VNEN ngẫu lực * couple * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Tôi cần vài cái tem. I need a couple of stamps. Ich brauche ein paar Briefmarken.
Cặp đôi cao tuổi, đã ở trong công viên đi dạo. + The old couple were in the park taking a walk.
Xavier đã đi học đại học nhưng đã thôi học sau vài học kì. Anh ấy là kiểu mà chúng ta gọi là sinh viên bỏ học. + Xavier went to college but dropped out after a couple semesters. He's what we call a college drop-out.

Họ có vẻ là một đôi. + They seem to be a couple.
GNOT Qualitative • conjunction couple +
• invitations a couple một cặp vợ chồng  +
Oxford 3000VieEng
cặp vợ chồng couple
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-2. Familie Exercise 1-2-4 Ehepaar married couple
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-1 Paar a couple
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 11-7 Julia und Elias sind ein verliebtes Paar.  + Paar Julia and Elias are a couple in love.  Julia và Elias là một cặp vợ chồng trong tình yêu.
Exercise 21-8 Ich habe schon ein paar Mal bei meiner Freundin angerufen. Es ist ständig besetzt.  + ständig I've called my girlfriend a couple of times. It's always busy.  Tôi đã gọi bạn gái của tôi một vài lần. Nó luôn luôn bận rộn.
Exercise 40-1 Sie vermietet ihre Wohnung an ein Ehepaar.  + vermieten She rents her apartment out to a married couple.  Cô thuê căn hộ của cô ấy cho một cặp vợ chồng.
Exercise 40-5 Das Ehepaar unter uns hat zwei Kinder.  + Ehepaar The married couple among us have two children.  Đôi vợ chồng trong số chúng tôi có hai con.
Exercise 40-5 Sie sind seit 20 Jahren ein Ehepaar.  + Ehepaar You've been a married couple for 20 years.  Bạn đã từng là một cặp vợ chồng trong 20 năm.
Exercise 45-1 Der Fotograf machte eine Aufnahme von dem Hochzeitspaar.  + Aufnahme The photographer took a picture of the wedding couple.  Nhiếp ảnh gia đã chụp ảnh cặp vợ chồng.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
couple Holidays 4
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity ein paar + a couple + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Knittelvers + rhyming couplets of four-stress lines + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Marriage and divorce (Ehe)paar + (married) couple + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B + * * dui4 couple/ pair 1.antworten 2.gegenüberliegen 3.zwei Dinge in Kontakt bringen 4. vergeichen, identifizieren 5. richtig, korrekt, stimmen 6. Zählwort Paar 7.präpositional +
C + * * pei4 make a couple/ find sth. to fit/ mix/ blend/ be worthy of 1. eine Ehe schließen 2. paaren 3. zusammenmischen,zusamnenstellen 4. zueinander passen, miteinander harmonieren 5. es verdienen, sich würdig erweisen 6. etw planmäßig verteilen +
C 夫妻 + * * fu1qi1 husband and wife/ couple Ehemänner und Frauen +
D 兩口子 + * * liang3kou3zi husband and wife/ couple Ehepaar, Mann und Frau +
D 對聯 + * * dui4lian2 antithetical couplet antithetisches Spruchpaar, Spruchrollen +
D 夫婦 + * * fu1fu4 husband and wife/ couple Ehepaar, Mann und Frau +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
53 夫妻 公园 散步 + The couple are taking a walk in the park. Ein Ehepaar macht einen Spaziergang im Park.
1248 夫妇 恩爱 + The old couple love each other very much. Dieses alte Ehepaar ist sehr liebevoll zueinander.
2858 新郎 新娘 匹配 + The bride and bridegroom are a well-matched couple.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

le couple qui prie ensemble reste ensemble + the couple that prays together stays together

il y avait un couple de jeunes basques aussi qui était venu au Sénégal + there was also a couple of Basque youths who came to Senegal
09257563-n couple
13771290-n couple
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 couple +
103 couple +
103 couple +
103 couple +
103 couple +
103 couple +
103 couple +
103 couple +
103 couple +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie