Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu

Thiệp Giáng sinh + Christmas card

Cây thông Giáng Sinh + Christmas tree

Ngày lễ noel + Christmas

Chúc bạn có một mùa giáng sinh vui vẻ và một năm mới hanh phúc + Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Chúc bạn Giáng Sinh vui vẻ và mong rằng mùa lễ này sẽ mang niềm vui và hanh phúc đến cuộc sống của bạn + Wish you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring you joy and happiness in your life!

Muốn cái này đến Đức kịp Giáng Sinh thì tôi phải gửi muộn nhất là khi nào? + What's the last date I can post this to Germany to arrive in time for Christmas?
GNOT Temporal • indications of time Christmas +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-2 Weihnachten Christmas
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-7 Er möchte ein Fahrrad zu Weihnachten. + mögen* He wants a bike for Christmas. Anh ấy muốn một chiếc xe đạp vào dịp Giáng Sinh.
Exercise 5-3 Zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr bleibt unser Büro geschlossen.  + zwischen Between Christmas and New Year our office is closed.  Giữa Giáng Sinh và Năm mới văn phòng của chúng tôi đóng cửa.
Exercise 5-8 Fröhliche Weihnachten!  + Weihnachten Merry Christmas!  Giáng sinh vui vẻ!
Exercise 5-8 Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr!  + Weihnachten Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  Giáng sinh vui vẻ và năm mới hạnh phúc!
Exercise 5-8 In unserer Familie wird Weihnachten gemeinsam gefeiert.  + Weihnachten Our family celebrates Christmas together.  Gia đình chúng ta chúc mừng Giáng sinh với nhau.
Exercise 5-8 Über Weihnachten fahren wir ins Gebirge.  + Weihnachten Over Christmas we go to the mountains.  Trong dịp Giáng sinh, chúng tôi lên núi.
Exercise 5-8 Ich fahre über Weihnachten zu meinen Eltern.  + Weihnachten I'm going to my parents' for Christmas.  Tôi sẽ đến bên bố mẹ tôi trong dịp Giáng sinh.
Exercise 5-8 Was wünschst du dir zu Weihnachten?  + Weihnachten What do you want for Christmas?  Bạn muốn gì cho Giáng sinh?
Exercise 5-8 Was hast du zu Weihnachten bekommen?  + Weihnachten What did you get for Christmas?  Bạn đã làm gì cho Giáng sinh?
Exercise 5-8 Hast du einen Wunsch für Weihnachten?  + Weihnachten Do you have a wish for Christmas?  Bạn có mong muốn Giáng sinh?
Exercise 6-1 Hans wünscht sich zu Weihnachten einen neuen Fußball.  + Fußball Hans wishes himself a new football for Christmas.  Hans muốn tự mình một bóng đá mới cho Giáng sinh.
Exercise 14-7 Zu Weihnachten gibt es Gänsebraten, Rotkraut und Klöße. + Kloß At Christmas time there are roast goose, red cabbage and dumplings. Vào dịp Giáng sinh có những con ngỗng nướng, bắp cải đỏ và bánh bao.
Exercise 14-7 Frohes Fest!  + froh Merry Christmas!  Giáng sinh vui vẻ!
Exercise 16-4 Zu Weihnachten wünschen sich die Kinder vor allem Spielzeug.  + Spielzeug At Christmas, the children mainly want toys.  Vào dịp Giáng sinh, trẻ em chủ yếu muốn mua đồ chơi.
Exercise 18-2 Die Kinder führen zu Weihnachten ein Theaterstück auf.  + aufführen The children perform a play for Christmas.  Trẻ em chơi một trò chơi cho Giáng sinh.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
Christmas Calendar Events 18
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions grüne Weihnachten + Christmas without snow + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Weihnachtslied + Christmas carol + B
+ + 103 Religion Religious festivals Weihnachten + Christmas + A
+ + 103 Religion Religious festivals Weihnachtslied + Christmas carol + A
+ + 103 Religion Religious festivals Weihnachtsbaum + Christmas tree + A
+ + 103 Religion Religious festivals Heiligabend + Christmas Eve + B
+ + 103 Religion Religious festivals Weihnacht + Christmas + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
C 聖誕節 + * * sheng4dan4jie2 Christmas/ Christmas Day Weihnachten +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
515 圣诞节 + Christmas is coming. Weihnachten steht vor der Tür.
556 妈妈 包装 圣诞 礼物 + Mom is packing the Christmas presents. Mutti wickelt die Weihnachtsgeschenke ein.
2205 妈妈 一起 装饰 圣诞树 + My mother and I are decorating the Christmas tree.
2435 圣诞树 悬掛 彩球 + Colored balls are hanging on the Christmas tree.
3012 圣诞节 相互 赠送 礼物 + People exchange gifts at Christmas.
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Sheng4dan4jie2 + Christmas
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Ye1dan4jie2 + Christmas
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Ming2tian1 shi4 Sheng4dan4jie2. + Tomorrow is Christmas.
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Sheng4dan4jie2 shi4 yi1ge4 jie2ri4. + Christmas is a festival.
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Sheng4dan4jie2 kuai4le4! + Merry Christmas!
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Sheng4dan4 kuai4le4! + Merry Christmas!
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Zhu4 da4jia1 Sheng4dan4jie2 kuai4le4! + I wish everybody a Merry Christmas!
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Sheng4dan4shu4 + Christmas tree
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Sheng4dan4jie2 de shi2hou hen3 duo1 ren2 jia1 li3 fang4 yi1 ke4 Sheng4dan4shu4. + When it is Christmas, many people put at home a Christmas tree.
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Sheng4dan4 li3wu4 + Christmas gift
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Wo3 song4 gei3 ni3 yi1 ge4 Sheng4dan4 li3wu4. + I give you a Christmas gift.
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Yi1ban1 lai2 shuo1 hen3 duo1ren2 ba3 Sheng4dan4 li3wu4 fang4 zai4 yi1 ge4 da4 de hong2se4 de wa4zi li3mian4. + Generally speaking many people put the Christmas gifts inside a big, red sock.
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
ran2hou fang4 zai4 Sheng4dan4shu4 xia4mian. + and then put it under the Christmas tree
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Yi1ban1 lai2 shuo1 Sheng4dan4jie2 shi4 yi1 ge4 xi1fang1ren2 de jie2ri4. + Generally speaking Christmas is a festival of Western people
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
bu4guo4 zui4jin4 yue4lai2yue4 duo1 Zhong1guo2ren2 y3 qing3zhu4 Sheng4dan4jie2. + however, recently more and more Chinese people also celebrate Christmas
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Wo3 yao4 ji4gei3 ni3 yi1 zhang1 Shang4dan4ka3. + I am going to send you a Christmas card.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 Christmas +
103 Christmas +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
Christmas Nô-en, Giáng sinh, lễ Giáng sinh, lễ Thiên Chúa giáng sinh, Noel, Christmas + +