Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Tôi muốn có vườn để tôi có thể tự trồng rau cho riêng tôi. + I'd like to have a garden so that I could grow my own vegetables.

giúp tôi phát triển hơn + where I can grow professionally
GNOT Spatial • size to grow +
Oxford 3000VieEng
lớn lên grow
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-4 wachsen to grow   (wächst, wuchs, ist gewachsen)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-3 Wenn die Kinder groß sind, haben wir wieder mehr Zeit.  + groß When the kids grow up, we'll have more time.  Khi những đứa trẻ lớn lên, chúng ta sẽ có nhiều thời gian hơn.
Exercise 2-9 Er ist alt geworden.  + alt He's grown old.  Anh ấy đã già rồi.
Exercise 6-9 Was willst du denn später mal werden?  + spät What do you want to be when you grow up?  Bạn muốn làm gì khi lớn lên?
Exercise 13-8 Pflanzen wachsen schnell, wenn es geregnet hat.  + Pflanze Plants grow quickly when it rains.  Cây trồng phát triển nhanh chóng khi trời mưa.
Exercise 13-8 Diese Pflanze wächst wild.  + Pflanze This plant grows wild.  Nhà máy này phát triển hoang dã.
Exercise 15-7 Auf diesem Boden wächst Gemüse besonders gut.  + Boden Vegetables grow particularly well on this soil.  Rau quả phát triển rất tốt trên đất này.
Exercise 16-8 Die Zahl der Bewohner unserer Erde wächst ständig.  + Bewohner The number of inhabitants of our planet is constantly growing.  Số lượng cư dân của hành tinh chúng ta đang tăng lên liên tục.
Exercise 17-8 Die Zahl der Internetnutzer wird immer größer.  + Zahl The number of Internet users is growing.  Số người sử dụng Internet đang tăng lên.
Exercise 18-6 Wir ziehen Gemüse in unserem Garten.  + Gemüse We grow vegetables in our garden.  Chúng tôi trồng rau trong vườn.
Exercise 20-5 Auf den Feldern wächst Getreide.  + Getreide Cereals grow in the fields.  Ngũ cốc mọc trên đồng ruộng.
Exercise 25-9 Mein Sohn ist sehr gewachsen. Er ist jetzt schon größer als ich.  + wachsen* My son has grown a lot. He's already taller than me now.  Con trai tôi đã phát triển rất nhiều. Anh ấy đã cao hơn tôi bây giờ.
Exercise 25-9 Ich will mir die Haare wachsen lassen.  + wachsen* I want to grow my hair.  Tôi muốn mọc tóc.
Exercise 25-9 In meinem Garten wachsen Tomaten und Paprika. + wachsen* Tomatoes and peppers grow in my garden. Cà chua và ớt phát triển trong vườn của tôi.
Exercise 30-3 Ich lasse mir einen Bart wachsen. + Bart I'm growing a beard. Tôi đang râu.
Exercise 33-9 Nach dem Regen wachsen viele Pilze im Wald.  + Pilz After the rain, many mushrooms grow in the forest.  Sau khi mưa, nhiều nấm mọc trong rừng.
Exercise 34-2 Der Baum ist schief gewachsen.  + schief  The tree has grown crooked.  Cây đã mọc lên.
Exercise 37-5 Die Wirtschaft des Landes wächst schnell.  + Wirtschaft The country's economy is growing rapidly.  Nền kinh tế của đất nước đang phát triển nhanh chóng.
Exercise 39-3 In diesem Gebiet wachsen seltene Pflanzen.  + Gebiet Rare plants grow in this area.  Các loại thực vật hiếm phát triển trong khu vực này.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Gardens Gardening etw anbauen + to grow sth + A
+ + 103 Gardens Gardening wachsen + to grow + A
+ + 103 The physical world Woodlands and plains Unterholz + undergrowth + B
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour knurren + to growl [dog, lion] + A
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour brummen + to growl [bear] + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Geschwür + ulcer, growth + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair sich lichten + to grow thin [hair] + C
+ + 103 Perception Sound brummen + to buzz, drone, growl + C
+ + 103 Perception Sound Gebrumm + droning, buzzing, growling + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease wachsen + to grow + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease Zuwachs + growth, increase + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease Wachstum + growth + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease anschwellen + to swell, grow louder, rise, grow + C
+ + 103 Science Biological sciences Wachstum + growth + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Obstbau + fruit-growing + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Weinbau + wine growing + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Weinbauer + wine grower + A
+ + 103 Industry Industries Wachstumsindustrie + growth industry + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Production and consumption Wachstumsmarkt + growth market + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * liu2 remain/ stay/ keep/ grow/ leave 1. bleiben, verweilen, sich aufhalten 2. aufhalten, zurückhalten 3. behalten, aufbewahren 4. etw stehen o. wachsen lassen 5. annehmen, aktzeptieren 6. hinterlassen +
A + * * chou1 take out/ take from/ grow/ inhale 1.herausnehmen, herausziehen 2. sprießen, treiben 3. ansaugen, abpumpen 4. eingehen +
A + * * zhang3 grow/ develop/ acquire/ increase (Verb) wachsen, entstehen, fördern +
B + * * zhong4 grow/ plant/ cultivate pflanzen, anbauen siehe zhong3 +
B 成長 + * * cheng2zhang3 grow up reifen, wachsen, zu etwas erwachsen +
B 生長 + * * sheng1zhang3 grow/ grow up Wachstum +
B 增長 + * * zeng1zhang3 enrich/ enhance/ grow Wachstum +
C 種植 + * * zhong4zhi2 plant-grow/ plant/ grow/ crop/ put in pflanzen, anbauen +
C + * * zai1 grow/ plant/ erect/ insert/ plant (stolen goods)/ tumble 1. pflanzen, züchten 2. aufstellen, aufpflanzen 3. jn zu etwas abstempeln, aufbürden 4. fallen, stürzen, stolpern +
C 壯大 + * * zhuang4da4 strengthen/ grow in strength/ expand/ thick and strong erstarken, stärker werden,verstärken +
C 發育 + * * fa1yu4 develop/ grow (especially in puberty) Wachstum, Entwicklung +
D 栽培 + * * zai1pei2 grow/ educate züchten, ziehen, erziehen,aufziehen,jn fördern +
D 滋長 + * * zi1zhang3 grow/ develop sich entwickeln, entstehen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
341 儿子 + My son has grown tall. Mein Sohn ist groß gewachsen.
1186 树苗 长大 + The tree seedling has grown. Der Baumsetzling ist gewachsen.
1215 母女俩 喜欢 养花 + The mother and her daughter both love growing flowers. Die Mutter und ihre Tochter kümmern sich gern um ihre Blumen.
1667 孩子们 健康 成长 + The children are growing up healthy.
2342 国家 越来越 繁荣 昌盛 + The country is growing more and more prosperous.
2626 树苗 长大 + The tree seedling has grown.
2655 长高 厘米 + You've grown one centimenter taller.
3521 蝌蚪 蜕变成 青蛙 + Tadpoles grow into frogs.
3549 海边 生长 大量 水藻 + A lot of algae is growing near the shore.
3611 细胞 生长 细胞壁 必然 扩张 + The cell walls must expand as the cells grow.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

plus grande devient l’organisation, plus il y a de règles + the bigger the organization grows, the more rules there are

les taux de croissance ont été importants + the growth rates were substantial

l’embryon vit, grandit et se développe + the embryo lives, grows, and develops

les entreprises creés ont tendance à grossir + the enterprises that were created tend to grow bigger

les mères palestiniennes veulent que leurs enfants grandissent dans la paix + Palestinian mothers want their children to grow up in peace

nous ne sommes pas la capitale de l’État mais nous grandissons + we’re not the state capital but we’re growing

je ne grandis plus ... je grossis + I’m not growing any taller ... just stouter

la compétition avec les Etats-Unis ira croissant + competition with the U.S. will be growing

les bureaucraties ont tendance à croître et à s’étendre + bureaucracies tend to grow and spread

nous sommes tous atterrés par l’accroisse- ment du chômage + we’re all crushed by the growth in unemployment

le secteur des télécommunications a connu la plus forte hausse + the telecommunications sector experienced the greatest growth

la méfiance entre salariés et employeurs s’accentue + the mistrust between salaried workers and employers is growing

pour la seconde année consécutive, la croissance sera négative + for the second consecutive year, growth will be negative

ils cultivent des oranges + they grow oranges

l’affection grandit par l’épreuve + affection grows through difficulties

la croissance mondiale risque d’handicaper leurs exportations + worldwide growth threatens to handicap their exports

l’insatisfaction grandissante exige une action rapide + growing dissatisfaction requires a rapid response
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 grow +
103 grow +
103 grow +
103 grow +
103 grow +
103 grow +
103 grow +
103 grow +
103 grow +
103 grow +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
grow trưởng thành + +