VNEN bài phúc trình * report * 103 VNEN bài tường thuậ * report * 103 VNEN bản báo cáo * report * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Người ta báo cáo là có hai người bị thương trong vụ nổ. + It's reported that two (2) people were injured in the explosion.

Những báo cáo này không hoàn hảo. + These reports are not perfect.

Chúng tôi cần báo cáo của cô ấy. + We need her report.

Chúng tôi dùng kiến thức từ khoá học này để viết một báo cáo. + We use the knowledge from this course to write a report.

báo cáo  + report

Tôi không phải là một phóng viên. + I am not a reporter

Họ là những phóng viên quốc tế. + They are international reporters.

phóng viên + reporter.

Tôi viết bản báo cáo này. + I write this report.

Cho tôi xem bản bao cáo được không? + Can I see the report?

Tôi muốn báo cáo mất trộm + I'd like to report a theft

Anh cần có mật ở cổng C2 trước thời gian đó. + You should report to gate C2 by then.

Cho tôi xem bản báo cao được không? + Can I see the report?

Tôi muốn báo mất thẻ tín dụng. + I want to report a lost credit card.

+ Who would I report to? Who would I be working closely with?
GNOT Qualitative • expression to report +
GNOT Qualitative • expression report +
SNOT • radio, TV, etc., news report bản tin +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • press reporter/journalist phóng viên +
Oxford 3000VieEng
báo cáo report
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-9 krankmelden to report sick   (meldet krank, meldete krank, hat krankgemeldet)
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-5 melden 1. to report, 2. to get in touch   (meldet, meldete, hat gemeldet)
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-1 Wetterbericht 1. weather forecast, 2. weather report
11-1. Presse, Radio, Fernsehen Exercise 11-1-2 Bericht report
11-1. Presse, Radio, Fernsehen Exercise 11-1-2 Anzeige 1. announcement, advertisement, 2. report, complaint, 3. charge, 4. notification, 5. display
11-1. Presse, Radio, Fernsehen Exercise 11-1-4 Meldung report
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-7 Zeugnis 1. (school) report, 2. certificate
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-7 angeben 1. to give, 2. to indicate, 3. to declare, 4. to set, 5. to report, 6. to pose, 7. to boast, 8. to serve   (gibt an, gab an, hat angegeben)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-7 berichten to report   (berichtet, berichtete, hat berichtet)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-3 In diesem Bericht sind einige Fehler.  + einige There are some mistakes in this report.  Có một số sai lầm trong báo cáo này.
Exercise 5-4 Der Wetterbericht meldet Regen. + Regen The weather forecast reports rain. Dự báo thời tiết báo cáo mưa.
Exercise 7-5 Die Abendzeitung hat einen Bericht über den Unfall gebracht.  + bringen* The evening paper has published a report on the accident.  Các bài báo buổi tối đã công bố một báo cáo về vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 8-6 Meine Kinder haben heute Zeugnisse bekommen. Ich bin zufrieden.  + zufrieden My children got their report cards today. I'm satisfied.  Con tôi đã có phiếu báo cáo ngày hôm nay. Tôi thấy thỏa mãn.
Exercise 12-8 Ich habe gestern einen interessanten Bericht gelesen.  + Bericht I read an interesting report yesterday.  Tôi đọc báo cáo thú vị hôm qua.
Exercise 12-8 Die Zeitung brachte einen Bericht über den Unfall.  + Bericht The newspaper brought a report about the accident.  Báo chí đưa ra một báo cáo về vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 12-8 Für diesen Bericht waren viele Recherchen nötig. + Bericht This report required a lot of research. Báo cáo này yêu cầu rất nhiều nghiên cứu.
Exercise 12-9 Hast du die Meldung im Radio gehört? Es wird starken Sturm geben.  + Meldung Did you hear the radio report? There will be strong storms.  Bạn đã nghe báo cáo radio? Sẽ có những cơn bão mạnh.
Exercise 12-9 Die Zeitungen brachten unbestätigte Meldungen.  + Meldung The newspapers brought unconfirmed reports.  Các tờ báo đưa ra các báo cáo chưa được xác nhận.
Exercise 13-5 Alle Zeitungen haben über den Unfall berichtet.  + berichten All the papers have reported on the accident.  Tất cả các giấy tờ đã báo cáo về vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 13-5 Er berichtete über seine Erlebnisse.  + berichten He reported on his experiences.  Ông đã báo cáo về kinh nghiệm của mình.
Exercise 13-5 Sie hat alles berichtet, was sie beobachtet hat.  + berichten She reported everything she's been watching.  Cô ấy báo cáo mọi thứ cô ấy đang xem.
Exercise 13-5 Man hat über sie nur Gutes berichtet.  + berichten Only good things have been reported about them.  Chỉ có những điều tốt đẹp đã được báo cáo về họ.
Exercise 13-5 Alle Tageszeitungen haben von dem Skandal berichtet.  + berichten All the newspapers have reported the scandal.  Tất cả các tờ báo đều báo cáo vụ bê bối.
Exercise 13-9 Ich habe einen interessanten Bericht gelesen.  + interessant  I read an interesting report.  Tôi đọc một báo cáo thú vị.
Exercise 13-9 Den Bericht über Brasilien finde ich sehr interessant.  + interessant  I find the report on Brazil very interesting.  Tôi thấy báo cáo về Brazil rất thú vị.
Exercise 17-4 Nach den Nachrichten kommt ein Bericht über die augenblicklicheLage.  + augenblicklich After the news, a report about the current situation will follow.  Sau khi tin tức, một báo cáo về tình hình hiện tại sẽ theo sau.
Exercise 18-2 Sie müssen die Geburt Ihres Kindes beim Standesamt melden.  + Geburt You must report the birth of your child to the registry office.  Bạn phải báo cáo sự ra đời của con mình tới cơ quan đăng ký.
Exercise 21-8 Das ist ein vorläufiger Bescheid.  + vorläufig  That's a preliminary report.  Đó là một báo cáo sơ bộ.
Exercise 24-1 Sie sind verpflichtet, den Unfall zu melden.  + Unfall You are obliged to report the accident.  Bạn có nghĩa vụ báo cáo tai nạn.
Exercise 25-5 Alle Zeitungen haben über diese Ereignisse berichtet.  + Ereignis All the newspapers have reported on these events.  Tất cả các tờ báo đã báo cáo về những sự kiện này.
Exercise 26-8 Die Medien haben damals über nichts anderes berichtet.  + damals The media did not report anything else at the time.  Các phương tiện truyền thông đã không báo cáo bất cứ điều gì khác vào thời điểm đó.
Exercise 28-8 Wenn Sie hier parken, zeige ich Sie an.  + anzeigen If you park here, I'll report you.  Nếu bạn đậu ở đây, tôi sẽ báo cáo cho bạn.
Exercise 28-8 Das Opfer zeigte den Täter bei der Polizei an.  + anzeigen The victim reported the killer to the police.  Nạn nhân báo cáo kẻ giết người cho cảnh sát.
Exercise 28-9 Sie müssen den Verlust Ihrer Versicherung melden.  + Verlust You must report the loss of your insurance.  Bạn phải báo cáo việc mất bảo hiểm.
Exercise 35-4 Bitte melden Sie sich bis 9 Uhr krank. Das ist Vorschrift.  + Vorschrift Please report sick by 9am. It's regulation.  Xin báo cáo bệnh tật trước 9 giờ sáng. Đó là quy định.
Exercise 37-4 Den Unfall müssen Sie der Versicherung melden.  + melden You must report the accident to the insurance company.  Bạn phải khai báo tai nạn cho công ty bảo hiểm.
Exercise 37-4 Wir haben der Polizei den Unfall gemeldet.  + melden We reported the accident to the police.  Chúng tôi báo cáo tai nạn cho cảnh sát.
Exercise 37-4 Ich melde mich auf Ihre Anzeige. Sie wollen ein Sofa verkaufen?  + melden I'll report to your ad. You want to sell a sofa?  Tôi sẽ báo cáo với quảng cáo của bạn. Bạn muốn bán một chiếc ghế sofa?
Exercise 37-5 Sie müssen den Unfall der Versicherung melden.  + Versicherung You must report the accident to the insurance company.  Bạn phải khai báo tai nạn cho công ty bảo hiểm.
Exercise 41-5 Ich melde meinen Mann krank. Er liegt im Krankenhaus.  + krankmelden I report my husband sick. He's in the hospital.  Tôi báo cáo chồng tôi bị ốm. Anh ta đang ở trong bệnh viện.
Exercise 42-4 Die Reportage wird als Fortsetzung gesendet. + Fortsetzung The report will be broadcast as a continuation. Báo cáo sẽ được phát sóng như một sự tiếp nối.
Exercise 45-4 Reduzieren Sie den Bericht auf die wichtigsten Punkte.  + reduzieren Reduce the report to the most important points.  Giảm báo cáo tới những điểm quan trọng nhất.
Exercise 45-4 Die Kollegin war krank gemeldet, aber in Wirklichkeit hatte sie keine Lust.  + Wirklichkeit The colleague was reported sick, but in reality she didn't feel like it.  Các đồng nghiệp đã được báo cáo bệnh, nhưng trong thực tế, cô không cảm thấy như nó.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Media and popular culture General Exklusivbericht + exclusive (report) + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Reporter(in) + reporter + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media (über/von) etw berichten + to report (on) sth + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Bericht + report + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Reportage + reportage + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Pressebericht + press report + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media wie verlautet + according to reports + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Berichterstatter(in) + reporter + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Lokalberichterstatter (in) + spot reporter + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media einen Bericht einsenden + to file a report + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Tagesbericht + daily report + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media etw melden + to report sth + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media wie soeben gemeldet wird + according to reports just coming in + B
+ + 103 Speaking Informing etw berichten + to report sth + A
+ + 103 Speaking Informing Bericht + report + A
+ + 103 Speaking Informing einen Bericht geben + to give a report + A
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing etw melden + to report sth + B
+ + 103 Speaking Informing (jmdm) (von etw) Bericht erstatten + to report (to sb) (on sth) + C
+ + 103 Speaking Informing etw referieren + to give a report on sth + C
+ + 103 Speaking Informing etw vermelden + to report/announce sth + C
+ + 103 Education Assessment and qualifications Zeugnis + grades, report + A
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation Anzeige + report + C
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation Anzeige gegen jmdn erstatten + to report sb to the authorities + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 反映 + * * fan3ying4 reflect/ report/ reflection widerspiegeln,(einem Vorgesetzten) berichten,Informationen liefern +
B 報到 + * * bao4 dao4 report for duty/ check in/ register sich anmelden, registrieren lassen +
B 報道 + * * bao4dao4 report/ cover/ coverage/ story melden, berichten, Bericht +
B 報告 + * * bao4gao4 make known/ report/ speech/ lecture Bericht, berichten, Vortrag +
B 記者 + * * ji4zhe3 reporter/ correspondent/ newsman Journalist, Korrespondent, Berichterstatter +
C 謠言 + * * yao2yan2 rumor-words/ rumor/ canard/ unfounded report/ hearsay Lüge, Gerücht +
C 彙報 + * * hui4bao4 give an account of; report jm Bericht erstatten +
C 預報 + * * yu4bao4 beforehand-report/ predict/ forecast/ prediction Voraus- Vorhersage +
C + * * bao4 report/ announce/ declare 1. mitteilen, Bericht erstatten, benachrichtigen 2.erwidern, belohnen,vergelten, heimzahlen 3. Botschaft, Meldung, Ankündigung 4. Telegraphie, Telegramm +
D 據悉 + * * ju4xi1 it is reported Informationen zur Folge, wie verlautet, meines Wissens +
D 上報 + * * shang4bao4 report to the leadership in der Zeitung stehen,einer höheren Inst.vorlegen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
66 报告 + He's writing a report. Er schreibt einen Bericht.
235 报道 新闻 + He's reporting the news. Er verkündet die Nachrichten.
911 报告 批示 + He's writing comments and instructions on the report. Er schreibt einen Aktenvermerk auf den Bericht.
1271 他们 接受 记者 访问 + They were interviewed by reporters. Sie wurden von Journalisten interviewt.
2206 财政 大臣 发表 今年 预算 报告 + The financial minister has delivered this year's budget report.
3221 宣读 政府 咨文 + He's delivering the chief executive's report on affairs of state.
3604 有人 通知 司令部 报到 + He was told to report himself to headquarters.
Lesson 051. Annoyances in China. Protect Yourself.
bao4 + to report
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je propose que le rapport du comité soit adopté + I move that the committee’s report be adopted

je regarde les reportages depuis ce matin + I’ve been watching news reports since this morning

le rapport était bref et précis + the report was brief and precise

je veux un rapport complet sur mon bureau, demain + I want a complete report on my desk tomorrow

le rapport ne fournit certes pas de solution miracle + the report certainly doesn’t provide the miraculous solution

la conclusion du rapporteur semble raisonnable + the conclusion of the reporter seems reasonable

les journalistes ont été écartés de l’intérieur du bâtiment + the reporters were kept away from the building’s interior

ces points ont déjà été mentionnés par le rapporteur + these points were already mentioned by the reporter

terminons le reportage et filons d’ici + let’s stop our reporting and get out of here

selon le reportage, son intervention aurait été annulée + according to the report his talk was canceled

le texte du rapport figure à l’annexe + the text of the report is located in the appendix

je demande que ce rapport soit imprimé + I request that this report be printed

je vous en informe comme rapporteur + I’m telling you this as a reporter

ce qui suit est un extrait du rapport + what follows is an excerpt from the report
07391516-n report
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 report +
103 report +
103 report +
103 report +
103 report +
103 report +
103 report +
103 report +
103 report +
103 report +
103 report +
103 report +
103 report +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
report báo cáo (報告), bản báo cáo + +
báo cáo + + report