A 不同 + * * bu4tong2 different/ not the same ungleich + +
A + * * ge4 each/ every/ various/ different jeder, jede, jedes, all, verschieden, verschiedenartig, + +
A + * * cha4 short of/ differ from/ poor nicht gleichen, nicht übereinstimmen, sich mit etw nicht decken, mit etw nicht identisch fehlen, ermangeln, geringer als, kurz vor siehe cha4 + +
B 區別 + * * qu1bie2 difference/ distinguish/ differ Unterschied, unterscheiden + +
B + * * hua4 delimit, differentiate abgrenzen,teilen, übertragen,planen siehe hua2 + +
C 無所謂 + * * wu2suo3wei4 no-what-say/ be indifferent/ not care/ cannot be called 1.gleichgültig,egal2.teilnahmslos,apathisch + +
C 差別 + * * cha1bie2 difference/ disparity/ distinction Unterschied + +
C 電壓 + * * dian4ya1 voltage/ electric potential difference Spannung + +
D 相差 + * * xiang1cha4 differ sich unterscheiden, verschieden sein + +
D 分辯 + * * fen1bian4 distinguish/ differentiate sich rechtfertigen,sich verteidigen + +
D 鑒別 + * * jian4bie2 differentiate unterscheiden, differenzieren + +
D 冷淡 + * * leng3dan4 indifference/ unconcerned zurückhaltend, kühl behandeln + +
D 差異 + * * cha1yi4 difference Unterschied, Differenzierung + +
D 大同小異 + * * da4 tong2 xiao3 yi4 largely identical but with minor difference weitesgehend identisch + +
D + * * yi4 different 1. verschieden 2. ungewöhnlich, außerordentlich 3.sich erstaunen, überrascht sein 4.andere, anders + +
D 不等 + * * bu4deng3 different/ various nicht gleich, unterschiedlich + +

* 3 cha4 differ from/ short of/ to lack/ poor
* 3 gen1 heel/ to follow closely/ to go with/ to marry sb (of woman)/ with/ towards/ as (compared to)/ from (different from)/ and (in addition to)
区别* 4 qu1 bie2 difference/ to distinguish/ to discriminate/ to make a distinction/ CL:個|个[ge4]
分别* 5 fen1 bie2 to part or leave each other/ to distinguish/ difference/ in different ways/ differently/ separately or individually
* 5 bao2 thin/ cold in manner/ indifferent/ weak/ light/ infertile
差别* 5 cha1 bie2 difference/ distinction/ diversity/ disparity
* 5 dan4 insipid/ diluted/ weak/ mild/ light in color/ tasteless/ fresh/ indifferent/ nitrogen
误差* 6 wu4 cha1 difference/ error/ inaccuracy
容纳* 6 rong2 na4 to hold/ to contain/ to accommodate/ to tolerate (different opinions)
鉴别* 6 jian4 bie2 to differentiate/ to distinguish
分辨* 6 fen1 bian4 to distinguish/ to differentiate/ to resolve/ to defend against an accusation/ to exculpate
分歧* 6 fen1 qi2 difference (of opinion; position)/ bifurcation
相差* 6 xiang1 cha4 to differ/ discrepancy between
区分* 6 qu1 fen1 to differentiate/ to find differing aspects
时差* 6 shi2 cha1 time difference/ time lag/ jet lag
冷淡* 6 leng3 dan4 cold/ indifferent
无动于衷* 6 wu2 dong4 yu2 zhong1 aloof/ indifferent/ unconcerned

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

from New General Service List by Browne, Culligan and Phillips Copyright 2013 -2015. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

differ : To be different; to be not like others
differ abweichen 不同 แตกต่าง différer diferir differire erota

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

differ. v: Similarity +

difference [count]. n: Similarity +

difference. n: Similarity +

difference. n: Non-commutative_statement +

different. a: Similarity +

different. a: Identicality +

differentiate. v: Differentiation +


657 它们 外表 什么 差别 +
926 它们 之间 存在 明显 差别 +
1002 葡萄 本质 没有 差别 +
1144 这些 石头 形状 不同 +
1989 他们 身高 相差 悬殊 +
2584 他们 意见 分歧 +
3614 无动于衷 +
3627 主人 态度 冷淡 +
3636 蒸汽 不同 形态 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[different] unlike, dissimilar
[difference] dispute, difference of opinion, conflict
[difference] remainder, number that remains after subtraction
[differ] be different

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

differ + differ +

다른 (Different) + + 다르다 (Be different) + + 차이 (difference,disparity) + + 달리 (Differently) + + 차별 (distinction,differentiation) + + (difference,margin) + + 다름없다 ( Be similar, not different) + + 차이점 (A point of difference) + + 소홀히 (carelessly,indifferently,neglectfully) + + 색다르다 ( Be different,novel) + + 무관심 (Indifference, unconcern) + + 무관심하다 (Be indifferent to) + +
+ + + + + + + +