34 New HSK word(s): 2 快 rapid/ quick/ speed/ rate/ soon/ almost/ to make haste/ clever/ sharp (of knives or wits)/ forthright/ plain-spoken/ gratified/ pleased/ pleasant 3 照片 photo/ photograph/ picture/ CL:張|张[zhang1];套[tao4];幅[fu2] 3 黄 yellow/ pornographic/ to fall through 3 包 to cover/ to wrap/ to hold/ to include/ to take charge of/ package/ wrapper/ container/ bag/ to hold or embrace/ bundle/ packet/ to contract (to or for)/ surname Bao/ CL:個|个[ge4];隻|只[zhi1] 3 段 paragraph/ section/ segment/ stage (of a process)/ classifier for stories; periods of time; lengths of thread etc 3 极 extremely/ pole (geography; physics)/ utmost/ top 3 葡萄 grape 4 困 to trap/ to surround/ hard-pressed/ stranded/ destitute 5 武术 military skill or technique (in former times)/ all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)/ self-defense/ tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)/ also called kungfu 功夫/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 5 装 adornment/ to adorn/ dress/ clothing/ costume (of an actor in a play)/ to play a role/ to pretend/ to install/ to fix/ to wrap (sth in a bag)/ to load/ to pack 5 简历 Curriculum Vitae (CV)/ résumé (resume)/ biographical notes 5 地理 geography 5 迅速 rapid/ speedy/ fast 5 包裹 wrap up/ bind up/ bundle/ parcel/ package/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 摄影 to take a photograph/ photography/ to shoot (a movie) 5 拍 to pat/ to clap/ to slap/ fly-swatter/ racket/ to take (a photograph) 5 配合 matching/ fitting in with/ compatible with/ to correspond/ to fit/ to conform to/ rapport/ to coordinate with/ to act in concert with/ to cooperate/ to become man and wife/ to combine parts of machine 5 披 to drape over one's shoulders/ to open/ to unroll/ to split open/ to spread out 5 甲 first of the ten heavenly stems 十天干|十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/ (used for an unspecified person or thing)/ first (in a list; as a party to a contract etc)/ armor plating/ shell or carapace/ (of the fingers or toes) nail/ bladed leather or metal armor (old)/ ran 6 日新月异 daily renewal; monthly change (idiom)/ every day sees new developments/ rapid progress 6 传记 biography/ CL:篇[pian1];部[bu4] 6 红包 lit. money wrapped in red as a gift/ a bonus payment/ a kickback/ a bribe 6 书法 calligraphy/ handwriting/ penmanship 6 地势 terrain/ topography relief 6 凝固 to freeze/ to solidify/ to congeal/ fig. with rapt attention 6 包袱 cloth-wrapper/ a bundle wrapped in cloth/ load/ weight/ burden 6 兜 pocket/ bag/ to wrap up or hold in a bag/ to move in a circle/ to canvas or solicit/ to take responsibility for/ to disclose in detail/ combat armor (old) 6 盆地 basin (low-lying geographical feature)/ depression 6 打包 to wrap/ to pack/ to ask for a doggy bag (at a restaurant) 6 圈套 trap/ snare/ trick 6 急剧 rapid/ sudden 6 贪婪 avaricious/ greedy/ rapacious/ insatiable/ avid 6 飙升 to rise rapidly/ to soar 6 诬陷 to entrap/ to frame/ to plant false evidence against sb
43 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *M * *VA * *VS * * * *VS * *N * *VS * *VA * *N * *n;VS * * * *VS * *N * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *n;v * *VA * *v;n * * * *VA * *n;Adv * *VS * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VS * *VA * *VS * *N
43 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. abwischen, trockenwischen 2. aufstreichen, auftragen 3. reiben, schaben, sich schürfen, reibend streichen 4. hart vorbeigehen, leicht berühren, streifen 5. (mit einem Reibeisen) fein zerkleinern Zählwort Teil, Stück, Strecke, Abschitt, Sektion, Paragraph 1. schaben, abschaben, (einen Fisch schuppen, einen Bart rasieren) 2.blasen,wehen 1. es eilig haben, auf etw brennen, ungeduldig, dringend, dringlich 2.jm bange machen, jn in Sorgen versetzen 3. ärgerlich, böse, gereizt 4. geschwind, hastig, ungestüm, rapid, hitzig 5. dringend, dringlich 6. eilends bestrebt, zu helfen eine Aufnahme machen, fotographieren 1. schnell,rasch 2. Geschwindigkeit 3. scharf 4. freimütig, geradeheraus, aufrichtig 5. erfreut, erfreulich, angenehm 6. eilen 7. bald, gleich 1. Bild, Zeichnung , Karte, Diagramm 2. planen, entwerfen 3. auf etw bedacht sein, nach etw streben schnell,rapid,rasch 1. umhängen / überwerfen 2. bersten / Risse bekommen Lichtbild, Foto, Aufnahme, Photographie Bild Freude und Begeisterung sehr schnell Weintraube große Geschwindigkeit, schnelles Tempo, sehr schnell Hügel Geographie Bergland, Gebirgsgegend Topographie mit einer Kamera aufnehmen, filmen,fotographieren Schale, Hülse,Decke,Gehäuse,Hülle, Mantel belasten, aufbürden, Bürde, eine Textilverpackung Riemen Blei (Pb) schnell meistern, schnell schaffen, Crash-Course 1. Loch, Grube, Vertiefung, Einsenkung 2. Tunnel, Stollen 3.jn lebendig vergraben 4. jm eine Grube graben, jm eine Falle stellen, betrügen einwickeln, einhüllen, verbinden, umwickeln 1. bedecken, zudecken, überziehen 2. Deckel, Haube, Kappe, Schutzhülle, Ummantelung mit großer Konzentration,sich konzentrieren 1. Tasche, Tüte 2. einpacken, einwickeln, einschlagen 3. für etw werben, feilbieten mit eigener Hand geschrieben, js eigene Handschrift vereinzelt und zusammenhangslos, in Bruchstücken, allerlei Kleinigkeiten, Krimskrams Zeichnung, Figur Kalligraphie schreiben Raps Falle, Schlinge Kommentare zu klassischen Werken, Biographie Biographie unterschiedlich, eigenartig reiben, Reibung, Friktion winzig, klein Gürtel , Armband, Riemen ,Tragegurt , Trageriemen , Träger
1042 synsets(s): crapulous + crapulent + crapulous + rapacious + rapacious + agoraphobic + rapacious + raptorial + scrappy + enwrapped + wrapped + paraphrastic + wrapped up + telegraphic + draped + raped + photographic + graphic + rapid + rapid + trapped + crappy + psychotherapeutic + therapeutic + enraptured + rapturous + rapt + seraphic + geographic + geographical + contrapuntal + parapsychological + draped + wrapped + undraped + under wraps + graphic + strapping + wrapped + unwrapped + pornographic + autographed + grape-sized + graphic + graphical + holographic + strapless + grapey + grapy + undraped + paraplegic + straplike + idiographic + agraphic + allographic + anemographic + autobiographical + autobiographic + autobiographical + autobiographic + autographic + autoradiographic + barographic + bibliographic + bibliographical + biogeographic + biogeographical + bolographic + cardiographic + cartographic + cartographical + chemotherapeutic + chemotherapeutical + cryptographic + cryptographical + electrocardiographic + electroencephalographic + grapelike + graphic + graphical + graphic + hydrographic + hydrographical + ideographic + immunotherapeutic + logographic + pictographic + planographic + polarographic + semiautobiographical + spectrographic + stenographic + stenographical + raptorial + radiographic + photographic + contrapuntal + seraphic + seraphical + physiotherapeutic + demographic + calligraphic + calligraphical + lexicographic + lexicographical + orthographic + telegraphic + typographic + typographical + psychotherapeutic + therapeutic + therapeutical + intrapulmonary + choreographic + trapezoidal + chromatographic + chromatographical + roentgenographic + holographic + holographical + holographic + topographical + topographic + geographic + geographical + biographic + biographical + ethnographic + ethnographical + lithographic + Pre-Raphaelite + pyrographic + quadraphonic + xerographic + rapidly + pornographically + photographically + graphically + ideographically + therapeutically + graphically + chromatographically + geographically + scrappily + cryptographically + graphically + rapturously + rapaciously + spectrographically + telegraphically + topographically + typographically + wrap up + take a crap + crap + strap + strap + frap + wrap up + wrap up + scrap + extrapolate + extrapolate + choreograph + scrap + unwrap + paraphrase + autograph + photograph + telegraph + extrapolate + heliograph + rap + shoot craps + trap + crape + wrap + wrap up + shrinkwrap + gift-wrap + unwrap + strap + unstrap + frap + scrape + scrape + scrape + undrape + scrape + scrape up + strap + rap + crap up + trap + entrap + wrap + drape + drape + wrap + rape + grapple + enwrap + wrap + crape + trap + drape + drape + stenograph + calligraph + hectograph + mimeograph + paragraph + paragraph + choreograph + rap + lithograph + scrape + graph + graph + enrapture + rappel + scrape + travel rapidly + rap + scrap + paragraph + trap + bootstrap + rape + gang-rape + entrap + grapple + scrape along + scrape by + photograph + parapraxis + trapshooting + rap + therapeutic abortion + geographic expedition + rappel + therapeutic rehabilitation + strappado + strapado + grappling + crapette + craps + crap shooting + crapshoot + crap game + choreography + trap block + seismography + cryptography + steganography + stenography + photography + grapple + grappling + therapeutic cloning + polarography + spectrographic analysis + therapy + aromatherapy + chemotherapy + electrotherapy + heliotherapy + hormone replacement therapy + hormone-replacement therapy + immunotherapy + infrared therapy + inflation therapy + iontotherapy + megavitamin therapy + occupational therapy + physical therapy + physiotherapy + phytotherapy + herbal therapy + psychotherapy + behavior therapy + aversion therapy + exposure therapy + implosion therapy + reciprocal-inhibition therapy + client-centered therapy + group therapy + group psychotherapy + family therapy + hypnotherapy + play therapy + radiotherapy + radiation therapy + actinotherapy + phototherapy + radium therapy + Curietherapy + X-ray therapy + chrysotherapy + shock therapy + electroconvulsive therapy + electroshock therapy + insulin shock therapy + metrazol shock therapy + speech therapy + thermotherapy + thrombolytic therapy + naprapathy + autogenic therapy + hydrotherapy + paraphilia + pornography + child pornography + crapulence + rapacity + rape + date rape + crapshoot + cardiography + electrocardiography + echocardiography + echoencephalography + statutory rape + tomography + computerized tomography + computed tomography + computerized axial tomography + computed axial tomography + sonography + ultrasonography + echography + A-scan ultrasonography + B-scan ultrasonography + positron emission tomography + photography + radiography + roentgenography + X-ray photography + xerography + xeroradiography + angiography + lymphangiography + lymphography + arteriography + arthrography + venography + cholangiography + encephalography + myelography + pyelography + intravenous pyelography + telephotography + telephotography + radiophotography + cinematography + motion-picture photography + cartography + adoxography + historiography + lexicography + glyptography + pyrography + serigraphy + lithography + rape + rapine + mousetrap + trap play + anemography + hypsography + electromyography + mammography + thermography + mammothermography + typography + scrap + rape conviction + entrapment + rapprochement + trap + Archaeopteryx lithographica + Raptores + order Raptores + raptor + raptorial bird + Aquila rapax + crapaud + terrapin + diamondback terrapin + red-bellied terrapin + yellow-bellied terrapin + Terrapene + genus Terrapene + Terrapene ornata + painted terrapin + genus Eoraptor + eoraptor + Maniraptora + suborder Maniraptora + maniraptor + oviraptorid + genus Velociraptor + velociraptor + genus Utahraptor + utahraptor + Therapsida + order Therapsida + therapsid + Theraphosidae + family Theraphosidae + trap-door spider + Raphidae + family Raphidae + Raphus + genus Raphus + Raphus cucullatus + Sphyrapicus + genus Sphyrapicus + Sphyrapicus varius + Sphyrapicus varius ruber + carapace + tetrapod + grape louse + grape phylloxera + Raphidiidae + family Raphidiidae + Pieris rapae + Cerapteryx + genus Cerapteryx + Cerapteryx graminis + Pieris rapae + Raphicerus + genus Raphicerus + Raphicerus campestris + parapodium + Carapidae + family Carapidae + crappie + black crappie + white crappie + Tetrapturus + genus Tetrapturus + phonograph recording disk + Addressograph + contraption + jockstrap + autograph album + autoradiograph + ballistocardiograph + cardiograph + barograph + body plethysmograph + bolograph + bootstrap + sand trap + trap + photographic camera + trapping + cardiograph + electrocardiograph + chin strap + chronograph + grapple + chromatography column + computer graphics + computerized axial tomography scanner + cosmography + crape + cryptograph + drape + drapery + deathtrap + digital plethysmograph + drape + drapery + highly active antiretroviral therapy + echocardiograph + echoencephalograph + electroencephalograph + electrograph + electrograph + electromyograph + photographic emulsion + photographic film + firetrap + flytrap + trappings + paraphernalia + gift wrapping + glyptography + grape arbor + grape arbour + grapeshot + grape + graphic + computer graphic + graphic art + graphics + grapnel + grapnel anchor + grapnel + grapple + grappler + grappling hook + grappling iron + hectograph + heliograph + holograph + iconography + rapper + kymograph + cymograph + booby trap + lithograph + lithograph machine + lithograph + magnetograph + mantrap + mass spectrograph + mimeograph + mimeograph machine + Roneograph + mousetrap + wrapper + nevirapine + nomograph + oscillograph + pantograph + parapet + parapet + phonograph album + phonograph needle + phonograph record + phonograph recording + photograph + photograph album + photographic equipment + photographic paper + photographic material + photographic print + photolithograph + photomicrograph + plastic wrap + photographic plate + plethysmograph + polygraph + positron emission tomography scanner + pyrograph + quadraphony + quadraphonic system + radiograph + shadowgraph + skiagraph + radio-phonograph + radiophotograph + radiotelegraph + radiotelegraphy + wireless telegraph + wireless telegraphy + radiotherapy equipment + rapid transit + mass rapid transit + rapier + rappee + rattrap + rattrap + phonograph + therapeutic + X-ray photograph + Saran Wrap + scrap + scrapbook + scraper + seismograph + serape + sarape + shrapnel + shrink-wrap + serigraph + skyscraper + sonograph + sound spectrograph + spectrograph + spectrograph + spirograph + steel trap + stenograph + stereoscopic photograph + strap + strap + strap + shoulder strap + strap + strap hinge + strapless + suntrap + solar trap + wrapping + tachograph + telegraph + telegraphy + telegraph key + telegraph pole + telegraph post + telegraph wire + telegraph line + telephotograph + telephotograph + thermograph + thermometrograph + thermograph + crapper + tomograph + trap + trap + trap + trap + trap-and-drain auger + trap door + trapeze + verapamil + vibraphone + viewgraph + watchstrap + wrap + wrapper + wraparound + wrapping + wrap + wrapper + xerographic printer + xerographic copier + scrape + rapaciousness + scrappiness + rapaciousness + rapacity + drape + rapidity + rapidness + topography + photographic density + trapezium + trapezium bone + os trapezium + trapezoid + trapezoid bone + os trapezoideum + raphe + palatine raphe + trap + trapezius + trapezius muscle + musculus trapezius + steel trap + booby trap + extrapolation + extrapolation + trap + iron trap + speed trap + demographic + psychotherapy + psychotherapeutics + topographic anatomy + therapeutics + biogeography + crystallography + holography + hypsography + orography + stratigraphy + oceanography + hydrography + geography + geographics + physical geography + physiography + topography + economic geography + cosmography + paleogeography + palaeogeography + paleography + epigraphy + ethnography + paleoethnography + palaeoethnography + demography + dialect geography + linguistic geography + cryptography + graphology + news photography + telegraphy + radiotelegraph + radiotelegraphy + wireless telegraphy + stenography + tachygraphy + orthography + cryptograph + cryptograph + ideography + historiography + paragraph + calligraphy + chirography + cacography + allograph + autograph + epigraph + autograph + holograph + monograph + paraphrase + paraphrasis + Hagiographa + Pseudepigrapha + telegraph form + bibliography + discography + rap sheet + biography + autobiography + hagiography + overappraisal + graphical user interface + shrink-wrapped software + crap + epigraph + typography + planographic printing + planography + lithography + photolithography + chromolithography + offset lithography + rap + sour grapes + typographical error + telegraphic signal + radiotelegraphic signal + choreography + grapheme + graphic symbol + allograph + digraph + pictograph + ideograph + logograph + stenograph + paraph + Pasigraphy + Arapaho + Arapahoe + graphics + graphic design + graph + graphical record + bar graph + choreography + rap + rap music + claptrap + homograph + rap + rap session + agrapha + telegraphese + grapevine + dust wrapper + parapsychology + table rapping + spirit rapping + scrape + scraping + rapid climb + rapid growth + rap + scrape + scraping + rap + grapefruit peel + frappe + crape + grape jelly + wrap + grapefruit + grape + fox grape + Concord grape + bullace grape + slipskin grape + vinifera grape + muscat grape + crappie + stuffed grape leaves + scrapple + grappa + frappe + frappe + grape juice + grapefruit juice + scrapheap + GRAPO + psychotherapy group + trap line + rap group + geographical zone + scrapheap + geographical area + geographic area + geographical region + geographic region + biogeographical region + geographic point + geographical point + topographic point + Cedar Rapids + Grand Rapids + Rapid City + scrap + rapid + Rappahannock + Rappahannock River + scraping + Trapezium + Raphael + seraph + contrapuntist + naprapath + Arapaho + Arapahoe + rappeller + cosmographer + cosmographist + autobiographer + bibliographer + biographer + strapper + calligrapher + calligraphist + cinematographer + cartographer + choreographer + scrapper + typographer + crapshooter + cryptographer + crystallographer + demographer + demographist + draper + electrotherapist + ethnographer + geographer + graphic designer + graphologist + hagiographer + hagiographist + historiographer + rapscallion + lexicographer + linendraper + lithographer + oceanographer + paleographer + paleographist + paragrapher + paraplegic + paraprofessional + parapsychologist + photographer + photographer's model + physical therapist + physiotherapist + pornographer + Pre-Raphaelite + press photographer + graphic artist + spirit rapper + psychotherapist + pyrographer + radiographer + radiotherapist + raper + rapist + rape suspect + rapper + rapporteur + rapscallion + satrap + crap-shooter + mantrap + speech therapist + stenographer + straphanger + straphanger + telegrapher + telegraphist + telegraph operator + therapist + trapper + Trappist + trapshooter + vibraphonist + grappler + Grappelli + Stephane Grappelli + Hammurapi + Raphael + Franz Seraph Peter Schubert + Oregon grape + Oregon holly grape + hollygrape + mountain grape + Oregon grape + crape jasmine + Brassica rapa + Brassica rapa ruvo + Brassica rapa pekinensis + Brassica rapa chinensis + Brassica rapa perviridis + rape + rapeseed + rape oil + rapeseed oil + Raphanus + genus Raphanus + wild rape + Raphanus raphanistrum + Raphanus sativus + Raphanus sativus longipinnatus + Centauria calcitrapa + Campanula rapunculoides + Campanula rapunculus + Macadamia tetraphylla + bear's grape + trapper's tea + crape myrtle + Queen's crape myrtle + Trapaceae + family Trapaceae + Trapa + genus Trapa + Trapa natans + Trapa bicornis + grape-leaf begonia + Hypericum tetrapterum + grape hyacinth + common grape hyacinth + telegraph plant + Sophora tetraptera + Raphia + genus Raphia + Rapateaceae + family Rapateaceae + grapefruit + Halesia tetraptera + Venus's flytrap + Venus's flytraps + Graptophyllum + genus Graptophyllum + Graptophyllum pictum + broomrape family + Apium graveolens rapaceum + crape fern + grape fern + daisyleaf grape fern + daisy-leaved grape fern + leathery grape fern + paraphysis + grapevine family + grape + grapevine + grape vine + fox grape + vinifera grape + common grape vine + chardonnay grape + Pinot grape + Sauvignon grape + Cabernet Sauvignon grape + strap fern + Florida strap fern + Central American strap fern + narrow-leaved strap fern + autoradiography + chromatography + column chromatography + digital photography + paper chromatography + photography + powder photography + radiography + skiagraphy + geographical mile + craps + rapport + trapezium + trapezoid + trapezohedron + poverty trap + rapture + raptus + rapture + nonrapid eye movement sleep + nonrapid eye movement + rapid eye movement sleep + rapid eye movement + raptus + raptus hemorrhagicus + agraphia + anorthography + logagraphia + dysgraphia + nerve entrapment + scrapie + scrape + graphospasm + agoraphobia + astraphobia + paraphrenic schizophrenia + paraphrenia + rattrap + paraparesis + paraplegia + fluorapatite + graphite + crap + scraps + scrap + scrap metal + gift wrap + grape sugar + graph paper + raphia + scrap iron + graphic tellurium + wrapping paper + Bhadrapada +
43 OLD_HSK English word(s): wipe/ rub/ spread on/ scrape segment/ period/ paragraph (刮) scrape/ shave/ smear with/ (颳) blow rapid/ impatient/ irascible/ urgent take a picture (or photograph) fast/ rapid/ sharp/ hurry up/ soon graph/ map rapid/ speedy/ quick drape over one's shoulder photo/ photograph appearance/ image/ vivid/ expressive/ graphic spirits-high-mood-ardent/ be in high spirits/ be raptured swiftly/ very fast/ rapid/ extremely sharp grape high-speed/ express/ rapid hills/ undulating topography geography/ the natural and social features of a place mountainous area/ hilly topography terrain/ topography in terms of strategic significance shoot (a photograph; movie; video clip; etc.)/ film shell/ hull/ carapace/ shuck a bundle wrapped in cloth/ burden string/ ribbon/ belt/ strap (of metal) lead/ graphitic substance in pencils rapidly-master/ quickly accomplish/ crash (course) pit/ hole/ hollow/ entrap/ cheat/ bury alive wrap/ bind/ mix and carry envelop/ wrap/ cover/ hood/ casing/ shade/ chimney with complete concentration/ with rapt attention take upon oneself/ wrap up autography scrap figure/ graph calligraphy calligraphy/ make out/ write rape trap/ snare biography biography individual/ idiographic rub/ scrape tiny/ scrappy strap
43 OLD_HSK French word(s):
43 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
43 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
43 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): เช็ด ถ่ายรูป เร็ว รูป องุ่น เขียน
43 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** PI2 Haut/Leder
* ** DAI4 Gürtel/Band/tragen

ภูมิศาสตร์ 地理 Geography
องุ่น 葡萄 grape
รวดเร็ว; อย่างรวดเร็ว fast; quick; rapid
ห่อ wrap
เขียนด้วยลายมือ; การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษร 书法 handwriting; calligraphy
ภาพ; ถ่ายภาพ 图片 picture; photograph
书法家 calligrapher
การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษรและภาพวาด 字画 calligraphy and painting
เพื่อขูด; เพื่อเช็ด to scrape; to wipe
ไวน์องุ่น 葡萄酒 grape wine
ภาพ, รูปถ่าย 图片 picture, photograph
เพื่อตัด, เพื่อให้ (เกี๊ยว) to wrap, to make (dumplings)
เพื่อคัดลอก (รูปแบบการเขียนตัวอักษรหรือภาพวาดและอื่น ๆ ) 临摹 to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting, etc.)
การบำบัดรักษา 疗法 therapy, treatment
เพื่อคัดลอก (รูปแบบการเขียนตัวอักษรหรือภาพวาด) 临写 to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting)
เพื่อถ่ายภาพ 摄影 to take a photograph
การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษรต้นแบบที่ดี 书圣 a great calligraphy master
สมุดแบบฝึกหัดเขียนลายมือ (การเขียนตัวอักษร) 字帖 copybook (for calligraphy)
เช็ด; ถูการแพร่กระจายบน; ขูด wipe; rub; spread on; scrape
ส่วน; ระยะเวลา; วรรค segment; period; paragraph
(刮) scrape; shave; smear with; (颳) blow
รวดเร็ว; รีบ fast; rapid; sharp; hurry up; soon
ถ่ายภาพ (หรือรูป) 照相 take a picture (or photograph)
บนไหล่ drape over one's shoulder
รูป แผนที่ graph; map
ลักษณะ; ภาพ; สดใส; ความหมาย; กราฟิก 形象 appearance; image; vivid; expressive; graphic
รวดเร็ว; อย่างรวดเร็ว 迅速 rapid; speedy; quick
ภาพถ่าย 照片(相片) photo; photograph
ภาระ 包袱 a bundle wrapped in cloth; burden
กับเด็ก 带儿 string; ribbon; belt; strap
ภูมิประเทศ 地势 terrain; topography in terms of strategic significance
รวดเร็ว 飞快 swiftly; very fast; rapid; extremely sharp
ความเร็วสูง 高速 high-speed; express; rapid
ห่อ wrap; bind; mix and carry
มุ 聚精会神 with complete concentration; with rapt attention
เปลือก shell; hull; carapace; shuck
หลุม pit; hole; hollow; entrap; cheat; bury alive
การยิง 拍摄 shoot (a photograph, movie, video clip, etc.); film
ฮิลล์ 丘陵 hills; undulating topography
ภูเขา 山地 mountainous area; hilly topography
速成 rapidly-master; quickly accomplish; crash (course)
ร่าเริง 兴高采烈 spirits-high-mood-ardent; be in high spirits; be raptured
ปก envelop; wrap; cover; hood; casing; shade; chimney
ใช้เวลาเมื่อตัวเอง; ห่อขึ้น take upon oneself; wrap up
ของปัจเจกบุคคล 各别 individual; idiographic
เศษ 零碎 scrap
ถู; ขูด 摩擦 rub; scrape
สายหนัง 皮带 strap
มือ 亲笔 autography
กับดัก; กับดัก 圈套 trap; snare
การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษร; ให้ออก; เขียน 书写 calligraphy; make out; write
รูป; กราฟ 图形 figure; graph
เล็ก ๆ ; กระท่อนกระแท่น 细小 tiny; scrappy
การข่มขืน 油菜 rape
ชีวประวัติ biography
ชีวประวัติ 传记 biography
องุ่น 葡萄 grape die Weintraube, n le raisin la uva
เกรพฟรุต 柚子 grapefruit die Grapefruit, s le pamplemousse el pomelo
ช่างภาพ 摄影师 photographer der Fotograf, en le photographe el fotógrafo
กับดักหนู 捕鼠器 mouse trap die Mausefalle, n le piège à souris la ratonera
ภูมิศาสตร์ 地理 geography die Geographie la géographie la geografía
เศษ 废铁 scrap der Schrott la ferraille la chatarra
ตึกระฟ้า 摩天大楼 skyscraper der Wolkenkratzer, - le gratte-ciel el rascacielos
aŭtografo ลายเซ็น 签名 autograph Autogramm autographe autógrafo autografo
bibliografo บรรณารักษ์ 目录学家 bibliographer Bibliograph bibliographe bibliógrafo bibliografo
bibliografio บรรณานุกรม 参考书目 bibliography Bibliographie bibliographie bibliografía bibliografia
biografo คนเขียนชีวประวัติ 传记 Biographer Biograph Biographe Biógrafo Biografo
biografio ชีวประวัติ 传记 biography Biografie biographie biografía biografia
drapiri drapiri drapiri drapiri drapiri drapiri drapiri drapiri
etnografo ชาติพันธุ์วิทยา 民族志学者 ethnographer Ethnograph ethnographe etnógrafo etnografo
fonografo หีบเสียง 留声机 phonograph Plattenspieler phonographe fonógrafo fonografo
fotografio การถ่ายภาพ 摄影 photography Fotografie photographie fotografía fotografia
geografo นักภูมิศาสตร์ 地理学 geographer Geograph géographe geógrafo geografo
geografio ภูมิศาสตร์ 地理 Geography Geographie Géographie Geografía Geografia
grafito กราไฟท์ 石墨 graphite Graphit graphite grafito grafite
hidroterapio hidroterapio hidroterapio hidroterapio hidroterapio hidroterapio hidroterapio hidroterapio
kartografo นักเขียนแผนที่ 制图 cartographer Kartograph cartographe cartógrafo cartografo
kartografio วิชาเขียนแผนที่ 制图 cartography Kartographie cartographie cartografía cartografia
kosmografio วิชาว่าจักรวาล 宇宙学 cosmography Kosmographie cosmographie cosmografía cosmografia
krepo แขนไว้ทุกข์ 黑纱 crape Krepp crêpe crespón crespo
litografio พิมพ์หิน 版画 lithograph Lithographie lithographe litografía litografia
orografio ภูมิประเทศ 地形 topography Topographie topographie topografía topografia
parafrazo แปลความหมาย 释义 Paraphrase Umschreibung Paraphraser Paráfrasis Parafrasi
paragrafo ย่อหน้า paragraph Absatz paragraphe párrafo paragrafo
rapo Rapo rapo rapo rapo rapo rapo Rapo
rapiro rapiro rapiro rapiro rapiro rapiro rapiro rapiro
rimeno รัด 背带 strap Gurt sangle correa cinghia
satrapo satrapo satrapo satrapo satrapo satrapo satrapo satrapo
ŝrapnelo ŝrapnelo ŝrapnelo ŝrapnelo ŝrapnelo ŝrapnelo ŝrapnelo ŝrapnelo
telegrafo ส่งโทรเลข 电报 Telegraph Telegraph Télégraphe Telégrafo Telegrafo
terapio การรักษาด้วย 治疗 therapy Therapie thérapie terapia terapia
tipografio วิชาการพิมพ์ 活版印刷 typography Typografie typographie tipografía tipografia
topografio ภูมิประเทศ 地形 topography Topographie topographie topografía topografia
trapezo รูปสี่เหลี่ยมคางหมู 梯形 trapezium Trapez trapèze trapecio trapezio

Grade E word(s):

57 aṅgura अंगुर grape n.
63 agūra अगूर grape n.
823 ōḍhnu ओढ्नु to cover oneself up, to wrap, to cover v.i./v.t.
1424 cikitsā चिकित्सा treatment, remedy, medication, therapy n.
1663 jīvanī जीवनी life-story, biography n.
2341 paricchēda परिच्छेद part, division, section of a book, chapter, paragraph n.
2706 balātkāra बलात्कार rape n.
2987 bhōgaṭē भोगटे grapefruit n.
2993 bhaugōlika भौगोलिक geographic, geographical bhaugolik adj.
2994 bhaugōlika mahatva भौगोलिक महत्व geographical importance n.
3712 sandarbha-sucī सन्दर्भ-सुची bibliography n.
4126 havā'ī-ḍāka हवाई-डाक air letter, aerograph n.
千字文: 丙舍傍启 甲帐对 Third Quarters' curtains open wide, fine drapes on pillars to the side.
千字文: 束带矜庄 徘徊瞻眺 Robes wrapped with sash, severe and grand; calmly pace, behold your land.
Plants: Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. rapacea K. Koch (Chenopodiaceae) Futterrübe; Runkelrübe; Runkeln; Fodder Beet
Plants: Brassica napus L. ssp. rapifera Metzg. (Brassicaceae) Kohlrübe; Steckrübe; Dotsche; Gelbe Rübe; Unterkohlrabi; Wruke; Rutabaga
Plants: Brassica oleracea ssp. oleracea convar. caulorapa var. (DC) Alef. gongylodes L. (Brassicaceae) Kohlrabi; Oberkohlrabi; Oberrübe; Turnip Kale; Turnip Cabbage; Chou-Rave; Col Rapano
Plants: Brassica rapa L. (Brassicaceae) Bargeman's Cabbage; Rübsen; Rübsamen; Ölrübe;
Plants: Brassica rapa L. emd. Metzg. ssp. rapa (Brassicaceae) Weiße Rübe; Mairübe; Wasserrübe; Stoppelrübe; Turnip
Plants: Brassica rapa L. ssp. oleifera (Brassicaceae) Rübsen; Rübsamen
Plants: Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis (Brassicaceae) Chinakohl; Pekingkohl
Plants: Brassica rapa L. ssp. rapa var. esculenta (Brassicaceae) Rübstiel; Stielmus; Stengelritzen
Plants: Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis (Brassicaceae) Pak Choi; Paksoi; Pok Choi; Chinesischer Senfkohl
Plants: Brassica rapa ssp. rapa var. cymosa (Brassicaceae) Stengelkohl; Cima di Rapa; Italienischer Brokkoli
Plants: Campanula rapunculoides L. (Campanulaceae) Acker-Glockenblume
Plants: Raphanus sativus L. (Brassicaceae) Garten-Rettich; Radieschen; Radi
Plants: Raphia farinifera (Gaertner) N. Hylander (Arecaceae) Bastpalme; Raffia Palm; Thika-Nuss
Plants: Trapa bicornis Osbeck (Trapaceae; Lythraceae; Hydrocharitaceae) Wasserkastanie; Wassernuss; Caltrape; Water Chestnut

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [graphic] explicit, descriptive
(a.) [graphic] pictorial, lifelike, vivid
(n.) [rape] rape, violation, assault, ravishment
(n.) [biography] life story
(n.) [geography]
(n.) [graph]
(n.) [graphics]
(n.) [paragraph] subdivisions of a text
(n.) [photograph] photo
(n.) [photographer]
(n.) [photography] picture taking
(n.) [scrap] small piece
(n.) [strap] shoulder strap
(n.) [therapist] healer
(n.) [therapy]
(n.) [trap] snare, device for catching
(v.) [rape] ravish, violate, assault
(v.) [scrape] grate, scratch
(v.) [wrap] enfold in a tissue

01042432-v rap +
01414288-v rap +
01715997-v rap +
02185373-v rap +
00133338-n rap +
06713752-n rap +
07064055-n rap +
07141537-n rap +
07388987-n rap +
07410021-n rap +

rap + +




5 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1235 我要照相。 ผม or ดิฉัน อยากถ่ายรูป Minä haluan ottaa kuvia.
216 这个女人喜欢喝橙汁和葡萄柚汁。 ผู้หญิงชอบดื่มน้ำส้มและน้ำเกรฟฟรุ๊ต Nainen pitää appelsiinimehusta ja greippimehusta.
255 我有一个橙子和一个葡萄柚。 ผม or ดิฉัน มีส้มและเกรฟฟรุ๊ต Minulla on appelsiini ja greippi.
745 可以照相吗? สามารถถ่ายรูปได้ไหม ครับ or คะ? Saako valokuvata?
971 我们把它包装成礼品。 เราจะห่อของขวัญให้คุณ Pakkaamme sen lahjapakettiiin.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

401 几年 上海 变化
689 毛笔字
933 作文 一段
1002 葡萄 本质 没有 差别
1067 摄影 兴趣
1720 中国 经济 发展 迅速
2057 摄影 感兴趣
2130 虫子 落入 陷阱
2199 葡萄
2274 历史 传记
2329 纽约 很多 摩天大楼
2601 相框 没有 照片
2602 兔子 繁殖
2786 妈妈 毛巾 婴儿 起来
3031 葡萄
3042 葡萄 可以 用来 酿酒
3050 葡萄 可以 酿酒
3299 绷带
3345 摩天 大厦 高耸入云
3553 端午节 粽子 传统 习俗
3755 每天 两个 小时 大字

Semantische Felder:

7.30 Starkes Geräusch