le gouvernement espagnol nous manipule depuis longtemps + the Spanish government has been manipulating us for a long time

le gouvernement a décrété un deuil de sept jours + the government declared a week-long period of mourning

le gouvernement doit alléger le fardeau des entreprises + the government must lighten the load of companies

le gouvernement fédéral a réduit sensiblement sa contribution + the federal government reduced its contribution sizably

l’aviation gouvernementale bombarde deux villes contrôlées par les rebelles + the government air forces are bombing two cities controlled by the rebels

l’esprit des accords intergouvernementaux conclus avec les provinces + the spirit of intergovernmental agreements involving the provinces

le gouvernement finance un éventail d’initiatives de recherche + the government is financing a range of research initiatives

la rébellion va éclater, des gouvernments vont tomber! + rebellion will break out, governments will fall!

ce gouvernement est dans une bulle qui lui cache la réalité + this government is in a bubble that hides it from reality

le gouvernement bosniaque a accepté le plan de paix + the Bosnian government accepted the peace plan
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 govern +
103 govern +
103 govern +
103 govern +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie