A + * * fan1 turn over/ rummage/ capsize 1. umkehren, umdrehen 2. übersteigen 3. durchwühlen, stöbern 4. übersetzen, übertragen + +
B 骨頭 + * * gu3tou drum Knochen + +
B 儀器 + * * yi2qi4 instrument/ apparatus Instrument, Gerät,Apparat + +
C + * * ta1 fall down/ collapse/ crumple/ sink/ slump/ calm down 1. einstürzen, zuammenbrechen, zusammenfallen 2. einsinken, einfallen 3. sich beruhigen, ruhig werden + +
C 樂器 + * * yue3qi4 musical-instrument/ musical instrument Musikinstrument + +
C 倒騰 + * * dao3teng move around/ rummage/ buy low and sell high sich drehen, billig kaufen und teuer verkaufen + +
C 謠言 + * * yao2yan2 rumor-words/ rumor/ canard/ unfounded report/ hearsay Lüge, Gerücht + +
C + * * qin2 general name for certain musical instruments 1.allg. Bezeichn. für manche Streich-,Zupf-u.Klavierinstr. 2. Klavier, Piano + +
C + * * rou2 knead/ roll/ crumple/ rub/ massage reiben, kneten, massieren + +
C 喇叭 + * * la3ba trumpet/ horn/ suona horn/ loudspeaker/ speaker Lautsprecher, Brass Windinstrument, Trompete + +
C 皺紋 + * * zhou4wen2 wrinkle-line/ wrinkle/ furrow/ rimple/ crumple/ pucker Falte, Furche + +
C 謎語 + * * mi2yu3 conundrum/ riddle Rätsel + +
C 牢騷 + * * lao2sao1 whine/ complaint/ grumble/ grievance Beschwerde,Unmut, Unzufriedenheit + +
C + * * zha1 residue/ dregs/ sediment/ broken bits/ crumb/ dross 1. Niederschlag, Rückstand, Bodensatz 2. kleine Stücke, Krume, Krümmel + +
C 大腦 + * * da4nao3 cerebrum Gehirn, Cerebrum + +
C 儀表 + * * yi2biao3 instrument-meter/ meter/ instrument/ appearance Aussehen, Haltung,Meßinstrument + +
C 屁股 + * * pi4gu buttocks/ bottom/ rear/ rump/ hindquarters/ end/ butt Hintern, Arsch, Hinterteil eines Tiere,Stummel, + +
D 壇/罈 + * * tan2 (壇) platform/ forum/ (罈) jug 1. Altar 2. erhöhtes Beet 3. Plattform, Tribüne, Podest 4.Fachgebiet, Kreis, 5.dickbäuchiges Tongefäß, Kruke + +
D + * * gu3 drum 1. Trommel 2. ermuntern, antreiben 3. Luft in etw hineinblasen + +
D 器械 + * * qi4xie4 instrument Geräte, Apparate, Instrumente + +
D + * * xie4 bits/ crumb 1. Späne, Splitter, Krume, Fetzen 2. unbedeutend, geringfügig + +
D + * * qiang1 cavity/ antrum 1. Hohlraum (in einem menschlichen oder tierischen Körper), Höhle 2. Melodie, Ton 3. Akzent 4. Sprechen + +

工具* 4 gong1 ju4 tool/ instrument/ utensil/ means (to achieve a goal etc)
* 4 la1 to pull/ to play (string instruments)/ to drag/ to draw
尺子* 5 chi3 zi5 rule/ ruler (measuring instrument)/ CL:把[ba3]
* 5 chui1 to blow/ to play a wind instrument/ to blast/ to puff/ to boast/ to brag/ to end in failure/ to fall through
谜语* 5 mi2 yu3 riddle/ conundrum
潜水* 6 qian2 shui3 to dive/ to go under water/ lurker (Internet slang for sb who reads forum posts but never replies)
* 6 xian2 bow string/ string of musical instrument/ watchspring/ chord (segment of curve)/ hypotenuse/ CL:根[gen1]
瓦解* 6 wa3 jie3 to collapse/ to disintegrate/ to crumble
论坛* 6 lun4 tan2 forum (for discussion)
演奏* 6 yan3 zou4 to play a musical instrument/ to perform music
啰唆* 6 luo1 suo5 to grumble
抱怨* 6 bao4 yuan4 to complain/ to grumble
谣言* 6 yao2 yan2 rumor
解体* 6 jie3 ti3 to break up into components/ to disintegrate/ to collapse/ to crumble
崩溃* 6 beng1 kui4 to collapse/ to crumble/ to fall apart
喇叭* 6 la3 ba5 horn (automobile; alarm siren; musical etc) which produces a sound/ loudspeaker/ brass wind instrument/ trumpet/ suona 鎖吶|锁呐[suo3 na4]
* 6 xie4 crumbs/ filings/ worthwhile
噪音* 6 zao4 yin1 rumble/ noise/ static
仪器* 6 yi2 qi4 instrument/ apparatus/ CL:臺|台[tai2]

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

rumble. v: Communication_noise +

rumble. v: Motion_noise +

ruminate. v: Cogitation +

rummage. v: Scrutiny +

rummage. v: Scouring +

rumor. n: Unattributed_information +

rumor. v: Unattributed_information +

rump. n: Observable_body_parts +

rumpus room. n: Building_subparts +


1578 儿子 喜欢 打鼓 +
2016 正在 仪器 实验 +
2826 告诉 谣言 +
3246 案板 面包 +
3377 桌子 一些 面包屑 +
3545 谣言 纷纷纭纭 +
3667 精密 仪器 提高 分析 质量 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[drum] tympan, percussion instrument
[drum] barrel
[forum] public meeting
[instrument] device
[instrument] musical instrument
[rumor] hearsay
[spectrum] broad range of related values

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

rum + rum + rum +

기계 (An instrument or a machine) + + 소문 (A rumor) + + 도구 (Tool, instrument) + + 예절 (propriety,decorum) + + 악기 (Musical instrument) + + 소문나다 ( A rumor starts) + +
+ + + + + + + +