VNEN tân ngữ * object * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu

vật + animal, object

Các vật thể + the objects

vật thể + object

vật + object

tấm + CF ( clothes and sheet-like objects, mirror)
Oxford 3000VieEng
vật object
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-5 Gegenstand object
7-2. Reise Exercise 7-2-2 Sehenswürdigkeit 1. sight, 2. landmark, 3. show-place, 4. object of interest, 5. tourist feature
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 12-7 Die soziale Sicherheit der Arbeitnehmer ist eines der Hauptziele der Gewerkschaften.  + sozial The social security of workers is one of the main objectives of trade unions.  An sinh xã hội của người lao động là một trong những mục tiêu chính của công đoàn.
Exercise 13-6 Eine Durchsage der Polizei: Auf der A 8 liegen Gegenstände auf der Fahrbahn.  + Gegenstand Police announcement: On the A8 motorway there are objects on the road.  Cảnh báo của cảnh sát: trên đường cao tốc A8 có những vật thể trên đường.
Exercise 13-6 Sie war der Gegenstand allgemeiner Bewunderung.  + Gegenstand It was the object of general admiration.  Đó là mục tiêu của sự ngưỡng mộ chung.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing einwenden + to object that + B
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing einen Einwand (gegen etw) erheben + to raise an objection (to sth) + C
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing einer Sache entgegenhalten + to object to sth that + C
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing etw dagegenhalten + to say sth in objection + C
+ + 103 Law Justice Einspruch + objection + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Einspruch erheben + to object + B
+ + 103 Law Justice ich erhebe Einspruch + objection! + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Einspruch abgelehnt/stattgegeben + objection overruled/sustained + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Kriegsdienstverweigerer + conscientious objector + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace den Kriegsdienst verweigern + to be a conscientious objector + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 意見 + * * yi4jian4 opinion/ view/ objection Meinung +
B 對象 + * * dui4xiang4 object/ target/ boyfriend or girlfriend Gegenstand, Objekt, Partner, Freund, Freundin +
B 目標 + * * mu4biao1 objective/ target Ziel +
B 事物 + * * shi4wu4 thing/ object Ding, Sache +
C 鉤子 + * * gou1zi hook/ hook-like object/ tick/ check mark Haken +
C 抗議 + * * kang4yi4 express objection/ remonstrate/ protest/ objection Protest, protestieren +
C 物體 + * * wu4ti3 substance-object/ body/ substance/ object Gegenstand, Objekt, Körper, Substanz +
C 景物 + * * jing3wu4 objects and background seen in a view/ environment Landschaft, Szenerie +
C 邏輯 + * * luo2ji logic/ order of thinking/ objective law Logik +
C 客觀 + * * ke4guan1 objectivity/ objective Objektivität,objektiv +
D 實物 + * * shi2wu4 material object/ in kind materielles Objekt +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
1267 观点 提出 抗议 + I raise objections to his view. Ich erhebe Protest gegen seinen Standpunkt.
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
dong1xi + thing / object
Lesson 012. Home Sweet Home.
zhang1 + m. for tables / m. for flat objects
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
ba3 + (GP: ba3+object+Verb = to take ...)
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

Mathias remit l’objet dans sa poche + Mathias returned the object into his pocket

notre premier but est toujours de respecter l’intégrité de la famille + our primary objective is to always respect the integrity of the family

mais mon travail n’est pas neutre et objectif + but my work isn’t neutral and objective

il n’y pas d’objections de votre part + there are no objections on your behalf

mon objectif premier : rester authentique + my main objective: to remain authentic
05810948-n object
06132724-n object
06310237-n object
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 object +
103 object +
103 object +
103 object +
103 object +
103 object +
103 object +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
object tân ngữ + +
object đối tượng + +
object đồ vật, vật thể + +
object phản đối + +
vật thể + + object