A 突然 + + * * tu1ran2 sudden/ abrupt schlagartig, plötzlich, unvermittelt, unerwartet + + +
B 突出 + + * * tu1chu1 outstanding/ stand out hervorstehen, herausragen + + +
B 突擊 + + * * tu1ji1 make a sudden attack/ assault plötzlich angreifen, einen Übergriff machen + + +
C 突破 + + * * tu1po4 charge-breach/ break through/ breakthrough einen Durchbruch erzielen, durchbrechen, brechen, überschreiten + + +
C 衝突 + + * * chong1tu1 collide/ conflict/ clash/ collision Konflikt, Kollision + + +

3 đột nhiên 突然 5 xông ra 突出 6 xung đột 冲突 6 đột phá 突破

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly
raid, attack / inherit

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

突' + * * + to dash/ to move forward quickly to bulge
突兀' + 突兀* * + lofty o sudden or abrupt/
突出' + 突出* * + prominent/ outstanding to give pr
突厥' + 突厥* * + Turkic ethnic group/
突厥斯坦' + 突厥斯坦* * + Turkestan/
突圍' + 突围* * + to break a siege/ to break out of an enclosure
突如其來' + 突如其来* * + to arise abruptly/ to arrive suddenly happening
突尼斯' + 突尼斯* * + Tunisia/ Tunis, capital of Tunisia
突尼斯市' + 突尼斯市* * + Tunis, capital of Tunisia/
突尼西亞' + 突尼西亚* * + Tunisia (Tw)/
突擊' + 突击* * + sudden and violent attack/ assault fig. rushe
突擊檢查' + 突击检查* * + sudden unannounced investigation/ on-the-spot inspection to search
突擊步槍' + 突击步枪* * + assault rifle/
突擊隊' + 突击队* * + commando unit/
突擊隊員' + 突击队员* * + commando/
突泉縣' + 突泉县* * + Tuquan county in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟/
突然' + 突然* * + sudden abrupt/ unexpected
突然間' + 突然间* * + suddenly/
突發' + 突发* * + to burst out suddenly/ sudden outburst
突發事件' + 突发事件* * + emergency/ sudden occurrence
突發奇想' + 突发奇想* * + suddenly have a thought (idiom)/ suddenly be inspired to do something
突破' + 突破* * + to break through/ to make a breakthrough to surmoun
突破點' + 突破点* * + point of penetration (military)/ breakthrough
突突' + 突突* * + (onom.) beating of the heart/ pitapat pulsation
突襲' + 突袭* * + surprise attack/
突觸' + 突触* * + synapse/
突觸後' + 突触后* * + post-synaptic/
突變' + 突变* * + sudden change/ mutation
突變株' + 突变株* * + mutant/ mutant strain (of virus)
突變理論' + 突变理论* * + (math.) catastrophe theory/
突起' + 突起* * + to appear suddenly/ projection bit sticki
突起部' + 突起部* * + bit sticking out/ projection
突顯' + 突显* * + conspicuous/ to make sth stand out make sth p
突飛猛進' + 突飞猛进* * + to advance by leaps and bounds/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1020 实验 取得 突破 +
1021 突然 摔倒 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

突然 갑자기. 문득. 난데없이. 느닷없이. 불쑥. 돌연히. 홀연히. + + 突出 돌파하다. 뚫다. + + 冲突 (모순의 표면화로) 충돌하다. 싸우다. 부딪치다. + + 突破 돌파하다. + +

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