A + + * * chu1 go out/ exceed/ issue/ vent 1. hinausgehen, herauskommen 2. erscheinen 3. überschreiten, über etw hinausgehen, übertreffen 4. abgeben, ausgeben 5. erzeugen, vorkommen 6. geschehen 7. ausscheiden 8. ausgeben + + +
A 出發 + + * * chu1fa1 set out/ start from losgehen,sich auf den Weg machen + + +
A 出來 + + * * chu1 lai2 come out/ emerge herauskommen, hervorkommen + + +
A 出去 + + * * chu1 qu4 go out/ get out ausgehen,hinausgehen,nach draußen gehen + + +
A 出現 + + * * chu1xian4 appear/ arise erscheinen, auftreten, auftauchen, vorkommen, entstehen + + +
A 出租汽車 + + * * chu1zu1 qi4che1 taxi Taxi + + +
A 演出 + + * * yan3chu1 perform/ put on a show/ performance aufführen,Aufführung + + +
B 從…出發 + + * * cong2 chu1fa1 set off from von... starten, von... losfahren + + +
B 突出 + + * * tu1chu1 outstanding/ stand out hervorstehen, herausragen + + +
B 出版 + + * * chu1ban3 publish Publikation + + +
B 出口 + + * * chu1 kou3 export exportieren, Export + + +
B 展出 + + * * zhan3chu1 put on display/ exhibit austellen, anzeigen + + +
B 指出 + + * * zhi3chu1 point out auf etwas hinweisen, anzeigen, herausstellen + + +
B 出生 + + * * chu1sheng1 be born Geburt + + +
B 出席 + + * * chu1 xi2 attend/ be present Anwesenheit + + +
B 出院 + + * * chu1 yuan4 be discharged/ from hospital das Krankenhaus verlassen + + +
B 發出 + + * * fa1chu1 send out/ give out aussenden, ausstoßen + + +
C 出路 + + * * chu1lu4 way out/ outlet Ausweg + + +
C 出賣 + + * * chu1mai4 betray/ sell out/ sell betrügen, verraten + + +
C 出門 + + * * chu1 men2 go out/ leave home for a long journey 1. sein Haus verlassen, ausgehen 2. auf eine Reise gehen + + +
C 出難題 + + * * chu1 nan2ti2 raise a tough question/ present a difficult problem vor ein schwieriges Problem stellen, eine schwierige Frage stellen + + +
C 出身 + + * * chu1shen1 be born into/ origin/ family background 1. Herkunft, Abstammung, stammen (aus), abstammen 2. früherer Beruf + + +
C 出事 + + * * chu1 shi4 have an accident/ meet with a mishap Unfall, Unglück + + +
C 出息 + + * * chu1xi prospect/ aspiration/ promise vielversprechende Aussichten, große Zukunft + + +
C 出洋相 + + * * chu1 yang2xiang4 make a laughing stock of oneself sich lächerlich machen, sich zum Gespött machen + + +
C 出租 + + * * chu1zu1 hire out/ rent out/ let vermieten, verpachten + + +
D 傑出 + + * * jie2chu1 outstanding überragend, hervorragend,außergewöhnlich + + +
D 輸出 + + * * shu1chu1 export/ output exportieren + + +
D 退出 + 退+ * * tui4chu1 exit/ quit sich zurückziehen, zurücktreten + + +
D 支出 + + * * zhi1chu1 payout/ expend zahlen, bezahlen, ausgeben, Ausgabe, Aufwendung, + + +
D 外出 + + * * wai4chu1 outgoing/ stay out ausgehen, nach außen tretend + + +
D 層出不窮 + + * * ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2 emerge in endlessly nacheinander hinauskommen, nacheinander hervorkommen + + +
D 出差 + + * * chu1 chai1 be on a business trip Geschäftsreise, Geschäftsreise ins Ausland + + +
D 出產 + + * * chu1chan3 produce Ausstoß, Output, + + +
D 出動 + 出动+ * * chu1dong4 call out/ turn out aussenden + + +
D 派出所 + + * * pai4chu1suo3 police station Polizeirevier + + +
D 出發點 + + * * chu1fa1dian3 starting point Startpunkt + + +
D 出訪 + 访+ * * chu1fang3 visit to (foreign countries) besuchen, besichtigen + + +
D 出境 + + * * chu1 jing4 leave the country das Land verlassen, international + + +
D 出面 + + * * chu1 mian4 lend one's name/ use the name of handeln + + +
D 出名 + + * * chu1 ming2 come to the top bekannt für + + +
D 出品 + + * * chu1pin3 manufacture produzieren, Produkt + + +
D 出入 + + * * chu1ru4 discrepancy hinein und hinaus, Diskrepanz + + +
D 出色 + + * * chu1se4 excellent/ outstanding bemerkenswert + + +
D 出神 + + * * chu1 shen2 be lost in thought gedankenverloren, + + +
D 出世 + + * * chu1shi4 born auf die Welt kommen, geboren werden, entstehen + + +
D 出售 + + * * chu1shou4 sale/ vend verkaufen, zum Verkauf anbieten + + +
D 超出 + + * * chao1chu1 overstep/ go beyond übertreffen,übersteigen + + +
D 付出 + + * * fu4chu1 hand over/ pay bezahlen, ausgeben + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
give, deliver, pay, hand over / entrust
go out, send out / stand / produce

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

出' + * * + to go out/ to come out to occur
出世' + 出世* * + to be born/ to come into being to withdra
出乎' + 出乎* * + due to/ to stem from to go beyo
出乎意外' + 出乎意外* * + beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected/
出乎意料' + 出乎意料* * + beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected/
出乎預料' + 出乎预料* * + beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected/
出亂子' + 出乱子* * + to go wrong/ to get into trouble
出了事' + 出了事* * + sth bad happened/
出事' + 出事* * + to have an accident/ to meet with a mishap
出亡' + 出亡* * + to go into exile/
出人命' + 出人命* * + fatal/ resulting in sb's death
出人意外' + 出人意外* * + turned out other than expected (idiom); unexpected/
出人意料' + 出人意料* * + unexpected (idiom)/ surprising
出人意表' + 出人意表* * + to exceed all expectations/ to come as a surprise
出人頭地' + 出人头地* * + to stand out among one's peers (idiom)/ to excel
出仕' + 出仕* * + to take up an official post/
出任' + 出任* * + to take up a post/ to start in a new job
出份子' + 出份子* * + to club together (to offer a gift)/ to hold a whip-round
出伏' + 出伏* * + end of 三伏/
出使' + 出使* * + to go a to be sent on a diplomatic mission/
出來' + 出来* * + to come out/ to appear to arise
出來' + 出来* * + (after a verb, indicates coming out, completion of an action, or ability to discer/
出借' + 出借* * + to lend/ to put out a loan
出價' + 出价* * + to bid/
出入' + 出入* * + to go out and come in/ entrance and exit expenditur
出入口' + 出入口* * + gateway/
出入境檢驗檢疫局' + 出入境检验检疫局* * + entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau/
出入境管理局' + 出入境管理局* * + Exit and Entry Administration Bureau (PRC)/
出入平安' + 出入平安* * + lit. peace when you come or go/ peace wherever you go
出入門' + 出入门* * + entrance and exit door/
出兵' + 出兵* * + to send troops/
出其不意' + 出其不意* * + to do sth when least expected (idiom); to catch sb off guard/
出其不意攻其不備' + 出其不意攻其不备* * + catch an enemy off guard with a surprise attack (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of W/
出具' + 出具* * + to issu to provide/
出列' + 出列* * + to step out of the ranks/ Soldier X, step forward!
出力' + 出力* * + to exert oneself/
出動' + 出动* * + to start out on a trip/ to dispatch troops
出勤' + 出勤* * + to start work/ to show up on time for work
出包' + 出包* * + to contract out/ to run into problems
出去' + 出去* * + to go out/
出口' + 出口* * + an exit/ CL:個|个
出口商' + 出口商* * + exporte export business/
出口商品' + 出口商品* * + export product/ export goods
出口成章' + 出口成章* * + to speak like a printed book/ quick and clever talking the gift o
出口氣' + 出口气* * + to take one's revenge/ to score off sb
出口產品' + 出口产品* * + export product/
出口調查' + 出口调查* * + exit poll/
出口貨' + 出口货* * + exports/ goods for export
出口額' + 出口额* * + export amount/
出名' + 出名* * + well-known for sth/ to become well known to make on
出品' + 出品* * + to produce an item/ output items that
出品人' + 出品人* * + producer (film)/
出售' + 出售* * + to sell/ to offer for sale to put on
出問題' + 出问题* * + to have sth go wrong/ to have a problem arise to give pr
出喪' + 出丧* * + to hold a funeral procession/
出嘍子' + 出喽子* * + variant of 出婁子|出娄子/
出圈' + 出圈* * + to muck to clean muck from a cowshed, pigsty etc/
出圈兒' + 出圈儿* * + to overstep the norm/ to go out of bounds
出國' + 出国* * + to go abroad/ to leave the country emigration
出土' + 出土* * + to dig up/ to appear in an excavation unearthed
出埃及記' + 出埃及记* * + Book of Exodus/ Second Book of Moses
出場' + 出场* * + to appear (on stage, in a show, in a photo etc)/ to play (for a team) to enter (
出境' + 出境* * + to leave a country or region/ emigration outbound (
出境檢查' + 出境检查* * + emigration control/
出外' + 出外* * + to go out/ to leave for another place
出大差' + 出大差* * + lit. to go on a long trip/ fig. to be sent to the execution ground
出奇' + 出奇* * + extraordinary/ exceptional unusual
出奇制勝' + 出奇制胜* * + to win by a surprise move/
出奔' + 出奔* * + to flee/ to escape into exile
出婁子' + 出娄子* * + to run into difficulties/ to cause trouble
出嫁' + 出嫁* * + to get married (of woman)/
出官' + 出官* * + to leave the capital for an official post/
出家' + 出家* * + to leave home (to become a Buddhist monk or nun)/
出家人' + 出家人* * + monk/ nun (Buddhist or Daoist)
出尖' + 出尖* * + out of the ordinary/ outstanding egregious
出尖兒' + 出尖儿* * + erhua variant of 出尖/
出局' + 出局* * + to send to knock out (i.e. to beat in a knock-out tournament)/ to eliminate to call ou
出山' + 出山* * + to leave the mountain (of a hermit)/ to come out of obscurity to a government job to take a
出岔子' + 出岔子* * + to go wrong/ to take a wrong turning
出巡' + 出巡* * + to go on an inspection tour/
出差' + 出差* * + to go on an official or business trip/
出師' + 出师* * + to finish apprenticeship/ to graduate to send ou
出席' + 出席* * + to attend/ to participate present
出席者' + 出席者* * + attendant/
出席表決比例' + 出席表决比例* * + proportion of those present and voting/
出庭' + 出庭* * + to appear in court/
出廠' + 出厂* * + to leave the factory (of finished goods)/
出廠價' + 出厂价* * + invoice/ factory price
出征' + 出征* * + to go into battle/ to campaign (military)
出恭' + 出恭* * + to defecate (euphemism)/ to go to the toilet
出息' + 出息* * + to yield interest, profit etc/ to exhale (Buddhism)
出息' + 出息* * + future prospects/ profit to mature
出手' + 出手* * + to dispose of/ to spend (money) to underta
出招' + 出招* * + to make a move (in martial arts or figuratively)/
出擊' + 出击* * + to sally/ to attack
出操' + 出操* * + to drill/ to exercise to go outd
出新' + 出新* * + to make new advances/ to move forwards
出於' + 出于* * + due to/ to stem from
出書' + 出书* * + to publish books/
出月' + 出月* * + next month/ after this month
出月子' + 出月子* * + to complete the month of confinement following childbirth/ cf 坐月子
出格' + 出格* * + to over to take sth too far/ (of a measuring device) to go off the scale
出榜' + 出榜* * + to publish class list of successful exam candidates/
出樓子' + 出楼子* * + variant of 出婁子|出娄子/
出櫃' + 出柜* * + to come to reveal one's sexual orientation/
出殯' + 出殡* * + funeral/ funeral procession
出毛病' + 出毛病* * + a problem appears/ to break down
出氣' + 出气* * + to give vent to anger/
出氣口' + 出气口* * + gas or air outlet/ emotional outlet
出氣筒' + 出气筒* * + (metaphorical) punching bag/ undeserving target of sb's wrath
出水' + 出水* * + to discharge water/ to appear out of the water to break t
出水口' + 出水口* * + water outlet/ drainage outlet
出水芙蓉' + 出水芙蓉* * + as a lotus flower breaking the surface (idiom); surpassingly beautiful (of young l/
出汗' + 出汗* * + to perspire/ to sweat
出沒' + 出没* * + to come and go/ to roam about (mostly unseen) (of a ghos
出沒無常' + 出没无常* * + to appear and disappear unpredictably/
出洋' + 出洋* * + to go abroad (old)/
出洋相' + 出洋相* * + to make a fool of oneself/
出活' + 出活* * + to finish a job on time/ to produce the goods
出海' + 出海* * + to go out to sea/
出淤泥而不染' + 出淤泥而不染* * + lit. to grow out of the mud unsullied (idiom)/ fig. to be principled and incorruptible
出清' + 出清* * + to clear out accumulated items/ (retailing) to hold a clearance sale
出港' + 出港* * + to leave harbor/ departure (at airport)
出港大廳' + 出港大厅* * + departure lounge/
出溜' + 出溜* * + to slip/ to slide
出漏子' + 出漏子* * + to take a wrong turn/ to go wrong
出爐' + 出炉* * + to take out of the furnace/ fresh out of the oven fig. newly
出爾反爾' + 出尔反尔* * + old: to reap the consequences of one's words (idiom, from Mencius); modern: to go / to blow hot and cold to contrad
出版' + 出版* * + to publish/ to come off the press to put out
出版商' + 出版商* * + publisher/
出版物' + 出版物* * + publications/
出版社' + 出版社* * + publishing house/
出版者' + 出版者* * + publisher/
出獄' + 出狱* * + to be released from prison/
出獵' + 出猎* * + to go out hunting/
出現' + 出现* * + to appear/ to arise to emerge
出生' + 出生* * + to be born/
出生入死' + 出生入死* * + from the cradle to the grave (idiom); to go through fire and water/ brave willing to
出生地' + 出生地* * + birthplace/
出生地點' + 出生地点* * + place of birth/
出生日期' + 出生日期* * + date of birth/
出生率' + 出生率* * + birthrate/
出生缺陷' + 出生缺陷* * + birth defect/
出生證' + 出生证* * + birth certificate/ CL:張|张
出生證明' + 出生证明* * + birth c CL:張|张/
出生證明書' + 出生证明书* * + birth c CL:張|张/
出產' + 出产* * + to prod to yield/ to turn out produce
出界' + 出界* * + to cross a border/ to go out of bounds (sport)
出發' + 出发* * + to start out/ to set off
出發點' + 出发点* * + starting point/ the outset
出盤' + 出盘* * + to sell up/ to wind up a business
出眾' + 出众* * + to stand out/ outstanding
出示' + 出示* * + to show/ to take out and show to others to display
出神' + 出神* * + spellbound/ entranced lost in th
出神入化' + 出神入化* * + to reach perfection (idiom); a superb artistic achievement/
出神音樂' + 出神音乐* * + trance (music genre)/
出租' + 出租* * + to rent/
出租司機' + 出租司机* * + taxi driver/
出租汽車' + 出租汽车* * + taxi/ cab (PRC) hire car (
出租車' + 出租车* * + taxi (Taiwan) rental car/
出籠' + 出笼* * + just out of the steamer basket 蒸籠|蒸笼/ to appear (of products, publications, sometimes derog., "lots of shoddy material is appearing nowadays")
出糗' + 出糗* * + (coll.) to have sth embarrassing happen/
出納' + 出纳* * + cashier/ to receive and hand over payment to lend an
出納員' + 出纳员* * + cashier/ teller treasurer
出線' + 出线* * + out of bounds/ over the line beyond the
出繼' + 出继* * + to become adopted as heir/
出缺' + 出缺* * + to fall vacant/ a job opening at a high level
出老千' + 出老千* * + to cheat (in gambling)/
出聲' + 出声* * + to utter/ to give voice
出脫' + 出脱* * + to manage to sell/ to dispose of sth (by selling) to get pro
出自' + 出自* * + to come from/
出自肺腑' + 出自肺腑* * + from the bottom of one's heart (idiom)/
出臭子兒' + 出臭子儿* * + to make a bad move (in a game of chess)/
出臺' + 出台* * + to officially launch (a policy, program etc)/ to appear on stage to appear
出航' + 出航* * + to set out (on a trip)/
出色' + 出色* * + remarkable/ outstanding
出苗' + 出苗* * + to sprout/ to come out (of seedling) to bud
出草' + 出草* * + (of Taiwan aborigines) to go on a headhunting expedition/
出落' + 出落* * + to grow (prettier etc)/ to mature into to blossom
出處' + 出处* * + source (esp. of quotation or literary allusion)/ origin where sth
出號' + 出号* * + large-sized (of clothes, shoes)/ (old) to give an order (old) to q
出血' + 出血* * + bleeding/ hemorrhage fig. spend
出血性' + 出血性* * + hemorrhagic/
出血性登革熱' + 出血性登革热* * + dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)/
出血熱' + 出血热* * + hemorrhage fever/
出行' + 出行* * + to set out on a long journey/ to travel afar
出言' + 出言* * + to speak/ words
出言不遜' + 出言不逊* * + to speak rudely/
出訪' + 出访* * + to travel on business/ to visit (a foreign country) same as 外出
出診' + 出诊* * + to visi house call/
出謀劃策' + 出谋划策* * + to put forward plans and ideas (also derogatory)/ to give advice (idiom)
出警' + 出警* * + to dispatch police to the scene of crime, accident etc/
出讓' + 出让* * + to transfer (one's property or rights to sb else)/
出貨' + 出货* * + to take money or valuables out of storage/ to recover to ship go
出資' + 出资* * + to fund/ to put money into sth to invest
出賣' + 出卖* * + to offer for sale/ to sell to sell ou
出賣靈魂' + 出卖灵魂* * + to sell one's soul/
出賽' + 出赛* * + to compete/ to take part (in a sports event)
出走' + 出走* * + to leave home/ to go off to run awa
出超' + 出超* * + trade surplus/ favorable balance of trade
出路' + 出路* * + a way out (of a difficulty etc)/
出身' + 出身* * + to be born of/ to come from family bac
出車' + 出车* * + to drive (people or goods to a destination)/
出軌' + 出轨* * + derailment (railway accident)/ to leave the rails fig. to ov
出輯' + 出辑* * + to release an album (of a musician)/
出迎' + 出迎* * + to greet/ to go out to meet
出逃' + 出逃* * + to run away/ to flee (the country)
出遊' + 出游* * + to go on a tour/ to have an outing
出道' + 出道* * + to make one's first public performance (of an entertainer etc)/ to start one's career
出醜' + 出丑* * + shameful/ scandalous to be humi
出鋒頭' + 出锋头* * + to push oneself forward/ to seek fame to be in t
出錢' + 出钱* * + to pay/
出錯' + 出错* * + to make a mistake/ error
出錯信息' + 出错信息* * + error message (computing)/
出鏡' + 出镜* * + to appear on camera/ to play a role in a film
出門' + 出门* * + to go out/ to leave home to go on a
出閣' + 出阁* * + (of a girl) to marry (literary)/
出院' + 出院* * + to leave hospital/ to be discharged from hospital
出險' + 出险* * + to get out of trouble/ to escape from danger a danger a
出難題' + 出难题* * + to raise a tough question/
出露' + 出露* * + to emerge/
出面' + 出面* * + to appear personally/ to step in to step fo
出鞘' + 出鞘* * + (of a sword etc) to unsheath/
出頭' + 出头* * + to get out of a predicament/ to stick out to take th
出頭鳥' + 出头鸟* * + to stand out (among a group)/ distinguished
出題' + 出题* * + to draw up the theme (for discussion)/
出類拔萃' + 出类拔萃* * + to excel the common (idiom); surpassing/ preeminent outstandin
出風口' + 出风口* * + air vent/ air outlet
出風頭' + 出风头* * + to push oneself forward/ to seek fame to be in t
出飯' + 出饭* * + to swel /
出馬' + 出马* * + to set out (on a campaign)/ to stand for election to throw o
出點子' + 出点子* * + to express an opinion/ to offer advice

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


95 太阳 出来 +
136 我们 海边 日出 +
141 经常 外地 出差 +
151 太阳 出现 地平线 +
191 出门 +
584 出示 护照 +
623 出口 左边 +
658 这里 差错 +
787 政府 即将 推出 政策 +
793 开销 超出 限制 +
833 出示 有效 证件 +
948 今晚 芭蕾舞 演出 +
1119 这里 延伸 沙洲 +
1156 我们 立即 出发 +
1173 杂志 出版 +
1193 激动 甚至 出来 +
1267 观点 提出 抗议 +
1287 朝阳 时分 出发 +
1337 驱逐 出境 +
1385 怀疑 事情 问题 +
1481 书架 抽出 +
1491 出门 忽然 大雨 +
1509 这里 禁止 出入 +
1554 消息 登出来 +
1724 出国 旅行 护照 麻烦 +
1765 市场 出售 蔬菜 +
1886 允许 丈夫 出门 +
1891 爱因斯坦 人类 做出 巨大 贡献 +
1897 傑出 建筑师 +
1905 最近 频繁 出差 +
1946 太阳 发出 耀眼 光辉 +
1964 日本 京都 庙宇 出名 +
2003 天气 他们 很多 +
2006 出色 哲学家 +
2029 机械 故障 +
2092 捐出 自己 零用钱 +
2118 出版社 编辑 +
2155 指出 房子 结构 弊端 +
2234 悟出 问题 答案 +
2269 出去 外头 台风 +
2311 幼苗 长出来 +
2358 渔民 每天 出海 捕鱼 +
2489 派遣 出差 +
2616 伸出 舌头 +
2627 幼苗 长出来 +
2673 出口 英哩 +
2691 今天 出嫁 +
2692 秋日 呈现出 迷人 景色 +
2738 孩子 露出 仇视 表情 +
2771 分辨 哥哥 +
2844 正在 纽约 出差 +
2894 牛奶 洒出 +
2949 手机 可能 放出 轻微 辐射 +
3106 账本 数目 好像 出错 +
3143 渗出来 +
3185 天边 出现 曙光 +
3188 火车 驶出 隧道 +
3239 准备 出手 榴弹 +
3257 办理 出国 手续 繁琐 +
3325 口袋 掏出 +
3339 敌军 溃败 撤出 城市 +
3560 出现 彩虹 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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