VNEN sàn nhà * floor * 103 VNEN thềm * floor * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Nền nhà bẩn. The floor is dirty. Der Fußboden ist schmutzig.
Anh ấy đang nằm dưới sàn. + He's lying on the floor.
Cô ấy đang ngồi dưới sàn. + She's sitting on the floor.
Cậu đang ngồi dưới sàn à? + Are you sitting on the floor?
Cậu có muốn một cái ghế không? - Không, không sao. Tôi sẽ ngồi dưới sàn. + Do you want a chair? — No, it's okay. I'll sit on the floor.
Cơ Viện muốn ngồi trên sàn. Cô ấy không muốn ngồi nghế. + Heuiyeon likes to sit on the floor. She doesn't want to sit on a chair.
Tôi thích ngồi trên sàn hơn. Tôi thích ngồi trên sàn hơn. + I'd rather sit on the floor. — I would prefer to sit on the floor.
Vì không có ghế cho chúng tôi ngồi nên chúng tôi phải ngồi trên sàn. + Since there weren't any chairs for us to sit on, we had to sit on the floor.
Căn hộ của chúng tôi nằm trên tầng hai của toà nhà. + Our apartment is on the second floor of the building.

Quây lễ tàn ở tầng một. + The reception's on the first floor.

Quầy lễ tân ở tầng một. + The reception's on the first floor.

Trên sàn + On the floor
SNOT House and home, environment • accommodation/rooms floor +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre ballet, concert, film, floor show, musical +
floor show, musical +
Oxford 3000VieEng
sàn nhà floor
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-5 Stock 1. stick, 2. floor
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-5 Stockwerk floor, storey
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-6 Erdgeschoss ground floor
6-2. Natur Exercise 6-2-3 Boden 1. soil, 2. floor, 3. attic, 4. base
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-6 Meine Wohnung ist im dritten Stock.  + in  My apartment is on the third floor.  Căn hộ của tôi ở tầng ba.
Exercise 5-3 Ich wohne im ersten Stock.  + erste I live on the first floor.  Tôi sống ở tầng một.
Exercise 8-6 Wir wohnen oben im 4. Stock.  + oben We're upstairs on the fourth floor.  Chúng tôi lên lầu trên tầng bốn.
Exercise 9-7 Wo finde ich Damenkleidung? – Im ersten Stock. + Kleidung Where can I find ladies' clothes? On the first floor. Tôi có thể tìm quần áo phụ nữ ở đâu? Trên tầng đầu tiên.
Exercise 15-7 Die Bücher lagen alle auf dem Boden.  + Boden The books were all on the floor.  Các cuốn sách đều nằm trên sàn nhà.
Exercise 15-7 Deine Brille ist auf den Boden gefallen. + Boden Your glasses fell to the floor. Kính của bạn rơi xuống sàn.
Exercise 16-4 Wir wohnen im Erdgeschoss.  + Erdgeschoss We live on the ground floor.  Chúng tôi sống ở tầng trệt.
Exercise 16-4 Das Restaurant ist im Erdgeschoss.  + Erdgeschoss The restaurant is on the ground floor.  Nhà hàng nằm ở tầng trệt.
Exercise 16-4 Das Gebäude hat zwanzig Stockwerke.  + Stockwerk The building has twenty floors.  Tòa nhà có hai mươi tầng.
Exercise 16-4 In welchem Stockwerk wohnst du?  + Stockwerk What floor are you on?  Bạn đang sử dụng sàn nhà nào?
Exercise 16-5 Das Haus hat vier Stock.  + Stock The house has four floors.  Ngôi nhà có bốn tầng.
Exercise 16-5 In welchem Stock wohnt ihr?  + Stock Which floor do you live on?  Bạn sống ở tầng nào?
Exercise 16-5 Meine Wohnung ist im vierten Stock.  + Stock My apartment is on the fourth floor.  Căn hộ của tôi ở tầng bốn.
Exercise 16-5 Sie wohnen einen Stock tiefer.  + Stock They live one floor down.  Họ sống một tầng xuống.
Exercise 16-5 Er nahm den Aufzug zum obersten Stock.  + Stock He took the elevator to the top floor.  Anh ta đưa thang máy lên tầng trên cùng.
Exercise 16-5 Hosen finden Sie im Obergeschoss.  + Obergeschoss Trousers can be found on the upper floor.  Quần có thể được tìm thấy ở tầng trên.
Exercise 16-5 Im Obergeschoß befinden sich zwei sehr geräumige Schlafzimmer. + Obergeschoss On the upper floor there are two very spacious bedrooms. Ở tầng trên có hai phòng ngủ rất rộng rãi.
Exercise 16-8 Im Obergeschoss befinden sich ein großzügiges Badezimmer mit Badewanne und Dusche.  + Badewanne On the upper floor there is a spacious bathroom with bathtub and shower.  Trên tầng trên có phòng tắm rộng rãi với bồn tắm và vòi hoa sen.
Exercise 24-6 Die Kosmetikabteilung ist im Erdgeschoss.  + Kosmetik The cosmetics department is on the ground floor.  Bộ phận mỹ phẩm nằm ở tầng trệt.
Exercise 25-6 Er hob den Handschuh vom Boden.  + heben* He lifted the glove off the floor.  Anh nâng chiếc găng tay lên khỏi sàn.
Exercise 31-7 Die Veranstaltung findet in der großen Halle im ersten Stock statt.  + Halle The event will take place in the large hall on the first floor.  Sự kiện sẽ diễn ra tại hội trường lớn ở tầng một.
Exercise 32-6 Wir wohnen im 3. Stock, meine Eltern unten im 1. Stock.  + unten We live on the third floor, my parents downstairs on the first floor.  Chúng tôi sống trên tầng ba, bố mẹ tôi ở tầng trên tầng một.
Exercise 33-2 Lassen Sie die Papiere nur auf dem Boden liegen, ich hebe sie schon auf.  + aufheben* Just leave the papers on the floor, I'll pick them up.  Chỉ để giấy tờ trên sàn, tôi sẽ nhặt chúng lên.
Exercise 33-6 Vorsicht! Der Boden ist nass.  + Vorsicht Careful! The floor is wet.  Cẩn thận! Sàn nhà ướt.
Exercise 35-2 Die Anmeldung ist im Erdgeschoss, Zimmer 55. + Anmeldung The registration is on the ground floor, room 55. Việc đăng ký ở tầng trệt, phòng 55.
Exercise 37-6 Im dritten Stock ist die Firma Schmidt, Import und Export.  + Import On the third floor is Schmidt, import and export.  Trên tầng thứ ba là Schmidt, nhập khẩu và xuất khẩu.
Exercise 37-9 Wir suchen eine Wohnung, möglichst im Erdgeschoss.  + möglichst We are looking for an apartment, preferably on the ground floor.  Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm một căn hộ, tốt nhất là ở tầng trệt.
Exercise 38-5 Das Haus wurde um ein Stockwerk erhöht.  + erhöhen The house was raised one floor higher.  Ngôi nhà được nâng lên một tầng.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
floor The Home 6
floor Apartments XTRA
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings Fußboden + floor + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings Erdgeschoss + ground floor + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings Obergeschoss + upper floor/second floor + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings Stock + floor, storey + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings Etage + floor, storey + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings Stockwerk + floor, storey + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings im zweiten Stock + on the second floor + B
+ + 103 Household Lighting Stehlampe + standard lamp, floor lamp + A
+ + 103 Household Cleaning etw bohnern + to wax sth [floor] + B
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Bohnerbesen + floor polisher + B
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Bohnerwachs + floor polish + B
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls Fußbodenbelag + flooring, floor covering + C
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls Parkett + parquet floor + C
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls Parkettboden + parquet floor + C
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls Fliesenboden + tile floor + C
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls Bretterboden + wooden floor + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Dance Tanzboden + dance floor + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Dance Tanzfläche + dance floor + B
+ + 103 Speaking Miscellaneous das Wort ergreifen + to take the floor + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Bodenübung + floor exercise + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Produktionsstätte + shop floor + C
+ + 103 Finance The market Börsenmakler(in) + stock broker, floor broker + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
C 地板 + * * di4ban3 wooden floor/ floor board Fußboden +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
680 住在 二楼 + I live on the second floor. Ich wohne im zweiten Stock.
1440 地上 席子 + A mat has been placed on the floor. Auf dem Boden ist eine Matte ausgebreitet worden.
3552 扫帚 扫地 + She's using a broom to sweep the floor.
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
lou2 + floor
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
er4 lou2 + second floor
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
san1 lou2 + third floor
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
si4 lou2 + fourth floor
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
di4ban3 + floor
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
tuo1 di4ban3 + to mop the floor
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
yong4 tuo1ba3 tuo1 di4ban3 + to use a mop to mop the floor
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

j’ai monté et descendu cinq étages + I went up and down five floors

je me suis étendue sur le sol de ma chambre + I stretched out on the floor of my bedroom

il travaillait au deuxième étage du bâtiment + he worked on the second floor of the building

elle est tombée du troisième étage en secouant un tapis + she fell from the third floor while shaking out a rug

elle me traîna à travers le plancher + she dragged me across the floor

il entendit la clef tomber sur le plancher + he heard the key fall onto the floor

la chambre obscure, au vingtième étage, cuit à gros feu + the dark room, on the twentieth floor, is burning intensely
03366464-n floor
05176341-n floor
07976596-n floor
09282084-n floor
09282208-n floor
09282363-n floor
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 floor +
103 floor +
103 floor +
103 floor +
103 floor +
103 floor +
103 floor +
103 floor +
103 floor +
103 floor +
103 floor +
103 floor +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
floor sàn nhà + +