Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich habe starke Blutungen. I have a heavy period. Tôi có một khoảng thời gian dài.
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Bưu phẩm nặng bao nhiêu? How heavy is the package? Wie schwer ist das Paket?
Cái túi này nặng. + This bag's heavy.
Mấy cái túi này nặng. + These bags are heavy.
Va-li của tôi rất nặng. - Tôi sẽ vác hộ cậu. + My suitcase is very heavy. - I'll carry it for you.
Gerard đang cảm thấy khoẻ hơn sau phẫu thuật nhưng anh ấy vẫn chưa được phép nhấc vật nặng. + Gerard is feeling much better after his operation, but he's still not supposed to do any heavy lifting.

Con mèo của tôi rất nặng. + My cat is very heavy.

nặng + heavy

Tôi không muốn nhận gạch. + I do not want to receive heavy criticism.

Nếu bạn nói điều đó, bạn sẽ nhận gạch. + If you say this, you will receive heavy criticism.

nhận gạch + receive heavy criticism

Anh ấy phải đối mặt với một hình phạt nặng nề. + He has to face a heavy punishment.

nặng nề + heavy
GNOT Spatial • pressure heavy nặng +
GNOT Spatial • weight heavy +
Oxford 3000VieEng
nặng heavy
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-8 schwer heavy
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-8 Ich kann den schweren Koffer nicht tragen.  + können* I can't carry the heavy suitcase.  Tôi không thể mang theo va li nặng.
Exercise 5-1 Lass mich den Koffer tragen. Der ist zu schwer für dich.  + tragen* Let me carry the case. It's too heavy for you.  Hãy để tôi mang theo vụ kiện. Nó quá nặng cho bạn.
Exercise 5-1 Am späten Nachmittag ist der Verkehr besonders stark.  + stark In the late afternoon, traffic is particularly heavy.  Vào cuối buổi chiều, giao thông đặc biệt nặng nề.
Exercise 6-1 Wie schwer darf der Brief sein? – Maximal 20 g.  + maximal How heavy may the letter be? Maximum 20 g.  Bức thư có thể nặng như thế nào? Tối đa 20 g.
Exercise 7-4 Hier ist schon am frühen Morgen starker Verkehr.  + früh There is already heavy traffic early in the morning.  Đã có lưu lượng truy cập lớn vào buổi sáng.
Exercise 14-2 Der Koffer ist viel zu schwer.  + schwer This case is much too heavy.  Trường hợp này quá nặng.
Exercise 15-9 Drückende Hitze herrschte im Lande.  + herrschen The heat was heavy in the country.  Nhiệt là nặng nề trong cả nước.
Exercise 17-7 Er ist ein starker Raucher.  + Raucher He's a heavy smoker.  Anh ta là một người hút thuốc nặng.
Exercise 17-9 Nach den starken Regenfällen trat der Fluss über die Ufer.  + Fluss After the heavy rains, the river broke its banks.  Sau cơn mưa lớn, dòng sông đã phá vỡ các ngân hàng.
Exercise 28-9 Auf den Straßen herrscht dichter Verkehr.  + Verkehr There is heavy traffic on the streets.  Có nhiều xe cộ trên đường phố.
Exercise 28-9 Unser Unternehmen hat letztes Jahr hohe Verluste gemacht.  + Verlust Our company suffered heavy losses last year.  Công ty chúng tôi bị lỗ nặng năm ngoái.
Exercise 32-5 Das Paket ist schwer, fass doch mal an!  + anfassen The package is heavy, just touch it!  Gói là nặng, chỉ cần chạm vào nó!
Exercise 33-7 Er nahm ihr den schweren Koffer ab.  + abnehmen* He took her heavy suitcase.  Anh ta mang vali nặng của cô.
Exercise 34-7 Er wurde zu einer hohen Geldstrafe verurteilt.  + verurteilen He was sentenced to a heavy fine.  Anh ta bị kết án phạt nặng.
Exercise 41-5 Der Patient atmet schwer. + atmen Patient's breathing heavy. Hơi thở bệnh nhân nặng.
Exercise 43-9 Sie ist für schwere Arbeit nicht geeignet.  + geeignet It is not suitable for heavy work.  Nó không thích hợp cho công việc nặng nhọc.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Weather Rain heftige Regenfälle + heavy rains + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Build schwer + heavy + A
+ + 103 Materials and textures Cloth Ulster + heavy, rugged fabric + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Cloth Manchester + heavy corduroy + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Heavymetal (Heavy Metal) + heavy metal + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Schwergewicht + heavyweight + C
+ + 103 Industry Industries Schwerindustrie, Leichtindustrie + heavy/light industry + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * zhong4 heavy/ important/ serious 1. Gewicht 2. schwer, gewichtig, hoch 3. tief, stark, schwer 4. wichtig, gewichtig, bedeutend 5. beachten, etw große Aufmerksamkeit schenken +
C + * * chen2 sink/ heavy 1. versinken, sinken, untergehen 2.versenken, zum Sinken bringen, unterdrücken 3. tief, sehr 4. schwer von Gewicht, drückend +
C 沉重 + * * chen2zhong4 heavy schwer (Gewicht), ernst, kritisch +
C 呼呼 + * * hu1hu1 onomatopoetic word for strong wind or heavy panting onomat. für starken Wind +
C + * * yan2 strict/ stern/ tight/ close/ severe/ heavy/ extreme 1. dicht, fest 2. strikt, streng +
D 重工業 + * * zhong4gong1ye4 heavy industry Schwerindustrie +
D 重型 + * * zhong4xing2 heavy-duty schwerer Typ, schwer +
D 憂鬱 + * * you1yu4 heavy-hearted schweren Herzens +
D 繁重 + * * fan2zhong4 heavy/ onerous schwer, schwierig +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
1446 行李 笨重 + The pack on my shoulders is very heavy and awkward. Das Gepäck auf meinem Rücken ist sehr schwer und unhandlich.
1464 大雪 掩盖 道路 + Heavy snow has covered the roads. Dichter Schnee bedeckt die Straßen.
1797 城市里 废气 污染 严重 + In the city, there is heavy pollution from exhaust fumes.
1815 背负 沉重 房屋 贷款 + He has a home mortgage loan that is a heavy burden.
1947 这些 颇重 + These books are rather heavy.
1969 这些 箱子 + These boxes are very heavy.
2004 这里 交通 拥挤 + The traffic is really heavy here. Hier herrscht dichter Verkehr.
2706 大雪 复(b)盖 大地 + Heavy snow covered the ground.
3167 工作 担子 + His workload is very heavy.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

nous avons accepté une lourde partie de la responsabilité + we have accepted a heavy part of the responsibility

de fortes pluies sont annoncées pour dimanche + heavy rains are forecast for Sunday

le trafic était dense mais relativement fluide + the traffic was heavy but relatively free- flowing

le plomb ordinaire serait trop lourd pour le véhicule + ordinary lead would be too heavy for the vehicle

toutes les compressions ont eu un prix très élevé + all of the cutbacks have exacted a very heavy price
05929582-n heavy
10167361-n heavy
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
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103 heavy +
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103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
103 heavy +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
heavy nặng + +
nặng + + heavy nặng nề + + heavy