VNEN ngục tù * prison * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Em trãi Milena đang ở trong nhà tù vì ăn cướp. ? Anh ấy đang ngồi tù. + Milena's brother's in prison for robbery. — He's in jail.
Milena, đã đến nhà tù thăm em trai của cô ấy. + Milena went to the prison to visit her brother.
Cậu đã bao giờ ngồi tù chưa? + Have you ever been in prison? — Have you ever been in jail?
Sau khi khám phá ra anh ấy đã bị kết án sai vì tội giết người, các nhà chức trách đã cho anh ấy ra tù. + After discovering he had been wrongly accused of murder, the authorities let him out of prison.
Họ đã tìm được một mẩu bằng chứng quan trọng và giờ hắn đã ngồi tù rồi. + They happened to come across an important piece of evidence, and now he's in prison.

nhà tù + prison

Tôi đang ở tù. + I am in prison.

+ prison

Bạn có thể đi đến nhà tù bằng xe buýt. + You can go to the prison by bus.

Tại sao chúng tôi bị bắt giam? + Why are we imprisoned?

bắt giam + imprison

Anh ấy thà đầu hàng còn hơn trở thành một tù binh. + He would rather surrender than become a prisoner.

tù binh + prisoner
SNOT Relations with other people • crime and justice prison +
Oxford 3000VieEng
nhà tù prison
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-4 Gefängnis prison
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 25-1 Für den Einbruch hat er Gefängnis gekriegt.  + kriegen He got prison for breaking in.  Anh ta bị bắt giam.
Exercise 29-4 Das kann mit Gefängnis bestraft werden. + bestrafen That can be punished with prison. Điều đó có thể bị phạt tù.
Exercise 34-7 Das Gericht hat den Täter zu drei Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt.  + verurteilen The court sentenced the perpetrator to three years in prison.  Toà án đã kết án người gây án ba năm tù.
Exercise 34-8 Er wurde zu fünf Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt.  + Gefängnis He was sentenced to five years in prison.  Anh ta bị kết án 5 năm tù giam.
Exercise 34-8 Er sitzt im Gefängnis wegen Banküberfalls.  + Gefängnis He's in prison for robbing a bank.  Anh ta đang ở trong tù vì cướp ngân hàng.
Exercise 43-5 Die beiden Männer wurden aus dem Gefängnis entlassen.  + entlassen*  The two men were released from prison.  Hai người đàn ông đã được thả ra khỏi nhà tù.
Exercise 43-6 Der Richter hat ihn zu einem Jahr Gefängnis verurteilt.  + Richter The judge sentenced him to a year in prison.  Thẩm phán đã kết án ông một năm tù.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Aufseher(in) + attendant [museum]; guard [prison] + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Aufsichtsbeamt(r) + attendant [museum]; guard [prison] + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Gefängniswärter(in) + prison officer + C
+ + 103 Law Crime ausbrechen + to escape [from prison] + A
+ + 103 Law Justice Freiheitsstrafe + prison sentence + A
+ + 103 Law Justice Gefängnis + prison + A
+ + 103 Law Crime Häftling + prisoner + B
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation Gefangene(r) + prisoner + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Haftentlassung + release from prison + B
+ + 103 Law Justice eine Gefängnisstrafe verbüßen + to serve a prison sentence + C
+ + 103 Law Justice eine Freiheitsstrafe in eine Geldstrafe umwandeln + to commute a prison sentence to a fine + C
+ + 103 Law Justice Sträfling + prisoner + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War jmdn gefangen halten + to hold sb prisoner + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Immigration and asylum politische(r) Gefangene(r) (adj. decl.) + political prisoner + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
C 犯人 + * * fan4ren2 prisoner/ convict/ (convicted) criminal Kriminell +
C 監獄 + * * jian1yu4 prison/ jail Gefängnis,Haftanstalt +
D 牢房 + * * lao2fang2 prison house Gefängnis, Gefängniszelle, Kerker +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
1732 判处 无期徒刑 + He's been sentenced to life imprisonment.
2341 罪犯 关进 监狱 + The criminal has been put in prison.
2940 囚犯 + He's a prisoner.
3021 警官 犯人 + The police officer is escorting the prisoner.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

j’étais prisonnier de mon passé + I was a prisoner of my past

ils ont menacé de l’incarcérer et de le torturer + they threatened to imprison and torture him

elle avait effectué trois jours de prison + she had served three days of prison time

les prisons sont la solution à la délinquance juvénile + prisons are the solution to juvenile deliquence

ce type d’individu n’a rien à faire en prison + this type of individual doesn’t belong in prison

tous les prisonniers furent libérés sans condition + all the prisoners were freed unconditionally

les rebelles échangeront leurs prisonniers + the rebels will exchange their prisoners

je viens demander la libération d’une prisonnière + I have come to ask for the release of one female prisoner

voici le mandat de dépôt du détenu + here’s the incarceration order for the prisoner

il existe des règles sur la détention de prisonniers + there are rules for detaining prisoners

vous avez été harcelé et emprisonné pour vos opinions + you have been harrassed and imprisoned for your opinions

il n’y a pas assez de suivi psychiatrique et sanitaire en prison + there isn’t enough psychiatric and sanitary follow-up in prison

cela évite au contrevenant d’aller en prison + this prevents the offender from having to go to prison
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 prison +
103 prison +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
prison ngục + +
nhà tù + + prison