VNEN con kiến * ant * 103

1 饭馆 fan4 guan3 restaurant/ CL:家[jia1]
1 ling2 zero/ nought/ zero sign/ fractional/ fragmentary/ odd (of numbers)/ (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one)/ fraction/ (in mathematics) remainder (after division)/ extra/ to wither and fall/ to wither
1 xiang3 to think/ to believe/ to suppose/ to wish/ to want/ to miss
1 cha2 tea/ tea plant/ CL:杯[bei1];壺|壶[hu2]
1 ben3 roots or stems of plants/ origin/ source/ this/ the current/ root/ foundation/ basis/ classifier for books; periodicals; files etc/ originally
1 ta1 he or him/ (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)/ (used before sb's name for emphasis)/ (used as a meaningless mock object)/ other/ another
2 bai2 white/ snowy/ pure/ bright/ empty/ blank/ plain/ clear/ to make clear/ in vain/ gratuitous/ free of charge/ reactionary/ anti-communist/ funeral/ to stare coldly/ to write wrong character/ to state/ to explain/ vernacular/ spoken lines in opera/ surname B
2 wan2 toy/ sth used for amusement/ curio or antique (Taiwan pr. wan4)/ to play/ to have fun/ to trifle with/ to keep sth for entertainment
2 服务员 fu2 wu4 yuan2 waiter/ waitress/ attendant/ customer service personnel/ CL:個|个[ge4]
2 yuan3 far/ distant/ remote
2 kuai4 rapid/ quick/ speed/ rate/ soon/ almost/ to make haste/ clever/ sharp (of knives or wits)/ forthright/ plain-spoken/ gratified/ pleased/ pleasant
2 chang2 length/ long/ forever/ always/ constantly
2 便宜 pian2 yi5 small advantages/ to let sb off lightly/ cheap/ inexpensive
2 jiu4 at once/ right away/ only/ just (emphasis)/ as early as/ already/ as soon as/ then/ in that case/ as many as/ even if/ to approach/ to move towards/ to undertake/ to engage in/ to suffer/ subjected to/ to accomplish/ to take advantage of/ to go with (of f
3 deng1 lamp/ light/ lantern/ CL:盞|盏[zhan3]
3 需要 xu1 yao4 to need/ to want/ to demand/ needs/ to require
3 yao4 important/ vital/ to want/ will/ going to (as future auxiliary)/ may/ must
3 愿意 yuan4 yi4 to wish/ to want/ ready/ willing (to do sth)
3 裤子 ku4 zi5 trousers/ pants/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
3 重要 zhong4 yao4 important/ significant/ major
3 lan2 blue/ indigo plant
3 经常 jing1 chang2 day to day/ everyday/ daily/ frequently/ constantly/ regularly/ often
4 爱情 ai4 qing2 romance/ love (romantic)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
4 凉快 liang2 kuai5 nice and cold/ pleasantly cool
4 liang4 bright/ clear/ resonant/ to shine/ to show/ to reveal
4 优点 you1 dian3 merit/ benefit/ strong point/ advantage/ CL:個|个[ge4]
4 数量 shu4 liang4 amount/ quantity/ CL:個|个[ge4]
4 骄傲 jiao1 ao4 arrogant/ full of oneself/ conceited/ proud of sth/ CL:個|个[ge4]
4 ke1 classifier for trees; cabbages; plants etc
4 愉快 yu2 kuai4 cheerful/ cheerily/ delightful/ pleasant/ pleasantly/ pleasing/ happy/ delighted
4 丰富 feng1 fu4 rich/ plentiful/ abundant
4 xiang1 fragrant/ sweet smelling/ aromatic/ savory or appetizing/ (to eat) with relish/ (of sleep) sound/ perfume or spice/ joss or incense stick/ CL:根[gen1]
4 qing1 light/ easy/ gentle/ soft/ reckless/ unimportant/ frivolous/ small in number/ unstressed/ neutral
4 植物 zhi2 wu4 botanical/ plant/ vegetation/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
4 保证 bao3 zheng4 guarantee/ to guarantee/ to ensure/ to safeguard/ to pledge/ CL:個|个[ge4]
4 随便 sui2 bian4 as one wishes/ as one pleases/ at random/ negligent/ casual/ wanton
4 精彩 jing1 cai3 brilliant/ splendid
4 浪漫 lang4 man4 romantic
4 好处 hao3 chu5 benefit/ advantage/ gain/ profit/ also pronounced hao3 chu4/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 巨大 ju4 da4 huge/ immense/ very large/ tremendous/ gigantic/ enormous
5 利用 li4 yong4 exploit/ make use of/ to use/ to take advantage of/ to utilize
5 充分 chong1 fen4 full/ abundant
5 等于 deng3 yu2 to equal/ to be tantamount to
5 恋爱 lian4 ai4 (romantic) love/ in love/ to have an affair/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 不断 bu4 duan4 unceasing/ uninterrupted/ continuous/ constant
5 zi3 purple/ violet/ amethyst/ Lithospermum erythrorhizon (flowering plant whose root provides red purple dye)/ Japanese: murasaki
5 优美 you1 mei3 graceful/ fine/ elegant
5 临时 lin2 shi2 at the instant sth happens/ temporary/ interim/ ad hoc
5 优势 you1 shi4 superiority/ dominance/ advantage
5 点心 dian3 xin5 light refreshments/ pastry/ dimsum (in Cantonese cooking)/ dessert
5 不要紧 bu4 yao4 jin3 unimportant/ not serious/ it doesn't matter/ never mind/ it looks all right/ but
5 有利 you3 li4 advantageous/ to have advantages/ favorable
5 幻想 huan4 xiang3 delusion/ fantasy
5 nian4 to read/ to study (a degree course)/ to read aloud/ to miss (sb)/ idea/ remembrance/ twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿; 20)
5 愤怒 fen4 nu4 angry/ indignant
5 农民 nong2 min2 peasant/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 餐厅 can1 ting1 dining-hall/ dining-room/ restaurant/ CL:間|间[jian1];家[jia1]
5 刺激 ci4 ji1 to provoke/ to irritate/ to upset/ to stimulate/ to excite/ irritant
5 消灭 xiao1 mie4 to put an end to/ to annihilate/ to cause to perish/ to perish/ annihilation (in quantum field theory)
5 会计 kuai4 ji4 accountant/ accountancy/ accounting
5 xie2 inclined/ slanting/ oblique/ tilting
5 一路平安 yi1 lu4 ping2 an1 to have a pleasant journey/ Bon voyage!
5 大象 da4 xiang4 elephant/ CL:隻|只[zhi1]
5 时刻 shi2 ke4 moment/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ constantly/ always
5 tang4 quantifier for the number of trips or runs made
5 移民 yi2 min2 to immigrate/ to migrate/ emigrant/ immigrant
5 chen4 to avail oneself of/ to take advantage of
5 cheng2 to ride/ to mount/ to make use of/ to avail oneself of/ to take advantage of/ to multiply (mathematics)/ Buddhist sect or creed
5 吃亏 chi1 kui1 to suffer losses/ to come to grief/ to lose out/ to get the worst of it/ to be at a disadvantage/ unfortunately
6 奇妙 qi2 miao4 fantastic/ wonderful
6 武侠 wu3 xia2 martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary; theatrical and cinema genre)/ knight-errant
6 婴儿 ying1 er2 infant/ baby/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ lead (Pb)
6 坚实 jian1 shi2 firm and substantial/ solid
6 英明 ying1 ming2 wise/ brilliant
6 英勇 ying1 yong3 bravery/ gallant/ valiant
6 充沛 chong1 pei4 abundant/ plentiful/ vigorous
6 充实 chong1 shi2 rich/ substantial/ enrich/ substantiate
6 充足 chong1 zu2 adequate/ sufficient/ abundant
6 灯笼 deng1 long2 lantern
6 首要 shou3 yao4 the most important/ of chief importance
6 敌视 di2 shi4 hostile/ malevolence/ antagonism/ to view as enemy/ to stand against
6 选手 xuan3 shou3 athlete/ contestant
6 书面 shu1 mian4 in writing/ written (guarantee etc)
6 怀孕 huai2 yun4 pregnant/ to have conceived/ gestation/ pregnancy
6 不止 bu4 zhi3 incessantly/ without end/ more than/ not limited to
6 古董 gu3 dong3 curio/ antique
6 伴随 ban4 sui2 to accompany/ to follow/ to occur together with/ attendant
6 流浪 liu2 lang4 to drift about/ to wander/ to roam/ nomadic/ homeless/ unsettled (e.g. population)/ vagrant
6 涮火锅 shuan4 huo3 guo1 to instant-boil (mutton; beef; vegetables; etc.)
6 留恋 liu2 lian4 reluctant to leave/ to hate to have to go/ to recall fondly
6 喘气 chuan3 qi4 to breathe deeply/ to pant
6 奢侈 she1 chi3 luxurious/ extravagant/ wasteful
6 风度 feng1 du4 elegance (for men)/ elegant demeanor/ grace/ poise
6 愚昧 yu2 mei4 ignorant/ uneducated
6 顾问 gu4 wen4 adviser/ consultant
6 挥霍 hui1 huo4 to squander money/ extravagant/ prodigal/ free and easy/ agile
6 保管 bao3 guan3 to assure/ to guarantee/ to take care of/ to safeguard/ certainly/ surely
6 预料 yu4 liao4 to forecast/ to anticipate/ expectation
6 残留 can2 liu2 to remain/ left over/ surplus/ remnant
6 灿烂 can4 lan4 to glitter/ brilliant/ splendid
6 保障 bao3 zhang4 to ensure/ to guarantee/ to safeguard
6 相应 xiang1 ying4 to correspond/ answering (one another)/ to agree (among the part)/ corresponding/ relevant/ appropriate/ (modify) accordingly
6 原告 yuan2 gao4 complainant/ plaintiff
6 左右 zuo3 you4 about/ approximately/ left and right/ around/ attendant
6 空想 kong1 xiang3 daydream/ fantasy/ to fantasize
6 倾斜 qing1 xie2 to incline/ to lean/ to slant/ to slope/ to tilt
6 光辉 guang1 hui1 radiance/ glory/ brilliant/ magnificent
6 光芒 guang1 mang2 rays of light/ brilliant rays/ radiance
6 元宵节 Yuan2 xiao1 jie2 Lantern festival; the final event of the Spring festival 春節|春节; on 15th of first month of the lunar calendar
6 遥远 yao2 yuan3 distant/ remote
6 fu4 secondary/ auxiliary/ deputy/ assistant/ vice-/ abbr. for 副詞|副词 adverb/ classifier for pairs
6 算数 suan4 shu4 to count numbers/ to keep to one's word/ to hold (i.e. to remain valid)/ to count (i.e. to be important)
6 刹那 cha4 na4 an instant (Sanskrit: ksana)/ split second/ the twinkling of an eye
6 被告 bei4 gao4 defendant
6 富裕 fu4 yu4 abundant/ affluent/ richness/ affluence
6 微不足道 wei1 bu4 zu2 dao4 negligible/ insignificant
6 打包 da3 bao1 to wrap/ to pack/ to ask for a doggy bag (at a restaurant)
6 孕育 yun4 yu4 to be pregnant/ to produce offspring/ to nurture (a development; school of thought; artwork etc)/ fig. replete with (culture etc)
6 旷课 kuang4 ke4 to play truant/ to cut classes
6 茫然 mang2 ran2 ignorant/ to have no knowledge of sth
6 盛产 sheng4 chan3 superabundant/ to teem with/ to produce in abundance/ to abound in
6 对抗 dui4 kang4 to withstand/ to resist/ to stand off/ antagonism/ confrontation
6 对立 dui4 li4 to oppose/ to set sth against/ to be antagonistic to/ antithetical/ relative opposite/ opposing/ diametrical
6 锦绣前程 jin3 xiu4 qian2 cheng2 a bright future/ a rosy future/ brilliant prospects
6 一贯 yi1 guan4 consistent/ constant/ from start to finish/ all along/ persistent
6 急功近利 ji2 gong1 jin4 li4 seeking instant benefit (idiom)/ shortsighted vision; looking only for fast return
6 过度 guo4 du4 excessive/ over-/ excess/ going too far/ extravagant/ intemperate/ overdue
6 泄气 xie4 qi4 discouraged/ dejected/ demoralized/ despairing/ to want to give up/ to deflate (air from a tyre)
6 来历 lai2 li4 history/ antecedents/ origin
6 shi2 to pick up/ to collate or arrange/ ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
6 大肆 da4 si4 wantonly/ without restraint (of enemy or malefactor)/ unbridled
6 急于求成 ji2 yu2 qiu2 cheng2 anxious for quick results (idiom)/ to demand instant success/ impatient for result/ impetuous
6 弊病 bi4 bing4 malady/ evil/ malpractice/ drawback/ disadvantage
6 一向 yi1 xiang4 all along/ the whole time/ constantly/ earlier/ lately
6 萌芽 meng2 ya2 sprout/ germ of a plant
6 确保 que4 bao3 to ensure/ to guarantee
6 实惠 shi2 hui4 tangible benefit/ material advantages/ advantageous (deal)/ substantial (discount)
6 精华 jing1 hua2 best feature/ most important part of an object/ quintessence/ essence/ soul
6 迷人 mi2 ren2 fascinating/ enchanting/ charming/ tempting
6 欣欣向荣 xin1 xin1 xiang4 rong2 luxuriant growth (idiom)/ flourishing/ thriving
6 zhu1 tree trunk/ stump (tree root)/ a plant/ classifier for trees or plants/ to involve others (in shady business)
6 担保 dan1 bao3 to guarantee/ to vouch for
6 高明 gao1 ming2 wise/ brilliant/ superior
6 精益求精 jing1 yi4 qiu2 jing1 to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom)/ constantly improving
6 文雅 wen2 ya3 elegant/ refined
6 勉强 mian3 qiang3 to do with difficulty/ to force sb to do sth/ reluctant/ barely enough
6 警惕 jing3 ti4 to be on the alert/ vigilant/ alert/ on guard/ to warn
6 意料 yi4 liao4 to anticipate/ to expect/ to reckon ahead
6 渺小 miao3 xiao3 minute/ tiny/ negligible/ insignificant
6 助理 zhu4 li3 assistant
6 诬陷 wu1 xian4 to entrap/ to frame/ to plant false evidence against sb
6 助手 zhu4 shou3 assistant/ helper
6 事迹 shi4 ji4 deed/ past achievement/ important event of the past
6 乘务员 cheng2 wu4 yuan2 attendant on an airplane; train; boat etc
6 反感 fan3 gan3 to be disgusted with/ to dislike/ bad reaction/ antipathy
6 利害 li4 hai4 pros and cons/ advantages and disadvantages/ gains and losses
6 凶手 xiong1 shou3 assailant/ murderer/ assassin

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET kế toán viên accountant
2000VIET quan trọng important
2000VIET muốn want
2000VIET không đáng kể insignificant
2000VIET nhà hàng restaurant
2000VIET eggplant
2000VIET chất khử mùi deodorant
2000VIET voi elephant
2000VIET kiến ant
2000VIET tiếp viên hàng không flight attendant

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich möchte Lehrer werden. I want to be a teacher. Tôi muốn trở thành một giáo viên.
Ich habe einen wichtigen Termin. I have an important appointment. Tôi có một cuộc hẹn quan trọng.
Ich habe einen wichtigen Termin. I have an important appointment. Tôi có một cuộc hẹn quan trọng.
Ich möchte verreisen. I want to travel. Tôi muốn đi du lịch.
Ich möchte nach Berlin fahren. I want to go to Berlin. Tôi muốn đi đến Berlin.
Ich möchte Freunde besuchen. I want to visit friends. Tôi muốn thăm bạn bè.
die Hose pants/trousers quần quần
die Strumpfhose tights/pantyhose tights / pantyhose
die Unterhose underpants quần lót
Sie sind schwanger. You are pregnant. Bạn có thai.
Ich bin im vierten Monat schwanger. I'm four months pregnant. Tôi đang mang thai bốn tháng.
Kommst du mit? Do you want to come along? Bạn có muốn đi cùng?
die Aubergine eggplant
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
006 0079
We want to understand people.
006 0080
We want to speak with people.
018 0317
It is pleasant.
021 0364
What do you want to cook today?
029 0523
Do you have a vacant room?
030 0560
Is there a restaurant nearby?
042 0785
Is there a good restaurant around here?
045 0846
Where are the elephants?
045 0857
There is a restaurant over there.
046 0872
I want to sit in the back.
046 0873
I want to sit somewhere in the middle.
046 0874
I want to sit at the front.
047 0883
We want to go to the cinema.
047 0892
I want to sit at the back.
047 0893
I want to sit at the front.
047 0894
I want to sit in the middle.
049 0932
Do you want to take a road map?
049 0933
Do you want to take a travel guide?
049 0934
Do you want to take an umbrella?
049 0935
Remember to take pants, shirts and socks.
053 1003
I want to go to the library.
053 1004
I want to go to the bookstore.
053 1005
I want to go to the newspaper stand.
053 1006
I want to borrow a book.
053 1007
I want to buy a book.
053 1008
I want to buy a newspaper.
053 1009
I want to go to the library to borrow a book.
053 1010
I want to go to the bookstore to buy a book.
053 1011
I want to go to the kiosk / newspaper stand to buy a newspaper.
053 1012
I want to go to the optician.
053 1013
I want to go to the supermarket.
053 1014
I want to go to the bakery.
053 1015
I want to buy some glasses.
053 1016
I want to buy fruit and vegetables.
053 1017
I want to buy rolls and bread.
053 1018
I want to go to the optician to buy glasses.
053 1019
I want to go to the supermarket to buy fruit and vegetables.
053 1020
I want to go to the baker to buy rolls and bread.
054 1025
I want to do a lot of shopping.
055 1046
We want to buy a football.
055 1047
We want to buy salami.
055 1048
We want to buy medicine.
056 1063
I want to buy a present.
057 1091
I want to go to college.
058 1103
to feel like / want to
058 1104
We feel like. / We want to.
058 1105
We don’t feel like. / We do’t want to.
060 1158
He is neither wearing pants nor a coat.
062 1186
I want to deposit money in my account.
062 1187
I want to withdraw money from my account.
062 1188
I want to pick up the bank statements.
062 1189
I want to cash a traveller’s cheque / traveler’s check (am.).
062 1195
I want to change money.
067 1289
Do you want some more soup?
067 1290
No, I don’t want anymore.
070 1344
The elephant is big.
071 1364
I want to sleep.
071 1367
I want to read.
071 1370
I want to make a call.
071 1373
I want to take photographs.
071 1376
I want to send an email.
071 1379
I want to write something.
072 1388
He wants a light.
072 1389
I want to drink something.
072 1390
I want to eat something.
072 1391
I want to relax a little.
072 1392
I want to ask you something.
072 1393
I want to ask you for something.
072 1394
I want to treat you to something.
072 1398
We want to drive home.
072 1399
Do you want a taxi?
072 1400
They want to make a call.
073 1403
What do you want to do?
073 1404
Do you want to play football / soccer (am.)?
073 1405
Do you want to visit friends?
073 1406
to want
073 1407
I don’t want to arrive late.
073 1408
I don’t want to go there.
073 1409
I want to go home.
073 1410
I want to stay at home.
073 1411
I want to be alone.
073 1412
Do you want to stay here?
073 1413
Do you want to eat here?
073 1414
Do you want to sleep here?
073 1415
Do you want to leave tomorrow?
073 1416
Do you want to stay till tomorrow?
073 1417
Do you want to pay the bill only tomorrow?
073 1418
Do you want to go to the disco?
073 1419
Do you want to go to the cinema?
073 1420
Do you want to go to a café?
076 1473
Can you clean the pants / trousers?
089 1732
We did not want to stay long.
089 1733
We did not want to drink anything.
089 1734
We did not want to disturb you.
089 1735
I just wanted to make a call.
089 1736
I just wanted to call a taxi.
089 1737
Actually I wanted to drive home.
089 1738
I thought you wanted to call your wife.
089 1739
I thought you wanted to call information.
089 1740
I thought you wanted to order a pizza.
090 1743
My son did not want to play with the doll.
090 1744
My daughter did not want to play football / soccer (am.).
090 1745
My wife did not want to play chess with me.
090 1746
My children did not want to go for a walk.
090 1747
They did not want to tidy the room.
090 1748
They did not want to go to bed.
094 1837
I’m happy that you want to buy the house.
102 1994
No, I don’t want anything else.
102 1999
Does anyone else want a coffee?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A01 35 35
你 要订 报纸 吗 ? + คุณต้องการสมัครสมาชิกหนังสือพิมพ์หรือไม่? + Bạn có muốn đăng ký báo không? + Do you want a newspaper subscription? + Möchten Sie ein Zeitungsabonnement? + Vuoi un abbonamento a un giornale? + Voulez-vous un abonnement journal? + ¿Desea suscribirse a un periódico? + Wilt u een krantenabonnement? + ( nǐ yàodìng bàozhǐ mā?)
A02 11 61
我 要洗 衣服 。 + ฉันต้องการซักผ้า + Tôi muốn giặt quần áo. + I want to do the laundry. + Ich will die Wäsche machen. + Voglio fare la lavanderia. + Je veux faire la lessive. + Quiero lavar la ropa. + Ik wil de wasserij doen. + ( wǒ yàoxǐ yīfú.)
A02 12 62
裤子兜 都 弄脏了 。 + กระเป๋ากางเกงเหล่านี้สกปรก + Các túi trên các quần là tất cả bẩn. + The pocket on these pants is all dirty. + Die Tasche auf dieser Hose ist ganz schmutzig. + La tasca su questi pantaloni è tutto sporco. + La poche de ce pantalon est toute sale. + El bolsillo de estos pantalones está todo sucio. + De zak op deze broek is allemaal vuil. + ( kùzi·dōu dōu nòngzāngle·.)
A02 26 76
这是 间 连锁餐厅 。 + นี่คือร้านอาหารแฟรนไชส์ + Đây là một nhà hàng nhượng quyền thương mại. + This is a franchise restaurant. + Das ist ein Franchise-Restaurant. + Questo è un ristorante in franchising. + C'est un restaurant franchisé. + Este es un restaurante de franquicia. + Dit is een franchiserestaurant. + ( zhèshì jiān liánsuǒcāntīng.)
A02 40 90
您的 牛排 要 几分熟 ? + คุณทำสเต็กของคุณได้ดีแค่ไหน? + Làm thế nào cũng làm bạn muốn steak của bạn? + How well done do you want your steak? + Wie gut ist Ihr Steak? + Quanto bene fatto volete la vostra bistecca? + Tu veux ton steak bien cuit? + ¿Qué tan bien hecho quiere su filete? + Hoe goed gedaan wilt u uw steak? + ( nínde· niúpái yào jǐfēnshú?)
A06 25 275
我 被 她 误会 , 很难过 。 + เธอไม่ได้รับสิ่งที่ฉันหมายถึงและมันจริงๆ upsets ฉัน + Cô ấy không hiểu ý tôi, và nó thực sự làm phiền tôi. + She didn't get what I meant, and it really upsets me. + Sie hat nicht verstanden, was ich meinte, und das regt mich wirklich auf. + Non ha ottenuto quello che intendevo, e mi sconvolge davvero. + Elle n' a pas compris ce que je voulais dire, et ça me dérange vraiment. + No entendió lo que quise decir, y realmente me molesta. + Ze begreep niet wat ik bedoelde en het maakt me echt van streek. + ( wǒ bèi tā wùhuì, hěnnánguò.)
A07 14 314
我 觉得 这间 餐厅的 水准 比较高 。 + ฉันคิดว่าร้านนี้มีมาตรฐานสูง + Tôi nghĩ rằng nhà hàng này có tiêu chuẩn cao. + I think this restaurant's got high standards. + Ich denke, dieses Restaurant hat einen hohen Standard. + Penso che questo ristorante abbia standard elevati. + Je pense que ce restaurant a des standards élevés. + Creo que este restaurante tiene altos estándares. + Ik denk dat dit restaurant hoge normen heeft gekregen. + ( wǒ juéde· zhèjiān cāntīngde· shuǐzhǔn bǐjiàogāo.)
A08 18 368
我 舍不得 再 花钱 买 一台 新电脑 。 + ฉันไม่ต้องการใช้จ่ายเงินเพิ่มอีกต่อไปในคอมพิวเตอร์เครื่องใหม่ + Tôi không muốn phải chi thêm bất kỳ khoản tiền nào vào máy tính mới. + I don't want to have to spend any more money on a new computer. + Ich will nicht noch mehr Geld für einen neuen Computer ausgeben müssen. + Non voglio dover spendere più soldi per un nuovo computer. + Je ne veux pas dépenser plus d'argent pour un nouvel ordinateur. + No quiero tener que gastar más dinero en una computadora nueva. + Ik wil niet meer geld hoeven uit te geven aan een nieuwe computer. + ( wǒ shěbùde· zài huāqián mǎi yìtái xīndiànnǎo.)
A08 33 383
想 聊聊 吗 ? + คุณต้องการที่จะพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับเรื่องนี้? + Bạn có muốn nói về nó? + Do you want to talk about it? + Willst du darüber reden? + Vuoi parlarne? + Tu veux en parler? + ¿Quieres hablar de ello? + Wilt u erover praten? + ( xiǎng liáoliáo mā?)
A09 6 406
我 有 乳糖 不耐症 。 + ฉันแพ้แลคโตส + Tôi không dung nạp lactose. + I'm lactose intolerant. + Ich bin laktoseintolerant. + Sono intollerante al lattosio. + Je suis intolérante au lactose. + Soy intolerante a la lactosa. + Ik ben lactose-intolerant. + ( wǒ yǒu rǔtáng bùnàizhèng.)
A09 43 443
我 不想 惹是生非 ! + ฉันไม่ต้องการก่อให้เกิดปัญหา + Tôi không muốn gây ra vấn đề. + I don't want to cause problems. + Ich will keine Probleme verursachen. + Non voglio causare problemi. + Je ne veux pas causer de problèmes. + No quiero causar problemas. + Ik wil geen problemen veroorzaken. + ( wǒ bùxiǎng rěshìshēngfēi!)
A11 18 518
别 插嘴 , 我们 在 讨论 重要的 事情 。 + อย่าขัดจังหวะเรากำลังพูดถึงบางสิ่งที่สำคัญ + Đừng ngắt lời, chúng ta đang thảo luận một điều gì đó quan trọng. + Don't interrupt, we're discussing something important. + Unterbrechen Sie nicht, wir reden über etwas Wichtiges. + Non interrompere, stiamo parlando di qualcosa di importante. + N'interrompez pas, nous discutons de quelque chose d'important. + No interrumpa, estamos hablando de algo importante. + Niet onderbreken, we bespreken iets belangrijks. + ( bié chāzuǐ, wǒmen· zài tǎolùn zhòngyàode· shìqíng.)
A11 32 532
我 不要 香菜 。 + ฉันไม่ต้องการผักชี (ผักชี) + Tôi không muốn ăn rau. (rau mùi) + I don't want any cilantro. (coriander) + Ich will keinen Koriander. (Koriander) + Non voglio alcun coriandolo. (coriandolo) + Je ne veux pas de coriandre. (coriandre) + No quiero cilantro. (coriandro) + Ik wil geen cilantro. (coriander) + ( wǒ búyào xiāngcài.)
A11 39 539
我们 晚上 要去吃 自助餐 , 你 要带 朋友 一起 来 吗 ? + วันนี้เราสามารถกินทุกอย่างได้คุณต้องการพาใครไปไหม? + Hôm nay chúng ta đang ăn cơm tối nay, bạn có muốn mang theo ai không? + We're getting all-you-can-eat tonight, do you want to bring anybody along? + Wir bekommen heute Abend alles, was du essen kannst. Willst du jemanden mitbringen? + Stiamo ricevendo tutto - si può mangiare stasera, volete portare tutti insieme? + On va manger tout ce qu'on peut ce soir, tu veux emmener quelqu'un? + Vamos a comer todo lo que puedas esta noche, ¿quieres traer a alguien? + We krijgen vanavond alles wat u kunt eten, wilt u iemand meenemen? + ( wǒmen· wǎnshàng yàoqùchī zìzhùcān, nǐ yàodài péngyǒu yìqǐ lái mā?)
A11 40 540
车站 那边 新开了 一间 麻辣火锅 , 你 吃过了吗 ? + มีร้านอาหารหม้อร้อนรสเผ็ดใหม่ที่สถานีคุณเคยลองไหม + Có một nhà hàng nóng cay nóng của nhà ga, bạn đã thử nó? + There's a new spicy hot pot restaurant by the station, have you tried it? + Es gibt ein neues scharfes Hot Pot Restaurant am Bahnhof, hast du es schon mal ausprobiert? + C' è un nuovo ristorante di pentola piccante dalla stazione, l' avete provato? + Il y a un nouveau restaurant épicé près de la gare, tu as essayé? + Hay un nuevo restaurante picante en la estación, ¿lo has probado? + Er is een nieuw pittig heet potrestaurant bij het station, heeft u het geprobeerd? + ( chēzhàn nàbiān xīnkāile· yìjiān málàhuǒguō, nǐ chīguòle· mā?)
A11 41 541
我 不喜欢 去吃 烧烤 , 因为 吃完 衣服 都是味道 。 + ฉันไม่ชอบกินอาหารที่ร้านย่างเพราะมันทำให้เสื้อผ้าของฉันเหม็นมากขึ้น + Tôi không thích ăn ở một nhà hàng nướng 'vì nó stinks lên quần áo của tôi. + I don't like to eat at a grill restaurant 'cause it stinks up my clothes. + Ich mag es nicht, in einem Grillrestaurant zu essen, weil es meine Kleidung stinkt. + Non mi piace mangiare in un ristorante alla griglia' causa che puzza i miei vestiti. + Je n'aime pas manger au restaurant du grill parce que ça pue dans mes vêtements. + No me gusta comer en un restaurante a la parrilla porque apesta mi ropa. + Ik eet niet graag bij een grillrestaurant' want het stinkt mijn kleren op. + ( wǒ bùxǐhuan· qùchī shāokǎo, yīnwèi chīwán yīfú dōushì wèidào.)
A12 4 554
如果 你 预算 不够 , 可以 考虑 看看 二轮 电影 。 + หากคุณอยู่ในงบประมาณคุณอาจต้องการลองใช้โรงภาพยนตร์แห่งที่สอง + Nếu bạn đang ở trong ngân sách, bạn có thể muốn thử một rạp chiếu phim thứ hai. + If you're on a budget, you might want to try a second-run cinema. + Wenn Sie über ein Budget verfügen, sollten Sie vielleicht ein zweites Kino ausprobieren. + Se hai un budget, potresti provare un cinema di seconda visione. + Si vous avez un budget, vous voudrez peut-être essayer un deuxième tour de cinéma. + Si tienes un presupuesto, quizá quieras probar un cine de segunda. + Als je op budget zit, kun je misschien een tweede bioscoop proberen. + ( rúguǒ nǐ yùsuàn búgòu, kěyǐ kǎolǜ kànkàn èrlún diànyǐng.)
A13 1 601
不要 传染 给我 。 + ฉันไม่อยากจับมัน + Tôi không muốn bắt nó. + I don't want to catch it. + Ich will ihn nicht fangen. + Non voglio prenderlo. + Je ne veux pas l'attraper. + No quiero atraparlo. + Ik wil het niet vangen. + ( búyào chuánrǎn gěiwǒ.)
A14 48 698
我 怀孕了 。 + ฉันท้อง. + Tôi mang thai. + I'm pregnant. + Ich bin schwanger. + Sono incinta. + Je suis enceinte. + Estoy embarazada. + Ik ben zwanger. + ( wǒ huáiyùnle·.)
A15 25 725
它 是 恶性的 吗 ? + มันเป็นมะเร็งหรือไม่? + Nó có ác tính không? + Is it malignant? + Ist es bösartig? + È maligno? + C'est malin? + ¿Es maligno? + Is het kwaadaardig? + ( tā shì ěxìngde· mā?)
A16 42 792
孕妇: 服用前 请 先 咨询 医师 。 + หญิงตั้งครรภ์: โปรดปรึกษาแพทย์ของคุณก่อนใช้ + Phụ nữ mang thai: vui lòng tham khảo ý kiến ​​bác sĩ trước khi sử dụng. + Pregnant women: please consult your physician before use. + Schwangere Frauen: Bitte konsultieren Sie vor der Anwendung Ihren Arzt. + Donne incinte: consultare il proprio medico prima dell' uso. + Femmes enceintes: consulter votre médecin avant l'utilisation. + Embarazadas: consultar a su médico antes de usar. + Zwangere vrouwen: raadpleeg uw arts voor gebruik. + ( yùnfù: fúyòngqián qǐng xiān zīxún yīshī.)
A19 3 903
我 想买 免处方的 。 + ฉันต้องการรับสินค้าที่ไม่ต้องสั่งโดยเฉพาะ + Tôi muốn mua một cái gì đó không bán. + I want to get something over-the-counter. + Ich möchte etwas außerbörslich kaufen. + Voglio ottenere qualcosa da banco. + Je veux quelque chose en vente libre. + Quiero comprar algo de venta libre. + Ik wil iets over-the-counter krijgen. + ( wǒ xiǎngmǎi miǎnchǔfāngde·.)
A19 14 914
你 可能要让 医生 帮 你 看看 。 + คุณอาจต้องการให้แพทย์เห็นว่า + Bạn có thể muốn cho bác sĩ thấy. + You might want to let a doctor see that. + Vielleicht sollten Sie das einem Arzt zeigen. + Si potrebbe desiderare di lasciare che un medico lo veda. + Vous devriez laisser un médecin le voir. + Deberías dejar que un médico lo vea. + Misschien wilt u dat laten zien door een dokter. + ( nǐ kěnéngyàoràng yīshēng bāng nǐ kànkàn.)
A19 30 930
你 想抽 根 烟 吗 ? + คุณต้องการบุหรี่ไหม? + Bạn có muốn một điếu thuốc không? + Do you want a cigarette? + Willst du eine Zigarette? + Volete una sigaretta? + Tu veux une cigarette? + ¿Quieres un cigarrillo? + Wilt u een sigaret? + ( nǐ xiǎngchōu gēn yān mā?)
A20 37 987
手术 前 我们 需要 征得 你的 同意 。 + เราต้องการการอนุญาตจากคุณก่อนที่จะดำเนินการกับคุณ + Chúng tôi muốn sự cho phép của bạn trước khi chúng tôi hoạt động với bạn. + We want your permission before we operate on you. + Wir brauchen Ihre Erlaubnis, bevor wir Sie operieren. + Vogliamo il vostro permesso prima di operare su di voi. + Nous voulons votre permission avant de vous opérer. + Queremos su permiso antes de operar. + Wij willen uw toestemming voordat wij op u gaan werken. + ( shǒushù qián wǒmen· xūyào zhēngdé nǐde· tóngyì.)
B01 4 1004
她 五 年前 是 餐厅的 服务员 。 + เมื่อห้าปีก่อนเธอเป็นพนักงานเสิร์ฟในร้านอาหาร + Năm năm về trước cô ấy làm hầu bàn trong một nhà hàng. + Five years ago she was a waitress in a restaurant. + Vor fünf Jahren war sie Kellnerin in einem Restaurant. + Cinque anni fa era cameriera in un ristorante. + Il y a cinq ans, elle était serveuse dans un restaurant. + Hace cinco años era camarera en un restaurante. + Vijf jaar geleden was ze serveerster in een restaurant. + (tā wǔ niánqián shì cāntīngde· fúwùyuán.)
B03 29 1129
我 很累 , 我 今晚 不想 出去了 。 + ฉันเหนื่อยมาก. ฉันไม่ต้องการออกไปข้างนอกคืนนี้ + Tôi rất mệt. Tôi không muốn ra ngoài tối nay. + I'm very tired. I don't want to go out tonight. + Ich bin sehr müde. Ich will heute Abend nicht ausgehen. + Sono molto stanco. Non voglio uscire stasera. + Je suis très fatigué. Je ne veux pas sortir ce soir. + Estoy muy cansada. No quiero salir esta noche. + Ik ben erg moe. Ik wil vanavond niet uitgaan. + (wó hěnlèi, wǒ jīnwǎn bùxiǎng chūqùle·.)
B03 43 1143
康斯坦丁 到了 吗 ? + คอนสแตนตินมาถึงยัง? + Tiện đã đến chưa? + Has Konstantin arrived yet? + Ist Konstantin schon da? + Konstantin è ancora arrivato? + Konstantin est arrivé? + ¿Ha llegado ya Konstantin? + Is Konstantin al aangekomen? + (kāngsītǎndīng dàole· mā?)
B05 33 1233
你 今晚 要去看 电影 吗 ? — 当然 好 , 电影 几点 开始 ? + คุณต้องการไปดูหนังคืนนี้หรือไม่? - แน่ใจแล้วว่าหนังเรื่องนี้เริ่มต้นจากที่ไหน + Cậu có muốn đi xem phim tối nay không? - Chắc chắn, mấy giờ thì lm bắt đầu? + Do you want to go to the movies tonight? — Sure, what time does the movie begin? + Willst du heute Abend ins Kino gehen? Klar, wann fängt der Film an? + Vuoi andare al cinema stasera? Certo, a che ora inizia il film? + Tu veux aller au cinéma ce soir? Bien sûr, à quelle heure commence le film? + ¿Quieres ir al cine esta noche? Claro, ¿a qué hora empieza la película? + Wilt u vanavond naar de films gaan? Zeker, hoe laat begint de film? + (nǐ jīnwǎn yàoqùkàn diànyǐng mā? — dāngrán hǎo, diànyíng jídiǎn kāishǐ?)
B05 48 1248
今天 天气 真好 , 我 不想坐 公车 , 我 要走路 。 + มันเป็นวันที่ดี. ฉันไม่ต้องการขึ้นรถเมล์ ฉันจะเดิน + Hôm nay đẹp trời. Tôi không muốn bắt xe bus. Tôi sẽ đi bộ. + It's a nice day. I don't want to take the bus. I'm going to walk. + Es ist ein schöner Tag. Ich will nicht den Bus nehmen. Ich gehe zu Fuß. + È una bella giornata. Non voglio prendere l' autobus. Sto andando a camminare. + C'est une belle journée. Je ne veux pas prendre le bus. Je vais marcher. + Es un lindo día. No quiero tomar el autobús. Voy a caminar. + Het is een leuke dag. Ik wil de bus niet meenemen. Ik ga lopen. + (jīntiān tiānqì zhēnhǎo, wǒ bùxiǎngzuò gōngchē, wǒ yào zǒulù.)
B06 19 1269
我们 星期六 要去看 电影 , 你 跟 我们 一起去 吗 ? + เรากำลังจะไปดูหนังเมื่อวันเสาร์ คุณต้องการที่จะมากับเราหรือไม่? + Chúng tôi sẽ đi xem phim vào Thứ bảy. Cậu có muốn đi cùng chúng tôi không? + We're going to the movies on Saturday. Do you want to come with us? + Wir gehen am Samstag ins Kino. Willst du mit uns kommen? + Stiamo andando ai film il sabato. Vuoi venire con noi? + On va au cinéma samedi. Tu veux venir avec nous? + Vamos al cine el sábado. ¿Quieres venir con nosotros? + Zaterdag gaan we naar de films. Wilt u met ons mee komen? + (wǒmen· xīngqīliù yàoqùkàn diànyǐng, nǐ gēn wǒmen· yìqǐ qù mā?)
B06 27 1277
她 三 天前 在 圣地亚哥 。 + สามวันก่อนเธออยู่ในซันติอาโก + Ba hôm trước cô ấy ở Santiago. + Three days ago she was in Santiago. + Vor drei Tagen war sie in Santiago. + Tre giorni fa era a Santiago. + Il y a trois jours, elle était à Santiago. + Hace tres días estuvo en Santiago. + Drie dagen geleden was ze in Santiago. + (tā sān tiānqián zài shèngdìyǎgē.)
B07 22 1322
我 不想吃 香蕉 。 — 我 饿了 , 给 我 吃 。 + ฉันไม่ต้องการกล้วยนี้ - ฉันหิว. ฉันจะมีมัน + Tôi không cần quả chuối này. - Tôi đói. Tôi sẽ ăn nó. + I don't want this banana. — I'm hungry. I'll have it. + Ich will diese Banane nicht. Ich habe Hunger. Ich nehme es. + Non voglio questa banana. Ho fame. Lo avrò. + Je ne veux pas de cette banane. - J'ai faim. Je l'aurai. + No quiero esta banana. Estoy hambriento. La tendré. + Ik wil deze banaan niet. Ik heb honger. Ik zal het hebben. + ( wǒ bùxiǎngchī xiāngjiāo. — wǒ èle·, géi wǒ chī.)
B07 23 1323
你 要 张 椅子 吗 ? — 不用了 , 没 事儿 ,我 坐 地上 。 + คุณต้องการเก้าอี้หรือไม่? - ไม่เป็นไร ฉันจะนั่งบนพื้น + Cậu có muốn một cái ghế không? - Không, không sao. Tôi sẽ ngồi dưới sàn. + Do you want a chair? — No, it's okay. I'll sit on the floor. + Willst du einen Stuhl? Nein, es ist okay. Ich setze mich auf den Boden. + Vuoi una sedia? No, va bene. Mi siedo sul pavimento. + Tu veux une chaise? Non, c'est bon. Je vais m'asseoir par terre. + ¿Quieres una silla? No, no, está bien. Me sentaré en el suelo. + Wilt u een stoel? Nee, het is goed. Ik zal op de grond zitten. + ( nǐ yào zhāng yǐzi· mā? — búyòngle·, méi shìr, wǒ zuò dìshàng.)
B08 22 1372
听说 你 赢了 钱 , 你 要用 这些 钱 来做 什么 ? — 我 还没 决定 , 可能会 开个 餐厅。 + ฉันได้ยินว่าคุณได้เงินมาบ้าง คุณจะทำอะไรกับมัน? - ฉันยังไม่ตัดสินใจ ฉันอาจจะเปิดร้านอาหาร + Tôi nghe nói cậu thắng được ít tiền. Cậu định làm gì với số tiền đấy? - Tôi chưa quyết định. Có thể tôi sẽ mở nhà hàng. + I hear you won some money. What are you going to do with it? — I haven't decided yet. I might open a restaurant. + Wie ich höre, hast du etwas Geld gewonnen. Was wirst du damit machen? Ich habe mich noch nicht entschieden. Vielleicht eröffne ich ein Restaurant. + Sento che lei ha vinto un po' di soldi. Cosa ne farete? Non ho ancora deciso. Potrei aprire un ristorante. + Il paraît que tu as gagné de l'argent. Qu'allez-vous en faire? Je n'ai pas encore décidé. Je pourrais ouvrir un restaurant. + He oído que ganaste algo de dinero. ¿Qué vas a hacer con él? Aún no lo he decidido. Podría abrir un restaurante. + Ik hoor dat u geld hebt gewonnen. Wat gaat u ermee doen? Ik heb nog niet besloten. Ik zou een restaurant kunnen openen. + (tīngshuō nǐ yíngle· qián, nǐ yàoyòng zhèxiē qián láizuò shéme? — wǒ háiméi juédìng, kěnénghuì kāige· cāntīng.)
B09 10 1410
我 昨天 想 跟 夏奇拉 说话 , 但 我 找不着她 。 + ฉันอยากจะพูดกับชาคิราเมื่อวานนี้ แต่ฉันไม่สามารถหาเธอได้ + + I wanted to speak to Shakira yesterday, but I couldn't find her. + Ich wollte gestern mit Shakira sprechen, aber ich konnte sie nicht finden. + Volevo parlare con Shakira ieri, ma non l' ho trovata. + Je voulais parler à Shakira hier, mais je ne l'ai pas trouvée. + Quería hablar con Shakira ayer, pero no pude encontrarla. + Ik wilde gisteren met Shakira spreken, maar ik kon haar niet vinden. + ( wǒ zuótiān xiǎng gēn xiàqílā shuōhuà, dàn wǒ zhǎobùzháo tā.)
B09 28 1428
这 是 市区 最有人气的 餐厅 , 一定 很好吃。 + เป็นร้านอาหารยอดนิยมในเมืองดังนั้นอาหารต้องดี + Đấy là nhà hàng đắt độc đáo nhất thị trấn nên thức ăn chắc chắn phải ngon. + It's the most popular restaurant in town, so the food must be good. + Es ist das beliebteste Restaurant der Stadt, also muss das Essen gut sein. + E' il ristorante più popolare della città, quindi il cibo deve essere buono. + C'est le restaurant le plus populaire de la ville, donc la nourriture doit être bonne. + Es el restaurante más popular de la ciudad, así que la comida debe ser buena. + Het is het populairste restaurant van de stad, dus het eten moet goed zijn. + (zhè shì shìqū zuìyǒurénqìde· cāntīng, yídìng hénhǎochī.)
B09 45 1445
想 上大学的 高中生 一定 得 成绩 很好 。 + นักเรียนระดับมัธยมศึกษาที่ต้องการไปเรียนที่วิทยาลัยจะต้องได้เกรดที่ดี + Các học sinh trung học phổ thông muốn vào đại học phải có điểm số cao. + High school students who want to go to college must get good grades. + Gymnasiasten, die aufs College gehen wollen, müssen gute Noten bekommen. + Gli studenti delle scuole superiori che vogliono andare all' università devono ottenere buoni voti. + Les lycéens qui veulent aller à l'université doivent obtenir de bonnes notes. + Los estudiantes de secundaria que quieren ir a la universidad deben obtener buenas calificaciones. + Middelbare scholieren die naar de hogeschool willen gaan, moeten goede cijfers krijgen. + (xiǎng shàngdàxuéde· gāozhōngshēng yídìng děi chéngjī hénhǎo.)
B11 35 1535
你 为什么 想要 现在 离开 ? 我们 不一定 非得 现在 离开 。 + ทำไมคุณถึงอยากออกไปเดี๋ยวนี้? เราไม่จำเป็นต้องจากไปเลย + Tại sao cậu muốn ra đi bây giờ? Chúng ta không cần phải ra đi bây giờ. + Why do you want to leave now? We don't have to leave now. + Warum willst du jetzt gehen? Wir müssen jetzt nicht gehen. + Perché volete partire adesso? Non dobbiamo lasciare ora. + Pourquoi tu veux partir maintenant? On n'est pas obligés de partir maintenant. + ¿Por qué quieres irte ahora? No tenemos que irnos ahora. + Waarom wilt u nu vertrekken? We hoeven nu niet weg te gaan. + (nǐ wèishéme xiǎngyào xiànzài líkāi? wǒmen· bùyídìng fēide· xiànzài líkāi.)
B12 8 1558
你 今天晚上 想去看 电影儿 , 说不定 艾美丽会 跟 你 一起 去 。 + คุณต้องการไปดูหนังคืนนี้ บางทีเอมิลี่จะไปกับคุณ + Tối nay tôi muốn đi xem phim. Có thể Emily sẽ đi với cậu. + You want to go to the movies tonight. Perhaps Emily will go with you. + Du willst heute Abend ins Kino gehen. Vielleicht kommt Emily mit dir mit. + Vuoi andare al film stasera. Forse Emily andrà con voi. + Tu veux aller au cinéma ce soir. Peut-être qu'Emily ira avec toi. + Quieres ir al cine esta noche. Tal vez Emily vaya contigo. + U wilt vanavond naar de films gaan. Misschien gaat Emily met u mee. + ( nǐ jīntiānwǎnshàng xiǎngqùkàn diànyǐngr, shuōbùdìng àiměilì huì gēn nǐ yìqǐ qù.)
B12 10 1560
你 明天 想打 网球儿 , 没准儿 文杰 也 会去打 。 + คุณต้องการเล่นเทนนิสในวันพรุ่งนี้ บางที Wenjie ก็จะเล่นด้วยเช่นกัน + Tôi muốn đi chơi quần vợt ngày mai. Có thể Văn Kiệt cũng sẽ chơi. + You want to play tennis tomorrow. Perhaps Wenjie will play, too. + Du willst morgen Tennis spielen. Vielleicht spielt Wenjie auch mit. + Vuoi giocare a tennis domani. Forse anche Wenjie suonerà. + Tu veux jouer au tennis demain. Peut-être que Wenjie jouera aussi. + Quieres jugar al tenis mañana. Quizá Wenjie también juegue. + U wilt morgen tennissen. Misschien zal Wenjie ook spelen. + (nǐ míngtiān xiángdá wǎngqiúr, méizhǔnr wénjié yě huìqùdǎ.)
B12 25 1575
姬媛 喜欢 坐 在 地上 , 她 不喜欢 坐 在 椅子上 。 + Heuiyeon ชอบนั่งอยู่บนพื้น เธอไม่ต้องการนั่งบนเก้าอี้ + Cơ Viện muốn ngồi trên sàn. Cô ấy không muốn ngồi nghế. + Heuiyeon likes to sit on the floor. She doesn't want to sit on a chair. + Heuiyeon sitzt gerne auf dem Boden. Sie will nicht auf einem Stuhl sitzen. + Heuiyeon ama sedersi sul pavimento. Non vuole sedersi su una sedia. + Heuiyeon aime s'asseoir par terre. Elle ne veut pas s'asseoir sur une chaise. + A Heuiyeon le gusta sentarse en el suelo. No quiere sentarse en una silla. + Heuiyeon zit graag op de grond. Ze wil niet op een stoel zitten. + ( jīyuàn xǐhuan· zuò zài dìshàng, tā bùxǐhuan· zuò zài yǐzi·shàng.)
B12 27 1577
我 不是 很 想出去 。 我 更 愿意待在 家里 。 + ฉันไม่อยากออกไปข้างนอก ฉันอยากอยู่บ้าน + Tôi không hẳn là muốn ra ngoài. Tôi thích ở nhà hơn. + I don't really want to go out. I'd rather stay at home. + Ich will nicht wirklich ausgehen. Ich bleibe lieber zu Hause. + Non voglio veramente uscire. Preferirei rimanere a casa. + Je ne veux pas vraiment sortir. Je préfère rester à la maison. + Realmente no quiero salir. Preferiría quedarme en casa. + Ik wil niet echt uitgaan. Ik zou liever thuis blijven. + (wǒ búshì hén xiǎngchūqù. wǒ gèng yuànyìdàizài jiāli·.)
B12 46 1596
你 不想看 电视 吗 ? — 不想 , 我 宁愿看小说儿 。 + คุณไม่ต้องการดูทีวีหรือ - ไม่ฉันควรอ่านนวนิยายของฉัน + Cậu có muốn xem vô tuyến không? - Không, tôi muốn xem tiểu thuyết hơn. + Don't you want to watch TV? — No, I'd rather read my novel. + Willst du nicht fernsehen? Nein, ich lese lieber meinen Roman. + Non vuoi guardare la TV? No, preferirei leggere il mio romanzo. + Tu ne veux pas regarder la télé? Non, je préfère lire mon roman. + ¿No quieres ver la tele? No, prefiero leer mi novela. + Wilt u niet TV kijken? Nee, ik lees liever mijn roman. + ( nǐ bùxiǎngkàn diànshì mā? — bùxiǎng, wǒ níngyuànkàn xiǎoshuōr.)
B13 1 1601
你 想去看 电影 吗 ? 还是 看 电视 就 行了? + คุณต้องการไปดูหนังหรือเพียงแค่ดูทีวี + Cậu có muốn đi xem phim không, hay chỉ xem vô tuyến? + Do you want to go to the movies, or just watch TV? + Wollen Sie ins Kino gehen oder einfach nur fernsehen? + Vuoi andare al cinema, o semplicemente guardare la TV? + Tu veux aller au cinéma ou regarder la télé? + ¿Quieres ir al cine o simplemente ver la tele? + Wilt u naar de films gaan, of gewoon TV kijken? + ( ní xiǎngqùkàn diànyǐng mā? háishì kàn diànshì jiù xíngle·?)
B13 5 1605
你 想让 我 跟 你 一起 去 , 还是 自己 去 ? + คุณต้องการให้ฉันไปกับคุณหรือคุณต้องการไปคนเดียว? + Cậu có muốn tôi đến cùng cậu không, hay cậu thích đi một mình hơn? + Do you want me to come with you, or would you prefer to go alone? + Willst du, dass ich mitkomme, oder willst du lieber allein gehen? + Vuoi che io venga con te, o preferisci andare da solo? + Tu veux que je vienne avec toi ou tu préfères y aller seul? + ¿Quieres que vaya contigo o prefieres ir sola? + Wilt u dat ik met u mee mag komen, of wilt u liever alleen gaan? + ( ní xiǎngràng wǒ gēn nǐ yìqǐ qù, háishì zìjǐ qù?)
B13 6 1606
怡婷 不想 上大学 , 她 更 愿意 先 工作 。 + Yiting ไม่ต้องการไปที่วิทยาลัย เธออยากจะหางานทำ + Y Đình không muốn học đại học. Cô ấy thích có việc làm hơn. + Yiting doesn't want to go to college. She'd rather get a job. + Yiting will nicht aufs College gehen. Sie sucht sich lieber einen Job. + Yiting non vuole andare a college. Preferirebbe avere un lavoro. + Yiting ne veut pas aller à l'université. Elle préfère trouver un travail. + Yiting no quiere ir a la universidad. Preferiría conseguir un trabajo. + Jiting wil niet naar school. Ze zou liever een baan krijgen. + ( yítíng bùxiǎng shàngdàxué, tā gèng yuànyì xiān gōngzuò.)
B13 22 1622
我 不想 跟 你 说话 , 走开 ! + ฉันไม่ต้องการพูดคุยกับคุณ ไปให้พ้น! + Tôi không muốn nói chuyện với cậu. Biến đi! + I don't want to talk to you. Go away! + Ich will nicht mit dir reden. Geh weg! + Non voglio parlarvi. Andare via! + Je ne veux pas te parler. Va-t'en! + No quiero hablar contigo. ¡Vete de aquí! + Ik wil niet met u praten. Ga weg! + ( wǒ bùxiǎng gēn nǐ shuōhuà, zǒukāi!)
B13 39 1639
你 想 走路 回家 吗 ? — 不想 , 咱们 坐 公交车 吧 。 + คุณต้องการเดินกลับบ้านไหม - ไม่ลองนั่งรถเมล์ + Cậu muốn đi bộ về nhà không? - Không, bắt xe buýt đi. + Do you want to walk home? — No, let's take the bus. + Willst du nach Hause laufen? Nein, lass uns den Bus nehmen. + Vuoi tornare a casa a piedi? No, prendiamo l' autobus. + Tu veux rentrer à pied? Non, prenons le bus. + ¿Quieres caminar a casa? No, tomemos el autobús. + Wilt u naar huis lopen? Nee, laten we de bus nemen. + ( ní xiáng zǒulù huíjiā mā? — bùxiǎng, zánmen· zuò gōngjiāochē ba·.)
B13 41 1641
咱们 晚上 在 家 吃饭 吗 ? — 不要 , 咱们去 餐厅 吃 吧 。 + เราควรทานอาหารเย็นที่บ้านไหม - ไม่ลองไปที่ร้านอาหาร + Chúng ta có nên ăn tối ở nhà không? - Không, đi ăn nhà hàng đi. + Should we have dinner at home? — No, let's go to a restaurant. + Sollen wir zu Hause zu Abend essen? Nein, lass uns in ein Restaurant gehen. + Dovremmo cenare a casa? No, andiamo al ristorante. + On dîne à la maison? Non, allons au restaurant. + ¿Cenamos en casa? No, vamos a un restaurante. + Moeten we thuis eten? Nee, laten we naar een restaurant gaan. + ( zánmen· wǎnshàng zài jiā chīfàn mā? — búyào, zánmen· qù cāntīng chī ba·.)
B13 46 1646
要 我 关 窗户 吗 ? — 不用 , 就 开着 吧。 + คุณต้องการให้ฉันปิดหน้าต่างหรือไม่? - ไม่ออกจากหน้าต่างเปิด + Cậu có muốn tôi đóng cửa sổ không? - Không, cứ để nó mở đi. + Do you want me to close the window? — No, leave the window open. + Willst du, dass ich das Fenster schließe? Nein, lass das Fenster offen. + Vuoi che chiudi la finestra? No, lasciare aperta la finestra. + Tu veux que je ferme la fenêtre? Non, laissez la fenêtre ouverte. + ¿Quieres que cierre la ventana? No, deja la ventana abierta. + Wilt u dat ik het venster sluit? Nee, laat het venster open. + ( yào wǒ guān chuānghù mā? — búyòng, jiù kāizhe· ba·.)
B13 49 1649
要 我 开灯 吗 ? — 不用 , 关着 就行了 。 + คุณต้องการให้ฉันเปิดไฟไหม? - อย่าปล่อยให้แสงสว่างจางลง + Cậu có muốn tôi bật đèn không? - Không, cứ để tắt nó đi. + Do you want me to turn on the light? — No, leave the light off. + Soll ich das Licht anmachen? Nein, lass das Licht aus. + Vuoi che io accenda la luce? No, lasciare spenta la luce. + Tu veux que j'allume la lumière? Non, laissez la lumière éteinte. + ¿Quieres que encienda la luz? No, deja la luz apagada. + Wilt u dat ik het licht aan zet? Nee, laat het licht uit. + ( yào wǒ kāidēng mā? — búyòng, guānzhe· jiùxíngle·.)
B14 11 1661
这 附近 有什么 餐厅 吗 ? — 有的 。 — 没有。 + มีร้านอาหารอยู่ใกล้ ๆ หรือไม่? - ใช่แล้วล่ะ. - ไม่มีไม่ได้ + Có nhà hàng nào gần giá không? - Có. Không. + Are there any restaurants near here? — Yes, there are. — No, there aren't. + Gibt es hier in der Nähe irgendwelche Restaurants? Ja, die gibt es. Nein, gibt es nicht. + Ci sono ristoranti nelle vicinanze? Sì, ci sono. No, non ci sono. + Il y a des restaurants près d'ici? Oui, il y en a. Non, il n' y en a pas. + ¿Hay algún restaurante cerca de aquí? Sí, las hay. No, no los hay. + Zijn er restaurants in de buurt? Ja, dat zijn er. Nee, dat is niet het geval. + ( zhè fùjìn yǒushéme cāntīng mā? — yǒude·. — méiyǒu.)
B14 12 1662
这间 餐厅 非常 安静 , 里面 人 不多 。 + ร้านนี้เงียบมาก มีคนไม่มากที่นี่ + Nhà hàng này rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều người ở đây. + This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here. + Dieses Restaurant ist sehr ruhig. Es sind nicht viele Leute hier. + Questo ristorante è molto tranquillo. Non ci sono molte persone qui. + Ce restaurant est très calme. Il n' y a pas beaucoup de monde ici. + Este restaurante es muy tranquilo. No hay mucha gente aquí. + Dit restaurant is zeer rustig gelegen. Er zijn hier niet veel mensen. + (zhèjiān cāntīng fēicháng ānjìng, lǐmiàn rén bùduō.)
B14 39 1689
这家 旅店里面 有 餐厅 吗 ? — 没有 , 恐怕没有 。 + มีร้านอาหารในโรงแรมแห่งนี้หรือไม่? - ไม่ฉันไม่กลัว + Có nhà hàng trong khách sạn này không? - Không, tôi e là không. + Is there a restaurant in this hotel? — No, I'm afraid not. + Gibt es in diesem Hotel ein Restaurant? Nein, leider nicht. + C' è un ristorante in questo hotel? No, ho paura di no. + Y a-t-il un restaurant dans cet hôtel? Non, j'ai bien peur que non. + ¿Hay un restaurante en este hotel? No, me temo que no. + Is er een restaurant in dit hotel? Nee, ik ben bang niet. + ( zhèjiā lǚdiànlǐmiàn yǒu cāntīng mā? — méiyǒu, kǒngpà méiyǒu.)
B15 37 1737
你 想 走路 去 酒店 吗 ? — 我 不知道 。 有多远 ? + คุณต้องการเดินไปที่โรงแรมหรือไม่? - ฉันไม่รู้ ไกลแค่ไหนมันเป็น? + Cậu có muốn đi bộ đến duy nhất khách sạn không? - Tôi không biết. Đường đi bao xa? + Do you want to walk to the hotel? — I don't know. How far is it? + Wollen Sie zu Fuß zum Hotel gehen? Ich weiß es nicht. Wie weit ist es noch? + Vuoi raggiungere a piedi l' hotel? Non lo so. Quanto è lontano? + Tu veux aller à l'hôtel à pied? - Je ne sais pas. C'est encore loin? + ¿Quieres caminar al hotel? - No lo sé. ¿Qué tan lejos está? + Wilt u naar het hotel lopen? Ik weet het niet. Hoe ver is het? + ( ní xiáng zǒulù qù jiǔdiàn mā? — wǒ bùzhīdào. yǒuduōyuǎn?)
B16 29 1779
丽贝卡 不会在 这儿 ,但 安东尼奥 会在。 + รีเบคก้าจะไม่อยู่ที่นี่ แต่อันโตนีโอจะ + Rebecca sẽ không ở đây nhưng Antonio thì có. + Rebecca won't be here, but Antonio will. + Rebecca wird nicht hier sein, aber Antonio schon. + Rebecca non sarà qui, ma Antonio. + Rebecca ne sera pas là, mais Antonio non plus. + Rebecca no estará aquí, pero Antonio sí. + Rebecca zal hier niet zijn, maar Antonio wel. + (lìbèikǎ búhuìzài zhèr, dàn āndōngníào huìzài.)
B17 35 1835
桑多 住在 米兰 , 对 吧 ? — 对 , 没错 。 + Santo อาศัยอยู่ในมิลานใช่ไหม - ถูกต้องเลย. + Santo sống ở Milan đúng không? - Đúng, chính xác. + Santo lives in Milan, doesn't he? — Yes, that's right. + Santo lebt in Mailand, nicht wahr? Ja, das ist richtig. + Santo vive a Milano, non è vero? Sì, ha ragione. + Santo vit à Milan, n'est-ce pas? Oui, c'est exact. + Santo vive en Milán, ¿verdad? Sí, eso es correcto. + Santo woont in Milaan, nietwaar? Ja, dat klopt. + ( sāngduō zhùzài mǐlán, duì ba·? — duì, méicuò.)
B19 9 1909
她 跟 我 说 她 明年 想去 南美洲 。 — 她 跟我 说 她 本来 明年 想去 南美洲 。 + เธอบอกว่าอยากจะไปอเมริกาใต้ในปีหน้า - เธอบอกว่าอยากจะไปอเมริกาใต้ในปีหน้า + Cô ấy bảo tôi rằng sang năm cô ấy muốn đi Nam Mĩ. > Cô ấy bảo tôi rằng sang năm cô ấy muốn đi Nam Mĩ. + She told me that she wants to go to South America next year. — She told me that she wanted to go to South America next year. + Sie hat mir gesagt, dass sie nächstes Jahr nach Südamerika gehen will. Sie sagte mir, dass sie nächstes Jahr nach Südamerika gehen wolle. + Mi ha detto che vuole andare in Sud America il prossimo anno. Mi ha detto che voleva andare in Sud America l' anno prossimo. + Elle m' a dit qu'elle voulait aller en Amérique du Sud l'année prochaine. Elle m' a dit qu'elle voulait aller en Amérique du Sud l'année prochaine. + Me dijo que quiere ir a Sudamérica el año que viene. Me dijo que quería ir a Sudamérica el año que viene. + Ze vertelde me dat ze volgend jaar naar Zuid-Amerika wil. Ze vertelde me dat ze volgend jaar naar Zuid-Amerika wilde. + ( tā gēn wǒ shuō tā míngnián xiǎngqù nánměizhōu. — tā gēn wǒ shuō tā běnlái míngnián xiǎngqù nánměizhōu.)
B19 19 1919
你 想要 跟 谁 说话 ? + คุณต้องการพูดคุยกับใคร + Cậu muốn nói với ai? + Who do you want to speak to? + Mit wem möchten Sie sprechen? + A chi volete parlare? + A qui voulez-vous parler? + ¿Con quién quieres hablar? + Met wie wilt u spreken? + ( ní xiǎngyào gēn shuí shuōhuà?)
B19 23 1923
你 不想去 聚会 吗 ? — 对 , 我 不想 去 。 + คุณไม่อยากไปปาร์ตี้หรือ? - ไม่ฉันไม่อยากไป + Cậu không muốn tới bữa tiệc à? - Không, tôi không muốn đến. + Don't you want to go to the party? — No, I don't want to go. + Willst du nicht zu der Party gehen? Nein, ich will nicht gehen. + Non vuoi andare alla festa? No, non voglio andare. + Tu ne veux pas aller à la fête? Non, je ne veux pas y aller. + ¿No quieres ir a la fiesta? No, no quiero ir. + Wilt u niet naar het feest gaan? Nee, ik wil niet gaan. + ( nǐ bùxiǎngqù jùhuì mā? — duì, wǒ bùxiǎng qù.)
B19 38 1938
她 想知道 我 空闲时间 都 做 什么 。 + เธออยากรู้ว่าฉันทำอะไรในยามว่าง + Cô ấy muốn biết tôi làm gì lúc thực hiện rỗi. + She wanted to know what I did in my spare time. + Sie wollte wissen, was ich in meiner Freizeit gemacht habe. + Voleva sapere cosa ho fatto nel mio tempo libero. + Elle voulait savoir ce que je faisais pendant mon temps libre. + Quería saber qué hacía en mi tiempo libre. + Ze wilde weten wat ik in mijn vrije tijd deed. + (tā xiǎngzhīdào wǒ kòngxiánshíjiān dōu zuò shéme.)
B19 41 1941
她 想知道 我 会不会 说 其他语言 。 + เธออยากรู้ว่าฉันสามารถพูดภาษาอื่นได้หรือไม่ + Cô ấy muốn biết tôi có biết nói ngôn ngữ nào khác không. + She wanted to know if I could speak another language. + Sie wollte wissen, ob ich eine andere Sprache sprechen kann. + Voleva sapere se potevo parlare un' altra lingua. + Elle voulait savoir si je pouvais parler une autre langue. + Quería saber si podía hablar otro idioma. + Ze wilde weten of ik een andere taal kon spreken. + (tā xiǎngzhīdào wǒ huìbúhuì shuō qítāyǔyán.)
B20 4 1954
你 发现到 餐厅的 价格 很高 。 你 说 :" 好贵 啊 , 是 吧 ?" + คุณสังเกตเห็นราคาร้านอาหารที่สูงมาก คุณพูดว่า "มันแพงมากใช่มั้ย?" + Bạn để ý thấy giá cả của nhà hàng rất cao. Bạn nói: "Giá đắt quá phải không?" + You notice the restaurant prices are very high. You say, "It's pretty expensive, isn't it?" + Man merkt, dass die Restaurantpreise sehr hoch sind. Du sagst:"Es ist ziemlich teuer, nicht wahr?" + Si nota che i prezzi del ristorante sono molto alti. Dite:"E' piuttosto costoso, non è vero? + Vous remarquez que les prix des restaurants sont très élevés. Tu dis:"C'est assez cher, n'est-ce pas?" + Se nota que los precios de los restaurantes son muy altos. Dices:"Es bastante caro, ¿no?" + U merkt dat de restaurantprijzen zeer hoog zijn. Je zegt:"Het is behoorlijk duur, nietwaar? + ( nǐ fāxiàndào cāntīngde· jiàgé hěngāo. nǐ shuō :" hǎoguì a, shì ba·? ")
B20 21 1971
尼拉哲 不想 退休 , 他 想继续 工作 。 + Niraj ไม่ต้องการออกจากงาน เขาต้องการไปทำงาน + Cheng không muốn về hưu. Ông ấy muốn làm việc tiếp. + Niraj doesn't want to retire. He wants to go on working. + Niraj will nicht in Rente gehen. Er will weiterarbeiten. + Niraj non vuole andare in pensione. Vuole continuare a lavorare. + Niraj ne veut pas prendre sa retraite. Il veut continuer à travailler. + Niraj no quiere retirarse. Quiere seguir trabajando. + Niraj wil niet met pensioen. Hij wil verder werken. + ( nílāzhé bùxiǎng tuìxiū, tā xiǎngjìxù gōngzuò.)
C01 30 2030
钱德拉 九 年前 加入 这家 公司 , 两 年后 成为 副经理 。 + จันทราเข้าร่วมงานกับ บริษัท เก้า (9) ปีที่ผ่านมาและกลายเป็นผู้ช่วยผู้จัดการหลังจากสองปี (2) + Ngày gia nhập công ti chín năm trước và đã trở thành trợ lí marketing của công ti sau hai năm. + Chandra joined the company nine (9) years ago and became assistant manager after two (2) years. + Chandra trat vor neun (9) Jahren in das Unternehmen ein und wurde nach zwei (2) Jahren Assistentin der Geschäftsleitung. + Chandra è entrata a far parte dell' azienda nove (9) anni fa ed è diventata assistente dirigente dopo due (2) anni. + Chandra s'est jointe à l'entreprise il y a neuf (9) ans et est devenue directrice adjointe après deux (2) ans. + Chandra se unió a la compañía hace nueve (9) años y se convirtió en subgerente después de dos (2) años. + Chandra trad negen (9) jaar geleden toe tot het bedrijf en werd assistent-manager na twee (2) jaar. + ( qiándélā jiǔ niánqián jiārù zhèjiā gōngsī, liǎng niánhòu chéngwéi fùjīnglǐ.)
C01 37 2037
如果 他 想要有 进步 , 他 就 要 更加 努力工作 。 + เขาต้องการที่จะทำงานหนักขึ้นถ้าเขาต้องการที่จะก้าวหน้า + Anh ấy cần làm việc chăm hơn nếu anh ấy muốn tiến bộ. + He needs to work harder if he wants to make progress. + Er muss härter arbeiten, wenn er Fortschritte machen will. + Ha bisogno di lavorare più duramente se vuole compiere progressi. + Il doit travailler plus fort s'il veut progresser. + Necesita trabajar más si quiere progresar. + Hij moet harder werken als hij vooruitgang wil boeken. + ( rúguǒ tā xiǎngyàoyǒu jìnbù, tā jiù yào gèngjiā nǔlì gōngzuò.)
C01 39 2039
你 说 我的 裤子 要洗 吗 ? + คุณคิดว่ากางเกงของฉันต้องได้รับการล้าง? - คุณคิดว่ากางเกงของฉันต้องซักไหม? + Cậu có nghĩ là quần của tôi cần được giặt không? > Cậu có nghĩ là quần của tôi cần giặt không? + Do you think my pants need to be washed? — Do you think my pants need washing? + Glaubst du, dass meine Hose gewaschen werden muss? Denkst du, dass meine Hose gewaschen werden muss? + Pensi che i miei pantaloni devono essere lavati? Pensi che i miei pantaloni debbano essere lavati? + Tu penses que mon pantalon doit être lavé? Tu crois que mon pantalon a besoin d'être lavé? + ¿Crees que mis pantalones necesitan ser lavados? ¿Crees que mis pantalones necesitan lavarse? + Denkt u dat mijn broek gewassen moet worden? Denk je dat mijn broek moet wassen? + ( nǐ shuō wǒde· kùzi· yàoxǐ mā?)
C04 16 2166
我 是 第二个 对 餐厅 经理 抱怨的 客人 。 + ฉันเป็นลูกค้ารายที่สองที่บ่นกับผู้จัดการร้านอาหาร + Tôi là thứ duy nhất hải phàn nàn với quản lí nhà hàng. + I was the second customer to complain to the restaurant manager. + Ich war der zweite Kunde, der sich beim Restaurantleiter beschwerte. + Sono stato il secondo cliente a lamentarmi con il gestore del ristorante. + J'étais le deuxième client à me plaindre au gérant du restaurant. + Fui el segundo cliente en quejarme al gerente del restaurante. + Ik was de tweede klant die klaagde bij de restaurantmanager. + (wǒ shì dìèrge· duì cāntīng jīnglǐ bàoyuànde· kèrén.)
C05 12 2212
这部 电影 我 看过 两次 了 , 就 不想 跟 朋友们 再 去看 一遍 了 。 + เมื่อได้เห็นภาพยนตร์สองเรื่องนี้แล้วฉันไม่อยากไปกับเพื่อนอีก + Xem bộ phim được hai lần rồi, tôi không đi xem lại với bạn tôi nữa. + Having already seen the movie twice, I didn't want to go again with my friends. + Nachdem ich den Film schon zweimal gesehen hatte, wollte ich nicht noch einmal mit meinen Freunden hingehen. + Avendo già visto il film due volte, non volevo tornare con i miei amici. + Ayant déjà vu le film deux fois, je ne voulais pas y retourner avec mes amis. + Después de haber visto la película dos veces, no quería volver con mis amigos. + Nadat ik de film al twee keer had gezien, wilde ik niet meer met mijn vrienden mee. + ( zhèbù diànyíng wǒ kànguò liǎngcì le·, jiù bùxiǎng gēn péngyǒumen· zài qùkàn yíbiàn le·.)
C05 13 2213
不会 说 当地的 语言 就 意味着 我 沟通 会遇到 障碍 。 + การพูดภาษาท้องถิ่นไม่ได้หมายความว่าฉันมีปัญหาในการสื่อสาร + Không nói được tiếng địa phương khiến tôi khó giao tiếp. + Not being able to speak the local language meant that I had trouble communicating. + Da ich nicht in der Lage war, die Landessprache zu sprechen, hatte ich Schwierigkeiten, mich zu verständigen. + Non essendo in grado di parlare la lingua locale, ho avuto difficoltà a comunicare. + Ne pouvant pas parler la langue locale, j'avais du mal à communiquer. + No poder hablar el idioma local significaba que tenía problemas para comunicarme. + Doordat ik de lokale taal niet kon spreken, had ik moeite met communiceren. + (búhuì shuō dāngdìde· yǔyán jiù yìwèizhe· wǒ gōutōng huìyùdào zhàngài.)
C05 15 2215
警察 想要 跟 任何 目击到 这起 意外 的 人 谈谈 。 + ตำรวจอยากคุยกับใครที่เห็นอุบัติเหตุ + Cảnh sát muốn nói chuyện với bất kì ai nhìn thấy vụ tai nạn. + The police want to talk to anybody who saw the accident. + Die Polizei will mit jedem reden, der den Unfall gesehen hat. + La polizia vuole parlare con chiunque abbia visto l' incidente. + La police veut parler à tous ceux qui ont vu l'accident. + La policía quiere hablar con cualquiera que haya visto el accidente. + De politie wil met iedereen praten die het ongeval heeft gezien. + (jǐngchá xiǎngyào gēn rènhé mùjīdào zhèqǐ yìwài de· rén tántán.)
C05 45 2245
你 必须要 经过 许可 才可以 提前 离开 。 + ถ้าคุณต้องการออกจากช่วงต้นคุณต้องขออนุญาต + Nếu cậu muốn rời đi sớm, cậu phải xin phép. + If you want to leave early, you have to ask for permission. + Wenn Sie früher abreisen wollen, müssen Sie um Erlaubnis fragen. + Se si desidera lasciare in anticipo, è necessario chiedere il permesso. + Si vous voulez partir plus tôt, vous devez demander la permission. + Si quieres salir temprano, tienes que pedir permiso. + Als je vroeg wilt vertrekken, moet je toestemming vragen. + ( nǐ bìxūyào jīngguò xúkě cáikéyǐ tíqián líkāi.)
C06 24 2274
等 我 高中 毕业 , 我 要上 大学 。 + เมื่อฉันจบชั้นมัธยมปลายฉันต้องการไปเรียนที่วิทยาลัย + Khi tôi học phổ thông trung học xong tôi muốn vào đại học. + When I finish high school, I want to go to college. + Wenn ich die Highschool beendet habe, will ich aufs College gehen. + Quando finisco il liceo, voglio andare al college. + Quand j'aurai fini le lycée, je veux aller à l'université. + Cuando termine la secundaria, quiero ir a la universidad. + Als ik klaar ben met de middelbare school wil ik naar school. + ( déng wǒ gāozhōng bìyè, wǒ yàoshàng dàxué.)
C06 25 2275
康斯坦丁 在 我 以前 工作 的 大学 读书 。 + คอนสแตนตินเป็นนักเรียนที่วิทยาลัยที่ฉันเคยทำงาน + + Konstantin is a student at the college where I used to work. + Konstantin ist Student an der Hochschule, an der ich früher gearbeitet habe. + Konstantin è uno studente al college dove lavoravo. + Konstantin est étudiant au collège où je travaillais. + Konstantin es estudiante en la universidad donde yo trabajaba. + Konstantin is student aan de hogeschool waar ik vroeger werkte. + (kāngsītǎndīng zài wó yǐqián gōngzuò de· dàxué dúshū.)
C06 50 2300
大西洋 在 非洲 和 美洲 之间 。 + มหาสมุทรแอตแลนติกอยู่ระหว่างแอฟริกาและอเมริกา + Đại Tây Dương nằm giữa châu Phi và châu Mĩ. + The Atlantic Ocean is between Africa and America. + Der Atlantische Ozean liegt zwischen Afrika und Amerika. + L' Oceano Atlantico è tra Africa e America. + L'océan Atlantique se situe entre l'Afrique et l'Amérique. + El Océano Atlántico está entre África y América. + De Atlantische Oceaan ligt tussen Afrika en Amerika. + ( dàxīyáng zài fēizhōu hé měizhōu zhījiān.)
C07 23 2323
警方 想 询问 两名 男子 关于 上周 抢劫的 事。 + ตำรวจต้องการสัมภาษณ์ชายสองคนเกี่ยวกับการโจรกรรมเมื่อสัปดาห์ที่แล้ว + Cảnh sát muốn phỏng vấn hai người đàn ông về vụ cướp tuần trước. + The police want to interview two (2) men about the robbery last week. + Die Polizei will zwei (2) Männer wegen des Raubüberfalls in der vergangenen Woche befragen. + La polizia vuole intervistare due (2) uomini sulla rapina della scorsa settimana. + La police veut interroger deux (2) hommes à propos du vol de la semaine dernière. + La policía quiere entrevistar a dos (2) hombres sobre el robo la semana pasada. + De politie wil vorige week twee (2) mannen ondervragen over de roofoverval. + (jǐngfāng xiǎng xúnwèn liǎngmíng nánzi· guānyú shàngzhōu qiǎngjiéde· shì.)
C07 44 2344
我 不想要 你 帮 我 买单 , 我 自己 来 。 + ฉันไม่ต้องการให้คุณจ่ายเงินให้ฉัน ฉันจะจ่ายสำหรับตัวเอง. + Tôi không muốn cậu trả hộ tôi. Tôi sẽ tự trả. + I don't want you to pay for me. I'll pay for myself. + Ich will nicht, dass du für mich bezahlst. Ich bezahle selbst. + Non voglio che tu paghi per me. Io pagherò per me stesso. + Je ne veux pas que tu paies pour moi. Je paierai pour moi-même. + No quiero que pagues por mí. Pagaré yo mismo. + Ik wil niet dat je voor mij betaalt. Ik betaal voor mezelf. + ( wǒ bùxiǎngyào nǐ bāng wó mǎidān, wǒ zìjǐ lái.)
C07 46 2346
如果 你 还 想吃 就 自己 来 吧 。 + ถ้าคุณต้องการมากขึ้นที่จะกินช่วยตัวเอง + + If you want more to eat, help yourselves. + Wenn Sie mehr essen wollen, bedienen Sie sich. + Se volete mangiare di più, aiutatevi. + Si vous voulez manger plus, servez-vous. + Si quieren comer más, sírvanse ustedes mismos. + Als u meer wilt eten, help uzelf dan. + ( rúguó nǐ hái xiǎngchī jiù zìjǐ lái ba·.)
C08 22 2372
我 不想 跟 别人 一起 住 , 我 想要有 自己的房间 。 + ฉันไม่ต้องการพักร่วมกับใคร ฉันต้องการห้องของตัวเอง + Tôi không muốn chung phòng với ai. Tôi muốn phòng của riêng tôi. + I don't want to share a room with anybody. I want my own room. + Ich will mit niemandem ein Zimmer teilen. Ich will mein eigenes Zimmer. + Non voglio condividere una stanza con nessuno. Voglio la mia stanza. + Je ne veux partager une chambre avec personne. Je veux ma propre chambre. + No quiero compartir habitación con nadie. Quiero mi propio cuarto. + Ik wil met niemand een kamer delen. Ik wil mijn eigen kamer. + ( wǒ bùxiǎng gēn biérén yìqǐ zhù, wó xiǎngyàoyǒu zìjǐde· fángjiān.)
C08 24 2374
你 为什么 要 借 我的 车 ? 你 怎么 不开 自己的 ? + ทำไมคุณถึงต้องการยืมรถของฉัน? ทำไมคุณไม่ใช้ของคุณเอง? + Tại sao cậu muốn cô xe hơi của tôi? Tại sao cậu không dùng chính xe của cậu. + Why do you want to borrow my car? Why don't you use your own? + Warum willst du dir mein Auto leihen? Warum benutzt du nicht deine eigene? + Perché volete prendere in prestito la mia auto? Perché non usi il tuo? + Pourquoi veux-tu emprunter ma voiture? Pourquoi tu n'utilises pas le tien? + ¿Por qué quieres que te preste mi auto? ¿Por qué no usas el tuyo? + Waarom wilt u mijn auto lenen? Waarom gebruikt u niet uw eigen? + ( nǐ wèishéme yào jiè wǒde· chē? ní zěnme bùkāi zìjǐde·?)
C08 32 2382
新的 餐厅 非常 好 , 我 昨天晚上 去了 那里吃饭 。 + ร้านอาหารใหม่เป็นสิ่งที่ดีมาก ฉันไปที่นั่นเมื่อคืนนี้ + Cái nhà hàng mới rất tuyệt. Tôi đã đến đấy tối qua. + The new restaurant is very good. I went there last night. + Das neue Restaurant ist sehr gut. Ich war letzte Nacht dort. + Il nuovo ristorante è molto buono. Sono andato lì ieri sera. + Le nouveau restaurant est très bon. J' y suis allé hier soir. + El nuevo restaurante es muy bueno. Fui allí anoche. + Het nieuwe restaurant is zeer goed. Ik ben er gisteravond geweest. + (xīnde· cāntīng fēicháng hǎo, wǒ zuótiānwǎnshàng qùle· nàli· chīfàn.)
C08 48 2398
想参加 考试 的 人 要 在 星期五之前 告诉 我。 + ทุกคนที่ต้องการเข้าร่วมการสอบควรบอกฉันในวันศุกร์ + Ai muốn thi thì nên bảo tôi trước ngày Thứ sáu. + Anyone who wants to take the exam should tell me by Friday. + Wer die Prüfung ablegen will, sollte es mir bis Freitag sagen. + Chiunque voglia sostenere l' esame mi dica entro venerdì. + Quiconque veut passer l'examen doit me le dire avant vendredi. + Cualquiera que quiera tomar el examen debería decírmelo antes del viernes. + Wie het examen wil afleggen, moet het mij vrijdag nog vertellen. + (xiǎngcānjiā kǎoshì de· rén yào zài xīngqīwǔzhīqián gàosù wǒ.)
C09 31 2431
你们 有 谁 今晚 想去参加 派对 ? + คุณอยากไปงานปาร์ตี้ในคืนนี้หรือไม่? + Có cái trong các cậu muốn tới bữa tiệc tối nay không? + Do any of you want to go to a party tonight? + Möchte einer von euch heute Abend auf eine Party gehen? + Qualcuno di voi vuole andare ad una festa stasera? + Vous voulez aller à une fête ce soir? + ¿Alguno de ustedes quiere ir a una fiesta esta noche? + Wil iemand van u vanavond naar een feestje gaan? + (nǐmen· yǒu shuí jīnwán xiǎngqùcānjiā pàiduì?)
C09 38 2438
这两家 餐厅 都 非常 不错 。 + ร้านอาหารทั้งสองแห่งดีมาก ร้านอาหารทั้งสองแห่งนี้ดีมาก + Cả hai nhà hàng đều rất tốt. > Cả hai nhà hàng này đều rất tốt. + Both restaurants are very good. — Both of these restaurants are very good. + Beide Restaurants sind sehr gut. Beide Restaurants sind sehr gut. + Entrambi i ristoranti sono molto buoni. Entrambi questi ristoranti sono molto buoni. + Les deux restaurants sont très bons. Ces deux restaurants sont très bons. + Ambos restaurantes son muy buenos. Ambos restaurantes son muy buenos. + Beide restaurants zijn zeer goed. Beide restaurants zijn zeer goed. + (zhèliǎngjiā cāntīng dōu fēicháng búcuò.)
C09 39 2439
两家 餐厅 都 不贵 。 — 我们 去的 两家 餐厅都 不贵 。 + ร้านอาหารไม่แพง - ร้านอาหารทั้งสองแห่งที่เราไปก็ไม่มีราคาแพง + Cả hai nhà hàng này đều không đắt. > Cả hai nhà hàng mà chúng tôi đến đều không đắt. + Neither restaurant is expensive. — Neither of the restaurants we went to was expensive. + Keines der beiden Restaurants ist teuer. Keines der Restaurants, in die wir gingen, war teuer. + Nessuno dei due ristoranti è costoso. Nessuno dei ristoranti a cui siamo andati era costoso. + Aucun des deux restaurants n'est cher. Aucun des restaurants où nous sommes allés n'était cher. + Ningún restaurante es caro. Ninguno de los restaurantes a los que fuimos era caro. + Geen van beide restaurants is duur. Geen van de restaurants waar we naartoe gingen was duur. + ( liǎngjiā cāntīng dōu búguì. — wǒmen· qùde· liǎngjiā cāntīng dōu búguì.)
C09 40 2440
咱们 去 哪家 餐厅 都 行 。 我 都 可以 。 + เราสามารถไปที่ร้านอาหารได้ ฉันไม่แคร์ + Chúng tôi có thể đi một trong hai nhà hàng. Tôi không quan tâm. + We can go to either restaurant. I don't care. + Wir können in jedes der beiden Restaurants gehen. Das ist mir egal. + Possiamo andare in entrambi i ristoranti. Non mi importa. + On peut aller dans n'importe quel restaurant. Je m'en fiche. + Podemos ir a cualquier restaurante. A mí no me importa. + We kunnen naar beide restaurants gaan. Het maakt me niet uit. + ( zánmen· qù nǎjiā cāntīng dōu xíng. wǒ dōu kéyǐ.)
C09 41 2441
两家 餐厅 我 都 没去过 。 + ฉันไม่ได้ไปร้านอาหารทั้งสองแห่ง + Cả hai nhà hàng tôi đều chưa đến. + I haven't been to either of those restaurants. + Ich war in keinem dieser Restaurants. + Non sono stato in nessuno di quei ristoranti. + Je ne suis allé dans aucun de ces restaurants. + No he ido a ninguno de esos restaurantes. + Ik ben niet naar een van die restaurants geweest. + ( liǎngjiā cāntīng wǒ dōu méiqùguò.)
C09 44 2444
他们俩都 不想要 孩子 。 + ไม่อยากมีลูก + Cả hai người họ đều không muốn có con. + Neither of them want to have children. + Keiner von beiden will Kinder haben. + Nessuno di loro vuole avere figli. + Aucun des deux ne veut d'enfants. + Ninguno de ellos quiere tener hijos. + Geen van beiden wil kinderen hebben. + ( tāmen·liǎdōu bùxiǎngyào háizi·.)
C10 27 2477
想要 申请 这份 工作 的 人 必须 在 周五前 完成 申请 。 + ทุกคนที่ต้องการสมัครงานต้องทำภายในวันศุกร์ + Bất kì ai muốn nộp đơn xin việc phải thực Trung hoa trước ngày Thứ sáu. + Anyone who wants to apply for the job must do so by Friday. + Wer sich für die Stelle bewerben will, muss dies bis Freitag tun. + Chiunque voglia candidarsi al lavoro deve farlo entro venerdì. + Toute personne qui souhaite postuler à ce poste doit le faire d'ici vendredi. + Cualquier persona que quiera solicitar el trabajo debe hacerlo antes del viernes. + Iedereen die wil solliciteren naar de baan moet dat uiterlijk vrijdag doen. + (xiǎngyào shēnqǐng zhèfèn gōngzuò de· rén bìxū zài zhōuwǔqián wánchéng shēnqǐng.)
C10 41 2491
我 想找 一位 女士 , 她 正在 休假 。 — 我 想找的 那位 女士 正在 休假 。 + ฉันอยากเห็นผู้หญิงคนหนึ่ง เธอไปพักผ่อน - ผู้หญิงที่ฉันอยากเห็นอยู่ในวันหยุด + Tôi muốn gặp một người phụ nữ. Cô ấy đã đi nghỉ nơi khác. > Người phụ nữ mà tôi muốn gặp đã đi nghỉ nơi khác. + I wanted to see a woman. She was away on vacation. — The woman whom I wanted to see was away on vacation. + Ich wollte eine Frau sehen. Sie war im Urlaub. Die Frau, die ich sehen wollte, war im Urlaub. + Volevo vedere una donna. Era via in vacanza. La donna che volevo vedere era via in vacanza. + Je voulais voir une femme. Elle était en vacances. La femme que je voulais voir était en vacances. + Quería ver a una mujer. Estaba de vacaciones. La mujer a la que quería ver estaba de vacaciones. + Ik wilde een vrouw zien. Ze was weg op vakantie. De vrouw die ik wilde zien was weg op vakantie. + ( wó xiǎngzhǎo yíwèi nǚshì, tā zhèngzài xiūjià. — wó xiǎngzhǎode· nàwèi nǚshì zhèngzài xiūjià.)
C10 42 2492
我 想找的 那位 女士 正在 休假 。 + ผู้หญิงที่ฉันอยากเห็นก็ไปเที่ยวพักผ่อน + Người phụ nữ tôi muốn gặp đã đi nghỉ nơi khác. + The woman I wanted to see was away on vacation. + Die Frau, die ich sehen wollte, war im Urlaub. + La donna che volevo vedere era via in vacanza. + La femme que je voulais voir était en vacances. + La mujer que quería ver estaba de vacaciones. + De vrouw die ik wilde zien was weg op vakantie. + (wó xiǎngzhǎode· nàwèi nǚshì zhèngzài xiūjià.)
C11 2 2502
一个 朋友 要去看 电影 , 你 想知道 是 哪部。 — 你 要去看 哪部 电影 ? + เพื่อนจะไปดูหนัง คุณต้องการทราบชื่อ - ชื่อของภาพยนตร์ที่คุณจะไปดูคืออะไร? + Một người bạn sắp đi xem phim. Bạn muốn biết tên lm. > Tên bộ phim cậu sắp đi xem là gì? + A friend is going to see a movie. You want to know the name. — What's the name of the movie you're going to see? + Ein Freund geht ins Kino. Du willst den Namen wissen. Wie lautet der Name des Films, den Sie sehen werden? + Un amico sta per vedere un film. Vuoi conoscere il nome. Qual è il nome del film che vedrai? + Un ami va voir un film. Vous voulez savoir le nom. Quel est le nom du film que vous allez voir? + Un amigo va a ver una película. Quieres saber el nombre. ¿Cómo se llama la película que vas a ver? + Een vriend zal een film zien. U wilt de naam weten. Wat is de naam van de film die je gaat zien? + (yīge· péngyǒu yàoqùkàn diànyǐng, ní xiǎngzhīdào shì nǎbù. — nǐ yàoqùkàn nǎbù diànyǐng?)
C11 3 2503
你 原本 想去 博物馆 参观 , 但 你 到 的时候已经 关门 了 。 — 我们 本来 要去 博物馆 参观, 结果 我们 到 的时候 已经 关门。 + คุณอยากไปเยี่ยมชมพิพิธภัณฑ์ มันถูกปิดเมื่อคุณไปที่นั่น พิพิธภัณฑ์ที่เรากำลังจะไปเยือนถูกปิดเมื่อเราไปที่นั่น + moʔt ŋɯəəj ɓaʔn mɐʔ k moʔt ɓoʔ aẃ vɐj . ɓaʔn VI ɪjk nɔ . > để giết chóc + You wanted to visit a museum. It was closed when you got there. — The museum we were going to visit was closed when we got there. + Du wolltest ein Museum besuchen. Es war geschlossen, als du dort ankamst. Das Museum, das wir besuchen wollten, war geschlossen, als wir dort ankamen. + Volevi visitare un museo. Era chiuso quando ci si è arrivati. Il museo che avremmo visitato era chiuso quando siamo arrivati. + Vous vouliez visiter un musée. C'était fermé quand tu es arrivé. Le musée que nous allions visiter était fermé à notre arrivée. + Querías visitar un museo. Estaba cerrado cuando llegaste. El museo que íbamos a visitar estaba cerrado cuando llegamos. + U wilde een museum bezoeken. Het was gesloten toen je daar aankwam. Het museum dat we zouden bezoeken was gesloten toen we daar aankwamen. + (nǐ yuánbén xiǎngqù bówùguǎn cānguān, dàn nǐ dào de·shíhou· yǐjīng guānmén le·. — wǒmen· běnlái yàoqù bówùguǎn cānguān, jiéguó wǒmen· dào de·shíhou· yǐjīng guānmén.)
C11 4 2504
你的 朋友 必须要 做 些 工作 , 你 想知道 她做完了没 。 — 你 做完 你 要做的 工作了 吗 ? + เพื่อนของคุณต้องทำงานบ้าง คุณต้องการทราบว่าเธอทำเสร็จแล้วหรือยัง - คุณทำงานเสร็จแล้วหรือยัง? + Bạn muốn tham quan một viện bảo tăng. Nó đóng cửa lúc bạn đến. > Viện bảo tăng chúng tôi định đến đã đóng cửa khi chúng tôi tới. + Your friend had to do some work. You want to know if she's finished. — Have you finished the work you had to do? + Dein Freund musste arbeiten. Du willst wissen, ob sie fertig ist. Sind Sie mit der Arbeit fertig, die Sie zu erledigen hatten? + Il tuo amico ha dovuto fare un po' di lavoro. Vuoi sapere se è finito. Hai finito il lavoro che hai dovuto fare? + Votre ami a dû travailler. Tu veux savoir si elle a fini. Avez-vous terminé le travail que vous deviez faire? + Tu amigo tenía que hacer algo de trabajo. Quieres saber si ha terminado. ¿Has terminado el trabajo que tenías que hacer? + Je vriend moest wat werk doen. Je wilt weten of ze klaar is. Heb je het werk dat je moest doen al afgerond? + ( nǐde· péngyǒu bìxūyào zuò xiē gōngzuò, ní xiǎngzhīdào tā zuòwánle·méi. — nǐ zuòwán nǐ yàozuòde· gōngzuòle· mā?)
C11 10 2510
我 在 餐厅 看到 和 你 一起的 那个 男人 是谁 ? + ผู้ชายคนไหนที่ฉันเห็นคุณด้วยในร้านอาหาร? + Julius là một người cậu có thể tin tưởng. + Who was that man I saw you with in the restaurant? + Wer war der Mann, mit dem ich dich im Restaurant gesehen habe? + Chi era quell' uomo con cui ti ho visto nel ristorante? + Qui était cet homme avec qui je t'ai vu au restaurant? + ¿Quién era el hombre con el que te vi en el restaurante? + Met wie was die man met wie heb ik je in het restaurant gezien? + (wǒ zài cāntīng kàndào hé nǐ yìqǐde· nàge· nánrén shì shuí?)
C11 11 2511
他们的 孩子们 想要 什么 他们都 会 满足 。 + พวกเขาให้ลูกทุกอย่างที่พวกเขาต้องการ + Người mà tôi thấy đi cùng với cậu trong nhà hàng là ai? + They give their children everything they want. + Sie geben ihren Kindern alles, was sie wollen. + Danno ai loro figli tutto quello che vogliono. + Ils donnent à leurs enfants tout ce qu'ils veulent. + Les dan a sus hijos todo lo que quieren. + Zij geven hun kinderen alles wat ze willen. + ( tāmen·de· háizi·men· xiǎngyào shéme tāmen·dōu huì mǎnzú.)
C11 12 2512
告诉 我 你 想要 什么 , 我 会 尽可能 满足你 。 + บอกฉันว่าคุณต้องการอะไรและฉันจะพยายามทำให้คุณ + Họ đưa cho con họ mọi thứ chúng muốn. + Tell me what you want, and I'll try to get it for you. + Sagen Sie mir, was Sie wollen, und ich versuche, es Ihnen zu besorgen. + Dimmi quello che vuoi, e cercherò di ottenerlo per te. + Dis-moi ce que tu veux, et j'essaierai de te l'obtenir. + Dime lo que quieres, e intentaré conseguirlo para ti. + Vertel me wat je wilt, en ik zal proberen om het voor jou te krijgen. + ( gàosù wó ní xiǎngyào shéme, wǒ huì jínkěnéng mǎnzú nǐ.)
C11 19 2519
那位 我 要见的 女士 出差了 。 + ผู้หญิงที่ฉันอยากเห็นอยู่ในธุรกิจ + Tôi đã gặp một người đàn ông mà em gái anh ta biết cậu. + The woman I wanted to see was away on business. + Die Frau, die ich sehen wollte, war geschäftlich unterwegs. + La donna che volevo vedere era assente per lavoro. + La femme que je voulais voir était en voyage d'affaires. + La mujer que quería ver estaba fuera por negocios. + De vrouw die ik wilde zien was weg op zaken. + (nàwèi wǒ yàojiànde· nǚshì chūchāile·.)
C12 38 2588
假期 时光 太美好了 , 以至于 我们都 不想回家 。 + เรามีช่วงเวลาที่ดีในวันหยุดที่เราไม่ต้องการกลับบ้าน + Chúng tôi đã có kì nghỉ tuyệt vời đến nỗi chúng tôi không muốn về nhà. + We had such a good time on vacation that we didn't want to come home. + Wir hatten so viel Spaß im Urlaub, dass wir nicht nach Hause kommen wollten. + Abbiamo avuto un tempo così buono in vacanza che non volevamo tornare a casa. + Nous avons passé de si bons moments en vacances que nous ne voulions pas rentrer à la maison. + La pasamos tan bien de vacaciones que no queríamos volver a casa. + We hadden zo' n goede tijd op vakantie dat we niet naar huis wilden komen. + ( jiàqī shíguāng tàiméihǎole·, yǐzhìyú wǒmen·dōu bùxiǎnghuíjiā.)
C13 19 2619
你 想吃 多少 就 吃 多少 。 + คุณมีอิสระในการทานอาหารเท่าที่คุณต้องการ + Cậu được thoải mái lấy bao nhiêu thức ăn mà cậu muốn. + You're free to have as much food as you want. + Es steht Ihnen frei, soviel zu essen, wie Sie wollen. + Sei libero di avere il cibo che vuoi. + Tu es libre d'avoir autant de nourriture que tu veux. + Eres libre de comer lo que quieras. + Het staat je vrij om zoveel eten te hebben als je wilt. + ( ní xiǎngchī duōshǎo jiù chī duōshǎo.)
C13 29 2629
你 做过 最重要的 决定 是 什么 ? — 那 就是: 搬到 别的 国家 去 。 + การตัดสินใจที่สำคัญที่สุดที่คุณต้องทำคืออะไร? - กำลังย้ายไปอยู่ที่ประเทศอื่น + Quyết định quan trọng nhất cậu từng phải đưa ra là gì? - Đó là: chuyển sang một nước khác. + What's the most important decision you've ever had to make? — It was moving to another country. + Was ist die wichtigste Entscheidung, die Sie je treffen mussten? Es zog in ein anderes Land. + Qual è la decisione più importante che tu abbia mai dovuto prendere? Si stava spostando in un altro paese. + Quelle est la décision la plus importante que tu aies jamais prise? Il déménageait dans un autre pays. + ¿Cuál es la decisión más importante que has tomado? Se estaba mudando a otro país. + Wat is de belangrijkste beslissing die je ooit hebt moeten nemen? Het verhuisde naar een ander land. + (nǐ zuòguò zuìzhòngyàode· juédìng shì shéme? — nà jiùshì : bāndào biéde· guójiā qù.)
C14 33 2683
恩雅 必须 做 些 重要的 决定 , 就 像 经理一样 。 + Euna ต้องตัดสินใจที่สำคัญเช่นเดียวกับผู้จัดการ + Ân Nhã phải đưa ra những quyết định quan trọng giống như một giám đốc. + Euna has to make important decisions, just like the manager. + Euna muss wichtige Entscheidungen treffen, genau wie der Manager. + Euna deve prendere decisioni importanti, proprio come il manager. + Euna doit prendre des décisions importantes, tout comme le manager. + Euna tiene que tomar decisiones importantes, como el gerente. + Euna moet belangrijke beslissingen nemen, net als de manager. + ( ēnyǎ bìxū zuò xiē zhòngyàode· juédìng, jiù xiàng jīnglǐ yíyàng.)
C15 28 2728
植物 在 房间的 角落 。 + โรงงานอยู่ตรงมุมห้อง + Cái cây ở góc căn phòng. + The plant is in the corner of the room. + Die Pflanze befindet sich in der Ecke des Raumes. + L' impianto si trova nell' angolo della stanza. + L'usine est dans le coin de la pièce. + La planta está en la esquina de la habitación. + De plant staat in de hoek van de kamer. + ( zhíwù zài fángjiānde· jiǎoluò.)
C15 32 2732
我哥 在上 大学 , 我 还在上 高中 。 — 他 学医 ,而 我 想学 法律 。 + พี่ชายของฉันอยู่ในวิทยาลัยและฉันยังคงอยู่ในโรงเรียนมัธยม - เขาอยู่ในโรงเรียนแพทย์ แต่ฉันต้องการไปโรงเรียนกฎหมาย + Anh tôi đang học đại học còn tôi vẫn học trung học phổ thông. > Anh ấy học trường y còn tôi muốn vào trường luật. + My brother's in college, and I'm still in high school. — He's in medical school, but I want to go to law school. + Mein Bruder ist auf dem College und ich bin immer noch auf der High School. Er studiert Medizin, aber ich will Jura studieren. + Mio fratello è all' università e io sono ancora al liceo. Ha frequentato la scuola medica, ma voglio andare alla scuola legale. + Mon frère est à la fac, et je suis encore au lycée. Il est en fac de médecine, mais je veux aller en fac de droit. + Mi hermano está en la universidad, y yo sigo en el instituto. Está en la escuela de medicina, pero yo quiero ir a la escuela de derecho. + Mijn broer zit op school en ik zit nog op de middelbare school. Hij zit op medische school, maar ik wil naar de rechtenschool. + ( wǒgē zàishàng dàxué, wǒ háizàishàng gāozhōng. — tā xué yī, ér wó xiǎngxué fǎlǜ.)
C15 47 2747
在 我妈 看来 , 这家 餐厅的 食物 最好吃 。 + ในความคิดของแม่ฉันอาหารที่ร้านนี้ดีที่สุด + Theo ý người mẹ tôi, thức ăn ở nhà hàng này là tuyệt nhất. + in my mother's opinion, the food at this restaurant is the best. + meiner Mutter zufolge ist das Essen in diesem Restaurant das Beste. + a parere di mia madre, il cibo in questo ristorante è il migliore. + pour ma mère, la nourriture de ce restaurant est la meilleure. + la comida de este restaurante es la mejor. + naar de mening van mijn moeder is het eten in dit restaurant het beste. + (zài wǒmā kànlái, zhèjiā cāntīngde· shíwù zuìhǎochī.)
C16 6 2756
她 今年 胖了 很多 , 所以 她 想开始 节食 减肥了 。 + เธอใส่น้ำหนักมากในปีนี้ดังนั้นเธอจึงต้องการที่จะไปในอาหาร + Cô ấy đã lên nhiều cân năm nay nên cô ấy muốn ăn kiêng. + She's put on a lot of weight this year, so she wants to go on a diet. + Sie hat dieses Jahr viel zugenommen, also will sie eine Diät machen. + Ha messo su un sacco di peso quest' anno, quindi lei vuole andare su una dieta. + Elle a pris beaucoup de poids cette année, alors elle veut suivre un régime. + Ha engordado mucho este año, así que quiere seguir una dieta. + Ze heeft dit jaar veel gewicht op haar ingeslagen, dus ze wil graag op dieet gaan. + (tā jīnnián pàngle· hěnduō, suóyǐ tā xiǎngkāishǐ jiéshí jiǎnféile·.)
C16 26 2776
一个人 住 的 好处 是 比较 自由 。 + ประโยชน์ของการอยู่คนเดียวคือคุณมีอิสระมากขึ้น + Ưu điểm của sống một mình là bạn có nhiều tự do hơn. + The advantage OF living alone is that you have more freedom. + Der Vorteil des Alleinlebens ist, dass Sie mehr Freiheit haben. + Il vantaggio di vivere da soli è che si ha più libertà. + L'avantage de vivre seul est que vous avez plus de liberté. + La ventaja de vivir solo es que tienes más libertad. + Het voordeel van alleen leven is dat je meer vrijheid hebt. + ( yīgèrén zhù de· hǎochù shì bǐjiào zìyóu.)
C16 27 2777
事实上 , 一个人 住 有 很多 好处 。 + ในความเป็นจริงมีข้อดีหลายประการที่ต้องอาศัยอยู่คนเดียว + Thực tế, có nhiều ưu điểm khi sống một mình. + In fact, there are many advantages TO living alone. + Tatsächlich gibt es viele Vorteile, wenn man alleine lebt. + In realtà, ci sono molti vantaggi per vivere da soli. + En fait, il y a de nombreux avantages à vivre seul. + De hecho, hay muchas ventajas de vivir solo. + In feite zijn er veel voordelen TO leven alleen. + (shìshíshàng, yīgèrén zhù yóu hěnduō hǎochù.)
C16 40 2790
警方 想要 质询 一名 与 一起 谋杀案 有关的嫌疑犯 。 + ตำรวจต้องการตั้งคำถามเกี่ยวกับผู้ต้องสงสัยเกี่ยวกับการฆาตกรรม + Cảnh sát muốn hỏi một người bị tình nghi liên quan đến vụ giết người. + The police want to question a suspect in connection with the murder. + Die Polizei will einen Verdächtigen im Zusammenhang mit dem Mord befragen. + La polizia vuole mettere in discussione un sospetto in relazione all' omicidio. + La police veut interroger un suspect en rapport avec le meurtre. + La policía quiere interrogar a un sospechoso en relación con el asesinato. + De politie wil een verdachte ondervragen in verband met de moord. + ( jǐngfāng xiǎngyào zhìxún yìmíng yǔ yìqǐ móushāàn yǒuguānde· xiányífàn.)
C16 47 2797
他 对 弟弟 要把 父母 送到 养老院的 想法 感到 很不开心 。 + เขาอารมณ์เสียกับเขาเพราะเขาต้องการที่จะนำพ่อแม่ของพวกเขาไปที่บ้านพักคนชรา + Anh ấy buồn với em trãi vì em trãi muốn đưa bố mẹ họ vào viện dưỡng lão. + He's upset with him because he wants to put their parents in a nursing home. + Er ist sauer auf ihn, weil er ihre Eltern in ein Pflegeheim stecken will. + E' sconvolto da lui perché vuole mettere i loro genitori in una casa di cura. + Il est fâché parce qu'il veut mettre leurs parents dans une maison de retraite. + Está molesto con él porque quiere poner a sus padres en un asilo de ancianos. + Hij is boos met hem omdat hij hun ouders in een verpleeghuis wil plaatsen. + (tā duì dìdì yàobǎ fùmǔ sòngdào yánglǎoyuànde· xiángfá gǎndào hěnbùkāixīn.)
C16 50 2800
其实 , 没能 被 邀请 去 那个 最重要 会议 让我 觉得 有点 难过 。 + อันที่จริงฉันอารมณ์เสียที่ไม่ได้รับเชิญให้เข้าร่วมการประชุมที่สำคัญที่สุด + Thực ra, tôi buồn vì không được mời tới hội thảo quan trọng nhất. + Actually, I'm upset about not getting invited to the most important conference. + Eigentlich ärgere ich mich darüber, nicht zur wichtigsten Konferenz eingeladen zu werden. + In realtà, sono turbato dal fatto di non essere invitato alla conferenza più importante. + En fait, je suis contrarié de ne pas avoir été invité à la conférence la plus importante. + En realidad, estoy molesto por no ser invitado a la conferencia más importante. + Eigenlijk ben ik boos dat ik niet uitgenodigd word voor de belangrijkste conferentie. + (qíshí, méinéng bèi yāoqǐng qù nàge· zuìzhòngyào huìyì ràng wǒ juéde· yóudiǎn nánguò.)
C17 13 2813
《霍比特人》里的 巨型 蜘蛛 吓死 我 了 ! + แมงมุมยักษ์ใน The Hobbit ทำให้ฉันต้องตาย! + Con nhện khổng lồ trong lm "Người Hobbit" làm tôi chết khiếp! + The giant spider in The Hobbit scared me to death! + Die Riesenspinne im Hobbit hat mich zu Tode erschreckt! + Il ragno gigante in Hobbit mi spaventava a morte! + L'araignée géante du Hobbit m' a fait mourir de peur! + ¡La araña gigante en el Hobbit me asustó hasta la muerte! + De reusachtige spin in The Hobbit schrikte me doodsbang! + (《huòbǐtèrén》lǐde· jùxíng zhīzhū xiàsí wǒ le·!)
C17 19 2819
很多 国家 都 不能 包容 外国人 。 + หลายประเทศไม่อดทนต่อชาวต่างชาติ + Nhiều nước không khoan dung với người nước ngoài. + Many countries are not tolerant of foreigners. + Viele Länder sind gegenüber Ausländern nicht tolerant. + Molti paesi non tollerano gli stranieri. + De nombreux pays ne tolèrent pas les étrangers. + Muchos países no toleran a los extranjeros. + Veel landen zijn niet tolerant tegenover buitenlanders. + (hěnduō guójiā dōu bùnéng bāoróng wàiguórén.)
C18 33 2883
你 把 经济危机 归罪于 政府 吗 ? — 我 觉得每个 人 都 把 经济危机 归罪于 政府 。 + คุณตำหนิรัฐบาลสำหรับวิกฤตเศรษฐกิจหรือไม่? - ฉันคิดว่าทุกคนต้องการตำหนิรัฐบาลในเรื่องวิกฤตเศรษฐกิจ + Cô ấy luôn luôn nói mọi thứ là lỗi tại tôi. > Cô ấy luôn đổ lỗi cho tôi về mọi thứ. + Do you blame the government for the economic crisis? — I think everybody wants to blame the government for the economic crisis. + Geben Sie der Regierung die Schuld an der Wirtschaftskrise? Ich glaube, jeder will der Regierung die Schuld an der Wirtschaftskrise geben. + Lei biasima il governo per la crisi economica? Penso che tutti vogliano biasimare il governo per la crisi economica. + Blâmez-vous le gouvernement pour la crise économique? Je pense que tout le monde veut blâmer le gouvernement pour la crise économique. + ¿Culpa al gobierno por la crisis económica? Creo que todos quieren culpar al gobierno por la crisis económica. + Schuldigt u de regering de schuld voor de economische crisis? Ik denk dat iedereen de regering de schuld wil geven van de economische crisis. + ( ní bǎ jīngjìwēijī guīzuìyú zhèngfǔ mā? — wǒ juéde· měige· rén dōu bǎ jīngjìwēijī guīzuìyú zhèngfǔ.)
C19 5 2905
我 希望 你 可以 如愿 找到 你 理想的 工作 。 + ฉันหวังว่าคุณจะประสบความสำเร็จในการหางานที่คุณต้องการ + Tôi hi vọng cậu tìm thành công công việc cậu muốn. + I hope you succeed in finding the job you want. + Ich hoffe, dass es Ihnen gelingt, die Stelle zu finden, die Sie suchen. + Spero che riesca a trovare il lavoro che desidera. + J'espère que vous réussirez à trouver le travail que vous recherchez. + Espero que consigas encontrar el trabajo que quieres. + Ik hoop dat u erin slaagt de door u gewenste baan te vinden. + ( wǒ xīwàng ní kéyǐ rúyuàn zhǎodào ní líxiǎngde· gōngzuò.)
C19 16 2916
他们 碰巧 发现了 一个 重要的 证据 , 现在他 已经 入狱了 。 + พวกเขาได้พบหลักฐานที่สำคัญและตอนนี้เขาอยู่ในคุก + Họ đã tìm được một mẩu bằng chứng quan trọng và giờ hắn đã ngồi tù rồi. + They happened to come across an important piece of evidence, and now he's in prison. + Sie stießen zufällig auf ein wichtiges Beweismittel, und jetzt ist er im Gefängnis. + Sono venuti a conoscenza di un' importante prova, e ora è in carcere. + Ils ont trouvé une preuve importante, et maintenant il est en prison. + Se encontraron con una prueba importante y ahora está en prisión. + Ze kwamen toevallig een belangrijk bewijsstuk tegen, en nu zit hij in de gevangenis. + ( tāmen· pèngqiǎo fāxiànle· yīge· zhòngyàode· zhèngjù, xiànzài tā yǐjīng rùyùle·.)
C19 17 2917
我 想待在 家里 , 但是 我朋友都 坚持 要 我来 。 + ฉันต้องการอยู่บ้าน แต่เพื่อนของฉันยืนยันในการมาของฉัน + Tôi muốn ở nhà nhưng bạn tôi đã nài nỉ tôi đến. + I wanted to stay home, but my friends insisted on my coming. + Ich wollte zu Hause bleiben, aber meine Freunde bestanden darauf, dass ich komme. + Volevo rimanere a casa, ma i miei amici hanno insistito sulla mia venuta. + Je voulais rester à la maison, mais mes amis ont insisté pour que je vienne. + Quería quedarme en casa, pero mis amigos insistieron en venir. + Ik wilde thuis blijven, maar mijn vrienden drongen erop aan dat ik zou komen. + (wó xiǎngdàizài jiāli·, dànshì wǒpéngyǒudōu jiānchí yào wǒ lái.)
C19 34 2934
瓦伦蒂娜 在 百货公司 看到了 一件 漂亮的 连衣裙 , 但 她 想 先 试试 再 买 。 + Valentina พบชุดที่สวยงามที่ห้างสรรพสินค้า แต่เธอต้องการลองทำก่อนที่เธอจะซื้อมัน + Valentina đã thấy một chiếc áo bình đẹp trong cửa hàng bách hoá nhưng cô ấy muốn thử nó trước khi mua. + Valentina found a beautiful dress at the department store, but she wanted to try it on before she bought it. + Valentina fand ein schönes Kleid im Kaufhaus, aber sie wollte es anprobieren, bevor sie es kaufte. + Valentina ha trovato un bel vestito al grande magazzino, ma voleva provare prima di comprarlo. + Valentina a trouvé une belle robe au grand magasin, mais elle voulait l'essayer avant de l'acheter. + Valentina encontró un vestido hermoso en los grandes almacenes, pero quería probárselo antes de comprarlo. + Valentina vond een mooie jurk in het warenhuis, maar ze wilde het proberen voordat ze het kocht. + (wǎlúndìnà zài bǎihuògōngsī kàndàole· yíjiàn piàoliàngde· liányīqún, dàn tā xiǎng xiān shìshì zài mǎi.)
C19 41 2941
我 不想 继续讨论 市场营销的 问题 了 , 让我们 来看看 生产上的 问题 。 + ฉันไม่ต้องการพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับการตลาดต่อไปเรามาดูประเด็นการผลิต + Tôi không muốn tiếp tục thảo luận về tiếp thị, hãy chuyển sang các vấn đề sản xuất. + I don't want to keep going on discussing marketing, let's move on to the production issues. + Ich will nicht weiter über Marketing diskutieren, sondern über die Produktionsfragen. + Non voglio continuare a parlare di marketing, passiamo ai problemi di produzione. + Je ne veux pas continuer à parler de marketing, passons aux questions de production. + No quiero seguir discutiendo sobre marketing, pasemos a los temas de producción. + Ik wil niet blijven praten over marketing, laten we verdergaan met de productievraagstukken. + (wǒ bùxiǎng jìxùtǎolùn shìchǎngyíngxiāode· wèntí le·, ràng wǒmen· láikànkàn shēngchǎnshàngde· wèntí.)
C20 42 2992
警方 询问 他时 , 他 决定 保留 重要的 细节不说 。 + เมื่อตำรวจถามเขาเขาก็ตัดสินใจทิ้งรายละเอียดที่สำคัญ + Khi cảnh sát hỏi anh ta, anh ta đã quyết định bỏ đi một chi tiết quan trọng. + When the police questioned him, he decided to leave out an important detail. + Als die Polizei ihn befragte, beschloss er, ein wichtiges Detail auszulassen. + Quando la polizia lo interrogò, decise di tralasciare un dettaglio importante. + Quand la police l' a interrogé, il a décidé d'omettre un détail important. + Cuando la policía lo interrogó, decidió dejar de lado un detalle importante. + Toen de politie hem ondervroeg, besloot hij een belangrijk detail weg te laten. + (jǐngfāng xúnwèn tāshí, tā juédìng bǎoliú zhòngyàode· xìjié bùshuō.)
Tôi thích phim tình cảm. + I like romantic movies.
Họ luôn thích đi ăn nhà hàng. + They always like to eat in restaurants.
Tôi muốn nổi tiếng. Cậu thì sao? Cậu có muốn nổi tiếng không? + I want to be famous. How about you? Do you want to be famous?
Cậu muốn ăn gì vào bữa tối? + What do you want for dinner?
Cậu có muốn biết câu trả lời không? + Do you want to know the answer?
Trời đang mưa. Tôi không muốn ra ngoài lúc mưa. + It's raining. I don't want to go out in the rain.
Junko mệt. Cô ấy muốn về nhà bây giờ. + Junko's tired. She wants to go home now.
Cô ấy muốn đi xem hoà nhạc nhưng cô ấy không có vé. + She wants to go to the concert, but she doesn't have a ticket.
Antonio tuần trước không đi làm vì bị ốm. Bây giờ anh ấy đỡ hơn rồi. + Antonio wasn't at work last week because he was sick. He's better now.
Hồi tôi còn bé tôi muốn làm bác sĩ. + When I was a child, I wanted to be a doctor.
Giovanni đã mua vài bộ quần áo mới ngày hôm qua: hải cái áo áo và một cái quần. + Giovanni bought some new clothes: two shirts and a pair of pants.
Hôm nay cô ấy mặc cái váy nhưng hôm qua cô ấy mặc quần. + Today she's wearing a skirt, but yesterday she was wearing pants.
Santo đã ở trong xe của anh ấy lái xe. + Santo was in his car driving.
Tôi từng đi máy bay, xe buýt và tàu hoả. Một ngày nào đó tôi muốn đi du lịch bằng thuyền. + I've traveled by plane, bus, and train. Someday, I want to take a trip by boat.
Bạn của cậu có muốn xem phim không? - Không, họ đã xem nó rồi. + Do you friends want to see the movie? -No, they've already seen it.
Năm năm về trước cô ấy làm hầu bàn trong một nhà hàng. + Five years ago she was a waitress in a restaurant.
Tôi rất mệt. Tôi không muốn ra ngoài tối nay. + I'm very tired. I don't want to go out tonight.
Tiện đã đến chưa? + Has Konstantin arrived yet?
Cậu có muốn đi xem phim tối nay không? - Chắc chắn, mấy giờ thì lm bắt đầu? + Do you want to go to the movies tonight? — Sure, what time does the movie begin?
Hôm nay đẹp trời. Tôi không muốn bắt xe bus. Tôi sẽ đi bộ. + It's a nice day. I don't want to take the bus. I'm going to walk.
Chúng tôi sẽ đi xem phim vào Thứ bảy. Cậu có muốn đi cùng chúng tôi không? + We're going to the movies on Saturday. Do you want to come with us?
Ba hôm trước cô ấy ở Santiago. + Three days ago she was in Santiago.
Tôi không cần quả chuối này. - Tôi đói. Tôi sẽ ăn nó. + I don't want this banana. — I'm hungry. I'll have it.
Cậu có muốn một cái ghế không? - Không, không sao. Tôi sẽ ngồi dưới sàn. + Do you want a chair? — No, it's okay. I'll sit on the floor.
Tôi nghe nói cậu thắng được ít tiền. Cậu định làm gì với số tiền đấy? - Tôi chưa quyết định. Có thể tôi sẽ mở nhà hàng. + I hear you won some money. What are you going to do with it? — I haven't decided yet. I might open a restaurant.
+ I wanted to speak to Shakira yesterday, but I couldn't find her.
Đấy là nhà hàng đắt độc đáo nhất thị trấn nên thức ăn chắc chắn phải ngon. + It's the most popular restaurant in town, so the food must be good.
Các học sinh trung học phổ thông muốn vào đại học phải có điểm số cao. + High school students who want to go to college must get good grades.
Tại sao cậu muốn ra đi bây giờ? Chúng ta không cần phải ra đi bây giờ. + Why do you want to leave now? We don't have to leave now.
Tối nay tôi muốn đi xem phim. Có thể Emily sẽ đi với cậu. + You want to go to the movies tonight. Perhaps Emily will go with you.
Tôi muốn đi chơi quần vợt ngày mai. Có thể Văn Kiệt cũng sẽ chơi. + You want to play tennis tomorrow. Perhaps Wenjie will play, too.
Cơ Viện muốn ngồi trên sàn. Cô ấy không muốn ngồi nghế. + Heuiyeon likes to sit on the floor. She doesn't want to sit on a chair.
Tôi không hẳn là muốn ra ngoài. Tôi thích ở nhà hơn. + I don't really want to go out. I'd rather stay at home.
Cậu có muốn xem vô tuyến không? - Không, tôi muốn xem tiểu thuyết hơn. + Don't you want to watch TV? — No, I'd rather read my novel.
Cậu có muốn đi xem phim không, hay chỉ xem vô tuyến? + Do you want to go to the movies, or just watch TV?
Cậu có muốn tôi đến cùng cậu không, hay cậu thích đi một mình hơn? + Do you want me to come with you, or would you prefer to go alone?
Y Đình không muốn học đại học. Cô ấy thích có việc làm hơn. + Yiting doesn't want to go to college. She'd rather get a job.
Tôi không muốn nói chuyện với cậu. Biến đi! + I don't want to talk to you. Go away!
Cậu muốn đi bộ về nhà không? - Không, bắt xe buýt đi. + Do you want to walk home? — No, let's take the bus.
Chúng ta có nên ăn tối ở nhà không? - Không, đi ăn nhà hàng đi. + Should we have dinner at home? — No, let's go to a restaurant.
Cậu có muốn tôi đóng cửa sổ không? - Không, cứ để nó mở đi. + Do you want me to close the window? — No, leave the window open.
Cậu có muốn tôi bật đèn không? - Không, cứ để tắt nó đi. + Do you want me to turn on the light? — No, leave the light off.
Có nhà hàng nào gần giá không? - Có. Không. + Are there any restaurants near here? — Yes, there are. — No, there aren't.
Nhà hàng này rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều người ở đây. + This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here.
Có nhà hàng trong khách sạn này không? - Không, tôi e là không. + Is there a restaurant in this hotel? — No, I'm afraid not.
Cậu có muốn đi bộ đến duy nhất khách sạn không? - Tôi không biết. Đường đi bao xa? + Do you want to walk to the hotel? — I don't know. How far is it?
Rebecca sẽ không ở đây nhưng Antonio thì có. + Rebecca won't be here, but Antonio will.
Santo sống ở Milan đúng không? - Đúng, chính xác. + Santo lives in Milan, doesn't he? — Yes, that's right.
Cô ấy bảo tôi rằng sang năm cô ấy muốn đi Nam Mĩ. > Cô ấy bảo tôi rằng sang năm cô ấy muốn đi Nam Mĩ. + She told me that she wants to go to South America next year. — She told me that she wanted to go to South America next year.
Cậu muốn nói với ai? + Who do you want to speak to?
Cậu không muốn tới bữa tiệc à? - Không, tôi không muốn đến. + Don't you want to go to the party? — No, I don't want to go.
Cô ấy muốn biết tôi làm gì lúc thực hiện rỗi. + She wanted to know what I did in my spare time.
Cô ấy muốn biết tôi có biết nói ngôn ngữ nào khác không. + She wanted to know if I could speak another language.
Bạn để ý thấy giá cả của nhà hàng rất cao. Bạn nói: "Giá đắt quá phải không?" + You notice the restaurant prices are very high. You say, "It's pretty expensive, isn't it?"
Cheng không muốn về hưu. Ông ấy muốn làm việc tiếp. + Niraj doesn't want to retire. He wants to go on working.
Ngày gia nhập công ti chín năm trước và đã trở thành trợ lí marketing của công ti sau hai năm. + Chandra joined the company nine (9) years ago and became assistant manager after two (2) years.
Anh ấy cần làm việc chăm hơn nếu anh ấy muốn tiến bộ. + He needs to work harder if he wants to make progress.
Cậu có nghĩ là quần của tôi cần được giặt không? > Cậu có nghĩ là quần của tôi cần giặt không? + Do you think my pants need to be washed? — Do you think my pants need washing?
Tôi là thứ duy nhất hải phàn nàn với quản lí nhà hàng. + I was the second customer to complain to the restaurant manager.
Xem bộ phim được hai lần rồi, tôi không đi xem lại với bạn tôi nữa. + Having already seen the movie twice, I didn't want to go again with my friends.
Không nói được tiếng địa phương khiến tôi khó giao tiếp. + Not being able to speak the local language meant that I had trouble communicating.
Cảnh sát muốn nói chuyện với bất kì ai nhìn thấy vụ tai nạn. + The police want to talk to anybody who saw the accident.
Nếu cậu muốn rời đi sớm, cậu phải xin phép. + If you want to leave early, you have to ask for permission.
Khi tôi học phổ thông trung học xong tôi muốn vào đại học. + When I finish high school, I want to go to college.
+ Konstantin is a student at the college where I used to work.
Đại Tây Dương nằm giữa châu Phi và châu Mĩ. + The Atlantic Ocean is between Africa and America.
Cảnh sát muốn phỏng vấn hai người đàn ông về vụ cướp tuần trước. + The police want to interview two (2) men about the robbery last week.
Tôi không muốn cậu trả hộ tôi. Tôi sẽ tự trả. + I don't want you to pay for me. I'll pay for myself.
+ If you want more to eat, help yourselves.
Tôi không muốn chung phòng với ai. Tôi muốn phòng của riêng tôi. + I don't want to share a room with anybody. I want my own room.
Tại sao cậu muốn cô xe hơi của tôi? Tại sao cậu không dùng chính xe của cậu. + Why do you want to borrow my car? Why don't you use your own?
Cái nhà hàng mới rất tuyệt. Tôi đã đến đấy tối qua. + The new restaurant is very good. I went there last night.
Ai muốn thi thì nên bảo tôi trước ngày Thứ sáu. + Anyone who wants to take the exam should tell me by Friday.
Có cái trong các cậu muốn tới bữa tiệc tối nay không? + Do any of you want to go to a party tonight?
Cả hai nhà hàng đều rất tốt. > Cả hai nhà hàng này đều rất tốt. + Both restaurants are very good. — Both of these restaurants are very good.
Cả hai nhà hàng này đều không đắt. > Cả hai nhà hàng mà chúng tôi đến đều không đắt. + Neither restaurant is expensive. — Neither of the restaurants we went to was expensive.
Chúng tôi có thể đi một trong hai nhà hàng. Tôi không quan tâm. + We can go to either restaurant. I don't care.
Cả hai nhà hàng tôi đều chưa đến. + I haven't been to either of those restaurants.
Cả hai người họ đều không muốn có con. + Neither of them want to have children.
Bất kì ai muốn nộp đơn xin việc phải thực Trung hoa trước ngày Thứ sáu. + Anyone who wants to apply for the job must do so by Friday.
Tôi muốn gặp một người phụ nữ. Cô ấy đã đi nghỉ nơi khác. > Người phụ nữ mà tôi muốn gặp đã đi nghỉ nơi khác. + I wanted to see a woman. She was away on vacation. — The woman whom I wanted to see was away on vacation.
Người phụ nữ tôi muốn gặp đã đi nghỉ nơi khác. + The woman I wanted to see was away on vacation.
Một người bạn sắp đi xem phim. Bạn muốn biết tên lm. > Tên bộ phim cậu sắp đi xem là gì? + A friend is going to see a movie. You want to know the name. — What's the name of the movie you're going to see?
moʔt ŋɯəəj ɓaʔn mɐʔ k moʔt ɓoʔ aẃ vɐj . ɓaʔn VI ɪjk nɔ . > để giết chóc + You wanted to visit a museum. It was closed when you got there. — The museum we were going to visit was closed when we got there.
Bạn muốn tham quan một viện bảo tăng. Nó đóng cửa lúc bạn đến. > Viện bảo tăng chúng tôi định đến đã đóng cửa khi chúng tôi tới. + Your friend had to do some work. You want to know if she's finished. — Have you finished the work you had to do?
Julius là một người cậu có thể tin tưởng. + Who was that man I saw you with in the restaurant?
Người mà tôi thấy đi cùng với cậu trong nhà hàng là ai? + They give their children everything they want.
Họ đưa cho con họ mọi thứ chúng muốn. + Tell me what you want, and I'll try to get it for you.
Tôi đã gặp một người đàn ông mà em gái anh ta biết cậu. + The woman I wanted to see was away on business.
Chúng tôi đã có kì nghỉ tuyệt vời đến nỗi chúng tôi không muốn về nhà. + We had such a good time on vacation that we didn't want to come home.
Cậu được thoải mái lấy bao nhiêu thức ăn mà cậu muốn. + You're free to have as much food as you want.
Quyết định quan trọng nhất cậu từng phải đưa ra là gì? - Đó là: chuyển sang một nước khác. + What's the most important decision you've ever had to make? — It was moving to another country.
Ân Nhã phải đưa ra những quyết định quan trọng giống như một giám đốc. + Euna has to make important decisions, just like the manager.
Cái cây ở góc căn phòng. + The plant is in the corner of the room.
Anh tôi đang học đại học còn tôi vẫn học trung học phổ thông. > Anh ấy học trường y còn tôi muốn vào trường luật. + My brother's in college, and I'm still in high school. — He's in medical school, but I want to go to law school.
Theo ý người mẹ tôi, thức ăn ở nhà hàng này là tuyệt nhất. + in my mother's opinion, the food at this restaurant is the best.
Cô ấy đã lên nhiều cân năm nay nên cô ấy muốn ăn kiêng. + She's put on a lot of weight this year, so she wants to go on a diet.
Ưu điểm của sống một mình là bạn có nhiều tự do hơn. + The advantage OF living alone is that you have more freedom.
Thực tế, có nhiều ưu điểm khi sống một mình. + In fact, there are many advantages TO living alone.
Cảnh sát muốn hỏi một người bị tình nghi liên quan đến vụ giết người. + The police want to question a suspect in connection with the murder.
Anh ấy buồn với em trãi vì em trãi muốn đưa bố mẹ họ vào viện dưỡng lão. + He's upset with him because he wants to put their parents in a nursing home.
Thực ra, tôi buồn vì không được mời tới hội thảo quan trọng nhất. + Actually, I'm upset about not getting invited to the most important conference.
Con nhện khổng lồ trong lm "Người Hobbit" làm tôi chết khiếp! + The giant spider in The Hobbit scared me to death!
Nhiều nước không khoan dung với người nước ngoài. + Many countries are not tolerant of foreigners.
Cô ấy luôn luôn nói mọi thứ là lỗi tại tôi. > Cô ấy luôn đổ lỗi cho tôi về mọi thứ. + Do you blame the government for the economic crisis? — I think everybody wants to blame the government for the economic crisis.
Tôi hi vọng cậu tìm thành công công việc cậu muốn. + I hope you succeed in finding the job you want.
Họ đã tìm được một mẩu bằng chứng quan trọng và giờ hắn đã ngồi tù rồi. + They happened to come across an important piece of evidence, and now he's in prison.
Tôi muốn ở nhà nhưng bạn tôi đã nài nỉ tôi đến. + I wanted to stay home, but my friends insisted on my coming.
Valentina đã thấy một chiếc áo bình đẹp trong cửa hàng bách hoá nhưng cô ấy muốn thử nó trước khi mua. + Valentina found a beautiful dress at the department store, but she wanted to try it on before she bought it.
Tôi không muốn tiếp tục thảo luận về tiếp thị, hãy chuyển sang các vấn đề sản xuất. + I don't want to keep going on discussing marketing, let's move on to the production issues.
Khi cảnh sát hỏi anh ta, anh ta đã quyết định bỏ đi một chi tiết quan trọng. + When the police questioned him, he decided to leave out an important detail.

Người đàn ông muốn bạn. + The man wants you.

Cô gái muốn học. + The girl wants to study.

Cô ấy muốn ăn bánh mì. + She wants to eat bread.

+ She wants to drink her water.

+ I want to eat rice.

Xin lỗi, tôi muốn bánh mì. + Sorry, I want bread.

Cô ấy muốn một con mèo. + She wants a cat.

voi + elephant

Con voi uống sữa. + The elephant drinks milk.

+ The elephants

quần + pants / trousers

Tôi mặc quần. + I wear pants.

Tôi thích mì ăn liền. + I like instant noodles.

 mì ăn liền + instant noodles

ăn liền + instant

Cô ấy muốn khoai tây chiên. + She wants the french fries.

Bạn muốn cái gì? + What do you want?

Tôi muốn thử đôi giày. + I want to try the shoes.

Bạn muốn mua gì? + What do you want to buy?

Tôi muốn mua một tờ báo. + I want to buy a newspaper.

Người đàn ông muốn khóc. + The man wants to cry.

Đứa trẻ muốn chơi với nó. + The child wants to play with it.

+ That girl does not want to sing.

Bạn muốn ngồi không? + Do you want to sit?

Tôi nghĩ đứa trẻ muốn ăn phở. + I think the child wants to eat pho.

Tôi muốn xem bạn múa. + I want to see you dance.

Người đàn ông muốn nhảy. + The man wants to jump.

Tôi muốn một câu trả lời! + I want an answer (2).

Anh ấy đọc những tờ báo quan trọng. + He reads the important newspapers.

quan trọng + important

Một cái quần ngắn + A pair of short pants.

Con voi đọc một quyển sách tích cực. + The elephant reads a positive book.

Anh ấy bơi khi nào anh ấy muốn. + He swims when he wants.

Tôi uống khi tôi muốn. + I drink when I want.

Năm con voi + five elephants

Họ không muốn là những người cuối cùng. + They do not want to be the last people.

Con mèo của tôi muốn trở thành người. + My cat wants to become human.

Tôi muốn tin. + I want to believe.

Bạn muốn thắng không? + Do you want to win?

Bạn muốn gửi gì? + What do you want to send?

Tôi muốn bảo vệ những con mèo. + I want to protect the cats.

Tôi muốn phát minh một cái tivi. + I want to invent a television.

Ai muốn phát minh? + Who wants to invent?

Họ muốn dừng sản xuất thuốc lá. + They want to stop producing tobacco.

Bạn có muốn trở về Việt Nam không? + Do you want to return to Vietnam?

Tôi muốn nói tạm biệt vào tối nay. + I want to say goodbye tonight.

Chú tôi mặc chiếc quần màu tím. + My uncle wears violet pants.

Châu Nam Cực + Antarctica

Tôi muốn mua một cái la bàn. + I want to buy a compass.

Tôi muốn biết lượng mưa ở đây. + I want to know the rainfall here.

Tôi muốn chúc mừng cô ấy. + I want to congratulate her.

+ You go to Antarctica and see three bamboo trees there? Really

Nhanh lên nếu bạn muốn thắng. + Hurry up if you want to win.

Bạn có muốn sống ở Thuỵ Sĩ không? + Do you want to live in Switzerland?

Bạn muốn biết sự thật không? + Do you want to know the truth?

Tôi muốn sự thay đổi. + I want the change.

Những ngư dân muốn các ca sĩ hát. + The fishermen want the singers to sing.

+ He wants to become a famous comedian.

Ai muốn trở thành một nhà toán học? + Who wants to be a mathematician? (= become)

Tôi sẽ cắn bạn nếu bạn muốn. + I will bite you if you want.

Kiên nhẫn là một lợi thế. + Patience is an advantage (being patient ...)

lợi thế + advantage

Đẹp là một bất lợi. + Being beautiful is a disadvantage.

bất lợi + disadvantage

+ Do you have disadvantages?

Con mèo không muốn hợp tác với tôi. + The cat does not want to cooperate with me.

Tôi không muốn đối mặt gia đình của tôi sau khi tôi thất bại. + I do not want to face my family after I fail.

Họ muốn tìm ra sự thật về tôi. + They want to find (out) the truth about me.

Người đàn ông muốn tìm ra ai là người phụ nữ hạnh phúc nhất. + The man wants to find out who is the happiest woman.

Tôi muốn giữ những con mèo này. + I want to keep these cats.

Cô ấy muốn trở thành một giáo viên mặc dù không ai ủng hộ cô ấy. + She wants to be a teacher although nobody supports her.

nhà hàng + restaurant

Người đàn ông muốn có ba phòng ngủ. + The man wants to have three bedrooms.

Tôi muốn biết họ sẽ chạy lúc mấy giờ. + I want to know what time they will run.

Tôi sẽ thử món mì ăn liền Indonesia. + I will try Indonesian instant noodles.

Tôi muốn học ở Thái Lan. + I want to study in Thailand.

Tôi muốn đi thăm họ hàng của tôi ở Nga. + I want( to go) to visit my relatives in Russia.

Những nông dân muốn xuất khẩu táo đến Pháp. + The farmers want to export apples to France.

Con voi học bay. + The elephant learns to fly.

Nhà báo không muốn đứa trẻ tiếp tục viết. + The journalist does not want the child to continue writing.

Những người đàn ông muốn gặp chúng tôi. + The men want to meet us

Anh ấy muốn bạn gặp luật sư của tôi. + He wants you to meet my lawyer.

Bố mẹ của tôi muốn tôi dành thời gian học tiếng Anh. + My parents want me to spend time studying English.

Nó rất quan trọng nên tôi không thể chờ. + It It is very important so I cannot wait.

Tôi không muốn vâng lời mẹ của mình. + I do not want to obey my mother.

Tôi muốn thông báo với cô ấy. + I want to notify her.

Bạn có muốn nghiên cứu về văn hoá Việt Nam không? + Do you want to research about Vietnamese culture?

Người đàn ông có một văn bản quan trọng. + The man has an important text.

Cô ấy gửi cho tôi một văn bản quan trọng. + She sends me an inportant document.

Đứa trẻ muốn học đại học. + The child wants to study at the university.

Tôi không muốn đi lạc. + I do not want to get lost.

Cô ấy muốn tự mình học tiếng Việt. + She wants to study Vietnamese by herself.

Họ muốn tự mình nấu mì Ý. + They want to cook pasta by themselves.

Người phụ nữ muốn tự mình viết quyển sách này. + The woman wants to write this book by herself.

Họ có muốn bất kỳ cái gì ở đây không? + Do they want anything here?

Anh ấy không muốn gặp bất kỳ ai. + He does not want to meet anybody.

Chúng tôi muốn thay đổi uỷ ban này. + We want to chang this committee.

Tình bạn là một mối quan hệ quan trọng. + Friendship is an important relationship.

Đôi khi, tôi muốn cưới khách hàng của mình. + Sometimes I want to marry my customers.

Cô ấy không muốn ly hôn. + She does not want to divorce.

Họ muốn biết danh sách rượu ở nhà hàng này. + They want to know the wine list in this restaurant.

Tôi muốn biết những mục đích của các bạn. + I want to know your purposes.

Bạn muốn xây gì? + What do you want to build?

Bạn muốn ước không? + Do you want to wish?

Tôi cần khắc phục những bất lợi của mình. + I need to overcome my disadvantages.

Tôi muốn đầu tư vào một khách sạn nổi tiếng ở đây. + I want to invest in a famous hotel here.

Họ không muốn dậy mặc dù họ phải đi làm. + They do not want to get up, although they must go to work.

Không ai muốn điều này xảy ra. + Nobody wants this to happen.

Tôi không đại diện cho nhà hàng đó. + I do not represent that restaurant.

Báo chí có quan trọng không ? + I s the press important?

Tôi muốn biết những bình luận của họ. + I want to know their comments.

Ánh sáng rất quan trọng cho sự sống. + Light is very important for life

thực vật + plant

Tôi muốn tự do! + I want to be free.

Tôi muốn ở gần bạn và con mèo của bạn. + I want to be near you and your cat.

Tôi muốn gọi một ly cà phê nóng. + I want to order a cup of hot coffee.

Tôi không muốn thấy anh ấy đau đớn. + I do not want to see him hurt.

Chúng tôi không muốn làm bạn sợ. + We do not want to make you afraid.

Tôi vẫn trẻ. Tôi vẫn muốn đi chơi. + I am still young. I still want to go out.

Chúng tôi không muốn chiến tranh. + We do not want war.

Họ muốn phát triển giáo dục đại học. + They want to develop university education.

Tôi muốn từ chức nhưng bố của tôi không cho phép. + I want to resign, but my father does not allow me.

Đây sẽ là một bài diễn văn quan trọng trong cuộc bầu cử này. + This will be an important speech in this election.

Tôi muốn biết về tỷ lệ tội phạm ở đây. + I want to know about the crime rate here.

Cô ấy muốn trở thành một nhà thơ. + She wants to come a poet.

Tôi muốn trở thành một nhà văn. + I want to become a writer.

Có rất nhiều nước trong cơ thể tôi.Bạn có muốn uống nó không? + There is a lot of water in my body. Do you want to drink it?

Tôi muốn trở thành bác sĩ thú y. + I want to become a vet.

Chất lượng quan trọng hơn số lượng. + Quality is more important than quantity.

số lượng + quantity

Tôi không muốn đo trọng lượng của mình. + I do not want to measure my weight.

Cô ấy muốn giảm trọng lượng của mình. + She wants to decrease weight.

Giáo sư đang dạy cơ học lượng tử. + The professor is teaching Quantum Mechanics.

cơ học lượng tử + Quantum Mechanics

Tôi muốn có hai tỷ đồng. + I want to have two billion dong.

Tôi muốn bạn thử sản phẩm này. + I want you to try this product.

Tại sao bạn muốn làm cho công ty đa quốc gia này? + Why do you want to work for this multi-national company?

Việt Nam muốn trở thành một thành viên của tổ chức kinh tế thế giới. + Vietnam wants to become a member of the World Economics Organisation

Cuộc phỏng vấn này rất quan trọng. + This interview is very important.

Tôi muốn bay đến Sao Thổ. + I want to fly to Saturn.

Tôi muốn nghe một sự kiện nổi bật. + I want to hear a remarkable event.

Họ muốn giúp những đứa trẻ mồ côi. + They want to help the orphaned children.

Các nha sĩ không muốn những kế hoạch ngu ngốc. + The dentists do not want stupid plans.

Tôi muốn có quyền lực tuyệt đối trong công ty này. + I want to have absolute poer in this company.

Họ muốn di trú đến Nhật. + They want to immigrate to Japan.

Những đứa trẻ đang trồng một cái cây. + The children are planting a tree.

Bố của tôi đã trồng hai cái cây ở phía sau nhà. + My father planted two trees behind the house.

trồng + plant

Họ không muốn hoãn cuộc bầu cử. + They do not want to postpone the election.

Những đứa trẻ muốn phát huy truyền thống của mình. + The children want to uphold their tradition.

Họ muốn nghiên cứu về bốn nền văn minh cổ. + They want to research about four ancient civilizations.

Chúng tôi không muốn bị xâm lược. + We do not want to be invaded.

Tôi không muốn chiến đấu. + I do not want to fight.

Chúng tôi muốn tìm hiểu về sự bóc lột thuộc địa. + We want to learn about colonial exploitation.

Họ đang bị bóc lột nhưng họ không muốn nổi dậy. + They are being exploited but they do not want to revolt.

Chỉ huy muốn huy động tất cả mọi người. + The commander wants to mobilize everyone.

Tôi không muốn đi đến địa ngục. + I do not want to go to hell.

Bạn có muốn sống trong trái tim củatôi cả kiếp này không? + Do you want to live in my heart all this life?

Tôi luôn muốn gắt gỏng một ai đó mỗi khi tôi nghĩ về con khỉ đó. + I always wants to scold someone whenever I think about that monkey.

Tôi muốn một mối quan hệ chín chắn hơn. + I want a more mature relationship

Con voi run lập cập. + The elephant shivers.

Họ muốn chặt chém những du khách Mỹ. + They want to overprice the American tourists.

Chúng tôi không muốn làm ăn với bạn. + We do not want to do business with you.

Tôi không muốn nhận gạch. + I do not want to receive heavy criticism.

Chúng tôi không chấp nhận cái giá cắt cổ này. + We do not accept this exorbitant price.

giá cắt cổ + exorbitant price

cắt cổ + exorbitant

Bạn có muốn bóc lịch không? + Do you want to go to jail?

Họ lưỡng lự và không muốn trả lời + They hesitate and do not want to answer.

chứa chan + exuberant

tinh ý + observant

khó chịu + unpleasant

Tôi muốn phàn nàn về ... + I want to complain about …

Tôi đến nghỉ ngơi cùng với gia đình tôi. + Because I want to rest with my family

Đay là phim hài tình cấm. + It's a romantic comedy film.

Phim này được công chúng đánh giá cao. + It's meant to be good.

Cậu muốn uống gì không? + Do you want anything to drink?

Anh chị muốn thuê loại xe nào? Xe số tay hay tự động? + What type of car do you want? Manual or automatic?

Mình muốn sống ơ nước ngoài. + I wanted to live abroad.

Tôi sẽ không đến quá muộn , nhưng tôi vẫn muốn nói với bạn trước. + I shouldn't be too late, but wanted to tell you ahead of time.

Ông không muốn cơ bắp của mình trở nên chảy xệ. + He doesn't want all his muscles to get flabby.

Tận dụng + Take advantage

Xem thường + Take someone for granted

Gặp bất lợi + At disadvantage

Lúc nào rảnh mình đi uống nước nha? + Do you want to go for a drink sometime?

Anh muốn gửi ảnh cho em. + I want to send this picture to you.

Anh muốn giừ liên lạc với em. + I also want to keep in touch with you.

Ông già Noel + Santa Claus

Tôi đã có mọi thứ tôi muốn. + I got everything I ever wanted

Tôi muốn rút tiền. + I want to make a withdrawal.

Tôi muốn báo mất thẻ tín dụng. + I want to report a lost credit card.

Tôi đã bị cho nghỉ việc trở thành nhân sự thừa vì công ty tái cơ cấu. + I was made redundant, because the company relocated.

thu nhỏ quy mô + I was made redundant, because the company downsized.

cần cắt giảm chi phí + I was made redundant, because the company needed to cut costs.

+ What relevant experience do you have?

Không quan trọng đâu + It's not important

Kế toán + Accountant

Tiếp viên hàng không + Flight attendant

Nhân viên bán hàng + Shop assistant

Chúng ta là dành cho nhau + We are meant for each other

Không có người + Vacant

Ăn tại nhà hàng. + Eat in a restaurant

Nhà hàng có thực đơn set 3 món. + The restaurant has a three-course set menu.

Tôi không muốn nhìn thấy cô nưa. + I don't want to see your face!

Tôi không muốn nghe. + I don't want to hear it.
GNOT Spatial • distance distant +
GNOT Spatial • direction anti-clockwise +
GNOT Temporal • simultaneousness in the meantime +
GNOT Temporal • simultaneousness instant(ly) +
I heard that she wants to go to work. Tôi nghe nói cô ấy muốn đi làm việc. +
GNOT Qualitative • smell pleasant +
GNOT Qualitative • smell unpleasant +
advantage lợi ích +
make advantage of lợi ích +
GNOT Qualitative • acceptability, unacceptability It’s just/not quite what I wanted +
GNOT Qualitative • utility, inutility practical. relevant +
GNOT Qualitative • Importance/unimportance important quan trọng +
GNOT Qualitative • Importance/unimportance not important không quan trọng +
GNOT Qualitative • Importance/unimportance unimportant không quan trọng +
SNOT Personal identification • religion Protestant +
SNOT Personal identification • character and personal appearance (un)pleasant +
SNOT House and home, environment • flora and fauna plant +
SNOT House and home, environment • flora and fauna names of plants, trees, flowers +
SNOT Daily life • at work canteen +
SNOT Daily life • income grant +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc. antique +
SNOT Travel • public transport restaurant nhà hàng +
restaurant tiệm ăn +
SNOT • types of food and drink aubergine / eggplant quả cà tím +
SNOT • types of food and drink eggplant / aubergine +
SNOT • types of food and drink cantaloupe dưa bở +
SNOT Food and drink • eating and drinking out canteen căn tin +
SNOT Services • post poste-restante +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-11 freundlich + 1. friendly, 2. pleasant +
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-12 sympathisch + 1. nice, 2. pleasant, 3. likeable +
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-12 aufmerksam + 1. attentive, 2. observant, considerate +
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-12 tolerant + tolerant +
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-12 schwanger + pregnant +
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-2 wollen + to want to   (will, wollte, hat gewollt) +
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-4 antworten + to reply, to answer   (antwortet, antwortete, hat geantwortet) +
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-9 ständig + constant +
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-13 inzwischen + 1. meanwhile, 2. in the meantime +
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-2 Bewohner + inhabitants, occupants +
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-2 Mieter + tenant +
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-11 angenehm + pleasant +
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-4 Garantie + warranty +
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-8 garantieren + to guarantee   (garantiert, garantierte, hat garantiert) +
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-8 fein + 1. fine, 2. delicate, 3. high quality, 4. elegant +
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-5 Einwohner + inhabitant +
6-2. Natur Exercise 6-2-4 Pflanze + plant +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-20 fern + distant +
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-4 Restaurant + restaurant +
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-4 Gasthaus + inn, restaurant +
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-4 Kantine + canteen +
Exercise 9-1-3 Verkäufer + sales assistant +
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-7 riesig + 1. gigantic, great, 2. immense +
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-9 elegant + elegant +
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-8 abheben + 1. to lift (off), 2. to withdraw , 3. to become arrogant   (hebt ab, hob ab, hat abgehoben) +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-3 Teilnehmer + participant +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-14 beantworten + to answer   (beantwortet, beantwortete, hat beantwortet) +
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-1 Wirtschaft + 1. economy, 2. restaurant, pub +
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-2 Kraftwerk + power plant +
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-8 berechtigt + 1. authorized, 2. entitled, 3. qualified, 4. warranted +
16-1. Amt, Behörde Exercise 16-1-2 Beamte + civil servant   (Adj. Dekl.) +
16-1. Amt, Behörde Exercise 16-1-4 gelten + 1. to be valid, 2. to be seen as, to be meant for   (gilt, galt, hat gegolten) +
16-1. Amt, Behörde Exercise 16-1-4 beantragen + to apply for   (beantragt, beantragte, hat beantragt) +
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-3 Fantasie + imagination, fantasy +
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-4 Nachteil + 1. disadvantage, 2. detriment, 3. disprofit, 4. loss, 5. harm +
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-4 Vorteil + advantage +
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-5 planen + to plan   (plant, plante, hat geplant) +
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-9 wichtig + important +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-1 Ich möchte nicht darüber sprechen.  + sprechen* I don't want to talk about it.  Tôi không muốn nói về nó. +
Exercise 1-2 Ich möchte für den Geburtstag einen Kuchen backen. Kannst du mir eine Backform leihen?  + Form I want to make a cake for my birthday. Can you lend me a baking dish?  Tôi muốn làm bánh cho sinh nhật của tôi. Bạn có thể mượn tôi một món nướng không? +
Exercise 1-2 Welche Äpfel möchten Sie? + welch Which apples do you want? Bạn muốn cái táo nào? +
Exercise 2-1 Du kannst dich jederzeit bei mir aussprechen.  + aussprechen* You can talk to me anytime you want.  Bạn có thể nói chuyện với tôi bất cứ lúc nào bạn muốn. +
Exercise 2-2 Das gehört nicht zur Sache.  + gehören  That's not relevant.  Điều đó không có liên quan. +
Exercise 2-2 Am Freitag Vormittag möchte ich mit dir einkaufen gehen.  + Freitag On Friday morning, I want to go shopping with you.  Sáng thứ sáu, tôi muốn đi mua sắm với bạn. +
Exercise 2-2 Ich möchte etwas anderes haben.  + andere I want something else.  Tôi muốn cái gì khác. +
Exercise 2-3 Was möchtest du essen? – Ich weiß nicht, entweder eine Suppe odereinen Salat?  + oder What do you want to eat? I don't know, either a soup or a salad?  Bạn muốn ăn gì? Tôi không biết, hoặc là một món súp hoặc salad? +
Exercise 2-6 Am Samstag ist unser Lokal geschlossen. Wir haben eine Veranstaltung.  + Samstag Our restaurant is closed on Saturday. We have an event.  Nhà hàng của chúng tôi đóng cửa vào Thứ 7. Chúng tôi có một sự kiện. +
Exercise 2-6 Ich möchte am Samstag ins Stadion gehen. Da spielt meine Mannschaft. + Samstag I want to go to the stadium on Saturday. That's my team playing. Tôi muốn đến sân vận động vào thứ Bảy. Đó là đội của tôi chơi. +
Exercise 2-6 Julia möchte am Wochenende tanzen gehen.  + Wochenende Julia wants to go dancing at the weekend.  Julia muốn đi nhảy vào cuối tuần. +
Exercise 2-7 Magst du einen Tee?  + mögen* Do you want some tea?  Bạn có muốn uống trà không? +
Exercise 2-7 Er möchte ein Fahrrad zu Weihnachten. + mögen* He wants a bike for Christmas. Anh ấy muốn một chiếc xe đạp vào dịp Giáng Sinh. +
Exercise 2-8 Was soll ich ihr antworten? + antworten What do you want me to say? Bạn muốn tôi nói cái gì đây? +
Exercise 3-2 Peter will Arzt werden.  + wollen* Peter wants to be a doctor.  Peter muốn trở thành bác sĩ. +
Exercise 3-2 Meine Eltern wollten nicht mitfahren.  + wollen* My parents didn't want to go.  Bố mẹ tôi không muốn đi. +
Exercise 3-2 Was hast du als Kind werden wollen?  + wollen* What did you want to be when you were a kid?  Bạn muốn trở thành gì khi còn là một đứa trẻ? +
Exercise 3-2 Was willst du überhaupt von mir?  + wollen* What do you want from me, anyway?  Bạn muốn gì từ tôi, dù sao? +
Exercise 3-2 Wenn du willst, können wir gleich gehen.  + wollen* If you want, we can leave right now.  Nếu bạn muốn, chúng ta có thể rời đi ngay bây giờ. +
Exercise 3-2 Er weiß nicht, was er will.  + wollen* He doesn't know what he wants.  Anh ta không biết anh ta muốn gì. +
Exercise 3-5 Warum willst du das wissen?  + wissen* Why do you want to know?  Tại sao bạn muốn biết? +
Exercise 3-5 Wir haben ein Stück Land gekauft und wollen dort bauen.  + Land We bought a piece of land and want to build it there.  Chúng tôi mua một mảnh đất và muốn xây dựng nó ở đó. +
Exercise 3-6 Die Prüfung ist sehr wichtig für mich.  + wichtig The exam is very important to me.  Kỳ thi rất quan trọng đối với tôi. +
Exercise 3-6 Morgen habe ich einen wichtigen Termin.  + wichtig I have an important appointment tomorrow.  Tôi có một cuộc hẹn quan trọng vào ngày mai. +
Exercise 3-6 Vergiss es, es ist nicht wichtig!  + wichtig Forget it, it's not important!  Hãy quên đi, điều đó không quan trọng! +
Exercise 3-6 Ich habe noch etwas Wichtiges zu erledigen.  + wichtig I have something important to do.  Tôi có một cái gì đó quan trọng để làm. +
Exercise 3-7 Sie ist eine entfernte Verwandte von mir. + Verwandte She's a distant relative of mine. Cô ấy là một người họ hàng xa của tôi. +
Exercise 3-8 Wenn du die Datei öffnen willst, musst du mit der Maus zweimal klicken.  + klicken If you want to open the file, you have to click twice with the mouse.  Nếu bạn muốn mở tập tin, bạn phải bấm hai lần với con chuột. +
Exercise 3-9 Das habe ich nicht gemeint.  + meinen That's not what I meant.  Ý của tôi không phải như vậy. +
Exercise 3-9 Mein Sohn möchte Polizist werden.  + werden* My son wants to be a cop.  Con trai tôi muốn trở thành cảnh sát. +
Exercise 3-9 Möchte jemand etwas trinken?  + jemand Anybody want a drink?  Ai cũng muốn uống rượu? +
Exercise 3-9 Jemand möchte dich sehen.  + jemand Someone wants to see you.  Ai đó muốn nhìn thấy bạn. +
Exercise 4-1 Mein Vater arbeitet in einem Restaurant.  + Vater My father works in a restaurant.  Bố tôi làm việc trong một nhà hàng. +
Exercise 4-2 Wir wollen euch nicht beim Essen stören.  + bei We don't want to interrupt your dinner.  Chúng tôi không muốn làm gián đoạn bữa ăn tối của bạn. +
Exercise 4-8 Das Essen in der Kantine ist gar nicht schlecht.  + nicht The food in the canteen is not bad at all.  Thức ăn ở căng tin không tệ chút nào. +
Exercise 5-1 Genau das habe ich gemeint!  + genau  That's what I meant!  Đó là những gì tôi muốn nói! +
Exercise 5-2 Soll ich Ihnen helfen? – Danke, ich schaffe es schon allein.  + allein Want me to help you? Thank you, I'll manage on my own.  Muốn tôi giúp bạn? Cảm ơn bạn, tôi sẽ tự quản lý. +
Exercise 5-3 Durch Zufall habe ich gehört, dass die Wohnung frei ist.  + Zufall By coincidence I heard that the apartment is vacant.  Bởi tình cờ tôi nghe nói rằng căn hộ là trống. +
Exercise 5-3 Die Pflanze treibt neue Blätter.  + Blatt The plant drives new leaves.  Nhà máy vận chuyển lá mới. +
Exercise 5-3 Du isst zu viel Schokolade. Kein Wunder, dass die Hose nicht mehr passt.  + Wunder You eat too much chocolate. No wonder the pants don't fit anymore.  Bạn ăn quá nhiều sôcôla. Không có gì ngạc nhiên khi chiếc quần không vừa với nhau. +
Exercise 5-6 Es herrschte eine angenehme Wärme. + Wärme There was a pleasant warmth. Có một sự ấm áp dễ chịu. +
Exercise 5-7 Soviel ich weiß, hat dieses Restaurant heute Ruhetag.  + soviel I understand this restaurant's closed for the day.  Tôi hiểu rằng nhà hàng này đã đóng cửa trong ngày. +
Exercise 5-7 Iss und trink soviel du willst!  + soviel Eat and drink all you want!  Ăn và uống tất cả những gì bạn muốn! +
Exercise 5-8 Was wünschst du dir zu Weihnachten?  + Weihnachten What do you want for Christmas?  Bạn muốn gì cho Giáng sinh? +
Exercise 5-9 Das Wasser ist angenehm kühl.  + kühl  The water is pleasantly cool.  Nước mát mát. +
Exercise 5-9 Wir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt in Kiel.  + schön We wish you a pleasant stay in Kiel.  Chúng tôi chúc bạn một kỳ nghỉ thú vị ở Kiel. +
Exercise 6-1 Er hat die Gelegenheit maximal ausgenutzt.  + maximal He took advantage of the opportunity.  Anh lợi dụng cơ hội. +
Exercise 6-2 Du kannst es mir ruhig glauben.  + glauben You can believe me if you want.  Bạn có thể tin tôi nếu bạn muốn. +
Exercise 6-2 Ich finde dein Kleid sehr elegant.  + elegant I think your dress is very elegant.  Tôi nghĩ rằng ăn mặc của bạn là rất thanh lịch. +
Exercise 6-2 Du bist sehr elegant.  + elegant You're very elegant.  Bạn rất thanh lịch. +
Exercise 6-2 Es war eine elegante Lösung dieses Problems.  + elegant It was an elegant solution to this problem.  Đó là một giải pháp tao nhã cho vấn đề này. +
Exercise 6-2 Sie hat sich elegant aus der Affäre gezogen.  + elegant She's been elegantly pulling herself out of the affair.  Cô đã được thanh lịch kéo mình ra khỏi vụ. +
Exercise 6-3 Im Bahnhofsrestaurant isst man wirklich sehr gut.  + wirklich In the station restaurant you really eat very well.  Trong nhà hàng nhà ga bạn thực sự ăn rất ngon. +
Exercise 6-3 Ich habe im Moment sehr viel zu tun. – Dann will ich nicht länger stören.  + dann  I'm very busy right now. Then I don't want to disturb you any longer.  Bây giờ tôi rất bận. Sau đó, tôi không muốn làm phiền bạn nữa. +
Exercise 6-3 Er muss den Schaden ersetzen, ob er will oder nicht.  + ob He has to make good the damage, whether he wants it or not.  Anh ta phải gây ra thiệt hại cho dù anh ta có muốn hay không. +
Exercise 6-4 Wir haben uns mit Freunden verabredet. Wir wollen zusammen essen.  + verabreden We had a date with friends. We want to eat together.  Chúng tôi hẹn hò với bạn bè. Chúng tôi muốn ăn cùng nhau. +
Exercise 6-6 Zur Zeit möchte ich keinen sehen.  + Zeit I don't want to see one right now.  Tôi không muốn nhìn thấy ngay bây giờ. +
Exercise 6-6 Was willst du eigentlich von mir?  + eigentlich What do you want from me?  Bạn muốn gì ở tôi? +
Exercise 6-6 Eigentlich wollten wir heute lernen.  + eigentlich Actually, we wanted to study today.  Trên thực tế, chúng tôi muốn học ngày hôm nay. +
Exercise 6-6 Ich will mir ein Auto kaufen. – Was denn für eins?  + was I want to buy a car. What kind of a thing?  Tôi muốn mua một chiếc xe hơi. Loại điều gì? +
Exercise 6-7 Soll ich dich nach Hause fahren?  + fahren* Want me to drive you home?  Muốn tôi lái xe về nhà? +
Exercise 6-7 Soll ich dir etwas vorlesen?  + vorlesen* Want me to read you something?  Muốn tôi đọc bạn một cái gì đó? +
Exercise 6-9 Was willst du denn später mal werden?  + spät What do you want to be when you grow up?  Bạn muốn làm gì khi lớn lên? +
Exercise 7-1 Sie isst in der Kantine.  + essen* She's eating in the canteen.  Cô đang ăn ở căng tin. +
Exercise 7-2 Die Leute wollen das nicht.  + Leute People don't want that.  Mọi người không muốn điều đó. +
Exercise 7-3 Meine Cousine möchte gern Krankenschwester werden.  + Krankenschwester My cousin wants to be a nurse.  Anh em họ của tôi muốn trở thành một y tá. +
Exercise 7-3 Wer beruflich erfolgreich sein möchte, muss die Spielregeln der Branche genau kennen. + beruflich  If you want to be successful in your career, you need to know the rules of the trade. Nếu bạn muốn thành công trong sự nghiệp của mình, bạn cần biết các quy tắc của thương mại. +
Exercise 7-7 Wir essen heute im Restaurant.  + Restaurant We're having dinner at the restaurant today.  Chúng tôi đang ăn tối tại nhà hàng hôm nay. +
Exercise 7-7 Wann öffnet das Restaurant?  + Restaurant When does the restaurant open?  Khi nào thì nhà hàng mở cửa? +
Exercise 7-7 Kennen Sie ein gutes Restaurant hier in der Nähe?  + Restaurant Do you know a good restaurant near here?  Bạn có biết một nhà hàng tốt gần đây không? +
Exercise 7-7 Ich kann es mir nicht leisten, in einem so teuren Restaurant zu essen.  + Restaurant I can't afford to eat in a restaurant that expensive.  Tôi không có khả năng ăn trong một nhà hàng đắt tiền. +
Exercise 7-7 Ich kann dieses Restaurant empfehlen. + Restaurant I can recommend this restaurant. Tôi có thể giới thiệu nhà hàng này. +
Exercise 7-8 Früher war dort drüben einmal ein Restaurant. + drüben There used to be a restaurant over there once. Đã từng có một nhà hàng ở đó một lần. +
Exercise 7-9 Haben Sie sonst noch einen Wunsch?  + Wunsch Anything else you want?  Bất cứ thứ gì khác bạn muốn? +
Exercise 8-2 Mein Cousin will eine dreijährige Lehre machen.  + Lehre My cousin wants to do a three-year apprenticeship.  Anh em họ của tôi muốn làm một học việc ba năm. +
Exercise 8-4 Sie möchte mehr Zeit mit ihrem Sohn verbringen.  + verbringen* She wants to spend more time with her son.  Cô ấy muốn dành nhiều thời gian hơn cho con trai. +
Exercise 8-6 Heute wollen wir im Garten grillen.  + grillen Today we want to have a barbecue in the garden.  Hôm nay chúng tôi muốn có một đồ nướng trong vườn. +
Exercise 8-6 Ich habe keine Lust zu grillen.  + grillen I don't want to barbecue.  Tôi không muốn thịt nướng. +
Exercise 8-6 Du kannst ruhig rauchen.  + ruhig You can smoke if you want.  Bạn có thể hút thuốc nếu muốn. +
Exercise 8-7 Die Atmosphäre bei der Sitzung war sehr angenehm.  + Atmosphäre The atmosphere at the meeting was very pleasant.  Bầu không khí tại cuộc họp rất vui. +
Exercise 8-8 Wollen wir morgen etwas gemeinsam unternehmen?  + unternehmen* Do we want to do something together tomorrow?  Chúng ta có muốn làm gì đó vào ngày mai không? +
Exercise 8-8 Ich verstehe einfach nicht, was er will.  + einfach I just don't understand what he wants.  Tôi chỉ không hiểu anh ta muốn gì. +
Exercise 8-9 Was möchten Sie? – Ich nehme einen Salat.  + nehmen* What do you want? I'll have a salad.  Bạn muốn gì? Tôi sẽ có một salad. +
Exercise 8-9 Am Freitag Vormittag möchte ich mit dir einkaufen gehen.  + Vormittag On Friday morning, I want to go shopping with you.  Sáng thứ sáu, tôi muốn đi mua sắm với bạn. +
Exercise 9-2 Was wünschst du dir zum Geburtstag?  + wünschen What do you want for your birthday?  Bạn muốn gì vào ngày sinh nhật? +
Exercise 9-2 Jemand wünscht Sie zu sprechen.  + wünschen Someone wants to see you.  Ai đó muốn nhìn thấy bạn. +
Exercise 9-2 Ich wünsche Ruhe.  + wünschen I want quiet.  Tôi muốn yên tĩnh. +
Exercise 9-2 Ich wünsche nicht gestört zu werden.  + wünschen I don't want to be disturbed.  Tôi không muốn bị quấy rầy. +
Exercise 9-3 Soll ich Ihnen helfen? – Nein, danke, nicht nötig.  + danke Want me to help you? No, thank you, no need.  Muốn tôi giúp bạn? Không, cảm ơn bạn, không cần. +
Exercise 9-6 Diese Jacke wird gut zu jener Hose passen. + Jacke This jacket will go well with those pants. Áo khoác này sẽ hợp với những chiếc quần đó. +
Exercise 9-7 Können Sie die Hose etwas kürzer machen?  + Hose Can you make the pants a little shorter?  Bạn có thể làm cho quần ngắn hơn một chút? +
Exercise 9-7 Diese Hose ist mir zu eng.  + Hose These pants are too tight for me.  Những chiếc quần quá chặt chẽ đối với tôi. +
Exercise 9-7 Wer hat in deiner Familie die Hosen an? + Hose Who in your family wears the pants? Ai trong gia đình bạn mặc quần? +
Exercise 9-8 Deine Hose hat ein Loch. – Ich weiß, sie ist schon alt.  + Loch Your pants have a hole. I know, she's already old.  Quần của bạn có một lỗ. Tôi biết, cô ấy đã già. +
Exercise 9-8 Praktische Erfahrung ist oft sehr wichtig.  + praktisch Practical experience is often very important.  Kinh nghiệm thực tế thường rất quan trọng. +
Exercise 10-1 Ich will heute abend gut aussehen.  + aussehen* I want to look good tonight.  Tôi muốn nhìn tốt tối nay. +
Exercise 10-1 Wann soll ich kommen? Passt es Ihnen morgen Abend?  + passen When do you want me to come? Is tomorrow night good for you?  Khi nào bạn muốn tôi đến? Đêm mai là tốt cho bạn? +
Exercise 10-1 Er macht, was ihm passt.  + passen He does what he wants.  Anh ta làm những gì anh ta muốn. +
Exercise 10-1 In welcher Sache möchten Sie mich sprechen? + Sache Where do you want to see me? Bạn muốn gặp tôi ở đâu? +
Exercise 10-5 Die Hose ist zu lang. Können Sie sie kürzer machen?  + lang The pants are too long. Can you make it shorter?  Quần quá dài. Bạn có thể làm cho nó ngắn hơn? +
Exercise 10-5 Ich habe keinen Hunger. Ich möchte nur etwas trinken.  + nur I'm not hungry. I just want a drink.  Tôi không đói. Tôi chỉ muốn uống. +
Exercise 10-6 Ich möchte nicht in deiner Haut stecken. + Haut I don't want to be in your shoes. Tôi không muốn ở trong đôi giày của bạn. +
Exercise 10-9 Du kannst damit tun, was du willst. + tun* You can do whatever you want with it. Bạn có thể làm bất cứ điều gì bạn muốn với nó. +
Exercise 11-1 Wir wollen unser Geschäft vergrößern.  + vergrößern We want to expand our business.  Chúng tôi muốn mở rộng kinh doanh của chúng tôi. +
Exercise 11-2 Sie will abnehmen, daher isst sie so wenig.  + daher She wants to lose weight, that's why she eats so little.  Cô ấy muốn giảm cân, đó là lý do cô ấy ăn quá ít. +
Exercise 11-4 Der Brief ist nur für Sie bestimmt.  + bestimmen The letter is meant for you only.  Thư này chỉ dành cho bạn. +
Exercise 11-4 Das klingt ja so, als ob du keine Lust mehr hättest.  + klingen* Sounds like you don't want to do it anymore.  Có vẻ như bạn không muốn làm nữa. +
Exercise 11-4 Das war nie meine Absicht.  + Absicht I never meant to.  Tôi không bao giờ có ý định. +
Exercise 11-4 Wir wollen das gemeinsam besprechen.  + gemeinsam We want to discuss this together.  Chúng tôi muốn thảo luận điều này với nhau. +
Exercise 11-5 Sie hat alles erreicht, was sie wollte.  + erreichen She achieved everything she wanted.  Cô ấy đạt được mọi thứ cô ấy muốn. +
Exercise 11-5 Sie wollen ans Meer? Da gibt es mehrere Möglichkeiten.  + Möglichkeit You want to go to the sea? There are several possibilities.  Bạn muốn đi ra biển? Có nhiều khả năng. +
Exercise 11-5 Er wollte unbedingt dabei sein.  + unbedingt He wanted to be there.  Anh ấy muốn ở đó. +
Exercise 11-8 Ich möchte billig Urlaub machen. Was raten Sie mir?  + raten* I want to take a cheap vacation. What's your advice?  Tôi muốn đi nghỉ mát giá rẻ. Lời khuyên của bạn là gì? +
Exercise 11-8 Das will ich dir nicht raten!  + raten* I don't want to advise that!  Tôi không muốn tư vấn cho điều đó! +
Exercise 11-8 Kauf ist vorteilhafter als Miete.  + Miete Purchase is more advantageous than rent.  Việc mua hàng là thuận lợi hơn so với thuê. +
Exercise 11-9 Möchten Sie noch etwas? – Nein danke, ich bin satt.  + satt You want anything else? No thanks, I'm full.  Bạn muốn gì khác? Không, cảm ơn, tôi đầy. +
Exercise 12-1 Ich will mich erst umziehen.  + umziehen* I want to change first.  Tôi muốn thay đổi trước. +
Exercise 12-1 Auf die Anzeige hin meldeten sich 10 Bewerber.  + Anzeige On the advertisement 10 applicants applied.  Về việc quảng cáo đã áp dụng 10 ứng viên. +
Exercise 12-3 Mein Mann ist nicht da. Soll ich ihm etwas ausrichten?  + ausrichten My husband's not here. Do you want me to give him a message?  Chồng tôi không có ở đây. Bạn có muốn tôi đưa cho ông một tin nhắn? +
Exercise 12-4 Dieses Thema wollen wir gemeinsam besprechen.  + besprechen* We want to discuss this topic together.  Chúng tôi muốn thảo luận về chủ đề này với nhau. +
Exercise 12-4 Ich möchte mit dir etwas besprechen.  + besprechen* I want to talk to you about something.  Tôi muốn nói chuyện với bạn về một cái gì đó. +
Exercise 12-4 Ich möchte in einem Büro arbeiten. + Büro I want to work in an office. Tôi muốn làm việc trong văn phòng. +
Exercise 12-4 Über meine Probleme möchte ich nicht sprechen. Das ist privat.  + privat I don't want to talk about my problems. This is private.  Tôi không muốn nói về những vấn đề của mình. Đây là thông tin cá nhân. +
Exercise 12-5 Claudia und Peter wollen ihre Hochzeit groß feiern.  + Hochzeit Claudia and Peter want to celebrate their wedding.  Claudia và Peter muốn tổ chức đám cưới của họ. +
Exercise 12-6 Nach dem Theater gehen wir in ein Restaurant. + Theater After the theatre we go to a restaurant. Sau khi đi nhà hát chúng tôi đi đến nhà hàng. +
Exercise 12-9 Mein Sohn will Journalist werden.  + Journalist My son wants to be a journalist.  Con trai tôi muốn làm phóng viên. +
Exercise 13-1 Am Samstag ist unser Lokal geschlossen. Wir haben eine Veranstaltung.  + Veranstaltung Our restaurant is closed on Saturday. We have an event.  Nhà hàng của chúng tôi đóng cửa vào Thứ 7. Chúng tôi có một sự kiện. +
Exercise 13-2 Ich möchte Sie auf keinen Fall belästigen.  + Fall I don't want to bother you.  Tôi không muốn làm phiền bạn. +
Exercise 13-2 In diesem Restaurant gibt es sehr guten Wein.  + Wein There is very good wine in this restaurant.  Có rất tốt rượu vang trong nhà hàng này. +
Exercise 13-8 Mein Sohn will Medizin studieren.  + Medizin My son wants to study medicine.  Con trai tôi muốn học thuốc. +
Exercise 13-8 Wenn wir im Urlaub sind, gießt die Nachbarin unsere Pflanzen.  + Pflanze When we're on vacation, the neighbor will water our plants.  Khi chúng tôi đi nghỉ mát, người hàng xóm sẽ bơm nước cho chúng tôi. +
Exercise 13-8 Pflanzen wachsen schnell, wenn es geregnet hat.  + Pflanze Plants grow quickly when it rains.  Cây trồng phát triển nhanh chóng khi trời mưa. +
Exercise 13-8 Diese Pflanze wächst wild.  + Pflanze This plant grows wild.  Nhà máy này phát triển hoang dã. +
Exercise 14-1 Wir wollten uns neue Betten kaufen.  + Bett We wanted to buy new beds.  Chúng tôi muốn mua giường mới. +
Exercise 14-2 Wo wollt ihr sitzen? Draußen oder drinnen? + drinnen  Where do you want to sit? Outdoors or indoors? Bạn muốn ngồi ở đâu? Ngoài trời hoặc trong nhà? +
Exercise 14-6 Die Firma wollte neue Arbeitsplätze schaffen.  + schaffen* The company wanted to create new jobs.  Công ty muốn tạo việc làm mới. +
Exercise 14-8 Ich gehe nie wieder in dieses Restaurant.  + nie I'm never going to that restaurant again.  Tôi sẽ không bao giờ đi đến nhà hàng đó. +
Exercise 15-1 Sie wollen die Arbeitsbedingungen verbessern.  + verbessern They want to improve working conditions.  Họ muốn cải thiện điều kiện làm việc. +
Exercise 15-1 Sie hat ihre Leistungen deutlich verbessert.  + verbessern It has significantly improved its performance.  Nó đã cải thiện đáng kể hiệu suất của nó. +
Exercise 15-1 Einerseits will er alles haben, andererseits möchte er nichts dafür geben.  + einerseits  On the one hand he wants to have it all, on the other hand he doesn't want to give anything. Một mặt ông muốn có tất cả, mặt khác ông không muốn cho bất cứ điều gì. +
Exercise 15-4 Er hat gemusst, ob er wollte oder nicht.  + müssen* He had to, whether he wanted to or not.  Anh phải, dù anh có muốn hay không. +
Exercise 15-4 Du musst mich nicht abholen. Nur wenn du willst.  + müssen* You don't have to pick me up. Only if you want to.  Bạn không cần phải đón tôi. Chỉ khi bạn muốn. +
Exercise 15-5 Über dieses Thema möchte ich nicht sprechen.  + Thema I do not want to talk about this subject.  Tôi không muốn nói về chủ đề này. +
Exercise 16-1 Wenn du die genaue Ankunft wissen willst, musst du im Fahrplan nachschlagen.  + nachschlagen* If you want to know the exact arrival time, you have to look in the timetable.  Nếu bạn muốn biết thời gian đến chính xác, bạn phải xem lịch biểu. +
Exercise 16-2 Was willst du nach dem Studium machen?  + Studium What do you want to do after your studies?  Bạn muốn làm gì sau khi học? +
Exercise 16-3 Wer hat den Baum gepflanzt?  + Baum Who planted the tree?  Ai trồng cây? +
Exercise 16-4 Das Restaurant ist im Erdgeschoss.  + Erdgeschoss The restaurant is on the ground floor.  Nhà hàng nằm ở tầng trệt. +
Exercise 16-4 Zu Weihnachten wünschen sich die Kinder vor allem Spielzeug.  + Spielzeug At Christmas, the children mainly want toys.  Vào dịp Giáng sinh, trẻ em chủ yếu muốn mua đồ chơi. +
Exercise 16-5 Das Restaurant war fast leer.  + leer The restaurant was almost empty.  Nhà hàng gần như trống rỗng. +
Exercise 16-6 Hans will Bauingenieur werden.  + Ingenieur Hans wants to be a civil engineer.  Hans muốn trở thành một kỹ sư xây dựng. +
Exercise 16-7 Willst du baden oder duschen?  + baden You want to take a bath or shower?  Bạn muốn tắm hoặc tắm? +
Exercise 16-7 Wenn du baden möchtest: Das Badezimmer ist dort hinten links.  + baden If you want to take a bath, the bathroom's back there on the left.  Nếu bạn muốn tắm, phòng tắm của bạn ở bên trái. +
Exercise 16-7 Wenn Sie duschen wollen, das Badezimmer ist dort hinten links.  + duschen If you want to take a shower, the bathroom's back there on the left.  Nếu bạn muốn đi tắm, phòng tắm ở phía bên trái. +
Exercise 16-8 Die Zahl der Bewohner unserer Erde wächst ständig.  + Bewohner The number of inhabitants of our planet is constantly growing.  Số lượng cư dân của hành tinh chúng ta đang tăng lên liên tục. +
Exercise 17-1 Das Restaurant hat jeden Tag geöffnet.  + jeder The restaurant is open every day.  Nhà hàng mở cửa hàng ngày. +
Exercise 17-3 Das soll mich nicht weiter stören.  + stören I don't want to be bothered by that anymore.  Tôi không muốn bị làm phiền bởi điều đó nữa. +
Exercise 17-4 Alle wollen etwas anderes. Wir müssen einen Kompromiss finden.  + Kompromiss Everyone wants something else. We have to find a compromise.  Mọi người đều muốn cái gì khác. Chúng ta phải tìm ra một thỏa hiệp. +
Exercise 17-5 Sie sollen sofort zum Chef kommen.  + sollen* I want you to see the boss right away.  Tôi muốn bạn nhìn thấy ông chủ ngay. +
Exercise 17-5 Wann soll ich kommen?  + sollen* When do you want me to come?  Khi nào bạn muốn tôi đến? +
Exercise 17-8 Wie viele Einwohner hat diese Stadt?  + Einwohner How many inhabitants does this city have?  Có bao nhiêu cư dân thành phố này? +
Exercise 17-8 Berlin hat über drei Millionen Einwohner.  + Einwohner Berlin has over three million inhabitants.  Berlin có hơn ba triệu cư dân. +
Exercise 18-2 Über meine politische Meinung möchte ich nicht sprechen.  + politisch I do not want to talk about my political opinion.  Tôi không muốn nói về quan điểm chính trị của tôi. +
Exercise 18-3 Glück spielt eine wichtige Rolle im Leben.  + Rolle Happiness plays an important role in life.  Hạnh phúc đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong cuộc sống. +
Exercise 18-4 Er ist ihr ständiger Partner.  + Partner He's your constant partner.  Anh ấy là bạn đời của bạn. +
Exercise 18-7 Du kannst dir aussuchen, was du willst.  + aussuchen You can choose what you want.  Bạn có thể chọn cái gì bạn muốn. +
Exercise 18-7 Ich möchte ein Geschenk für meine Freundin aussuchen. + aussuchen I want to pick a present for my girlfriend. Tôi muốn chọn một món quà cho bạn gái của tôi. +
Exercise 18-8 Möchtest du Käse aufs Brot?  + Käse Want some cheese on the bread?  Bạn muốn một ít phô mai trên bánh mì? +
Exercise 18-8 Ich möchte nur Butter aufs Brot.  + Butter I just want butter on bread.  Tôi chỉ muốn bơ trên bánh mì. +
Exercise 18-8 Was wollen wir zuerst machen?  + zuerst What do we want to do first?  Chúng ta muốn làm gì đầu tiên? +
Exercise 18-9 Was möchtest du aufs Brot haben?  + Brot What do you want on the bread?  Bạn muốn gì trên bánh mì? +
Exercise 18-9 Möchtest du zum Frühstück ein Ei?  + Ei Do you want an egg for breakfast?  Bạn có muốn ăn trứng vào bữa sáng? +
Exercise 19-1 Hast du keinen größeren Topf? Ich möchte Kartoffeln kochen.  + Topf Don't you have a bigger pot? I want to make potatoes.  Bạn không có một cái nồi lớn hơn? Tôi muốn làm khoai tây. +
Exercise 19-1 Eine der wichtigsten Nutzpflanzen ist die Sojabohne. + Bohne One of the most important crops is the soybean. Một trong những cây trồng quan trọng nhất là đậu nành. +
Exercise 19-3 Wir wollen die Sache unter uns abmachen.  + abmachen We want to settle this between us.  Chúng tôi muốn giải quyết vấn đề này giữa chúng tôi. +
Exercise 19-5 Ihr könnt gehen, wohin ihr wollt.  + wohin You can go anywhere you want.  Bạn có thể đi bất cứ nơi nào bạn muốn. +
Exercise 19-6 Ich möchte dir für deine Hilfe vielmals danken.  + danken I want to thank you so much for your help.  Tôi muốn cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều cho sự giúp đỡ của bạn. +
Exercise 19-6 Ich habe die Möbel vom Vormieter übernommen.  + übernehmen*  I took over the furniture from the previous tenant.  Tôi lấy đồ đạc từ người thuê nhà trước. +
Exercise 19-7 Bitte diesen Zettel gut aufheben. Er gilt als Garantie.  + gelten* Keep this note, please. It is a guarantee.  Hãy giữ lại lưu ý này. Đó là một đảm bảo. +
Exercise 19-7 Er will die Welt verändern.  + verändern He wants to change the world.  Anh ta muốn thay đổi thế giới. +
Exercise 19-9 Ich möchte ein Pfund Äpfel.  + Pfund I want a pound of apples.  Tôi muốn một cân táo. +
Exercise 20-1 Der Hersteller gewährte fünf Jahre Garantie auf die neue Maschine.  + Hersteller The manufacturer gave a five-year guarantee on the new machine.  Nhà sản xuất đưa ra một đảm bảo năm năm trên máy mới. +
Exercise 20-2 Ich möchte keine Werbung im Briefkasten.  + Werbung I don't want advertising in the mailbox.  Tôi không muốn quảng cáo trong hộp thư. +
Exercise 20-4 Elefanten ernähren sich von Pflanzen.  + ernähren Elephants feed on plants.  Voi ăn cỏ. +
Exercise 20-5 Ich finde eine gesunde Ernährung wichtig.  + Ernährung I find a healthy diet important.  Tôi tìm thấy một chế độ ăn uống lành mạnh quan trọng. +
Exercise 20-5 Diesen Preis gibt es nur, wenn Sie große Mengen kaufen.  + Menge This price is only available if you buy large quantities.  Giá này chỉ có sẵn nếu bạn mua một lượng lớn. +
Exercise 20-7 Orangen werden nicht nach Stückzahl, sondern nach Gewicht verkauft. + verkaufen Orange oranges are not sold by quantity, but by weight. Cam cam không được bán theo số lượng, nhưng theo trọng lượng. +
Exercise 20-9 Wenn du die Prüfung schaffen willst, musst du dich mehr anstrengen.  + anstrengen If you want to pass the test, you have to try harder.  Nếu bạn muốn vượt qua bài kiểm tra, bạn phải cố gắng nhiều hơn. +
Exercise 21-2 Haben Sie einen Kurs für Erste Hilfe gemacht? Das müssen Sie, wenn Sie den Führerschein machen wollen.  + Hilfe Did you take a course in first aid? You'll have to if you want to get your license.  Bạn có tham gia khoá học cấp cứu không? Bạn sẽ phải làm nếu bạn muốn có được giấy phép của bạn. +
Exercise 21-3 Es kommt darauf an, dass Sie alle Fragen im Test beantworten.  + ankommen* It is important that you answer all questions in the test.  Điều quan trọng là bạn trả lời tất cả các câu hỏi trong bài kiểm tra. +
Exercise 21-3 Welche Note brauche ich? – Das kommt darauf an, ob Sie studieren möchten oder nicht.  + ankommen* What grade do I need? This depends on whether you want to study or not.  Tôi cần loại gì? Điều này phụ thuộc vào việc bạn muốn học hay không. +
Exercise 21-3 Die Sekretärin trug unsere Namen in die Teilnehmerliste ein.  + eintragen* The secretary entered our names in the list of participants.  Thư ký đã nhập tên của chúng tôi vào danh sách những người tham gia. +
Exercise 21-4 Sie verbindet gerne das Angenehme mit dem Nützlichen.  + verbinden* She likes to combine the pleasant with the useful.  Cô ấy thích kết hợp những điều thú vị với sự hữu ích. +
Exercise 21-4 Wollen Sie ein Doppelzimmer oder ein Einzelzimmer?  + Doppelzimmer Do you want a double or single room?  Bạn có muốn một phòng đôi hoặc đơn? +
Exercise 21-6 Ich will nicht mehr diskutieren.  + diskutieren I don't want to argue anymore.  Tôi không muốn tranh luận nữa. +
Exercise 21-7 Ich möchte intensiv Deutsch lernen.  + intensiv I want to learn German intensively.  Tôi muốn học tiếng Đức một cách mạnh mẽ. +
Exercise 21-8 Wie willst du die Möbel denn transportieren?  + transportieren How do you want to transport the furniture?  Bạn muốn vận chuyển đồ đạc như thế nào? +
Exercise 21-8 Sie lebt in ständiger Angst.  + ständig She lives in constant fear.  Cô ấy sống trong nỗi sợ hãi liên tục. +
Exercise 22-1 Er wollte sich mit ihm unter vier Augen unterhalten.  + unterhalten*  He wanted to talk to him in private.  Anh muốn nói chuyện riêng với anh. +
Exercise 22-2 Wir wollen gleich nach dem Frühstück losfahren.  + losfahren* We want to leave right after breakfast.  Chúng tôi muốn rời khỏi ngay sau bữa sáng. +
Exercise 22-2 Es ist schon 23 Uhr. Ich möchte mich verabschieden.  + verabschieden It's already 11:00. I want to say goodbye.  Đã 11 giờ rồi. Tôi muốn nói lời tạm biệt. +
Exercise 22-2 Mein Mann ist Beamter.  + Beamte My husband's a civil servant.  Chồng tôi là công chức. +
Exercise 22-2 Er hat eine angenehme Stimme.  + Stimme He has a pleasant voice.  Anh ấy có một giọng nói dễ chịu. +
Exercise 22-3 Morgen möchte ich die Sehenswürdigkeiten in Berlin besichtigen.  + besichtigen Tomorrow I want to visit the sights in Berlin.  Ngày mai tôi muốn ghé thăm các thắng cảnh ở Berlin. +
Exercise 22-4 Können Sie mir ein gutes Restaurant empfehlen?  + empfehlen* Can you recommend a good restaurant?  Bạn có thể giới thiệu một nhà hàng tốt? +
Exercise 22-5 Soll ich Ihnen das als Geschenk einpacken?  + einpacken You want me to wrap this for you as a present?  Bạn muốn tôi quấn nó cho bạn như một món quà? +
Exercise 22-7 Ich will keine falschen Hoffnungen wecken.  + wecken I don't want to raise false hopes.  Tôi không muốn làm tăng hy vọng. +
Exercise 22-7 Wir wünschen Ihnen einen angenehmen Aufenthalt.  + Aufenthalt We wish you a pleasant stay.  Chúng tôi chúc bạn một kỳ nghỉ vui vẻ. +
Exercise 22-7 Achtung, Achtung, eine wichtige Durchsage!  + Durchsage Attention, attention, an important announcement!  Chú ý, chú ý, một thông báo quan trọng! +
Exercise 23-7 Wir sollen alle wichtigen Wörter unterstreichen.  + unterstreichen* We're supposed to underline all the important words.  Chúng ta phải nhấn mạnh tất cả những từ quan trọng. +
Exercise 23-9 Wir wollen unserer Lehrerin ein Geschenk kaufen. Wer möchte sichbeteiligen?  + beteiligen We want to buy our teacher a present. Who wants to participate?  Chúng tôi muốn mua giáo viên của chúng tôi một món quà. Ai muốn tham gia? +
Exercise 23-9 Es ist noch ein Rest Wein da. Möchtest du noch?  + Rest There's some wine left. Do you still want to?  Còn lại một ít rượu. Bạn vẫn muốn? +
Exercise 23-9 Morgen möchte ich die Sehenswürdigkeiten in Köln besichtigen.  + Sehenswürdigkeit Tomorrow I want to visit the sights in Cologne.  Ngày mai tôi muốn ghé thăm các thắng cảnh ở Cologne. +
Exercise 24-1 Das Gericht befand den Angeklagten für schuldig.  + Gericht The court found the defendant guilty.  Tòa án tìm thấy bị cáo phạm tội. +
Exercise 24-1 Ich will kein Risiko eingehen.  + Risiko I don't want to take any chances.  Tôi không muốn mất bất kỳ cơ hội. +
Exercise 24-2 Für mich ist nicht nur der Preis wichtig, sondern auch die Qualität.  + Qualität For me, not only price is important, but also quality.  Đối với tôi, không chỉ giá cả là quan trọng, mà còn chất lượng. +
Exercise 24-3 Er will seine Erfindung kommerziell nutzen.  + kommerziell He wants to use his invention commercially.  Anh ta muốn sử dụng sáng chế của mình vào thương mại. +
Exercise 24-4 Insgesamt haben sich 20 Teilnehmer für die Prüfung angemeldet.  + insgesamt A total of 20 participants have registered for the exam.  Tổng cộng 20 người tham gia đã đăng ký tham dự kỳ thi. +
Exercise 24-6 Ich möchte mir einen Fotoapparat kaufen. + Fotoapparat I want to buy a camera. Tôi muốn mua một máy ảnh. +
Exercise 24-7 Willst du noch einen Teller Suppe? + Teller You want another plate of soup? Bạn muốn một món canh nữa? +
Exercise 24-9 Ich kann Ihnen nicht garantieren, dass das Gerät nächste Woche fertig ist.  + garantieren I can't guarantee that the device will be ready for use next week. Tôi không thể đảm bảo rằng thiết bị sẽ sẵn sàng để sử dụng vào tuần tới. +
Exercise 24-9 Wir garantieren für die Qualität der Ware. + garantieren We guarantee the quality of the goods. Chúng tôi đảm bảo chất lượng hàng hoá. +
Exercise 25-1 Welche CD willst du anhören? + CD Which CD do you want to listen to? CD nào bạn muốn nghe? +
Exercise 25-2 Auf die Waschmaschine haben Sie ein Jahr Garantie.  + Garantie The washing machine comes with a one year guarantee.  Máy giặt được bảo hành một năm. +
Exercise 25-2 Ich kann Ihnen keine Garantie geben, dass Sie den Job bekommen.  + Garantie I can't guarantee you'll get the job.  Tôi không thể đảm bảo bạn sẽ nhận được công việc. +
Exercise 25-2 Ich glaube, dass es funktioniert, aber ich kann keine Garantie dafür übernehmen.  + Garantie I think it works, but I can't guarantee it.  Tôi nghĩ rằng nó hoạt động, nhưng tôi không thể đảm bảo nó. +
Exercise 25-3 Können Sie mir diese Hose ändern?  + ändern  Can you change my pants?  Bạn có thể thay quần của tôi không? +
Exercise 25-3 Das ändert die Lage nicht wesentlich.  + ändern  This does not significantly change the situation.  Điều này không thay đổi đáng kể tình hình. +
Exercise 25-3 Ich will die Prüfung unbedingt schaffen. Das ist mein Ziel.  +  Ziel I really want to pass the exam. That's my target.  Tôi thực sự muốn vượt qua kỳ thi. Đó là mục tiêu của tôi. +
Exercise 25-4 Hat sich inzwischen etwas Besonderes ereignet?  + sich ereignen Has something special happened in the meantime?  Có chuyện gì đặc biệt xảy ra trong thời gian chờ đợi? +
Exercise 25-4 Einen Nachteil hat die Wohnung. Sie liegt nicht zentral.  + Nachteil One disadvantage is the apartment. It is not centrally located.  Một điều bất lợi là căn hộ. Nó không nằm ở trung tâm. +
Exercise 25-4 Dieses Haus hat den Nachteil, dass es zu klein ist.  + Nachteil This house has the disadvantage of being too small.  Ngôi nhà này có bất lợi là quá nhỏ. +
Exercise 25-4 Das Stadtleben hat Vor- und Nachteile.  + Nachteil City life has advantages and disadvantages.  Cuộc sống thành phố có những thuận lợi và bất lợi. +
Exercise 25-4 Sie ist im Nachteil.  + Nachteil She's at a disadvantage.  Cô ấy là một bất lợi. +
Exercise 25-4 Der Vorteil von dieser Wohnung ist, dass sie direkt im Zentrum liegt.  + Vorteil The advantage of this apartment is that it is located directly in the centre.  Ưu điểm của căn hộ này là nó nằm ngay trung tâm. +
Exercise 25-4 Ein Vorteil dieser Wohnung ist ihre gute Verkehrslage.  + Vorteil One advantage of this apartment is its good traffic situation.  Một lợi thế của căn hộ này là tình trạng giao thông tốt của nó. +
Exercise 25-4 Er hat davon viele Vorteile.  + Vorteil It has many advantages.  Nó có nhiều ưu điểm. +
Exercise 25-4 Er ist in Vorteil. + Vorteil He's an advantage. Anh ấy là một lợi thế. +
Exercise 25-5 Wollen wir uns in die Bar setzen oder ins Restaurant?  + Bar Shall we sit down at the bar or at the restaurant?  Chúng ta có ngồi xuống quầy bar hay ở nhà hàng không? +
Exercise 25-5 Was waren die wichtigsten Ereignisse im letzten Jahr? + Ereignis What were the most important events last year? Các sự kiện quan trọng nhất năm ngoái là gì? +
Exercise 25-7 Alle Mieter müssen sich an die Hausordnung halten.  + halten* All tenants must abide by the house rules.  Tất cả người thuê nhà đều phải tuân thủ các quy tắc về nhà. +
Exercise 25-7 Die Stadt will einen neuen Flughafen bauen. Was halten Sie davon?  + halten* The city wants to build a new airport. What do you think of that?  Thành phố muốn xây dựng một sân bay mới. Bạn nghĩ gì về điều đó? +
Exercise 25-7 Wir wollen ein Haus bauen und suchen ein günstiges Grundstück.  + Grundstück We want to build a house and are looking for a favorable plot of land.  Chúng tôi muốn xây dựng một ngôi nhà và đang tìm kiếm một mảnh đất thuận lợi. +
Exercise 25-9 Ich will mir die Haare wachsen lassen.  + wachsen* I want to grow my hair.  Tôi muốn mọc tóc. +
Exercise 25-9 Das ist eine sehr seltene Pflanze. + selten This is a very rare plant. Đây là một thực vật rất hiếm. +
Exercise 26-1 Meine Tochter wünscht sich ein Pferd.  + Pferd My daughter wants a horse.  Con gái tôi muốn một con ngựa. +
Exercise 26-1 Wir wünschen Ihnen eine angenehme Reise.  + angenehm We wish you a pleasant journey.  Chúng tôi chúc bạn một cuộc hành trình thú vị. +
Exercise 26-1 Was für eine angenehme Überraschung!  + angenehm What a pleasant surprise!  Thật là một sự bất ngờ thú vị! +
Exercise 26-1 Wir hatten einen angenehmen Abend.  + angenehm We had a pleasant evening.  Chúng tôi đã có một buổi tối vui vẻ. +
Exercise 26-1 Danke für den angenehmen Abend.  + angenehm Thank you for a pleasant evening.  Cảm ơn bạn đã cho một buổi tối dễ chịu. +
Exercise 26-2 Mike will zwar studieren. Andererseits möchte er aber auch gleich Geld verdienen.  + andererseits Mike wants to study. On the other hand, however, he would also like to earn money right away.  Mike muốn học. Mặt khác, tuy nhiên, ông cũng muốn kiếm tiền ngay. +
Exercise 26-3 Ich will heute in die Disko gehen.  + Disko I want to go to the disco tonight.  Tôi muốn đi đến tối nay. +
Exercise 26-3 Die städtischen Verkehrsbetriebe wollen die Tarife erhöhen.  + städtisch The municipal transport companies want to increase the tariffs.  Các công ty vận tải thành phố muốn tăng thuế. +
Exercise 26-3 Ich habe ein kleines Kind und kann nicht acht Stunden am Tag arbeiten. Deshalb möchte ich halbtags arbeiten.  + halbtags I have a little kid and can't work eight hours a day. That's why I want to work part-time.  Tôi có một đứa trẻ và không thể làm việc tám giờ một ngày. Đó là lý do tại sao tôi muốn làm việc bán thời gian. +
Exercise 26-4 Wo gibt es hier in der Umgebung ein Restaurant? + Umgebung Where is there a restaurant in the area? Ở đâu có nhà hàng trong khu vực? +
Exercise 26-5 Willst du Mitglied in unserem Club werden?  + Club Do you want to become a member of our club?  Bạn có muốn trở thành thành viên của câu lạc bộ của chúng tôi? +
Exercise 26-8 Mit 15 wollte ich gerne Klavier spielen lernen. Aber damals hatte ich kein Geld dafür.  + damals When I was 15, I wanted to learn to play the piano. But back then, I didn't have the money.  Khi tôi 15 tuổi, tôi muốn học piano. Nhưng trước đó, tôi không có tiền. +
Exercise 27-3 Ich möchte nicht zu früh heiraten.  + heiraten I don't want to get married too soon.  Tôi không muốn kết hôn quá sớm. +
Exercise 27-4 Im mittleren Wagen ist das Zugrestaurant.  + Wagen In the middle car is the restaurant.  Ở giữa xe là nhà hàng. +
Exercise 27-5 Meine Eltern wollten uns mit dieser Reise eine ganz besondere Freude machen.  + besondere My parents wanted to make us a very special pleasure with this trip.  Cha mẹ tôi muốn làm cho chúng tôi một niềm vui rất đặc biệt với chuyến đi này. +
Exercise 27-7 Ich möchte ein Bild aufhängen. Hast du einen Hammer für mich?  + Hammer I want to hang a picture. You got a hammer for me?  Tôi muốn treo một bức tranh. Bạn có một cái búa cho tôi? +
Exercise 27-7 Ich will das Zeug hier nicht mehr sehen!  + Zeug I don't want to see any more of this stuff!  Tôi không muốn nhìn thấy bất cứ thứ gì khác nữa! +
Exercise 28-2 Ich zwinge meine Kinder nicht, wenn sie nicht essen wollen.  + zwingen* I don't force my children not to eat if they don't want to eat.  Tôi không bắt con tôi không ăn nếu họ không muốn ăn. +
Exercise 28-5 Am Grund dieses Sees gibt es viele Pflanzen.  + Grund At the bottom of this lake there are many plants.  Ở dưới cùng của hồ này có rất nhiều cây. +
Exercise 28-6 Er hat die wichtigen Stellen markiert.  + markieren He's marked the important points.  Ông đã đánh dấu những điểm quan trọng. +
Exercise 28-6 Ich möchte diese Briefe per Luftpost schicken.  + Luftpost I want to airmail these letters.  Tôi muốn gửi qua đường bưu điện những bức thư này. +
Exercise 28-7 Besonders wichtige Dinge sollte man als Einschreiben versenden.  + Einschreiben Particularly important things should be sent as registered mail.  Những điều đặc biệt quan trọng cần được gửi bằng thư bảo đảm. +
Exercise 28-8 Du sollst deinen Vater und deine Mutter ehren.  + ehren I want you to honor your father and mother.  Tôi muốn bạn tôn trọng cha mẹ của bạn. +
Exercise 28-8 In Gegenwart unserer Gäste wollte er keine Kritik üben.  + Gegenwart In the presence of our guests, he didn't want to criticize us.  Với sự có mặt của khách mời, anh ta không muốn chỉ trích chúng tôi. +
Exercise 28-9 Was wünscht der Herr?  + Herr What does the gentleman want?  Ông lão muốn gì? +
Exercise 29-3 Die Nachfrage nach Computern steigt ständig.  + Nachfrage The demand for computers is constantly increasing.  Nhu cầu máy tính ngày càng tăng. +
Exercise 29-4 Ursprünglich wollte ich in einem Restaurant arbeiten. Aber dann bin ich Busfahrerin geworden.  + ursprünglich I was originally planning to work in a restaurant. But then I became a bus driver.  Ban đầu tôi đã lên kế hoạch làm việc trong một nhà hàng. Nhưng rồi tôi trở thành tài xế xe buýt. +
Exercise 29-5 Wenn du den Führerschein machen willst, musst du in eine Fahrschule gehen.  + Fahrschule If you want to get your license, you have to go to a driving school.  Nếu bạn muốn có giấy phép, bạn phải đi học lái xe. +
Exercise 29-8 Ich will dir nicht weh tun.  + weh tun* I don't want to hurt you.  Tôi không muốn làm tổn thương bạn. +
Exercise 29-9 Frau Müller, Sie werden am Telefon verlangt.  + verlangen Mrs. Müller, you're wanted on the phone.  Bà Müller, bạn đang muốn trên điện thoại. +
Exercise 29-9 Das Wohl seiner Familie ist ihm sehr wichtig.  + Wohl The welfare of his family is very important to him.  Phúc lợi của gia đình ông rất quan trọng đối với ông. +
Exercise 30-1 Ich will die neue Zahnpasta aus der Werbung.  + Zahnpasta I want the new toothpaste from the commercial.  Tôi muốn kem đánh răng mới từ thương mại. +
Exercise 30-3 Ich möchte ein Zimmer mit Bad.  + Bad I want a room with a bathroom.  Tôi muốn có một phòng với một phòng tắm. +
Exercise 30-4 Wollt ihr euch nicht hinsetzen?  + hinsetzen Don't you want to sit down?  Bạn không muốn ngồi xuống không? +
Exercise 30-7 Die Pflanze hat sich gut entwickelt.  + entwickeln The plant has developed well.  Nhà máy đã phát triển tốt. +
Exercise 30-7 Meine Cousine ist im dritten Monat schwanger.  + schwanger My cousin's three months pregnant.  Cháu của em họ ba tháng. +
Exercise 30-7 Sie ist zum zweiten Mal schwanger. + schwanger She's pregnant for the second time. Cô đang mang thai lần thứ hai. +
Exercise 31-2 Mein Bruder möchte Musiker werden.  + Musiker My brother wants to be a musician.  Anh tôi muốn trở thành một nhạc sĩ. +
Exercise 31-2 Mein Sohn möchte Fußballspieler werden.  + Spieler My son wants to be a football player.  Con trai tôi muốn trở thành một cầu thủ bóng đá. +
Exercise 31-2 Zu diesem Punkt wollte er nicht Stellung nehmen.  + Stellung He did not want to comment on this point.  Anh không muốn bình luận về vấn đề này. +
Exercise 31-6 Willst du mitspielen? – Nein, ich schaue lieber nur zu.  + zuschauen You want to play? No, I'd rather just watch.  Bạn muốn chơi? Không, tôi chỉ muốn xem. +
Exercise 31-7 Mein Sohn möchte Profisportler werden. + Profi My son wants to be a professional athlete. Con trai tôi muốn trở thành vận động viên chuyên nghiệp. +
Exercise 31-9 Ich möchte dich nicht beeinflussen. Du musst selbst entscheiden.  + beeinflussen I don't want to influence you. You have to decide for yourself.  Tôi không muốn ảnh hưởng đến bạn. Bạn phải tự quyết định. +
Exercise 31-9 Wir wollen in einem einfachen Gasthaus auf dem Land einkehren.  + Gasthaus We want to stop in a simple country inn.  Chúng tôi muốn dừng lại trong một nhà trọ giản dị ở đất nước. +
Exercise 32-1 Eine neue Mieterin ist in die Wohnung eingezogen.  + einziehen* A new tenant has moved into the apartment.  Một người thuê mới đã di chuyển vào căn hộ. +
Exercise 32-1 Meine Tochter wünscht sich eine Katze.  + Katze My daughter wants a cat.  Con gái tôi muốn một con mèo. +
Exercise 32-1 Das Lokal ist bekannt für seine Spezialitäten.  + Lokal The restaurant is famous for its specialties.  Nhà hàng nổi tiếng với các món đặc sản. +
Exercise 32-2 Ich möchte keinen Streit mit den Nachbarn.  + Streit I don't want no quarrel with the neighbors.  Tôi không muốn cãi nhau với những người hàng xóm. +
Exercise 32-2 Willst du Streit?  + Streit You want a fight?  Bạn muốn có một cuộc chiến? +
Exercise 32-2 Du willst mit meinem Auto fahren? Hast du überhaupt einen Führerschein?  + überhaupt You want to drive my car? Do you even have a license?  Bạn muốn lái xe của tôi? Bạn thậm chí có giấy phép? +
Exercise 32-2 Sie wollte ihn nicht sehen und überhaupt, sie hatte gar keine Zeit.  + überhaupt She didn't want to see him, and she didn't even have time.  Cô ấy không muốn gặp anh ấy, và cô ấy thậm chí không có thời gian. +
Exercise 32-3 Wollen Sie auch an diesem Kurs teilnehmen?  + Kurs Do you want to take part in this course?  Bạn có muốn tham gia khóa học này không? +
Exercise 32-3 Er ist entfernt mit mir verwandt.  + entfernt He is distantly related to me.  Anh ta liên quan tới tôi. +
Exercise 32-3 Ich möchte nicht stören. Bitte essen Sie ruhig weiter.  + weiter I don't want to interrupt. Please continue to eat, please.  Tôi không muốn làm gián đoạn. Hãy tiếp tục ăn, làm ơn. +
Exercise 32-3 Da ist etwas, worum ich Sie bitten wollte. + worum There's something I wanted to ask you. Có điều tôi muốn hỏi bạn. +
Exercise 32-5 Er wollte in dieser Frage die Gewerkschaft einschalten.  + einschalten He wanted to involve the union in this matter.  Ông muốn liên quan đến sự kết hợp trong vấn đề này. +
Exercise 32-6 Ich möchte nicht in der Stadt wohnen, zumindest jetzt nicht, wenn die Kinder noch so klein sind.  + zumindest I don't want to live in the city, at least not now, when the kids are so young.  Tôi không muốn sống ở thành phố, ít nhất là không phải lúc này, khi những đứa trẻ còn quá trẻ. +
Exercise 32-7 Sie wünschen, dass ich persönlich erscheine.  + erscheinen* You want me to appear in person.  Bạn muốn tôi xuất hiện trong người. +
Exercise 32-8 Wir wollen wenigstens zwei Wochen verreisen.  + wenigstens We want to travel for at least two weeks.  Chúng tôi muốn đi du lịch ít nhất hai tuần. +
Exercise 32-9 Der Angeklagte war schuldig.  + schuldig The defendant was guilty.  Bị cáo phạm tội. +
Exercise 33-1 Ich will dich nicht mit solchen Dingen beschweren.  + beschweren I don't want to complain to you about things like that.  Tôi không muốn phàn nàn với bạn về những thứ như thế. +
Exercise 33-1 Die Hausbewohner klagten über ständigen Lärm.  + klagen The residents complained of constant noise.  Các cư dân phàn nàn về tiếng ồn liên tục. +
Exercise 33-1 Das ist eine glatte Lüge!  + Lüge That's a blatant lie!  Đó là một lời nói dối trắng trợn! +
Exercise 33-1 Ich möchte nichts kaufen. Ich möchte mich bloß umsehen.  + bloß I don't want to buy anything. I just want to look around.  Tôi không muốn mua gì cả. Tôi chỉ muốn nhìn xung quanh. +
Exercise 33-3 Dieser Gedanke liegt mir fern.  + Gedanke That's a distant thought.  Đó là một tư tưởng xa vời. +
Exercise 33-5 Ich möchte einen Kuchen backen. Ist noch genug Mehl da?  + Mehl I want to bake a cake. Is there enough flour left?  Tôi muốn nướng bánh. Có đủ bột không? +
Exercise 33-6 Genau das wollte ich vermeiden. + vermeiden* That's exactly what I wanted to avoid. Đó là chính xác những gì tôi muốn tránh. +
Exercise 33-7 Er will mir für die Reparatur 100 Euro abnehmen.  + abnehmen* He wants to save me 100 euros for the repair.  Anh ta muốn cứu tôi 100 euro để sửa chữa. +
Exercise 33-7 Der Händler will uns das Fahrrad abnehmen.  + abnehmen* The dealer wants to take our bike.  Người bán hàng muốn lấy xe của chúng tôi. +
Exercise 33-7 Ich möchte abnehmen. Deshalb mache ich eine Diät.  + Diät I want to lose weight. That's why I'm on a diet.  Tôi muốn giảm cân. Đó là lý do tại sao tôi đang ăn kiêng. +
Exercise 33-8 Sie ärgert sich über seine ständige Unpünktlichkeit.  + ärgern She's annoyed at his constant unpunctuality.  Cô ấy khó chịu vì sự không liên tục của anh ấy. +
Exercise 33-8 Die Zahl der Studenten nimmt ständig zu.  + zunehmen* The number of students is constantly increasing.  Số sinh viên ngày càng tăng. +
Exercise 33-8 Möchtest du Saft oder Limonade?  + Limonade Do you want juice or lemonade?  Bạn có muốn nước trái cây hay nước chanh? +
Exercise 33-9 Heute gibt es in der Kantine frischen Obstsalat.  + Kantine Today, fresh fruit salad is available in the canteen.  Ngày nay, rau quả tươi có sẵn trong căng tin. +
Exercise 34-1 Willst du den Mantel nicht ausziehen?  + ausziehen* Don't you want to take off your coat?  Bạn không muốn cởi áo khoác của bạn? +
Exercise 34-1 Der Arzt möchte Sie untersuchen. Bitte ziehen Sie sich aus.  + ausziehen* The doctor wants to examine you. Please take your clothes off.  Bác sĩ muốn kiểm tra bạn. Xin hãy cởi quần áo đi. +
Exercise 34-1 Ich will aus diesem Haus ausziehen.  + ausziehen* I want to move out of this house.  Tôi muốn ra khỏi ngôi nhà này. +
Exercise 34-1 Ich arbeite seit einem Monat in einer Gaststätte.  + Gaststätte I've been working in a restaurant for a month.  Tôi đã làm việc trong một nhà hàng trong một tháng. +
Exercise 34-1 Hast du gut gegessen in dieser Gaststätte?  + Gaststätte Have you eaten well in this restaurant?  Bạn đã ăn trong nhà hàng này chưa? +
Exercise 34-3 Die Teilnehmer des Umzuges sammeln sich auf dem Parkplatz.  + sammeln Participants of the parade gather in the parking lot.  Những người tham gia cuộc diễu hành tập trung tại bãi đậu xe. +
Exercise 34-3 Meine Tochter will Friseurin werden. + Friseur My daughter wants to be a hairdresser. Con gái tôi muốn trở thành một thợ làm tóc. +
Exercise 35-2 Wir haben gestern das Werk besichtigt.  + Werk We visited the plant yesterday.  Chúng tôi đã viếng thăm nhà máy hôm qua. +
Exercise 35-2 Das Werk hat viele Mitarbeiter.  + Werk The plant has many employees.  Nhà máy có nhiều nhân viên. +
Exercise 35-3 Für das Projekt bekommen wir eine Förderung von der Stadt.  + Förderung For the project we get a grant from the city.  Đối với dự án chúng tôi nhận được khoản trợ cấp từ thành phố. +
Exercise 35-5 Ich möchte zum Frühstück ein weiches Ei.  + weich I want a soft egg for breakfast.  Tôi muốn một quả trứng mềm cho bữa sáng. +
Exercise 35-6 Ich möchte ein Konto eröffnen.  + Konto I want to open an account.  Tôi muốn mở một tài khoản. +
Exercise 35-7 Was für ein Spielzeug möchten Sie? Aus Plastik oder aus Holz?  + Plastik What kind of toy do you want? Plastic or wood?  Bạn muốn loại đồ chơi nào? Nhựa hoặc gỗ? +
Exercise 35-9 Der Händler hat ihn betrogen.  + betrügen* The merchant cheated on him.  Thương gia lừa dối ông. +
Exercise 35-9 In diesem Gebiet wurden wichtige Naturschätze entdeckt.  + entdecken  Important natural resources have been discovered in this area.  Các tài nguyên thiên nhiên quan trọng đã được phát hiện trong khu vực này. +
Exercise 36-2 Der Bewerber erfüllt die Bedingungen.  + erfüllen The applicant meets the conditions.  Người nộp đơn đáp ứng các điều kiện. +
Exercise 36-2 Diese wichtige Entscheidung möchte ich zuerst mit meinem Mann besprechen.  + Entscheidung I would like to discuss this important decision first with my husband.  Tôi muốn thảo luận về quyết định quan trọng đầu tiên này với chồng tôi. +
Exercise 36-3 Ich weiß noch nicht, ob ich das mache. Ich möchte mich noch nicht festlegen.  + festlegen I don't know if I'm gonna do that yet. I don't want to commit myself yet.  Tôi không biết nếu tôi sẽ làm điều đó. Tôi không muốn cam kết bản thân mình. +
Exercise 36-3 Er will sich nicht festlegen lassen.  + festlegen He doesn't want to be committed.  Anh ta không muốn bị cam kết. +
Exercise 36-6 Meine Tochter möchte Klavier spielen lernen.  + Klavier My daughter wants to learn to play the piano.  Con gái tôi muốn học piano. +
Exercise 36-7 Soll ich Ihnen helfen? – Danke. Ich komme schon zurecht.  + zurechtkommen* Want me to help you? - Thank you. I'll be all right.  Muốn tôi giúp bạn? - Cảm ơn bạn. Tôi sẽ ổn thôi. +
Exercise 36-9 Unsere Maschine soll um 7 Uhr 10 starten.  + Maschine I want our plane to take off at 7:10.  Tôi muốn máy bay của chúng tôi cất cánh lúc 7:10. +
Exercise 37-1 Die Kinder wünschen sich eine elektrische Eisenbahn.  + Eisenbahn The children want an electric train.  Các em muốn một đoàn tàu điện. +
Exercise 37-2 Wir wollen einen neuen Verein gründen.  + gründen We want to start a new association.  Chúng tôi muốn bắt đầu một hiệp hội mới. +
Exercise 37-2 Ich möchte nach Hamburg fahren. Können Sie mir sagen, welche Strecke am besten ist?  + Strecke I want to go to Hamburg. Can you tell me which route is the best?  Tôi muốn đi Hamburg. Bạn có thể cho tôi biết con đường nào là tốt nhất? +
Exercise 37-4 Ich melde mich auf Ihre Anzeige. Sie wollen ein Sofa verkaufen?  + melden I'll report to your ad. You want to sell a sofa?  Tôi sẽ báo cáo với quảng cáo của bạn. Bạn muốn bán một chiếc ghế sofa? +
Exercise 37-4 Die Universität ist ein wichtiger Arbeitgeber in der Gegend.  + Arbeitgeber The university is an important employer in the area.  Trường đại học này là một nhà tuyển dụng quan trọng trong khu vực. +
Exercise 37-6 Der Import von Zigaretten ist nur bis zu einer bestimmten Menge erlaubt. + Import The import of cigarettes is only allowed up to a certain quantity. Việc nhập khẩu thuốc lá chỉ được phép cho đến một số lượng nhất định. +
Exercise 37-7 Peter will sich bei Siemens bewerben.  + bewerben* Peter wants to apply to Siemens.  Peter muốn áp dụng cho Siemens. +
Exercise 37-7 Die Bürger bezogen ihren Strom aus Kraftwerken.  + Kraftwerk Citizens purchased their electricity from power plants.  Công dân mua điện từ các nhà máy điện. +
Exercise 37-7 Für das nächste Jahr ist der Bau eines neuen Kraftwerks geplant.  + Kraftwerk The construction of a new power plant is planned for next year.  Việc xây dựng một nhà máy điện mới được lên kế hoạch cho năm tới. +
Exercise 37-7 Du sollst die Aufgabe selbstständig lösen.  + selbstständig I want you to solve the task on your own.  Tôi muốn bạn giải quyết công việc một mình. +
Exercise 37-9 Ich möchte die Zeitschrift nicht mehr. – Dann musst du schriftlich kündigen.  + kündigen I don't want the magazine anymore. Then you have to cancel in writing.  Tôi không muốn tạp chí nữa. Sau đó, bạn phải hủy bỏ bằng văn bản. +
Exercise 38-2 Wie wollen wir die Angelegenheit regeln?  + regeln  How do we want to settle this?  Làm thế nào để chúng tôi muốn giải quyết vấn đề này? +
Exercise 38-2 Die Teilnehmer aus unserem Kurs kommen aus verschiedenen Ländern.  + Teilnehmer The participants of our course come from different countries.  Những người tham gia khóa học của chúng tôi đến từ các quốc gia khác nhau. +
Exercise 38-2 Die Teilnehmer waren hauptsächlich junge Leute.  + Teilnehmer The participants were mainly young people.  Những người tham gia chủ yếu là những người trẻ tuổi. +
Exercise 38-2 Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf zwölf begrenzt.  + Teilnehmer The number of participants is limited to twelve.  Số lượng người tham gia được giới hạn ở mười hai. +
Exercise 38-2 Sicherheit ist für mich sehr wichtig.  + Sicherheit Security is very important to me.  An ninh là rất quan trọng với tôi. +
Exercise 38-3 Er spielte in diesem Projekt eine wichtige Rolle. + Projekt He played an important role in this project. Ông đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong dự án này. +
Exercise 38-5 Die Kosten erhöhen sich ständig.  + erhöhen Costs are constantly increasing.  Chi phí liên tục gia tăng. +
Exercise 38-7 Er wollte kein passiver Teilnehmer sein.  + passiv He didn't want to be a passive participant.  Anh ta không muốn là một người tham gia thụ động. +
Exercise 38-8 Gestern hat mich die neue Mieterin im Treppenhaus angesprochen.  + ansprechen* Yesterday, the new tenant in the stairwell approached me.  Hôm qua, người thuê nhà mới ở cầu thang tiếp cận tôi. +
Exercise 38-8 Für mich ist das Wichtigste die Liebe zu meiner Familie und zu meinen Kindern.  + Liebe For me, the most important thing is the love for my family and my children.  Đối với tôi, điều quan trọng nhất là tình yêu đối với gia đình và con cái của tôi. +
Exercise 38-9 Die sechs Kontinente sind Afrika, Amerika, Asien, Australien, Europa und die Antarktis.  + Kontinent The six continents are Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Europe and the Antarctic.  Sáu châu lục là châu Phi, Mỹ, Châu Á, Úc, Châu Âu và Nam Cực. +
Exercise 38-9 Die Pflanzen brauchen neue Erde.  + Erde The plants need new soil.  Các nhà máy cần đất mới. +
Exercise 38-9 Er verbindet gerne das Angenehme mit dem Nützlichen. + nützlich He likes to combine the pleasant with the useful. Anh ấy thích kết hợp dễ chịu và hữu ích. +
Exercise 39-3 In diesem Gebiet wachsen seltene Pflanzen.  + Gebiet Rare plants grow in this area.  Các loại thực vật hiếm phát triển trong khu vực này. +
Exercise 39-4 Die ökologische Landwirtschaft ist wichtig für die Umwelt.  + ökologisch Organic farming is important for the environment.  Nông nghiệp hữu cơ rất quan trọng đối với môi trường. +
Exercise 39-5 Das Restaurant war schrecklich voll.  + schrecklich The restaurant was awfully crowded.  Các nhà hàng đã được awfully đông đúc. +
Exercise 39-6 Die Abwässer werden durch Kanäle in die Kläranlage geleitet. + Kanal The wastewater is fed into the sewage treatment plant through channels. Nước thải được đưa vào nhà máy xử lý nước thải thông qua các kênh. +
Exercise 39-7 Jeder Mieter hat seinen eigenen Keller. + Keller Every tenant has his own cellar. Mỗi người thuê nhà đều có hầm rượu riêng của mình. +
Exercise 39-8 Ich möchte mir einen neuen Elektroherd kaufen.  + Elektroherd I want to buy a new electric cooker.  Tôi muốn mua một cái nồi cơm điện mới. +
Exercise 39-9 Jeder Mieter muss zwei Monatsmieten als Kaution bezahlen.  + Mieter Each tenant has to pay two months rent as a deposit.  Mỗi người thuê nhà phải trả tiền thuê nhà hai tháng. +
Exercise 39-9 Gehört Ihnen das Haus, oder sind Sie Mieter?  + Mieter Is the house yours, or are you a tenant?  Nhà của bạn là của bạn hay bạn là người thuê nhà? +
Exercise 39-9 Du willst ein Picknick machen? Ich finde die Idee toll.  + Idee You want to have a picnic? I think it's a great idea.  Bạn muốn có một bữa ăn ngoài trời? Tôi nghĩ đó là ý kiến ​​hay. +
Exercise 40-3 Wir garantieren prompte Lieferung.  + Lieferung We guarantee prompt delivery.  Chúng tôi đảm bảo cung cấp nhanh chóng. +
Exercise 40-4 Was möchten Sie als ersten Gang? Suppe oder Salat?  + Gang What do you want for the first course? Soup or salad?  Bạn muốn gì cho khóa học đầu tiên? Súp hoặc salad? +
Exercise 40-5 Seine Ehegattin arbeitet in einem Restaurant.  + Ehegattin His wife works in a restaurant.  Vợ ông làm việc trong một nhà hàng. +
Exercise 40-6 Es ist wichtig, die Fragen aufmerksam zu lesen.  + aufmerksam It is important to read the questions carefully.  Điều quan trọng là phải đọc kỹ các câu hỏi. +
Exercise 40-6 Ich will dir das nicht zweimal sagen müssen.  + zweimal I don't want to have to tell you this twice.  Tôi không muốn phải nói với bạn điều này hai lần. +
Exercise 40-8 Er wollte sie irgendwann besuchen.  + irgendwann He wanted to visit her at some point.  Anh ấy muốn đến thăm cô ấy tại một thời điểm. +
Exercise 41-1 Er hat den Bewerber zu einer persönlichen Vorstellung eingeladen.  + Vorstellung He invited the applicant to a personal presentation.  Ông đã mời người nộp đơn trình bày cá nhân. +
Exercise 41-2 Ich wollte sie nicht enttäuschen. + enttäuschen I didn't want to disappoint her. Tôi không muốn làm cô ấy thất vọng. +
Exercise 41-2 Ich möchte dieses Missverständnis aufklären.  + Missverständnis I want to clear up this misunderstanding.  Tôi muốn làm sáng tỏ sự hiểu lầm này. +
Exercise 41-3 Ich will mich nicht erkälten. + sich erkälten I don't want to catch a cold. Tôi không muốn bị cảm lạnh. +
Exercise 41-7 Wollen Sie Ihr Gepäck versichern?  + versichern Do you want to insure your luggage?  Bạn có muốn đảm bảo hành lý của bạn? +
Exercise 41-7 Vorhin hat Julia angerufen. Du sollst sie zurückrufen.  + vorhin Julia called earlier. I want you to call her back.  Julia gọi trước. Tôi muốn bạn gọi cô ấy trở lại. +
Exercise 41-8 Ich will mich bemühen, pünktlich zu sein.  + bemühen I want to try and be on time.  Tôi muốn thử và hẹn hò đúng giờ. +
Exercise 41-8 Mit solchen Leuten will ich nichts zu tun haben.  + solch I don't want anything to do with people like that.  Tôi không muốn làm gì với những người như thế. +
Exercise 42-1 Ich will Sie nicht länger aufhalten.  + aufhalten* I don't want to keep you any longer.  Tôi không muốn giữ em nữa. +
Exercise 42-1 Wir wollen uns nicht länger bei diesen Fragen aufhalten.  + aufhalten* We do not want to spend any longer on these issues.  Chúng tôi không muốn tốn nhiều thời gian hơn nữa vào những vấn đề này. +
Exercise 42-1 Er will unseren Plan unterstützen.  + unterstützen He wants to support our plan.  Anh ấy muốn ủng hộ kế hoạch của chúng tôi. +
Exercise 42-3 Soll ich dich nach Hause begleiten?  + begleiten You want me to walk you home?  Bạn muốn tôi đưa bạn về nhà? +
Exercise 42-4 Wir unterbrechen die Sendung für eine wichtige Nachricht.  + unterbrechen* We interrupt the show for an important message.  Chúng tôi ngắt chương trình cho một thông điệp quan trọng. +
Exercise 42-4 Michael will die Gesellschaft verändern.  + Gesellschaft Michael wants to change society.  Michael muốn thay đổi xã hội. +
Exercise 42-5 Der Termin liegt noch in ferner Zukunft.  + fern The date is still in the distant future.  Ngày vẫn còn trong tương lai xa. +
Exercise 42-5 Ich verbringe meinen Urlaub gern in fernen Ländern.  + fern I like to spend my holidays in distant lands.  Tôi thích nghỉ hè ở những vùng xa xôi. +
Exercise 42-5 Dieses Problem lässt sich erst in ferner Zukunft lösen.  + fern This problem can only be solved in the distant future.  Vấn đề này chỉ có thể được giải quyết trong tương lai xa. +
Exercise 42-6 Das ist reine Fantasie. + Fantasie It's pure fantasy. Đó là ảo tưởng tinh khiết. +
Exercise 42-6 Ich möchte am Samstag ins Stadion gehen. Da spielt meine Mannschaft.  + Stadion I want to go to the stadium on Saturday. That's my team playing.  Tôi muốn đến sân vận động vào thứ Bảy. Đó là đội của tôi chơi. +
Exercise 42-7 Eine grüne Hose und gelbe Schuhe? Das sieht komisch aus.  + komisch Green pants and yellow shoes? That looks weird.  Quần xanh và giày màu vàng? Điều đó có vẻ kỳ lạ. +
Exercise 43-1 Er hat ihn in seiner Arbeit wesentlich gefördert.  + fördern He has given him substantial support in his work.  Ông đã cho ông sự hỗ trợ đáng kể trong công việc của ông. +
Exercise 43-2 Dein Urteil ist für mich sehr wichtig.  + Urteil Your judgment is very important to me.  Sự phán xét của bạn rất quan trọng đối với tôi. +
Exercise 43-4 Die Nachbarn hören oft laut Musik. Wir müssen sehr tolerant sein.  + tolerant The neighbours often listen to music. We have to be very tolerant.  Những người hàng xóm thường nghe nhạc. Chúng ta phải khoan dung. +
Exercise 43-4 Er ist tolerant seinen Kindern gegenüber.  + tolerant He is tolerant of his children.  Anh ấy khoan dung với con mình. +
Exercise 43-5 Ich will mit meinem Rechtsanwalt sprechen.  + Rechtsanwalt I want to talk to my lawyer.  Tôi muốn nói chuyện với luật sư của mình. +
Exercise 43-5 Die Bevölkerung nimmt ständig zu. + Bevölkerung The population is constantly increasing. Dân số ngày càng tăng. +
Exercise 43-5 Genug Schlaf ist wichtig für die Entwicklung Ihres Kindes.  + Entwicklung Enough sleep is important for your child's development.  Đủ giấc ngủ là điều quan trọng cho sự phát triển của con bạn. +
Exercise 43-5 Sie wollte von ihrer Forderung nicht abgehen.  + Forderung She did not want to abandon her demand.  Cô ấy không muốn từ bỏ nhu cầu của mình. +
Exercise 43-6 Ein guter Schulabschluss ist sehr wichtig.  + Abschluss A good school leaving certificate is very important.  Giấy chứng nhận tốt nghiệp của trường rất quan trọng. +
Exercise 43-7 Mein Bruder hat große Pläne. Er will Karriere machen.  + Karriere My brother has big plans. He wants to make a career.  Anh tôi có kế hoạch lớn. Anh ấy muốn làm nghề. +
Exercise 43-9 Ich möchte eine Weiterbildung machen.  + Weiterbildung I want to do some advanced training.  Tôi muốn làm một số đào tạo tiên tiến. +
Exercise 44-1 Er hat seine wichtigsten Dateien auf der Festplatte gespeichert.  + Festplatte He has saved his most important files on the hard disk.  Ông đã lưu các tập tin quan trọng nhất của mình trên đĩa cứng. +
Exercise 44-2 Nutzen Sie unser Angebot.  + nutzen Take advantage of our offer.  Tận dụng ưu đãi của chúng tôi. +
Exercise 44-2 Das Angebot sollten wir nutzen.  + nutzen We should take advantage of the offer.  Chúng ta nên tận dụng ưu đãi. +
Exercise 44-3 Die Zahl der Teilnehmer muss beschränkt werden.  + beschränken The number of participants must be limited.  Số lượng người tham gia phải được giới hạn. +
Exercise 44-3 Das Restaurant ist bekannt für seine feine Küche.  + fein The restaurant is known for its fine cuisine.  Nhà hàng nổi tiếng với các món ăn ngon. +
Exercise 44-6 Wir wollen am Samstagabend zu Freunden gehen. Deshalb brauche ich einen Babysitter für unsere kleine Tochter.  + Babysitter We want to go to friends on Saturday night. That's why I need a babysitter for our little daughter.  Chúng tôi muốn đi chơi với bạn bè vào tối thứ bảy. Đó là lý do tại sao tôi cần một người giữ trẻ cho con gái nhỏ của chú +
Exercise 44-6 Das ist ein ganz wesentlicher Punkt.  + wesentlich That is a very important point.  Đó là một điểm rất quan trọng. +
Exercise 45-2 Ich bin ständig unter Druck.  + Druck I'm under constant pressure.  Tôi chịu áp lực liên tục. +
Exercise 45-4 Reduzieren Sie den Bericht auf die wichtigsten Punkte.  + reduzieren Reduce the report to the most important points.  Giảm báo cáo tới những điểm quan trọng nhất. +
Exercise 45-4 In Wirklichkeit wollte er nur ihr Geld.  + Wirklichkeit All he really wanted was their money.  Tất cả những gì anh ta muốn là tiền của họ. +
Exercise 45-5 Er wollte sich eine gesicherte Existenz aufbauen.  + Existenz He wanted to build a secure existence.  Ông muốn xây dựng một cuộc sống an toàn. +
Exercise 45-8 Meine Tochter möchte als Übersetzerin arbeiten.  + Übersetzer My daughter wants to work as a translator.  Con gái tôi muốn làm người phiên dịch. +
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Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Restaurant + restaurant + Shops A
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Mieter/Mieterin + tenant + Buying, selling and renting property A
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Anlage + park, facility, installation, plant + Towns B
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Antiquitätenladen + antique shop + Shops B
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Speisekammer + pantry + Features of buildings B
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Einwohner(in) + inhabitant + Towns C
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Einheimische(r) + local inhabitant + Towns C
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Kläranlage + water treatment plant + Towns C
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Müllverbrennungsanlage + waste incineration plant + Towns C
+ + + + 103 Gardens etw pflanzen + to plant sth + Gardening A
+ + + + 103 Gardens Pflanze + plant + Plants A
+ + + + 103 Gardens Chrysantheme + chrysanthemum + Plants A
+ + + + 103 Gardens etw verpflanzen + to transplant sth + Gardening C
+ + + + 103 Gardens etw umpflanzen + to transplant/repot sth + Gardening C
+ + + + 103 The animal world Elefant + elephant + Mammals A
+ + + + 103 The animal world Ameise + ant + Insects and worms A
+ + + + 103 The animal world Ameisenhaufen + anthill + Insects and worms A
+ + + + 103 The animal world Geweih + set of antlers + Mammals B
+ + + + 103 The animal world (Riesen)panda + (giant) panda + Mammals B
+ + + + 103 The animal world Fasan + pheasant + Birds B
+ + + + 103 The animal world brüllen + to bellow [cow], roar [lion], trumpet [elephant] + Animal behaviour B
+ + + + 103 The animal world Wiederkäuer + ruminant + Mammals C
+ + + + 103 The animal world Ameisenbär + anteater + Mammals C
+ + + + 103 The human body and health bösartig + malignant + Symptoms, ailments and illnesses B
+ + + + 103 The human body and health Milzbrand + anthrax + Symptoms, ailments and illnesses C
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Zahnarzthelfer(in) + dental assistant + Dentistry A
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Arzthelfer(in) + doctor's assistant + Medical personnel and specialities B
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Antibiotikum + antibiotic + Medical treatment B
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Antidepressivum + antidepressant + Medical treatment B
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine abschwellendes Mittel + decongestant + Medical treatment C
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Expektorans + expectorant + Medical treatment C
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Relaxans + relaxant + Medical treatment C
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine etw verpflanzen/transplantieren + to transplant sth + Medical treatment C
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Herzverpflanzung + heart transplant + Medical treatment C
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Implantat + implant + Dentistry C
+ + + + 103 Physical appearance ein fröhliches Gesicht machen + to look pleasant/cheerful + Face A
+ + + + 103 Physical appearance ein leuchtendes Gesicht + a radiant face + Face A
+ + + + 103 Physical appearance ein strahlendes Gesicht + a radiant face + Face A
+ + + + 103 Physical appearance ein unfreundliches Gesicht + an unpleasant face + Face A
+ + + + 103 Physical appearance hinreißend + enchanting, adorable + (Un) attractiveness B
+ + + + 103 Physical appearance bezaubernd + enchanting + (Un) attractiveness B
+ + + + 103 Physical appearance schlitzäugig (also pej.) + slant-eyed + Face C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour (in)tolerant (gegen jmdn) + (in)tolerant (of sb) + Tolerance and intolerance A
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour angenehm + pleasant + Good/bad humour A
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour (un)aufmerksam + (in)attentive, (un)observant + Good/poor judgment A
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour arrogant + arrogant + Modesty and pride A
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour nachgiebig + soft, compliant + Willpower B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour unschlüssig + irresolute, hesitant + Willpower B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour Menschenliebe + human kindness, philanthropy + Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour Menschenfreundlichkeit + philanthropy + Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour menschenfreundlich + philanthropic + Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour Vertraute(r) + close/intimate friend; confidant(e) + Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour distanziert + distant + Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour unliebenswürdig + not very pleasant + Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour bezaubernd + enchanting, captivating, bewitching + Amiability B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour widerlich + repugnant + Amiability B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour trotzig + defiant + Amiability B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour beständig + constant, steadfast + Stability and instability B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour verzweifelt + desperate, frantic + Stability and instability B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour unwissend + ignorant, unsuspecting, inexperienced + Intelligence and cunning B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour aufgeblasen + puffed up, self-important + Modesty and pride B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour hochmütig + arrogant, haughty + Modesty and pride B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour aufsässig + recalcitrant + Amiability C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour bockig + petulant + Good/bad humour C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour entrüstet + indignant, outraged + Stability and instability C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour gefügig + submissive, compliant + Stability and instability C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour wachsam + vigilant + Good/poor judgment C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour genial + brilliant, inspired + Intelligence and cunning C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour mannhaft + manly, valiant + Courage and cowardice C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour heldenhaft + heroic, valiant + Courage and cowardice C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour dünkelhaft + arrogant, haughty, conceited + Modesty and pride C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour anmaßend + presumptuous, arrogant + Modesty and pride C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour hochfahrend + arrogant + Modesty and pride C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour überheblich + arrogant, supercilious + Modesty and pride C
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Unterhose + pair of (under)pants + Garments A
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Strumpfhose + tights, panty hose + Garments A
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Ohrgehänge + pendant earring + Jewelry and accessories B
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Anhänger + pendant + Jewelry and accessories B
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Deodorant (Deo) + deodorant + Grooming B
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Windelhöschen + plastic pants + Garments C
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Johannisbeere + currant + Fruit B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Pulverkaffee + instant coffee + Drinks B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Aubergine + aubergine, eggplant + Vegetables C
+ + + + 103 Perception strahlend + radiant, bright, brilliant + Sight A
+ + + + 103 Perception duftend + sweet-smelling, fragrant + Smell B
+ + + + 103 Perception Duft + pleasant smell, scent, fragrance + Smell B
+ + + + 103 Perception pikant + piquant, spicy + Taste C
+ + + + 103 Perception wohlriechend (elev.) + fragrant + Smell C
+ + + + 103 Perception Odeur + pleasant aroma + Smell C
+ + + + 103 Colour and light etw begrünen + to plant greenery in/on sth + Verbs B
+ + + + 103 Colour and light weiße Mäuse sehen + to see pink elephants + Expressions C
+ + + + 103 Colour and light in grauer Vorzeit/Ferne + in the dim and distant past/future + Expressions C
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity Menge + quantity, amount + General A
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity Quantität + quantity + Capacity, volume and quantity A
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity fern + distant, a long way away + Distance B
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity entfernt + distant, far, away + Distance B
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity reichlich vorhanden sein + to be abundant + Capacity, volume and quantity C
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity spärlich + scanty + Capacity, volume and quantity C
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity wuchern + to proliferate, run wild, be rampant + Increase and decrease C
+ + + + 103 Containers Karaffe + carafe, decanter + Bottles B
+ + + + 103 Time dauernd + continual, constant + Time phrases B
+ + + + 103 Time ständig + continual, constant + Time phrases B
+ + + + 103 Time inzwischen + in the meantime + Time phrases C
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Pantomime + pantomime + Theatre B
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Liebesfilm + romantic film + Cinema and film B
+ + + + 103 Media and popular culture Wiederholung + instant replay + Audiovisual media A
+ + + + 103 Literature and literary criticism Leitmotiv + leitmotiv, central/dominant theme + Structure B
+ + + + 103 Literature and literary criticism Gesang + canto + Structure C
+ + + + 103 Literature and literary criticism ein gewandter Stil + an elegant style + Style C
+ + + + 103 Speaking (jmdm) etw garantieren + to guarantee (sb) sth + Asserting and denying A
+ + + + 103 Speaking mit jmdm schimpfen + to rant at sb + Calling out A
+ + + + 103 Speaking herumschimpfen + to rant and rave + Calling out A
+ + + + 103 Speaking eine Schimpfkanone loslassen + to rant + Calling out B
+ + + + 103 Reading and writing eine schräge Handschrift + slanted writing + Writing B
+ + + + 103 Leisure Antiquitätenmarkt + antiques market + Circus and fairs C
+ + + + 103 Sport Handgalopp + canter + Training and competition B
+ + + + 103 Sport langsam galoppieren + to canter + Training and competition B
+ + + + 103 Sport Bantamgewicht + bantamweight + Training and competition C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport frei + free, vacant + Accommodation and facilities A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Fastfoodrestaurant + fast food restaurant + Entertainment and dining A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Fischrestaurant + seafood restaurant + Entertainment and dining A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Speisewagen + restaurant car + Rail transport A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Flugbegleiter(in) + flight attendant + Air transport A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Gaststätte + restaurant + Entertainment and dining B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Restaurantkette + restaurant chain + Entertainment and dining B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Luxusrestaurant + first-class restaurant + Entertainment and dining B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Restaurantführer + restaurant guide + Entertainment and dining B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Gastwirt(in) + restaurant owner/manager + Personnel B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Handelsschiff + merchant ship + Shipping B
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage schwanger + pregnant + Birth A
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage im dritten Monat schwanger + three months pregnant + Birth A
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Abhängige(r) + dependant + The family B
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage werdende Mutter + expectant mother + Birth B
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Säugling + infant + Birth B
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Nachkomme + descendant + The family C
+ + + + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Nachkommenschaft + descendants + The family C
+ + + + 103 Religion Abendmahl + communion [Protestant], Lord's Supper + Faith and practice A
+ + + + 103 Religion Antisemitismus + anti-Semitism + General B
+ + + + 103 Religion Protestantismus + Protestantism + Religions B
+ + + + 103 Religion protestantisch + Protestant + Religions B
+ + + + 103 Religion evangelisch + Protestant, Evangelical + Religions B
+ + + + 103 Religion Protestant(in) + Protestant + Religions B
+ + + + 103 Religion Bund + covenant + Beliefs and doctrine B
+ + + + 103 Religion der Alte/Neue Bund + the Old/New Testament or Covenant + Beliefs and doctrine B
+ + + + 103 Religion reuevoll + repentant + Faith and practice B
+ + + + 103 Religion Kantor(in) + cantor + Clergy B
+ + + + 103 Religion Postulant(in) + postulant + Clergy C
+ + + + 103 Education Mensa + canteen [of university, college] + Further and higher education A
+ + + + 103 Education Stipendium + grant, scholarship + Further and higher education A
+ + + + 103 Education die Schule schwänzen + to play truant, cut classes + School B
+ + + + 103 Education (Schul)schwänzer(in) + truant + School B
+ + + + 103 Education Stipendiat(in) + grant-holder + Further and higher education B
+ + + + 103 Education Kursteilnehmer(in) + course participant, student + Staff and students B
+ + + + 103 Education BAföG (Bafög) + (student) grant + Further and higher education C
+ + + + 103 Education BAföG/Bafög kriegen + to get a grant + Further and higher education C
+ + + + 103 Science Kühlmittel + coolant + Ecology B
+ + + + 103 Science Wasserkraftwerk + hydroelectric power plant + Ecology B
+ + + + 103 Science Schmiermittel + lubricant + Physical sciences C
+ + + + 103 Science widerstandsfähig + resistant + Physical sciences C
+ + + + 103 Science Quantentheorie + quantum theory + Physical sciences C
+ + + + 103 Agriculture etw umfüllen + to decant sth + Crops B
+ + + + 103 Agriculture Pächter(in) eines Bauernhofes + tenant farmer + Types of farming and farmers C
+ + + + 103 Industry Werk + works, factory, plant + Premises and production A
+ + + + 103 Industry Kaffeebrennerei + coffee-roasting plant + Premises and production B
+ + + + 103 Industry Kantine + canteen + Premises and production C
+ + + + 103 Industry Aufbereitungsanlage + processing plant + Premises and production C
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce persönlicher Assistent; persönliche Assistentin + personal assistant + Ownership, management and personnel A
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce stellvertretender Leiter + assistant manager + Ownership, management and personnel C
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Unternehmensberater(in) + management consultant + Ownership, management and personnel C
+ + + + 103 Employment Garantielohn + guaranteed minimum wage + Salary and conditions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Assistent(in) + assistant + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Beamte(r) + civil servant + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Käsehändler(in) + cheese merchant + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Obsthändler(in) + fruit merchant + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Wanderarbeiter(in) + migrant worker + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Wirt(in) + owner of restaurant, innkeeper + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Bewerber(in) + applicant + Application and training B
+ + + + 103 Employment Tankwart(in) + petrol station attendant + Jobs, trades and professions B
+ + + + 103 Employment Fahrstuhlführer(in) + elevator attendant + Jobs, trades and professions B
+ + + + 103 Employment Wirtschaftsprüfer(in) + accountant + Jobs, trades and professions B
+ + + + 103 Employment Schrotthändler(in) + scrap merchant + Jobs, trades and professions C
+ + + + 103 Employment Aufseher(in) + attendant [museum]; guard [prison] + Jobs, trades and professions C
+ + + + 103 Employment Aufsichtsbeamt(r) + attendant [museum]; guard [prison] + Jobs, trades and professions C
+ + + + 103 Employment Antiquitäten-händler(in) + antique dealer + Jobs, trades and professions C
+ + + + 103 Law Durchsuchungsbefehl + search warrant + Police and investigation A
+ + + + 103 Law Angreifer(in) + assailant + Crime B
+ + + + 103 Law Beklagte(r) + defendant [in civil cases] + Justice B
+ + + + 103 Law Angeklagte(r) + accused, defendant + Justice B
+ + + + 103 Law Kläger(in) + claimant, plaintiff + Justice B
+ + + + 103 Law Haftbefehl + arrest warrant + Police and investigation C
+ + + + 103 Law einen Haftbefehl gegen jmdn ausstellen + to issue a warrant for sb's arrest + Police and investigation C
+ + + + 103 Law Indizienbeweis + circumstantial evidence + Justice C
+ + + + 103 Finance Finanzberater(in) + financial consultant + General B
+ + + + 103 Finance Handelsbank + merchant/commercial bank + Banks and bank staff B
+ + + + 103 Finance Handelsbankier(in) + merchant banker + Banks and bank staff B
+ + + + 103 Finance ruhendes Konto + dormant account + Banking and investment B
+ + + + 103 Finance Bürge + guarantor + Credit and debt C
+ + + + 103 Finance für etw bürgen + to guarantee sth + Credit and debt C
+ + + + 103 Finance jmdm einen Kredit gewähren + to grant sb credit/a loan + Credit and debt C
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace südlicher Polarkreis + Antarctic circle + Geography A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Antarktika + Antarctica + Geographical names and peoples A
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace tätig/untätig + active/dormant + Geography B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Atlantik + Atlantic + Geographical names and peoples B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace der Antlantische Ozean + the Atlantic Ocean + Geographical names and peoples B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace der Antarktische Ozean + the Antarctic Ocean + Geographical names and peoples B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Altertum + antiquity + History B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Infanterie + infantry + Military B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Infanterist(in) + foot soldier, infantryman/woman + Military B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Leutnant + (second) lieutenant + Military B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Oberstleutnant + lieutenant colonel + Military B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Flugabwehrrakete + anti-aircraft missile + Weapons B
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace vorsintflutlich + antediluvian + History C
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace byzantinisch + Byzantine + History C
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace die Bauernkriege + Peasant War(s) + History C
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Grenadier + grenadier; infantryman + Military C
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Feldwebel(in) + sergeant + Military C
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Oberfeldwebel(in) + first sergeant [army]; master sergeant [air force] + Military C
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Hauptfeldwebel(in) + (company) sergeant major + Military C
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Entlaubungsmittel + defoliant + Peace C
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Einwanderer, Auswanderer + immigrant/emigrant + Immigration and asylum A
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Gastarbeiter(in) + immigrant/foreign worker + Immigration and asylum A
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Beamte + civil/public servant + Government B
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Asyl gewähren + to grant asylum + Immigration and asylum C
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Rauschmittel + intoxicant + Alcohol and drugs B
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Schadstoff + pollutant + Environment B
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Zuschuss + subsidy, grant + Social services C
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Stadtstreicher(in) + vagrant + Poverty and homelessness C
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Aufputschmittel + stimulant + Alcohol and drugs C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 涼快 + * * liang2kuai nice and cool/ pleasantly cool angenehm kühl +
A 不要 + * * bu4yao4 don't/ don't want to nicht dürfen +
A 飯店 + * * fan4dian4 restaurant/ hotel Hotel,Restaurant +
A + * * zhong4 heavy/ important/ serious 1. Gewicht 2. schwer, gewichtig, hoch 3. tief, stark, schwer 4. wichtig, gewichtig, bedeutend 5. beachten, etw große Aufmerksamkeit schenken +
A 重要 + * * zhong4yao4 important/ significant/ major wichtig +
A + * * yao4 want to/ wish to/ must/ shall/ ask for etw haben wollen, nach etw verlangen, bitten, lassen, fordern, mögen, wünschen, müssen, sollen, werden +
A 好處 + * * hao3chu good/ advantage/ benefit/ gain 1. Vorteil, Nutzen, Vorzug 2.Gewinn, Profit, Nutzen +
A + * * xiang1 fragrant/ savory/ be with relish 1. duftend, wohlriechend 2. appetitlich, aromatisch 3. einen guten Appetit haben 4. fest, tief 5. Parfüm, Würze 6. Räucherwerk, Weihrauch, Räucherstäbchen +
A 需要 + * * xu1yao4 need/ want/ require/ demand brauchen,Notwendigkeit +
A + * * deng1 lamp/ light/ lantern Lampe, Leuchte, Laterne +
A + * * xiang3 think/ suppose/ recall/ want to/ miss 1.denken 2. glauben, annehmen 3. wollen, möchten 4. sich nach jn/etw sehnen +
A + * * sheng4 surplus/ remnant/ leave (over) übrig bleiben, als Rest zurück bleiben +
A 農民 + * * nong2min2 peasant Bauer +
A 精彩 + * * jing1cai3 brilliant/ splendid/ wonderful ausgezeichnet,exzellent +
A + * * ke1 (measure word for plants) Zählwort für Pflanzen +
A 豐富 + * * feng1fu4 rich/ abundant/ plentiful/ enrich reich,reichlich +
A 食堂 + * * shi2tang2 dining room/ canteen/ cafeteria Speisesaal, Kantine, Mensa +
A 經常 + * * jing1chang2 often/ frequently/ constantly/ usually alltäglich, oft,stets +
A + * * gei3 give/ grant 1. (VD) geben, gewähren 2. lassen 3. (P04) für,zu +
A 工廠 + * * gong1chang3 factory/ mill/ plant/ works Fabrik +
A 服務員 + * * fu2wu4yuan2 waiter/ waitress/ attendant Bedienungspersonal,Zimmermädchen,Kellner +
A 願意 + * * yuan4yi4 be willing/ be ready/ wish/ like/ want aux. v wollen +
B 英勇 + * * ying1yong3 heroic/ valiant/ brave/ gallant heroisch, heldenhaft, Mut, Tapferkeit +
B + * * zhong4 grow/ plant/ cultivate pflanzen, anbauen siehe zhong3 +
B 重大 + * * zhong4da4 great/ important/ major/ significant bedeutend, gewichtig +
B 要緊 + * * yao4jin3 important/ essential Wichtig +
B + * * zhu1 measure word for individual plants Zählwort für einzelne Pflanzen, z.B vier Maulbeerbäume, Stamm für Bäume +
B 好聽 + * * hao3ting1 pleasant to hear wohlklingend +
B 優點 + * * you1dian3 merit/ advantage/ strong point Vorteil, Vorzug +
B 數量 + * * shu4liang4 quantity/ amount Quantität +
B 餐廳 + * * can1ting1 restaurant/ dining room Restaurant +
B + * * xiang4 elephant 1. Elefant 2. Erscheinung, Gestalt 3. nachahmen, imitieren 4. jm nachschlagen, nach jn geraten 5. aussehen, scheinen, als ob 6. wie, solche wie +
B 充分 + * * chong1fen4 ample/ full/ abundant genügend, in vollem Maße,voll, reichlich +
B 充足 + * * chong1zu2 adequate/ abundant sufficient hinreichend, voll, genügend +
B 一下子 + * * yi2xia4zi all at once/ in an instant in einem Augenblick, plötzlich, auf einmal +
B 有利 + * * you3li4 advantageous/ beneficial vorteilhaft, günstig, nützlich +
B 憤怒 + * * fen4nu4 indignant/ anger entrüstet, wütend, zornig +
B 植物 + * * zhi2wu4 plant Pflanze, Flora +
B 光輝 + * * guang1hui1 radiance/ brilliance/ brilliant/ glorious Ruhm, Strahlung, glänzend +
B + * * xie2 tilted/ slanting schief, schräg, geneigt +
B 保證 + * * bao3zheng4 ensure/ assure/ guarantee/ promise garantieren, versichern, bürgen +
B 驕傲 + * * jiao1'ao4 arrogant/ conceited arrogant, eingebildet +
B 褲子 + * * ku4zi trousers/ pants Hosen +
B 壞處 + * * huai4chu harm/ disadvantage Schaden, Nachteil +
B 不平 + * * bu4ping2 indignant/ resentful/ injustice/ unfairness empörend, Unrecht +
C 英明 + * * ying1ming2 outstandingly-bright/ brilliant/ wise weise, klug +
C 嬰兒 + * * ying1'er2 baby-child/ baby/ infant/ babe Säugling, Baby, Kleinkind +
C 不停 + * * bu4ting2 ceaselessly/ constantly/ on and on unaufhörlich, ohne Ende +
C 含量 + * * han2liang4 content/ quantity of an ingredient in a substance Inhalt +
C 幻想 + * * huan4xiang3 fantasize/ dream/ fancy/ fantasy/ illusion Illusion, Phantasie, Hirngespinst +
C + * * liang4 quantity/ amount/ volume/ capacity 1. messen, schätzen, taxieren 2. Quantität, Menge 3.Fassungsvermögen, Kapazität +
C 飯館 + * * fan4guan3 restaurant/ eatery/ luncheonette Restaurant, Hotel +
C 種植 + * * zhong4zhi2 plant-grow/ plant/ grow/ crop/ put in pflanzen, anbauen +
C 遙遠 + * * yao2yuan3 distant-far/ faraway/ remote/ distant/ very far weit, fern, abgelegen +
C 次要 + * * ci4yao4 secondary/ less important/ subordinate/ minor an zweiter Stelle, nachrangig, unwichtiger +
C 走後門兒 + * * zou3 hou4men2r walk-back-door/ gain advantages through connection durch eine Hintertür hineinkommen +
C + * * gan1 sweet/ pleasant 1. gefällig, wohltuend, süß 2. willig, freiwillig, aus eigenem Antrieb +
C 要點 + * * yao4dian3 important-point/ main point/ essential/ gist/ strongpoint wesentliche Punkte, Hauptpunkt, Schlüsselstützpunkt +
C 要好 + * * yao4hao3 want-good/ on good terms/ friendly to each other mit jn befreundet sein, mit jm auf gutem Fuß stehen +
C + * * kuo4 wide/ broad/ vast/ rich/ wealthy/ extravagant 1. breit, weit, geräumig 2. reich, wohlhabend, begütert +
C 成千上萬 + * * cheng2 qian1 shang4 wan4 thousands of/ large quantity of 10 Tausenden von +
C 輝煌 + * * hui1huang2 splendid/ brilliant/ glorious brilliant, glorreich, hell leuchtend, prächtig +
C + * * zai1 grow/ plant/ erect/ insert/ plant (stolen goods)/ tumble 1. pflanzen, züchten 2. aufstellen, aufpflanzen 3. jn zu etwas abstempeln, aufbürden 4. fallen, stürzen, stolpern +
C 青菜 + * * qing1cai4 green vegetables/ plant similar to Chinese cabbage grünes Gemüse +
C + * * xu1 need/ want/ require 1. brauchen, bedürfen, etw nötig haben 2. Bedarf, Bedarfsartikel, Gebrauchsartikel +
C 香煙 + * * xiang1yan1 fragrant-smoke/ cigarette/ incense smoke Zigarette +
C 燈籠 + * * deng1long lantern Laterne +
C 優勢 + * * you1shi4 superior-situation/ superiority/ dominance/ advantage Übermacht,Oberhand,Überlegenheit +
C 優越 + * * you1yue4 superior-surpassing/ superior/ advantageous vorteihaft, günstig +
C 響亮 + * * xiang3liang4 loud-bright/ loud and clear/ sonorous/ resonant klingend und hell, laut und klar +
C 顧問 + * * gu4wen4 consultant/ adviser Berater, Ratgeber +
C 餐車 + * * can1che1 dinning car/ restaurant car Speisewagen +
C 勉強 + * * mian3qiang3 barely enough/ reluctant/ force sb. to do sth./ manage mit letzter Kraft, mit Mühe und Not, unfreiwillig +
C 助手 + * * zhu4shou3 assisting-hand/ assistant/ helper/ aide Helfer, Assistent +
C 猶豫 + * * you2yu4 hesitant/ irresolute/ undecided/ unsure zögern, zaudern +
C 農作物 + * * nong2zuo4wu4 crops/ cultivated plants Ernte, Erzeugnisse +
C 充實 + * * chong1shi2 substantial/ rich/ substantiate/ enrich/ fill 1. reichlich 2.bereichern, kräftigen +
C 作物 + * * zuo4wu4 cultivated-thing/ crop/ cultivated plant/ farm produce landwirtschaftliche Kulturen, Feldfrüchte +
C 燦爛 + * * can4lan4 bright/ splendid/ brilliant/ magnificent glänzend, strahlend ,herrlich +
C 歪曲 + * * wai1qu1 slant-crook/ distort/ misrepresent/ twist/ contort verdrehen, verfälschen, etwas in ein falsches Licht rücken +
C 恨不得 + * * hen4 bu de hate that one cannot/ really want to darauf brennen, etwas zu tun +
C 豐產 + * * feng1chan3 yield abundantly/ produce plentifully Rekordernte +
C 插秧 + * * cha1 yang1 transplant rice seedlings Reissetzlinge pflanzen +
C 時時 + * * shi2shi2 time and time again/ constantly/ very often wieder und wieder, konstant, sehr oft +
C 商人 + * * shang1ren2 merchant/ business person/ trader Händler, Geschäftsmann +
C 氣憤 + * * qi4fen4 angry and resentful/ indignant/ furious empört sein +
C 講究 + * * jiang3jiu be particular about/ exquisite/ tasteful/ elegant großen Wert auf etwas legen, fein, elegant +
C 後代 + * * hou4dai4 offspring/ descendant/ posterity/ later generation spätere Periode +
C 給以 + * * gei3yi3 give (sth.)/ grant (sth.) geben +
C 警惕 + * * jing3ti4 be alert/ be vigilant/ be on guard against/ watch out for wachsam sein, auf der Hut sein +
C + * * mo4 end/ tip/ unimportant part/ last stage/ powder/ dust 1. Spitze, Ende 2. Ende, letztes Stadium 3. Unwesentliches, Belanglosigkeit 4. Pulver, Staub +
C 呼呼 + * * hu1hu1 onomatopoetic word for strong wind or heavy panting onomat. für starken Wind +
C 保障 + * * bao3zhang4 ensure/ guarantee/ protection Schutz, versichern, garantieren, sicherstellen, sichern +
C 熱量 + * * re4liang4 quantity of heat Wärmemenge, Hitze +
C 長遠 + * * chang2yuan3 long-distant/ long-term/ long-range langfristig, auf lange Dauer +
C + * * chuan3 pant/ breathe heavily 1. schwer atmen, um Luft ringen, nach Luft schnappen 2. Asthma +
C + * * kong4 vacate/ leave empty or blank/ vacant/ unoccupied Freizeit, Chance,Raum, Platz +
C 居民 + * * ju1min2 resident/ inhabitant Bewohner, Einwohner +
C 過分 + * * guo4fen4 excessive/ undue/ extravagant exzessiv, unangemessen, extravagant +
C 猿人 + * * yuan2ren2 ape-man/ ape man/ pithecanthropus Affenmensch +
C + 怀* * huai2 keep in mind/ think of/ be pregnant/ bosom/ mind 1. Brust, Busen, Schoß 2. Gemüt, Herz, Sinn 3. hegen, tragen 4. sich nach jm/etw sehnen,, an jn/etw denken 5.(ein Kind) empfangen +
C 不利 + * * bu2li4 disadvantageous/ unfavorable nachteilig +
D 茂密 + * * mao4mi4 exuberant/ dense üppig, dicht bewachsen +
D 會計 + * * kuai4ji accountant Buchhaltung, Buchführung, Buchhalter +
D 茂盛 + * * mao4sheng4 exuberant/ luxuriant blühend, gedeihend, üppig, wuchernd +
D 茄子 + * * qie2zi eggplant Aubergine,Eggplant +
D 狂妄 + * * kuang2wang4 wildly arrogant/ unbridled überheblich,arrogant +
D 步兵 + * * bu4bing1 infantry Fußsoldat, Infanterist +
D 雄厚 + * * xiong2hou4 rich/ abundant solide und materiell gesichert, wohlhabend +
D 文雅 + * * wen2ya3 elegant vornehm, gebildet, kultiviert +
D 相應 + * * xiang1ying4 homologous/ relevant entsprechend, angemessen, passend, relevant +
D 用人 + * * yong4ren servant jm eine Anstellung geben, Personal einsetzen, Arbeitskräfte brauchen +
D 弊病 + * * bi4bing4 disadvantage Übel, Nachteil, Mißstand, +
D 弊端 + * * bi4duan1 disadvantage/ malpractice Übel, Mißstand, Nachteil +
D 主導 + * * zhu3dao3 leading/ dominant leitend, führend +
D 僕人 + * * pu2ren2 servant Diener, Hausbursche, Bediente +
D 留戀 + * * liu2lian4 be reluctant to leave an etw. hängen, sich von etw.,jn nicht trennen können, sich nach etwas sehnen +
D 爛漫 + * * lang4man4 romantic romantisch +
D 助理 + * * zhu4li3 assistant Assistent +
D 和諧 + * * he2xie2 concordant/ harmonious Harmonie, harmonisch +
D 敵對 + * * di2dui4 antagonize feindlich, gegnerisch +
D 流浪 + * * liu2lang4 lead a vagrant life/ rove/ roam about vagabundieren, umherwandern, ein Vagabundenleben führen +
D 油料 + * * you2liao4 oil plants Ölpflanzen +
D 敵視 + * * di2shi4 be hostile to/ antagonize jd als Feind ansehen +
D 充沛 + * * chong1pei4 abundant/ plentiful reichhaltig, voll von, +
D 對抗 + * * dui4kang4 rival/ antagonize Antagonismus,Konfrontation, sich widersetzen +
D 其間 + * * qi2jian1 meantime inzwischen, mittlerweile, unterdessen +
D 選集 + * * xuan3ji2 selected works anthology gesammelte Werke, Werkauswahl +
D 對聯 + * * dui4lian2 antithetical couplet antithetisches Spruchpaar, Spruchrollen +
D 無知 + * * wu2zhi1 ignorant Unwissenheit, unwissend +
D 芬芳 + * * fen1fang1 fragrant wohlriechend, duftend, Duft +
D 排擠 + * * pai2ji3 elbow out/ supplant verdrängen,jn ausschließen +
D 憤恨 + * * fen4hen4 indignant Haß,hassen +
D + * * zhi2 plant 1. pflanzen, anpflanzen, anbauen 2. gründen,errichten +
D 惡性 + * * e4xing4 vicious/ malignant bösartig, boshaft +
D 大肆 + * * da4si4 without restraint/ wantonly rücksichtslos, heftig +
D 氣喘 + * * qi4chuan3 breathe/ pant Asthma, außer Atem sein +
D 實惠 + * * shi2hui4 substantial wahrer Nutzen +
D 病蟲害 + * * bing4chong2hai4 plants diseases and insect pests Pflanzenkrankheiten und Insektenplage +
D 天線 + 线* * tian1xian4 antenna Antenne +
D 移民 + * * yi2 min2 migrant immigrieren +
D 綠化 + 绿* * lv4hua4 make (a place )green by planting trees aufforsten, Grünanlagen pflanzen +
D 剎那 + * * cha4na4 in a instant Augenblick, Moment +
D 撥款 + * * bo1 kuan3 grant-in-aid/ appropriation eine Geldsumme zuweisen,Geldzuweisung +
D 店員 + * * dian4yuan2 shop assistant Ladenangstellte, Verkäufer +
D + * * yu4 wish/ want 1. Begierde, Lust, Wunsch, Verlangen 2. mögen, wollen, wünschen, 3. werden, im Begriff sein etw zu tun, gerade dabei sein etw zu tun +
D 利弊 + * * li4bi4 advantages and disadvantages Vor- und Nachteile +
D 預料 + * * yu4liao4 anticipate/ expect/ predict voraussehen, erwarten, antizipieren +
D 預期 + * * yu4qi1 expect/ anticipate erwarten, erhoffen, Erwartung +
D 螞蟻 + * * ma3yi3 ant Ameise +
D 空想 + * * kong1xiang3 escapism/ dream/ phantasm Phantasie, Tagtraum +
D 不定 + * * bu4ding4 inconstantly unbestimmt +
D 定量 + * * ding4liang4 fixed quantity/ ration festgelegte Menge, Ration +
D 悲憤 + * * bei1fen4 grief and indignant traurig und empört +
D 菊花 + * * ju2hua1 chrysanthemum Chrysanthem +
D 先前 + * * xian1qian2 anteriority vorher, zuvor,ehemals, früher +
D + * * qiang1 cavity/ antrum 1. Hohlraum (in einem menschlichen oder tierischen Körper), Höhle 2. Melodie, Ton 3. Akzent 4. Sprechen +
D 先行 + * * xian1xing2 antecedent vorgehen,vorausgehen,, vorher +
D 懷孕 + 怀* * huai2 yun4 become pregnant schwanger sein, trächtig sein +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
acceptable + acceptable to sb: We want a political solution that is acceptable to all parties. für jdn. akzeptabel: Wir wollen eine politische Lösung, die für alle Parteien akzeptabel ist.
actually + I didn't want to say anything without actually reading the letter first. Ich wollte nichts sagen, ohne den Brief vorher gelesen zu haben.
add + The plan has the added (= extra) advantage of bringing employment to rural areas. Der Plan hat den zusätzlichen (= zusätzlichen) Vorteil, Arbeitsplätze in ländlichen Gebieten zu schaffen.
admit + + speech: 'I'm very nervous,' she admitted reluctantly. Rede:"Ich bin sehr nervös", gab sie widerwillig zu.
advantage + a big/great/definite advantage ein großer/großer/definitiver Vorteil
advantage + an unfair advantage (= sth that benefits you, but not your opponents) einen unfairen Vorteil (= etwas, das Ihnen, nicht aber Ihren Gegnern zugute kommt)
advantage + She had the advantage of a good education. Sie hatte den Vorteil einer guten Ausbildung.
advantage + You will be at an advantage (= have an advantage) in the interview if you have thought about the questions in advance. Sie haben einen Vorteil (= einen Vorteil) im Interview, wenn Sie sich vorher Gedanken über die Fragen gemacht haben.
advantage + advantage over sb: Being tall gave him an advantage over the other players. Vorteil gegenüber jdm.: Groß zu sein, verschaffte ihm einen Vorteil gegenüber den anderen Spielern.
advantage + companies seeking competitive advantage over their trading rivals Unternehmen auf der Suche nach Wettbewerbsvorteilen gegenüber ihren Mitbewerbern
advantage + A small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run. Ein kleines Auto hat den zusätzlichen Vorteil, dass es billiger zu fahren ist.
advantage + One advantage of/One of the advantages of living in the country is the fresh air. Ein Vorteil von/einer der Vorteile des Lebens auf dem Land ist die frische Luft.
advantage + Each of these systems has its advantages and disadvantages. Jedes dieser Systeme hat seine Vor- und Nachteile.
take advantage of sth/sb + She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms. Sie nutzte die Abwesenheit der Kinder aus, um ihre Zimmer aufzuräumen.
take advantage of sth/sb + We took full advantage of the hotel facilities. Wir haben alle Vorteile des Hotels genutzt.
take advantage of sth/sb + He took advantage of my generosity (= for example, by taking more than I had intended to give). Er nutzte meine Großzügigkeit (z. B. indem er mehr nahm, als ich geben wollte).
advertise + If you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the local paper. Wenn Sie mehr Kunden gewinnen wollen, versuchen Sie es in der Lokalzeitung.
advise + advise doing sth: I'd advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August. etw.[Akk] tun: Ich rate Ihnen, Ihre Tickets rechtzeitig zu kaufen, wenn Sie im August reisen möchten.
affair + She wanted to put her affairs in order before she died. Sie wollte ihre Angelegenheiten in Ordnung bringen, bevor sie starb.
affair + She wanted the celebration to be a simple family affair. Sie wollte, dass die Feier eine einfache Familienangelegenheit wird.
after + It was pleasantly cool in the house after the sticky heat outside. Es war angenehm kühl im Haus nach der klebrigen Hitze draußen.
against + She is against seeing (= does not want to see) him. Sie ist dagegen, ihn zu sehen (= will ihn nicht sehen).
agreement + You'll have to get your parents' agreement if you want to go on the trip. Du brauchst die Zustimmung deiner Eltern, wenn du mitfahren willst.
alarm + The captain knew there was an engine fault but didn't want to alarm the passengers. Der Kapitän wusste, dass es einen Motorschaden gab, wollte aber die Passagiere nicht beunruhigen.
all + All my plants have died. Alle meine Pflanzen sind gestorben.
all + All I want is peace and quiet. Ich will nur Ruhe und Frieden.
alter + Prices did not alter significantly during 2007. Die Preise haben sich 2007 nicht wesentlich verändert.
always + Did you always want to be an actor? Wolltest du schon immer Schauspieler werden?
annoy + annoy sb: His constant joking was beginning to annoy her. jdn. ärgern: Seine ständigen Scherze fingen an, sie zu ärgern.
answer + My prayers have been answered (= I have got what I wanted). Meine Gebete sind erhört worden (= ich habe bekommen, was ich wollte).
anti- + anti-tank weapons Panzerabwehrwaffen
anti- + antisocial asozial
anti- + anti-hero Antiheld
anti- + anticlimax Enttäuschung
anti- + antifreeze Frostschutzmittel
anticipate + anticipate sth: We don't anticipate any major problems. etw.[Akk] antizipieren: Wir erwarten keine größeren Probleme.
anticipate + Our anticipated arrival time is 8.30. Unsere voraussichtliche Ankunftszeit ist 8.30 Uhr.
anticipate + The eagerly anticipated movie will be released next month. Der mit Spannung erwartete Film wird im nächsten Monat veröffentlicht.
anticipate + anticipate doing sth: They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year. Sie gehen davon aus, dass sie bis Ende des Jahres in größere Räumlichkeiten umziehen werden.
anticipate + anticipate sth doing sth: I don't anticipate it being a problem. etw.[Akk] vorwegnehmen, etw.[Akk] tun: Ich gehe nicht davon aus, dass es ein Problem sein wird.
anticipate + anticipate that...: We anticipate that sales will rise next year. erwarten das...: Wir gehen davon aus, dass der Umsatz im nächsten Jahr steigen wird.
anticipate + it is anticipated that...: It is anticipated that inflation will stabilize at 3%. es wird damit gerechnet, dass...: Es wird erwartet, dass sich die Inflation bei 3% stabilisiert.
anticipate + anticipate sth: We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry. etw.[Akk] antizipieren: Wir brauchen jemanden, der Veränderungen in der Modebranche antizipieren und darauf reagieren kann.
anticipate + anticipate what, how, that, etc...: Try and anticipate what the interviewers will ask. antizipieren, was, wie, das, etc...: Probieren Sie und antizipieren, was die Interviewer fragen werden.
any + I'll take any you don't want. Ich nehme alles, was du nicht willst.
any + 'Which colour do you want?' 'Any of them will do.' Welche Farbe willst du? "Jeder von ihnen wird es tun."
any + I don't want any more. Ich will nicht mehr.
anyone + Does anyone else want to come? Will sonst noch jemand mitkommen?
anything + We hope to prevent anything unpleasant from happening. Wir hoffen, dass nichts Unangenehmes passiert.
appear + New shoots are just appearing at the base of the plant. Neue Triebe tauchen gerade erst am Grund der Pflanze auf.
appearance + I don't want to go to the party, but I suppose I'd better put in an appearance (= go there for a short time). Ich will nicht auf die Party gehen, aber ich denke, ich sollte besser einen Auftritt einlegen (= kurzzeitig dorthin gehen).
apply + apply for sth: to apply for a job/passport/grant sich[Akk] um etw.[Akk] bewerben, um eine Stelle/Passport/Fördermittel zu beantragen
approval + She desperately wanted to win her father's approval. Sie wollte unbedingt die Zustimmung ihres Vaters gewinnen.
approve + I told my mother I wanted to leave school but she didn't approve. Ich habe meiner Mutter gesagt, dass ich die Schule verlassen wollte, aber sie war dagegen.
argue + argue with sb: I don't want to argue with you—just do it! mit jdm. diskutieren: Ich will nicht mit dir streiten, tu es einfach!
art + a collection of art and antiques eine Sammlung von Kunst und Antiquitäten
article + Article 10 of the European Convention guarantees free speech. Artikel 10 des Europäischen Konvents garantiert die Redefreiheit.
aspect + the most important aspect of the debate der wichtigste Aspekt der Debatte
assistant + My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action. Mein Assistent wird die Maschine nun in Aktion zeigen.
assistant + a senior research assistant ein Oberassistent
assistant + She works as a care assistant in an old people's home. Sie arbeitet als Pflegeassistentin in einem Altenheim.
assistant + a sales assistant in a department store eine Verkäuferin in einem Kaufhaus
assistant + Maybe one of our assistants can help you make your choice? Vielleicht kann Ihnen einer unserer Mitarbeiter bei der Auswahl behilflich sein?
assistant + the assistant manager der stellvertretende Geschäftsführer
assistant + Assistant Chief Constable Owen Assistenz Chief Constable Owen
assistant + Assistant Attorney General William Weld Stellvertretender Generalstaatsanwalt William Weld
associated + Salaries and associated costs have risen substantially. Die Löhne und die damit verbundenen Kosten sind deutlich gestiegen.
association + The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me. Die Küste hatte für mich alle möglichen angenehmen Assoziationen mit dem Urlaub in der Kindheit.
at + I felt at a disadvantage. Ich fühlte mich im Nachteil.
atmosphere + These plants love warm, humid atmospheres. Diese Pflanzen lieben warme, feuchte Atmosphären.
atmosphere + Use music and lighting to create a romantic atmosphere. Schaffen Sie mit Musik und Licht eine romantische Atmosphäre.
attend to sb/sth + A nurse attended to his needs constantly. Eine Krankenschwester kümmerte sich ständig um seine Bedürfnisse.
attention + Don't pay any attention to what they say (= don't think that it is important). Achte nicht darauf, was sie sagen (= halte es für unwichtig).
attitude + If you want to pass your exams you'd better change your attitude! Wenn Sie Ihre Prüfungen bestehen wollen, ändern Sie besser Ihre Einstellung!
attractive + Antique furniture is used to make an attractive contrast with a modern setting. Antike Möbel werden verwendet, um einen reizvollen Kontrast mit einer modernen Umgebung zu bilden.
awkward + I felt awkward because they obviously wanted to be alone. Ich fühlte mich unbehaglich, weil sie offensichtlich allein sein wollten.
baby + My sister's expecting a baby = she is pregnant. Meine Schwester erwartet ein Baby = sie ist schwanger.
back + A small boy rode on the elephant's back. Ein kleiner Junge ritt auf dem Elefantenrücken.
background + He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant talk to the press. Er zieht es vor, im Hintergrund zu bleiben und seine Assistentin mit der Presse sprechen zu lassen.
badly + They wanted to win so badly. Sie wollten unbedingt gewinnen.
bar + The hotel has a restaurant, bar and swimming pool. Das Hotel verfügt über Restaurant, Bar und Swimmingpool.
barrier + barrier between A and B: There was no real barrier between reality and fantasy in his mind. Barriere zwischen A und B: Es gab keine wirkliche Barriere zwischen Realität und Phantasie in seinem Kopf.
bathroom + Where's the bathroom? (= for example in a restaurant) Wo ist das Badezimmer? (= zum Beispiel in einem Restaurant)
be + He wants to be (= become) a pilot when he grows up. Er will Pilot werden (= werden), wenn er groß ist.
be + Money isn't everything (= it is not the only important thing). Geld ist nicht alles (= es ist nicht das einzig Wichtige).
beat + The bird was beating its wings (= moving them up and down) frantically. Der Vogel schlug hektisch auf die Flügel (= sie auf und ab bewegen).
beat + The prisoners were beaten into submission (= they were beaten until they did what was wanted). Die Gefangenen wurden zur Unterwerfung geschlagen (= sie wurden geschlagen, bis sie taten, was sie wollten).
beat + They want to beat the speed record (= go faster than anyone before). Sie wollen den Geschwindigkeitsrekord brechen (= schneller fahren als jeder andere zuvor).
before + He puts his work before everything (= regards it as more important than anything else). Er stellt seine Arbeit vor alles (= betrachtet sie als wichtiger als alles andere).
behave + behave yourself: I want you to behave yourselves while I'm away. Benehmt euch: Ich will, dass ihr euch benehmt, während ich weg bin.
believe + The party believes (that) education is the most important issue facing the government. Die Partei glaubt, dass Bildung das wichtigste Thema der Regierung ist.
below + A police sergeant is below an inspector. Ein Polizeibeamter ist unter einem Inspektor.
bend + Mark the pipe where you want to bend it. Markieren Sie das Rohr dort, wo Sie es biegen wollen.
best + We want the kids to have the best possible education. Wir wollen, dass die Kinder die bestmögliche Bildung haben.
best + Well-drained soil suits the plant best. Gut durchlässiger Boden eignet sich am besten für die Pflanze.
best + We all want the best for our children. Wir alle wollen das Beste für unsere Kinder.
bet + 'Liverpool are bound to win.' 'Do you want a bet? ' (= I disagree with you, I don't think they will.) Liverpool wird gewinnen. Willst du eine Wette? (= Ich bin anderer Meinung als Sie, ich glaube nicht, dass sie das werden.
between + My job is somewhere between a secretary and a personal assistant. Mein Job liegt irgendwo zwischen Sekretärin und persönlicher Assistentin.
bid + bid (against sb): We wanted to buy the chairs but another couple were bidding against us. Gebot (gegen jdn.): Wir wollten die Stühle kaufen, aber ein anderes Paar bot gegen uns.
bit + It costs a bit more than I wanted to spend. Es kostet ein bisschen mehr, als ich ausgeben wollte.
bit + I can lend you fifty pounds, if you want. That should help a bit. Ich kann dir 50 Pfund leihen, wenn du willst. Das sollte ein bisschen helfen.
blue + The room was decorated in vibrant blues and yellows. Der Raum wurde mit lebhaftem Blau und Gelb dekoriert.
bother + bother sb with sth: I don't want to bother her with my problems at the moment. jdn. mit etw.[Dat] belästigen: Ich will sie im Moment nicht mit meinen Problemen belästigen.
bottom + The book I want is right at the bottom (= of the pile). Das Buch, das ich will, ist ganz unten (= vom Stapel).
branch + the anti-terrorist branch die Anti-Terror-Branche
break + She wanted to take a career break in order to have children. Sie wollte eine Berufspause machen, um Kinder zu bekommen.
breakfast + Do you want bacon and eggs for breakfast? Möchtest du Speck und Eier zum Frühstück?
breathe in + I want you to breathe in and hold your breath for as long as possible. Atmen Sie ein und halten Sie so lange wie möglich den Atem an.
brief + Please be brief (= say what you want to say quickly). Bitte kurz gefasst sein (= schnell sagen, was Sie sagen wollen).
brilliant + What a brilliant idea! Was für eine geniale Idee!
brilliant + a brilliant performance/invention eine brillante Leistung/Erfindung
brilliant + a brilliant career eine glänzende Karriere
brilliant + The play was a brilliant success. Das Stück war ein großartiger Erfolg.
brilliant + a brilliant young scientist ein brillanter junger Wissenschaftler
brilliant + She has one of the most brilliant minds in the country. Sie hat einen der brillantesten Köpfe des Landes.
brilliant + brilliant sunshine strahlender Sonnenschein
brilliant + brilliant blue eyes Brillantblau Augen
brilliant + 'How was it?' 'Brilliant!' Wie war es? "Brillant!"
brilliant + Thanks. You've been brilliant (= very helpful). Danke. Danke. Du warst brillant (= sehr hilfreich).
build + We want to build a better life. Wir wollen ein besseres Leben aufbauen.
business + He wanted to expand the export side of the business. Er wollte den Exportanteil des Unternehmens ausbauen.
cabinet + the shadow Cabinet (= the most important members of the opposition party) das Schattenkabinett (= die wichtigsten Mitglieder der Oppositionspartei)
call + He was in the front room, or the lounge or whatever you want to call it. Er war im Vorderzimmer, oder in der Lounge oder wie auch immer du es nennen willst.
calm + It is important to keep calm in an emergency. Es ist wichtig, im Notfall Ruhe zu bewahren.
campaign + an anti-smoking campaign eine Anti-Raucher-Kampagne
can + You can take the car, if you want. Du kannst den Wagen nehmen, wenn du willst.
can + We can eat in a restaurant, if you like. Wir können in einem Restaurant essen, wenn Sie wollen.
card + Who wants to play cards? Wer will Karten spielen?
cash + I'm constantly strapped for cash (= without enough money). Ich bin ständig um Geld angeschnallt (= ohne Geld).
cast + The whole cast performs/perform brilliantly. Die ganze Besetzung spielt hervorragend.
central + Reducing inflation is central to (= is an important part of) the government's economic policy. Die Senkung der Inflation ist ein zentraler Bestandteil der Wirtschaftspolitik der Regierung.
certain + certain of sth/of doing sth: If you want to be certain of getting a ticket, book now. Gewissheit über etw.: Wenn Sie sicher sein wollen, dass Sie ein Ticket bekommen, buchen Sie jetzt.
change + change sb/sth: I want to change my doctor. jdn. /etw.[Akk] ändern: Ich möchte meinen Arzt wechseln.
change + important changes to the tax system Wichtige Änderungen im Steuersystem
character + Adventure camps are considered to be character-building (= meant to improve sb's strong qualities). Abenteuercamps gelten als charakterbildend (= zur Verbesserung der starken Eigenschaften von jdm.).
charge + The restaurant charged £20 for dinner. Das Restaurant kostet £20 für das Abendessen.
chase sb/sth away, off, out, etc. + Chase the cat out—we don't want her in the kitchen. Holen Sie die Katze raus - wir wollen sie nicht in der Küche haben.
cheap + immigrant workers, used as a source of cheap labour (= workers who are paid very little, especially unfairly) zugewanderte Arbeitskräfte, die als Quelle billiger Arbeitskräfte genutzt werden (= Arbeitskräfte, die sehr wenig, vor allem ungerec
cheap + a cheap restaurant/hotel ein günstiges Restaurant / Hotel
cheap + We found a cheap and cheerful cafe (= one that is simple and charges low prices but is pleasant). Wir haben ein billiges und fröhliches Cafe gefunden (= eines, das einfach ist und niedrige Preise verlangt, aber angenehm ist).
cheerful + a bright, cheerful restaurant ein helles, fröhliches Restaurant
choose + There are plenty of restaurants to choose from. Es gibt viele Restaurants zur Auswahl.
circumstance + Grants are awarded according to your financial circumstances. Die Zuschüsse werden nach Ihren finanziellen Verhältnissen vergeben.
class + a society in which class is more important than ability eine Gesellschaft, in der Klasse wichtiger ist als Fähigkeit
clean + We all want a cleaner environment but who is going to pay for it? Wir alle wollen eine sauberere Umwelt, aber wer wird dafür bezahlen?
clear + His height gives him a clear advantage. Seine Größe bringt ihm einen klaren Vorteil.
clear + clear what, how, whether, etc...: It is not clear what they want us to do. klar, was, wie, ob, was, usw...: Es ist nicht klar, was sie von uns wollen.
clever + She's clever at getting what she wants. Sie ist clever darin, das zu bekommen, was sie will.
climate + They wanted to move to a warmer climate. Sie wollten in ein wärmeres Klima umziehen.
coffee + decaffeinated/instant coffee entkoffeinierter/instant Kaffee
cold + Her manner was cold and distant. Ihre Art war kalt und distanziert.
come + His family comes first (= is the most important thing in his life). Seine Familie steht an erster Stelle (= ist das Wichtigste in seinem Leben).
comedy + a romantic comedy eine romantische Komödie
commercial + the first commercial flights across the Atlantic die ersten kommerziellen Flüge über den Atlantik
commission + commission sb to do sth: She has been commissioned to write a new national anthem. jdm. den Auftrag erteilen, etw. zu tun: Sie wurde beauftragt, eine neue Nationalhymne zu schreiben.
commitment + commitment (to sb/sth): She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment. Engagement (für jdn. /etw.[Akk]: Sie will sich im Moment nicht sehr emotional zu Steve bekennen.
committee + The committee has/have decided to close the restaurant. Das Komitee hat beschlossen, das Restaurant zu schließen.
common + This decision was taken for the common good (= the advantage of everyone). Diese Entscheidung wurde für das Gemeinwohl (= zum Vorteil aller) getroffen.
company + The children are very good company (= pleasant to be with) at this age. Die Kinder sind in diesem Alter sehr gute Gesellschaft (= angenehme Gesellschaft).
company + a pleasant evening in the company of friends ein angenehmer Abend in Gesellschaft von Freunden
compare + My own problems seem insignificant compared with other people's. Meine eigenen Probleme scheinen unbedeutend im Vergleich zu denen anderer Leute.
comparison + For Durkheim, comparison was the most important method of analysis in sociology. Für Durkheim war der Vergleich die wichtigste soziologische Analysemethode.
competitive + to gain a competitive advantage over rival companies einen Wettbewerbsvorteil gegenüber konkurrierenden Unternehmen zu erlangen
condition + The plants grow best in cool, damp conditions. Die Pflanzen wachsen am besten unter kühlen, feuchten Bedingungen.
condition + She shouldn't be driving in her condition (= because she is pregnant). Sie sollte nicht in ihrem Zustand fahren (= weil sie schwanger ist).
confident + The teacher wants the children to feel confident about asking questions when they don't understand. Der Lehrer möchte, dass die Kinder sich sicher fühlen, wenn sie Fragen stellen, die sie nicht verstehen.
confuse + Be careful not to confuse quantity with quality. Achten Sie darauf, dass Sie Quantität und Qualität nicht verwechseln.
consideration + Time is another important consideration. Zeit ist ein weiterer wichtiger Faktor.
constant + constant interruptions ständige Unterbrechungen
constant + a constant stream of visitors all day einen konstanten Besucherstrom den ganzen Tag
constant + Babies need constant attention. Babys brauchen ständige Aufmerksamkeit.
constant + This entrance is in constant use. Dieser Eingang ist ständig in Betrieb.
constant + travelling at a constant speed of 50 m.p.h. mit einer konstanten Geschwindigkeit von 50 km/h.
constant + Ross was his most constant and loyal friend. Ross war sein beständigster und treuer Freund.
constantly + Fashion is constantly changing. Die Mode verändert sich ständig.
constantly + Heat the sauce, stirring constantly. Die Sauce unter ständigem Rühren erhitzen.
constantly + We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas. Wir sind ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Ideen.
consumer + Health-conscious consumers want more information about the food they buy. Gesundheitsbewusste Verbraucher wollen mehr Informationen über die Lebensmittel, die sie kaufen.
consumer + a consumer society (= one where buying and selling is considered to be very important) eine Konsumgesellschaft (= eine Gesellschaft, in der das Kaufen und Verkaufen als sehr wichtig angesehen wird)
content + Your tone of voice is as important as the content of what you have to say. Ihr Tonfall ist genauso wichtig wie der Inhalt des Gesagten.
continue + continue doing sth: She wanted to continue working until she was 60. weiter etw. tun: Sie wollte weiterarbeiten, bis sie 60 war.
continue + I want you to continue as project manager. Ich möchte, dass Sie als Projektmanager weitermachen.
contrast + contrast (of sth): Careful contrast of the two plans shows some important differences. Kontrast (von etw.[Dat]: Vorsichtiger Kontrast der beiden Pläne zeigt einige wichtige Unterschiede.
contribute + contribute to sth: Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways. Beitrag zu etw. leisten: Einwanderer haben in vielerlei Hinsicht zur britischen Kultur beigetragen.
contribution + a substantial contribution ein substantieller Beitrag
contribution + a significant contribution to scientific knowledge ein bedeutender Beitrag zur wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis
contribution + an important contribution to the debate ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Debatte
cope + Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat. Wüstenpflanzen sind für extreme Hitze geeignet.
cost + A late penalty cost United the game (= meant that they did not win the game). Eine zu späte Strafe kostete United das Spiel (= bedeutete, dass sie das Spiel nicht gewonnen haben).
cotton + cotton fields/plants Baumwollfelder/Pflanzen
country + We spent a pleasant day in the country. Wir verbrachten einen angenehmen Tag auf dem Land.
cousin + He's a distant cousin of mine. Er ist ein entfernter Cousin von mir.
crash + The first distant crash of thunder shook the air. Der erste entfernte Donnerschlag erschütterte die Luft.
cream + antiseptic cream antiseptische Creme
criticism + to offer sb constructive criticism (= that is meant to be helpful) jdm. konstruktive Kritik zu üben (= das soll hilfreich sein)
crop + Sugar is an important crop on the island. Zucker ist eine wichtige Kulturpflanze auf der Insel.
crowd + I want to get there early to avoid the crowds. Ich will früh da sein, um der Menge auszuweichen.
cry + cry for sb/sth: The baby was crying for (= because it wanted) its mother. nach jdm. /etw.[Dat] schreien: Das Baby hat nach seiner Mutter (= weil es wollte) geweint.
cultural + The orchestra is very important for the cultural life of the city. Das Orchester ist für das kulturelle Leben der Stadt von großer Bedeutung.
customs + The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin. Der Zoll hat große Mengen geschmuggeltes Heroin beschlagnahmt.
cut + Buyers will bargain hard to cut the cost of the house they want. Käufer verhandeln stark, um die Kosten des Hauses zu schneiden, das sie wünschen.
dance + Do you want to dance? Willst du tanzen?
dancer + She's a fantastic dancer. Sie ist eine fantastische Tänzerin.
dark + The dark clouds in the sky meant that a storm was coming. Die dunklen Wolken am Himmel bedeuteten, dass ein Sturm aufkam.
one day + One day, I want to leave the city and move to the country. Eines Tages will ich die Stadt verlassen und aufs Land ziehen.
decide + decide (that)...: She decided (that) she wanted to live in France. entscheide (das)...: Sie entschied (sie), dass sie in Frankreich leben wollte.
decision + a big (= an important) decision eine große (= wichtige) Entscheidung
decline + The town fell into (a) decline (= started to be less busy, important, etc.) after the mine closed. Die Stadt fiel in (a) Niedergang (= anfing, weniger beschäftigt zu sein, wichtig, etc.), nachdem die Grube geschlossen hatte.
decorate + Photographs of actors decorated the walls of the restaurant. Fotos von Schauspielern schmückten die Wände des Restaurants.
decrease + Donations have decreased significantly over the past few years. Die Spenden haben in den letzten Jahren deutlich abgenommen.
definitely + Some old people want help; others most definitely do not. Einige ältere Menschen wollen Hilfe, andere nicht.
depend on/upon sb/sth (for sth) + I don't want to depend too much on my parents. Ich will mich nicht zu sehr auf meine Eltern verlassen.
desire + I have no desire (= I do not want) to discuss the matter further. Ich habe keine Lust (= ich will nicht), weiter darüber zu diskutieren.
desperately + They desperately wanted a child. Sie wollten unbedingt ein Kind.
die + That plant's died. Die Pflanze ist gestorben.
difference + There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries. Die Bildungssysteme der beiden Länder unterscheiden sich nicht wesentlich voneinander.
make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth) + I don't think it makes a lot of difference what colour it is (= it is not important). Ich denke nicht, dass es einen großen Unterschied macht, welche Farbe es ist (= es ist nicht wichtig).
different + American English is significantly different from British English. Amerikanisches Englisch unterscheidet sich deutlich von britischem Englisch.
dirt + Pack the dirt firmly round the plants. Packen Sie den Schmutz fest um die Pflanzen.
disadvantage + a serious/severe/considerable disadvantage ein gravierender/starker/starker/beträchtlicher Nachteil
disadvantage + disadvantage (of sth): One major disadvantage of the area is the lack of public transport. Nachteil (von etw.): Ein großer Nachteil des Gebiets ist der Mangel an öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln.
disadvantage + disadvantage (to sth): There are disadvantages to the plan. Nachteil (zu etw.): Es gibt Nachteile für den Plan.
disadvantage + What's the main disadvantage? Was ist der Hauptnachteil?
disadvantage + I was at a disadvantage compared to the younger members of the team. Ich hatte einen Nachteil gegenüber den jüngeren Teammitgliedern.
disadvantage + The fact that he didn't speak a foreign language put him at a distinct disadvantage. Die Tatsache, dass er keine Fremdsprache sprach, brachte ihm einen deutlichen Nachteil.
disadvantage + I hope my lack of experience won't be to my disadvantage. Ich hoffe, dass mein Mangel an Erfahrung nicht zu meinem Nachteil wird.
disadvantage + The advantages of the scheme far outweighed the disadvantages. Die Vorteile der Regelung überwiegen bei weitem die Nachteile.
disadvantage + Many children in the class suffered severe social and economic disadvantage. Viele Kinder in der Klasse litten unter schweren sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Nachteilen.
disappointment + That new restaurant was a big disappointment. Das neue Restaurant war eine große Enttäuschung.
disapprove + She wants to be an actress, but her parents disapprove. Sie will Schauspielerin werden, aber ihre Eltern sind dagegen.
discipline + Lack of discipline at home meant that many pupils found it difficult to settle in to the ordered environment of the school. Da es zu Hause an Disziplin fehlte, konnten sich viele Schülerinnen und Schüler nur schwer in die geordnete Umgebung der Schule einl
discovery + discovery (of sth): the discovery of antibiotics in the 20th century Entdeckung (von etw.[Dat]: die Entdeckung von Antibiotika im 20. Jahrhundert
discovery + Researchers in this field have made some important new discoveries. Die Forscher auf diesem Gebiet haben einige wichtige neue Entdeckungen gemacht.
dislike + She took an instant dislike to the house and the neighbourhood. Sie hatte sofort eine Abneigung gegen das Haus und die Nachbarschaft.
distinguish + distinguish A and B: Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish. A und B unterscheiden: Manchmal sind Realität und Phantasie schwer zu unterscheiden.
divorce + Bella wants a divorce. Bella will die Scheidung.
do + What does she want to do when she leaves school? Was will sie tun, wenn sie die Schule verlässt?
be/have to do with sb/sth + 'What do you want to see me about?' 'It's to do with that letter you sent me.' Warum wollen Sie mich sprechen? "Es hat mit dem Brief zu tun, den du mir geschickt hast."
do + 'I don't want to go back.' 'Neither do I.' Ich will nicht zurück. "Ich auch nicht."
document + Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court. Kopien der entsprechenden Dokumente müssen bei Gericht eingereicht werden.
domestic + domestic service (= the work of a servant in a large house) Hausdienst (= die Arbeit eines Bediensteten in einem großen Haus)
double + It has the double advantage of being both easy and cheap. Es hat den doppelten Vorteil, einfach und billig zu sein.
double + double sth: Double all the quantities in the recipe to make enough for eight people. etw.[Akk] verdoppeln: Verdoppeln Sie alle Mengen im Rezept, um genug für acht Personen zu machen.
dream + He wanted to be rich but it was an impossible dream. Er wollte reich sein, aber es war ein unmöglicher Traum.
drive sb away + Her constant nagging drove him away. Ihr ständiges Nörgeln trieb ihn davon.
drop + He dropped his pants. Seine Hose ist runtergefallen.
drop + If you want the job, you must be prepared to take a drop in salary. Wenn Sie den Job wollen, müssen Sie bereit sein, einen Tropfen des Gehalts zu nehmen.
drop + There was a substantial drop in the number of people out of work last month. Die Zahl der Arbeitslosen ist im vergangenen Monat deutlich gesunken.
dry out, dry sth out + Water the plant regularly, never letting the soil dry out. Die Pflanze regelmäßig gießen, so dass der Boden nicht austrocknet.
duty + I don't want you to visit me simply out of a sense of duty. Ich will nicht, dass du mich aus Pflichtgefühl besuchst.
ear + The elephant flapped its ears. Der Elefant klapperte mit den Ohren.
early + early flowering plants Frühblüher
early on + I knew quite early on that I wanted to marry her. Ich wusste schon früh, dass ich sie heiraten wollte.
ease + All important points are numbered for ease of reference (= so that you can find them easily). Alle wichtigen Punkte sind nummeriert, damit Sie sie leicht finden können.
economy + We need to make substantial economies. Wir müssen erhebliche Einsparungen erzielen.
education + Patient education is important to minimize the risk of a second heart attack. Die Aufklärung der Patienten ist wichtig, um das Risiko eines zweiten Herzinfarkts zu minimieren.
either + I know a good Italian restaurant. It's not far from here, either. Ich kenne ein gutes italienisches Restaurant. Es ist auch nicht weit von hier.
either + Either he could not come or he did not want to. Entweder er konnte nicht kommen oder er wollte nicht kommen.
elegant + She was tall and elegant. Sie war groß und elegant.
elegant + an elegant dress ein elegantes Kleid
elegant + an elegant room/restaurant ein elegantes Zimmer/Restaurant
element + Customer relations is an important element of the job. Kundenbeziehungen sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Auftrags.
else + I don't want anything else, thanks. Ich will nichts anderes, danke.
elsewhere + Our favourite restaurant was closed, so we had to go elsewhere. Unser Lieblingsrestaurant war geschlossen, also mussten wir woanders hingehen.
embarrass + I didn't want to embarrass him by kissing him in front of his friends. Ich wollte ihn nicht in Verlegenheit bringen, indem ich ihn vor seinen Freunden küsste.
emergency + The government has been granted emergency powers (= to deal with an emergency). Der Regierung sind Notstandsbefugnisse übertragen worden (= Notstandsbewältigung).
in the end + He tried various jobs and in the end became an accountant. Er versuchte verschiedene Jobs und wurde schließlich Buchhalter.
energy + It is important to conserve energy. Es ist wichtig, Energie zu sparen.
engage + He is currently engaged as a consultant. Derzeit ist er als Berater tätig.
enough + He seemed pleasant enough to me. Er schien mir angenehm genug.
entry + to be granted/refused entry into the country die Einreise in das Land zu bewilligen/verweigert/abzuleugnen
environment + a pleasant working/learning environment ein angenehmes Arbeits-/Lernumfeld
equally + Diet and exercise are equally important. Ernährung und Bewegung sind gleichermaßen wichtig.
essentially + The article was essentially concerned with her relationship with her parents (= it dealt with other things, but this was the most important). Der Artikel befasste sich hauptsächlich mit ihrer Beziehung zu ihren Eltern (= es ging um andere Dinge, aber das war das Wichtigste)
event + He found that the report he had written had been overtaken by events (= it was no longer relevant). Er fand heraus, dass der von ihm verfasste Bericht von den Ereignissen überholt worden war (= nicht mehr relevant).
examination + Applicants are selected for jobs on the results of a competitive examination. Die Bewerber werden nach den Ergebnissen einer Wettbewerbsprüfung ausgewählt.
example + It is important to cite examples to support your argument. Es ist wichtig, Beispiele zu nennen, um Ihre Argumentation zu untermauern.
excited + The new restaurant is nothing to get excited about (= not particularly good). Das neue Restaurant ist nichts, worüber man sich freuen kann (= nicht besonders gut).
existence + The peasants depend on a good harvest for their very existence (= in order to continue to live). Die Bauern sind auf eine gute Ernte angewiesen, um zu überleben.
expensive + an expensive car/restaurant/holiday ein teures Auto/Restaurant/Ferien
experience + My lack of practical experience was a disadvantage. Ein Nachteil war mein Mangel an praktischer Erfahrung.
experience + It is important to try and learn from experience. Es ist wichtig, aus Erfahrung zu lernen.
experiment + He wanted to experiment more with different textures in his paintings. Er wollte mehr mit verschiedenen Texturen in seinen Bildern experimentieren.
expose + expose sth to sb: He did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone. jdm. etw.[Akk] exponieren: Er wollte seine Ängste und Unsicherheiten niemandem preisgeben.
expression + The riots are the most serious expression of anti-government feeling yet. Die Krawalle sind der ernsthafteste Ausdruck des Anti-Regierungs-Gefühls bis jetzt.
extension + He's been granted an extension of the contract for another year. Ihm wurde eine Verlängerung des Vertrages um ein weiteres Jahr gewährt.
to... extent + The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife. Die Verschmutzung des Waldes hat die Pflanzenwelt und in geringerem Maße auch die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt stark beeinträchtigt.
extra + He wanted to cook something extra special for dinner that night. Er wollte an diesem Abend etwas ganz Besonderes für das Abendessen kochen.
extremely + extremely important/useful/complicated extrem wichtig/nützlich/kompliziert
fact + Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage. Die Freiwilligentätigkeit war besonders wichtig, da Frauen häufig gezwungen waren, auf bezahlte Ehearbeit zu verzichten.
fact + It's important to distinguish fact from fiction. Es ist wichtig, Fakten von Fiktionen zu unterscheiden.
factor + The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline. Die Schließung des Bergwerks war der wichtigste Faktor für den Niedergang der Stadt.
fairly + I think you'll find it fairly difficult (= you do not want to say that it is very difficult). Ich denke, es wird dir ziemlich schwer fallen (= du willst nicht sagen, dass es sehr schwierig ist).
faithful + a faithful servant/friend/dog ein treuer Diener/Freund/Hund
FALSE + They didn't want to raise any false hopes, but they believed her husband had escaped capture. Sie wollten keine falschen Hoffnungen wecken, aber sie glaubten, ihr Mann sei entkommen.
fame + to achieve/win instant fame um sofortigen Ruhm zu erlangen/zu gewinnen
far + far (from, away, below, etc.): The restaurant is not far from here. weit (von, weg, unten, etc.): Das Restaurant ist nicht weit von hier.
by far + The last of these reasons is by far the most important. Der letzte dieser Gründe ist bei weitem der wichtigste.
fashionable + a fashionable address/resort/restaurant eine modische Adresse/Restaurant
favour + I'm going as a favour to Ann, not because I want to. Ich tue Ann einen Gefallen, nicht, weil ich es will.
feature + feature sb/sth as sb/sth: The film features Cary Grant as a professor. jdn. /etw.[Akk] als jdn. /etw.[Akk] inszenieren: Der Film zeigt Cary Grant als Professor.
feed + Feed the plants once a week. Füttern Sie die Pflanzen einmal pro Woche.
fetch + The inhabitants have to walk a mile to fetch water. Die Bewohner müssen eine Meile laufen, um Wasser zu holen.
find + find sb/sth: I wanted to talk to him but he was nowhere to be found. jdn. /etw.[Akk] finden: Ich wollte mit ihm reden, aber er war nirgendwo zu finden.
find + We've found a great new restaurant near the office. Wir haben ein tolles neues Restaurant in der Nähe des Büros gefunden.
find out (about sth/sb), find out sth (about sth/sb) + She'd been seeing the boy for a while, but didn't want her parents to find out. Sie wollte nicht, dass ihre Eltern es herausfinden.
fine + 'Bob wants to know if he can come too.''That's fine by me.' Bob will wissen, ob er mitkommen kann."Das ist mir recht."
finish + I want to see the job through to the finish. Ich will den Job bis zum Ende durchziehen.
firm + a firm of accountants eine Buchhalterfirma
first + 'Do you want a drink?' 'I'll finish my work first.' Möchtest du einen Drink? "Ich beende meine Arbeit zuerst."
first + This method has two advantages: first it is cheaper and second it is quicker. Diese Methode hat zwei Vorteile: erstens ist sie billiger und zweitens schneller.
first of all + The content of any article needs, first of all, to be relevant to the reader. Der Inhalt eines jeden Artikels muss zunächst einmal für den Leser relevant sein.
flow + Constant streams of traffic flowed past. Ständige Verkehrsströme flossen vorbei.
flower + The plant has a beautiful bright red flower. Die Pflanze hat eine schöne, leuchtend rote Blume.
follow + I don't want you to follow my example and rush into marriage. Ich will nicht, dass du meinem Beispiel folgst und in die Ehe heiratest.
food + He's off his food (= he does not want to eat anything). Er isst nichts mehr (= er will nichts essen).
for + There were over fifty applicants for the job. Es gab über fünfzig Bewerber für den Job.
force + force sb: He didn't force me—I wanted to go. jdn. zwingen: Er zwang mich nicht, ich wollte gehen.
fortune + I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors. Ich hatte das Glück, mit einigen brillanten Regisseuren zusammenzuarbeiten.
forward + We consider this agreement to be an important step forward. Wir halten dieses Abkommen für einen wichtigen Schritt nach vorn.
freedom + rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution verfassungsmäßig garantierte Rechte und Freiheiten
freedom + Enjoy the freedom of the outdoors (= where you can do what you want). Genießen Sie die Freiheit im Freien (= wo Sie tun können, was Sie wollen).
freeze + It may freeze tonight, so bring those plants inside. Es kann heute Nacht einfrieren, also bring die Pflanzen rein.
friendship + Your friendship is very important to me. Deine Freundschaft ist mir sehr wichtig.
full + Students should take full advantage of the university's facilities. Die Studierenden sollten die Einrichtungen der Universität in vollem Umfang nutzen.
full + animals pumped full of antibiotics Antibiotika-gepumpte Tiere
fur + elegant ladies in furs Elegante Damen in Pelz
garden + garden flowers/plants Gartenblumen/Pflanzen
gentle + He looks scary but he's really a gentle giant. Er sieht unheimlich aus, aber er ist ein sanfter Riese.
get round/around to sth + I meant to do the ironing but I didn't get round to it. Ich wollte bügeln, aber ich kam nicht dazu.
giant + He's a giant of a man. Er ist ein Riese unter den Männern.
giant + a giant crab eine riesige Krabbe
giant + a giant-size box of tissues eine riesengroße Schachtel Taschentücher
giant + a giant step towards achieving independence ein großer Schritt in die Unabhängigkeit
gift + She can pick up a tune instantly on the piano. It's a gift. Sie kann eine Melodie sofort am Klavier aufnehmen. Es ist ein Geschenk.
give + She wants a job that gives her more responsibility. Sie will einen Job, der ihr mehr Verantwortung gibt.
give off sth + The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume. Die Blüten verströmten einen duftenden Duft.
go + Where do you want the piano to go (= be put)? Wohin soll das Klavier gehen (= gestellt werden)?
go + I want a rope that will go from the top window to the ground. Ich will ein Seil, das vom obersten Fenster zum Boden führt.
go + I want this memo to go to all managers. Ich möchte, dass dieses Memo an alle Manager geht.
government + a government department/agency/grant ein Ministerium/Behörde/Zuwendung
grant + grant sth: My request was granted. etw.[Akk] bewilligen: Meinem Antrag wurde stattgegeben.
grant + grant sb sth: I was granted permission to visit the palace. jdm. etw. gewähren: Mir wurde die Erlaubnis erteilt, den Palast zu besichtigen.
grant + She was granted a divorce. Sie wurde geschieden.
grant + He was granted a licence to mine in the area. Er erhielt eine Lizenz für die Mine in der Gegend.
grant + The bank finally granted me a £500 loan. Die Bank gewährte mir schließlich ein £500 Darlehen.
grant + grant sth to sb/sth: The bank finally granted a £500 loan to me. jdm. /etw.[Dat] etw.[Akk] gewähren: Die Bank hat mir schließlich einen 500-Pfund-Darlehen gewährt.
grant + These lands had been granted to the family in perpetuity. Diese Ländereien waren der Familie auf ewig gewährt worden.
take it for granted (that...) + I just took it for granted that he'd always be around. Ich dachte, er würde immer in der Nähe sein.
take it for granted (that...) + She seemed to take it for granted that I would go with her to New York. Sie schien es für selbstverständlich zu halten, dass ich mit ihr nach New York gehe.
take sb/sth for granted + Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted. Ihr Mann war immer da, und sie nahm ihn als selbstverständlich hin.
take sb/sth for granted + We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted. Sauberes Wasser ist für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit.
grant + student grants (= to pay for their education) Stipendien (= zur Finanzierung der Ausbildung)
grant + He has been awarded a research grant. Er hat ein Forschungsstipendium erhalten.
great + the great powers (= important and powerful countries) die Großmächte (= wichtige und mächtige Länder)
great + One great advantage of this metal is that it doesn't rust. Ein großer Vorteil dieses Metalls ist, dass es nicht rostet.
ground + What were his grounds for wanting a divorce? Was waren seine Gründe für die Scheidung?
ground + fertile ground for planting crops fruchtbarer Boden zum Pflanzen von Kulturpflanzen
grow + The region is too dry for plants to grow. Die Region ist zu trocken für Pflanzen.
growth + Lack of water will stunt the plant's growth. Wassermangel hemmt das Wachstum der Pflanze.
guarantee + to give a guarantee of good behaviour eine Garantie für gutes Benehmen zu geben
guarantee + He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again. Er gab mir die Garantie, dass es nie wieder vorkommen würde.
guarantee + They are demanding certain guarantees before they sign the treaty. Sie verlangen bestimmte Garantien, bevor sie den Vertrag unterzeichnen.
guarantee + We provide a 5-year guarantee against rust. Wir gewähren 5 Jahre Garantie gegen Rost.
guarantee + The watch is still under guarantee. Die Uhr ist noch unter Garantie.
guarantee + The television comes with a year's guarantee. Für den Fernseher gilt eine Jahresgarantie.
guarantee + a money-back guarantee eine Geld-zurück-Garantie
guarantee + guarantee (of sth): Career success is no guarantee of happiness. Garantie (von etw.[Dat]: Beruflicher Erfolg ist keine Garantie für Glück.
guarantee + guarantee (that...): There's no guarantee that she'll come (= she may not come). Garantie (das...): Es gibt keine Garantie, dass sie kommt (= sie darf nicht kommen).
guarantee + guarantee sth: Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed. etw.[Akk] garantieren: Die grundlegenden Menschenrechte, einschließlich der Meinungsfreiheit, sind jetzt garantiert.
guarantee + guarantee (that)...: We cannot guarantee (that) our flights will never be delayed. Garantie (dass)...: Wir können nicht garantieren, dass unsere Flüge nie verspätet abfliegen.
guarantee + guarantee sb sth: The ticket will guarantee you free entry. jdm. etw.[Akk] garantieren: Das Ticket garantiert Ihnen freien Eintritt.
guarantee + guarantee to do sth: We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week. Garantie zu tun, was wir tun: Wir garantieren, Ihre Ware innerhalb einer Woche zu liefern.
guarantee + This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship. Dieses Bügeleisen ist ein Jahr Garantie gegen fehlerhafte Verarbeitung.
guarantee + guarantee sth: Tonight's victory guarantees the team's place in the final. für etw. garantieren: Der heutige Sieg garantiert den Platz im Finale.
guarantee + guarantee sb sth: These days getting a degree doesn't guarantee you a job. jdm. etw. garantieren: Einen Abschluss zu machen, garantiert dir heutzutage keinen Job mehr.
guest + He was the guest of honour (= the most important person invited to an event). Er war Ehrengast (= die wichtigste Person, die zu einer Veranstaltung eingeladen wurde).
guilty + The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence. Die Geschworenen befanden den Angeklagten für unschuldig.
gun + anti-aircraft guns Flakgeschütze
hand sth in (to sb) + to hand in your notice/resignation (= formally tell your employer that you want to stop working for them) Kündigung/Rücktritt einreichen (= Ihrem Arbeitgeber offiziell mitteilen, dass Sie aufhören möchten, für sie zu arbeiten)
hang up + After I hung up I remembered what I'd wanted to say. Nachdem ich aufgelegt hatte, erinnerte ich mich, was ich sagen wollte.
happen to sb/sth + I hope nothing (= nothing unpleasant) has happened to them. Ich hoffe, ihnen ist nichts (= nichts Unangenehmes) passiert.
happiness + Their grandchildren are a constant source of happiness. Ihre Enkelkinder sind eine ständige Quelle des Glücks.
have + have sb/sth + adj.: I want to have everything ready in good time. jdn. /etw.[Akk] mit jdm. + adj.Ich will alles rechtzeitig fertig haben.
have + I'll have the salmon (= for example, in a restaurant). Ich nehme den Lachs (= zum Beispiel in einem Restaurant).
head + When will you get it into your head (= understand) that I don't want to discuss this any more! Wann bekommst du es in deinen Kopf (= verstehe), dass ich das nicht mehr diskutieren will!
heavily + a heavily pregnant woman (= one whose baby is nearly ready to be born) eine hochschwangere Frau (= eine Frau, deren Baby fast bereit ist, geboren zu werden)
heel + The sergeant clicked his heels and walked out. Der Sergeant klickte auf die Fersen und ging hinaus.
help + help yourself: If you want another drink, just help yourself. bedien dich: Wenn du noch einen Drink willst, bediene dich einfach selbst.
hire + They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system. Für die Konzeption des neuen Systems wurde eine Beraterfirma beauftragt.
home + They wanted to give the boy a secure and loving home. Sie wollten dem Jungen ein sicheres und liebevolles Zuhause geben.
home + He had always wanted a real home with a wife and children. Er wollte schon immer ein richtiges Zuhause mit Frau und Kindern.
honour + the guest of honour (= the most important one) der Ehrengast (= der wichtigste)
honour + the seat/place of honour (= given to the most important guest) Sitz/Ehrenplatz (= dem wichtigsten Gast gegeben)
horizontal + I was so tired, I just wanted to be horizontal (= lying down). Ich war so müde, ich wollte einfach nur liegend sein.
however + He wanted to take no risks, however small. Er wollte kein Risiko eingehen, egal wie klein.
human + It's only human to want the best for your children. Es ist nur menschlich, das Beste für seine Kinder zu wollen.
hurry + You'll have to hurry if you want to catch that train. Du musst dich beeilen, wenn du den Zug erwischen willst.
hurry + hurry sb: I don't want to hurry you but we close in twenty minutes. Beeil dich jdm.: Ich will dich nicht hetzen, aber wir schließen in zwanzig Minuten.
hurt + I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Ich wollte seine Gefühle nicht verletzen.
I + When they asked me if I wanted the job, I said yes. Als sie mich fragten, ob ich den Job haben wolle, sagte ich ja.
ice cream + Who wants an ice cream? Wer will ein Eis?
idea + I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea (= getting the wrong impression about sth). Ich will nicht, dass jemand die falsche Vorstellung bekommt (= falscher Eindruck von etw.).
idea + I've had a brilliant idea! Ich hatte eine brillante Idee!
if not + Do you want that cake? If not, I'll have it. Willst du den Kuchen? Wenn nicht, nehme ich es.
illegal + illegal immigrants/aliens illegale Einwanderer/Ausländer
image + Image is very important in the music world. Image ist in der Musikwelt sehr wichtig.
imagination + It doesn't take much imagination to guess what she meant. Es braucht nicht viel Phantasie, um zu erraten, was sie meinte.
immoral + There's nothing immoral about wanting to earn more money. Es ist nicht unmoralisch, mehr Geld verdienen zu wollen.
important + an important decision/factor eine wichtige Entscheidung/einen wichtigen Faktor
important + I have an important announcement to make. Ich habe eine wichtige Ankündigung zu machen.
important + Money played an important role in his life. Geld spielte eine wichtige Rolle in seinem Leben.
important + Listening is an important part of the job. Zuhören ist ein wichtiger Teil der Arbeit.
important + one of the most important collections of American art eine der bedeutendsten Sammlungen amerikanischer Kunst
important + It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Es ist wichtig, die Anweisungen des Herstellers zu befolgen.
important + It is important that he attend every day. Es ist wichtig, dass er jeden Tag anwesend ist.
important + It is important that he should attend every day. Es ist wichtig, dass er jeden Tag anwesend ist.
important + It is important for him to attend every day. Es ist ihm wichtig, dass er jeden Tag anwesend ist.
important + important (to sb): It's very important to me that you should be there. wichtig (für jdn.): Es ist mir sehr wichtig, dass du da bist.
important + The important thing is to keep trying. Das Wichtigste ist, es weiter zu versuchen.
important + an important member of the team ein wichtiges Mitglied des Teams
important + He likes to feel important. Er fühlt sich gerne wichtig.
importantly + More importantly, can he be trusted? Was noch wichtiger ist, kann man ihm trauen?
importantly + She was sitting importantly behind a big desk. Sie saß wichtig hinter einem großen Schreibtisch.
impose + She didn't want to impose her values on her family. Sie wollte ihre Werte nicht ihrer Familie aufzwingen.
impression + You'll have to play better than that if you really want to make an impression (= to make people admire you). Du musst besser spielen, wenn du wirklich Eindruck machen willst (= die Leute dich bewundern lassen).
impression + Try and smile. You don't want to give people the wrong impression (= that you are not friendly). Versuch zu lächeln. Sie wollen den Menschen nicht den falschen Eindruck vermitteln (= dass Sie nicht freundlich sind).
improvement + a significant/substantial/dramatic improvement eine signifikante/erhebliche/dramatische Verbesserung
increase + a significant/substantial increase in sales einen deutlichen/erheblichen Umsatzanstieg
increasingly + increasingly difficult/important/popular immer schwieriger/wichtiger/Volkstümlicher
independent + It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents. Es war mir wichtig, finanziell unabhängig von meinen Eltern zu sein.
indication + indication (of doing sth): He shows every indication (= clear signs) of wanting to accept the post. Anzeige (von etw. tun): Er zeigt alle Anzeichen (= deutliche Zeichen), die darauf hindeuten, dass er den Posten annehmen will.
indirect + The plant prefers indirect sunlight. Die Pflanze bevorzugt indirektes Sonnenlicht.
industrial + They had made industrial quantities of food (= a lot). Sie hatten industrielle Mengen an Nahrungsmitteln hergestellt (= viel).
influence + I don't want to influence you. It must be your own decision. Ich will dich nicht beeinflussen. Es muss Ihre eigene Entscheidung sein.
information + He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information. Er weigerte sich, Stellung zu nehmen, bevor er alle relevanten Informationen gesehen hatte.
insert + insert sth: Position the cursor where you want to insert a word. etw.[Akk] einfügen: Positionieren Sie den Cursor an die Stelle, an der Sie ein Wort einfügen möchten.
insist + I didn't really want to go but he insisted. Ich wollte nicht wirklich gehen, aber er bestand darauf.
institute + the Institute of Chartered Accountants Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer
instruction + instruction on how to do sth: The plant comes with full instructions on how to care for it. Anleitung, wie man etw. tut: Die Pflanze wird mit einer ausführlichen Anleitung zur Pflege geliefert.
interest + These plants will add interest to your garden in winter. Diese Pflanzen werden im Winter Ihren Garten interessanter machen.
interrupt + We interrupt this programme to bring you an important news bulletin. Wir unterbrechen dieses Programm, um Ihnen eine wichtige Nachricht zu bringen.
interview + Interviews and questionnaires are the most important tools in market research. Interviews und Fragebögen sind die wichtigsten Instrumente der Marktforschung.
introduce + introduce sth into/to sth: We want to introduce the latest technology into schools. etw.[Akk] in etw.[Akk] einführen: Wir wollen die neueste Technologie in Schulen einführen.
introduction + The book lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them many new introductions. Das Buch listet Pflanzen auf, die für den britischen Blumengarten geeignet sind, darunter viele Neueinführungen.
involve + involve sb (in sth/in doing sth): We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations. jdn. (an etw.[Dat] beteiligen/etw.[Dat]: Wir wollen möglichst viele Menschen an den Feierlichkeiten beteiligen.
involved + Some people tried to stop the fight but I didn't want to get involved. Einige Leute versuchten, den Kampf zu stoppen, aber ich wollte mich nicht einmischen.
involved + They're not romantically involved. Sie sind nicht romantisch miteinander verwickelt.
it + I find it strange that she doesn't want to go. Ich finde es seltsam, dass sie nicht gehen will.
jelly + blackcurrant jelly Johannisbeergelee
joke + I only did it as a joke (= it was not meant seriously). Ich habe es nur als Scherz gemacht (= es war nicht ernst gemeint).
jump + Do you want a ride? Jump in. Willst du mitfahren? Spring rein.
just + just what...: It's just what I wanted! genau das, was ich wollte!
know + I just knew that it was something I wanted to do. Ich wusste nur, dass es etwas war, das ich tun wollte.
know + know what, how, etc...: I knew perfectly well what she meant. wissen was, wie, usw...: Ich wusste genau, was sie meinte.
know + 'What are you two whispering about?' 'You don't want to know ' (= because you would be shocked or wouldn't approve). Worüber flüstert ihr beiden? Du willst es nicht wissen' (= weil du schockiert wärst oder nicht zustimmen würdest).
you know + You know that restaurant round the corner? It's closed down. Kennen Sie das Restaurant um die Ecke? Es ist geschlossen.
labour + Employers are using immigrants as cheap labour. Die Arbeitgeber benutzen Immigranten als billige Arbeitskräfte.
labour + The company wants to keep down labour costs. Das Unternehmen will die Arbeitskosten niedrig halten.
land + The elephant is the largest living land animal. Der Elefant ist das größte lebende Landtier.
later on + Much later on, she realized what he had meant. Viel später erkannte sie, was er gemeint hatte.
latter + The latter point is the most important. Letzteres ist der wichtigste Punkt.
law + law (against sth): the 1996 law against the hiring of illegal immigrants Gesetz (gegen etw.): Gesetz von 1996 gegen die Einstellung illegaler Einwanderer
leave + She left her assistant in charge. Sie hat ihre Assistentin beauftragt.
leg + a trouser/pant leg eine Hose/Hosenbein
legally + It's an important case both legally and politically. Es ist ein wichtiger Fall, sowohl rechtlich als auch politisch.
less is more + His simple, elegant paintings reflect his principle that less is more. Seine einfachen, eleganten Gemälde spiegeln sein Prinzip wider, dass weniger mehr ist.
let + let sb/sth: She wanted to lend me some money but I wouldn't let her. jdm. /etw.[Dat] lassen: Sie wollte mir etwas Geld leihen, aber ich ließ sie nicht.
let + The cat wants to be let out. Die Katze will raus.
life + Jill wants to travel and see life for herself. Jill will reisen und das Leben selbst erleben.
life + She has been an accountant all her working life. Sie war ihr ganzes Berufsleben als Buchhalterin tätig.
life + plant/animal life Pflanzen-/Tierleben
light + As a boxer, he was always light on his feet (= quick and elegant in the way he moved). Als Boxer war er immer leichtfüßig (= schnell und elegant in der Bewegung).
like + anti-utopian novels like 'Animal Farm' and '1984' antiutopische Romane wie' Animal Farm' und' 1984'.
like + How did you like Japan (= did you find it pleasant)? Wie gefiel dir Japan (= fandest du es angenehm)?
line + We want to cut across lines of race, sex and religion. Wir wollen Rasse, Geschlecht und Religion überschreiten.
lip + The assistant pursed her lips. Die Assistentin hat sich die Lippen aufgeschnitten.
little + 'Which do you want?' 'I'll take the little one.' Was willst du denn? "Ich nehme den Kleinen."
look + It's an interesting place. Do you want to take a look around? Es ist ein interessanter Ort. Wollen Sie sich mal umsehen?
loss + I want to report the loss of a package. Ich möchte den Verlust eines Pakets melden.
machine + The potatoes are planted by machine. Die Kartoffeln werden maschinell gepflanzt.
majority + a majority decision (= one that is decided by what most people want) eine Mehrheitsentscheidung (= eine Entscheidung, die von dem bestimmt wird, was die meisten Menschen wollen)
make + She made him her assistant. Sie machte ihn zu ihrem Assistenten.
make + make sth of sb/sth: This isn't very important—I don't want to make an issue of it. etw.[Akk] von jdm. /etw.[Dat] machen: Das ist nicht sehr wichtig - ich will es auch nicht zur Debatte stellen.
make + It's important to try and make something of (= achieve sth in) your life. Es ist wichtig, etwas aus deinem Leben zu machen (= etw.[Akk] zu erreichen).
management + Diet plays an important role in the management of heart disease. Ernährung spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Behandlung von Herzerkrankungen.
map + scientific discoveries which help to map our distant past wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen, die uns helfen, unsere ferne Vergangenheit abzubilden
market + a fruit/flower/antiques market Obst/Blumen/Antiquitätenmarkt
marry + I guess I'm not the marrying kind (= the kind of person who wants to get married). Ich schätze, ich bin nicht die Art von Heiraten (= die Art von Person, die heiraten will).
match + They are playing an important match against Liverpool on Saturday. Sie spielen am Samstag ein wichtiges Spiel gegen Liverpool.
matter + Just as a matter of interest (= because it is interesting, not because it is important), how much did you pay for it? Wie viel haben Sie aus Interesse (= weil es interessant ist, nicht weil es wichtig ist) dafür bezahlt?
matter + They had important matters to discuss. Sie hatten wichtige Dinge zu besprechen.
matter + I did not feel that we had got to the heart of the matter (= the most important part). Ich hatte nicht das Gefühl, dass wir den Kern der Sache (= den wichtigsten Teil) erreicht hatten.
matter + And that is the crux of the matter (= the most important thing about the situation). Und das ist der springende Punkt (= das Wichtigste an der Situation).
matter + 'What did you say?' 'Oh, it doesn't matter' (= it is not important enough to repeat).' Was hast du gesagt? "Oh, das spielt keine Rolle" (= es ist nicht wichtig genug, es zu wiederholen).
matter + 'I'm afraid I forgot that book again.' 'It doesn't matter (= it is not important enough to worry about).' Ich fürchte, ich habe das Buch wieder vergessen. Es spielt keine Rolle (= es ist nicht wichtig genug, um sich Sorgen zu machen).
meal + to go out for a meal (= to go to a restaurant to have a meal) Essen gehen (= in ein Restaurant gehen, um zu essen)
mean + mean sb for sth/sb: I was never meant for the army (= did not have the qualities needed to become a soldier). bedeutet jdm. für etw. /etw.: Ich war nie für die Armee bestimmt (= hatte nicht die Qualitäten, die man braucht, um Soldat zu werden
mean + Duncan and Makiko were meant for each other (= are very suitable as partners). Duncan und Makiko waren füreinander bestimmt (= sind als Partner sehr gut geeignet).
mean + mean sb/sth to be sth: His father meant him to be an engineer. jdn. /etw.[Akk] als etw.[Akk] bezeichnen: Sein Vater meinte, er sei Ingenieur.
mean + She did everything to get the two of them together, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Sie hat alles getan, um die beiden zusammenzubringen, aber ich schätze, es war einfach nicht so gemeint.
mean + mean sth as sth: Don't be upset—I'm sure she meant it as a compliment. etw.[Akk] als etw.[Akk] meinen: Reg dich nicht auf - ich bin sicher, sie meinte es als Kompliment.
mean + mean sth for sb/sth: The chair was clearly meant for a child. etw.[Akk] für jdn. /etw.[Akk] bedeuten: Der Stuhl war eindeutig für ein Kind gedacht.
mean + Don't be angry. I'm sure she meant it for the best (= intended to be helpful). Sei nicht böse. Ich bin sicher, sie meinte es für das Beste (= dazu bestimmt, hilfreich zu sein).
mean + You're meant to (= you are supposed to) pay before you go in. Man soll (= man soll) zahlen, bevor man hineingeht.
mean + mean (that)...: I never meant (that) you should come alone. gemein (das)...: Ich meinte nie, dass du alleine kommen solltest.
mean + What is meant by 'batch processing'? Was versteht man unter Batch-Verarbeitung?
be meant to be sth + This restaurant is meant to be excellent. Dieses Restaurant soll exzellent sein.
measurement + Accurate measurement is very important in science. Genaue Messungen sind in der Wissenschaft sehr wichtig.
meet + There's someone I want you to meet. Ich möchte dir jemanden vorstellen.
mind + to have a brilliant/good/keen mind brillant/gut/verstand zu haben
mine + She wanted one like mine (= like I have). Sie wollte eine wie meine (= wie ich).
the minute (that)... + I want to see him the minute he arrives. Ich will ihn sofort sehen, wenn er kommt.
most + It was what she wanted most of all. Es war das, was sie am meisten wollte.
mother + I want to buy a present for my mother and father. Ich möchte ein Geschenk für meine Eltern kaufen.
mother + an expectant (= pregnant) mother eine werdende (= schwangere) Mutter
movement + the Romantic movement (= for example in literature) die romantische Bewegung (= zum Beispiel in der Literatur)
movie + I've always wanted to work in the movies. Ich wollte schon immer in Filmen arbeiten.
must + He must have known (= surely he knew) what she wanted. Er muss gewusst haben (= gewiss wusste er), was sie wollte.
naturally + plants that grow naturally in poor soils Pflanzen, die in armen Böden natürlich wachsen
need + If she wants anything, she need only ask. Wenn sie etwas will, muss sie nur fragen.
nevertheless + There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try. Es besteht kaum eine Chance, dass es uns gelingen wird, das Gesetz zu ändern. Trotzdem ist es wichtig, dass wir es versuchen.
news + Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Willst du zuerst die gute oder die schlechte Nachricht?
nice + 'Do you want to come, too?' 'Yes, that would be nice.' Willst du auch mitkommen? "Ja, das wäre schön."
nicely + The plants are coming along nicely (= growing well). Die Pflanzen kommen gut voran (=wuchs gut).
none + She told me what it meant at great length but I'm afraid I'm none the wiser. Sie erzählte mir ausführlich, was es bedeutete, aber ich fürchte, ich bin nicht klüger.
normal + It is normal practice to inform somebody if you want to leave early. Es ist üblich, jemanden zu informieren, wenn Sie vorzeitig gehen wollen.
nothing but + I want nothing but the best for my children. Ich will nur das Beste für meine Kinder.
novel + detective/historical/romantic novels Detektiv/Historische/romantische Romane
now + Now they want to tax food! Jetzt wollen sie Essen besteuern!
now + What do you want now? Was willst du jetzt?
observe + I want you to observe all the details. Ich möchte, dass Sie alle Details beachten.
obviously + Obviously, we don't want to spend too much money. Offensichtlich wollen wir nicht zu viel Geld ausgeben.
obviously + Diet and exercise are obviously important. Diät und Übung sind offensichtlich wichtig.
occupied + The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied. Das Wichtigste ist, dass Sie sich beschäftigen.
ocean + the Antarctic/Arctic/Atlantic/Indian/Pacific Ocean die Antarktis/Arktik/Atlantik/Indischer/Pazifischer Ozean
be well/better/badly, etc. off + They are both comfortably off (= have enough money to be able to buy what they want without worrying too much about the cost). Sie sind beide bequem weg (= haben genügend Geld, zum zu kaufen, was sie wünschen, ohne sich zu viel um die Kosten zu sorgen).
off + I want about an inch off the back of my hair. Ich will einen Zentimeter von meinen Haaren weg.
offence + I'm sure he meant no offence when he said that. Ich bin sicher, er meinte es nicht böse gemeint, als er das sagte.
old-fashioned + She wants to be an old-fashioned mother, staying at home and looking after the children. Sie will eine altmodische Mutter sein, zu Hause bleiben und sich um die Kinder kümmern.
on + The doctor put me on antibiotics. Der Arzt hat mir Antibiotika gegeben.
on + to live on a pension/a student grant Wohnen mit einer Rente/einem Stipendium
one + Do you want one or two? Willst du einen oder zwei?
open + I want to keep my Swiss bank account open. Ich möchte mein Schweizer Bankkonto offen halten.
operation + Regular servicing guarantees the smooth operation of the engine. Regelmäßige Wartung garantiert den reibungslosen Betrieb des Motors.
opinion + If you want my opinion, I think you'd be crazy not to accept. Wenn du meine Meinung hören willst, bist du verrückt, sie nicht anzunehmen.
order + order that...: They ordered that for every tree cut down two more be planted. um das...: Sie befahlen, dass für jeden abgeholzten Baum zwei weitere gepflanzt werden.
order + They ordered that for every tree cut down two more should be planted. Sie befahlen, dass für jeden abgeholzten Baum zwei weitere gepflanzt werden sollten.
organ + an organ transplant/donor eine Organtransplantation/Spenderin
organization + I leave most of the organization of these conferences to my assistant. Ich überlasse die Organisation dieser Konferenzen größtenteils meinem Assistenten.
out + Let's go out this evening (= for example to a restaurant or club). Lassen Sie uns heute Abend ausgehen (= z. B. in ein Restaurant oder einen Club).
out + We want this government out. Wir wollen die Regierung rausschmeißen.
out + He got thrown out of the restaurant. Er wurde aus dem Restaurant geworfen.
out + The book you wanted is out on loan. Das Buch, das Sie wollten, ist geliehen.
outside + We plan to use an outside firm of consultants. Wir planen den Einsatz einer externen Beratungsfirma.
own + He wants to come into the business on his own terms. Er will zu seinen eigenen Bedingungen ins Geschäft kommen.
pain + I never meant to cause her pain. Ich wollte ihr nie Schmerzen bereiten.
paint + Paint the shed with weather-resistant paint. Streichen Sie den Schuppen mit witterungsbeständiger Farbe an.
pair + a pair of trousers/pants/jeans, etc. eine Hose/Hosen/Jeans etc.
pants + a pair of pants eine Hose
pants + a new pair of pants eine neue Hose
pants + ski pants Skihose
paper + Experience is more important for this job than paper qualifications (= that exist on paper, but may not have any real value). Erfahrung ist für diesen Beruf wichtiger als Papierqualifikationen (= die es auf dem Papier gibt, die aber keinen wirklichen Wert ha
part + a plant that grows in many parts of the world eine Pflanze, die in vielen Teilen der Welt wächst
particularly + particularly good/important/useful besonders gut/wichtig/nützlich
past + the recent/distant past die jüngste/entfernte Vergangenheit
pay + it pays sb to do sth: It would probably pay you to hire an accountant. es jdm. teuer zu stehen kommen würde, etw. zu tun: Wahrscheinlich würde es sich für Sie lohnen, einen Buchhalter anzuheuern.
peace + He just wants to be left in peace (= not to be disturbed). Er will nur in Ruhe gelassen werden (= nicht gestört werden).
perfectly + To be perfectly honest, I didn't want to go anyway. Um ganz ehrlich zu sein, ich wollte sowieso nicht gehen.
perform + She performs an important role in our organization. Sie spielt eine wichtige Rolle in unserer Organisation.
performer + a brilliant/polished/seasoned performer ein brillanter/polierter/gewürzter Künstler
personal + Having good personal relationships is the most important thing for me. Gute persönliche Beziehungen sind für mich das Wichtigste.
phone + He left the phone off the hook as he didn't want to be disturbed. Er ließ den Hörer aus dem Telefonbuch, weil er nicht gestört werden wollte.
photography + Did you see the film about Antarctica? The photography was superb! Hast du den Film über die Antarktis gesehen? Die Fotografie war großartig!
picture + She wanted a famous artist to paint her picture (= a picture of herself). Sie wollte, dass eine berühmte Künstlerin ihr Bild malt (= ein Bild von sich selbst).
pint + Do you want to go for a pint later? Möchtest du später ein Bier trinken gehen?
pity + I don't want your pity. Ich will dein Mitleid nicht.
place + I don't want to lose my place in the line. Ich will meinen Platz in der Schlange nicht verlieren.
take sb's/sth's place, take the place of sb/sth + She couldn't attend the meeting so her assistant took her place. Sie konnte nicht an dem Treffen teilnehmen, also nahm ihre Assistentin ihren Platz ein.
plain + a plain but elegant dress ein schlichtes, aber elegantes Kleid
plant + a nuclear reprocessing plant eine nukleare Wiederaufbereitungsanlage
plant + Japanese car plants Japanische Automobilwerke
plant + a chemical plant ein Chemiewerk
plant + All plants need light and water. Alle Pflanzen brauchen Licht und Wasser.
plant + flowering/garden/indoor plants Blüte/Garten/Hallenpflanzen
plant + a tomato/potato plant eine Tomaten-Kartoffel-Pflanze
plant + the animal and plant life of the area Tier- und Pflanzenwelt der Region
plant + to plant and harvest rice Reis anbauen und ernten
plant + Plant these shrubs in full sun. Pflanzen Sie diese Sträucher in voller Sonne.
plant + plant sth: a densely planted orange grove etw.[Akk] mit einem dicht bepflanzten Orangenhain pflanzen
plant + plant sth with sth: The field had been ploughed and planted with corn. etw.[Akk] mit etw.[Dat] pflanzen: Das Feld war gepflügt und mit Mais bepflanzt worden.
play + He had always wanted to play Othello. Er wollte schon immer mal Othello spielen.
pleasant + a pleasant climate/evening/place ein angenehmes Klima/Abend/Ort
pleasant + What a pleasant surprise! Was für eine Überraschung!
pleasant + to live in pleasant surroundings Wohnen in angenehmer Umgebung
pleasant + music that is pleasant to the ear Musik, die angenehm für das Ohr ist
pleasant + a pleasant environment to work in eine angenehme Arbeitsumgebung
pleasant + It was pleasant to be alone again. Es war schön, wieder allein zu sein.
pleasant + a pleasant young man ein netter junger Mann
pleasant + a pleasant smile/voice/manner ein angenehmes Lächeln/Stimme/Manier
pleasant + pleasant to sb: Please try to be pleasant to our guests. jdm. zuliebe: Bitte versuchen Sie, unseren Gästen angenehm zu sein.
pleasantly + a pleasantly cool room ein angenehm kühles Zimmer
pleasantly + I was pleasantly surprised by my exam results. Ich war angenehm überrascht von meinen Prüfungsergebnissen.
pleasantly + 'Can I help you?' he asked pleasantly. Kann ich Ihnen helfen? fragte er freundlich.
point + It just isn't true. That's the whole point (= the only important fact). Es ist einfach nicht wahr. Das ist der ganze Punkt (= das einzig Wichtige).
point + 'He's been married before.' 'That's beside the point ' (= not important). Er war schon mal verheiratet. Das ist neben dem Punkt' (= unwichtig).
point + I know it won't cost very much but that's not the point (= not the important thing). Ich weiß, dass es nicht viel kostet, aber das ist nicht der Punkt (= nicht das Wichtige).
poisonous + poisonous chemicals/plants giftige Chemikalien/Pflanzen
policy + They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave. Sie haben eine deutliche Änderung in der Politik des Vaterschaftsurlaubs erfahren.
politics + I don't want to get involved in office politics. Ich will mich nicht in die Büropolitik einmischen.
position + the company's dominant position in the world market marktbeherrschende Stellung des Unternehmens auf dem Weltmarkt
position + Wealth and position (= high social status) were not important to her. Wohlstand und Position (= hoher sozialer Status) waren ihr nicht wichtig.
position + My parents always took the position that early nights meant healthy children. Meine Eltern waren immer der Meinung, dass frühe Nächte gesunde Kinder bedeuten.
position + These plants will grow well in a sheltered position. Diese Pflanzen gedeihen gut geschützt.
possibly + We don't want these rumours to spread if we can possibly avoid it. Wir wollen nicht, dass sich diese Gerüchte verbreiten, wenn wir es vermeiden können.
power + power (to do sth): He has the power to make things very unpleasant for us. Macht (etw. zu tun): Er hat die Macht, die Dinge für uns sehr unangenehm zu machen.
practise + practise (sth) on sb/sth: He usually wants to practise his English on me. an jdm. /etw.[Dat] üben: Er möchte normalerweise sein Englisch auf mir üben.
precisely + That's precisely what I meant. Genau das meinte ich ja.
pregnant + My wife is pregnant. Meine Frau ist schwanger.
pregnant + I was pregnant with our third child at the time. Ich war damals mit unserem dritten Kind schwanger.
pregnant + a heavily pregnant woman (= one whose baby is nearly ready to be born) eine hochschwangere Frau (= eine Frau, deren Baby fast bereit ist, geboren zu werden)
pregnant + to get/become pregnant schwanger zu werden/werden
pregnant + He got his girlfriend pregnant and they're getting married. Er hat seine Freundin geschwängert und sie werden heiraten.
pregnant + She's six months pregnant. Sie ist im sechsten Monat schwanger.
print + Do you want your address printed at the top of the letter? Möchten Sie Ihre Adresse am Anfang des Briefes aufgedruckt haben?
print + Click on the icon when you want to print. Klicken Sie auf das Symbol, wenn Sie drucken möchten.
priority + You need to get your priorities right (= decide what is important to you). Sie müssen Ihre Prioritäten richtig setzen (= entscheiden, was Ihnen wichtig ist).
proceed + We're not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale. Wir sind uns nicht sicher, ob wir den Verkauf fortsetzen wollen.
process + a sewage processing plant eine Kläranlage
produce + A phone call to the manager produced the result she wanted. Ein Anruf beim Manager brachte das gewünschte Ergebnis.
production + It is important not to let production levels fall. Es ist wichtig, die Produktion nicht sinken zu lassen.
production + He wants a career in film production. Er will eine Karriere in der Filmproduktion.
profit + There isn't much profit in running a restaurant these days. Es bringt heutzutage nicht viel, ein Restaurant zu führen.
programme + Which programme do you want to watch? Welches Programm möchten Sie sich ansehen?
promote + promote sb (from sth) (to sth): He has been promoted to sergeant. jdn. (von etw.[Dat] zu etw.[Dat] befördern: Er wurde zum Sergeant befördert.
protect + The plant is protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act. Die Pflanze ist durch das Wildlife and Countryside Act geschützt.
prove + He constantly feels he has to prove himself to others. Er fühlt sich immer wieder anderen gegenüber beweisen zu müssen.
push + He wants to open his own business, but needs a push in the right direction to get him started. Er will sein eigenes Geschäft eröffnen, braucht aber einen Anstoß in die richtige Richtung, um ihn anzufangen.
qualified + a qualified accountant/teacher, etc. einen qualifizierten Buchhalter/Lehrer etc.
quality + Get it right, even if it takes time; it's quality not quantity that matters. Auch wenn es Zeit braucht, um das Richtige zu finden, ist es nicht die Quantität, sondern die Qualität.
quantity + a large/small quantity of sth eine große/kleine Menge von etw.
quantity + enormous/vast/huge quantities of food enorme/viele/große Mengen an Nahrungsmitteln
quantity + a product that is cheap to produce in large quantities ein Produkt, das in großen Mengen billig zu produzieren ist
quantity + Is it available in sufficient quantity? Ist es in ausreichender Menge verfügbar?
quantity + The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity. Die Daten sind qualitativ und quantitativ begrenzt.
quantity + The police found a quantity of drugs at his home. Die Polizei fand eine Menge Drogen in seinem Haus.
quantity + It's cheaper to buy goods in quantity. Es ist billiger, Waren in Quantität zu kaufen.
quantity + I was overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of information available. Ich war überwältigt von der schieren Menge an Informationen, die mir zur Verfügung standen.
just/merely/only a question of (sth/doing sth) + It's just a question of deciding what you really want. Es ist nur eine Frage der Entscheidung, was du wirklich willst.
quick + The company wants quick results. Das Unternehmen will schnelle Ergebnisse.
quite + I've had quite enough of your tantrums. Ich habe genug von deinen Wutanfällen.
raise + The book raises many important questions. Das Buch wirft viele wichtige Fragen auf.
raise + Don't tell her about the job until you know for sure—we don't want to raise her hopes (= make her hope too much). Erzählen Sie ihr erst, wenn Sie sicher sind, dass wir ihre Hoffnungen nicht wecken wollen (= sie zu sehr in die Luft jagen).
rank + rank sb/sth as sth: Voters regularly rank education as being more important than defence. jdn. /etw.[Akk] als etw.[Akk] einstufen: Die Wähler bewerten Bildung regelmäßig als wichtiger als Verteidigung.
rank + (+ adv./prep.): The restaurant ranks among the finest in town. (+ Adv. /Vorbereitung.): Das Restaurant zählt zu den besten der Stadt.
rare + a rare breed/plant eine seltene Rasse/Pflanze
rather + She worked as a secretary, or rather, a personal assistant. Sie arbeitete als Sekretärin, oder besser gesagt, als persönliche Assistentin.
would rather... (than) + 'Do you want to come with us?' 'No, I'd rather not.' Willst du mit uns mitkommen? "Nein, lieber nicht."
real + In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not like that in real life. Im Kino töten Waffen Menschen sofort, aber so ist es im wirklichen Leben nicht.
realize + realize how, what, etc...: I don't think you realize how important this is to her. wie, was, wie, usw...: Ich denke nicht, dass du dir darüber im Klaren bist, wie wichtig ihr das ist.
really + I want to help, I really do. Ich will helfen, wirklich.
reason + He wants to keep them all in his office for reasons best known to himself. Er will sie alle in seinem Büro behalten, aus Gründen, die er am besten kennt.
reason + 'Why do you want to know?' 'No reason ' (= I do not want to say why). Warum wollen Sie das wissen? Kein Grund' (= ich will nicht sagen warum).
reason + 'Why did she do that?' 'She must have her reasons ' (= secret reasons which she does not want to tell). Warum hat sie das getan? Sie muss ihre Gründe haben' (= geheime Gründe, die sie nicht mitteilen will).
recognition + The government granted full diplomatic recognition to the republics. Die Regierung hat den Republiken die volle diplomatische Anerkennung zuteil werden lassen.
recommend + The hotel's new restaurant comes highly recommended (= a lot of people have praised it). Das neue Restaurant des Hotels ist sehr empfehlenswert (= viele Leute haben es gelobt).
reduction + a slight/significant/substantial/drastic reduction in costs eine leichte/bedeutende/erhebliche/erhebliche/drastische Kostensenkung
refer to sb/sth + You may refer to your notes if you want. Sie können sich auch auf Ihre Notizen beziehen.
regard + regard for sb/sth: to do sth with scant/little/no regard for sb/sth jdn. /etw.[Akk] mit etw.[Dat] betrachten, um etw.[Akk] mit scant/wenig/keinen Respekt vor jdm. /etw.[Dat] zu haben
regular + Do you want regular or diet cola? Möchten Sie regelmäßig oder Diät-Cola?
regular + I just want to buy a regular white shirt—nothing fancy. Ich will mir nur ein normales weißes Hemd-Nichts kaufen.
regular + It's important to follow the regular procedure. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie sich an die normale Vorgehensweise halten.
regularly + The plants were spaced regularly, about 50 cm apart. Die Pflanzen waren regelmäßig im Abstand von ca. 50 cm verteilt.
related + We're distantly related. Wir sind entfernt verwandt.
relation + a close/near/distant relation of mine eine enge/nahe/entfernte Verwandtschaft von mir
relationship + a master-servant relationship eine Beziehung zwischen Meister und Diener
relative + a close/distant relative einen nahen/entfernten Verwandten
relative + The ibex is a distant relative of the mountain goat. Der Steinbock ist ein entfernter Verwandter der Bergziege.
relevant + a relevant suggestion/question/point einen entsprechenden Vorschlag/Frage/Punkt
relevant + Do you have the relevant experience? Haben Sie die entsprechende Erfahrung?
relevant + Send me all the relevant information. Senden Sie mir alle relevanten Informationen.
relevant + relevant to sth/sb: These comments are not directly relevant to this inquiry. relevant für etw. /sb: Diese Kommentare sind nicht direkt relevant für diese Anfrage.
relevant + Her novel is still relevant today. Ihr Roman ist bis heute aktuell.
relevant + How relevant is religious education to most children? Wie wichtig ist Religionsunterricht für die meisten Kinder?
remain + There remained one significant problem. Ein bedeutendes Problem blieb bestehen.
repeat + repeat sth to sb: I don't want you to repeat a word of this to anyone. etw.[Akk] jdm. gegenüber wiederholen: Ich möchte nicht, dass Sie ein Wort davon wiederholen.
represent + This decision represents a significant departure from previous policy. Diese Entscheidung stellt eine erhebliche Abweichung von der bisherigen Politik dar.
represent + The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries. Der Wettbewerb lockte mehr als 500 Teilnehmer aus 8 verschiedenen Ländern an.
represent + Ms Dale is representing the defendant (= is his/her lawyer) in the case. Frau Dale vertritt die Beklagte (= Anwältin) im Fall.
request + My request was granted. Meine Bitte wurde angenommen.
request + You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant. Im Restaurant darf nicht geraucht werden.
research + a research project/grant/student ein Forschungsprojekt/Student
research + Research on animals has led to some important medical advances. Die Forschung an Tieren hat zu einigen wichtigen medizinischen Fortschritten geführt.
reservation + I'll call the restaurant and make a reservation. Ich rufe im Restaurant an und mache eine Reservierung.
reservation + We have a reservation in the name of Grant. Wir haben eine Reservierung im Namen von Grant.
reserve + The company has substantial reserves of capital. Die Gesellschaft verfügt über erhebliche Kapitalreserven.
resident + The hotel restaurant is open to non-residents. Das Hotelrestaurant ist für Nichtansässige geöffnet.
rest + Take what you want and throw the rest away. Nimm, was du willst und wirf den Rest weg.
restaurant + an Italian restaurant ein italienisches Restaurant
restaurant + We had a meal in a restaurant. Wir haben in einem Restaurant gegessen.
restaurant + We went out to a restaurant to celebrate. Wir gingen in ein Restaurant, um zu feiern.
restaurant + a restaurant owner ein Restaurantbesitzer
restaurant + a self-service restaurant ein Selbstbedienungsrestaurant
reveal + it is revealed that...: It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed. es wird enthüllt, dass...: Es wurde enthüllt, dass wichtige Beweise unterdrückt worden waren.
ride + The kids had a ride on an elephant at the zoo. Die Kinder sind im Zoo auf einem Elefanten geritten.
right + Let me get this right (= understand correctly) —you want us to do an extra ten hours' work for no extra pay? Lassen Sie mich dieses Recht erhalten (= richtig verstehen) - Sie wünschen uns eine Extrazehnstunden' Arbeit für keine Extrabezahlun
right + She knows all the right people (= important people, for example those who can help her career). Sie kennt die richtigen Leute (= wichtige Leute, z. B. diejenigen, die ihrer Karriere helfen können).
right away/off + I want it sent right away. Ich will, dass es sofort geschickt wird.
rise + The peasants rose in revolt. Die Bauern erhoben sich in Aufruhr.
run the risk (of sth/of doing sth), run risks + We don't want to run the risk of losing their business. Wir wollen nicht das Risiko eingehen, ihr Geschäft zu verlieren.
role + Who is in the leading role (= the most important one)? Wer ist in der Hauptrolle (= die wichtigste)?
romantic + a romantic candlelit dinner ein romantisches Abendessen bei Kerzenschein
romantic + romantic stories/fiction/comedy romantische Erzählungen/Fiction/Komödie
romantic + I'm not interested in a romantic relationship. Ich bin nicht an einer romantischen Beziehung interessiert.
romantic + Why don't you ever give me flowers? I wish you'd be more romantic. Warum gibst du mir nie Blumen? Ich wünschte, du wärst romantischer.
romantic + romantic music romantische Musik
romantic + romantic mountain scenery romantische Bergkulisse
romantic + romantic images of deserted beaches romantische Bilder von einsamen Stränden
romantic + a romantic view of life ein romantisches Lebensgefühl
romantic + When I was younger, I had romantic ideas of becoming a writer. Als ich jünger war, hatte ich romantische Ideen, Schriftsteller zu werden.
room + I don't want to watch television. I'll be in the other room (= a different room). Ich will nicht fernsehen. Ich bin im anderen Zimmer (= ein anderes Zimmer).
root + I pulled the plant up by (= including) the roots. Ich zog die Pflanze an den Wurzeln hoch (=einschließlich).
root + root crops/vegetables (= plants whose roots you can eat, such as carrots) Hackfrüchte/Gemüse (= Pflanzen, deren Wurzeln man essen kann, z. B. Karotten)
rough + I've got a rough idea of where I want to go. Ich habe eine grobe Vorstellung davon, wo ich hin will.
roughly + 'What do you want?' she demanded roughly. Was willst du? forderte sie ungefähr.
row + The vegetables were planted in neat rows. Das Gemüse wurde in sauberen Reihen gepflanzt.
rudely + 'What do you want?' she asked rudely. Was willst du? fragte sie unhöflich.
rule + She laid down strict rules for her tenants including prompt payment of rent. Sie legte strenge Regeln für ihre Mieter fest, unter anderem die pünktliche Zahlung der Miete.
run + The shareholders want more say in how the company is run. Die Aktionäre wollen mehr Mitspracherecht bei der Führung des Unternehmens.
rush + rush into sth/into doing sth: We don't want to rush into having a baby. in etw.[Akk] hineinstürzen, um etw.[Akk] zu tun: Wir wollen nicht überstürzen, ein Baby zu bekommen.
sad + The divorce left him sadder and wiser (= having learned from the unpleasant experience). Die Scheidung machte ihn trauriger und weiser (= aus der unangenehmen Erfahrung gelernt).
safe + We all want to live in safer cities. Wir alle wollen in sichereren Städten leben.
sail + sail sth: to sail the Atlantic etw.[Akk] in den Atlantik segeln
satisfaction + She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. Sie wollte ihm nicht die Genugtuung geben, sie weinen zu sehen.
save + The goalie saved brilliantly from Johnson's long-range shot. Der Torwart rettete den Weitschuss von Johnson brillant.
say + 'What do you want it for?' 'I'd rather not say.' Wozu brauchst du das? "Lieber nicht sagen."
say + sb/sth is said to be/have sth: He is said to have been a brilliant scholar. jdm. /etw.[etw.] soll etw. sein/haben: Er soll ein brillanter Gelehrter gewesen sein.
scale + At the other end of the scale, life is a constant struggle to get enough to eat. Am anderen Ende der Skala ist das Leben ein ständiger Kampf, um genug Nahrung zu bekommen.
scene + I got very nervous before my big scene (= the one where I have a very important part). Ich wurde sehr nervös vor meiner großen Szene (= der Szene, in der ich eine sehr wichtige Rolle spiele).
second + She did it first because she wanted to, and second because I asked her to. Sie tat es zuerst, weil sie es wollte, und zweitens, weil ich sie darum bat.
sector + service-sector jobs (= in hotels, restaurants, etc.) Jobs im Dienstleistungssektor (= in Hotels, Gaststätten usw.)
security + Job security (= the guarantee that you will keep your job) is a thing of the past. Die Arbeitsplatzsicherheit (= die Garantie, dass Sie Ihren Arbeitsplatz behalten) gehört der Vergangenheit an.
see + see (that)...: Can't you see (that) he's taking advantage of you? Siehst du nicht, dass er dich ausnutzt?
see + Are you seeing anyone (= having a romantic relationship with anyone)? Triffst du dich mit jemandem (= romantische Beziehung)?
see + What is it you want to see me about? Weswegen wollen Sie mich sprechen?
see + The opera was the place to see and be seen (= by other important or fashionable people). Die Oper war der Ort, an dem man sehen und gesehen werden konnte (= von anderen wichtigen oder modischen Menschen).
seed + seed potatoes (= used for planting) Pflanzkartoffeln (= Pflanzkartoffeln)
select + It is important to select a software package that suits your requirements. Es ist wichtig, ein Softwarepaket auszuwählen, das Ihren Anforderungen entspricht.
select + select what, which, etc...: Select what you want from the options available. Wählen Sie aus, was, welches, etc...: Wählen Sie aus den verfügbaren Optionen, was Sie wollen.
sense + One of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour (= the ability to find things funny or make people laugh). Eines der wichtigsten Dinge in einem Partner ist ein Sinn für Humor (= die Fähigkeit, Dinge lustig zu finden oder Leute zum Lachen z
separate + Stir the sauce constantly so that it does not separate. Die Sauce ständig umrühren, damit sie sich nicht trennt.
serious + serious (about doing sth): Is she serious about wanting to sell the house? ernsthaft (etwa über etw. tun): Ist sie ernsthaft damit, das Haus verkaufen zu wollen?
serious + serious (about sb/sth): He's really serious about Penny and wants to get engaged. ernsthaft (über jdn. /etw.[Akk]: Er meint es wirklich ernst mit Penny und will sich verloben.
serious + Be serious for a moment; this is important. Seien Sie einen Moment ernsthaft, das ist wichtig.
servant + a domestic servant ein Hausangestellter
servant + They treat their mother like a servant. Sie behandeln ihre Mutter wie eine Dienerin.
serve + serve sth: I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the community. etw.[Akk] dienen: Ich wollte irgendwo arbeiten, wo ich der Gemeinschaft dienen konnte.
serve + serve sb (as sth): He served the family faithfully for many years (= as a servant). jdm. dienen (als etw.): Er hat der Familie viele Jahre treu gedient (= als Diener).
service + We guarantee (an) excellent service. Wir garantieren (einen) exzellenten Service.
settle + I want this thing settled. Ich will, dass die Sache geklärt wird.
shade + These plants grow well in sun or shade. Diese Pflanzen gedeihen gut in Sonne oder Schatten.
shadow + He didn't want to cast a shadow on (= spoil) their happiness. Er wollte ihr Glück nicht beschatten (= verderben).
shame + There is no shame in wanting to be successful. Es ist keine Schande, erfolgreich sein zu wollen.
shape + The government provides money in the shape of (= consisting of) grants and student loans. Die Regierung stellt Geld in Form von (= bestehend aus) Stipendien und Studienkrediten zur Verfügung.
shaped + a huge balloon shaped like a giant cow ein riesiger Ballon in Form einer riesigen Kuh,
share + Bob told Jess he wanted to share his life with her. Bob sagte Jess, dass er sein Leben mit ihr teilen wolle.
sharp + Emma has a sharp tongue (= she often speaks in an unpleasant or unkind way). Emma hat eine scharfe Zunge (= sie spricht oft unangenehm oder unfreundlich).
sharp + We need to give young criminals a short, sharp shock (= a punishment that is very unpleasant for a short time). Wir müssen jungen Kriminellen einen kurzen, heftigen Schock geben (= eine Strafe, die für kurze Zeit sehr unangenehm ist).
shelf + The book I wanted was on the top shelf. Das Buch, das ich wollte, lag im obersten Regal.
shelter + Perhaps I sheltered my daughter too much (= protected her too much from unpleasant or difficult experiences). Vielleicht habe ich meine Tochter zu sehr beschützt (= sie zu sehr vor unangenehmen oder schwierigen Erlebnissen geschützt).
ship + There are two restaurants on board ship. Es gibt zwei Restaurants an Bord.
shoot + to shoot pheasants Fasane schießen
show + show sb + adv./prep.: The attendant showed us to our seats. jdm. + Beratung /Vorbereitung zeigenDer Begleiter führte uns zu unseren Plätzen.
show + show sb that...: Market research has shown us that people want quality, not just low prices. jdm. das zeigen...: Marktforschung hat uns gezeigt, dass die Leute Qualität wollen, nicht nur niedrige Preise.
show sb/sth off + She wanted to show off her new husband at the party. Sie wollte ihren neuen Mann auf der Party vorführen.
side + I just want you to hear my side of the story first. Ich will nur, dass du zuerst meine Seite der Geschichte hörst.
side + We planted tulips along the side of the lawn. Wir pflanzten Tulpen an der Seite des Rasens entlang.
side + people on both sides of the Atlantic Menschen auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks
sight + The mere sight of him makes me want to scream. Der bloße Anblick von ihm lässt mich schreien.
significant + a highly significant discovery eine höchst bedeutsame Entdeckung
significant + The results of the experiment are not statistically significant. Die Ergebnisse des Experiments sind nicht statistisch signifikant.
significant + There are no significant differences between the two groups of students. Es gibt keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Studentengruppen.
significant + Your work has shown a significant improvement. Ihre Arbeit hat sich deutlich verbessert.
significant + These views are held by a significant proportion of the population. Diese Ansichten werden von einem beträchtlichen Teil der Bevölkerung vertreten.
significant + It is significant that girls generally do better in examinations than boys. Es ist bezeichnend, dass Mädchen in der Regel bei Untersuchungen besser abschneiden als Jungen.
significant + The drug has had no significant effect on stopping the spread of the disease. Das Medikament hatte keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Verhinderung der Ausbreitung der Krankheit.
significant + It is significant that he changed his will only days before his death. Es ist bezeichnend, dass er sein Testament erst Tage vor seinem Tod änderte.
significantly + The two sets of figures are not significantly different. Die beiden Figurengruppen unterscheiden sich nicht wesentlich voneinander.
significantly + Profits have increased significantly over the past few years. Die Gewinne sind in den letzten Jahren deutlich gestiegen.
significantly + Food prices are significantly lower in the US. Die Lebensmittelpreise sind in den USA deutlich niedriger.
significantly + Your decision will significantly affect your future. Ihre Entscheidung wird Ihre Zukunft entscheidend beeinflussen.
significantly + Significantly, he did not deny that there might be an election. Bezeichnenderweise hat er nicht bestritten, dass es eine Wahl geben könnte.
simple + simple but elegant clothes einfache, aber elegante Kleidung
sincere + He seemed sincere enough when he said he wanted to help. Er schien aufrichtig genug, als er sagte, er wolle helfen.
single + Unemployment is the single most important factor in the growing crime rates. Arbeitslosigkeit ist der wichtigste Faktor für die wachsende Kriminalität.
smash + The elephant smashed its way through the trees. Der Elefant zerschmetterte seinen Weg durch die Bäume.
smoking + Would you like smoking or non-smoking? (= for example, in a restaurant) Möchten Sie rauchen oder nicht rauchen? (= zum Beispiel in einem Restaurant)
socially + a socially disadvantaged family (= one that is poor and from a low social class) eine sozial benachteiligte Familie (= eine Familie, die arm und aus einer niedrigen sozialen Schicht stammt)
I'm sorry + Oh, I'm sorry. Have I taken the one you wanted? Oh, tut mir leid. Habe ich die genommen, die du wolltest?
sort + What sort of price did you want to pay? (= approximately how much) Was für einen Preis wollten Sie zahlen? (= ungefähr wie viel)
speaker + She was a brilliant public speaker. Sie war eine brillante Rednerin.
specific + 'I'd like your help tomorrow.' 'Can you be more specific (= tell me exactly what you want)?' Ich hätte gerne deine Hilfe morgen. Können Sie genauer sein (= mir genau sagen, was Sie wollen)?
split + split sth: Don't tell me you've split another pair of pants! etw.[Akk] aufteilen: Sag mir nicht, du hast dir noch eine Hose geteilt!
spoil + I won't tell you what happens in the last chapter—I don't want to spoil it for you. Ich sage Ihnen nicht, was im letzten Kapitel passiert. Ich will es Ihnen nicht verderben.
staff + a staff restaurant/meeting ein Personalrestaurant / Meeting
stage + His parents didn't want him to go on the stage (= to be an actor). Seine Eltern wollten nicht, dass er auf die Bühne geht (= Schauspieler wird).
stage + Don't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you—it's a stage they go through. Keine Sorge, dass das Baby dich nicht verlassen will - es ist eine Bühne, die sie durchlaufen.
stand out (as sth) + Four points stand out as being more important than the rest. Vier Punkte sind wichtiger als der Rest.
standard + In the shanty towns there are very poor living standards. In den Elendsvierteln gibt es einen sehr schlechten Lebensstandard.
standard + You'd better lower your standards if you want to find somewhere cheap to live. Du solltest deinen Standard senken, wenn du einen billigen Ort zum Leben finden willst.
star + What star rating does this restaurant have? Welche Sternebewertung hat dieses Restaurant?
star + She starred opposite Cary Grant in 'Bringing up Baby'. Sie spielte gegenüber Cary Grant in "Erziehung des Babys".
star + The studio wants to star her in a sequel to last year's hit. Das Studio will sie in einer Fortsetzung des letztjährigen Hits in den Hauptrollen sehen.
start + I want to make an early start in the morning. Ich will früh am Morgen anfangen.
status + They were granted refugee status. Ihnen wurde der Flüchtlingsstatus zuerkannt.
stay + 'Do you want a drink?' 'No, thanks, I can't stay.' Möchtest du einen Drink? "Nein, danke, ich kann nicht bleiben."
stay + She did not want to stay in nursing all her life. Sie wollte nicht ihr ganzes Leben lang im Stillen bleiben.
stay away (from sb/sth) + I want you to stay away from my daughter. Ich will, dass Sie sich von meiner Tochter fernhalten.
steel + Steel used to be important in South Wales. In Südwales war Stahl früher wichtig.
stick + The old lady leant on her stick as she talked. Die alte Dame lehnte sich an ihren Stock, als sie redete.
sting + I put some antiseptic on the cut and it stung for a moment. Ich habe Antiseptika auf den Schnitt gegeben und es hat kurz gebrannt.
stock + It is important to carry out regular stock checks. Es ist wichtig, regelmäßige Bestandskontrollen durchzuführen.
stop + stop sb/sth: I want to go and you can't stop me. jdn. /etw.[Akk] aufhalten: Ich will gehen und du kannst mich nicht aufhalten.
stop + There's no stopping us now (= nothing can prevent us from achieving what we want to achieve). Es gibt kein Halten mehr (= nichts kann uns daran hindern, das zu erreichen, was wir erreichen wollen).
stove + Most people don't want to spend hours slaving over a hot stove (= cooking). Die meisten Menschen wollen nicht stundenlang über einem heißen Ofen (= Kochen) schuften.
stream + a constant stream of enquiries ständige Anfragen
street + Street sport is informal and based on whatever people want to play. Straßensport ist informell und basiert auf dem, was die Leute spielen wollen.
strength + Their superior military strength gives them a huge advantage. Ihre überlegene militärische Stärke verschafft ihnen einen großen Vorteil.
stress + stress how, what, etc...: I cannot stress too much how important this is. betonen, wie, was, usw...: Ich kann nicht genug betonen, wie wichtig das ist.
student + a student grant/loan (= money that is given/lent to students to pay for their studies) ein Stipendium/Darlehen (= Geld, das den Studierenden zur Finanzierung ihres Studiums gegeben/verliehen wird)
study + It is important to develop good study skills. Es ist wichtig, gute Lernfähigkeiten zu entwickeln.
subject + an unpleasant subject of conversation ein unangenehmes Gesprächsthema
subject + We seem to have got off the subject we're meant to be discussing. Wir scheinen das Thema, über das wir reden sollen, hinter uns gebracht zu haben.
substantial + substantial sums of money erhebliche Geldsummen
substantial + a substantial change eine wesentliche Änderung
substantial + Substantial numbers of people support the reforms. Die Reformen werden von einer beachtlichen Zahl von Menschen unterstützt.
substantial + He ate a substantial breakfast. Er aß ein reichhaltiges Frühstück.
substantial + There are substantial differences between the two groups. Zwischen den beiden Gruppen bestehen erhebliche Unterschiede.
substantial + Their share of the software market is substantial. Ihr Anteil am Softwaremarkt ist beträchtlich.
substantial + a substantial house ein solides Haus
substantial + a street of substantial Victorian villas eine Straße mit großen viktorianischen Villen
substantially + The costs have increased substantially. Die Kosten sind deutlich gestiegen.
substantially + The plane was substantially damaged in the crash. Das Flugzeug wurde bei dem Absturz erheblich beschädigt.
substantially + The company's profits have been substantially lower this year. Der Gewinn des Unternehmens ist in diesem Jahr deutlich niedriger ausgefallen.
such + Accountants were boring. Such (= that) was her opinion before meeting Ian! Buchhalter waren langweilig. So (= das war ihre Meinung, bevor sie Ian traf!
suck + suck sth + adj.: Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry. etw.[Akk] ansaugen + adj.Greenfly kann eine Pflanze buchstäblich trocken saugen.
sugar + a sugar plantation/refinery/bowl eine Zuckerplantage/Raffinerie/Schüssel
suit + If you want to go by bus, that suits me fine. Wenn du mit dem Bus fahren willst, ist mir das recht.
suited + This diet is suited to anyone who wants to lose weight fast. Diese Diät ist für jeden geeignet, der schnell abnehmen will.
supply + We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials. Eine ausreichende Versorgung mit Rohstoffen können wir nicht garantieren.
suppose + I could take you in the car, I suppose (= but I don't really want to). Ich könnte Sie ins Auto nehmen, nehme ich an (= aber ich möchte nicht wirklich).
surface + These plants float on the surface of the water. Diese Pflanzen schwimmen auf der Wasseroberfläche.
surroundings + to work in pleasant surroundings in angenehmer Umgebung zu arbeiten
suspect + I didn't want the neighbours suspecting anything. Ich wollte nicht, dass die Nachbarn etwas verdächtigen.
suspicion + She was reluctant to voice her suspicions. Sie zögerte, ihren Verdacht zu äußern.
symbol + Mandela became a symbol of the anti-apartheid struggle. Mandela wurde zum Symbol des Kampfes gegen die Anti-Apartheid.
sympathy + Her sympathies lie with the anti-abortion lobby. Ihre Sympathien gelten der Anti-Abtreibung-Lobby.
table + A table for two, please (= in a restaurant). Ein Tisch für zwei Personen (= in einem Restaurant).
table + I'd like to book a table for tonight (= in a restaurant). Ich möchte einen Tisch für heute Abend reservieren (= im Restaurant).
task + a thankless task (= an unpleasant one that nobody wants to do and nobody thanks you for doing) eine undankbare Aufgabe (= eine unangenehme Aufgabe, die niemand machen will und für die niemand dankt)
taste + Do you want a taste? Willst du mal probieren?
teaching + She wants to go into teaching (= make it a career). Sie will in die Lehre einsteigen (= Karriere machen).
ten out of ten (for sth) + Not brilliant, Robyn, but I'll give you ten out of ten for effort. Nicht brillant, Robyn, aber ich geb dir 10 von 10 aus Mühe.
terribly + It's terribly important for parents to be consistent. Es ist für Eltern furchtbar wichtig, konsequent zu sein.
test + Tests have shown high levels of pollutants in the water. Tests haben gezeigt, dass das Wasser hohe Schadstoffkonzentrationen aufweist.
thanks + 'Do you want to come with us?' 'I'd love to, thanks.' Willst du mit uns mitkommen? "Ich würde gerne, danke."
that + The fact (that) he's older than me is not relevant. Die Tatsache, dass er älter ist als ich, ist nicht relevant.
the + They placed the African elephant on their endangered list. Sie setzten den afrikanischen Elefanten auf ihre Gefährdungsliste.
theatre + I want to work in theatre. Ich will im Theater arbeiten.
there + There's a restaurant around the corner. Es gibt ein Restaurant um die Ecke.
there + I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. Ich will kein Missverständnis.
this + Well, make up your mind. Which do you want? This one or that one? Entscheiden Sie sich. Was willst du denn? Den oder den hier?
this + Do you want me to come this Tuesday (= Tuesday of this week) or next Tuesday? Soll ich am Dienstag (= Dienstag dieser Woche) oder am kommenden Dienstag kommen?
time + I don't want to take up too much of your precious time. Ich will nicht zu viel von Ihrer kostbaren Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.
timetable + Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable (= all the subjects that are taught at schools). Sport ist im Stundenplan der Schule nicht mehr so wichtig (= alle Fächer, die an Schulen unterrichtet werden).
title + The official title of the job is 'Administrative Assistant'. Die offizielle Berufsbezeichnung lautet "Verwaltungsassistent".
together + Stay close together—I don't want anyone to get lost. Bleibt zusammen. Ich will nicht, dass sich jemand verirrt.
together + Taken together, these factors are highly significant. Zusammengenommen sind diese Faktoren von großer Bedeutung.
tomato + tomato plants Tomatenpflanzen
tomorrow + I want it done by tomorrow. Ich will, dass es bis morgen erledigt ist.
tone + Don't speak to me in that tone of voice (= in that unpleasant way). Sprich nicht in diesem Tonfall mit mir (= auf diese unangenehme Weise).
tune + His speech was tuned to what the audience wanted to hear. Seine Rede war darauf abgestimmt, was das Publikum hören wollte.
turn sth on + He really knows how to turn on the charm (= suddenly become pleasant and attractive). Er weiß wirklich, wie man den Charme (= plötzlich angenehm und attraktiv) aufdreht.
typical + Typical interview questions are 'Why do you want to study law?' or 'Why did you choose this college?' Typische Interviewfragen sind "Warum willst du Jura studieren?" oder "Warum hast du dieses College gewählt?"
under + Is the television still under guarantee? Ist der Fernseher noch unter Garantie?
understand + If you want to leave early, I'm sure he'll understand. Wenn du früher gehen willst, wird er das sicher verstehen.
understand + I don't want you doing that again. Do you understand? Ich will nicht, dass du das noch mal machst. Verstehen Sie das?
unfair + They had been given an unfair advantage. Sie hatten einen unfairen Vorteil erhalten.
unimportant + unimportant details unwichtige Details
unimportant + relatively/comparatively unimportant relativ/vergleichsweise unwichtig
unimportant + They dismissed the problem as unimportant. Sie hielten das Problem für unwichtig.
unimportant + This consideration was not unimportant. Diese Überlegung war nicht unwichtig.
unimportant + I was just a young girl from a small town and I felt very unimportant. Ich war nur ein junges Mädchen aus einer kleinen Stadt und ich fühlte mich sehr unwichtig.
unpleasant + an unpleasant experience ein unangenehmes Erlebnis
unpleasant + The minerals in the water made it unpleasant to drink. Die Mineralien im Wasser machten das Trinken unangenehm.
unpleasant + He was very unpleasant to me. Er war mir sehr unangenehm.
unpleasant + She said some very unpleasant things about you. Sie hat einige sehr unangenehme Dinge über dich gesagt.
use + I have some information you may be able to use (= to get an advantage from). Ich habe einige Informationen, die Sie in der Lage sein können, zu verwenden (=, einen Vorteil von zu erhalten).
useful + useful (for sth/for doing sth): These plants are particularly useful for brightening up shady areas. nützlich (für etw.[Akk]: Diese Pflanzen eignen sich besonders gut zum Aufhellen von schattigen Bereichen.
usual + They asked me why I wanted the job and why I thought I was suitable—you know, the usual thing. Sie fragten mich, warum ich den Job haben wollte und warum ich dachte, dass ich geeignet sei - du weißt schon, das Übliche.
valuable + valuable antiques wertvolle Antiquitäten
variety + We want more variety in our work. Wir wollen mehr Vielfalt in unserer Arbeit.
vegetable + vegetable matter (= plants in general) pflanzliche Stoffe (= Pflanzen allgemein)
very + They wanted the very best quality. Sie wollten beste Qualität.
view + The traditional view was that marriage was meant to last. Die traditionelle Ansicht war, dass die Ehe von Dauer sein sollte.
wait + I'm afraid this can't wait. It's very important. Ich fürchte, das kann nicht warten. Es ist sehr wichtig.
want + want sth: We'll want more furniture for the new office. etw.[Akk] haben wollen: Wir wollen mehr Möbel für das neue Büro.
want + What this house wants is a good clean. Was dieses Haus will, ist eine gute Reinigung.
want + It wants a special sort of person for that job. Er will eine besondere Art von Person für diesen Job.
want + want doing sth: The plants want watering daily. etw.[Akk] tun wollen: Die Pflanzen wollen täglich gießen.
want + want to be/have sth: The plants want to be watered daily. etw.[Akk] sein/haben wollen: Die Pflanzen wollen täglich bewässert werden.
want + want sth: Do you want some more tea? etw.[Akk] wollen: Möchten Sie noch etwas Tee?
want + She's always wanted a large family. Sie wollte schon immer eine große Familie.
want + All I want is the truth. Ich will nur die Wahrheit.
want + Thanks for the present—it's just what I wanted. Danke für das Geschenk. Es ist genau das, was ich wollte.
want + I can do whatever I want. Ich kann tun, was immer ich will.
want + The last thing I wanted was to upset you. Das Letzte, was ich wollte, war, dich zu verärgern.
want + The party wants her as leader. Die Partei will sie als Anführerin.
want + want (to do sth): What do you want to do tomorrow? want (etw. tun): Was willst du morgen tun?
want + 'It's time you did your homework.' 'I don't want to!' Es wird Zeit, dass du deine Hausaufgaben machst. "Ich will nicht!"
want + There are two points which I wanted to make. Ich wollte zwei Punkte ansprechen.
want + I just wanted to know if everything was all right. Ich wollte nur wissen, ob alles in Ordnung ist.
want + You can come too, if you want. Du kannst auch mitkommen, wenn du willst.
want + want sb/sth to do sth: Do you want me to help? jdn. /etw.[Akk] etw.[Akk] tun lassen wollen: Soll ich helfen?
want + We didn't want this to happen. Wir wollten nicht, dass das passiert.
want + I want it (to be) done as quickly as possible. Ich möchte, dass es so schnell wie möglich erledigt wird.
want + want sb/sth doing sth: I don't want you coming home so late. jdn. /etw. etw.[Akk] tun lassen: Ich will nicht, dass du so spät nach Hause kommst.
want + want sb/sth + adj.: Do you want your coffee black or white? jdn. /etw.[Akk] wollen + adj.Möchten Sie Ihren Kaffee schwarz oder weiß?
war + The government does not want to go to war (= start a war) unless all other alternatives have failed. Die Regierung will nicht in den Krieg ziehen (= Krieg beginnen), wenn nicht alle anderen Alternativen versagt haben.
warm + Wait for the warmer weather before putting the plants in the garden. Warten Sie auf das wärmere Wetter, bevor Sie die Pflanzen in den Garten stellen.
wave + wave sth (about/around): A man in the water was shouting and waving his arms around frantically. Welle etw.[Akk]: Ein Mann im Wasser schrie und winkte mit den Armen umher.
way + I generally get what I want one way or another (= by some means). Ich bekomme in der Regel das, was ich auf die eine oder andere Weise (= auf irgendeine Weise) will.
(there is) no way + 'Do you want to help?' 'No way!' Willst du helfen? "Auf keinen Fall!"
we + We've moved to Atlanta. Wir sind nach Atlanta gezogen.
weakness + It's important to know your own strengths and weaknesses. Es ist wichtig, die eigenen Stärken und Schwächen zu kennen.
wear + wear sth + adj.: The stones have been worn smooth by the constant flow of water. etw.[Akk] tragenDie Steine sind durch den ständigen Wasserfluss glatt getragen worden.
well + 'Do you want to come?' 'Well, I'm not sure.' Willst du mitkommen? "Ich bin mir nicht sicher."
well known + It is a well-known fact that caffeine is a stimulant. Koffein ist bekanntlich ein Stimulans.
wheel + Do you want to take the wheel (= drive) now? Wollen Sie jetzt das Steuer (= fahren) übernehmen?
whereas + We thought she was arrogant, whereas in fact she was just very shy. Wir dachten, sie sei arrogant, während sie eigentlich nur sehr schüchtern war.
which + Which of the applicants has got the job? Welcher Bewerber hat den Job bekommen?
which + Your claim ought to succeed, in which case the damages will be substantial. Ihr Anspruch sollte erfolgreich sein, in diesem Fall wird der Schaden substantiell sein.
white + She writes about her experiences as a black girl in a predominantly white city. Sie schreibt über ihre Erfahrungen als schwarzes Mädchen in einer überwiegend weißen Stadt.
who + The people who called yesterday want to buy the house. Die Leute von gestern wollen das Haus kaufen.
whoever + I don't want to see them, whoever they are. Ich will sie nicht sehen, wer auch immer sie sind.
why + I know you did it—I just want to know why. Ich weiß, dass du es getan hast. Ich will nur wissen, warum.
wild + The plants grow wild along the banks of rivers. Die Pflanzen wachsen wild am Ufer von Flüssen.
will + I'll check this letter for you, if you want. Ich überprüfe diesen Brief für Sie, wenn Sie wollen.
will + You'll water the plants while I'm away, won't you? Du wirst die Pflanzen gießen, während ich weg bin, nicht wahr?
will + Engines won't run without lubricants. Motoren laufen nicht ohne Schmiermittel.
will + She always wants to impose her will on other people (= to get what she wants). Sie will immer ihren Willen anderen Menschen aufzwingen (= bekommen, was sie will).
will + I don't want to go against your will. Ich will nicht gegen deinen Willen gehen.
window + I saw the dress I wanted in the window. Ich sah das Kleid, das ich wollte, am Fenster.
wish + If you wish really hard, maybe you'll get what you want. Wenn du es dir wirklich hart wünschst, bekommst du vielleicht, was du willst.
wish + His dearest wish (= what he wants most of all) is to see his grandchildren again. Sein liebster Wunsch (= was er am meisten will) ist es, seine Enkelkinder wiederzusehen.
wish + The genie granted him three wishes. Der Geist schenkte ihm drei Wünsche.
without + Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) Ohne kritisieren zu wollen, hätten Sie es besser machen können. (= verwendet, bevor Sie einen kritischen Kommentar abgeben)
wonder + wonder (about sth): 'Why do you want to know?' 'No particular reason. I was just wondering.' sich (über etw.[Akk] wundern:"Warum wollen Sie das wissen?" Kein besonderer Grund. Ich habe mich nur gefragt."
work + The accountant described his work to the sales staff. Der Buchhalter beschrieb seine Arbeit dem Verkaufspersonal.
world + Parents are the most important people in a child's world. Eltern sind die wichtigsten Menschen in der Welt des Kindes.
world + the animal/plant/insect world die Tier-, Pflanzen- und Insektenwelt
world + the natural world (= animals, plants, minerals, etc.) die natürliche Welt (= Tiere, Pflanzen, Mineralien, etc.)
world + The island is a world of brilliant colours and dramatic sunsets. Die Insel ist eine Welt voller leuchtender Farben und dramatischer Sonnenuntergänge.
worry + The threat of losing their jobs is a constant source of worry to them. Die Gefahr des Verlusts ihrer Arbeitsplätze ist für sie ein ständiger Grund zur Sorge.
worry + to be frantic with worry vor Sorge verzweifelt zu sein
write + The doctor wrote her a prescription for more antibiotics. Der Arzt schrieb ihr ein Rezept für weitere Antibiotika.
write + write (about sth): I wanted to travel and then write about it. (über etw.[Akk] schreiben: Ich wollte reisen und dann darüber schreiben.
writing + The review is a brilliant piece of writing. Die Rezension ist ein brillantes Schriftstück.
wrong + We don't want this document falling into the wrong hands. Wir wollen nicht, dass dieses Dokument in falsche Hände gerät.
young + Caterpillars eat the young leaves of this plant. Raupen fressen die jungen Blätter dieser Pflanze.
youth + His youth gives him an advantage over the other runners. Seine Jugend verschafft ihm einen Vorsprung vor den anderen Läufern.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
30 孩子们 + The children want to eat candy.
154 篮球 + I want to play basketball.
157 老师 + She wants to become a teacher.
371 空房 + Are there any rooms vacant?
374 实验 部分 重要 + The experimental part is very important.
409 这里 空位 + There are still some vacant seats here.
424 大象 洗澡 + She's giving the elephant a bath.
473 皮带 + I want to buy a leather belt.
514 + I want to say a few words.
598 + The flowers are fragrant.
655 超过 所有 选手 + No. 6 has taken the lead over all the other contestants.
703 这里 环境 宜人 + The environment here is very pleasant (or This place is very charming).
712 援助 非洲 需要 大量 资金 + Assistance to Africa requires significant funding.
803 裤子 裤腰 特别 + The waist of these pants is really big.
806 我们 合作 愉快 + Here's wishing that we have a pleasant cooperation!
841 农业 重要 + Agriculture is very important.
880 古董 价值连城 + This antique is priceless.
913 举手 回答 问题 + Please raise your hand if you want to answer the question.
949 地球 不断 演变 + The earth is constantly evolving.
955 小朋友 一起 种树 + The little children gathered round to plant the tree.
1045 这里 多空 座位 + There are many vacant seats.
1050 餐厅 环境 不错 + The restaurant is quite nice inside.
1081 挑战 自身 极限 + She wants to challenge her own limits.
1091 喜欢 香味 + She really likes the fragrant smell.
1118 南极洲 企鹅 + There are penguins in Antarctica.
1187 院子 + I've planted a tree in my yard.
1235 闹钟 起床 + The alarm clock is ringing, but she doesn't want to get up.
1252 木材厂 + This is a timber plant.
1275 追求 + He wants to date me.
1282 招聘 员工 + He wants to recruit some new employees.
1318 航海 运输 重要 + Maritime transport is very important.
1390 欧洲 旅行 + I want to travel in Europe.
1418 这里 巨大 蛋糕 + Here's a giant cake.
1486 今年 粮食 丰收 + The crops harvest well this year. ((The harvest this year has been abundant.))
1488 避开 + She wants to get away from him.
1534 如果 不要 勉强 + If you don't want to eat, don't force yourself.
1556 裤子 宽松 + The pants are very loose.
1559 宁可 吃饭 减肥 + I want to lose weight even if it means not eating.
1661 丰盛 + What a spread! (lit., This tableful of dishes is very abundant.)
1706 他们 舞姿 优雅 + Their dancing postures are quite elegant.
1722 变得 强壮 + He wants to be strong.
1752 培植 树苗 + He's planting seedlings.
1846 他们 公园 植树 + They're planting trees in the park.
1895 餐厅 兼职 + She has a part-time job in a restaurant.
1948 他们 餐厅 吃饭 + They're eating in a restaurant.
2021 总是 和颜悦色 + She is always cheerful and pleasant to people.
2049 公寓 + I want to rent an apartment.
2050 + I want to buy a pair of shoes.
2076 + I want to buy a frying pan.
2137 草原 撞见 一头 大象 + He came across an elephant on the savannah.
2156 孕妇 户外 走走 + Pregnant women should often take walks outside .
2157 怀孕 + I'm pregnant.
2192 象群 迁徙 地方 + A herd of elephants will migrate to a place with water.
2202 裤子 + This pair of pants is too big.
2271 我们 会计 + She's our accountant.
2293 沙漠 植物 稀少 + There are very few plants in the desert.
2297 市长 郑重 宣布 消息 + The mayor made an important announcement (lit., solemnly/seriously announced a piece of information).
2306 象重 + How many tons does this elephant weigh?
2339 火车 + She wants to take the train.
2381 他们 贷款 买房 + They want a loan to buy a house.
2397 他们 信奉 基督教 + They are Protestants.
2443 餐厅 气氛 不错 + The atmosphere in this restaurant is quite nice.
2567 这里 树木 郁郁 葱葱 + The trees in this place are verdant and thick.
2680 衬衫 + I want to buy a shirt.
2702 她们 正在 水稻 + They're planting rice.
2707 想要 政府 + He wants to overthrow the government.
2744 老师 行为 感到 愤慨 + The teacher is indignant at her behavior.
2792 水汽 不停 蒸发 + The steam is constantly evaporating.
2943 主宰 自己 命运 + I want to be master of my own destiny.
2963 越南 移民 后裔 + She is the descendant of Vietnamese immigrants.
2988 植物 枯死 + This plant has withered and died.
3090 拦球 + He wants to intercept the ball.
3092 植物 需要 土壤 + Plants need soil.
3113 任何 瓜葛 + I don't want any connections with you.
3129 一会儿 + She wants to take a rest.
3131 她们 栽树 + They're planting trees.
3164 生活 奢侈 + He lives an extravagant life. ((He leads a sumptuous life.))
3171 选美 皇后 + She has been selected Princess of the beauty pageant.
3183 拉萨 + I want to go to Lhasa.
3282 删除 电脑 档案 + She wants to delete the files on her computer.
3292 常春藤 属于 蔓生 植物 + The ivy belong to the rambler. ((Ivy is a kind of creeping plant.))
3344 一刹那 赛车 冲过来 + In an instant, the race cars came speeding towards us.
3350 仆人 + He's my servant.
3358 想要 斩断 树枝 + He wants to cut this branch off.
3386 学习 愚昧 无知 + Without studying, one will end up stupid and ignorant.
3402 玫瑰 + The roses smell very fragrant.
3415 女佣 能干 + This maidservant is very capable.
3463 大象 皮肤 粗糙 + Elephants have rough skins.
3471 大象 身体 硕大 + Elephants have giant bodies.
3502 螳螂 树叶 + A praying mantis is lying on the leaf.
3517 帑(b)在 古语 钱财 意思 + Nu meant money in ancient Chinese.
3530 态度 嚣张 + He's very arrogant and aggressive.
3544 责备 迂腐 固执 + He criticized him for being pedantic and stubborn.
3579 北京 成都 + I want to go to Beijing and also want to go to Chengdu.
3594 现在 有钱人 高档 酒店 座无虚席 + There sure are a lot of rich people these days. Even in this kind of upscale restaurant, there's not a single empty seat.
3647 关心 觉得 重要 事物 + I am concerned only with things that I feel are important to me.
3714 演员 阵容 非常 强大 我们 十分 欣赏 这个 节目 + All the cast were brilliant, and we really enjoyed the show.
3747 不料 下午 下雨 + I didn't anticipate it would rain in the afternoon.
3751 饭店的 女服务员 + She is a waitress in a restaurant.

孩子们要吃糖。 Háizi men yào chī táng. The children want to eat candy. Die Kinder wollen Süßigkeiten essen.
我想打篮球。 Wǒ xiǎngdǎ lánqiú. I want to play basketball. Ich will Basketball spielen.
她想当老师。 Tā xiǎng dāng lǎoshī. She wants to become a teacher. Sie will Lehrerin werden.
她在给大象洗澡。 Tā zài gěi dàxiàng xǐzǎo. He's giving the elephant a bath. Er badet den Elefanten.
还有空房吗? Háiyǒu kòngfáng ma? Are there any rooms vacant? Gibt es freie Zimmer?
实验部分很重要。 Shíyàn bùfen hěn zhòngyào. The experimental part is very important. Der experimentelle Teil ist sehr wichtig.
这里还有空位。 Zhèlǐ háiyǒu kōng wèi. There are still some vacant seats here. Hier sind noch Plätze frei.
我想买一根皮带。 Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yī gēn pídài. I want to buy a leather belt. Ich möchte einen Ledergürtel kaufen.
我想讲几句话。 Wǒ xiǎng jiǎng jǐ jù huà. I want to say a few words. Ich möchte ein paar Worte sagen.
花很香。 Huā hěn xiāng. The flowers are fragrant. Die Blumen sind duftend.
6号超过了所有的选手。 6 Hào chāoguò le suǒyǒu de xuǎnshǒu. No. 6 has taken the lead over all the other contestants. Nr. 6 hat die Führung über alle anderen Teilnehmer übernommen.
请举手回答问题。 Qǐng jǔshǒu huídá wèntí. Please raise your hand if you want to answer the question. Bitte heben Sie Ihre Hand, wenn Sie die Frage beantworten wollen.
这里的环境很宜人。 Zhèlǐ de huánjìng hěn yírén. The environment here is very pleasant (or This place is very charming). Die Umgebung hier ist sehr angenehm (oder Dieser Ort ist sehr charmant).
援助非洲需要大量的资金。 Yuánzhù Fēizhōu xūyào dàliàng de zījīn. Assistance to Africa requires significant funding. Die Unterstützung für Afrika erfordert umfangreiche Finanzmittel.
这条裤子的裤腰特别大。 Zhè tiáo kùzi de kùyāo tèbié dà. The waist of these pants is really big. Die Taille dieser Hose ist wirklich groß.
祝我们合作愉快! Zhù wǒmen hézuò yúkuài! Here's wishing that we have a pleasant cooperation! Wir wünschen Ihnen eine angenehme Zusammenarbeit!
农业很重要。 Nóngyè hěn zhòngyào. Agriculture is very important. Die Landwirtschaft ist sehr wichtig.
这件古董价值连城。 Zhè jiàn gǔdǒng jiàzhíliánchéng. This antique is priceless. Diese Antiquität ist unbezahlbar.
地球在不断地演变。 Dìqiú zài bùduàn de yǎnbiàn. The earth is constantly evolving. Die Erde entwickelt sich ständig weiter.
小朋友围在一起种树。 Xiǎopéngyǒu wéi zài yīqǐ zhǒng shù. The little children gathered round to plant the tree. Die kleinen Kinder versammelten sich, um den Baum zu pflanzen.
这里有很多空座位。 Zhèlǐ yǒu hěn duō kōng zuòwèi. There are many vacant seats. Es gibt viele freie Plätze.
这家餐厅的环境很不错。 Zhè jiā cāntīng de huánjìng hěn bùcuò. The restaurant is quite nice inside. Das Restaurant ist sehr schön im Inneren.
她要挑战自身的极限。 Tā yào tiǎozhàn zìshēn de jíxiàn. She wants to challenge her own limits. Sie will ihre eigenen Grenzen herausfordern.
她很喜欢这个香味。 Tā hěn xǐhuan zhège xiāngwèi. She really likes the fragrant smell. Sie mag den duftenden Geruch.
南极洲有企鹅。 Nánjízhōu yǒu qǐ'é. There are penguins in Antarctica. Es gibt Pinguine in der Antarktis.
我在院子里种了一棵树。 Wǒ zài yuànzi lǐ zhòng le yī kē shù. I've planted a tree in my yard. Ich habe einen Baum in meinem Garten gepflanzt.
闹钟响了,她还不想起床。 Nàozhōng xiǎng le,tā hái bùxiǎng qǐchuáng. The alarm clock is ringing, but she doesn't want to get up. Der Wecker klingelt, aber sie will nicht aufstehen.
这是一个木材厂。 Zhè shì yīgè mùcáichǎng. This is a timber plant. Das ist eine Holzpflanze.
他想追求我。 Tā xiǎng zhuīqiú wǒ. He wants to date me. Er will sich mit mir verabreden.
他想招聘新员工。 Tā xiǎng zhāopìn xīn yuángōng. He wants to recruit some new employees. Er will neue Angestellte einstellen.
航海运输很重要。 Hánghǎi yùnshū hěn zhòngyào. Maritime transport is very important. Der Seeverkehr ist sehr wichtig.
我想去欧洲旅行。 Wǒ xiǎng qù Ōuzhōu lǚxíng. I want to travel in Europe. Ich möchte in Europa reisen.
这里有一个巨大的蛋糕。 Zhèlǐ yǒu yīgè jùdà de dàngāo. Here's a giant cake. Hier ist ein riesiger Kuchen.
今年粮食丰收。 Jīnnián liángshi fēngshōu. The crops harvest well this year. ((The harvest this year has been abundant.)) Die Ernten werden dieses Jahr gut geerntet. ((Die Ernte dieses Jahr war reichlich.)
她想避开他。 Tā xiǎng bìkāi tā. She wants to get away from him. Sie will von ihm weg.
如果不想吃,就不要勉强。 Rúguǒ bùxiǎng chī,jiù bùyào miǎnqiǎng. If you don't want to eat, don't force yourself. Wenn du nichts essen willst, zwing dich nicht dazu.
这条裤子很宽松。 Zhè tiáo kùzi hěn kuānsōng. The pants are very loose. Die Hosen sind sehr locker.
我宁可不吃饭也要减肥。 Wǒ nìngkě bù chīfàn yě yào jiǎnféi. I want to lose weight even if it means not eating. Ich will abnehmen, auch wenn ich nicht essen muss.
这一桌菜很丰盛。 Zhè yī zhuō cài hěn fēngshèng. What a spread! (lit., This tableful of dishes is very abundant.) Was für ein Spread! (lit., Dieser Tisch voller Gerichte ist sehr reichlich vorhanden.)
他们的舞姿很优雅。 Tāmen de wǔzī hěn yōuyǎ. Their dancing postures are quite elegant. Ihre Tanzhaltungen sind sehr elegant.
他想变得强壮。 Tā xiǎng biànde qiángzhuàng. He wants to be strong. Er will stark sein.
他在培植树苗。 Tā zài péizhí shùmiáo. He's planting seedlings. Er pflanzt Sämlinge.
他们在公园里植树。 Tāmen zài gōngyuán lǐ zhíshù. They're planting trees in the park. Sie pflanzen Bäume im Park.
她在餐厅兼职。 Tā zài cāntīng jiānzhí. She has a part-time job in a restaurant. Sie hat einen Teilzeitjob in einem Restaurant.
他们在餐厅吃饭。 Tāmen zài cāntīng chīfàn. They're eating in a restaurant. Sie essen in einem Restaurant.
她总是对人和颜悦色。 Tā zǒngshì duì rénhé yán yuè 【◎Fix:◎sè;◎shǎi】. She is always cheerful and pleasant to people. Sie ist immer fröhlich und freundlich zu den Menschen.
我想租一套公寓。 Wǒ xiǎng zū yītào gōngyù. I want to rent an apartment. Ich will eine Wohnung mieten.
我想买一双鞋。 Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yī shuāng xié. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Ich will ein Paar Schuhe kaufen.
孕妇要常到户外走走。 Yùnfù yào cháng dào hùwài zǒu zǒu. Pregnant women should often take walks outside . Schwangere Frauen sollten oft Spaziergänge im Freien machen.
我怀孕了。 Wǒ huáiyùn le. I'm pregnant. Ich bin schwanger.
我想买一个炒菜锅。 Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yīgè chǎocài guō. I want to buy a frying pan. Ich will eine Bratpfanne kaufen.
他在草原上撞见一头大象。 Tā zài cǎoyuán shàng zhuàngjiàn yītóu dàxiàng. He came across an elephant on the savannah. Er stieß auf einen Elefanten in der Savanne.
象群会迁徙到有水的地方。 Xiàng qún huì qiānxǐ dào yǒu shuǐ de 【◎Fix:◎dìfang;◎dìfāng】. A herd of elephants will migrate to a place with water. Eine Elefantenherde wandert zu einem Ort mit Wasser.
这条裤子太大了。 Zhè tiáo kùzi tài dà le. This pair of pants is too big. Diese Hose ist zu groß.
她是我们的会计。 Tā shì wǒmen de kuàijì. She's our accountant. Sie ist unsere Buchhalterin.
我想买一件衬衫。 Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yī jiàn chènshān. I want to buy a shirt. Ich will ein Hemd kaufen.
沙漠里的植物很稀少。 Shāmò lǐ de zhíwù hěn xīshǎo. There are very few plants in the desert. In der Wüste gibt es nur sehr wenige Pflanzen.
市长郑重宣佈一项消息。 Shìzhǎng zhèngzhòng xuān bù yī xiàng xiāoxi. The mayor made an important announcement (lit., solemnly/seriously announced a piece of information). Der Bürgermeister machte eine wichtige Ankündigung (lit., feierlich/ernsthaft verkündet eine Information).
这头象重几吨? Zhè tóu xiàng zhòng jǐ dūn? How many tons does this elephant weigh? Wie viele Tonnen wiegt dieser Elefant?
她要搭火车。 Tā yào dā huǒchē. She wants to take the train. Sie will den Zug nehmen.
他们想贷款买房。 Tāmen xiǎng dàikuǎn mǎi fáng. They want a loan to buy a house. Sie wollen einen Kredit, um ein Haus zu kaufen.
他们信奉基督教。 Tāmen xìnfèng Jīdūjiào. They are Protestants. Sie sind Protestanten.
这家餐厅的气氛很不错。 Zhè jiā cāntīng de qìfēn hěn bùcuò. The atmosphere in this restaurant is quite nice. Die Atmosphäre in diesem Restaurant ist sehr schön.
这里的树木郁郁葱葱。 Zhèlǐ de shùmù yùyù-cōngcōng. The trees in this place are verdant and thick. Die Bäume an diesem Ort sind grün und dicht.
她们正在种水稻。 Tāmen zhèngzài zhòng shuǐdào. They're planting rice. Sie pflanzen Reis.
他想要颠复政府。 Tā xiǎng yào diān fù zhèngfǔ. He wants to overthrow the government. Er will die Regierung stürzen.
老师对她的行为感到愤慨。 Lǎoshī duì tā de xíngwéi gǎndào fènkǎi. The teacher is indignant at her behavior. Die Lehrerin ist empört über ihr Verhalten.
水汽不停地在蒸发。 Shuǐqì bùtíng de zài zhēngfā. The steam is constantly evaporating. Der Dampf verdampft ständig.
她是越南移民的后裔。 Tā shì Yuènán yímín de hòuyì. She is the descendant of Vietnamese immigrants. Sie ist die Nachfahrin vietnamesischer Einwanderer.
这株植物枯死了。 zhè zhū zhíwù kūsǐ le. This plant has withered and died. Diese Pflanze ist verdorrt und gestorben.
我要主宰自己的命运。 Wǒ yào zhǔzǎi zìjǐ de mìngyùn. I want to be master of my own destiny. Ich will Herr meines eigenen Schicksals sein.
他想拦球。 Tā xiǎng lán qiú. He wants to intercept the ball. Er will den Ball abfangen.
植物需要土壤。 Zhíwù xūyào tǔrǎng. Plants need soil. Pflanzen brauchen Boden.
我不想和你有任何瓜葛。 Wǒ bùxiǎng hé nǐ yǒu rènhé guāgé. I don't want any connections with you. Ich will keine Verbindungen mit dir.
她想歇一会儿。 Tā xiǎng xiē yīhuìr. She wants to take a rest. Sie möchte sich ausruhen.
她们在栽树。 Tāmen zài zāishù. They're planting trees. Sie pflanzen Bäume.
他的生活很奢侈。 Tā de shēnghuó hěn shēchǐ. He lives an extravagant life. ((He leads a sumptuous life.)) Er lebt ein extravagantes Leben. (Er führt ein prächtiges Leben.)
她是选美小皇后。 Tā shì xuǎnměi xiǎo huánghòu. She has been selected Princess of the beauty pageant. Sie wurde zur Prinzessin des Schönheitswettbewerbes gewählt.
帑在古语中是钱财的意思。 Tǎng zài gǔyǔ zhōng shì qiáncái de yìsi. Nu meant money in ancient Chinese. Nu bedeutete Geld auf altchinesisch.
我想去拉萨。 Wǒ xiǎng qù Lāsà. I want to go to Lhasa. Ich will nach Lhasa.
她要删除电脑上的档案。 Tā yào shānchú diànnǎo shàng de dàng'àn. She wants to delete the files on her computer. Sie will die Dateien auf ihrem Computer löschen.
常春藤属于蔓生植物。 Chángchūnténg shǔyú mànshēng zhíwù. The ivy belong to the rambler. ((Ivy is a kind of creeping plant.)) Die Efeu gehört dem Wanderer. (Efeu ist eine Art Kriechpflanze.)
一刹那,赛车就冲过来了。 Yīchànà,sàichē jiù 【◎Fix:◎chōng;◎chòng】 【◎Fix:◎guòlái;◎guolai】 le. In an instant, the race cars came speeding towards us. In einem Augenblick kamen die Rennwagen auf uns zu.
他是我的仆人。 Tā shì wǒ de púrén. He's my servant. Er ist mein Diener.
他想要斩断这根树枝。 Tā xiǎng yào zhǎnduàn zhè gēn shùzhī. He wants to cut this branch off. Er will den Ast abschneiden.
不学习就会愚昧无知。 Bù xuéxí jiù huì yúmèi-wúzhī. Without studying, one will end up stupid and ignorant. Ohne zu lernen, wird man dumm und ignorant enden.
玫瑰真香! Méigui zhēn xiāng! The roses smell very fragrant. Die Rosen riechen sehr duftend.
这个女佣很能干。 zhège nǚ 【◎Fix:◎yōng;◎yòng】 hěn nénggàn. This maidservant is very capable. Dieses Dienstmädchen ist sehr begabt.
大象的皮肤很粗糙。 Dàxiàng de pífū hěn cūcāo. Elephants have rough skins. Elefanten haben raue Felle.
大象的身体硕大。 Dàxiàng de shēntǐ shuòdà. Elephants have giant bodies. Elefanten haben riesige Körper.
一只螳螂趴在树叶上。 Yī zhī tángláng pā zài shùyè shàng. A praying mantis is lying on the leaf. Eine Gottesanbeterin liegt auf dem Blatt.
他的态度很嚣张。 Tā de tàidu hěn xiāozhāng. He's very arrogant and aggressive. Er ist sehr arrogant und aggressiv.
他责备他的迂腐和固执。 Tā zébèi tā de yūfǔ hé 【◎Fix:◎gùzhí;◎gùzhi】. He criticized him for being pedantic and stubborn. Er kritisierte ihn als pedantisch und stur.
Lesson 003. More Greetings and Expressing Needs in Chinese.
yao4 + to want
Lesson 003. More Greetings and Expressing Needs in Chinese.
Wo3 yao4. + I want.
Lesson 003. More Greetings and Expressing Needs in Chinese.
Wo3 bu4 yao4. + I do not want.
Lesson 003. More Greetings and Expressing Needs in Chinese.
Wo3 yao4 chi1fan4. + I want to eat.
Lesson 003. More Greetings and Expressing Needs in Chinese.
Wo3 yao4 he1 cha2. + I want to drink tea.
Lesson 003. More Greetings and Expressing Needs in Chinese.
Ni3 yao4 he1 ka1fei. + You want to drink coffee.
Lesson 003. More Greetings and Expressing Needs in Chinese.
Ni3 yao4 he1 ka1fei1 ma? + Do you want to drink coffee?
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
can1ting1 + restaurant
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
xiang3 + to want
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
Wo3 xiang3 chi1fan4. + I want to eat.
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
qie2zi + eggplant
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
Hai2 xiang3 chi1 shen2me? + What else do you want to eat?
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
shu1fu + feels good / pleasant
Lesson 016. Visiting Friends, Giving Gifts, Drinking Culture.
Wo3 xiang3 he1 pi2qiu3. + I want to drink beer.
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 xiang3 da3che1. + We want to catch a taxi.
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 xiang3 da3di1. + I want to catch a taxi. (Beijing)
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
Ni3 xiang3 na3li3 qu4 lü3you2? + Where do you want to travel?
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
Xiao3jie3, wo3 xiang3 tui4 fang2. + Miss, i want to check out.
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
jia1 + m. for banks, restaurants, companies etc
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
yi1 jia1 can1ting1 + one restaurant
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
Wo3 xiang3 he1shui3. + I want to drink water.
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
jing1cai3 + brilliant
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 xiang3 chi1 dan4gao1. + I want to eat cake.
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
Wo3 xiang3 qin1 ni3 yi1xia4. + I want to kiss you.
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
zhu4li3 + assistant
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
Wo3 xiang3 zu1 yi1 liang4 qi4che1 + I want to rent a car.
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
xiang1 + to smell good / to have a pleasant smell
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
Wo3 xiang3 chang2 yi1 chang2. + I want to try.
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
zhong4yao4 + important
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
hen3 zhong4yao4 + very important
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
zui4 zhong4yao4 de dong1xi + the most important thing
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
zui4 zhong4yao4 de shi4 + most important is ...
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
Ru2guo3 ni3 xiang3 lai2 Zhong1guo2, ni3 bi4xu1 you3 qian1zheng4. + If you want to come to China, you must have a visa.
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
yu2kuai4 + happy / pleasant / cheerful
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
Chun1jie2 shi4 Zhong1guo2 zui4 zhong4yao4 de jie2ri4 + Chinese New Year is the most important Chinese holiday.
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
gu3dai4 + old / ancient /antiquity
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
gu4wen4 + consultant / advisor
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
gu4wen4 gong1si1 + consultant company
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
tou2zi gu4wen4 gong1si1 + investment consultant company
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
zhong4yao4 zi1xun4 + important information
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
Wo3 xiang3 zhuan4qian2. + I want to make money.
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
Xian4zai4 tai4 wan3 le! Wo3 yao4 xia4xian4 le! Ming2tian1 jian4! + It's too late now! I want to sign off. See you tomorrow!
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Wo3 xiang3 xue2 Zhong1guo2 shu1fa3, ni3 ke3yi3 jiao4 wo3 ma? + I want to study Chinese calligraphy. Can you teach me?
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Wo3 yao4 qu4 yi1yuan4 kan4 yi1sheng1. + I want to go to the hospital to see the doctor.
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Wo3 xiang3 kan4 ... + I want to see
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Wo3 xiang3 kan4 er3-bi2-hou2ke1 yi1sheng1. + I want to see the E.N.T. doctor.
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Wo3 xiang3 kan4 ya2yi1. + I want to see the dentist.
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Ma1ma, wo3 yao4 niao4niao4. + Mama, I want to pipi.
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Ni3 xiang3 bu4 xiang3 qu4 xiao3bian4? + Do you want to go pipi?
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Ba4ba, wo3 yao4 da4bian4. + Daddy, I want to pupu.
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Wo3 xiang3 wan2 wan2ju4. + I want to play toys.
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Wo3 xiang3 wan2 che1che1. + I want to play a car.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Ni3 xiang3 jia4 gei3 shei2? + Whom do you want to marry?
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Wo3 ren4shi yi1 ge4 nü3hai2. Ta1 fei1chang2 xiang4 jia4 gei3 yi1 ge4 you3 qian2 ren2. + I know one girl. She wants to marry a rich man very much.
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Sheng4dan4 Lao3ren2 + Santa Claus
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Sheng4dan4 Lao3gong1gong + Santa Claus
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
hao3ting1 + pleasant to hear
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Zhe4 ge4 yin1yue4 hen3 hao3ting1. + This music is very pleasant to hear.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
Ta1 mai3 de yu4qi4 shi4 yi1 ge4 gu3dong3. + The jadeware that he bought is an antique.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
gu3dong3 + antique / antiques
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
Wo3 shou1ji2 gu3dong3. + I collect antiques.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
Kan4lai, ni3 dui4 gu3dong3 hen3 liao3jie3. + It seems, that you know a lot about antiques.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
Qing3wen4 zhe4 ge4 gu3dong3 shi4 na3ge4 chao2dai4 de? + Excuse me, which dynasty is this antique from?
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
Wo3 xiang3 kao3lü4 yi1 xia4. + I want to think over it. / I want to think about it.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
Kao3lü4 kao3lü4. + I want to think over it. / I want to think about it.
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Wo3 xiang3 ban4 nian2ka3. + I want to get a yearly membership card. / I'd like to apply for a one-year membership card.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

tout le monde veut être beau + everybody wants to be beautiful

vous voulez aller au ciné avec moi? + do you want to go to a movie with me?

tu veux faire ton chemin. c’est bien + you want to continue on your way. that’s OK

je tenais seulement à te voir pour te dire ... bonne chance + I just wanted to see you to say ... good luck

je voudrais vous faire part de quelques données + I want to share some data with you

la fin est importante en toutes choses + the endingisimportantineverything

je n’aimerais pas être à votre place + I wouldn’t want to be in your stead

l’homme est plus important que l’État + man is more important than country

il est important que ces entretiens commencent immédiatement + it’s important that these meetings start immediately

c’est une question extrêmement importante + it’s an extremely important question

ensuite il va au restaurant + then he’s going to the restaurant

il veut vous voir dans son bureau immédiate- ment + he wants to see you in his office immediately

je ne voulais pas lire mes poèmes + I didn’t want to read my poems

le contrat assure une pension à l’époux survivant + the contract guarantees a pension to the surviving spouse

il importait de ne pas répéter l’erreur + it’s important to not repeat the mistake

l’équipage vous souhaite un bon voyage + the crew wishes you a pleasant voyage

tu veux combien? 10 dollars + you want how much? 10 dollars

elle était enceinte de six mois + she was six months pregnant

on a mis cette commission enplace pour revoir cette question importante + we have set up this commission to review this important question

bon, c’est son argent que je veux + well, it’s his money that I want

il voulait simplement contribuer au débat + he simply wanted to contribute to the debate

je profitais de ces derniers jours de vraies vacances + I took advantage of these last days of real vacation

les taux de croissance ont été importants + the growth rates were substantial

j’aimerais qu’il retire ce qu’il a dit + I want him to take back what he said

les banques ont cessé d’accorder des prêts + the banks stopped granting loans

la justice militaire me donne le droit à un avocat + the military code of justice grants me the right to an attorney

je veux ce que l’avenir me réserve + I want what the future is keeping from me

cela n’a pas d’importance + that isn’t important

elle ne souhaitait fournir aucun effort + she didn’t want to provide any efforts

donnez votre numéro à mon assistant + give your number to my assistant

j’en connais tous les secrets + I know all the relevant secrets

tu voulais que je signe les papiers + you wanted me to sign papers

je veux que tu révèles tout ça au monde + I want you to reveal everything to the world

nous déciderons à qui reviendra cette tâche agréable + we will decide who will get this pleasant task

je ne veux plus perdre contact avec toi + I don’t want to lose contact with you any more

ce sont là des investissements importants + those are important investments

je désirais cet avantage pour mon fils + I wanted this advantage for my son

la Chine est un partenaire commercial important + China is an important commercial partner

ils veulent juste voir nos papiers + they just wanted to see our papers

on voudrait créer des aires de protection marines + they wanted to create marine conservationareas

je veux un rapport complet sur mon bureau, demain + I want a complete report on my desk tomorrow

ton père est malade, il aimerait te voir + your father is sick, he wants to see you

la Chine est une puissance importante sur la scène mondiale + China is an important power on the global scene

l’établissement de systèmes de contrôle est important + it’s important to establish verification systems

ce programme n’est pas destiné aux informaticiens + this program is not meant for computer scientists

je ne veux pas provoquer de révolte + I don’t want to provoke a revolution

le gouvernement socialiste voulait mettre le crédit au service de l’économie + the socialist government wanted to make credit work for the economy

je ne veux pas faire d’analyse + I don’t want to do any analysis

Joseph Glidden fait breveter le fil de fer barbelé + Joseph Glidden is granted a patent for barbed wire

elle n’avait envie de parler de rien + she didn’t want to talk about anything

les mères palestiniennes veulent que leurs enfants grandissent dans la paix + Palestinian mothers want their children to grow up in peace

il faut garantir la sécurité du personnel + we have to guarantee the safety of the staff

tous les policiers doivent se présenter à leur sergent + all the policemen must present themselves to their sergeant

on peut parler de mes défauts si tu veux + we can talk about my shortcomings if you want

j’ai voulu me rapprocher de toi + I wanted to get closer to you

sa résistance à la sonde mentale est considérable + his resistance to the mental probe is significant

les 200.000 habitants ont fui + the 200,000 inhabitants fled

il est important que nous adoptions cette résolution + it’s important that we adopt this resolution

je ne veux pas que l’utilisation des phtalates soit bannie + I don’t want the use of phthalates to be banned

les Canadiens veulent des réponses bien nettes + the Canadians want very clear answers

ce que l’on désire, c’est éviter une surpollution + what we want is to avoid rampant pollution

il a survécu uniquement avec la diète anticancéreuse + he only survived via the anti-cancer diet

il a signalé que la mission avait joué un rôle important + he pointed out that the mission played an important role

les patrons veulent des employés qualifiés + bosses want qualified employees

la vie culturelle est appauvrie, terne et stagnante + cultural life is impoverished, dull, and stagnant

il veut y investir encore plus d’argent + he wants to invest even more money in it

mes fonctionnaires ont communiqué avec le ministère des finances + my public servants communicated with the finance minister

nos petits soucis ne sont pas importants + our little concerns are not important

il est important de ne pas se comparer aux autres + it’s important to not compare oneself to others

nous voulons un régime de santé universel + we want a universal health care system

les juges sont aussi des fonctionnaires + judges are also public servants

je voulais connaître mieux l’instrument et apprendre des solos + I want to know the instrument better and learn some solos

il était perçu comme agressif, arrogant et généralement hostile + he was perceived as aggressive, arrogant, and generally hostile

les consommateurs en ressentent directementlesavantages– + consumers feel the advantages directly

l’Israël veut dicter et non pas négocier + Israel wants to dictate, not negotiate

ces services existent en quantités limitées + these services are available in limited quantities

il veut se marier avec moi + he wants to marry me

je veux parler avec ton patron + I want to speak with your boss

il y avait une marge d’incertitude considérable + there was a substantial margin of uncertainty

nous avons voulu proposer un dialogue sur ces trois sujets + we wanted to propose a dialogue on these three topics

le travailleur désire une élévation de salaire monétaire + the worker wants an increase in monetary salary

je voulais te féliciter pour cette victoire + I wanted to congratulate you on this victory

nous voulons qu’ils acquièrent les compé- tences nécessaires + we want them to acquire the necessary competency

les Américains veulent exploiter notre pétrole + the Americans want to exploit our oil

parfois, j’ai envie de rétablir quelques vérités + sometimes I want to re-establish some truths

la moitié des habitants sont de confession chrétienne + half of the inhabitants are Christians

l’égalité des hommes et des femmes est garantie + equality for men and women is guaranteed

la fiction se mêle constamment à l’autobiographie + fiction constantly gets mixed in with autobiography

je veux formuler un commentaire général + I want to make a general comment

j’aggravai ma situation en voulant fuir + I worsened my situation by wanting to flee

il était brillant et avait une riche personnalité + he was brilliant and had a rich personality

je veux juste finir l’année scolaire avec mes amis + I just want to finish the school year with my friends

il y a une distinction sémantique importante à faire + there’s an important semantic distinction to be made

il savait nettement ce qu’il devait et voulait faire + he knew clearly what he needed to do and wanted to do

on accordera une très grande importance aux installations + the installations will be very important for us

l’essentiel est qu’ils soient innocents + the important thing is that they are innocent

le rôle du nouveau gouverneur de l’île est si important + the role of the island’s new governor is so important

je ne puis vous donner cette garantie + I can’t give you this guarantee

une autre explosion a eu lieu presque au même moment + another explosion happened at almost the same instant

il orientera les antennes à 140 degrés + he will position the antennas at 140 degrees

la diffusion débridée d’armes crée de nouvelles menaces + rampant arms proliferation is spawning new threats

j’ai pas envie de réveiller mon copain + I don’t want to wake up my friend

je n’avais pas anticipé une telle reprise + I didn’t anticipate such a recovery

je suis enceinte de six mois + I am six months pregnant

nous avons des visiteurs. de très grands visiteurs! + we have visitors. very important visitors!

un écran géant avait été installé face à la tribune + a giant screen was installed before the gallery

le mystère me paraît plus significatif que le secret + mysteries seem more significant to me than secrets

je donnerais tout pour être un simple paysan + I would give anything to be a simple peasant boy

la recherche scientifique est constamment en transformation + scientific research is constantly changing

j’avais pensé l’emmener au restaurant + I thought about taking her out to the restaurant

nous voulons conserver notre autonomie + we want to keep our autonomy

j’ai pas envie de me faire violer + I don’t want to get raped

vous êtes les combattants les mieux entrainés + you are the best-trained combattants

l’entrepreneur et le marchand détruisent la forêt + the entrepreneur and the merchant are destroying the forest

la marine marchande a été la clé de la victoire + the merchant marine was the key to victory

j’entendis l’écho d’un souvenir détesté + I heard the echo of a repugnant memory

ce protocole a permis de découvrir de nouveaux antigènes + this protocol enabled discovery of new antigens

ils voulaient installer un écran géant sur la place du village + they wanted to install a huge screen in the village square

ils ont épuisé leurs ressources et veulent puiser dans les nôtres + they exhausted their resources and wanted to dip into ours

je veux mourir en révolutionnaire + I want to die as a revolutionary

les invités les plus attendus ne sont pas venus + the most-anticipated guests didn’t show up

nous ne sommes militants d’aucune organisation politique + we are not the militants of any political organization

il y avait une cinquantaine de participants + there were some fifty participants

le dernier film concerné date de 1990 + the last relevant film was made in 1990

je veux leur montrer la beauté de ma langue + I want to show them the beauty of my language

vous voulez protéger une partie de votre patrimoine + you want to protect a part of your heritage

choisissez un adjoint. deux, si besoin est + choose an assistant. two if there’s a need

les immigrants ont payé leur intégration au prix fort + the immigrants payed dearly for their integration

il n’a pas le profil du Père Noël + he doesn’t have the profile of Santa Claus

notre corps bouge constamment + our body moves constantly

j’ai horreur des silences pesants + I abhor pregnant silence

en plus, c’est une personnalité brillante, intelligente, sympathique + moreover, he’s a brilliant, intelligent, likable person

je veux faire mon bac en informatique + I want to get a bachelor’s degree in computer science

ils voulaient un mariage discret + they wanted to have a low-key marriage

je veux m’assurer que cela devienne illégal + I want to be sure that this becomes illegal

nous ne souhaitons ni fusion ni acquisition + we don’t want a merger or an acquisition

tu es une belle plante. tu es la fleur de ma passion + you’re a beautiful plant—the flower of my passion.

vous persistez à vouloir faire votre devoir? + do you still want to do your duty?

vous achèterez vos bulbes d’oignons à planter + you’ll buy the onion bulbs to be planted

le feu a démarré dans l’escalier d’un restaurant + the fire broke out in the stairwell of a restaurant

une conséquence importante en découle + an important consequence follows from that

c’est un piège dans lequel je ne veux pas tomber + it’s a trap I don’t want to fall into

renseigne-moi, je veux savoir + tell me, I want to know

il a un boulot très sérieux dans l’informatique + he has an important job in computer science

on voulait aller dans une terre lointaine + we wanted to go to a faraway land

le tourisme culturel est très important + cultural tourism is very important

le flux des immigrés clandestins en Espagne n’a cessé de grossir + the flow of illegal immigrants in Spain grew unchecked

il ne voulait pas critiquer publiquement ses supérieurs + he didn’t want to publicly criticize his superiors

nous voulons éviter une nouvelle dictature + we want to avoid a new dictatorship

il avait programmé l’élimination des paysans + he engineered the elimination of all peasants

le conducteur a été tué sur le coup + the driver was killed instantly

il y a des risques importants de pollution + there’s a significant risk of pollution

je veux t’épouser + I want to marry you

je veux prendre deux bouteilles de bière avant de partir + I want to take two bottles of beer before leaving

on pourrait peut-être obtenir en douce un supplément de papier + maybe they can sneak us an extra quantity of paper

personne n’avait voulu accueillir les demandeurs d’asile + nobody wanted to welcome the asylum seekers

il y a une antenne sur le toit? + is there an antenna on the roof?

il voudrait que nous applaudissions son discours + he wanted us to applaud his talk

on a fait une progression substantielle + we have made substantial progress

nous voulons atténuer la pauvreté + we want to reduce poverty

tous aspiraient à avoir un diplôme de la Sorbonne + everyone wanted a diploma from the Sorbonne

je lui posai quelques questions pertinentes + I asked him some relevant questions

le conseil de direction veut ta démission sous 30 jours + the board of directors wants your resignation within 30 days

ce statut nous confère des privilèges inaliénables + this law grants us inalienable rights

les résultats préliminaires nous promettent une longue et difficile nuit + the preliminary results guarantee us a long and difficult night

je ne veux pas vous induire en erreur + I don’t want to lead you into error

notre père voulait se mettre hors d’atteinte + our father wanted to get out of the line of attack

ils ne veulent pas voter à sa guise + they don’t want to vote the way he wants them to

j’ai commencé à fréquenter une église protestante + I have started going to a Protestant church

il veut un taux d’imposition uniforme + he wants a uniform tax rate

les descendants parleront de leurs ancêtres disparus + the descendants will speak of their ancestors who have disappeared

il est politiquement correct d’être anti-américain + it’s politically correct to be anti-American

la guerre est finie, mon lieutenant + the war is over, Lieutenant

quel projet d’envergure se fait instantané- ment? + what large-scale project happens in an instant?

les problèmes externes se révèlent aussi importants + the external problems prove as important

les syndicats veulent une confirmation écrite + the unions want written confirmation

je ne voulais surtout pas m’endormir au volant + I certainly didn’t want to fall asleep at the wheel

elle voulait un enfant par-dessus tout + she wanted a child more than anything

je voudrais m’enfuir, mais je suis comme paralysée + I wanted to escape but it’s like I’m paralyzed

tu veux vraiment enquêter sur lui? + you really want to investigate him?

nous sommes des auxiliaires du trône pontifical + we are assistants to the pontifical throne

j’ai une idée géniale + I have a brilliant idea

on veut faire de l’argent, on veut rallier les gens, faire le party + we want to make money, we want to gather people, to party

c’est une contradiction flagrante + it’s a blatant contradiction

je voulais bousculer les habitudes des gens + I wanted to shake up people’s habits

il voulait quitter sa ville natale + he wanted to leave his hometown

s’ils veulent un remboursement, je le prendrais sur ta paye + if they want reimbursement, I’ll take it from your paycheck

entre-temps, la population vieillit et augmente + in the meantime the population is aging and increasing

ils veulent m’enfermer à l’asile! + they want to commit me to an asylum!

le pinot demande une vigilance constante + pinot demands constant vigilance

j’avais souhaité parler du rock de mon adolescence + I wanted to talk about the rock of my teenage years

ils ont fait un travail fantastique + they did a fantastic job

elle m’avait annoncé sa grossesse + she told me she was pregnant

les catastrophes ont des incidences économiques importantes + catastrophes cause important economic consequences

apparemment, je lui suis complètement indifférente + apparently, I’m completely unimportant to him

divers éléments nous procurent cet avantage concurrentiel + many factors bring us this competitive advantage

qu’est-ce qu’on veut comme nationalistes? + what do we nationalists want?

mon entourage m’encourage à profiter de la vie + my circle of friends encourages me to take advantage of life

les bactéries résistantes disparaissent en quelques jours + resistant bacteria will disappear in a few days

il ne voulait pas me faire un reçu + he didn’t want to give me a receipt

on continue à octroyer des brevets pour des séquences + we continue to grant patents for sequences

j’habite dans le Canada atlantique + I live in Atlantic Canada

ils ont fini d’installer les gigantesques panneaux solaires + they finished installing giant solar panels

la stabilisation du fonds est primordiale + stabilizing the funds is all-important

la légion remplit vaillamment sa mission + the legion valiantly fulfilled its mission

tout ça est chiffré à chaque fois par les ministères + all of this is quantified each time by the ministers

nous avons aidé de nouveaux immigrants à s’établir + we helped new immigrants to get settled

ces territoires suscitent une vigoureuse contrebande + these territories support a vibrant black market

nous voulons corriger les insuffisances actuelles + we want to correct current inadequacies

il démantèle la structure réglementaire de la loi actuellement en vigueur + it dismantles the regulatory structure of the current law

le parlement négocie avec les occupants + the parliament is negotiating with the occupants

je les soupçonnais de vouloir me contrarier + I suspected them of wanting to hassle me

pour l’avenir, elle entrevoit des débouchés intéressants + for the future, she anticipates interesting opportunities

les objectifs de disponibilité sont des facteurs importants + goals for availability are important factors

15.000 clandestins ont été appréhendés + 15,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended

je dors continuellement, et j’ai de la fièvre + I sleep constantly, and I have a fever

les orchestres ne veulent pas de ma musique + orchestras don’t want my music

donne-moi quelque chose pour envelopper le petit + give me something to wrap the infant in

je ne voulais pas gâcher votre fête + I didn’t want to ruin your party

la conférence devait réunir des leaders chiites, sunnites et kurdes + the conference was meant to bring together Shiite, Sunni, and Kurdish leaders

les antibiotiques sont utilisés de façon préventive + the antibiotics are used for prevention

je voulais juste être aimable + I just wanted to be likable

ôtez votre pantalon et entrez, je vais vous examiner + take off your pants and come in, I’m going to examine you

ces polluants sont néfastes pour tous + these pollutants are harmful to everyone

je ne veux pas lasser le public + I don’t want to make the public weary

l’accord prévoit la fourniture de 3 millions de tonnes de pétrole + the agreement anticipates a supply of 3 million tonnes of oil

les pauvres sont désormais plus élégants que les riches + the poor are henceforth more elegant than the rich

son père lui appliqua une crème désinfec- tante et lui banda la main + his father applied some disinfectant cream and bandaged his hand

ce que jeunesse désire, vieillesse l’a en abondance + what youth wants, old age has abundantly

qui mange du gâteau d’anniversaire? + who wants to eat some birthday cake?

j’ai chanté l’hymne national + I sang the national anthem

la question de la justesse se pose + the question of correctness is relevant here

les romantiques, justement, désiraient toujours au-delà + exactly: romanticists always wanted more

j’avais envie de claquer violemment la porte derrière lui + I wanted to slam the door violently behind him

j’ai acheté toutes les munitions que je voulais + I bought all the ammunition that I wanted

nous devons rester vigilants et critiques + we must remain vigilant and critical

l’industrie forestière est très importante + the forest industry is very important

les droits civiques sont accordés aux 336.000 Arabes israéliens + civil rights are granted to the 336,000 Israeli Arabs

je veux rester performant et ne pas avoir une fin de carrière + I want to stay productive and not have my career end

nous voulons maintenant hisser la barre encore plus haut + now we want to raise the bar even higher

nous parlions de choses insignifiantes, avec gaieté + we were merrily talking of insignificant things
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+ + + + 103 ant +
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ant kiến + +