7 New HSK word(s): 5 磁带 magnetic tape/ CL:盤|盘[pan2];盒[he2] 5 塔 pagoda/ tower/ minaret/ stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo)/ CL:座[zuo4] 6 并列 to stand side by side/ to be juxtaposed 6 磕 to tap/ knock 6 水龙头 faucet/ tap 6 蕴藏 to hold in store/ to contain (untapped reserves etc) 6 比喻 metaphor/ analogy/ figure of speech/ figuratively
8 Old HSK word(s): A N * ci2dai4 Tonband B N * fu4shi2 Nicht-Grundnahrungsmittel C N * zi4lai2shui3 Leitungswasser D VA * qie4ting1 abhorchen, abhören, Lauschangriff D N * zhu3shi2 Hauptnahrung D N * long2tou2 Halfter, Zaumzeug D VA * bing4lie4 Seite an Seite stehen,auf gl. Höhe D N * xing2'er2shang4xue2 Metaphysik
8 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** FANG3 XING2 Form/Gestalt
* ** ER2 weiterhin
* ** top / superior, highest / go up, send up
*** XUE2 lernen

ที่เย็บกระดาษ 使不得 The stapler
เทปใส 清除胶带 Clear adhesive tape
เทปเสียง 录音带 audio tape
เทป, เข็มขัด, ยาง tape, belt, girdle, ribbon, tire, area, zone, region, to wear, to carry, to lead, to bring, to look after, to raise
เทป 录音机 (tape) recorder
เทปแม่เหล็ก 磁带 magnetic tape
ไม่ใช่อาหารหลัก 副食 non-staple food
น้ำไหล 自来水 self-come-water; tap water
วางข้างๆ 并列 appose; juxtapose
ไก่; แตะ 龙头 cock; tap
กรีด 窃听 wire tapping
形而上学 metaphysics
อาหารหลัก 主食 staple food
ลวดเย็บกระดาษ 订书钉 staple die Heftklammer, n l'agrafe la grapa
เครื่องเย็บกระดาษ 订书机 stapler der Hefter, - l'agrafeuse la grapadora
เทป 胶带 tape das Klebeband, "er le ruban adhésif la cinta adhesiva
เทปวัด 卷尺 tape measure das Maßband, "er le mètre ruban la cinta métrica
ประปา 水龙头 tap der Wasserhahn, "e le robinet el grifo
หนังสติ๊ก 弹射器 catapult die Schleuder, n le lance-pierres la catapulta
เทปวัด 卷尺 tape measure das Bandmaß, e le mètre ruban la cinta métrica
agrafo แก่น 钉书针 staple Klammer agrafe grapa di base
bendo เทป 胶带 tape Band bande cinta nastro
krano แตะเบา ๆ 龙头 tap Hahn robinet grifo rubinetto
metafiziko อภิปรัชญา 形而上学 metaphysics Metaphysik métaphysique metafísica metafisica
metaforo คำอุปมา 隐喻 metaphor Metapher métaphore metáfora metafora
tapioko มันสำปะหลัง 木薯 tapioca Tapioka tapioca tapioca tapioca

Grade E word(s):

1664 jukā जुका leeches, tapeworms n.
1794 ḍhakaḍhakyā'unu ढकढक्याउनु to push down, to tap v.t.
2090 dhārā धारा water tap, torrent, current of water n.
2876 bhaktapura भक्तपुर Bhaktapur, Bhadgaon [an ancient town east of Kathmandu] n.
2922 bhādagā'u भादगाउ Bhaktapur, Bhadgaon [an ancient town east of Kathmandu] n.
Plants: Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf. (Poaceae) Zitronellgras; Limonengras; Lemon Grass; Sereh
Plants: Digitaria exilis (Kipp.) Stapf (Poaceae) Fonio; Foniahirse; Acha; Fundi; Hungerreis
Plants: Terminalia catappa L. (Combretaceae) Indian Almond Tree; Baddam; Indischer Mandelbaum; Almond Tree; Tropical Almond; Barbados Almond

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [tap] wiretap, telephone tap
(n.) [tap] water faucet, spigot
(n.) [tape] adhesive tape
(n.) [tape] tape recording
(n.) [tape] tape measure
(v.) [tap] draw from
(v.) [tap] strike lightly

00782057-v tap
01164273-v tap
01247804-v tap
01403314-v tap
01613732-v tap
01854519-v tap
01895757-v tap
01901021-v tap
02185373-v tap
02188848-v tap
02312318-v tap
02360274-v tap
00125436-n tap
00654400-n tap
04390977-n tap
04391158-n tap
04391276-n tap
04559451-n tap
07388987-n tap
07410021-n tap

0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

652 主食
2959 我们 常用 蜜蜂 比喻 勤劳

Semantische Felder:

3.43 Offen, Öffnung
7.49 Tasten
7.61 Flüssig
15.35 Zärtlichkeit