68 New HSK word(s): 1 喂 hello (interj.; esp. on telephone)/ hey/ to feed (sb or some animal) 1 里 lining/ interior/ inside/ internal/ also written 裡|里 [li3] 3 爱好 to like/ to take pleasure in/ keen on/ fond of/ interest/ hobby/ appetite for/ CL:個|个[ge4] 3 上网 to be on the internet/ to stretch a net (in a sports game or for covering sth)/ to be netted (of fish) 3 冬 winter 3 刻 quarter (hour)/ moment/ to carve/ to engrave/ to cut/ oppressive/ classifier for short time intervals 3 中间 between/ intermediate/ mid/ middle 3 兴趣 interest in (something)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 吸引 to attract (interest; investment etc)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 访问 to visit/ to call on/ to interview/ CL:次[ci4] 4 内 inside/ inner/ internal/ within/ interior 4 交 to hand over/ to deliver/ to pay (money)/ to turn over/ to make friends/ to intersect (lines) 4 有趣 interesting/ fascinating/ amusing 4 解释 explanation/ to explain/ to interpret/ to resolve/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 国际 international 4 干燥 to dry (of weather; paint; cement etc)/ desiccation/ dull/ uninteresting/ arid 4 寒假 winter vacation 4 汗 perspiration/ sweat/ CL:滴[di1];頭|头[tou2];身[shen1]/ Khan (Persian or Mongol king or emperor)/ Khan (name)/ to be speechless (out of helplessness; embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection) 4 翻译 to translate/ to interpret/ translator/ interpreter/ translation/ interpretation/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2] 5 唉 interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes; it's me!)/ to sigh 5 利息 interest (on a loan)/ CL:筆|笔[bi3] 5 利益 benefit/ (in sb's) interest/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 启发 to enlighten/ to explain and arouse interest/ to inspire/ inspiration/ heuristic (attributively)/ to teach/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 不断 unceasing/ uninterrupted/ continuous/ constant 5 资料 material/ resources/ data/ information/ profile (Internet)/ CL:份[fen4];個|个[ge4] 5 临时 at the instant sth happens/ temporary/ interim/ ad hoc 5 内科 medicine/ "internal" medicine; i.e. treatment by administering drugs; as opposed to surgical intervention 外科[wai4 ke1]/ medical department 5 交际 communication/ social intercourse 5 采访 to interview/ to gather news/ to hunt for and collect/ to cover 5 顶 apex/ crown of the head/ top/ roof/ to carry on the head/ to push to the top/ to go against/ most/ to replace/ to substitute/ classifier for headwear; hats; veils etc/ to agree or support (internet slang; similar to digg) 5 相关 interrelated/ correlation/ dependence/ relevance/ mutuality 5 插 to insert/ stick in/ pierce/ to take part in/ to interfere/ to interpose 5 中介 to act as intermediary/ to link/ intermediate/ inter-/ agency/ agent 5 时期 a period in time or history/ period/ time (interval)/ phase/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 疑问 a question/ sth not understood/ to query/ interrogative (gramm.)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 套 cover/ sheath/ to encase/ a case/ to overlap/ to interleave/ bend (of a river or mountain range; in place names)/ harness/ classifier for sets; collections/ tau (Greek letter Ττ) 5 耽误 delay/ hold-up/ to waste time/ to interfere with 5 雷 thunder/ (internet slang) terrifying/ terrific 5 人才 a person's talent/ talented person/ distinguished person/ a talent (worth head-hunting)/ person's looks/ an attractive woman/ used interchangeably with 人材/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 利率 interest rates 6 哎哟 hey/ ow/ ouch/ interjection of pain or surprise 6 博览会 exposition/ international fair 6 冲突 conflict/ to conflict/ clash of opposing forces/ collision (of interests)/ contention 6 应酬 social niceties/ social interaction/ a dinner party 6 间隔 compartment/ gap/ interval/ to divide 6 通用 common (use)/ interchangeable 6 互联网 the Internet 6 内幕 inside story/ non-public information/ behind the scenes/ internal 6 潜水 to dive/ to go under water/ lurker (Internet slang for sb who reads forum posts but never replies) 6 交叉 to cross/ to intersect 6 严寒 bitter cold/ severe winter 6 定期 regularly/ at regular intervals 6 浓厚 dense/ thick (fog; clouds etc)/ to have a strong interest in/ deep/ fully saturated (color) 6 直播 live broadcast (not recorded)/ direct internet broadcasting 6 刺 thorn/ splinter/ to stab/ to pierce/ to prick 6 搜索 to search/ to look for sth/ to scour (search meticulously)/ to look sth up/ internet search/ database search 6 岔 fork in road/ bifurcation/ branch in road; river; mountain range etc/ to branch off/ to turn off/ to diverge/ to stray (from the path)/ to change the subject/ to interrupt/ to stagger (times) 6 枯燥 dry and dull/ uninteresting/ dry-as-dust 6 网络 network (computing; telecommunications; transport etc)/ Internet 6 断断续续 intermittent/ off and on/ discontinuous/ stop-go/ stammering/ disjointed/ inarticulate 6 津津有味 with keen interest pleasure (idiom)/ with gusto/ to relish/ eagerly/ with great interest 6 趣味 fun/ interest/ delight/ taste/ liking/ preference 6 干扰 to interfere/ obstruction 6 干涉 to interfere/ to meddle/ interference 6 过渡 to cross over (by ferry)/ transition/ interim/ caretaker (administration) 6 干预 to meddle/ to intervene/ intervention 6 过问 to show an interest in/ to get involved with 6 人道 human sympathy/ humanitarianism/ humane/ the "human way"; one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism)/ sexual intercourse
64 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *int. * *p.m * *N * * * *interj. * * * *N * *N * *N * *N * *v;n * *N * *v;n * * * *VS * *VA * *VS * *N * *v;n * *v;n * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *v;n * *VA * *N * *VA * * * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *interj * *N * * * *N * *VA * 访*VA * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * * * *v;n * * * *N * * * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA
64 OLD_HSK German word(s): eine Interjektion,Fragesatzpartikel, au, autsch # Ausrufepart. d. Ermahnung, d. Unzufriedenh. o. d. Erstaunens Winterferien uninteressant, langweilig, nicht der Rede wert Fragepartikel Sinn haben,interessant sein innen, Innenseite 1.Winter 2. Getrommel, lautes Pochen Winter Interesse mögen, Hobby innen, innerlich,intern Erklärung interessiert sein interessant, unterhaltsam Sitzung, interviewen,sich mit jm treffen interessant sein in,innen, Innenseite Kommunikation, sozialer Austausch austauschen international 1. Geschmack, Aroma 2. Geruch 3.interessant, geschmackvoll 1.zerschneiden, abschneiden,abtrennen 2. stoppen, anhalten aufhalten, abfangen 3. bis 4. Stück,Teil, (siehe auch den Ausdruck:截然) innere Medizin stören, Störung eingreifen, sich einmischen, intervenieren, sich unterhalten, Unterhaltung anprallen, schlagen, anstürmen innerhalb von Straßenkreuzung, Straßenecke stören, erschrecken, in Unruhe versetzen Interesse,Vergnügen,interessant,Vorliebe, Hang, innen, darin, drinnen 1.scharf, spitz, 2. günstig, vorteihaft 3. Vorteil, Nutzen, 4. Profit, Gewinn 5. Nutzen bringen, nützen regelmäßig, zu festen Zeiten Maler abbrechen, unterbrechen, aussetzen Interj. Ausdruck des Bedauerns, Seufzens Winter den Winter durchleben Landesinnere, Binnenland 1.ausführlich, eingehend 2. prüfen, untersuchen 3.ausfragen, verhören, vernehmen interviewen, jm einen Besuch abstatten Innenpolitik dazwischentreten, eingreifen, sich einmischen sich kreuzen, sich schneiden, sich befreunden, sich anfreunden fragen und antworten mit Unterbrechungen, ab und zu Distanz, Abstand, Entfernung für jn ein gutes Wort einlegen, für jn sprechen, für jn um Nachsicht bitten Rechte und Interessen unterbrechen, sich in ein Gespräch einmischen schmücken, nur zur Dekoration dienen berücksichtigen, beachten, an etwas Interesse zeigen sich kreuzen, überschneiden ineinandergreifen,kreuz und quer,miteina. verzahnt Verbindungspunkt,Kreuzungspunkt vermitteln, einen Streit schlichten Zins internationales Recht Internationalismus Dolmetscher Zwischenraum aufeinanderfolgend, andauernd
816 synsets(s): intercalary + painterly + internecine + intermeshed + interrupted + uninterrupted + interred + interior + intermittent + uninterrupted + interrupted + interactive + intersectant + intersecting + uninterested + interrogative + interrogatory + splintery + splinterless + splinterproof + interdependent + intervening + interpretable + internal + interior + internecine + interior + internal + interior + intermediate + international + interior + internal + intermeshed + low-interest + high-interest + uninteresting + wintery + winter-blooming + winter-flowering + interbred + interpretative + interpretive + interracial + interconnected + interspecies + interspecific + interested + uninterested + interesting + uninteresting + internal + intercollegiate + intermural + interscholastic + interschool + internal + interfering + interpreted + interminable + intersexual + interested + intermediate + intercontinental + international + internationalist + internationalistic + interstate + nonintersecting + disinterested + interim + interfaith + interoperable + intercrossed + interracial + interactional + interactive + interchangeable + interlaced + interconnected + interrelated + interchurch + interdenominational + intersexual + interlacing + interlinking + interlocking + interwoven + interpersonal + interchangeable + noninterchangeable + intercellular + interest-bearing + intercostal + intertidal + interlinear + interlineal + intervertebral + interplanetary + splintery + interstellar + interlocutory + interstitial + intergalactic + interoceptive + interfacial + intermolecular + interlobular + interdepartmental + interdisciplinary + intertribal + interrogative + sintered + interrogatively + ad interim + internationally + interracially + interestingly + uninterestingly + internally + inter alia + interminably + disinterestedly + interchangeably + interdepartmental + intermediately + intermittently + interrogatively + uninterruptedly + interchange + interchange + intersperse + interlard + interleave + intercalate + interpolate + splinter + intervene + interrupt + interlock + winterize + winterise + internationalize + internationalise + interstratify + interrupt + interrupt + interpret + misinterpret + interpret + reinterpret + misinterpret + interpolate + interrelate + internalize + internalise + interiorize + interiorise + intercommunicate + intercede + intermediate + interrupt + intermit + interpellate + interrogate + interdict + interview + interview + interview + interject + interpose + interpret + reinterpret + misinterpret + interpret + interrogate + interpenetrate + interpenetrate + interconnect + interlink + intersperse + interleave + have intercourse + interbreed + intercept + intermix + intermingle + intertwine + interlace + interweave + interlock + interlock + interlace + interdict + sinter + intertwine + intertwine + interpret + interlude + interpret + interest + intersect + interpose + interpose + intercept + interchange + interchange + interleave + interact + internationalize + internationalise + intern + interfere + inter + disinter + splinter + intermarry + intern + splinter + intervene + interfere + interpose + interlope + interdepend + intercommunicate + interconnect + interlink + interest + interest + intervene + winter + overwinter + interrelate + interaction + interplay + interchange + disinterment + interpenetration + internment + interpretation + reinterpretation + interception + interlock + interlocking + interconnection + intersection + interim overhaul + international flight + splintering + intermixture + interspersion + interspersal + interruption + prolonged interrogation + interest + interlude + intermezzo + interpretive dance + interpretive dancing + interpretative dance + interpretative dancing + interference + internship + Secretary of the Interior + Interior Secretary + interior decoration + interior design + intervention + crisis intervention + international terrorism + internal control + internal respiration + sexual intercourse + intercourse + coitus interruptus + anal intercourse + interbreeding + interbreeding + interpenetration + interdiction fire + international jihad + intervention + intercommunion + interposition + intervention + intermission + interjection + interposition + interpolation + interpellation + interference + interception + interchange + international affairs + internment + internationalization + internationalisation + interchange + international logistic support + interdepartmental support + interagency support + inter-service support + intervention + intercession + intermediation + intermediate host + winter wren + Arenaria interpres + pointer + Spanish pointer + German short-haired pointer + Hungarian pointer + painter + Morone interrupta + winter flounder + intermixture + alpha-interferon + bar printer + beta-interferon + bubble jet printer + bubble-jet printer + chain printer + character printer + character-at-a-time printer + serial printer + pointer + daisywheel printer + dot matrix printer + matrix printer + dot printer + drum printer + electrostatic printer + four-stroke internal-combustion engine + gamma-interferon + interference + impact printer + ink-jet printer + interceptor + interchange + intercommunication system + intercom + intercontinental ballistic missile + interface + interface + interferometer + interferon + interior decoration + interior door + interlayer + interlock + ignition interlock + internal-combustion engine + internal drive + internet + interphone + interrupter + intersection + interstate + interstate highway + interstice + jointer + jointer plane + laser printer + interocular lens implant + line printer + line-at-a-time printer + page printer + page-at-a-time printer + painter + parallel interface + pointer + printer + printer + printer cable + internment camp + radio interferometer + small computer system interface + intercom speaker + teleprinter + thermal printer + wire matrix printer + wire printer + stylus printer + xerographic printer + internality + interchangeability + interchangeableness + intermittence + intermittency + self-interest + self-interest + international pitch + interval + internationality + internationalism + interest + interest + interestingness + interoperability + uninterestingness + interstice + interstitial tissue + intervertebral disc + intervertebral disk + internal organ + interoceptor + internal ear + internal carotid artery + internal iliac artery + intercostal artery + arteria intercostalis + internal auditory artery + internal maxillary artery + intermediate temporal artery + arteria temporalis intermedia + internal spermatic artery + internal cerebral vein + vena cerebrum internus + internal iliac vein + intercapitular vein + vena intercapitalis + intercostal vein + vena intercostalis + intervertebral vein + vena intervertebralis + internal jugular vein + internal auditory vein + interstitial fluid + internal secretion + venae interlobulares renis + venae interlobulares hepatis + pars intermedia + interbrain + female internal reproductive organ + male internal reproductive organ + intermaxillary suture + sutura intermaxillaris + internasal suture + sutura internasalis + interparietal suture + interventricular foramen + intercostal + intercostal muscle + musculus intercostalis + musculus sphincter ani internus + interphalangeal joint + intercellular substance + interoception + interestedness + interest + internalization + internalisation + intersection + interface + interpretation + interpreting + broad interpretation + interpolation + intersection + intersection point + point of intersection + internal representation + interpretation + reinterpretation + internationalism + intercept + interval + closed interval + bounded interval + open interval + unbounded interval + sub-interval + internal medicine + interior design + disinterestedness + disinterest + intercommunication + interleaf + inter-group communication + interactive multimedia + interactive multimedia system + international Morse code + American Standard Code for Information Interchange + internet site + interior monologue + interlingual rendition + interlocutory injunction + interdict + interdiction + Internet Explorer + interface + user interface + command line interface + graphical user interface + interpreter + interpretive program + interpellation + intervention + interference + nonintervention + noninterference + musical instrument digital interface + transmission control protocol/internet protocol + interdict + interpolation + pointer + interrogation point + interval + musical interval + Interlingua + interlanguage + Internationale + intermezzo + intermezzo + internal rhyme + interjection + intercourse + social intercourse + interview + interpretation + literal interpretation + misinterpretation + intercession + interrogation + interrogation + interrogatory + interview + job interview + employment interview + telephone interview + interrogation + interrogative + interrogative sentence + interdiction + International Wanted Notice + interrogation + interlocking + interruption + interference + interment + Winter Olympic Games + Winter Olympics + intertrigo + winter squash + winter crookneck squash + winter cress + wintergreen + winter melon + winter flounder + wintergreen oil + oil of wintergreen + winter savory + winter savoury + intermixture + interest + interest group + special interest + vested interest + intersection + Interahamwe + International Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders + Anti-Imperialist International Brigade + International Society for Krishna Consciousness + Interstate Commerce Commission + Department of the Interior + Interior Department + Interior + Internal Revenue Service + International Association of Lions clubs + Rotary International + splinter group + international organization + international organisation + International Court of Justice + United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund + International Atomic Energy Agency + International Bank for Reconstruction and Development + International Civil Aviation Organization + International Development Association + International Finance Corporation + International Labor Organization + International Labour Organization + International Maritime Organization + International Monetary Fund + Centre for International Crime Prevention + international intelligence agency + Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence + Inter-Services Intelligence + International Relations and Security Network + international law enforcement agency + Interpol + International + international law + interplanetary space + interstellar space + intergalactic space + hinterland + zone of interior + interior + interior + International Date Line + Interlaken + Kennedy Interrnational + Kennedy International Airport + international waters + intermediate vector boson + interplanetary dust + interplanetary gas + interplanetary medium + interstellar medium + oil-water interface + splinter + weakly interacting massive particle + intermediator + intermediary + intercessor + anointer + minter + genre painter + intersex + house painter + interrogator + interior designer + interior decorator + interlocutor + interlocutor + intern + interne + medical intern + internal auditor + International Grandmaster + internationalist + internationalist + internee + internist + internuncio + interpreter + interpreter + intervenor + interviewee + interviewer + interloper + oil painter + painter + painter + portrait painter + printer + printer's devil + scene painter + scene painter + Secretary of the Interior + Interior Secretary + sign painter + interpreter + sprinter + squinter + stinter + collector of internal revenue + internal revenue agent + tinter + word-painter + Pinter + Harold Pinter + nuclear winter + interrupt + interference fringe + interreflection + interaction + fundamental interaction + electromagnetic interaction + gravitational interaction + strong interaction + weak interaction + interfacial tension + interfacial surface tension + winter sweet + winter aconite + winter rose + Winteraceae + family Winteraceae + winter's bark family + winter's bark + winter's bark tree + Drimys winteri + Pseudowintera + genus Pseudowintera + Wintera + genus Wintera + Pseudowintera colorata + Wintera colorata + winter sweet + winter purslane + winter cress + early winter cress + winter heliotrope + intermediate wheatgrass + Agropyron intermedium + winter squash + winter squash plant + winter crookneck + winter crookneck squash + winter melon + winter melon vine + winter heath + wintergreen + creeping wintergreen + wintergreen family + wintergreen + false wintergreen + lesser wintergreen + love-in-winter + one-flowered wintergreen + interior live oak + winter jasmine + winter hazel + Canella winterana + wild winterpea + Medicago intertexta + Austrian winter pea + winter flowering cherry + flowering wintergreen + winterberry + evergreen winterberry + common winterberry holly + smooth winterberry holly + winter currant + Amsinckia intermedia + winter sweet + winter sweet + winter savory + winter cherry + Madeira winter cherry + winter cherry + winter fern + interrupted fern + winter urn + winter mushroom + internode + winter's bark + Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization + internal revenue + interest expense + interest + controlling interest + insurable interest + vested interest + security interest + terminable interest + undivided interest + interest + compound interest + simple interest + interest rate + rate of interest + prime interest rate + business interruption insurance + inter vivos trust + interbank loan + pooling of interest + balance of international payments + internal combustion + Systeme International d'Unites + Systeme International + International System of Units + International System + international ampere + international candle + international mile + international nautical mile + interrogative mood + interrogative + interpersonal chemistry + interdependence + interdependency + interrelation + interrelationship + interrelatedness + international scale + intersection + interior angle + internal angle + conflict of interest + intermarriage + intermarriage + community of interests + internment + painter's colic + interstitial pneumonia + interstitial plasma cell pneumonia + ruptured intervertebral disc + intermittent tetanus + intermittent cramp + otitis interna + interconnection + interconnectedness + intermittent claudication + interstitial cell-stimulating hormone + printer's ink + interleukin + intermediate + splinters + 24-hour interval + intercalation + intercalary year + winter solstice + winter + wintertime + midwinter + time interval + interval + lunitidal interval + intermission + interruption + interlude + interim + interregnum +
64 OLD_HSK English word(s): 1.indicating an earnest request 2. used after an interrogative to expect an answer 3. expressing one´s bewilderment 4. when stressed, it expresses one´s realization or understanding 1. used at the end of a sentence to denote one´sigh or certainty 2. used at the end of an interrogative sentence 3. used in a sentence as a pause winter vacation uninteresting/ dull interjection used in questioning interesting/ enjoyable inside/ in/ within/ interior winter winter interest love/ be fond of/ like/ interest/ hobby internal/ inside explain/ expound/ interpret/ explanation be interested in interesting/ amusing interview/ meet interesting inside/ interior socialize/ social intercourse interchange/ exchange international taste/ flavor/ smell/ odor/ interest/ food cut/ sever/ block/ stop/ intercept/ hold up internal medicine/ department of internal medicine interfere/ disturb/ obstruct/ interference/ disturbance interfere/ intervene/ intermeddle talk/ chat/ statement issued in the form of an interview impact/ shock/ pound/ attack/ interfere (sth.)'s-interior/ inside of/ interior of/ within entrance to a road/ crossing/ intersection/ crossroads alarm/ alert/ disturb/ interrupt interest/ delight/ fun/ palate/ taste inside/ interior/ within benefit/ profit/ interest regular schedule/ at regular intervals/ periodical painter/ artist midway-break/ interrupt/ suspend/ break off/ intermit an interjection to express sadness; regret; or surprise winter season/ winter/ season of winter/ winter time live through the winter hinterland/ backland interrogate call on/ interview interior intervenes intersect interlocution off and on/ intermittently interval intercede for sb rights and interest interrupt intersperse show interest in intercross stagger/ intervene point of intersection intercede accrual/ interest international law internationalism interpreter interspaced/ lacuna uninterrupted continuous
64 OLD_HSK French word(s):
64 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
64 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
64 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): วันหยุดฤดูหนาว น่าสนใจ หน้าหนาว ความสนใจ ชอบ , รัก , งานอดิเรก อธิบาย มีความสนใจใน น่าสนใจ ระหว่างประเทศ ฤดูหนาว ผ่านฤดูหนาว กฎหมายระหว่างประเทศ หลักการระหว่างประเทศ
64 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** LAN4 LIAN2 LIAN3 LIAN4 verbinden
* ** MIAN2

ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างประเทศ 国际关系 International relations
จิตรกร 画家 Painter
วันหยุดฤดูหนาว 寒假 winter vacation
เครื่องปริ๊นเตอร์ 打印机 printer
เครื่องปริ๊น 公主机 Printer
ฤดูหนาว 冬天 winter
ร้านอินเทอร์เน็ต 网吧 internet café
คำลงท้าย (ไหม/ หรือเปล่า) (interrogative particle for question expecting yes-no answer)
น่าสนใจ 有意思 interesting
นักศึกษาการศึกษาต่างประเทศของนักศึกษาต่างชาติ 留学生 student studying abroad; international student
แปล; แปลความหมาย 翻译 translate; interpret
จิตรกร; ศิลปิน 画家 painter; artist
มีความสนใจในบางสิ่งบางอย่าง 感兴趣 be interested in something
ดอกเบี้ย 兴趣 interest
เกาะภูมิทัศน์ที่จุดตัดของช่องทาง 街心花园 a landscaped island at an intersection of avenues
อินเทอร์เน็ต 网络 Internet
ฝึกงาน 实习 to practice; to do an internship
สัมภาษณ์ 面试 to interview
สอบถาม; ลอง to interrogate; to try
น่าสนใจ 有趣 interesting
การสื่อสาร 交际 communication; social intercourse
รวบรวมข่าว การให้สัมภาษณ์ 采访 to gather news; to interview
ขัดจังหวะ 插嘴 to interrupt; to chop in
พร้อมที่จะแทรกแซง 抱不平 be ready to intervene on behalf of an injured party
ภายใน, ตกแต่งภายใน 里头 inside, interior
(คำอุทาน, ระวัง, เฮ้, ฯลฯ ทำไม) (an interjection, hey, lookout, why etc)
ระหว่างประเทศ 国际 international
สนทนาออนไลน์; แชท 上网聊天儿 chat online; get on the Internet and chat
(interjectory particle used to soften a question)
ออนไลน์; ท่องอินเตอร์เน็ต 上网 to go online; to surf the Internet
สนุกน่าตื่นเต้น น่าสนใจ 好玩儿 fun, amusing, interesting
สี่แยก 路口 intersection
การฝึกหัด 实习 to intern
ทุนท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติกรุงปักกิ่ง 首都国际机场 the Capital International Airport, Beijing
กลางฤดูหนาว, ความลึกของหน้าหนาว 隆冬 midwinter, the depth of winter
ภาควิชาอายุรศาสตร์ department of internal medicine
จัสมินฤดูหนาว 迎春花 winter jasmine
สถานที่ท่องเที่ยวทางประวัติศาสตร์โบราณสถาน 古迹 places of historic interest, historical sites
เพื่อสอดแทรก, แทรก to interpose, to insert
ให้ความรู้สึกที่จะใช้ (หรือมี) ความสนใจในบางสิ่งบางอย่าง 感(兴趣) to feel, to take (or have) an interest in something
ความรู้พื้นฐานระหว่างประเทศ 国际见闻 International Background Knowledge
ฤดูหนาว winter
ภายใน; ใน 里边 inside; in; within; interior
ไม่น่าทึ่ง; น่าเบื่อ 没意思 uninteresting; dull
(คำอุทานแสดงอะไรหรือฮะ) (interjection expressing what or huh)
มีความสนใจใน 感兴趣 be interested in
สัมภาษณ์; พบ 会见 interview; meet
สังคม; เพศสัมพันธ์ทางสังคม 交际 socialize; social intercourse
การแลกเปลี่ยน; แลกเปลี่ยน 交流 interchange; exchange
ภายใน 里面 inside; interior
ภายในภายใน 内部 internal; inside
ส่งผลกระทบ 冲击 impact; shock; pound; attack; interfere
ปกติ 定期 regular schedule; at regular intervals; periodical
ฤดูหนาว 冬季 winter season; winter; season of winter; winter time
การรบกวน 干扰 interfere; disturb; obstruct; interference; disturbance
การรบกวน 干涉 interfere; intervene; intermeddle
อาการไอ an interjection to express sadness, regret, or surprise
ตัด cut; sever; block; stop; intercept; hold up
รบกวน 惊动 alarm; alert; disturb; interrupt
ข้างใน 里头 inside; interior; within
ซึ่งกำบังลม benefit; profit; interest
สี่แยก 路口 entrance to a road; crossing; intersection; crossroads
อายุรกรรม 内科 internal medicine; department of internal medicine
ลิ้มรส 趣味 interest; delight; fun; palate; taste
ลิ้มรส taste; flavor; smell; odor; interest; food
คุย 谈话 talk; chat; statement issued in the form of an interview
ภายใน ... …之内 (sth.)'s-interior; inside of; interior of; within
ขัดจังหวะ 中断 midway-break; interrupt; suspend; break off; intermit
ขัดจังหวะ 插嘴 interrupt
กระจาย 点缀 intersperse
ปิดและ; เป็นระยะ 断断续续 off and on; intermittently
แทรกแซง 干预 intervenes
กฎหมายระหว่างประเทศ 国际法 international law
หลักการระหว่างประเทศ 国际主义 internationalism
ช่วง 间隔 interval
交叉 intercross
ซวนเซ; แทรกแซง 交错 stagger; intervene
จุดของสี่แยก 交点 point of intersection
ส่วนที่ขาดไป 空隙 interspaced; lacuna
แสดงความสนใจใน 理睬 show interest in
คงค้าง; ดอกเบี้ย 利息 accrual; interest
อย่างต่อเนื่อง 连绵 uninterrupted continuous
ผืนแผ่นดินหลังฝังทะเล 内地 hinterland; backland
ภายใน 内政 interior
สิทธิและผลประโยชน์ 权益 rights and interest
สอบถาม interrogate
说情 intercede for sb
ไกล่เกลี่ย 调解 intercede
ตัด 相交 intersect
ล่าม 译员 interpreter
สดผ่านฤดูหนาว 越冬 live through the winter
เรียกร้องให้การสัมภาษณ์ 走访 call on; interview
น่าสนใจ 兴趣 interest das Interesse, n l'intérêt el interés
เสื้อผ้าฤดูหนาว 冬装 winter clothes die Winterkleidung les vêtements d'hiver la ropa de invierno
อินเทอร์เน็ต 互联网 internet das Internet Internet internet
การสัมภาษณ์ 采访 interview das Interview, s l'interview la entrevista
เครื่องพิมพ์ 打印机 printer der Drucker, - l'imprimante la impresora
นักออกแบบตกแต่งภายใน 室内设计师 interior designer der Dekorateur, e l'architecte d'intérieur el decorador
จิตรกร 画家 painter der Maler, - le peintre el pintor
intereso ดอกเบี้ย 兴趣 interest Interesse intérêt interés interesse
interjekcio คำอุทาน interjection Zwischenruf interjection interjección interiezione
intermiti intermiti intermiti intermiti intermiti intermiti intermiti intermiti
interna ภายใน 内部 internal intern interne interna interno
intervjuo สัมภาษณ์ 访问 interview Interview interview entrevista intervista
rigli เชื่อมต่อกัน 连锁 interlock ineinander greifen verrouillage enclavamiento interlock
tipografo เครื่องพิมพ์ 打印机 printer Drucker imprimeur impresora stampante
vintro ฤดูหนาว 冬季 Winter Winter Hiver Invierno Inverno

Grade E word(s):

157 antarvāsana अंतर्वासन internship, confinement within prescribed limits n.
158 antarvāsita अंतर्वासित interned antarvasit adj.
159 antarvāsita garnu अंतर्वासित गर्नु to intern v.t.
160 antarvāsī अंतर्वासी internee n.
240 antara अन्तर difference, interval, inner, inter- n./adj.
246 antarrāṣṭriya अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय international adj.
247 antarvārtā अन्तर्वार्ता interview n.
322 artha अर्थ finance, wealth, nmeaning, significance, import, interpretation, explanation n.
355 aviccinna अविच्चिन्न uninterrupted, continuous adj.
489 āntarika आन्तरिक interior, inner, internal adj.
569 icchuka इच्छुक interested adj.
986 ki कि or, either, word to denote interrogation or doubt conj.
1149 khicalō खिचलो interference, meddling, disturbance, quarrel, turmoil n.
1150 khicōlō खिचोलो meddling, quarrel, interference n.
1460 culṭhō चुल्ठो plaited hair, interwoven hair n.
1631 jāḍō जाडो coolness, winter, chill, cold n./adj.
2978 bhēṭha भेठ meeting, visit, interview bhet n.
3140 mudraka मुद्रक printer n.
3329 rūci रूचि interest, liking, taste n.
3336 rōka रोक prohibition, restriction, interdict n.
3539 viṣkambhaka विष्कम्भक interlude (in a drama) n.
3544 vismayādibōdhaka विस्मयादिबोधक interjection n.
3672 saṭanī सटनी change, exhange, interchange n.
3675 saṭṭā सट्टा change, exhange, interchange n.
4132 hastakṣēpa हस्तक्षेप interference, interruption n.
千字文: 天地玄黄 宇宙洪荒 Cold arrives then heat once more; Autumn's harvest, Winter's store.
千字文: 嫡后嗣续 祭祀烝尝 Main queen's sons continuing; winter, autumn worshipping
Plants: Canella winteriana (L.) Gaertner (Canellaceae) Bahama Whitewood;

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [interactive] synergistic
(a.) [interesting]
(a.) [intermediate] lying between two extremes
(a.) [internal]
(a.) [international]
(n.) [interaction]
(n.) [interest] pastime, pursuit
(n.) [interest] fixed charge for borrowing money
(n.) [interface] user interface
(n.) [interference] hindrance, hitch, preventive, encumbrance
(n.) [intervention] interference
(n.) [interview]
(n.) [painter] artist
(n.) [printer] output device that prints data
(n.) [winter] wintertime
(v.) [interrupt] disrupt

02456493-v inter +

inter + +


awesome (interjection 2)
awesome (interjection)


21 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1038 现在是冬天,而且天气很冷。 มันเป็นฤดูหนาวและอากาศเย็น On talvi ja on kylmä.
1358 他没有兴趣。 เขาไม่มีอารมณ์ ครับ or คะ Häntä ei huvittanut.
1359 他没有来,因为他没有兴趣。 เขาไม่ได้มา เพราะเขาไม่มีอารมณ์จะมาครับ or คะ Hän ei tullut, koska häntä ei huvittanut.
1401 有趣的人 คนน่าสนใจ (หลายคน) kiinnostavia ihmisiä
1419 我们的客人是很有趣的人。 แขกของเราเป็นคนน่าสนใจ Vieraamme olivat kiinnostavaa väkeä.
165 电影很有趣 or 有意思。 หนังน่าสนใจ or ภาพยนต์น่าสนใจ Elokuva oli kiinnostava.
1652 您感兴趣,我太高兴了。 ผม or ดิฉัน ดีใจที่คุณสนใจ Minua ilahduttaa, että teillä on kiinnostusta.
1684 要在冬天到来之前,把房顶修好。 ซ่อมหลังคา ก่อนที่ฤดูหนาวจะเริ่ม Korjaa katto, ennen kuin talvi tulee.
273 秋天和冬天 ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง และ ฤดูหนาว syksy ja talvi.
277 冬天很冷。 ฤดูหนาวอากาศหนาว Talvi on kylmä.
278 冬天下雪或下雨。 ในฤดูหนาวหิมะตกหรือฝนตก Talvella sataa lunta tai vettä.
279 冬天我们喜欢呆在家里。 ในฤดูหนาวเราชอบอยู่บ้าน Talvella me jäämme mielellään kotiin.
450 除此之外还有什么名胜古迹? ยังมีที่เที่ยวที่อื่นที่น่าสนใจอีกไหม ครับ or คะ? Mitä nähtävyyksiä sen lisäksi vielä löytyy?
464 我觉得这有趣儿。 ผม or ดิฉัน ว่านั่นมันน่าสนใจ Tämä on mielestäni mielenkiintoinen.
70 学习语言是很有趣的。 การเรียนภาษานั้นน่าสนใจ Kielten oppiminen on kiinnostavaa.
717 一直走到下一个十字路口。 ต่อจากนั้นขับตรงไปเรื่อยๆ ผ่านสี่แยกถัดไป Ajakaa sitten seuraavan risteyksen yli.
754 我对建筑很感兴趣。 ผม or ดิฉัน สนใจในสถาปัตยกรรม Olen kiinnostunut arkkitehtuurista.
755 我对艺术很感兴趣。 ผม or ดิฉัน สนใจในศิลปกรรม Olen kiinnostunut taiteesta.
756 我对绘画很感兴趣。 ผม or ดิฉัน สนใจในจิตรกรรม Olen kiinnostunut maalaustaiteesta.
982 我是实习生。 ผม♂ or ดิฉัน♀ เป็นพนักงานฝึกหัด Olen harjoittelija.
984 我在国外实习。 ผม♂ or ดิฉัน♀ ฝึกงานอยู่ต่างประเทศ Minulla on työharjoittelu ulkomailla.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

44 有趣
71 手机 可以 拨打 国际 电话
192 把握 每次 面试 机会
282 香港 国际 都市
591 烹饪 兴趣
640 前面 路口
683 新家 装修 完毕
905 他们 网上 资料
946 内科 医生
965 初冬 时节 坚持 晨跑
1055 网上 机票
1067 摄影 兴趣
1071 冬天
1238 介意 我们 采访 一下
1271 他们 接受 记者 访问
1443 帐单 逾期 利息
1597 故事 有趣
1753 妈妈 培养 孩子 音乐 兴趣
1770 法官 审讯 犯人
2057 摄影 感兴趣
2162 他们 相互 干涉 对方 业务
2191 经过 百年 变迁 香港 成为 国际化 都市
2504 打搅 一下
2870 公司 甄选 面试 人员
3014 不要 妨碍 比赛
3090 拦球
3192 冬天 大雁 迁徙 南方
3461 冬天 喜欢 澡堂 洗澡
3485 赃款 全部
3573 人际 关系 单纯
3616 报社 实习
3641 大学 专业 国际 贸易
3651 很多 犯罪 贫穷 密切 相关
3696 我们 着眼于 我们 共同 利益 各自 利益
3735 随着 复活节 来临 冬天 结束 春天

Semantische Felder: