75 New HSK word(s): 1 下 down/ downwards/ below/ lower/ later/ next (week etc)/ second (of two parts)/ to decline/ to go down 1 再见 goodbye/ see you again later 1 和 and/ together with/ with/ sum/ union/ peace/ harmony/ surname He/ Japanese related/ Taiwan pr. han4 2 旁边 lateral/ side/ to the side/ beside 3 最近 recent/ recently/ these days/ latest/ soon/ nearest (of locations)/ shortest (of routes) 3 盘子 tray/ plate/ dish 3 打算 to plan/ to intend/ to calculate/ plan/ intention/ calculation/ CL:個|个[ge4] 3 以后 after/ later/ afterwards/ following/ later on/ in the future 3 迟到 to arrive late 4 后来 afterwards/ later 4 整理 to arrange/ to tidy up/ to sort out/ to straighten out/ to list systematically/ to collate (data; files)/ to pack (luggage) 4 巧克力 chocolate (loanword)/ CL:塊|块[kuai4] 4 知识 intellectual/ knowledge-related/ knowledge/ CL:門|门[men2] 4 深 close/ deep/ late/ profound/ dark (of color; water etc) 4 算 regard as/ to figure/ to calculate/ to compute 4 规定 provision/ to fix/ to set/ to formulate/ to stipulate/ to provide/ regulation/ rule/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 积累 to accumulate/ accumulation/ cumulative/ cumulatively 4 来不及 there's not enough time (to do sth)/ it's too late (to do sth) 4 亿 a hundred million/ calculate 4 祝贺 to congratulate/ congratulations/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 翻译 to translate/ to interpret/ translator/ interpreter/ translation/ interpretation/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2] 5 模仿 to imitate/ to copy/ to emulate/ to mimic/ model 5 吸收 to absorb/ to assimilate/ to ingest 5 叙述 to relate (a story or information)/ to tell or talk about/ to recount/ narration/ telling/ narrative/ account 5 系 to connect/ to relate to/ to tie up/ to bind/ to be (literary) 5 流传 to spread/ to circulate/ to hand down 5 双方 bilateral/ both sides/ both parties involved 5 相关 interrelated/ correlation/ dependence/ relevance/ mutuality 5 刺激 to provoke/ to irritate/ to upset/ to stimulate/ to excite/ irritant 5 制定 to draw up/ to formulate 5 消灭 to put an end to/ to annihilate/ to cause to perish/ to perish/ annihilation (in quantum field theory) 5 违反 to violate (a law) 5 片面 unilateral/ one-sided 5 密切 close/ familiar/ intimate/ closely (related)/ to foster close ties/ to pay close attention 5 计算 to count/ to calculate/ to compute/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 照应 to correlate with/ to correspond to 6 调节 to adjust/ to regulate/ to harmonize/ to reconcile (accountancy etc) 6 得罪 to commit an offense/ to violate the law/ excuse me! (formal)/ see also 得罪|得罪[de2 zui5] 6 起伏 to move up and down/ to undulate/ ups and downs 6 后代 posterity/ later periods/ later ages/ later generations 6 吸取 to absorb/ to draw (a lesson; insight etc)/ to assimilate 6 后面 rear/ back/ behind/ later/ afterwards 6 资深 senior (in terms of depth of accumulated experience)/ deeply qualified 6 熏陶 nurturing (i.e. assimilate some branch of culture)/ seeped in 6 循环 to cycle/ to circulate/ circle/ loop 6 投机 to speculate (on financial markets)/ opportunistic/ congenial/ agreeable 6 孤立 isolate/ isolated 6 领事馆 consulate 6 拟定 to draw up/ to draft/ to formulate 6 荒凉 desolate 6 颗粒 kernel/ granule/ granulated (sugar; chemical product) 6 推测 speculation/ to conjecture/ to surmise/ to speculate 6 流通 to circulate 6 凝聚 to condense/ to coagulate/ coacervation (i.e. form tiny droplets)/ aggregation/ coherent 6 侵犯 to infringe on/ to encroach on/ to violate 6 操纵 to operate/ to control/ to rig/ to manipulate 6 操作 to work/ to operate/ to manipulate 6 侧面 lateral side/ side/ aspect/ profile 6 制订 to work out/ to formulate 6 规范 norm/ standard/ specification/ regulation/ rule/ within the rules/ to fix rules/ to regulate/ to specify 6 断断续续 intermittent/ off and on/ discontinuous/ stop-go/ stammering/ disjointed/ inarticulate 6 违背 to violate/ to be contrary to 6 近来 recently/ lately 6 攒 to accumulate/ to amass/ to hoard/ to save 6 偏僻 remote/ desolate/ far from the city 6 泄气 discouraged/ dejected/ demoralized/ despairing/ to want to give up/ to deflate (air from a tyre) 6 拾 to pick up/ to collate or arrange/ ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral) 6 一向 all along/ the whole time/ constantly/ earlier/ lately 6 沉思 contemplate/ contemplation/ meditation/ ponder 6 继往开来 to follow the past and herald the future (idiom)/ part of a historical transition/ forming a bridge between earlier and later stages 6 时装 the latest fashion in clothes/ fashionable 6 隔离 to separate/ to isolate 6 翻 to turn over/ to flip over/ to overturn/ to translate/ to decode 6 合算 worthwhile/ be a good deal/ be a bargain/ reckon up/ calculate 6 凄凉 desolate
101 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *Prep;v * *N * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *N * *VS * *VA * *v;n * *pron * *VA * *N * *v;n * *VA * *N * *n;m * *N * *VA * *v;n * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *n;Adv * *VS * *N * *VA * *VA * *VS * *VA * *v;n * *VA * *VA * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VA * *VS * *VA * *v;n * *v;Conj * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VS * *VA * *VA * *n;Adv * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *vt * *VS * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *VA * *VA * *VS * *VA * * * *VS * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VS * *VA * *VA * * * *VA * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * * * *VA * *N * *VA * *v;n * *
101 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. vergleichen, gegenüberstellen 2. mit jm wetteifern, sich mit jm messen 3. eine Analogie ziehen, vergleichen, 4. eine Geste machen, gestikulieren, sich mit Gesten verständlich machen,5. nachahmen, imitieren 6. als 7. zu vor kurzem, in der letzten Zeit, kürzlich 1. essen, verzehren 2. speisen, eine Mahlzeit einnehmen 3. seinen Lebensunterhalt bestreiten 4. bekommen, erhalten, kriegen 5.mit etw viel Mühe haben 6. vernichten, tilgen 7. aufsaugen, absorbieren sich verspäten studieren,lernen später,danach 1. Abend, abends, 2. spät 3. der später Geborene 1. rechnen 2. einbeziehen, einrechnen, einkalkulieren 3. planen 4. zählen, gelten 5. etw als gültig betrachten 6. am Ende, schließlich 7. laß das, schon, gut, basta übersetzen,dolmetschen,Übersetzer/Dolmetscher selbst 1. gegen etw verstoßen, verletzen (Regel), übertreten 2. angreifen, überfallen 3. Verbrecher 4. begehen, verüben, Hochland, Tafelland, Plateau gratulieren, beglückwünschen in Verbindung stehend, in Zusammenhang stehen, betreffen, vor kurzem, kürzlich 1. Teller, Tablett, Platte 2. Zählwort Platte, Teller Teller, Tablett, Platte ansammeln bestimmen, festsetzen, vorsehen ausrichten, regulieren,regeln ausarbeiten, niederlegen, entwerfen, verfassen ausarbeiten, formulieren zählen zuwiderhandeln,verletzen,gegen verstoßen früher oder später,nacheinander, in Reihenfolge einseitig späte Nacht, frühe Morgenstunden, meditieren, Meditation, Kontemplation, schütteln,schwanken,erschüttern, unentschlosssen sein 1. öde, verlassen, brachliegen 2. wüst, verlassen 3. Mißernte, Hungersnot 4. vernachlässigen, verlernen 5. Ödland, unkultiviertes Land 6. großer Mangel, große Knappheit verletzen, überfallen stimulieren, anregen,erregen, reizen schwanken, hin- und her schwingen Schwingung, Vibration 1. Trockenheit, Dürre 2.trocken 3. Land- 1. Elternteil, Blutsverwandte innig, vertraut, intim 3.Ehe, Heirat übereinstimmend, zueinander passend, spekulieren, Waren verschieben sich ergeben, kapitulieren, die Waffen strecken zusammenhangslos,isoliert,auf sich allein gestellt zerstören, vernichten annehmen,vermuten, Annahme, Vermutung (zuerst etwas tun) und dann weitersehen, und außerdem, darüber hinaus erzählen, darstellen, schildern sich ansammeln hinausschieben, aufschieben 1.langsam, säumig, 2. spät, verspätet überliefern,sich verbreiten, fließen, strömen,wandern, mobil Morgen und Abend, früher oder später, Zeit, eines (zukünftigen) Tages, später einmal steuern, lenken,kontrollieren (bedienen) bedienen, an etwas arbeiten Interesse,Vergnügen,interessant,Vorliebe, Hang, Marke, Platte,Schild,Warenzeichen zirkulieren, im Kreis laufen, umlaufen aufsaugen,etwas in sich aufnehmen, absorbieren spätere Periode Elektrischer Ofen hinten, Rückeite, später einstellen, regulieren 1.unterlegen 2. jemanden etwas bezahlen in der Erwartung, es später zurückzubekommen neuer Typus,neue Mode, modern 1. sich ausdehnen 2. anschwellen, aufgeschwollen sein, Schwellung, Völlegefühl, Blähung sich ausdehnen, ausbreiten, expandieren 1. herstellen, erzeugen, fabrizieren 2. beherrschen, einschränken, beschränken 3.System zuwiderhandeln,verletzen, übertreten verkleinern,verringern,reduzieren vage,unbestimmt, undeutlich etwas in der Pfanne kurz braten, sautieren das Gesetz brechen öde und verlassen rechnen, Rechnung sich bewegen, laufen isolieren,Isolation zusammenhängen, in gegenseitiger Beziehung stehen plattieren, mit Metall überziehen Konsul gerinnen, fest werden, kondensieren annehmen, vermuten verringern, kürzen kalkulieren, berechnen einsam, verlassen, öde beglückwunschen, gratulieren, feiern zirkulieren, Zirkulation jmd einen Neujahrsbesuch machen, Wünsche zum Neuj. Kontrast, Vergleich, gegenüberstellen 1.Druckpatte, Druckstock, Matrize 2. Auflage, Ausgabe 3. Zeitungsseite auf und nieder, sich wellenförmig bewegen aufnehmen, zulassen Auslese,Elite isolieren, abtrennen isolieren, absondern 1. aufhäufen, anhäufen, ansammeln 2. seit langer Zeit, althergebracht, eingewurzelt 1. aufprallen, gegen etw schlagen (oder stoßen) 2. erregen, anreizen, anstacheln, hervorrufen, entfachen 3. heftig, bitter,gewaltig, ungestüm späterer Zeitabschnitt neulich, vor kurzem Briefmarken sammeln, Philatelie verletzen,gegen etw. stoßen,beleidigen kleiner Teller, Napf (die Bezeichnung für ein schüsselähnliches Gefäß) 1. waten, durchwaten, ein Gewässer überqueren, übersetzen 2. erleben, durchmachen 3. betreffen, mit etw im Zusammenhang stehen ein Rundschreiben verschicken,Rundschreiben, Fachzeitung lüften, durchlüften, Durchlüftung, ein Geheimnis lüften, Nachrichten durchsickern lassen
939 synsets(s): latent + latent + tessellated + late + later + armor-plated + armour-plated + steel-plated + bony-plated + barbellate + articulate + inarticulate + unarticulate + unarticulated + articulated + articulate + unarticulated + pedunculate + blate + unilateral + multilateral + bilateral + quadrilateral + trilateral + pustulate + unmutilated + carpellate + pistillate + cancellate + cancellated + alveolate + faveolate + disconsolate + chocolate-brown + slate-black + slate-grey + slate-gray + slatey + chocolate-colored + chocolate-coloured + etiolate + etiolated + immaculate + maculate + discombobulated + cupulate + umbellate + isolated + violated + isolated + platelike + latest + verticillate + verticillated + modulated + deflated + elated + annihilated + formulated + lateral + pixilated + auriculate + auriculated + late + late + later + late + accumulated + inflated + ablated + equilateral + stimulated + titillated + latest + mutilated + lateen + lateen-rigged + simulated + disconsolate + desolate + desolate + late-spring-blooming + late-flowering + late-blooming + late-ripening + populated + underpopulated + depopulated + unpopulated + inviolate + isolated + calculated + elated + unilateral + collateral + emasculate + pistillate + modulated + unmodulated + simulated + capsulate + capsulated + unregulated + arillate + foliolate + collateral + particulate + nonparticulate + late + late + immaculate + tessellated + castellated + vermiculate + vermiculated + inflated + collateral + safety-related + belated + late + immaculate + maculate + bilateral + trilateral + regulated + unregulated + related + blood-related + unrelated + related + related to + age-related + correlate + correlated + unrelated + misrelated + uncorrelated + reticulate + cancellate + cancellated + interrelated + nonreticulate + annulate + annulated + prolate + lingulate + angulate + oblate + prolate + inviolate + isolated + isolated + pixilated + emasculated + nodulated + catenulate + apiculate + lanceolate + oblanceolate + orbiculate + spatulate + trifoliolate + granulated + bullate + canaliculate + undulate + crenulate + crenulated + denticulate + serrulate + isolated + coagulated + fistulate + geniculate + collateral + bilateral + isobilateral + bilaterally symmetrical + bilaterally symmetric + stellate + bilaterally symmetrical + coagulate + coagulated + edentulate + lateral + biloculate + ungulate + ungulated + unguiculate + unguiculated + ventilated + unventilated + alate + alated + vermiculate + ipsilateral + contralateral + aciculate + areolate + bracteolate + calceolate + calyculate + campanulate + campanulated + carbolated + carunculate + carunculated + chelate + chelate + chelated + mandibulate + medullated + sacculated + sacculate + tuberculate + uniovulate + urceolate + vacuolate + vacuolated + triangulate + ocellated + trabeculate + operculate + operculated + philatelic + philatelical + aerophilatelic + papillate + flagellate + flagellated + biflagellate + umbellate + appellate + mentholated + methylated + paniculate + ossiculate + later + later on + late + belatedly + late + lately + of late + later + bilaterally + bilaterally + unilaterally + multilaterally + articulately + inarticulately + late + late + desolately + disconsolately + articulately + inarticulately + immaculately + laterally + laterally + philatelically + later + hyperventilate + hyperventilate + insufflate + fibrillate + sleep late + stimulate + percolate + epilate + depilate + inoculate + ejaculate + inoculate + pullulate + emasculate + ovulate + insufflate + manipulate + inoculate + mutilate + sphacelate + granulate + etiolate + sporulate + modulate + etiolate + granulate + constellate + tabulate + granulate + accumulate + cumulate + assimilate + assimilate + assimilate + dissimilate + dissimilate + dissimilate + modulate + ablate + butylate + inoculate + intercalate + interpolate + etiolate + regulate + encapsulate + pullulate + inflate + reflate + inflate + reflate + inflate + deflate + circulate + ablate + escalate + de-escalate + de-escalate + mutilate + regulate + modulate + strangulate + dilate + pullulate + translate + desolate + conflate + populate + coagulate + coagulate + annihilate + scintillate + ventilate + maculate + isolate + insulate + insulate + isolate + isolate + preisolate + decarboxylate + decarboxylate + stimulate + translate + acetylate + acetylate + carboxylate + depopulate + desolate + emasculate + assibilate + mutilate + deflate + inflate + deflate + inflate + reflate + reflate + angulate + vesiculate + vesiculate + undulate + ventilate + extrapolate + translate + assimilate + desolate + obnubilate + discombobulate + contemplate + speculate + speculate + calculate + miscalculate + recalculate + interpolate + extrapolate + triangulate + triangulate + isolate + collate + regulate + contemplate + contemplate + slate + calculate + miscalculate + calculate + calculate + relate + interrelate + correlate + postulate + postulate + stimulate + expostulate + interpellate + stimulate + inoculate + deflate + jubilate + confabulate + adulate + congratulate + congratulate + congratulate + collateralize + stipulate + translate + formulate + reformulate + calculate + speculate + ventilate + relate + dilate + translate + retranslate + mistranslate + translate + circulate + circulate + articulate + articulate + formulate + articulate + ejaculate + modulate + gesticulate + recapitulate + stipulate + stipulate + extrapolate + confabulate + ululate + blate + cantillate + sibilate + assibilate + sibilate + sibilate + sibilate + capitulate + emulate + circumvallate + violate + manipulate + inosculate + inosculate + disarticulate + slate + tessellate + demodulate + collate + strangulate + plate + electroplate + chromium-plate + goldplate + gold-plate + gold plate + silverplate + silver-plate + flagellate + cannulate + canulate + copulate + osculate + translate + deflate + deflate + percolate + percolate + percolate + catenulate + maculate + assimilate + violate + strangulate + decollate + capsulate + reticulate + encapsulate + formulate + formulate + confabulate + stimulate + vermiculate + simulate + simulate + recapitulate + modulate + recapitulate + simulate + tabulate + sporulate + stimulate + congratulate + discombobulate + tribulate + manipulate + elate + titillate + vacillate + oscillate + undulate + perambulate + circumambulate + ambulate + somnambulate + constellate + pullulate + undulate + circulate + circulate + ventilate + circulate + circulate + circulate + percolate + percolate + absquatulate + lateralize + translate + ventilate + insolate + stimulate + horripilate + horripilate + fellate + titillate + dissimulate + obnubilate + scintillate + contemplate + perambulate + stridulate + tintinnabulate + bombilate + acidulate + calculate + speculate + peculate + accumulate + insufflate + immolate + crenelate + crenellate + manipulate + articulate + machicolate + slate + relate + legislate + triangulate + matriculate + reticulate + jubilate + regulate + deregulate + manipulate + defibrillate + violate + violate + violate + manipulate + invigilate + chelate + articulate + reticulate + flocculate + flocculate + postulate + populate + overpopulate + correlate + tessellate + violate + emulate + emulate + relate + undulate + constellate + vacillate + oscillate + pullulate + pullulate with + relate + interrelate + translate + osculate + osculate + translate + scintillate + scintillate + scintillate + spin the plate + lateral pass + lateral + proconsulate + plateletpheresis + collateral fraud + simulated military operation + philately + aerophilately + flagellate + flagellate protozoan + flagellated protozoan + dinoflagellate + zooflagellate + plantlike flagellate + slate-colored junco + Cistothorus platensis + plateau striped whiptail + Masticophis lateralis + reticulated python + ocellated turkey + flagellated cell + comb-plate + slater + sea slater + Elateridae + family Elateridae + elaterid beetle + elater + elaterid + Citellus lateralis + ungulate + unguiculate + unguiculate mammal + odd-toed ungulate + even-toed ungulate + lateral line + lateral line organ + Lates + genus Lates + Lates calcarifer + Pleuronectes platessa + Hippoglossoides platessoides + amlodipine besylate + armor plate + armour plate + plate armor + plate armour + articulated ladder + backplate + bite plate + biteplate + boilerplate + breastplate + consulate + copperplate + copperplate engraving + copperplate + cover plate + dental plate + plate + dessert plate + dilater + dinner plate + doorplate + electroplate + faceplate + fashion plate + finger plate + fishplate + footplate + gold plate + gold plate + gusset plate + home plate + plate + hot plate + hotplate + inflater + lateen + lateen sail + lateen-rig + Lateran Palace + latex paint + latex + license plate + numberplate + L-plate + mentholated salve + nameplate + paper plate + plate + plate + plate + plate + collection plate + plate + plate + plate + photographic plate + plate + plate glass + plate iron + platen + platen + platen + plate rack + plate rail + sailor's breastplate + quarter plate + rider plate + salad plate + silver plate + silver plate + slate + slate pencil + slate roof + sodium salicylate + soup plate + steel plate + sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate + Merthiolate + tin plate + tinplate + articulated lorry + wall plate + articulateness + chocolate + laterality + lateness + bilaterality + bilateralism + bilateral symmetry + laterality + oblateness + lateral cerebral sulcus + sulcus lateralis cerebri + soft palate + hard palate + palate + lateral rectus muscle + lateral rectus + rectus lateralis + stellate venule + biauriculate heart + ejaculate + medullated nerve fiber + end-plate + endplate + motor end plate + lateral condyle + lateral epicondyle + geniculate body + lateral geniculate body + corpus geniculatum laterale + lateral geniculate + medial geniculate body + medial geniculate + cingulate gyrus + lateral ventricle + plate + lateral thinking + correlate + Bayes' postulate + template + unilateralism + lateralization + lateralisation + laterality + Euclid's postulate + plate tectonics + plate tectonic theory + copperplate + slate + bilateral contract + unilateral contract + latent content + latest + postulate + Lateran Treaty + Immaculate Conception + Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary + Late Latin + Late Greek + boilerplate + bookplate + collateral damage + disconsolateness + plate + granulated sugar + chocolate + bitter chocolate + baking chocolate + cooking chocolate + chocolate candy + chocolate liquor + chocolate bar + bittersweet chocolate + semi-sweet chocolate + dark chocolate + milk chocolate + white chocolate + chocolate fudge + chocolate kiss + chocolate truffle + chocolate ice cream + chocolate mousse + chocolate pudding + chocolate eclair + chocolate cake + chocolate chip cookie + plate + sandwich plate + chocolate sauce + chocolate syrup + chocolate egg + chocolate fondue + chocolate milk + chocolate + hot chocolate + drinking chocolate + cardinalate + slate club + Lateran Council + First Lateran Council + Second Lateran Council + Third Lateran Council + Fourth Lateran Council + Fifth Lateran Council + appellate court + populated area + Lateran + Laurentian Plateau + Colorado Plateau + Cumberland Plateau + Ozark Plateau + plate + crustal plate + plateau + Galatea + prelate + fashion plate + domestic prelate + electroplater + idolater + latecomer + matriculate + oblate + philatelist + platelayer + plater + unilateralist + Pilate + Pontius Pilate + nonparticulate radiation + latent heat + particulate radiation + lamellate placentation + Moehringia lateriflora + late purple aster + Ecballium elaterium + chocolate tree + pedunculate oak + Indian chocolate + chocolate root + Scutellaria lateriflora + Gastrocybe lateritia + trifoliolate leaf + lanceolate leaf + oblanceolate leaf + orbiculate leaf + spatulate leaf + denticulate leaf + lanceolate spleenwort + collateral + charge plate + dry plate + dry plate process + photoplate making + plate + plateful + relatedness + unrelatedness + bilateral descent + unilateral descent + interrelatedness + equilateral + quadrilateral + trilateral + equilateral triangle + prolate cycloid + latent hostility + amyotrophic lateral sclerosis + latent diabetes + cleft palate + late blight + pedunculated polyp + age-related macular degeneration + myelatelia + lateral epicondylitis + lateral humeral epicondylitis + latent schizophrenia + latency + clean slate + immaculateness + salicylate poisoning + unilateral paralysis + acrylate resin + polymethyl methacrylate + chelate + chelate compound + slate + cyclohexanol phthalate + template RNA + distillate + particulate + particulate matter + laterite + methylated spirit + methyl salicylate + oxalate + percolate + acrylate + latex + salicylate + phenyl salicylate + platelet + blood platelet + slate + uranyl oxalate + folate + latency stage + latency phase + latency period + late-night hour + Immaculate Conception + latent period + latency + latent period + rotational latency + latency +
101 OLD_HSK English word(s): emulate/ compare/ than recently/ lately/ in the near future eat/ live on/ annihilate be late study/ learn/ emulate after/ afterwards/ later late 1. calculate, reckon, compute, figure 2. include, count 3. carry weight, count translate/ translation/ translator oneself/ closely related/ own violate/ offend/ attack plateau/ highland congratulate/ congratulation concern/ relate to recently/ lately plate/ dish tray/ plate/ dish accumulate provide/ stipulate/ provision; rule adjust/ regulate/ revise establish/ lay down/ stipulate draw up/ work out/ formulate count/ computer/ calculate violate/ run counter to order/ early or late/ in sequence unilateral/ one-sided late at night/ period around midnight muse/ ponder/ meditate/ contemplate waver/ vacillate/ shake waste/ desolate/ barren/ unreasonable intrude upon/ encroach on/ violate/ invade stimulate/ irritate/ provoke/ stimulus/ provocation rock-sway/ sway/ swing/ rock/ wigwag/ vacillate vibrate-move/ vibrate/ tremble/ flutter/ oscillate dry/ droughty/ not related to water close/ intimate/ dear/ related by blood invest-chance/ congenial/ opportunistic/ speculate join-surrender/ surrender/ capitulate/ give up resistance isolated/ isolate wipe out/ destroy/ annihilate suppose/ speculate/ guess/ supposition more-say/ what's more/ besides/ talk about sth. later tell-state/ narrate/ relate/ recount pile up/ heap up/ accumulate push-later/ put off/ postpone/ delay/ defer late/ slow/ tardy spread/ circulate/ hand down/ pass down flow/ run/ circulate/ move early-late/ morning and evening/ sooner or later handle/ control/ operate/ manipulate/ rig operate/ manipulate interest/ delight/ fun/ palate/ taste billboard/ plate/ sign/ brand/ trademark/ cí title follow-cycle/ circle/ cycle/ circulate absorb-get/ absorb/ draw/ assimilate/ extract offspring/ descendant/ posterity/ later generation electric stove/ hot plate/ electric furnace at the back/ in the rear/ behind/ later adjust-regulate/ adjust/ regulate put sth. under sth. else to raise it or make it level (underlay)/ pay for sb. and expect to be paid back later new-style/ new type/ latest type/ of a new form or rite expand/ distend/ swell/ inflate/ bulge/ be bloated expand/ extend in length/ swell in size/ inflate make/ manufacture/ work out/ formulate/ rule/ control violate-disobey/ go against/ run counter to shrink-smaller/ reduce/ lessen/ deflate latent-sketchy/ indistinct/ faint (to the eye or ear) stir-fry/ fry/ sauté/ speculate illegally violate the law desolate calculate circulate insulate correlate plate consulate congeal/ coagulate speculate/ guess/ presume deflate/ retrench calculate desolate/ dreary/ lonely congratulate/ felicitate circulate congratulate the New Year compare/ collate printing plate/ edition undulate matriculate elite/ distillate isolate insulate/ separate amass/ accumulate stimulate/ surge later period recent/ late collecting stamps philately offend/ violate plate involve/ relate to circular/ circulate a notice ventilate/ tip-off
101 OLD_HSK French word(s):
101 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
101 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
101 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): กิน , ทาน เรียน , เรียนรู้ , ศึกษา , สิกขา หลัง สาย , ดึก แปล / นักแปล ด้วยตัวเอง จาน จาน เล่า เตาไฟฟ้า
101 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** TONG1 TONG4 frei/verbinden
* ** FENG1 Wind


เพดานปาก Palate
ช็อคโกแลต 巧克力 chocolate
ทอด ผัด stir-fry; fry; sauté; speculate illegally
ช้า late
ขอแสดงความยินดี 祝贺 congratulate
แปล; แปลความหมาย 翻译 translate; interpret
จาน 盘子 plate, dish
หลังจากนั้น ในภายหลัง 后来 afterwards, later
พิจารณา คำนวณ consider, calculate
ที่ราบสูงในพื้นที่สูง 高原 plateau, highland
ไปสาย 迟到 to be late; to arrive late
ไปสาย 迟到 to be late
การละเมิด 违反 to violate; to run counter to; to go against
สะสม; ประหยัดค่าใช้จ่าย to accumulate; to save money
家底 family property accumulated over a long time; resources
ความสัมพันธ์กับ 有关 to relate to; to have something to do with; related; relavent
เก็งกำไร; ส่งเสริม 炒(子) to speculate; to promote
มีเวลาไม่พอ สายเกินไป 来不及 there's not enough time (to do sth.), it's too late (to do sth.)
ด้านข้าง 旁边 lateral, side
ไหลกระจาย, หมุนเวียน ย้าย to flow, to spread, to circulate, to move
ต่อมา 后来 later
แผ่นดิสก์; จานเล็กจาน, จานรอง disc; small plate, dish, saucer
แสดงความยินดีแสดงความยินดี, 祝贺 to congratulate, congratulation
เมื่อเร็ว ๆ นี้ 最近 recently, lately
เข้าสู่ระบบจาน 牌子 sign, plate
ไม่เช้าไม่สาย 不早不晚 not early and not late
บอร์ด, แผ่นไม้กระดาน board, plank, plate
ถาด, จาน, อาหาร, (คำวัดที่ใช้ในการอาหารของอาหารหรือขดลวด) tray, plate, dishes, (a measure word used for dishes of food or coils of wire)
ชั้นหลัง 后人 later generation
เพื่อดูดซับ, การวาด, การดูดซึม 吸取 to absorb, to draw, to assimilate
แสตมป์สะสม, การสะสมแสตมป์ 集邮 stamp collecting, philately
มีบางอย่างที่ทำด้วยเพื่อความสัมพันธ์กับ, ไปกังวลกับการไปถึง 有关 to have something to do with, to relate to, to concern, with regards to
เลียนแบบ; เปรียบเทียบ; กว่า emulate; compare; than
ก็บริโภคมันอยู่บน; ทำลาย eat; live on; annihilate
ไม่ทันเวลา 迟到 be late
แปล; นักแปล 翻译 translate; translation; translator
คำนวณ; การคำนวณ; การนับ calculate; compute; include; count
ละเมิด; รุกราน; โจมตี violate; offend; attack
ที่ราบสูง; บนพื้นที่สูง 高原 plateau; highland
ให้, กฎ; กําหนด 规定 provide; stipulate; provision, rule
เพิ่มพูน 积累 accumulate
นับ; คอมพิวเตอร์คำนวณ 计算 count; computer; calculate
เมื่อเร็ว ๆ นี้ 近来 recently; lately
ข้างเดียว; ด้านเดียว 片面 unilateral; one-sided
ปรับ; ควบคุม; แก้ไข 调整 adjust; regulate; revise
ละเมิด; วิ่งสวนทางกับ 违反 violate; run counter to
สั่ง; เร็วหรือช้า; ในลำดับที่ 先后 order; early or late; in sequence
กังวล; เกี่ยวข้องกับ 有关 concern; relate to
การพัฒนา 制定 establish; lay down; stipulate
การพัฒนา 制订 draw up; work out; formulate
ขอแสดงความยินดี 祝贺 congratulate; congratulation
เดา 猜想 suppose; speculate; guess; supposition
การควบคุม 操纵 handle; control; operate; manipulate; rig
การทำงาน 操作 operate; manipulate
การทำสมาธิ 沉思 muse; ponder; meditate; contemplate
ช้า late; slow; tardy
การกระตุ้น 刺激 stimulate; irritate; provoke; stimulus; provocation
电炉 electric stove; hot plate; electric furnace
สั่นคลอน 动摇 waver; vacillate; shake
การสะสม 堆积 pile up; heap up; accumulate
ที่แยกได้ 孤立 isolated; isolate
ภัยแล้ง dry; droughty; not related to water
บุตร 后代 offspring; descendant; posterity; later generation
มา 后头 at the back; in the rear; behind; later
ความขาดแคลน waste; desolate; barren; unreasonable
ทำลายล้าง 歼灭 wipe out; destroy; annihilate
กระจาย 流传 spread; circulate; hand down; pass down
流动 flow; run; circulate; move
ยี่ห้อ 牌子 billboard; plate; sign; brand; trademark; cí title
การขยายตัว 膨胀 expand; extend in length; swell in size; inflate
การละเมิด 侵犯 intrude upon; encroach on; violate; invade
ลิ้มรส 趣味 interest; delight; fun; palate; taste
ดึกดื่น 深夜 late at night; period around midnight
แคบ 缩小 shrink-smaller; reduce; lessen; deflate
การควบคุม 调节 adjust-regulate; adjust; regulate
เกี่ยวกับการพิจารณา 投机 invest-chance; congenial; opportunistic; speculate
ยอมแพ้ 投降 join-surrender; surrender; capitulate; give up resistance
เลื่อนเวลา 推迟 push-later; put off; postpone; delay; defer
ละเมิด 违背 violate-disobey; go against; run counter to
วาด 吸取 absorb-get; absorb; draw; assimilate; extract
ช้า 下旬 late , night
รูปแบบใหม่ 新式 new-style; new type; latest type; of a new form or rite
การเล่าเรื่อง 叙述 tell-state; narrate; relate; recount
วงจร 循环 follow-cycle; circle; cycle; circulate
แกว่ง 摇摆 rock-sway; sway; swing; rock; wigwag; vacillate
เป็นลม 隐约 latent-sketchy; indistinct; faint (to the eye or ear)
ไม่ช้าก็เร็ว 早晚 early-late; morning and evening; sooner or later
การขยายตัว expand; distend; swell; inflate; bulge; be bloated
การสั่นสะเทือน 振动 vibrate-move; vibrate; tremble; flutter; oscillate
ระบบ make; manufacture; work out; formulate; rule; control
การแปลง 转换 turn-change; transform; change; translate; convert
ขอแสดงความยินดีในงานปีใหม่ 拜年 congratulate the New Year
แผ่นพิมพ์ printing plate; edition
รุกราน; ละเมิด 触犯 offend; violate
เปรียบเทียบ; ตรวจทาน 对照 compare; collate
ละเมิดกฎหมาย 犯法 violate the law
แยก 隔绝 isolate
ป้องกัน; แยก 隔离 insulate; separate
ปลายมือ 后期 later period
เปล่าเปลี่ยว 荒凉 desolate
สะสม amass; accumulate
กระตุ้น; กระชาก stimulate; surge
การสะสมแสตมป์สะสมแสตมป์ 集邮 collecting stamps philately
ทำให้แฟบ; ตัดให้น้อยลง 紧缩 deflate; retrench
ยอด; ยาต้มกลั่น 精华 elite; distillate
กันไฟฟ้าหรือความร้อน 绝缘 insulate
สถานกงสุล 领事 consulate
หมุนเวียน 流通 circulate
รับเข้าเป็นนักศึกษา 录取 matriculate
ทำให้เป็นวุ้น; จับเป็นก้อน 凝结 congeal; coagulate
หดหู่ใจ; น่าเบื่อ; โดดเดี่ยว 凄凉 desolate; dreary; lonely
ขึ้น ๆ ลง ๆ 起伏 undulate
ขอแสดงความยินดี; แสดงความยินดี 庆贺 congratulate; felicitate
เกี่ยวข้องกับการ; เกี่ยวข้องกับ 涉及 involve; relate to
วงกลม; เวียนแจ้งให้ทราบล่วงหน้า 通报 circular; circulate a notice
ระบายอากาศ; เตือนภัย 通风 ventilate; tip-off
เก็งกำไร; เดา; เข้าใจ 推测 speculate; guess; presume
คำนวณ 推算 calculate
เทียบเคียง 相关 correlate
เร็ว ๆ นี้ 新近 recent; late
คำนวณ 运算 calculate
หมุนเวียน 运行 circulate
กล่องช็อคโกแลต 一盒巧克力 box of chocolates die Pralinenschachtel, n la boîte de chocolats la caja de bombones
ช็อคโกแลต 巧克力 chocolate die Schokolade, n le chocolat el chocolate
จาน plate der Teller, - l'assiette el plato
ardezo กระดานชนวน 石板 slate Schiefer ardoise pizarra ardesia
asimili ที่จะดูดซึม 吸收 to assimilate zu assimilieren à assimiler para asimilar di assimilare
ĉokolado ช็อคโกแลต 巧克力 Chocolate Schokolade Chocolat Chocolate Cioccolato
gratuli แสดงความยินดีกับ 祝贺 to congratulate zu gratulieren féliciter felicitar congratularmi
inokuli ฉีดวัคซีน 接种 inoculate impfen inoculer inocular inoculare
izoli แยก 隔离 isolate isolieren isoler aislar isolare
kalkuli คำนวณ 计算 calculate berechnen calculer calcular calcolare
kapitulaci ยอมจำนน 投降 capitulate kapitulieren capituler capitular capitolare
kripla ขาดวิ่น 肢解 mutilated verstümmelt mutilé mutilado monco
lasta ล่าสุด 最新 latest neueste dernier más reciente ultimo
moduli ปรับ 调制 modulate modulieren moduler modular modulare
palato เพดานปาก palate Gaumen palais paladar palato
partero silverplates silverplates silverplates Silberplatten silverplates platea silverplates
prelato เจ้าอาวาส 主教 prelate Prälat prélat prelado prelato
rilati สัมพันธ์ 涉及 relate erzählen rapporter relacionar raccontare
stimuli กระตุ้น 刺激 stimulate stimulieren stimuler estimular stimolare
traduki แปลความ 翻译 translate übersetzen traduire traducir tradurre
ventoli ระบายอากาศ 通风 ventilate lüften ventiler ventilar ventilare

Grade E word(s):

13 akabarī अकबरी related to Akbar, pure, unadulterated adj.
93 aṅga–bhaṅga garnu अङ्ग–भङ्ग गर्नु to amputate, to dismember, to mutilate v.t.
282 abēra अबेर late aber adj.
283 abēra bhayō अबेर भयो it is late comp.
284 abēlā अबेला lateness, late n./adj.
620 ujāḍa उजाड deserted, isolated adj.
1574 janapakṣīya जनपक्षीय related to the people adj.
1732 ṭaparī टपरी a plate made of leaves, leaf-plate n.
1872 tālu तालु palate n.
1935 thāla थाल plate n.
1936 thālī थाली small plate n.
2081 dharmika धर्मिक religious, related to dharma dharmik adj.
2266 pachāḍi पछाडि behind, later, in the back postp.
2267 pachi पछि behind, later, in the back pachi hatnu postp.
2272 pachauṭē पछौटे late, hinder, backward adj.
2330 pararāṣṭrīya परराष्ट्रीय foreign, alien, related to another nation adj.
2514 prakāśakīya प्रकाशकीय related to the publisher adj.
2524 pracārita प्रचारित propagated, publicised, circulated, made current, made prevalent, given currency adj.
2536 pratipakṣī प्रतिपक्षी opponent, rival, contestant, contralateral n.
2831 bēra बेर time, delay, late berojgar n.
2904 bharē भरे later in the day, afterwards postp.
3500 vibhāgīya विभागीय departmental, related to the department adj.
3773 sambandhī सम्बन्धी related with, pertaining to sambandhi suff.
4176 hamanta हमन्त late autumn, beginning of the cold season n.
千字文: 匕杷晚翠 梧桐早凋 Loquat late in year still green, Firmiana fast to fall.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [articulate] eloquent, well-spoken
(a.) [late] belated, tardy
(a.) [latest] newest, up-to-date
(a.) [related] connected by kinship
(a.) [related] connected logically or causally
(n.) [chocolate] sweet food
(n.) [plate] dish
(v.) [articulate] enunciate
(v.) [congratulate]
(v.) [formulate] word, phrase, articulate
(v.) [inflate] blow up, fill with air
(v.) [translate] interpret in another language
(v.) [legislate]
(v.) [relate] tie in, link, connect logically or causally
(v.) [speculate] invest at a risk
(v.) [circulate] distribute, disseminate, propagate, broadcast, diffuse, disperse, spread, cause to become widely known

00097674-a late +
00816481-a late +
00819235-a late +
00820721-a late +
01729819-a late +
01730444-a late +
01901186-a late +
00100267-r late +
00107416-r late +
00305821-r late +
00305935-r late +

late + +


assimilate (integrate)


17 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1132 我有一个盘子。 ผม or ดิฉัน มีจาน Minulla on lautanen.
1265 我不想来晚。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่อยากมาสาย En halua tulla myöhään.
1349 已经很晚了。 ดึกแล้ว ครับ or คะ On jo myöhä.
1350 我得走了,因为已经很晚了。 ผม or ดิฉัน จะไปเพราะดึกแล้ว ครับ or คะ Minä lähden, koska on jo myöhä.
1449 她吃了一块巧克力。 เธอได้หยิบช็อคโกแล็ตหนึ่งชิ้น Hän otti palan suklaata.
1574 他那时不可以吃巧克力。 เขาไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ทานช็อคโกแล็ต Hän ei saanut syödä suklaata.
1578 我那时可以拿块夹心巧克力吃。 ผม or ดิฉัน ได้รับอนุญาตให้หยิบช็อคโกแล็ต Minä sain ottaa itselleni konvehdin.
1582 孩子们那时可以在假期里在外面长时间逗留。 ในช่วงพักร้อนเด็ก ๆ ไม่ต้องไปนอนตามเวลา Loman aikana lapset saivat jäädä kauan ulos.
1584 他们那时可以长时间熬夜。 พวกเขาได้รับอนุญาตให้นอนดึกได้ He saivat olla kauan valveille.
1586 你睡的太久了 – 不要睡那么久! คุณนอนนานเหลือเกิน – อย่านอนดึก! Sinä nukut niin pitkään – älä nuku niin pitkään!
1587 你来得太晚了 – 不要来那么晚! คุณกลับมาบ้านดึกเหลือเกิน – อย่ากลับบ้านดึก! Sinä tulet niin myöhään – älä tule niin myöhään!
1641 太气人了,你来这么晚。 ผม or ดิฉัน โมโหที่ คุณ มาช้า Minua ärsyttää, että tulet niin myöhään.
1730 他还没走,虽然已经很晚了。 เขายังอยู่ ทั้งที่ดึกแล้ว Hän jäi, vaikka olikin myöhä.
1733 已经很晚了, 他仍然还没走。 ดึกแล้ว ถึงอย่างนั้นเขาก็ยังอยู่ Oli myöhä. Siitä huolimatta hän jäi.
342 这里有玻璃杯、盘子和餐巾 。 นี่คือแก้วน้ำ จานและกระดาษเช็ดปาก Tässä ovat lasit, lautaset ja lautasliinat.
375 我翻译书。 ผม or ดิฉัน แปลหนังสือ Minä käännän kirjoja.
821 也许过一会儿吧。 อีกเดี๋ยวอาจจะไป ครับ or คะ Ehkä myöhemmin.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

52 迟到 怎么办
201 报纸 消息
298 每天
388 知识 阅读 积累
531 盘子 面包
677 最近 怎么样
1172 铜版 刻有
1190 报纸 刊登 旅游 资讯
1245 翻译成 英语
1335 盘子
1361 计算 错误
1564 沾满 巧克力
1719 译成 英文
1813 这里 荒凉
1864 沙漠 荒凉
1959 房产 抵押 贷款
2132 迟到
2159 不要 迟到 藉口
2314 洗去 盘子 汙垢
2449 血液 循环
2495 气球 膨胀 起来
2956 压扁
3044 沾满 巧克力
3182 夜深 街上 悄然 无声
3309 砂糖
3651 很多 犯罪 贫穷 密切 相关
3662 这么 明天 精神

Semantische Felder:

6.4 Spätzeit