72 New HSK word(s): 1 会 can/ be possible/ be able to/ will/ be likely to/ be sure to/ to assemble/ to meet/ to gather/ to see/ union/ group/ association/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is hui3) 1 读 to read/ to study/ reading of word (i.e. pronunciation); similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1] 1 家 home/ family/ classifier for families or businesses/ refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China/ noun suffix for specialists in some activity such as musician or revolutionary; corresponds to English -ist; -er; -ary or -ian/ surname Jia/ CL:個|个[ 3 特别 especially/ special/ particular/ unusual 4 博士 doctor/ court academician (in feudal China)/ Ph.D. 4 出差 to go on an official or business trip 4 尤其 especially/ particularly 4 正式 formal/ official 4 关键 crucial point/ crux/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ key/ crucial/ pivotal 4 广告 to advertise/ a commercial/ advertisement/ CL:項|项[xiang4] 4 困难 (financial etc) difficulty/ problem/ issue/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 标准 (an official) standard/ norm/ criterion/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 假 fake/ false/ artificial/ to borrow/ if/ suppose 4 专门 specialist/ specialized/ customized 4 专业 specialty/ specialized field/ main field of study (at university)/ major/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4]/ professional 5 浅 shallow; not deep/ superficial 5 交际 communication/ social intercourse 5 风俗 social custom/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 官 official/ government/ organ of body/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 独特 unique/ distinct/ having special characteristics 5 秩序 order (orderly)/ order (sequence)/ social order/ the state (of society)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 贸易 (commercial) trade/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 集体 collective/ social/ team/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 欣赏 to appreciate/ to enjoy/ to admire 5 则 conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause/ standard/ norm/ rule/ to imitate/ to follow/ then/ principle/ classifier for written items (such as an official statement) 5 特殊 special/ particular/ unusual/ extraordinary 5 特意 specially/ intentionally 5 成分 composition/ make-up/ ingredient/ element/ component/ one's social status/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 行人 pedestrian/ traveler on foot/ passer-by/ official responsible for arranging audiences with the emperor 5 格外 especially/ particularly 5 表情 (facial) expression/ to express one's feelings/ expression 5 抓紧 to grasp firmly/ to pay special attention to/ to rush in/ to make the most of 5 专家 expert/ specialist/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 赤字 (financial) deficit/ red letter 6 虚伪 false/ hypocritical/ artificial/ sham 6 应酬 social niceties/ social interaction/ a dinner party 6 案件 law case/ legal case/ judicial case/ CL:宗[zong1];樁|桩[zhuang1];起[qi3] 6 联想 to associate with something in thinking/ abbr. for 聯想集團|联想集团[Lian2 xiang3 Ji2 tuan2] 6 公务 official business 6 资助 to subsidize/ to provide financial aid/ subsidy 6 投机 to speculate (on financial markets)/ opportunistic/ congenial/ agreeable 6 交往 to associate/ to contact/ association/ contact 6 财务 financial affairs 6 风暴 storm/ violent commotion/ fig. crisis (e.g. revolution; uprising; financial crisis etc) 6 财政 finances (public)/ financial 6 东道主 host/ official host (e.g. venue for games or a conference) 6 司法 judicial/ (administration of) justice 6 动荡 unrest (social or political)/ turmoil/ upheaval/ commotion 6 官方 official/ (by the) government 6 审美 esthetics/ appreciating the arts/ taste 6 制服 to subdue/ to check/ to bring under control/ (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status/ uniform (army; party; school etc)/ livery (for company employees)/ CL:套[tao4] 6 金融 banking/ finance/ financial 6 省会 provincial capital 6 亏损 deficit/ (financial) loss 6 宰 to slaughter livestock/ to govern or rule/ to cheat customers/ Imperial official in dynastic China 6 协会 an association/ a society/ CL:個|个[ge4];家[jia1] 6 漂浮 to float/ to hover/ to drift (also fig.; to lead a wandering life)/ to rove/ showy/ superficial 6 杠杆 lever/ pry bar/ crowbar/ financial leverage 6 经商 to trade/ to carry out commercial activities/ in business 6 特长 personal strength/ one's special ability or strong points 6 特定 special/ specific/ designated/ particular 6 沾光 to bask in the light/ fig. to benefit from association with sb or sth/ reflected glory 6 人工 artificial/ manpower/ manual work 6 人为 artificial/ man-made/ having human cause or origin/ human attempt or effort 6 章程 rules/ regulations/ constitution/ statute/ articles of association (of company)/ articles of incorporation/ charter (of a corporation)/ by-laws 6 党 party/ association/ club/ society/ surname Dang/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 体谅 to empathize/ to allow (for something)/ to show understanding/ to appreciate 6 专长 specialty/ special knowledge or ability 6 专程 special-purpose trip 6 专科 specialized subject/ branch (of medicine)/ specialized training school 6 专题 special topic 6 任重道远 a heavy load and a long road/ fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects; 8.7)
68 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VS * *Adv * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *N * *VS * *N * *N * *v;n * *VS * *N * *VS * *N * *VA * *v;n * *VS * *N * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * *VS;n * *VS * *N * *Adv * *VA * *N * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *VS;n * *N * *N * *VA * * * *N * *N * *Adv * *N * *Adv * *VA * * * * * *N * *N * *N * *Adv * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *VA * *Adv;n * * * *Adv * * * *VA * *VA * *VS
68 OLD_HSK German word(s): besonders besonders, vornehmlich, insbesondere, vor allem Arzt,Doktor 1. aushändigen, übergeben, abliefern, abgeben überreichen 2. angrenzen, an etw stoßen 3. auf eine bestimmte Jahreszeit) zugehen, werden 4. sich kreuzen, sich überschneiden, 5. mit jn Bekanntschaft schließen, 6. geschlechtlich verkehren 7. Freund, Abendparty, Abendveranstaltung Bedeutung,Sinn 1. seicht, flach 2. einfach, leicht 3. oberflächlich 4. hell, matt, fahl formell, offiziell Speziell, unregelmäßig,ungewöhnlich/eigenartig vorteilhaft, günstig, nützlich Fachmann, Experte, Spezialist spezialisiert, Spezialist, Spezialität Fach, Fachrichtung, Beruf Aussprache Kommunikation, sozialer Austausch künstlich Techniker künstlich,synthetisch Gesellschaftsschicht, soziale Leiter, Hierachie gesellschaftlichen Umgang pflegen, jn höflich bewirten, Tischgesellschaft, Gastmahl kommen und gehen, Verkehr 1. ungewöhnlich, eigenartig, speziell 2. extra, eigens, ausschließlich 3. Agent, Spion, Spitzel Geheimagent, Spion, Spitzel Gesicht jmd einen offiziellen Besuch abstatten trennen, loslösen, ausscheiden, spalten Geographie erlernen, wissenschaftlicher Verein 1. spezial, nur, auf etwas konzentriert, 2. fachkundig, nur für sich allein haben 3. monopolisieren nützlich, Nutzen bringend, vorteilhaft 1. Maschine, mechanisches Werkzeug, Apparat, Gerät 2.Flugzeug 3.Angelpunkt, kritischer Moment 4. Gelegenheit, Möglichkeit , Chance 5. organisch 6. geschmeidig, gewandt, geschickt besonders 1. befeuchten 2. mit etw. beschmutzt sein, besudelt, befleckt 3.berühren 4. (an einem Vorteil) teilhaben Verein,Gesellschaft, Verband allgemeine Praxis, herrschende Praktiken, Sitten, soziale Moral genießen, bewundern Wachstum, Entwicklung Sozialismus 1. staatlich, öffentlich, 2. Amtspflicht, Dienst, Amtsgeschäfte 3. gerecht, unparteilich 4. etw bekannt machen, veröffentlichen, 5. männlich 6. metrisch, Maße und Gewichte betreffend Persönlichkeit, Kreise Gesichtsfarbe, Aussehen,Gesichtsausdruck einen Sinn für Ästhetik besitzen, Schönheitssinn, Geschmack von gleichem wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Status sein Finanzen, Finanzangelegenheiten spezielles einheimisches Erzeugnis, Spezialität extra, eigens, speziell Sonderzone speziell herabwerten, herabwürdigen berufliche Qualifikation in einem bestimmten Fach entwerten, abwerten offiziell, amtlich Beamte Sondervorstellung, Domäne, Spezialität spezielle Reise Spezialkurs, Fachkurs Spezialist, Experte Spezialthema etwas beobachten und bewundern spezialisierter Haushalt zweckgebunden, für einen speziellen Zweck äußerst,außergewöhnlich, profitieren von etwas, ein wenig den Preis senken jn finanziell unterstützen, finanzielle Hilfe Gedankenverbindung, Assoziation künstlich, von Menschenhand gemacht
926 synsets(s): unappreciated + beneficial + artificial + altricial + precocial + associative + associatory + associable + nonassociative + bifacial + unifacial + socialistic + socialist + commercial + commercialized + commercialised + noncommercial + uncommercial + uncommercialized + uncommercialised + especial + special + insouciant + sociable + socialized + socialised + appreciable + provincial + judicial + noncrucial + crucial + noncrucial + mutually beneficial + appreciative + dissociable + dissociative + associate + depreciative + depreciatory + denunciative + denunciatory + emaciated + social + glaciated + special + special + appreciative + unappreciative + prejudicial + glacial + glacial + crucial + renunciant + renunciative + interracial + appreciated + judicial + amerciable + extrajudicial + crucial + dioecian + artificial + patrician + official + semiofficial + unofficial + official + unofficial + official + special + artificial + excruciating + special + superficial + racial + biracial + interracial + multiracial + nonracial + patrician + official + unappreciated + inappreciable + superficial + social + unsocial + antisocial + asocial + asocial + social + nonsocial + sociable + social + unsociable + antisocial + specialized + specialised + special + specialistic + unspecialized + unspecialised + commercial + commercial-grade + special + cruciate + fiducial + depreciating + depreciative + depreciatory + aecial + annunciatory + apothecial + associational + beneficiary + Cappadocian + facial + glacial + judicial + judicial + prejudicial + postglacial + Phoenician + provincial + social + social + specialistic + superficial + surficial + uncial + spacial + sciatic + sciatic + financial + nonfinancial + fiducial + fiduciary + fiducial + facial + mandibulofacial + maxillofacial + interfacial + Confucian + Thracian + official + national socialist + Grecian + Balzacian + sacrificial + commercial + racial + Rosicrucian + appreciably + commercially + especially + specially + officially + unofficially + provincially + socially + socially + racially + interracially + facially + artificially + by artificial means + glacially + judicially + superficially + most especially + officially + financially + unofficially + excruciatingly + appreciatively + unappreciatively + beneficially + crucially + sociably + sociably + unsociably + specially + especially + judicially + excruciate + speciate + specialize + specialise + dissociate + benficiate + depreciate + depreciate + appreciate + appreciate + brecciate + glaciate + emaciate + emaciate + socialize + socialise + socialize + socialise + specialize + specialise + specialize + specialise + overspecialize + overspecialise + commercialize + commercialise + officialize + officialise + beneficiate + appreciate + associate + dissociate + free-associate + negociate + renegociate + renegociate + negociate + depreciate + annunciate + enunciate + enunciate + specialize + specialise + officiate + commercialize + glaciate + brecciate + excruciate + appreciate + negociate + negociate + negociate + appreciate + officiate + socialize + socialise + socialize + socialise + disassociate + dissociate + specialize + specialise + consociate + associate + negociate + associate + social relation + renunciation + self-renunciation + official immunity + physician-assisted suicide + appreciation + depreciation + dissociation + excruciation + judicial torture + association football + social dancing + officiation + financial audit + social service + specialization + specialisation + specialty + speciality + specialism + specialization + specialisation + academicianship + associateship + facial + commercial bribery + artificial respiration + artificial insemination + commercialization + commercialisation + social activity + association + social welfare + social insurance + social assistance + Social Security + commercialism + commercial enterprise + commercial activity + social control + socialization + socialisation + fiduciary duty + racialism + racial discrimination + racial profiling + judicial proceeding + judicial decision + officiation + officiating + special verdict + judicial review + social work + appreciation + socialization + socialisation + socializing + socialising + racial extermination + socialization + socialisation + paramecia + crucian carp + Thryothorus ludovicianus + Chamaea fasciata + Piranga ludoviciana + Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides + Lanius lucovicianus + Lanius ludovicianus migrans + Bungarus fasciatus + Columba fasciata + Coracias + genus Coracias + Coracias garrulus + Myrmecobius fasciatus + Fulmarus glacialis + Panthera uncia + social insect + Culex quinquefasciatus + Sciaridae + family Sciaridae + genus Sciara + sciara + sciarid + Myrmecia + genus Myrmecia + Cynomys ludovicianus + pichiciago + Pithecia + genus Pithecia + Sciaenidae + family Sciaenidae + sciaenid fish + sciaenid + Sciaenops + genus Sciaenops + Sciaenops ocellatus + Sciaena + genus Sciaena + Sciaena antarctica + Sciaena aquila + Thalassoma bifasciatum + annunciator + artificial flower + artificial heart + artificial horizon + artificial joint + artificial kidney + artificial skin + commercial art + fascia + dulciana + artificial additive + Jarvik artificial heart + special K + National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations + oboe da caccia + artificial pacemaker + artificial lake + artificial satellite + Saturday night special + specialty store + Cialis + sociality + sociability + sociableness + unsociability + unsociableness + facial expression + associability + associableness + specialness + specialness + specialty + speciality + artificiality + emaciation + superficiality + superficiality + specialty + speciality + physician-patient privilege + facial hair + faucial tonsil + facial artery + arteria facialis + arteria nutricia + anterior facial vein + vena facialis anterior + superficial middle cerebral vein + common facial vein + superficial epigastric vein + vena epigastrica superficialis + facial vein + vena facialis + posterior facial vein + superficial temporal vein + venae dorsales penis superficiales + venae dorsales clitoridis superficiales + facial + facial nerve + nervus facialis + association area + association cortex + sciatic nerve + fascia + facia + facial muscle + musicianship + specialism + appreciation + special education + association + judicial activism + free association + appreciation + special effect + judicial principle + judicial doctrine + Confucianism + medical specialty + special relativity + special theory of relativity + special relativity theory + Einstein's special theory of relativity + theory of dissociation + theory of electrolytic dissociation + Arrhenius theory of dissociation + artificial intelligence + associationism + association theory + social psychology + social science + social anthropology + Rosicrucianism + provincialism + provincialism + social democracy + socialism + guild socialism + utopian socialism + beneficiary + uncial + Social Security number + commercial document + commercial instrument + official document + financial statement + special contract + judicial sale + judicial separation + judicial writ + venire facias + fieri facias + scire facias + special pleading + special act + special delivery + ciao + facial recognition + social policy + social action + associate degree + associate + Associate in Arts + Associate in Applied Science + Associate in Nursing + depreciation + annunciation + pronunciamento + Annunciation + financial forecast + commercial treaty + acciaccatura + facial expression + facial gesture + facial profiling + artificial language + Thracian + Received Pronunciation + Galician + Lycian + Phoenician + special + officialese + pronunciation + pronunciation + mispronunciation + enunciation + social intercourse + special session + special + special pleading + renunciation + judicial admission + appreciation + denunciation + commercial + commercial message + infomercial + informercial + renunciation + associate + social event + social occasion + social function + Special Olympics + appreciativeness + self-depreciation + insouciance + special + chicken cacciatore + chicken cacciatora + Valencia orange + social group + special interest + social class + association + Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims + Association of Islamic Groups and Communities + World Tamil Association + Association of Orangemen + Ulster Defence Association + association + financial institution + financial organization + financial organisation + commercial enterprise + Special Branch + CIA + Social Security Administration + Financial Crimes Enforcement Network + Financial Management Service + Federal Judiciary + judiciary + judiciary + judicial system + social unit + Naval Special Warfare + MCIA + Special Forces + U. S. Army Special Forces + United States Army Special Forces + social club + National Volunteers Association + International Association of Lions clubs + professional association + social gathering + social affair + sociable + social + National Socialist German Workers' Party + Social Democratic Party + Socialist Labor Party + Socialist Party + Special Weapons and Tactics team + Special Weapons and Tactics squad + Economic and Social Council + Economic and Social Council commission + Social Development Commission + International Development Association + Congress of Racial Equality + special court-martial + Special Air Service + commercial agency + press association + judicial branch + government officials + officialdom + state socialism + socialism + socialist economy + national socialism + National Rifle Association + social organization + social organisation + social structure + social system + racial segregation + Federal National Mortgage Association + special jury + commercial bank + nondepository financial institution + depository financial institution + commercial finance company + commercial credit company + savings and loan association + commercial law + social movement + Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons + National Association of Realtors + Association of Southeast Asian Nations + Andalucia + financial center + justiciary + associated state + provincial capital + Cappadocia + Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka + Lycia + Brescia + Phoenicia + Phenicia + Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya + Saint Lucia + St. Lucia + Saint Lucia + St. Lucia + Union of Soviet Socialist Republics + Soviet Socialist Republic + Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic + Galicia + Valencia + Valencia + Socialist Republic of Vietnam + glacial boulder + Phoenician + Thracian + academician + academician + academician + acoustician + medical social worker + financial analyst + appreciator + patrician + arithmetician + associate + associate + associate professor + pediatrician + paediatrician + beautician + cosmetician + beneficiary + administrative official + heart specialist + chief financial officer + clinician + co-beneficiary + commercial artist + associate + Confucian + Confucianist + cosmetician + social dancer + dental technician + depreciator + diagnostician + dialectician + dietician + physician + ear specialist + econometrician + elected official + electrician + esthetician + aesthetician + esthetician + aesthetician + ethician + fiduciary + fingerprint specialist + football official + geometrician + geriatrician + syntactician + Grecian + house physician + resident physician + jazz musician + justiciar + justiciary + official emissary + social lion + logician + logistician + machine politician + magician + mathematician + mortician + musician + musician + nurse clinician + obstetrician + official + official + officiant + federal official + optician + rhetorician + patrician + provincial + phonetician + photometrician + politician + politician + politician + provincial + practician + primary care physician + racialist + social reformer + rhythm and blues musician + rock 'n' roll musician + Rosicrucian + Rosicrucian + semiotician + social anthropologist + social climber + socialist + socialite + socializer + socialiser + social scientist + social secretary + social worker + magician + special agent + specialist + specializer + specialiser + specialist + medical specialist + stage technician + statistician + statistician + mathematical statistician + symbolic logician + tactician + technician + technician + theoretician + social drinker + Cistercian + commercial traveler + commercial traveller + financial officer + trigonometrician + Alicia Alonso + Arnold of Brescia + Balenciaga + Cristobal Balenciaga + Ciardi + John Ciardi + John Anthony Ciardi + Garcia Lorca + Frederico Garcia Lorca + Albino Luciano + Grace Patricia Kelly + Marciano + Rocco Marciano + Rocky Marciano + Dame Alicia Markova + Lilian Alicia Marks + Luciano Pavarotti + heat of dissociation + interfacial tension + interfacial surface tension + Santa Lucia fir + Sciadopityaceae + family Sciadopityaceae + Sciadopitys + genus Sciadopitys + Sciadopitys verticillata + Anemone ludoviciana + genus Acacia + acacia + Acacia auriculiformis + Acacia cambegei + Acacia catechu + Acacia dealbata + sweet acacia + Acacia farnesiana + Acacia melanoxylon + Acacia pycnantha + Acacia xanthophloea + Spinacia + genus Spinacia + Spinacia oleracea + Armoracia + genus Armoracia + Armoracia rusticana + Artemisia ludoviciana + Felicia + genus Felicia + Felicia amelloides + Felicia bergeriana + Daboecia + genus Daboecia + Daboecia cantabrica + Gaylussacia + genus Gaylussacia + Gaylussacia baccata + Gaylussacia frondosa + Gaylussacia brachycera + Myrciaria + genus Myrciaria + Myrcia + Myrciaria cauliflora + Annunciation lily + Sansevieria trifasciata + poinciana + Poinciana gilliesii + Poinciana pulcherrima + royal poinciana + Poinciana regia + Poinciana + subgenus Poinciana + Onobrychis viciaefolia + rose acacia + Robinia pseudoacacia + Vicia + genus Vicia + Vicia cracca + Vicia faba + Vicia orobus + Vicia sativa + Vicia sepium + Vicia villosa + Copernicia + genus Copernicia + Copernicia prunifera + Copernicia cerifera + Copernicia australis + Copernicia alba + Pistacia + genus Pistacia + Pistacia vera + Pistacia terebinthus + Pistacia lentiscus + Episcia dianthiflora + genus Episcia + episcia + Matteuccia + genus Matteuccia + Matteuccia struthiopteris + financial gain + Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization + financial aid + depreciation allowance + depreciation charge + special assessment + rate of depreciation + depreciation rate + financial loss + depreciation + straight-line method of depreciation + special drawing rights + financial support + financial backing + commercial loan + commercial credit + commercial letter of credit + commercial paper + association + dissociation + glaciation + Riss glaciation + Saale glaciation + Wolstonian glaciation + beneficiation + social process + specialization + specialisation + speciation + dissociation constant + association + facial index + fiduciary relation + trustee-beneficiary relation + association + social stratification + social station + social status + social rank + social contract + guilt by association + associative aphasia + social disease + nonsocial infection + malacia + osteomalacia + cervicofacial actinomycosis + keratomalacia + excruciation + sciatica + social phobia + antisocial personality disorder + renunciation + dissociation + disassociation + dissociative disorder + association + disassociation + cruciality + onchocerciasis + alopecia + alopecia areata + financial condition + financial obligation + glaciation + racial immunity + breccia + artificial blood + facial tissue + gum acacia + Glacial epoch + Ordovician + Ordovician period + Annunciation + Annunciation Day + financial year + social season + glacial period + glacial epoch + noviciate +
68 OLD_HSK English word(s): special/ particular/ especially especially/ particularly doctor/ physician hand over/ deliver/ associate with evening party/ social evening meaning/ idea/ wish/ appreciation shallow/ simple/ superficial/ light formal/ official/ regular special/ peculiar/ exceptional advantageous/ beneficial expert/ specialist special/ specialized specialty/ specialized field pronunciation socialize/ social intercourse man-made/ artificial technician man-made/ artificial social stratum respond-toast/ be sociable/ treat with courtesy come and go/ associate/ association special/ particular/ extraordinary special-task/ special-task agent/ secret agent/ spy face/ look/ facial expression pay an official visit/ call on dissociate/ separate/ sever/ part/ leave geography/ the natural and social features of a place learned-society/ association/ academy/ institute particular/ special/ narrow/ specialty/ specialization have-benefit/ beneficial/ profitable/ useful/ good machine/ aircraft/ crucial point/ opportunity/ intention especially/ particularly/ all the more soak/ wet/ be stained with/ touch/ gain by association cooperating-organization/ association/ union social atmosphere/ common practice/ ethos love-enjoy/ appreciate/ admire/ like develop/ grow (especially in puberty) socialism public/ common/ fair/ public affairs/ official business personage/ person with certain social influence complexion/ look/ facial expression appreciation of the beauty be well-matched in social and economic status financial affairs special local product specially special zone specially depreciate professional skill/ specially devaluate/ depreciate by the government official official specialty special trip special course person specially assigned for a task special topic appreciate/ watch specialized households for a special purpose especially/ very benefit from association with sb appreciably/ a little depreciate give financial aid associate artificial
68 OLD_HSK French word(s):
68 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
68 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
68 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง จ่าย ความหมาย ซึ่งประดิษฐ์ขึ้น
68 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** DAN1REN2PANG2 REN2 Person
* ** WEI4 wegen/handeln

สังคมศาสตร์ 社会科学 Social Sciences
นักวิชาการ 院士 academician
แพทย์ 大夫 Physicians
ข้าราชการ 官方 Official
นักการเมือง 政客 Politician
ภาษาฮินดู 有益 have-benefit; beneficial; profitable; useful; good
สาขาวิชาในมหาวิทยาลัย; ใหญ่ 专业 major; specialty
จัดการธุรกิจอย่างเป็นทางการ; งาน (ในสำนักงาน) 办公 handle official business; work (in an office)
ขอบคุณ; สนุกกับ 欣赏 appreciate; enjoy
ความสัมพันธ์ทางสังคม การสื่อสาร 交际 social relations; communication
ข้าราชการประจำ government official
โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง 尤其 especially
กิจการ การค้า กิจการธุรกิจ 商务 commercial affairs; business affairs
จุดแข็ง; พิเศษ 特长 strong point; speciality
ประโยชน์ 有力 advantageous; beneficial
ผู้ชำนาญการ ผู้เชี่ยวชาญ 专家 expert; specialist
รองศาสตราจารย์ 副教授 associate professor
การสื่อสาร 交际 communication; social intercourse
เอกสารทางราชการ 公文 official document
交卸 to hand over official duties to one's successor
โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง; ทั้งหมดยิ่งขึ้น 格外 especially; all the more
การออกเสียง 发音 pronounce, pronunciation
การโฆษณา การโฆษณาเชิงพาณิชย์ 广告 to advertise, advertisement, a commercial
ราคาพิเศษ ข้อเสนอพิเศษ 特价 special price, special offer
การเพิ่มขึ้นของราคาขอบคุณ 涨价 increase in price, appreciate
การออกเสียง 发音 pronunciation
โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง 特别 especially
สังคมนิยม 社会主义 socialism
พิเศษเฉพาะเรื่อง 专业 speciality, specialized subject
ชื่นชม, เพลิดเพลินไปกับการให้ชื่นชม 欣赏 to appreciate, to enjoy, to admire
เซนต์หนานจิง, ถนนเชิงพาณิชย์ขนาดใหญ่ในเซี่ยงไฮ้ 南京路 Nanjing St., large commercial street in Shanghai
ผลิตภัณฑ์ท้องถิ่นพิเศษพิเศษ (ภูมิภาค) 特产 special local product, (regional) specialty
สำหรับบุคคลใดบุคคล, โอกาส, จุดประสงค์มุ่งเน้นในสิ่งหนึ่งพิเศษ for a particular person, occasion, purpose, focused on one thing, special
ช่างเทคนิค 技术员 technician
ประเภทของการแต่งหน้าผิวหน้าในละคร 脸谱 types of facial makeup in operas
ชำนาญ, ผู้เชี่ยวชาญ 专家 expert, specialist
นิพจน์ (ใบหน้า) 表情 (facial) expression
คลาสสิกขงจื๊อสิบสาม 十三经 the Thirteen Confucian Classics
คอลัมน์พิเศษ 专栏 special column
แพทย์; แพทย์ 大夫 doctor; physician
มอบ; ส่ง; เชื่อมโยงกับ hand over; deliver; associate with
ตื้น; ง่ายๆ ; แสง shallow; simple; superficial; light
งานเลี้ยงตอนเย็น; งานราตรี 晚会 evening party; social evening
โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง 尤其 especially; particularly
สังคม; เพศสัมพันธ์ทางสังคม 交际 socialize; social intercourse
ที่มนุษย์สร้างขึ้น; เทียม 人工 man-made; artificial
ที่มนุษย์สร้างขึ้น; เทียม 人造 man-made; artificial
พิเศษเฉพาะ; พิเศษ 特殊 special; peculiar; exceptional
ประโยชน์ 有利 advantageous; beneficial
การออกเสียง 语音 pronunciation
เฉพาะ 专门 special; specialized
โทรศัพท์ 拜会 pay an official visit; call on
การพัฒนา 发育 develop; grow (especially in puberty)
การแยก 分离 dissociate; separate; sever; part; leave
บรรยากาศ 风气 social atmosphere; common practice; ethos
โดยเฉพาะ 格外 especially; particularly; all the more
มหาชน public; common; fair; public affairs; official business
ชั้นเรียน 阶层 social stratum
ระหว่าง 来往 come and go; associate; association
ดู 脸色 complexion; look; facial expression
ใบหน้า 面孔 face; look; facial expression
คน 人士 personage; person with certain social influence
พิเศษ special; particular; extraordinary
สอดแนม 特务 special-task; special-task agent; secret agent; spy
สมาคม 协会 cooperating-organization; association; union
ซาบซึ้ง 欣赏 love-enjoy; appreciate; admire; like
สังคม 学会 learned-society; association; academy; institute
ความบันเทิง 应酬 respond-toast; be sociable; treat with courtesy
soak; wet; be stained with; touch; gain by association
ข้อมูลส่วนตัว particular; special; narrow; specialty; specialization
ลดค่าเงิน 贬低 depreciate
ลดค่า; ลดค่าเงิน 贬值 devaluate; depreciate
กิจการการเงิน 财务 financial affairs
โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง; มาก 分外 especially; very
โดยเจ้าหน้าที่ของรัฐ 官方 by the government official
เป็นทางการ 官员 official
ขอบคุณ; ชม 观赏 appreciate; watch
ลดค่าเงิน 降价 depreciate
ภาคี 联想 associate
น้อย 略微 appreciably; a little
ก้ำกึ่งในสถานะทางสังคมและเศรษฐกิจ 门当户对 be well-matched in social and economic status
เทียม 人为 artificial
ชื่นชมความงาม 深美 appreciation of the beauty
ผลิตภัณฑ์ท้องถิ่นพิเศษ 特产 special local product
พิเศษ 特地 specially
โซนพิเศษ 特区 special zone
พิเศษ 特意 specially
ทักษะวิชาชีพ พิเศษ 一技之长 professional skill; specially
沾光 benefit from association with sb
ชนิดพิเศษ 专长 specialty
ทริปพิเศษ 专程 special trip
หลักสูตรพิเศษ 专科 special course
บุคคลที่ได้รับมอบหมายเป็นพิเศษสำหรับงาน 专人 person specially assigned for a task
หัวข้อพิเศษ 专题 special topic
ครัวเรือนพิเศษ 专业户 specialized households
เพื่อวัตถุประสงค์พิเศษ 专用 for a special purpose
ให้ความช่วยเหลือทางการเงิน 资助 give financial aid
ข้อเสนอพิเศษ 特别优惠 special offer das Sonderangebot, e l'offre spéciale la oferta especial
ช่างไฟฟ้​​า 电工 electrician der Elektriker, - l'électricien el electricista
นักมายากล 魔术师 magician der Zauberer, - le magicien el mago
นักดนตรี 音乐家 musician der Musiker, - le musicien el músico
ช่างแว่นตา 眼镜商 optician der Optiker, - l'opticien el óptico
akacio กระถิน 刺槐 acacia Akazie acacia acacia acacia
anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio
asocio สมาคม 联想 association Verein association asociación associazione
estimi เห็นคุณค่า 欣赏 appreciate schätzen apprécier apreciar apprezzare
fako ชนิดพิเศษ 特产 specialty Spezialität spécialité especialidad specialità
oficiala เป็นทางการ 官方 official Beamte officiel oficial ufficiale
sociala สังคม 社会 social Sozial- social social sociale
speciala พิเศษ 特别 special besondere spécial especial speciale

Grade E word(s):

21 akarna अकर्न official record, document, list of official records n.
468 ādāna–pradāna आदान–प्रदान giving and taking of things, exchange, social communication, give and take n.
519 ārthika आर्थिक economic, financial arthik adj.
865 kadara कदर respect, value, appreciation n.
900 kalākāra कलाकार artist, technician n.
909 kalyāṇakārī कल्याणकारी propitious, auspicious, beneficial, good adj.
1228 gandharva गन्धर्व a celestian or heavenly musician, a class of demi- god n.
1326 gauṇa गौण secondary, subordinate, indirect, inferior, expressing associate quality adj.
1549 chētrī छेत्री Chetri, Kshatriya [the second highest class (varna) of the Hindu social hierarchy] n.
2080 dharmādhikārī धर्माधिकारी an official responsible for jurisdiction n.
2240 n'yāyapālikā न्यायपालिका judiciary n.
2273 pajanī पजनी government officials were renewed for the ensuing year] n.
2301 padādhikārī पदाधिकारी official, officer, authority n.
2416 pāra पार end, other side, limit, accomplishment, renunciation, release, relief, deliverance, liberation n.
2572 pravidhijña प्रविधिज्ञ technician n.
2576 praśansā प्रशंसा praise, appreciation, applause, laudation, eulogy n.
2581 prasaṅga प्रसङ्ग relation, connection, association, discussion, narration, context n.
2932 bhārādāra भारादार a high official n.
2933 bhārādārī sabhā भारादारी सभा assembly of high officials or nobility in early Shah and Rana times n.
3281 rājanītijña राजनीतिज्ञ politician n.
3321 rīti-thiti रीति-थिति social customs n.
3518 viśēṣa विशेष extraordinary, unusual, special, distinguished, famous adv.
3519 viśēṣa adālata विशेष अदालत special court vishes n.
3650 saṅgha संघ assembly, association, multitude, monastery n.
3767 samparka सम्पर्क company, association, union n.
3772 sambandha सम्बन्ध relation, relationship, connection, association, affinity n.
3791 sarakārī सरकारी governmental, public, official, administrative adj.
3792 sarakārī bhāṣā सरकारी भाषा official language n.
3898 sāmājika सामाजिक social adj.
3899 sāmājvāda सामाज्वाद socialism n.
3900 sāmājvādī सामाज्वादी socialist samajvadi rajya n./adj.
3997 susaṅgata सुसंगत well associated, well accompanied, reasonable
3998 susaṅgatā सुसंगता good association, good companionship n.
千字文: 龙师火帝 鸟官人皇 Dragon Master, Fire King; Bird Official, Lord of Men.
千字文: 空谷传声 虚堂习听 The empty valleys broadly resonate; in hollow halls wisely officiate.
千字文: 乐殊贵贱 礼别尊卑 Music distinct by social rank, rites according to prestige.
Plants: Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. (Mimosaceae) Gummi-Arabicum-Baum
Plants: Armoracia rusticana (Gaertn.) Mey. & Scherb. (Brassicaceae) Meerrettich; Kren; Horse-Radish
Plants: Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancr. (Apiaceae) Arakacha; Arracha; Apio
Plants: Copernicia prunifera (Mill.) H. E. Moore (Arecaceae) Carnauba-Palme; Brazilian Wax Palm; Wachspalme; Caranday-Palme
Plants: Illicium anisatum L. (Illiciaceae) Japanese Anise
Plants: Illicium verum Hook. (Schisandraceae; Illiciaceae;) Sternanis; Badian
Plants: Pistacia lentiscus L. (Anacardiaceae) Mastixstrauch
Plants: Pistacia vera L. (Anacardiaceae) Pistazie;
Plants: Robinia pseudoacacia L. (Fabaceae) Robinie, Gemeine; Falsche Akazie; Schein-Akazie; Black Locust; Yellow Locust; Gemeiner Schotendorn; Silberregen
Plants: Sansevieria trifasciata Prain (Asparagaceae; Agavaceae) Bogenhanf; Mother-in-Law Tongue;
Plants: Spinacia oleraceae L. (Chenopodiaceae) Spinat; Spinach
Plants: Vicia faba L. (Fabaceae) Saubohne; Ackerbohne; Pferdebohne; Dicke Bohne; Puffbohne; Große Bohne; Faba Bean; Broad Bean; Field Bean; Bell Bean; Tic Bean; Horse Bean

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [artificial] unreal, unnatural
(a.) [commercial]
(a.) [financial] fiscal
(a.) [judicial] juridical, juridic
(a.) [official] having official authority
(a.) [provincial] characteristic of the provinces
(a.) [racial]
(a.) [social] living together or enjoying life in communities
(a.) [socialist] socialistic
(n.) [association] mental connection
(n.) [association] formal organization of people
(n.) [association] affiliation
(n.) [beneficiary] recipient
(n.) [musician]
(n.) [official] functionary
(n.) [politician]
(n.) [specialist]
(v.) [appreciate] recognize with gratitude

08124971-n CIA +

CIA + +
22 BROKE (financially)

BROKE (financially) BROKE (financially)

associate (link)
associate (work)


3 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
406 您的发音很好(准确)。 การออกเสียงของคุณดีมาก Ääntämyksenne on ihan hyvä.
910 我要去眼镜店。 ผม or ดิฉัน อยากไปร้านแว่นตา Haluan mennä optikolle.
916 我要去眼镜店买一副眼镜。 ผม or ดิฉัน อยากไปร้านแว่นตาเพื่อจะซื้อแว่นตา Haluan mennä optikolle ostamaan silmälasit.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

359 面部 皮肤
863 游泳 专长
936 警察 维持 社会 治安
946 内科 医生
1009 中国 官方 语言 汉语
1101 发达 国家 社会 福利
1227 瓢虫 益虫
1234 既是 音乐家 指挥家
1442 交游 广 朋友 很多
1482 政府 官员 人民 监督
1552 权威 脑科 专家
1659 喜欢 日本菜 尤其 寿司
1767 欣赏 作品
2010 政府 官员 腐败
2206 财政 大臣 发表 今年 预算 报告
2222 今年 财务 亏损
2766 官廉洁
2837 贿赂 政府 官员
2838 深圳 中国 最早 经济 特区
2863 官员 下榻 酒店
2932 国家 严惩 贪官污吏
3168 总统 官邸
3201 贪官 祸国殃民
3254 双方 开始 正式 会晤
3259 他们 徘徊 欣赏 风景
3330 政客 受贿 弄得 臭名 昭著
3467 政府 官员 俸禄 不错
3514 赡养 父母
3640 专门 麻烦
3642 专程
3643 过敏症 专家 过敏症 诊断 治疗 专科 医生
3645 杂志 下周 发表 一篇 关于 教育 专题 文章
3687 特殊 材料 堆焊 制成 零件 使用 寿命
3692 这个 高官 由于 受贿 数额 丢掉 自己 身家性命。
3727 商业 发票 一种 单证
3760 时候 一个 除了 本名 还有 表字

Semantische Felder: