11 New HSK word(s): 1 做 to do/ to make/ to produce/ to write/ to compose/ to act as/ to engage in/ to hold (a party)/ to be/ to become/ to function (in some capacity)/ to serve as/ to be used for/ to form (a bond or relationship)/ to pretend/ to feign/ to act a part/ to put on a 3 关系 relation/ relationship/ to concern/ to affect/ to have to do with/ guanxi/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 联系 connection/ contact/ relation/ in touch with/ to integrate/ to link/ to touch 4 亲戚 a relative (i.e. family relation)/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4];位[wei4] 4 乱 in confusion or disorder/ in a confused state of mind/ disorder/ upheaval/ riot/ illicit sexual relations/ to throw into disorder/ to mix up/ indiscriminate/ random/ arbitrary 4 感情 feeling/ emotion/ sensation/ likes and dislikes/ deep affection for sb or sth/ relationship (i.e. love affair)/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3] 4 而 and/ as well as/ and so/ but (not)/ yet (not)/ (indicates causal relation)/ (indicates change of state)/ (indicates contrast) 5 相关 interrelated/ correlation/ dependence/ relevance/ mutuality 6 公关 public relations 6 融洽 harmonious/ friendly relations/ on good terms with one another 6 和睦 peaceful relations/ harmonious
5 Old HSK word(s): A n;v * guan1xi4 Beziehung C VA * wang3lai2 kommen und gehen, hin- und zurück, Kontakt, Verkehr D * jian4 jiao1 diplomatische Beziehungen aufnehmen D * tong1 shang1 Handelsbeziehungen aufnehmen oder unterhalten D N * gong1guan1 Public Relations
5 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** GONG1 öffentlich/männlich
* ** GUAN1 HAN3 XIAN4 zumachen

ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างประเทศ 国际关系 International relations
เกี่ยวกับความสัมพันธ์ 关系 relation; relationship
ความสัมพันธ์ทางสังคม การสื่อสาร 交际 social relations; communication
ความรู้สึกของมนุษย์สัมพันธ์ส่วนบุคคล 人情 human feelings; personal relations
ที่ติดต่อ 往来 come-go; be in contact with; have relations with
ประชาสัมพันธ์ 公关 public relations
สร้างความสัมพันธ์ทางการทูต 建交 establish diplomatic relationship
มีความสัมพันธ์ทางการค้า 通商 have trade relation
ความสัมพันธ์ 关系 relationship die Beziehung, en la relation la relación
-um- ความสัมพันธ์ที่ไม่ชัดเจน 暧昧关系 ambiguous relation zweideutige Beziehung relation ambiguë relación ambigua rapporto ambiguo

Grade E word(s):

2143 nātā नाता relationship, alliance n.
2581 prasaṅga प्रसङ्ग relation, connection, association, discussion, narration, context n.
3229 yōga योग joining, junction, combination, union, coupling, relationship, connection n.
3772 sambandha सम्बन्ध relation, relationship, connection, association, affinity n.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [correlation]
(n.) [relation] relative, person related by blood or marriage
(n.) [relationship] state of connectedness between people

00031921-n relation
00040962-n relation
00845523-n relation
05957428-n relation
07222823-n relation
10235549-n relation

0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

390 他们 感情 不错
1075 你们 什么 关系 ?
1671 中国 美国 建立 邦交
3573 人际 关系 单纯
3646 没关系

Semantische Felder:

5.13 Beziehung