46 New HSK word(s): 1 零 zero/ nought/ zero sign/ fractional/ fragmentary/ odd (of numbers)/ (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one)/ fraction/ (in mathematics) remainder (after division)/ extra/ to wither and fall/ to wither 3 爱好 to like/ to take pleasure in/ keen on/ fond of/ interest/ hobby/ appetite for/ CL:個|个[ge4] 3 比赛 competition (sports etc)/ match/ CL:場|场[chang3];次[ci4] 4 数量 amount/ quantity/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 组成 component/ part/ element/ constitute/ make up 4 困 to trap/ to surround/ hard-pressed/ stranded/ destitute 4 态度 manner/ bearing/ attitude/ approach/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 感谢 (express) thanks/ gratitude/ grateful/ thankful/ thanks 4 代替 instead/ to replace/ to substitute (X for Y; or a number in an algebraic expression) 4 竞争 to compete/ competition 5 决赛 finals (of a competition) 5 征求 to solicit/ to seek/ to request (opinions; feedback etc)/ to petition 5 构成 to constitute/ to form/ to compose/ to make up/ to configure (computing) 5 整体 whole entity/ entire body/ synthesis/ as a whole (situation; construction; team etc)/ global/ macrocosm/ integral/ holistic/ whole 5 字幕 caption/ subtitle 5 顶 apex/ crown of the head/ top/ roof/ to carry on the head/ to push to the top/ to go against/ most/ to replace/ to substitute/ classifier for headwear; hats; veils etc/ to agree or support (internet slang; similar to digg) 5 身份 identity/ status/ capacity/ dignity/ position/ rank 5 制度 system (e.g. political; adminstrative etc)/ institution/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 所 actually/ place/ classifier for houses; small buildings; institutions etc/ that which/ particle introducing a relative clause or passive/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 感激 to express thanks/ grateful/ moved to gratitude 5 题目 subject/ title/ topic/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 事业 undertaking/ project/ activity/ (charitable; political or revolutionary) cause/ publicly funded institution; enterprise or foundation/ career/ occupation/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 气魄 spirit/ boldness/ positive outlook/ imposing attitude 6 姿态 attitude/ posture/ stance 6 宪法 constitution (of a country) 6 预赛 preliminary competition/ to hold preliminary heats 6 欲望 desire/ longing/ appetite/ craving 6 尊严 dignity/ sanctity/ honor/ majesty 6 神仙 Daoist immortal/ supernatural entity/ (in modern fiction) fairy; elf; leprechaun etc/ fig. lighthearted person/ used in advertising: Live like an immortal! 活神仙似 6 要素 essential factor/ key constituent 6 机构 mechanism/ structure/ organization/ agency/ institution/ CL:所[suo3] 6 机关 mechanism/ gear/ machine-operated/ office/ agency/ organ/ organization/ establishment/ institution/ body/ strategum/ scheme/ intrigue/ plot/ trick/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 对立 to oppose/ to set sth against/ to be antagonistic to/ antithetical/ relative opposite/ opposing/ diametrical 6 拳头 fist/ clenched fist/ competitive (product)/ superior quality/ CL: 個|个 6 胃口 appetite 6 确立 to establish/ to institute 6 心态 attitude (of the heart)/ state of one's psyche/ way of thinking/ mentality 6 群众 mass/ multitude/ the masses 6 迷信 superstition 6 淘汰 to wash out/ elimination (by selection)/ natural selection/ to knock out (in a competition)/ to die out/ to phase out 6 经纬 warp and woof/ longitude and latitude/ main points 6 称号 name/ term of address/ title 6 竞赛 race/ competition/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 标题 title/ heading/ headline/ caption/ subject 6 合成 to compose/ to constitute/ compound/ synthesis/ mixture/ synthetic 6 章程 rules/ regulations/ constitution/ statute/ articles of association (of company)/ articles of incorporation/ charter (of a corporation)/ by-laws
61 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *N * *v;n * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *VA * *N * *n;VS * *N * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *VS * *N * *N * *N * * * *VA * *N * *v;n * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *v;n * *N * *N * 姿*N * *N * *N * *VA * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *VA * *VS * *N * *N * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N
61 OLD_HSK German word(s): Benehmen,Einstellung, Verhalten Wettbewerb Schule Institut, Hochschule Institut, Hochschule 1. etw in Besitz nehmen, erobern, sich aneignen, etw an sich reißen 2. ausmachen, einnehmen, innehaben 1. Nadel 2. etwas Nadelförmiges 3.Stich, Injektion zusammensetzen, konstituieren Quantität 1.Höhe 2.hoch, in hohem Grade, hochgradig 1. Thema, Titel 2. aufschreiben, eintragen Thema, Titel, Fragestellung anstelle, ersetzen Wettkampf, Wettbewerb Institut, Forschungsinstitut (politisches) System, Institution Dekan, Präsident, Institutsleiter armselig, elend Inhalt 1. messen, schätzen, taxieren 2. Quantität, Menge 3.Fassungsvermögen, Kapazität Verfassung, Konstitution 10 Tausenden von verfassen, bestehen aus das Ganze, Ganzheit 1. Aberglaube, abergläubisch sein 2. etw. bedenkenlos glauben, blindes Vertrauen in etwas haben Gemeinschaft, Organisation, Gruppe, Mannschaft Arbeitsstil, Stil, Art und Weise des Verhaltens Arme, arme Leute erlernen, wissenschaftlicher Verein Marke, Platte,Schild,Warenzeichen Naht Konkurrenz, konkurrieren Nationalität Wärmemenge, Hitze Haltung, Positur Gesetzessystem Identität, Status abschließen, sperren 1. reichlich, unermeßlich, umfangreich, ausgedehnt 2. ausländisch, überseeisch, westlich 3.modern 4.Ozean Höhe über den Meeresspiegel Parteistatut Titel, Name,Markierung Hepatitis respektvolle, Anredeform, respektvoll anreden, Ehrentitel hartnäckig, eigensinnig, stur eine Bittschrift einreichen, petitionieren arm, armselig, verarmt,ärmlich antithetisches Spruchpaar, Spruchrollen Titel, Überschrift, Schlagzeile scharf als Titel gebrauchte Rangbezeichnung System Name, Bezeichnung, Benennung Rangfolge, Rang, Platz (Wettkampf) an die Stelle setzen, ersetzen abwechseln, auswechseln Appetit, Eßlust Begierde,Lust,Wunsch schematische Zeichnung Intelligenz, geistige Fähigkeiten festgelegte Menge, Ration
672 synsets(s): competitive + constitutional + unconstitutional + bipartite + multipartite + quadripartite + tripartite + latitudinarian + competitive + multitudinous + without a stitch + competitive + competitory + noncompetitive + uncompetitive + partitive + repetitive + tralatitious + handstitched + petitionary + entitled + unentitled + supposititious + constituent + constitutional + constitutive + adscititious + substitutable + titillated + titillating + titillating + destitute + antitrust + titular + fictitious + transvestite + altitudinous + high-altitude + low-altitude + institutionalized + institutionalised + noninstitutionalized + noninstitutionalised + institutional + institutionalized + institutionalised + noninstitutional + constitutional + adventitious + adscititious + titanic + petite + substitute + factitious + titled + untitled + antitank + constituted + self-constituted + platitudinal + platitudinous + surreptitious + substitute + substitute + quantitative + superstitious + fictitious + repetitive + repetitious + nonrepetitive + destitute + antithetic + antithetical + surreptitious + titillating + bipartite + stitched + quantitative + substitutable + antitoxic + unpartitioned + adventitial + altitudinal + antitumor + antitumour + antitypic + antitypical + aptitudinal + attitudinal + biotitic + cementitious + constitutional + institutional + titular + titular + titular + titular + titulary + interstitial + latitudinal + quantitative + antithyroid + appetitive + Hittite + partitive + partitive + tittering + fictitiously + fictitiously + constitutionally + unconstitutionally + institutionally + competitively + noncompetitively + quantitatively + in large quantities + antithetically + repetitively + superstitiously + surreptitiously + nictitate + titter + restitute + titivate + tittivate + partition + reconstitute + titrate + constitutionalize + constitutionalise + petition + platitudinize + title + entitle + title + tittle-tattle + stitch + backstitch + hemstitch + partition + partition off + institute + constitute + institute + purl stitch + shell stitch + double stitch + single stitch + titillate + constitutionalize + jactitate + tittup + titillate + tithe + tithe + substitute + substitute + tithe + tithe + restitute + subtitle + institutionalize + institutionalise + constitutionalize + substitute + constitute + entitle + entitle + attitudinize + attitudinise + prostitute + constitute + constitute + entity + physical entity + abstract entity + quantity + restitution + nictitation + titillation + sortition + substitution + investiture + constitution + institution + titivation + tittivation + restitution + constitutional + partition + partitioning + tit-tat-toe + substituting + quantitative analysis + quantitative chemical analysis + titration + stitching + blind stitching + prostitution + attitude + identity theft + petit larceny + deglutition + repetition + transvestitism + chastity + conveyance of title + divestiture + competition + antitrust case + tit for tat + titillation + hepatitis A virus + ratite + ratite bird + Ratitae + superorder Ratitae + titlark + titmouse + tit + tufted titmouse + blue tit + tomtit + bushtit + bush tit + wren-tit + genus Anatotitan + anatotitan + Titanosauridae + family Titanosauridae + Titanosaurus + genus Titanosaurus + titanosaur + titanosaurian + Actitis + genus Actitis + Actitis hypoleucos + Actitis macularia + Ceratitis + genus Ceratitis + Ceratitis capitata + titi + titi monkey + antitussive + backstitch + flame stitch + basting stitch + blanket stitch + buttonhole stitch + chain stitch + chain stitch + constituent + Constitution + correctional institution + crochet stitch + cross-stitch + cross-stitch + double stitch + fagot stitch + faggot stitch + garter stitch + half cross stitch + hemming-stitch + hemstitch + hemstitch + hemstitching + institution + knit stitch + plain stitch + knitting stitch + lazy daisy stitch + lockstitch + machine stitch + sewing-machine stitch + Massachusetts Institute of Technology + mental institution + institution + overhand stitch + partition + penal institution + petit point + petit point + tent stitch + purl stitch + running stitch + saddle stitch + satin stitch + stitchery + sewing stitch + embroidery stitch + shell stitch + single stitch + slip stitch + stitch + stockinette stitch + appetite suppressant + titfer + tithe barn + titrator + vestiture + whipstitch + whipstitching + house of prostitution + identity + personal identity + gender identity + jactitation + substitutability + identity + exactitude + inexactitude + rectitude + competitiveness + chastity + sanctity + sanctitude + correctitude + political correctitude + constitution + genetic constitution + fortitude + titer + titre + promptitude + attitude + petite + petiteness + quantity + plentitude + multitudinousness + latitude + altitude + ineptitude + title + title + entitlement + partition + interstitial tissue + primary dentition + secondary dentition + dentition + nictitating membrane + interstitial fluid + tit + titty + tit + adventitia + aptitude + inherent aptitude + fictitious place + inaptitude + ineptitude + institution + substitute + certitude + incertitude + identity + partitioning + antitype + quantity + numerical quantity + variable quantity + constant quantity + parametric quantity + constituent + petitio principii + petitio + antitype + title role + superstition + superstitious notion + attitude + mental attitude + defensive attitude + constitutionalism + title page + half title + bastard title + Beatitude + partitive + substitution class + constituent + grammatical constituent + immediate constituent + fictitious name + title + title of respect + title + title + running title + title + statute title + title + title + subtitle + subtitle + supertitle + surtitle + identity verification + Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Titus + Epistle to Titus + Titus + identity card + petition + antitrust legislation + antitrust law + constitution + United States Constitution + U.S. Constitution + US Constitution + Constitution + Constitution of the United States + divestiture + title + title deed + jactitation + Indo-Hittite + Hittite + partita + partita + repetitiveness + repetitiousness + repetition + antithesis + titter + tittle-tattle + pious platitude + platitude + petition + jactitation + unknown quantity + title bar + unknown quantity + repetition + substitution + investiture + competition + athletic competition + appetite + gratitude + ingratitude + titillation + petit dejeuner + petite marmite + titbit + petit four + coffee substitute + institution + medical institution + financial institution + lending institution + National Institute of Standards and Technology + National Institutes of Health + National Institute of Justice + multitude + petit bourgeois + petite bourgeoisie + multitude + constituency + Constitutional Union Party + identity matrix + educational institution + polytechnic institute + Constitutional Convention + political entity + constitutionalism + shell entity + institute + petit jury + nondepository financial institution + depository financial institution + thrift institution + horse latitude + latitude + latitude + line of latitude + parallel of latitude + lunar latitude + celestial latitude + Constitution State + Tupungatito + antitauon + stalactite + Titan + Titania + Titan + Titaness + fictitious character + constituent + title-holder + nonentity + titan + constitutionalist + dental practitioner + dietitian + general practitioner + Hittite + latitudinarian + medical practitioner + nurse practitioner + partitionist + petit bourgeois + petitioner + petit juror + platitudinarian + practitioner + prostitute + competitor + competition + substitute + stitcher + substitute + petitioner + tither + titterer + transvestite + Titus Flavius Domitianus + Titus Livius + Titus Lucretius Carus + Nefertiti + Titus Oates + Titus Maccius Plautus + Titian + Tito + Marshal Tito + Titus + Titus Vespasianus Augustus + Titus Flavius Vespasianus + Titus + Titus Flavius Sabinus Vespasianus + antitrades + antitrade wind + antitrade + Bennettitales + order Bennettitales + Bennettitaceae + family Bennettitaceae + Bennettitis + genus Bennettitis + titan arum + Amorphophallus titanum + Aristolochia clematitis + stitchwort + greater stitchwort + Bidens tripartita + Centaurea solstitialis + genus Erechtites + Erechtites hieracifolia + Matricaria recutita + genus Tithonia + tithonia + titi + Prunus insititia + Prunus domestica insititia + titi family + white titi + titi + Pedilanthus tithymaloides + adventitious root + tithe + restitution + tithe + precocious dentition + dentition + fundamental quantity + definite quantity + indefinite quantity + relative quantity + prime quantity + partition + quantity unit + complex quantity + large indefinite quantity + small indefinite quantity + tittle + multitude + identity + identity element + identity operator + constituent + quantitative relation + attitude + altitude + competition + price competition + antithesis + altitude + title + nonentity + beatitude + latitude + altitude sickness + periodontitis + petit mal + petit mal epilepsy + petit mal + hepatitis + viral hepatitis + hepatitis A + infectious hepatitis + hepatitis B + serum hepatitis + hepatitis delta + delta hepatitis + hepatitis C + epidemic parotitis + interstitial pneumonia + interstitial plasma cell pneumonia + cystitis + cystic mastitis + actinic dermatitis + atopic dermatitis + bubble gum dermatitis + contact dermatitis + Rhus dermatitis + diaper dermatitis + neurodermatitis + schistosome dermatitis + dermatitis + seborrheic dermatitis + aortitis + rheumatic aortitis + stitch + cholecystitis + colpocystitis + dacryocystitis + epiglottitis + iridokeratitis + keratitis + otitis interna + mastitis + otitis + otitis externa + otitis media + pancreatitis + parotitis + proctitis + prostatitis + stomatitis + vesicular stomatitis + identity crisis + destitution + titanic acid + titanium dioxide + titanium oxide + titanic oxide + titania + titanium + apatite + argentite + biotite + carnotite + celestite + cobaltite + fluorapatite + pyrrhotite + interstitial cell-stimulating hormone + cementite + tektite + hematite + haematite + pegmatite + peridotite + massicotite + magnetite + Ballistite + antitoxin + tetanus antitoxin + toxin antitoxin + smaltite + steatite + thortveitite +
61 OLD_HSK English word(s): manner/ bearing/ attitude match/ competition/ game school/ educational institute college/ institute/ academy college/ institute/ academy occupy/ seize/ take/ constitute needle/ stitch/ injection compose/ constitute quantity/ amount altitude/ height/ high degree/ high topic/ problem/ title title/ subject replace/ substitute for contest/ competition/ race research institute system/ institution the head of a college; institute; hospital; etc. poor and bitter/ destitute/ lacking living materials content/ quantity of an ingredient in a substance quantity/ amount/ volume/ capacity constitutional-law/ constitution thousands of/ large quantity of form-accomplish/ form/ compose/ constitute/ make whole-entity/ whole/ entirety/ integer have blind faith in/ be superstitious/ superstition group-entity/ group/ organization/ team/ society/ circle behaving-style/ style/ way/ attitude/ behavior/ conduct poor person/ have-not/ pauper/ the poor/ the destitute learned-society/ association/ academy/ institute billboard/ plate/ sign/ brand/ trademark/ cí title sew/ stitch compete/ rival/ competition/ rivalry nationality/ citizenship/ national identity quantity of heat carriage-attitude/ carriage/ bearing/ attitude/ gesture legal system/ legal institutions identity/ status/ capacity/ honorable position/ dignity lock (up)/ lockstitch vast/ multitudinous/ foreign/ Western/ modern elevation/ altitude/ height above sea level party constitution title hepatitis honorific title carve up/ partition petition indigent/ destitute antithetical couplet title/ heading keen/ subtitle/ acute/ brisk the title of a technical post physique/ constitution name/ title place in a competition substitute/ instead of substitute/ replace appetite desire/ appetite stitch map aptitude/ capacity fixed quantity/ ration
61 OLD_HSK French word(s):
61 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
61 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
61 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): การแข่งขัน โรงเรียน กลุ่มคน / หมู่คณะ / ชาวคณะ ปิด
61 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** DING4 festsetzen
* ** LIANG4 Kapazität/messen

เกม; การแข่งขัน 比赛 Game; Competition
การแข่งพายเรือมังกร 赛龙舟 dragon boat compettition
สถาบัน; วิทยาลัย 学院 institute; college
สถาบัน 学院 institute
แข่งขัน การแข่งขัน 竞争 compete/competition
กำจัดโดยการเลือกหรือการแข่งขัน 淘汰 eliminate through selection or competition
อาชีพหรือตำแหน่งงาน 职称 professional title
ลักษณะ; ทัศนคติ 态度 manner; attitude
ปริมาณ 数量 amount; quantity
ปริมาณความร้อน 热量 quantity of heat
สถาบันเกษตรตะวันตกเฉียงใต้ 西南农业学院 Southwest Agriculture Institute
ที่อาจเกิดขึ้น 潜力 potential; potentialitities
ชื่อ; ชื่อเรื่อง 名称 name; title
ลาน, พื้นที่เปิด, สถานที่, สนาม a courtyard, open space, place, field, a measure word for competitions or wars
เข้าร่วมการแข่งขัน to compete, competition, match
เล็กน้อย; บาง; ไม่กี่ (measure word for an indefinite quantity); some; a few
วิทยาลัย สถาบัน 学院 college, institute
สถาบันภาษาปักกิ่ง 北京语言学院 Beijing Languages Institute
โรคตับอักเสบ 肝炎 hepatitis
ปักกิ่งเหล็กและเหล็กกล้าวิศวกรรมสถาน 钢铁学院 The Beijing Iron and steel Engineering Institute
เข้าร่วมการแข่งขันการแข่งขันการแข่งขัน 比赛 to compete, competition, match
เพื่อครอบครองเพื่อประกอบเพื่อให้ขึ้นบัญชี to occupy, to constitute, to make up, to account
ลักษณะทัศนคติ, แบก, วิธี 态度 manner, bearing, attitude, approach
รางวัลชื่อเรื่อง 锦标 prize, title
การเย็บ to sew, to stitch
ชื่อเรื่องที่พาดหัว 标题 title, headline
ตรง; การแข่งขัน; เกม 比赛 match; competition; game
ลักษณะ; แบริ่ง; ทัศนคติ 态度 manner; bearing; attitude
โรงเรียนสถาบันการศึกษา 学校 school; educational institute
วิทยาลัย; สถาบัน; สถานศึกษา 学院 college; institute; academy
ครอบครอง; ยึด; ใช้; เป็น occupy; seize; take; constitute
แทน; แทนที่ 代替 replace; substitute for
ระดับความสูง; ความสูง 高度 altitude; height; high degree; high
เขียน; ประกอบ 构成 compose; constitute
การประกวด; การแข่งขัน 竞赛 contest; competition; race
หัวข้อ; ปัญหา; ชื่อเรื่อง topic; problem; title
ชื่อ; เรื่อง 题目 title; subject
สถาบันวิจัย 研究所 research institute
หัวของวิทยาลัย, สถาบันการโรงพยาบาลและอื่น ๆ 院长 the head of a college, institute, hospital, etc.
เข็ม; การฉีด needle; stitch; injection
ระบบ 制度 system; institution
พัน 成千上万 thousands of; large quantity of
ถูกกฎหมาย 法制 legal system; legal institutions
เย็บ sew; stitch
สัญชาติ 国籍 nationality; citizenship; national identity
การยกระดับ 海拔 elevation; altitude; height above sea level
含量 content; quantity of an ingredient in a substance
การแข่งขัน 竞争 compete; rival; competition; rivalry
ความเชื่อผีสาง 迷信 have blind faith in; be superstitious; superstition
ยี่ห้อ 牌子 billboard; plate; sign; brand; trademark; cí title
คนยากจน 贫苦 poor and bitter; destitute; lacking living materials
คนยากจน 穷人 poor person; have-not; pauper; the poor; the destitute
身分(身份) identity; status; capacity; honorable position; dignity
团体 group-entity; group; organization; team; society; circle
กฎหมายรัฐธรรมนูญ 宪法 constitutional-law; constitution
สังคม 学会 learned-society; association; academy; institute
ต่างประเทศ vast; multitudinous; foreign; Western; modern
เจตคติ 姿态 carriage-attitude; carriage; bearing; attitude; gesture
ส่วนประกอบ 组成 form-accomplish; form; compose; constitute; make
สไตล์ 作风 behaving-style; style; way; attitude; behavior; conduct
ชื่อ; หัวเรื่อง 标题 title; heading
ชื่อเรื่อง 称号 title
รัฐธรรมนูญของบุคคล 党章 party constitution
ปริมาณคงที่ปันส่วน 定量 fixed quantity; ration
แกะสลักขึ้น 瓜分 carve up; partition
คำบรรยาย; คมเฉียบพลัน; คล่อง 敏锐 keen; subtitle; acute; brisk
สถานที่ในการแข่งขัน 名次 place in a competition
คำร้อง 请愿 petition
อนาถา; ขัดสน 穷苦 indigent; destitute
ความอยากอาหาร 食欲 appetite
示意图 stitch map
ร่างกาย; รัฐธรรมนูญ 体制 physique; constitution
แทน 替代 substitute; instead of
แทน; แทนที่ 替换 substitute; replace
ปรารถนา; ความอยากอาหาร 欲望 desire; appetite
ชื่อเรื่องของข้อเสนอทางด้านเทคนิค 职称 the title of a technical post
ความถนัด; ความจุ 智能 aptitude; capacity
ชื่อเรื่อง 尊称 honorific title
ความอยากอาหาร 食欲 appetite der Appetit l'appétit el apetito
antitezo สิ่งที่ตรงกันข้าม 对立 antithesis Antithese antithèse antítesis antitesi
apetito ความอยากอาหาร 食欲 Appetite Appetit Appétit Apetito Appetito
institucio สถาบัน 机构 institution Einrichtung institution institución istituzione
instituto สถาบัน 学院 Institute Institut Institut Instituto Istituto
konkurenco การแข่งขัน 竞争 competition Wettbewerb compétition competencia concorso
konkurso การแข่งขัน 竞争 competition Wettbewerb compétition competencia concorso
konstitucio รัฐธรรมนูญ 宪法 constitution Verfassung constitution constitución costituzione
kvanto ปริมาณ 数量 quantity Menge quantité cantidad quantità
latitudo ละติจูด 纬度 latitude Breite latitude latitud latitudine
paruo หัวนม 山雀 Tit Meise Mésange Teta Tetta
prostitui หญิงขายบริการ 妓女 prostitute Prostituierte prostituée prostituta prostituta
stalaktito หินย้อย 石钟乳 stalactite Stalaktit stalactite estalactita stalattite
superstiĉo ไสยศาสตร์ 迷信 superstition Aberglaube superstition superstición superstizione
titano ไทเทเนียม titanium Titan titane titanio titanio
titolo ชื่อเรื่อง 称号 title Titel titre título titolo

Grade E word(s):

41 akṣānśa अक्षांश latitude n.
256 andhabhakta अन्धभक्त blind follower, superstitious person n.
332 alikati अलिकति a little, a small quantity adj.
397 astitva अस्तित्व existence, being, entity n.
554 āśrama आश्रम hermitage, residential institute n.
711 upādhi उपाधि title, attribute, designation, status n.
809 ō'irā'unu ओइराउनु to cause to drop, to cause to fall [in large quantity] v.t.
810 ō'irinu ओइरिनु to drop, to fall [in large quantity] v.i.
1236 gapaśapa गपशप prattle, tittle-tattle n.
1333 ghaṭaka घटक factor, component, constitutent, ingredient n.
1435 cinārī चिनारी identity, acquaintance, intimacy, familiarity n.
2199 nirdēśaka निर्देशक director (of an institute or center) n.
2300 padavī पदवी title, designation, post, rank n.
2349 parimāṇabōdhaka परिमाणबोधक quantitative [grammar] adj.
2364 pardā पर्दा curtain, screen, veil, partition n.
2385 pahicāna पहिचान recognition, acquaintance, identity n.
2533 pratinidhi प्रतिनिधि representative, substitute n.
2543 pratiyōgitā प्रतियोगिता rivalry, competition, hostility n.
2547 pratispadrdha प्रतिस्पद्र्ध rivalry, contest, competition n.
2603 prārthanā प्रार्थना prayer, petition, request prarthana n.
2751 bāḍnu बाड्नु to part, to divide, to share, to partition v.t.
2791 bintipatra बिन्तिपत्र application, petition n.
3063 mahākavi महाकवि great poet [a title for Bhanubhakta Acharya] n.
3545 vihīna विहीन devoid of, deprived of, destitute of postp.
3557 vēśyā वेश्या prostitute, whore, harlot n.
3559 vaidhānika वैधानिक constitutional, according to the constitution adj.
3594 śāsana-praṇālī शासन-प्रणाली government, constitution n.
3597 śāsanapatantra शासनपतन्त्र government, constituion n.
3650 saṅgha संघ assembly, association, multitude, monastery n.
3820 sanvidhāna संविधान constitution n.
3822 sanvēdhānika संवेधानिक constitutional adj.
3837 sansthā संस्था institution, establishment n.
3838 sansthāgata संस्थागत institutional adj.
3839 sansthāna संस्थान institution, establishment, corporation n.
3935 si'unu सिउनु to sew, to stitch v.i.
4047 sthāpita स्थापित propounded, founded, established, instituted, set up, fixed, placed, erected, installed adj.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [competitive]
(a.) [constitutional] relating to a/the constitution
(a.) [quantitative]
(n.) [appetite] craving
(n.) [attitude] mental attitude
(n.) [competition] contention, rivalry
(n.) [competition] contest
(n.) [constituency] body of voters
(n.) [constitution] composition, makeup
(n.) [constitution] fundamental law
(n.) [entitlement] right granted by law or contract
(n.) [identity] personal identity, individuality
(n.) [identity] identicalness, indistinguishability
(n.) [institution] mental hospital
(n.) [institution] establishment
(n.) [quantity] amount
(n.) [repetition] repeat
(n.) [stitch] sewing
(n.) [title] claim
(n.) [title] heading
(n.) [title] title of respect
(n.) [title] deed, deed of conveyance, legal document
(n.) [title] championship
(v.) [substitute] replace, put in the place of another

01591697-n tit +
05554405-n tit +
05554653-n tit +

tit + +

tit tit



3 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1778 这书叫什么名儿? หนังสือชื่ออะไร? Minkä niminen on kirjan otsikko?
413 我想不起来那(书的)标题了。 ผม or ดิฉัน นึกชื่อหนังสือไม่ออก ครับ or คะ Minulle ei tule nimi mieleen.
810 有英语字幕吗? มีคำแปลใต้ภาพเป็นภาษาอังกฤษไหม? Oliko englanninkielisiä tekstityksiä?

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

403 代课 老师
747 宪法 国家 最基本 章程
1444 人们 呼吁 政府 进行 改革
2096 宪法 神圣
3452 东京 纬度 北纬 32
3453 地图 标有 经纬度
3459 工作 态度 松懈

Semantische Felder:

2.8 Tierarten
2.8 Tierarten