Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Người đàn ông ấy có mũi dài. The man has a long nose. Der Mann hat eine lange Nase.
Tuần trước Hubert đánh nhau, Anh ấy bị gãy mũi. + Hubert was in a fight last night. He got his nose broken.

Anh ấy ghét cái mũi của mình. + He hates his nose.

mũi + nose

Mẹ tôi có chiếc mũi to. + My mother has a broad nose.

Sổ mũi + Runny nose
Oxford 3000VieEng
mũi nose
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-2 Nase nose
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 10-7 Haben Sie Nasentropfen? Ich bin sehr erkältet.  + Nase Do you have nose drops? I have a bad cold.  Bạn có giọt mũi? Tôi bị cảm lạnh.
Exercise 10-7 Steck deine Nase nicht in meine Angelegenheiten.  + Nase Don't stick your nose in my business.  Đừng dính vào mũi của bạn trong kinh doanh của tôi.
Exercise 15-3 Ich muss mir die Nase putzen.  + putzen I have to clean my nose.  Tôi phải rửa mũi.
Exercise 37-8 Er hat eine spitze Nase. + spitz  He has a pointy nose. Anh ấy có một mũi khe.
Exercise 41-5 Er hat eine Erkältung und kann nicht durch die Nase atmen.  + atmen He has a cold and can't breathe through his nose.  Anh ấy bị cảm lạnh và không thể thở bằng mũi.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
nose The Body 6
+ + 103 The human body and health Head Nase + nose + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment etw diagnostizieren + to diagnose sth + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt + ear, nose and throat + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine breite Nase + a wide nose + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine schmale Nase + a thin nose + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine feine Nase + a delicate nose + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine gerade Nase + a straight nose + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine lange Nase + a long nose + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine spitze Nase + a pointed nose + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine krumme Nase + a crooked nose + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine edle Nase + a finely shaped nose + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine scharfe Nase + a sharp nose + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine platte Nase + a flat nose + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine fleischige Nase + a fleshy nose + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine knollige Nase + a bulbous nose + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine höckrige Nase + a nose with a bump + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face Hakennase + hooked nose + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face Stupsnase + snub/turned-up nose + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face Stumpfnase + pug nose + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face stumpfnasig + pug-nosed + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine gebogene Nase + an aquiline nose + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face Adlernase + aquiline nose + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Make-up sich die Nase pudern + to powder one's nose + C
+ + 103 Containers Bags Futterbeutel + nosebag + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Reading die Nase in ein Buch stecken (coll.) + to have one's nose [stuck] in a book + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Sturzflug + nosedive + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport zum Sturzflug ansetzen + to go into a nosedive + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 鼻子 + * * bi2zi nose Nase +
D 診斷 + * * zhen3duan4 diagnose Diagnose +
D 公然 + * * gong1ran2 to the teeth/ under one's nose unverfroren, offen, unverhüllt, dreist +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
957 鼻子 流血 + His nose is bleeding. Seine Nase blutet.
1347 鼻子 + Dogs have very sensitive noses. Hunde haben einen ausgeprägten Geruchssinn.
1734 碰触 一下 鼻子 + She touched his nose lightly.
3033 感冒 征兆 鼻涕 + The sign of an impending cold is a runny nose.
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
liu2 bi2ti + to have a running nose
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

juste sous ton nez + right under your nose

il a le visage rond, le nez cassé + he has a round face, a crooked nose

le sang coulait de son nez sur ses vêtements + blood flowed from his nose onto his clothing
03830835-n nose
03831062-n nose
05637106-n nose
05658826-n nose
06807056-n nose
13762458-n nose
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 nose +
103 nose +
103 nose +
103 nose +
103 nose +
103 nose +
103 nose +
103 nose +
103 nose +
103 nose +
103 nose +
103 nose +
103 nose +
103 nose +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
nose mũi, mõm, khứu giác, sự đánh hơi, mùi, hương vị, đầu mũi + +
nose mũi + +
mũi + + nose