96 New HSK word(s): 1 不客气 you're welcome/ impolite/ rude/ blunt/ don't mention it 1 他 he or him/ (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)/ (used before sb's name for emphasis)/ (used as a meaningless mock object)/ other/ another 2 阴 overcast (weather)/ cloudy/ shady/ Yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang)/ negative (electric.)/ feminine/ moon/ implicit/ hidden/ genitalia 3 简单 simple/ not complicated 3 作用 to act on/ to affect/ action/ function/ activity/ impact/ result/ effect/ purpose/ intent/ to play a role/ corresponds to English -ity; -ism; -ization/ CL:個|个[ge4] 3 要 important/ vital/ to want/ will/ going to (as future auxiliary)/ may/ must 3 重要 important/ significant/ major 3 以为 to believe/ to think/ to consider/ to be under the impression 4 印象 impression/ reflection/ perception/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 轻 light/ easy/ gentle/ soft/ reckless/ unimportant/ frivolous/ small in number/ unstressed/ neutral 4 死 to die/ impassable/ uncrossable/ inflexible/ rigid/ extremely 4 马虎 careless/ sloppy/ negligent/ skimpy 4 重视 to attach importance to sth/ to value 5 雄伟 grand/ imposing/ magnificent/ majestic 5 公平 fair/ impartial 5 简直 simply/ at all/ practically 5 非 non-/ not-/ un-/ abbr. for Africa 非洲/ wrong/ evil-doing/ insist on/ simply must 5 输入 to import/ to input 5 不耐烦 impatience/ impatient 5 不要紧 unimportant/ not serious/ it doesn't matter/ never mind/ it looks all right/ but 5 皇后 empress/ imperial consort 5 龙 dragon/ CL:條|条[tiao2]/ imperial 5 客观 objective/ impartial 5 观念 notion/ thought/ concept/ sense/ views/ ideology/ general impressions 5 执行 implement/ carry out/ to execute/ to run 5 完善 perfect/ to make perfect/ to improve 5 促使 to induce/ to promote/ to urge/ to impel/ to bring about/ to provoke/ to drive (sb to do sth)/ to catalyze/ to actuate/ to contribute to (some development) 5 滚 to boil/ to roll/ get lost (imperative)/ take a hike 5 改进 to improve/ to make better/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 改善 to make better/ to improve/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 干脆 straightforward/ clear-cut/ blunt (e.g. statement)/ you might as well/ simply 5 进步 progress/ improvement/ to improve/ to progress/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 进口 to import/ imported 5 朝 imperial or royal court/ government/ dynasty/ reign of a sovereign or emperor/ court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor/ to make a pilgrimage to/ facing/ towards 5 感受 to sense/ perception/ to feel (through the senses)/ a feeling/ an impression/ an experience 5 感想 impressions/ reflections/ thoughts/ CL:通[tong4];個|个[ge4] 5 单纯 simple/ pure/ alone/ merely 5 便 ordinary/ plain/ convenient/ as convenient/ when the chance arises/ handy/ easy/ informal/ simple/ so/ thus/ to relieve oneself/ to urinate/ to defecate/ equivalent to 就: then/ in that case/ even if/ soon afterwards 5 实现 to achieve/ to implement/ to realize/ to bring about 5 实行 to implement/ to carry out/ to put into practice 5 发挥 to display/ to exhibit/ to bring out implicit or innate qualities/ to express (a thought or moral)/ to develop (an idea)/ to elaborate (on a theme) 5 罚款 (impose a) fine/ penalty/ fine (monetary) 5 破产 to go bankrupt/ to become impoverished/ bankruptcy 5 朴素 plain and simple/ unadorned/ simple living/ not frivolous 5 根本 fundamental/ basic/ root/ simply/ absolutely (not)/ (not) at all/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 冲动 impetus/ impulse/ emotional impulse/ impulsive 6 宏伟 grand/ imposing/ magnificent 6 简化 simplify 6 简陋 simple and crude (of a room or building) 6 重叠 to overlap/ to superimpose/ to telescope/ to run together/ to duplicate/ one over another/ superposition/ an overlap/ redundancy/ reduplication (in Chinese grammar; e.g. 散散步[san4 san4 bu4] to have a stroll) 6 简体字 simplified Chinese character; as opposed to traditional Chinese character 繁體字|繁体字[fan2 ti3 zi4] 6 首要 the most important/ of chief importance 6 气魄 spirit/ boldness/ positive outlook/ imposing attitude 6 气势 momentum/ manner/ energy/ look of great force or imposing manner/ powerful 6 争气 to work hard for sth/ to resolve on improvement/ determined not to fall short 6 征收 to levy (a fine)/ to impose (a tariff) 6 牵扯 to involve/ to implicate 6 内涵 meaning/ content/ essential properties implied or reflected by a notion/ intention/ connotation/ self-possessed 6 牵制 to control/ to curb/ to restrict/ to impede/ to pin down (enemy troops) 6 潜移默化 imperceptible influence/ to influence secretly 6 传授 to impart/ to pass on/ to teach 6 风光 scene/ view/ sight/ landscape/ to be well-regarded/ to be well-off/ grand (topolect)/ impressive (topolect) 6 故障 malfunction/ breakdown/ defect/ shortcoming/ fault/ failure/ impediment/ error/ bug (in software) 6 予以 to give/ to impose/ to apply 6 清澈 clear/ limpid 6 敷衍 to elaborate (on a theme)/ to expound (the classics)/ perfunctory/ to skimp/ to botch/ to do sth half-heartedly or just for show/ barely enough to get by 6 落实 practical/ workable/ to implement/ to carry out/ to decide 6 贯彻 to implement/ to put into practice/ to carry out 6 履行 to fulfill (one's obligations)/ to carry out (a task)/ to implement (an agreement)/ to perform 6 凑合 to bring together/ to make do in a bad situation/ to just get by/ to improvise/ passable/ not too bad 6 算数 to count numbers/ to keep to one's word/ to hold (i.e. to remain valid)/ to count (i.e. to be important) 6 威风 might/ awe-inspiring authority/ impressive 6 索性 you might as well (do it)/ simply/ just 6 改良 improve 6 宰 to slaughter livestock/ to govern or rule/ to cheat customers/ Imperial official in dynastic China 6 畅通 unimpeded/ free-flowing/ straight path/ unclogged/ move without obstruction 6 急切 eager/ impatient 6 急于求成 anxious for quick results (idiom)/ to demand instant success/ impatient for result/ impetuous 6 急躁 irritable/ irascible/ impetuous 6 精华 best feature/ most important part of an object/ quintessence/ essence/ soul 6 精简 to simplify/ to reduce 6 贫困 impoverished/ poverty 6 含义 meaning (implicit in a phrase)/ implied meaning/ hidden meaning/ hint/ connotation 6 实施 to implement/ to carry out 6 精益求精 to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom)/ constantly improving 6 疙瘩 swelling or lump on skin/ pimple/ knot/ preoccupation/ problem 6 家伙 household dish; implement or furniture/ domestic animal/ guy (slang)/ chap 6 迫不及待 impatient (idiom)/ in a hurry/ itching to get on with it 6 澄清 clear (of liquid)/ limpid/ to clarify/ to make sth clear/ to be clear (about the facts) 6 意味着 to signify/ to mean/ to imply 6 当事人 persons involved or implicated/ party (to an affair) 6 当务之急 top priority job/ matter of vital importance 6 事迹 deed/ past achievement/ important event of the past 6 朴实 plain/ simple/ guileless/ down-to-earth/ sincere and honest 6 障碍 barrier/ obstruction/ hindrance/ impediment/ obstacle 6 无能为力 impotent (idiom)/ powerless/ helpless
79 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *N * *v;n * *VA * *VS * *VA * *VS * *VS * *N * *VS * *VS * * * *VA * *Adv;Conj * *N * 殿*N * *N * *VS * *v;Adv * *VA * *VS * *part * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *v;n * *VS * 使*VA * 便*VS * *N * *Adv * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *VS * *VA * *VA * *VS * *VS * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *VS * *VA * *VS * *VA * *N * *VA * *VS * *N * *VA * *VS * *N * *VA * *VS * *VS * *N * *VS * *VS * * * *N * *VA * *N * * * *N * *Adv * *VA * *VS * *VS * *VA * *VS * *VA * *VA
79 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. Gewicht 2. schwer, gewichtig, hoch 3. tief, stark, schwer 4. wichtig, gewichtig, bedeutend 5. beachten, etw große Aufmerksamkeit schenken wichtig einfach 1. es eilig haben, auf etw brennen, ungeduldig, dringend, dringlich 2.jm bange machen, jn in Sorgen versetzen 3. ärgerlich, böse, gereizt 4. geschwind, hastig, ungestüm, rapid, hitzig 5. dringend, dringlich 6. eilends bestrebt, zu helfen 1. seicht, flach 2. einfach, leicht 3. oberflächlich 4. hell, matt, fahl Eindruck Verbesserung, verbessern Verbesserung, verbessern bedeutend, gewichtig Bedeutung zumessen, Aufmerksamkeit schenken, Wert, Wichtigkeit geradlinig, geradeaus, klar und deutlich Wichtig Eindruck, Gefühle und Gedanken schlicht / bescheiden / einfach fortschrittlich, Fortschritt, Fortschritte machen Import durchühren, durchsetzen, etwas in die Tat umsetzen, verwirklichen, implementieren nur, einfach, 1. Palast, Schloß 2 (Taoisten) Tempel, 3. Stätte für Kulturveranstaltungen, und Erholung Palast, Schloß Kraft,Impetus arm, bedürftig 1. jetzt, gegenwärtig, präsent 2. verfügbar, vorrätig 3. zeigen, erscheinen 1. verbessern, veredeln, 2. Reform an zweiter Stelle, nachrangig, unwichtiger oh ! wesentliche Punkte, Hauptpunkt, Schlüsselstützpunkt Zeitschrift behindern Falte, Furche hindern, behindern, verhindern fest, solide antreiben, veranlassen,drängen (zu) einfach, handlich landwirtschaftliche Geräte einfach, geradezu, überhaupt, gar anprallen, schlagen, anstürmen stärken Innovation dumpf vor sich hin starren, verdutzt innehalten 1. klettern, klimmen 2. weitreichende Beziehungen anstreben, einflußreiche Verbindungen suchen umsetzen, ausführen sterben vollkommen, vollständig, vollendet, perfekt beunruhigt, besorgt, nervös 1. Spitze, Ende 2. Ende, letztes Stadium 3. Unwesentliches, Belanglosigkeit 4. Pulver, Staub Fabel, Allegorie, Parabel Garnele, Krabbe jähzornig, ungeduldig bedeuten, implizieren einfach, bloß, rein bedrohen, drohen Ton, Tonart,Klang, Art u. Weise,Beiklang empfehlen, einführen Etikettenschwindel betreiben, vorgetäuscht, pseudo, falsch veredeltes Saatgut, hochwertige Saatsorten, edle Rasse jmd um etwas anflehen ruhig und gelassen Impetus,Kraft einführen, importieren schlicht, einfach, aufrichtig, ehrlich, nicht oberflächlich primitiv, kärglich vereinfachtes chinesisches Schriftzeichen leicht und einfach, einfach konstruiert, empfindlich, sensibel Imperialismus Pickel vereinfachen, verkürzen 1. Gebrauchsgerät, Ware, Artikel, Utensilien 2. Organ, 3.Talent, Kapazität, Können sich ständig verbessern Geräte, Gegenstände sich nur um etwas,jmd kümmern hineinziehen, verwickeln dringlich, ungeduldig, in großer Eile unpassend, ungeeignet unbehindert in ernster Gefahr, kritisch in Gewahrsam nehmen, inhaftieren importieren, einführen, hinführen, hineinführen
813 synsets(s): implicit + unimpeachable + impressed + unimpressed + scrimpy + improper + imputable + impertinent + impudent + superimposed + improved + simplex + pimpled + pimply + impartial + impulsive + impetuous + impure + limpid + limpid + limpid + impendent + impending + impassive + impacted + imperturbable + impenetrable + implemented + impregnable + blimpish + improvable + impolite + improbable + important + imperforate + hearing-impaired + imperative + imploring + importunate + impulsive + implicative + impoverished + simple + simplified + imposing + imprudent + impulsive + impatient + impelling + impressive + impellent + impetuous + wimpish + wimpy + imposed + impassive + implicit + implicit in + impregnable + unimpregnated + impermanent + impaired + gimpy + imported + unimprisoned + imprisoned + limp + implemental + imperfect + impaired + unimpaired + important + of import + all-important + all important + unimportant + impressive + imposing + important-looking + unimpressive + unimposing + improved + unimproved + improved + unimproved + unimpeachable + shrimpy + implausible + improbable + implicated + important + impelled + imperial + impersonal + impeded + unimpeded + implanted + impalpable + impartial + impassable + impassioned + unimpassioned + impatient + impenitent + imperceptible + impalpable + impeccable + imperfect + imperfectible + imperishable + imputrescible + imperishable + impermanent + improvised + impermissible + impermissible + impeding + impersonal + impenetrable + impermeable + impervious + imperviable + impious + implacable + simple + simple + implausible + improbable + impolitic + imponderable + impossible + impracticable + impotent + impuissant + impotent + important + impractical + imprecise + simple + simple-minded + impulsive + impromptu + improper + self-important + imperious + improvident + imprudent + improvident + impure + impure + impugnable + unimpeachable + impenitent + improper + impertinent + impious + impudent + impoverished + impecunious + impish + implike + visually impaired + important + unimportant + simple + imparipinnate + simple + simplex + simplistic + simple + simple-minded + impertinent + impulsive + skimpy + superimposed + impressionable + impressible + unimpressionable + impalpable + limp + impenetrable + impossible + impossible + improving + impractical + impeccable + impeccant + self-imposed + impregnable + imperial + imperial + imperial + impetiginous + impressionist + impressionistic + impressionistic + imperialistic + imperialist + implicational + imperative + simply + simply + simply + imperfectly + impermissibly + impromptu + imperially + most importantly + impatiently + impeccably + improperly + impotently + impressively + imposingly + unimpressively + impolitely + simply + importunately + imploringly + improbably + implausibly + impossibly + impartially + impassively + impenitently + imperatively + imperceptibly + imperiously + impersonally + impersonally + impertinently + impudently + impetuously + impulsively + impiously + impishly + implicitly + implicitly + importantly + importantly + impracticably + imprecisely + impregnably + improvidently + imprudently + impalpably + limpidly + limply + unimpeachably + simperingly + skimpily + dimple + simper + primp + impregnate + impregnate + whimper + impact + impoverish + improve + improve + impair + impress + implode + simplify + oversimplify + impair + implement + impregnate + impregnate + dimple + impanel + impute + impute + impress + implant + impose + implore + importune + impersonate + impeach + impeach + impersonate + imprecate + imprecate + impeach + impugn + imply + imply + import + shrimp + pimp + crimp + impinge on + implant + impound + impact + impale + crimp + superimpose + impress + impede + impel + implant + impress + imprint + impale + impel + impersonate + improvise + improvize + impress + impress + impress + limp + gimp + impinge + limp + impart + glimpse + catch a glimpse + skimp + import + impound + impart + impose + reimpose + impoverish + impart + scrimp + skimp + import + impulse-buy + implement + imprint + impede + impanel + imprison + imprison + skimp + skimp over + skimp + implement + impose + oversimplify + impinge + improvise + implicate + imply + imply + imply + implicate + imperil + impend + implementation + impoundment + impounding + impress + impressment + improvisation + impulse + impulsion + impetus + impression + impingement + impaction + impingement + impact + improvisation + simplification + improvement + self-improvement + impairment + limp + impairment + impalement + impression + impersonation + implantation + simple mastectomy + implosion therapy + mission impossible + impropriety + impropriety + imposture + impersonation + imperialism + primping + goose pimple + glimpse + impasto + implantation + importing + importation + implementation + imposition + imperative + imprisonment + false imprisonment + reimposition + impoverishment + imprisonment + impact + simplification + oversimplification + simplism + herpes simplex + herpes simplex virus + herpes simplex 1 + herpes simplex 2 + shrimpfish + shrimp-fish + limpet + common limpet + keyhole limpet + river limpet + freshwater limpet + shrimp + snapping shrimp + pistol shrimp + opossum shrimp + mantis shrimp + skeleton shrimp + fairy shrimp + brine shrimp + tadpole shrimp + seed shrimp + mussel shrimp + limpkin + Pinguinus impennis + Anabrus simplex + imperial moth + Eacles imperialis + impala + chimpanzee + chimp + western chimpanzee + eastern chimpanzee + central chimpanzee + pygmy chimpanzee + imperial mammoth + imperial elephant + Archidiskidon imperator + Luvarus imperialis + accommodating lens implant + improver + blimp + impasse + breast implant + cleaning implement + crimper + cutting implement + dental implant + guimpe + guimpe + simple microscope + impramine hydrochloride + impact printer + impedimenta + impeller + imperial + implant + implement + import + importation + impression + Impressionism + imprint + improvisation + improvised explosive device + impulse turbine + timpani + lens implant + interocular lens implant + simple machine + monofocal lens implant + multifocal lens implant + impediment + impedimenta + penile implant + impulse explosive + shrimper + simple pendulum + sports implement + impost + anti-impotence drug + implements of war + wimple + writing implement + impatience + impertinence + impishness + impulsiveness + impetuousness + impetuosity + impression + hemangioma simplex + simplicity + simpleness + limpidity + simplicity + simpleness + impressiveness + impressiveness + improbability + improbableness + impalpability + simplicity + simpleness + implausibility + implausibleness + simplicity + impermissibility + impreciseness + imprecision + limpidity + impenetrability + impenetrableness + implicitness + impeccability + impiety + impiousness + impenitence + impenitency + simplicity + simpleness + simple mindedness + self-importance + imperiousness + imprudence + improvidence + impeccability + impropriety + improperness + impoliteness + impertinence + impudence + limpness + impermeability + impermeableness + impenetrability + imperviousness + imperceptibility + impulse + imperishability + imperishableness + imperishingness + impermanence + impermanency + impracticality + impracticability + impracticableness + importance + import + imperativeness + unimportance + imperium + impotence + impotency + impuissance + crimp + imperial + imperial beard + simple eye + imperforate hymen + imperforate anus + dimple + imperfectibility + impediment + diriment impediment + imponderable + imprint + sense impression + imputation + imprinting + implication + impossibility + impossible action + impossible + imposition + impression + import + implication + glimpse + impression + simple regression + impartiality + imperialism + imparting + impartation + simple sentence + palimpsest + imperial decree + impression + trial impression + import + categorical imperative + hypothetical imperative + import barrier + imperialism + imprimatur + impudence + impertinence + simplification + oversimplification + simplism + impersonation + glimpse + impression + imprint + imprint + simper + implosion + importunity + whimper + imprecation + impeachment + imprecation + imputation + implication + impromptu + impromptu + nerve impulse + nervous impulse + neural impulse + impulse + impact + impinging + improvement + implosion + simple harmonic motion + impairment + impulse + impregnation + impassivity + impassiveness + impulse + self-importance + impatience + imperturbability + imperturbableness + shrimp cocktail + limpa + limpet + shrimp + shrimp sauce + shrimp butter + shrimp Newburg + Anti-Imperialist International Brigade + Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge + imperium + Simpson Desert + impulse + irrational impulse + irresistible impulse + impairer + Limpopo + WIMP + imp + Colonel Blimp + Colonel Blimp + Blimp + crimp + crimper + limper + improver + imp + imperialist + impersonator + import + importee + important person + importer + imposter + impostor + impressionist + pimp + Postimpressionist + Post-impressionist + shrimp + impresario + simperer + simpleton + simple + timpanist + very important person + visually impaired person + wimp + Ulysses Simpson Grant + Simpson + Sir James Young Simpson + Simpson + Mrs. Simpson + Wallis Warfield Simpson + impact + impetus + impulsion + impedance + acoustic impedance + simple pistil + impala lily + Centaurea imperialis + herba impia + pimpernel + scarlet pimpernel + red pimpernel + bog pimpernel + bastard pimpernel + false pimpernel + yellow pimpernel + water pimpernel + Firmiana simplex + simple + Epacris impressa + crown imperial + Fritillaria imperialis + pimpernel + genus Impatiens + Impatiens capensis + imperial Japanese morning glory + Ipomoea imperialis + blue pimpernel + Pimpinella + genus Pimpinella + Pimpinella anisum + mushroom pimple + orange mushroom pimple + green mushroom pimple + Fungi imperfecti + Phallus impudicus + simple fruit + simple leaf + fee simple + impost + import duty + simple interest + implied trust + import credit + implantation + impregnation + British Imperial System + Imperial capacity unit + Imperial gallon + simple fraction + improper fraction + implication + imperative mood + imperative + imperative form + imperfective + imperfective aspect + imperfect + imperfect tense + implication + logical implication + simple closed curve + impression + imprint + dimple + crimp + impeachability + imprisonment + life imprisonment + impasse + impendence + impendency + impotence + impotency + olfactory impairment + impaction + impacted tooth + impaction + simple absence + impressive aphasia + herpes simplex + osteogenesis imperfecta + impetigo + impacted fracture + simple fracture + pimple + herpes simplex encephalitis + fecal impaction + simple phobia + impatience + improvement + importance + unimportance + imperativeness + imperfection + imperfectness + impossibility + impossibleness + impurity + impureness + impoverishment + impecuniousness + impunity + impregnability + impairment + limping + gimp + gimpiness + hearing impairment + visual impairment + impairment + impropriety + impaction + impurity + simple protein + dimpled chad + dimple + impregnation + simple sugar +
79 OLD_HSK English word(s): heavy/ important/ serious important/ significant/ major simple/ commonplace/ casual rapid/ impatient/ irascible/ urgent shallow/ simple/ superficial/ light impression improve/ make better/ improvement improve great/ important/ major/ significant attach importance to/ pay attention to clear-cut/ simple/ just important/ essential impressions/ reflections simple/ plain advance/ progress/ improve/ progressive import/ entrance carry out/ implement only/ merely/ simply/ but imperial palace/ place for cultural activities/ uterus imperial palace motivity/ driving force/ motive power/ impetus poor/ impoverished/ lacking a means of production appear/ reveal/ show/ impromptu/ extemporaneously improve/ better/ reform/ amend/ secondary/ less important/ subordinate/ minor (used in a sentence to express an imperative tone) important-point/ main point/ essential/ gist/ strongpoint mixed-substance/ impurity hinder/ hamper/ obstruct/ impede/ make difficult wrinkle-line/ wrinkle/ furrow/ rimple/ crumple/ pucker hinder-stop/ impede/ hinder/ block/ obstacle/ hindrance solid/ firm/ sturdy/ strong/ impregnable urge/ impel/ push/ spur simple and convenient/ easy farm tools/ farm implements simply/ utterly/ totally/ at all/ virtually impact/ shock/ pound/ attack/ interfere improve-advance/ enhance/ promote/ further/ improve innovate/ improve/ innovation be startled out of one's wit/ rash/ brash/ imprudent climb/ grab/ seek connection in high places/ implicate put into effect/ implement/ carry out/ enforce/ execute dead/ fixed/ rigid/ deadly/ implacable/ impassable whole-good/ perfect/ consummate/ improve anxious/ worried/ agitated/ impatient end/ tip/ unimportant part/ last stage/ powder/ dust implying-word/ fable/ allegory/ parable shrimp/ prawn/ lobster impatient/ impetuous/ irritable/ irascible mean-flavor-doing/ signify/ mean/ imply simple/ pure/ uncomplicated menacingly-coerce/ intimidate/ threaten/ menace/ imperil manner of speaking/ tone/ connotation/ implication lead-enter/ introduce/ import impostor/ imposture improved variety entreat, beseech, implore imperturbable impetus/ momentum import/ input simple/ plain simple and crude simplified character simple impressible/ sensitive imperialism lump/ pimple simplify/ condense ware/ implement keep improving implement/ ware merely/ simply/ be absorbed in implicate/ involve impatient eager/ imperative improper unimpeded/ unblocked critical/ impending impound import/ introduce
79 OLD_HSK French word(s):
79 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
79 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
79 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): นัก ง่าย ชวน
79 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** YIN3 ziehen/spannen
* ** RU4 hinein

กุ้ง shrimp
ใจร้อน 不耐烦 Impatient
กำหนดปรับหรือริบ / ดี 罚款 impose a fine or forfeit/fine
ปรับปรุง; เพิ่มขึ้น 提高 improve; increase
เครื่องว่าง 便饭 simple meal
สำคัญ 重要 important
ง่าย 简单 simple
การปรับปรุง 改善 improve
อย่างง่าย ธรรมดา 朴素 simple; plain
เรื่องที่สำคัญปัญหาใหญ่ 大事 important matter; major issue
重视 to attach importance to; to think highly of
ร้ายแรง, สำคัญ 要紧 serious; important
简直 simply; at all
พระราชวังอิมพีเรียล 王宫 imperial palace
ความประทับใจ 感想 impressions; reflections; thoughts
ความประทับใจ 印象 impression
บริสุทธิ์ไม่เจือปน; ง่าย pure; unmixed; simple
ผลักดันให้; ผลักดัน 促使 to urge; to impel
ทำให้เซ; ปวกเปียก 蹒跚 to stagger; to limp
ง่ายและสะดวก 简易 simple and easy
ง่าย 简单 simple, not complicated
กังวล, ใจร้อน, รีบ, เป็นห่วง, เร่งด่วน anxious, impatient, hurried, worried, urgent
เพื่อปรับปรุง; เพื่อเพิ่ม; เพิ่มระดับความ 提高 to improve; to raise; to heighten
พระราชวังอิมพีเรียล 故宫 the Imperial Palace
เรียบง่ายและปราศจากเครื่องตกแต่ง 简朴 simple and unadorned
เพียง ทั้งหมด 简直 simply, at all
จะไปล้มละลายเพื่อตกยาก 破产 to go bankrupt, to become impoverished
ง่าย ไม่ซับซ้อน 简单 simple, uncomplicated
ความคิดเห็นที่ดี, การแสดงผลที่ดี 好感 good opinion, favorable impression
เรียบง่ายและชัดเจนกระชับ 简明 simple and clear, concise
ง่ายๆ, ซ้ำ ๆ ซาก ๆ ; สบาย ๆ 简单 simple; commonplace; casual
ตื้น; ง่ายๆ ; แสง shallow; simple; superficial; light
ปรับปรุง; ทำให้ดีกว่าการปรับปรุง 改进 improve; make better; improvement
ชัดเจน; อย่างง่ายเพียงแค่ 干脆 clear-cut; simple; just
กระทำ; ดำเนินการ 贯彻 carry out; implement
นำเข้า, ทางเข้า 进口 import; entrance
ที่สำคัญที่จำเป็น 要紧 important; essential
ดี; ที่สำคัญรายใหญ่อย่างมีนัยสำคัญ 重大 great; important; major; significant
ให้ความสำคัญกับ; ให้ความสนใจ 重视 attach importance to; pay attention to
ส่งผลกระทบ 冲击 impact; shock; pound; attack; interfere
รายย่อย 次要 secondary; less important; subordinate; minor
กระตุ้น 促使 urge; impel; push; spur
ง่าย 单纯 simple; pure; uncomplicated
อำนาจ 动力 motivity; driving force; motive power; impetus
ขัดแข้งขัดขา 妨碍 hinder; hamper; obstruct; impede; make difficult
ไม่ not; must; have to; simply; it is imperative that
ที่ปรับปรุงใหม่ 改良 improve; better; reform; amend;
นวัตกรรม 革新 innovate; improve; innovation
พระราชวัง imperial palace; place for cultural activities; uterus
พระราชวัง 宫殿 imperial palace
แปลก blame; complain; accuse; impute
ระคายเคือง 急躁 impatient; impetuous; irritable; irascible
บริษัท 坚固 solid; firm; sturdy; strong; impregnable
ง่าย 简便 simple and convenient; easy
เพียงแค่ 简直 simply; utterly; totally; at all; virtually
กระวนกระวาย 焦急 anxious; worried; agitated; impatient
โทน 口气 manner of speaking; tone; connotation; implication
เล้ง be startled out of one's wit; rash; brash; imprudent
ท้าย end; tip; unimportant part; last stage; powder; dust
เครื่องมือฟาร์ม 农具 farm tools; farm implements
ความยากจน 贫穷 poor; impoverished; lacking a means of production
การดำเนินงาน 实施 put into effect; implement; carry out; enforce; execute
สมบูรณ์ 完善 whole-good; perfect; consummate; improve
การคุกคาม 威胁 menacingly-coerce; intimidate; threaten; menace; imperil
ปรากฏขึ้น; แสดง; ทันควัน; อย่างทำโดยฉับพลัน appear; reveal; show; impromptu; extemporaneously
จุดแข็ง 要点 important-point; main point; essential; gist; strongpoint
วิธี 意味着 mean-flavor-doing; signify; mean; imply
การแนะนำ 引进 lead-enter; introduce; import
โย (used in a sentence to express an imperative tone)
ปั้นน้ำเป็นตัว 寓言 implying-word; fable; allegory; parable
นิตยสาร 杂志 mixed-substance; impurity
ยกระดับ 增进 improve-advance; enhance; promote; further; improve
ริ้วรอย 皱纹 wrinkle-line; wrinkle; furrow; rimple; crumple; pucker
สิ่งกีดขวาง 阻碍 hinder-stop; impede; hinder; block; obstacle; hindrance
อาราธนา 哀求 beseech; implore
ไม่ถูกต้อง 不当 improper
ไม่มีข้อ จำกัด ; ยกเลิกการปิดกั้น 畅通 unimpeded; unblocked
ลัทธิจักรวรรดินิยม 帝国主义 imperialism
ก้อน; สิว 疙瘩 lump; pimple
ใจร้อนกระตือรือร้น; ความจำเป็น 急切 impatient eager; imperative
เรียบง่ายและดิบ 简陋 simple and crude
ง่ายตัวอักษร 简体字 simplified character
ง่าย 简易 simple
ลดความซับซ้อน; รวมตัว 精简 simplify; condense
ให้ดีขึ้น 精益求精 keep improving
อายัดทรัพย์ 拘留 impound
การปรับปรุงพันธุ์ 良种 improved variety
คนโกง; การหลอกลวง 冒牌 impostor; imposture
มีความละเอียดอ่อน 敏感 impressible; sensitive
อย่างง่ายธรรมดา 朴实 simple; plain
ใช้; เครื่อง 器具 implement; ware
พัน; เกี่ยวข้องกับ 牵扯 implicate; involve
แรงผลักดันการโมเมนตัม 声势 impetus; momentum
นำเข้าใส่ 输入 import; input
ไม่ตื่นเต้นง่าย 泰然 imperturbable
วิพากษ์การใกล้เข้ามา 危急 critical; impending
นำเข้า แนะนำ 引入 import; introduce
เพียง; ก็; ถูกดูดซึมใน 只顾 merely; simply; be absorbed in
กุ้ง shrimp die Garnele, n la crevette el camarón
imperativo ความจำเป็น 势在必行 Imperative Imperativ Impératif Imperativo Imperativo
imperfekto imperfekto imperfekto imperfekto imperfekto imperfekto imperfekto imperfekto
imperialo imperialo imperialo imperialo imperialo imperialo imperialo imperialo
imperialismo ลัทธิจักรวรรดินิยม 帝国主义 imperialism Imperialismus impérialisme imperialismo imperialismo
impertinenta อ้อมค้อม 不逊 impertinent impertinent impertinent impertinente impertinente
imponi ประทับใจ impress beeindrucken impressionner impresionar impressionare
importi สินค้านำเข้า 进口 import Import importation importación importazione
impreso ความประทับใจ 印象 impression Eindruck impression impresión impressione
improvizi กระทำอย่างไม่ได้ 凑合 improvise improvisieren improviser improvisar improvvisare
impulso แรงกระตุ้น 冲动 impulse Impuls impulsion impulso impulso
sensacio ส่งผลกระทบ 碰撞 impact Auswirkung impact impacto urto
trudi กำหนด 强加 impose verhängen imposer imponer imporre

Grade E word(s):

18 akaraṇīya अकरणीय improper, unfit to be performed adj.
20 akartabya अकर्तब्य improper, unfit to be done adj.
59 aṅgulī pratimudrā अंगुली प्रतिमुद्रा finger impression n.
106 acēṭhnu अचेठ्नु to discipline, to impress, to press, to push with force v.t.
322 artha अर्थ finance, wealth, nmeaning, significance, import, interpretation, explanation n.
345 avarōdha अवरोध obstruction, hindrance, impediment, restraint, taboo n.
366 aśud'dha अशुद्ध impure adj.
377 asambhava असम्भव impossible adj.
454 ātura आतुर sick, wounded, impatient, anxious adj.
500 ābhāsa आभास glimpse, shadow, reflection, vision, faint memory, inkling n.
517 ārōpa आरोप imputation, allegation, insinuation, accusation n.
520 ārthika mahatva आर्थिक महत्व economic importance n.
559 āsanna आसन्न imminent, impencing, near, close adj.
677 unnata उन्नत risen, progressed, improved adj.
678 unnati उन्नति progress, rise, advancement, improvement, prosperity, elevation n.
703 upalakṣya उपलक्ष्य sign, implication, ourpose, occasion n.
962 kārā कारा imprisonment, confinement n.
975 kāryānvayana कार्यान्वयन execution, implementation n.
1049 kēlā'unu केलाउनु to sift, to remove impurities v.t.
1058 kaida कैद imprisonment, jail kaid n.
1224 gandagī गन्दगी filth, dirt, impurity n.
1368 caḍnu चड्नु to mount, to go up, to ascend, to ride, to improve v.t.
1723 jhiṅgē māchā झिंगे माछा shrimp n.
1943 thunuvā थुनुवा imprisoned, arrested thuprai adj.
2027 durāgraha दुराग्रह prejudice, improper attempt n.
2142 nājāyaja नाजायज improper adj.
2693 bandhana बन्धन imprisonment n.
2994 bhaugōlika mahatva भौगोलिक महत्व geographical importance n.
3055 mahattā महत्ता greatness, magnitude, gravity, glory, importance n.
3056 mahatva महत्व greatness, magnitude, gravity, glory, importance n.
3280 rājanītika lābha राजनीतिक लाभ political importance n.
3517 viśiṣṭa विशिष्ट conspicuous, remarkable, important, distinguished, extraordinary adj.
3568 śaktihīna शक्तिहीन powerless, impotent, enervated adj.
3667 sajilō सजिलो easy, simple adj.
3760 samr̥d'dha समृद्ध important adj.
3796 sarala सरल easy, simple, plain, straightforward, upright, sincere adj.
3885 sādhāraṇa साधारण common, simple, general sadharan adj.
3905 sāmīn'ya सामीन्य simple, common adj.
3978 sudhāra सुधार improvement, reform, reformation, correction, amendment, renovationr n.
3979 sudhāraka सुधारक reformer, improver, disciplinarian n.
千字文: 何遵约法 韩弊烦刑 Xiao He valued simple laws; Han was framed and suffered torts.
Plants: Pimpinella anisum L. (Apiaceae) Anis

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [imperial] relating to an empire
(a.) [implicit] inexplicit
(a.) [important] significant
(a.) [impossible]
(a.) [impressive]
(n.) [imposter] pretender, fake, faker, sham, fraud
(n.) [glimpse] brief view
(n.) [impact] striking of one body against another
(n.) [impact] forceful consequence, strong effect
(n.) [implication] logical implication
(n.) [import] importation
(n.) [importance]
(n.) [improvement] condition superior to an earlier one
(n.) [impulse] caprice, whim
(n.) [chimpanzee] primate
(n.) [simplicity] simpleness, uncomplicatedness
(v.) [impound] confiscate, seize
(v.) [import] bring in from abroad
(v.) [impress] make a good impression
(v.) [improve] better, amend, ameliorate

09540739-n imp +
10200047-n imp +

imp + +




2 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1614 不要没礼貌! อย่าหยาบคายนะ! Älä ole ikinä epäystävällinen!
720 您一直坐到终点站。 ออกที่สถานีสุดท้าย Ajakaa vain päätepysäkille.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

374 实验 部分 重要
646 这些 房子 结构 简单
816 游泳 水平 提高
841 农业 重要
1318 航海 运输 重要
1319 法院 执行 法律
1732 判处 无期徒刑
2172 进口 商品 征收 进口税
2297 市长 郑重 宣布 消息
3033 感冒 征兆 鼻涕
3450 小女孩 酒涡
3528 瓷器 瑕疵
3541 中国 泱泱大国
3573 人际 关系 单纯
3613 这个 牛排 根本 咬不动。 根本 咬不动
3647 关心 觉得 重要 事物
3671 精益求精
3705 当众 饱嗝儿 礼貌
3715 那场 洪水 大家 意识 重新 筑堤 重要性 迫切性
3769 中国人 表达 感情 方式 比较

Semantische Felder:

22.5 Übersinnliches