57 New HSK word(s): 1 工作 job/ work/ construction/ task/ CL:個|个[ge4];份[fen4];項|项[xiang4] 1 点 drop (of liquid)/ stain/ spot/ speck/ jot/ dot stroke (in Chinese characters)/ decimal point/ point/ mark (of degree or level)/ a place (with certain characteristics)/ iron bell/ o’clock/ a little/ a bit/ some/ (point) unit of measurement for type/ to tou 1 大 big/ huge/ large/ major/ great/ wide/ deep/ oldest/ eldest 2 旅游 trip/ journey/ tourism/ travel/ tour 3 参加 to participate/ to take part/ to join 3 春 spring (time)/ gay/ joyful/ youthful/ love/ lust/ life 3 接 to receive/ to answer (the phone)/ to meet or welcome sb/ to connect/ to catch/ to join/ to extend/ to take one's turn on duty/ take over for sb 3 重要 important/ significant/ major 3 主要 main/ principal/ major/ primary 4 填空 to fill a job vacancy/ to fill in a blank (e.g. on questionnaire or exam paper) 4 连 to link/ to join/ to connect/ continuously/ in succession/ including/ (used with 也; 都 etc) even/ company (military) 4 共同 common/ joint/ jointly/ together/ collaborative 4 开玩笑 to play a joke/ to make fun of/ to joke 4 香 fragrant/ sweet smelling/ aromatic/ savory or appetizing/ (to eat) with relish/ (of sleep) sound/ perfume or spice/ joss or incense stick/ CL:根[gen1] 4 笑话 joke/ jest/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 记者 reporter/ journalist/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 招聘 recruitment/ to invite applications for a job 4 专业 specialty/ specialized field/ main field of study (at university)/ major/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4]/ professional 5 联合 to combine/ to join/ unite/ alliance 5 应聘 to accept a job offer/ to apply for an advertised position 5 开心 to feel happy/ to rejoice/ to have a great time/ to make fun of sb 5 痛快 overjoyed/ delighted/ happily/ heartily/ enjoying/ also pr. tong4 kuai5 5 前途 prospects/ future outlook/ journey 5 娱乐 to entertain/ to amuse/ entertainment/ recreation/ amusement/ hobby/ fun/ joy 5 相连 to link/ to join/ link/ connection 5 节 festival/ holiday/ node/ joint/ section/ segment/ part/ to economize/ to save/ to abridge/ moral integrity/ classifier for segments; e.g. lessons; train wagons; biblical verses/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 享受 to enjoy/ to live it up/ pleasure/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 5 打工 to work (do manual labor for a living)/ a part time job/ to moonlight 5 一路平安 to have a pleasant journey/ Bon voyage! 5 欣赏 to appreciate/ to enjoy/ to admire 5 合影 joint photo/ group photo 6 兼职 to hold concurrent posts/ part-time/ concurrent job/ moonlighting 6 启程 to set out on a journey 6 凹凸 bumpy/ uneven/ slotted and tabbed joint/ crenelation 6 喜悦 happy/ joyous 6 颠簸 to shake/ to jolt/ to bump 6 欢乐 gaiety/ gladness/ glee/ merriment/ pleasure/ happy/ joyous/ gay 6 衔接 to join together/ to combine 6 团结 a rally/ to hold a rally/ to join forces 6 创业 to begin an undertaking/ to start a major task/ to initiate/ to venture/ venture 6 垄断 enjoy market dominance/ monopolize 6 拖延 to adjourn/ to delay/ to defer/ adjournment/ procrastination 6 职务 post/ position/ job/ duties 6 动身 go on a journey/ leave 6 福气 good fortune/ to enjoy good fortune 6 搭 to put up/ to build (scaffolding)/ to hang (clothes on a pole)/ to connect/ to join/ to arrange in pairs/ to match/ to add/ to throw in (resources)/ to take (boat; train) 6 断断续续 intermittent/ off and on/ discontinuous/ stop-go/ stammering/ disjointed/ inarticulate 6 过瘾 to satisfy a craving/ to get a kick out of sth/ gratifying/ immensely enjoyable/ satisfying/ fulfilling 6 岗位 a post/ a job 6 乐趣 delight/ pleasure/ joy 6 承包 to contract/ to undertake (a job) 6 好客 hospitality/ to treat guests well/ to enjoy having guests/ hospitable/ friendly 6 提拔 to promote to a higher job/ to select for promotion 6 当务之急 top priority job/ matter of vital importance 6 合伙 to act jointly/ to form a partnership 6 就业 looking for employment/ getting a job/ to start a career 6 天伦之乐 pleasure of heavenly agreement (idiom)/ family love and joy/ domestic bliss
66 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VS * *VS * *VA * * * *N * * * *VA * *VS * *v;n * *VS * *VA * *VS * * * *VS * *v;n * *VA * * * *N * *n;v * *N * *v;Adv * *N * *VS * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *VA * *Adv * *VA * *N * * * *n;Adv * *VA * *N * * * *N * *v;n * *VA * *N * *VA * *VS * *N * *VA * *VS * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * * * *VA * * * *VA * * * *VA * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * *VA * * * * * *VA * *VA * *VA
66 OLD_HSK German word(s): wichtig hauptsächlich teilnehmen an Spaß machen 1. Straße,Weg 2. Entfernung, Reise 3. Mittel, Weise, Weg 4. Logik, Folge, Folgerichtigkeit 5. Linie,Route 6. Sorte, Art, Klasse Sinn haben,interessant sein reisen glücklich arbeiten, Arbeit 1. pressen, auspressen, drücken, herausdrücken 2. sich drängen, sich zwängen 3.vollgestopft, Gedränge 1. sich merken, sich etw einprägen, etw im Gedächtnis behalten, etw auswendig lernen 2. sich Notizen machen, notieren, niederschreiben 3. Notiz, Aufzeichnung 4. Marke, Merkmal 5. Muttermal 6. Zählwort, ein Schlag froh, glücklich verlassen, auf eine Reise gehen bedeutend, gewichtig sich einer Sache erfreuen, 1. schließen, zumachen 2. vereinigen, zusammenschließen 3. entsprechen, passen, zusagen, jm bekommen, 4. umgerechnet, gleich sein Arbeitslosigkeit Mehrheit Witz, Scherz Reise 1. verknüpfen, vereinigen, verbinden, zusammenhängen, zusammenfügen 2. Kompanie 3. aufeinanderfolgend 4. sogar 5. einschließlich, samt, inbegriffen, mit Aufgabe, Auftrag, Pflicht 1. froh, erfreut 2.etwas mögen, gern haben 1. hinzufügen, ergänzen 2. teilnehmen, eintreten, beitreten, sich anschließen sich ergeben, kapitulieren, die Waffen strecken gemischte-Substanz, Unreinheit ermahnen, einschärfen 1. doppelt ,zweifach, zweimal 2. gleichzeitig bestehen, zeitlich nebeneinander tun oder erledigen gute Reise ! zusammensetzen,synthetisieren Zeitschrift, Magazin eine Serie von die meisten, mehr als die Hälfte, der größte Teil 1.fröhlich, glücklich, froh, sich freuen 2. gern, Vergnügen an etw finden 3. lachen 4. Freude, Fröhlichkeit Angestellter 1. sein Haus verlassen, ausgehen 2. auf eine Reise gehen Abkommen, Vereinbarung, etwas vereinbaren, sich vergnügen, sich amüsieren zusammenarbeiten,koordinieren eigensinnig, störrisch, verbissen genießen, bewundern Freude, Frohsinn, Frohmut 1. Lohn 2. Gehalt zusammenhängen, anschließen,verbinden, verbunden freudig, fröhlich, lustig, vergnügt, 1. zusammenstückeln, zusammensetzen 2. aufs Ganze gehen, sich rückhaltlos einsetzen 3.buchstabieren verbinden, zusammenkoppeln Reiseweg, Kilometerzahl Reisschüssel, Eßnapf verzückt sein, gefesselt sein gemeinam mit anderen Stellen ein glückliches Leben führen Genuß suchen, nur seinen Vergnügungen leben in den Militärdienst eintreten gemeinsam ein Unternehmen gründen System der Job-Verantwortung gemeinsame Wirtschaftsführung, gemeinsam betrieben vereintes Kapital Reise, Pfad, Wegstrecke Vergnügen, Lust, Freude 1.belobigen, auszeichnen, prämieren 2.genießen,bewundern, sich erfreuen ein langer Reiseweg mit vielen Hindernissen, tausend Berge und zehntausend Flüsse eiserne Reisschale Personal anwerben etwas en gros verkaufen, Engrosverkauf, Großhandel, 1. vereinigen, verbinden 2. paarweise an beiden Seiten eines Eingangs angebrachte Verse oder Wandsprüche
1156 synsets(s): jolted + jolted + jointed + unjointed + joint + disjointed + joined + disjoined + rejoicing + on the job + jobless + pejorative + lap-jointed + jowly + loose-jowled + double-jointed + odd-job + jocose + jocular + joking + disjointed + joyful + overjoyed + joyous + joyful + jocund + jolly + jovial + joyless + major + major + major + major + major + major + major + joined + enjoyable + major + disjoint + joint + conjoined + conjoint + joint + jolty + jolting + loose-jointed + disjointed + on-the-job + Jordanian + journalistic + Jovian + Jovian + jolly + jokingly + jointly + conjointly + cheek by jowl + jointly + enjoyably + cajolingly + disjointedly + joyously + joyfully + joylessly + jokingly + jocosely + jocular + journalistically + jovially + pejoratively + express joy + joke + adjoin + adjourn + major + take a joke + enjoin + cajole + jog + enjoin + rejoin + joke + jolly + josh + rejoice + jolly along + jolly up + jot down + jot + disk-jockey + disc-jockey + jockey + join battle + jockey + jockey + joust + enjoy + enjoy + adjoin + jog + join + conjoin + disjoin + disjoint + disjoin + disjoint + disjoint + join + subjoin + adjoin + joint + do a job on + joggle + joint + jolt + overjoy + joy + jump for joy + rejoice + joy + enjoy + rejoice + enjoy + journey + journey + jolt + jostle + jounce + joggle + jog + jostle + jog + joyride + jog + enjoy + job + joint + join forces + job + adjourn + disjoint + join + rejoin + job + conjoin + jollify + job + play a joke on + play a joke on + join + join + joint + jog + sojourn + jog + jostle + jostling + joining + adjournment + coaching job + jog trot + jog + journey + journeying + joyride + pilgrim's journey + jolt + joggle + subjoining + jointure + joke + joke + jocularity + Mah-Jongg + mahjong + jollification + practical joke + job + job + job + job + journalism + joinery + jogging + major surgery + nose job + G-Jo + job + inside job + job + joint venture + blowjob + hand job + sojourn + adjournment + enjoyment + job action + variola major + variola major virus + Jordanella + genus Jordanella + Jordanella floridae + John Dory + bird of Jove + joint snake + Jonah crab + jointworm + San Jose scale + Okapia johnstoni + carcajou + fetlock joint + hock-joint + kinkajou + kinkajou + goujon + sergeant major + adjoining room + artificial joint + St. Joseph + jockstrap + jock + ball-and-socket joint + banjo + jockey cap + bijou + Jolly Roger + Jockey shorts + butt joint + clip joint + Commodore John Barry Bridge + demijohn + dovetail joint + joggle + fish joint + floor joist + flexible joint + job + job + jobcentre + job-oriented terminal + jodhpurs + jodhpur breeches + jodhpur + jodhpur boot + jodhpur shoe + Johns Hopkins + joinery + joint + joint + joint + Joint Direct Attack Munition + jointer + jointer plane + jointing plane + joist + joker + jolly boat + jolly + jorum + joss + joss house + journal + journal + journal bearing + journal box + joystick + jook + juke joint + jook joint + jook house + donjon + knuckle joint + hinge joint + lap joint + long johns + majolica + major suit + major tranquilizer + major tranquillizer + major tranquilliser + miter joint + mitre joint + mortise joint + mortise-and-tenon joint + rabbet joint + rib joint pliers + scarf joint + slip-joint pliers + joystick + joint hinge + toggle joint + john + tongue and groove joint + trimmer joist + universal joint + jocoseness + jocosity + joviality + enjoyableness + jobbery + joint probability + majority + joke + journalist's privilege + enjoyment + jowl + mandibular joint + temporomandibular joint + labia majora + fibrous joint + synovial joint + shoulder joint + pectoralis major + musculus pectoralis major + knee joint + rhomboideus major muscle + musculus rhomboideus major + gliding joint + ankle joint + mortise joint + elbow joint + cubital joint + interphalangeal joint + hinge joint + ginglymoid joint + wrist joint + radiocarpal joint + knuckle joint + metacarpophalangeal joint + teres major + teres major muscle + musculus teres major + joint + ball-and-socket joint + spheroid joint + cotyloid joint + enarthrodial joint + hip joint + pivot joint + rotary joint + rotatory joint + jowl + joy + majority rule + mojo + major + major axis + semimajor axis + journalism + photojournalism + yellow journalism + major form class + joker + journal + John Hancock + jotter + Joshua + Josue + Book of Joshua + Job + Book of Job + Joel + Book of Joel + Jonah + Book of Jonah + John + Gospel According to John + First Epistle of John + I John + Second Epistel of John + II John + Third Epistel of John + III John + Revelation of Saint John the Divine + carte du jour + jotting + jot + joint resolution + job application + federal job safety law + enjoining + enjoinment + joint return + majority opinion + rejoinder + surrejoinder + job + job control + journal + Dow Jones + Dow-Jones Industrial Average + cajolery + hatchet job + job description + major premise + major premiss + major term + snow job + joke + dirty joke + blue joke + ethnic joke + in-joke + sick joke + visual joke + jocosity + jocularity + major scale + major diatonic scale + major key + major mode + C major + C major scale + scale of C major + job-control language + Navajo + major lobe + journalese + rejoicing + job interview + rejoinder + vis major + jolt + jounce + jolly + joust + enjoyment + joie de vivre + joy + joyousness + joyfulness + rejoicing + jocundity + jocularity + joylessness + jollity + jolliness + joviality + joint + soup du jour + Saint-John's-bread + second joint + johnnycake + johnny cake + journey cake + Sloppy Joe + jook + frijole + Jonathan + Jordan almond + feijoa + anjou + marjoram + frijoles refritos + Beaujolais + John Barleycorn + join + job lot + Sol Rojo + major-league team + major-league club + Joint Chiefs of Staff + Joint Chiefs + major power + jockey club + major league + majors + joint-stock company + apojove + Kenai Fjords National Park + perijove + St. John's + Saint John's + San Jose + Joppa + Saint John + St. John + Saint John's + St. John's + Joao Pessoa + Sao Joao de Meriti + Sao Jose dos Campos + Jordan + Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan + capital of Jordan + Dijon + Anjou + Johannesburg + Majorca + Jonesboro + San Jose + Saint Joseph + St. Joseph + Johnson City + Canis Major + fjord + Ursa Major + Jordan + Jordan River + Jovian planet + Davy Jones's locker + Davy Jones + Ojos del Salado + major planet + Saint John + Saint John River + St. John + St. John River + Saint Johns + Saint Johns River + St. Johns + St. Johns River + San Joaquin River + San Joaquin Valley + Trondheim Fjord + Jove + Jotun + Jotunn + Njord + Njorth + John Henry + Jocasta + Sir John Falstaff + Navajo + John Bull + Jordanian + jock + broadcast journalist + joint author + journeyman + journalist + disk jockey + disc jockey + drum major + drum majorette + majorette + drum majorette + majorette + enjoyer + jongleur + odd-job man + jobber + job candidate + jobholder + Job + Job's comforter + jockey + jockey + jogger + John Doe + John Doe + Joe Blow + Joe Bloggs + joiner + joiner + joker + jokester + joker + jonah + journalist + Little John + major + major + major-domo + major-general + majority leader + major leaguer + Holy Joe + photojournalist + pipe major + practical joker + sergeant major + command sergeant major + conjoined twin + sojourner + Johnny Reb + Johnny + killjoy + stockjobber + journeyer + john + John Adams + President John Adams + John Quincy Adams + President John Quincy Adams + Josef Albers + John Jacob Astor + John James Audubon + Johann Sebastian Bach + Sir Joseph Banks + LeRoi Jones + John Bardeen + John Barrymore + John Barth + John Simmons Barth + John Bartlett + Joseph Hilaire Peter Belloc + Johann Bernoulli + John Bernoulli + Jons Jakob Berzelius + Joseph Black + John Wilkes Booth + Jorge Borges + Jorge Luis Borges + Johannes Brahms + Marcel Lajos Breuer + John Brown + John M. Browning + John Moses Browning + John Donald Budge + Ralph Johnson Bunche + John Bunyan + John Burgoyne + Gentleman Johnny + John Cabot + John Cage + John Milton Cage Jr. + John Calvin + Joseph Campbell + John Merven Carrere + Johnny Cash + John Cash + John Chapman + Johnny Appleseed + John Cheever + John Churchill + John Ciardi + John Anthony Ciardi + Joe Clark + Charles Joseph Clark + Sir John Cockcroft + Sir John Douglas Cockcroft + John Amos Comenius + Joseph Conrad + Teodor Josef Konrad Korzeniowski + John Constable + John Copley + John Singleton Copley + James John Corbett + Joan Crawford + John Dalton + John Davys + John Davis + John Deere + Charles Andre Joseph Marie de Gaulle + Walter John de la Mare + John Dewey + Charles John Huffam Dickens + Joan Didion + Joe DiMaggio + Joseph Paul DiMaggio + John Donne + Christian Johann Doppler + John Dos Passos + John Roderigo Dos Passos + John Dowland + John L. H. Down + John Drew + John Dryden + John Foster Dulles + John Duns Scotus + John Eccles + Sir John Carew Eccles + Johann Eck + Johann Maier Eck + Johann Maier + Johannes Eckhart + Jonathan Edwards + John Endecott + John Endicott + Sir Arthur John Evans + John Rupert Firth + John Fletcher + John Florio + Paul John Flory + John Ford + Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier + Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier + Francis Joseph + Franz Joseph + Francis Joseph I + Franz Josef I + John Hope Franklin + John C. Fremont + John Charles Fremont + John Galbraith + John Kenneth Galbraith + John Galsworthy + Richard Jordan Gatling + Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac + Josiah Willard Gibbs + Sir John Gielgud + Arthur John Gielgud + John Birks Gillespie + John Glenn + John Herschel Glenn Jr. + Joseph Goebbels + Paul Joseph Goebbels + Johann Wolfgang von Goethe + Francisco Jose de Goya + Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes + Joseph Greenberg + Johann Gutenberg + Johannes Gutenberg + John Haldane + John Scott Haldane + John Burdon Sanderson Haldane + William John Clifton Haley Jr. + Hammarskjold + Dag Hammarskjold + Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjold + John Hancock + Joel Harris + Joel Chandler Harris + John Harvard + Sir John Hawkins + Sir John Hawkyns + Joseph Haydn + Franz Joseph Haydn + Henry John Heinz + Joseph Heller + John Heming + John Hemminge + Joseph Henry + Johann Friedrich Herbart + Johann Gottfried von Herder + John Herschel + Sir John Herschel + Sir John Frederick William Herschel + Joroslav Heyrovsky + Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse + Alfred Joseph Hitchcock + John Berry Hobbs + Josef Hoffmann + Joseph Hooker + Fighting Joe Hooker + John Edgar Hoover + Johns Hopkins + John Huss + John Huston + Henrik Johan Ibsen + John Irving + Thomas Jonathan Jackson + Michael Joe Jackson + Joseph M. Jacquard + Joseph Marie Jacquard + John Jay + Joan of Arc + Saint Joan + John Robinson Jeffers + Johannes Vilhelm Jensen + Joachim + Joseph Joachim + Job + Joel + Joffre + Joseph Jacques Cesaire Joffre + Joffrey + Robert Joffrey + John + Saint John + St. John + Saint John the Apostle + St. John the Apostle + John the Evangelist + John the Divine + John + King John + John Lackland + John XXIII + John Chrysostom + St. John Chrysostom + John of Gaunt + John the Baptist + St. John the Baptist + John Paul I + John Paul II + Johns + Jasper Johns + Johnson + Andrew Johnson + President Johnson + President Andrew Johnson + Johnson + Lyndon Johnson + Lyndon Baines Johnson + President Johnson + President Lyndon Johnson + Johnson + Samuel Johnson + Dr. Johnson + Johnston + J. E. Johnston + Joseph Eggleston Johnston + Joliot + Jean-Frederic Joliot + Joliot-Curie + Jean-Frederic Joliot-Curie + Joliot-Curie + Irene Joliot-Curie + Jolliet + Louis Jolliet + Joliet + Louis Joliet + Jolson + Al Jolson + Jonah + Jones + Daniel Jones + Jones + Inigo Jones + Jones + John Paul Jones + Jones + Bobby Jones + Robert Tyre Jones + Jones + Casey Jones + John Luther Jones + Jones + Mother Jones + Mary Harris Jones + Jong + Erica Jong + Jonson + Ben Jonson + Benjamin Jonson + Joplin + Scott Joplin + Joplin + Janis Joplin + Joseph + Joseph + Joseph + Chief Joseph + Josephus + Flavius Josephus + Joseph ben Matthias + Joshua + Joule + James Prescott Joule + Jowett + Benjamin Jowett + Joyce + James Joyce + James Augustine Aloysius Joyce + Elia Kazanjoglous + Joseph Francis Keaton + John Keats + John Keble + Sir John Cowdery Kendrew + John Fitzgerald Kennedy + President John F. Kennedy + Jomo Kenyata + Johannes Kepler + Johan Kepler + John Maynard Keynes + Joseph Rudyard Kipling + Franz Joseph Kline + John Knox + Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger + Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier + John le Carre + David John Moore Cornwell + John Uhler + John Lennon + Elmore John Leonard + John L. Lewis + John Llewelly Lewis + Joseph Lister + John Locke + Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge + John Griffith Chaney + Joe Louis + Joseph Louis Barrow + John Lyly + John Macleod + John James Rickard Macleod + Major + John Major + John R. Major + John Roy Major + John Marquand + John Philip Marquand + John Marshall + John Marstan + Jose Julian Marti + John Masefield + John Edward Masefield + Joseph McCarthy + Joseph Raymond McCarthy + John McCormick + John McGraw + John Joseph McGraw + John Bach McMaster + Johann Mendel + John Mercer + John Mill + John Stuart Mill + Sir John Everett Millais + John Milton + Joan Miro + John Mitchell + Reginald Joseph Mitchell + Josef Michel Montgolfier + Dudley Stuart John Moore + John Pierpont Morgan + Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe Morton + John Muir + Hermann Joseph Muller + Johann Muller + Johannes Peter Muller + Fridtjof Nansen + John Napier + John Henry Newman + Gregory John Norman + John Howard Northrop + Joyce Carol Oates + John Henry O'Hara + Joseph Oliver + Jose Orozco + Jose Clemente Orozco + Jose Ortega y Gasset + John Osborne + John James Osborne + Joseph Paxton + Sir Joseph Paxton + John Joseph Pershing + Alice-Josephine Pons + John Cowper Powys + Joseph Priestley + Pierre Joseph Proudhon + Joseph Pulitzer + Johannes Evangelista Purkinje + Josiah Quincy + Kund Johan Victor Rasmussen + John William Strutt + John Reed + Sir Joshua Reynolds + Joseph Banks Rhine + Cecil John Rhodes + Richard John Roberts + John Rock + John D. Rockefeller + John Davison Rockefeller + John Roebling + John Augustus Roebling + John Ross + Sir John Ross + John Ruskin + John Rutledge + Jonas Salk + Jonas Edward Salk + John Singer Sargent + Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller + Clara Josephine Schumann + Joseph Schumpeter + Joseph Alois Schumpeter + Scipio Africanus Major + Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major + John Scopes + John Thomas Scopes + Miguel Jose Serra + Josh Billings + Johan Julius Christian Sibelius + Georges Joseph Christian Simenon + John Smith + Captain John Smith + Joseph Smith + John Philip Sousa + John Speke + John Hanning Speke + Josiah Spode + Joseph Stalin + John Rowlands + Joseph Lincoln Steffens + John Steinbeck + John Ernst Steinbeck + Joseph Warren Stilwell + Vinegar Joe Stilwell + Uncle Joe + Johann Strauss + Johann Strauss + Barbra Joan Streisand + Johan August Strindberg + Sir John Suckling + Joan Sutherland + Dame Joan Sutherland + Gloria May Josephine Svensson + Jonathan Swift + John Addington Symonds + John Millington Synge + Edmund John Millington Synge + John Orley Allen Tate + Joseph Deems Taylor + Sir John Tenniel + Joseph John Thomson + Sir Joseph John Thomson + Paul Johannes Tillich + Josip Broz + Tojo + Tojo Hideki + Tojo Eiki + John Ronald Reuel Tolkien + Arnold Joseph Toynbee + John Tradescant + John Trumbull + John Trumbull + Jonathan Trumbull + Sojourner Truth + James Joseph Tunney + Joseph Mallord William Turner + John Tyler + John Tyndall + Johann Ludwig Uhland + John Updike + John Hoyer Updike + Upjohn + Richard Upjohn + John Vanbrugh + Sir John Vanbrigh + Johannes van der Waals + Johannes Diderik van der Waals + John Van Vleck + John Hasbrouck Van Vleck + Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa + John Venn + John von Neumann + Josef von Sternberg + John Wain + John Barrington Wain + John Walker + John Wanamaker + John Broadus Watson + Evelyn Arthur Saint John Waugh + John Wayne + John Webster + Josiah Wedgwood + John Wesley + Edith Newbold Jones Wharton + John Greenleaf Whittier + John Wilkes + John Tuzo Wilson + Angus Frank Johnstone Wilson + Johann Winckelmann + Johann Joachim Winckelmann + John Witherspoon + Ludwig Josef Johan Wittgenstein + Sir Henry Joseph Wood + Joseph Emerson Worcester + John Wycliffe + John Wickliffe + John Wyclif + John Wiclif + joint fir + Thujopsis + genus Thujopsis + Thujopsis dolobrata + Job's tears + traveler's joy + traveller's joy + jointed rush + Vinca major + jointed charlock + Joe-Pye weed + spotted Joe-Pye weed + Joe-Pye weed + joewood + Johnson grass + flame durrajong + kurrajong + currajong + Syringa josikaea + Syringa josikea + genus Feijoa + feijoa + feijoa bush + Musa basjoo + St John's wort family + Clusia major + St John's wort + common St John's wort + great St John's wort + creeping St John's wort + shrubby St John's wort + marsh St-John's wort + Johnny-jump-up + Johnny-jump-up + pink of my John + jonquil + Narcissus jonquilla + jonquil + Joshua tree + Anthyllis barba-jovis + frijol + frijole + frijolito + frijolillo + Plantago major + jordan almond + jocote + John's cabbage + Joseph's coat + Majorana + genus Majorana + marjoram + pot marjoram + wild marjoram + sweet marjoram + knotted marjoram + Origanum majorana + Majorana hortensis + hop marjoram + Jones' penstemon + Astrantia major + jointure + legal jointure + journal + majority operation + majority + absolute majority + relative majority + Jordanian monetary unit + Jordanian dinar + joule + Little Joe + jot + Jordan curve + jog + join + joint + epilepsia major + epilepsia major + variola major + jock itch + degenerative joint disease + thalassemia major + thalassaemia major + major affective disorder + major depressive episode + job + disjointedness + joss stick + majority + major fast day + Saint Joseph + St Joseph + Rejoicing over the Law + Rejoicing of the Law + Rejoicing in the Law + Jomada I + Jomada II + St John's Day + St John's Eve + St John's Night +
66 OLD_HSK English word(s): important/ significant/ major main/ major/ chief/ principal join/ take part in/ attend joke/ crack a joke/ make fun of road/ path/ way/ journey/ route interesting/ enjoyable travel/ journey/ tour/ trip happy/ cheerful/ joyful/ delightful work/ job crowded/ cram/ jostle/ squeeze mark/ remember/ jot down/ record happy/ joyful leave/ go on a journey great/ important/ major/ significant enjoy/ enjoyment close/ shut/ join/ combine lose one's job/ unemployment most/ majority joke/ jest/ laugh at/ mock journey/ trip link/ join/ one after another mission/ task/ job happy/ joyous/ gay/ delighted/ cheerful join/ enter/ accede to/ affiliate/ add/ mix/ put in join-surrender/ surrender/ capitulate/ give up resistance mixed-record/ magazine/ journal/ random notes/ enjoin-instruct/ enjoin/ exhort/ advise/ urge/ tell hold (two or more jobs; positions) concurrently Safe journey synthesize/ compound/ join to form publication/ periodical/ journal/ magazine all-way-along-wind/ have a good journey over half/ majority/ most likely/ probably joy/ laugh/ love to/ be happy to/ enjoy job-person/ office worker/ staff member/ staffer/ clerk go out/ leave home for a long journey joint-decision/ agreement/ accord amuse-enjoy/ amuse/ entertain/ entertainment/ hobby jointly-work/ cooperate/ coordinate play-laugh/ joke/ jest/ prank love-enjoy/ appreciate/ admire/ like happy-pleased/ joyful/ joyous/ delighted/ cheerful pay/ charge for a service/ money paid for odd jobs connect/ join/ link happy/ joyous/ gay/ delighted/ cheerful piece together/ join together/ achieve sth. at all costs link up/ join journey position/ job/ rice bowl enjoy (the concert; etc) very much jointly with other organizations concerned enjoy a happy life enjoy/ feast join up the army cooperate/ join hands with system of job responsibility jointly owned set up a joint venture distance/ journey joy/ fun enjoy/ reward the trials of a long journey iron bowl/ a secure job invite applications for a job wholesale/ job join/ unite
66 OLD_HSK French word(s):
66 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
66 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
66 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): เข้าร่วม / เป็นสมาชิก ถนน / เส้นทาง / สาย น่าสนใจ เดินทาง ทำงาน จำ มีความสุข ว่างงาน , ตกงาน ความสนุกสนาน
66 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** LIAN2 vereinigen

วิ่งจ๊อกกิ้ง 慢跑 Jogging; Run
วิ่งจ๊อกกิ้ง 跑步 Jogging
เพลิดเพลินกับความบันเทิง 享受 enjoy/enjoyment
เรื่องตลก 笑话 joke
สาขาวิชาในมหาวิทยาลัย; ใหญ่ 专业 major; specialty
มีงานพาร์ทไทม์ 打工 have a part-time job
เรื่องตลก; ล้อเล่น 开玩笑 crack a joke; make fun of
เดินทางโดยสวัสดิภาพ 一路平安 have a pleasant journey; bon voyage
ชื่นชม; สนุกกับ admire; enjoy
มาบรรจบกัน เข้าร่วม 汇合 converge, join
ขอบคุณ; สนุกกับ 欣赏 appreciate; enjoy
สนุกสนานร่าเริง 愉快 joyful, cheerful
เรื่องที่สำคัญปัญหาใหญ่ 大事 important matter; major issue
招聘 to invite applications for a job
เชิญชวนบางคน การโพสต์ในงาน to invite sb. to a post (or job)
หัวเราะใครสักคนที่ตลก 笑话 to laugh at somebody/joke
การสมัครงาน 求职 to apply for a job
โพสต์; งาน 职务 post; job
โพสต์; งาน 岗位 post; job
แบ่งปัน (สิทธิ, ความสุข, ฯลฯ ) 分享 to share (joy, rights, etc.)
บีบ; ผลัก; ฝูงชน to squeeze; to jostle; to crowd
ยินดี 开心 happy; joyous
อารมณ์ดี; ชวนหัว 诙谐 humourous; jocular
งาน 差使 work; job
มองหางาน 谋事 to look for a job
สั่งการ; ตักเตือน 嘱咐 to enjoin; to exhort
ธูปและเทียน 香烛 joss sticks and candles
ขนาดใหญ่ big, huge, large, major, great, wide, deep, oldest, eldest
แม้ (เตรียม) ในฐานะเข้าร่วมในการเชื่อมโยงอย่างต่อเนื่อง even (prep), as, join, to link, successively
ส่วนใหญ่ 大部份 (in) large part, (the) greater part, the majority
การเดินทางกลับ 来回 make a round trip, make a return journey
เดินทางโดยสะดวกสบาย และมีสวัสดิภาพ 一路顺风 have a pleasant journey
(คำวัดสำหรับการสั่งซื้ออาหาร, งาน) (measure word for meal order, job)
เดินทางอย่างโชคดี 一路平安 to have a pleasant journey, to have a good trip, bon voyage
งาน 活儿 work, job
ชื่นชม, เพลิดเพลินไปกับการให้ชื่นชม 欣赏 to appreciate, to enjoy, to admire
มีความสุข 欢乐 happy, joyous, gay
ตลก, ล้อเล่น 玩笑 joke, jest
ความสุข 乐趣 delight, pleasure, joy
ส่วนใหญ่ที่ดี 大多数 great majority
ข้างมาก 多数 majority
笑林 Humor, Jokes
อัด; แออัดดัน; บีบ crowded; cram; jostle; squeeze
บันทึก; เครื่องหมาย; รำลึกจด mark; remember; jot down; record
ถนน; ทาง; การเดินทาง; เส้นทาง road; path; way; journey; route
เดินทาง; การเดินทาง; ทัวร์ศึกษานอกสถานที่ 旅行 travel; journey; tour; trip
ออกจาก; การเดินทาง 动身 leave; go on a journey
ส่วนใหญ่ 多数 most; majority
ปิด; เข้าร่วม; รวม close; shut; join; combine
การเชื่อมโยง; หนึ่งหลังจากที่อื่นเข้าร่วม link; join; one after another
การเดินทางศึกษานอกสถานที่ 旅途 journey; trip
พันธกิจ; งาน 任务 mission; task; job
ว่างงาน 失业 lose one's job; unemployment
เพลิดเพลินไปกับ; ความเพลิดเพลิน 享受 enjoy; enjoyment
เรื่องตลก; ล้อเล่น; หัวเราะเยาะ; เยาะเย้ย 笑话 joke; jest; laugh at; mock
ดี; ที่สำคัญรายใหญ่อย่างมีนัยสำคัญ 重大 great; important; major; significant
ออก 出门 go out; leave home for a long journey
ครึ่ง 大半 over half; majority; most likely; probably
อัตราค่าจ้าง 工钱 pay; charge for a service; money paid for odd jobs
การสังเคราะห์ 合成 synthesize; compound; join to form
ความปิติยินดี 欢乐 happy; joyous; gay; delighted; cheerful
ความปิติยินดี 欢喜 happy; joyous; gay; delighted; cheerful
และ hold (two or more jobs, positions) concurrently
ตีพิมพ์ 刊物 publication; periodical; journal; magazine
เพลง joy; laugh; love to; be happy to; enjoy
การเชื่อมต่อ 连接 connect; join; link
สะกด piece together; join together; achieve sth. at all costs
ยอมแพ้ 投降 join-surrender; surrender; capitulate; give up resistance
ปากแข็ง 顽固 play-laugh; joke; jest; prank
ความปิติยินดี 喜悦 happy-pleased; joyful; joyous; delighted; cheerful
ข้อตกลง 协定 joint-decision; agreement; accord
การทำงานร่วมกัน 协作 jointly-work; cooperate; coordinate
ซาบซึ้ง 欣赏 love-enjoy; appreciate; admire; like
เดินทางบอน 一路顺风 all-way-along-wind; have a good journey
ความบันเทิง 娱乐 amuse-enjoy; amuse; entertain; entertainment; hobby
เจือปน 杂质 mixed-record; magazine; journal; random notes;
บุคลากร 职员 job-person; office worker; staff member; staffer; clerk
ที่ถาม 嘱咐 enjoin-instruct; enjoin; exhort; advise; urge; tell
รับสมัครกองทัพบก 参军 join up the army
ตำแหน่ง; งาน; ชามข้าว 饭碗 position; job; rice bowl
ความร่วมมือ; ประสานมือกับ 合伙 cooperate; join hands with
เป็นเจ้าของร่วมกัน 合营 jointly owned
ตั้ง บริษัท ร่วมทุน 合资 set up a joint venture
ร่วมกับองค์กรอื่น ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้อง 会同 jointly with other organizations concerned
ความสุข; สนุก 乐趣 joy; fun
เข้าร่วม; รวมกัน join; unite
การเดินทาง ท่องเที่ยว 路程 distance; journey
งาน; ขายส่ง 批发 wholesale; job
เพลิดเพลิน (คอนเสิร์ตและอื่น ๆ) เป็นอย่างมาก 如醉如痴 enjoy (the concert, etc) very much
เพลิดเพลินไปกับ; รางวัล enjoy; reward
ชามเหล็ก; งานการรักษาความปลอดภัย 铁饭碗 iron bowl; a secure job
การทดลองของการเดินทางที่ยาวนาน 万水千山 the trials of a long journey
การเชื่อมโยง ; เข้าร่วม 衔接 link up; join
อยู่ดีกินดี 享福 enjoy a happy life
เพลิดเพลินไปกับ; กินเลี้ยง 享乐 enjoy; feast
การเดินทาง 行程 journey
ระบบของความรับผิดชอบงาน 责任制 system of job responsibility
ความสุข 喜悦 joy die Freude, n la joie la alegría
วิ่งออกกำลังกาย 慢跑 jogging das Jogging le jogging el footing
แบนโจ 班卓琴 banjo das Banjo, s le banjo el banjo
การเดินทาง 旅行 journey die Reise, n le voyage el viaje
จอยสติ๊ก 操纵杆 joystick der Joystick, s la manette la palanca de mando
artiko ร่วมกัน 联合 joint Joint joint articulación comune
deĵori deĵori deĵori deĵori Dejori deĵori deĵori Dejori
fjordo อ่าวแคบ ๆ 峡湾 fjord Fjord fjord fiordo fiordo
ĝoji ชื่นชมยินดี 庆幸 rejoice jubeln réjouir regocijarse gioire
ĝui เพลิดเพลิน 享受 enjoy genießen jouir disfrutar godere
jo jo jo jo jo jo jo
Johano จอห์น 约翰· John John Jean Juan Giovanni
Jozefo José 何塞 José José José José José
ĵongli ĵongli ĵongli ĵongli ĵongli Jongli Jongli ĵongli
korsaĵo korsaĵo korsaĵo korsaĵo korsaĵo korsaĵo korsaĵo korsaĵo
majoliko majoliko majoliko majoliko majoliko majoliko majoliko majoliko
ŝerci เรื่องตลก 笑话 joke Witz blague broma scherzo

Grade E word(s):

695 upabhōga उपभोग enjoyment n.
735 ullāsa उल्लास joy, delight n.
935 kāja काज work, duty, job, occupation n.
952 kāma काम work, duty, job, occupation n.
1199 gadagada गदगद glad, happy, pleased, joyful adj.
1280 gāsnu गास्नु to join together v.t.
1626 jāgīra जागीर employment, Job, service, monthly salary, wages n.
1695 jōḍa जोड power, strength, join, addition, total, the sum total n.
1697 jōḍnu जोड्नु to add, to join v.t.
1740 ṭāsnu टास्नु to stick, to fasten, to join v.t.
2295 patrakāra पत्रकार journalist n.
2296 patrikā पत्रिका magazine, journal n.
2728 bahumata बहुमत majority n.
3012 majā मजा happiness, enjoyment, rejoicing n.
3120 milā'unu मिलाउनु to reconcile, to resolve, to arbitrate, to bring about an agreement, to cause to join, to mix, to adjust, to solve, to balance v.t.
3229 yōga योग joining, junction, combination, union, coupling, relationship, connection n.
3372 lahaḍa लहड entertainment, diversion of mind, amusement, joke n.
3380 lāgnu लाग्नु to appear, to begin, to start, to join v.i.
3509 vilāsa विलास luxury, enjoyment, luxurious life, sensuous pleasure, pleasure with the opposite sex n.
3873 sājhā साझा cooperative, joint enterprise n.
4042 sthagita स्थगित postpones, adjourned adj.
4129 hasilō हसिलो humerous, cheerful, frolicsome, jolly, jovial, gay, merry adj.
4130 hasē'ulī हसेउली laughter, joke, jest, fun, spott n.
4135 has'sī हस्सी laughter, joke, fun n.
4158 hijō हिजो yesterday hijo adv.
千字文: 遐迩壹体 率宾归王 Far and near, they joined as one; all followed, rallied to the king.
千字文: 学优登仕 摄职从政 Studies superior, step up to serve; be given your duties, join government's work.
千字文: 九州禹迹 百郡秦并 Old Nine States with Yu's tracks in; the Hundred Districts, joined by Qin.
千字文: 殆辱近耻 林皋幸即 Lurking scandal, looming shame; in joy move up to wood and stream.
千字文: 欣奏累遣 慼谢欢招 Delights all gathered, drudge dispersed; worries gone, in joy immersed.
Plants: Coix lacryma-jobi L. (Poaceae) Job's Tears; Hiobsträne; Larmilles; Larmes de Jobi; Lagrimas de San Pedro; Santa Juana
Plants: Origanum majorana L. (Lamiaceae) Majoran
Plants: Pandanus leram Jones ex Fontana (Pandanaceae) Nicobar Breadfruit

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [enjoyable]
(a.) [joint] united or combined
(a.) [major] greater in scope or effect
(a.) [major] of full legal age
(n.) [job] task, chore
(n.) [job] workplace
(n.) [jockey] rider
(n.) [joint] disreputable place of entertainment
(n.) [joint] body part
(n.) [joke] gag, laugh, jest
(n.) [journal] periodical
(n.) [journal] diary
(n.) [joy] joyousness, joyfulness
(n.) [majority] absolute majority
(n.) [majority] legal age
(n.) [joystick] control stick
(v.) [enjoy] enjoy doing, love to do

JO + +
21 JOB, #JOB




7 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1691 失业之后,他去了美国。 หลังจากที่เขาตกงาน เขาไปประเทศอเมริกา Menetettyään työnsä, hän muutti Amerikkaan.
1741 她没有找到工作,尽管她上过大学。 เธอหางานไม่ได้ ถึงแม้ว่าเธอจะจบมหาวิทยาลัย Hän ei löydä työpaikkaa, vaikka on opiskellut.
1744 她上过大学,但她仍然没找到工作。 เธอจบมหาวิทยาลัยแล้ว แต่เธอก็หางานไม่ได้ Hän on opiskellut. Siitä huolimatta hän ei löydä työpaikkaa.
1747 这次旅游虽然很好,但是太累人了。 การเดินทางสนุกก็จริง แต่เหนื่อยเกินไป Matka oli kiva, mutta liian rasittava.
608 到柏林要行驶多久? ไปเบอร์ลินใช้เวลานานเท่าไหร่ ครับ or คะ? Miten kauan matka Berliiniin kestää?
73 约翰来自伦敦的。 จอห์นมาจากลอนดอน John on Lontoosta.
988 我在找工作。 ผม or ดิฉัน กำลังมองหางาน Etsin työpaikkaa.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

131 每天 慢跑
516 膝关节 有点
532 他们 商量 工作
865 他们 接受 委托
1030 同意 方案 还是 大多数
1498 享受 自然 空气
1735 开心 伸开 双手
1895 餐厅 兼职
1913 工作 编织 地毯
2030 工作 辛苦
2142 他们 旅途 短暂 休息
2164 津津有味
2201 辞职
2250 慢跑
2466 工作 岗位
2546 哥哥 喜欢 钓鱼
2955 参加 募捐
2971 胜任 工作
2975 满怀 信心 他们 踏上 征程
3019 歌声 悦耳
3020 毕业 大家 充满 成功 喜悦
3537 丫头 喜欢 音乐
3641 大学 专业 国际 贸易
3714 演员 阵容 非常 强大 我们 十分 欣赏 这个 节目
3754 去年 三亚 男朋友 作伴

Semantische Felder: