B 遵守 + + * * zun1shou3 observe/ abide by befolgen, einhalten + + +
C + + * * shou3 guard/ defend/ keep watch/ observe/ be close to 1. verteidigen, schützen, behaupten 2. Wache halten, wachen, aufpassen 3. halten, einhalten, festhalten 4. beobachten, in der Nähe sein + + +
C 防守 + + * * fang2shou3 defend and keep/ guard verteidigen, schützen (gegen) + + +
C 保守 + + * * bao3shou3 guard/ keep/ conservative bewahren, bewachen, konservativ + + +
D 守法 + + * * shou3 fa3 keep the law die Gesetze einhalten + + +
D 守衛 + + * * shou3wei4 guard/ ward bewachen + + +

5 tuân thủ 遵守 6 bảo thủ 保守 6 phòng thủ 防守 6 canh giữ 守护

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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defend, protect, guard, conserve
numerary adjunct for trees / root
treat, entertain, receive / wait
rabbit, hare
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

守' + * * + to guard/ to defend to keep wa
守住' + 守住* * + to hold on to/ to defend to keep
守信' + 守信* * + to keep promises/
守信用' + 守信用* * + to keep one's word/ trustworthy
守候' + 守候* * + to wait for/ to expect to keep wa
守備' + 守备* * + to garrison/ to stand guard on garriso
守兵' + 守兵* * + guard/ garrison soldier
守分' + 守分* * + to abide by the law/ to respect the law
守制' + 守制* * + to go into mourning for one's parents/
守則' + 守则* * + rules/ regulations
守勢' + 守势* * + defensive position/ guard
守口如瓶' + 守口如瓶* * + lit. to guard one's mouth like a closed bottle (idiom); tight-lipped/ reticent not breath
守喪' + 守丧* * + to keep watch beside a coffin/ to observe a period of mourning
守土' + 守土* * + to guard one's territory/ to protect the country
守土有責' + 守土有责* * + duty to defend the country (idiom)/
守夜' + 守夜* * + night vigil/
守孝' + 守孝* * + to observe mourning for one's parents/
守宮' + 守宫* * + gecko/ house lizard
守寡' + 守寡* * + to live as widow/ to observe widowhood
守恆' + 守恒* * + conservation (e.g. of energy, momentum or heat in physics)/ to remain constant (of a number)
守恆定律' + 守恒定律* * + conservation law/
守成' + 守成* * + to preserve the accomplishments of previous generations/ to carry on the good work of one's predecessors
守拙' + 守拙* * + to remain honest and poor/
守敵' + 守敌* * + enemy defense/ enemy garrison
守時' + 守时* * + punctual/
守更' + 守更* * + to keep watch during the night/
守服' + 守服* * + to observe mourning for one's parents/
守望' + 守望* * + to keep watch/ on guard
守望相助' + 守望相助* * + to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to defe/ mutual help and protection
守株待兔' + 守株待兔* * + lit. to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits (idiom)/ to wait idly for opportunities to trust t
守株待兔,緣木求魚' + 守株待兔,缘木求鱼* * + to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits, and climb a tree to catch fish (idiom)/
守株緣木' + 守株缘木* * + abbr. for 守株待兔,緣木求魚|守株待兔,缘木求鱼/
守業' + 守业* * + to pres to defend the accomplishments of previous generations/ to carry on the good work to keep on
守正不阿' + 守正不阿* * + to be strictly just and impartial/
守歲' + 守岁* * + to see in the New Year/
守法' + 守法* * + to abide by the law/
守活寡' + 守活寡* * + to stay at home while one's husband is away/ grass widow
守禦' + 守御* * + to defend/
守空房' + 守空房* * + to stay home alone (of married woman)/
守節' + 守节* * + faithful (to the memory of betrothed)/ constant (of widow who remains unmarried)
守約' + 守约* * + to keep an appointment/ to keep one's word
守職' + 守职* * + to observe one's duty steadfastly/ devoted to one's job
守舊' + 守旧* * + conservative/ reactionary
守舊派' + 守旧派* * + the conservative faction/ reactionaries
守衛' + 守卫* * + to guard/ to defend
守衛者' + 守卫者* * + defender/ a guard
守規矩' + 守规矩* * + to behave oneself/ to abide by the rules
守護' + 守护* * + to guard/ to protect
守護神' + 守护神* * + protector God/ patron saint
守財奴' + 守财奴* * + miser/ scrooge
守身' + 守身* * + to keep oneself pure/ to preserve one's integrity to remain
守身如玉' + 守身如玉* * + to keep oneself pure/ to preserve one's integrity to remain
守車' + 守车* * + guard's van (on train)/ caboose
守軍' + 守军* * + defenders/
守門' + 守门* * + to keep goal/ on duty as gate-keeper
守門人' + 守门人* * + gatekeeper/
守門員' + 守门员* * + goal-keeper/
守靈' + 守灵* * + to keep watch beside a coffin/
守齋' + 守斋* * + to fast/

observe beobachten สังเกต observer observar osservare tarkkailla

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


175 我们 必须 遵守 法律 +
895 马路 遵守 交通 规则 +
1102 守时 短处 +
1109 大家 应该 遵守 法律 条款 +
1154 人人 遵守 交通 规则 +
1231 守门员 +
1357 士兵 坚守 阵地 +
2242 应该 遵守 法律 +
2322 士兵 驻守 边境 +
2354 他们 遵守 诺言 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


遵守 (규정 등을) 준수하다. 지키다. + + 保守 보수적이다. + + 防守 (외부의 침략이나 공격을) 수비하다. 방어하다. + + 守护 지키다. 수호하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +