Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Các chuyên gia vẫn nhức đầu vì nguyên nhân của vụ nổ. + The authorities are still baffled by the cause of the explosion.
Sau khi khám phá ra anh ấy đã bị kết án sai vì tội giết người, các nhà chức trách đã cho anh ấy ra tù. + After discovering he had been wrongly accused of murder, the authorities let him out of prison.

Anh ấy là tác giả của thế kỷ. + He is the author of the century.

Cuốn sách đó đã được viết bởi nhiều tác giả. + That book was written by many authors.

Ai là tác giả cuốn sách này? + Who is the author of this book?

Sự nghiệp văn học của tác giả đó có một ảnh hưởng lớn. + The literary career of that author has a big influence.

tác giả + author

Nhà văn + Author

Không phận sự miễn vào. + Authorized personnel only
Oxford 3000VieEng
tác giả author
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-8 Autor 1. author, 2. writer, 3. scribe
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-8 berechtigt 1. authorized, 2. entitled, 3. qualified, 4. warranted
16-1. Amt, Behörde Exercise 16-1-1 Behörde (public) authority
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-2 Er hat eigenmächtig gehandelt.  + handeln He acted on his own authority.  Ông đã hành động theo thẩm quyền của chính mình.
Exercise 14-5 Meine Bücher sind nach Autoren geordnet.  + ordnen My books are sorted by author.  Sách của tôi được sắp xếp theo tác giả.
Exercise 28-3 Der Autor hat einen neuen Roman veröffentlicht.  + veröffentlichen The author has published a new novel.  Tác giả đã xuất bản một cuốn tiểu thuyết mới.
Exercise 34-5 Wir haben Ärger mit den Behörden bekommen.  + Behörde We've been in trouble with the authorities.  Chúng tôi gặp rắc rối với chính quyền.
Exercise 34-8 Welches Amt ist für diese Genehmigung zuständig?  + zuständig Which office is responsible for this authorisation?  Văn phòng nào chịu trách nhiệm cho sự ủy quyền này?
Exercise 34-8 Das ist die zuständige Behörde in diesem Fall.  + zuständig This is the competent authority in this case.  Đây là cơ quan có thẩm quyền trong trường hợp này.
Exercise 39-4 Wer ist der Autor dieser Erzählung? + Erzählung Who is the author of this story? Ai là tác giả của câu chuyện này?
Exercise 42-3 Das Theater spielt vor allem Stücke moderner deutscher Autoren.  + Autor The theatre plays mainly plays plays by modern German authors.  Nhà hát đóng vai trò chủ yếu trong các vở kịch của các tác giả Đức hiện đại.
Exercise 42-3 Ich kenne den Autor persönlich.  + Autor I know the author personally.  Tôi biết tác giả cá nhân.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
author The Library 15
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Writers Autor(in) + author + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Writers Verfasser(in) + writer, author + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure allwissender Erzähler + omniscient author + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General Einwanderungs-behörde + immigration authorities + C
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation Anzeige gegen jmdn erstatten + to report sb to the authorities + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations General Behörde + authorities + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 上邊 + * * shang4bian above/ over/ the higher authorities oben +
B 作者 + * * zuo4zhe3 author/ writer Verfasser, Autor +
B 中央 + * * zhong1yang1 center/ central authorities zentral, Zentrum +
C 政權 + * * zheng4quan2 political-authority/ political (or state) power/ regime/ Staatsmacht, Staatsgewalt, Regime +
C 權力 + * * quan2li4 power/ authority/ jurisdiction Macht, Befugnis +
C 上頭 + * * shang4tou the higher authorities/ foregoing/ above/ on top of höhere Autoritäten, vorangegangene, über, +
D 職權 + * * zhi2quan2 power/ authority Amtsgewalt, Befugnis, Kompetenz +
D 擅自 + * * shan4zi4 do sth; without authorization eigenmächtig +
D 權威 + * * quan2wei1 authority Autorität, Ansehen, angesehener Fachmann +
D 權限 + * * quan2xian4 extent of authority Machtbereich, Zuständigkeit +
D 威信 + * * wei1xin4 authority Autorität, Ansehen, Prestige +
D 當局 + * * dang1ju2 the authorities die Behörden, der Gesetzgeber, +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
1552 权威 脑科 专家 + He is an authority among brain specialists.
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Zhe4 ben3 shu1 de zuo4jia1 shi4 shei2? + Who is the author of this book?
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

peu d’auteurs font référence à son œuvre + few authors cite his work

chez cet auteur schizophrène cohabitent deux personnages + two personalities live together in this schizophrenic author

elle prit mon bras avec autorité + she took my arm with authority

les administrations précédentes ont perdu toute autorité + the preceding administrations have lost all authority

j’ai besoin d’une autorisation + I need an authorization

les autorités font assumer la responsabilité des troubles + the authorities will assume responsibility for the confusion

dans les auteurs, y a un conservateur + among the authors, there is a conservative one

il l’aura l’autorité légitime de le faire + he will have the legitimate authority to do so

l’autorité revenait à celui qui remportait la victoire + the authority was conferred on the one who won the victory

je fais surtout des adaptations d’auteurs étrangers + I mostly do adaptations based on foreign authors

j’ai été injuste, j’ai abusé de ma force + I was unjust, I abused my authority

je ne ressens pas de réticence de la part des auteurs français + I don’t sense any reluctance on behalf of French authors

c’est un régime extraordinairement autoritaire + its an extraordinarily authoritative regime
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 author +
103 author +
103 author +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
author tác giả + +
tác giả + + author