B + + * * cheng2 ride on 1. fahren 2.ausnutzen, benutzen, von etw Gebrauch machen 3.multiplizieren + + +
C 乘客 + + * * cheng2ke4 passenger Fahrgast, Passagier + + +
D 乘機 + + * * cheng2ji1 seize the opportunity eine Gelegenheit ergreifen + + +
D 乘務員 + + * * cheng2wu4yuan2 trainman/ stewardess Schaffner + + +

4 ngồi 乘坐 5 đáp 6 đáp

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

ride, ascend / avail oneself of / numerary adjunct for vehicles
sit / seat / ride, travel by

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

乘' + * * + surname /
乘' + * * + to ride/ to mount to make us
乘' + * * + four horse military chariot (archaic)/ four (archaic) generic te
乘人不備' + 乘人不备* * + to take advantage of sb in an unguarded moment (idiom)/ to take sb by surprise
乘人之危' + 乘人之危* * + to take advantage of sb's precarious position/
乘便' + 乘便* * + at your convenience/
乘冪' + 乘幂* * + the power of a number (square, cube etc)/ to exponentiate (math.)
乘務' + 乘务* * + service (on a train, a plane etc)/
乘務員' + 乘务员* * + attendant on an airplane, train, boat etc/
乘勝' + 乘胜* * + to follow up a victory/ to pursue retreating enemy
乘勝追擊' + 乘胜追击* * + to follow up a victory and press home the attack/ to pursue retreating enemy
乘勢' + 乘势* * + to seize the opportunity/ to strike while the iron is hot
乘坐' + 乘坐* * + to ride (in a vehicle)/
乘堅策肥' + 乘坚策肥* * + to live in luxury/ lit. to ride a solid carriage pulled by fat horses
乘客' + 乘客* * + passenger/
乘數' + 乘数* * + multiplier/
乘方' + 乘方* * + to square a number/ to calculate the square
乘機' + 乘机* * + to seize the chance/ opportunistic
乘法' + 乘法* * + multiplication/
乘法表' + 乘法表* * + multiplication table/
乘法逆' + 乘法逆* * + multiplicative inverse (math.)/
乘涼' + 乘凉* * + to cool off in the shade/
乘火打劫' + 乘火打劫* * + to take advantage of sb's misfortune/ to loot
乘用車' + 乘用车* * + passenger vehicle/
乘積' + 乘积* * + product (result of multiplication)/
乘興' + 乘兴* * + while in high spirits/ feeling upbeat on an impu
乘船' + 乘船* * + to embark/ to travel by ship to ferry
乘虛' + 乘虚* * + to take advantage of weakness/
乘虛而入' + 乘虚而入* * + to enter by exploiting a weak spot (idiom); to take advantage of a lapse/
乘號' + 乘号* * + multiplication sign (math.)/
乘警' + 乘警* * + police on trains/ train marshal
乘車' + 乘车* * + to ride (in a car or carriage)/ to drive to motor
乘除' + 乘除* * + to multiply and divide/
乘隙' + 乘隙* * + to seize an opportunity/ to exploit (a loophole)
乘風' + 乘风* * + to ride the wind/ to use a fair wind to take an
乘風破浪' + 乘风破浪* * + to brave the wind and the billows (idiom); to have high ambitions/
乘鶴' + 乘鹤* * + to fly on a crane/ to die
乘龍' + 乘龙* * + to ride the dragon/ to die (of emperors and kings)
乘龍快婿' + 乘龙快婿* * + ideal son-in-law/
椉' + * * + old variant of 乘/

multiply multiplizieren คูณ multiplier multiplicar moltiplicare moninkertaistaa

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1758 公共汽车 +
1759 乘以 等于 +
3575 儿童 单独 乘坐 飞机 +
3685 加减乘除 基本 运算 法则 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ +

乘坐 (자동차·배·비행기 등을) 타다. + + 오르다. + + 乘务员 승무원. + +

+ + + + + + + +